7 V if . 1 ti 1 n c ii Si ii ji o u u :m , ' "Tlio thwiglin of worldly men are loTe-v'er tii coat nnd gave the nforesyd pugnacious one, a w.und thrashing to his great inconvenience unJ n. lonishincuf. "! , .1 rg'ilated by ji mora! law nf graitationviHiicl), . liko . iteoV !i-nicir ' one, hd.la llnjtu dfnvijf la the earth, ; Tnfl brijjl.l Rlnrv of lb day; aild t'.m i lent wonder of a a'.arlight 'night appeal to ilvm In Tain. TVra are n im. in. th uior in the moon, or iVth. vtya, f,,r iheir reading.' They . are like aoini!. wis mmtKti(i in kwvv . i. ' .i ' . i . r - . i . ..' ca-n pianeioy ita ivtini name, rirtvtj quite lorgot. inn iuch.irrmll h,v.biry ronsteltatitmiui (5inrityi Forbearance, Universal Love, and )lrcy, miIoiijIi Ibey ahine by night 'arl i dayVailini'iJIy that ilio Hint! may t'le jjein .1nJ yktU4 ntp,irJ al tW ' apinglelilty, caii nhin'( tiie're bill thorefWticm of their own geat wi,.'ifiitof book learimgi', (On? of tha, cWicjf (Srli If; tiily , is jlho pnijer rd s afyfrai'tiiiri, viz, li aWrict thb "iuiii.l from every OlhT object, ami co;t!i.i it til tha one btilore U'j, .i We remember in the A-nrce that awe f.x oik' attention. ":.' . .sV "' ; - 'Ski-j ' V . J . 4,' ... . - f I lit i rA .. f . ... ... Killed Siulv. : in.(uia hwiij w fill: 1 1 iiqvc S viiuwriuiv iynini imj " ini the fiifo nr, lhaf n Ijouy.'driimia 6J ' tljci ru- 'eullftig ijf a'iy ottrei. li ati.rt, llit'y are diw . ai nui;tvra ol cmty '"t i. i vwit nnve at wayt hupiVped frtWifte Hmi tiusi1, tr aiifniliv ti:e lucky cai.. " , A coimlry cunitp, Visiting li'uflicfc,'" , , -At ()ld liiibocca't CDttuffe (jhvb i knock. ' U0M nmrrow Paine I mean mil iy libel, , j 'Hut in ytir dwalltn' have.yn'i pt Bible 1" " A Ihlile, iir.M exirlaiiiil hl'O in rage, ,," I'y -think I've tunif'd I'.ijan in iny up T .; Here, Jiiiliih, liait;', ii!id run up iir, my jlear, . Uii(jn,vlie driwi-r, ! jrjk-k. and trifjf .it hoic.", '. il'fe jyrl ri-tura itb Bible in a pi'muie, A'ot dreainin; W t imiinent what w in it ' " When, lo: on opening it at. par!nr door, Duwn fell h,ciai'le'4 upon the fi.nir., , Airuz'd iw etitre.i, for muiiioiil dil nV Jlit fjnick ei:laiiji'd, A Oh, Sir, I'm glMyou'ie come, 'fi nix y'cara irtcn thene ph"HC tiisi' were lnft. Ami i have uiisa'd 'ctn to my pir ejra cu" Th'ii an the j;We to hr noKj he ai'l. , Kilo ckw'd iho llible, Having " tlud lie praiKd." . , . ;,:,..': , Un.ISlOU STATISTICS. , ' Tii Ann rii"iii Alin:in:io fur 18V2, b the ful- I'iVj im ta'jiif a of relii'iui- doio.tiiu iti'i in the ' or .tub i ' .VrA Carolina Temperance! Union. : fllllE State Temwf am-e S'icietfof N. Cat lt an- " nual iiifeline, cliri'ctml in Kxcutive Committee to tke uii-aauP'a tor the emnlilmhiiient, at thia place, ol f Jnuriml, 'devoted to (he CJiiae of Tempenmcor In obedience to l!i..'ir 'wilie.,nnd inipremud with the inixrtanec of fucfi a .mblicfitinii,-thu Cwiiniitteu Iwve iieteriiuiied-, if wiffitii iit nientiraifeinent can tu oV lifiiied, to iwne the'ftrHt nHinber ol uch a publicniioo. i h- tailed the NOiri'll CAROLINA 'I WM'C 'UA.NCK UMON. on the firat'of Januyy wxt. Tin l.HililKP a,l,iixt fif ilia llninn will be. the dinV .mamlion of Temperance principlea. - e Inll ' doavor to preai nt in t ppei a lull record of lh irf uriiw ot -t!ie Teuiwr'ance catrtc in our own and hi tiireijn Inula ot itn eHect. upon tudividuali and cooi j miniUHit-aiin vrigrniil trtiClua in detenre oti prm ripleii, mid in fci-piy -to tbo varioua objeclioiia urjjed ajf-Hii-i it. "' . . ' N hi!e, 'however, the promotion of Tepparaw ,wijl be lUi liwl and leadme ol ject of our Journal, it w.oiir iiili iiiitiii. that ita oaae shall be enlivened by a ffuiu riii wiimiiar'y of ibe nt iinporiaut event of the ilay. aiid " JiV ihejanj ciruirfii'aiices, or proilih. tbo aa uei v i tfkctj, Furexasnple: -V ' ' s. j l'Lritwi"i. 1, Wbftn a hm.k wixpen 's specie piy men'n, t."n at 1 Co(ireutiot!itA-l,; wajfs'dotie for the pih'ic gKKf,as inimmr ofemu t.j t If jho aaiil huik.lKn:.iii'ifri!!rieviihly iiisolvtipi,, , and ia'forcffd to liq iaro if ait.iM;thfl ilinclors.,1 Uorii,aii R-ifmrned. '.600" publish a Ciwd statirtifthat the unU are amply Ijewii. " v -Butficient lo biiv evary thiiij;, u inniter of cmirse. Lutheraua. , - ."50- rMi! whi out hnv d.-irree of con-l lencd iurb -M"l,,w'4 v Utripntiiuiiton. t nurcuff. tuuums. tj'ipfiiiM. ', 8,31 4 M'j ' Frei!l. .' ! JVi fil'J Aveulfi-D.y;' 42 . 40 tiiX rrtnci'ph'.--10 la 51 i- S40 Mrt.7 v SUIT Outub Uefur.ned. ' 1 U7 I9i J I Viciiuit. ' 6oO atateBKnta are Blwayu'eVci'tveil hv.A diS'ippoint. !) as a muller 'f coTSf '. Vhqp a min'ommit a mflrdcr or a (irgery or runt way vliih ln neij!ihjrs,vi il, and i-i deters ed aiMllfiod, he. w proved to be iiwiw-H a nJii ' r ofcourae. . - . . ". ; . "When a fire ftrcuy, whether it pi.vi'i iliNirue live of frnp?rly of not, it tha wofii of an otot-'o-diary; us u ii.Riler of rovre. - When n man idetfcted m'tnrnr nH of mtittieJi led rascality, lik'K mul ihiroy hi repu'atnm lf.ihixhit-Cji copal ; "' , rrviimaul. M riviaiivorjU. Iireih24 v(i .Mormoiuiea., ' , "N. J ejaaa le uf Olurch 27 ' ' I'reHby lenadifc" 2,1 41 . jUumb!i li.l.. 500 44 ,ci ite. 113 . " Uef.in(d, A'nale'KBf. . f ircver,"'hn '"rrqiw t i hn pobh'tM,6i"i'iA Uittr Tinihttdt 40 C3. t 193 ; , Ml : 3,100 !0 11G .4 .- 4J -H4 4M,0'0il :). 870 4 CM VU17 800)00 .-150,000 100,(1(111 V.515 6U0 0IM) 100 000 -yo.ooo - 15.000 r,ao.wo o'lo.sia 60.000 ' 5,745 1J,000 by,pnrticiilar aitwrtloii to ilio nurreiof .Aencultura. - than double the umher.of constant render, to that of "l.i carryiiiff out thia objm t, tiia Coinmittee look vyilh any .other paper published in thfl country, embracing confidence to tha fnenda of Temperance, "particularly the bet familiea ot iwr Uepiibhc - .. , , in North- Carolina, lor aid apd mpporc A new. iin pnlne ha Iw-en given to the Cau in Uiia Stale,. Were Una ilia, proper uccsaion, we cfild tell5iiloof what haa leeii paasinj under oii( own eyea, which would i.enj a thrill of iy tliMiith' every Aerfevolent heart. rcfinnatioh ot.ihe mebriaie hat commenced, and Tha rcfif ctill going on with a power and auccrms wiicti the nwwt Niiijjuine nrtver dnred to anticipate. Give ua but the mean of eomiminicilum, and we tru"t that an in Ihienco will j;u furtb InMn the Capitol ol the old Portb Sine, to i! renwtesl boundary, that w ill tell upon'jta hapUHP8iiid proiK'niy through aH future generations. 1'erinit ur. tiien, mout earnestly to apiK'ai to every THE FAMILY ".WEWSPAPESt. ' rs 1 ' : - W THE MIILADIXPIIIA . SATURDAY COURIER. with i1ta iaiiokxt rlKct.ATio fN Tiiawoai.Dll ' . - ' - t -,. , ' .... i i i ?; " , The piihli(.iersol.t'liiHold wtaliliahed and nniverwlly popular Family Joiimnl, would deem it atiperoatory to w ? n worl in comnieudatioii of it (et or previa excel leiicv and u'luhi!"w Ii unrivalhd and inrreiiHii'jj einiitntioo. (kner :5.:0!U i il beat refinnmendatlon. Tor Ilia future, herr, a d tennination 4o beriasT. lit ihffatl ol 'he American Ncwrpiper Weekly Preay. wiirpall tfir uimfaAiJ expenditure and renewed atiwc timi for the coming yenr, not Iho leaat ol which will be an improvement iii the quality of the paper, and addition ot popular cotflrihiiKir, 'embracinff; we fully belwve, the best lift foany 'nmla.r Jonrnal in the. world." TheCiMirier in ind- pemlenl in.ilachrarier,ft!rleg ly Mir-iiiing a Btft iiit torw-ard course, and wpporiinj tit best, Inierc?' of tho'puhlie. It i e'ric'ly rfi njrnl in poliieH and religion. I ',l maintain Ji.rrh tone nf uioiaM. and not an article will appear in its paicwh cli ahouhhiiot tlii'ija plaee at every fireaidi It luix more A.TiriilL'A.' TAL3J Every one abmild be proud 'to patronise the riiilodol phia Saturday Courier an by ita unbroken aerie ot ori ginal ylwricna la'n, ny mien nnnve wriiera m wr. PKOMPECTI'M " or thr , , ' Cpngrc3sioual Clobekncd Atperjallj;, 'JIUKSE work have novyoi n publinhed by ui for JL ten eomiecutive aeoioti ot Grnigri', . Coiiiuh-h. cing with the atwatou of li-CfcM. Tliey li ive 14 (ltt! iilu ciiculauoii, and liave U-en no oniverwilly approv J and wiughi alter by the po'i.lic, that wo d . em it Mt.ri; nary only in thia Prospect o to ay (Mt Oioy wli c.Hiiinued ut the next acumen ot Uiounw, any tou.,. iuciwnclly, their coutentis th louu in v. Inch ,liy t(p' oe priiioM, mi pi ill iui. tw.jii,.' ; The OiiigreftionalJlote iv mudu up of ie dnilt pro:erding of the two llunae of Cougier. -j', p.:ecie ol the member are ahrnijied.or, tondj-nhed, t brwg thenr into a reaaonablej or hwlablo intlv All the rKhiiioii olieretf, or inoiiona madu, ure given af Icnth, in the niovut'a own word j and the liuyaon all tbeiiinoi'iinliiietioiiH. It i primed wiit amall type brevier and nonpareil oa a iiutiie nvai aiitct, hi pmrio 'lor iu, eich number contaiiimg 10 rf at quarto pagej. It i ptinti-d.aa fast aa the uiime (un in Con)(rea lurnVtiMi matter enough lor a number oMinlly una niniiber, but aoneiime two mtuibei a week. We have invariably pnulcd more nuu.U-rn than there were week in a M'fBion. The apprrluni erMion of CoiiLrer. it i exiavted. .u ill cuntii.i.a 4 - , . ... , .il.a if mn ullll'lllAI fllM W VtWJft lu.l.a.A.n JJI 40 nuintier, which, topellMT, will make ltweeo uiKl and OOO riJal quarto pnge. " Tito Appenjiix i iu"U np f tlia pHininKNT IIK nual metaag.lhe rcp-ona of the principal .otRcera ( Caroline Lee flenii, Mr. St. lon Lrud,-" I he Mtly I the Uoycrnment that acrompany it, and all the lurr nd,"J'roleiior Injrrahame.T. S. Arthur. Ivq , T ipeeche of inemlicrB ol Confrew, wriikii nut or. re- vie (I by tiieinwlvea. 11 1 priiilea in tlia niii.' form n. the Congreeoiouarytiibe, and usually innkea aUjul tite imine nuuitx r ot pni-e. Heretofore, on at count uf U. '-rVieechea'iieiflg eu -oiMoerou and to .loi.;, me hnn not completed ll: Appeudia until otm vt taotiiimtl j adur Uie don; ol the setwson ; tu, in futurcvae intud lo print trie cclie t l4 a they I.nI be picpard, 1 cxniiieio ina work, within a few urniitt-oi. - work i c.uiiplctn, in itK-lf; I jt ,i j. nereoutry for very rubkcrilx r who denrea lufl kiMiv.'kdgo ol the proceojnnia ot congrei, to k of ilarvla Misa S dgwick, Mim -Leal to, aud many otlu in, it h justly earned ihc title of the American Funaly At$- Wr- T . '""''. - ' - ' '.- -; Vortlsij Litcrnlurc and D' termi'tod to apire no expenw in makinj the Sit- frii. fT..,nitiire. Mnrnliir. and ffimd or.h'rJto aid itirJiV Coiiriera nerleVt moirel of a Lmversjil family in prnmpihi. Aa the oi'jert la to commence with llw NeWejmper, of equal urtereat lo all clawea and D"isrna I rt)fj 0f courae aba! new y.nr, 'tlatf on the part of its friend my le fatal, i-of iVefy nation, we have made nrracmenl to revive !0(JVafier the aejou lt every in livaJual then, who feel an interest in our ! all the Magrfiiies and pipers of interesi, published in j foci, f tl,o w aucee, ite-2ery Temp ranee Society, become K- Knglnn'd and en the Comment, the news lufl rein of awMtaiWe. ut mice lor the number ot copicsTwhicIt they I which are immediately tnwkfcrrcd to it column, lluis tupuose'ean be circulated in their viciunr, mid liirward Tfiivinjr to emigrants, a .well as other. correct and both; because, then, ifrbero ahould m Knv aiiibimi. their name immediately, fr 10, 20, oi 60 copies as'fnnnecled afcoont of Whatever occur ot miirjti, ci- , , synopsi4.f the ajieech, 'or.aii:utfutK...A they may itiiok ljie.dcu.iaud.4itnbiX.USI3fcrf'! piiMishcd In "tlio C6iigrt.i..niii limbe, ulC juMitr. In tbi yvay ouly,cjn we hope lor succe itij . "" TUB' MARKETS " ; reader may reinrn Tlo tb' ApperMliX lo tlra apetcl, oor"efi;)rt. - ' ' . I ; iat length, on retu d by the mettikr biiiM-lt. ai a ineetinfT of in 'Kieentiva Coitmiltee of the jfc ' Particular c ire is taken to procure the forfeit aKi. : koW. there is noaaairce but the t .Miirrvaionkf r.LU C..Tetnpernnc Society, the Adlovk.ing resobitton was: ce . in'n terencc lo thr- pnceaofall kindaof tinie, Pr... ! and Appendix, bom which a ferM'nj.-n obtafti a lull adorned :. Wheren,arraiiireineht have Un made w : vi.ion.frmiuoe.&e ,tne Maleot NoCXs.-Uhukj'. Winvy .5,000 ! cnininimee the publication ol' a Tcmlierance Journal in nd. Liind",jt)d iiaxti'iif! i arruiigi'iwi.tx will be re altor reiiiler our t'rici Current of im stnrable interest to llw Traveller, I lie furiuer, and all bmmrm cloaca 874 081 i ilia C'ty A lUluigh, orrtlie first week, ot J inn uy next, " Ml (UK) J nrovi leitoxa TliocsAND Subrcrtber can be otUiiied. ;. '16 0(1(1 -"I- l'fl, That ii lie moat earnestly recviininendeil to a haio'veri . 3 tl(0 Pxrh 'it' the (hEcerijftho State Teiiip'-raiice-Socieiyt1' Tha general character of " , ""'I to the nrember of t!i la!e Slate ('(invention', a lid Jta eoluonw contain a great l.UUlJ i . . . . . .u .. . : i:....,.. -.... r ' ( ' 0,O0i. .3.000' of llw Courier is well Lhovmi. variety of ' . 'TALia, NARRATIVE, KitSAVa, AM). BtWlBAptlll', fuVtorf of the 'br1 edings -ot Coiigrenii. - Uaibi ai.d i'SifATON'a'KegMer of Debates, WIS th conlau,ei a Ii.. hiry, hat et'n xUspi'nded for llirt c i.r tuur y'um. It coit alxiut fUe'tunc aa much for a svtmni a ti.e ("n,. ' grefFwmol lilobo and Appendix, and tinl not i-i w;iin in qo'il amount of Aialter, a trial poiliii nt (he ( :irrr,- pjti- ceding beui; ouiiiteiw U'eure eu..bleu inpt.it j to any wi o are IrirpUly to the cajisn, immediately attefj nit- irinw iii inn. i rmmii ivii vw v. vnun iu-uuu.ii' iwi I ...... . - t. . . , from 10 to SO Subactibtrs, ao Hit the publication may - 'Vi 7 ' V, a' 4 ' kwpiirg the C.l.gre.o.:il mailer tout we aei lf I ,H I n.Ul. lrLflllV,.r l.MfV, MO, 1 1 .11. .1 .IIW- - ... "I : .:....t.'.. i?l..l . . . ho iXjtigriioiiiii tjlot and Aieiiljix ; the hw u now j)rop f-n, ly fiavmg a iar(.c q'i-,i:iiiy 01 hi",stu. Id the ahovo tnihle, (he wholu ntln her of CithiA lies, EpicojMilniii,.Frifiiils, JJw nod Ne j Cmircii- opinwin, as'Tt matter of crnrr'. When two l.n: miioI.v.'s eyino into collini in ! ftilfoa I, d'.VMtr'n) iir; eaidi oiier, kiMrkfni bulf h j men are. g'ivco, wh .? the othar eirhrufn only ilozVitcar to pi'pe, killing a d z -n .p.fengers. !cyii nunicaiit nr CiiuK'li.iiiniile'i aineilv. '1'lie .and w iri.iii4 tAg;e a .naiiv-MO'r , t'u: p-fhl;.; .ire I whole aumb r !' pct,Mfii .alt iched to leading prorntJe l fi'i nniir.Ti 1:1 n co'ioerning the ane, a j denomination! ! e'stiinate J ui fjlow: Capiinl a matter 4 c.Hirse.- I (! ifll.s.irt) J .iJJ.OU'J ; leinooisis (.!.) 3,000,. Whe, it ex(ll.) of ciure When a vmtn ' 'v 'm h-1 1 five e-r '. ndra of ...... m .n.u .1 II... tl.t... ft.i.ild.Mi.luli.l! - i l'i ii.iro vwiiitii'iH,vii. . , r . . I 1 . . II 1 I l'H7 LaU? lhi-Wlllri-U. vjuiu-, eiT.HiUXl!l a,iiift. . ! Ky order ot ti,-B,utivaCommitt-aofb Northi-fn- 'f ntwitWrnf-WMIftM A,n-nii7 NfwWw -1 rCarSrini-Siifi Teipraiice ietyr :4 wrKir.a XXM tj Uo '. i . - TERMS:' T MrM, Leo Hen-i.- -a.ra. 81 C . IUL ,' ! alt!l tq print idem fi donWelhe price now ch.rcerf. - 1 -Thf North Carolina Tenraertm-eV, will ta Puh- W1 ,,,,ck (U ' lntWj?,T'tt' " ' . ' o Iwth 'be ii lo..U ! lirhell we1.-l.lv on mariima sheet, (s-y 5W bH.nche,.) P'- l i.e. M. Mclw.. j end the Append,, are pi mini ttie cb-sc J mi. .-. I at ( he. dl.r and Filly Cenu pr anniuii, pavahli. lx ' ' !'y . 2" ' ' ' f "'" nnd ,0" - "T-Un in. I i.VVK' i.,A.,,rT..n s..h-.KM h 11 n tit J.hhernlmknoMle-, .Oaurga I . .Morrw, ... ; ui,.ve e Innd amajur 4JJIW suroL. emnVs . 1 i.iitiu. nira. iitiiir. ., . 1 w . ......... . v , , , . ei'r.li information r..m, if it enme at nil, jiHMI; l'teb) uriaim (!..) 2,175,000; Cotifegi. I,).fij evoryb-aly L-o..a bli.tje, aa a inaJter tririalit l.KKt 000 ; L'it heron 010.0th); Da.cb rnd reinittitnces, mtist he directed, postpaid or free, to j. " J ' ',' , , j the Treastrrer of the Society, Jamm Baowa, Raleigh,. Wr1 North Cirtdma. - - !,T ' ' All lheiiewpapr in the State are respectfully re- '" r V., ,;' utfird .to gj thio Praapectu one or 'two inaprtiooa. :.,t. t. ( , '. nurriage, a i.l twvin wp'clel lli 'i.a all, liad-i her ll.(ornie,j 43o.H K-; .Chn-tiuii UiHi.tJOO; L'fuxcr- M.i'.ie O.hi.00.1 ; L'nttaiiaii 1 Srt.dOO. aelf turning liif tir-si iviru rr," with ,1 ainalj chanei " Have jou voted : akej a poUiinl drummer, diC the future, alio i generally aititi"f l! i.l ! : of a ln.iler n m liaiiii:g aronmf the ioli, a h i-diMiJ-jare not amy comiti n'oik;, a a ma'tier ( ne itirust it ticket into Iih hand. " N I bavn't of cmrso. . I and I ilufi't uieau to, 111 it', mure, ti'l t le ihird dav, ... . ......... , . . ........ ' W iieo a n 1 tc meoicrie h invente I, it-i-i ire- . alvnit su'i'l n. Tiohmlv shakes h vi -N wit'i me in tidtjjy ii !i.l1.a-s.aii'n iUi!r,j.'f,CMe-iimi,,i-- "f Ijii'iiitlnj-.-' 1X1 rroepectua for Kendall'a Expositor. '"ZTw. t MO-S KICNIA LL pra;ne lo enlahhuh oaemi-. I). JL It .!mlt, njoiiihly rMwspaper undeT tbe above nani,io Jeph C Net I, be di voted to thj following fdijects, vi : , ;Thi.(. Spear, 1. The arclrif of the right f aullrage, .btai diiioH,i law lo punish bribery -and fiautl.. ' '. .rrvTc wiun 2. An etmwire of abuses nail rorruptiona. in , " M,V b 1 i-'"' ' q..r,,.nei wM..reverknowtoexiat. . The tejmt the Lour.er aie per armm.pavab'e ' . .1 . .. I ........ .. I...I ...l..i. hMu. ui.li - H....I.. l.k .... III nuiuill',,Hin . lie 11 wiiy vim win i.iiiiaw I'miiii. Jiatepli K '(.'hanilh'r, Miss Leslie,. . Prof.ir4,J. Ptotv Lydia ll. Sigotitiiey, linn. Rotwrt.T. (.'onrad,' I'obctt irorris, . .UU. C, 11. W. Filing, A. (irreu, Jr., Julia Neal, ( 'nunteo ol IilcM,ngton, Lucy i'cj luutr. ... , , .. .. . , . e , in nUTUIIIjn.HUI fll HIIT- vim win iniiviou: " i.i'.vi'7 lWMtl,. .1 . I' . W f . 1 l in ionx're-u.iiai t: an 1 .iiipt ihua ;or lie; !.ua ' SeA.ii.ir, which Uinke together near one lliou.-omj ri.nl quarto pagiv. They git- llie fu!b nt Ifntory i llir,. j tres tiial has evr Lei 11 ptibiihVcU We no v n-!,1 j them forjfcl each; Ibavl., ajl.tor the Con;Ti .nu l ' (Ilotii;. an.l ijl air the Appendix. W e prop" n.i ( i mhsenbits br the CoiyreMkmal (iti'tw ai.d A -tor the mxt eiori, Uava them for rl cttil . ; TlM-y w iH be pecesaary to uioiernland tul y Ut e r 1 n.-ciliii.n c. C10 i;t't irMtui. ' '1 he important n,nt . , Jdieustd at l!ie"lai, will be Lrimjilit 11 at iln- 1,. e.;on, m ciaimjmure ol the unnrrtai 1! Tii t:-cl i i et.iic.fj in iliila:o eh ciiia.a with the 1 1-1 hjJ stem if po!icy wbicb the 'p-iwcra line ii.tr.t;t;e.'., and which was l.ireed ihroogti (Jonini.s wit o -nt cn-.-t SU tlio' oubllC ('union, or even allo.vinu (lie I' JJul ieayU-4jt-..w.b ..Vlwaeatir.blf.i'it as.; lirin i 'krvnielti slateJ of it w-t:i!cr!ul Viriiie. tf:U e ri u-l i knioo.1'.! 11 .jtiftlkMH.t avfc.l-ffapa li.awy.iala,.;- -wi wrin'ttcTiT, 7iiimin-mi rue nniujc huh us lOjiies lur !(, tttee come tor A.), fir one copy tiifce h'l'iihiigue.f, mh i initl r iif cnoraifc I " l:i urn ai I her:? i ulreijul!)," an Ujij tper staid Kvery mai of intitllient-R nnd Tomtnan i ! when bevpourtd his b.-ati.Jy nidi hi water.' n sabpriher lo a toiwipnp'er, uu.l if be is .ioii"i j 11 " . . rfrT"tfl'rMirfrtrrrTr-an'T "courier Bfllf on Tranxni)t7 "- 1 TaT.''S'orcH'ir;;c:er aTTneTrTT5Ji! jii llie wiiiT fla-ie n and old Seojeh proverU; " they nre nt v i er 1'iuniu lhat gs at'il hnirn) dirtua like ;' nod ' ilit-ie i- rot a truer onen the wlile coiiectioti. i Ltli III A 'rtf rrnwrey; nnd irbftorv.irf ltierrn jfrnn(fpmgfrw-yeS FsTrrS-V of papqr money in it various forma.. . To tbesa will be added all (he toptca eomnw'ia the qniv'piper f t'i(Tday, with a suyiiiiiary ol news cire runy cianpiitu, lormttig au accurals History 01 p;iwin ev-elils.' ' . ' ' -' . ' ". If HilTjHH WAT irapieieientea-iiif toe... arUtuHtibw " '.MHZ?!. , rtKgA.HA I w. c..p;i-0ltbettlurd3Uilrierliid.yiJ Ii. . f,0 thcVfikt fs.astlit i)y' lfcok,anHyeBT, wia betentlor frj. ; - l,e. f, m case an uii.-uml. : . Five eeiiics i.l Ihe lunhiy (af ar, and Xirajey'a I lamuf then remarks !mn Tit 1 1 lsol 1 1.0 t.'iHipresioniial ti4)-ata .i..v- are .of irillie ent dij;ree aikpteij bj jlpirv iTTIiirKTTuVr Tbey "are "IVu"precieif" its r-"-- ciil by lite Kepi rii-rs and the' Oiember rh, n.. Iv A 'djha wliofe are tcbj' ct in tie roviHon i.n:l t.. - , they panjhi review in out . -i ... . 4 '.-IncMlataii j ta'iJa'bdfflncipleiU1 ' . ' I uir.oe.puia. ! ..uly m tlie ii:y,iti.UeeK luH Wti . ly (i ' . porlivna of pc4itit7 (OntfoyerV lo!" Those wiii whom-we exchange, will add to, their i The JJaily aViobtr.i' Jil0, ibe W.i.twi.k!y tiki--,' - tkf mQy obligation hy copying toe alsivc, or reternag to pranaum, in aarow. The Weekly f5!nr ir:"l ' 111 lit mii lnrnea.4 (lie (.-egiuinil tui.li - at .1 I hlHIi'lV bi.il k Vi..rhfL I .. I w . I.. .1 ,1 - rt ..... . caebjear. t ' " A' ..L., . .. ... ... . unilaiitMioiin r iniarptt in lice ur. - .'l . lg) i ,JHI The Chiiete T-ii r. norg i. m nv !.,. i airal aneei'.otes toi l oi uie vciin.ir in in - ie (.'hinr' i;er p ;-'w wiM be ro in,ered IiXTe'a. ..... , I H J Avri tou strn riiV trnrcpri dt eveeirg, chamiJUfriiiliC ol ltd If love oi' iniilniion tlmn liie I .. ,, . ' .. .,, , .. . r, . v. (. i .i ''iir f"re 1 etore 1. no rile ! ei quirt i! t enlo of Ulowint Toward -the clo,e of: Ihc. I,t cn.tory ;()( ,jt ., w .... oirKar otlau Piil, l.a;t Ire'.,,.,..-:, w.ic, tj..,i j MlJCjlPrryJt! f , kc ,;,!.,, re. mp lay oil Cilil .u, sent ,;i,:ii.-u..i hjiiw: ., Ii oiticr i j,j r lc,.r tor a d"X- pair i troiyr, it be niale o tlir . - . i f - i , . i . l . i i , ' m - Mr. ILra n It.ele intently munwi .Vis ljiiulyr .it.. u:. .'. . ... .- nankeen for 'which Cfwht has b en no luuai lamed. ...... ....... n. .. - ..... . ... i . . .' ...... . i ..i.i I .. . ... I lie vniiw: armm fia viva 1 mn r i , n- ioj u , , -t r.j. iiid niako"a"tv-thiii4.ttj!:(il a i'atleru. . t'o a tafr ;, '. , , " . , . ' , , . , J I eter toMt to Mtaa Ann I.av. That a rutttiig i l trniL-teiit uere woil-Hl iii-i r ooel. u toe i isiir Iwifl ; ... -. " Isr inemltid WM a ;!il"4i and i.-edlijw-tirk Hi i knee. Jo duu liu.e the cozeif pairs were -ut on , " rrni Vfhn U'rnn'rnf with !ill! h -ornt'p i .r r..: ..r . . - . f iHaarvi, - .av.....rf. u ..,, , ,.,na,. ,.,,,,;. MV1 ,., ,,,,,. ; .. Yes, and Idle t.t.d q-tality. but every P i.r b-arin-r, like a.enhJ ( j ic baet!i3 cTi:i$xio;jj pati b fwi trw o.ie k'u e ' -- , txactfy c.'pit l.h-icl. hr Mitch, in asiyietiwil re .v(;o..i'i.-''.To.o, what's moa .omnia ! tl cted the. biii'i-'sl creifit or, the i:hai.ic.,l kill of,. iy, ,tHI i,ck,hen a p.a.r feller -tents, it the workman, nnf f.r ihe-dtlfeuh tTinin.... ol-. .. . h,n:iv ' Imt w-.ieh f, h rich .'on, tie which a.) extra cU.-e'w n n.nrle u,mt. the - .Jjf y M ,m,.nahy,fcaiij they reu't I.. I,. i f tin; exasjx-iHted owner, who had no altti'.a ive ' (t . tLat II." ' but to ,rnn hoti.e liiburi:i as a cjiru iiioa:i .o for - . llnTTfave krV C7.bT-T.rw rtai.il, am. nr. ! o(ioI. vlirM.!f ;oiJ tj!, l(fl ll(..,.rad ; . Kimfredorp -opie living hetwetn this ami 1-, , yw,lfwlff ,, ;,u VriM be le.pt-,.. coulJ a Miii.Ur :-.-h.ev'iij,t have tieen j-frSirnittl. ' , . . - ' Many C iti who nrp hlvs t;ilkioj4.if virt;.f, 11.. tk .... - . . Oil. il.. .....r..'.ur ul... ... ... ....I.. L.j AJ 1 . MiJ ,.r.. J I;. I .I'.n'r w .-,i rr ,r irr . mnmir, ...... n..- nil ,if., 'I.-. JI d.'t fly h the leaving the ruder vme.por banile. T ie Exfswifoi will be printed in the neate-tmnnner; w tuvlr c,oImiui UD.ua rnval aiieet. IoIiUhI in oclavo tnrin. t.irb ihouIii.j J. it - aiaking a'uileent:e. with an index a! the 'end ol i !) I) I rI' I VJ )) ft - VV-V U V X V II each vulttine mbwcinoiie yir. It will thnr .rin a 1 ' ,ul.' yl ;-Iill4ll Illili. luuA iu.Uiiiin 4.i,li.,u , J llw. i.... ,.,.U ....... I. ......... . ' . ' nrir vii" m ..fniuij.n .liv",n.v Willi MHH.rillPHV ' , useful and entertaining matter. ... . , J'KJCK One Dullnr fit unaflt, po.'d ia-anrnnre.k No aci-oiiiii will be kept, aad the paper will not be ent until lire money be fclvalty ftceiied. ""Bank notea will be taken at their sp.-eie value. To thut'e who collect and farwarti ten dollars, an ad-.' ditionat copy -will be lent ura'tia,'-' -; v r ' rostrnisler are .peruiiile.l by liw In forward -nil-r acrinilon iH.i(ey iirji'U.ir wnifen by tlithelve. .... ( All letters to tle Editor. inujl La itya orpiistpaid. OO- l' fie ptnifc nv On paper will be but ot eiittoone a'nd a half each nmnbi-r, it In In the'p'.wer nt eveiy nisn to n'irre all iti itnportanl new, and I vaafdfil ef other iiw fiil matter, at iot exceedtjig 0, .SICr.C,w!aBliO( ". , . " f ' ,rr '-!. Ihiltar aafi Thirl y-tix Centt. f Wasbmgton CityrO. C, i)eetnlr 10, fN4l. .'. , I -.. erj ' : bAUUdriiiAUuSi,. ... ' , - - ' " 'V " ' Jfeuthj (iM jjpriliflousftj'iloM! uH H Office or tb Or w f : si: r ?4 v a lis 1A N B A j.-; 1 .lotirn.il of It.MiLltiz: I BY WILLIAM M. t.OCCi; Of PHILADELPHIA. Tins Journal will coat" in TE11 S. ... , a . Kor the Congre.i5mal Gh.lic an-l Aprw-rid:x f.f Ji: lal lifa Stusioif.-l. ". ' --. . ' .. fur uie taigrvuiotiai ti.Jouc lo tha next m?t . . Jer ciyy. ".' I' i"wr the Aewndix'ior trur nri?f.iMi wlinf.-- i I ' . i . . .j. , . I ' Six cohie ufculwr id l:ie abovt. wotki -f i e ui .1 for if twelve cnw lor ijKjj atiil .Am iu jJrtiporiK .i ' X iVyiiieiiia iin.y bi; iria.suiit'ed.hy mail, jmttajr V. at our ritk, '.by a rule-of Pie I'twt (Mm Drpiitm, i.i, dswu-ra awpvifiM?cd S frank u;tvWtwitiB: uwmO' br aiiWriptimi. . ' i aw iwteit id "any tiank, enrreut -.ft'-re a ibtn: r rend., Will be rtceived bf us at fHr , 4 To u.iuHi tl; niif.ix-rs, tint sub-cr.;.!:on : ! lit l.u . ,. I-.... I. - .. . i ..r .iw'.i.wm, luu ifi'tii-iuur tivii, ai failbest' thoUgn' it prvbable tlut we slnil ptii.i enough urp!u copies lo lill vVery NHVcnp.H.a-l..-f ' niiiy iie ivanl before H.e 1st uy of Jnuimry III At. Ao utlenlvin wilt It? juitt iu uhi urJi-r tit' . motit y 'tcunipuiiii i it, ' '. : ' BLUR & KiV.'.ii. Wi.tMngiin Vih, October ""A In!. -aw - PROSPECT UA - -tWf ... i , or'Tiia. ' Western CUirulina Xeiiiptrancleocrtir A ni'inriiy fuytr di voted lo the Temperance lttfii$,n, I'uulithrd ut ,shfi'ilii",S. -'., and tJiitdL . l!Y U..K. ii'N.LLY. A iKapEBAM'C l-OXVKMIION 11. at WSS tlClll t Hilt plm:e early m StpteinU-r, rWsnlv'ed on pii!ilishufg a pi per irf ihe above tttie and rhar icjrr, suit apiiiuled Hi. Jiihii l);i ksoaonil I). R. M'An.illy to conduct it. From llm many 'prt'Mng eut'aiieiuents. Or, UitUai already, ,.,. A new edition if " A Short Ili'torv of T.ip.r tt"'' , . h "Ii Ins, he Utiua-a it nupiacticihle lor laui to be recmiwd I ,n,.rr .. i,,nltn, ,h. si ..' V, I Ut U"""") - I Til 1. J:iK KKT.S. ! AT Ml.l.-ULRV, JA.XC.VKV 11,11 illU-'M, It 10 ilMII, I. hj, ttnlneH.'S, 45 . l'l -1 f.r ' o.e tune t.itjie:ir un mifuriiinptr lht ir, 'a in, ii hi -pi'ig hid.-" I: tro'ii a iM'ighimr o.i p:!", n o t ea 'riji'"l i; h a In:'- ail.i;,:;i l l .lt -prin i.ni, whtrli 1)1 tiifrfo.n kvcr.f .',!. tnditig the'pn s tr ite r -goe vm aa i!y'. . UV il n v ry re arka lrecalfe)', said.tl.e Po-tor, " qn-1 I t! ir k fn; onl one -on record of a nv.u's t.rniti. J-nr lo.K.g 1 1- ii,.- I ) . i (ri'y.'fO :hi- !j ri I .n re froi.. home uM are alwayathitiktu,: and l ilk ii e.al.iii it. . . !' t'e ."?;.'. '.-tt w.-nM ! - a !r:. a;ght to ser a'.lihe whi'f Inhifs in ir,e I'ifited f'tai.y, under 5 year (11 togft.her l!u y won!.! n uk- t t re. ty little collection ol ' 1'JOJJOO. What a Mp'mll there would int !nniio tin y nil be spank.d ui ir.c Mii.f tiiti'-, Hi. ) i,it ii i...ip of eoiir p'uins it wuuid uTe ! llet tilt III. l'. 'mtttte. t fs a rich iron, ion may en ter Una ri iii wnh iiirt e loud beui", li'aiili ileli.rf--r.ii' l. up to li.e eiiiin rVjBiid turn your hark to the fire, ll y.i.i Im: ii poor man, I wimfd ui!vit )'U to sin ii. a in!" ih" rm.tn an I is! a yoti e,,.!, ,ml p i.ee joiirs'M (.pun llii. C'.ti.cr t.l.u ih.nl, in a r." le.te ccnl.ii. V A certain.p; w. pe-'eedoMtig (fi ll er besif l.y a pi.oiiM'uKi!- man, who t ar.i.f- L'irj.. i.rnn'i lion resi'.laiice pnncaj'es, H.I;i,iiii.-iereil , .- r a smait blow feu his" rig'.t el.eek. IV Qil ei n? J'-aewrihwtet Ty4rlht-ct'ititiiawil if ("be Veri,,r,i;. forth-with " lurne I unto bun U.e ririier ulso," a loch ' beiig iu like inutititr li'ipp".!, a'l (.'oiisi'I.-iir.' i lie letter of the law folfi!!- c h" tfebbfraleiy pi;h d oil ?Cr' .An Iviglis'i g'nii'i-intn, in hii r.-lurn of 1 p r i perty, to (in: Hwiysors, for la..(i.ui. wrde under' I the head nf "Wheel Caniai" " One h.trrow 'with one wheel, drawn by mxx'fl in Ilio gar Vn." i The ns-eiirs n-tori 1 1! the paper w-ih Ihl remailT:' ''.Vhis iiiul i.ni'-N l.i'th d earring's ate cxctit tr .t'u ilfltv." ' . Let hi. ii w'lm regrets the loss of li ne, nmke n fyper use of that whirh i to cotue. Jititft.nLnti'im 'i&-a4iRwHrr M laancl. ii-' st-tt wil. lo drink, he goes to a grK:ery, pur. cl.ast a a glass of w jkr, nr.d ks Icr the " it'ffen' as. one of ihe i dit.itg, thoUtl M Wljt tncgf'lllly tifg t his minieiice otherwise, to promote its in en-M; the! suVcrrber tl.erelore, procels to- ituu this I'r.wp.'etus 1 in tus own naifif. Willi a howatrat he will lie nm-n mi lie- umltfrtsking, by i the frieiuliiwl Ow i'eiiip.-t...c i . rne iniui.:..io inc cisimry. ami i.kii wie pnei ei) ! .i'.ti havt .in t x'etia.v circuhtt ion. .. . l 'r'jM'hr f the 7V mperat.re X.'aue ! to you we i. s '-( , 'a wont. earned appeal while i.iii-iii.Is upon tiin.i I rni. odoar are aimu illy (x.MMid'e I .it li.e.ilr.-, nJ c. reuses. Ill the, race trues, ut frocern., wbdu mipniiial nr.- spired, tlie luxury .id ii-lire'nent andatisu tbreg.ine,' and nn fihuf deniilifJ ls severu to advu.'t! tin!" ii,l.-r it's nt pilitiraratpiranls, Can yon not do something m I a e. -mm tn.il must be dear to every true p'.trmt, pin! n. i . tlirojii.t, and ctuuit,au J Rwoibd there are but few, i vory lovy, such p'i;a;r n( all the Ninthem eouiilcy. The W i-t-r. ru pint of North Carolina, the Western pirl of Virjfirii.i, and Hie Eisttirn pari of Teuuetser pariicu. l.irly, need a Mrifsliral ol tins kind, and it i fol y.si ' no v to siy.wlieiher they shSlj liue it. The very low price t ,wliifii M was fixi-d, by Un Convenli"..., will make it peceeeary, that a very larj."'' s .id ripiiim be liad, b..'1'ore Iho p.iblii.iiiiou of it cun be JJltllHHi. ' ' YP TERMS. The HVali-ri CmnUna T'-mjf Tnnre Xihnrole will dii! p.lilis!i"d on a ineiliuin, shei l, In quarto lorin, each. nilnitMr makiiiii eiL'hl pes and w tit be Turinihed at the Wvl.w Wfietc mm j. eoiner are I k. ii, lb p.y.uent inii-t ( ft inio.e mva- r.aley iin Ihe red'pUnn 4' Ihe brat number. . CT7" P'rtui,",er, e.litora,or publisheriofpipervand 'i.!1 Xieiatcf of theCrpeire authorised tgeiita. l. G iii", wipi correction ami ad.lttion., hr.rru.g the inrralive down, to the preaenl time. 5.1. l.-.ys tm Bi.sin, ("urri'iiey, Kxclnaw., and Xtndrd top.es an wtiteh frtru will hf inVle to plire liiese aobj tlain the ffesie! Iiifht p(il.ie. . A ts'iiil-ijiiitilhly rHtiw ol lie l!iiie,ke.(1iriiring II- nio.t imp riant eveiile, etpecinMy lli- uhnii i,. ' f rt th" general operalloi a of I iis'-iii ..s. 4 h. S ii'li tiiiseellant'ouH mailer as nil!, while il ill :ol. I to the mlere!s nf i,r v-. r k , nd.-ii rve main idq.'ct, which is tint of showing ihe true (rhur.ic-Ii-r ol our ii per money n ml linking sy-tem, nnd ibe . aid il Ins on Iho uWnU ami happiness id Hie d.. r ent c.hsra of Ihe commutiilv.' This J uriial will ho especially i-teii.lrd. fi,r Ennnera and M.'clinmes, but It is'hiytd II wol not prove liiili' fiil 1. 1 .Merclr.iiti. an I oilier pr'..Vjiv.' :u in'e-r.t of so. eiefj". ' .' It will He pnblishi'd Mire hmtv two weeks. Ivieh ninnbi-r will contain sijteen : s:lavo, liciihlo l oluian, with the leave stiicfied and ml, Ihus imitieg till' pdvilllllr. s Ol II pin slif. t VVHIil a lollll Coil- vrnient fur to ml iti-.t ' , The piper will bo fa r nnd the -type g(s. The price wlii bti - For one copy, one ilnllar aiel fifty eiils a yeir. l'i.r lour i:i.ifs, lnu dullarH, or oue dollar and (wen. ty live. t'-ii.U ijt:li. i Foi" (!-B ('.iTpTes, tun (lonara, or onp ilo'Iai raeli. 'Z. In v)l rant. tHl.r.tlp'ii.nt mint be fniil in atlranU, I - ' ll.illi rrvpro- ! ii-1 ,ix, .S a I lt'tfit'i'rf. Is ! Uuiu Ro;k . lit 4 ' iViimi, i.j.ia) (5 a ' ru, 20 a ! Cull, e, U I Fh.ur, ijl 60 a !s.i Fenthers, IL, , , f 'bx'seed, 7j a i i'f. !. l ,Jau Li la, l.'.a I. .Ii ii'.irk. V' I K m . (iiuari'l Uj-M.i.uvt..) iOa ' lo Utat.) 1" C'l -wit, (t it.) .1 25 ! 11 l)o(eX) ;n. ). t i iStnd, (bliaiw) Uis ii'ii I to (uiM 2.) a h) ra i fi.,. . . A bis, y, a 1- 1-4 1-i .SI (l !t. AT CHKKAW, S. C, UI'.CE.MllER if). I II. Reef, (scarce) II.ICOII, Hotter, lleeswiix, Ibtjftrinjr, . ll.leRi.pe, I'-dli'., . Cot loll. Coin, (scarce) 0 Flour, t ." V" . 8 a 10 F.Mt'itr. 40 P-'i 20l.at(l, (scarce) II a 2 . a-i a -jy Ilia P.'l a .a) Molr.HM , ).ts, 40 a !a I2J II.. e, (100 lbs). 4a I ' Muyar, V- 10 a aM4 t,tk) tr" IS 1-' :u" 4d . 3 li at camij::n, s t fieef, lllCOIl, li.ltler. ll.'eswax, . M'Wmjt, ITjil Itl.JM!, (iilee, t a 6 hi -a 1(1 1.. a H" 1-3 a 2- i 1! iH 15 a 10 i Do (bushel)" TJavl DECEMDW: 2 Cotton, (oyi, T'llmrT"'; Feathery Laid, ir Wol.r.nf,' 'hjte. o, a. fsi 7 i; . in 12 ....waai. I "7

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