t'.r jt-:utii ! '; Vi nth onn sHoiitl , 1 Hut net ; i'ti.t i'in.t. Ti.prrm Vr wliich I waajjlecteil. id jeprwiit ..ii i", t'.. i;' '-.. x v r on Ihn III instant. 1 li.t,ve already flniiniiiirii x v.i . I' i' I tin (i-! in liilnii' fir re election, hut liofiTi' 1 take my I ave ii l in. I i'-i i' be'iny riti'y to lay boiir" vm Mich i.ifoiiiiil.on on the t itc !' r.i!,s atla.rs, as in my .y.inn, may be inta-iorting to you. -ii 0. n r.vnciiib-v at the. tit'.' 1 Iscauie a f.i'i.l.iito. ihn.t the country v b. Uhir-ii'f nader rnni i-r ilno pec ..tir.iry otuha rra. -iii'iit.: loiil that my Juii.-iii" iron, all wri lave recti, il i. more' ":"' pteM that booro ii,e ' taui-iy, t" pay i'- "'"'- " ';",''V ' j,,., ini", yu'i limy iiukc nix. .!. ui...... . ' ' iiuim-ilmits ' 'The i on It horse i iil'VUsr.n by !h (,ey,eral (j ivernment, an.l.iWlh arolina, J ottos.i.iiit'c,m'' ii , , j , , 1 1 , , a-n.iir.n.w In Hub!.1' ill part fur Hie (lo'bts ill 'other States. ,.' .1 ... ... ..... .... -i .1... 'O AlmlFII !,,l IIITf l,( t!lf fC n' U, men, we UM- cm; in uir ..-a-.. ....... r.; . . . . : . , . , .nrn , , lirTlt ,,,,, r: ...,.. ) veil i ...... , . '. " , . ., , . I ''XI on- ' I ' ot i! I- . 'ii -I'll close ot (un. Harrison' term, the, State debts will V) virtually n . .. i . i - Illll'.'l .V!-l I V'CI'V "IKIIl l'l ('III' HO tail I" ,i ivhicii ' li"ijpVrt'i'uly' ii.it i'.iproicr ilwl I itw'A mbij . .. I . I I t I I .1 ... .... I .. ,. .11. I'l.t il romps troin tile sale ot muiic l.in is. mi ' im"""" " ' " ! All lb.' Iihth m I nil Stiiles. it follow.) (if necessity that we thT"ty create n "''.co "'V 1 ."hor-Hicr. 1 n s. Treasury winch must, in aouie wav or other, be if:.l . t.. milium t. M M 1 1 rt ;.--i ,.,.7Aiii it r'H i''''v i' 1 ci , . hi r lin i .I friH'i-. : I M ' . I .', ill Mil', .1 I", '"lit HI !. il.-. c. jiiiliiii: lulu n T!), iciil a lOtt'' v. ' i r' :i l'l '' il. v;i o mi hi. in! !iivdf diflcriHl a u I l.r f iti t 0. 1 1 i lnr.;vd dip wlmlc :i t.) nul-af iiKiL-'traiion in tin-( nornm.'iii, vnulc l, Wulii)iil jiislitying -i ,ji. r nrt, -'i,'n.l I'HiPr chii., . . V ,-i il jiU''.r.'c,i!.Ti, OiiriMjf Hi' la-t Miiuntpr's campa.iin, we wuro . '.. t iU,ly llie rilvocatoa of (iun'l. IdirriwHi, tlml lii election ( )j nt i,f,r' fi!or. r.infi,lrni"i ra:.' liic prices, of produce incrpaf .if i r:, and, in iticr, five us tut'rr time. II na now o.'.' .ie' fic month, a:i.l I leavn il tc you toMv hethr iheK o r'lii'n i!ii.d or not,' I .lo nut Iotp iiicntnm tliwe fuel, . . .... . . ' ' :"h ,;iirr piirruM- than to tlum mat MniMl yen, very nonesuy, no .:i!n. w r . no-uken in' the riw Mist 'rc!u' Oilfllie "liaril-lnm" - vvf jn.iu.'i'.l to b-hevp thill thpy "ri liroii.'ln on by I he acta of Mr in ItinnV aJ.iicoifiti.ift, ainl I hat tic cclv roimily was to turn l .. s . jiii! lien'! Minif n in Von ill now anon wp wliethtr Ihw" ,..!- i i ,', en .c'..ioi . Hr not At I'l" miik lone thall am free tuii y, I . - ..f' r i ' i ; I ;.c i e,:. -ll..v. in t'ii- '0'im-' il c i t-t I 'i i.l t .; i'mi ... i . .' . . - ." .' I I'"' people ;- the Tur.ili will lnvetq be r-viuM, linn incrciiM U. j. .1 ;., i i, 'i'lic nr.Ti'cilj- of the I'ubiic l.imls it w l' fevc!. may I.o !":' 'n ; -n,;.;ii ei,. , n,,., ,,.,.. f,l,JI,iiM voir. Now. v l! A "" "' V 1 "'- ' ") '"" l' ""l,! i toivern i ih riniii off ! ve in "ii-i i n"in , , . ... ...... liWlkH I.,. 'r.., ....J InCiLi'l III. 1 1 I l IV I Itirtil i i' ' l ,.rj.ii I .ircii-Tri-rf-nrv 'I ll"AlIHIll I I I "'II 0 1 IV 'V II I..!', i ll'IVClJ I u ! r ' .i.Vix.,-.' -..', I. ". .1 ' i"i '!l r I'. 'I t T .':,,; Ill" i(..!,,l!..'(-,ll,- ' i." ""I-' IL- I " f.-i;iir Miur?i fi-lo.T to 'io,v X' l' bel !'" . . . ... .... ':. .. , I' , ,. ,.i,r ,1 l,i.( t of Mint- n Vi "f. Now, v IihI iM .1 nop ' m mey out ,,,c ,, ',..,' - ... , m .... -i-.r ,..) - : . : to lite S'l't , lull tlii' fc'inu ct ( ir. ii: ir w ilj iinl pel foil. . Ii:ii)h.i rain'il innii un-.i i.Mi'in-, ..in. ' ....... u . . , v i;.(V w .': F'" I ' ir r-'Triii'it to roii-p 0 Bl (. o-wni ti"" ii" ' 'oic"c" fn inCcf 'ort'tlie iBy aniKu!j !v tlie'r.in-t im';"Ii.l ' 1 hive clre'iilv; n I newn n yoii lint. I nm tin! . rliti 'i'lii''' !or"r.--eled'e'n. jWhilever niny I,,. ( leV ' I my linv;iip i)!inr frjin'rinir tills eniirne, f n,.r.,i nm rillivoilinr. a lifte ro politinil reanntis jiM il vir !l inv1 vit'i'lriittdl. ' l When l'ieeaiho a ean.'i hie before y.m. I niin!t. fc,, Jlhe i-'lifl ,.:iril''e till' "hviil.l ::uiile ,,0 if pf. r .1, I il" 1 i 1 . n. ..... I f f.iy it'im-ii pi'0f(.ww I., "I fll- If ) I .-I V - " .11 . i f the two S'aM adiniiiHtraiio.is pirurnlurly "V.' t, .nt'ver in ill tin menwir.'s relerred to v v.' .t-iv. rl (no ev!; wo foinplam .', I do n bciev? they were . i u -i ,," in in 'J'ne ene lie much deeper. 1 do n' pow mteiiil lo , n ... ,r t :r;:i"r l!i,ni lo nil-cup, that all the embarrMmipnta ,, ., ;!;.... , - , l ! i'; l mc !'iav ! I'jiriy Iraced lo ! rartii:s tlml if, -v t. ' ' Pr..'-. r'lve Tanll." mil! .to the ' Hi n kin; ylein.".Jr (;, r. i r i r. an.i 'le v ili-a; ,-ur so w til t!ie e iU wc com- A.inr tnrti-1, iiie.i"iir.s wore adapted to ....ra'e ti..-..' c-iii". H. toe act el WW, the hieh ru t.tl fti'e'of mliK ti'in. ned i.n lie' li'llh id June, , ".vii '-''I per cent nil va!"r. m ; nnd, il if to he u .; nev.-r a'uiii in liino of penee, iijbiiiit to p-iy a ". i i : t.- i; tin' di.'lnr. ...'"( . i i "iv i ,-ini!.. , r, r,. ' II... f,.:'t. T ' (Jl- III. ' verti.ey- cl' n fjst ! any pnnlent re r i;.:d. 'he .ock on the II. i. re m i re. tiling hi. Mjiit i.iti l.'ic nmnlry bv these . act Ifd !e sml e.-iiiiiicrc.' -hah be al.owed yi, ml ii..' tcl 'li. 'ii. tnnv we look for afi- s l!;n iil 'ti el I't-pllC!!'. That this Will m-inir. '!..? : ' if adopted, cannot be well .. i'.. !i- '.in iitralwii; anil. whsUt a n. -'"ill n Li ; ? nit a e do h tree I'- r: ' i . ; II. it I ie I- it 'V'emU 'l lion. -' - .f, inirke.! ...j! I..r linn a course of . "i.l the S'.ni her ii S'sto ; o much so, t . hi i; e pirtv i-oc.i. ol the ablest Vhip in mi-. V at ii : i. r ' . n wi'l full into these r ire t: . I... r.ier d.r...; , i, nij r., . , in iji :, ho i eni el' t'. n-y r ; ly 'T ill ir.'C'.iV, liie payment K..A-. Ll'lk .. ,e inn ; ,y llo- .!. r ..,':! i -.r 1 ' ' 17" "A 1 1" ( ; S'.-i '' the jToreei!.. ul the sale j; jnorhiT (onii (, piymg' the Ttinf. v. loch h ri rer'sm ren- "it'u.r il.rt. t "r .'mi.rect, ot ihe '. - I. i:i, a ,,1 init n' agi.t ,".-. ildii-. .' raised Ironi fin' l'llhl.c J.amis! , U-.lli cilher oiil btr tins pormise wouhl rreale a ileheiency there, reijinriiijf taxa- t.nn lo replace IheHanie amounts Wlut im!d ilif penpU'wy. if forirrss ivertt to pis? n law 'ctl ttlttJ. An act to levy. il coHfc.1 iron. Ihe p live inillionn ol Oollr .. to be ihnded out am"j.' the SlnTes !" Kvcry t).!y would cry out ajfainft such a law ; -andyel. in el'eel, there imI,, ,i:f!erenre wbutever. between Pin li a l.i . and n law distrihoie an:""e I'.e sttp .i.. .....I- il.o O.o.l, I .i.lu I ir a ha I vvnii h v . .1 1 Ihtnl. it I eiiirre ' llir pil'4-V. .T .11 -- 1 ..win. . .. j I were to puss a law imposing: a jx mi mant, colli'.', suit, iron, imik tc. j I br the purpose ul rawing five iiiilnolia ! ilollnrs to ilmile IMale? Yoli would al cnee denoiiiice i' ; mid yet, in libT'.' j very thing that llo) Iriends of ilistr.h'utini are now pr p"M'',' ' t .' ...... ...... ".. iinilum nl Ihe Iliiin'l that roli'.'s t r. 11 1 t ; Lands then joti nms.t replace it 1-y ta en these, and .'her rii.-!.. ! U by i it then that the tuei.dsof tin in'UMire lire mine t., do nulririln, ) what ihey dire net do dir telly .' I'm i: he th'it they'thmk n- p. 'ple t. j ij.'nraill tcr delect the artifice, or ill) lie V fumy Unit there :s some chu n in the words .'the proceeds of the I'liln binds," tl atw.i; iciaiuate t! e people, and make them mallow the c..;ei! l-a:t ' I 'l'biia It is perfeitiy clear that, if the p'eci.li- ct the I'nl i: I -v '- -r" v divided out among the .States, Cicpr.-'i will Jitive to su r ; what is taken away, by ndditmoal .tiO'" on the poop! , s m Known tlnft every dollar tuni omnii,' in... 'in- I rej-urj tr in wfia'ever.is fq'.i'red to carry on the ti .cii'iient. ' : Therein anotner ohj-clion to thi- e . , even the vifvn I hive nlr.-ady pros ii'i-l, has no pnver under-the (.'oi.ti'ui on I . -e.l away the money. ' mores can ex.'r.n e n to it in t'h'it iitriinieiiV Tie I'on-tou!" n ' anw one who wi'.i re i it can uini. roui.; t, niera ot thV eminliv to read ttitr tlonri l i! :i. i clause, or sentence in it, that.give'- n.e po.n lie I and and distribute the proc.-.-i t -en States, or that will just itv ( 'on jre- ) i !..; i . -The I'lihiic iiriils -land on th" ss-",- t uj of the l.'ii. ted Suites an 1 fonirie j i-i. a and fortifications ol tti-.- ii.'t) .ji urn! ):.. : s.ell the lants and d strm'iU' Lii-' u:ur !. Hut I know it h ii'll'. J that the l'i,i.. ,; l.r. : w .-re . Stales by Virgnra and o'licr Sta'es :'.r th" p... debt; and that as the debt his b-cii jia.d, i;i... j.'. ct l.'ifi land g'.v11'1' be rvtnrne l to lie- Su'.o-. 1. ke loek, and acted on, ; .is i ,ew uf th su!.. . ' . - i ,' m . . t!ie wiiole ijiiestion, I bOoii ftaine to a 'Mym.t . en '.7. I hi I Vsnii.n Ac's I find tea' Vi'f -a ai ' tv rr ."'a lands ccde.l all "their right aad t " lj me I ;. ti 1 .' moll benefit of Ihe L'uioii,"--an.l n.n I n th? s.'.'.na'i '; And the fact is, these Stales hail , rojlil wt.at.-r Ihe .,. ' to the ;nri-i-'wa, the i.l lmg at tl-vtin J :.--.-- ,i . i tr., d the (i jvernirrnt had to purcb-V .ffr..". f!k i. ., :-v I'oM- "I 'J. t '- Hf,' s weivi'itei' mil i;iv m I HIM I WS l"l , .".' ' o A NVItilMII. .I.lil'l', AMI ;M i: SIIIKS ' II v t -- mlniia'cU i-l. '.I. Ih'i:. I sh i.l i:ol treat them ! y.ni a en V" : '...'. ' ' ." ' l.'.ole.l vtati- en' ituiiiv s',i'.'. " p I in r.r 1 1 iron o.ihiii i;p .then (t. r'iiTed to yo-., '.' ' ..That I w s i..',io--"d n rs TTiiilivl Stntoi .Rn'iilt. ' . That I wa-'ii.pj'osed to Ir.-erniil Iieprovi mentd ,y (((, i t'eheral Jloveninii'iil. , , " " That I was op-io-ed Jo r IVoteclive Tan IT, ami t high lav.", either ilirrei or . indirect on the peon,i. Tiial I was o.w,.. to er. a'nia new Nul'isnl ', That, in.'. 'i'l ihviitm cut the prneei'dH o' ijir I (; i ili. I- .ill'.m;' the .Slii'e., 1 llnilliifit " Ihe t'rilP rnl,,.y I 'the lii. "re. l ent is to dinuni-h tltf laxes i ,' eoef;ir; , and therein' reduce the inc.Tli0 fr, fi . 'i..'. . . .....1... il.rt l.. . r .1.- ..i. . . ,...,,i. .... r. , , pimiic !nij(i , .i i.'V.rv tor ('' Mipp.nl oJ..li.,i.i:rmne.ii." h i r....,; in ieri'.."n Moaui'i ttio tn iv nt fn. I in ' inoiV'V out ' I tie' pecpi.. t-1 ,,:V o-ick to the Sttp I LikevVe, '"it I wa op:s.st.,m -ill eviraiaeni r. p. i'i' tnr" in errv ernii' li o' the l.o',ernmeiit .!,.. t . , r...A.i ....i ....... .. ' ,.' ,.!, ried,. and wc,,. , " '''" 1 ' ' '" ' ' "''' 'h'cse t'M'!. i.',.i , '' r 'V " 1 ''' '' ' '"V mail to. ..,u . '' : ''riii'l i ':'"' ...lbc'lKl,,..,HV, .,' I p..,.,,'.. ! '"'.n, w i'i ,i i ' i.O . ' r il i, r;i I i,i(yi'i i! the to lov, in. Il 'Mi olio'i, l i M ; i V A',ni'', Thai Seerc'aiv "I 'i-e Tre-.fy he dir.Tt-d !; 'iniml- j 1 i.i.A'p !n Ihe Somite, i0 s m.ri ii p. r.,..' : - pfi t a''h'.' oi li ih'tnil-il and i t lii -iii1) ir '.Mi; nil '.he mt .'million pi l.m ' 'r ot h - iVpurhn'nt I'i niiw er i l to ll'l' I ii (ill to": 11 1' '" io' -. : y VVIiiit iiiiio.ini In, ti,e r...!ent IJovr !) '"-Mi. "e l1- tic'i I ' his !."'..'. hi- I t.;..v ! Lei. -. i i' t'ie. " c ot Ii i n K ';.-i ; r, "P ' , ,,r i,,. ,,1. ri, ... i.i niivm... u;ii'..i k.. in. in-l.tm i; . d. ' .r '.: - a " n I ..... . . 1 . I..I . i.. i. ..... .I., r i i ' " ;f,.r. I iii' ar;.",'" ".e...i',.(.( :J.4'- . ' -'! i" .;!.'-! I'm I, ,(;... ..' ' ' , eivii'iM i. 'i.'imil ot il'. - I i -v r- .',.' t . I!, . i o . I . . .. : i ... - i-- , , ,. .., r, .. . - I "i-il if , ....... . . ,. i ..... ' , . . . ! . ..i it.) o I. . p ; i' i ,. f ., ' in,'. i . .1 i ' .....' 1 . - r ' ' ' I ,'..-! r riio'V . .1 1 1 ii, k i,..'. r. nm! i ',- t -. . ' . ' '.,. - p !. t m . e - " ',.,,'. . , . ' , r,, ' bn.k:p-ii.''.'Y l:-rr') ' ' '"""" ' . .. -,. - 1 ... A . ......... ',, I,.,. - . l .,. ....'I ".' .' ' A III. Il-it" I -e Ol-!0!ll.o"., I'!.'! . ' . I ' I " . ' ' ' V , : : ., i i ..III . . ............. I ... 1. . I . . I . ' I ' ' " 1 1 . o . , I , .." ' ' I, ! . " ' ' ' " ' ."' .... ., , .. .., , r , ;.r. r,. mo - . . . ., . , , - '" '" " '' ' ' i ' ' I'- I 1 ..'!,-''.."--."!- '': 'V ' ' ' ' '' ...... . ' , T . : .A,:vV.V::;:;,.A,V';.':';, ' ..AAA ' A ;'-:v,- -v.:!::;, :'.';r if .li-TIMi; .. li. I '' l.r. ... ' , '' '' ' I ... ' i ' - . , - x i r, . ... c.l t'i: o. - to'.'. " ' '' '.'.;:.;::,;,.. . : ,v. 1 . ;;,, ...... ...,.-.,.-..,. I.,p. . 'lie I I' i I .' '-'.''.'.' . . V . . I,"- , , ' ' ''' .' ''-.'" ' . f....,( . ...I or t ' p' w i v - i . i ,. v .. .... i r - .'. ;..r . ; ;( . ; . ' i ( ''etm i e''i " 1 '" " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' i ,o j i . ; ' .i . . n . ! . V , . ,-.,:.,,.i.,;. .. ,. .. .,." I : :" .,: AAA, ; . ' r.-,'i , ,i !,. :; 'f v '. "; ', ,'. : .'"r ' :'. , . .;A.."a..-'. mt, i' rat. i '' ' ' I: . ' ', . i i . . f, , . . , ,. , .....if; " ', ' ' ' . . ' , . , . ' '.l.orn r.i t.v or i:i...r-c . ( , . " ' ' ' - . r... , ' I l : ' i . '. - " ' ' ' .'. . ... ' ; 'AAA " "A.. '.'r, . m i .. . ... ' I I' ivf.'. p.;. " ; I' " ' ' ' ; ' ' - - o, ;,' I o ('II ' '1 .,!,' . . ,. , . , "'''.., j av o'l" I ' 1 A ' . ', '"''.' ' '' '' ! :" "'' " ' A. n'"1" 't ' " ' " ' ' V ' ' ' ' ' I i ,. - M,.. . ,. 1 1 1 .'iv. . 1 r a ' ' ' ' .. ' " ' "' ' (1. : . . .. . , 1 ' .... . ; ' t ; ' ' ' "'.". f ' i i ".. Ho il. 1- I It. ' I '- I ' ' '.' :". 1 '' an .1 money f r il. Tile ts.o ut I 'tvtc," hs'.e, tn the. pre'C-iit In, too : tj ;ie St I I"1 liillCll .I'll.pl', s tt.ev .5 ' I I ' o 1 s ."till 1 ' Ml. f 'I ,o ' "' y . ,o . .in ,, and ft , :f ,1 l , ;j M .at..., I w o lir"".v l""" ,1, lius I'm on h"Ve It. No-atf alii':.. I'-' '."" .., ti. V s Id -' ' '' ' "'' ' "' ' . . l". ,l ,,f n t'"'.' !'.' lo f l"J ' ; " 1 .. wv ws-' -i.t-r . i r,. ,.,rU i.. 'i ".. , own mis. 'I l.a' M VT." . ' - 1 , f.T.H its ol i;. .'n-. ...... w.,....--....,ijl..l . C. ... - ...1,.., . J', . ... . 11 i '' not one cent , ',. r- oC .... xyr5 ,. .( , ,. )..r,f aiinu.r,. j,, ,r,., expemi.. mi.,,,, lh ,.A n lip,,,, a In- nmni d it 'ne mi.iie wi. no' wi-ely it er i ...unicallv speni. n'r "! all '. . ri of a. As i-.nfc' a tins money ' ' ' - 1 a-'. J ti uii.l h.xi.tri.auilv w.hatei'T i-'. .:. tii'ir lao.ot., hui una-ii tn ni'inev wa all '.. raw. .,! In ii., n. -'I lie IsrRjaar tn the afiw.i.nl ,.r ' ,: "' ' ) h. rcc. siriy i..:.,, on.., and t'e-se iinprm nl.Tit eAr -j-irms) iwve rn'hnjj t pty witli. What ought " Cl'iit:i!v. tliey ....it to lay taxes n thc'iiselvcs and 'e '.. I'.otiVKts.-tiiil in.,d t ,h,mg this, the m-en of them and then i au..;i,er, io pur otf the evil day. y ti ... i,, tn. . t tlt.,i cnggTPi,,,,, 'pi,e '.- r-..',ve y... ... ,:f. f'y , n,.tt. '.s.irv 'ax... p, o-sv i . ,, ,,,1...., .... ' J - ".' i ,au I' '.''.- tl.at it for cue an : g.ay lm .I.n :.. .re lhar !:,ev have ,' .,r. Hot pen it inere a ntiv.t'.r'-e in 'n n'" n'. o : Acts," . it w' Mil'l not co er the ens. . . i "V. : . . v -.. , 1'iibiic Lands wan ce..-.i ,w ... s--i-v ' . ,.. , ; r-atn-hal' lllir I! MWWI.yaw" "" 7." ' ,-7-" " ' ' bea-n a soiute ., (io . ... .'- , ir from Reri.r'ia in 111 W J- Uf 1'u .V I.:..' '" -l "',"" " I'.iblic Ijvnds have 1 ooslake. It appear i'-,. total cit and rxpen-c of a! ..... year ...x .......... AVI Wist me total receipU roc ;,ermd w lau'.. 'tnr it1' I ' "and rs,. elt.. nun h i n vi, i ..c f'Wa, ai .jr. laaa.j I.-iX.. .-.a.... ' ' ' n- lone Alio . .i..'w.i I! .'' ' I.e. n'sn l j I 7-TTrji T76'.Tt.t7'rii.".7: ml (iiiernriient i,. ,,i tlie' I'uli, ic ,i 'oii.d r.li! iiiVtj.nty ba reii'iipi', Ur ...., (.i,i ui. ii ,i -mi ii lie. .... .:i..,li;..il, hi.' .,! ',,,,. ,, t lajlll. UKVirtrtfjJ.aJiiif. UCL. aiei V4t ' r i tr t ' a - - . 1 -t. I', ui it ... ur ai.'itt,tiorul f .r ' ' . give toe inii!,.'i awav t.. ton Mat.--. 'I hat, t ilistnh.ite the nr ;ep..o, , i no.V: ..LTv.' ai,-..-..frrTr,- ii b!,' u ,. ;" :'' v. n ry . i iih, and Hip other ' He o .v ;n r ,,, Id. That, the lii.o i' i',ia coii.eiji.ciei: . Public Inids, miisi i. a .ieia..a!., ,,. , brings me V; it.e miIij. ct ,,f tin. Tur il. AV IXf'KI'A.K ul mt; r,( r , Toe word Tahiif i,.eai,. t:,c iate . f ,,,, ,.,., I" r'' "'to the Country. Ily toe far ;l ,,:t.. , ; 1- . j , imposa'd on all articles nnportrr..' into t..ee.,iu ;rv. v.r,. ,'. "r ' i lb rantHl town 4n lo as much V." l ,..r ', ,., ; manufactures.' Foru.gi. ar'.cle, dr.- auiavsh- t-tit ',.',. ixc .auge for what .. fvuti out, r.n.i ttic mi. , . ... .. ,'. Uirdeiia of taxation on that part ot -ho r...'i , ..,''. ' motsot export. Aow, a, thin JnurJi, iionisiieu oy rue tMtnarn Mar.-, ,r t .h.o.i i Tantflates fell on the South. 'I ' .- r.,h al llio .V.rtli n it on v to im,p a in 1 i 'est .. ...... . ,Mi-ata.v.ii .... I' to :."-' '-"-' SI- ,. aaj-rvar. ,W" t i . ,,. , , , I II .Y il -'ri ,, ii : 11. - I'll- t Klta I I,flj v ' I ' ' J.ua.ii t f- Ii a ' ' 'rue ri, .r.i. - ' :l V "'. I' ,:" ,. ' .1 ,,.,,. . I I,.. II, ,l Ho r thaon. Tina ",M S i'".iai. d.O.N ; a i, I ,,,. I- it ripht ti,..! S;f.i ti. r n .lis n ': milium, tint l! .eO in'.i tt.c Tra-j.un i-,..,, . i at the Nurthi (tins poorm'twu rx.'.'sl-. a .. t our soction ol the countrv was .;r.u.'. a .1 re .V stern ,,f ciiprcM. n, i,, t" A p . i'.n ' C I ...I, i:( ; I ! 'i r o li,,.. ., j,. ;.. '.or. tor ,t,i, ,,,, t!. Stn , i .,. s.m..,n (.,. v., Usk Vun, t aro ,. t ha, L,.,,. - i i.,iii,'!l.e .,.;.. Inh'.. ,,,;,, ,.,,, ,,,.f '''-l" '.. t...... r..,,,,,,,.,,,., ..:..a.a:,uti.,..,.Va:..f Hr,., iA.r, '). 'i'' "a.!,., a WUH,., ,,rwri, av.;mr;; ' e'en,.,!, ,.! wc r.tie a,ru..e,i ,.,,..,., " ... .....oi, u.ri ,.,,. Ll. lh,.tii ! 'ii ialnre .,, every S-.ii te-rn Mut, , , i I'i.. in d. cla'inj In.: Tar. If t , but a i'i io lm p ,r; , ": Tnr,;' S.u h l.'a.-ooi.i. ,,','fri ,,mrf t,, Jar 'i neis a. u icr.ti -I o ul.oii 1 1 ; - w ...it g mi'l i a.tv to piv tic ii'.'in . i ii, ti", a ' o: i It, loll il 1 1 V "is-iii Tn. i i.'. i.i m . ,'ei.JUr jL il" l":,, A', ny, S!a,la., i- hav i,a. r u n ; - t.aar is. --t... pu: ot i, i, v,., oi ir.ii --iv. ami u i . 'i I-.. l'n,,,i .-!,. I, ' pa-'-' I ,, h's in one r.,rm was In come out ught hef., .per t . -iir. ori aim ca-ly ..n tin.- Onii n.iuw.1 .O'lger-lib ii,1 to pay lr.lr.ltar lin ltrull i'- , ri insrii . ariioii... o' ,,-r ...in p o!iie. i i, . i, .; .. , . I .ice,; ,,t Tai rT.'i s ro ,t.k W8y . ar J ti,. -j ''l provider. II.! :ii.-eii.irinoil- axe. ( . ti,;,1 , , - ,, lanci ..li; uml red.e-fii down lo 'JO per c.,..i . i v , , ' " ''".' 1;"'i 'Jkca place on it,.. ..Hoi oi .i...., .o '. Ii.,1"- ,,', C.. , " '" 1 II. !, , : i ' " "' " w"m if ni'.v uv r !h.r. K.. i tl ' ..' (. i. '. ! :,. r. ti,.. lm u. ore wiiajiruisa..i.. : ti ti snd casi. In I" I I.l HI. I ,.,.,, , o, I' I 'anisTin: wi-iiinui ,, ,.,, ,.ASM I i mil to ,L ) A. the s'll.j le-or.. I .1 I I air.t! In . . 1 -ry iu ;n tftx ta, . j ' lor the -i. i;l ""' l r,f"P""""' fl-fu I)'. VOU Woi .re w :'""i-"" race hy , on the peuplf live m,lllllI( a-.' i o- , i oi,. S-.r, s. I. ' ' 1 I ' ,'!,' ,(, r.vid from Iwu sources mamlv " e ocl oil tor.'.ci, i,,; ,., ,m(Kjr,ol ,. ,tif c,.,Jlirry MnJ I i' 1.-...I- lor s.ierv,.s , , r,N,rflJ " ''' " ""' f("-' -"" ' lo meet ihe cur tm ' : " ' '"-"r " ""r,''t ,:" "ii'Mior can there ...ii Mi.y.i. i i; Cie Trca-uri. " tuu .-..' l.,-,iuii.i;. the SiMP-dot,,..;-,., j, f,T (;. . ".. ti' ,'. .,ro i ., i,.i,h M,t. awl thl... lj,. ui on itseit.-U,,.,,,!,,., "'- ' ' '' " "I t-e liune -d the Sii,'..H tl ,m ... ,1(.ln '' "' ' ''"''.'" ' h the m.l.v lo (y K,,!,,,. H,,,,, ,)f " '" :' ('on.', uii.l ti,e only diirerence ' " ' "' !' '' ! th - .m-, it c,t htar- ' -hTMia, the serood 1 " " ' ' 1 -'I".. ' " i'-o,, ,.,-,,, ,,,. . t' '; .;il.vi!.. ' f.c ., i.,. ilrf, tHn ' ' " ''....r- ' i I,,, , p '..j- . ;: ' ..:-.rr . ".... .1 t.fo Tariff lamii. .. t'i exnl.i tn . 1. 1 ,. tlii! 'I ar.ll i'i 1,,. i.,!i.Ced to '! j. r r. ,i .; , m jcii lnoi.rr, h.d, !.. make all i :..,r, I win a, U lie I, v,.hi '" iwr (rem. . a.,. dollar'" worth ,', - M-. I', r ,...,,. ... 4 ' . 1 and la.msi i -.Khi, tlM n Lie lax ,.f, ,r ... j is vaiuea ui i ,,. r yarn, '!;! 1 ...p ',. , A-soma; t ii... .,, r'jriiiof- r,,.' . . ; ! is, mat the pep,.- ,)a. ,,. .,,v.. ... , . ( ; An iiiii.'.itu, in. rinuiit or,i,L.. ;-' ,,, ., , ,, i !ll!,lg". 11 l'",,:" ' I .iwlien .(.. 11 ii. e,; l j i Cilll sell l!o, I,.. I,.,, Ul pnv lo trio (.,,.. n,.. i . . or tix. H,, ti', , r.ula'io.s t., i.:cil. .,.m mier, tie sehs in... io . ,.. : 1 iiin ' ' ' 'il I ' I I .-'!!! '!: e ol (.1 ' ' ' H...I n.i.v ' ' ' h" - lll'lieil, h. I 11 , i i. , aim 111 1 mas ill a.- retailer p.y l'.:e It. -lor ivleu lie o.... 11, u ..... l.'ie tax .,ri pr"''. . mid run k 1 n 1, , it., .. . . ' So, thai 111 li,. ,., f,. rjr,pr merchaoU iiiroiiro, ul, ,,,,. hand. 1 ' I lie atfera c In is a 1 . . ,.1. ,. . Tar,,'! ,s now ,., ,,..(.,.. , ..,..,,.;, u'(. ,',, ,".. " 'l.be.oll!y , ,,, l, ;ltr I'.nry 1, inn ., tft, ,!.,,!, M-nsf, mu-t , 'Vo r, . 1 A",t,.v." ,),,, ,...v ,H, ,:-4. Iflj, ,,. I-,.,,,;, , u r,n -'i-"i"V' v. .. I"" 1,1 I' : " ! arising Ii.mi, 11, .,!i ; ... I A Ji-JJ-i.!-;. :-a... JjA...Uaaal4aaa,aJ.aaa..ara,..f ' ' .'F ' ' Vili.f . -o lM (h a ,,i . . , V I ., '1 ri . C . , , , ' .. . "U" .0. .1.1,1 , 1 U i'.. 1 1 , ' 1 '-' "..1.,. . , "' "''' ' '; .1.1 .c, rtdil m . 1, '" '"' ' "" ( ,1,.'.,. , ' "' 1 "ii .. in 'I;... , . !" ' "n J'i ' 1 . 1 M., I,..,,, -i i'. w . , , . . 1, , .: ti '", ..! 1: r. 11,. 1 I r 1: ! I s a I ' .' 0' 1 ,,', .. , , ,;, . I ' " ' " I I.l s: 1 . 1,1 ,1 1 ,j I , , , '"'g "' ileell. 1 .c ,e, . I ."""'''"""-"".I'lvs ,,, , : !""; ..:. ...'A. .,v !' '"hi"' . ,''.. . . , . 'A