TMM WESTERN 1.1. A " J..J-U-tWI'-L..JJ..U....J.-m.ll I Jill I 1..J11. U.X.UL. JULULLl. Jl Ull-JiJ LJLl LJM1LJ 111! , . III J JIIIH -Jt-Jai.MAlll.MtJi Jll.i-l 1 MAilM' "" 1 M.ln ip III lllllll I I I I I -THR FOWBB HOT DBLR0 ATBD TTTH VtVITBD STATE IT TUB GfHirTITCTIOW , NOB FIOHIBITSD IT IT TO TBB CTATBa, ABM BBtBBVBB f MrU BUMKTtVBtl. 4 ft , A, "IS- a. " ww"1 SALISBURY, . N. JUNE 4, 181L llO. U Ir Wit 0;i,. He ll) I ' 1L. I utm -, and riir- ifif. ii di. IMf- ff" pjU . A HI ",, l.'l II l (ittW II ii: ) tt hi 4hK v B3M ' In a !. 3a9 II. . 1 1 m niW 1.1 41 10 iM . a. ' ii n 2 KUll V'- Lppl, l TUMI Of THB I'l'SUSliED WEi:KLY;:u:::::::CHA F. FISHER Editor mni I'rAprtefof, The Witmx Cabolmum it published every .Hay, fat tnnum, in advance, or $t 60, if not paid in tlKM montbt from th tiro of subscribing. &CT No pipit will be discontid until til rrrge ar ptid, f y,( wbertbr U worth the niilMcriptiun aimI tin (ail. irtto Aoiify Ui Editor of a wish to discontinue, At leaat m month before the end of iht yetr subscribed for, ,11 IrfBonsidored I new engagement. A4tftiKmt$ conspicuously and correctly in--rtrd it tl yw tquar- -(of 840 rat, or jtyl '?' 4 tlili cized typ) for th first insertion, And 25 ini W ftch commutAC. iJuurt Ana juuiciai Aovenus nu 55 per cent, higher thin the buve rate. A d. Vidian of M) V ont. from tli ri'ulr ptic will I mtdtf to yenrlf Advertisers, Jr AdvcrtiM-maui fit in for publication, must bo marked with th buib- of inseitiuni desired, or lliey will be conuuuoc till MUd,inde!u'Bd'Aeo.linaly, T secure tliit,o, all letters tddresaed to the Edi tor A businea, muil b ft nf Pott ant. Thf arill'l, Adtocalc. PAwrw.'riA ru voluma hi. SINCE clwiiiij tlio 'id volume, id iiuciatiun lit bn nrniMndi Umby tliArie of Mr. W. I. Utch ,rdi, ol l)vido euimiy, N. will to prurured to 4 in the wlitofi! J' irliiMjiil ul lb ppvr, provided a niflwifHt Accowifm to uur pn.MiiH Imt of ulcriberi cn b obiil. to juntify AUeh iinmK.r : in wUich tvetit, il,i AJuet, llr the I'acI i cruiud. And tbe ue fMry irrinonM iiti mdi, ill be pubhebtd wrkly, ,1 Hrownt mn, liJon coonly, N. C, on A euiief-roy-il heet, f'r f)l IX). Unt in the munKiine, or Hiould lu Mnitwd AiwociAtiiw oltimtely fail for want ot aut j) t Niir.nfnt, a Alvt .tatd, th paper will be .oni'iiAwl Miii.nioiitlily on a uper-royal alutt, one dollar, ie lieietol'"ro.. W't woaid roiit'ly Auppnw, that the propowd tiiy from a ariui-auuUly u wwkiy pt mmU r L'onoral MlmltH'Hi Ui all uur prmni tulKH0i'rii bec0Af. 'Hr the tmall additiou of eifty cuiia, a ilume tnnttumg mure than douole Hi aiii..jnl i cuedm mun r would b aucuredi of, iuU-aJ ot (iin otie d !!tr b.f a a! of 3i t a, tli'-y will receive for out dollar and illy cnU a volume containing KH pi- gf. Anl moreover, in AOiIiCuhi ui uie jfreairr ouu l; uf trtdmt uiatur furuo.liid, we have no dooW that in iBCWteed mlor at wiujid b lhuewiinoniri to erpepf.; A Mr. Richard bmnd-'a bcmn a .raciieal drmef, ta a jewllcmau of cvunJcrable liujjaxy attain- ffl.'uUi , In ittimulin to r-n"K?t 'ich ao arrnjr'ini,nt, wlirtlior ucc!aful or not,theleii pojn'iico or didvantaje . annot poaeioly retu!tuany ol ourprueent gUirio fi; teu,-AOMild tlie Attempt roe yneocceajHol, the j wJI eenlmue to be oublmhod reiruitny, m iiitohi. If weaKo.,'d eoocrd in ft".liii Hio an utipid etauga niAierial advAnui. in eajr fiiiia. J Hi nmnBiltatt iwolt ; toi ly tin- aoouiion .me iMure u it will euable U U) earry .i.s uur i .mm for imprrtvmB the papr, for rendwnj it mort ixeyUule, and lor givnijj A groMr, Aalent ol' circula iM. ii.l tliui iinkiiiir it nwre penuanrntjy Ucful, will . ii i.l nix, in inHiKiiuoiie ol tbe iHuposed enange ; imi an intfftiuie i.t;irenc to the miereetauf the tar. n,r wirl still b oUrel, ,by using all laudable mean .lrnitt tt advanee a syatein of gvneral improve i.wnu 'We hope, lallowiiiteii, that you will give a wioanHed pt.rt- w ixTrn? tr effort tOrbtih oh' tlJiclMAi ol metsurv l"T tlie enriching ol y."ir soil t naproveuMUt ut y"r sl.ik snd fn pnaluclion tl ,ifcting of ymir agricuttural nd inechnical psrtUuna the ldtn:eoMJul ol yoat acienlihe and l.tsrtry pursuit, toil the proutotwo of Jh mcentivt to wrtii, U of which aimuluneiwely Cfntr in on grand iifn,Mi. dstslooe the vast natural resoorre of our CfHUHM county kir Hi mulual beaeflt of ll td tliu pruutol Ui great iie.ign ol creaiaii, Ai w cousider Aitncullur and iU kindred pnrauitt, f ptrtmuunt impDrtince to any mhr nmHleri)n, we Ain in lb liM place, to all rauuaiil elvrtama in procuring tud disatiumattug "practical inUmatK.a, aeniial In lb interests, ami csicantea w incrvaa us dignity nf the Pa. ... &cmdli. Eir4um, and the Literary Institutions d tit iHntryi lii g -"d library ptwlucti . both ntgimtind fcdect 1, will receiv prompt tttentiiNi, and t rm and friendly Mippirt. ThirJI.- V.w. and the .Mfctenic! Arf. will t'sv be subjects ot d'WuiaMon, tud im.ruuiy nx-iv a litn-ral shir ol ttleutwU. s foarttr. Due stlhntMia will be e-iid lo eubjeeis flculat-il to promie the cu of I'irlae atw HU ina,crofully suppniwrng evry,vluuaimf iu tni wis tva Miniuir A t 'ite A suuiiiMrv roivt will slau W taken ol- ptaing fvant ol tn unaoriaw ana luu'nw.uK " - . ' . i . ... ... ..... ;n rornga an.i iwam" i rw... B - Cull, snd subjects calculated to prmnol parte sft. j twiity. la Ktiort, our w hole i il iesr. so l.r s deoemU oo , ike tuccwwol tlie aie, villi be u imi !.gly . e-, ;nr4 m rtr.mvMi1in,ii, III. o pillaiaon whh Ii toe pros- , Vuii and hatn""i buth ol in.livuluU an.1 nai'ww kw be mvarin'v bn'd lb improveoient ol tic soil, i i the culiur ul tl moid. Condi ttmau All those who pay in .l wic, will eeceiN fifty two aamlwen1 s'ln netiv pijes eseh, ykoig in "JHr, t" volume ol Hit uigeii, lor )l ill. To cluht ! warlin ft? Ire ol B..Uiro. fiv oine wi.l be forward. e4; U kit), eight .es; fur U ele copies; .it, eightwn copies; and 30, thirty copica wiU be fwtnfhed. , . If paymea be rlUyed beyoad three months after lh firt uuiubor i rwjeived, n add'tvuial auiu ol :i:U per "nt. will bn invariably Kctd Tb" trouble and ox- p-'iat which necrrily atiewl the tolleclion id wutll '!w al t distance, will revlr a atrial adherence lo "n rule iW'ulely necwaty. All let lew. con auuuat ions tit to tlie publishers iit torn. fr.e fto n pusue, or they cannot be t oilod In. ) No naper will be doiWinued unl'd 11 Arrearages n paid, exeep" at our opunn. . '" I'i'rtmX'ter, or otiir gtmtlemen, diap.nd to give u thir mtliience, tro rvapecilully rwpienled to et is tgeiiu. Adduce J. Sllt'.itAlMI Si W. I KU:il.vitl)S. Notice. 'IR Subscriber liaviog qualified AduiiniMra. tor of I'olly (iartir, dee'd., her. by gives no (ice for all perms ittdeUted lo said rotate lo muko Pmen1. aid for lhoe having claioia again! m'd lla-lareiMUif llieiii for" imv it, within the li'ii'i ireenled by law, or this notice will be plead i n bar i f their recovery. '.' "K R. W. I.O.N(J, Adiu" M4,lfiU - 4r -"' Bargain! Darcaln!Sl L 'IMIE urwloreiffned Iiavo ju' received from New York Bad rbilade'lpliiA, a rg9 and extenaive clock of wMiariM of Dry Coodi, Grocerm, lfonlvDnret Quetm want Halt, &', llmndt, Combi, Books, SnUitlcry, Carriage Trimmingt, Saddlers Trimming, Hotting Cloth, candles, Nails, H tile Uddn Drugs, And alrnoNt every erticlo that i Kemtrallv kept in Mure. Tiieee g'xole trnve all bMn biU((ht for cnah, al raah nrir, and n CMwtn price, which aMtflve to ten r cfiit Ingln r liun cash prwes we have At all lime Auntie in the hende of our aeut al Now York, with or' era to buy good when at itnyr loweat price, undnr theae circumstAnce we think we buy many artirlra lower than the timet of inerchanu do, and we are very certain tbt tlirre la no eetabliehiiieiit itiAl emltw gofxle for a lee profit than we do, and we think it will be Admitted that we' have hwn the means of bringing down good to their preaeitt low price; we do not brag of buying ao many tlioonaiid dolUr worth of good when we go to the North, nor do we brag of exil ing inure gNdj (in Amount) ihno we heve gntbut we y our etiick t Urgo, embracing almost every varirty of good. Kut latterly Dire At have been nude again-i ua, And n we unoVrtrid a death blow ha bt-n Aimed ; well, we Are ready, we ere prepared for tlio ba ll', we Are a willing and ae ready to cell gde at a mull profit, or at coat, or under ctn'l for enth, a any iwher houim in tbe place we ray we will aril goodi lowwr than thVy can be had any where uImj in town we do not care what the price may be, fir we are oVleririined to wll whether we get a profit or not. The public are iuvitiHl lo tall, examine, and be their own judgea. J. ii W. ML'RPIIY. " April 3t. 1H4I. ' " r N. R. U'e gite notice tlio' we have abandoned the practice of (living samples ol grwida, or of send im,' gnode out of the store. J ii W. M MISCELLANEOUS. (it )i) BEEN I.N ALL 1118 WORKS. ft 11 c raoai tha oAAMta. In I but beautiful part ol Germany which border on the Rhiue, there ta a nobler la'le, which, a you iravoi.on ttie western tiaoks ol tlie river, ypu may aee lining xs ancieoi lower on lb opfKwit aide, above ti n grove of Iree about old A itself. About forty years h(i tliere lived at that castle B n hln pentlcm in, whom we shall call Baron . ' he lUrnn hnd mily one nn, who waa not only a . comfort to hi father, but a blessing to all who lived on his (tither's farm. 1 1 happened on a certain occasion, that thin gentleman came into the castle be began to talk of hi Heavenly rather u term that chilled tbe old mau'a blo d ; on which the old man reproved hint, eying, "are you mil afraid of ndendieg Cod who Mhriawbywneikrng iir;Bttc1r'i'ili4nmtn' !TbB tvHWiatt aid b kuew'oothing abaait God, lor he never aaw bim,- The EUrob did not amice al thi time what the gentleman aaid, but tb next , fkorning look him about the caatle aad grounds, - and look occaaiow first io snow him a very beauti ful picture the! hung no the wall. The gentleman . edmired the picture very much end aaid, M who ever drew thta picture, knout very well bow to we hi pencil. " My ton drew thi picture," taid the Baron. " Then your son is a very clever man," replied !' e genOeman. . The Won then went with his visitor into the ga'deu. And showed him niAny beautilul flower and forest trees. " Who h the ordering of thi garden ?" asked the geutlcmin. My son," replied the Daron, " he know every plan, I in y aav, from the cedar of Lebanon, Ii the h p on il wall." 11 Indeed," ald tlie gentleman, "I shall think very h'ghlv of him soon." The Ihron then loos him into Mie village and showed him a email m et o -tinge, where his i had eiahlthed school. And w here he caused all yon'ig children bo had lost their parent to b rceived and nourished ul his own expense. Tlte children in tlie house looked ao innocent and hap pv, (bat the gentle,,,,,,, ws- very much pbafed, and when he returned lo the castle, he said to the ft r.m, anai a nappy iu in you ar io nave ao gono a ' I " How do yon know 1 hnve an good a on 1" aa Ii t a tl -ruse i nave seen nis worts, soo i anow ne must le good and clever if he htt done all you have h'ikhu lite." " II it von Iwve netvr wr bim." " N i, Imt I know bun very well brcaiiae I judge of bito bv his wniks. M True," ri plied tbe ltron, " and io thi way I judge of the clitrseter .if twr II ivenly Father. 1 knuw from Vts works th it h i a hmg of infinite w isfloin, and power and gondii,. The Fienchmau fell lite fore nf the reproof. and win carettil not to nfiend the good llaroii any more by bis n marks. R.n wirt of RfU htfr. u bom veer Ago, mvs a loreign j-Mim I, " ibe cniiiiu of a Corneir cirried oif th- wife h a inr wood rotter, residing in ibe iieiuhb.Thoo.1 of Mema. Aler detmmng her for several months mi board hi veesel, Isiuhd her on an Island in the South seas, wholly regardless of what might helall her. It happened that the wninin ws presented to the savage mo narch of the I -land, who Uvea me enamored of her. He made hei his wile, placetl her on lire Shreoe and at hi death left Imt sole sovereign of bis do minion. Bv European veae, which rerenlly touched at tbe 1-1 ind, the poor woimI cutter he received inlellijemif nf hi wile. She sent him presents of sucli va-t value, tlml he will probably -tw rmef thwealt'Vietil" private iietivxiu.ils m S rilv, until it sbull ploiwe her. majev, his august Sinue, lo summon bim to her court. fr'miut, like lire, i a go-nl aervaut but a terrible master. Veat Ik Southern Litenry JUraaragcr. TRUTH AND EHROH. " la ' There's tuneful river, la Er.n'e lle, ' Where the aun-benra't quiver In wlvvry emtio s Where tit leave that fall Wet a tb eumma sky, ' Grow gem like tl - An : never d ( And eucb i tli'Vnaiu, by troth ealighteaed. That leavea breuM by VVudum anghtt. Where even tl e iy (bat etorm daKoter. Ar turned lo gD that glow forever. TUrV a darklipg tale In the l.idian diioe, By lx( tierbleM amI ; I liie'i. a ailp.iry tlime - s ' To iJui-d iwer tint it toucre. A ai'orc iltijf - - To the tirl a - proAcbea, A w Itrnng grave. And eitch are the warerv of hitumeea, ruing In tbe deem! buNoin ol'dark diuwirg : And toe birds of joy, aid tb flowers of feeling, Must perifeb wherever that wtva w stealing. Tie important of llofca. The beet water fr wi , v.,,, iionf mni purv ram, rivwi, vr pnmi water: And ii u abaolutelv neceaaerv. to health in the stable, that a constant and a t ple - ( ply should be oo the premise. lo order to 9ect thin, when well or spring wator is the only water to be obtained, it should be put into troughs, having eomcclay and chalk at the bottom, and softened be 1 (or use by exposure to the sun and air. Such is the effect a change 4 water ha been known to produce in a home, that in aim instaoce evea the ha of a great race baa been, with much i.w ot reason, ascribed lo this canee alone ; and careful tranter have een cone fir ae to carry with a hone oo the eve of an important engagement, a uprly of the waier he has been accuHtomed. to. Hlsie'i lintuk- t urf. A Question of Frrari'. During the battle Trafalgar, a gunner on board tbe Victone hAd but leg shattered by a sannon ball. And requested bt comrade, a genuine Petlaoder, to carry him down to the cotkpit. Pat complied aod alinging hi cumitantmi over hi shoulder, with hi he.d hang ing behind, proceeded toward the cockpit. II had not gone (ai, however, before another ball look off the poor gunner's head. Pat, thinki-ig the jar occasioned by a shot striking the ahip, prmeitiH oo to the cockpit, and deposited his birden before the (urgvinn, who, upon seeing the headier and muiilsted trunk. etrt..mrt hi ih h yott brimght this man here forT "To be cured, of course, yer boner,' replied rat. . "Cured! In't you see his head ii oflT " Head, is it t IV Jta, and soil i," aowrred Pal, bestowing a ware uf atomiuienl um the body. " Bad tuck to hi Ivnig aowl, but be low Id Fiwaa Ii DM tawrritrv .Vjgetuie. MEMORY. When backward, thnogh departed year ua iweflwry-s wjng we tpy4 . : i i L . . ltuw.oJk iuw Ut foaiivr of teara ' .wrung- Along tlie wasted way ! TJi heart wdl vainly aeek the light That retted there betore. And sadly tuna to mowra tbe blight Of all k loved of yore t We watch for footstep that have coma . Te breath the twilight vow, W luttao Um tbe alter too i Of. voice ilentws f Ws gate on eid ft miliar thing?, And marvel that they bear No gtadnesa to our spint's wing Like what of old was there! Evea Iau, when tlnoujrh departed year. On roemory' wing ws atray. We find alaa I but tounia of tears Along the wuted way. fVaa l Otis Lff. LAST DAY OF WARSAW. Warsaw's last chutipma her height surveyed, Wide o'er her held a waste ot rum laid. " Oh! Heaven." be cried " my bleeding country rvc; I tber Bu hand on high te aiiteld tb brave r CxafiaeiL, The morning of the memorable 18th of--t-J w htch was tne last day ol foland nope, was uherd in wub IL the grandeur of an uneloud-' ed skv The giyVis aun, aa be Balled up above (n distent nvmisdV darted fotrlhie ray upon pUce and collage if the elevate1 city. a yel, W arsaw hid not bee distract by ,n6 ''nnveduite horror of war, notwithstanding iu dewol.tioo bad ruiled for a long lim. in tide like .... . fur, on)r iblm, riock, and many other flourish inJ 0wrs within the territory of Poland. Up to ibis liioe, tbe iuhsbiunt of the Capitol had en Liuyed Miirewiiiiwe; peat, eatapting ikiw BtMTTnei living ternned at lb report of om plundered vil- Uge. EapeciaDy oo thi morning, all within looked gay and joy Ml. B,tldmr were parading tbe t reels, adorned ta ailendid equipage, with their pennon J breaming, a! their arm glistening io the morn- Mn. Officer on prancing t reds with banding .juniBI, rode in ttely pomp amid the, gathering, dianenaiog order forth Approaching (oar. I nasw-ar. A I " aisa waa in moltoa. Hen. bit- inliexN forming moving, and Mill increasing. J'Acrt, the gil.led chariois iif noble la neighing I cavalcaue with liv ly Uumpeu and waving banners, I ami in evert direction l he fluttering veil of War Lt'i maiden. Inoeed the mind cannot eootem- he plate a mure gureous scene then Warsaw presen. ler! on thi splendid, yet fatal morning. The heavy cathedral bell had juet lolled nine, when IJ dieiA'ice snoeared a cloud of dVat. W hat is thai vonder! " pointing toward Cracow, mid Laplen'x. to her galiant hiband, Ibe brave kakaskia, while prome,eiliiig the upper balcony of the palace. " linleed, 1 suspect nothing," re filled the warrior, and pressing a genemu rim upon her cheek, both moved on, enjoying the re 1 Irwshi'ig morrwiig Ar. ireoemus lv! how nature smiles upon the, Slower deck thy path, and ivy wreathe adorn thee. 8wm th heavy tone of the alarm bell came amndme from a dtstniice, erh ing in sullen clang along the- arched rovf auJ au-tpended gallarie. la W bah issjs ala, vmv Wwl m aVafemeg efa. m lw " aw! IfwathUag Lvparwra. jiwgmg mum Wr .,v bnaamf a m aa4 taM e . - LA,m rjUd tU briA WAviif W t imt bmm nm$ ae-erj t'r,. ! Lauleata. Aae kraal i 1 , Lapl r IreeiAlal al fro ars. but mm mm m tua O auA am aart g g wv h i M w wwall. Tie 4 ar4j xa- , ins af km- K ae Mm 11 kv Welo af taj traaniet, UwA-r " ; Tb tj'tarl a wa a . ajsinail i d Laplawra a bi , ( l k. wad aaatewad li 4 j.a S BU Wat wa .nwfw b'a I . ( Htvwr whiM m wf farft ttWc.'f - CttiBaa) a4 aiWrw, , ad . fc-g Iwg ar h-d mi in a wan I'M tm m imn W Wrd pa.y aa Use nrning. tfrWl twft-;iaej rtaaaaaW ai ve aa, a sjmt '' alarai, AV-ef the airW pw . ard. Abawt lft ! aVced ! hw afrwad? tmder aewa. A B V An it e. 4 alnrg ihbrvd etrawl f tw HNi, am ae MTist. arwva am in s , f f mitmm ilneisj. f tf Wl aaw F ivmo acb bWy httm fwb twe s. Ecl eijejtejuirWligWaxsU ' battle, And wvia esj-a inat bt twrb tfct sHtibie aptrii ef Pi 'snd New a aiay wf kcaaw, rw4 ca - tary cawtdaawref wx-r tb -w ! ce the ervmd of bU Tn wwl .t... . -w '.i.iia a unj uvm. aaJ m tnrnA mtumA ai sw mmamA freaa rasib a rwak a a gjateafwd cat ansa T ubiMBiiciUtry. Ery eye wee isad mm '"' " bina, aod a be wtwed bt eMg Uade wa b-ga : rjs"e a, 4wi tfmommmm mt a signal of si Wore, am wtmpef waa ba4 a ft :mmi a mmtm, mmt im tbe rank. . . lap wleect m.gm4 tV'sagVaat. lt atawd . a wme .. mm Duldiera," aatd lb Gwwrat, after aiweeag asxeawtg tim sa. sswa w e4(iiw5;st in a anattius) to be beard by as "!. is, a ayi4CCgwasA Wisw tbe E itwiaaa are Vjavw wirf pnea. tbiessi d serw ai 4ew4 sjniJ. jwr isMtoaoger. uw in tai rwim as mm. for arotectina. VaUan deed aaar aare . but cewar 4ce wiU taewi aUawey Wr." . K.-w be roaid fnomA farther, - U m r'- , awed Ac kjcrat res) il cauWIee f ad a J volleyed tbewdsr abg tb rwab f lh r-W. , ILasluskia saw thai br avcb bad rba Cwettwd ruVd. and wit hul aaytag asera ! graavg a! lew batty erder le & eftcera - ef wH tb maia ewtraec ef tb rrty, " y!shbd areat I thi,"id tjoodeobe'g, to oo ef be) fcHw w&'rfai, j while aherwately gazmg xmea lb retiring ! , uw inv wag Mil annum, iiw ri - . repld tb Mber slapping bts Ur wub bssewwM. H bwt weaaay have a fcH eonteat befur M sw." f Tbal'a tro," Mid hooeobarg, -biwi U those brdd Rusasao euMr thie C tKevt ea heel shall press ray body and the bV) av place eW ed by th comma eder ia-cbwiC For B long limayLaafewta, frewi be Mv 4 " cony of Ina ptc, wear lHrloJ bad teg be, . Ui beat aaaebtaf tbe giausi rrlawt mm a 'aoieinM'giaudiiur itong tb 'witidwj -rubl at 'jCiaV'1 cow, with color waving and araa greemwf Oaward tbe living a, ilajMlic! wfult grand! A bait wa made within ca; won sbul vd tb city. a if io doubt where to attack, aad a far aa ibe eye could rch, aitended tb dark tumna s) well trained Rusian of Finn AndT levy IVvwisch. Just as the caihedrtJ clook was !nkmg iw-lv tb first cannon of th Ruaon wa bei. rbwig along lh dark wall of tne city. It wa wiccf d -d by a lbuand force and a continued rttH. m umt trim. tMjra." As ks) I MM avri. IMl KW Mi ? .... . . . . ' . 1 ansa, wiitiiu t-, v. , ajtu m. - Tr e ..-.4,. f-'Tke IkMLwfi iyiowvd hi eiaiBBtensI i T """" . 1 1 . . . . land Ummmm, mm I akssatai ABa MaasAMBsl Bta B IMIBVI BIB ggaal rM Baaaast MrBBai f " - grg," cboed from the dttH m-arw'wa. tr , lw mmtt, wbe ,.. v ai ry Ruasiaa waa in motion. T Ces-ark d4btd M alui, im ewM ar. 4 a mmmm4 bar over tb plain witb a trertwnduu yeU. Tbe af il. red dart spM-rw. mm mm UmmtStf tillery, from a commanding eminence, belch ! ( IM Maic amtk m r- a tWcjua, ti Vm forth ita thunder continually npoa the ws'ls and j Ma Ra4 ,M s -j, M -vsaiaj aU aawe Isara tower. Nothing aeemed sufficient to withstand j mn,m abv ; bat av ba lad as Vtts tmtam aja tb fiary atUck. Now might be brd lb crash d, f tb) daia'a. wa g of tower the jirring of the cemented walla, r i , (Mt bigVwt tVgrat tab maw. Ww amid tha general roar of battle, lit agumxieg p(r1) bd the awaar ad . tW ts vg fc-4 shriek of ome expiring female, who bad veotur-d ratal le lam hajakf aa the $mh,mm out a spectAtor of .the accne. All reUkottt. cm,T 1 Du,, KJ tarvwd ba bwr a ga dmmm. tm tymm Aion, attack and death but vifiia wee pretemed autf of tbe ceaatwee'a m b mmmm mm a diflersat Men. Alt Were- order and discipline, j Ka would res ayaa bt aideakgw 4m . Every Pole, with a stern, determined counted -oce, gVcUty ibe retrewk T-ri , a. remainad unmoved at hie post. In sullen wrath, sjtttt. aad looked at -m ta a) aaaaal they seemed determined to resist till death. Son. ' vmharraawweat for uaa aawee. denberg, a if proud in the thought of dving for A, en9 Ve, wb -a aa kej4 hi country, strode like an Archillea before his j offtr u nwmr .tW w. my valiant grenadier. The fire of battle ttill bUtod whfa lb4)y ,w a-g -aaa .--wa. in hia eye. He rtieed hi word and wa about lo -p- m.j tssrM. U4 daahir.gout of the city with hi trusty wrrior,j Mm ba a 4fi wmm wUo an ill fiited bullet pierced hi heart. 1le ' prolMb;, eamm lh trM UMO wunoui a viruggie, evincing iom i ".i undaunted pir.i an tiarcuiean souu araal wail Hat, throughout lh rank ef the grenadier. u Sondtnburg, garde, "garde, gurdc," was heard from every Jip, and a. great wa thir attachinnt to him, thl ciccly could th rear of the Ruwwan cannon, the danger of their aitUAtioo or the extreme importance nf iheir assistance, move thrio from the spot. Although Harahera. tha second in command, succeeded in kindling anew iheir martial spirit, and lUsteoed to execute the unfinnhed order of hit predecessor, la a hw moments the grenadier were wiih.Nil the city. It was Hap-herg's design to cut around a little kil' and attack the Russian in the rear. He had nearly gind th hill, on the east tide of which aroe a dark forest, whn a tremeodou- crash wa heard in the direction o( the main body of th Russian. Haptberg, supposing the cause, 1 as q iick as lightning, wheeled hi trxxips into the citv. ant! hastened to the' scene. The Ruaiaus bad enter d. A thousand Pole lay bleeding upon the'ground. Haptberg sickened at the eight ; but there wat no lima for moralising. Many conipa niet had gtthered Arouhd the breach, contending Arm in Ann wilb the exultinii Russian. On eseh countenance tt the tern resolv. Tisough young lltptberg caught the flame, hit grenadiers were not behind.- Wiifi the enihjsiasin of their leader, they ruthed to the contest nothing At and before them. Th Russian fall before them like grass bef re the acythe of the mower. But alas I Hjberg a,nd bta trusty grenjdurs! I hey di-mp pear heM-e the c(iurrtiei -ntimhei ' nf their e,e viie. f l I mmf'm ' - Aw - K-iwe. w4 ; m fc ae" A - - t -- 11 ( "w t- -w ' fw - " - W - " iw fe"--v- tur aw art ? 1-3'- " 'J " Ummm .... t 4 . i aMN'-i I-,. ";. . . shmi . 11 iew a p , tm' wt m y tom . I - J" m vw -"-.. t -?, " w . mmmmmt I w- . am. tf , ' Z !. fwn .m . " wssaaw mutmimk lnw, I . mm bmimw mm ' wke -mmmm mm I taiewv w t wt. it aanf - M ' fmmm. A-MVf m AS hum. SMsa. " lfmmi f rmm m mm mmm& wamw , mmm -4 wfKf Me wart, t awA Ids k mm avaea t IbJa1 fc4wJsf',M f900SW 1 segra'anl ts sfcs wia.? fcsv sail I ase - U swMt' xw m g.y'y 4 tl.glmmd esJ a. Tw v awtwee i f araw t ajwts.sp.4 W osssng a sargw a . MaeW,.i-wrt nsaisYsi w Shssa ssf a eHdb j awsybveaV, aa esse wrl - m ef tU tag its aw jms. ",,jaTAWs'swavf bw awawgvva. . ."' f aW 4wir;,Bf .iK3ife -a. tm:MjMms& MB) af ijil.a.iWwi .. aft . law xtd aWb'f tf4, ft art wat eb mssm tttat -r aw 4, aa ' gg4 wd d-V'(. awd, a tm mm Umm, ma t r ase, Ik d www'd Ww b-w ew awf bu iwe bgwi wi) aasJ carwaU taw a a M e . T ytar'fmm gv tali tw l A t-mm ' gav aa tmwm dewa ?xi bm. H aa a Isisn.ii ax si wh4kiw t Ummg m k t av . ag , bd M bs aVe-ii-aw, aasa aw 4 Ssafijew aa tea awl b wHWjW'y iai1 mm a. I n mmmmi b wad smi 1m Vajf ,urc ttrMcV4 biwarif a w m i y hich pco'irted. and lbn ia. i um - ; whi' h ttiaj flwr sh.Vilj ia, v mt 1 motion, for fear wf Alarmiag t- wA ,m ( animal. They rtnauM m tf mimm t.w I or four hour, in ih ea .af a wr aaarw mmM have suited th rcil f mm aaarw at toried ba-ely room etvwigb bar IW aa or 4 sag, nppviecd It each other m tta eatr, nmsey j manner. . ' i At length the buck we Tied te tktL of patsing over tbe obs'tcle berb lav tm ' asaatb, , and with this purpose acucbi-dtwi iawaa j very slowly snd with etceasy mtwt. Maw , he caipe doe to the II gh'tb-wr, b txsxpad baa , head down if to examine Ut jrwr ;, he t:u davil, or the unit nut fe l Uamml. ys-raisac to his country began lo overdue Jtuaeaa'a iram Seeing the animal proceed an gat!t. b rttf j forgot not only the dauger of bit weV. bwt ! nuptial compact which certainly N bee interred from the circuintncct el la .MMaa. With oia hand Duncan seiied ibe sWi "a t-rea, whilst with the other he drew hia dub. t-m aa the same instant the buck boMnded aaar lay evecv pice, carrying th Highlander along wub ha- Tliey went thus downward upwards ef a buwdud feet, and were found the next awmng tr sevt wnerc they fell. Fifrtoua wbodoat nut alwav tm g rl reiribuiive justice in herdipe.tiou, ovovr ed that the Jeer should fait l iriesb. and be lor i kilM upon the poi, w hile Punean ecapad arb bi r,V .,WVi4-l,'4'''"'-',"S' '' rc. J ,A J 7 ' i-

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