; v 1 , H UL 1L A JXl.JJ 'I'LXll TtTT POW tll NOT DELEGATED TO TBI V SIT ED iTATES BY THE CONSTITUTION, NOR rROUIrUTKD e To TUB STATES, ARE RESERVED TO THE (1 ATEf ttKSPECTIVELY, OR TO THE FROM.. AnffldtHentt to tkt Con$tUtltUm, AriXclt Xr - dumber of Vouutt 2lZ.J SALISBURY, IV. ' C, DECE31BER 17, 1841. j Whote Mmhcr 1,C0G. NEW TERMS Or TDK 1 CBI,I3IIKD VVKEKI.V::::::::::f HAS. P. FISHER, ' ' Editor and Proprietor. " '' ' SBS-Bsa VMTnm Cajioli.nia.s is published every Friday ,VorM4t i 3 per annum i Wiwfi-w ftf 50 if pn. iffit i i'iw wwfftt o'Jiervi.-e ait eiff imsim-m. enc pt at tt'u KJUur'i uia.reiioii, until all rresrugi! ere r.td, if th ot'criber is wotih the subscription ; and the failure to notify the K iit of a wikIi lo Uiacon tmuc, at 'errl of xojnii before Uk- md ol the year tnliecrif -at tor, will be consiacrcd i.i engagement, i lW A'lwtt"u'm'jn"' conspicuously and correctly in serted at mil per Kiuaro-d tmy4 fifteen Hue oi tliicsi wu t) i.)--tortlio fimt imitiou. and 25 wnu f(ir cadi continuance. Cr.urt ami Judicial advertise. fiionit & tier cent.' higher thauiV above rsio. Ade. (ifirH't.i "i ''J. p''f c,'nt- fr"' the regular puces will 1 invi. lo yearly advertiser. lO Advertisements wTit in pubUratfai, roust lie marked with the nnm . fr-rot (ii'i'i'iii desired, or they will bo continued till jrbii, ami cWr.'- accoruniffiy. j jtura 'iiJlrc :ed lo the Alitor on lus,nrs muni rnmr t ut K r i. I ace, or tlif Kill wit if ulti mltd to. j Joui tial of itaiakhiK : jii vii.Li 'i ..i. i.uLij;,()iM'iHLAiJt;i.i'inA. j Thi Joiriisl will i-wtun l.-i. no Wii'H of " A Hliort History of Paper t Muif) ami liunkni" in 'tli? UniU'd tmun," by Win.', -M tioiiffl, i'h rrrpiofand aduitu, bfinging tin- ti unlive ilut n tn Hip pri-aciit-nmc.' . M. f-V' "n Buikinj, Currency, F.nhan;f, and t I. ir (lt U in which t lturti will be tnaJe To place f I'lo'.-'tuhj'iu in the clenre't liht pufnUe. j A aeini-montlily review ot 111 time, embracing tin-nv.st nnp'rtanl rvenla, penally tlmae which al-.j j r! i'ii' general np"rIU'H ft humncsa. j 4,h ' itiiKi-r.anemi m1ler will, while itj f L L ...II.... a il )(' " 'rb ,,( '-''"S true cTianK. r ( t nur '.: r in"nry nl mdinr- hy.trm, urn! in? f (T ct ii liaf '' !"' ""&'. Niid haj'p.iK-f ft" tlio rt r ,, ri .! of Hi-' c ' iiniioiiy. I't i- J 'i"nl w i! lierrfeial!y r ii'led fm Tariiier Mi'l M-r'ci-ic-, l-u it i li.'i nl M I l.ot prove unii". f,;!t.. V.erclui.t!' ! ',!' prJuct IT'- ine.nbera of no. i ! It ui!) lie piiWi'Iml f r' et. two week, i.ichi T-'iti.li'-r ivi 1 rv.niiii i.h-r Wi I cv.tiiill fllf.-n pvl" 'iao. I'ouimi eiitiin. w.th the leaws ftirliM.' .,n.J rut, ttm. u.iitn.e (i!rhi i.' .irid rut. ttm unitioL' r- t-.e tantiges l tne opr-ii trior vuwi a n.riu con-. KH"II l'ir I'lll'! nil o fair lirfl the type goal. The p .ir vi ill be ' r nne ri p), one ii I'nr fn-ir r'.-' . five !!ar :..! fi' y crnis a year. 1 ''2r, er one dolinr an i tw i t -ftM c ht r -Ml. I'ii ten C"p ' " '','',,f. ' r "'r r'o'la' eueh. i all -,!' mhtri ip :rr mutl If pint is orfntcc i'i(ai;.ij.iiiu. Xoilh Cnrofinu Tniir.nrc Vniou. T PMI" s,te 'I enwicfi' Srie of .V C at its an t.ii! 'nei liniF, rlffi rteil il Kaei-iit've t :t-nnutlce to tske lie i-ti'-'S t- -r th" '.aSI'lini'nt, ft t n pi ice, ot a In oHe-lieuce lo I heir wi-.hr. aid iiiipr,."f W'tfi til" . ... . t- . - j :i.NtKl ON.en ihe fir' l J-inuary mt. et".ii'n"t. if S'ltti'-ieiH ene innsreiieni esn The lecil.i g ol"J-et of liie I limn Will he, 'lie !' -frr.ri'tion nfrempernee princmlrs We ehsll en deavor to presrnt in its "pswrJi tillt FmrH nf h trv (rr s of I'm Te ..persnce csne m our own and in f ifein lin.ls l its eHeel npon individual and osn-miunis-a-and i-rrinr.1 articles in dclcnce nt Us prin e.ple, rn.l in lepy to Ihe lartous ohjeclioiia ured e.inst it. W lule, rVsreer. the prnmreinn of Temperance wtM be tb Bret and lealiej objVl nf imr Jowrnal, it a nor inteniust, thai ita pac't ettall becnliwnedby a general fummaiy of ue nif5t important rvrritsnf the day, and by particular sltentinn to rh.i interest of Atiiculture. In carrying out this ot jM, the Committee Wk with entittilenoe to the friends of rcuperance, particularly H N'trth ('dtti, for aid and support - A new tm til has renin given to the cuw in tins 8iate, Were th'a the proper ocramon, wa could tell a tale of what la been panmj under onr own r? e, which would tnd a thrill of j-vf tliMUgd over? benevolent hesrt. The refs-rastron or the inebriate hst cimmenced, and is still going no. with a power an I success, which the tnnst iiniiit ie never dared lo anticipate. Give us but the means .4 commtmiealion, and wu trut that an in fl ietiee wilt g i forth from the t'aprtol of tlie old North Ktaie, to its r-motest boundary, Inst will lell upon Its ii mmies anil prosperity throuuhalt fiilnre (fenerations. I'ermit us, Ihen, most urmitly to appeal to ver? friend nf Temperance, Morality, and good order, to aid li prmpttf. Arthr-nhjeet r lo commencs with the new yesr, Jttnti nn the part -of if friends mny lie ftal. I-t every individual then, who feels an interest im our aueesss, and vi-ry Temp -riinee Suciety, liecnme re a iwi!ile, nt n ife lor the number of copie, w hich tin y H ip t-e can l' rimilated in their viennt j , a, id fgrward tVir names i iuneJinisly, fir 10, 00, ,.t .ill eosni-s, n? j il,. f nlT ii.. ,t., n..n,t .-.f ih.-ir ncif'.Vri'y I mny pi ' 'v In th s wav only, can we nopn Mr suceees in ; o.'"ir.rt At a met'ng of tho Bxecntivs t'o mittee if the N Tempi r., nee Siiciely, the following resolution was! aJnptiid : Whereas, ar'rangeuien'a have K.-en made fi c anmence the puhhraiem of a Teni'f'rsnee Jmininl in j hc f'py .,f R .leiph. on the first ..ek Jimnry nex', , , pmvi led nm TtioravNO iihcnber can b" oMoined. fteattW, t hat il tie most earnestly recommended lo i each of the Officer of the S'ato Temp ranre Society, . kurl to ths mcnlM'rs of tie la'.s State tVnventlon. and ! , lu any w o are Iriendlv to the r..ar-, inunediately wticr the ris.eipt o' t'na re-!n'in, ta iKfouie resprtnsihK' fir J from 10 in.'sl Snhscnlier., so that ihe.pulilication may ! Conimnes at Ibe im rontetnplated I . ' B order ot the Kxecutive t'ommittee of the North Carolina Slate Tentix rn,ce Society. Ti:U MK: Th North Carolina Temperance Union will be pnV 1 liwhed weekly on a in-Minm sheet, (say 'Jti hy li inches,) ' at Doe Dillar and r i"v l,eutr p r annnin. payable IV 'ADVAXCK. letters containing SuHsmts-r name ', and femtltsnees, mit bo directed, potsiiil or free, l th Trisiauwr of Ihe Society, Jans Baows, Raleigh, Nonk,aiu,-' : , , . - All the newspaper ia the Stat are respeetfully re v nni ti give thl Pro pectus mr n? two issitrtines. iki'hidi' rs Vgu. To the Sfnate and I lout of , 1 ' Krprexntative$ of the Vniteil Statu . Incoming together, fellow citi;fl'n, lo enter again upon tin dischjrjje of I lie duties wtlli wlncli tlia Ptfoplo huve cliMrgi'd ux, auverally, we find ureal (MTaxi'm to rejuico in the general pnofcrity of the country. We are in the f njoyrpenl of nil the ble ni!: of civil and religion liberty, with unet mi pleii mciitis of education, knowledge, and improve ment. Through' the year which u now drawing lo a clow, ppHtfl ha been In our borders, ami plen ty in our hiihilaiion ; and although diseaae Ima vi ited aome few porlimia of the land with dial remand moralitvH id general the health of the People ban b-i ffVrvecl, and we are oil called 0kmi, by ihi hiaben obligiti m ofdijiv, to ronew our thank nod our ilfotiou to our H 'svenlv Parent, who baa continued to ?oiichale to ua the eminent bleasinga winch xurrouud us. and who has so arcnally crown ed thi year with Ms goodne a. If we find oiira!lve ini-renani,lteyondef unplfl, inniiililx ri, mstrenj;th, in wealth, in kuowledce, in every thing which pro moiei Iniiimn and socihI Iwppmcss, let ua ever re. nieuilfr our df pendente lor all tl.ene, nnilie pro tci'tion Ht.d nu rcilul dinpeisniioii f Divim- Pr .vi denre. Since your tnl aJjournnient, Atexnrrder McLefM, a Rri'ith wilijeri, whu was indieied fori hi' murder ot an American citron, ami wlrise hn been the aulijrt of a enrrespondenro linreinforc commu nicated lo you, hni bci-n acquitted hy the verdict of nu impartial and intelligent jury, mid hm, u tier the jwlgnient -of the Court, twen rcguUrly din-, charged (Jniiit Britain hivinj mvlo known i tlii (?ov ernnnMit that tho expedition which wija fitted oul trim Canada fur the deal ruction of the. ctenuiboxt Cur line, in ilie winter of 1837, and winch rt-ault ed in the deitructimi ol (Mid bout, and in the death ol an American c tizen, was u'idi'rtalten bv order eman iting trevn the authorities of ihe lintmi G .v, crnnimit, in Csn uli, and demanding the di--. hrge ol Mrlji-od upon the n round that, ifeugaerj 1 1 h.i' exedilion, Im did but fulfil the order ol'bi Gov ernment, haithut been iirmwored in the nut tay in which !he could be anwered by a Gov-rntiioiit, .1 ('...!.. ..I. ... I...... k a ., . : ::-:zr?rrrjTr?rri"r- era I rteinrt merits ny tne tuniiinnRtilat u. tliii- p'lv for the people if Great I'ntniM, well n tn se of lb" limted Slates, llio only ovale by which an mmvidiml, arrngtied for a criminal nfl-uico, be l'ir t ie C our's of cither, cm obtain his diiachiirjjo, j 1 1 bv tlie indeiH-ndrut tjetinn ol the judiciary, and! bv proceeilings rquully l iimliar to th'j Court of ti 'h crsinirHT. If in Groat Pritnin n p wcr exit's in Ihe Croivo In eaise to be entered a nu!lr pratrqui, nvhtr.h is riot the cne with Or" Kx-H'tilive power f too Uni ted rftatei upon a prosecuiion perilling m a State (' urt ; yet lltcrr, no more llwo itre, can the chitf I'.xet'dive nnwer rescue a prisoner from custivlv without nn order of Ihe prer Inhuoal' dirocting In lach'ire.- The precise at age of th' iirocnd inijsnt whic'i r:c pHermay be mi le,i a matter of muiiirip.il regulation eiclusively, nnd not lobe cn'tipUia-l of hy nny other Government. I wra es ot this kind, a Government leo-ns riticsll rHiionsiWe.orJ.wbea are atiown to have rendered unjust and nj irious j i rgmeiTrfTmtnttera nor flrHibliuiT rrt-ije eslao lisnrmMil and elucidation of Ihta prn ijilo, nn rialion his lent its authority mure emYieniiv ihan Great llniain. AletHtider McLeod hsvinit his opt on coiM-r lo prusecute a writ of error from the deci i ei of the jvipremo Court of the 6nited Slates, or lo ub njft iiVs vasi to the oeciWrori of a" ' juryi pre n I'vnn j n iin-ranon, an.i ino rosuu uas iuiiv . ' t ic I'ucjisli Giveinmenl that the prmciplca of jus tie s will never fil govern the enlightened doci i in ol an American 4ribunal.'-!rLcanuoLt'lLlowJ ever, lu suggest to Congrewslbe propriety, and, in s ime degree, ihe necsit?, of making Minh pr ivi in bv law, so far a they may consiitutnuiully do to, lor tho removal al their commencement, and at the.optinn of tho party, of all such cases a may hereafter arise, and which may involve the faith fol observance and fxecuti-n of our intf rnation il . obligation, from the Slate tolho Federal Judiciary. Th' Government, by our 'institutions, is charged with ihe maitilenai re of peace and the preserv ittou ol amieablt relations with Ihe nati i- oi iun eanh, and ouifht lo pwess, without o.e s'i o. all Hie re. wmabt't anl proper means of maintaining the imi and preserving Ihe other. lulst j nt cinhicne' is fell in the Judiciary of the State, vet inn G .v ernmenl ought lo bo competent in I -ell' lor 'he f-.it Ill'nOI OT HIT IIIT IIOIIT- WIH:' III. , u l': le. W el nam it u id.ir thr orgui- li.v, ny he S ito Iheinsclro. In tiie month nf September, n pirtj ,if arun-'l men from Upoer (Canada invaded ibe tenitorv el the !iutt'd States, snil forcibly seiz -d iohmi the pi-r son of one Grognn, and, under circum-iaiices o grual Inr'hness, liorrietlly carried bi'ii.Jieyotid In limits of the United Stales, nnd ileyeu d In n im to the n.itliiin'ies of Upper Canada. His i .mie.li nte ili-r!iir;e w ,s ordered l,y th e .initio . nn-s, iijioii the facts i if tho rase bcttiu hr njiit to icr knowlcljM- n rou'se of pr"cediir- sincii wis in h,ne licen cyphered from a nation 'Mti leoi we r. . .c. . j...'. . ...... ..i. w .. I are nt peace, iiimI w inch was not in n- 'iu- t He r'L'ht" of the Ignited Stale-, than lo its own re.ni i f'r jiisin o. The correspoti'li-'H.-e ip-n piss-,1 n. twi'i'ti tlie D.-ia-irtmeiil nf Slate, mil t'i t--i;-n I'ov.iv, Mr I'ox. and with the ! -vern r . ( Ver moni. a soon as itie facts Imd lieen mado kniwi iothis It'partment, nre herewith ciiui nii'iiciiti ,1. I regret that it is not til my mwer to make known to ymi an equally satisfactory enra ln-i-vn in the case of the Caroline, steamer, with the tin u n Ktance ronoocted with the destruction of which, in t"ronihcr. 1PM7, bv mi armed fo ce due I mn in Ihe Province o I j'r Canada, nu nre already made apqualnte.l. No w:'i ntonement as was due for the public wrong done to the United Stuti s In this invasion 'd her territory, wlmllv irrecom i lahle wnh her riL'hls as nn independent power, ha- yet Ist ii made. In Ibe view taken b tins t ncrn j ment, tlin i-nquirv whether lite vessel was in the employment of those wao w-re proseru'tnff nn nn authnnz "d war againat IhV Pmviner, or" w i en gaged by the owner in the husmessnf transporting po-etigers to nnd from Navy Hand hi hopes rt' P'jvnt i 4in, whtch Waaj most probably tho Cuw. in ho degree alien the real question tit issue be I wee it the two (i ivornmnnts. Tins Government run eet'er coininiaT3TSfiy"1Kir fgiT SVeriimii'Dt'the lower, eicepl in a caw of the in st urgent and ireme iieceimiy, of infuding ita territory, cither to arn-st the persona or destroy tho property of ihose who may have violated the municipal laws of auch loreign titveriiment,orhavediiregnrded their obligations arising under the law n nations. The territory of the United Htatea mint bo regarded an uncivilly secure against all such invasions, until they shall voluntarily Hcknowlcil'ga.lhcir inability to acquit themielfea of their duties to others. And in annuuuciug this sentnneni, I do but affirm a priiinple wlin.li nonntiim onearth would be more ready to vindicate, at all hazards, than the people and Government of Great Brit lin. -If,' upon a full investigation of a!) the facia, it shall appear that the owner of the Caroline was gofemed by a hostile intent, or !7d made common cause with those who wore in the occupancy of Mftvy I'dii'I, tnen, so fur aa bo is concerned there can b n ivnin t" nidomuify for ihe destruction of Ins b iut, winch t!us (r ivernnient would feel it- sell b'-aiiid lo ppinecute since he would havo acted tint only in ilerouMiiou of the rights of Great Bri tain, hut in clear violation of the laws of th1 United ! Stittea; hut that is a question which, hn-vuver ot- tlu), in no manner involves the blither conmdera-1 lion of Ihe violati'in of territorial sovereignty and juritdi Into. I o recoguiM it as an admissible pruc. nee thai each Government, in. its turn, iijmn any audiien and unauthorized outbreak, which, on at frontier, tho exient of which renders it imposmblej lor other to have an efficient force on every mile i ot it, and which out-break, therefore, neittter may I ba able to -juppress in a dy", may take foneance into us own hands, and without even a remonstrance, ' and in t ie absence ot any preying or overruling! necessity, hhv invade the territory of the other, would inevitably tead to rcsulta eq tally to be de ploicd by (Kith. When birder collisi ns come lo receive tn snnciion, or lo ba mtdeon the authori ly o eiliu r Government, general wsr must be tha inevitable r -in . Wmlo it is the ardout desire of the U'liie.i ates to cultivate too relatiooaof peace with a I nations, and to fulfil all the duties of good neiieori'iotl towards thoso who poss:sa (erritories adpiioin their own, that very desire would lead tiiein to deny tho right ot aov loreign power to in valle" their bowtid ry-nh- a anod lorca J'na corrcsDondenco but ween tho two Governments im this subject, will, at a future dty ol f our session, be subnuttej to votir cooider.iiion j and in the mean time, I cannot hut induigx the nope that Ilio Bii'uli Government will see me pr ninety ol re nouiKin;, as a rule ot trine nc;to:i, Ihe preceileut . .1 . .V ...1 wnic'i lias ueeii sei tiie aintrat st-iiosser( A l herewttn sutunt tie correp--niience which has recent!? laxen p. id l i weeo Hie Anericnn Mima er nt the (,'oun of m. J ime, Mr. Stevenson, and the Min'-"er ! F.-r Mrii Ailiit of thai Govwrn- mei.t, cn tiie rig it cWnned by that Guvcrrummt lo? v;m! Boo n mjii ve-i-1 a.iniiig unaer i e American ftijj and engaged in pr secuting In lut cuoinmrca in th- Airioao s4' .s. Our cominercml Interests, lo that region have ei;rieuced csi-iderableincreise, and hive b"cout an -dj-sct f much importance, ami it is the duly of (his Government lo pro ect them aai i.) at- improper and vexatious interrup llwlfetW for h" s i.i ressiou of tne l iva trade, they canilol co i ot. To interpolations into ibe mar timd codt?, si I e ii re will and pleasure of ot be' Government. A deny Ihe riirlit of anv such inlerDotation loanv one, or all ihe nation of tjie earth, without our; consent We claim lo h ive a voice in all amend j ment or alteration nf that code aiid when we! 'are gifwn "I t 'understand; a in 1hi tnstaoee by a nations csunot be ex'-cuteal without the establish munUoJ.vnkticoHWJkUd' msm pjntdcaaar4i.raLrT'Aluii naei pilic-, in be applied w-ith.vit our consent, we must! employ a laneoage wither of rq ii vucal'imporl, or I susceptible ' iniscon-arucnoii. American citizens! ortvseculine a lawful commerce in tho African seas, ; minor tin Hag ot tUuir t0iilry,irenot reprTi3tWe for the iiliusr or unlawful use of that ft if by other t nor ran tliev ngliltul'y on nccount of any rich al leid abue be interrupted, molestc-d or letained wtiil- mi the m-ean ; and if thus mot -st-d and do laiiied, while pursuing h tn-st yoyage-i, in the usual wav, and viulaling no law themselves, they nre un- qjesn mably entith.d 1 1 indemnity. This G ivern ' menl n a ma ijfeste.i i' ropug:iance to the l,ivo in i i a manner which canuot be intrmHer-aood. il , ion l.iiituutal i,i '. it presented limits in xiint tie - its ciiniiiiMoce ; ami igninst its on jciitz - s, sli i might so far forget the riht of hu i tii mi v us to i-ngigo in lh.il wickd truftie. it has j onj -nice, by its iniiiii-ipii laws, df noum e I ihe i ,n st coudiu pu'it-hiiicnt. Many id Ilie Slate i iii "nun tins Ui.io'i. nave ma.io appeals lo tne ' IT i... . i - civi izcd world for lis wijipie-M Mi, long belore tnt rn'ir il 'us ol otliei iiiiioiishid bi'i'omii'shiickeU iv lite i ,iq iii :e- ot Hie irallic. V hi ther Ibis Go vcr uncut mioiilil u .iw nter into treaties coma, mug rntMu il stipulaii his upi.i uiis silly -ct, a q testiou tor t s m itjio ileib"ia-.iu. Uertsiti it is, ihal il j i im- I'lli' in rlelaiil ymcriran snips mi IliO high sens lean lie j i-litied on Hie plea of uneces-nty for such j l-t '.iii i t, nriM .'x out i.f the exigence of tri-nties i. i v -e.i niiier na'ioiis, tne Kime plea m ty li 1 1 . i ico I. i in i rui ir 'r 1 bv tti i new stlji ilallo'is ol new in i'ii., to winch the United Stales-m y iml bra .iii i'ii,.- (iiiveiiinicr.t will not crasu to urix . 11,1.11 r .ii hi Ini'dt 15' mii'i, bill ami ample reinuno , r.i'i i . for all I lls,'-, whether arising from detenu in ; r .cnerwise, in winch .VmeriCiil citizens ive j ' ;e!of re tie n, or may hereafter '' sunjoclial, hy Hi" rxcrvise i f ritr'its which this G vi rnniei, cm ' ii.,t ic .ifiii-e -is l.'iiinvitc nnd proper. Nor will I in,) r , a ilonltt but ili it the seifQ of j'isiicn of li ' I J ; i , will coiisttaiti InT to mike ntribu ii ! r i" r..ng, or l", which any American' . .i. c,,j igc I in Ihe (irosecuiion nf lawful coin i re . o.ay have , xpene.iced al the ban I f tier run ns, or nthi'V publn: nuthotitie. Tl.- Go veru nent, at the same lime, wid relax no f .rt lo prevenl lis citizens, if there Im any m disiiiiaed, trim pnweenting a Iralli so revidting lo the leel. 1 ins nf . humanity. It seeks to do no more than to! protect tho fair nnd hum's! trader from oslesiairon 1 aid injury; but while tho ruterpristng m nner, I ivjr.iiiod in thepursuit of an honorable trade, is! c Mil led to its protection, it will yistt, with rondign j ii rush, nent, niiier ( an opposito charactnr, (. invite ynir atieuieiii.tn existing laws far. th : i,t l"l,u fricsn klave tea, IS. and reco n. suppression " ' l i i tnenJ at) fjch Etrorswiw, ct iij. t imo. iirc-tiii, greater force and efficacy. . Phut Ihe Amoricao flig is grosMly abused by the abandoned aHd pruAigate -of ottwr -oatioosis. but i0 nrobsble. , Coogreas has, nut long since, ha i ihta suhjeU ututer Ha cou aideralion, and ita imorlance well justifies renewed nd anxious attcuiioo.' 1 also coinmuim ato herewith Ihe copy of a cor respiuidence heiweon Mr- Stevenson and Lord Palinerstrm, upon the subject so interesting to aeve ral of Ihe Southern States, of Ihe rice duties, winch resulted honorably to the justice of Great Britain, and advantageously lo the Untied State. At the opening of thfl last annual session, the President informed Congress of the progress which had then been made in negotiating a convention between thta fiovernrnenl and thai of England, i h a view lo the tin il aettlemenl ol the question or lire boundary between the territorial limits' of the two countries. I regrot to say, that little fur ther advancement of the object has been accom idiahed since laat vear ( but tins is owing to ctr cumstincee n way indic itiv of any ubatcn entof the destro of both parties to hasten tiie negotiaiioi) to its conclusion, and lo settle the question in dis pute, as early-as possiblo. In the course? of the session, it is my hopo fo be able to announce aoiua further degree of prncr.-, 'towards ibe accom phshmcnt of this highly desirable end.- The cnmmi Mon appointed by Ihis Government for tho .exploi anon and survey of the hoe id bound ary sepirating iln States of Maine and New Hamp a hire from Ihe conterminous British Province, is, it ia believe,!; about to close t field labor, and ia expected lo report Ihe result of it examina tions to the Department of State. The report, when received, will be laid below rCongressjA : - - The failure on the- part of Spaia lo. pay, with punctuality, the iuteresl due under tb ( Hivenlion of H3t, for tho sattlrin nt of claims between the two c luutries, baa made it the dutyif Ihe Execu tive to catl the particular atiention of thai Govern ment to Ihe auhjert. A dispisnMon ha been msiii tested by it, which is believed In he entirely sincere, to fulfil it obligations, in this respect, o soou aaita internal condition and titer state of it finance will permit. An arrangement ia in projj'e, from the result of which, it itruiid, that irmaeoJ ourcili Etna who have claima under the Convenlioo, will, at no distant day, receive the atiuulaled payments. A Treaty jt Commerce End Navigation,, wilh -Belaiurn wa cpnclu l l and signed at Waslungtoo on the 2(th Mare , 1840, and ws"dury saiicliuoed by the gena'.e of the United 8te The Treaty waa ratified , by Hi Belgian Majesty, bu did mi receive the approbation of ihe Bu uin Chambers nihin the tune iuruted by its terms, and has, there 'lore, become foirt. Tbi occurrence assume the grnvej aspect from tha consideration that, in 1833, a Treaty negotia ted between the I wo Governments, ami raiitiod on the part of the United State, failed lo be ratified ofllh part of IJelgiu n. The Reprceentalivw. td Government, at Washington, inform Ihe 1 pay ment of Stale that he has beco instructed in give f xul.inations of the causes which occaaioned delay in Ihe approval of the late Treaty by the Legnla- lure, and lo eipru the regret, oi ibe lliug at Ibe occurrence. The j tint commission under theConventiuo-with Tex, lo ascertain lite true boundary between Ihe pal report of the comniiSNioner ol Ihe I'l.ned Slate "Tias rhil been receTveJ. Ti 7aumlerriio7'howe77 that the meridian tine, a traced by ihe coniiDie sionerof the United States has not been received. It ia understood, however, Inat Ilio meridian line, a traced by ihe corn. Mission, lies some hal further Kin! than I bo nmulion hitherto eeiieralv auntned o'i,Mil;'fwiiitt4ucm DelonEinir luthe ata e - l L. umiaoa Suj Arkansas. est in whatever relates lo tbi oung, but growing Republic. Sett.ed pri iripally by einijm.ia Iroiu Ihe United Slates, iav happiness to know, thai Ihe great print iples of civil liberty are there destined -U (rial-Uld'rwev itistitutimis and wholesome liws : ami fiat, tlronuh its examile. an other evidence is In tie titt'irde-l of me capacity of popular institutions to a tvance the pr-isjieriiy, hap pines, and perin.nc lit (lory n he luman race. The great 'ruth, mat government w is ins le fur I lie people, and not ihu pi'ople for gitveroinent, ha ai r"ndv been esiablrshed in Ihe prcttc-and by Ihe example of these United Spites ; and wc can do no ether titan coni. mpl lie its lur her rae.upiificatnai by a sict -r Republic, with the itcepest interest Oir relatiiMis wrtn ihe iudeM-u.ient States nt this hemisphere, fiirmnt I v under the dominion nfSpam, have not un ierg mi' any nuiterml cnmign witnin the past year. The iiiC' SKaul sa iguinarv c inflicts uj, or bciweeu ttiose countries, ar lo Is; greally de plored, as mve-san y leudnig In disable litem from srf inning their duties aa oi" uUtsuI' the co "inu nity ol tuitions, and rising io the ilr-tiny which the position and natural re hi ices ol many ol them iiiht It-ad them jiisily 1 1 ani cipate, a ciHiMiitly givi ig ticcastnii, alu. directly or iiidir-'Ctty, for com. plaints on the part ul our citix 'ns wtio resort ihith er tor purpoi.es of coiinm reial ui'i-rcourse, nnd aa rua.rdiog reparation f i n tn alieady comiuiltud, some of which are bv no mean- of recent dale. The tailuro of the C-aigresa nt Kut ador lo bold n si s-ion, at the li no appoinled tor (oat purpose, in J i in.iry Inst, will prohibit rt ivler u Imr I ive a tieuly of commerce w it i unit K teibuc, w hich was signed 'id U nt., on ihe 1311 Jan.', fait, and had brrrt duly raltlin t on our pait.h n which rcquin-d Ihe upprnhiiion if ilia body, prior to the rutilicatioi, liy liie Huisdornui Executive. A Convention winch lias U u ncii i t with Ihe Ropublic of Peru providing f r certain claim ol Ci'szc".. the ti'ivernuieiit ol that KciLbltc, wit N' &i Ml i mivi; I lu tilt IVnale. Tlie c.Uiaisiil our cilizpoa ajai is' the Briziiuu G iv r.i.ueut. originatuiit from caituri-s, and otnei cau"s, Brn still unsitisti d. Tim Umt-o State have, however, so uoilormlv shown u ih-po.ili(Hi lo vult;vato relations of amity with that Hmptre, thaf it is lioie d, toe unequivocal token .d" IhosaiiM spir it lowarila ii , which an adjustment of Hie sflurs - referred to would afllird, will be given without fur ther avoid ible delay. ' , The war with the I idian tribes on the peninsula of Florida he, during tpe last summer and fait, been prosecuted with untiring activity and Zeal. A fumnwr campaign wa rem! ed upon, a (he beat m uln nf Krim.ini. il In a -!,.. It... ....U iK... -.fcsi w... e'" -iui i. arm mm avti't nave wen engaged m J;hiI eri;-e, h ive tutlered toil and privation, and exhibited ao. -energy, which, m any other war, would have wen lor litem Unfading laurels. Ia despite rf the icX he incident td the cfimstevthey" nave neneTwnl th fastnesses of ihe Issftnos, broken'up their en. campment, and bnrrasgd lliem' onceaeingly.- Number have keen captered, and till greyer " number have urreodered, and have ueen trans' . ported lo join their brethren on lb land elsewhere allotted to them by tlie Governrrfunt, and a strong hope is entertained that, under tho conduct of the ' gallant officer at- the beard of the' I roup in Florida, . that troublesome and expensive war ia destined 16 speedy termination. With all Ihe other Indian tribe, we are enjoying ihe blessing of peace. Our duly, a well a our beat interests, prompt u to ob ' serve, in all our lotorcoursu with ibem, fidelity io fulfilling our engageuesnls, the practice oif strict jua tict, a well aa Ihe constant etorcisw of acta of be. nefolence and kindness, Tliese are the great io sttruiiieiiu ol civiloiiiiun, and Ihroogb the use d them alui, can th untutored child of the lorcst be induced lo listen to il teaching. Tim Secretary id Slate, on wborp the act of Congress have c'evolved the duty of directing lbs proceedings for ihe taking of Ihe Sixth Census, of enumeration of the inhabitant of the Untied Slates, will report to the two liousr the progress of that work. III enumeration ol teron bu been com pleted, and exhibit a grand lots! of 17.CC9.453 j making u increase over the Censuof 1830,01 4,202,648 inhabitant, and liowmg a gain io a ra tio excerding 8S per ceot. for Ihe last tea year. r Mm the report of the secretary of the Treasury. vou wiil be informed ol the condition of the finance. The balance in the Treasury on the 1st ol Janusrt last, a stated in the report of the Secretary ol the Treasury, submitted to Congress at the Extra for " ion, wa 987,345 03. ' lite receiort into th freasury, during the first three quarter of (hi year, from all sourcesamount lo $2-1,487,053 62'; The eit mated, receipt fir Ihe fourth quartef. . amount to $0 948,095 25, amounting In $30 410, 107 77 i and making, with Ihe balance in the treasury, on tho first of January last, tj3l,A97, 512 80. The expondtturea for the fiisi ihrea quarter of l hi yeir, amount lo 124.731,340 OT," The eiponditurea I r Ihe fourth quarter, aa est i. mated, will amount to 7!0,723 7t tiiu IDA' king a total of 832,025,070 70; and leaving a deficit to be provided for, on (be first of Januarj , next.Hrf about $027 557 00 - . 1 Ol the loa i of 112,000,01)0, which as author! by Congress nt its late session, only 95,433,720 63 have boi-n negotiated. The shortness o time whico in had to run, has presented no inconsiderable impediment iu the way oi its being akan by rapU talista at home, while the ame Cause wou.d hafft oierated4wiih much greater force in tha foreign market. For ihat reason tha foreign market on nut ben. re ortedto; and it ia now submitted. whether il tid not be advisable to aiiicnd tb law by making' what remain aoduposed, payablo ' at a more distant day, Bnoutd it be neceasarv, io any fiejthat Con grea ma'tajte of the subject, to revise Ihe exist, mg tariff of dtnies, I .beg h ave to say, that, in the performance of that moat delicate operation, moder ale couusei would seem to be the wisest. Tha Gorernnif ot under whiob it iaour happiness to lire, prevailed among ita framera iarrinj and discord. aril opinions coold"oiilyh8ve been ncoociletl bf that nnble spirit of patriotism, which promoted t a. cit ation, and resulted In barmony. In Ihs same apirit the compromise bill, a il is commonly called, wa adopted at the sessiminf 1633. While ttm lieople of no portion of ihe Union will ever hesttata ernriieii y-ei an inmate repugnanco exists, iff TuO oiptraiiion in uunnena noi realty oecesxary lor tbat object,. In .uupauug duties, however, aW i h pur. - poscs oi revenue, a ngni lo discriminate aato the articles on which the duty kball be laid, aa well a the ainounf, necessarily and rntiet properly exist. Otherwise ihe Government would be placed in Ibe condition f having to levy the same du:ieupon all uni lo, tle prnduciifo, as welt aa the unproduclive. I he alighltei duty upon some might bare I he efloct of causing hen importation lu cease, wbereaa others cnienng cxiensively iniolhe consumption of the country, miitht bear ihe heaviest, without any fenstble diminution in the amooni imported. Bo also Ihe Goverrum n' may be jusilfjed in so die. criminal in, by retrmtceio other consideration of i doinesuc policy connected with our uuiuulacture. So long a the duties shall be I.. id with diaiioct rerernce to the wants ol the Treasury, no well fltundednlijeciion can exist against them. It might lie esteemed lesirbie Hint nu euch augmentation, ot the (axe should take place aa would hare the effect of annulling the laud proceed distribution act of Ihe laat sessm i, which act ia declared la be inoperative the mo enl the duties are iucreased beyond 20 per cent.. Ihe maximuin rale established by the lon.promiae aci. Some of the provision jof the Corpf romise act, which will go into eflecl i on the 30th day of Jane next, mav, however, be found exceedingly inconvenient in practice, under an regulations thai Congress may adopt. I refer mors particularly to lliui ielolmg tu the hinne f aluattort. A diflereiice m vluc of the aariM article to soma exi nt, will, necessarily, exist at different porta but ihal is altogathrr insignificant, w hen compared wnh ihe conflict io valuation, which are jikety t arise, from the dife-rences of fpinioej among the nuureretn nr. sisiiif iiiaaliainJiw. 'In unnr mlairces, to.-e.limales .d value must be eoniepto. miectu raii'and thus as many dim-rer.t rale of value maw be establiahed as there are appraisers. Tliew A.K ; fen'nee an valualtoti may also- b- iicrrawd bv lU :i- -ei b meni i'j iitcln,;;!i,i, wruch, withsit the alighlret impuutiixt iiil- d S'a' yiuj't" iheir hori sly, may anw 'on the part ef the u,-- leu. ! ia.ni m intir respm-tive ports entry. I rrcoiumc..d On whole aul.ject to the CMwidcration of Congress, witn a atngle aduitiooai remark, t Vrtainty and permanency in any svatem of government hJc are, in all respects, enuw-ntly desirabia ' but more particulirly ia tbi true in all 'hat aflcet Irad and commerce, the operation nf winch dend much-more on tha certainly of ibeir -eturna, and cak:ulii.m which embrace distant period n'' lime, I ban on high bmiiitieVor dalles, which are liable to constant. fluctuation. At your late scssiuo invited yuuf attention to thM-undilpwi of ihe, currency and exchanges, and urged the 'necessity of adopting such OKjasares a w ere consistent wnh Ihe constitutional combetencv ;i Mir wiiTsnioierii, in oracr locorrcct ins unaoutu. nf the Goverumetit, in order io correct the unsound. '.,,f itraajne.intf aafira piacltcahla th9ff -4 7- J .... a

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