' . Tt . r jk a 1 c i p b a ki. - ' T II E " 0 W. '-; y ' QT alt lJ U39iic crext jrljii, wl i teen, ihe cow of flit wirt ' T h-r H carry our birdeus. w4 pU t!u earl jJ pUaHi tUo l w.H gt Jlwh for fib I .if welt SeJ; b il 'Kc ivr Will firuiih - .m wlti, t iti'-'r, cha-Jii, imJinsai, carry burdens, j XiHlux j.'. iu;'i, a i.l !.n HlrU'ii m. Il M iiol - rtrtJl' mirprwiwf -that the pi.iitry in many ' fJri of iTirupe fsteem the cuw so btlily. Tuy 4!t1irtoth5ir friendly cottars, and give her wir:i b'J il ona earner, whil ho.t fcoJiiig the Umily. '" We hive bflen wonhjred how it could lii p3;ij'8 f if? thv purer clae of that country 1i lif witbnit jjhi futhf.ilcow. I ideed, we hare b'lM M'isJ ourw'v if Die produce of lh( cow i t.ot the n import iiu put of our living.' So far at we are crur.rnd, we would Ng cutly prefer nil the (jntdrupad tribe being aonihl ld, before we - wajUgiy1! i uptiicu the best firiimd of tbo brute face to inan. 1 : There w mfh.in. targ9 ia tlio fact, thit the nglofcj kv done w much to improve their breod .f caute, aaJ ill t I! animal bring an bih a rire, when we refWl cpon their u,e to families, ud toevnn iiiiivid iii!. Webave great desire lo ?e t ho co :.U iinnved in thi country than any irtbrr alin li a'riiuj at we have wowd to le. In impwffnVnt ol raille, however, the peo ple of the t.iifd S'atft have done but tittle. We I ave im;nrtcd oai? noWe creature, and me fair , one hjve b-en prolud-d tier-; bui we ask where the people arc, in thi country, that bavu mudid pmjterly the wience of bleeding and rearing -fine citila? If wa ever rightly appreciate the cow, we will unJcrtl .ud the w crh of breeding cattle, one rimpe f t. milk, oiii;her for b-f, an-1 al a third for oxen. W will lcart4 the rnitk cow mot have liht fire q ikr ei. and b-'ioki, ttiin nrikeltcute bead, son, silky coal, wide hips, and thin thilia: wliilo the mimal for Ix-rf, hm a nort thick head and ' AH OWL STO.Tf. V T7e tacenlentttlly hirJol a drjll ayje htu ye f,..i .... k...... I I l),jriimng with all premising rig narolei, jt it nly iKH-en.iry to utatA at ones, that Cidouel Sen ior was at one tiine a l.nslaior in a certain I'gula nve hall. Ho bid buu an Iiriun aent among the Oi4iW, an I wb'inover he Uvik the fl wr he wa etcmlingly fanjji farcin ikinR trope and eimile of bufliloet, wjIvbk, panther, bear, f.xei, ai l all other vonicioM anim iN. In thii w ty, be fiot In be 'iiie a Hot hliinolf, a id hi opp mcnUall ilir iuk in terror fra n hit roar. B it on one ocenvion a young lawyer, new upon the Hkm-, but who knew the roariig Cnloaol of old, got Op and replied to bim afwllo.w ' , ' Mr. Speaker,' iv tba (eoilem in iinagina lie i gnitig to fn;ht"0 u down here with a menagerie of wild beattv 1 Though tba gentleman it to amiou . to lot ut know tbrtt' he wa born in tbe wood, can " he a uteri that he wu uever acarod by on owl? The honornble member may p illy recognwe e rcininiKcnce which may be related thut; "A certain valiint geiitloinao w.w once be nighted, even in bit native wood, aud, calling aloud for awottHnce from hi dilemma, ho hvard a oejHil. chral voice exclaim in antwer, Hoolooko' Soovko art you t The genitomun tnttanlly re plied, ai the lop ul hi voice,-' I am Colonel Dvid Crockott, Juhu Casoir, Alextnder, NajoWn,Slen. lor, formerly ut NiclMilue county, Kmiucky, Bow a candidate to represent Calloway county in the lower branch of th? next General Awnihly in MiMouri, and I am loiin oo--hoa Aoo tooka-htihihakakuh.'' irturued the dmtanl a ranger; and, Mr. Speaker, the valiant Colonul wa loft by the owl to find hi own w ;y out of the -Wood, which I .presume be did, a be airs among us at prernt Tba epeecb wa inlerrnptej tbroughnnt with uproarious laugbier, which echoed again and again in f ioleut gut for aome axnnenf after the juvenile member eat down. At length, to the enrpriae of eveiy body, Colonel Sieulor tlow y uroe with wiitician, and replied : Mr. Speaker, the gentlem in inquire if it i. poMiblo for me In ho reared by an owl t 1 confeu 1 put .'" Saw Qdtaiu Picayune. best au neck, heavy q lartera, r jund. Jiajrrel aud hort lg; The Crewot City av there i uo danger of a but the ox U liMiucr iu the limb, body and indeed j famine Congrett ba given o niany proeitioM, iu alt it prowition. When brei-ding domestic , to the Bankrupt bill to the people, animal it reduced to a science, 'he diflrreul breed ' m the milker, bc f an J ox, will be discussed with " You are the most handsome lady 1 ever aaw," . . ' '.. . . l .LL--I.I a.i4 il i" only when it hs slippai tnroun ius uwa dfaowe Ihouwnds, h;4 MJ)0 fcUO, lf mere chalice, hoM o k gOJIBTiUNa NEW. The editor ol a very clevut paper l Bichmnnd. Indiana-the " PjIU liuin" after enumerating tht uurpiirt ofii flly roq iosi from ae m;ioy di(T;r- cut persous topublUb this, tbt, or tb otbor tuny, ssyss " Now we propose to each of those who have tho made request of u. or.thow who have a ue niro to reform our sheet, that they furnish an arti tie, iu brief, of wtt.it they think we ahoold publish, and we will give Ih-ro a place in our next psper. tt each of our auhscriber turn editor, and we will be a " looker on io Venice.; All who are anx ious to fi,"ire as editors, l.t tliero forthwith betake themselves to a tripod, an I lot ua have Immediate ly tbo rowlt oftheir r flection. Come all ye dull 6odiiiii friend aud foe, hand in your qaota of ed iiorial and we have no doubt you will make pa. per interesting, (for it novelty if nothing else) "to a mnprity ol your readers." ' Tbo tbeet so filled, would be well worthy a pe rusal ; and wj are of opinion that after playing ed itor a while themselves, these fault finding reader would willingly leeign their pUce. The circum stance remind us f a fcgeudary story, we have somewhere read, of a discontented iarmer, wbo.af tor a deal of grumbling, finally prevailed upon ths great Disposer of the etemeut to rei;'0 into his bandthe distribution of a duo quota of rain and sunshine forth proper perfection of his crops, and lo suit his geueral coiivenience. But before many months had elapsed, tba poor fellow, haring mean while eustained much lot and been at great troub le and concern, buni'ily iioploreii that thi ought gain go on a before. Tliua it i with man M is easior lo criticise than to perlorie. Kjcj" He gitr. Sptlling. 'Jjogan bad occasion one day to write a letter in presence of a school compaumn, who, in lookiug over it, expresead bis aurprise at lite sin gulurity ot the orthography. It is strange Lo gun," said he, " that you cannot manage le spell eveu tbe slmrlest word correctly." " Siiell," cried ihe Liiiii, with a look of well le.gned pettishuess, " iuan,whi aro you baveriu' about! louk ot that ! holding up the stump of a quill to him ; ' would ony man thai ken onythi.i nbout spelling ever attempt to scli wi' a jwn IiUb thai 1" r. I ,1 Pl.t. 1 - the greatest gravity, and tbe particular structure said a getitleman to one of the fair, " I wish that 1 could My as much for you," re plied the lady. u You could, madam, if you paid at lu.ie regit d to truth as I have." ore-ten will be cotisiderrd so, but the proper man exeraetit Vf eoUje in csch state of Uuir growth will be Icmked upon as a mflTtr of morn importance than Ihe attention now gi-on to the racer iu each yvar ol In row:h. Wheo we Mci-m the cow lis we shoilil, we will Talcing Phgir " Please, ir, I don't think have Iter quarter, in p of coinfoit, next to the i Mr. Doseui takes his physic reg'lsr," said a doC' 0'iidy dwelliog ; aud we will learn that even cur tor' boy to his employer. " Why so I"" Cauo ryinj m at It jst ss servieeabla to the cow os tjiej. he's get ing welleo precious fa;.n horse. The i'fiuf ihit we do not put a proper c -r ti jiale oi iIh-co, r-q'iin-s n - other nrjpiwcnt than n ex.-hsntre paper, under the head of " Good Ihe ict, that uo mm fanner perhaps in fifty has ' Advic,"advi-s young men to " wrap themselves eMi a cmiiluriabTe slwlter or wholesome winter jm their own virtue." Many of them would freeze i - 1 Hope Deftrrcd.U Go to b;d, sir, in tbe closet ihers," said an enraged father to a jo, who hud given Lim just cause of oflence ; were it not ibal ibese geutUtmen are prescui, 1 would give jou a sound whipping, but you shall have it belore break fast to morrow, certain." The little rebel weut lo his crib with a heavy bean, and the enjoyments of the party continued until a late hour. Jut when tbe party was about to break up, the closet door was quietly pulled back, and the young offender put out his head, requesting that the sentence might bn put in-exccution. " Father, would ye just gte me my licks this ot&ht, for I canua eleep without them ?" or t works have oow.Aeea pnllihed by us for . ten eoast'cutiv eionef Ctfre. Coujmen oing with Hie session of 13 &-1 Tbe bs had such wide eimoUtion, snd have been so universilly spprov d sad sought titer by the public, tbst w d em it neces- urj only in thi l5roirtn to ssy that they will be continued st th neat scswn of Coiitieiw, snd lo staU, saruinctly, their contents, the form m which ibey Will be printed, and Die price tor Uiem. ' Th Cwieressional Globe is made up of th daily procctNhnfs of too two Houses of Coupons. The vpeecues of the member ar abridged, or iowleiwcd, to brio- them into a reasonable, or readable kof th. All tb rraoluiions offered, or moiions msde, sr given at hracth, io th mover own word ; nd the sua an ill lb loiBortant oaestinos. It k Printed with small type brevier and nonpareil on a double roysl tlieet, in quarto form, each nomber containing 10 roysl quarto pages. 11 m printed u list a the Dusiiiesa ooo U Voufres lurniMies uiauer enoun wr nuniro- usually one nuuiber, but aonieuuiea two uuuiaers, a week. We have invariably printed more number than there were week in a session. Tb apnroacbinf . eawoa of Cooeress, it is expected, will con turn 7 monthr, if so, subscribers may expect between 30 and 40 numbers, which, lopetber, will rotk between 600 and VUO roysl quarto page. i n Appendix nvue up or me i ibuiht o nnal mestsee, the reports of the prioctpsl officers of tbe Government that ceompsny it, and all th long peecbet of member of Congress, written out or re vised b) Ihemsulvei. It ts printed in th sam lorm'a tbe Cougreaiioiial Globe, od usually mskes about the same number of pce. . Heretofore, cm secouut of the act speeches being' o numerous snd so loaf. hn not completed the Appendix until one or two month after the close of ibe session ; but, in future, we iutend to print the speeches sa fst s they thsll be ptcpared, and of coure shall complete the work withm a few data after tlie ejouriuuent - Each of these works is complete m itself j but it is necensry for every subscriber who desire a full knowleibj of tbe proceedings of Coogrers, to have both ; because, then, if there should be auy nubiguity in ihe synopsis of the speech, or any deaisl of its cor r ctnews as published in tbe Confressiuttsl Globe, the resder may return to the Appendix to se the speech at length, cot reeled by the member binwclt Now, there is no source but tbe Congreionl Globe snd Appendix, from which a person eta obtain a mil history of tbe proceedings of Congress, tiaue snd ' KBsToa'a Register of Ik-bates, which contained a his tory, ba beea suspended, for three or tour yesrs. It cost about fits time much tor a sion tm tb i3oo greasaonal Glob and Appendii, snd did not contain so equsl sinounl of matter, s grest purtioo ot tbe current proceeding bein(f omitted. We sre euibled to print the Cungrtasionel Globe tbd Appeudis st the iiw rate now proponed, by basing a large quantity ot' type, and keeping the Congreaaional matter that we cl up U4 the daily snd semi-weekly Glubcs, sumliug tor tbe Congressional Globe and Apindix. It' we bad to ct up-tlie matter purpely tor tbe works, w could not ttord lo print them tor double tbe price now chuged. Complete lnd'Xea io both tbe Congressional Giol and the Appendix are print! at tti- dote of each ses sion, and sent to tit u wcriters tbr-them.-- We hsve on bsnd 3,tHX) or 4,000 mrplus copies of the Congressionsl Gljbe snd Appendix lor tba Kxtra Sereion, which mak toyelhcr near one Ihoussud roysl quarto page. Tbey giv the fullest history .of Con- -gress Uiat has ever been publikbed. W now sell tliemforf;! etch: thai i, fl lor ihe Congressional Globe, srni f 1 lor la App'miix. VV tropuee lo let Mibscribem tor tbe Congressional Giohe and Appendix ' lor tbe nxt ion, have them tor OU cent each. They will be necessary to underslsnd fully th pro ceedings id the it xt tewion. The important metiers discussed si Ihe Iti, Mill berbrijught up si ihe uext session, in coriMqiii"oce of the universal diKstisfaclioo evinced in lb- Isle electiotis with the vast srd novel systeuiof ikiIicv which the povrera lute introduced. aod wliich wet forced through Congrrsi without can- su'tmg public upinion, or even allowing in full !uv ts puMUIu'd on a m.'iiuiii 4ii:"t. i quirt" form, norutr snaking eu.ht psires. sod ' will tm furnisflicd it v tile serf kW price of lfly Cent$ a cup?. Where elV ' ele cdpiessre tnken, the pnvment mut ho xnng jtQ. riably upon the reception of the flr-1 number, KJ" I'oKtinseters, editor o? pnblihersnf papers, s.; stl Minuders of the Gjitp""!, sre authorised sgent. , TJJG PITJILV WSlMPJlr Largest EuJjwriptloa la the WqvU ' TIIR PIIILADCIJ'IMA S1T0BDW CJUill. Dry ia Cisrrk. The Rev. Doctors U. and M. were col.eauen in the old Church of fidinburgh. oe.iuwUy,.whep,.,!WBAp luruttoeach, be had got himseU very much wetted by a heavy rain,, and.. a standing betoro. the., aeaauia . room. cuaaion uusl in rcjsrd to subjects ol oniiesry inU-rsvt. The reports of the Congrtuioaai Globe snd Appendix sre uot in the least degrue Dec ltd by the parly bias f the Editor. They are given precisely a written oel by Hie Reporter end Mi loembera ttiemselvet. Ai.d the whole aro subjfct in tbe rev won and coerce- Ae-tbert) W nrtlrtng hke taking tune by tW Me-r Ihrrl n'rititg. An Irtshmtrr vrrote n foHrrw lock, we will g.i:i remind our reader of Ihe pro- ' to his friend, during ihn rebellion ol '0. prieiy of havi u as inu.h moild and leaves bai led ! ,.j0 gjvc yott .omB of.theetiiteofthecoun-fro.iilhw"wodiaio-t!Bir.cW yaidaawiJltotv-,-. .! . .. 1 ' J - - "7- - . ' . w- w - - r- iiii:hi ft mil nriun): mi a bwtitu iti tout nanu uno i i ll . - " w 'j rtaii will auf;; sh m..l be so spreid, os .that j .0 jn ,,e fiIrier." 1'ie edjes should be higher than the centre, in or; I Cer thai, bv f Huj ta the yard a basin like form, tire, drying his clothe, when Dr. H. cauie in, whom he requested would thut day lake his place, us he had esc sited th answer. "Oil, by no ' - . ' p -r i la the Courier is inserted tbe umnc of Ihe nmst popu lar Air i, Hi I lade, and bungs, ss auuu m liiey are im potiedi so thai coantry leaders may hsve llic bwst populsr uiaaie fair ihe voice, ihe puo, the gu.tai or ; other iiulruiueiita, a ttwt a fObli,li-tl, whioh if .paid , , lor artwralelv would cost umra tluii th Lttcaol uib ui rivCTis inry pnm .r-rrr-wnT jcri;ti9o; pie eni'sn'' iaoeinvii'fto ae lawaw .. Mieet, in case, sny nwumlwstandinj or tnifrepreseota-' in no other journal of the kind. tw of their remark slwiutdoccur. r ' i Aiis r'Mirnirfir 1 --., It.IalA Cs. i V ..... . i' 1 i i Vii vviniirtinti w iniHinuiv 11 1 fill'- III i5W none uf t'ne hqiui manure may wi washed a-av. , ' , , , . . , , i Orleans, on being questioned as to his pclificnl ... T . t itu al.irli rn idn tiv Iwenlv head " . i mu - .-. - 4 it c it'ie, ftout the iieriod of commencing fodJenrg ! principles, replies that he is in favor of all the great question of Ihe day. to t..- full, until the tim uf carting manure in the '!';', would be yuflicicot to convert a buudred X.s'.i U . lif maicriala spoken of into cflective fo d -Xfr-piaor:, whtch-w!d be a good dressing frr at l.-ast twenty acres of corn land, if then we are correct to our opiuioi'.trd we believe wo are, sure ly Ihe labor uf g itberiig aud transportation shou'd rot be coiwitiered in tlie light of an insuperable oh j vtrm to its performsm e, a every Iweu'y leidof manure thus rrodV-ed would edd at least 50 per cert, to the p'ojuctiv power ot t.ie soil, ana con-a'-Qu- nth so uiucn muro to tlie income ol tbe far mer., Without manuring, Ihe inott fertile lands, ! eoly acquitted or Ihe charge lor which he waaar by niinuous cr.p;iing, will loee their fruilfulnes. ralgoed befire Judge Bialin, upon lieing informed r. Anuring. The IWoo Journal closes some just reflections upon the injudicious course of certain newnpapers by "the rehjsrkT'Such conduct aiif result in ihe diatMction nf the Whig party P - Mg conscience I" exclaimed a rogue io the city of Hous ton in' his lawyer, who advised him lo tasvawev, " Ain't I in Ttx$ ahead) fn J Eloquence of lie Bar.K St. Louis psper tells the story of a Trunin!, who having been dnexpecl- t Living Without I! rain. As the late Professor ti. was walking near bdiitlturg, lie mot one ol those buings usually called fool. "Pray," t tbe Piofr:sr.r, acc-tiug hint, " how long can a per m live wittioul brains?" 1 diona ken," re plied the tellow, scratching hrtlieadi "how long bate you lived youctol, sir 1" A Curiosit . The greatest curiosity ia the world ta no exhibiting in tins town, in I lie person (,t James asbburn, ibe wonderful dwarf, decided. ly the small! man in creation ! Ha is in bia 17. b year, weighs but 23 lb, and is only 36 inche ia height ! II i in good health, ha hoe aparkling eyes, is active, intelligent, its short a perfect man in miniature. He is said to have been born in Vermont, and ceased growing at n early period without any assignable cause. Mum. Spy. en i.'iii UU r i,; trie uusoanamaii; it iinim, there1 .r , Ls th- I'.i Jy of all to increase tbetr n a ru: pJes t y ;! practicable means, . nd we need pot atid, tin' th.s is one of the cheapest plans by whirl; th e i l can be obtsined, n well as being er-rPK.Mhii to every one. . An enterprising farmer "cno.trfrvnih a yt4f rxrtf e earl aHd one-hand, have his cow yar l bedded in the wy we propw in two weeks, snd Mirely the labor and time could oot be Utter appropriated. So make your arrange inent forthwith and go lo work without farther doiar. Amtrttvn t'ornur. SALTING MORSES. A tTtriimsfnri is mentjooext in Parker' Treati on SSiilt K jeraon ho kept sisteen farming Lor. uu, niade the following experiment ilh seven of them which bad heen aei-ulomel I i Ink all with their f"r!. l-ooi of rck salt were laid tn their mangers, and those lurrp previously weighed, were examined week V, lo uncertain what quantity bad teen conmmed and it wa repeatedly found thai w r.enever these hon were-fd on old hay and corn, that he wa at liberty lo go. turned to the Jury, and with much fueling observed : " Gentlemen of the Jury : I ihcnk you from the boitom of my hearl for the decision juM rendered you wil bo ever remembered in my praytre ; to yon, worthy and, I must iy, rule friend, (addret. ing himself to hi couiuieL) 1 wish it was in my power to double your fee ; ihe feeling I entertain fi.r you cannot be cipreed by words; you are inded, the criminal' Lent fictor : to you, your hon. or, (addretsi'iK the Jadg-t, who could scat rely sup. pren smile,) t amevi rli'itngly waebn-d t hut elf- Proipcctus for Kendall'i Expositor, a MOS KENDALL propones tu establish a semi monthly newspaper under the above name, to be devoted lo the following obiecls, via t 1.. The security of the right of suffrage, by ad ditional lawtlo punish bribery and fisud. aw A l i. An .rapovure ot aooe a no rornimnxit in I Government, wherever known to exist. 3. An exposition of the principle of modern Dunking, and its effects upon labor, trade, morala. and Government, embracing ihe nature and usea nf money, and a hitlnry of the origin and progreas of paper money in its various lonns. To these will b added all the topics common in the nanspiprnnr th day, with anmnnry of pgwa can I can say to you i, I prnina you, upon my honor,' pow that I am tree, that 1 will never he guilty of tUaling agmn as long as I live." A culprit being asked w hat he had to say why sentence of death should not be recorded agmiist nun, replied : " He had nothing lo ssy, as too much had been aid about il already." Mr. Trollope tells a good story of a French woman who got on board a steamboat and took her they comninnd m!v Iro n 2 iu 3 ounces per dy,lplac bcude Ihe flify valve; which place the but that when they acre fed with nrip hay, they j could not he prevail-don lo leave. She counted took d ounces per duy. This should convince ut o! t ie .' di-n -v "f permittinf our cattle Ihe frne Ve "f all at ell limes, snd it cannot bi given in to corivemaoi a (Win as ro k-salt, it being much more palaijhle than the article in a refined slate, and by far cheaper. A good lump should always be kept in tx by the ode of every animsl, without fear -that it will ever be taken in exec Farmrri' Cm-bind. ''-Vs, on a blow up as certain, but believed that she, s'anding ao near the sorfy valve, could not bo injurxd! i , t i Be Patient to tie La$t. One of the Director of the Bank al Bennington, po.uli.hei a card in Ihe Rutland II raid, in which he aayt u eve'ry bill hold er will be paid aa isoon at we can collect our debts." iHfcnwVl thl! lully compiled, forming sa accurate biatory ot pasama events. Avoiding U personal sltoreations, this psper, while it will nm cneesl its preference for men, will confine itaell chiefly to the elucidation of facta and principled. leaving the ruder portions of political controveray to younger ntnoa. The Exiioaitor will be printed in Ihe nestent manner upia s roysl sheet, tolded in octavo form, each number making sixteen page, with sn index tt the end ot each volume embracing on year. It will thus form s book containing a history of the time wnh much ne ire useful snd entertaining matter. PRICE On Dollar ptr entitim, Mid ' miptnet, No accounts will be kept, and the papxr will uot be sent until tn money tie actually recoiled. Bank note will he taken at thnir i-pecie value. - To thwe who collect tod f irwaru ten dollars, tn ad ditional copy will be teht gratis. Povtmaoter are pormitled by law lo forward aub- scrintiou money in letters written by themselve. All letters to the Editor must be free or poiiaid. (r As to. the postage on this paper will be but one cent to on sod half each number, it is in th piwer of every man lo procure sll the important news, snd a v sat deal of other useful matter, at oot ticeedins One li If . fl aXTVi Mm . 07 uuuar an i ainy-ru svnin. ' Wghi;gl CSTy 04 Owtnbtfr 10, ItflJ. TIIECOOrUER is on a firm sod independent 1 . si as any paper watted, at bome. or abroad, and ii tin. plo means will be slwsys empkiyed to mike it ciiuL a a FAMILY NEWdHAt'cUt, to any journal puf. luhed. It 1 a PERAIANENT EdTABLUU UEXT. . Tbe Courier 1 n md. pendent paper, tearleasly piny uing a slraigtit-lbrwsrd course, aud supportwff tbe Vesj. intereatsiTllG PUBUC Tbrt approved I'smily Pper la strictly (r KEU. TKAL Li POUTIV8 AND RF.LMOSq and tbe uncompromising opponent of all QUACKEKV. maintain a high 10.NE OF &10K4.IJ, and on . ao article Will appear iu it page, which abould not find place al every fireaul. , ' Tbe onpsrslleled patronage, from every section of the country, 1 Uie test i-vMence ot lis approval. Ii ba spoken and will continue lo speak for HscIL It list embiaces over 31,000 taoscruVrs, extending from th Lakee to tkt Octon, aud Ciaiiuinni", ail uitei. est and era ot the republic bach nuu.svr 0 iii Courier contains aa much waller aa would ' ' . Fill tt I amo, Volume.' The cost of which alone would be the price of tbe pa per lor a whole yasr. -The general tlwructer ot tlio Courier ia well known, lis coluious cuuiaiu a great variety of . . " xaua, aaaaanvrj, tout a, xiocsAfwiw. &iy Together with articles o Science, Fiu Aits, llealin, Cowmace, - uunaturc, Domestic Intelligence, Kducstion, Amuseuienu, Fafrtis, lluuioiousl'uetical Article Tbelruius, City alaltcrs, - r .- Aiuuainj Alisccllany, Tbe Msrkits, . , . The litf-.ictl World, Corredr Jriee CuneoL LitlotliMxJvenlBaiika, Discount and tic lunge. laitters trom Luropo, uittury, Th Claxsic, l'hilogpliy, Aud all other milters discuaveed iu a Uaaveravl Family Journal turnifbiuj allutrtttK raa vast, and, w behest, aa inlerealing a sanely s cats esad tm waf otAtrj Journal, ciiibrsciug subjects tor . raruici's, .Mechanics, ' Tradesmen, Artisan , ItJiTcliaitts. Meii of Leisure, Teacher Stuileuts, vud every CLim of our t'oualrr. The COURIER n.sy always be DEPrLN L'Ll) L'P 0., ss uounng tuipurUM as periuiUcd lo eacsp utw tic- in iu column il will alwaya tAlTtlt'LLLV t ULULL IIS AUkEEMLXrx Our arrangements enable ua to draw from the whole rsug ot lb current Literature of Eurvpu,od our Cot respondent at bom embrace awns uf In twst Writer of the country. A series of POI'L'LAK TAlia, ,4 unequalled inlcreal and value, will lollvw in cansUnt succcaiun. Alec bantu, Agriculture, Manufactures, Foreign News, Nw I'ublicsiNins Morality, Medicine. '1 be Silk Culture, 't'eiupersuce, Family C'irvic, UeltLuucated Men, We make a daily analvaui o the doings iu Conurea. and give our opinion in it freely, but th is published ni in iii.. li.;i. su.....u.li ...a 11 ... li. i:i..i .1 he. 4 aula Uiobe MliX, the JW-aJiJ titube 82 -1- w-r v.v.'W o mw i aj .HrwVkllG III tne same form as the Lunirreaaioiial U lour and An. " " i"".i-iwww pen4tx, snd a comolet index nude to it st the end of tsch vear. TERMS. I'tr id Coneressionsl Glob sod Appendix for the Issl Ex'ra SemKin, $1. . 1 or the Congrcsasunsl Glob Tor Ihe next eesstoo, 1 l per copy. cut mis npprnan hit ine nni mmn, pi per copy. Hit copieaot either of liie above- works will he sent for (5 ; twelve copte for $10, tod ao 00 ut proportion tor s greater no.nber. Payment may b tracamitted by mail, fotiaet moid. at our nat By a rut of tU pui Oflka Ivpsrtment, poetmaster are pormttted to frank letters containing money for subscriptions. 1 a notes ot any bank, current where a subscriber resides, will be received by ua at par. To insure sll tli numbers, th wWcriptam should be m Waalimgton by the lain December next, at farthest, though it m probable that w aha 1 1 print enough surplus copies to All ever subscription thai may be paid before Ihe 1st dsy of January oral ivo erreafioa aoui ot said le ay orirr anrs th monty tccompmnut it. BLAIR & RIVES, Washington City, October 25, 1811. PROSPECTUS os t Wetterit Carolina Temperance Advocate, A atontaf jmoer detnttd I the Ttmrxrnnc Reform. Pvtbluktd ml AikttiUt, A'. C, end tdittd . BYJ).IL4rASALLX. A Tivrxsaacx Coavcanoa that wa held at ihia place early in September, reaolv'cd 00 puliliehing a pa per of the above title and character, and sDoomiad Dr. John Dickaon and D. R M'Anally to conduct iL From g- tC"wnla, lr, lltkmm aleoady- has, h dcoina it unprscticable tor Inn lo he recogniaod a one of the editors, thouirh bo will chmriullv n alt his influence otherwise, to promote ita in erest; th obacrtber therefore, proceeds to miw tins Priwpeclu in hit ewn name, with s hope tlist h will be aided 10 Ihe undertaking, by all the friends ot Ihe Temperance cause throughout the country, and that tbe psper may soon hsve an extensive circulation. - Priendt of the Tfmprrtr.ce Cfauie to you w mike a most eamert appeal while ihouMnds upon thou sands of dollsrs r annually expended st thestra, at circnaes. st ihe race track, st giocnnes, wbilo no ps.ns are spared, the luxury of retirement and ease foregone, snd no labor deemed loo tcvere to sdvance the inter csts of political aspirants, can you not do someihing in a cause that must be dear to every truo patriot, phi lea throptst, tnd chri-tisn ! Recollect there are but few vorv few. such pspe.ii 1 in .11 the Mouther,, coontry.-' The Weatero pert of North Carohua, the Wester part of Virginia, and the Mstern part of Tertneaeprtieu. Isrly, nel a pettodical of tin. kind, aod it w loi sou now to say whether tbey .hall htV it, ' The very low prir st which it wst fixed by the Convention, will ii.ako il nectary, ,. very large snlaxriptmn be bad, before the publication of tt can bo 'J'L'RMS. , 5 Wjrrn CtttoUm Trrnperonto. ,IVrcr trill I oik tjl:k.ws Sure wsy la to eacha tie toonev ui a leiter, and di- ntl it to us. Tb t'oktrnaiicra will pro!biy politely refuit, lor we wiab Ui. .0 in all ciKf, it it inert luci plcikure. to set as cur senU. Clubs of ten will be (urnuJitd sith ten paper fb one year, (provided the money ba lent us Irko ot post age ami u mount,; lor f 10. , Tee IJuUare will prutuuu I tie aixtLcnfy gri'la nrcv Kuuira km a,, aoiiura. $5 sl on time will be irceited fi.r Syesis. 1 Our triene, lb Puktmastut, cii! ple rIigc by remitting arrearages sou ucw luUcrtptions. TllL UAKKliTS. AT SAUSSUEY, DEVEM 51111 W, Ml. Bacon, 0 a 19 Beet, 3j-a 4 Brandy, (peecb) 80 a Jb uo isppie; m a Butter; OevgWSX, Bagging, Bala hope. Couoo, (clean) Corn, Coffee, Hour, fl Ml a $5 00 Feathers, 00 a 64 I laxaeed, 60 1)0 Oil, 00 IU a 12; taa.Ti IS a ' 10. m Ba I 'on. Lard. Violat. LXaila, Oata, Hork, Kicc, (ijuart) .tigtr, ;Uiuwn; .Do (Inat.) 14 a Id balO 00a62 8a Urn 4, l.i 10 a 14 lon'JU SOs a3-LS!i,(t,u. s)l2aa$i: Dc(AvkJ ;i7oas4tW Sut-l, (biibiti) 10 a Du (tssi Via 30 ralow, ll'J l.u.'.ey. S3 a AT FAYETTEVlLUDI . DMBEIt 1, INI. Brandy, (peach) ft a4t 1A lpp.e) ii a 3J Bicon, 6-s IU Ba.,wi, 27 a & fitter, U s 15 BilwRupe, H a 111 cue..-, itrmr Cotton, 7 a 10 (Bolton Bagging, UI) a '20 Corn, 45 a 80 Csndlea, 17 Flaaaeed, IlOaUfi Flour, lijfl25 Kjilau, P5l40 1 4iJ, 7a 6 M';!.... 29 s 'M N;..,s, ;-..lt.(l'Uhe) Do t,k) sl BO t sjjV,- CO a .(-.,-, 1 jrowii) bi s 11 IL. llnmnN (lamp) Do (losl.) Tubuuo, (leaf) Wheat, - liit-ae, WI, 16 19 a '.'O a a 5. - sJlllO . . iJO AT CHERAW, & O, NOVEMBER ?0, 18J1. Beef, (scarce) Bicon, Butter, Btwix, Bigging, Bus Rope, CofTuc, tiitUm, Corn, (acircc) AT CAMDLV, & C, 6 I Flour. jrv fiJT-'afO 8 a 10 Feather,' -- 4ft s 48 121s20,jrd.(Krce) ' lis U Hi a 2Js28 12i 1 isogar. Molsaara, 4f a M (lata, ,JUs4( Rint.flOOM'MaaV x fle.f, Ita con, Butter, llesswix, Bngging, Rale RnpO, CuHec, 111 a l-J a 50 I Du f 'Iir luii'i.'u , ,.iVj imt 1.. i.ll 6 a 8110 15 111 It a 'ZS ,21 10 13 a 10 Cotton, Coin, Flour, 1 Festhera, 1 Lard, Molaanea, Oat,. f w $600 U7. M0W S.1a06 4SaOO V: