na 1, V : i ..t Ft- I I, M 4 t,T t h ) M !'1 AT WlWMJlUd1ii WHEELERS' CRAY'S or Harris Ointment, Beck witn's Pille, tUEit' PtIU and Bitter, Ilouck's Purm, and Bernard"- retterfy for Bowel Complsint, (of Sale .V; c a & c. K. wheeler. FRESH TEAS, inrWitTohce, '-Mi'-ClmMr Jvet received ana kx mm, at Im awe- burr Dm Store . &libury, Not. IM, 1840. -: r - v Cotton Yarns. " ,mtIE BubriberVJ' fmlln.Lvjnfflnn Cot ton Factory, would inform the wtbUeiKitfhfy just received and no ofitr fir Mkwbolele Ml retail. Mm Cotton isrus oi snta factory, eon ststin of various number. The superior auali ' lia aud character of the Yarns of thia Factory aw ao well tested awl known need no reeom mendatinn from ua TLoee wishing to pW chaw will please rite us s calL C. B. C.TL WHEELER, Aft. April 24, 1840. . it. t i mra tmn Ls-rr UOiSE-KEEPLRS, HE ha to lust received largo and frtik supply of the celebrated New Li im SlaaW iiardrn Herds of all kind. Those wishing Seeds lor tht next year, would do well to call or vend enoo. aa they o line but cakes." C. B. At C. K. WHEELER. November II, 1840. r hiesf jpasaaa. C0ACIUMAKINU ESTABUSljftENT. CfnHE Subscribers reepeclfullir talons lb etti A viu of Salisbury aud wrraundint eovBtry, Ibai they bate commenced lb above; boaiaest in all Ma various branches, m tha Sana formerly occupied by Mr. John 1. Shaver, oo the South-east Street, wbero they VMI corntantiy keep oa nana a va nety vehicles, such as-- , ' f frafcCteM Carriages, Barouches, Sulkies, Gigs, Carryalls, They will warrant their workmanship not to bit aurptiwrd by any io thia lectina of country, as they "lave on Kan J large supply" the leal materials; aid, also, in their employ first rata workmen. Order for Work trout a dialanca. addressed to the subscribers will be punctually tttoaded to. N. B. All ktud of repairing doa oa the abort est notice, DANIEL SHAVER, D. F. HA DEN. Salisbury, Jan. 92, 1811. rr ( l'J.'SH-11-A. i-'.Jt.-l IStU. M1JJ To Travellers. ' pllE travelling community are respectfully iulorin s. rd that the Subscriber ia now running, bit line di-. reel fma KaUigh by way of Pittaboro' an Aaliburo' to Salutary. Is email Northern made Ceachee of the firat order; leafinf Kaleigboa Mundaya ami Thuraday at 10 A. at, arrivint in MalMbury arxt daya at 10 V. M. Lcwrinr Haliabor aa TueatUjftiiMi Friday av2 A. fLr arrivinf ia Raeigb neat dava at 10 P. M. Hi horee are good, and driver particularly careful and accommodating. JOEL 11. LEAN. Feb. 12, 1830. tt N. B. Beau aecured at th Manaiou. Hotel. Froipectns for Kendall's Expoltur. --iiyKEI)ALL propoaea to etallih aaeoii. muat hly uern parjutile r the above name, to be devoted to the followiiig 'ujectrve . 1. The ancurity of the right of aullrage, by aa- ditKwal law to puoiali bribery and liaud. 2. An eiptwure of abueea aud corruption io Uoeriiiiieiil, wherever known to eaiau 9. Aa eipomiiou of the principles of modern Banking, aud it ebVct upon lubor, trade, ntorala, nd Govtrnineitl. embracing the nature and woa . of money, and a history of the origin and progreae of paper nxniey io it variou ioru. . To theae will be added all the topic common in the newapapera of th day, with a aumtnary of newa care fully compiled, (urmuij au accurate hiatory ot pnaung evenu. ' ' ' Avoiding all perauual altercation, tht paper, wbile it will not conceal ita preference for men, will con hoe itaelt chiefly to Ui elncuiauoii of lacta and principle, leaving the ruder portions of political eouiroveny to younger hernia. Toe Eipoaitor will be printed in tbe neatest manner upon a royal abeet, folded in octavo form, each number making wateen ptgea, with an index at th end of each volume embracing one year. It will thua torn a book containing a bwory of tbe time with much more useful and entertaining matter, j PRlCK On Dullar ptr ennuaa, fid in uJvanct. No aecounu wil be kept, and th paper will not be tent until the money be actually received, Bik note will be Uken at iheirapeci value. - To thoee wbo collect and forward ten dollar, an ad- duiouel copy will be aent gratia. PukUnaster are permuted by (aw to forward ub amotion money in letter written by themaelve. All letter to Ui Editor muat be tree or poatpa id. teT A to the poatae on thia paper will be but on cent to one and a ball' each number, it in the power of every maa to procure all tbe important news, and a aet deal of other useful matter, at not eicecding One DoUt and Ttr(e-ix Ven$t. Washington City, D. C, Jan. 12, 141. Clock and Watch nrpairlng-. t3 L-j,. 7" golin -CT. Voglor WOl' LD reepectfjily annouweto ibe ijtiieiie wfaliabury and surrounding Country, that he hat Commenced th above buxiuee in Ibia place. Hi shop in three doors from the Court house, di rectly opposite F. R. Roueche' Coflee lloww. on the North east square, where he is prepared to execute all work in hi line with neatness nod dee. fetch. From a long expeiience in hie business, be leek confident in giving entire satisfaction to all those, who may favor him with their cutorn. N. B. All work from a distance punctually attended to, and forwarded according to order. -Salisbury, April 16, 1841. rr K K K K4U , aaaM ivsTOMias. ' SALISBURY COFFEE-HOUSE. Tit HE Subscriber take pleasure in informing his A frieuti and csetomer. that he has just return ed from Charleston with a large euppty-of Grace ries of every description, aud venture to say, that be has aa great an assortment a any of the North ern Cities, which he wnl sell low for cash or on a short credit to punctual dealers. Th Subscriber's rummoers will remember that be published a notice iu the paper of this place, requesting hi custoim rs who were indebted iu call and settle, and those who have not done it, may rest assured, il it is uot done before our neil Court, may expect to find them in the hands of an officer for collection. F. R. ROUECHE. THL FAHILY KCIVMPAPER. Laxfcst Subscription In the World !! THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY COURIER. Valuable Lands for Sale. 8 MIE Suhsrrnrr vmhing to remove to M 7 ktllE Suhsrrnrr wishing to remove to eipui itexi fail, oflers the following valuable ' ilkotatints tor sale on fair ted reasonable trut k One Tract, ly wg about five mile East of Bali. ' iry. adoiniag Mrs.'a Mill lands, coa- Uinuoxg about .. .... ON.6 UUNlittED SEVENTT ACRES. 11:m ji'.ce it called the Iluklsbeueer tract, i well l,n(.fovel, and first rate taod, good bouse, and eut houses, Lrtii CkC.""?1 " : ' Auoiber Trad, called the Trailer pl'ce, king ; iu Crane Creek be ow Mrs, Barruiger s aaill tract. ha oa H aa eictlteut grist and Sour mill, and wool racing oiuie, abd a good dwelling house", aud eut thsjsest. aud the tana U fae llrtt.r,lrr! Abw, ay plaaiaia where I heecoofsimrtgnO t.Aere e fir t .ld.!6H iit'Doftand in good roodiltoo, sa exteUeut leelluig bouse, and guod cut buuacs' a large barn, fee. . Also, oo tract adjowing tbe above, ail woid . land, ana the greater part of it oicellent soil. - Psrsoos wishuig le buy, will always ftnd aw hi home. IIEKKT I REaLER. Rowaa County, April 9, 1841. it THE COURIER is oa aa firm and independent a ba ne as asy paper issued, at home or abroad, and its am nio means will be alwava anDlovad ia nalrn it miuI. a Family newspafer, to any "journal pub lished. It is a PERMANENT STABLlSHME."fr. Ill Courier i an independent paper, fearleaslv our- ening straight.fbrward course, and supporting the beat interest or i tiK ruouu Thia tpprol Family Paper ia slrictlv (Kr NEU TRAL i.V POLITICS AND RKLCllO.Vaod tbiieomprouniing opponent of all QUACKERY. It maintains a niga TUAfc ur UUKL, and not an article will appear in Us pages, which should not nod blae at everv fireside. . f1fiflirtea1troietrr tbeconritry, uio aeet evidence or its approval, it nas njnsen ana win continue w spess ror iiscil lis listewbtscee over 34,000 e6cri6er, txttniing ftm lk4 Lmkri I Us Ocean, and combining all int v est and classes of lbs republic.' Each number o1 the Conner eontsms as much matter aa would trui V riMIE SubacrilHi uasaa istorsvest neitial 8piJlttot t Mills, by which, a mill Mill do much better than witb the usual form ot Spiudlss. It is so constructed aa to keep truoi assfiaf ur billing the aeJ ia any man ner. Tbe runner at sovconAued by the ttpindl m el way to preserve us balance, tod at course tcere is ao rubouif of tbe siona. f 1 iiuuk, by mis improved Spindle, tht mm water will deal least o-Uiird mors swsiasss, and ths nu-a ot wperior quality. . . Any perMiM adbibf to nee en of the Spindles, - may obtain on ar wnte, ay making applKatioa, (with in a short tune) to tne uuscrissr si Mwcksvilln, Da.w L'a N. C I Unk tn prubibt east wUl net rireed f3U tor tb Patent as Bpiftdle ready for nse. Tbr totioning peinons bar a Pstent Mill Hpindl in auceewiui oprtum : km v. t . asily, Tbca. r. nr. jomdu nan ana rssiu i. rosier of imvk t.ountt iiiftli Il.rksua srvl Uavid J. Ranwnur of lrtcoln thrl-liriiMh ot Bowan ; AOdiaon Moore ot lHvw). suu, and Willism Lkis ot Surry, all ofwbouyn kigh if picscu w:in it. prrioriuauce. L. M. GII.BKUT. Octohrr 'JX CONCORD COFFEK-1IOUJSE. THE Subscriber resnertfuliv antiounce l4h, 'l " ...V.L.. cilixen ot LotK'ora ana surrounoiiig country, inai be has oiiened a Grocery Store in the town of Concord, where he will keep constantly on baud a large supply ol Groceries, WINES aud LIQUORS, imported and domettic; also Sugar, ConVe, Bread, Crncknrs, Cheese, Lemons, French Prunes, Cake., Rauius, Caudles of all kinds. Toys, prime chewing and smoking Totwci'O, Spauiab Segara of tne best qunlity , Garden Seed of all kinds, ludigo, Copperas, Madder, Gioger, Spice, Pertper, A linondsr-Cloves, Chmmiihnii Eug- l lish Wiilnuta, Maccarom, Vermaaelli, SarUinea ! Herrings, esseiice of Ctimamon, Cloves, Pepper, mint, and a variety ol other article too tedious to mention. ' The Subscriber hopei by strict attention Io bu. einess to merit a liberal share of public petrofai(e. F. R. ROUECHE. March 12, 1841. rr CL0C2 AND WATCH REPAirJ?JO. a 19mo Volume, The eost of which aloos would be tbe price of the pa nee mr . atbsea ysafc ?, tb xsaersi cbarscter f tbe: Coanef is sell kaowa. , L column couuin a great variety of u taua, BABaATtvna, assavs, siosaApniEs, sec. r PROSPECTUS or THS Western Carolina Temperanee Advocate, A monthly fftt dttoted to tkt Ttmrrmnt Hi form, Publitkti cl AArMe, N. V., and tdiUd . BY D, R M'.ANALLY. A THE Subscriber respectfully informs his old friend and the public generally, bat he baa opened I shop in 8,iliburjri'l thrnbovr buineer in a room directly opposite West' brick building, in the house of Dr. Burn, formerly owned by J no. I. Shaver, and just below J. & W. Murphy. In addition to the above, the Subscriber will carry on the Silver Smith Busintw in all the va rietiei common in country town; uch as making Spnona, cVc, and repairing Silver Ware. He begs to assure the public that if punctual attention to business, and- skilful work will entitle him to patronage and support, he will merit it. AARON WOOLWORTIL ' Salisbury, April 0, 1841. ROWAN HOTEL. fluh Tiro aimHCuiumi, HAVINa purchased llwl weltliiiowri and long establialied public house, (known by tbe name of Slaughter's Hotel,) situated in the town ol oa isbury, N. C, informs hi friends and the publio generally, that the same is now open fur the recep tion of Truvrllrri and Boarder His Table and Bar will be supplied with the best the market and surrounding country afliirda. Hi Stables spacious and bountifully supplied with grain, and provender, attended by faithful and attentive Ostlers. The undersigned pledges himself that no exer tion on his part shall be wanting, to give general satisfaction to all who mav favor him with a call."" JAMES L. COWAN. Salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840. tf. PMilMraiBS9 din (LATE D.I VI') HOTEL. FJAGUE & GIFFORD having purchased the Hotel, formerly Davis', will continue the Establishment on the same liberal c;le aa hen-lo fore, and will exert themselves U make il n desi rable residence for BOARDERS AND TRAVELLERS, aa their table will alwa)s be supnlied with tbe best the market afliirda, and their Bar witlf the best Liquor, and their Stables with attentive Ostlers ami abundant provrnder. The Etaliilim-iii will be under the exclusive managenieiit of T. A. Hague, formerly of the Salisbury IL l'l, North Carolina, and his long exHTieiice, will enable him to give general satis faction. Camden, 8. C, Jan., 29, 111. m DR.G. B. DOUGLAS IJkMrr of Mr. Cowsn's brick fuv, (formerly occupiel by Dr. Ahll Smith,) is-srly opposite Michael Brown's store, politely lenders his professional services to the nublr... .SBlisburyAugust .VIul Jf TsupsBAScs I!) that was held at this place early iu JSepieinbL-r, resojked on publwtiing a per or tne above luie and character, and appouilei! John Dickson aud D. RM'Aually to conduct it From tbe many premg engagements, Dr. Dicksoo already has, he deems rt MipfsetiesMetur biat 4 be rueenistd as one of the euitma, ibouh be will choertully use sit bis inlWnce utljtiwlne, to promote its iniereat; "tbe suttacriber iheretbre, proceeds to Meue this Pnwpeelus in hit own name, with a hops thai be will be aided in the undertaking, by ail the fnemta of the Temperance ctiwe thruugtjut'tte country, and that the" paper may WJJ" M V ' H4W.IW1I I i 1 1 1 1 J . t t,1 - cai:i:iac:::.'i f THS Subscriber hiving jj. nosed of his Mtnhhl.n.u... X Hliaver& I Imlen,hia remain- . ' a ing oa hand 2 fin Ikrouchca. ?(Vry,"lk,1 "W.I8dL' ' y. e,oC (arriagea. one of them a eery fine article, mads in a superior maimers also a ' number of second-hind Baroucbca, Cariiago and Gir tit of which b will tell very low, and on a longeron' for a mwd bond. . ''- ;!. - Itereooest stt those having opew sccnuDtsatandihir" on hit bonks to can and teute ueinwiuiout further de lay, by note or otherwise. JOHN, I. KHAVER. 1 Balisbury, fsb. it, tw4t. . ; tr MoffaCa Vegetable Uto VVWa PIKENIX DITTERS. ' BnassasnnMn ' '. 1MIE high celebrity which these excellent M. , A- dicine have acquired, in curing almost every disease to which the human frame ia liable, ia a matter familiar' with almost every intelligent par. son. They became known by their fruits their good work have testified for them thr did not thrive by tbe faith of the credulous, , ', ' Io cases of Costieiiess, Dyspepsia, Bilious iud Liver Aflections, Asthma, Piles, Setilod Pains, Rheumstism, Fevers and Agues, Obstinate Head, aches, Impure state of the Fluids, Unhealthy Ap. pearance of the Skin, Nervous Debililyl tTis Sick, nets incident to Female in Delicate Health; every kind of Weakness oi the Digestive Organs, and ir, all general Derangements of Health, these MEDI. LTNES. have invariably, proved a usiiain and sieedy remedy. ' They restore vigorous health to the most exhsusted cins(iiutions. A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PHOENIX BIT. TERS beyond the reach of competition, in the es. ti mat ion of every patient. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,.! W M, B. MOFFAT'S Medical Oll.ce, 375 Broadway, New York. - r N: B." None are genuine1 ante they have the"" fao aimile of John Mtlat' aignature. , i ' (KrThe LIFE PILLS are sold 'in boxes-,' Price 25 cents, SO cents, and i each, according to the sise ; snd the Piueuix Bitlurs iu bottles, at II or 'i each, with full directions. v . -These Valuable Medicines ere for sale by CRESS 6i B(X5ER, of Salhburj. SPRINGS it SHANKLE, Concord, .V. C. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTR1BT10.V-Ao interetiiug litt'e pamphlet, eotiilefhc .AOFFAVS MEDICAL MANUAL, designed as a Demostic Guide to Health coniaiiiing accurate information concerning the mt prevalent diseases," and 'the most approved remedies by WM. B-MOFFAT." Apply to the Agents. Salisbury, N. C, October 16, 1810. BUICU MJLHOMV. Together with article on ti:.... r;.. .... 0 iu mw, Ifecbanics, Agriculture, Msnsfactures, Foreign News, Sim Publics twos, Morality, Medicine, Tbe Nilk Culture, Temperance, Family Circle, Half-relocated Men, 1MUKIU('TU8 or a POLITICAL NEWSPAPER to aa kJiTtTLU Health, Commerce, Literature, Domestic Iotelligeoce, Education, Amusements, Facet ia, Humorous Poetiesl Arltcles, Tbe Drama, City Matters, Amusing Miscellany, The Markets, The Musical World, Correct Price Current, List ot ln 4 vest Banks, Discount and Excbang, lxtirrs rnxn Lurops, li istory; Tbe Classics, Philcsophy, And all etnr matters discusssed in a Universal Family Journal turnsmiog altogether as vast, and, we believe, as interretuv a variety aa can 6 found in any other JournmL, embrscmg subjects for Faftnert, Mechanics, Tradesmen, Artisaus, Merrhaiits, Men of leisure, Teachers,: StudeutM, Iud) errry ClaMsjofour Couutry. The COVklRK msjr siwaya be DEPENDED UP ON, as nothing imsorunt is permitted to escape a no tice in tt column It will always f'AlTHt'VLLY ti'l.tlLL ITS AUHEEMK.7S. Our arr naemenUi enable us to tlr w from the whole range of the current Litwature of Eun pe, ami nur (xjr respondents at home embrace nisny of tlie best Writers of the county. A series of POPULAR TALES, of unequalled interest tod value, will foUuw in constant succession. most earnest aiptsl while thousands upon thou sand of dollars ars annually eipended at theatres, at circuses, at th race track, at groceries, while no'ptin er suareo, ui luxury ot letiremunt and ease foregone, and no labor deemed too severe to advance tbe inter est of political aspirant, can you out do something in a cause lb. I must be dear to every true pa'.riol, phi lan inropisi, ana cnrisiiaa I tiecoiirci Uier are but few. very few, such papers in all the Southern country. The Western part of Nortli Carolina, lb Western part of Virginia, and tbe E tern part of Tenneshee particu larly, need a periodical ol this kind, and it is foi you now to say whether they shall have it Ths very low pi ice at which it waa fiaed by the Convention, will make it necessary, tint a very large subscription be US, before the publicalioa of it can be justified. '' ' TERMS. The HVer Caroline Temperance Ak'sorsfe will be published oo I medium aheet, in quarto form, each number making eight pages, ami will be furnished it lb vsry low pries of fiftf Oats a copy. Where si ! gls copies ar Ukeii, the payment most be inede inv I riabiy upon the reception of tbe first number. 03" Postmasters, editor or publisher of paper, end all Ministers of th Gospel, tr tuihnrised sgent. DRrJAMES (MVOMACK HAVING Iocs ted bimseirpermsnently in the Town of SALISBI'RV, tenders his professKmsl scTT.ce to its eminent snd the : adjacent country, in all the various brsocbesof bw pre- rpHEia-iCRIBER living near Leiington, IW- aun County, take tbi method tu "tnlbroi ths Pub lie that he will enter into contract with any Person, or persona, either in Davidson, Rowan, or Cabarrus Coun ties, who wish bouses, factories, or any other kind c4 build inif erected of Brick, to build them aa cheap, a durable, and in a good style aa any workman ra this country. He will aim, mould and burn ths Brick, if wastes).. II trust that In long eaperieuee in will entitle hnn to a shse H public pstroisige. He would refer a-enlleinen washing work done in hit Line of Business, lo the Pemale Acsdemv and the new fire proof Clerk's o&ce in Salisbury, as specimen ot bis smik. . JLB Those wishing work dune, will please Irav word at the" office of the Western Carolinian, and it JstiaH punetusilv tHrnded to.- r ROBERT COX. Davidson, April 1", 1H.KI. It, JulyS, IWk l)octs. Killiati & Powe, THOMAS LORISG, Witar. f pHE EXTR. STANDARD intended lo aceom X muLte ibos of our hilluwitueo who dru s cheap puMicatiua, cot.Uming sound political dortrmes, and tlie nw ot the Oay ; aud wdl be f-uulished seme monthly. Tbe hditor wdl endeavor to make thia publication acceptable to ut puMic ; wepeenlly that portion wbo are friendly to Democratic Republic principles. The price will be l per year, psyaMa m all rates n witaue. A the frice it low, Uw terms mibt be complied with ao paper will b aeni to tny one with out the snsHiul of warn Botxta in eaVsaee. and all pa pers will be disconunued il tu end of lb tear. uiiIm the advance for the second year is sent by lb time tbe rt espires. 1W copies wil be sent to on address, for so year, or to different ludividualt, on the payment of tin duilmi in advaoc. A Mcisr aasabrr will a issned In s few day. wasas M w Maw, In th Courier w mtrrted tbemunc of the most popu lar Airs, Bill suV, and Songs, as sonn as they are im ported; mi ihat coonlry .resiler may bavs theiKt pnpuiar music for lite voice, the pi no, llie guitar or cither instruinenuv a nun aa published, which" if paid ' tor separitelj would c4 more ths n the price of sub scription. This perfected amusement it lo be tound u no other jourmtl of the kmd. Ol'R TKK.MS Q- The price ol the COURIER is only fJ, in ad vanca. Wbnn indiviilual irh to subscribe to "the Courier, a sure uay ia to euclnse the money ui a letter, and di rect it to u. Th PiMimasters will probably politely remit, for we wish then in all cases, if it meet their plessure, to act a our amenta. Administrator's Notice. 'PHE uiulersigned having oblamed, at the Nov Term, 140, of Rowan County Court, Lei lera of Administration on the Estate of Berijnmin Austin, dee'd., notifies all persona indebted to the SHine, io cume forward and make immedicte pay nwnt, a the Estate must "be""cloeed ;"ani? those having claims agtiaxt said Ettate, to preweiil tliem wiihiu the limit of the law, legally sutbeiniciied, or thia notice will lie plead aa a bar lo their re coverv. N C. K- WHEELER, Adinr. Salisbury, Nov. 13, 1640- r 810 a:4' 8033 lu a Uf 14 a 31 .Watt n A VIVO associated themselves together, in the prtctice of Medicine, respectfully otfer Uieir ser vices, in all the various branches of their proreasina to the public. CO" Their Otncc m in Mr. West's brick build in. Salisbury, N. C, January fl, Nl. tf. YOU HL,li. 'pHE undersigned, at Administrator of the late I Duct. Austin, ollert for sale the valuable belonging lo Ibe Estate of the deceased. A Coo-Klt-mble portiou of the collection was made by Dr. Austin himself with much care, ami principally coriKiMi i Gold, Silver, Copir, and Lead Ore, in their various u iturul comhiuutious, selected from I he mineral regiHi of thia count r y ; betides a num ber obiaineJ from Euru. Scientific gentlemen, or literary instnuinm. desiring lo purchase the whole, or any part of the Cabinet, csu have farther iiifurmation uu applicutiun by loiter to the uuder,7 signed. The collection will be .ld si soon at a reasona ble price msy be offered for il. C. K. WHEELER. Admr. Ssliabury, N. C, Dee. 4. 1S40. tf. Bscon, Beef, . Brandy, (peach) Ho (le) Butter, Beeswax, Bsgxmg. UsiS Koos, Cotmn, (clean) orn, Coffee, Flour, tl 23 a 44 M Feaihers, - 5T a 37i Flsiseed, 60 a Do Oil, 100 Clubs of ten wHI bo furnished with ten paper for on year, (provided the money be sent us tree ot post- Soould ibe subscription justify lb uadertakms-. tha : are and disLount.) for t-15. first number will be issosd about th 1st of Mty next. ! Ten Dollars will procure the sixth copy gratia ' Raleigh, March 3, 184 L Three copies IU five dollar. 1 ' 1 1 . ' S3 at one time will be received for 3 years. MATCHLESS SANATIVE. j Our friends, th Postmasters, will please oblig by rPIHS invaluable Medicine I he sale by the nmM,t arrearage and new mbscriotmn. subscriber, at Milledgeville, Mootgnmery eo,. t . -- ' v .- . ji.e - w.- e. bi'rage Waukg V Sac Were. February 21, 184". , , ... ' TO Tlili WttlalC. ' rIIE Subscriber takes this method of informing the A. Public, that he alill contmuea to carry on the bu sines of mmmJ liW4M usual, at hi Granite Uuary, seven miles South of Salixbury, near the -Id Chsrle-UMi roa.1, uht re ho is able to supply all orders for MILL-STONES of the beat grit, and on the shortest notice. ttso or Sale, at the lowest prices, WINDOW SU.LS. DOOK. SILLS, DOOR STEPS, ROUGH BUILDING ROCKS, TOMB STONES, GOLD GRINDERS, fee. 6U. 4-u. J. HOUIIlOUSER,Stone-Ciitter. Salisbury, Oct.' fi'th,lSI0. , tf. N. B. Order for any of the above wrought arti clea, directed to me at Ssliebury, wiltbe-mtttcluallv aU ended lo. J, Jj, . State ot Nott CaToa, IREDELL COUNtY. ' ' Superior tWf tf Luis, Sjtrin Term, 1841. Elixabeth A Wilson 1 . . Betitioo fur Divorce. Junes Wilis. ) ' .". , IT spiiearing to tlie sglisfsct'on of the Court dial the Deiciiifanl JauH-sVilson is nut 'an inhabit lant of tin Stale i It i therefore ordered by ths Viniri, inai publication on maun ir inrce monine in the Carolina WalchniHii and Western Ciroli. man, thai the said James Wilson. apeir at, lha next superior Court ol Law, lo Ita held at the CiMirt H'MiMt in Staiiville,on the 3rd Monday af ter tlie 3rd Monday iu August neit.then and (here to sttswer, or said I'eiiiion will be heard ex parte, and judgment ordered accordingly., , Wiiness, Rsm'l. R IMIrOerk of our said C urt jat Stttesville, the 3id Monday after the 3rd Mow- MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS BITTERS, i day" u, February, A. D., 1841. '1MIK IHJ5 GIVING PILLS AND PIKENIX S. R. BELL, Cl'k. A- IHTTKKM. io eelehr.iMl snd Jafl IllUrh llsaWt Kaf LaaAaiuaa aa m 15 . At I (iivj ani.-"j aa vvvij mr en mit ivitiuirva m flUW fC , , ! a.- .1 I I ) -A Iwci v vJ IK Miay wj 4ll7 wlliss.1 liwrm, ' CK1XS IKMiEIC, Agents. I Mews. SraiNut & Shaskl, in Concord, N. C , ars I aln Agent for th same. JOB Pit liNTIINQ, AVsfy ssW etjiiliiuly txtr.utti, ml tkii ofitct AT SALISBURY, JUNE 4. 2 .up."ie r. VAX. 4ia7 8a 10 AMstttt 80 15 a JO 121 Iron, Urd, Molasaes. Nails, ' Oale, Pork,. . Hicej (quarll Ufa lMugar, flwown) hi I l) (loai.) 25 a, (bu ) si 23 a St J0 14 a 181 Doteebl S3 7i a 4 00 Wuiel. (UsNaiV 10 a ' Do (east ," 2St:w TaHow, 12 Whiskey. 90a 10 s m 18I2U AT FAYETTEVILIi; MAL 18H. Brandy, (peach) Do Ctpol) ssBttlrat J BuUor, Bl Rone, Coflee, Cotton, SOaOO 43 a 60 Tei 25 ar ; Utia 0 t Ml tu lt!a Cotton Bagging, 20 t 53 Corn, 53 Candle 17 Flaxseed, 75 a HO Flour, $5 a 46311 ?II5TI 8 H 28a30 Fealhert, Urd. Molasses, Nsiln, i SalUtboshefl 7. i Do (sk) $IOOsa54 Sugar, Ibrewny CJiW 'J Do (lorop) " " 18 DloafJ 'iai0 ; Tobacco, (leaf) 3 a 1 Whsske, V ra- j Wool, -' lSa'aorl . .. . i AT CfUERAW, 8. C, MAY 10, JL ,y S3 a S3 W " ""7 a IfcUiers, T "-- 4045 10 a 13 llird, (scarce) lit I'-'l 2223 Mokntea, 40t60 22 28 hlata. 83 40 lfal'jpice,(100lba), S4a3 Beef, (scarce) Bacon, Butter, Beeswax, Usgffins, Bsle Rope, tVnTi.e, ----- Cotton, Corn, (scarce). S a IO a 55 lljtlQjtgar. ' Jdt It. Seaf. Bscofv, Butter, Bsaswtx,'. Btr'"xV Bale Rope, Coffee,, (ack Do (bushel) . 87J a fl AT CAMDFJM.& C, MAY, 19, 1841.' Aa .. 7a8. 13 a In .18 a 23 24 10 14a 16 Cotton, Corn. ' Flour, Feathers, Lard, ? Molt, Oats, , - oo . , TSl a 43 'lOiU 3 ' 43 i "43 s 50 : . - V anted, . :.. AS aa Apprentice lo the Printing Bueiness, Boy from 14 to 18 years of see. Apply at ihiaOfCce. " k. "--. Balubury Msrcb 12, 1841. a &- muss ma am -co tlEING desirous of embarking in another buK; nest, I now offer the establisbmenl of the Wit inoTtiN AnvKMTiaKg for sale. I dn not know of a mora eligible situttionj'of pnrtnnt desirous of embarking in the printing busi ness, than Wilminston, North Carolina. Terms accoininodatinit. Apiilicstion must be .... . . post paid., DectmbVr 11, !840: F. C. HILL. - :7V yp rr 'W

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