ESTEEM, GAMO. AM. ' nil! FUWEBi KOTfiLEOATKB TO THE THIVEO STATUS IHf THE CONSTITtJTIOJI, NUB PROHIBITED Bt IT TO TUB RTATEsj' ABK BESKRVRD.TO TKB M ifE RKSPf.CTI VF.LY, OR TO THB PKOPtt. -Ammdmenti to tie ConttltUtion, Article A ( THE S urate 0 ot 'VoVuitlc . i - SALISBURY, IV. C, JANUARY 14, 1842. J Whole J umber iHOQ. TERXI Of TH , . i CII AS; F. FI SH ER, " ' EJi'Mr ni fritpruUtr. e . . The Wiwrw Caoliiu is publisheJ.every FriJsy Mwnisir. t i per annum in lw-x 2 53 if wvlwitki.lhre mmth,KTiliUirri L i- rW. (T No paper will b diftcontinded except t fi'','r'1' d"-retiiro. until all arrearages ir9 mid, if the illwcri'.KT i worth thetubscription ; ... failure M ooi ify tlie Editor of t wibh to dwxnv . i ... .,. n,..rfi hnfurn the end of the TCSr jmoe, iw nabscribcd for, will bo considered a new ongngement. ny AJv-wturmenti conspicuously nnd correctly m- rted'atl pprnqoire-Kuf 3"i or Z1"" linrl of this izoni type)-nrtlie first insertion, and 2o-cents U eicti continuance. Court and Judicial tdvc;tife. met. 25 per 'cent, higher than the above rates. A do-dai-tion of 3: J for cent, from the regular pi ices will l,e'inv.l. to ymily advertisers. OCT Advertisement. bnt in for publication, must be marked with the nnm ,"r of insertions dwircd, or they will p continued till V,rbid." ami charged accordingly.' i ' l-mirs ad.lrrrtsed lo tho Editor en business mnt ,-nme POsT.vgE, or (CJf U l( l or. n(irm racvrmuKlii Mantua-Makin I r in ..neroi'i lU-ir ,"' t" til 1 '" THE SANTA FE EXPEDITION. . During the lnt two or three wet-Iv, all torn "of rumor respuctng ilu) (ale. nl Hi Tex in exwdti4n 7to Santa I'e ha-br)enTwiuri!iX"fnrirti .HTJsr'TIiie Brut intelligence of the Im l the Xiflitin which bore tbe semlilnnce of .autheuiicity, cnuiit by way of Havana. We gnve our rMHona, at wune length, fur diiboticving that accoiiuf . Thie reaiw, were cotisidcrc'l by other; aa well iw hy iuraelyea, very , atron.; but we did not cwie to entertain franijur I w injr . , ivimnttti.our Htioeni rrreiMi and nas'iciatp.' .JiMrry r week ajo, nililitnal now iroin niexicn w4 received iji uch h ahipo aa to iocreaup ourT-uM,ev-u to r.fiidtr Ualim.t cerlnin that jhc rii'irn' eipeJiiion had l.eeo taken. Al thony'i Mr. Ivndall ioiiid-iie exowititon aimolv aa a giieat, prewnun before he lert thia city, thai i'. waa merely a 4rading party, althongh we were well saiifid ilat ao lie waa coycerned, Tie could prove, tlTnt it waa A plnarc CJtrureion esfy ; and that cwqwitly ho would be we.l treated hy tho .Muxicatia, into whon tinnds he had fiillen, and' be eaily liberated airll, we thought rt our busi. tien to open an immediate communiciion with him, if Mm41K and with the Mi'xirnh govern' nifnt. Pnr. ducting tliat puow-, ndvcniwd 'vera! dnys nuo for a hchoutTcr !o '.wo to Vera .Cruz. t I'liat nrnwigemcnt, n hurdlv completed iH-fofe we are pl iretl in pofc-e.wlon. of ititclhgence direcf frotn Mexico, of the most t tnfdl and exri ting clmrr ctrr. The let'er from Chihuahua, Which piMi!nii below, wryi receivnd j esterdny moriiinj; , by a oicrcHtitile linu hi my, nud i addressed aa will lie m tn, to thuTexan Sferetary of War. -.Vir Orhnn I'iratuite. the cijr of Mexiro, n, HiVnnee of nnr twn thon. iann fii'lea, and anawcr Jo the authritiu there aa priaonora of war. They arrived here about ten dajn bro," bavittjt ulF :t4"jgfetiy6iirTiiItgljfl"," hiiiif-cr and Hum. In tliia place thev rereived aa good trcatineul a couhJ be cxjieuied in their cir. cnniataneoa. Tliiiuh-foatrained of air liberty, tnetr peraona; wanta were mrenIod to, and by voluntary auWiiptiona of both Cireiner'-. rtnd fla tivea they woro clad (near 100 men) in"a light but comfortable aurt, and then aenl forward on their tlreary marchi Thjy are expected to reach the copitai ao,me time in Duceutber next. Amon' the prirocra i a lad of the namo of Coombi, whoi Uiher in Kentucky, was named ja minister to Mexi co. . Tho buy heard of llita in Galveton and pre I anminji bia father, would acecpniie' appointment j le rexolved to accoinpany this expedition to Santa I Fe, and from thenco go.' to ' Mu'xiio to join . hiai nnrrrit. ' ' The nitrti'9 of inio f- tho fiflicpra are .Captain Sutton, Engineer Hunt, Lnbock. It in not known wliether Citit. LewiN acted from fear or irenrhe ry, or whether, ho waa' himself -deceived. The most charituhjo ruppemtion itf lfie latter, althoogh the result hna not mitigated llio " atifleringa nor The fctwon Tor this enurao in evident. Tlia Ptite already ore the binka 81 ,003,000, end hop-a to borrow aa much more from thciu, which c;i le lTOeli'cte.d. only . !iyttuUi )rizuiii.,t lie iustiiuiNts I r? ' fian (hnir dvbta to the public. Tne credit of the Sluto of Oliio raonoi ou( austaiu it slf under the - protn'i!a!ioi of audi di"ljon'',t vifws. Uv a in 'guUr course of reaaonirig'hn vrry men that a-l vise thi dlalionor, alli'Ct a horror nt the doctrine ol. rnfatinn.tif py S ato d 'btH, The btuki nny Iw allowed to fiil wih impunity, but tht pe p'e must pay the laat dollar, and prompily. in cooronnity to thia d ictriue of oppreasm the many for the benefit of tho fe, the.tJoyornor ndvoctttea a' high tarill aa the only moniis by which a'iouiid currency can be auatained. Ilia remarks, are, hi filiowa: ' .. . ; ,vi", " t " 'It it obvioua tl.nt, under a .yfm iflf ieif u- ivia ana unpin rowaru ua, in me uuctuntina.oi I roiOinerre, Imlaneea agnina', ua must oceur, and thrae must, in, auch caae, he liquidated by an ev portation ot inn precema metal. ;i ji'aountiu, which no human eigneity can alway fureaee, nut . have tho eflnet to dHur'j prici, evoinvoVe or irif Bey pnrely nietl!io;'.hotldi4be of tne? mixed kind, composed of coin, and paiteV, convertible into din on demind, the-j,' whenever ihe uufuforaUle- balance waa, .of WifDctent ainouift, : wpen)'i.on f '' fperje payments would teem to be incvitH'Wivy j I liaj is tn-v, "the fiirmer must M oWized U f .' . . ' i. r i . r . leaned lie peril .f hi compaiiiona, He alone. i ffive nianufactun-r al home, as much (tibor for unless- ha. Wnaavo.1, remains wit), Ar.-i-1 h'e "I0'1!1 Mw C'fd lTu! lf''e . :.. a . v -.. went abroad lo bav, in order that too, banks may to in Saute re. . ' . , , . ., , .P. - Tin vVceuc r. KiiUny Imni tlw .Vrttu, il l-it-rf - f1.Tu!AVM T.-mrVm nrt Newborn aauauua. " . .,t ..; -jic, and w- rk.!-.iii-'i'; I'. S. Till! fwi'MM:.! m 'he (. r r. 'l'- ' i l-'t' :"' iVe 17, Or Ctiiut'AHUA, Nurtli f Mexico, Novembei IMi, To Jihn O. Chalfur', M. P-, Atntin, Ttx'ni: f,. . Mi,'it To' Mii.T.r n. any !i'.- in tins country, in- pCM,-IBl t-uv t'.-erefi,rf) nsiiet use the' v,li.: ! ii''S' i t" ' precaution which prudfince sui;gests. His agents in .N. Oi!rnnwill IfJalile, from the. eutograph, toj iiiii.rm )nii of ihe wriier'n nntoe. fie his. never ' j been in Texas, and is not efirit that be 4ias a single ecqoHiotariro iu that country, llflt theue nrft "jnii'ii'ljiiii which exlt-nd .Ivjoiid the ciirle of personal Inrii'U. By particiitr r quest .Vf CoU Win. Cook aiwl l)r. lliclmr-l II.' Hrenhani, t sit lortii to givJ you h irarrujun iif ilioir (iiniterp, na dttnilcd to run iosonm bric-f hijerviews with iJiein, !.....' . rliirinu tiii'tr Hiort 'jotirn n tll city as prisoner olarrve. Tne coufiiaion aud siraiutiuu'sa if the Mucli peciiliion'bs Wn Ka3 upon the proba. ble dektiny thai awaits he pritameri.. Santa Anna is now the chief executive, having lately mndn himself ahsnluto I)ictator, aid whon power is once securely grasp:-rt, examples- of its .voluntary sur render have exceedingly will depend solely upon his w clmratier, there is serious reasoq retnin the specie in their; hands. 'fir's cwivtry i an a soi l I "SrufcUiinH oneand munt, f ir -years, continue h. -Vfiai isi"(s agricultural products are greater ' THE pQAIID' OP rXCHFQUKIL The4uJKiwing is the Till submitted' by the Se cretary of liio-'l aa'siiry' lo'Corigrcsi', for Ihe esteli liahincni of the Fi?;al Ageiit' fccoiiiniCtidi'd in Mr.' rvTer's msHge :. ; ' ' , .. , . niu. . iVnieiniiitnrv of (he ar veralcta esUbHs'jijij the Trea. . surf Depirtinenl. . '' 't. . - , ' . ' . kc. i' lie it evtrtrd In the Senate ami Ifaim oft UfprrsfnilivrtpX the United StaU$ ff Amfri eq in (?ongre aiwnbled That there shurl h ami hereby is, creaft d tin I esiablisnerl in the FeeaHuri-. Dip irtimml at flV' seaof.tha, Uuverpmeut if the Uuj'id Siales.a ISoard. tiilm callej die lUchequer 'of Vie Urfited Sites,'4n b;Yompeil of-the Sccrc, tary.of iho Treasury 'fur Jhe time'brinjf, the Treai wrrer fif lli'e Uojled plates for tlieimi4 beinjt. nud hree (A)rrlmissia'icrs, to npjinfed ny.tho.iVfu. (Ientwvilu, the advice nud.tiaijut of the Seiiitte,; one of thesanf Coutmissi iiierfiMl appointed to bn appointed for two year one for f Mir year! aad ouo Jfir six years! nod vacaWrMs snbscquRrrtly occurring to be no filled ns'thatono vaciinry nhail 'giilarly occur at the) end,of every pej-iod ofiwo yeaia; ibic said Coinmissioiii rs nol to 1m removed frotri ofjise, oxftspl for ' ph)'sic4lti,!wjIiHf y, in"oinetoiicy, ir negl cl or violationfof rluty,and in caso of nliy eu'cir rernoviil, it shall lie the duly of lite Preaidont to lay tlitf renson ifiereoi Ijefiro Win Sonale. Anion sbo firsj oigiinizia'rion of, tho?n:)ard, one cif tlw tltYee CM4i'i'e''hall,4iy the inembers thereof, ho elected' i-i(leiit, whri shall hold his ofTicp-for two years, and in like manner anew election shall take p!ico after A nrds at the end of each successive. 'period of.wn: years. And the Secretary of the reasury snail nnve auinorny io appotlii ail sncq inferior olrice's as inthe judglnefft of the Board the trans ction of its business may require, the -amount X MI Mi IRONS.- if almul mi oe- L i If I itr V :.-...!. v . M'-'l If"" :i us ufM l.i t!i' en miry, I ... M,:i Ir. u. limLsra- all H.;l-, Will's ot nil j . if.'- iVtll" I . : 1: al I'lu-iV than can be consumed IWJfa own ihhabilanta. Of courhCirilie surplus must be destroyed or exporte I. u. I ... i : . ... i... ... i ... . u,ey are T'"Vi. pp"" " u I of their r.-sm-ctive h o be fixed hw it. for the faithlui ili- snriis end in such n imury slial di- i . w,ll te. ordered to execution before llfey teach yr, 1,000.000, ,pf flour, .Valued at SO.000, , ., f, ,, . Mexfco;a laj.1. Funnit, llowcverhis recen ! . m' 1 "V" Cif "rt&dMM W tnacttd.:h.U,x Hoafuf .Cxcheqirsdial. huve" p.wer ,o ... couirtnWi., and he ma tfiiroe "of them suhie other ! ... tr .uiJl V.k. i;.i .:.- "rwiea br otlicos in such of the cities or. reiH iitiivt ii vi iiTjaar nuria HUH V- s:i AV.tu I by high duiies.Hil oHly would the f.iruKfs liefe .Invu had to payduuble price for what they knight, but their meaita of liuyun; would have Iwen njoviu inhed by tO.taJO 000. This purchase of hVur for L'ikmIs is nciualiv in.iile a cause'of couipluint by tho i high larifT men, w!io neck to exclude, by higlrl duties, the medium of payment for our produce. I..101, tliey "-"' b.J malic I" j Vl.l,lA.o.ON IIVUMS. A-ent. :;u 1 t TlTife l "ifiy' poftiliMly but the gree'rh VA 'V il l A K C II, ,.iao.-.U.U EV A" iw"'l''1 ":'" ' I) 1 ''I"Tl :i'"!"''d BY way. sOurJutCst iirtelliaence from tfie irtniitiil is thate husjjrdered a. force of 12,000 men to be'i equipped for aaoflier of Texas. 1 . V. has arrived Wo that tin com-1 maud under icn. Mi-La id has' sdrrendereu in a manner sniiilar tu t'ol. Cojk, ami with "aimilar treatment; corroborating tb'e surmise that Ijewis' wassaf d for a tool In Ibis Tuines. Theyliave lx en some twenty doys iai theif much toward L-xico, and eresexpettcd- bore in tcu'or twelve mpre. ho Governor, in bis despatcheaf says he haa defitinedjis prisoners f ('onirnissi'ir, iwie towns of Ihe Slates and Torritories of the United Slates us it'm;iy judgn expedient", not-exceeding two in atrV 'ule or Territory, ami aUo wherever Ciingreiis may bv kw. require the same tb be ckjMi. Iibed ,' ad such irtliceis and iigenta as may by thy i. i r I.' , i . . . . . . iwaru oi r.xcnequar oh inoogin necojMiry.tor ttto iiiaimcoiont of such agencies, and the innIrtion 1 "J : ."! I II IV' 1 !"e tv . eiivii U Iw fMhfiilly-onrr-atef- The advm.ced pr.rij.of elunit onp liiin lred men, had. reachi-l te neighborlx") "fS.'uit;i F leaving Hie rear u:ird, witi ijie waJons and artrfjerV, sumo lrt,hiinilrtd niiles Ifliind. Four or .five, no n Were thenttit forward tn aiinruncc the pur jTifea nfTiif friision ,to "flieaut lioMue57"d "tola i v , i . , t ifie (Ml-' rTa'- in- 'ii'"-r ot th.U they .wished In cultivate ihe aeiuiainrnnce of i, i iii, n in only ,oiii; X.i ill,.' ' ir .I V. a.' . tma- i I ,..ii, -'ic I. H.CI'i n. niei "-'" " -,"'.". , I . I. 4 n r t'li- .p" n'liee which iii'uii ii . tin ir lentHns!. ssidiipuu-uuiiiiit'iij'rtlati6ns jiith tlivm, '''id not t provoke lionliiies. Ofilm S'crcfa? vairij one olher. ii.iileriirril eud4lli-Lewuv lor 4n frWiendiifMtij-h-i been set at liberty," (o wend his wily to Texff or to jhe devil, Ibaie as he (Srtfers. Here he cannot alpy, toucfl Its live. -An extraordinary courier arived witirdeapotches to Hie Governor lst nigliU Tlie purjiort n ono c:n ascertain. Conet. aysibprixiiiersb4ve.CKcapiidXuvt&LVl3iL Thu ahiireisii pl.un niinle sraii-mtoii ij .our obedient servant. of thinr busiiiss, shall be aiipoinlidi;ltv tlie $erre. . ! 'I' ..-.TT.. .i .. I i - - jitiryui ina i rms'-iry ,-siu ine rer.oniiien(iiiii n 01 Alabama. Extractrmn the Inaugural adilrcss 'hn Hoard of Exchequer ; aud .theiid Il-mrd shall lion m il. I have power I1' fix the ttitifiiiuof llio resmictivo coiriMiusiilioos ot Nuchiillieefaiid to-provulo regu. of (iov. Fitzpnirif.k ' i" Thepreaeiil time ispregnant.wi:h admonition. The distribution of the neti proceeds of the public lauds is but an attempt to buy, up tho .States, and wttiff irtwrwirem)rii ii's 'iirTliH tT ;ij'.'.ir (Ti'rlf 'tneiif, tinder a 1'Jni wmng from the labor of tbeTt own cilizeiii, nnd umieC 4he ftitgi'rous. assuriipluin thai the power to distribute does not iuvoKe tliej Intiniis for tho covcrnineui of such agencies, tho. trafls'ieiion'of ihnir business, and 4he renilo'fiiig aoiiitms,iil nil iliwii nisdiwe" Awrf Ttir wen regulrttjciiia jhey shall 'dui'fes of the ortirert of he said ageritfes, as fliat ofie of those officers shall ho a check nnd control -I 1... ..1 I. JV- .1.!. l .. ii riecesMlv ol lax.ilion to an equivalent a mount. , , ' 1 .. i ' - . . ri'Mtimi linn ill. hi'i'iiiiiit w nn I nn f..H.f I ttitwik .i uit.o. II l. t . 1 1 1 il... i.n... ..t 11G lll'IPI in llllliu IU lliu iitimiu .'i iiifiiinu n. il'f, . ,. . ... . . i . ... . Klin be en ered tn nroocr sinks - Anil nnv nl ihn BIllV III lllUIUJ. 'M II - r . . , , , an artfully nWd " ,,r,c"r- of ,hu "r,lc,M removed by -e.,l the Slate debt. fhu of ,f,e 1 'y lor physical rrmnmmr th- VnAn 4 -'.K inC-riipetOlLCy, er gltclot ViuUHoUUy, i-ho iLiea.not see in tliis'Schmiie of distnbo! ig portion oi tne putmc revejiue, r plan of nssuming to that cx'ei " tti rowing ttiffTvhiitefiimh'rT of wppomrrg the Fedc ....... , ws'trt""v; TrtT wnmnVSTniH i m-t", nfi ,1k i;,T rr,.i.i? ; , , , . h.'.-l, OMIT III I il'il'i.J" i M..V-.- , u "m ' v ' ' t,n,,,, , : .(f;iMMrier.l m..y b tr-i ihn ' j . wjr. Kendall, cd.tor of.the Xew; (Jrlvans Fi- one A ,,.,..r-ls;,!yt,,.d,M .. rc jaiiied,. and two or three, nd eight bht . ..I.,.. -s-r-iJUini'iMis in tin .r.iuti-lleciual ' ' nmiifi sav four of Imrin. ViTre. bv 'order of (olr. lanii passed oy i i ir ; ii M.n ' i J : - ' i i ,! '., .1,1,.1 ,,! nil sii-al tccill'wilN-a. SlIM'.-m.-si;,.!'. Mi' -i-t r. mteliertiial, rrJal, " , ,: i ,-r m:u-i iiion in I. .infliK ncesiW " j. l-r . f i u' u.iuls mar livo oviT ptpers, Jrr.eniariy lie isireii'-pn r UicityMren t ut ot the isilel Aruujo, iiNioediately shot. .The t.aernur. thru, with a large b lyo New Mexicans in arms, wNit 5ol to alute lkesr"v'iitor-.v1Tho itt hatj, ho ever, lukeu up a strong 'posilioi , and prepiivd (o art on-lho delensiViytliould it be tfressaryhith- rrto iviioiant oTtiie faie of their emissaries, as of, i ' i i ' i Ihe recejittun yiey were likely lo meet. In a reviyj formed. liythe. freslH-ts, having stream of some magnitude uirlbi-ir rear stood fliM itreen the entire char . sjs Cmk and his 'met., conf, !u.iittthat from this h every ersi'e of eiirliori. I T. , ,, - , a nowert-.. aid to other . positpH they q(M.ld.Ji b dislodged. Ile lby e I ... v. .. . I . I i 1. .1 . t ..'t' naitej inn Hnprvncu m ineir aovemric!1, otaiiniui whether lo regaid them as IriiftJs orbss imp;. -m short, Hthi i:V ConlnUlIe lo I'jHn solely lull's H.nii:usi i fuaraetir to ineo'sl inie1!ij'ricMhT'.c,l! is 'riil p- wrr, all iht"ca.cei.ii.lMias' loJ f ri'!oient "'id IstpjuWi'S, K'WW.-rjs VMS awn or .t.v.- I'.-ri .! . il to aid stLfeufyne. v -t, ' . fa-oilv i i-y ir.!.l s sn ISmrt.t-vrfSchool. , , ti U. ii -.1 io n I'liiKsntnecesvirily t x- . rts H, n,.t un: -:it t inflm-nce an the entire char .n t r i f its iwoeil'T tii'imi I., ,i,. ,i'..-i,,!.ii,..L it bin: - - W', sil l .i.jy evn nipp1 the WiUlor tliem where i I...... ..... ,-, ... ,.T , i - .. V Il ii,l-U I . , i- '-.;i ..I ., T . . ,1 .. .. U.,n. ,i I ' j'l iiev.ii-.Iu'i-c'i-.ii I" i:i- reaui-m ki;-. ! , .-.!l i'iii'.r.M'ji':it. mi'l hnlnu wt imkmiry, t, eufuree s j a FilUflrv Is.iiilv .lis. ii! excite chj.lren to sub- lilisl resjs'cr, to aid ynu'h ol ts.rh sexes to .'ater ri--nvtalily into ..-lety'o nuke, in the resuli, iTjnd citisen", and t hippy natiau.. ' , ' Tin) l'trljii:iintt).' poMlVIWth MM -" J.iiii.rv, M ireh, M i... J.i'v. S.-pl-.fliher.i4 .ove'nl"r, witu a'clenr Hit", mi u"' p'i'f. is'tvi.-l-.riu. L-ich ti n.. r wi.l ". il iiii Hv"-""- "nk" e"rl1 .Miiiine of -.Ns pvesi'l' p. r..ia unit value. IV fiM , tmni' l'eii tl. l . nil March, trie bull will U .uj Lie.l nil the ti.-,t Ot Qi't''T i FACTS FOR THINKING 5! EX. --SuTimisdm errmmrm tTrnrorTrinsnnwis-lii'tti'i&mir- v. - undftd'und fifty joundt of bt'UAit It of Salt ho would, under loe the W-bigs at the Extra Session oj: Cotifv, lurvj lo ji.iv a lax, on his sugar, ol about tkrre dotUirtat'd iTfy cent, and on bis sail, of ahMit on; rfofliir end tixty cea's making in allceoir'aarfrVtni ri(i. There is lliaf iuueh taken out of. his p'.H.ket when it ought not t6r be r add whon added-to hit necessary expenses, how can the iaLorlrfg man who earns his bread by the sweat of his brow, accumulate anv Ihnrg to pjdticatje hit chydren, nud t smootho' (he.fath of declining .year's? Oh, say the Whigs,-we make it ali good again, by is'nl.uiinj; lo ibj States the proceeds of tho public luh.ld. Let us examine this proposition a lulls, ami see how tho tax payer is Mhar'rilts'Xly"'a tictit for llm order to lire. ye rerasoed by ibfid lr,efi.ied by Ibis Vsjem of giving willioiie hatid m' V ' .1 . . I ..... I..I .. ?. ....... j S...v ll,A 'l'..w..a .,nVnwinn, .1 Uh.l InLilirr Willi lll Olhlr. . :iii nn inc iii.r. t;i ; ,, , 1 i..- armina iii advance. II will liins im ; pacific instructions from ihe Texas government, 1 1 iey W ttrclied f ii some oof i f aggression to justify them in testing the temper of their guns. Al tliis cr.tirid m'B'ient comes lonvaH ("apt. Lewis, ncioinpaiiied by a nephew of th tovernarnho sT'caks and understands the English language wei!) ami begs ('ol. Cook not to fire, nor bo concerned, llu satires htm there is no need pf an engagement, a the (Sgvernor is disposed to, receive them kind ' l, and limt urticlv of egrecuietit. bad J?een idiemly i ving iii uneohMiiiit'onal prefer livetarifT. In pnnci tile, ll i'liaWe lo all ihe constitutionnl objertiors.of anprnpriaring reourai innuey io local jn.jecis, wniie in nraclice'it will lead to Ihe greatest .prollieinsv hnd corrirp7ioiils''Tn '"tTnT'SlBlo "RoVeThoieiilsTliv" 'causing tliem to look to the. Federal Government as ihe great almoner, who at all times stands ready to replenish their tvastefully exhausted coffers.' If to tjiis picture of FederaTasgrandizmfent and S'ntband popj!l,irdeirr:idatiop,be added the reunion fiut it Ids Only lo strfle every removal .id. . sous llierelor, in his general annual report of iho Iniil'swlloim ol ihe 1'ixetieqiMf S-c, 3. And be it further tnaeted. That ihe nh txeitetper rmd its tifhCers-tibn'H he tttexTierrt jgents otlhe Gnvernmein of (lie United S'utes lor receiving, safe keeping, and disbursing the public moneys, and transferring md transmitting the same.under Ihe direction of Ihe Secretary of iho j Treasury ; .and all public .moneys received, fmtn wnaigverourees, riui.i, under thu same directions, of H...,k power in the hinVous f;om of another I ,Ul) jf)to (le M(j Kxcheq,,er or its agencies ,: ...nn:a..t....l IT...tn4 Cl .1 Mc ! tli a as4sn slna 1 R constitutional Uuifed States Hank, thn ndvo ates of implied aid constructive powers will have sue ceeded in giving the finishing louch to our institu tions by engrafting on them all ihe usurpations and the principal officers cniploved in such agen. cies shall givo biud lo the United States for surh amimnl and in suoh form as Ihe Secretary of Ihe Treasury shtiir prescrilei fir'the faithful peiform. ,.ch tVy have so loha and .. lals.rioudv rtnirf. u,,e of (lew duliMi A(1(J (,.0Klid ,wrH if y gledtoei,.ci. li.aveauvertoaio.o(M,q,.csooi ch a(ld ,,ir,,.i, ,, (( . ..u. n n ....... i . 1 . .1 ill u i . i . ... I. , .. HI lin'iriin ,n. i iiitoiij .i ,.i .,.-. nr., nn.vii already exist in' tlw couutryi but in .lmsdtstuTci form toje'iievs. the pledges of my whole life, m opssiiinn to principles winch i honestly believe riiuft end. in Iho instruction of our iM.if-? dovern Warrants, drafts, or orders madu thereon ijy the 'IVeasurer of thn United. States, made bv all d s borsitig officers and agents ' of ihe (5 uvernm -nt having authority to make ssnk drafts or. orders. 1 And every, such payment siiail be made, at the.' and taking with the. other. W have sOch jilvive Ihe tar lie pays ; now how j much docs he gel frijm tho distribution ? t J Il was estimated at ill" projier department nt Washington, ihM ihe revenue from Iho public lands last vear would anieunl Vone miWon 'tfttn nun drrd , thousand dtdlurs sn theie would be ibis amount olear of all exenes lo distribute tiinona the Slates; what winild ho North Carolina's por tiou? At a rouuh cilcubtion, it wouiJ he. e hit-.,,,, Buu u,ru,nW, w. .,-!,......., '"-;pIOIM,f , ne person entitled lo receive it, in. g dd lutions. . . . g.lil und silver coin or jn 'I'niasury notes. ' ' . ;8er. 4. And be it furtntr'tvirted. That Ihe EASY TIMES, IIIVTTI PSICE WR ntODUCi; sud Exchequer and its officers hall perform tho AND HIGH U'A'Ol'X") dti'ies of Commissioners ot Loans, in irceivuy ,., . i i .i i i. .i sftlwcriutiniis, ifiinslerriiig st( k, nnd im iuu divf 'I hose wea promised bv llw wlrtffs.twhen thev i , r . ' . , " .' , I, . .. .n.i i .i . riiiMms nnd inieri.-st thereoii, uiiier the direction!; ow should L"-t mto power. I hev told the people that i , 0 , , . ,,. , . . r. . . 1 it ' ' , . i ' ' .l. . the boereluv ol Ihe I reaiurv, ami shall render at was ; nr. Van lluren -Mid his sub ircastiry that ... .... . ,-J 1 x l i j. . iv hi . i Im tho I return rer of the United Htate a neeessirv ciiused- iho bard times two year ayi. W ell ! ihev i ,. , .. . r . , , . . 7 j ii i i j.i r aeilitie tor trans erring and i iborsini the on ic turned out Mr. llurenund repealed tho sub i , . " ' ,'. . i ' ' . i funds as sliall be rcquift'd hv him, ruid sha per- treasury, and what have we now t hv worse ! . , " I i -in t . i" a - fiinnali the duties, of pension agents under Ihe and worse!!! Mrney is scarcer times harder kii i -i a ... p,oluce lover-wages lower, and on iho J.nek of."' "' i2"l,,,"u ";v '"'J l" "ar' ,t)ay.n . i i i i. M-,. r,i . .si . ,. in.-u.,.. . i.,.... Mi... ml in. lit. W ..i il,. Ii I i ..i ' e I I tin ruirijiH in r.tlnliJtiA Iji tittt tl i u. l aot LnJtr.n.a revenue bill lavint a lax upon Salt, Molasses. Su-, ' , 7 " X'T' ",,; 1 w, i 1 11 .1- ' lie .'. end ilish'ir-ing ct the puhhe iuiuls as sin I bo ore. rar, Iron, blisd.nikl all Ihe nere!iiiesol hi- t'ey. , , . .. o . .. , .J 7 . , ,.9 t . 1 i. r. 1 1, ' s-cribed bv law or bv Ihe bc-creUrvol tho Trea- lijL-M rrj.uti'.l m I '.Irmiinil. ll.Oll nf I ivtMt A tlill :1,11m i 1 ' - " be pi a of II. I 1 ll I" !l l i"""l 1 , . . .1 . . .1.,. ... i..ii. lus'iiir I ho ' vheanrsi ."ll'MI.IHI III IT Hi lll'l . j o'.i.i.:il,...s 'To.- reading eiatt'wiSI be nierM-ei. ( sr,ia m id- extent ol liie silUcnptiun w lll'justl'y it. I an I l!.e puMi-'n r h"es lo i.nlereSt hWrvartiTs m hr j they will ssm esll lor ill! Monthly is-uoel tie IiuiiiIm is ill il.mlile lie' I'rre. . ' j la Hits . nt. .prize Ihe IVnt .r bopeiU and oonfi n iit. , Iv sutiritiles Iho sr.h-iil cn-operalioil .ot, U' Tgy ieil! mi ! pinnns. v.h.i.-e I ils-rs, this work will U lonml e..l-, '..,,. ,-,1 U, oJ .l.lrel'.ie. It w.l! Iit be h.'I.ei.ll, II..' I'll-n".enti,,ti uMim i- i'e-m hi to ni-rl l exirad ti.e .'ire.iKti.,11 of a little oluit.e. w Inch is wti-lly . sihpiisl tof. rm gissl riliwns nnd lo h!es ihe roimtry. -r , , .1 . .. .0 il,ii Hindi a Idsik shiiiinl ..''I, I llllJ..lilP.l.l,l w 01 1 ; ed in every family, ami rcau ej r.,, .,.. ,.-, . j i .1,- 1.... il is n.anif'st ep"PM''e ' ..tiiutif., I,,- ....... . sgencies r nnol. l-e eniplov.'-l. All " if r;. y i.' ii n.,.11 I'lsitinsxlers, theret .r-. revetlilily reip.e.le.l to le't ss agents, to like h.iIm inll.'i.N nnd remit pavinenl. j Money, current where the M.U-rnVr lit, wi.l nf wavs be tersived. I SubscriptiiHiH, I! inittaiu-f-. and all rominiitiavitii ns en lhi proiininry rneerns of the 1'a'rnrrh miry ts Tnsdo to J..n-lhsn l.e.ivtll. 1 1 J-hn Street. N n"k ; of to Jnsepli l-'.tlrr, Va-lill'til. I (p pint ) t All cum testi ni nsieernmj t' rMnoiul !' putmeut may Ua nulla to Rev. K W. Hailey, Ao 1 Ju'ni street, Nirw York. ' i "'.To Uhlan: l'u!ili!iersnfnewpiper who will miU P"rl the priMirciiis oftlie Patriarch, and si.hil n cony orr . I .i i '..iiv Anierii-sn Wash I fjr 1 . tnnn IIIIII ll. ," m, f - " ' ' ' "itr'oi, 1). i;,,' will proiiiiiy receive ino inin i"" Patpatch for the veai. , ' ' pi.teied into for an armfice, which nii;r'it lend to a fn mlly alliatre. On the other hand, he rep resented the Mexican fores' as numeroiirfaud strong, 1 lial iu an b mr tliey-wotild he firwinded hy ftve 1 thousand nu n, nil armed and 'obedient lo their chirl : that it was vain l reil. and ihe ttuieriior was anxious '.o avoid conflict, mi'l 'would denl loiter by Ihem thu. tln'V bad any right to expu-t. J Theso iiresi ut.itioiit an I assurances, cotniii" j from their own inlerprrii r, niul mipiwnted by ti.e Governor's nephew, rxerc:sd a l.itnl inll'ienee.-- Thev inclined to linen to ti rins of capitulation which were a reed , upon as f iltmvs : they wen toliv down their arms, end return .forthwith lr Texas ; their wrnns were to be safe and invio. late; the Governor was t i protrrt llietn aai!ist the populace to escort them them to the border's of Texas, end there having restored to them llietr guns, thisjmleh them lor their homes. These ariic'c were .ratified i'lthe n-ud maimer in wich nre'aiuVilie Yv-n party, m g rwl faith, surrendered their. arms. .. Th-.y were insiantlv aeied, and lun-Icred of everv thins. Even l!,i ir unilorin was st ripped ofl.-n i's, bo it and shoe shared the same' fafe, twd in this rouditinn they were oitlurcd to m irch under tt alnrn escort, tb ihink, nlxinf irty frr thmnand dollirs. V ell, Ihe Ieral Popil'iiion of rim Stato Isy the last j een-us is C.i7,03. NW, what would Iw eaeli ) oi.e's portion ! .Why not quite ten rrn's f Y.s. incfe.isod.lbH expenses ol the Uovernment nS'uil i win . Fi.'i'eral Whiggery, that promised thn paor raoa'so one Ii. " a'l.xl limes,'.' and " high wau'-s and low t.ives," " a dollar a day and roast heel," Ins re- j deemed those promises 'by giving him from t e piiblte lands oxr sttfil.i.Nii, and iheo 'nx.iia Inoi on Hr'iclesof nhiolnlenert siiy fir hisfimily nv'E J nol txlts No wonder thn leaders of the parly j are denving the paternity of uch a system ol cheat j mg-ot'-wholesmne robliery id" the1-ptwr man's hard earnings. The Peojlle should examine these' nets'', Hiid md sillTer lliilsMve to lw misled by design. 'ing p .liticians.i Michlcnhurg J.tjfirsenian. ! i ...j I.- : r. -.i. . .... . i .fi i t, ... .. , , . c v I V -i.i.i oi mi irtir i 'lui ail, j l.iil ll hliil'l eiffht minmns lieypml Ihe list year of Mr. Van I . .... u. I , ,,. ., " , ., I, , i'. . i , jiriiiiui in in. oi- iiTi: ici ai uii: oc'JI HI lluvc n liiiretitiven nwiiy.5'i0,lMH) ill the people, s moor , . , . . 1 , , . . , ,, ' .. u : Tjicid.aiid i!i mm ral njjeii, les, to receive on private lo tho neb widow ol tu;n.Jlarrison, ntter b irvine ' , . . ' . , ' -4. . - . . di ll' sit ii"id or silver Cnin or bill lirtl. the nrnnrrtv her htisband with stl the ponii ui)d showofu rov nl pageant, nt the expeus of tjiSJlKl and af-e I lie President's limise wi'h SC.tKW more m.L ...a.. ..I...... ... La k....l . ... U . . . . . - - , r. ii'iii.iuo.ii, . . n.-oi ii in nun r irtsiei'i i.erios. it ninpiiiil nl Ihrt rmleimo nl S8 VTIKi nnd nl'er i I I 1 ... .Oi. niiiii l.w liiiiifcinnni From tU '.- - - -v.. 1 The Whig Executive 'of Oaio il'erf.irrs hitrisell'j oiiposi d ti. "sirjirnent measures to eompel the ' Hanks io pay their imles. '1 hey Bre.tln retore only In psv when ttiev please. Very comfortable dot; liioo for the coririmtis. It would Is quite s 1-iyiif .n . (ilu In those who owe thetii. O.i.lhe (.'o vernor's message tourhtng In relief merxiiri'sVltie writer of the money nhicle for the New Yor i I le. raid nyij - ' ' , eiiiivenieiieA and ss-eor- .... ...a i,.. .i!.... i. ..i,i... r..... ..c i. .i ... . ,. . , , nii.i i. iit-ii,- I ,t,it;i Hi, r. ,i in,- i,v , nil'll i;f". I chsiiv nirillllirr. , nai jihi n'i mr m. . . . ., ' 1 ' - . if ,, ' n i !'i"t'i Iihmi a lieen made ; winch ceriihn "s sha 1 an iluren, was not eiK.d risaih for lien. Him , , o ... . ,i i r A i alwavs is. rede.Joed on piesenliilion tit the aencv Si.ii Surely tho people Will o- ver trust the I - d , . ' , . " , , ' 1 ' ,, , .... w here i.iied. Hoi tne n loom, 4,1 rtuiiositei sha eruL;s vtithiKiwer again U -A-'W ( tindiman. 1 .. 1 - (never exereil in the wlndn blleen nollnfts of il"!- : j l:i', to l.o distributed by ijio Hoard among lUe m v- 2(iil- Charter. Ptio.dt may talk muchds (hey j oral eg. in ies according lo tlyi resent of their busi plense about li'Lerdemaiu,atiiiiial magnetism, elair nes rejpeclivelv ; and for issuing sXichrertifieales voyonce, cv- iVn. ; hoi r.onnien rr.eT r a bank j.'w higher premium nhall Im demanded than vhall char'i'r, which enables you to do all these upon a be r-nHieieiit In indi nmiiy against ilie 'hazard of griiild scale, anT myidi mow iT-cluallv. I Jwdieve j hus nnd reniunt saHna; r the, safo-keeping of the nil who have laken fains to consider iho inifuerire deposit, and in no instance to xeeed tho.wie half of a Bunk ehaftr .', most ndiiiil ils power of rnBn-t, 1 ol one per cent. Hit paper in led by the Hoard ism; and ka lor legeideniaiiiT'iny pniilic exhibition ' of it ever made is a fool to 11. It can lend m aiey wiihtmt having, nay; it- can make (livtiletida of profit! out of losses, nnd the jirenter Ihe losses (he larrrer the dividends. Oh if there Is? ariy thing . and its several ayeiiries, whether in iho form of biils or of certificates of deposit, shall bo redeeina1 Jjte oulv al tlw place xvl.ere issued, unless tbe Board shall stje rnuse lo order of heriis, ' See. 0. Adhfitfi;rihrrfHtcfrd, Thar it shall (whieh fan ival iho (ihilosopher's jstoiie, jsMliaps j !k- ihe taiiy ' the s ,i !;,.,nio Exchequer, with. rJiilizo, it, it i"-a 15.U.I clirtrlor. 1 . ui li.n uioidiis liiet nsyiirst organizalioii, 10 es- .7 -a ' - r. il 1 .I': 7 1 -1

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