e'i'e fr'.i ruth i'm 1 1 T7as?u'nf on (.y.fj.) I f ....,.".." a.,' , , , a iv r vwi af . - r- iJ M mmp4 I a e s (Wi" e rwa-4. ..,. , . , r- -v m M f .. ., m a ...jf at.:'- 4 4 C ree4 thai-y 55 V 4 0 m e"W " . s e raere eaJ ... ,..., .?' 4 M ' IV . jl Ui. . - -nu; VKSTi:UN CAROLINIAN. 4wV4 J lrh4 are . J 4r A, A t w - 4 .. I ef tmm MT rriUay, Jane 4, 1811. X I jllg-.aWaiaji4i,iaaUial laiaM KmmiMfvVTJl'-rf . HE 1. -.a ' ' -t. m m n i wi T - i , It v - 1. 4 a:. . --4k 4S4 m Pom He'' t . "W mm m mm m .riJ 4 f iM M f AN Am lt W Iff .ann 4.4- - f,vr m mm mum mv m-"' im rnmrn 4 mffmtm -rM f l in 4W,I4 M' I MM WM t i) W kmM V Mi mm$0mm4 m dm pm,mtmr 0. U mm tmw. fur iM mm pmwimm, mm. l mm m IrW IM M1il l fl fc ' mmmm M Mm , 1kM MTM MT" - . .. Ipm ikmm M 41 mm m'JZi 4MM44 -v 3 1 is I ! y 4 wh t4) I M fr-ri J JUfBIIM. ifclW.f s-, - - --. . -4d - ital ri W m Wb 4NM " 4 M 1 'M .. . - tiutf mWii a .v.ai 4 ap m IM "" . tj g'aM, mt ll-J 4raM k aw m i4 mwm mmm mm, . . ... -. -..rf, . f MMrtt -4 . rA m mri mm, mmrmmi . A hint t IM tm mt mm i. nm mi teniA. 4 iiu-iwj M l fc M mmitg mm 4 4i mm . nr i -i . ,.r- a. mI wm mm4 m it 14 iSMM4 (M MM . 1,lt!::-aa..M: fc4 w af mm mmm V -m n4 m 4j ma 4 dM m mmm mr pa aTOTP - j . 4 iatMM VM T-f- ' . 4 4J.(w tMM IM ar . Ml If feaI C TWMwW4ajaf S Tffc (f ) gm-im-4 mx-'mm mrmmmm ml i4. jr a i -imi t mm mm 4mg lW444f I Ammm "4 li It .kaMk.li m4 m--4. M a4 "' IV jrf tW.uO. 4 4. -W MfWf t f m-mI; M-a -4 J hrfiM - I M mmg ar f wa.iv a t-w pi Ha TW m nfc'b ; ! 4) at la m M ' fcaa I an 4lrf 4 ailmf, a) ami M . M apar . aa4 tM 1W'4 f 1m g.4. 4 . - T . a-i M Ira, M - a-a. i " " aaMfi, fcjT " - r J.Maaaaaa M w M rmm kf fmrymn. m mtrnrn fbmm 4m w.m m W -0J,ai -JMp-IJirJ!! - mm mtytt N4tU toil, to Mai tuppl; t Ul mmim corraptiaa lijhtef mkgt to fly." Tm VroafBMM hl ka4 bet oiadc ia aracwM af vcliMin( th4 Sir of tbt Cui'ej 0utM Baa an Irwty mounding. W diva Jwi MUfUfri" 4 camrictiBaj 4 tb4 prrtvet rottenMajof tkt Baak, aaj Ium tettr krlt(d lo txprw w im W-W af lU Xral eorruftioa of Nicbola, Bid. i 44 fcareUkul until Utterly, w Ud bo, M-aaf iba waat aac trltaordiMirt 4ieol tovhich I f ir aamvliai tiai riwbawau practice bad bwu ' amr4 It m ao MccrUuMd bfjond doubt that mtmrt tlm mmmUt CpiUl of 33 million, of dollwt, mm mm Miuii wy eorupt peculttiuu m4 ban. fwttiical brUrM-. Many of iheto tnnwi. tmmS apra, but otbtn ir yi conceH. aj eantolljr Mapfward, Mr. Duane, and avCr 4 tba totwcbMMara bat ada tltt niual trMuc H cm tartou aecrat traiactuHit of i,,. KaU m be aabtat4)4, but lb Prtaident'aud the i'aaMMikM KlijM to tlluv tbeiii tu a iba light. u as us goo4 grvono, Deiitvad Ibal it the aecttu Uw anaau buuM "cuuld M reakd, Mr. H'tb-. aiaf a aut Ilia ouly man now in power wbo oceu- mm M MMUViabl piaca oo tb tiartk Ledger, bur Uni .National luiclligeucer lu vuly pacr uaufd b) Imi mUM CwfKraliuu. la N MMB4C( HO IttOM w awful oVfabipiMnU " tMigMg tu Uxnt aara, atul wbilo aory day m abow. augMihar afawea ul MitragMM. robbery, ar4 uo. abated titlauy u lite caiaiact of too tuauagen 4 Hua cubcarn, (hat aa Aowricae Congraa can m Kuou a.t g au4. ready lo eaUbiiab aaolber mc4 LmvuuIuMt wh4 torraa4a4 puwar ao4 gractr CaiMit,, tu aw WMCbieil Cau tboy oarluok iu Mutvuura m p4tiKal bribery--u buiury of aptc iuMf !! and pioouer oi iba wbola cotoiuuoitr M burial, aitd iba ktwiitera, thwfty wki vrpnaM, m pariMUiar f It tu, aud aootber NwiwC'l OtNtuhit fhould be catablniicd at iii Ltra Cieaajjo, lt aery friend of liberiy aud the Cxuaiitotti wIm uclw-ea aucli ao lixiiiuiiua to be aKHittuti.HMii ana Caitgeruua, aa il unqueMiouaUjr s ear ou ttto ahar U hi cojnlfy'a Ifatdo; bai lo raUa hi aliuria, or CM kit warfare a il rUll Ui utcrtiinwu aud prulria4 in Iba tiuatj let ory 4Lputca MMaauly mmjIvo liui ill abuojitMimu auail uoi pmiute i be land, and iff) tu r'aUcrabaU veiWe Um) atiouipt to bi Ha yoka ue M,tbal will but bearit.Jlr.aauMW a cirviuia: awmucr pwenui aiMI OIIVI rifcd Curmi. tWM 'm aai mX mmm m wmm mm m m eaMKMMBKiaat. aiaaMaaM mm mm kbmmi t a lt - La. at-' .-Mk a M ca4 a) mw laM w " " " J1 , Mua. U. AsiafM mmm Imrmmi im"J,mt mm - 4 0AimA Mm aVaria.a4-r-, a4 rb Ka awwpxHng a4 iaaMMat f-mj af tkaar aar4 aarNMia. We iaMt iW mm af tVa aaekbtJera fir Wm 4m atM a4 mtr mmrm mmm of h hanb (nfjr cm be aVactty ar aMiwetty, traced la 144 M(li- af lb atarkW-H-ra tbafnarliea. 1 bejr ara m a- M M aa4 a. i MH a Sw-f rMStr 'Mm M 4 JN-a mt ! aM aaMfM4 aa aw ab M tMw4i aaf M4I ajltM.iaaa, an" 'vre Hi v.- vi; 1 mi . m j, . mm mm 4 V- . a'ai a I ! iniiH a-aa. uaat aik-4 aaw' .an laura) ar W ' a aiwaii4 MM" 4. Om4 a4 aa-aayaf v4 eiMal, --4 m W l M a m 4 baa rt'-l aac awa to 4TM a mjmmM m . -oaab 4'VM aaaa MI raaxriaM 01 W4 Z . . 4aa.itaaavaM aMMai a-M M Martiiaa 4U . Be av -a aiwa aah at aiai a mmm mmm aaaiuM tea t, mm 4 faaai M f avl aaaaaaMa4 ba MaaaaV be IHMaM. J mm mm km mm . m ' btMvaar Ji a4 44 at a aajaiai4 a I'M ittpf ffttat b laana mt mm 4mf ti4 tmm riiA- M..-I JuM, 4.t. , IMI - .KmWm tmyi!mw'm b-al T TaJWa 4anH M bbe IMM M arM4T M braaca el IM baae a Waaal b tlw ta4r mmm ekirta, m Car m mm be ba tiwlmai M IM bAh bit and bw fh MibnMMl alaaalrnagaj wHb Hw a?1'' af vhata aer Mablas kwjrMb Kara bn ( lam Mat. war carna4 aa. Il baa ala4 bariia a part mt Iba cam la af Itia M CaMfll ba bcld aaaaaraSia bT M iba capacily of a Bank O Bear. Xrar Ihmpkn PmirimU Wr. WSivr aW tm? Bik a" ll' Tafrd S'atrf ' .'nra inaawtd tu Itx wrU ihnl - iMawl lUo fnliika " mmml In lhi inatitaimn th af aM KanJrH and lW thouaatut dnitar. h -W m ..- -ew 4 wmt nm 4 Ha - Ma a a . ommJm, - --: aa4 a i 4 a4 Maw . wan-'"vialaii a" aama aaawt., a w;. ffa a -a aai a aw aa at -- a-, t .. , r aaM ! " ' .-'b aarl a a aMPa a aaf m AavM apM 4 ana a MM V ra mOrm am 4. ''a 4 moi ir ana Ifm lFa.fair - " i-4 a" -a--ni. f aa i- a aa aa a aa4 al a i a MMff mc-m w 'w ' an i -a a. a-a. i i 'a. an- -M 4jia eaa'i aa j' '1 - ar'iart . 4 4ajl 4 f 41 ml the Ga HaMrtMaaal tbat TJETair. h4fmm aiMlnabad Ml aa4taaa mmii aaWf a ! 4m al "ba w m fmfm mmmj bat f aipiiia al a atMal cbaa aa, aa vaata aa "a aajaa"j aaaaa-aa. I a aaa aiaaa uaa wmmm paaaaj mrrmm , . tmm mmi aa,ianaai araatijka, mmm eiuca mm WaaaJ aaW I'm. WaaWaj'a aJanaiatraUan. IbwaawM Mbaaaaf a mmrm Ummmimtm mlfm, Uk tbM e4 nrar4a accrta4 im pablie aMd Ml M Iba alaM aa4 aadtia taa ba aaai fMbrb I aMiaa. mmi IM EMt. I'aM mm iwiai tna lUpjUKaa party baa trwM?beal . Tm UaaiitiiM'K v mm ia a odi Ha ii al it antra ad up iba euuraa CruM abirb V poaerfal gaaa a IU uillai dt- tlTa Mia k . twt f.tn.4ail Tm.m baa b. MMaMly. j m MlM B(rik ,o4 J h. r, n..w M - -w-M a aM aMf j . - L - i. t ( I iwpinj a arwvvr miwr, ii r niiri ma 'Jul lira af ita a'lo,te- fliiffirff. 7,r " 0 -a.'d aM m1 tmrnmrk tW e r-aMe-MM Tar f iw4l baa aaM mm? tmrntg aa rbjMa a 4 mm gmtrnm ap to priori aba! r.V!l?f. .ftV t". JWM4 ..aaarfVl4MM mi IgMI r$F$tl aaWlSVM-lt4 fra afJ-l k afafJVa ffkaf Wat a 4 mm rbaiiaVal af a3 Wraa. aad a bat tWHMi fc-a w I lattf , rba fcraaaa aal Uii- t mt a Mat aaai. Ma-s u4 k, .Ki. MM a tint In It.iUdcluhia. mmmmmt to aaWb to aibtka . a. ...k ika lUnk iK,o...K Cearnrfwa) rW - - Ibaar mm. j a.Wi. rL Dfaatoj. tm kaadina over to it Hp. C. arka4 af Im pep-4 ajate-a i erfw mem f 4 landa m iba Territory of lm worth Ip-i iMuaand M are t Wa have rft in"rrt a I Km Bank, mr an i4Har, but we atpoctad better ikmfa ffmm Cal Dravina Ihaa an accila tm nf IHm r, anteaa, indeed, ha fcatnd Iba fl-r-n of the fnmm MimM-r an d-nie, that hn wna f lad la fl even theap landa; lor we have i'lpiuna tmn to be rli4 apnn (hat Dinnt nrmpt'a.a hmiw in Waabinfftan city, lakn ia Iha arme and upon the rredit 1 a Mr. Prrknia of IVloj I Ciiiacna f mprira! vm ik4 diaraead and dihiinored bv aarh conduct T 0ijrM tv4 uur atateamrn.plarod in hl(fh ataliiWia, In he eiaftipleauf liitegntY, virtiM and pntrMiatn T are we ao loft In every acnaeid -ha tip, aa not 10 rry mrt h ! fie I upon an ailmini tra'ion ami enhinet, rarilleaa nf moral rrtitude, an4 a i'i perfurmanre of our duly to our fellow ir4, ,4 'ion, J aa-'Maa 11 - pi ai 11 ia 1 mmt mmmmm mmmmx ' aaai4 m4 later. . . . . . 4j" -i u.a fa m. aaa .a mm) MtJ eat af. n"Qm aiani ,n appruinaiiona naa oen - . k . , . araaiij cip-raru, aaa: in rvaurci in ina pension mmm mmm tm b. mmm mZmmlL Jm '"l? .Pt fmimum -TiHfra luati 111a wnvia numia;, u mo i.hlnuihki ary amy ; and unleaa great eienion had been uaad, it would have aweiled tu 1 00,000, an great ia iba Iktret for living upon Iba public revenue. The quetioQ al laaua now ia, thull this tytlem bt rtried f Meaar. Wahaier, Clay, and their triund My ft a. What have you to My T Tbia h the ieaue. Tlii i the itoue which annuld have bran prcmnted I t ilia people in the lual canvaa. Bui did tlioy bear nf it ? No. On the contrary, filM iue were made, and the aenM of the peo. pie bewildnrad by the preeeutatiou ol acenea which will aaionith poaierity. If a!t thia a'in, which he had attempted to portray to thetn, in to ba revived, it ia a queatioo with vou, how mil it art uaoii yourxelvea, and unoo the country at larjret You apjiear 10 be deeply emharraewd, and have been lauh! to look to the Government for aid. H tiy are you ao I Tour oil ia fertile. H ; Mid that he had for tie fimt time been among ua, and finda in indnvtrioua and pnTerprising. He would give a few facta in rela tion it'i (be ve1 reiuurcM of thia State and Mieiit 1 44 aaM4a4 eifaaaeanaa. a 4artaaeMfy, M mi4, ' bar fhv im arul aa Mntv mtSt mmm bmm i MPiaat. 1 ba an MM 4e4a4 m ttoe ejaaaiMa, aax al mi aw be ia eetab aa)4 m M away. The m itoe aar baa, are twoa UpM al aaamg aa ataeb raal Kaig ia I be MHle el Iba bir4. Twa of ibaee aHararl a pUa by barb to be hear toed by thai eapi'aL Tb-y gn tbaaiaaa aarirperaled." aud by the vetoe of I apr raidVitoraiM gH ibta idle capatal Mio a - B4 .k." Ilaeiag the Mpntv, they tba 4aer that tne a.'M af ibw Bank ahall aaaa renvoi in MVMeut af tab, a rd and ailvar. Wbal ia the tie liable rftucl 1 They hare your credit to back tbeea. The bxue Inetr Marei af wtr, al the rata of ibrra deiiare lo every one af your which lH-y bank epaa. If yoa hare twenty williPia in irmr eauna, kjoom 10 laara irM 01 uiiete-!, iney . ft . mhlm. ,lul .... rooll. 5mril of (Aa J w.i. ... 1 - , mwm vii.i, J I1"' 11 'i i' n wr Jit V i . t l every oouar yoa vi n. 1 no nave inna ivn thfaa lan iftroranraliMi inlA a Kank. Ika nnarar rj frlrrJhng fmt nal.ialay, lmm Amy ihaa enrarahijl fmunnrfflr rrrrrami. 1 lie new I lamp. , end h"iv I " ' 1'ivea an rrnuni 01 ine eiaininaiioo IV. t'h ,.!. m bia Wtnre on M'44 ! itw Mar Mnrfinv el -M 4m -a1cK -m iba I ,er .-nl-r.," ajfwild jai up rnobn r. and r-mtr invaia foriooa U m aia4 tmm jdatice nf tb imputation 1, fcar the aaaae wiaild commit Dana-re af iNm bind emanate Tiey ocijfinaia with uvn of frnajiieo and rt'ffcrenl bIimnJ. Who nW mmm wha-h baa vM the pnaid eVtrarvd Philadelphia which haa a-e tta mmtt.m end ibphan in tea re and Tm "Ma) l sbieef ntai-rybolh in; tlte mm 44 oaiUT Nol Iha 1,-ar Tmmmm-mbum paraarxpo r fron tie Puitadel rm w-b .tuaia aa .a pap-r conducted with gmM "jiiipp eaat - mmmt ia nr- valuable in the m ama veof ayeryJuinr and nvirhid refine. pw whrcar-bea eahihttatf eauiouatly mm mmm rigi-a. tbaa Vaajaa. ajajgaaaaj, aaaae aainaid I tatwu mi u Cyumrv, u real quMtiou at mmm ttoca aili be, wbwu aball brat to.l the bberuea 4 IM pavplb, or ib a bow Juggernaut of the u m fWiMa ! 1Mb I'aaout Iwo exial tugtlbtr one ur the aUitr aiuat Miifua i?tvlJ4 cntuomm nra- jM.Mi"jiliLiiMiaii- 'rtaMi'.-,J- a UfJ&xjLm chawiMi ul the Couatuutioa aud uf tiuuibero righu, recuii5 paid a vmi tn bia o aha reaidaa ia Ala- mm. At every toau on hi way, be aa gneicd a Mb the araruivai b aid one b the aaorla. At vaiioua piece be waa cal.ed upon to bddreM lrkt aaHinibiiea aud give bia imvi 00 the prbaenl coodi- bM U 4iuua m tbauontryi 114 Ae wbare aMd luruiai apeecbea, buf at Mveral pUcee addraaatd the people in a ptaincoavarMbooal way, anaeer- tug iiAiiHia and expibaiing puUio aMtiera. ' In ibia wetk'i paper may be found rapid ekelcb uf bi talk al Montgomery, Alabama, a reported by ihr EJaor of iba Weiuwpka Argue; it i evidfiitly an imperfect eketch, brt yet it ie we'l worthy the attentive ami bimeat euMuleralma of every bouthcru ma a, mi aiaiier whether be bi FederaiM, Of Republican. All ahnukf carefully read, and deliberately weigh tlm grave opinion of tlu great and aaacioua ataleaman. j nvn ? Krm we witling lo encourage the apend and eign iiiiihnn of lhM pterea nf paper, up wt'ti il the induairy which it ha taken year of h meat loll to accumulate. There an be no tm I1.41 but thai, were yna to give to an individual the privilege ol taauing hia oolee, which, for gold and ailver, would eolely be rrceiveo. in payment ol public due, he could aell out line privilege to-morrow at POKTT ILLI0N4. It i owing to thia operation of the paper eyetem, (bat you do not mil eiehange, inatrad ol being compelled tn bun it. lo ibia tour owo Gov ernment ha been againat you. Owing tn the banking infljeitce concentrated in WallaudClieanui at re-1 a, ymir own iuaiiiutHtna have been contmlleil by Northern Banka. Mr. C. illuai rated : A gen tkman eomea to one of your Bauka with a letter of credit to the amount of one hundred iln-Lami dollar; he wiahea to purrhaae vour cot I'm. Your Bank buy the letter of credit at two per cnt premium In thia' tranme ion what' are you ho' the mere agenta ol the Northern Bunk. Thev ihua control your circulation and it ia needlcM ay how imruenM the power. A considerable paper currency give to Hanker, and B iuk (peculator an nniiK iiae power over the propeity of oilier. Granting our circul ntng m'. dinm tn be one hundred million aud our cutieucy of the Plvnpniih Bmk, by which il ia aarertaiued thtt the Ihrwtor have borrowed Uneen thitand dollar more than waa piJ in on the capital, The Albanv rg ia ohaerve of ihia. thajr il ia cettaiiilv "a violation of the ruleaof hanking aa laid down hv Mr. BuMIe and hiafnerd. Accord ing in their practice il ia a gnodbanking opera'ion for the officera 1 p-M-kei all the capital paid in. But to awindle the inatitution ut nf a large per cental" beyond the whole capital, i highly re pre. henwble; and we pranrue Mr. Rulll himaelf would not vote in favor of living the d 1 red ora of the PI v month Bank a ton of plate for their good management of the concern." iV. Y- Eve. Pott. Rnn)t Fraud. We M?arelv pick up a newapa. per that doea not contain anme arr.rxint nf liauda being committed on the Banka, It i really die. niting to Ihe woild lo ace the enr nipt ion n the o(Ticer of theae inalitiiliona. No! a month not a tefk not a dav, (nil what we rereive ncrnunta of the moal wre'ehed raacalily practiaed upon the people hy the Biinka. la there nn atiiping place to be fofMn for each enodiici ? . Our law are pel av dfiince piiblic opinion ia no longer regarded. Whou, we ekT will the corrorrtinn fttid miaennduct 1 Nfc"R E AS ColrV C R I V E. The eiiraordinarv increaae of crime iu the CJUDt, haa been ao vaK and alarmin?, within the latt montlis tu lore the conviction on the mind ol everr r fleeting man that there Duet be aonieihiog raiiMlli wrong 111 our iMtiluiion to produce effect m deplun bly bad. Wa can take up a paper ol bile, from ra quarter without harmgol murder, robbotio. and oth er ouireou vmiationa ol law daily multiplying in cl ient and enormity. Tbe deuila of tickeoiog horror i cold-blooiled crime, lolluw with auch terrible rapidity eacinlarfcer in at,mcity thin that piaoalinf M:" are ready to bejieve all Die evil pawnor) of man are turned loo to blacken the anna I of crime and wl the age a one to be diatingutshcd for th rival of umjiw ia human form. Thia unuiHjal increaae of crime i not withoat 1 di rect and reaily aecertained cauae. It Mlowe, U-votvl all ioub, m the natural and inevitable effect of tbet yetell,, which, lor aome ycar part, ha controlled ah other aydema, and inatitutiou in our coonlrv. which ha utterly disregarded, and aet at nought il law, and all juat ice, violated it promier, ind n" the land with univeraal ftiplreaa ; w uwan li aboM of what ia called tanain, and which haa been be genetally but another, name for the practice of M" and awmdling, deviaed by the few, to p,roprite tu ihwaiaiilaaa. ailK aiinnina tru1tMra thai k.ril aarninlT f j the laboring many. It cannot be denied that the direct ;tend-ncy if a banking "ayatem" tucb aa b,rt ben oppreewd by for aome time, and yat hve uaWt ua, i to dicnurje boQeat labor, induce a wild aptrit of apcculation, lead to prodigal extravagance in li'ftf' lower the atamUrd of moral and political character,""! corrupt all integrity, public and private. Ik, for illuatration nf thia, at' the iniquitou conrae ol the lt United i ill tea i Bnnk, die glaring intance, among hn- dred of otbera, whkh we have known recently. can reckon the amount of nmral enl, connected w!'.b J - ' . : . ' l- ' . ': y y v. X