it vrjinnuav TU,'t&mJamrw&Jrt vwiist UOWAN 11UTEL THE FAMILY NK.WF.UF.B:. TUB BUQHCminHlv F5 A VINO purchased that rll known end lont: ' ' established public bouse, (known by the nam. of SI tumbler's Hotel,) stiusted in I (to Town of Sa lisbury, N. C, inform In friend and Hie public , ireueraliv, tliHt the minr i now upon for Hio rxcip turn ol I nit lltrt anil Hixirdtrs, Hi Table and Bar will be supplied with the best the market and surrounding country utl-trtio ' Mil- Stable spncious and bountifully so plie I , ith (ram, and provender, alleuded by faithful and attentive Ostler. The undemigued pledge hiimttlf that uo exer tion on hi part ihstl be wiiiiiiug, tu (five general utislncttou to all who tnav favor him wiih a rail. J AMES L. t OW AN. Pali-b-iry, Sept. 11, 1840.. ,r If. Largest Subscription in the World ! ! THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY COUIUElt. THE COURIER w on a firm and ludcpemlcol a ba i ai any pnpur inaued, at lioiiieor abroad, iiU n am ,le iiieua will b aiwav employed lo nuke it equal, a FAMILY NEWSPAPCrl, jnurnal pub lished, ll isa PLiU AMSiN' 1 Ed V ftiiU'U.VKNT. flii) Courier in an iiiuepHic'eiii paper, leaik'svlv pur- uiit)j a atraniht-lurwaid course, and supporting ibe oeal ...,.... i i'u I.- hi Tin li" iiiivim i'i i uu ej uiu'i . , This spprov-d Family Papr is strictly ALT TRAL'IM i'ULlUCS ASH Hl.UU'.U.yj: aud the uiicoiiiproun.iiig opponent oLsli QUACK hlltl. It iiiiiiiiuina a high TONE Of' iiuti miJ nut an uiticlo will appear in it pug'-a, winch thouid not liiiil place it every fireside. 'I'tio uupaiallc-led patronage, Iroin every jsretion of the country, ta the beat evidence of it appiutal. It ha spoken and will continue to npeak (or use 11. Its iiit tiiilitiicce ovtr 3-1,000 tubu-i ibert, extending front the Lukit to the Ucrun, i.iu combining a. I inter? eel and ciiere ill lhe Je public. Each' liUiiibcl o' the ' Courier contain aa much matter aa would - ; till a l'-tuio, Voliuuf, Tlie cutt of which aioiie would te the price of the pa per lor whole year. The gcneial citaracter of the Courier i.- uvll known- Ita coluiuna coulain a great vtric j t . lALsa, HinaATtvta, ivAts, aioueAPMirs, &c, 1 'lotfi'ilier wah ariiciea n ' Hcience, Fine Alia, Metliabitu, Arr'tii luie, MaiiuUcluri-, Kurtiifii .New, New i'uuMCauoua, Miirality, . Aiojicme, I ke Mik Culture, rl'empt'raiice, Paiunv circle, bell-fui'ati'd- Men, J. ATE DAVIV) HOTEL. yriAGUt: giffosd hav.ll(j p..rchid l lie Hotel, f..rin.rly Duvia', will continue the K.nMinliniciit on tbr aame lilwral c ile n hereto foi. and will ef rt theiiiaelve to make it a deai rable reaideltf for BOAUDKI13 AND TRAVELLERS, ( aa tSei'r fable will alwayt be tupplied with the ' the itarket afford, anil their Bar with the lt Liquori, and thi-ir Stnblea witU attentive Oiih ra amijibundaiii provecder. The F.tabliahmetit will lie under the edujv mmiaement of T. A. Ilaue, formerly Kf tli Salndajry H.ll, Nortli Uarolina, and hi lMg etiterieitce, will eiutbltf bun to give general xaiia l'ai'iinn. Camden, 8. C, Jan., 20, 141. 6m or a POLITICAL NENVSPAI'ER to aa 1 c rriTLKB aim Jii'iiA sui,tm)Aii3). THOMAS LORIaO, EUitur. f pilE EXTRA STANDARD la intended to arenm--I moil te tbiaw of our Hl"W-citixena who deaire a cheap publication, containing aound political doctrine, and the new ol the dayj and will be publiahed iiu ! i)S Mlllltg w.purunt la perniitud to eac.pc a no-"lnl7- , . . t, ; tic. in na c.Muiiu.a It will aiwaya t AlTllt ILL Y in.- rilitor will endeavor to make thin publication yuum us AUiiLEULWS. acceptable to tno put-l.c ; ecnjlly that por-ion who , r,sl,ge0leI1U( llull! u.l0 lraw fwin lhe WMole rv trw u Uy to Jr 1 rinrf o. the current l.ler.lure ori:,M our Lor I ti- price will Ik ti per fear, laiyaile :n all rtw'i , i .; . ... , r ... i .i . . . reauondriila at home embrace many f the Uel VV rnera cx:ipiiei. with no pa,4.r will be sent to any one with? out the amount cl out noi.Lta in adtanct, auii all pa pera will be dieconliinietl at the end of the year, nnJiraa the advance for the at-cond year ta aent ly the lime the Cu. ..... 141 VI ir. Itti tK-Uf eopica ill m-nt to cne ad.lreaa. lor one In ,h vaner ' ,,ufteu u,e ",Ua": o l"e n P000 .i ll, o.rtertri.t mdrnJoala. ou the uavmml of ttu 1 1,r A,f O'l""". "i.'S '' r " dulir,n .dai.te I ported ; , .Ul ctHry tef may l,ave the inoat A 'ptnmrn numlnr will be ifaued tn a few daya. 1 1 " ' "e Pn. he guitar or hlio ,t fie ut ri-.tM.n ItiM.ft the ui,.ltiUlnnPltielo,1'-rM',,ru"" "u' " P'-'beO. wmui .1 pa;U fc.iW 4U. b-W .h.-li 1 .rf lia MtJM M tfllt J Htl!LCiil JIIOI lUtlLlUt WlLft BLjtfjb-. Klipil'll I iiiv I itt'CU ai I JU I'lUClll la 4U uv IOUOU in uo oiber journal ol the k::id. IKaltu, Cuuusercc, Lneialure, ItiHueaiic Inivllience, Ljuoiu II, Annikviii'-uUi, Kjcetia, HuuiiMOiia Articlea, The IVranta, City ...altera, Aiuuaiii .liitrctllany, '1 lie .Vj marls, The jluricbi World, Correct Pncea Current, L.alol ln ..venl Uanka, DiaCount and lichaiige, lA'tltra Ironi Lurupe, Ihatory, The Ciaaaica, Pli.ioauphy, Aim! all oilier n,att-radircuafted in a Universal FiiiiiIt ' Journal 'luruiahiiig aitt thei aa vital, atiu, e ut iiev , a lutt reatinj.' vattet u cun be found ii uy oiluf Journal, embracing autjoca lor Farmers, Mechauics, TradcMiicn, Artist us, Mt rthatits, 4Men ol Leisure, Teachers, Studeuts, iiiU cr Ciiikut'our Country. ' The CUl'KILK may alwaya be DLPKiNDLD L P- ol tile country. A arnea ol POPULAH lAl.Ls, ot unem..''d interest ano value, will follow in coneiaut aocteaaiuu. PJIOMM'-CTUS or TMK Western Carolina 't emperance Advocate, A mnnlhly fiiHT dffHrdto the Ttifferunce Reform, i'uoiuntd a Ailitftttti. l. C'.t and tdUtd ' BV D. li M'AMALLY. 'A TaMPBaANc-B (ViVa.tnoN that was held at thn place early in epieuibet, (iVolve-u on 'pu.ilialung a pn out ot the uuuve title anU elluraciei, and appointed Jviliu Dickaon and 1). K Vi'Aiinliy to cmmuci 1L' Prou. Iliat uiahy pri'wtug eiyat'im m, L)l. Dickoon alreuil) ina, he ileeo.a it iiiipdcumhlo lor ln:n to be rewiginai-u a one ol the euiiiiia, Uuuj;ii ii'' will uitvrfu.iy uae m. hul lulljiiitc oliitrwiw, to proiiwile ita in treat; the iutxritKT Iherelore, proceeua to laaue this Priufpeclut in hi owu name, wi.n a h ipf that i will be aitleil u. tlie uutlertakiiig, by all tuo Irienuaot tliu 'I emueuuet. tauiie Ihroultout toe cojnlry, and thut the (mper may aoon bave an cMeuaive circulaiioii. t'rtrnd of iw '1'tmpeiuM.t t'auu! to you we mnk a uwal earnest apcut -while tiiouauima upon thou a4iida ot uohara aru annuaiiv exneuoeu at tUeatrea, at circuaoa, ai the race track, at groceries, while uo paiur arc afxireti, lite luxury oi iatirein ut aud euae tort gone, auU uo iUui ileeim-d too aovure to advance lue niter caia oi poillicai aapiiJiini, can yuu uoi do aoint'lblllg In a e.iusc ;niil im 'at D eveiy true iM'.not, pnilan liirooist, a nil chrialian I Krcomci there are but lew, very lew, kucii ,m,h.'i in all lhe rioulhern country. I ,ie AitIviii part o! .North Caroim, Uie W cMem part ot V iriiiiu, Ma tne t,iifiii irt ot i tiiueMee purlieu Urly, neeu'a ot Una kind, and it ta lot yuu uon lu aiy wneihcr iney Khan have iL , 1 ile very low pru e ai wliicu il waa fixed by the I'ouveiUlou, wni make ll necuaaary, lliil a very Iare anoacription be bau, Oeiore the publication of it cau ce jualihed. TEIIMS. 7" Urafrr Curnitna Temperance Advocate wi 1 be puhltaii. t) ou a mediuui o'-ei, in ipiarto lorin, taib iiUuioer n.ikii.j; eignt paea, and Will be tumwued at iiie very low price of lifiy ( Vil a copy. Where mi jjle couu't are taken, ll.'.' puj ii.ent inui-l be made mva upou the recepunn ol the Hrt number. fJT Poaluiaaiera, euiioiaor ubiblicrai f paoera, and ail Aiiuiatera ol the Lioapel, arc autlnriaeii ngeuu. &KjagAaAAjlikaaaaaalaiaa1 pitoaPE CTU s ; Of T MJJCKLEKBURG JiFFERSONIAN. 1'rintius ol every Description, JIKV.a DMPAIB OP THK itt:PUHLIC p r n p os .? l s It in propped to ee'ai.liali, in tio,ow n of Charlotte, Meek:, ul ur- Count. .V C, a weekly newapapor, uo tier the lon title, to be edited ami pumbeu by the aubKciiber. TU;j publication" of tin- " Mw-'kLiiaBiau JkrrHoAa,, will commence by the Uol January next, or aa tmon aa uuiieriala can he proeuied. It be Willi eutirely ucw and luir type, on paper ot 7 Hie beat quaiit, and altordeii to auutcriotia l SCiolJ m idvante, (.on lhe receipt ol the bret number,) or &i it not paid in advance,. . i he preaeul la me lirat tllort that baa beeu made to e.iubiiali an orj;an at tlie binh place ot Auiericau ln .,.pendiice, tnrotigh which u ooctnin.ol ibe.Ut'uto- crutic party couul be liefiy proiuoigan'u auU uultlwleu in wliifh-thr-ymai principle ot Ltxriy aim Quality tor Hie .iu- ictiiideri, l;ic ana their ,um colliputlioU perned' lln ail, oil the Jtth ilay, lli-, could h..d at all tnm'a an ui.sinink'lig advocate. It -aticceaa rest chiefly w b lhe K piu. caii yai-ly ol lletk-lenhurg-atid 10 ineiu, auu me Kepuhiicaua ol me aur luuiull. g Country, tlw appeal is uo inaoc lor aupport. Tut t.aaaiviA WlL .iie aa lt pnlilw:i creed, thiiae Ian .inarka ol tne tit puulicnu pany, tne uocti.iKa m i lorth in lhe Kentucky ami irfciHu. Ueauiutioiia b'-lleviiij;, aa the uiiutioig i a doea, mat lue author ol 'tn-t paperis wlw) bore a cotipicuou pri in Irumiug nr ayatctn ol (ioveruim nt, w. re beat u,u.iliheil to nand. J 'wn uj (nwuiiiy a cuii-cl tip'wt.oiioi iu trueapiril the tteat jiitlgea ol whdt powera were deltgalctl by, and tvl.atreaerved to, lue Male. ll w il. tipiioae. a da:igi!(oua to our tree malilullona, 'ti' spirit oi mi;i;oy, which Ua Ueen 'aieaiihny, hut at.-Uily increaamg in the country Irom the iminuatiou I our Uovcrn.neiiU I tie iiittfl talioua Ka'ure in Una ny iteiu la, that ll rot lhe Man. iiFyrcjink, lo en. rn h tlie riw: It cioiiiea a lew wia.iny inuivaJuaia Willi potter not i.ui) to control the wageaol' the Ulr nig inau, but aieu al tbeir pleaaure to mtU'e or ii pt eai lhe co uiiierce and buameaaol lh whole couuiry - cili.iij a a;nnt of eatravagince, which il uruniwtea m pecuniary' rum, aud too olleu tli moral uegrauahou of ita vicluna. Tliu ayaieui muatl he (Aoreuata rrurw ed neliire w cau hope lu a aellied prosperity auiiia i'ke uon ail our ciuaena. To aui in pf.itte,og Una reform, will be one ot the mam .lij.-cta A tne Jrraa miMlaa. It will war am Dal cxciaatK prttt'erMit, of tatluil I' f latum; unOer wiMlet.r guiae by our Leglslaiarea i anti, IberehJCe, w m ope tne cnar C j lering ut a United hlalea Hank, luiptoveint uU Jl' iby tne Ketierai Governnteut, a tevivsrl i tit: i'antf p Sya viii, ano toe Q- Petleral actieme ol tin tit neral J ; Oovrimn nl uauininj Uj pay to lOfign. money emu ,. , jer. uie two kuidnd muiO'ii of doiimtt, avrrowed by a lew S;ali a lor local purpuava. Aa a queaiMW ot iul mipofUnce to tbe South, and one which, Iroin vtrloua cauaea, la every cay aiaoiinug 1 a ii o e tnometitoua ana alal aspect, tb inrmMmo .ii will keep ita rtdera leu.ariy ana atcuialeiy ad . I ViaeO ou Uie aubjecl ol N'.rloem A tan n am win. ll I mual be evaivol to all cantlui Vaturveia, that lite parti i aan nrMM ot the &Mth bave nitheiu i-en lou ani-nt Mi tkttt Kvtniiiiaa. SALISUUllV coffee-house! i lillE Siibucriber takea pU-aenre in lofl.rinitig ,,, A Iriendaaud cualorner, that ha haa jual reiilf1. . d froiii Charleaiou with livrgej aupply ol Ur! net of eery description, and venture taav, he ha a great an aa-ortmei.t aa any of die .era C'til, which he, wii kII low iut cit.h or on g ' ahort credit to' ptinctual dnalcr. Tlio Sulwcrilier'a cuNtomera will reiiiemWr tlmi hn pubUalied a notice in !h pnpera of thia p!Hc requeatniK In cuatoim r who were indebted lu call and aettle, and thoae who hae not dona at,nn reat awurt d, il it inot done ief.ra our next Cinirt may expect lo lind llie'm in the hand of nn nlfi, t't ..r collection. ; F. It. ROUEt'HE. CONCOUD COFFEE-HOUsiT THE Sulwcriber reauectiilly announce tu citixen of Concord mid urrouudmg country, he Im ox'iied a Grocery Jlore in llio Town of Concord, where . lie will keep conatanlly ou liandi Inre aupply ol Grnctte, Hl'CH " WINES and LIQUOltS imported and dotnettie ; -1UU- Stigar, ('"l'. Bread, Cracker, Cliefsc, ''Lr'iinniif French Pianea, Cake'iy Kaiaiu, Cumlii ol n! kmda, Toy, prime cliewiiljund ainoklii ' oUcro, S'niah Sei;w,Af l..e beat quality, Garden cSfe.j 0f all kind, Indigo, Copperas, Midder, U.'itff ripice, Pepper, Alinonti, Clovea, C'liiiminoii, In.ll VV(, Inula, Maccarolll, Vera.aat lll, SnrtiiiKia, HerrSig, aence ol Cinnainoo, Cloven, Pepr. , inim, aud a variety cd other articles too leoi a., ia mention. The Subscriber hope by utricl attentlnnto tw aineaa to merit a libeial aim re ol public ,tro ,a e. F. K. ROL'ECilE. March 12. 1841. . tp 1 he " Met kleuborg lerTeraonian," and Chart, te J'turiial will inaert the " Cmitord Cotlee IJ.:t. Ihre wet ka, and tend their arcount to Sa'taimrv. Kaie.yh, Marcli 3. 141. ...GRXl',d.orlUrriuaUiuiuaimirJBL-ckitli'a.l'iU.a. M lla' PiUa and Hiiien, llout k'a P.tnacwa, m.'i Hi iiiard'a remeJv l'r H,el Complaint, lor Sjle b. C. B. 6i Ci K. WHEELER. Winea, Spirit, lobacco, and Ciytra, Jn'st Twrerted tnd for 'aale; "it the Silir' bury.Drii Store. s. mbtiry, No 20, r Cotton Yarn. f PIIE Snlrtcrilier. Amenta for the' lxinjton Cot- loo Factory, WooM inf.rin the public thai li.ry hive juat received and now oner for wile, wholesale and reluil, lhe Cotton Yarh of awtij Factory, con. 'tiuj of variou jiumlwra. Th aiperin quail and rhararter of the Yarns of tbi Factory ar m i well teatetl and kiHiwn a lo med no recnm from u Tbo wUhiu to pur chase will please give us a call C. B. At C. K. WHEELER, Agt Ai.ri! 24. lt-4- if. Ot K I'iiK MX. vv iw inoiTa'uala wian lo aniMxrity tu- Mveifntter,. a attt y m toroi iom1 Hie money m ftftri'iinrw' fr.1t ll lo Hi . I h' i'u!iiiatera w.rfl pioiijiy uni.tily, ur we wiah Uie.n in all Caat-a, il il ineel their uicjure, lo aci ta our amenta. ,.Ciub f.ienwill be lurnifhed wiJ len paper tor oil yn .r,(p:iit t-d the trViitrey"be" Irec .il pjaU'. ae and tiwuim.y-tor ald. ' " .-'-"'- Tiiree co(iina for be doiiar. $5 at one tune will be recented for 3 yra Our im nda, Hit Pootinaa'ttra, Will p!eM oblige by retn-tin'iTreanii'ee ind t nrauwcnptiotM. .. . .1 VV . I. .. i I . . ... I. ... A.ik.j.1 . Mr .J Jr. ' .1 f li I All HI' "I"" UJeU MM.I1, tlTTTI T. IWt V, WIMW ... . v. - "-'-"' be,,,,, j..,NHIUCj m alarm, lend our bumbia aaj THE SOUTHERN TIMLS; to aaaa-t iu awakeaiug the People ot the i'otiih lo To IaC Etlllfd b llfiirV I. Toole, iig.lanceaddai-eol tton reU danger i W uue a purlMNi ol Lie cototitnaul lias JupimaaimiAa will Be ilrtoted lo poillKjal dtactaw otl, liM great ,ule prop.:i!a ol this aurt unially abound in promiw a; nvtauf M'tuU, Uttratutt, Agrwullute,oit the .We-ie- uiti he mane in Ilia, case. Put t'i'-y ;l' all be re- ek.tmc Ant, rim), not be ngl.uil. V nn tlie clto.ceal ilee-nied. j leciiona m lh. e aubjt OU. aM a uae tjuaolny ol light I lie Tfeiii ,J"tTie pri'eTTp.ier iinVra mewrrT,"JiTiirie"ES 'tim; trni t any no p .h i-lied .n tun. Ctr: CiHnhi. amj pruriutii.u to all claaaf M tjuCte'y. iini.' mute Lifr iry n-ceini.y wiwi rei.uca, man ia I inicra iui lhe utner, adireaed. wtlage, vaui, tu lite fcdiloT ot the JeUeraootail, ComIaiUu. .V will b litelniry Willi Pel, iica, than ia ein uini.y with 'hf arly I'r.-. It- nuin-tnari:ter, ., ii .i-r. A. i Uf ooliliCal and Ha unclrinea oi l.a J-f muoiotlv Guoipneti Willi. .rjoiiui h im ! Any pernwi wlw will procurw tia aubwribara.aivd be A1tw,M)"iai,'i)'i';.l''l!"'yV 'VWV-'ft''-oftrt4:l.ic,IASw.4t yurT''Ww''w1'"'''rM', L,.'L"V!?r....,S J:r."'i .,ir-.8',")i1lJ -ta.!t-CJIU'j4 im P.jtiiiL. tr n amiaa4 H Ag lot-Hbe- f iruni.. i h rn'iiiii ;naiueii wi,i -nncaae, i japer, in irtenmg ,and lorwardmg aubatnuer. naine i.i MitMcnb-r iexjHCie.l to pay until he rcctnea lhe r1illcitpliooa. JOS. V . HAjuPlO.X. pa'r. iVovenilwr M, At). The aiie will be about the wine with tne " Raleigh ' j U"L'i.ti r," ana it v,ill lie publianed twice a week do- I iTOHTXClUS for Kt'liUall'at iiXDOwitor. Tfrrrr-"n'',lrrOT'''t ' tiw ia..AioUt..,.atjJ, Weekly t U11; cini.ii f - in ui .ut uiiiM. l ur L.-iee w ill oe t our ijui ar ur a - - - - i- i . von Hiiii. 'pflE un!erignl, aa Adutimatiator of the late I i t. Auatin, I'bVra for able ihe iiluubia bel'ji.iiig to tne Eat ate of the deceased A e at. nier ilite (HrtiHi oi' the c-dlociiou woa made by Dr. Auatin himwelf with niu.-ti rare, tod jini.i-1,. hy cooMaiaol Gold, Stletr, Copper, and '. i-rurf Urr, in their varnKM n Jural eo'iibttialtnii, ar.rttd tmia the iiiineral regioiianf Uu count! y ; beanl- a a nu.a. ber olaatiued from Euro. Scientific genilr ucn, or literary inatitution ileairing lo pur hnae i')t! whole, or any part of the Cabinet, can have I'irtl.rt iiif.iimaiioti on application by letter ia tlie unoer- : atgned. I The collection will 'no auld a khui a a rca..j. i ble price u.ay taybtlmeil br it. j C. K. WHEELER, 4d.ur. Fliburyt N. C, Dec 4, lt4D. if. Hook Minder y. WILLIAM HUNTER, liwk.IH-Jer. INFf)RMS toe public thai lie alul cirraoaUa F.aiiliMhinenl ul llmaUivu kind in l.'li '.aLotvt ! North Candina, a few doora aoulh of tut tin ; -I Having aa he conceive a thorough kimwiedc . lint but ilieaa. he feel uo he..llioti inaitoui lni: . w ho may wuU, to rJit1ri,t,;lrto, ovtm Jta iWMty4jt.a4 vy,l,i,( -.v. LADIES AND noiMki i:ri kh, iiaWli Y!nfi T E have juat received n rj(e and frttk aupply of the celebrated New Ia btnn Shokert' Garden Mcrd ( kimla. Thnae wishing Stena for the oeit year, would d well to call or aend an, aa thuv M t' lik hoi cdke.n ( '. B. At C. K. WHEELER. November 13, 164. W 1 II B M A "K k E T S . AT SALISELRV, APRIL 0, ls41. Bacon, - & a ID I lief, Sa4i Brandy, (peach) 40 a Do (apple; ao a IJj Butier, . UtaP.'jt uVeawax, H a Jt I UagK'h4'i ' Bate Kopd, 111 a lj Cotton, (clean) h a dru, 'ZTia Codec, 11 a li Fioor, 4 2-') a al 50 Keatliera, 3j a J7i Flaxaced,' v Wi Do Oil, 1UU Urd, inlaacee, aila, Jala. 'v.k. i'.icv, (quart) ui , (nrown) Do (nia ,) .Sail, (i.u ; 1 'Jb Uo (aatk; al u .Steel, (biiate Uo (caat I'kiiow, Wbiakcy, 4J.7 S it) fit a O'.'J tii U 10 a V.U 4. IU IU a l.'J Ha a 1 ;t a ariOO H'a a :Vi 30a Jail ax 1 1 UV.IC I itiia a jt aw . nm "a. vua awa , m t . an-wm - - - .-. . - t - OiuJ.y tw-ifapci. utler ;b aut.vti uaiue, to Kvrv pr n to when thiaiimiyaul wtent, will pn-aai', " '"voitti lite luiiowm ol.yetla, vis; j n siam a ell have nij.i,o.a in; ; In. 'j(iji 1. Ibo an only d tor right ut atilluge, by ad lo be neairou w pmroniie me ur'iernainjr, irannnn duioiial liai to puiui) briuery and liaud. itieir naiu to tne, a: w.. .mi. n, rvurra t. ar-r n-Kil riljiiTr Oovernu.eiil, wherever known to CXuttav 3. An i p..aiuuii U the principles of moderu uinaii.g, iiiu iia cawn upon tuoor, traoe, lotMaia, ''JIHE Siicriler tHkrK Una inetlind n intoriiiiiig ti.e i'vcroneut. embracing Hie bttlure and uaes a I', Uiai he still couuiiuea lu cari) on the bu- j "I money, and a biatory of too origin aud progrcae aiueaaof j of paper BfMiey in il various firm. CTCirZ, To ineas w ill tw added all tiw Io.k: eoromoa in the newaptpera oi ine uay, wnn a annnnary or aewe cars TO Villi .PVltlalC. terms. af rniniiiotii B.akand other article tent from a dmtaiice io be btHiud, wili be pra'tuptly attended to auu cuirm!. ly returned whtu done. The public are ytq.ieat. ed to give me a trial. fice will be punctually forwarded for C"iiiletiuu. . .. L'tiarlotua. Feb. ifW . L PIICENIX UITTEUS. at uxual, at hit Gnnite Qnary, ten miiea South . f( ru. Hnpt.ed, brfimng aa 'accurate biatorj ol pataiflg .-'al:.-u'jr , p. ir (he III nii!etoi. rmii, fie it j e,caUL Avoiding al! perwoal altsrcations, this paper, while AT FAYETTE VI LLEt MARCH 27, 141. 1 LKKIACilA KU ALE. w i THE Sutwcriber hav media- Poad of hi eatabliahment to kffSjV chaver &. I laden, baa remain. Jk-fit liven band 2 fine Baioueiiea, eSLrfirmM 3 t arrv-all. 1 Ikffpv. 1 Sm- av, i cloae I ariiaee. one ol 1 1 hem a vry fine article, made in a tuperior manutr; tltn a number of second-hand Barouches, (,'rriagea and Gig, a). ( wn ch he will sell very low.tcd on long credit, fer I ful bund. Il. requeala ill lifting open aceounut atanding on Ina buuki to cut and aettle tiw-ui wrtliont rurther de '.ay. by noleor mherwifl. JOHN I. SHAVER. SlitMirv, Feb 12. 1H. tp Brandy, (peach) 1 (apple) Bicon, Ho-wat, B itter, B.le lt,pc, ' Collie, Colt, n, ('oltoii Baggiag, tjorn, Candle, I'laxieed, p lutir, ' 45a&U 40 t 45 7a " ' 12 a 10 n a lo 1-4 a I8J (5 a 10 Mi 40 a 5)1 17 1 10 a I 15 VA ,Ua - f..t Fesiliera, " to a wrd, a y a In Moiaa-tt, a 30 Nans. e a 7 .alt, (bushel) 75 DJ (ak ,l(l t ari.'iO Sugar, (hrown) t 12 lAi ijiiii.pj 16 lio (ii!,; H a -At I otiacco, (leal) li ,i V hi I, csj vh.ake, 35 Www, l.Ve-!jtf able to .iipfl, a order for ;li,L SI UtLS ol the beat gr.f4 a.ui on the aliorteM notiie. j A UK) , fir S.ile, the loVti t p'tces, M.vIXVV..siLUs DnoK MLI.S, DOOR STEPS. ROUOH ill il.Dl.M. R(K KM, TOMB M O.NES, GuLD Crfl.sDLk.S, At. iVe. J. H'lULSHOCSUU, Su't.e-Ciittcr. BeJifbury, Oct. 2Ath, lKii if. . N. B OrJefa lor any of the above wrought arti cles, directed lo uie al fcaliahury , wdi be punctually at ended to. J. H uuicu. nsoxn. AT C1IERAW, 8, C MARCH W. 141. Boi'l, (arcc) Bacon, Uutier, Beeawax, Bi,-ging, ltais ICope, -ti. 1 1 '..i i.i Ixiiq, (t tree) 57 Flour, 7 a M Fes tin ra, 15 a 2lt jUtrd, (utiaree) i a li 22 & 10 a 121 12i li o a It 4050 Mola law. Ktcc,(10Ulba) Suar, ale, (aack) In (buwiel) a"j 525 It a ii 40 a 50 Itl a 4iV 10. 12 2?5 Wis! To TmeWer.. f IIIE'.ravrtliu.- conr' unity are iejxifully infnrin A .,i tout toe (S- (B-eritir i. nom ruii"tng lu do-ill rel iro n Hal'itli nv way o' 1' tlau-in ' iwJ fiihi,u""to Hall-bury, m a'lia.i .Notilieru m.Oe I aniiea ot tot fir t oriler. i. avii i.' llnl :tfl, on Monit na and Tnun'ty al Jll A. M.. aifvi c in Naiial.ury next ilnya at I M i avnig Sa Jury on l'ueMlaya'd I'r .:uyt2 A. M., arr'finir in !U'i neb ni xtdiiatt lit ,l Hi iiufMw arc (,'uod, and dnverh tmrticularly cart tu) and at'cianui" latuig. JOLl. fide I.I. .. Feb. 12. I U N. B. heats aeenred at td Minaioo Hotel. AT CAMDEN, S, C, MARCH 17, 1h41. Btl, Itactn, B.iier. . Hv.-.ig. I1..I. t pe, U a liHttsi, ' Mali Mi 10 Com, Otl l"a25 Floul, Stiaj li a 25 Keat iera, 37 a 45 24 a 21 l.t rd, 10 a 12 1 1 a 14 MoU-H-m 4.-4 i4 i M Mif. 4., .ki JwLUCilLLSAJSi'AIlVlL- 'PUIS invaluable Modicum i lor sale by the - auoacriDcr. at MuiuJirtville, Mon't-omny cu., .C V. E. BPKAGK 4 S an t'i 'lie Frntinjf B"-iie-i, a ll. friNii 14 lo lt yeai.ol age. Apply hi thieOiic. ' ; "..fjwry, March MBMSkasassaBMSBaaBBSx.BxaaaaajaaaajasajiaB ! W'divkR V ot S:c etc. pHE Sl tt-'CHIBER living near Lcxirtjtoii, David- aou Covnily, Uaea (hia method In iiilorui lhe Pub lic thai h win enter int.. contract with any Peraou, or pf rami, eith.'i in Davida n, Kowin.or Calwrniv Ixhiii tn a, w I m -i-t h.niwt, taclori.-i, or any o'ber kind ol buildiugn t rect.'iJ of iJ.-itk, to build them tt chesp, as durable, aud lu aa Joud style sa any wutkmao in Ibis country. Ile will ilao, mould and burn the Brick, il win ted. Ie truata thai fan long experience in WiiL'Ul(j AND I.AY1NU DRICK, will eutllle bim to a alia re of public palronai'e. lie wooW reler ireullemen wishing wtira in hi Lmc of Buaiueaa, lo the Tamils Acidemv and Uie new brj prool Clerk' office iu Sali.bury, aa apeennena of ma wins. " N. B Those wialiin? work done, will please leave word at the ofllee o the Wealerii CaruiiiiMii, aud it shall be punctually attended-to. ROBERT COX. Davwlimn. April IN. 139. tf iimmsritnr N oVice. 1HE or.rter-i'icil havuij iibtai -t u, at tin Nov- Tei.ii, 1HU, ot' Kows'i tV'i.rv ('oun, l-i ittt 'il A I il olil.ittl'.n .Mi l!u Kais'f of lil jill n urfllli, iler.M., Iiolilies all permit, ctlrhiHtl to tl.i .a;.i, lo co'ni: i i'Wjrd and i.iait iiion (l,t;e ,n nfil, ita lhe V. n e mual he rhMitd ; hihI ii.ih,.. ' 'ivnit' rl.nii,. t.4inal fciid K-!.iti'. lo pr"at ul l i' ,i tillim the limtl . f the lne, kfi iv s'ltlu-i.tic-i'i ' ut tlna notice will lai pb-'ud , ,r to flu ir m ir-K--VVH;r,;f,KUT-A-kiMv it will not t. metal ita prleeuces lot men, will conhoe iuh'II uneily to tne elucidation of bicts sod svinciplvs, lea v in? the ruder portions of political controversy to youigel hand. . a ... Tne Exiiior will - printed in the neatest manner upo a roytl sheet, lolded in nctavo Mrin,eacb aumber making tixteen page, with aa index at the end of each voluiueeinbracing one year. It will tliu lorm a book eontaiuitig a history of Uie liiota wiUi much more useful and enlertaiuiug a itter. ' PRICE Orts Dollar per annum, paid in sdsence. No aacouuU will be kept, and the paper' will not be will until the money be actually received. Bank nulea will be taken at their specie value. fo lhw who collect and I jrwaru ten dollars, an ad ditional Copy will be nil gratis. ' PimiinaKiera are p rinined by law lo (orwird sub scription mom y in letters written by themselves. All letter to the Eniinr immt be Iree or punt pa id. '.rr Ai la the put'i-j gr nn th: paper will be but or.a Salisbury, N-.v. 13 ,. jo ll i vi i ,;, Xeall and xpedUtouty,eietultd at tkU Office. cent to one and a half each nuuiuer, It la in III pjwer of every man lu prucirt- all lbs important new, and vast uetl of other ttw tul ninller, al not exceeding One D dlur and Tkinw tix (.Vast. Wuhi'igton City, ll C, Jan. 12, IS I. To Ovswt'VH o1l MiUsj. I MIK SnWrrber haa nn tmpuwed puttnt SpmMe lor MuiN by wiurli, i mill aiII u" much littler than with the iifiiitl t'orm ot f'poi lii'a It it no uxihlruiied aato keep Irom henlmg or killing (he in,-! in any man ner. The runner li cotiliiiMil by lhe Sp, uiileaa al-wav-i to preset ve ilf hal'ince, and of courae lucre la no ruhbllii; ol' lhe atone. I I'. mk, iy i in. improved Spin lie, tin Mine water will ...j at :eal n t-t.iiiu -uioio iiiiiifaa, ami ii meal ol wi..rior qua lily. Any perwm iliii,(f in use iino of tlnc Spindlsa, nay iblit'U one or more, uy .nua.iKj a:ip.leatu.., (with in ( liorl tune) In the .ima-ei uier t'l.i.fkj.yilb', Uavie (.'o. N. t". I t'link M.e i'ro'wtoe ttif1 i! not exceed l'ir thn Pa'ent air! .Spi.,i h rea.'t tor tiw. Toe MiiUmj ,m ,,uk !ian my Pat. t.t Milt Sniudle in a ir.-K--.llll l ( t iliiin .l'i, , F K'e'ly, I'll.. F' ler. J i eji'i il ili mil S ii.i'I Ft f , I iHvie t flinty ; C'rirl. ,- lirn'i'ii ol I'.. : Adtiin.ui Vi..nie"7ii ii.iui." .ii, iiiid W ll'iaiu In... iif .vii,iy, ah t.' wLniii are high y u,'nn. il with ita peihiruiancs. L H. GILBERT. October aft, Nl. tf 'I'HE high celebrity which tbeee excellent Mi " dicine have ui.'nirtil, in curing alo .... my ' diaeaau to which the liuinau frame is li t .1 , ' a matter I miliar wub sliitoat tvtiy n.le.: .i ni f -r- son. 'Ihey becatue kuoivo by their iruiiaintu good works bave testified lor them - tuey did aot inrive by tne laitn ol the credulous. lo esses ol Costiveueas, Dvi ito.l'i!iiu and Liver AlJ..xiona, A.Uih.s, Piles,, Sa-tiied, Rheumatism. Fever and Ajue.. iilsiiiiiaie Head aches, Impure atute of the Fluid, Unhealthy Ap pearance of the Skin, Nern u DjImIiI . , ine .Sicx- st iurideolto tetnsjt iu Dsheate lleul.b, ev.ty kind of Weaknet U the Dijvatirs Oiusns, and ib all gef.f ral Deraiiguuieiita ol ll. alih, tbcae MEItl- ClNEo bave invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. They restore vigitus Uea. n io the inoei exhausted Coiistituiious. A sin.'h i l will place the LIFE PILL and PlKEMX lllf. TERS beyond tiie r hc i of coiopeuiton, in the t e Uiualioa ol every patient. Prepared and sold, wbulesale aud retail, at vl B. MOFFATB Medicsl Oll.ce, 375 BrueuW, New-York..." N. B. None are genuine unlea they have lh fac simile of John .Moflal'a aiguature. -fc-T The LIFE PILLS are told in h..ies- Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and 92 jrsch, atcon'i f to lhe eixe; and lhe Pui-nix liiiier in boitkr si tl or $2 est'h, with lull utiecinHis. These Vulunble Meilit'ines 0re for sale by CREsS Ai WC.i:n,ofSitliih..rj. SPRINGS oV MlANKLE,C'iMi-arai, .!" FOR (i tA l l l KiLs DISTRIBUTION-" iiitPteatiujj little pnn.plilei, entitled " MOH'M & M EDICA L M A MA L, debited as h H ' Guuln to lleiilih-,-coii;ai,,ii.f; uci ui.lle ii.nn .unit' cnnceimny; the iiitm! prevalt'iit de.iMe, . mtmt npproveil reu.e.ii' a .y W M. B. Mt l I A I Apply lo the Ayeiiis. Siiliabury, N. ('., Ociolier HI, 140. or iUUJrjij it1 o u s f:J :ss. JA JIEINti deiiroua nl eiuikiikM. m atinll:' f j nap I now nlii r tlie t.l.ilili-iuiit'ot ol tin- ',tf vHMoroTI AllVlhllnl.R or .ilt.'. I tin not know i.f a iti re rtiu'hle aitmitt0'' f,f 'fttaj.iu.det nexs, Ifi'in vV ilimnr ton, Ninth t .irolnni. r....... ............. i ....... a .. ..... .ir. i. n.ii t" I urin iict'ninuii'.l.ii mi;. (Mill p-nd. iVtetnbr-r II, H10. F. i'u ii I . Hli V