WESTERN CAROL mr rimra 'irtf lrt.i u.Ti n rn i Mi-ri' i tri t.v V.r- , n 1 1 rio-v -S VJiJShUUY, IV. C , APRIL 30, 1841. J Whole Number !,088. inn urtrn " i, i' i tl W 0 HO f, (iNTi iNL : AlA. ' r.-a. . . VreftitUtr. F. FISHER, fTAiK'oF nuijtij caroutva;" , . ', m " t tst.s t pnMwh.! e very 1'riilny, , ' ' "' . "VC Mt fil .Vl, if Mlt pll in . ,. .- taeer Murrilitif ,; (ejs 4o . ! -J u ttil sit arrpar iges sre pud, 'i iM.i,-wcriHtiMi ; and the tail- :S. 151. I' ..J'iltf .1 . Ijl !A.aillll 1...... , ili.' y-r eub-criiied t'nr, -' ? ') xn-1 eorrpCtiy ifl- - - i . -j. -,, .( ., or firm linn - . i ..- - " , .r.? ifr-noo nut '1 i-enls . ' , . I I .' If! i'l.ttTlll A,tv..tlMA. , ' " see Itw t!.re rVes. 4r. 1 ...t t yw ' it I in1 rvt'nUf otters Mill ' trj A.Hrrtiwinftntc 1 ,r. , . i s, W- priJ rMj ti 'iwiiti- . , ft. f jS, t cwitiiiMPt; nil ..- .n" --f-. j ; "- .!, i '- i.i.fof to tlif Lli;- iVi4m.5 mac AcaAcuw. By Hf Errclti iiey John .SI. Aioutiir.vp, (hwrrnor, VpluiH, Uewrul awl Voinmiindrr.in-Chuf, in and . wr Iht SiHli-'ufuniuiJ, ' '. " ll.'IIWU.AS, I i,vu b rn July inUmnl l.y tlx V. I S C lit L a E o us. mli a i'ai'jtaj. story; Tt 1 NV York HM-i: i-f iht Timr ,nw. irahti-morv .i!iJ ' Ttt hie Jiiur of Afl.an (!." ll IS mill' I !ii:ii fi,r ii i!ui!w i if, (,r 1'r.nl iiiialiuil if II, Kxitfllt'lirr Uii.iiim II i wrmli! nun' il. V i .! u ... Umhix.,n, 1 t.-i -of .thn Liiii.hI S-it.-,.. mat Hi.- i!,!,i Hi.iill mmi.,1'....- ul,i L,. .., Alka. li-t Vlimoiiy ii .,y nrxt. (l-iia I In Hl-I i);iv llicr.-- L.... " i r....i .i . vg i,,, ,,, mo.. , , ,r . ,r ti , tl,i. : r: '?: U' ."m ot II..- Teiv-i-fi-Mtli.(.Wn..4a lUel. . . , ':' "'....'.."LlT.:'Vi"''. Uinli'd SHili' : hm rvrnt Willi' i rt'iiilciD it rxwiliriltl V ,, lr- . ' ) '. ml cMiry iimi tit Wfn.n t'.-r mo Riirci..y iUh h M'i''N ! ti;iif-iiP(l in , rk.iniw ; wmr tm Irum th nt Siutp in ilin ni x' I'm h ioiikI I hi iil at ''""I'l H Ii"' liitH iifil, Imt in tho rrt'tttion Slute, ii enrlttr tiuy l,,nn tin usual lime ot lio ilnij t-aul , (.c the (iiwUii.n iiirnti!ir ; "a Slutt wliirt (he fi.V runs liotl : y i,,u n t, i,i t-ivi! ri nt' rli. riii ",i.,l tl... . .. . . . y ' ",i,- nu ifuirMlillviii iNlitt. llllTOTiii-lt. lit' virlll,' III hi n, .lii'i in i . , ... .... .. , . i . . v.i -i- i , , - (;ivi' ,mj a iini" io t'i-r iiii ii t.t it. I lieu tin iiirn, vwlfd, liv mi An i.l ili - l.' i'iTil A .' i.div ot l H , t .1 .1 ,' , ,, , Mi. ,;!-. A.,.Vt,r.r!lM1 Vi ' " , ' "' ""7 mnlte y.m nnort itttr IS'iiMitM a tul K. .r MMii-iliifn in II,- I , ::ctt; ..I' . " ' 1 ! ""'"""I H MHH, ll It." tlie L'nilf St, t.," .v,,,,,,,,,, v. ( CH. j " ',f'"''Mii mii-q ric," cri;l th- Ilnmitir. ' r T.'i,) (ml Irl.,. i n, I, ih 1 1 u. ,., ,, , f ,,.. 1 " U't-ll, li,ini;i r, f .rt .t tlmtii, f,,fu jr a fad Kute iii he tlu'y r. -pr -'i ii ii m i,,,ji i; ur. 1 ili'it 'Iipv itn- riitlii f ormii,, mij tlo iuh them l iu liri cowiti c iii-it iii;iitf nn :ktr.,,, I ti i(i-' iw - Ji t 1, tn.iililrt.mi. Hut, itMnufr "" '" '''-!;'!'""";'. t" r,". r"'! "n,i '-:ht- n-v-r ,.! t,re in tl.ti Mme pst .nd give riitg!l Mierills i-u ! otli. r K.!uri,i.i. ();iir. rot ihfl ,i ' , i r .K ! " . . ...vTri.! r,t,M r1(v.f,,, ,.,, .,;,.' ,n,i i)iK. i ""m 8 ",r fT" r"7 ,,:w ',",",,,!' a,Ml y,m fnct. mcmiso IV.il- i In. ,,i ir i! C- ut. wd-V.U-c-''''' "'" !' "l,"v" ; " uHi lor. 'IVy thin to l.p Itt-I ', t,.r Io.ri -n:uui t,-H i- next ( n-i. ! r""'' '".V It t liny, lor tliov Ia niMor the okin ; Yrm n- thr I ' ii l-. Si hh, "ii Tnni-.i.iv, lliC llorti-t iil,i .lay nt .Viy ri 1. v.' Hip p:irr. i ,'i vjinl iy i.ivt m i'ipii r- fin t-iii- t iiiinifi. ii r l.r iiiiii" !--ii.) Lii rtii.fis And I i'ii ll '..! O 'liiiii ii il ;i! ! r--.ii r mi ! Mi.r-lK., I'W o'lii-r Roiiiiniiiir (I'.'.iirr-, in i I I ,r 1 1 to piir;x.-'i- nf Cinii;-'ir.iiL' tl - 1'iiilr, t lit., t ; 1 1 1 nri' ;'-irp, nrr. Aiiil I li'i, in id my I In I rr, :!,rn nt t ! . t v... I '. ' H'l M -.l ' I,':.!. (I ,y ,' - i,,r Kr : 1 1 - - It V-. y fctf ..- I -rrihrtl l.y latv t r tint .r; yf t"lrv ' . .I,v "' C i i imt." a f .r-jt i4. n:ni -n' i:.- i i aIxi r'-,'ovi 7''' .I 1 ' ' "ml . t" 1 . ' . ' I, .i"-. ill il'i n-V iL-r, I- - jr r'lf;;ii';if i fvi-w ii ' r-..; i -,...! r;f r- s. -. yK, ir.;f;V' 1 ... tl, b- i,.-finM ii:.. :. umi Km.i i . . lf.,p -ft'! nil' h;,ril. T" i - " I trttii.tt .,; r.nn. " .... ' I ' " . ' '-, -'ill ttid-r . , , , . m , !'i rii-v -" 'Hi ,'ir, ,.! !'i ' . ii, ii,p . .ir i ' " '' . .-ir l.i i .: - t . c ' ' ' '' - r. I". I .' "' fur ; I .,.,...-... to..! .- - iM-...,.;..,ir..,.f "i- f.w ii . jrTp " t T'''d "J 'if - x'v h -i. -1 N-.. , ... ... i i t l ti it: I'! 1 1 .tit I . 'I- I II v.. ... , ,.... . i. t ., J t. I ll ii.iJ""-. I . - i . Iii -wt i- .Ml. t. Apr,l5!.JMl. :'r i i'l-rL utt-l trk lli.aiiia. I)i5cts. Killi.'lll IOWP, f .-V - nd a inailrani rtf b;tr kin to nlppon, and wild cm.skiu, pulleJ oil hiiil, tuRod with c-nt ttrtucUx for a pillow. That Imd. wtMild pn u to le if nu had tin rht:um,itici in t-vi-ry' joint in your body. I cull ihHt ar bed a j.i't.,i. Then o..k ai m land, t'LIJovcrnmi-nt ,iin't gotanodifir uch piei:e to dtp-tm of. S,,c, UH.btir, and surh boilom I iinl, t.y you f itn'i prMrve not, thing natural you plant in it, uuIfm you pick a yutin, tlnn-i iliar ifvill urotv out of aliapi ao, quick. 1 once pinntud in thrme dijfiinn a few pntiUdeti and bccin.thny took a low rtHrt, and aftt-rtimtaJi nx ptn coild'iit hiv kept them fVom growing. About that liiirf 1 wnl off to old Keniurk on bisineM, and did not lu-ar from tlieni things in three months, when I am deiilnlly Ktnmbl.id on a fellow who had ati-piwd at my plscn with an idea of boying me out. Ho did.y,.u like .lungs 7' aa.d I. Pretty we I,' M,d! ,ter wnt-forft-it oftlte Jmle he ; the cabin is convenient, and the timber land : debt. is Co"d, but that bottom land ain't worth the first! P?nnivlvamn. G act pentlnrfnif r.f th U7-... 1' :j .in . . ... . ...v ny i mit i. uaute, sain ne, i uem. ' " Rates of interest. ' The following are the ritieri interest in the States and Territi.ries of the Union, Xnm-t nh (iio puiiinhmetil of usury.-It m a vuluubl i.ne. ii.eitt, end should be preserved. Maine, 6 pr ceti forfeit of the dpl.t or rlaiiri. New llaiiipshire, tl pt-r rei.t fuiti a of three tinis the aniwuut uiilawlully taken.y Vermont, 6 per cent recovery in nclim with COSI. . .; ' v.''. , ;,. ... Massflchuuctti, 6 tr;ctnt--forfeit f three Fld the iitHiry. ' - -j Ritot'e Island. C pe; cent forfeit of the money aii-1 Hilt-rent on the ileut, ' Coiini-cticul.0 per cent forfeit of.toe whole dr.bt. New Yni k, C er cent forfeit oflhri whole debt. red rem.' Cause, what?' said I. "Cam., it's full of ce. dar a'unips and Indian mound,' snid lie, 'and if fan r 1 clrortd. Iiord.' 3oliu V. 7ogIer fl.WIMi j-ut.-d thenj"l,"e l-srol'i'-r, in rrsrtie fl Mrtlieme, rtfHi-(iiiT- ntJ.-r ineir fr- 1 ,re, in all the tfurhio hrtintlii s nt" t!je:r pr-.'.-im to ti" .'ii. OCT Their Olf.cf !- in Mr. W'r.i'i buck Lin Sitii-i in V I' Iaw: em! I ri'-'t-r knew Ixji nm:eiie o nj irv resuliin( '' l ii'in. and t'-iii st ), ii 'Ym.kee ; and ihey take 'ire to 'iire.irii'ra-i'ivh'iW lliSo thev do to I' ltnei I!ii' 'In- ttiiv ihv ti---. t liar fellow un ! Iimi ii .ii.-i. Iiei i. on uvtil he swelled up and ; liii-' il. --. ie .,p w-r a i'-i', n i.p di-tor rsileit) it, hi, III lie wa :i iitu ii. lieel ; i(. n e4(,oki the' ;i : r. ot ii. ;r ,, i. t arm we iidt-r, nn-l iit-allv lie! I,,,.!; i -i. , i,. ',,,t ni ! i-;t ii, -ouuiry. II- was' l,i- .!.' ii-iii tli .' - r ti.. ii..iM.-it.K at Leaitr Hi it I kv.t H o nni-.j-iiiirf-s i, oa'ur, an I I i .-eti-r I -,i I tn't ii in-r ; i' '(iev nr fg, Arkan- ! ''' ' I "i". hr v.yiiuil sr litre, her trees nr i trje, her rivrr nr larsre. soil a mtull i niiilin i whim b- nf nn mi-re ne in A rk t'ituitA tlmn preach- lllj III :i r i;i- !ir ike." i I hi-. LiHM-k t!i.ii a''wii-n -. fvnr ni hi mu. . fj'i.!i)--i : d f ir .iipi up r-dnjtnan ttsrted ' ni n link, to explain now ooiii.-ri.ii bear were I'l I111 " iliiii!i, wlii-re lie ep,p,.(,tr.,( ihetn'to I all. .-it h.. ; leinv ns lilhfklierrien. ttnii a l.ltlA nlmi. M'l'rr."' I i-ni i'ip n'li-r inre .f t!n's'Pr.nii, a lionillil l'e mm t-etr ii.e iiiqiiifpil if tin lieur n, A rkanw I rynr Tnrk"d tli" etiler in iui'jvi-r. 1 " N '," in! " ir lii-r", teiroimj ih tb nlij t, : .1,1 Iraiwiilr l..p i m .. (In . .f ' , , v . . , : v , , , . .. . . , , . , , n , , . U. 1 . 1 1. 1 yj.. tin jti -;'i iii drove, bn' the way Ut M,tii y about in pvrt Mtsi tiiiele ortvt h edi'. w'. ' t'i "he UA. 1 .1..... .1 - ..1.1 ll I 1.JU-. - 1 ..i, 1 i..'n 1 nrni 1 i.iii oin. rrn k 1 . mr in ttt wpII n 1. Ii-;laware, C per cent forfeit of the whole foU. Mary laud, C oer cent on toUrro e.,nir,.it a snid I. ' the in ari oer rent. I'mirinm ii.ani. ,.i . . - -, "... .." ntii ii, ,w cedar stumps is beet., and them ar Id,a.i V,rfima, 6 per cent-forfeit double the iiury mounds, ar Inter hills as I exjiected the crop taken. ..' .', wss t,Yrrown and unless; the aile 1. t. rich, I ' North Carolina, (J per cent.' ' Contracts fi.r u.ii. and jlinttn in Arkanxne it Angrrcm. I had ; r) void forfeit double tbc unrv. ' a j-ood mH sow killed in the same botTom land ; 1 Smth Carolina, 7 per cent. Forfeit f interest the old ihiei stole an ear of corn, and took it down and premium taken, with costs to deliturs wheit !,r -lept ai mghi t eat ; wll, .W ..lt n j Georgia, 3jercent -forfeit of t. ree limns (lie .n-n ni .nn on tne j-rounn, ana lay down on mem: ; uury ami contract void. Itelnrt morniti'i the corn shot up, and the percus sion mnt-fi iierdfl. I rlon t plant any more; 11a (mi intended Arkansaw for a huntitig ground, and I go according to natur."' EXCITING DISCUSSION. Our readerj must have tiotned t!ie frerjuent and ridiculous scenes which recur .in Confe. in dis eiiteinc etcitiiig topics. How the members flv into a fnrv anil call each oilier hard rimnes, rnil strong hints are thrown out that nothing can settle Alabama, H ier cent forfeit if interest arid" usury. Mis-iwippi, H per cent by contract as t.ih sa 10 usury recoversble in action of debt. Louisiana, 5 per cent bank interest C con ventionalas high as 10 beyond contract, void. Tennessee, fi per cent usurious contracts void. Kentucky, 5 per cent uMiry may-be reovered with fust Onto, 6 per cent usurious roritrncts roid. imiiitria, o per cent on written ajireernent nmv Cl fi..L. I Ik t.-. . ' the d,Herenees lH,tcoflee and pistol. ! How friend. ! TZ tZ. r 7 ""e 1'irerpose me enraged memtiers are brought to excess. Illinois, 6 pej cent three fold amount of the whom interest. shike hands, and the mBiter i finallv settled to .ii .1 . . . . . ine tiontir ot inotte paniruiariy interested, and to, M ,,,,., c . -,, t,; ' . , , the sn,,s,cr o, .fpartie, Sueh .eene's are . l admirably burlesooed in the fo owinv skeir. thsil...i . . . . . " 1 ' 11 1 u" 1 1 1 1 - r 11 . ., . . I 11 woinq rtm as 11 ioz naa acitmuV' vrrtnessed ' toin'tlnnjr ainiilar PkiUdtljAi ledger. k rsrae"itio' ,ne cm as trp n fliev know a pi". oea;inj. 1 iey rnw remn our rwrV, It Inj'tt j r ;'i-" . "1 tner tin sk ib ntMsedreadliillv. cd f the neurr taken. . licliigan, 7 r cent- forfeit of the usury taken and one lourth the debt. x Arkansas, Ojiefctnit by ipreemerit, any rule not higher than 10. Amount of usurv recover.!, bin, Imt contract. oid. Floilda, 8 Iter cent forfeit of inlpre.t .n-t ' rv. 'I'l. .a f .. - 1 a ! v . .,. -..j; . , r UK J A fi I fir U:H: v n -r- --------i -a v .1...- -r.-r f.- .-..sst- ' - - " ' 5 ' ' " ; J " ' fSi-. a w a 9 V . - ' - M'l't'H'l limj ru'll t' ,1 T'l', win w , .w na IK I S . . ..... I y--"rl . .C , : . a r 1 l--fc't a r.. ' '-" rZ;ZY-S .'. -Mt. - - '!v'-;- boWwThe'ts sekMiwhndfobe t-L r' -r' :..r XV,- vr, srrr-n-r .,1-,,,- , .... r- ' ' -ei.inr .,.....- ... 'I ..i,p.1 t.. ,!e..., ,n TMSWIf. -n ntr,. Liirnion m Aiagiie, roae to-order. I'ldthe honorable I'ickwickiin allitila to him I (Cries of Order," " Chair," Yes, ' No," lio on." " Iave oil," Ate.) icawica wrriia noi put up to tie, n it 'cess in case ol usurr. ble Kentleman. (Oent fWltemenl.) 1 12 forfeit treble the eicess Mr. motion would only say then, thai be had; On tleb's and judgment. m faVor of the I'nttcd firuea tne non. jrents. Uiseml sciirrit.ms ac cusniion wun prolotrnd contempt. - . , 11 i' l . !-.. it-t te. J , r. f I ilV't. WtfMi.a.. :i 1-1" l)R.(i. Ii. DOU-LAS treat rlier iimlfHirin ...v I I1IIV . States, interest is computed at rn percent pnr Tims, th re 11 imt a single (State or 'lerritf'ry V i V rC II Hi.rAlKlNG. I .11. ..r mtvi . e nil . 'I C V" He ,,., s- -rv t. hi- - n;ot " : '"'" -.1. t !,,i- Ins art ouiilOlUhefal , . . ..I ' ' ',v' onii I-- - - ' - i v I "irni'-rlv htwraWeenuaiaJiuajbMk'.. f,l "kxc, mi ntij.?'r'tr ri..'. nhn the 'dsrr.:. fJfrKlJti ttut hmi h Haiti,-- .- -Sr-i. . r i i . . w" mem. . ! fer:fh:,:r.c,ub ,,,,u,,' - u'Trx w-f . ' ""1 n" pure ram, --lie a, -' ie-, - tWT""" Mri-'--'l'!'-,'t':!':"',,;M''4 . . d I15 ll- - " '"':,r' e M, - - . P.f iii " i '" ...,,.1 il m il l ' ' - ' .... i. J ' I : Mil' - . . W I f ' M "t A t - - - I .. ' ' in im r. -I i .- i-'i ir , T ... . -1. r. , Vov ac. I t to .-1 i.t i Ji i'IN I f.tsLf, tV , V -" , . trv fcti1ttj. ' , U-mr4 il-- . . A U. 4 tfJ v. r.'- r - f, . ,1 n I 'e 1 - . " V" 3 ftt'T . "e - ..., I it , '' '' 'I - VKU 1 r I ti,'. ky Y.sVvan. .-I tV l( l.r : tjii(jeroo :t v. t tr do vetir mmts take , -itt- iv lon-Wer, who, , ,1 ii s i'i :ztri """peeled . ., 1 1 iiii tarilltinn a- I.'1"1 "'.' --t ,;, v , ,- :.,e ., .' .,1 ' ii- u - MrU.p , si. -.ut 1 Im"' 1 it.i.i;.-'trvipjr,"aidlhe -- yt;n-,-ttr ""1r ri-r.rT-r-. ftli ItSW'f-ftf fttSjttd, . I.., 1,1 1 .. 41 is regir. I rrid -. 1 -I, .i niiln'-' Ut-if I'Jseaaottjand . . ..... ,, , T,:i.t i - ilf rf ia ' ill- ...111 V d' I'fie M"ts.t i. yy . 1 ii,A ,!.. il rv live itsterivlMllf Xt-XUim,.. 1 -e- I- 1,1" ue .1 'P-f , ,, .1 ... ei H , . -ni f mil. i1 I veil I y..t 1 1 1 re. ar.-l mill .,. -jie in IP' " m(,;. ...j tu vi a., . ( ;;AVE!l R,nJ1 1 ,1 . 1 11 i a": WW. S.b Eotico. ,t ,. r use tio'i' e- Hied fat , ( -.,-ir roti't.1 -t'b-.ijth hi water ihrgsm t-,ke" .,t. tv . 's l-r i---. gf "i lia.ia f.m.mrr,, ,..it K..r tuat rettson Itsr 4lh u run in .1. ji- i ....i..r 111 111 winter Ihey nty paaiie. r .. f.. 1 ,r n em-tnv ieed iHanna every ! 1 . i , .1.1 I. , V Ilf ll I .o-g HI"" I" - I I k.ea. lr. l It ...uW'-, r."-""p "fck""'' a bar in iSn Ut ''' J ' "P",'', .1. ps I"..!-eatttHr 1. sui.tr. ns ; of 1 . . . 1 ! w a.tuiii .r .. . ..fc,,. ,,.. - r-pm lfmtV H.,T! t ' -.' ' - ' - Chair, wa. mute sure he wm.kl , ; - - " - e nine pren..-s. In order i The Chairman felt 11 Ins imperative amy to nr .p, j --.. wB1I or spring waier is the t,v mand of ihe httnorable KPinle.nsti, whetlter he had Such 1. iKrWUPd, it ihculd In ,,( , lto ,rillJ used the expretsn winch ba . just escaped him, j known to produce 111 a nhrsH'-illl,,0,,,! and in a common aei.se. 1 , ces even the Ion of a jteat race ha. m-. Mr. Blotton had no hesitation in saying lhat be m,,rh show of reas hi, asenbejl lo tins caup alone . rj,! he had uaedthe words in it. Piekwirkian Hn, careful tramers have even p.iie o far a to -Jptif, b) II acknowl jTnrry-Wit4t horse t tre-rve of an trnTfirtimt rn edire lhat, personally, I entertained the highest I gagemr-nt. a supply of the tvptt r he has ln-cn atciif regard and esteem for the honorable gentleman: umwd ,:Yht,U's Hritttk Turf. 1 1 l: - l...l...- ... m Pieli.l . he merely coosiuertMi mm n iniiiiuu-; ... - wickian point ot view. (Hear, hear.) Mt. Pickwick fell much gratified by the lair, . .u .... 1 I nave pen won un Run ls"i.J .. 1 ' 1 1 - it HI Mil . 1 1 v 1 v I i 1 - 1 - ' ... .1 U ,in 1 I ill'. I I., .--.-! I! 1 1 in 1 1' .1. 1 ,, ei'e Ii ! v ;ii- w i vie .'l ll. . I L a I nllrt All llM he ,.n.-t 111 nnritcu or. n i'..'Ti - " il.r'.tretrh.end rt.sideM tit weight l-ra-wi'tn ttrea Rut the A. t t v 1 1 l-tl i:ui'.:. : 1 " Jlrrrity the Soul of Wit." Tl e celebrated Dr. Aherut-triv is a man of union iimi, lirtvit, of . .. . ... . 1- t 1 . . . . candid, and full explmatiim 01 tn.uouorauie men... . pj.ression. A ladj who was an. , 1 1 ii witn ims llo fcej ?ed it to ba once understitod that his own j .fcc.,ilirny 0 the I-ot lor, t tu t- t .nltd i H.n bun . observaTion had been merely intended to bear a w,th one of bar arms badiy buit.t, for iuvicc, vtUu Pickwiekiao conatruction. (Cbeern.) ! tnr following dinloae took pi n e : . Ma. B. (KMwniig her am.,) " A burn." Doclnr. " I see il is; pou.tce it. I ll'-re he and ha'ttted her J nisiii iitr n:in a. Gitalin Credit. k fanner in tliis State ws : one, I'aTly ftuzzledby the sud.Ien dprnrance j wrote . preription fo, a pot.lt.re TXl One after another was missed from . r' "-11- ile rrii'er l-iT eating i "s. 1 T" the fl.tck without any eoiutmn " n tni , ' 1. . ,p p .b lite . until yurh tell fo.her he f J . yCon, rlea ,m otte of I... , " ' co'' P PU,,,rC; ttnwtueh. rved,HH..,r.,.ff- Uollec, ot.e ppirhbors. AecnrdinglVi as the sheep tbsspnearetl, 1 Mrs. B.-iowini; her arm. 1 1 - t 1 1 VII I ! I'l 111 I I 1.1. ti 1 ; n 1.111 i. V iVt. , .1 i- . k . r, i-i't ni.:.- 1.1 r ri"''' -l i ! J'ili-.M-v .; :,. . l.l-i 11 11- ' ' , ,. , ., -.'ri, i- n on re . II. t !t. S, -frll , r'v m 11 1 1 . 1 . I I... ..11. w' II' 1 11 I,' 'i, .1 ' - ! , I.,,.., ..nil .hen I vame ,:p tlUi him whm t ..' 1 ......i! tiiti.biM fryer; and I.P III a ttepIM.. 1,,. . ,,,,,, ,., m i- I tigne -tit king '" mou,n ,. , , .,.) i,,. si.les s..,ki..g sod ojtjiBj like a Itel , . . , ,1 l.w roettks St (at ll- Clh I' I ,1m- lit I leiMi' In n and H'j . l.r, .r i. ll. il ll Hi- Ml" I'll llnl'l'll ,.:tel ml t.-ll t"".t in 1 il 'iiTghrlfc. r-cK-t ., w t- ma' ! nnrt Hi" orf "!, V-i- in i ' . I it, IwviL snsinst t'uesus-! "Cll. I witnom maainjr. ...j j ! , n " dently paid it. Another year passe.i, ana mr no -.. aenceofa-jreaternumtrerof she.-p had ad.k-d nu-1 nwrous item, to a nw bt. whim was presented, ; Politeness. Rev. Mr. had travelled fir lo as on the year previous. This lime, however, the preach Id a congregation at . Afer toe r- lover of mutton demurred -protesting lhat he hs.l- mtm he waited very patiently, rxpeeimg ttome one nnt taken an eighth part of the number chsrged to of the brethren to invite him boo e to winner. In u: .. iv-ii ..l.i sliwnv. "if I mutt iav,- I ibis ba va. tlisatinoinied. On- and anoilier de- .. 011 in higlrteastire system, j ' muit . but the fact is some srsmp ha. parted, until th house wa. alinosl as en.pty as the ,. his Ittlel j. ; feline an my rretfif." Arte arett Krg. ;thw mimstet'a stomach. S.iiif!....ittg tes -lttlnm, ,f Mti-toi wtssjlier curi-tis, or I however, lie walked up. 10 ail eiueriy looning jtu ire? naked into mho" out of tl Tne lellnw, v I ,... , .i. i , . i h ., - .. .I.-, i-'k. i" I ...I 1 1. a n i-'w 1 -" , i le.vt l ''" ' a hm , -e i. ft .t I I il y ' it. i - s ' , irr, I l . iii, t i,h . i - ' 1 ' I . i.t r ' l' Ii inilri I d no ,. i' ii" ti" , 1. i 1 1 e ii. i ,ii.,re -n-i i r ie- fir I .i-n" it ir h HI I he i I il oiPi1 h ii l l. .i ..ii iiiti'i i ,.-.p ,t,e Is-a. to..-, have tree,, lirp'ValBrved the I ,r. i.ilipr Willi .1 i'l'h. 1 1 yv Ll.ii siti warm. Srii'" i ' i''-",L k n.t.it- -- -i .,( the bu.wti'ii'"! I'" i' nmUvdi.,"-rid alao ,,..v ,ir, ll,- varmint bad fh twl I tat ,,,,,,..,1,. if be li.d'ke,,!.,,, ii M pirtber fc.. w.itil.l have Ih-i i. stPwiJP.d expetla . i i . 1. ji.irr, fehntaill I mi l a v trinii.i "i " i'"-"- -.- 'in loll illiar a-crrase : n is iliin have liappeiied. lUe.- t f o 4 .ril a ' ii ii . l :,r , t,-l Ii it no. ro-.l.'eij.ti. I t .-- 'id -ii'r.iiid tie- Mr. il.-nrv I'. I's 'n Mi-- . - M l l. ml ' X, . . it T I. ..t i .1 r- so I i . i t Ml - M ..... - M .rv M- 1.- ' I t .-, in t'l ir.i It ' -,-lsirie nun I..- . ir,inill. - "I lie tJ .'.. ..,4ttM.4ua-a4iaiUii.tbt.y ui'-cutr-- II. av elf.! r ; .i-!'?':'!'-'1':'!'1''' ' 1 lilt r I ir ii.i-i'n 1 J .ld iee. I.e 'i U lo a n- li-r t'elfil Wris a-li' d il I . ' I tht'iii'iii " oh , in lo .i-.-ll into a . . i ' i, nt.jiLi her ..l,'r-re,.li-,iiia an- Ih.-s" bjrs in .buiidanll' .,1 i!v ion-inner, with i4-aslrii i'Wonl. If. , -U t.. er,i!.v I'f.bi.lJtlvB iwiahUrbood c . .. . .i.i..,.1. ni. our i,f theWetttest ltlsrea on 1 1 ,t M ,-,...i-a s'H.Tt lacaf i,and ip-tnistake : . . i . .. . ,i. 1..1. iiiV iltta nver made II- ' L .1 11 M'l " e T . - , . i" i si.oi imt .l" and that rcrne i . .i i ,....! .i,p ..ni ..ml ii hums... if cainnoii mo angn !',( -1,1- ni,i - cr.-st utlvatiL'fi In wet weather, I II U- ...I i.l i. hi. i ......... i on. ii von run imwini s"m - . . r "I . i.. mi xiiid in high wrr, irum . . . 1,1!.. o. .1 n ni : II Croat int trtt;iiir.ii ft "7 e. . " -. I, . . j. i..i.i.ff it bv n " Ji?f Tn " "'r- .irV, it loo I iM, h hI It heO)ite.VlCt)lf .toll Willi UK' -' "I'l'.T. " W IWt J . r...r i.l. . a-,n xo.i w ni" AuaM m t ,Vr 't,n nlentv to e for beaidef lg Cooking rtfft$ Tkry Mt i. e. aome newspa per sty o ; for if a lie is circulating, and no an tleman. and uravely said " Will you go home to dinner with me, today, br.llirt!" ' Where do you live!" " About twenty miles from this, sir." " said the man, c iloring ; " but you must go with me." . ' Thank you ; I will chcerbillv " Alter that time, llie mini'ter wss no more Irou- glbled abmt Ins dinner. iV.tr. nn Visiter. thor can W Inutid, H li an rsianiisnetr rm m e. etv to aaddle it on a newspaper; a role founded on the ver correct principle that where we Imd an eflect wa must wippflse then wa. an antecedent cause, adequate lo its production ; And as ncw.px. ... ..iiivnrsallv considered adetpiate to the nroduclion of a lie, it is very natural to refer all (aiheilew lies tn thi. great caiisitivo power, Take a Beet of middling' siie, clear it of the ( Thr kardctf l ind of Lore. W r stern lovr, top an dirt, ronsf it in the ashos as jhi would a : in addressing the misiress of In- heart, told bcr he ootatoe peel it arid erre it up as is usually done U Ved her as hard as n cminnn could slinot." with the boiled beet The roasted beet is mid to Wonder whether ho got " kicked V be far more dcliciou. than the lioiled. Try H, la- on of n,.,,;. H.,np drki:,g, 1'at' 'uW-if you have any faith in n""'Vnlr-w.0 ni8(.0vered a largo ld ol durk.clore by the l,.,re. h .ve none, and therefote ehaU prohaoiy not iry n. f 0V))1cd fof ., nvc lnin. Ttmperanct S. C.) Advocate. empnnitn asketl bim why lie didn't lire.? ,;' ' (,, replied, " By paimlst I enn never aim at ot;c, - When pernnnspeaka coarsely, he haadresscil , fcu ,ief(,v another awima rigid Irctwei n him and l if Ln m. iiiirnose. 1 tie Cimnmn oi mir hiiiiudii.""! --r i .iir ..... r mindi certainly to-be regarded before that of mu. kli... To he'.rav in mans taiK a corrttm J: !-u.i. .1. much oicalCL oflenre against the onyer.tiion nl gentlemen thn.v, nrgbgence of, A...r " Jiirmim UW." Shakspeare siicaksof Iiir- na,m Wood coming to Ihmsinane. The Cliicigo t- ......... .. tt.ni ' 1,'itrnmii WrtO.t "u-oilbi come A merit " e 7 ' ' , . ,nt office, mi'f nv up M" mmseripMon. vou can p.il l!i l-all ' ,i to ni x ,i, i n- jil.tin tiu'o ." ' " i hir In, and br sausages, dress imiBins" i , hon.my. Jon mi hue