-I -I' x imt ill' Mr. r In i '.ilt'i' il.vk- trfiet lit r vu t e n n. cal no l i a t an. , ( 1 1 -ii-ii i'.i ... -t ', ' Friday, January 31, 1812. THE .DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Jr. The f"'! proceedings of the. Democratic Conveo-, .' tion which assembled in Raleigh no .the lO.b in tut, will oot reach u in' lime for (bit paper, ao that wa ahull o6t bq abla to hi thoin before our render lilUiwxt week. A taied In our lust, Lovit t). Henry, of Fayetteville.'ws nominated t the Republican Candidate fur GoverW. Tin choice, according Jo our beat information, la gene- '.: nfly accepts bio to tha Democratic part through; out the State. !ti!Mr. Henry la, by reputation, a mao of talent and a fine popularsitker, and will, Wheve no doubt, br the Republican, banner in triumph through Ilia contest. ' ; : We some time' ago expressed our opinion that , tha call of the Convention it tha ded of .winter and. on aotiue ao abort aa the one given, wa be . yond dispute badly advised ; we knew then', that aa a necessary consequents, there would not bo numnrouii aitenddiuw on the. occasion. It ia ho! inning" mutter )t oieo to leam-ineir couilortable , fireK'e in tli midst of the- cA t scas'n.end ride turouah iiiltMiw iit weather, over intolerable road, from 139 In 2od,niile to nomiuate a c.indidule fur Governor, wheu too it is understood that all are w tiling -tu uniin ou the xauta niiii. These tircum stances Considered, we think Ihu Convention w;i4 a y bmMy ro4ji?f!ible uue, and wo1 believe ibe nomi 1 iiulKHi it.ide will give very general SilUfaclion. ' Tho JJJiinr of tie' Rtieigii .Register, however, aeeui lo ho" perfectly satisfied '.hat il was " an utter failure,4 a flash in I ha pan,w and chuckle no Inili at tha very thought of it.. N w really, we' fnve quite TonoTJcVlharlTy Ttr'wra Tnlheaai'j to spoil this iiiouveul tuirtii, even tf we could ever j 10 easily il will n il Ust loiij, and by no manner of mean do we -wish to depriv. ttie worthy Ildiior of a IraciHMint enjoyment of the abort lived plea ire no, on ; h-.jjiun p it on ilia Pice of Demo j crtiun jam, f.w the il.iy m ihM for du'ttut when hu ut Iki i nr(M l di--ij'lu l the crying piitiuMijher Tue lala-it Uilui)t, alraiiuraud UHtive, we hear, were eaetftwtvely deti)(hied at a email dilf -rvurti id' ojHoitMi itmt arm. lit Ilia C'onveiilioti betwiwa Win. II. Haywood, J and. the whea iii (iil. ii of tltal body. lr. lliywomt ihouhi Uiiiveiitiai, in iti lilo'M.iix, wiht not to rwfire the futirr.it;ietiai,jfJIfiMaM epfesi'd hiiuscif iu a epcecli tu llnlllW;t. Now tint uicnr tlidwreiice of iiniuii whs a matter i f no groat inoineot, an! cun bj'dly, we appro-Im-ikI, be very .sernus tu it Cn-f q teiicM, hut 'it pmdueed a dw ete I sens -lion aiming' Ihe whig uforcsaiJ, a:id (.ave iheui prooii'ius pleasure. They at em tu C'Misider it exceeding low busine hi thu iWinocraiic pmiy to uieijlntn sucb ihina. :- -im f - ijow-bustrrem "is r t kntt-tmw tnn""pn r,"7 mute gnu came tu I In way of ihiukii'K 1 Yoa whtfoWcenaVd ttitw Mr.rV.ii 1t'Vsei"iki?cTiiMuI aud -i4ftl IIm tiifh raft Imui the bunds of hi scullion,! and InixtKd theiu a flj.s of )our parly; yoa .i couu'td the caudles tht were ued in the pub.it: 4U:j, and weighed the soap with which the clerk wanhed their haml jfoaj who even en pt into Mr. Van Buren' private chs'iib.r to pry snd peep about, a.d seek for articles riirre, wiih 4nch lo yrace your orations. All Him, and mm:b Inure of iho aanue aurl, did your Governor. John XI. Murnbeail, do, and now fersmrtlt, ynti pretend lo turn up your no f end think it a low business to evpoHi your hhn! pr. fliyate extnvagiince iu the luner.d expenses ol ynur victim President, who, nrrorrtinj to tyr. Mingum, was sir a ken difwu by " the ven'Hie of I leaven." You cull il disturb ing the allies of the dead. , Nu, il is rrTrf disturbing the dead hul it it disturbing the tiring. There ia no nQfctiim uph tbe memory of Gen. lis; iisim he had u volition in Ihe rmitler no cen sure i cshI on him. Iliv leiiKt quietly in ihe dreamt' slumber in Ihe peaceful rest of the g' ate, and no one dVsiree to disturb hi repe nothing irua disturb hi reM.e till the lal summon .shall awaken linn lo life antn, huj in the menu while rtiribalire jus'iee ill not sleep. Those who inlnsluued for the tir-t time in Ims eoiinlry a cerUm specie Id' wailare, itimnlil be the lait to cmnplain of its praeltre by inher. s The whig mint now takj lo their liis tbe ihaliespreMired by -their bwu baud T rue, I lie draught I Uller, bu ymi must take it, (teuileuien whig. . The lnkivd xip. -Thif most aboiinhahle i fh-pringuf ihu V.vr Session Whig legislation is about lo be " repmiia. ted " by its authors. Petition for il repeal have been poured upon Congress from all qonrters of the Union, and many of the whig party who only few months ago aided to make it the law of the land, are now furred lo "y ield tc overwhelming popular sentiment, and vbte for it repeal before it Roes into operation. Thi-i is flie beginning of the PeofleU reform of whig- rtdbrm." ' From the Congressional proreeding it wiil be seeji th it a majority in Ihe House We passed a resolution directing the Committee on the Judicinry to report bill for its repeal. The remarks of Mr. Calhoun ou the subject will attract (he reader's attention. Georgia Election. , Ret irm Irom a" aiilTicient numln-r of counties he been received to render it 'certain that the flemnrratic candidates, Messrs. Vooptr, ColqtiHt, nd liluck, have been elected lo Congrese by "'"J'i'y of sortie ihnuiMiida lo fill the vacancy w tinned hv lla reninnaliim of three of tha whin '"i. This U a glorioo triumph of pnnciplo. Jheaa three fujthful IJepuhlicau were deuounced and pronbod by w big-fory io 1610 bcauaKhey praforred their priucin'la to coon kin, and now tha people of Georgia bnve ra warded tnern wi'Ji coutiamxe and honor for ihir finnuea and honemy.- , Tho reijrii of FederJl wl.igi-m in Georgia iW mure. - ; " $' ' ' ' " ' tONVEXTION IN MAY NliXr. a The Democratie Cunention Mejj'.held in UnMgh, "after nouiiimliiiif Mr. ilcmy alj'urud to muet in tl.u . pUce o tiie SWto of May nqxl.. .'In w done fu uoo aeqneoce of the,l.oll raorwieutatioii from, tbe Wcat in the Raleigh CDnveutkm, and to enable Uie people of the , " - r r extreniff Wwtem Count.e. eouvon.anUy to meet io ge- , neral Uqvention.. Il .. exacted that w( fi.oOio.te. t Mr. Henry, will be bare, aa well a aU the dietiiwuwh. ed men of tbe Bute. We hope to wa (all repteocu- Utiun ia atteudance tram every County r the Weal, and expect ty that our Uat"rn Imoda will not fail to , un wi.-a lit jnupri-wrctt till !;. . t r - roocracy ol old Kow.u will be proud to welcome their i " oow '0,n 10 PreM nei,,,er tin,e wum for , brethren from all aartaut Hu. tf.ku.. i.ui -,.n k. r..n..'IrticularB;-w wilL give them next week. Tbe tie Willi u on t lie occaai. a iu prcbi-r.lorce. The Da- piepared to receive them.' ,. - Ike A,Utn end Sudtiio laic MpiriL Io a lute charge lo the Ureod Jury of New York, Judge NojIi look occasion to allula to U- tone of the '. newapair preaeof iIm nouniry toward tbe ILiuk. end the attack of independent journals oa the itii q tilierof the corrupt pischmea. To check lllia audacious premiinpiioa, he declared that "'we-must either Comwut to subaidtxe tfte pretw.or call fur the protection of the etrooj( arm of the law," and he Charged that Ibe Urund-Jury ahould. indict tbe USie'ller," anil the court would iuUict tho penalty. - ' Ilia Honor, U ia clear, baa toat "nooe of hia old g-rntelul Kent in hie new viraiion. Nu doobt lltd die and other innocent le-ol iiMimgirra of rot i en awiudling almpa are strongly in pri-wed with the auyin oiiiuMi of the ahuad t'neiitionod, by which they have suffered o much in character and cred t jrMd men 1 T lie libelling " IKuhu. ratio prea wuroed the public of then MlcnoeM, and ctu tioned it ajAinit their fraud, to the creat delri- , , , I ' v ukiii vi inn,, iuiiiii siruiing upi fnuoiia. I HI was in irutii a yreat ouirii). k to the $btiJi siijf prupntnl a one mean of dancing-1 he warn ini von-e of tbe, press In honor iiiayjiot.ibiy have aome roininincence of itsiutliK iice In time lfioe, and there is ou 'Juiiy mj'iia etfect but lor iIm latter alternative recouimendi-d, to M indict the lilHleri," ihe Grand Jury will he apt to lake wi ser couniel. ll the corpora bank monopolies of tho luud are auove tha law, they are auf yet above tho press, uof quite Miwiful tuoUjiU tu undertake either tu intimidate or ailence it ; and uny atlatiipl of the kind bid much belter bo lefl untried. Ths Lepiflsture of Virginia has pM-d a law enti. tied an act for the relief of "the Banks of this Com numwealtb," which soepemls till '1st Aurtl net' ih action of any tXietllif law Lr lutLtt.-cui.fais.J Jllthaaa. have Uti-U Ukaa il into llnsr hauls sunwInrTi In i notes of the Bankf.siKl slsuthu law eiiiorcuif twelve r: ' fti :;uk.iuvi.iejuv auMiviyH.riHWfaeinaud alter the! !... r ' . lxt of tho prtseut monili We bte been eupin;r heretofore that it was the peophj Who ue4d " reiiet," Hmtesd ef the Bank. - Jorc Rani roguery-The eab accounti of the fir.tiid seciMid Teller of ibe C'ouiuiercinl Bunk of New Orleans, ha Uta found deficient tu ilie jtta. f. resredjf'sve bond iii ihe sum of ,110 0110 ench, for .ilWit iiW.Vrr Iniled Au. appear, autd ol'coursH fonoiied tin bail. ' I , . Vtw an4 Important. , Wkig tfOiMMtf commtactd. Yes. actually Com nienred alre;id I Thiuk of that all te who have d. ..J I. ..k . ii 2- i i i a mibted whether it would tecr b hid, aud tuke shsiiie lor youf want of faith. ' The wbias il isi , . . ., .i. i . r "'rs. ! monopoly jfrant, to esrry the mails as thev please, aud lrur,luve bee,, in pimer hul- le, tlwua year,! p,y tmM ,norr,Kus bouhty io advance, without Sr aml in Ibis time have only spenfthe lf.fl.ng sum of j ounty either for the siusl pi-furmsnee or faithful ths- nearly twelve millions nmie than tha lute extra. viigaiiti" Democratic Administralion ihe Treasu ry is bankrupt aud empty To Ut sure, bul let the people be of good cheer, and exercise a little more patience, and extend a little longer their " gene roue confidence," for whig economy u b.is positively coiuiiM-ncetl, and now they may begin to look fori woiidrr shortly what if i: is a rattier smallish beginning H large oaks from little acorns grow." Ilesrihe Ralt ijrh Ugiier: " Promise and Performance. The Whigs pro mi-d durnin Ihe last 1'ie-iileniml chivshii,.i' they got into power, that they would endeavor to institute a riid economy in all Ihe dep rtinents of Govern ment. - We are gl .'d lo see, m In rtlifrsr.ee of this sell led H""V. Ihl Mr. Britfvi, ol Massaeiiusetts, a staunch Whighns inlioduci d a Rosolutioii in ihe I .1 . -. . .- - - - 1 T ll 'Use in Kepieseoiaiives li.qiiitllig into lite quality and auimMil 'i.f FurniiUre pnrclmsrd lor the New York ('ulotn House, and whether any reduction hits been uwde in the exK neof the same. This nmy seem a small matter, but it will he of no uie also uttnnded to."- JIow long before we uny look for Another " pr-J . m .-.i'i i .r i I TiuHneo oi tne uuianc oi promises toi - mo tiey pleuty," " lime easy," dte. I We should be amHteiugly delighted tu see ami feel even a small beginning -in these. ' The Wkig mtijvritg iiiCmigies are doing but lilllo goisl, for either their coiwiiturnis or' ilie country il seems, according to the Nttmnnl lulelh gencer ; Hint paper of the tlih inst., sys : " We wish we were able to inform our reailers, '.hut ihe business of Coiigress is going on either smoothly or mpidly. But on tho contrary, no proKress at all, to apeak of baa been made in it this week." Bank mumplion in Maryland A hill has been reported from the Mpeciel Committee on the currency in the legislature of Muylaml, by Ibe iinanimnua sanction of the whole Committee, to pi ovule for the resumption ofMprjchf payment, by the- banks o! that ute.on ill their notes snd liabilities within 20 day attrr the passage of the set, under pennlty nf Ihe for teiture d thir charters! The hill slsu tbibids tlie is sue ol post notes uudcr tbe same forfeiture. ( - ; ; ' . r r ; The number nf Pensioner of the U. SGovr m tnent who hyn died the past yeartmounl to 820. Tbe Legislature of lutliaoa laa paaUd a reaolu execution till the first of Fabry ary net, before which time it ia'expeoted that a general V ty law" will be enacted. Surk legislation i the natural fruit of 1I.10 bloated ."credit ay tcrrt'. ' ' y ' ' Wa have received ;he flral number jot the mStmt$ Righli RfaWpa," new Democratie paper.ma it name indtcatea, jiwi etblihed ia Richmond, Ve., by Mr. Fiik, and eHtl by' Meevra. FUkf Aleltar Mr. Fiak ia Uvrble known a an able writer, ami un compromising tdvoeiteor democratie principle, lie ia the mortal foe of all bank monnuoliea, and give tbeae 1 i: I -I.-..! I . mi n - 1 icKiiioti hibtiuk uu no ouaner. i ne ncpuuitcan proroiM, h,t (, Mtt uiM, pe- Jiucal, .nd.n interest Uterary journil. , i - . - ' , , '. . . , Trehendwt Bank Riot,' We have Junt received by to4y' mail as tccoont of a moat terrible riot in Cintinnitj, Ohio. At our 'paper mount of lite affsir ia ihfaj Tbe Bank of the Miami Exporting Company refused, on the 10th iniUat, pay ment on it paper and closed it donrj. On the next day, to linuienae crowd broke into that Bonk, and the Cincinnati Bsok the Exchange Oauk-Hind tbe office of Lnngee '4 Co., Bnk Broken, and entirely demol ished eveiy thing before tlieui ; ibej tore up the coun ters, broke tlia dui to pieces, and scattered books, pa pen and abinpjustertlu Ihe winds; it wt not without great difficulty they were prevented from demolishing the houses, The efficr raof the Banks considering dia ereti4i tbe better part of valor, cut out ea speedily aa punadtle;, In wbich they ooobtleas scled wisely... This k indeed lamcoubte, but ia is what many have locked for as natural results from the swindling conduct of some or tue iisnks. We sre utterly opposed to the whole Bok system aa it now exists, and desire greatly to sea it reloriued, but this manner of reforming is certainly tu bedeprecakd. fSiT Let tbnae who are accuttomed Ignorto'ly to near i the effort of the cut-throit Abolition incendi- i ane of"tl.arree Ktttea, aoo week nd contemptible ! i.m .1.. ..l-.l.- u ...l. 1 ,i .i. i: n:. ic, , a , . . i .i 'Uniu - dSbiteaSeiiuKou luo llthiuat., ami their eye Buy be opened a 'little. ' - " Near a million of dollur are wanted now to enable the Treasury to meet ita eugagemeuts." Maditonij. lliizzi for Whig ' reform" Nhig "econo my," and for Clay's robbery bill ! The Treasury worse than empty by near a million of dollars, and the Wfiig crying out for the distribution ol the proceeds of tbe public lands. Glorious prospects ahead. . R!vii Wnsi? This wee Kiala has heretofore been governod, ia In uot' s Cons'. itulain, by the charter ob tamed from Kins; Chsrfos oa its settlement ss s British Colony', snd which limited the right of suffrage to free ,holders, and dinfianchised the great body ot the people ; 1 . .... . I claim the privileges or freetnea likewsw, and accord- ...it., a. l-si i u i I'j.'l" w mey aicaeo up si mo rnyai enaner, anoeemsnueo m mttitutiiKi nf their own. Tbe tote has just been ta ken ou tts s.inplmn of a Constituthin tubmitled lo the people, and canted io fsvur uf it by a large majority 0 A Convention of rail-nisd delegates has lately been held in Washington City, at the invitation of the I'ustmaster General tu'eousider bis proposition, or some other, for giving them an advance payment lo carry the nfted Flates matT on their ToadiCThey per leclly ajjrced, ss might have bejn "guessed" by a brewd 'linillf.'tliaT Hit hiQey'a.lvaiiVs iTr""""''"1' p"'i- m me annual report waa the thing. The country is not it eeemafjyn tbe opiinen of Ame, wfficiently scourged by the curse oi bank monopolies which control it monetary flairs, nor the public money squandered fast enough by other prill gate mesns.to create the Hiessinr oi a oiikiiwi oew oui we moi put h in , . . , r , . ! charire of the service! It these Whiff plans sre carried out, we tnay soon expect to see the same sort of " re form " in the Post Office, Department, as we have had iu the other. Thereat estate of the City of B.iltimofe ha been valued by assessors 'appointed under a law nf the Stale, ami the valuation amounts to 169,170, 612 nearly sixty eight and a quarter million d dollar. But few ol Ihe Atlantic cities have, we believe, improved so rspidly within the last six or eight years as Democratic Baltimore. Destructive fires (fires are generally rather rieitructive some astute editor has lately discover ed) have occurred recently in Detroit, New Or lean, end StrLiHiis-Tli Detroit ! " whole square the most valuable in the place it is stuted, wu destroyed. - faitatieitrnj A Mr. Dulavan City, has w ritlwi and published a long letter against lh u-e of wine in ihe ordinance of Ihe sacrament, snd as nothing is list ultra or aheurd for ihe credu lity of some folksy tannic haa already a num ber ol followers. This is absolutely ridiculous, and et iu this age nf humbug and uttrdism it will he msiler of no surprise to see the jiilly fAuiiticism'j iri!Mding widely. I he objection lo the use of wine is, ihut all kind of it contnin spirit- or nlrohol, and that much of the wine used in ihe country is ado. lernled- Wc exf eel before hmg to hear of thesn relorim ra crying out against the-use of molasses tor wbal coninina mote spirit than mnlatses t the Yankee ean any time make galnn-of real A'w England, out of a gnlloii of molas.es. Iniemte ranee is a great cue to society, the fruit-1 ful patent of crime, poverty, and wretchedness, the randoran box of disease and evils innumera ble, but we believe that some of the advocates of the Temperance cause ate doing more harm by their hhmperati wal, tftan good by their efforts, nod in reference to all such, truly nmy the Tem perance cause exclaim with the old proverb " cave ine from my friends." JVprr oAron JJurr. mie. reminiscences, of the treasons of Aaron Burr have lately been puWished by Mr. F. L. Claiborne, one; of the edit. rt ofthe Natchex Free TtaJcr, aud formerly it representative in Congies from Mississippi, lb obtains them from documentary evidence preserv , . y . . years lain dorman , ed by Burr, which bate for .unknown in ihe archive of bis family, and' have now fallen into hi possession as be explains. Ilu 4 promises lo make timber disclomirca from the pa-j , pors wlticbuwill establish beyond doubt, that Burr bad for hia co adjutora, some of the most dis tinguished oow id Ihe nation." Ptryetval morion. Tho secret hue at last-bcon discovered, at least,. Mississippi" paper eaji so, fend further, that t gentleman of that State, Dr. C. C. Fdday, has gone to Washingtoo to secure a patent for a machine which ia operated Vpon by condensed air, and so contrived that the air coo. denset itself.' " . ' . ' - mm m" " ., u-.. . ''.' .--.M Dtiltttting Occur rt nee. Wt ere pained to record the death by drowning of one of our most respected and estimable citizens. Col. Cassia Smith, formerly of Da ' vidson, but for several years past a resident of this County, 5 miles South West of this place. The eir - cemstsQcee of the melancholy event are glvea in the stale toe at below sent to us by a friend bt tbe deceased, . and we can add nothing to the tribute paid to hia memory, farther than lo say that U' I just, true, aud well merited, ,.. ; v- :,: ."-;- "On Tuesday ihe llth inst. In Mtomptmg to ford the River (Yadkin) in a gig with a negro buy 12 years uf sga, at tha Trading Ford, when it was much swol- lea, be wss swept down by the current, ss it is sup posed, and himself, boy and burse were drowned. ' The bews of bis disappearance waa mil spread unti Monday morning the 17tb, when upon examination at' the ford, it was discovered from tbe tracks of bis gig that be bad entered the river, but bad not passed out the other side ; the alarm wu given, many persoas ' rcpiired to the put, and after diligent search fur two days, tb horse end gig were found floating 3 mile be low tbe ford, and by carefuj dragging with a flat and ten canoes, on yesterday the 19tb, at 12 o'clock, ibe body of Col. Hmith -waa booked up froni the hot- . torn ot Uie river, ia 7 feet water, at the foot of the , falls, one mile below tha ford. About f 1,4)10 worth f , notes, end (100 in money were found on the person of the deceased. The body of the oeirro boy bss not vet . been found and may not be soon, fot from in quantity of sand that had kxleu upon the clothes of &A. Hiniir.itis probable that a considerable length of time might bsve elspaed before the body would of itself nave risen to the surtsco of the water. Much praise is due to large number of tbe friends and neighbors of tbe deceased, who repaired ' to the spot, and continued a diligent seareb-tmtrl the body wss found. - r It is unnecessary, where be waa known, to spesi of the high esteem in which the deceased wss bold by those who teat knew him. In bis social and riomestie relations, be wu kind and exempts rj ; an industrious and nselul cititeu, bis untimely death is deplored by lsre Dumber of trienda and acquaintances.'' . Tke Cotton Crop oftht United Stake export and contumpHon. The Savannah (Geo.) Republi can givee the following information wbich will be highly interesting as well as useful to cotton plan tern and those engaged ia the trade of tbe article. The total eotton crop nf tho year ending Bep. 4mber JJOiri, 1H41, aimuiiled In 1,634,045 balee. TAAmlbJkmmmAitmm:mmmmtA . a . aiit t8f 177,933. ,r.. Bales. 'The loul exports of 1841, were Do. ' 1840, . Deficiency in 1441 . . . 1,313 277 1,876,00a 502,720 We uhjoi6 the amounts exported to varioua coon Iries, in 1641 : , . ' ' - ' Bales. To Great Britain . . . 851742 i-JTo-France -. - . ' . ' r 848,776 Topbrm Nnithof IJdrope; T rrWJ.279 -To other purls - Total 1.343,2n ' Vhe Cotton export of the preceding year were as follows, ami exhibit a considerable falling olF greiiler is) proportion to' the relative amount of the tears, to the Northeru orta ofEuropa than tb boglaod and r ranee. Bales. In 1N0. Cotton exported to Great r- Britain- . '. . , 1,246.701 ToFmm-e , 447,463 North of Europe . . . . . 103.232 To other port " . '. '. 78.545 Total 1.676,003 ' We subjoin also, the pons from which Ibe arti cle baa been eeht, with tbe portion from each. , . Bales. ' la 1841, from New Orleans and Mis. sissippi . ' . 056.816 From Florida . . . . ""216.239 Alabama .... 23,207 Georgia . . . . 35.506 . North and South Cainlina ' 162.273 Virginia .... 4,873 Baltimore . . . 217 Philadelphia ... 1,034 New York . . . 149,660 Boston . . . 3,602 Tutul .' . . . .1,343,277 IV e annex an account of Quantity consumed by, and stork re maining in the hsnds of United States, manufacturers, Sept. 30, 1841..297 5S8 Do. do, 1R40..,.2D5,193 IK do. -1839... 276,018 Il will thus be seen Ih it while the total exports of 1841 amounted to 1,313.277 bnh', Ihe quantity employed nt home amounted to only 297,2tW bales. PUBLIC MEETING IN DAVIDSON COUNTY. We are requested to make known that there is to be Public Meeting at Thompson's Store (for merly Frederic Thompson's,) in Davidson County, on ihe first Saturday in February, which is Ihe Gilt day of tb month. It is understood that the sets of the Kttri Session are lo be discussed, The people, without distinction of party, are in? vited to attend, and hear what the Democarta have to say against, and the Whigs in favor of these acts, if the weather should prone favorable, it is supposed the meeting will be numerourly at tended, i ... .. . Tl. t.'..n-.;!. t.L.I TK nm.ii k.. k active thia week t not overstocked, but a general vs - riety. ' Brandy, Peach, 38; ApplcU5 to 37. Bacon 5 to 5J. Beeswax, 28. Cotton, best, sold lor 8. Corn,! has tsken arise, and sells for 60 to 65. Flour 5 to6J. SAM bsua aia aSAllas sub n r' V ss-lsss HI a I uats are scarce and sell reauuy at -w. Wheat ft toflOW Whishey, the best wa bought for 20, Waol, li to 17. .. Pork sell at from 81 to 1 r. . In this Town, on Thuriittsv evrnirr. t':e ''-h mstan. by Jeremiah M, Brown, L q , Ut. JOli.'d LLl LL.. l0 Miw MA&y Vx.N!:,!; la this ' 'ohm'v, on t!n Liib ini'mit, hr t'.o RuV. Tii'il I'biter. .Mr. TtiOUAS A. WII.l.lA .ON to llizM MAKV, tb.uj;hti!r of Nom'l. I !-:;. . In tljia County, on tli" O h instant, bv Jirominh M. Brown. Fwj , Mr. JOHN il. VLllCLL't-) Mrs. NA. CY fc'MlTIL ; 7 DIED, ;.. .'. In this place, on Filday ni;'lil Wt, Jnk Miruntt U ' . mlknt daughter of Uie Rev. 'l'lijs. F. Daviii, iud about months. - , , , , . v. . . .' In this County, on the 13th instant, Mr. I'tTta Coat, aged about 63 years. The ducen'ned a exemplary christian snd had bean mvnihcr of the Presbyterian Church for about 47 years, lie has h-tt numerous relations to mourn his irreparable km, but "their loss Is his eternsl fain" Cammuntealrd. '' On Hunday, the 16th ot Jsnnary, lSt'2, ahont . o'clocf, at his residence in this County, Dr. J. T. J- -Oaa, aged about 83 years, leaving ao afflicted Widow, four small children, snd sn extensive circle of frlnnds lo Ismenl hia loss." Dr. thr was a member of the last Legislature of North Csroima, and poesemed the es teem and respect of all who knew buu. MtckUvMufg ', JrftrtmilM. . .". . ' rpiIE Subacrihor will sell, at the bouse of Rubrrt, - N. Craige, by Virtue of ,a Deed nf Trust. ,on Tburtday, the 17th day of February next, stock, of HORSE9, MULES, HOGS, and beet kind of houihold and kitchen furniture, slf snd e Isrge ejoantity o farming tools of first rate kind. Also, corn end other articles of crop of the 14 year,. .... --' " ':.?' together with '' ' , TWO. WAtlOONS AND GEAR, Atari, the half right of a Blacksmith, named Klijih, and half the interest in the tools and furnitore of a ' Blacksmith'! shop, together with an interest in : oa Dercreek, nljotniug Chambers, Wioilers, Lewi . Jacobs, and eiheis. Terms mads known on the day ot ' le. JAM fc3 owii;i.H,Tra'.tce.. Rowan County, N. C, January 21, 1B42, 4U " , STRAY STRAYED from the Bubscriber, about the last rt 8eptember, 1H41, Forty bead of Hheca- miwtly Wft hers, marked lbllow: some with a all tin esch ea( and an under-bit out of the saiw, and the otliera have a smooth crop in each ear aud an under-bit in left ear. Any person giving information concerning them to Elian Lea, or John L Shaver, 8 I a bury, M. p will be liberally rewarded. ,'."- - - -V DAVID WORTU., Ashe County, N. C, January 21, 1442. 3t SILAS U U TK, - I)CSPF.CTFCLLY infirmsiha eitixen ot Ruli.hur LJisVaad-awrwtirircimtrTvr I . . t v M . . isaing in wora in aw line m onsinesa at nia cweitmr, where he will at k et work, arter rt is coronf. at Ttm ' following pricssf Jrsn costs, snd a'l kihds oj thin, costs, 1 60 ; Cloth coats, f3 SO ; Vests. 73 cants. - , All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for work at the market price.' - , Salisbury, N. C, January 21, 1842. w r ' ' MiGUOKft TOR HALli. v f U ILL be told in froot of- ihe Court (louse in ."'the Town of Saliaburnn Monday, the 7th L.1" cb!jr?jjeL.O-'in,g Monday Lf Kqw ly l0UXt Abuui .U ; m cgrocs; conveyed by Burtoo Craige lo Ssm'h Lemly in Trust for the purposes mentioned in the Iked of Conveyance. Among them are good bouse sr- vants, field hands and w 1 . " A; GOOD DLACKiSMITII.'! ' Terms. One fourth of ihe Negroes will be sold lor negotiable -paper Jn Bank with net more Iban -ninety day to run. The balance ugon credit ot en montba. ' . ALEX. W. BRANDON, Attn, io fact for Saml. Lemly; ' December 24, 1841. . ta. , v - The Casrew UmtHte, Mrtkttnburg J.trsWaav . ' and Crswat&or' Patriot, will insert' 3 times each. I IX those indebted lo the Administrstor ef Joseph a- Cowsn, d Vd, by note or othtrwis. are bereb requested to come fbrwsrd snd mats payment between now and February Court, or elM they nuy expect o settle with an officer, as the business ef the satats mael bo closed. . Jt. LOCKE, Acsiil. Rowan County, N. O, January 14, 1842. St Laborers Wanted. - fy anted,- auuiber of hands to work at " tbe muting usrtiess at torad's Hill, in Davidson eJounty. The usual. wages will be gie en, and tbe hand will be paid off weekly, or monthly, as they may wish Good board may be bad Dear the mine on reasonable terms, T. PHILLIPS ALLEN. Acent.' L Come and Settle ! ILL persoas indebted lo -Jemeo L. Prown, ei-' 'V alss-r. by ote ot Balt Account, are requested to come and aetlle by the last day ( ihie month, or they may expect tu find them iu the hands of aa officer for coliectios), . t , 'JAMES L BROWN. .N..B. AIo,the Notes and Accounts of Jas, Brown, dee.'d. JAS.'L. JIROWN, Ex'et, January 7, 1842. , 3 A FOR SBSiB. ' ; A YOUNG aegro woman and child t she iaa first rate Cook and a good washer. Apply at this office. Balis' ory. N. C, Janmry ?1, 1842. U3MW YOU HAAAi: rpHERET ta a large qnantity of PUnk, Scantling, ' and other building materials on hvn.1 fhr Sale at the M ills ot Charles Fnuter, on South Yadkin Rtvdr,- formerly Pearson's Mills. A outntitv of ehnin enrkii fnt PtnnV m,!.M 1 r V: .. . ... r . 1 Any qiirfdtitv M'asw d 8hiev.es cau be furnMied at . a very snort mit.ee. These Slum-tea a-Jwsv ms.u out of besrt pine, or yvllo u.olsr,-ol a reuular siae. 1 i . . and remirw no Joiiitinir, but can bu oaik-.l on ths ronf just ss ihey fall from the ssw Price si perlOO at tbe Mill. - WIUJAMSON HARRIS, Agt, ivKemberrrr: y :. - v . fc' ' . i A. t...-,is.WlsySWis,'TOS"' ' a- - -i '.