i'ed 'y '. of our Did. In hick baeit tht: 1ra, wre- tu eW ertl r ti. .the light. Cltll W'tb.. edby sou" d aa gen a tio Hither raar ak ita 'euec liuoiiy 'Kfc.ai uotber at II) A the i ta be ouabljr etdHH taiy in ell tit I HfuO tutp- t 4MUt befiica to -WltUf whwi- ngliu, in Alt (raatcd a. At t large I Condi- a tJidt- draMtJ i newer- I tkttch ported ; it ia well ilnit of ba at trefUliy liorn of esuntrti Utt Vf iA errry rwiitatlJL deplore- frooict and oth ig in tx horror it rtpiii'y man art nd wall ilof ! wot 1 i- beyeo'l l of thai ontrolW ill inrt filleo lbe,tbot been U of trtu iprlate iruMEt 1 he direct we hi4 t amfli1! I pirrt of in liinf icter.tnJ k.lbfW the lit ion J h" ted ''h. kjkhUfion lU rcuti'ff tuia n& 4,na it hat aruluced t Tor yei It baa tk-en ao in J Curww cert over the whole Un.l, by eocourairg the omr) etundleaa (pint of BJ tprculaltoo, ty rorrupi.rg tha high pltcet of power with bribery, by eeuwg ta exam ple ot axtenaive fraud and ewrnilling endrr Ui era. bianco of honorable end ut dealing, tad now wt hat . tht fruit in univeraal dewAatioo, ha rata aad dea pcuiiuouf tltuoaaiidiwbobkta beet iadacol to NwtM it prteticee and participate ia Ma dieheaiwty. Every " reo"f roaa tnuat art aad acknowledge tha. . JW allftfl tbai I lerrible"evila of lb Yimee, aad whe cm dnubt that they ar tba immediate rerulta af eeer- i4nktnf .What oaa the raatraiaiaaf divine ar Immm Uw avail to check or control Ha dtngeccaa, aad fete t.a.uuiM a Mamuailieel The ara ceaatf Bower. lean It ia foil to enppoee that individuak will be able j ..Mil ita tMkrnirimiA anrtWiaL. . m wi.il rial tryiaron mad. It not hamaa nature ; w might ee reeeonably expect to find a bcalihy atmejhen m the midat of a diatrict infected by tba pWgee. The ot vadaaaa w to ba blamed, lor taxavea, t Ua awuai who aannot mill tba influence vkat arjwa baa, at whether ba will ar not, and it ara weeld check tba prog-re of crime, and atop tht coma af iearaliy, a nuat go back to tba brat caeea, and auike at aba root of tba tail. Let tba fountaia ba pwrifted, aad Uta fUetrn will not ran thick wiih corrapuee. TJatd tbai ia duoa, divbooaaty and crime moat prevail and canta aa to iocreaaa aa tba natural corawquioio ai inrtitntiona. So long ba idle aad faligatt ana rale tba labor ioo tod jutt by Canning etacptioa, bob' y will ba out of tub too, and knavery moat aWiah. But Uia People, who art hoaett, have In power to defeat tha land troni impurity, and tftbry waaAd da A, let theta frown dowa tht daaigiiiag bypocntca aad Ira. ding politician, wbo arbik profeaainf aaal kr tbapaor man' inUreat, ara plotting bow It entrap bw by taad and graap kia bard aarainga to awall lhair gaaiblait; Ciin. Tba ofaratera and Uectauca'' akoaM InrJt to the practice, not the ptortwwa of wmoj ud partira who art waking power bjrlbr aid. Tbry abaaid aaa peel iboaa wbo ara attempting, under any pttnjMa, ta bind and riret tha chaina of Afawwpary aa them, aad bvw their neekt to the degrading yoke ot tba weary peaw, a otter tyrrtny tht a any form of abtolute Alwr txtensirt Bank cwfcWry Tba amlaeeaard planderera art latterly pitying a atrong gatat, after tbeaj wn tort, on tha privileged lew. ' It tbey caoUaea ta uectaful awing a while longer, it bpaaaiUt tbry aoy Mceead ia ataaling aa aiwcb from tba Baake by aialewt meant, it tha Bankt bt abatracted from the peep' by tbetr kgalwed tyttem of rohbrty. For worae mawJ.i tbet hire be' "f reml many caeea of Biak robber, J (,tid mottly loo, try tne oraeera laemsetvea t um taatf tutiniit, who firat plundered the people for Uiebcwrot of the Bank, and thca plondeird the Bank fur the broe til of themanlvea. , Tha laat oprratmt era, hewwtrc. to Uva been performed by po-jm mgaea act cwoaectrd with the auflenng Inatitutinn, aa far aa aacettaaard. I The Biltimora Sua taya, that " the Frader cnawl tjr Cmk waa entered by burglar between laat 8t!r day erening tnd Monday tnominf, and pdlagrd oJ a j Itrjij proportion of Ka nwat atlaaole prir;riy. TUr tlnerra, it appeart, cuorcyrd away la gold 'Jit aatnaal of $10,0 W; 10 note aad bill of other Bank and checks, ; in note of the Fredenckfaarg couy Bank, tniJWT j Suta 6 per ceaL hand. fltlM; fc'Ute 6 per .cent. certifcta, li,)POi & per tea. Htrling boada, ia22i mkmg in tba ag;reate jitl At a eaeelMig of the Preaadeat aw rrra 1 riot' Uia Bank yadrnliy, it waa remlead to offer a rwrd id KVklO KjT the rroMary af the aw-aw?, ar ..pw!rlri& ttiiatat ta explained it tba adwttieeaw at. Wa Inn -itiat' the ' fcTfof rntrtf ofra 'ofnheaT waa fmnd yrwtciday itt a creek tbital a buadredf trda Awa tiie builJmg, arrS a dark laottra oaa ivufcd wpoa a bridiie in tha vicinity." jlw.AoaoraAZc rgwtv Vanhr.ihetw end to tht indittdutl tnd Corpora rti wiflaiata of J aM tWaa a.kliarl.iol aaaaJ tmm aa-i-wa.ao - w there lattef time. r The.kulo ritytet art tnhn la ; cclipaai by Ihoao 1 aoaoraUr fwger arid speculator hat recejnila aJdrd hit naoia It Utt atmt category wnb Mr. MttchaA; . Tha bonorabit Att Chibtaf NorwtchtCawuictict' lately Preaideat.uf the Nonrkkand Wwrceaerj VOa, (tj a New York jwper).iiUaii6i fromlhat cnrpcirtlhio by forgery aod roobtrtg, and waa at tb laat account f bira, aa far 3mth ta Ila4t4f4aa, ra rvwte, it waa preaoroed, ft Teiaa. , Murdertri raltca. All tbt wretrhea ortgaged tht lata korriMt aaarder ia. S. Leant, i hart beeDlpprehended tad art in aaat coatody that-city. Tt pnucipal ainain, a fret wrgro, waa taken ia Bt Lowia on board a flat hunt after haatxf genu dowt tho rivtr to New Orleana, rcmanod 1 there eomt tiijie tnd rtturoed bach. Tht turn- tpot of blood waa oa him, and tba wnamadaUe band of juattct led him back tt bit tioathhoak It tht tyt ef man it teem that be anight La an eawly aax-aieo! il. O0" 0a tho reception of tht new of IVejtt-hjia w lUrruont death in Kngland, Mr. .Vrrrwaow, oar Mimtter tt tht BnUb Court, called aarMtwgwf tSt Americana then in Loodon, ower whach he w.a called to prteido. Reaoiuti-M orere ptowd e preaaing their aanae of tha country 1e berrattntrwl in tha death of tht Chief Magistrate, die. Immig ratio. A tida4 immeoaa aaamigtatjim i"'tn pouring into tint coun'ry from t-rafa. tw! ariivaa ladat witberowda, RKsriXT OF THE CABINET FOR CCS. IUR. R:5)N-S MKMoRY. . Calvin niyttie, the ti-Cnllectar tt liUdeJia, prokcribr-d by the preenit Cabinot tW nrwaw-wi'a Mkr, waa a brat ao'.J r during tht lata war. Aa orh, he fought in the action at Londy' La a, ted 'Kcher. He waa a man of eckaowblgel aaorth, tgainat whoat fair fame titet viadwtiawoaaa rf party hail never dared to hreatbt t eyllabhv and a anan of rematkalda tniklneea and anndcratint it politic. Look on At other tWt I Jonathan Roberta, iM i appointed inkw ptoro, it an old and ineetetatt politician of the Federal arhool. Ua waa a member of the) Uiitrd State !"inin in 1810; ani bit feeling at that time to wtrde General Harriann amy he drnonatrated aw referenct to NihV Regiatet , ' woi. IB, raga IJ5, whrrw, upon tht okKhm in atnka tho aanaa wf Gw. lUrriaon from a reaolution of (hanks, Jwnathaa llolwrli riited in tht affirmatiro, Fvery man acquainted with tht kietory of the ' Country known the deep ajwrtifieatina wbach Gea. Harriann frit and txpretard at I hi vww of tho 8a 01,-1 td that it had all red diajrwcwlo ktt ntme. Yet J tnathan Roberta, who ta. rrwed, t takrn up tnd rtvarJed with a loeraliTe olTico, h I U atwcx Ct.Uaa. aa tit atWi af aaoit aawy. : anbaadeeaKtaamwaa;aAJtU w-a ka imd tMaa L m&m? uaa-, abt mom oj Ce. Ilaaaaae aji aaaOMftat t abMt aajra aaal ampa-a wa V4 tMa wlkar bW fataiedflVawiraalbaamagt araau tba aiaanaaai ma ad aaia .'iXt aWuaaatriat wa ta aVorav IWiW anJ ariataM a the Ofweaw TV-aArOi-; A SUtVH CVJX-Tn: nmXSir OT IX- f Tl'lLVra TO 1X ItT&r liri TWrfMwame aal bal4a aUawaai ab Knatatk; ( aibiaao4wa; ateaaa aaat taa AWbra wTbuto eft Ooaa, K W4i tVa la bej aaaiN)f aod priptaariU aw bHrJ aad rrttiug tba brig uexief aaMal dilaaiaa wwaw awn wet aVamtaac tbo! wot act tail bar dbtwla. Tney tbart fMad IL Unajwuats, a iwiiaVaij; peaboya jael to OommUI t.W.bev( Per4a, Ltaoteoant roeaaMuidiag ota tadxamaapteatrWy.ttaaav ' i tSaiaaaaaiita aa Aintricna lag lywc-- LiewL At a tvrawt area! in lab ia ay Vaaaawaaajtn.i imh IWaxweb. m4 Laaav tHbr hm f (wraVy aamiawf, aAwaa keWB abaat atw a' tWr maww yi lawa aWagti tbuaata Mmawcwomo taogVjt ftaaa aVa wa a. wnt ai tttat I w ana wa W aaaaat af aVa tawi i tba Star ao wl waaaJ aww-jaaaat) woto aoeffa an aW aatooiw af VtMatt ki ok, taw af whtti wa fbaaw hrd aa thaeharyraf aVatawrt tkaittanaltaa diaWoco alwaf aaai obiaad itmu atw tt we m a'taua aa awamvatatai if aw j awttv aad attar titatto aawtaaafcaetta JWnotot'ntaV Vol Wwf watwolMaf MKatftaV Uw to tba lata ataaaaw af Sapiaaaa C worV Tilt JoTfJttrflwjJI Vafwjaatat OMMt ww4iwl jnWaWaWP4, Mk a Irpd ajaianoatawaaigtaiaW wdatiaataa.aad iW trwrt aOweo-d a WW aaat, of aW akatgo af tar TaBaWaWaW; OauaLaWak aWJt aa.k.aaaHW aVawOkWaaakB awm aWtfWaaaahaaaaMat tw.. Viak VfrWl Jaltwi TaTwfl aVP awtaiwai Htm eMa, air Ctawv upraaw a tkW aat ria Saiar aawa arcl tat aator af ywawr tikmaft at la anaJr to waatftr tiaat ShtAr, aatarf. waaaV awrl ewfaroi paoatna iW f ooi aeitaaiof rfs ww aiwa ewo) ataa aatw a 5?lt,ao ratfwwat,aroealatawietr'eeef CbVia (rbe Iww aw otaaji i) wAmA atf eatuaa Awat a rk tovawvweao aaaro firwe ot wot rfTp-s&iul f amp j mio ra wh fawaaaaar tbry awg it At feanaf. The ajaach wrwed oawafciiaa. eaaeate waeiboi the owaraa wf a'wwit ta Tia-jaiaQw aw aibot ataaa i, raw rwrrar ta ttawajr Oik am o)umb) tw aawjrwrv w taiaa. taaa Wrw tatdvdj it) wbo cgW, wo tar wa ta wuiaw af two af tbo Saiewew' jaagewefa wftV awo pottv.1 - Tata ta raw fr"- wanpa aW Abuti h wrewad, owd 4 taH tatfieid , awt a aiwwa Vaaaihit awcaowag to t., eVtmisf oh bwa a r awed ewtt t rrtora nra at tt ko wwJb aw aV o And w twna. t w wr- t" ILtwrocky ba W-eo awch ?.. 4iwta : r.li.ji afcmt two tw a ernes, .anwabrd tbo awgeoaO Mi axt .S wv wtttSaa- kwbvr abuot wear WiTlafra. i-V-..-. ve rr bmt ww. ba Wanf tW j-r--f- afa. U wutataiJWr of. A-jrnw4ws aw Taw w -r ato tiabr thHt ' atMaiMWwttjtrtwMw. t - v TV a-rww 3y fSrw. A-A Ai h p af tht wafery tf that weaawl wvrwi aaa a ba abam&iardL Sbo m an4 to Waxw tow tor t areawaat twer -or, ww ra 1 J r awa.aaa 0 cwaapattt Al PhiUdrlpOav thre baa been the drril to pay il !Pa4axrfca.'iAwt A V p -. on awrawegWiitat poatHkCcv hart beet ia an amwrr t W aatat -wje-awo to.-- Beaattrar a too a attar aaoruaion rtar aiaca ua taw otnetua thaaito ta 1 wt t.Liabaa M wwv a wt obuon UutJ " H Mf. there W alwaya traublt - - - a v. - - ... .--"7"" " f wrath tbe ark awwaoad a wiK Asaa? thw ftajJr - gwttiM.aealrew aaafM W wtcaxw&oot wa&aaawt bwltlarai nB C wtotd Kaart, J, C, ltawta; j. Leo Weal XrmTwrk. A. at. IV Fat T. Faww wad C II. IK Vwweiejraav aaaaBaJatJ aV, CarVotraV T. Fana, Dr. 4. aWiwt, T. Rwawaoav, Jwat. Ftararo. ILVonUU,t. A. S. ma 3aU.Thwa.aVt, W . wiaaora. r.aWVhfo. Xo Ta. lin.ai.kww. kW kw ti. CaaW in) t an V -rev atiant. Nam T wL d wTaAaaataovlC. P. aVilaOl A. lamrirwa. e JwWwWtaJtttJl 6. MwwadfW. ISwa4ia fMaOita ami cawrn AXvWHS tCTXviC aX TUS CUST OT AfXivW OaiufiiiwAwia af t .V r4 Cwm Minns Waa l.lkt. af ttt? W'tLtyai attwa 153 ary kawtoaibl aavtare aW WWa a lmt h wt lflMePeX4l tra afa'afaafaN ak MJaf aVg ba aaar Bntwk TVeW A. C wf mwo fTVa C. T- TtrwawaaVlfaawto aaBaawaaowfkafgep. eantaV fcr CatowAv w4 4 vaaat aVa r-Kaw-laarot ami ww w. Ilawaac tar Ty bad wmW at tyi Be wfcoiKjw4tjaaaw t'War-w-a.o totapwir. wbwwrt awwrVdVaaV NNrjaaag atotattW wteToirft wwrd w 'rf t df IjAwwAv wiaao bw amr.wd bw tarw baW - thwej aa taaaaar, raawm.BAd kt aa F-n-". tVa, ami warkmt a at two owa aaaJtor iifa wf atkWt. trwadtottjtaaAwwritoaai awd dWxgeaw, w iw Awjjx aaakatty rwaa itrd baa . t y wataiat a aW wwwo toot tbat V wrWI take l imiaaawJM to aA Carww. IK awatidtoraa. k awa'awa tag, taWth ba bad fhuait. awd aaaeted tto a aaat ari kawtxa arwwt eatfaced aa a kgal . 4 rr" tbarmt iwaatwrtd waa awnvaw. wwr to- frkun atlxrwr tnrdtwraw aii aaawa,kat tj b twrwittted ka CoflMW IV Ike wr ataVA. I wtal Uke avaaatora aamw itH YaaAaw aaflfww rawkr.'and kawo aam al aaaawaj eaa at aW maam yard at Ja WwV wwtj wwMJt IgMFayal'tataWaTaw TkrT the wtomi I aa eaw wf taa aaaaet AW atraew Oaaaja. aad amwwaoawd bawAarg awl tht ctrgw to t at the twax arat rejre-ea awtrage. hod wtual at rwaaol at ajiitwaawitaa wrrtVvfl at Jb toawjaai.. aawaatawAatbfta tba a barar atad bwad wAarwv XwmTartV dm, Iwwuti Aurora ejaal tbat Ctpt. D'a laJy, aba tu oa board. cetbe Willi H daujhinr, waa Uket h.!eotly ttMt mum It two kar UU wat deauairad of,- - twiiai craw aweet lur a moohh4 oaaatngj thaa? tMirarM eoorfucU Tbee ooatiaue4 m t-tr Cuujt twelve ly, yMlUfinf tKo oem conoao lb. I paatad,, taking froai tbea tHetr bale. MMkaaf claMea, pooVliat na4 oetry littlt tting, biawi4 ta puot aogroea tu aJrteaaiivt bjt to twit aa ahott and abamkM their caanat ta tha tadt, Tbo ett r cootinotd for mm lioaaofiaa aaftiaa: na ttMnr auata tutM af tta Aawncaa crew.l -ntU at U ttva aacroea kMwaini naaMratod aaaabb d ia fcecr, aX attacki.f tba bnata billed Aaaeeieaa aaaaaa ketingioa! the A. Band wtuadew teeertt E.tliJv. W Iboo raturnad Syea-iao tkew, tanaa ta board wib aa adJitieaa! baatV tv. tail caeawaacael beeakiai aattftt (wrtav wtikoat ayktng it louk (at tba bng't paperaj aepxtayraaa attaoiMa to Uap. U i arotoautioaa. Aitor itatacHiiof tM-aarp fuar dajrt, aoreung tpeakaba ami bnaea, kaockmg wma tht ken of w4at. fiNcfmar aotbitaT. tht took what tbat pltwawi: earb aaao aabarwif what kttaoit faadodl aaJ taeo aaatbiiow tht cargo tato tht bold took tt tntar bttta. Ira me tht brig at liberty. krttlWeotVya,aayaCbptaiaD. I hod 17 aa boH aanng anal dnokirCr iht beat thtv could Eadtaaaj Rt (jar thy nanrt tht eoejnMnoW and ' Boaifv , an af hi aata pillaging my atortt aad aWkiftg try Ktjoott rbew beang aa awry abort I a;a.oaict oa bnoad tbetr a ant arotL" Tbt Eaf hah bri kept rho Aatrnraw tag flying aj tht Hiwr, and wm alf tb il ttj'm at bee trak- Tht I bngcirtt eTArti eiacterag tfttT would tern tvt am a m . m &iwwra aaeaei inta canaa aeroaa, ana aectk aa tbatr tfwoa enbrahr.-aad frooa aur lata aceoanta nwaatho Ktatoa Meeemethey ara determuied to put tnaar tareat iraa aiacwttoo. JW AwVt Aackawrca TU Patted Sratetl t-k ?.V- atiWiwo laat ia aftefwaceriaaT .'TV rUa aaaaV a fmf tie ""larr T TV IFideat aaaaw aa paoi Tara.'" It ia now tetartaiaed be-1 pod a duwht. tld it atay be (wad aa aiae Mm mm af tho Lawirer af tht Baa k, that tot of tawmfraar aiffiaa af "aarpaaded debt," eeaea auffiau bate beta Hiiaawerit fee rUactMowcnng porpoaaal W ate apow rw.4 mthonty. tb tha broken kaak baa beat w the constant habit at lutamg ita aaaaiet.aa kf at at bad any, to aroauneot rederal whiz politi-l tmaavtad aw the proatot, aaoex a fww of thaw namea, I oaa partook or lite arara atiMiont af douara, aw: Tai ri Kvftaw a. ' aOMIfaal!!! TwDaoiat. the godlikt, . lin.ttTOJ'.: Taj Riddlr, 100,000 ! ! ! I To Foinr. aau 200,000!!! Ta, Cmm IO JnaiBL 3in0mMl To Ttaao. a krgt earn !!! Say malUtotboaa, $1,000,000 ! I Tbo balawco. at aaiffiaaia. waa aanaaderad in tha aaaaw to aoliticiaae caialy ia 1439 aad 1SA0 to elact Hir and TWrr. Of the BIRHOO to tha twdlik"fMbWwfbraarrwVtofr ThMtroaea Wrlw. that lka wikala) nmttl atuek ama wi Inat iw I lwaa-eeiarieeWaa afacia. but ia tkoat two! mm w acrieaeeriai' ! ! What a enramewt apoa I j the Wtter of Bui lie tad the doingaof thtCommrttew 1 bnth anrw miportawl hteta, that buoeatr ealla loaxfly I n fnil awl clear exposure of tbat Baak, that tht JPj wbt?.? TTf wA w erpbna bat gone to. rraHIht itaar. TV ip Lart na txyaH aVa tV aidinwa ka- araaV PwMir . Baaaett'a Herald, apeak mif t iho aaaawgwaaent af tht taw btode called it pabfiefrHtjrit boa tobta taaw alaeaa." I BianLowB war waarw uwa art aanroa m tat tonoara. ft't ia llat Ika Kw V.I ao. ik.1 ikW aapaaao ahpa cataiaig tht ktt aewt wart aaat tbt wtaag way. Taey were aant to Fhiladalphai to to Aattiwottl sowtwi matrad of tbat. the aeara raooUad and watt Xorth again. - Baatavwf oar wlbiw-a;ilitaw hatit; ' mered ' fcttm tacaualy from rtuladtlpbit tit Whttlieg ! Otobc Bmmi atAr TaaW Sraar. Such aa togww af powtrr tho frataart of oar Conatiiution aarar tacMMrhi of autbnrtsing, and oa the com rare, they eipreawfy rwfated to delegatt to Congreaa tbt right to rrwato ewranrttmnt of any dcwertptioa. Tbo firat Bwwk wa put dowa ky tht people, a earn t ttt cbarrer txpireoL aad tht tacond waa earahliahed wbilt tho aalwatal aaiod traa yet m a aktto wf tcttattoa aa account at tht roeeat war. TW poopht hnao keen agaiaat iC They ena eViaavd it. amphniiralty ia 1919, and atill mora ampaaaralw ia when tho two partita wrat to trial brfafO Iho puoplt. ta tht Baked aural tot af Bxik r w Baak, and t triumphant atrdtct wat at.4i.f-. aavrtrtf Ctn. Jacluta. Hr. J t rena aatd, if wat aa " iBattrutioa of loa Bt deadly kdohliiy axial mg agtiaat tbt prW pe tad t-aa af tar GoWrtUDeat, corrupting aa poaca aad ogrrua ia war. It i:9l. Mr. MaHat coacluded kit aoeacb acwtwa the Bank biTt, ia tha Ctlowiog maaoor : "It tpprtrod oa tht wb"K bt eaid, that tht woarar leartvwwd ba th ki waa cm r waned by tha mlonc of law Ctwaniiitioii ; wa eoortroxte1 bv tho nut of iriwtrBrotBtino triaang m of tho Conmitutioa; vat cmo-wmot by ita ttndoacT to dewtmy tho am it cWartwrwrtie af tht Coaatilutioii wat ctndeained ha tho eapwaitwtow ol 1W0 fhaodo of the Conatitw iwas aibatat aV-pwodiaa: befort tbt public ; arat caav aViaord kv tho atpareot mremama af tht partita rotiaVd tho Cuoatrtutioa ; arat eoade waned b tbo rntacttviy ammajtMnta prapaaad by Coa (tvo tk-aaraeatotKeCNitotwm;aodht booed at iat finwj ceuiBMBraBlJyTbJttTO Aft Arrwtv they atonra tot aa thoae wU -dawty Argwt. fVam Me f warkaraa Afrrcwrw, LATEST FROM FLORIDA, Jfjra IWtaa JfwruVra. Wa yeaterdty rtcoiTod iraieUixwajro by inw eteamer Gentral Clinch, tbat ia liatiau aae tgaia hvwaat tboit work of death aa wut wwa Statt. iM the ltiiiwiwt. two atea "wtrr aaaawire'l tt W tear Trader 'a llitl, in tht aicinhy ot tho Oa.' f-ax kew. Tnort oaa alao t report which oilu cutLormott o, that out or two mora indittd onU mot a Itkt (ato at tbt banda of tht faithton Samwwttaa. Oat of be nwrdrrwd wieo we laarti aw kdhtd ta hat owa kmtt, ia which wart two or threw chtldrwai who fortunately made their tweape to tbvtr atother, the kaprned at tha owmont to bt a abort dattanro front tht bouet in tht wooda, waarw ibey roocealed themaeltot till the departure ut' lb aatagto.- St. AvcrtTtHB, May 15. Wt eatroct from tbo Neat tht following : TV ITor. Extract! bitter from aa officer ut tbo armt received ia thit city, dated - ' . i , Fuar AaaeTKAB, E. F. (Sartaota,) . April 27, 1841. Tba aaly aewt it tht-, that a rownor bat mat ar rtawd oho ara want out to lloaparahkt Mauiy, II idjo and Sam Jonea, w ho report that they hart al rua S, ad wiU tot coma Ua ; cooaequentlt , the Iroaty ia probably at aa e&J ia tbia aectitm, aitJ 9 ght- will aooa bo tha word. 1 nt Cit reg'tueot of infantry ia at pmeat rtry aklly, and about one third btinj to tick Uat . ; -- - Fost Piuch, May I. "Cotcoocheo, with kia wero Jot 'aaJ fifteen tnrriora, paid ana a mt aa tba 29th alu. ander a aatt guard Irooa tht Goovral CNoni-tidiug. lie rooMiaad all Bight, aad alept ia aaw a. iartCfatand -fch Mack Utter tatia&ad tkaa I ahuuU to have tlept it kia. lit waa aecoaapaaiej by tht Witt of nia band, a ooubt tha ikotKtl ludwna that hare , cooMBitted iho aornbia turlra autr Su Augua tiat during tht laat year. Two or three of litem war aa aattgt and terocioaa looking folWe aa I to f tonda, ondar com Una cooantand. I anoarantly taxhr lor any oWd of blood at tht WddmgafthoircbieC Nej-'ro JoniaCiaw-jAitWr (the pmirra " ; 7 " i 1 trawl lat"pi)aatai coamdarabla ahrawdneaa, aad caxnaa ia kia cowntaoaact tht atatka of a ttloua. Their caaap, they wJuemed ate, wat two day aaarch frooa tbia poat. They art to go to Taaapa, they aay, lot anoa after tbia, Cmjcao chot apoka of hat oecapa from 8l Augwaliao, tnd naked aflar CapC OoommU, kit aaada at allunaoot ' at hat laata ia yoar attantty. Ua apaakt to kia ararriara at tot accwataaaad to ha obeyed graceful ia kit taoaamaata, and kit gaatartt awrt Mprtaoirt thta kit worda. . "lotT Pwici, Mty 1. - Oa tht 59ik tit. Coarkeocheo, with oftcoa men trad hoya, paid aa a view. lit apeoara to ba oa Mtkiaj mora thta begging axcarwioa,aii aatma about at kttlt daairaaa af gettinf ia nthtrt aad goias to Taaapa, tt awaking a trip la New Holland. Ilia impoJeoc aad taaolrnta arat al-woat unbaera kkt; and had 1 koto eomraerjding nfScar, aad ka without kit aarawtrd.tht whole butch wotild hart keaa wat ia irooa. lit callod at ban, women, wiogy fellowa, and tewry thing tlaa; but wo ware reotaeaejfret to treat them with eitilUr. lit bad paaoed from Goaeral Armaateod tad Cut. Worth, rwwrdar, I aa, and kortrt, wara tonog tht arU ckat .ht naked tor. Of eouraa. wa gatt kim wont of tbeaa. Tht acouodral kad tht impudenct to go to t tad afW to buy a caatat ar af powder, nayiavg that tht taScora would aeaer find it tot. lit ten ytworday, after kyiag dead drank all night an oar raanera. John C Calhoun tact eaid : " Every day'a ex portooct coanrm eat ia the eointua that the bank ing ayxttwj at it ataodt I aaeaa Iboka of circuit twn-hat provwd to bt wat af tha greateat calami titt that ever kefrl tht country. I aukt wo war apoa tht Bank tha ayateai wart wgtinat rtotlf. aod it deatuMd to fall by eaU alanrbter. Thatt rewtarka, at tht limt they wore awade, attracted hut litita tttaatioa. Urctmrtaacat bavin 1 pretty fully illustrated them t it were well if legt More cnold ka amde ta act apoa tht pmohwey. wiUtowl furthtr tuflnnng frnea tha atlf-auaghbw., rararr Stmaty haa km. . disced kr Mr. Secury Jw! for . J Nortkara Editor aakt ITlcrr't Ctptota oc- tot !- Pahtw l IU might tt artn aak tb Seer tary whara'a kta namcamke Belt Bmigtr who hat heem Ird for iotarfenn ia ttoctwoa. C"iarif. rot Jaumrry. 1 FtarftJ OtxarMBi Tha Qa-bec Gazette of j n,a M wa Moaday kal,givwa tht Wlowiog account of 1 from 14 Qaadec aVaartr aflTik tAJey. f A awoat diatreaoing acctdont occurred thta asnfa- ling at aaout tlenrea o'clock t a Itrf matt of Chpa lAaaaoad, with the wall from the GnatraoO (i t- de. to tha hue af tht Citadel, gave way, aod lo tted amdaaamaiitt uf atone aad earth, the btuata ta ChampUw atraet, topaaito tht Court IIwaa. Ahoat B baaldiaga iokB are de atioyad.- Part of tht mtaatca wort at work, hut it ia aupecoad thai , hatuaaa tweaty ar thirty jjreaw were a th out ta, Tbirteeo. .oeod bodtaa. bar bee) taken front iho ruiao. Soma were alive and aeot to lb koapitaL The mtliury art aaaivtiog ia raoaoving tha racka aad earth aod (earthing tht ruin. 4 Tht Mooiroal Courier of tht lttk ndda the following t A frittd who arrived from Qeekee yatorday, kta Uaoteaad aa that wbea kt left at half pott five e'dock aa Muoday treai, S3 bod tea kad keen rtcotwred from tba rain, 17 or 19 of whom were dead mod af thaa aa atuch aatfigared aad awuh kted that tbey could acarcely U reoguaad from their foe rare. MARRIED, la tbia County, oa tht rtb alt, by the Ree.Statuel Rothrock. Mr. JOHN LEXTZ to Maw SOPIUA, daagbtor at tba kt Mr. Ma Uielick. DIED. At kia raaiiliaca, Cbma Grave, ia Koaraa Cauaty, aa TWaday, the STtb May, 141, aged about 56 yeara, NOAU PARTEE. Eaa, long kaawa aa awe at the atoat awaful aad aanarprukg mtiataa of that Cooaty. Ta aokajwa tba acwaad ia the bnef faaaru of aa oki aary aotat woabl da bat kxat yaatice to hie memory. Nor, mdard. ia it aicaaaary, fcr the epitapb at kajvir taaa ia wriUan aa the beartaaf all who knew btm,ar caate wiUua tha tphera af uatr ialnraca. He watt kiad buakaal. a ataat aSactneet pareet, t aawrnful r.tt tnatt ttetaaltat aaighbor. Ha poluaaly kkhful ia the pertTwmanc f the dutiea ot all tV rwlatioaaar tifa. lie waa ewiawabcally a - fhewd to the tear," tad hie death ia a foot to the aneioty ia ha lived, that it will ba difficult to aoaoly, aad a at htiatumiat to kia family aad aaamawe kin dred, for which thai world cat afford aa anawalatian. TVtdeeoeymaatb) nf tbekrgeeearmaf baigh- bar tad (head thai hrworrd kw rematat ttlh gnaw, nlhwflctak.h-d cra But thj atonra tot aa thoe who moara without Imp." Par tbew departed beooaKtor.alwwyaafnaadtamoral- tty ead relurioa, died wwh perfect leeigaaiioa, aad without a ttregglo ar e grata, ia the triumph of th Chrajtiaa Geepel Aad allbaugh kt haa gnat to that hoeroe whence a traveller caa tvtora," be baagoae ta reap tbat eterwal reward and eejoy that perfrct peace which todaratb futaiat - aad watch tba carea of tho Idb caa neither give ar take away. Cemm. la thia Team, aa theSad iaataat. Mr. ELIZ A BETH BRONKR, coxaort af Mr. Jacab Brewer, aged about Slyeare, Wt art requested to aaoownce Mr. R. E. Tbot at t UaodKlatt tor tht office of superior Court CVrk. . ' Wt art teqoeoted to annxmac Mai. Jrxrra Sxico, aa tj candidate for tht office of Superior Court Clerk. Wt art reqaeated to aarwuoct Mr E. R. Buck- "ah, aa a candidate for the office of Count v Court Clerk. . W art rrotiewted t tnaatnet Hr. Dtvm Kctita, at a Candidate for tht Office of Coeoty Coart Clerk. . Wt ar reqwrwted to.itmoonc MtjV Jabb E. nt, a a cand.dntt for the office of County Court Clerk. W ar rmeettd to tarirajace JcnGru.F.i:. aa t Candidate for mekftwai for. the cICce of CowrT Coot Cerk rnorECTis. afTtnEpuUUheraoftha Globe bare recently gia i , tha country an expomtkm of tha bmliiea wUttb prompted the tttmint ky the Federal party to praxrtta toair eaublmhmeut, by the lawleaa abrtiioo of their contract aa Printer lit tba Haoate. Tbcy -bowed that there were tlrea.ly mi KederU aewapapera ta which a aeventh i annul to ba added puUniitd at Wasbing. , tao-ll devntnd to the diwemUtaiioaof rVierat pria. eiplra, and the deffiic of Federal meaaurre, Aad to make tbia om helming bartrty ot Federal preaara at tht aaat oT tlMrrrnraent tell with tba mre tJct thmoghout the Uimjm, tha character U the GMie waa to at larnohrd, iU Mieina bitporarwbed, and IU poloa. cat influence dra'Myed, by a aweeping denancMtwa af uttaaiy on tha part ot tht Federal leadera it tba 8a aateway throwing Um 4n4 wetht ot aa expewdflara of ao,UtH M Bfepartt1,l-rlt. CoBgroaaaaaal work of eVa nation aod rum accomDliitwd br the iadr wort a aeramaiiaa aod ruin aramnni meat ot tha Union, to gir it lot aanctiot of the bijh ewt tribuaal knowt to aur country. Tbt work wat dot ay a ctoeaa locked mtiority of Fadambata, aat . tht cldilort of the Ulob are kit to tuatkia tbew catoa- liabuiaui by tht pttroutga they atay recti foam puliucaLfrienaa for tbt paper they publiak. Wt wU not aak or receivt tbt aort of lumping contnaotioat by which tht Baak and Feileral polittciana auatam thww preaaea. Wt will abandon tbt publieatiaa of tbt GMaa, d it cannot be auppott-d by tht reftlar awkweraptiaa pnet of tba paper. If euchofoor JX-mocrttic trmada whuat circuinaunce do tot joatify a aoharriptiao to tht daily or eriai-weekly paper, will aa Ironic the catape? puhiicationa iaaoed by ta tht x ra Utoae Ota Cwo grttaioual Glob, tnd tht Appcnda-ww abali beeow blad to atainUio, aa heretofore, our cor,w of Coagrat aiutial Reportar at the coat of gOOOO per caaam, aai to draw to our aid tome of the abieat awta io our aaaaw try. Wt treat, ander ibatt circiiraaUacee, aad at a timt when tha greateat mtereeta tt tbt totntry, aad am future dettiny, art put at attkt tpot lh errata with watca ut tret year or tbt prevent Admmatratiot W pregnant, that at individual who haa tht cater ot De mocracy at heart, will kaaitatt to mart late appeal, waea at theme timt be will faei aaaurad that tbm trifling tax far bit owe advantage, will auataia ia' u. mph at Waabingtea tht kmg-Uitd aad tattbful areaa of bit party. Tht Ucraa ULoaa will bt puUiahad weekly for ais month, eomatncing on Wedneauay, tbt lMi May; and ending on the ltfth November aaxt, aukmg twew ty-ix ruinbera, tht laat of which will cantata aa av dex. Each tumbar wilt tonuia atittea royal ajuarto page. It will contain principally political atattor. ; Tbt political aepeot aad bearing of tba ateaeerea awfart vongrom tunng tht apecial awuoa will bt fully do vaioaod, and whet Um prucwedinga ar taawduttd of muca intartai to ut public, they wvll bt gitwa at ttogw. - - Tbt Coaaaiaaioatt. Gtvoat and Amtatx will ka- gia with ha extra aeatiua of Coograaa, b ciuaiatoot oa Monday, tbt Slat May, and will It eooUawwd . ring tba aenuoa. rb twgraaaional Gloat will gie aa impartial biatory ot tba ptocetdinga tt keJt lloawea of Congreaa ; aad tba Appcodix will coatom all tha anaechea on both aide of important eubiecte. at lull length, tt written out, or reviaad, by tht ateaera thtmaalraa. They will ba printtd aa hat aa tht bast. Beta ot tbt twt lloueea furnaahaa matter lor a nam tor. U ia certain that wt will pueliah mora ttmbcrtat ewek I that tbart will bt week it the aamiua. Thee anil bw .?kZ Z Z'SUZllZ? ' Jonal Globttw Appaad ! Thaa work, being printed ia a enitohit Knaj for binding, with oopiouo indaxea, will form t vaJuwhtr, mdetd, a taoaaaary, appeadaa to tha library ot tbt atotetmat aad polittcia, givmg, a they do, at an ex tremely atodoratt trie, a complete nnorat of Um m Utical aad legwJativ hwtary of the teraal - j SohtcripUooa for the Extra Globe abouU bahatvVy th OBtb May, Vm&ngnmvuL Gk4v and !, u ioturc aU tht num." 4 - TERMS. For ICripyafike Extra 'Globe- - B come . do . . ' "It a V r da - ot U do Aad ta at la proportion lor a greater a umber. ? J tpr a Uoagrtwamaal Cwta, " Btopieaoftither . A3 !) . tHr; do .-r ,2 4 m j Aadtooakproportioatorararaamber. .' k Ptymenta mty ba tranamitted br maiL onte mmU. - tt ear rak. By tht MfAilutona at the Poat offici tw partmeai, aoatnaatara art aurhonted to fraak lattaa " eooUioing money fur eubaoripuoo of aewwptpFra. Tb aototaf any bank, carrvml it tht tectioa af , eoantry where t aubecritor raatdaa, will ba received by ' at at par. . . . - - - ' Mo tttaatioa will bt paid to any order anient the money accompaniea it. - I BLAIR A RITES. Waakingtot City, April 20, 181L e- Com and OaVa tor Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER kaa witki two milat at 8al bury, t km tatntitv of CORN and n ATS Sale; alao, aomt cattlt and kva, JOHN t SHAVER. Aprils. 1841. ' tt Negroes for Sale. CEVERAL valuabl Ntrmea for Saw. E. tjutrt at Ihit Otfict. (Saliabary, April . NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. twaeueajtjpi Tain smiscuiiirtU I170ULD reanectfully -If Saliotmry and thra V bw comineaced irrforra tHt 411 f WtTOQUdlOf couturvw Xhtkt A . w ' the BLACKSMrnnxa business ra the ebop formerly oocwptrd kt Mvaara. Uielick di Lemly, oa Main ttreel, t abort diatanct below th Jail, oa tho oppomte aid of tht atraet, where bo ia prepared to do all work ia kia lino af buainewa. at abort notice, ia a workmanlike manner, and cktaptr than any other ahop ia the place. By industry and attention to buaior, he hope to merit and receive a liberal aha re of public per lie will receive ta payment for work done. wood tod all kiuda of country produce, at a fair market price. A good journeyman Blackamith it wanted imme diately, to whom eonaiaiit work and good warwa wiu o given, non out a aieauy and luuuatri man need apply. JACOB BRUNER. 8aliahury, N. C., May 81, 1811. r. JYoticc. THE SALISBURY MANfFAC TURING COM PANTnavingeom menced operation, art now Brrpared to furniih dealera with Cot km Yarn of a jajporinr ttmlily on ! favorable tern." " , J. RHODES BROWNE, Agt K,',is.ry: ) r... 11,140. r - - 1 - " I 7 4 -

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