jubmissfion to British insolence on the part of this country eventually, we hall be agreeablo appris ed. Thing certainly look like it now. . If New York bad been as jealous of her rights, she ihould li or half aa much ao, is England ia arro. gnnt and insulting in her pretensions, this fellow McLeod would have bad hia trial a' the earlieat day, ,j if convicted he would be hung war or no rcire note, it 'i' No proscription for opinion aaka " aaid the. Federal party before the election. The offices were to be fitted wit b competent men without regard Jo their political opinions. Let the reader look at the long list of rtmoealt in another column. Any comment on ibeiD it iumowmtyT':' . ". "' ' " N C-Tho Jlartfort (Conn.) Tiroes, states that Mr. Ewing, the New Secretary of the Treasury, has been largely concerned with" Nicholas Bid jl, in some of his- extensive speculation!. ' It is unfortunate for the country, aa that paper-says, lint a man connected with the great humbug fi nancier Nicholaa Biddle should be placed at the j-i.-' . w bead of tbe public Treasury. It gives poor pro niiteof success or proper management. ' . i JLwtker Member of Congriu appointed to Of- (ct.Hon. Levi Lincoln Member of Congress from Massachusetts (aa been appointed by tbt Pree- jdeot Collector for the port of Boston Ma. Van Bemxa. The ex-President, accompanied 6 Mr. Forsyth, late Secretary of State, wu received bj PH irietwil in rousueipaia bqsj new sore wun ui luiL'uxoed re peel, ionstaeraws preparauooa naa neon unite in Mew York city fur hia reception, and notwitb standing it rained bftvily, sn immense crowd was wail- ing to welcune him en lending. He gues to reside at Kkideruook. , . r , CO " It was the remitk of a Roman Consul, tint a mast striking contrast wss" observable to the eonduct of cindidatee for offices of power sad trust, before and af ter obtaining them the t eeldodi carry Ing out ia the Ut ter case the pledges and promises made ia lbs former." See, for illustration, the conduct of Gen. Herri. mo in appointing members of Congress to office, after sniemnlv coodemaing and protesting sgaintt the prac tice. 1 See next, the long list of proscription in remo nU from office for ooini h sake. See next, the admi rsbls fulfilment of all tbe divers M promises" made by ths party before tbe election. The population of tbS twv Canadas is upwards ofk 1,?K)A0. Lower Canada is set down at 800,000, and Upper Canada at over 400,000. ""i'F A pmmuinf appnimltmenLTho Ilsrtfbrd (fionn.) Tines ssyes " We have beet informed tbatflbere are jndfmente agsinst Curtis, the new Wbif collector of Nw York, te the amount of more thsa one hundred th'vuind dollsrs. A marvellous proper man to be a Wbif Collector! ' United States Banks notes ara depreciated to 14 1 14) per cent, discount ; the stoel ia going down duly in character, and ia considered next to VOITBLBsa. .. . - " Mr.' CiirTTT.tbe d'iriguisbed writsf oa Plead ing sud other points ol hisj died In London, io bis Min year. m ." ' mnm ' , . . ' PrOteripKon prperibod,''rYm. Pipckneva erJ- l)Uirnur, in warn pnacv pf w. uwM, tsjuww, m fiif1dssxYSUivy . . - m t Tlie Goeevnor of Maryland baa issued bis proclama tion appointing lbs ITU) day of May for tbt Coo gree ts if election farthrt twirrM,ter&:' sssiBSSSBBBKaSXSlnBBSS ThMwrmoos 'tsswvntw nut frnn lilinmt took refuge in Missouri, have established n city in that State. The call it Nauvo, fend report alresv dy'i poUtioS oN ren thonsamt1 Cotton, nngod in ths Now Orleans market at last dates from 9 I2 1 rjJ 1, 4 .. i ' igggaggg 0W are requested t announce David Kums, ss a Candidatt for the Office of County Court Clerk.' VTe am' requested to announce K. R. Buck- aAB, aa n candidate for the office of County Court Clerk. MR. VAN BURETS RECEPTION in NEW VORK. "We have sees so soas 7 public receptions in fair catker m this city, that they have beeomwratber Urns aftiira, But we yesierda beheld, tor thS arst lime, a rsctption in astona and ancb a storm I M As lite shouu ot the multitude sad ike mnste of lbs sieds mingled with tbe peal of lbs artillery, roes abets tbt roar of the tempest, the seen waa truly one of rrtadeur. From lbs Battery, where tbe procession was formed, to tbe Park, every window sad every fa vorable jioaitton wu occupied by spectators. The pro acsuon, which wu very large, proceeded through Braedwsy. ifleecker street down the Bowery, snd firauirb Cbatbam street, to Tammany Hall, where Ut Van Bursa waa addressed bv tbe Hon. Robert II. Mor- 's, sod made a feelina and appropriaU reply. He wu srideoUy much affected by iie warmth with which ho " received, despite the inclemency of tbe weather. Wa doubt whether snv receetion which coo Id have ks riven to Mr. Van Bursa, en a fair da v. would iwvs been mors gratifying to his feelingsjhsa this. It traiv an assurance, on the part or bis mends, tnat bey were Willing to atand by him in storm ss well u . 1 . i , . i , II , J . : tl ' "Nuns. Atiu ins people wui mm or u wen ss IC7 ao water. Cmat Britain nis "P as soon aa she pleases," Sew .York Sun. "DAMN IT HOW HE NICKS THEM. ( II. Clsv's speech in ths Senate on the lutiou for the dismissal of Blsir and Rives. REMOVALS ANDAPPOlNTMENTa Tuomsa lfsM. la be Nsvv Aireut fur' the nortof lluladeiphie, in place of M iclwel W. Ash. Robert C Wetmore, to kv Navy Agent for the port r New York, in place of John R. Livingston, jr. re uiued. Evsna. (brother of Senator Evans,) to be clerk the Socraul CTumiilni'ler'a Offica. in nliice of JoilO ''via. rrmnvnl. bWaard Peyton to be Postmaster st Richmond, Vir- C'nia, in place of Claiborne W. Uooch, removed. John p. Montgomery, (President of tbj i'hiUdelphia Tippecanoe Olub,) to be Postmaster at I'liiladelplua, in is Place of James Pure, removed. Ja-nc Rees, to be Pneiniaslcr at Genes, New York, iii ths )'Uce of G. J. Orosvenor, removed. . harlus L. Turter, to be I'oetntatter at Hartford, Con ni cticuL in olace Ot Gideon Wells. i .1 . . . : ... . . "wuei ii. jenks, loos roslinastnr at NantucKoi, "mschusstts, in the place Geoiue W. Ewer, Nathani. I F. Williams, Colloctor of the Customs, 'Wtiuioro, Msryland, in tlie place of Win. Frick, re- usivcd. tvi l incoln, jo be ClecjiirjufjIijiCuiitaoia Ibr ilia "ncror Raton and Ci .'iiarlctiowii, in Uio p'.sce ol BancMf). John Eaches, to be Collector of Customs at Alexsn oris, D. C. in the place of U.jnrge Brent, removed. Willism Coed, to be Collector jf the Curiums at St. Mary's, Maryland, in piste ot Jimee W. Roach, re moved. Robert V. Alston, to be Collector of the Customs at St Marks, Florida, in place of John F. Kacklor, re moved. . Arnold Naodafn, to be Collector of the Cu-tome at Delaware, in place of Henry Wbitely, removed. William Fkvd, to be Surveyor of the Customs at Town Creek, Maryland, in place or James R. Thorn p. son, removed. John llogan, to be Register of the Land Office at Dnon, Illinois, in plsceof Ssmirnl Hecklofon, removed. Duniel O. Oamssy, to be Receiver ot the Land Of fice at Dixon, Illinois in place of John Dement, re. moved.! I '- ' John Chambers, to be Governor of the Territory of Iowa, in idsce of Robert I .ocas ' Otho 11. W. Htull,to be Secretary for said Territory, in place of J. McCants. , Thomas B. Johnaon, to be Marshal for said Territory, in piece of Frsncis Gebon. ' Charles Hopkins, to be Solicitor of tbe General Land Office, in place of William WaM, removed. ' H. O. Rouke, Keeper of Tho.s's Point, Light housu, ia plsee f 8sppinfton, removed. Willism Shaw, Keeper of Lirht-bouke at Lazaretto Point, removed. : Eugene l!cDonnell,clerk in the General Land Office, removed. ' . - Thomas G. Brnliord, clerk in the Treasury Depart ment, reiwoseot. ; ' N. William M. Gouge, clerk in the Trsasury DepsrU ment, removed. John F. Hartley, clerk in the Treasury Department, removed. . ' Frederick L Grammar, clerk it tbe Post Office De partment, remotfd. Thomas B. Reily, clerk in the Post Office Depart- merit, removed. , Thomas J. Williams, clerk ra tbe Post Office De partment, rtnvmri, Philip Harvey, clerk in tbe Post Office Department rtmoeid. Patrick Sweny, clerk in the Post Office Department, ' MBCHAMta. Jacob A. Binder, employed on tbe new building for iiiv uciiciii ron viuce, in piace oi Viiaries L. ioii man, dismissed. FROM FLORIDA. Corrnpondeneo of tkt Sotonnoh Georgian.) HERALD OFFICE. ( Br. Acocerisa, 27lh March", 1911. ( Our latest mUlligence from Tampa iatothe 21st, insuot, at Which date, Uen. Atraistesd bad shipped by tlie steamer James Adams and aschooner, between 200 and 300 Indians or all sorts- about 100 remained at Tampa. CoL Worth would be in next day with Wild Cat sod a few others. About 00 were at Sarasota, and a frw more at Fort Cross Thus after all tbe reports, our Indian aepociatiotis would appear to have advanced next to nothing, airce the month commenced, so far aa coocerna the surren deror tbe eoemyv inasmuch as there were aa many thee at the posta. vers iiearlv. u there have been since. Wild Oat's surrender tuny be trumpeted as an impor tant affj'ir, He is oolv the lesder of seven warriors. s Corporal's guard ; and as the account says, be hss brought in i low si nis people. We may suppose tney eras raw. Were ws not (the English exceoted) the most sulli bis people on tbe earth and moreover prone to ideas of aristocracy, we should bunels leas in Indian affairs. Before tbe war, s man named Philip waa considered the bead of a email squad Ot Indians living sear Mus atitto when tbe war commenced be wss termed King Philip not from any accession of d.gnitt or power, but " after some dog in tlielsnd Sang," or rather New England history namely King Philip of Mount Hope. By ODcne chance Philip wu one day, or ret her one nicbt. captured as be wu reposing quietly in, the anus of jaorpnena, ana a is squaw, i b newspapers announ ced ths important capture of King, Philip; "presently ho wu sbipped'-tbo Sops runs of King Philip wss wtraeJf,- papers mwuiicou uis eia or ivmg nnnpf iwm n respect to hie brevet rank he wu buried ss a Kingi ...via jSkal nejtctl any thing bimssir, and by another man a wile,) hence his renown. " Wild Cat" has buret from every men's tongue tne tnsunt De Heard ot any.depredatjoa. wiihm w owes in snon ne Decerns uie raw neaa sou nioouy hones of East Florida.' Tbt best, romaowi do get iip-lurnel Lastaprijig Wild lal s mstner, made a prisoner, wss sent to bl Augustine. "There must be many Wild. Cats," said she sneenngly, when she heard ot his varied exploits; raed twhes a,iiestiened hoassily-efea 4i- bis Bjeteo greatoeea, by letaung that tliey were living in puses .and quietness, hereon having seven warriors about him, when ho wu invited to the Camp ut a Creek, named (Short Grass, who had 90 warriors, and who displayed his women gsyly arrayed, and a deal of plunder, which badbeeu taken by marauding in tbe neighborhood of this city. Enticed by such favorsbln appearances, Wild Cat consented to join ths banditti of Short Grass, in the subsequent expeditions, , Those who cry "what's in a name," don't know what they are talking about Pour Short Grass, the real head and front of the offending, has scarceiy got his name in print Who'd think ot sounding too glory . of a fellow named Short Grass t W bo'd care two strews whether fibort Grass surrendered or not t No, no, Wild Cat (Coe-e-coocue,) the son of King Philip that's the man for a newspaper paragraph; but Short Grass, who ths d -I is be 1 Gen. Armistead and bwoffiosrs are doing every thing which they think is for the best, snd ws bops all will be for tbe best, but depend upon it, Noah in getting two of every beast after its sort on board the ark, bad as easy Job compared to embarking these wild Indians of FklTfcls. - . " . ST. AUGUSTINE, March 20. .: Oloriom, if True. Intelligence has been received hers that 400 Indians, men, women and children, among litem 60 warriors, had been ahipd for the West, by Gen. A am lead. Also, that lloapitsbka has gone io to . CoL Worth, at Fort Cumminr, with !N0 ot hia people, .and signified bis willingness to emigrate. This chief . was supposed to be tbe last wbo would give up. Sun Joner ia still out but hopes are entertained, that the surrender of tlospitahka will bring him in. Us wu one of the principals at the Caloosabatcbie massacre, and baa co-operated with Sam Junes in retaining, until lately, undisturbed possession of the-Everglades, . -Cou'.WS. llanmt. This distinguished officer, 1 with tur coOitmnd, arnml hers on Sunday list in hi Wm. Gaston, from Key Biscsyne. He msde but a abort stay with us, bsviog left for Pilaika and the in terior on Tuesday. He has a furlough ut six woo lbs, which time be will spend in pstt with bis family io Missouri. Ws also lesrn that he intends visiting Washington where he will, uo doubt, render esseulial aervwe to Floiida,in correcting whatever of error may have obtained currency, in regard to the proper mode of removing the ludisns. ' Our citiaons, in testimony of their high spprobalion of the recent enterprise of Col, H. in the Everglades, and bia subsequent treatment f the captured enemy, tendered him a public dinner, which he declined. Tub YuLi'HTSKaa We learn that all the volun teers in service are to be peremptorily mustered out, without beiug now paid for their time. The same spirit of patriotism winch hss msde us deprecate the waste of public mouuy in the Indian con let, impels us to protect against tins premature meas ure, lor it will be known to every Imlian Irom this to (lis Evergisdes in less than s week, and unco intimi dation is the "ivly argument that thcue people can un derstand, ia po.ible that many may bresk off their ne gotiations with Gen. Armititesd, and spread themselves sgain through the settlements. On whose head will rest the hves that are endsn ered ! A subject so momentous required doep consideration, ws defer our lull remarks till next week. APALAUICOLA, Mrch 24. Janu. EsuuaaimaTha-Steuner Ja.uea.A WPW i the Government service, srn.ed st Una port on Mon- -JJ I-SHAVER, Ranger day afternoon, having on board ouo hundred and flvs , liry, Aprd V, 14L. .il Indians, emigrating to Arksnsas. Major Bnlloap, who has been charged with the duty of tniiieJortmk' these Indishs to their new home, wss on bard, scckd panied by Left. Hrajue, Mr.Cspers, l)ihuriiig Agent, Dr. Randall, and Mr. Cloud of the PayiuaMer's Do-psrtmeot 1 he party ot Indians on hoard the Adams was msde upot' fraifmentsof different tribes. Tallahassee. Mick- ssnkies, Seminoles, tie. Aaionir them were thirty wsmors, the remainder were women snd children. The Spaniwb Indians captured by Col. Ilaruey. were also on board. From a conversation had with die offioera. we lurn. ed that a briir had sailed from Tampa, havinir oa board one hundred and ten, embracing Echo EmaiMs, Chief ni the 1 sllahassees, with ninety of bis people; and slso tlist one hundred and fifty were in wit Gen. r- mistead at the time the Adams departed. The aopect ot affairs in the Esst is tavorsbln to a close ot the war. Wild Cat has rone in to Col. Wort L. at Fort Cum- mings, also Cos-tus-ts-nug-gee, one of the moat war like chiefs, who promised to go out and bring in all ot his party. . Tbe Tallahaases were all in excent TioertsiL an! a little party fiesded by blin comprising oolv about fortv, among whom were but eighteen warriors. Tiger bud been frequently in at Tamps of late, and said he wae tired of righting and wauled "to be. friends with tbe white folks." Journal. DEATH OF PRESIDENT HARRISON. Bainir informm b Utji Hicm Amn VV.l,i..iTinn lb( the dangerous illnwss ot the President, ws detained our paper of to-dsy from press until after liio arrival of (he Northern mail, somelimo later than ths usual hour of publication, that wo might be enabled to lay before our readers further intelligence. - By the msil we received tbe following Circular, an nouncing, as win te seen, toe death or tbe President on the morning of Sunday, tne 4th ustant, just one mouth aiier nia inauguration. CITY OF WASHINGTON, 1 Aran 4, 144L ( An all-wise Providence having suddenly removed from this life. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 1st President of the United States, we have thought it our duty in the recess of Congress, and in the absence of the vice President from the seat ot Government, to make Ihissfllicling berievement known to the country, by this declaration, under our hands. He died at the President's House, in thia city, this fourth day of April, Anno Domini, 1941, at thirty min utes before one o'clock in the morning! The People of the United States, overwhelmed, like ourselves, by an event so unexpected and so melancholy, win aerive consolation trora knowing that bia death was calm and resigned, as his lite hss been patriotic, useful and distinguished ; and that tlie last utterance ot bia lips expressed a fervent desire for the perpetuity of tlie Constitution, and (he preservation of ita true principles. In deslb u in life, the happiness of bis country wss uppermost in Ins thoughts. DANIEL WEBSTER, Secretary of Stott. THOMAS EWING, Secretory of ike Tremturu. JOHN BELL, Secretory nf Wor. J. J. CRITTENDEN. Attorney Uenerol. FRANCIS GRANGER, .Poilmotlor Oeneral. MARRIED, Io this County, on the 6th inrtsnVby Jeremiah M Brown, Eq., 'Mr. HARRIS A. BROWN to Miss MA RY, da ul' titer of Mr, George Simthdesl. ' In this Counts, on the '25th ult. bv the Reir. Rsmuel Rothrock, Mr. CHARLES KLUTTS to Mass CHRIS TINA, daughter of Mr. Jscob Wslton. DIED. In Iredell.Co!uitvr on Sunday evenmr, the 8th tilt of eoasumption. altar three v ears' nrotrscted illnea. Mm. NANCY liAUPTtl.N. ia the fiftr-revinth mr sr her aire. I , n , hdte4sssa ssouMWAay.ss(MaadjMs been a member or the Presbyterisb Church, at Fourth Creek. or thirty years. Rut a wise Providence, was pteased to Yomovs her- frvHo-her fsmily, end eerrt the messenger of death to mow the decayed blosanm down, In ner isat and dying suomerits, when stroyglrap with death, before the golden chain had wound np its last link, she expressed a gresr desire to go snd be with her seviour, where tbe Vugs ot redeeming love shall never end, and alien sweet, sntlieins of praweauaU 4uier M From life to destfy oh ! sudden change ! A creature now of dearth, Then where no mortal thought can range, A thing ol heavenly birth. "How often thus, In one sboHyesr, Hopes, like the new blown rbse, At morn as beautiful snd gsy, Lies withered ere it close. " But human love survives the tomb Fond hearts will meet again, Where sweetest joys perennial bloom Unmixed with aught of pain. ; . " Then let us yield thy spirit op With resignation's smile ;, And, acquiescing, driuk the cup, - Though litter tor a while." Commuatcnffd. I, A. II. CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIRING. T,HE Subscriber resnectfullv informs his old friends and the public generally, that be bus opened a shop to Salisbury in the above business, in t room directly opposite est s brick building, in the house bf Dr. Burns, formerly owned by J no. I. Shaver, and just below J. dt W. Murphy. addition to th above, the Subscriber will carry on the Sileer Smith Busintu in all ths va- neties common in country towns: sucfvss making Spoons, &c, and repairing Silver Ware. Ho begs to sssuro the public that u punctual attention fi business, and skilful work will entitle him to patronego nnd support, he wilt merit it. AARON WOOLWORTII. Salisbury, April 9, 1941. 9. ' Com and OaVa -tot 9ae. .piIE SUBSCRIBER has within two mi lee of Salis--1 bury, a large quantity of CORN and OATS for Sale ; also, some cattle and hops. JOHN L SHAVER, April 2, 1841.. f tr Negroes for Sale. SEVERAL valuable mora SI ihia Olfim. Negroes for Sale. En Salisbury, April 9. ... . . GEORGE 8 LOOP brings before mo a horns Uken up by him on the lSlh day of last.nvrfith j -said horse is of s dark bay color, about fourteen bands high. judged to be shout six yesrs old, shod before, snd wu ' SLJ Vst ot Letters, REMAINING in the Post-Office at Salisbury, N. C , March 31st, IMl. Jscob Arnhart, Miss Nancy Agner, Rev. James M. A. Adams, Abraham Arey. Jesse R. Brown, John Bsrringer, John Birns, Jr., John Bargor, William Bost, John Bears, Oston Brad ahaw A, lwis B jnr.l. Dr. Borchell, John B. Boger, John B tJ, Kinchin Bledsoe, Moses Brown 3, Jaeob Brown, f r.. Adnv Brown. Misa CatliarmnJioletvBais nabas Bowers. Camillua Cox, Jacob Coltcn, Sam'L II. Culls way, Thomas B Cowsn, Jn& F. Cowsn, Elizabeth Casper, John R. Courts, Clerk of Superior Court, Jesse Cook. " Juiee L Dunn 2, Alexander Dobbins. John Eagle or Daniel Eddieman, R. Ellis 2. Peter Eiler, Franklin Elliott Henry Fight 2, Ford dt. Ellis, SeareUry of Fulton Lodge. George Goodman, William Gray, William Gibson. Miss Msrgaret Howard, Rev. James D. KalL James IMick, Almao Hall, Obadiah Hampton, Abrem HilL Tbomu Hague, John Hartman, William Henly, Frank lin Hage, Josiah Huie, Matthew Howard, Andrew Iloldshouser, Simeon lleilick, Dsvid F. Humphres. Capt Jesse A. Ingrain, Barbery Jacobs, Maj. C. II. P. Jones, Cad water Jones, Jesse Johnson, Roland Jones. Ruswell A. King 2, Lenard Kinney. Rev. Andrew. Y. Lockridge, Richard Locke, Mrs.. Nancy Linely.Ssml Luckey, Mrs. Margaret G. Locke, Rev. J. D. Lumsden.x . Mrs. Bally Mitchell, Col. John J. Moore, Dr. S. Mitchell. William March. Daniel R. Murohv. Randolph McCollum, John MsAtee, Joan McCollock, M. E. Man ly, John McLeed. .. , John G. Nesbit William T. Outlaw 5. Beotsmin Owens. Volentine PropaL Nathan L. Phillips, Franklin Piokston, Henry II. Pence, Jacob Pool 2, Sam'L Phil- Drik fill f hillips, Ualharine rbips, ur. roll. -Adam Roseman, John Rossman, Camillo Rice, John It. Rogers 2. Allen Stoker 2, Susan Swink, William Sampson, Tot Stapulton, Sherman, Mrs. Rachel Stewart, Felix Bowers, John Slave, Ashbel Smith 2, William L Smith, Stickney & Fogg, Catharine Smoot, Jacob Skiles, Spen- tf i o. .. n. d s..k.1 w;nk cur or ucverij ourr, vi. kiwi, i ...m-v. j Dr. Willism Trent William J. Thompson 2, J. II. Thompson, George O. Tarrb, David Trexler, Tbomaa Todd, Jacob I routmaa X, nezeawn league. Nicholaa Vernon. Tbomu Varker. George W. Warren, Sam'L G. Wontten 2, Aaron Wilhelm, John T. Williamson, tewia wiineim, uoog tio Williams, Tbomu Womaca, James F. Walt BENJAMIN JULIAN, P. !L April9,184L - List of Letters, ii emai.1iu ra the-rust umce ai voocoru, v, Jli- AprUS, leHl., Miss Msrtha E. Alexander. Crrus W. Alexander. Dr. John E. Boochell2, George Barnhart, Jaeob Byarly, Benjamins Brackette, William Blum. John H. Dry, John Day welt Br John Davis. Daniel Goodmsn, H 8. Gorman, Jacob Gouger. John Hsgler, Silu High. J. M. Kealsr. Hsrria KimbelL Solomon Mieeaheimer. William Mieenheimer, Da vid 8. Marton. Misa Jane O. McCeleb. Henrv Pharr 2. Miss Poll? Presiy. Robert Pbarr, Daniel Penninger. Robert A. Rosa, George Reynolds. Springs tt Sbankle, Jacob Smith, A. J. Bbankle, Caleb Soaaaman, Stokes Lodge No. Rer. A. W. Walker, Dr. R. G Weddinjrton. . THOMAS 8. HENDERSON. P. M. April 9, 184L & List of Lottors, REMAINING laths Post Office at Lexfngtoo,N, CM April 1,1341.. . C at B, Bnimmell John L Robert BratUin, Elixa beth Brsdshaw, Miss Catharine Burcii, Wm. Dsywalt ' : George Feeaer. . . r iit K ... tiiiLiirim. Volentine Hagey, Volentine liMdceV pi fid Rearm, ubo M. Kxrtyuii James Mock, yjdMoiEtt 1." James Paliocr,Z' !"... Vnloniin Ratia. JiJin Richard. John Smith, George Smith, Samuel Smallv, Mi chael Sowers. : "7 ' David Waggoner, Noah Workman, Lemma Vt allser. April 9, 1S41. ., .- -3t BY Virtue of a Deed in- TroU to mo executed by The. Foster, for thn purposes therein mentioned, I will ofler for uls, on tbe 26th snd 27th days of April, at Mocksville, THE HOUSES AND LOTS of the uid Thos. Foster in the Town of Mocks ville, a quantity of store goods, several head of horses and mules, nousenora ana sucnen lunmurc, 3 nets of blacksmith tools, 3 or 8 waggons, one Barouche, snd 1 Carry -nil, Vc on I ha 281 h and 29lh dsTS Of the SSOM month, nt Fostsr's Mill and Still-bouse, wiU be sold thn M ill Tract of Land, containing 260 or 70 Acres. with all the, improvements thereon, consisting of n dwelling-house and necessary out building, Grist Mill, with S sets of runners, Saw Mill and an Oil Mill, all in good repair. -The Still housovTmet contains about 280 Acres of land, 6ve Stills 2 boilers, and 75 or 100 stands. a largo stock of bogs, soma cattle, together wun overv other article conveyed in said Trust. The terms of sale will be made known 'op the days thereof. TH03. I MARTIN, Trustee. April 9, 184L Slate ot otW Carolina, IREDELL COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, 8pring TrmrMI. Eiixabeth A. Wilson i vs. Petition for Divorce. James Wilson. ) IT appearing to tbe satisfaction of Ihe Court that the Defendant Jamas Wilson is not an inhabi taol of this State t It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for three months in the Carolina Watchman and Western Caroli nian, that the said Jamee Wilson appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held -nt the Court House in Siateeville, on thn 3rd Monday af ter the 3rd Monday in August next, then nnd there to answer, or aaid Petitioo will be heard ei parte, and judgment ordered accordingly. ' Witness, Sunt R. Bell, Clerk of oor said Gmrt at Statesville, the 3rd Monday alter the 3rd Mou. day in February, A. D., 1841. 8R. BELL, Cl'k. March 26, 1841. 3m Printer's Fee tlO. IJotico. aTiIIE Subscriber being about to close business, requests all persons indebted to him either by Note or book account, to call and settle between this and May Court, 1841, or the name will be f Utced io tUs hands of an officer ibr collection. NOAU ROBERTS. Salisbury V. C, April , J941. 41 Vuluable Lands for Srilc. jnpHE Su'imiriber wishing to rernms to Minsi. sippi next fall, nffers ihn foliow:ri vrld.ihlo plantations for salo on f-iir and renannaldo tern. : One 1 ract, lying about five miles I-.est of Sulie- bury, adjoining; Mrs. Barrii, gar's Mill iauus, eon tainining about : ONE HUNDRED d SEVRNTY ACRES.' This place is reMed lhn"llolds!)'oisr tract, i well improved, and first rate land, good house, and out houses, ban, fVc. Another rniff, called the Trexmr pi ice, lying m Crsue Creek4eiow Mrs. Barringer'a mill met, has on it an excellent grist and Dour mill, and wool carding nuchme, and a good dwelling house, nnd out houses, and the land of fine quality. Also, my plantati on where I live, containing 170 Acres of first rate land, well improved, and in irood condition, an excellent dwelling house, and good out houses a barge barn.-dte. Also, one tract adjoining the above, all wo. d land, and the greater part of it excellent HI. Persons wishing to buy, will always find me at homo. HENRY TREXLER. Rowan County, April 9,1841. tt GIttlVDSIRED by Ihe AMERICA . The Champion oj Jlmerka,Winner OF THE GREAT. MATCH RACE, - The 'North against the Month, 20,000 AMDS. THE thorough bind horse, LATH, bred by Col. W.J. II . r a .u n iw iiauipiuu ui ouuio varunui, win mane bik fourth 8easoo nt Salisbury, which commenced on tkt 21af ultimo, and will tni on tkt 20rk of June next, at. 120 tbe Season, and 930 to insure, the money to be paid as soon as the mare is stcertained to be iu fuel, or tbe property changes owners, and fifty cents to tbe groom. K7 Mares sent from n distance will be well attended to, nnd fed wi'h grain at B0 cents per day. To those that wish it, n good lot will be furnished gratis ; but, in no in. stancerwill I b responsible for accident or escapes. R. W, LONG. Salisbury, N. C, April 0, 1941. 2w. PEDIGREE: I certify that LATH wu bred by me, and that he wu fooled in tlie Spring of 1633. lie waa got by Gudolphin, hia dam Pocahontaa, by Sir Archy ; bia grand-dam Young Lottery, also by Sir Archv, out of Col. Singleton's celebrated Lottery, by imported Bedford out of the imported mare An. villina. Godolphin waa got by Eclipse ; his dam Sylph, by Hzpheation out of Lottery by imported I TOT lied lord, Cf c Hxphestion wss got by the imported Ruxxard out of the dsm of Sir Archy. DESCRIPTION, PERFORMANCE, dj-c LATH is a fine bay, without wliiie, 15 hands a , inches highwtth good buna and CHjHtal aetiotr At three years old, he win the produce slake at('o lumbia, two mile beats, beating Mr. Taylor filly, Daisy and CsiaSpam's ct herepaying forfeit. Two weeks ailerwsrds ho AvgMK4mttinv KinraTid-dissric,mck -Bird.' At Chariest on, he waa beaten, by- .Clodliofuer - fr the jockey-dub purse, three mile heats beiiig Very' much amiss, he wss drawn slier the first heat. At 4 years old, he won the jockey dub purse, fir mile beats, at Camden, beating Sir Kenneth, and Dorabella at three heats j losing the first in cotise- ouence of boiling when several lengths in advance' of ths field, just before te rearhod the -Jndges-stsnd; aod getting entangled amongst the carna ges, he sustained an injury which occasioned hia withdrawal from the tnrf. Lath was n race horse ol the first class, which he evinced in his trials with Bay Maria, Charlotte Russe, and Kitty lleth,, snd in point of blood he is inferor to none, whether imported or native. His constitution is robust, he having never l-en sick, and hia tempefguod. Hia color, form, and action apeak for themselves. In n word, Lath unites in himself as many claims to public patron age u any young Stallion tbat I know. WADE tl Ann O.N. Willwood, Jan. 22, 1839. From Ihe above certificate of Col. Hampton, who bred and bad Lath trained for the Turf, it will be seen that he considered him a race burse of the first class not only from ths raoea he baa men tioned aa having run publicly, but from private tri als he baa made with horses which are now on the Turf, and runniug with considerable 'success. Il will also, be observed by his certificate, tbat he considered Lath of the purest blood oot to be surpassed by any horse, imported or native. I cooaidcr il entirely unnecessary to attempt to eulogise Lath, either for hit performancca on the I urf or aa to hia blood, since in every mpect he is so well attested. But will remark, that Lath hu not only descended from pure blood, but has come from stock both aire and grand-sire, dam and grand dam, that are ol the running bl iod. . For instance, bia aire, uodolphio, made bis four milea in7jntnu!et gnlSft tccaadi ; hu grtail aire, ihn . American Ecltpscso well known at the north aitd sooth, made his time in the great match race, the north against the south, $.'0,000 aside, in 7 min-. uteand 37 seconds, which Eclipse won with con ajderabls rclat. Thia race gained him the memo rable name of tbe champion of the north. Ilia dam sired by Ihe renowned Sir Archy, whose re putation, as a racer, ctc.stsnd unquestioned, both in Englsnd snd America. The grand dam of Lath, Old Lottery, bred by Ihe great Southern amateur of horses, Col R. Singleton of South Carolina, has produced more fine race horses than any other mare in the Union. Thus, it will be seen ibat there aa united in Lath two of the best studs in the south, Hampton's and Singleton's, crossed with Gen. Coles' of ihe north. The .pub' hj is now presented with such an oppor tunity of improving the .blood of tbat noble and useful animal, the Horse, as rarely occurs in this Section of country. And the public can have in addition io a abort tiine, the opportunity of judg uj more satisfactorily of Lath's blood, Ace, by hia colts of last Spring s get, as it is expected there , will be many of them dropped by mares in thia section in a few daya. As a sure foal getter latrt stands almost unrivalled, as is proven by his last ' Spring Vservicesiole woT TIieTsrge number of mama put to him not proviog in foal. R. W. L. .J: . ,4 V"