- i tah!ia &.i by-lawi hii I rules of proceeding a it fniy pi Ijj imp h?(oj awl proper for tho resolution nl" in cincefn nod tbo government of jl agencies j and copies if nil existyig by law nnd regulation tall tin laid before 'uugrui every vear at it annual 'm-mnt. T' T ' 6ec. 7. Aid frr if farther evicted, Thai lht v RjcriUary -of live Treasury i hereby authorized and directed to rum to lie pr ired Treasury note of deno niaatio-vj not le than live dollar nor eeeding one thousand dollars, which note shall be signed byjiiie Treasurer of the United State nnd , Coiiiteri1incd tiy the President id the ,B mrd of ' I' --I,-......- ... j i. ui ... .1.. "i i nuu inja pjyauie iu ine timer Ol ine . principal agent at each agency, and hll.he by him. endorsed when Issued at mieh nseney, ami which aiote hnll he redeemable and ahull be re deemed iii irold and aitver, on demand, at the amjn cy where issued and Trea;irrv' hole. intended to be issued by, the Board I of Exchequer alt lie aeat of Government ahatl be in like form, and ' ahull be payable to the order of the Commissioner. 1 L,l L. Jj J- nnu anaii , no. vnuoro-u oy tomo one. ot I nam , when issued, and ahHll lie redeemablo nnd re deemed, at eaid Board, m demand, fn gold and edver; and exact and1 perfetft list of nil notes, to. tned. tliall be kept -at the' Treasury ttid all Treasury notet is.-iued under tbj? authority' of Jthw ' , , r r s i act -may, when redeemed,, be- re-isued by tho 1 ia"rd and its agencies: repc,ve1y. (-4 ttec. 8V And, be it further enjcf rCjnat the amount of Treasury Jiole iiatiod and outstanding hall not at any one time, exceed the ufnnuiit uffif . leen million trt rtoiiars, unlet nuifrwise-oMeed or provided 'by law : and ihe 'Sewlaryf IhtJJecretary of ihe Treasury aa often as he may pre .f i . . ' . . - .i I treasury i auinorizfi, inm time in me, ori tne pplioation of the Board of Exchequer, to funiih Jor ii own ue and that of its aevVrai agencie a suitable, aiomiut of auch h.'ite, ro be iHed in (he , traiiimctiona of it buineY and all due to the Uuited States, or any utriCe or'defartiheut thereof, rriay be paid in jjold or ilvar coin In Treairy , note Mined nnd -r tin -ict.'or in the note of b uik which chall be immediately "convertible into apueie at the place whett received. . ' gs 9. Awl be it further enacted, ThaTtne ' Board of Excnrqoar at iljt- eat of liovBrryiiHcti and each of-it ajenci lill Vfils weekly or oftener, with all bink iu their nrnglihorhood wnm? pspeMhey miy hav - receivwi, and pay or colloct at the case may.. be, all balmce beiween it and aiid banks ; and i.o individual vhall he allowed'ai uny time to aian a . duhtnr lu (he Exchrq-iur or any of it agencie in acount ; and it ahall oe the rluiy of the K-n l Hoar. I d Ei:he.(pier, pud euch ol it several ceneie. at all tun, ho t- limit its is Hues thai Ha Hold and iler o i ban I nhiill tie enn-il- to one third ol the amount of audi iisoes uiitHiauu- See.-10. And he it further enacted. That th - aid Bojird of Eicbei'jiir..iuay dra.wbtU.oc.dtalk on any of its agencies, ay J may authnnzi any ai;en ry'lodraw hills or dr ill -i on the board or any oili 't-r agency, and may !! and autbortz ii aieiM-ie- to all such bills or drjfi for. pre ilii n not ex cedinif the fair cot f rfnitiinj; toeie to the pl.Ke of payme.n, and iu no cae to exceed lwupi-r ceatiim on i he .tin .uii. il Kicii b.ll or drai. Sec- 11. A'td be tt further rni t-l, That ii ahallVJ,.l'uror sud Board o Exoheu ier arid i i;ach iif its anriosto purcise d-miMiic hill ol exchsng1", auhj'jct to the fiilwiug rule and reu l.rti'ei : - 1. No biH'of erehanse shall be hiujht which is payable in the saoiJ Sl.ilo or Territory in wruch n is dnwo, nor any bill payah'e wiilnn l- than miles otttie dace ol drawiiij. -iw.i on pla'-s not mors thair nvi hundred mile iji-int Troni the pTace of 'drTVin.' sUall iKjl be drawn for Jnoor 'ime th in thiriv day from date; nnd bi!U drawn dn idiers oi-re than five hundred milt's t'rom-lhe place ot ilrawmit thall nut be drawn lor a longer U rie tliau ftnr.y day from sight. 3. 1 1 no in-oaryf sh ill niore he demmd'-d from the teller of 'ich- bill ht way of inten-st nr ex change.thail an interest. imi excedmir six per cent -jjcunuiiLU l if t ie tlinr.. wliitfLjuAjMid .bill ln.i in roil, mid a ra e exc lalluii never exeeeilon; tlu cost "of rein',! t ing -.peoiHTiriiT ho i :, so TiVVeee"d . . . ....I :. L.-ll ... 1, . i. r i i .l iwn mr coin. .vi'j ii "oa-i nn i : ia 01 ir ine ttoarJ of ExrVqiier.or anv Bnry.Juor. hiivirin "drawn.y or uTTm afiyi u t nlx-r or- oih or thereof, oi ru which ii memucr or ofiocr ail, I in any wav, b: interested ; nor lo r-ceive any de- j po:l of ai'y m ney bel- ning to any mk-M ime-t nr oflieer. And n hill mll ! ourehasel, or draft , sjld.at any ag'ncy, without the a-snt of ni l"a-t loot lha oilirjers t siich af'-ney ; nor by iri I! i id ol hxciuq itr Ailliual die useul o iwu ol us nieinbers. - . Se. 12. Aud be it fo'thtr enae'eil. Tint nn njncy eMublislied in nnv die omfi r Ihe provi ion of thpj act ahxll, co'utrarv to ay law which niich State miv enaer, receive' any niher de.si than those ..t iV Umieu Slates, or mike nr . nrils. or lum-nase lulls, onierlnsn sm:h as skill lie necessafy in the collection, iraiufei-, aud dis liursemctit of the public- luuds. SecJJ. And be it farther enacted. That if al any li ne it slisli b'i'iuu I nicessary to carry on the oertfons of ihe Kxeh.eq-.er B nrd, and it in ?a cies hereby created, the Secretary of thrf Treasury may cause to be irared, issued, aod delivered to tne Excheqjejr B tard 'Vertifieales ol slock ol' tlie I -luted Si.its, in tii.- usual l inn beaiintf mterest hi a r ite not exceeding five per centum xit ariouoi", to an am -olit riot i-yeeedioo five imljious oi dollars, -the interest of winch shad be. payable semi annual ly, and the principit shall be reiJftoiiMhlo at the piessjie of the (..oeruoe-ut alter the en(iiiaiitr ot leulv year trom ihe i.s-u theieof. And II shall he Hi v iul for the transfer the aid ml r.yi-h nui:r Board lo sell und id stock f-r gil.l or silver, com, or if i'i ill Ui Hie il.nv of Ihe K.U luiliiiin. And jer Hiaril to pMvme lor jne puneiual payinsnt ot individual, without Ins authority, la Is uumi Ihe tne interest on the sax! stock as il slnll In-come parlies enjaed in it, and n it on 'jiiuuwliose name due, and for 'he ri iilHirsemenl of lh pruw-ipal i had rn-ei improperly used. The same rule should from the profits and. other iiiean und nrs mrce uf be observed in rg:ir.l lo ihe Slate. . All honest the U-Mid and U n;ei, n h. Bot tue fnth of the'uVbi they siiiiUtd pay, and'Anthiuu more. It ta Government. nev-rlhless. -liaM h- pli-do-d f!r the ; ,e duty, Kai, of I ,e rcpn-suiiialii-a of liie tax pay payment uf the. interest and Ihe principal uf such." ers to inMilu'e the cluaesj HcuUny into the i.riiu t'X'k. ' of thu claims Haiu.-i the several Slates, for every Sec. 14. Aid be it further ennctnl. Tint thel.day britijja wirb li developitieuls, proving, In-yond Jl mrd uf Exchequer and its several ag-nctei shall ' cootroversy, that the linaneial traiisacitoMs ul liie keep separate a'od dn.um t t o bonks, fur the (,it v0 or six years have been little else than a purpose of entering aud lecnrdiug, in one .-t all aeries of Ihe uumi rgu-gHNM) Traud that ever lay iraimsction respecting the cidlec'.ion, keeping, and concealed beneath the surfuce of stemutr iiom-slv. disbursing ofj he public revenue, and traiiNmitiiuif ; That mnny individuals'iiiuy nuirer lo and apjm the public iiioiwjs from place lo place for the ser. ! ,eit injustice m i-rreiiing out tin- nbuesol ."Slate vice of .the tioVernmeiit, uud in annUier, all trans action and acroun atisuy Oom d-almg in ex- change und other Iriiiaactums hot on. tovernuieut account And all profits accruing Irom (leafing in s'fchange m lodiviilual account anil from private iefillia'l be applied in the lirsuplai e lo pny all lanes aid cuiiM:inia!ions, and. defray all ex iienses t'a urred under tie authority of tins .r.t. aud tt:e residue lle'reol snail' Ihj. pieced aenu uunuill) t'i the credit ot the Treasurer of the United. .iiale : yVorlJtd neitiikeleu, Thai the said Boa id may defer bU such cudils to the Treasurer, unlu' Lie miH'i'.1 of proli'i uoreii) lieVond expeuw-s -iiull Xfl't'd tW'.i millions i f itolUr, ujid mav retain said amount of two millions ai a fund to innct all ma. liiigenrie chargeable on the Exchequer and it agencies. . '' , ( ' ' ' i Sec. 13. And be it further enactrj, Thai if it ithall at any time become ni-ct'iuirv to bnnir atiit on any bill of exch-tng or other debt or liability urintrijj out or airy ir.itHiicuoni under the pr.viiioin of tliii4 act, inch mot m iy be brought in the name of the United Stale in any Circuit. Court uf the Um'ted Slat', or any Stale Court having coiii) lent jiiriwlictfon. S.JC 16. ' Atd he itfurfhrr enacted, That the necemary roomt add .iuli for the airte keppuij, of the public iii'iiii'vt and for ihs transaction of the hiisineat of the It mrd of Exchequer and itaan ciua shall be pmv ded by the Treaaury Di'imrwnt at the city of VVMnluimlon, ami in tlio cntiioin. Ii-iuiioa, mint, branch minia, and other public build- ina be!iHiin to the United Suies, ao tit r at the axioe can be furnished willioot deiriment to the public aervice ; and .where the whim cannot be o furnixhed, llm nanl Hoard may provitie oilier. " Sac. It. And be it further enacted. That it' halt be lawful' fur the tid Board of Kichpqnrr to ap;N)int u a';ni liir tlio B mr l any t cW pay.' iuj baoii in uny Stale in caet where it may not be deemed exieJii-nt to eainhliah an olfico or agency of jlie n-iiil B ard, ai he eiuliefore provided; but uell.b.tiik shall not bo aultioriiod in any event to receive dupoitii or to purchiiier ai-ll hilUor drufu mi account of the B mrd of Mxeheq jer. a J..I I.... i..L. - ...J 'l'l... l"..ll agd exact ucoouiiis ol the proceeding ol the Board od it neveru'l iiencie ahull bn funmilied to the . i .i. . ii i .. .. j... . j u : i o scribe and it .shall be Hie duty id Hie said Secre tarv to lay.alMtract of Ihe tame before Omre M tho commencement of each annual session, and l furni!( fulf and particular account and statei iiieuti of ll tiaiujatioiM o'he Board and it ajten. (le1 when required by Congress J and the anunint of'Trcnsury mites ouitandinijit the end ot every quarter shall? so toon thereafter' a the amoe may lw ascertained, be pubfiched by the Secretary of file Treasury.' H , ' y i ' ' Se..19. And be it further e nil c ted, .That if any memher ol Ihe Exchequer Boardrirany otlireror1 clerk eni lojeil-iii it business or any ol it a-iw-ie, shall convert to lit owii use, in any way, any mu i e or sf'-uriiy QcKisited.with r belonjjinj; io ihe (Jmied Statel2or.tny other pfcrson or piu.t deal mg or dpneitn)r nb,tb aaid Board or aity agen cy, he 'aliall be deemed'tfuilty of fel inyMBtid, on conviction thereof btfre-any Court'iif the United Slate of compe1entruriJrctioii, slial be auutenced to imprisonment for a term not, lejh.m ' nor more tiian. year, and iV a fine equal to twice the sum of.valueof the property eui',, t'.7.lerU " '-' . ' t Sec. 20. And be it further enatted. That if any officer, or iy oi n ugencieseiauiiueo uiioerine provisMns ot this act, shall give obhi( iJlse certitieale of a deposit lutving Ix-eu niaila witjiany agency, or snail issue or deliver any draft or tull of exnhanre without havinit received the full vajne thereof, and canned ine receipt of Ihe same lo l duly entered in the shook ol the.. id agency, orsiiall le guilty ot any ot.'ier i no I pruuiice by winch uny resimsi b,,,v of he aid encv, or of tho Board of Ex- - . i' .l I T ..Jl. .. i chequer, or -dWIw United Stale, shall be unpro perry creatoJ ox m reased, he snail lie. deemed guilty of a misjooieaiior, and, conviction thereof' in uuycouri ot tne United States of competent juri-dicti-Hi, snail ha sciitcuot-d to imprisiinnent for a term ii'jt es ili-iu ouo year nor more than seven year, and to a tine equd lo the amiMiu! ofthefilse ceruti'Vite s-i i?ivrr, or ol'lhi bill or draft so is-ied o created or iixreused. From the Ulobt. THE RESULTS OF THE CREDIT'S YSTEM. Th' Pinl i It4(ihi i L-'l-f, in the nnicle -imed, sustains the views- wlndl e have taken of Ultimo -much "denounced " rrnudi ith i." VV'e can add mtrtin lu the torce with wnii: the Ledger in nil- mend Bat we f " " " m "j "M hw, woy tUe.u.avwsai-jjulcra. JUiul'.iiy XlM K.NlHIitl fir--..- Mir:nmt" rtl iIh rl.idlilir In n-iir - - r . " "'"'" Ji r e ieai pecuiatora Federal banking lustiiutiHi.s-(ucli a Mr. Kiddle's) Fed-ral leg.sla or aud Fuleral luncmn.ries m ,,ie d.ll-o in Slate., have for Ihe ni at part been ihe "r'ii"' neuo.ia.oisof" ' Siaie uehis, t,id i he recipients and uianai; r of lue food fraudu lently derived an I a,ipied. H oce, Uie aimety on' the part of tlieir.pariv ori ns lo mike ihe Slate pay op, aud o e ver o.i lln'ir Ira-jJs. Aii'iyii r HioOve-ojHTaies on inn ut liie pressis . Il"u ex-lann ait ut repudiation as tuial cancelling !0' obiatiou-t. I'nere are pjrlums.of ilia fiW'8 :''' ,ciiNtiii4 irjiK wlu wtsltto siii4 , -"'I'--crelit and stalks to the iowal ebstheuto M" V1 whatever m?., ,4 i,ey hive in them, Wil'i a view to yrolicbv their future rise in Ihe market, nr ultiuiuie redeuiiiioo. ' From the fhilmUlphia Public Ltdger. The c-Hirsif " repudiation aecins lo be on. ward. Tne lax payer, in evfry direction, seem to Lu roused lo a j 1st sense of ihe wrous practised OjioH them, through a collusiin in fraud b their amenta aud alletgd creditor; and the great tear no i, that in rih ing these evils, they may over step the b .ivi Isol honor aud honesty, 'f'n-il State, 'any more than individuals, should aub nit lo injii. lice or fraud, peqietraterl.bv iiimutnonzed pertmiH, nr by a(eiit who have irwisi-eiided their pnters, we do ii it believe but iMraeeSsing the power of I aovi reiirntv that thev do. the art-aiet care -Mionld ' be ub-erv.-d not toeurr uch uoou the iiuiiU ol en,ial and exU joiic- -led tq compel liie e umjj nia ro might: A wr tl cnmmittfrl in the li.ni.uu! ,tii dehtw l prottahle, lull lius should tet warrant ihe J Legislature in smiling Ihis loa Ihe result of in. dividual bad xculalioos lu Ihe -moulders of.ihe j iiimsjeiil and already' overburde.o-d taxpayer. j-Tne sl-s kh J ter of the TJuileiStatv B .ints in the discovery that ihe inaiitutioii ho!! tome' hundred I or I to thou.and dollars of tnrffd mia-r, put upon it in the name, of John M. Kiddle, or other, amy excite our coiiiuiineniifliu, but no one would Hunk of holding Mr.. Kuldlo aud oiln-rs, vvhne name have hern improiery us-d, resinriihlt) hot even although aiHhorlly may have h, en given ou soine is-. i ai by Ihe p-rous whose names were em pliry ej tj obtain fundi m a legal manner from'th Bank. AenU of the Slate wera aullioiixoo I' contract debt on certain term lo a certain amount, which term have been diareifarded, and less than suuia now claimed of the Swtot oblaiued. Thi surplu of claim aver eclual receipt it, we think, very properly jeitod, mid ii llieniy n puai " tiou" mat hu yet meUmr ey. W hat the Sinte owe tuny oujht ho nest ly and promptly Jo pay, and o onht every in-ititmioii and individual every whifre. All that'l(ilior du beyond thia it a wrong mi the many lo the bonelit of the few. . IEUOND I8IO. ' Compiled from the Globe. IN SENATE. 'ikuridag December. 0, 1841. " After much preliminary busmen had been dis. H!il of, the Senate proceeded to the considera tion of the motion to refer the report of the Secre tary of the Treasury, on the aubject'of Ihe Board of Exchequer to a select committee of nine. Mr. Mangtim, who v. a entitled lo the floor; spoke ou the remainder of the dayesion agamm the project of the St cretar HOUSB OF REl'IlESENTATIVES. Mr. Atherton, by leave, presented the petition of Hi citizen of Loo County, New Hampshire, praying tne repeal of the Bankrupt Law, because it will be uneq i'al in it olere'ion, and have a ten dency to encourage wild nod mischie'vout p cula Hon, and because it assumes to violato aolelnn cuni racis, and deprive the industrious and prudent portion of our cituens of a legal right to the earn mc of their industry to be lie tit a class of people composed, to a great extent, of the idle ud ex," travagaiit. Thu 'f unfl debate occupied the 'balance of the day session. . Tne ll-iuse then adjourned over fo Monday. -IN KKNATt . Mvndaf, January 3, 1942.' After tlieeadinir of the journal, vid during the inoi inn hour, nianv petitioo were preteuted and appropriately referred ; among which were eeveral praying Ihe puatpiiuement, moditiution, and repeal of tne Bankrupt av, pieeenfed Jy Mr. Wright, Mr. Ituehaimn, Mr. Coaoujiand Mr. Benton. TiHiwe mein-trial wtjre uuinerusly ained by la borer, mechanic, 'and merchant. One ainonu those presented by Mr. .Wright; waa from the L'ha'mbi-l'of Commerce of Ihe ciy of New Vorit, ! pravog amendiuenta to the law. . '. Mr. Huntington who wat entitled tQ the floor, : h Is zing and denouncing ijie project of the Sec re tary. lie aaid outhiug new in point ol argument. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. " The Tariff debate continued. Mr. Wmr Coat Johnsyn addressed j,he Houe iu wipparl of the re ference of Ihe Commute ol Waye and Mean. lie wa opposed to proiecli'Mi, but in favor of countervailing duliett ' Mr. Fihuore' modiTied bit resolution ao a to read . . .." " Retalvrd, That ao much of the President' mcs a e aa reiateto diaeriininating duties ami domestic inanuinctufe. bu relerred to the umynitlee ou Mtnu fsciures . . 'Altethe Speaker had explained. the question before ifiel louse, at the leanest of Mr. Under- 1'tiu secondjo the previous nuettion wa taken tby teller Vrr. Ilopkma of irgua and Mf. i . ...... -i. ... ."y -.-.j - ; ,'voie of me Spaakir, the aye being tin, txa-t 8s1. : , i Tue pn viou qaesliou a theu carried ayv i Snll.tN ..I l.irti.ti.t uiiil parnm far- I tm mwkoir ' 101, n. U7. -r ii mam Tjuesnon wa nxi taaeti on .nr.! i Atherton' amendment lo reier the auliiect to Ihdl !. Mimnil M fil ll.i .nil llu-iii.. mtu, Htfi.nl.il III th. .v.i...M.K,yi iiiuimMimji.! "" - uegaiivc veas 93, nay 101. After which, r u . l ii. ....:i..,t . j deni'ssnK;)., were Ihr-ii referred. ' -f IN SENATE. , ' -.- Tuidag ,'Jan. 4. Much private busmesa wat Iransx'ctnd. . liie consideraiiiaiof th'rder of.ihe day, thai ion io refer lo a aetect coinmiliee,'-jhe i propiMition io refer lo a aetect coinmiliee,'yhe i Eciiequr piau, waa reuroed'aid .occupied tiw . day's seSn.ai. ','-.. HOUSE OF R EPR ESENT A Jl V ES. Mr. Hunt sent to the table afopy. of the joint j resolution introduced by bun on the 7lh Decern-. ber, 1840, providing for an amendment of the Con stitution, litniling' the President to una leno'of of Her. ' , r ' . . . " Objection wa made lo the reception of the res olution, at this time, by Mr Welter of Ohio. I he Speaker aniKainced that pulitioos would be i the firai duniimmm iu order. '. 'Mr. Arnold inovod. tho reconsideration of the vn:e taken yesterday on the 'amend went of Mr. Atherton to the resolution d" Mr. 'Fillmore. Mr. j A. niidi tins motion with a view of getting an op j portuuity to reply lu the remark of .Hessr. Ath erlon and Burke. ' - 1 Mr. Wiae suggested that the llou,'by uslain 1 ing the call for the previous quest mu on Mr. 'J-'ill ! more resolution, aoJ tne auem l.nonts thereto : decided lhat the desultory discussion on thai sub rA 1,0 1 1 . ..rwHtd, t,v allow,,,,, the gH,...rM tro-n I eutrs.e, , f 1 tir.n-i.ii 111 Itm mtnu, irreiriii.. iiirni.. tl.u.. 1 i would be ihi kiMiwiug.wtiera H wunld stop. t'ue Similiter would title to the gentle-nan from i Virginia, that it was not ou hi respoiisilNlny lh.it the irregularity ol debute proceeded, t) io (folic man after aiHiliier hud, iu addressing the II. hi-, j taken the widest range in debate without a single I lie .noer ohjecting, until Ihe debate li id Consid-ra hly progressed. At the state id' Ihe .business lhat thu olij clion was In si raised, the Chair thought it woiil l b unfair lo arrest the deliaie. S line 'urther remark were made when ! The House adjourned. r IN SENATE. Wednesday, Jan, 5. Preliminary business having "been deaposej of, the motion of rel"r ice oi tho etuorl of the Seer- i tary ot the Treasury, come up a tho uiifiriiafliotl business ol ihe Senate. Mr. Morrhemi pr-iceedi-d to devise hi view nn ib- prnjufl ni me Secretary' lload ol Kxnlieqour. lie C'HHlt-iiioed an I nlij--ct-d to ll throughout us a ttovcrnmeiii Bdnk of ihe most daugerou charac ler. Mr. Simmnm of Rleele Iil.tnd rune tosooew to honorable' Senators w net her such alteralious iiilylll not lie, made in the proposed plan u wuuld render it aniirptable to all pirurai and the Pis anient. Il : j tDougbt ao aod proceedcJ lo giv bia reiuona. Al ter he had concluded the Senaia adjwrned. HOUSE OF REU'RESliNTATlVES. - TREASUUY NOTES. Iava havinit been KrautuJ, Mr. Fdlihore from ' the Committee of Waytaud Meau, reported a mil to authoraa the iu of live millions of I'rea sury Note. ' -. . ' '"' ' Tue bill having b .i read, Mr. Fillmore uiv d that it b printed aod re. ferred to the Co.n-itiUeot'lhi wlwle tlou on tbo state of the Uniou. . Mr. Stuart, ol Ulinoia, moved lOvlay th lill i ihe table. Tim question being taken on I hi motion 'was oecided in the negative. Yea 33, nay 1W. . So on renewal ot In motion, the bill waa f? . fnrred at previously moved by Mr. Fillmore. IN SKNATE. Tkurtday, January 0. . Aftf r the tra,naqtion of much businett, the n manm)urol the day waa,, occupied by Mr. Wood, burp in an able discussion of the Bourd of Exche quer bill. He wa in favor uf committing the iieaere propueed for the full, impartial a.'-J ma ture coAaideration of a cuimi.itlee j but he opposed tlia plain not only on rouuda ol expediency, but constitutionality; and maintained thai there wa no power under the'Cojialitution ni hording tho Government lo make use of lit meant to dual tit eichange. He w a opposed to giving the cuato. dy of the public morley and the regulating uf the exchange into the hand of Ihe Government Board of control. He waa in favor ot eparatiiui the e n trol of the revenue ot Ihe country euiirely from the question of curreucy and exchange, -the ftrt belonged to the Government, the last lo the com mercial community. Mr. VV.taw no middle ground of compromise between the Sob-Treasury and a National Bank ; nhe tirt waa conceded. by all , partiet to be constitutional j but Ihe entire Itemo cratic party believed a Bank of. the United Statei to be uucontlitutional. After Mr. Woydwury concluded, The Senate adjourned till Monday.) HOUSE-OF REPRESENTATIVES. , No public business ot much inijwrtance trarwac-. ted during this day's session. White Slaeery. What 'would be uid of our Southern planleia if when the labor of their blacks became unprofitable, they aliould permit litem to STARVE TU DBA I'll, nen, women, and children I , , Tin u the precise condition in which multitude of British laborer now rind jhemselves. I'litir matter iiavwg-received all theroriisTr"ine7Hr labor heretofore, beyond thebarelneaiisof solwist ence. and findini; that nothing it nAw lo tie made' by them, TURN THEM OU.VfO Sl'AUVE, with their trive$ and children. . ' Wa are not Ihe advocuie of slavery ; but we submit w ikh system i most abhorrent lo ju-ii'ice, huioaiiiiy, and religion, that tthich conifU the mas ter to eupffort the laborer vhen hit tabor it no long, er profitable, or that which employs him for a bare subsidence as long as any thine can be mdt Ay hts labor, and then turns him out to starve .' Union Uemocrat. From Bermuda. We have Bermuda paper to ' Ihe 7th instant. - - From the Domimcinn Colvnitt, October 31). The earthquakes indore uuiiced still couliinie, to The ffiearatarin oflTie TrilauTfa'nts."iX't Poiioa, lui-y are Irequeiil and at LaiTiye no lea than 20 shock occurred on Friday la'. II I SlnlCuITi InlrlwHWHwlSW xlwo Ittav - .s tmt iweniy-eeveu n.ajo fugitive have rlv.l .i.rB iu the course of one weekfrom Mat. - r Ik : . r .1 t.l.i. .t... tiiomie. Jlfc- " " ' .... , " The frrtatnett uf England." The popula- . a. . . . .. tTlTTr - trlTmgT7TJTlTgilol mi inm of them twenty million, may, be said, in homely 'phrase, to live from- hand to nwuin.-by pTecrinoo ity itijHiliM ut the u Ttsarjcrr" Ol II u.-. lion. Edward Cfv.afrett, Ifnoy Extraordinary and Miiuaier t'lein potent tary jf the United Siaiet, ar. rived in London on Ihe evening n (lie l?th ult., and had an interview with the Karl of Aberdeen, ' nw ' omKn ,V'"cfl W appuinuuem. Lomhin't'or Pari on tjic i Wth, fur thu' p . . .1 I. A ..V I . ' He leffc laoimuu lor I an ou ipu .win, aur ma wrp.H rejoining hi family on therr way to Lopdoii. ''i''t ' . T purp.se of.' A Grand Crash. Oa the 8th of November, at Vienna, Mtfndelsshon's St. Paul wa perforined by' a vocal and instruiiMiiial orchestra gf qjie thousand and aeventy two persoos. Kit wa continued fir three day; the receipt lobe ampbed In erect ing momiinentt'toi. lladyrt,t Gluck, , Mozart, ami ' Bet-ttitivetv ' . - la t.. t . . t..f". gl The Right of Search granted by Ter it. In. leffigmice has been received in Texn ihnt Gon. ilainiltion had agreed to sign the treaty of corn merce and amity between GrO.ij, Britain nnd Texas, aud al-to lo i)n a separate treaty for the supprev siuii of Ihe African slave trade, to ii.cluje the right id each nation to toarch.the visje-ct'td vessel id the' other . . E titration from Lir-erpool.'VU following is a statement ol e'liigraut departure Iroin the port i.l I.IVWP .uil lull Jiuii I Ii M 1 1 I n 1 1 . . .t .ml t 1 .1 0,....H.r in Hi Briiisi, Colonies of North Ammica, Um , JUl , ' . v New South vVale,S.71J; Port Philip, M-i'J;giv ing a tolal ot 45,072. A Juror in Carlisle, P i., wax filial $1 for not at.' lending at a sp'-cial r mrl llis efcusu was, Hi.it the lo ik no iH-wspiie, and waa not aware ot the i one. Tne Jl lo niti.ii ilud that this wa but an sgravaliou ol inn oll- ico, and tint evry g , id ViiiA-ni wjs morally txmnd In take a inivspip ir. I ii-isu whobirru' or take no pip'lr, h id b ;tier ave their huus a well as character, by lakiu out losthwith. Mitchell, Ihe ex-memher of Ciifire, it i i bought, will be acq-iittnu of fnrif-ry by thu astu'e oe.ss of his counsel, in Noiv Vurk- Dolt, the murderer, wa arraijned lat Monday, in New Ynrk. Mm tmnl wes (bd'erred, in conse. ipiem-e of the ales-ncn of a woman, a uiutc-ria) witne, who is ill in Philndelphia. Ralhir Cool I'he theriiiumeier sliniihal 10 degrees helnw a'-m in Saco, on Thursday last at llallowell, 15 degrees below. Thi llliie regmn v he re Jack Dnwinug lives, and where he Ihinka Um cold would be incroaiwd if liu y had longer tUr,w,mrltr. 1 . t2 W E 8 T E n X C A R O L I N I A 4 . Friday, January 14, 1842, I'lBLlC MEETING 'IN DAVIUSON COUNTY Wa ara requested lo make knowu that there , lo be I Public Meeting at Thompson's Store, (for. iiietly Frederic Thompaon's,) in lavidftai County, on Ihe firat Saturday iu February, which i thtt Sill day uf the month. It ia underatood that the acta of the Extra Session are to be diacusaed. I he people, witTiout Uistinciioq uf party, are in. vited to attend, and hear what the Democrat huv lo.aay against, and tho VVhia in favor of t,aMJ act. If the weather should prove favorable, n it tuppoacd the meeting will be numerously at, tended. . . , , , ' ..;.' 1 , . DEMOCRATIC STATE CON VENTION. Tlie.Way-Bill of lad nighf Raleigh Sioje bad on it thi endorsement j Louis li. Ataj, oif,.tl vil!et,hl been nominated for Governor. '1 he Conveiv. lion adjourned last night (Tuesday night, die m:1() l0 meet in Hlibury, on the '.'Oth May in xt, DEFICIT IN THE TREASL'IiV. The Whig in Congres are refnriiiinjf iho cxpenw. at a rapid rate but unfortunately for the loimtrj, ft,, systeui of reform work but kxurJi. , Tbe Secretary ot the Trcctury in In report of 20th December, 1S41, mfurri Comjjref that Uie dtjicunru for 112 will be i 14.C170 H;-tht is, Fuurtnl millions on neurit m qUurtrr of a ftillmn ofHnliai$ thi top, after the loan of 12 in I Injii, (Q i;nll,n , which hat been taken,) the additienal ' li-aealaij t i millions, and the ivsiuesjf six or m ven miiiiuii, cl Tin. aury Note 1 ' Tin ii hard-cider reform with a vcry.vrrrncc Bui when a n.nn goer to a frolic lie must expe 1 1. for it. The pwpto were invited M die guiis, for ij.ni. ing," -to lluj log -cabin hows aod cmn-skin Irohc u lts4U ; Uiey feasted, tunf Tiis cms- muis, tnu uraii tiard:CtrJcr then, uow liny U giu lo ei jiy me fruiir ot tVir rcvellings. . THE EXCIILUlEK Tbe Bill proMM d by ihe Sixreiury for ihe new fi-cal tcjtme may tie loui il in tbo- a;t-i. Il had i,o "other objection lo il than ihe immt by which it I called, thai is n very inAvtA tu.e. I i,e word Exchequer w the iihihC ol tue Ki.yul T,ril iury in Eiilai.d and it is to be ejyirln-hM,!.. thai ll we-lake the uau.r, we may bye ,u..i tu, loke tuine of Ihe praclictloniiecieU aiih it. 'Ii,e Federal M lugs, we all know, aie.'iuiuhwly bi- tached lo English icsliiulioii and b:i Lj iikj WJ1 1, UJ a Nauonal liai.k, loh Tar.lU, a .Nuou,..i vtu pensioiier ami the like, Mud if t.uii a iLai.vu is taxm-Uicju&ui jhew !. e ,'d ii, us, a liny hvo airiuoy atteu.pittl io 0o. -c had better therefore keep dear ot'iht n.n.c t-i uiH filing filow. i-ae inu r.xci,aiig iii I rtanury note l.-.to,. "Ml uLoU.Jiuil Mu-1 yaVf-'t tcherre- M liofnirv" ITT tact but the iudciid-il Treasury a tar at it gue. .Why I hen call it Exchequer, or tinn,' 1 he CnptartT tiny lu i faiiur lhi'i.1 Come out at 'once, imeiny 0,4 iuhi,juj, and pm'. ..l-.l.- ...... -'t-.r- iu9cvi ma i our intent i rvsxury a I he- ohry m;.- :a4MiauritMiM-Hii!r n(V. fa-Mr.".UaiTum V i.s i.s" that Ihe State Hank are rotie.if and coriupt, and ecu the whig nut,' iidiiiit ihaf'tlie BiTiiTie' iiai.a w but a den of thieves, why then any kipper try to connect the Government' iih tnese rotieu i,u corrupl.laslilutiona! ' ' ' Truth and lioooty may -be omeiime Lw in inakmglbeir way, but tbe endthey a",.l i.tver laii lu'prevjil aiHPlriuo'ph. . i ' ' . " .Vur "astounding disclosure's." '-"Another feature ivilliiyha been added lu the fraud and windluitfol liie-Uiddle tuned Uie lt.k. Ii m Mow ascertained that forgeries to a Consider, l,iu. aiuodnt have been Cuinmitted by t-onelof jlie uii', in promissory note included a i.oi jj the h?h Hut bv passed 'into tho haiid 'r tite Bank's a"igue. The"NewYork Advei liter a i. w Tuit declaralioA it-made by Mi. Mr. John M. Kiddie, who, beinf, sued by the uigi.et, as i-u-iloriT uf throe noic promin in pay .MOO,; IT, ha .pit iu an allidavu of m- r n, a wmcu I.o swears lllsthe lievur ei.d..rs.-d the and unles, or authorial afny(otneriruu to do so; und I'm I hi; bad no knowledge whatever of ' I i.e.r exigence Until be received notice oi their protest. '' A great turn out tt the I'.dh.-r Thu male trim- lullou of N rth Carolina, of all age aud ius to tiJltt,- liUOunted to aiUI.U 17. i ne vol.. nulled m l!l0ainouuiod to t.l,:H-, which i more thin I vole lor every l.ireo males, mcl,, My infants, toy.,' od grown ov-n. Pretty good turn out tbi! If tfiere wn no pipe laying , the. old North at the last eluciioii, tlieru was mmiio wy potnig a! least. ALABAMA. ANOIitKR KFJtXJTlON. - We learn by tho notice l low fnmi the Flag 'f Union, that this true and uoi.le Ih in.sjralic Stale,-v. ill have the honor to stand sccued ,n the Hen, reji-cimn nt' the insulting bnlw uttered by l.'lis mtainuu Robbery bill, DiHrihution. The resoluti- n ol the lion. Walker ' k. Ittylor, the Seintnf truui J, tf run ami St. 4,'lair, amvt thu dintnbutioii of tne liriH'I'tftfttl tit llirt wi tat III the putilic Un.te, p,ss.d the .Senile on Mondiy !t, io in.- .,i, ru,r- mi y , a n ir.en li s hand. I he n-irl ol the coimiiiiu-y, which Pi,.im,i i0 slrike-Qnl the hrl rosnluiMin, the uuq reptihg the c'l-lrihulivc .liare that tt ae allot ted tu Abbsnm,' wa nol ctuicurrtsl in, snd the ntalotiou were adnp.ed; SV.i coiieratnlate Ihe ileinocrarv n. Him u,l...l. I! ....... .i... i on thnpirtuf our sterling dmiLH-rscy Alalia n has , rejected,,) bribe. So hs Sonlli farolms. So will New llaui,liier so wiM the odier Dcinocraiu: Stitc of Ihe Corf edeiacy. Iknuaifacy cannot be boughl nd told hXo tlia pnumple i iimkI -ri AN'hiwmrlt uarer Oikii gold, and more precim, than Tiibiev. W bav saved our iHaair, nnd maintained ourancinnl ttand. ,! J he hnbe is rejjctti!.M -.-

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