after F.gypt had been distracted by civil warn, and then subdued by the Persians; calamities qtnii: sulTa-ient to account for ihn dnmppearum-e uf auo.i highly artificial cultivation a that of the -vine man have been in Evpt. Ilia statement it most probably correct, if it be limited to the period when Herodotus wrote; and thus viewed, it becomes im portant evidence Tor the superior antiquity, both of the Unite and the Egyptisu monuments. Tay lor's S'atural History on Sicily. , - The following correspondence between the late I'retudent and Governor Reynold, hue been politely placed in our bauds by Gov. Miller, of Mi-souri, with permission to publish it. The address of the Legislature, and proceedings of the members in .Convention, by wnich they presented the name of Air. v au Ho run as a pR-midate lor re-election, nave t.-oady apjieured m the Globe. - I Exsei'TivB Dkfabtmekt, ) City of Jeffcrson, (Mo.) Feb. 18, 1841. $ Sib: In obedience to a resolution of the General Assembly of the Slate of . Missouri, I have trie honor ui transmit to you the enclosed address. On ihe part of the State of Missouri -a Stale which has-becn fieo f.-otn the delusions that have brought your bppotieut into power, and which, in the hour of peril, has nobly sustained ber Demo ciatic fuiih I feel honored in being selected to .T. . i. . -I . ... . e l . - j c i - . l o.iof you i ins iriuuie oi uucionieo commence in ine wisl.iui, virtue, and patriotism that have marked your administration, j With sentiinmits of high regard, I have ibe boimr to be r etc., ' TIL REYNOLDS, Governor of Missouri To his Kcelle:ity, M. Van Bcbex, JVes.uuit of the Uuiled States. Wasiii.mjtok, March 6, 1841 i To his Excellency, Gov. Reylolds, Smu : Your friendly fetter, accompanied by an .' 77 '"" ' address from the General Assembly of the State of Miouii, came to my hands yesterday. Y I kIiuII not altempt to dnguic the great satisfac. - ion t nave derived from this honorable testimonial oi rennet and regard, rendered doubly valuable from the source whence it proceeded. Coming, as i' .buously does, Irom the hearts of its' authors, :i may be assured it a ppeaU directly to my own. f is given at a period when its motives cannot be ' , . i .interpreted, and conveys (he feelings of a ma j .nty of tbe Representatives of a State second to ' i one of i tus Union in the integrity of its political principle, its present prosperity, and future pros peels.' ; ' 1 ,,u litre -.has a strict and ioveriable adherence l the great principles of fres governmeut been aitendtd with mote beneficial confluences than iu V 1'ie Siale of Mission. Founding ber political faith on the siuipl?, self denying ducinnee of the great , ijstle of li!rly, and firmly resisting all thedelu ive scductioiMof syxtenw which have only resulted in a sudden, evaini writ prosperity, as nlv i l .lluwei) by disasters and ruin, the inhabitants of Mitj'iuri hive steadily pursued their course through a. I the vicissitude of conflicting parties and antugo principles, without deapoudenry and without c hiiii omise, ihu securing the unif irm ascendency i f 1). in icr-ilic men, as well as th adoption of Ilem.icidtic iueaiirts in her councils, from the I 'f. j. Thxl of her adunuiou into the Union until the ' r- preaeulJlune.: ... f , . ronsis'.ent ate hspily exemplified in the condition 7 TTr "WTftrStaNfr-f Ttiritmim-imTvHtto-A-m iub tctrt.nn'ia coimconwnt'sTrtiirctioii'li) bankin? i.istituiions and fureiirn caoitalists. her unbounded resources remain unfettered by the chains of dc ivihi c hr credit remain, uiiiim.aired. and her luenrn are full v ad. n mte to all her wants, without 17 mflict B'ltfC'pati&o of fanre rr-urces TO "meet the present fluencies. U a md curreoc v. commwed oi K ' - - hi s t - - iiiMaysiawivr?v.y3B oatanccri n?t.narmo- Tnasciroperatinn oi trie standard-of value snd iis Wrr Inter alwava rdnmble on demand, with light !. t.i- and no neceity for increasing them, and wiin a population extensively anculiural siull 1 r-i"h uiic il wic enough to knew that industry, I trj'ulitv, and tc.ni4:icr, ar ihe only true sources -of public and privue proiN-rity, ie onlf wife- .1 .. . ' (i-utnU of Kepuulivau jtrim-iple the Mttrw of'MiTtTti"Conaor6U'ness of rectitude of purpose and tha b iun presents at this nioiiiiut a nirikmg ex ;-timation of friends I think I cannot be oiista- nle of the wmdiMii mid elbcacy of the Ui:iiHcrjtii: policy when steadily nianiluiiM-d, without the orcu 'hkiI iiil-il-ieiice of a counteracting iiilloeiic, in'errupling its salutary course, and sowing the seeds of difficulties which occupy years lo overcome, bhould the friends of Democratic principles wuh to point out to the world an example of tho result" 'f their steady and practical application to the Government of minkiinl, they may turn lo Missou ri with gratification and triumph. The legislative address which you nave conveyed to me iu sorb obliging terms, aud iimwI e)-ciall) the resolutions suiiequiiijy adpird by the mem bers in convention, speak of me, in couuectioo with the next Presidential election, in a way which utakes a more particular notice of tbe subjects, on my psrt, curisonaiil with that unreHerd communi cation of my opinions snd wisoes in relation to p iMic ndiir which I, Uave always MMiutaiued with Sl) V p ln.i.(!. Il..i..ig fur if.r be-n U'.c-ainglv Hnaihvl with Ti-j ii.'pul-!! hi t'n'. i i .iu i'n .iileiicv , I t i i' tl !I,V-. I i.a:tc, as til !u III,, t , .1 ii'.-'o .i,... i.le, in . ,t im;) ch.Hij. to ti..j t.-si, i ducUritig, in the !ue of mv Wluw.citia.-ii. Hint I had inher siici u I ihe aid, nor uht the s ipjiort oi auv mail f .r nuinw siuiion i uiilus replies lo t;.i- i relntiou to ji h . .kiories of my cootitry men in ,m. iri i und poi.ttcal principles, Iu.-iIkT witti i.i y r jiinf.ti.t d.iii sincere efl rts to loali'i my e!f wi.rthy oi'tnoij regirJ aud cwdiJunce 'v.ere lub.u lo cm t rurtlol'. fur the I mill uf iiu! urUration, I apiealtothe liiliidit-Jo of honorable 1111:0 liu Coiiipused the lllcu recent L'o;iventiti to th- nuineroos editors and ptililici.iiiH tinoUt,'liiiut ihe L'liiuu who had distin guished on- by thi-ir prefereiiui- and to my personal correnpoiMit-in.i! jiiii liic-n lt, uol exi'epiiug ihe very considerabiu i.aiiiht-r ol persoi.s once my intnnuU socialvs, wno, iu tlie n ictualions ol politics, nail l-i .'11 converted 11. to opooni'nt.-. I aiTir'n '.hat in uouenl tti c' or iu any other, was there a man hIioc uid truly sav that I bad solicited his p .1 1 iical souport, or with wiiom 1 bad euiered, or LaJ sought to enter, mto any srraugeuieut to brin about the lioiulnatum I had then received, or to se cure mv elevation tf the office of Chief Msgmtrme l the L'otoit. 1 look occasiou lo add, that I trusted I sboj'd be cACiMfd by tint hherl minded uf ali furiift foi thus speskiug of luyaiw n course of cm. ij.:t iu reference to a putut on which 1 had been so fi.-.n-iilly assailed, and bad hu'wrto coniiiiued at- mwl etocially as 1 alous cwuld answer for il r ,ai,.D lo all my couutrymea, luuugb thousand i. thl be re.dv to answer fur iheu.aelves. 1'U j caWt of Uas aptieaJ was such as con- fiduntlv be expected from the truth in which it was mud J : and not a voice' was beard in contraveii- ion of the position 1 had assumed. It did not, bow vor, relieve me from the assaults of my opponents ; and iu this I was not disappointed for I had audi cient experience, iu such matters to satisfy me that, as long as I continued to merit the confidence of my neuds, I should receive the coodeuinaUoo of my foes, and that few political men are praised by the i . . i - i i : . . i t utor until inry are aooui a oa nooning ine lormnr. 1 1 howe ver compel led I be tn to change their position, aud -adoiaiiawweupoiu of. warfare. . 1 he leelmga and principles by which my conduct was then regulated, will also guide it in the future and my' friends may rest assured thai I will never place it out of my power to repeat, with perfect truth, the declaration I at that time Kit myself called on to rnake. I did not on that occasion, nor do I now, profess to be in.lihVront lo a station to which every citixen uf the United Slates may aspire, by juat and houo rable means, without in the least interfering with the rights of others, because I did not then, nor do I now, cherish such a feeling. To make myself worthy the office of Chief Magistrate of the most powerful confederation ot Stales that aver existed, und lo occupy the highest station among men, if it could be gniiied without the sacrifice Of my princi pies or my integrity, was, on the contrary, tbe. olject of my most earnest desire, as it may properly be that of tvery worthy member' of this great community, where no man is precluded from ob taining the highest honors in the gilt ot bis lellow citizen. The present occasion seems to me one which not only justifies but renders it incumbent on me to express myself with that perfect frankness, 07 which communications of this kind between friends and brethren of the same principles, should, in my opinion, always be characterized. 1 will, therefore, with your permission, proceed to state my seuti. meiits on this last head a little more at large. That 1 am dseply and gratefully impressed with the zeul and consistency of that regard and confi dence, so fully manifested by the General Assembly of 1 ha State, of Missouri, as well as by many others of my fellow citizens iu various other portions of the Union, under circumstances apparently so discouraging, you cannot doubt for a moment. It is on the contrary, iu the unleigned respect Icber ish for those who have offered me these testimonials of continued attachment, and I find tha strongest motives to meet them at tha threshold, by a free and frauk expression of my views and feelings 00 the subject, indicated in tbesa declarations of my Anewls. 1 beg you, therefore, to believe ma when I inform you that the personal interest which 1 feel in tha selection of a candidate for the next Presidency, is restricted to a consideration of tha ultimate infill ence it may have on the final success of those great' principles on which 1 have earnestly labored to administer this Government which 1 have aver believed, and still believe, essential to tha freedom and happiness of our common country, and with which I have always been content to stand or fall. Although I might i.ever t'oel myself at liberty to shrink from any and every responsibility which it may please the Democracy of the Uoited States to impose on me, and which is consistent with tha respect daa to the people on tccount ot. the high Nation I have weld by their choice. I should, nev ertheless, be Got merely as well, but better, satisfied at seeing those great objects accomplished under the auiptces of some one of the numerous names to be found in the ranks of Democracy, whose t ilents, character, and services, though they richly o'erftlia wt.,lfee,4eopo. My folrtteal frmls every where wtTf.l norland believe, do me thetustice to regard this declaration, made " .he fulness of a grateful heart, as indicating i'h almolute sincerity the reclines by which 1 am actuated. They are made upm a consideration of views and opinions they- express, as far ss beloogs l " J humaa (JetermiiwUoa.Xroin all bability to change. I NT ........ . t WoiiLl Atxi m Is a K atliarsausl - ""--r ..-.j. ""''i nd "I hav'j enjoyed that -isgT.Ioul' enough t aatisly my utmost ambition, With regard tn that vital consideration, which, in the estimation of a well organized mind and an honest heart, will always be more deep and im pre-ne than tho mere trappings of office I mean : kt-u in believing mat 1 could, under no circumstan ;i., ho:ie to do better. If therefore, there be any jiolitii-al supporters who are or may hereafter be induced by any consideration personal to myself hy a respect lo my feelings under a supposition that they may have been wounded or embittered by a defeat incurred in defence ol their principles, to bring uie forward again as a candidate for re election, I beg them, in justice to myself to dis miss all such motives from their minds. I cherish no soc'i feelings, and require no oew proofs of the i-onhdon e aud good will of those who have sus tained ine in success and rallied round me io de feat. The circumstances under which the Demo- -cracy of my native couotry, of my native State, snd of the sister States, havs raised me from the first to the last step of advancement, tbe opportu , nities they have afforded me lo exemplify to the -woild the principles bv which I have been govern ed, a'M the-md niiitahte spirit with which tliey have uie in the late struggle to U file tic txtr'.ioi: arvl a;ip!ianfrs of snlfisli and politi i n interests rombmrd against roe, and against the m:asures whiob I have uniformly advocated, and ' prt succeeded in establiibing, nave imposed "Pu an obligstion lasting as life, and leaving I on my bean a debt of gratitude I can never die- I' w,'l be time enough hereafter for the Demo ! ccy to designate its candidate. It is not to be iigiiiMa mai teeiings oi personal aioaness io wards myself, and for which I cannot be too grata lul, have been among the motives for thus early detonating uie for the station from which 1 have retired. This f cling consiituies a dangerous iiiiiredient in'pohlical operitiona, and from no one could an attempt lo chk it proceed more proper Iv than from myself Preparations for the next 1'reaideotial election, are not on this occasion, and hI this crisis, liable lo the oidiury objection of prejudging the conduct of the incumbent for the lime being, inasmuch as he will, at all events re tire ai the expiration of tho constitutional term. The most appropriate as well as most usefursx ertiim which can be made at this time by our friends, is, in adopting Ihe best measures' and means in their power for the explanation sod dif. lUHion of their principles, the deie tion of false hoods, and the rliraemirtatioo of truth among Ihe ureal body ot tbe people, leaving the selection of their candnlsts lo a more suitable period. Iq the latter the Democracy never has lees to apprehend from dissension among its meinb rs, since there has not accordirg to my best judgment, ever been a tnoiueut, when tbe uoble and patriotic seuliiMot advanced 'by our disliMgnwIredpressMteU' " Lvery tbiug lor the cause uoihiog for wen " was so universal' among tha supporters of our principles. In the efforts to be made by the great Demo craey of tba United States lor reestablishing the ascendancy ol tbeir principles in ine administra tion of the General Government, l shall be placed, in many respects by the station I have occupied and the known sentiments of the people in refer ence to the conduct becoming the position in which I stand, in the .situation of an observer only, out it will not, 1 assure you, be that of one indifferent tOB.Altwl4tt an unconcerned spectator where the great princi- Dies to the eetabluhtnenl ol which 1 have devoted the best years of my life, and the success of which, 1 am assured, is aasential to tbe weltara or my country, are at issue, and my friends are struggling for their preservation with tha stern energies ol' men conscious ot the justice of their cause, and animated by tha full assurance of its ultimate triumph. . . I cannot close this communication without ei Drassiiiff m? sincere acknowledgement for the frieodly expressions ot regard and confidence con veved in your letter, and assuring you that they added much to the gratification f received from tbe honorable testimony by which it was accorn panied. ' - ' Respectfully your friend and fellow citisen. M. VAN BUREN. THE CLAY SESSION. Tha extraordinary sessioo of Congress which is called lor tha last of May, fan well be called the Clay session. It is his all over, in its origin, pre texts, objects, end conduct. Hs gave notice of it before he left Kentucky last fsll ; had it put to the Governor's roessags bad a law passed for tbe special election ; and came hare and proclaimed it in the Senate chamber, wbia General Harrison was in Ohio. It is, therefore, the offspring of Mr. Clsy t it has its origin with him. Tbe pretext for it is absurd : the state ol the revenue is tho pretext a deficiency of revenue is tbe pretended cause. Who can be deceived by this T All America knows that five millions of Treasury notes, in addition to the annual revenue, wu given to tbe new Adminis tration. Five millions of these notes were set apart for them, after the 4(b of March, in addition lo the daily accruing revenue of tbe year ; and surely this should have lasted, if not till December, when Con gress meets regularly, at least till September, when tbe extra would nave run Into the regular session saved an enormous expense, and enabled the regu lar session to have adjourned three months sooner by meeting three months sooner. Tbe object of tbe extra session is not revenue ; it is not to supply an empty Treasury, although Mr. Clay and bis party did what they could to empty it by their distribution lav. The real object is to -empty it, first, by the distribution la w, and then get a pretext for the new Tariff, and for the surplus revenue, which is to go into banks which will lend it to members of Congress. The real object of the Clay session is to enact all the Clay measures, and first of all to eaipfy the Trtcmtry, by giviog the land revenue to tbe States ; alter that comes the new Tarifll the new Bank, the assumption of Stale debts, Ihe expunging of the expunging resolution, and repealing tbe Independent Treasury, and sll the other Clay measures which lbs country has rejected for so many years. It is known here that all the Federal party .1 . is i a a t a a .-s iney an preierrea 11 inouia suoa till September ; but Clay forced it through, according to his origi nal plan, concedes' and declared before be left Kentucky, The Untoo ia'put ts the enormous erwnse of 'a-called sessioa t ths JStaieaxa out ftait of them to tha almoat ruinnua ntunn nf mTdrnTf uava in aouiitoaai euroea w noiainr extra sessions of tbe Legislature before they ean hold soecial elections; and all for what! To carry, the Tbiascbt by a distribution bill, io order to fill it by. Tariff bill.Ljo, indulge Mr. Clsy in lording aud tyrannising ovsr the country by means of his jexpected msjonlies in the two llousea, and fkstening the mill stone of a fifty milboo Bank round the necks of the Democracy, with tbe full belief of loading them down forever, and Ciushing litem Id death with that kooe. " For such porposee as these, and gratifying revenge against General Jackson, by re-establishing the old Bank sentence of eon deronation against him, is ths object of the Clay session ; snd it will be truly a reign of terror After that if Ihe spring elections go in his favor) the temptr which, at Ihe beginning of the late ses sioo, compared the defeated Democracy to a con demned criminal, standing uudtr the gallows, with a rope round his neck, end tbe cart just ready to be driven off, aod which at tbe end ol the session, when moving to dismiss Blair and Rives, rehearsed Ihe most Senatorial, classic, aod polite story of 1 om Moore, of r leet street, and bis jackdaw, and wringing off the blackbirds' beads, and ihe beauti ful oath of w Damn it, kom is nicks 'em " this temper will then Uks its swing; and tbe reiga of terror aaa proscription will be complete. 'No less than eleven Slates have wow to hold special elections, and that at tbe most busy season ol lbs year. It is calculated that tbe Democratic farmers of the country cannot attend them, and that the Federal party which is strongest in the towns, will havs sll these elections in their own hands. This is ens reason fur forcing thcta on in April. bioM. Tie Pretident'i Circular. W 's are not alooe in the views we entertain of the Circular, on which we commented yesterday; the Washington Globe in tbe course of some severe strictures upon the document, says : " The public cannot have forgot. ten the famous printed circular, (intended to be as itcra as this of lbs secretary s is to be otttnta haul ) which, we feroughUOghLsigtiej ! tis Graves, and Phillies, aa an Executive Commit. tee. Ibis circular solicited tbe federalists, to and oot of office, without discrimination, lo con tribute to aa electioneering food to an enormous amount. Tbe sun first required was twenty-five thousand dollars, to establish a partisaa press. This plan, in which Curtis himself led ihe way, has been followed up by the same party, and a greater aniouot of money was raised lo corrupt Ihe public suffrage by tbe Federalists than was av er before appliedin this country to such a purpose. The late Central Fund in Washington was raves! ed in John C Clark's circulars. Subscription pa- Cars in Philsde'pbia were seen, amounting to undreds of thousands of dollars single individ- ils eubecibing their thousands; and no one doubts, from Ihe immense multitudes brought together, st Baltimore, Bunker Hill, Fort Meigs, Columbus, Tippecanoe, Ace etc. all (ed, and most of them provided with transportation without charge, with Ihe expense of log cabins end other provision of grvctrwt, that millions must hare been contributed from abroad. And now we have, as ihe cover of all this corruption, the edict of the Executive, that u Any contribution or mtteument on mluriti or o feint compensation for party or election purpo Ht will be regarded at cause of removal. The.JEnglish.of the nutter ji. the same n if a ! set of gu.biers and pickpockets, or a gang ol fe-1 Ions of any grade, tiler succeeding in their villtiti iesand becoming richhould suddenly feign hones ty and principle, and having forced or bribed them selves into the hall of1 legislation, should pass laws for banging and' qutirteringll "who should there be guilty of any or all of their oflences. AT.. Jr. standard. WESTERN CAROLINIAN. Friday, April 0, 1811. THE EXTRA SESSION, - It is said that the Extra Session is called fr the purpose of giving relief lo Ihe country, and car rying out the Harrison pledges and promises. How is it lo do all this? The following sre ths measures to be acted on when it convenes i 1st. To give away the proceeds of the Public Lands and thereby create a necessity (or Increasing the Tariff and imposing new taxes. 2dly. To create a national debt of 23 or 30 mil Hone of dollars, and relieve the North by spending the whole of it in that quarter. 3dly. To establish a new United States Bank for the benefit of the nabobs at ths North and in England, to rule snd regulate the affairs of this country at (heir pleasure, 4 to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer." 4lhly.' To repeal the Independent Treasury law by which tbe public money is now kept safely snd according lo the Constitution, and to restore it to the new Bsnk lo loan to its favorites, and speculate oo, without paying a dollar for its use. These are the measures contemplated by Ihe Fedetsl party to give relief to the country. We have no' doubt of Iheir tendency lo benefit the North ; so did ths iniquitous and oppressive Tariff at our expense, but terrible and desolating will be their effects on the South, such, indeed, as no one, except those who may have a fancy for seeing 14 gnat (row in the streets of Norfolk and Charles ton," can anticipate without-gloomy apprehension. ' If these measures should bs adopted "hard times" have but commenced here. If another Bank should be established on tbe old plan, we may look to see such scenes of distress as have never before beep witnessed io this country. The new. and powerful u regulator will break up Ihe local Banks, and these in turn will break up tha people without mercy or forbearance. There can be no question about it, these consequences would be cer. tain and inevitable. New Hamptkire. This nobis Democratic State has set a glorious example ia ber late elections. Her unflinching Democracy have made eves a HB-Tiiani-a nf VmAnrmim fmm tKai .mrt!l. hi Us. than t the Govern ber coolest. They- have - carried tbeir Governor ty'itriunipTla over e.OUU, a gain.or Z.uuo since last mill tney hsve elected their full ticket lo Congress, ten out of twelve Senators, and an overwhelming majority in. the House of-Representatives, of the Stata.-!--. New Hampshire scorns Ihe Federal trammels that bimr beMighWfcnw Unyielding eons of ths Granite Slats I ,.TUfi OLD mSQJM AMVL TVSZ. The Federal party mut begin to think' il a very easy matter to gull and Ogle the people of thia country. Before the Presidential election ihe coon skin orators were continually ticlaiming," only rraks Gen. Harrison Presided, and the times will at once become prosperous." Gen. Harrison was elected, and now, instead of a realisation of these golden promises, all see and grievously feel, that the very reveres has come to pass; distress, ex I re me scarcity1 of money, reduction of wages, de pression in prices, and all tbe other gloomy evils that Harriannism was to avsrt, weigh us down mre hope! -sly, and grievously than ever. The hard cider politiciana cannot deny their pledges and promises of immediate relief on the election of Gen. Harrison; they have signally failed, and. what bow is Ihe cry from the Federal press t Why, lay th?y, "it is too soon, we have. not yet bad time to make a change wart till the j-rro Session.1" This is now the song, sod lei the people mark it, and scs how much truer the second set of promises will prove than Ihe first have. - Texas Loan. Gen. Ilsmilton, ia a letter from Par is to lbs New York lluraid of dais the Hth February atales that bs bss succeded io nrgmiating s kn lor his government, with the banking hutue of Messrs. J. La fiite Sl Co. of that city. ' CanJUMi t thl Ttnth Vtnpiitictui DtartcTr- Mr. Abraham Rencher has declared himself, and is travelling over ths District ass candidal for Cmgresav. Ws have heard severs! others mentioned ss being de sirous of taking the field: among the rest, Dr. P, Henderson, of, we know not where,' and Jonathan Worth, Esq , of Randolph County. Tbe twe last are thorough Federal .Whigs, and Mr. Rencber is the Lord knows whst we certainly du not On Thurs day of last week, lie delivered s speech at Lexington; we were not there lo hear it, but suppose we heard the same thing here on Friday. It was a mixed kind of afisir a sort of nils pod. made up of United Slstes Bank Tariff Distribution Jefli-rsnnian Republi canism," hard cider, and various other things, the chief ingredient, however, wss Abraham Reucher So far as we could see or hear, hs reecived no grert deal of encouragement from either party. Home of the Republicans seem to think that if elected lis would soon be with us again, but, in our opinion, that entirely depends on -the way the popular breeze may blow st the time; it is trti'), he might. return, but then again, H be inoughl not." His letter to J no. L llargravr, Esq , looks fsvorablc, we admit, and his opinions here tofore expressed agsinst the constitutionality of a United 8'ates Dank indicate sometlniig more fnvorable lo hi- falling back again, but bs deceived us olio, and if Uuated may dy it sgaiq. One thing we think is eertuin, thai the Rfpublicms will not run a candidate, so that tho choice is b)twun our quondam friend Mr, A., and some iriiual Federal Winy. We wsil to see who will be out. , , ii. .i ', . (ft--The Legislature of Miiw.ip,f d ,ejr ft session, passed a preamble and resolutions concern, ing the controversy between Georgia and Maine snd New Yoik and Virginia. They affirm the right of these States to domand the fugitives, aud ' condemn the conduct ol Maine and New York in fofusiug luideliirjtr I ham tin, ' They-doem-it furt herK ari outrage upon the chartered rights of Georgia BiidvYirginia, and" a precedent full of danger to all lheslavehohling States." Thev resolvo m conclusioff-i . . 1 hat tlufcUtte- will make common cause with'' any of ber sisteriiialea whone rights hsve been or may ' hereafter be invidml ss aforesaid, in any mode or mr.s. ' sure ol resistance or reurcss necessary lor Uieir ox our pruUictiou. . . In a'l the eflorls ol Federalism to obtain power despite their exertions lo deceive by cunuing and' hypocritical professions of extreme respect and re. gard for poor log cabin men; one' thing is continu. 1 ally evident from the whole courseof their con. J ... - .L-. I- .L . - . .IX uuci, inai is i no grc.u cimicmpi ney entertain for the intelligence of the n.ais of the people. To prove this we waul nothing more than what is in the recollection of every m.iu concerning t events of Ihij last sonuiier, and in his knowledue ot occurences now uaiiy passing oulore the eyes of all. . A few inontha ago they1 deceived thousands tnto the uport ol Uarrisonis n by the most un. hesitating misrepresentations and falsehoods, uf the causa of hard times, they cried aloud for re. form unceasingly, and they unconditionally pledged Iheir veracity and cbaructer that the tleciiou of llaniaon should chsnge-every tmng) no line was etked (or eflucling the change ofterwarda. bis election alone was ! do the work, redeem lbs country from ruin, flood il with money, and re . tors it lo prosnty. I bejlill nroof nf their ci. tempi for the inlelligeueo of Uie people is daily more and mors e.iuVnu 'Alttntugb these prom toes 'are kuowu 4 every muu peifoctly . N. membered by evt-ry iimn, yet they prcMUie U come forward now, as if such bad iver bveu solemnly mdde, and ak for the fun ber blind eon fideoctt yf ilu' people, tint the pany may have time, forsooth ! lo do by an extra session of Congress, at n sxiense of millions, what the election of llarrisou was to have done long ago. Nuw one 01 two things is unip.estioiii.ble plain ! The Har. rison leaders eitner wilfully deceived the people by thi'ir proniises before tbe eloclioo lo cheat theia out of tbeir jtotes f or jley have beerj deceiud j : 'Qieuvee'Vipecrintf"tbaV could accomplish . what they pioimscd. Io villi, r case, we put Ike question to b.MMet men, are these leaders worthy tsr be traced aaam? Il'they wilfully deceived by lahe promises, lor the purpose of i.btaiuiiig powtr il wi a distiouorable'4Jecpiioii, winch honest. uan'rN m' taiuly cannot approve aud if on ihe other hand, they failed in what t bey expected and cfidcMij promised to sccomulMh, ti.en it 'uroves luem , lo holJ power. Taku i-iiher cae, and it most be evident lo every csndnl and reflecting. tuan. that 1 they who took the lead io the In. id rid.-i and log -cabin ranks, and got into power by the eiciien et, are either diahooest, y liicspuh's of gov'eruing, uuworlhy to control Ihe dcsisui a, of this great Urpubkc . Tke.Eieklk DUltirt. The DcnHientie Mrtv ol uuata-uie naiuiga vii,i im nuuvnatre tt"tt; Mom Wlf ..SsJ a their Candidal for Congress in alsea of Duct Mig-mt9, wM'-AWrificir Uf rtlw"' tioa in consequence of private engagements. This nomination, wdlwe are sure, be highly gratiTyiog lo the Democracy of tbe State, renefallt. . Tb se-' sjsswiedfed sadHy sitwmf -rf-rsftrrtefrrtj oi sitagn Baumiers srs prcpsrly valued by ths Retmb. sUtKHiof ons ot her repreaentstivcs injhe National Aasstthlyat l.wiiliU tim presen'-' j' ..Dr. JitsJlr limik, vi Ur0;e eouutyr auMoils ill Csndaiate. Tke farmers' AJvocutc.Tb UsX number of this Agricultural pafiuluwl, tbAraf :-Yt.U, poblishrd at Jamestown, Guilford county, and which ws have bo for noticed, emocs tu us ia aa sulsrged aalimpfoved form, le Editor pmpiies to pbbbsh. it weeily in stesd ol semi-monthly as at present, provided Je ius sufficient encoursgement, at lbs low rau oTl SO, pr annum. Ths Farmers of North Carolina ought to en courage sad suaiaiua usefol and loalructiBg paper of, this character - - m wseBpeaBB "Easing OJT Tba New Herald says i Tbe rush for nffice at Ihe CuMum-house r dimiuuihiiig at a great rale J yesterday there aerv only between two aud three huudrcd spplicsiious.', ' A tmsU item of expense. The aOrf f . ajui of members of Congress lo Uie fairs tWion; to say aothing about pay sod other expenses incident, wdl amount to kul little short ol two kundrtd tkiftsaiJ dollars, mors than sll the land and poll taxes of North -Csrolma for three yesrsr"Thisvwe iupposeri a Vrt of beginning specimen of Wuig economy. , llutxa for " Ilarrisoa and Rcforut we say again. (ft-It should be noted that according lo tf o present orscles of the Federal parly, the, jrra Session is to work out tho full ineauie of Whig promises due long ago, but on which, the psrty, like tbeir banks, have failed in payment.. This seaeion meets ihe 31st of May and if it docs re. have the country, k. one will be more gratified than ihe Democrats; if, tiowever, -it does m.i,' alnt then will the people sy ? If h faiU to make money plenty bimI limes more flouriahing what muMt he the conclusion I lermuHv every Candid imui wjio drunk iiaid ci.ler and sang Tipp -Citnoe solids muat ailniM thn: he Im been Iwmboo xled and gr.i,ly dm eivud.and every hoi eKl Repub lican will ncotu and iiUiudon ihe PiImi teschers who Imve led linn Hitray, Hi d turn Im K aithoul delay to rally uncer the old tl.ig if 'jx r. The McIawI t 'osc In con (iience ot some eirorSn the prrparntintii f.r t ie trial nf McL-od, made perhaps by the Clerk, and no doubt inien tioimlly made, to g.-iin timn, and from reil app"1 hensiou on the part of the aiilhoriliiM of N:w York, lo proceed In Ins trml, the (-nw hm lra continued for aoilio month, till tho next It nil of the Court, nr until a sjcihI term is ordered for Ihu Cinerseiicv : wliH-h howetxr ,!, I nreau-,lyl -IrLtrmf-H uess is not so iimim - ,l U il!tyi J.J'ful I

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