Li r 4 iawiWMjiPWtM CALENDER FOR THE YEAR 51 n a o 2 S ? - r -j 1 5 ' M JANUARy, -f ' 3 3 4 5 t 10 1UW , lit 17 M 19 -a 24 25 20 a 51 . 12 a 7 "8 1415 rti ( 20 21 22 '23 . . 13 13 ii.ninn 2tf- 21 21 .23 a 13 20 27 a id 17 24 3. 1(1 17 21 81 t 11 21 4 11 IS lEBIlUARV, SAtCK, 4 II 1 25 "1'5 (1 27 23 awl; JW Q 111 C V la V j' H V li. AGRICULTURE THiS l.KARtiU Pil'iCUS - !3IO.A Kn extract fro n art ad(lr' delivered hv lite A.- oiliural S uCiCy, at tsy Mruae, b j t 1841. WSMl'hwe'AMt 1 . !," M If hus'mrtory is niado resjiec'alde, a, it nu'it to be, it w.ll serve to check u': ot the r,-au Ki evils that Vars now hiv h iijnwi ih t n,int J; -the rusli of our (oi.g i.iio inu W utw professions, which are Hirady filled to overflow mg, "s'jR'CMlly-lhuloT"ITia''"kwr1iic1i-, Under Ihe present wreichel-e!Mirt of iwmiHiim, if milling litigation ch ap, is starving this mice honor.ible and noit usfclul profotsion. Yet it is thought t ho llio biult rued to o(Tee and) hiKior, anil ambHii'iH luthers a nl wekk mothers are for mnking their ana. great Uwters ami Vm. inenl j'lds. I-ifatu-Ted p diey I The gresiieif share of them m-wr nselnger n iti rwpt-ct b!e pettifogger. Many of th. u -i disheartened.' sink into dis4Hiioi "d i ' ; 'he lnwt m. tho crv b:st leil live f Ut r I ai xicH.'drug through a hfo of dysjiepoa a il iue devil," ami if they arrive a rank a id otiui., ih-v are made peifct slave f, with half pny,-and -jrei m re curaea than bleinjrs from thi ir e'itueiMs. The ousine'1 of th finner kums t. u h anxiety, is acctnopuoiej with iw mt-h t4,i4, 11 is quiet and pearelul. MnkV it iut?iiof,ii, hi. 1 v u open U it tho fust on 1 . ig -m houi.rN o: ytxir couutrv i there aro no iiieiuditus sa un it araint that of law ; there is 00 ! to it i ih . . . . . .. broad and exteienve enmigh lor n. h rirli v' broad doiiiaiti, the vast pojsfi in 'of U govern monl lie open to us it invtt" to cu,,ivvion nnd tmprovi rnetit.' llour r-1i nco wd! lio-m solves in the country,, atsd e-tuen'o iln ir h.idm ii tho c'o and Ui.owledga ! 'h- f.-iriu, ib m,.u' ' see lha land suiiiinj aruiiH.!' iTrr.iTrHiiur ViTimiT.-ii be honored in their induMrj , t ;i r h'ioi. id tie plough be tleya'ed and re.rf ! '. u n vuts pr v healthy, robust and strung n c'o, ao.i tnev ami iitfir desceiidunls become, as nnd t.mlfM fi-r England, the grstnl men a ei;; propi .ft m.? govurnuient'. IlirJ u'ld . ;. i' foil ii no! csseii'iul tn nny fimer, n-V to'f t u . qu! t tt -f Ihaiisting, UiihiHtored In hot iu? )-." V fid mechanie a Tew h.airi I ili.s tr -. . ,li iiu r. -mi lation nnd supermini luiic . i i-ftird.-i i most whofesoriio nod ,ai. b'n t' a; .' i; t body, is all is r'".ii.o iii-t'... in.b,i-..t. . farmer reading, wniiii4,V."., hi.! j.'.-aui. v 'od profiistly otcnpy the day. Tn my brother lawyer in pjr mo! i-, ,..! fecommeud iSia kind of Uf" a- i. h.i.t: o.i: the best. Tlmy r cujiiih i) oi ojii g ,,.,) farmers ami wi.en dv.i ieit i lif" th. e arc lii for little else ; Ihestnf.. hod " rivauiuj. ..t iuv mv neither siite.l to ir oo leioju'jv nor tri".1. They are oltcii, if ii"t g"!.eMhv toi-nncii in .-vorv good work. Let the u aw t' -x , m tim. regret not ivting more ,f ti.,,. .n cnston, tt iw awaid ! fiO (lull tcoe. . irlr hundred are said to have rleroi!i,u;r. .. r city VNew York. 1,ihjkI l havn. iiic ui..- n thuo Ikmu the couutrv mid tho p! t, . ..!" n . . e thejn with Cpen anni, Hrni give iii'.io , irntv ..I lionet Imii. nesa.' Flier is-r.uu e"n;vi f ir ihe.n' all. " ( oiler niy own uperu iM ss i ..Jand burublo frwancfl H' what may b di.eiatl I hov? - - .V a 4 6 8 7 H ) ' in U ll. 13 It 15 it) 17,419 HI 20 21 U M " , 21 23 , '2tf 27 2S Vi . l SAT, 12 3 4 ft ' 0 7 " i . . ' 8 9 Id U li 13 11 .' ' i 16 n 'W r. ,vi " l 2:1.21 23f tfl 27 ' 21) 30 ."1 ? JUXIV , , ' ' ! 1 23 1 ., . ft .6 7 f D M ll 14 13-11 13 16 17 N -1!) 21) 21 22 23 2 1 25 t 20 27 2 211 3d ..- , my," . i - ii in u 12 13.1. r - ' ' ' , 17 W'iJa :iir 21 ' -2 . 2 2W25 20 ,27; Vi 2U !W ACJGU3T, . f! fl 1 2 . 3 o - 7 8 . 9 io uir it r w n i m -an .21 2i' 23 21 5", ,j v.7 . 2S i.9 30 31' , .. OfMPMlKIt " - - r .- 1 Jl f t f T 1 T JTI 11 12 13 U 15 If) 17 li JO m 21 i!2 2 21 ' 25 20 2t 2- 2S 2 ) OCTOBER, ... . . , 2 3 4 a 0-7 9 in 111- It It IV 21 21 2 i i i 27 21 ;;u :1 ; ' NOVEMBER, ... 1 -2 ,J , 6 7 ir,H il 12 -13 1 V J'i 17 H 19 i ."ii 21 22 vi!2, Y 6 V.7 J 2J - 3'1 ,. DECEMBE3, . . . 12 3 4 -r. 7 , " a w U 12 13 M .' W 1 I f 1ft 20 '21 2'.' '.I u't 25 20 27 2.- .' 30 ?l- f , . ' 1 ' ; .' 1 ha J t. taauraof upr!nlemllnj( a turn 1 have mrceededJ In my entire) MtibUcWMt- ty farm W growing up under my own eye, yearly irevelipng ticwA uUiea ntd now source f income and iin 'irovMiit.'nt, ftnJ if it does not make ma n richer, it me a healthier, and I trust a belter man. In fact dyspejum uuj blue devils immediately left ;',- I Mill roi.sciuua that tho iie.cupution is jui li t out", I it in hiMilthy end pleasant une ; find hs tt iii'erferos with no mstrf it is -m",i'( t' otie, and all twluie tell 1119 it U one that God. wl! hnwt mi I prosper." Ofrrin.f it Crinromitr.X MUm w recnnily in V s "i( ,;i VuMmrg on a clturB fli"i (wn'iW'itM unJ pair of pantaloons. UimhI' Iwinn vkH Kat hd had to nty in hia tteft'iu:, Im replied i..l,i'v tifit it vn a " freo country fd thui, l )mU a riuht lo a cont I Una proniii(rti evident i it ht', h't awminjr eniirtly rlear to Ihfl riiind if fi'i Uy ir, lira Mlow finally " vflored i to cm. rTuim.- the mailt t by urrBinJrin the irtnfciona iM i" (me C'm, ttainiiijr the fthlr for-his ou , ,- ........ ,"fnrial use I , . - '.. . vl (Vil Sory.An anofiynHue wag iM loiiKtijjo )i.ird hii advHiiiMiiteut in each of our eily jour. '.!', signed by ait eminent houan oii ihtrWaWare viiirf, nnd (rtatmu that Fie Hundred C'aW wro ..meil iinmediniely by Hra firm. Tue said hrni, m ilm-neaiitiin, knew nothing of the inuller. Oa visiting their counting-housa the myit oor the partner TrtJiil the airect literally bhclted .i iiU enterprtNinjf cat anllr. Huge wgroei titer, cacti wiihjcrt or fifteen anpe, gnve abbiea, tied tugctlwr with a airing.' Old nwrkct aua Jmd ifought thither wbule f.uiiilie uf the feme genufi, fmiii-tho auperannoaied.Ti'mJb the -blind Igiien. Tiie air rebounded with the "a.jtial. knpaof llio i (Jiiadrupedal inullitudti. New"ecnlcr, with their noiy properly, wcrt , wen thronging t. the place fiom cve"y"a,eiiuc. "- . " W brtt'JI yljtf kiv nifl for ffifi V-re lot ?";iid a t alUhud wninao, orcaoiiig uptpwariif inecountMig- room. "Tba aerMHeti anj-: you allow liberal prlcea."lJ::aite. dollar piece for' ll.o old 'una, i'IKJ pvlty M the killediij" , " . ' V.mi havi iVon fwllwlwiid. the chiel partneK , who appeared w'iih a took of diamny at tho iwt, !S!riM'SWm&w titfluli a a . M cnoiaiu iua;ilori. f 1 iaot iHf i;nt. I have nii um fr thenh I could not eat them. I puld nut aidhhetn.-' 1 neet iidverifed for ihcm.H A d-.cii!ed meodicniil, fiiernbr o( thfl j(reat, fimily.ol lifr, with a fed, Mry o, and bldHed cheks wlf hd three cat lied lo a Hiring in hta bnnd, now mouuted a cotton bale, and, produ cing a iiewwpiper, spelt the advertisement through iHaudil'ly a.' ht' could under the circuininnce,- IciKBiiding of the a'ambly he cloiwo, " If that nere ndvcr1jenirtit waa'nt airae bill l" A nan ifin 4 " Surtiii" echoed through .the crowd.- i', Kti;d by.tba electrio fesnpunae ihe Jonfcr l.niontlin right of 1rade, 4 lie libctiy if lie rri, I imimrima'C of lair'dca pufimac oi lair uoaimir, ann mo urnem oi cttiR'Ibdotl by advUitix Ins kearera lo go to tW deaili for their rights, an4 nor ti alawl no r,il thunder, found il m-cesaary to compromise nmt. lets by tii'iit'iitf the et.lire eoocmir) to a hogshead . '. :i;riiTb coiiipiuiy aepirated at an early hour, ftwO,tMMft..Wf uiKitltruy..,.... ...Tt.. .j v rrnrT17rtllHW01ig1lranmnrlr..y , , . ' tr iiei ls and Iiearta. - - .4 avt fr tht SuptrilHiouM i git en in lira Naw Oi lon Crescent, ursHj the sacred hoiMirof one of ihn iimst re-p:tfabl citizens ollhaiily, 11 a stg. r.'nl M.1....I. itm l.ll..iAftiiti la Mtifklntif... rtiv,I.A m..'n.i Tof thelweoly tlTrd of Seo7emler lait. .!...ui 1 w.i o'eksjk in tle moming, Monsieur do C -, a , ii f rcUant of Dmirbim atroct,, New Orleans, but at that time in Paris, waa awakened !'r-uu an iiueasy liiinbr by a rustling of Uki cur., tains about his couch. Ha fell a cold hand pressed upon his ojvii, and -l-twiMsl that ha heard a voice which he re:gui)d as hi nui'a aay, Father! I ti'ii (Km !' So decided an impression had this' pri''i'int Upon hi mind, that he immediately ifotupMiif note I. dowti'tbe circumstance, and the jinci-MS ti:ne thai it looii place.r His first enrjniry .iq landing in New Oilesnsiti hia return, was " Where, and bow is my son I' " lie is in hi gravw," wHs the answer. After 1io poigi a.xy of his grief suUidodho JeiuiUi i to a friend in whose arm his beloved sou tn l d;H, on account of hi trange premmtiment, 1 iii:.i to hia gVeat astonishment, fiis trie nil lold him, JbaLhiaJiJii died fl.rLlheiweiiiy.4htrd.ofi?upieiubi;r iat, at twd tt'ehtek in the morning, and tlmt ihe bit words he ullertd were, "Father, I am dying " . A Godi Political f Story, The Natcln a Trader r". a captlsl aldry eimoee led With tht pnljiirnl,s in MisHsaippi, in 1S39. Co!. H pcnmuis one of Ihe whig candid.! for Coiigrosa, n.ude an appiiitmnl tospVak AtiludaonVilh!, in the empire county, eeltlg Hie aunience coiop .c. . i,i. worn men, browned by their in lustry in the fields, and clothed in homespun, the Col mel concluded there wa no one present of doiet iiug hi errors, or making reply m he inouiiled his high horse and dashed away "iff a rujiin rate.' Ho mndo i I"mj charge and lang( at tliiftheii Adii.inlstM. I,., ii, and finally oicluded,it,i an air of triumph, by rurteig any oe in the crowd lo reply. So cotitidi nt wa ho' there would, b none, that he left i:.e stand, and was pullmgiul with a grand ll aimh. He was aiested, however whow'fifty yr! oil', b a loud halloo from a d'en stern backwoodsmen, who hml shouted in thu same Uetuy yeais Mure at Talladega and Emuraw, when, brat to brcust, they fought and vrtnqtiinhed tljc li ii. hearted Seminfiles " C'cmir fttirfk, t'of. Iftman, come hark ! return hnd ittinil jfoor jfroirf riio'Coloiiul wheeled baek,nild Mwtd lull, sqimra, huilt, fiirmer like bsiking -man, upon tho eland, dressed jn copperas colored Jinncy pisniiil:Nna. Ha ohucklud in hi alee vo at tho id"a if $uth an anta. goiiist. The old fellow deliberately untied a blue cot. toi.hnodVrerMof mij rfrewoin vvdmt tippcinMtobu a itott ro!!ac laa J aii:e rillmtk Vt7.J, h somt d- i Tsslfi ptdlarf wbinpored the Clo ncl to one of bi inkca u If we hi J him tome one hundred milt farther South, w'd Lynch him or die f" Out rolled the ribbona, however, yard Hfter yard. They ere, in fact, public ducuinenU and Kiieechea cut from ihe cdiimne of the iiewa per, and done up on rollera. Oeullemen, iu tic, ttoldioK out a yard or two of the rilkboo, J you have heard a gotid jx-.tch, but unfuriunalely il wa dolivered by a M r. 0md, in Congreaa, tome inoiitha ago, and here ia a copy of it in print ; nnd hu threw a roll in the crwd. Read, gentlemen, rond Cnl. BingamanVipecch. Now,lellow cili'n, lialoii to my reply f and ha drew forth another roll, ami read Ihe cclebtati-d reply of Dr. Duncan, ol Ohio, to Boitd'a ieech. The crowd began to ahout. The faster be drew out hit (loco innnta, the louder they ahouted j and then ha threw them by, and fir half an hour, apike in the alrong, indignant, and ioVpreamiv'e tone of e1o(p4ence that cornea guahitijt Irom the heart, and eraaea, in an instant, the dim Hnprrio!ia left, by rounded period' and clawic declumation. lie apoke ns Tell apoke, when, by f. w ateru and burning word that rang over rock and avulttntihe, he routed the iron heaified Swiaa to aveuge the tnjurioe of hrir couptry., The excite Mient of the audience became tumultuous. 1'Bbout after about came pealing on the air, and the Colo iie, accuaiomed only to avbdued appluue, gene, rally ordered btforejtwl, left lh ground, very much astonished and a little 'alarmed!' lie did not get over hia confuaion for a long time, and was Ot-qneiitlv heard lo mutter la himself, '1 D n that old Mlow, with hi cora breeches and bis paper ni.bou I" The e pro that brought ihe Preaidenl Me. o to New York, Mr. rJamoel Crown, a 5lsnen an gernithe Postidlice, nccompliahed the whnle dis tance, rivers, relnys, and every thing included, in nitr hovrt and ihrre minultt. Tlie actual running lime on I ho railroads is thus gl.UIU . . ... . lVhington Jo Italtiniore, l5,iltiii:orf to Phihrdelpliis, Camden to New Brunswick, New Brunawkk lo Jersey City, Dis'uuce 235. mile, , hour. ' niin. 1 ' 10 3 00 2 10 0 50 7" 1.9,' Averaging a mile in leu lhaa twa Uiumtci! run. nit g nuie on the roads the wools distance , .4 5cme more than Aniiounetd. Carter is at Brussels. One of In recent exhibitions was maiked by an incident which produced a great sensation among the audience. Towiird the latter: part of tbe performance Mi. Carter issue from the cage in which hi anim.ils are confined, and comes forward with the tiger. " A baaket of raw meat is placed in the middle of the stage, within a yard or two of the prompter's box. Mr. Carter lead the lier to tlie batket, and Ihe atiimal nn turtflly makes a ruali at it coutenis but Mr- Car- fWfwM Ihm back f 4h Itgvrsttit presses fusward, atid. Mr. Carter gradually ttluxe hia hold, till at l.isl ilia tier aucceeri in seizing a piice of mea', wlKiii l,e .is immediately lifted upon Mr. Carter' i shoulders, who in thi way retires. At tho first !.. . i... k ..... .,-. ly , mil viivii ,oi inn. ;aTO tin cuircvu.j. Tin time, when the tiger waa making hia escape with il, be ruobed in the direction of the atulls: M (barter fuslunl a4iur . bftav-'aod sjadnsWerwP l PIU'I fj' " , Willi IT. Cnrterseized him aciiin, tMit missing hi foothold, , . . Iw.lh tllllll antl ltd! tilt th litfil lamna iUm j gksse of which were broken into sljivers. ? rTlw tiger waa cow w 11 hi 11 one step f thevor chestra ; shriek of horror resouuiled on ail aides, iUer wiM!e aiMitiirm wa on the alert, bnfl wverar Tsil already "oiado ''nieiria when 'audoVoIy 'ihe J 'er r,HW UP m "M1 ? ?) f'p iha lam; upa and diverging into the'imJal of a yroup tf icer patted between Iliuir K'gs and dsanpeartd nance rs passed be j ween Jhytr gs and disappeared at Ihe wings, where hi unexpected presence struck all with terror ) but a bene be wa brought back by Mr.. Carter, ho did ih allow him to I ' .. .. , k . renpe again, ii win oe eamiy imagined now great was Ihe confusion and alarm caused by Ihm fUtla incident, winch, hyrever, did, nid u orv than a fcwaeciftida. The ladies of Ihecorw Ve balkt (fsieeially uttered iha most lanmuiahle scream. The audience revenged themMlvrs. for liio Iright which had been caused tlicm bv a veho incnf shower of bitei but nevertheless called hnek Mr. Carter, who-returned with his liger, mounted ou his b ft ahoiilder, to receive hi tribute id applause, tnoro or lea mixed wilb niurtuur i'lg. Journal Jet Dehnlt. . J . ACANDIDATE. j Mr. Z ke Downing, Ensign of a Regiment in one of the New F.nglund Stales, ha nfli red himself as a cuudnluie for Ihn next I'tendonov. If the whin ... .... mp-tre " We'll Vote for lhm nitig, tliectlore, . 4 " , .. Of perhaps we may Iw greeted thai baru- cider .iirrmg im:bsJy :. . . , . ' iViiiioul a way, w wherulise; ' cider i "Great Ensign Downlnj i the mn " 1 o lead toe ons ol r renjilo uu." Eiisign Donuuig'ii.t wfitten a long loiter lolho l.aluii. H,iy 8tatu b'iiKKral,dclariog his prmi'i pl. s, from which live lollowin ia an extract : ' Ftllo v ('iust )ns and Proo Eloclors I mil tick. led to d"iith with the fashion which there is getting up, lor every one who likes, lo ielj the pbopto thai l o will be l'le.ideut if they will eluct lino, because tney know so ltltlo ubSiul p lilies tlmt they wiver viiinld httve found thnt out of their own heads. Ir (how, loo, that a inanls a first rain patriot, to be willmp to reive the people in such a plngney Iron j ,U m f i Aire n Prfsiilr gi, free gintia, lor iiolbing ; j that is lo say, tor 525,000 a J tmr;"v.hieh iolg i L'tirly u suui that it is worse limn imiliiiip j for if tbe Pri aid tit bapHHis to die, the Congressmen are obliged to give his widow $25,000 in keep hey fii.ui starving. So J propiwu to Inka Ihe dead in this matvr, unit to tell the folks that lf, finully, if i nmiimied us a rnididnte for the I'residenry, I would arcrnt tho nomination." Av.ihutl wuul.t jump at it .', nni ttinnlt you, to boot. . . . . . " A man oatue4touo excltiuit-4 iu a tir room, " I'll' bet 1 have the harden! name in the company. " Done," mid one of the company, " what' your' n me 1" M Slone," criod the first, M Hand me the money , aaid the other my name i Harder." PRINTING OE EVERY KIND, IIAAD-BILLS, CARDS, LADCLS, , CinVUfhs, IMA Y'JULLS, lVVMPIILETS, ACm Ncirthj and expeditiously done at tfie. Ofwe or 'tub - EST V. il X C A II O Is I IV I A IV . - . Journal of Banking; : .. BY WILLtAM M. GOUGE, OF PHILADEM'HIA. Tbi Journal will contain 1st. A new edition of "A Short History of Psprr Money and Banking in the United Slates," by Wm. M. Gouge, with corrections and additions, bringing tho nirrative down to the present time. ' 2J. Essays on Banking, Currency, Exchanges, and kindred topics, in which efforta will be made to place these subjects in the clearest light possible. 3u, A semi-monthly review pt llw times, embracing the most liiip itant event, especially ibeaa wbicb at feet the general operation of business. .j 4ih. Such miscellaneoua matter a will, while it will add to the internets of the work, subserve it main object, which ia that of showing the true charac ter ol our paper money and banking syntem, and the effect it baa on the moral and Cappines of tbe diiJur cnt classes of the community, f 1 J urml will be especially intended for Farmer and Mechanic, but it i hoped it will not prove unuse ful to Merchant and olher productive member of so ciety. It will be published once every two weeks. Each 'iiain(ll'lwithM "the 'leases atilched and cut, thus uniting' Ibe advantages of the onen abeet with a fiirui 'con- cuivni lor uimiiiij. ' The paper will be fair and the typo good. The price will be '"ft. For one copy, one dollar and fifty cents a year. For four copies, five dollars, or oo dollar and twen- ty. live cents ecn. . 1 Pol ten copies, ten dollars, or one dollar each. fa oil tote, tuhmiplion mvit be paid in mttancf. Proapcctu for Kendall's Expositor. a MOi KENDALL propose to establish a semi monthly newxpaper under the above name, to thly newxpaper 1 be devoted to tho loiiuwinff oliieets, vis 1 1. Th ecuiity of thrf riuht i f ufIiHire. bv ad- r""' ymaaa. tMitmsy attalIM.,.ii..,MliWtol t i X . t :i , r. . w. mi iMMiuii7 u muwm uoriupiwn III Goverimient, wherever kimwu to exist. 3. An exposition f ihe pnuciph of mojera Banking, and it i fleet upon lubor, trade, inoruis. .0 1. ............. ,.f ..., .: nd CJovernment. embracing the nature and uses rd-TTmneyranrhrstory , ' .. - . ' n"-"" of paper money iu its various form. To these will be added all the topics common In the newnpnpers of tbe day, with a summary of newt caro- .1 11 , ... p4.v xr .uu--.- ,fs;ftirwi.w-awfiisM 1 Asiliiig au persoosl altercation, tht paper, while v s, in.-. . . . , I. .ii ., . ..i I,. -in.i. W'.SS.rrn.tiB.-'r-v-..w-r-.'..T-j r-"r. w,ir-. it win inn corneal iu, preienmcea lor myn. Will Connue itsell ehiflly to the ehiCKlatioa of fact and principle. ' leaving the ruder purtions'vfi political, coutrovtrsy to yootiger-hand. 4 t; The Expositi srill be printed in thete nisrmer dbon aijal !rf,l lofded in octavo form, each namber making mxteen pages. 'ttb sn index at the'tnd bf eacli volume iubniciiig on year. thus forirfa Wt emtiHg a bisSoryof ra times wKh much more, asa'ful and entertaining matter. , , PRICK tae Dollar ptr onm, fuii in fhonre. Ne ccwnt(snll be kept, and the 'mp r v, 111 not be Mt unlit Hie money be acluafl received.V: ' J Hank notes will be taken at their specie value, , To thoae who collect and fbrward tea dollars, an ad ditional copy will be sent gratia ' 'P.ttftirtereara permitled by law to-forward tuH. " scrintuiif money in letti r written by themselves, , a All fetter to the Editor must be Ire or postpaid. OCT As-lo the postaa on thi paper will be but ot,o cent to una and a half each anmUr, it is ia the piwer of, every man lo procure all the important news, and a' vsat deal of other useful matter, at not cxccedini One- DiJlur and Tkirto-i Ceoet, , . . Waf!ngtoti Cits, I). C, December 10, 11" - -1 ' tf ... PROSPECTUS . '' ' Or TRB "! ,t '" Western Carolina Temperance Jlpoeate, A mnihltf paptr demtrd to the Temperance krforw, ' VMihrd at Anhetillt, X G,W edttt i i BY D. R. M'ANALLY. A Tsartaaact Coivrsrio!i that was held at this place early in .September, resolved on publishing a pis per of i he above' title and character, ami appointed Dr. John D ekson and l R. M'Anally locoridHctjl. From tlto mat y pecsping eni'stretiients. Dr. On ksoti alrcadv b.m lm ilwmia il HwntaelH-nhlw Iws hi.-w ht h wp.inm.wl uu one of the editore, though he will cheerlnlly use all hi inlluence otherwise, to promote it tlie urweriber therefore, proee!d to bsun thi PrwpeeUi . '" riwr ineri'iore, rrocceus lo i-ue mi I roc,ii j ln h' nwrrmme, witji a h.s, thH e will bo a ded in tU ';kj"ff. by all itm fneiuis ,4 the Teuiperanee C8IIW' thrmighuut Ihe country, and that too puja r umy siHn have an extennive cirmilaimn. IVirnd of the Twiprtamre Cause to you we tnak; a. must earned appealwhile tmaiMiHl npoti thuii , samls of dollars are annually ex juuiled at theatr., at eireopos, at Ui rs;s track, at groceries, while no pain aro pirc(l, the luxury ot retirement ami enne foregone, and no luUir iltjouUHl tuo severe to advance llm mier. -i-iu of political aspirants, can you not do inc1hmg in a caue that munt be dear Iu pv.-rtf Im. iwru.i ihriipiMf, and chrwtian !. Kecollect these sre hut few, very Ibw, such paper iu all the Houthern country. The Wentern part of North t"rolin,iiie Western pnrt of Virginia, anJ the Eistern part of Teniire particu larly, need a periodical ol this kind, and it i foi yon. now lo say whether they ah!! have it. , ! , The very low price at which it wa fixed by the (.otrtimtiuH, will make it neceasary, that a very Isrge stilweriptiuii bu hud, Ud'ore tlio publication of it can be j.Mitud. .. - - ; ,; .t.". TERMS,!" . .'V' ' . Tar Ucsrern faroin Temperance Adeneai will Iw publitlH mi a medium sliect, in quarto form, each number nnljmg eight pages, ami Will bo furnished al tho very low price of fify Vent a a copy. Where m gl cotnea ro taken, the ptyment must be made inva riably upon the" reception of the first number. fl5r 1'iwlinii.lnr.. mlitoni nr nuliliJuiHi.r or th ' '' CocsrcEBloaai Globe nnd Appeal worka have nov been publikhud by m u JL ten consecutive scion of Conretf, Common cing with the easion of l!2-;i. Tlie liny a had mcfc Wiun siituiBiivii, iTOcii pi uui,crnuiiy pproit4 and sought hr by the public, that we dem it necen aary only iu thia Prosptetni -faTtnf -Ihtnhe'jriin t"" continued at tlia neat jession of Congress, ami to it,t succinctly, their contents, the ti.rm iu which they ,,; 08 prillieu, ana iim 'rir mr uiuiii. '1 be Unigresaionsi uioue I made no of the eVv proceed inirs of the two IIou . of Conirrew, tl speeche of the inembei are abridged, or condtnsrd.h uring uiem lino a rwisonaoii,, or rcauame leiijth. A;l the r6oulii'a offered, or mouons made, are given lengtlijin ine mnver own woros; and the yew nays oo all the imprtrunt question. It is printed with mll type brevivr and uonpareil.on a double royl aliect, in quarto furm, each number containing 10 ruysl quarto page. It is piioted as fast as tint buninea dwie in Usigres jurcisiiea mailer enough tor a number unually ore niiiubftr, but sometimes two number, t week. iW'a have invariably primed iuir ouiuh-ri than there were week in a aetaiuii. The appnnchioi, ego ion of Congrew, it 4a expected, will continue 7 month , if so, subscribers may expect between 30 io4 40 number, which, together, will make between SOU arid 600 royal quarto page. ' - ' The Appends is made np of the ParsiDm'i in. nual message, the report of the principal ofheert of the Government thut sccorniany il, and all theliii r " spcecho of mooiber of Cwgre, written otu or . vised by themselves." It Is printed in the same form a the CongremionBl Globe, and uaually inskes alwut tlie same number ol psgea. Heretofore, on account of tho rt speeches being so numerous and so long, "we hmi not completed li e Appnmlu until one or two nxsitlm after the close of ibe session ,-hut, iu future, we inteuil to print tbe porhe si fust as they shall be ptcnarva, and of course shall complete the work within a fi t? das after the eejournment,, ' ' Each of tliese works is complete ia iltelf ; but H i ' necessary lor every, subscriber who desires a full knowledgo of Ihe proceedings of Ciaigrers, to hiva both ; because, then, if there alwiulii bi au n,l!W, v jn tbe synopsis of Uie speech, or any denisl of its or. riCtnesH, ss published in the Coufreftsiouttl Ginhe, ti reader may return lotbe Appendix to see the Sjieccti at length, cot rected by the member himself. , " Now, there is no source but the Congressional GIoU and Appendix, from which a perron enn obtain a It !l history of the proceeding of Cmiffresa. Cum m StaTos'a Regwier of.Debatca, winch cmtsined a nId. tory, has been fUKpcnded for three or tour yetrs. Ii cost about five limes as much for a stnon tli Q): . grcseionll Globe and Appendix, and did not cuntiin in equal amount of matter, a great portion ot tho current proceedings being omitted. , We are euabled to pnH tbe Coucressional Glohe and Annemlix ai the low r. . now proposed, by having a H'rje quantity of, Ivoe, i, l : . ... .1 -. i- tne uanf ami reuil-weekiy uu lies, sianiling; lor tfe Congreisional Globe and Appendix. If we bad in m up the matter purpeeely for these wcrks, wo coulil m afihrd to print them for double tlie price now ctarui" , t'oinplete Indexes to bulb tbe Con; (J!u!s and the Appendix are printed at the clese of each lo tion, and sent to til tnhccriher for them. We have ot hand or 4.000 sitrplua cop cf Ihe dmcresei-ieal Globe and Ap; endix for the Extra Kessii n, ahichmake loppy near one Iuoumkmi im.l quarto page.' They giveihe fiilleat h'story rf (.'in gress tbat bss ever been piiblicbcd. We now u'i them for 61 each;. that 1?, $1 for the Conp Globe, and 1 fur (he Appendix, We propose to k', Witwcrihcrs for the Consrreis:pnal Gjcbe at. J Appnn 1 fr tho next etion, havesthmn tor 50 cent r!r;. They will be nectary to nnderstnnd fully ll.e ip, Ccuirjes ol l!o ccxt sesKHin. Tbe imnnrtaut rtiWius discussed at the lust, aitl be broic.'lii uo at ihs m: . , - , . evincnl in the lute e'eetirmn tv nti ihe ts! it r- ' ty-teni of policy which "the, power Imve irUiwu', nd which wa firced thrntigh'Congreii without, cm su'tinj public opinion, or even llowinr me full cuMKin usual in re psrrl lo v'nhjects ot ordinary int r' are nut hi Ihe least deirreo aflecieil lv ihe mnv sre not hi the least degree a fleeted ly Ihe p-mv of the Ed i tor. Tbey are given p'eci,ely aa-untieh oul by the KersTier and, the mombcrs jhtTiiM i.K ,v u uiu io;e sre njujcci to i;ie revision anil ct n t- i,mA,mtt 1 r ,A smi aiTirina rni-irtTra-i1ir nr" t-frr-1 I -;'-'" T ll TT " V PUT 1 1 r ! I ' I 7' ' I IU 1 1 11J V i llil.'; I lilt?' lion of .their rem rlt t should . tare u r, - We makes daily tnalyais of tho duiiii., in Conn'i, and give our opinions in it freely, but this is' !uu wily in ihe Daily, Semi-weekly, and Weelly . The Haily Giobe is $Uk Ibo Seoii-wceLly GU V per annum, in odmtiu e. The Weekly Gtole m"i .: irlnNiaamo Cirm is thepingresyioei'l Gh-bc m! .;i peadix, and a conditio index made to h at t! e :o ei cacti year. For lira Congressional Giol nifp;i pd t Extra S.-.witM, AI. fur t!i lat For ibo Oaiuroasshiiial Globe fu ttie in .t ?u ft per copy. For tbe Appendix for tho next rsion, ik t nr. I Sit copies 01 cither of the above work wilt be 'al. lorffl; t welvsr copies fur flpjanj'ii Iruprcfut o;i for a greater nawlicr. Psynieiit,iiy be transmitted by tnsil, puttee' at our risk. By a rule of the P t O.fiVu l imrtn i!. wsitinssteja era permitted to frank kilera cjiiUm rg money for subscriptions. - : 4 Tho notes of sny bank, current Rb.T s ruVntx-r presides, will be received by us t pay. To insure all tho number, the suhjfriptkww mw: '.! be in Washington by tho 15th December ni jt. it farthest, though it r probable that we sin II print enoujih anridus copic to fill every ubscripiitu t: may oc paid or lore llio 1st day of January mxt. Ao auentmn vm be tmtd to ana order unhf - mnniy artmnpttmrt U. ' " , . BLAIR &. U1V;.S. Washington City; Oct. ber 25, If I !. Tiiu ,11 au k HT.s. AT SALISBURV, pECEllliElt 31. 11 iwcoiw . 0 a 18 itron,. 41 a Ttr : - I - 11.1, Vlulasbcs, N.ils, . ?! ?tn 15 a 4 a vr lliatidy, (poach) 30 a 35 25 a Uo (apple) Butter, lluvawax, - B'iTSmirv ' . Ili Hi. lie. 9 1' , l.'i I'i ii .VI IK Ida 12J A Hits, 1 2U .Ha '23 i "or k, Uiie, (utis rt) 10 a I'i ;Su;sr, (brown) l'l I ! i a sjii Ctfltnti, (clean) I 'urn, Ha Doll-,) 20 a 25 ! II. H ! a i5 110 351371 00 a Oil ssit,(bu.) .i v; CnaVe, Flour, f 4 CO Feattiers, ,, Flaxseed, Uo 'Oil, 10 teaeK) ; i. Uel,(hhr;et) 1H Ihi (csst r.iuw, lhiil.v, AT C11F.HA Wi 8. C DECEMBL'R 21. Ht K.V2 . i : l) 1 4" II li 1.1 a . :t;i.4' Beef, (scarce) 6 jFsair, ' 8 a 10 jFcaim-rs, lit) a 20 Urit, (M'srcc) '211 a 25 Molnwu, d)Cl, Butler, 'Bwswax, Jtsgiring, -Bslo UojK?, lult'ce, (.'oltuii, Corn, (fCarce) i-l a 28 tlits, 10 a 121 I2J a 15 ; Habl , a 30 ' K.ce,(It;(i ll.f) Via-' in s I - oar,, ck) Do (W.e!) 7JaeJ 5,tll.V Hl:i r: lilali .Stl a M 4."i.V AT CAMDEN, a C- DECK.MBEK IWf. fta HI a 10 15 a H ra23 21 . 10 13 a 10 Cotton,, Flour, " Fiiaihrrs, Lsrd, MoIasscs, (bits. Bacon, Butter, - llei.wax', Bicping, Hale UopO, Collee, v-" 1 " -Jlinieter ol the Gospel, ire anthorued agents, ' , ."J- , I f V I -' ' ' I' i