11 '-'.V f ' VXIUrf. 'WICS'I'KIIN C HOL(S AN. ruptry 'were )rn,.ht on b9 H,e rfort, f-i f(rM-! down ihr Haulm of AVjr Wfr, e rm ruiw of! nil the di'mlrr of-tit' Hank of the Unilnl Stain." Here is a precious confession. -Tho Fderalist rill for n Kiii? Mi'k "m;iii!v Yi ' niivlilr " 'the r-'nle R i It. '';i,i m a p''viiiv-T of regd! iti 2 .wt'h a teng.-anco. And this j..prccW.u itm, Hi. .t- ftillutiug, ! Vlinuld' alv ,i ("jvc perforoiod In ' ) National monopoly Hank.. It wouM " firettk town "the. Slate In "nidi?, Apiil 3t.IMI, I'm that did not ack'i'itt edge nnil otii-v ji, iiniji.iritv, hj Mr. Riddle cij .. Ins rild runVtHMi a't.-t,ipitd lo do.-.'.. J ilni! q'irctjnn rnn nssum llmt rao. command my humble Funnorl." JiVt thar pirn gnmt. The Planters' Rank ''" Savannah, Georgia, hps Iwen lately roblieil of vfPTMOO. The mguo thought porhh;n,'thiil " lurn aiiiiiit-u-,.Gii-itUv'.' , , , ; ,., , ' ,.,;, I,!!,,.,. Col. I)riJ S iW'j..i- i!i'.. I)e iiviTitMi; cartdi V..r'rvirr prwri'ittiim rihnlciil, anil'an vprishl Jmiy nctfirilrii hy th pfople. Ivoiiriir II. Mor. ihh, the, jtni him) opri 'lit RM'or'I'T of New .York City, who had the boldness to f.'rr;i nut nnil expo? the (i!rtilMr(ii " pip1- .'m in" " illunic of Fid(V ,T ralisin, nod ; who was r-'innved Irorn'lii office of Jn Ige Iiv the i nloni Governor ol Now 1 ork for 1 NHITI! CAltOUNA. ' , I, ii,r Mo .mooch ot .it i'. hn-ti ot soum v.arn liP'. ivi 1 lie General A pprnprialion Riil, ni'ljivj.-ni! .. ,i. " u-'-"f KiM'H "M'.iliVf'n en the' l!tli "I IVImiiirv, Ji-S-wn (ii;d I ho fUieiil passaje ex ,,, :i.il below. It i- 11 1 ' t mid proper exptcs-oiii... ,,i the honor which is ii'i'' to our una inning lm' , j i- ttroii I'S'.-i'i'. The.hlht-iuii niii'.'- -neirh 'iif"" date fnf Cmigres n lln'.il-l lli-'ro i, lat'lv icpro ae-Med'hy Mr. Ili!l.' If the Vr.ii- I ) MfK r i'-v, the - o Irlumphiinlly.-l.Ttcd Mayor of old imiiii'iini.. ,.f i. -;.,i..r .r,.. .. ..,1...... .I.,! !...n.: s, w Virk City, Iiv 11 D.-mocratic mnioritv of nir n.ui 1.. ...i -.'i wwii viMf 1 1 1:1 ii'iiiorrnis 11.1v" nmo cirrieu a muj'iril v of 1 1 Common Council, cl out of wvi.mi- n s ihov' oin-1,1. Col. I'oid will do Ins oppntiont ln .. it 11 1 1 ynr ni 'ir. Hill Mi l t ti lirin on tlio 11 r. n I'l.nti-it-'lrinc him to 1 : Mr .il will ho "cn. in .'irplv to 1 1 . i- 'i li ' II, I' l--"lM OI II Vi.'-Ill I IH l SiJrr-, llivlrir-!, nr. 01 ,t, n 1 1 ol,l :lld li'lll." ' 1 1 r 1 1 llll'iln !,.', M' W, li-in-m, l'..r'-iw il,p ;..(ii!i. ,,' i'n I i-inrt ninv (in. .i-.t-. li W r!i ' 1:1- .!! rr " il, 1 W.imiii :'o ''I ' ot iflrirn-' " a foil in"-mi to do " Iiri I.i. '! t t ' ; 'ii' ' -.s. V,f. Ml III V. I"! 'w, M-- ,1 1. ir ri m -N-i'ih ('no 1 1 V 0'. v f,t ! I. ,s ; II to 'I'-"' I. ' . ,.. r 'it 1, IO'(- I if p'l'i-l-' 'Oil' her'. 1 '' '() I iM tunc ; -Hii'-h .in-riw, I "I, ; V i J. . f,,-. CrM) Aldcrincn. , Yir.oinn i'Jirtioiin. So firnn wp Iihvo heard from llicclfcii n m Vir.'ni.i, which look pluce laKt wi lt, llii rc K ) t ry rro-H'ct tlinl tlm rti-mocracy "I thi' old I) .fiiiiii,.n will nunc nut of the content nli iiii r nw il iiinj.iritii s on their triiiinnh of lst l-i.l'. Bcliirvr-tl; 1 bnv otily to rf-(." Hut 1' w an nt t r-,.-r o. I dnve heard, mid holieit. it, that .r'iiii ! ! ihf ri" Ihh (tpparture for N asliitiif (on. . I10 hud fpifvtii hrr,kmr lvMn of letter, nnd he n nlnoln'rlv nm down bv viNiters from every pti-t of tin: t'nimi in ipnM of oirice. ' ' " - ' '-J On the road f.i'tward at every P'int, fie -wiTlrrr-bTi' I M. hr-i 1 1 1i.ir f ' ' 1 I !iei " . f rv 11 . (:.f,.0 , ,r IV', i i l, . i n , r cf io;i - i. ,;,.'.' I '''i.r ' i.!i,i .' fs. 1 Ill I' " I .1 ; ! r li iiH 1 r 1 - - r - s ! 1 0 j 1 1 J " !i i!i't n ihw, ! . M. ' I . ,'l . 1-xo. tiling- ' il 1 ,i i-.,.o-i III" ( '..ft ' '.I' .'.-. 1,1' Of -1 i'.'W, 1 '.' ; lei, . 'I ' i'i.11. tli'' Act 'i i;i r.lirtif'ii. The relume frotn'tlie I own rerini, i-nv that f!,i- muse of Pi'mocraey i oiiMHid a. nl 1 c t iron in the empire State. I here lniv! he.oi aMii!hing changes mnce last -Vt,i,-.- Sii niiil fhutlor-1lrtiih inf.uinct. The 1 1; ! h-riiii i : " 'I" ,- i; ..(.n :;::'. , !V Vr ! I - .::"' I.lt.i :: .- .!.! ' ' -.. l'- --!h. .1,1,,. r ,. ( ' 'I-' liir,llr . I'm."-! : ', ! :nri : den. .-.iie it .Vew V.irk have been ' '' !'. ii. . 'ruin ihr liink of Am'e. ' ' . !(. Tnere w ill b- none n I.i!- i i-ti-nii.in i ewenii'v a ;'' "' '( ol the f 'inrcrii is Lord "i.ir lit. Kii,'liiMi! an.l head of the Krol 'j'T A' ( Vi." Punk '-'ork wis worth 17 at the : 'i- Ir mii New York Ci'v. i 'i i- I'.ri ci .-..-', c rc-rrved intelligenee wh'i ii 1 1 ui'iii .1 1 . 11 'ced Ih Van Ruren. men 11 niiniNnien, and nr" hri nt k. clain;d thuuiJielve!! ai acting froih motive o! (ne nioHt disinteiented patrioii-fn Mod love o! co.iiit'i met him at every stopping place, and .-me aceom panied him for miles on the roadr h'it'Tdi; ir i!o tnnndu for cnmpeimatioii lor the ern-e thv had rendered were niccmiini. -I So emnnlet' !v worn i was the rrexidont'thvt at liultimore tin h .dtu i'l I". hi ..! i shako IihuiIh by proxy. . - ;rtn.. n ,.r. .. . , Ho came to AVadiinglon, mnrched on !(.(, , 1'n.m m. $,to tU , i-.- through the Hnoty anil ruin of one of the itiol di 1 Hit' o Kim i, , ,m-. agreeable das of last winter, to the City Hall, Icluhlr. n t d - U where ho w ia haranaifd bv the Mavor. and de. had kcio.h,...!,1 . livered an adn'reaa in reply, and was then taken In ' Imii iiii.ii i-, ( , his liKlgings but not to rest. : '1'Jiern wait n ret rlire h- ,irf. , ,; 4 for him. The privacy of hi own room could 111.1 to ki" 'ii.it .- . - ahelter him from the cry of' 'Give!" ' Giw !v i irn --id-. I , '," " (Jive I" (,'an (hi be Honied by any one w ho 1 1 .i!.ie.w-. I ' ' ai-quainled wiUi what trHiipired during 'ie Ii w 1 on n '- (Vi.'ou I fen days afler the PreNidenl p-aclu d the city ! eii?. i - r ( rtw t- He went to Virginia,. to visit the home o! In tnH 1 .-r- o' -i !. z childhood and the ceneg of early I do ; w an on u v ot ni '..-, told that on his way thither, whilst thtre, and uii iheir fv ; tint '.'" ' the road bark, bis mind was kept al:no-t coiift in'K chililr-n w!.i (,(. i -- 1,1, on the Mretrh by apphcationa to toiinider eliimrin nnd. r s. ' ' for office. The few days that intervened he'ir :iract-d muni '- the Inauguration he had to a-ifler the inlliciion of cruel pi-hrv t... 1 ,t . ' inipnrtunitiep of the office bcggifip members (' imiiiIv -e.i'- ' . r (Jonpress who had the knowledge nl, nnd acce to, he h id endi m -...; , 1 , . his wherPiilKi'i's. It j m i: ,-, ' . , The day of Inauguration came. The n'd I'm " who Hid iv hi 1- n. idenfiwas mourned on liorsehnrk, and in-ierid ol . proceeding directly to the Capitol, was mnrehoil'ii n ....m by a circuttoiH rmite of nearly two mitec throii(r ,. ;,f(. r ,. H- , an atmniphcre of dust. To iie the lanp'tnge of nl u indi ii'- r- , . one o his political friends, when b- an ivcd tie-re , (',i,.n C.nirf (',',, " Ins drewf wus sim while a a miller's nnd he wa , , v, , so faint that alcohol and other appliance nor:- n- Kk?s- . t si.iioj- l ... !..!. 1 1 1 . I. , . . ' . . ij-oii-u 10 nuiof 111 nrnij huh lenipirh. .unir ( mirl speakinji liareheauert in the opn air lor en Ir-ur VV. inn a nan witn a irnmpft-toin-u vhko, iis 1- ,,I 4i, , r,, ., said by a paper in this Cit, to the iuiin"iie unil ( , litude present, he was again pl.iecd on hnis-bsi k. and rode to the W hiie Huiih"; but vIi-ii lie am. 1-' V I i-i flrt f ij - "I, '.k lhat a disastrous fire had . 1 - I,' I-'. t:,e 01 ,1, urro 1 a; .Nn;t;i iicnd, the ruswionce ol the late l't----i'tr-rriv'h-rrr"!X'.IrT'1 "T!'if ijroiihd. At ore reeeril ! .'"-',,., T,,, , , ,..,,, 1 no- iMVIfew, f . Nil" "IV "le- -'si, r 1. , I In r 'S ,, M . U .1 r ii.k, l i-1'-. ti.al It" u ill ) .ail i i-.' i' -i , - i ;m y a I 1 : t rt.'l'li II" . .1,. I I Mt 1 1 . 1 1. . 1 " ' 1 h it 11 1 .':.- liie-n. 1 .-. I"- ( 1 it .!.'n an ' ' .' M d I '- v. -r, hit c Contradicted the report o ( nil Ibrahim, and e aie -.'la.! to h-aru that tviiii; w is p-'r'nllv dest roved, the fire hav. 1 j h-i-M 11 r-- ii-ii l L.n.,n e'riions before it reached n- nr.ri ,.,d (.) ilieWiililm(r. Of a truth, the '"-.i"! !..! ill ;n . ' A t:11, i' of (ien. Harrison U -i Till ''I ir i-t !i. i:.d . tt::;.t. h -1 r r- a' ri. ii. '. thev conie not single FOies, vi. 1.; I ., ..Viiii,' up. Lite New Orleans i I'm- .. , li.al l r I- tt II I.I'. , Hi rci.'- im !, 1l.1ll.1r, h id risen for'hwitli up to 3 a ', l't. in ..-. n i'M!-e ,1 .,f. new, j1!t (;,.. IUm-! uiey in that market, which n.Tn'i'il as to lie worth only 1 1 .'1 had contracted a loan for the i'txioji GowuL,reh4'VvVkw TTt. to tnern'it the moment. I hey eme i-n - l.il-t ; 1 I'M' I! : NT V V : , , i'i ;i..ii--hi 1 1 I,-, - ,1, I I'm' I'll 10 - -li 1.1 in j .l ii.. re 1 ld:v i r-t . od llirro A-ni lm neninlli.d In rttn tor rol niiil . ... ,' . . . 1. I I I I I tM. ri'lresiuiient niter toe immense exertions ol thoOay' , . v... 1.. ua ......1 ., - ...1.1.:... 11 llfl'l III ldOIJ 111X1 11 III'" til! mi--iimii.i- cotjld be individually itdr ''iu'.-'.'d to hud. I hati heard nnd h'-lieve, tint niihc visiters came "ll-r their hands, profos-'-dlv 111 c (i'ra'!i'S,1lo''Ci' was, " Here, (iener.il, here ate mv letter," a jd " Here Ceriera1, h' r" are mine!'" On one urcisom he was o liesieged that the Mnrbil if tin- l.!iri was called upen to relieve bim. The' Ma'ia' went through the throne, which continu-i I to rtl the npartnwntsof the President'. Houe puHir and private, for several days after the I Mauor itM and expostulated with them: b"! all ht tint induce the office claimants to leae, bv uruiM- f great pre of public affairs on me l'r"-idiit was in vun. Hetore attempting rntr i 1 v nm. sure, 1 his efficient public officer 1 -j' s co .1.1 t.ie President the experiment of appealmj to 'i 1 ter feelin; in a short addres. II" mi; r- they s! .'1 u:sited 111 pre"" ih'-ir .J. ,1 a id- if.,-ii nip (. ( ,m t 1 ir, . ,(', , , wth their pspers until his porket were fn.e'. 1.1. ,s,; !"in, 1 u riu; m 1 o. now vnu; ii It.ar:ia : it w 1.. 1 P r! nai mien, an. 1 is arrrs mt'ii. 'ftiv xiir-hi! m n ill, -tow ettr iris I! L -iii-iao 1, ton! t'.e ni.niiher of Sn s'.ite VJi cinplovipi' iIh I 1.i,0H' hands, and 10, OHO hnr--rs - 'I' From the dav of to m i'i'ium: n uetil ol h,n Jii, tnP nvetnies 'ii 'hi hnte were e l. the house :te was er'nwile.t . . . . . .. tlr i-t 'hr-.L. i. id " ."' ' "' ..ieJa xs.i, sta'e! to he .j'lal tin,';, m, ,uJ ..''l!)!'lhl..iAl''' rMi;..w ;.d. t --; 1 '----!;-'--"?!' '"""pJadeTor Hie etnuliiion of llje incuuiben's in tfi'-i. ' " T ' 1-1 a Hi .1u-.11..; in. nnd-each, wruca i.s ,iMhl(l,. ... ' , . . . .. 1. , ' ,'" e-.-. . N 1" . .. 1, and the granlin .. situati.rtis. I.y .uy siv! y - rrr.-:r- ......4 '. -1 1 1. X . .i!.4irt'r- - . r - 1 ill 1 about i i-.ib!ie.ni4. d 1' tumid ! of suoar. and t'd'0!l i;is ojii.o, I.Hflld m.v j-a-eo. " '"'rf-"' .- -- -- 1 m his office at meal times so that, to use . . Iitlt.iit'' the disii.i g 1 cprei,-n fiL,hj.siu;j...l.o :.W;-.'V';m. (Vice , ,.t,ce. It is i(, .w , . .' --T ..m .t , .'i tn inn si miiu u Tir.nmimTOTITt'Turns iiooui.T 0 rH,lrMom .hfi ln,,p.ltlld, ,,( office v-ker wh- iS.ii.-liJ.t.'- uiui' act ' l-otJ f s!-!tnie-tTTiT to et d : Hie g :..! pris ol l't 10 idt-hco are trana-I 11 il- -I no 1 a diii Lri'ius D ud, the ll.iid i pnred .;:( m a urinous soil, and the it' son ops up a harvest i ' 1 ,ir-, anu a'iny, and crime.'' : 1 , is .r. M b" -., 'I o .. :! , V Ml. - i il." lie. . ..i iii. i:r in'' il 1- im ' i,: ; 1 I II '. -of . Vial Uli, r , I! . M.- ii lo' I- for - in 11 , that t'n (' -rtii)-- s-.ii oih-r pr-ictirr mi a I 1 II ii-i j"i i rri-rij-ts of Fanny F.Uslor's benefit :, at .'w Drl'-ans, ailio lliled to, from f to 1 0 a-aud 1: ;;,r-.--Sin- was lilerailv pelnd with -. I! lO'ie's aid wttathis ee showered! o ion Hie Maio'. all i-"iit niiiii some valuable pre- 1 -enl. On w reslh liad iliiinioids 111 it woilh SI, 1 ."i(HI. mmd eopie of the Cre-cent Cin- -were ' 1 I . r ,0 1 .1 I" It li I,, .1 p- lardi-to ect 'lain mi; m iiiia at the latest dates; ' -ill be heard hut " L C.ichucia " ' talked of but the incomparable Fan t;o' W , , I ate " I! , 4 turn ,. (.7n'f, r t ;-l'.S d!' lil AKK l. HAUK1SON I'l.l lid) Id VI II V h"o, don.-'j the Lis; Presidential can t a- (i 1. cm i i'i; iiV' -T'- o . n . 1 , ..or -1 i t 1 r : 1 t . .l in-ioe ao.iii.-l 0 I'lo-.t h.l- tienn a 1: piep ire.i J 'T 'Ur I'J .e, rea-lv l' " ll ; ""I-! -i' a uiid'-r c "" ('', j.i-.,- r -.iv - r in ho h id ai t o. t . 1 - in; w n.-ii 1 im 1 :. c , lo C v tll'-lti I Vi -i The pu'i'ic are i'i I bet r lis 11 ndi', April :!'. I-If. .'. P.. U, . ! pr x'i ; 1 o' o i 1. . Ill " V tt(is llti: t fi'' iKi-:x- 1 Itss, It Hit, I 1 1 no - it " " " ' 1 .il mm ii 11 1 1 nrrc in t I.' ' 1 1 in d. 'luiii pi:r4iiiiii kii-wi-dgr , itiatvieno- 1 il Harri 'ii s '; ,in, infirmities reudrnll bun 0:1. i!v iif"iii,i' ion' ..i tb: eiidii ranee of ill! labor I .1 !i' .10 i'i. id' iu ti the ollice, if elected, It is a I I hi -1 kiIiIi- lad that the verv men who, 111 b.gnnc o-i v s, ,-re 1 most m ! 1 ikltie l'r oil the list jf can- o, ,(.. (.,. tr ..ii 1 1 1 ol pi 1 -11 .ii i' ability, were thu first 10 tie ii'i'im r ti'ii-'- who would ipli slion (ien. Hanson's ihio't 1.. !i 1 i r tear ei v ire, as the enemieii f lite ! 1 oilii. I .vi ni.-, Iiiivti proved the truth o!' all' h i 1 s a--i'r'i.'i! n.tv more; one short month i'i- '1 ;uum ,'. i, .i cateer, anddijith has iblhed j ooin I.i- h'- Hi" 1 -i coniainin j the prtcious 1 ;i i i:'lil. it 'o 11 it h a-scarcely 'asied. 1 I'm !' 1 lorepei to inqnire into the lan'ses t',i. a I ! t 1 -I"1' 1 re-, iil ! I think not. .lis'lCO 1 ; m ,. id 1: d 'i-iii-e to the Iiviiijj, deiimnta it ; I it I' thi'ijj exieniia'e, or Net inwn J 0 1.' ." I -tiH. so tar. as I -tin ahic.lVar- I i. i.ii'v , eiid'-av 01 io a--i;n them, i I irrison was ajjsl (in ! a. KXS,tw intornst;i ti 11 Si -V: ! l-ll ST VTi: "I' 1 n' - . V J I - I, m m till I " lie 1 ,1 11 y car ) .iinl rruseij ienl.Iv infirm; lab'Otl ; . -' 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1. it is more impaired than maiv ol ' l.i-o'adot r'-m.iinin at ho'ne uurin the ; .1 - 1 1 11 11 1 r and lad, , and permiltin hi 1 iiim'ii-io 1,11'ioMetT im nun, an tvuo Kiiowanv im ,' 1 I ' ii- r 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 know that he was d'uwu J 1' l't ' parii-ti.H -out 01 the wooi!,i !,,,. ' ,11 et 1 r tt here --eii'jaed 111 hataui.'Uir.j' rt;e ! M,t i-- ' 1 1- t. , IV 01 !U t.f hi I ' ale lot, i- r.lt van : 1 I . 1 (!,e h' -,l If'' i "I N !- ' I ' ;i loot- M. '"il, ''Il -met. t r,,, ,, ft SA im to I.I He to III ' tallied V, 1 hoot I 11 ,'l ,-'.- I' 1M . i a r I h "'' 'i'J ivlenl lo I-.- i.tli, C. 1 '- !. W CV :--te '! ' c V 1,1 t . 1 he anv..'lv -4 omtd ;i..i. " i 1 1. f 1 j.i- inn'.', f it 1.1 all ,.(0M I '-, lo I i- 1111 t(il Oi.'l . ' I " ,.1 1 1,- fmv I'IimiiNJ would hrte li. cn pc 1 ' vt hii I, ' 11 n e an I -av t,. 1 1 it . C no I s.'i iire his electtol, hy I lh it he was physically com. I lint immense was the libor ! . 1 1 n'-iioiideni-e and ho'tv jiront ! , !iHen'bn;r hti sttintioti if -the l.'.iuiai.v. kiio.. - Hul, the aei J -ill cippose that tiie (iei':ai itotie I to -et himself down hi 1"' ,i- iv hi the VM-.ri-c , pressed upon linn. Soveral resj cplahle citi.ene. and several nuni ters of the (iopel, who happened to I in the ntv, called at the President's House, for the purp uo of paying their respects. Thev found it part of 'V private portion of it too,- crowd" ! tt uh 1 many persons, that they at first declined proreedni'.' ; bit when preed by a friend to go up and - the President, he (the President,) frankly told ilo-m " (ientlemen, there never w is a poor det d harr.i-s ed as I am or, earth ; yon must excuse me : gn.nl morning; I must go ;" and off he' did go before ' they bad lime to say " how are you !" much !e-s "goodbye;" and before they reached the front door, he was a consulciah'e distance on hi way to the Treasury Department. A gentleman at the door, seeing the condition of the P're-ident, am! his crowd in the house, sijoiihcan'lv remarked. " Well, I will agree to die, if tt is not time to pdl the latch string into ihe door of tin oj eahm." At another time, two respectable guiilemen o this city called and found the Pn sidont m lh" pit sage leading lo the saloon. He asked them a .1 1.1 the fire, and with a frankness that surprised them said : " (ientlamin I have been alnm-t run diuv, ; I caennt stand it : this fuming nm of worthy men I never will consent to. Only ust now a henim fill young looking woman ciMed on me, and inl. ' My husUind is turned out ot employ mi 1 1, ami rus exiH'OMVi- city liav iiij nothing to ea .' Mv dear sir-" continued the Presid.iut, " it almost kills me , I can hardiv t-nd it : the unworthy will not yo out, ami the wcn-liy shall not 'be turned out." Now, tin is a fa.-i tnat( can he established upon good authority. The immotiiale cause which worked up (it fevorish excitement into a puroxvm, wa- a chiU produced bv being caught in a light ram, hem; -closely beset as to lie detained on 'us way home afti'l. a walk. But when ill, lem 1 l o r idler cam.', bearing from this one as id the oite-r. appbcifi"'--for office. Some of them were left in the hands of friends III this city, and inter delivered. Hit bv dav, during President Hai nson's illness, men vrr .J . . ,T .l- i.- r- ... 1. . I . I I 1 I ! luril' a eui in omco. ome who nan im-i-ii expein-o ; ,.nnM ( ' ; r t v I 1 1 1 im before his illties?., apcaed to him ; he Mssiired tin n, ' )1rv M,,Il!x ,,,,, .,, -that he knew nothing "of it. I Hough it wa allir.ued 1 1,,,,,,,,, lril, "ja,t, ,. that he did it. And, but a bnet space betbie Ins t s . 1 1 r r Sessn ii dealh, several were dismissed from their employ j 1 1 U(, ,,, ,1,,, cir ment. Thus excited by continued apphcat.-ms, many ot them of s conflicting character, and 1 he inoriilt nig redi ctior, that although he had denounced pros'rrip tion, he was forced bv those around him to d" w hni he never iiftt-ii led, when , dozing, his mind i cnnttniiallv running on the distress iidfit-ted on ilu many lielp'ess families w itlim hail of his own dwell in; ; and vet proscription w is U pressed upon lum! VVh that has ever - sr man hifinnr'g in the last stage f uitlainmat . 1 atfic'.t. j h ! Ins Vila!;. the stata in which ' i- Pic dent uu-d - ki ov 'hi' 'vhic a mlm ltht i' ' m i: i n n 1 !.. 1' v St-H" VV., '. . M A..-' ti.' VV r ai' 1 1 : 11 : W ,!'. mi M nihil n'airt i t tins hv 1'if ( 'mi't, th I'll VI on lay im VI pa 1 t ,1 1 Ml pen : lieialllt Jwill he jl 1 let .'d' Upol' C0K1I I'Coyciy. VV 'itni-s, John ( at t .lu .t. in M- '' a.v l-ll SC' I. I'll. IiMIN Ad diV's IV aV luV 3 o5-V-'' 1 .v v.i lU'in v -V M ! lliulitt

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