hi could say waa, that the Committee sat twice Jk, and were busily engag! with ihe subject that hd been rfc"d ,0 ,n8m ... -Mf. A"" WM 10 her ' '"r 09 l"1'1 un' derstood thai the Committer did not iutebd to re. rrt this Session. .,.' , The House resumed the call for pntitione and ,fter many had been presented. The Houie a!jouruud. . . . ' va IV EST IS UN CAROLINIAN. oa&sbbwm. re. o.: Friday, January 38, 18M. Congress. We have crowded ourself out of elbow rooui at most, to make way for the report of Congressional proceeding up'lo the latest date received. These re, or ought to bo, in (he present condition of the country, of more interest to the public than any thine de, end therefore we give them the prece- dence over other things. Iol the people watch the movement of ihe woig majority the "ecom my" and "refirm" party, and observe (he acta of t(ie Damir.ratic minority, and jo. Jge lor themselves which of these two are carrying out their profea iotn in good futh. The whig who go for addi ti.nial Tanfl lx, for running th nation deeper and deeper in debt evert day, for Urikrupt lawa to benefit speculating debtor, and defraud honeat s irJilor, for robbery bill to bribe the States with the public money and tax the people to fill an empty' Tream yj cr the Democrats who oppose all iheo ech'n n, and gv for rttrttckmtHi and re. form iu earneit. We give a long report of the proceeding in the House of Representatives on the 15th, from which i' will be seen what deperate effort were made by a whig minority to prevent the report of a bill lor the icneal of the IJmkrupt law. 1 lie same inran were ued on Monday lo delay the passage of the Bill. During these two day, the House, i u stated, presented a scene of uproar and confuaioi that would hnvo ducraced a decent crowd in i cmirtyard.-and all ix-caioned hy the fiction cllorl of minority to defeat the rciioii of the niHjoriiy, in l;ie repeal ol an odi.m law, which has met wild the most universal reprobation of any one evcrp (h I by Congre. l'nn ia Federal .whig ubmi ohNi to ihe will of the people. Although the House has paed the Treasury Note bill bt-inj; unfile probably to resist the earnest prayer of Mr. Fillmore in behalf ol the W,Vniit Treasury, and more particularly, the ;.rH;i.j call of ilivir own empty pockets the l'ii iimjoriiy in the Senate refined to Ivt the nio millions cut fl by it from the loan, slip through iheir finders, and have according amend, ed it in such a manner that its passage mul be oroMerobfyrfora ' lu Ix-couie of the " finance? of luMVirable mi m-l-r? Mr. Mir.liall mid be had not the fir red t-iit in hi porkct, and a gool many others il is prvMiinitile, are in the lame fix. One rapiial thrgtw tins, the " tnforim is' am paymylor liicir JliciiJli.lheonvi!tv ia Jhat ihevwe wrt wrini-''reniHlftyT1tiW j t) il uly enough yet for their doings. The Iitnkrupt Isivc. I'll- II Mie of Representatives have pnasi'd a loll I ir the repeal of the Bankrupt law. The vote mi itx riii.il pnMipe stood 420 yeaa, to 01 nar. It i i lie gHiieral impression however, thai the Bill not p:is the i;-'fiip, as Mr. Clay and moat of (Ik other Federal Senators are again! the re. r eal, and Hiey have the control of that bmly. ', ,- Il was the boafl uf many Whig papers that this hw waa the grrateai and liesl nwasure of ihe Kx tia .""ewiion.' What will they now ay when one branch of Congr is in fnvr of its repeal, by a larjje majority, evin before il ge into oirationt Mr. Clay w.d hi Federal aocialea may for ilie present, defeat the repeal, Itul they ca7li1o-(e f-r it long. The voice of tin? eople ha fe'toe lonh in haid and Mem cunilemnatpm of its diihin el principle, and from e cry pan of iheeounlry it is proclaimed llmt thu nltoimnnlile Ijw thttll bt rrpraltd. Grn. Harrison. and the Vnitt d Stairs Hank Ti e Federal Whiga, denounce their Preidenl J hn Tyler, and abuse him with the moM hitter and rancorous ferocity fur relning to perjure him self, n. lor nih n Ins cnnwieiH'e in reining tlie Bank Bilk 1 1. id tlen. Il.irri-.on lived, thpy ay, we should n'iw he blee l nli another B ddle Hank. But what right have they to any sny such tiling what right to derlure ihnl Hiir'rixon wootd have sanctified the Bills they pvd? Nrnie whatever. Hi votes whilu in (Vugreaa, and his declarations at other time, are Bltouether miflleipnt lo 'itily tlm iMiichiKion t:ml he woolil fol huvn sinciioned any such Bank ai they proposed, and n'tenipted lo force on lb" Prewdciit and the c(Min Iry. Oil one ncniinn he v'nreawj himrlf in a le'ter 'o hi constituent in litis strong language : " I believe that ill" charter iven to the Bank nflhe Uniiod Stiitea i vneonttiMioual it not In; lg one of thom; meavnrea nrrrtixirg lo carry nay of Die expresHly granted powers into effect J and my vote in CoimreM will show that I will lake 'my ronmitutionnl mean lo rceol-f Hi charter" How darn the Whigs say that Gen. Harrison .vptild, in hi hint day, have violated all the r'eed principles of his whole life, and disrejterd d his demn oath to support the Conntutinn, by Approving what he believed lo lie tinronitilu. 'insa r ( j, , slandor on the fame of the dead XT " '"id-;nt. j Why turn him out i 1 The Editor ofthe Raleigh Register in his paper of the 11th instant, seems lo be actually aatomsbed at the presumptuous intention of the Democrats to oppose I ha re elect ion of M r. M orohoad. He is in a quandary to find out why 11 ia that ho eelf tykid IJomocratie parly wish to deprive him '(Gov. Morehead) of his cluce," and "why he should not be allowed the privilege of re-electbn guaranteed to him by the Constitution." Impel is we should be gratified to know, il it was quite convenient for any body lu inform iim, what Consti tution it ia that has guarantee 1 to Mr. Morehead the privilege of re e loci ion. Wa can find oo such guarantee in the Constitution of North Carolina; that Instrument saya, the Governor shall hold hie oflict for the terra of two years, and until another hall be elected, but it gives oo guarantee for the "re-election of the same mart thai we are able lo discover. That is led to the people. This pnvi. lege, therefore, which the Register speaks of, must be in the new Constitution which Mr. Clay and the Whigs are preparing for I lie country, in place of the old one they are anxious in part lu abolish. Again the E litur says " lo deprive him of Au office." Why, truly, after the two veers ex pire, it will no longer be Ail office j it will then be Mr. Henry's office. Wa self-sly led Democrats1 are Dot about to turn Mr. Morehead out of the office before bis time expires wo aure the Re gisier that, lo our knowledge, there ia no such luteulion, we only aim lo prevent bis getting into it agum that is all. Tliese whig folks have aomo curious notioos about offices. When, by hook or by crook, they once get into one, they seem lo ibink they have a tested tight in it, and are mortally opposed lo being lurued out. .This ii anti-republican, and moreover unphiloaophical. They ought to lake the thing more coolly. There is nothing like miking a virtue of necessity, to save appearances. Let Gov. Morehead consider the example and conduct of other great men who have gone before bun. Lai him recollect the Roman Emperor who threw aside the Imperial purple, and devoted his time in tbe cultivation of cabbages, and many instances equally illustrious, of volunlaiy and involuntary retiracy from tbe cares of State. If his Excellency should have do la(e for horticulture, why let him agaiu enter the arena of tbe County Courts a theatre after all, in the opinion of many, more suited' to bis genius, llian the chair of the State.""" - Ouo thing, we think, is pretty certain, be wil hsve to quit the Governor's office nAen$ tolen. The Federal Whigs in motion. The Federal Whigs of North Carolina have ta ken the alarm at the Democratic Convention which lately met in Raleigh, and they propose lo hold one of their own likewise. li the Convention which met in Raleigh under such unfavorable circumstances, hae given a scare to tlie Whigitery as is very evident, what will be come of tbtir feelings when they see lite great Con eniioo, which is to be held in Salisbury on Ibe 20th Msy neiil The Whigs propose to hold their Convention oo the 4:h April. The anniverssry of Gen Ham- denrer - Gen. Harmon after occupying the Presi dential chair pat one month lo half an hour, de. parted this life of care and trouble on the 4ih April. The Federal Whig parly afer being in the Extra fiwion jyl. one tnmnib. fjtlit atumdfxjind fell in piecet, and now the N on h Carolina branch of the "party prnpom to meet on (lie annieertury ol Gen. 1,1 .ii nil n. ! HUH 11 Lllllfllllllllll I ill! narriaons oruia. e miua me time is y chosen tn make a die. of il, give their cause a aplendid burial, and so wind up the life, adventures, and death of Federal Wbigism in North Carolina. Wonder if they will have crape and lid gloves to parade in on the occaeion. They surely will not fail to have a few log cabins, and a canoe or two to grace their Convention ; above all, they should by no mean neglect to provide a barrel or so of sour cider, to keep their spirits up, by pouring cider down; lor il Ihe signs of lbs tunes aie lo be at all relied on, they will need some Aara jlrmk or other lo clieor them oo tbe melancholy occamun. Trial of Diddle and Company. - Proemttlings have been instituted against the "great financier" and his accomplices, and their trial waa progressing before Recorder Vaux ol Philadelphia at the latent accounts. The wiinessei prove lh abninction of large amount of money, without the aut horny of the Board, in sums as high a 920,000 at a time. In the course of the inves ligation, ihe Recorder remarked, thai he meant tcailei"ily lo do hia doty in this, precisely as in every other case lhal w is brought before him of a like criminal nature. The idea of treating great swindlers lo the same measure of jus: ice as petty rogues, was so novel and stranje withal, that it HKtiNiiched ihe spectators in the c airt so far out of their propriety, a to induce an expression of ap plans!, which wiie however, promptly cheeked by the Recorder. If they Ho gel Ihe simple justice ihey deserve, nobody doubts what it will he. OCT Il is said thai the Binkrupt law if it ia ni repealed, will enubln certain rls of the New York rnerchaiila tn clieal their EnliHh creditor out of some million; and a New York whig paper chargi a that the-e Knglifh creditor have raiaed a large fund lo buy up Whig members of Congress In vote for a repeil, paying them at the round rato of 9100,000 a piece. This pnper na mo Ihe whole Kentucky delegation in the llnue, except one man who voted against the bill at the Extra Sesaion, aa having been bought over in thia way. Thia Whig "gamut Whig he it observed. Specie in the vntfta Mates. n.. .1.. i,. r ih. Ili.iii.l Ki.ie. m nrrmint i ' 1 ' . i ii , kept al the Custom Hounes of every dollar ol - rie that goes out of the connliy, and of every dol lar that comes in. Frnm these books it is aacer. I,r 1 jr. .i. . , ... tained and commun.cateo io a.gr.-, ,., present lime, there are upwards ol till million ot dollar nf specie in the Fnited Slate. Tn thia must be added what our own mines hjive produced wiihin tbe part 8 or 10 years. Yes, ninety mill iona of gold and aitver yet the Bank men tell us, that if we discard bank notes, there will not be hard money enough to answer the purpose of circulation. Now, what becomes of this objection when it is met by tbe plain fact that there is actually, at this time, more specie in the country, than there are ban'i notes iu circulation, and if the shin plastei bank note were all committed to. the Barnes to morrow, rtal money would be m;re abundant in one month lhan it now is. B ink notes unquestion bly banish specie from currency, and as long as notea are taken as money, the people need not ei peel to handle silver and gold except by forcing it from tbe banks, since these are kept back, and tbe paper ia thrust into circulation. But aay the S ink people, it will never do in the world to substitute gold and silver for notes, as gold and silver are too heavy to carry. Commend us lo such burdens I Alaa, we wish all our friends (ourself too) had but as much of the precious weighty stuff as we could manage to move under Too heavy to carry I One pound of gold (12 oz.) is worth upwards of $230., ten pounds ol gold is worth upwards of 2600. We have strong doubts whether there are many of us who would have more than ten poud$at the metal to carry about at any one time. For our . bumble self, we can manage to carry all we ean get without any incon venience at all, and we more than suspect that this ia pretty much the case with a very large ma jority of men. (ttr The Niw Yoik Miiaog, tor January, appears in a new and beautiful dress, and is alio geiber a capital oumber. It ia the beginning of the twentieth volume and promisee richly for the year. This number contains a fine engraving M The Village School in Repose, and an excel lently written illustration of it. I he Mirror is "a weekly Gazelle of the Belle Letlres, and fine arts; embelliahed monthly with cosily and. mag nificent quarto steel engravings, and wood cut pictures of tbe fashions, and weekly with the most popular and beautiful music of the day, arranged for the. Piano, Guitar, and Harp." Terms 15 per annum in advance. We can' recommend it for what it profeaees lo be, the most elegant - Parlor Journal " in the country. The Mirror is printed and publixhed by Dan el Fsnshaw. No " 148, Nass-iti Sireet. Edited by beti. O. r. Morris. OtT A certain Mr. Arnold of Teoneasee, mem ber in the House of Representatives, lately under, look to assail the intelligence of ihe enlightened Democratic State of New Hampshire, and got for his pains, from Mr. Burke of thai Stale, one ol tbe most excoriating laahings in the way of a reply that ever lell to the lot of an honorable ignoramus on the Boor of the House. This Mr. Arnold is msn of wonderful parts and vast " larnid," and hae been doing some " tall " quoting it eeema this Session, as well as a little extensive speechifying The Charleston Mercury notices his erudition thus: Jilr. Jlrnold auotine Vulrnn I ?Jt w Mkefri J Mrv Aaaote of Tennessee, the other daft in on of bw AniiTvLaa orttionc, M by Vulcan, or some Other sncient pkihtopker, that men should have gliae windows in their bnwinu,'' 4c. The Vulcsn here spokea-oflivcd long before the Isnding of Pilgrim's Progress at Plymouth rock in Virginia or tbe coming of the Juggernauts from France, upon the a gundy. He was on 1 to the IVrimlflie artunL though Tie invented wooden legs, haying had one of! Kev. Or. J u niter, on account ol a quarrel between him snd Colonel Mara of the Olmpic militia, about ono Madam Venus, the inventor ot hom-comba, Je then became a Stoic on the lalind of Imon, where he composed thunderbolt, standing oo one loot gander tubioo, and waa for a long time at the head of a very respectable Iron Factory. Our recollection of hit works is lather runty, but Mr. Abnolo m evidently Iresh from their perusal. The Committee on apportionment have fixed on 61,000 as the ratio of congressional representation. This will reduce the number of members for Norh Tarolina to 9. South Carolina to 6. Tennesaee toll. Tbe whole reduction in the House is IS We will give a full table hereafter. .In easy question in Arithmetic. By the lime ihe Whigs shall have been in power one year, they will have contracted a National debt seventeen millions of dollars ; they will have increaaed the taxes twenty millions; they will hsve increaaed ibe expenses of llieT Government from 21 to 39 million ; now, Query. At this rate, what will the National hi the taxes and Ihe expenditures be at the end of four yeara I The people are about lo " pay for the whiile." 'a " The Scarlet Fever," says the Oxford Mer cuty, "is raging with great malignity in Milton, M. C, and lloydlon, Va. A great number of children have fallen victims to the disease, and all ages have fell its attacks." PUBLIC MEETING IN DAVIDSON COUNTY. We are requested to make known that there ia to be a Public Meeting at Thompson' Store (for merly Frederic Thompwai',) iu Davidson County, on the first Saturday in February, which is Ihe 5th day of the month. It is understood that ihe acts of the Exlri Session are to be discussed. The people, without distinction of party, are in vited lo attend, and hear what the Demociirts have to sty against, and the Whiga in lavor of these acts. If the weather should prove favorable, it is snppoycd the meeting will be numerourly at tended. jt wuy ,,, from n, riiwing, tint the Conn of Errors ot the Slate ol New York, do not bold the dnc trine that the Slates mnut pay their bond, whether ! ,hoy wm chci(ed ol)l of ,hpn r nu t) lo three of the grave jurists of New York maintain, in ' re(Trd to the lll.noi. b.m.1. the d.ictrine ol rtpudiatu,. as it is asaerted by MMsnsippi and Arkansas: f o rf lMhMi ra ,h, Su of ,lljnoj(, fce Court of Errors have affirmed the act ol the Chancellor granting injnnction and ppinting a receiver offS3 Illinois State bonds bold by Mr. Dulafield. ' Tbe votosl stood in u 8. I Petitions on the labiect of remidiatin? the Stale debt were referred to a committee of the House of Represen tatives of the State of Pennsylvania on Wednesday. The committee waa instructed lo reoorl against it, and to give unqualified ansursncea to the crudilora of Ihe State every where, that Ilia lutb ol Pennsylvania would most solemnly be preserved. They rep. r led scoording ly, snd tho report was sdoptod uoinuiay by ihe House I from the Cincinnati Enquirrr, Jan. 11. MIAMI EXPORTING COMPANY BANK CIN CINNATI BANK GREAT EXCITEMENT, RI OT, dw. The Miami Exporting Company Bunk, yesterday refused payment of iu paper, and closed its doois before the uaual time of closing buaiuesa of the day. This morning the paper of that and the Cincinnati Bank waa refused in m uket. The former remain -ed closed, and a run was "omuwnced upon the lat ter, when a notice was posted upon ihe door in the following words t " This "bank lias susmnded for twenty days " An effort was simultaneously niado to clone the doors of the bank, but the crowd, which bad become by this lime large, prevented and rushed in, demanding redemption of ibeir paper. Tbe persons in the bunk, fearing for their own personal salety, and finding it impossible lo with stand- the run, run themselves, leaving the premises altogether io possession of ihe crowd, which waa conatauilv increasing both in numbers and excite menu . The furniture, counters, Axe of the concern were now laid hold of, and thrown into the street, where ihey were mostly broken up. We aaw one individual with Ihe top of a' book case on hii shoulder and a couple of chairs io his hand, mov ing off. Bding asked if he had got enough to make hi in whole, he replied " yes, he snppo.-d so." Pa. pers, vouchers, blanks, books, die, were lorn in pieces, and trampled under font, with a degree of excitement and indiscretion which nothing but a aenae of deep wrong could have caused. At Ihit moment, (half pant nine,) an effort is being made lo break into the vault or sale. The crowd is large, and under great excitement. The sheriff, Mr.oAvery, went into the midst, and made an effort to be heard, but he waa picked up and carried into Ihe atreet. I'ho Miami Exporting Company Bank, standing only two door above, is b irred and bolted, and some wag has written over the door u poor old cow." L -ogee, upon the opjiosila cor ner, has shut up, from apprehension, as many say, of violence others, from inability lo pay. The Exchange Bank is open, and paying. 10 o'clock. The crowd having completely rid dled Ihe Cincinnati Bank, broke in Ihe doors of the Miami E porting Company, and look it through a aimilar process. The mas of excited people has been stesdily increasing. Main street, from Third balf way up lo Fourth is literally blocked up, ami there are many at Ihe corner of T.itrd. The Mi ami Exporting Company's concern, we persume, had little of value let! in it by the managers, lis books and other valuables had m wt likely been removed ; ol specie sod other bank piper, there was probably neccaaion for removal. . We saw blank checks, 6tc. thrown out, an I sent flying through the air ; bat they were all blank bubbles merely The Exchange Bank is still open, and piying. We learn lhal demand have been made ot Mr. ' Bates at this bank for the redemption of West Un i ai paper, which have been complied with per force. The police snd constables have made some efforts to quell the disorder, but whether any persons have been arrested, we are unable io aay. We hear no sympathy express-d in behalf of ihe auflererj rainonr trirfiitanrfem'wmTh . C unpletely outraged by Ihe fraud and plunder of wonhlene banks, that even violence and riot is looked up n s the leer evil. This is truly a de plorable state of things. 12 o'clock. An effort has been made to disperse the crowd hy reading the riot act, and oihnrwuw inducing them to disperse. So great waa Ihe " " T 'T.X tfanwrenir-wfd pelted tn leave the ground, having been somewhat roughly handled. A portion of the Cilitena' Guards, a military company, having paraded, were led with a few firemen, to Ihe place, and took possetaion of I lie buildings after so ee resistance. Blows were freely exchanged with the crowd, and several shots were fired by ihe military. It stated that one man baa been allot. The alarm ol fire is now being sounded, we presume to bring the whole fire corps together. .Such are the deplorable consequences of the fraud and wrong that the whole community have fullered by means or shinpiaater. In the exme men! of loss and Buffering, the laws are trampled under foot, property is destroyed and perhaps life lost. We much tear that the end is not yet. , We earnestly entreat the good people who mav have been concerned in these disorderly proceed ings to desist to regard the laws to respect the authorise to retire poaoeh!y to their hnmea, and set their faces, like go-id citizens, against fur titer irangresHion of order, as well by means nf the issuing of shinplaster aa Ihe resort to vinlmiee jn V'teir suppression. What is gained by such pro ceedings I We implore every reasoning ludivid ual lo put this question to himself. The property, books and vouchers of these banks, have, lo a great extent, been destroyed; il may be utterly impossi ble, in consequence, for I hem lo pay any portion of their notes; whereas, something might have been realized. Bloars, wound, have been inflicted what has been gained T Admit tint you have been wronged, dofra'ided, outraged are you redressing yiairselvest Are' you righting ymir injuries bv these wean! Are you not rather destroying thp protection of your own properly the protection ot the lawa and giving countenance and aup port lo a spirit that regards neither pio ierty, law, unr life I We have penned the above pirngraphs in great haste. Al thi, (one o'cl-ck) il is ascertained that one man has had hia leg hj-okeu, and one or two others slightly wounded no one killed It is staled that the crowd have poeaetaion ol the hoild ing. The Exchange Bank has been 'taken po session of, and completely riddled after ihe fanhiou of the others. We hsve nt learned whether H had flopped pnynvni or not. The Mechanic' and Traders' Bink Mill coniiuoes payment. It i and to have hot little paper 'out. Attempts are bi'ing made to get nut a strong force of the mill lary. and diierse Ihe croud, but such i ihe feel iug among tho- who compoee the inili'ary, that we know not how it is lo be done. . Apprehension are ex pre ed of further violence to-n ght, which we trust may prove unfounded. At present, how ever, the multitude appear lo have complete con trol. iifwsf one. The Office of Lou gen & Co. has been broken open and gutted. The crowd has much increased, both in numbers and excite ment. Wa earnestly hope that he-e this violence mav be stayed. bother such will be Ihe case or ii remiin to be seen. An exceedingly angry spirit baa been caused by the ill advised atbunpl la sup. nres ibe disturbance or niiiitsrv torce. ino miliiary, we bear, were compelled to leave tho ground', and made to take reluge in the Mayor's. office. We must here close our account of these unhappy proceedings as Ihe paper mual go to press. Piay God we may not have worao cocao . q'lonces lo record lo morrow. New York and Virginia.'-Governor ikwart has discharge I h a annual huge cargo of small po laloaeupon the New York Legislature. In over hauling it, we find nothing ei special interest, ex. " cept that he makes Ihe tempting olW, if Virginia ' will repeal her non intercourse law; that he wilt reaume the diwu-aion of the negro Healing contro. veray ; as if the Old- Dominion panted any more J of his slack I Contrary lo his usual garrulity he dismisses 'the complaiut of his worthy ronlemjio. rary" of Georgia, on Ibe same score, will a brev ity almost Contemptuous. Mercurf. ' . MARRIED, Iu tills County, oh the '.25th inat, by ('ol. Jeremiah M. llrown, m.( Mr. RICHARD THOMASON la Miss MARY E KRIDElt w Salisbury Male and Female Academy. 'I111E exercise of this Institution will be resumed J- on lbs second Monday in February, (14th,) ouder the direction of the subscriber, in the laige room, at present occupied by the Rev. Jubu D. Hcheck. ' .v TERMS: Readinf, Wrilins. Soellin and Arithmetic, 8-1 03 English Grammar, Uegraphy, Hiatory, Natural " fuilonopriy, ami Astronomy, including uie , former branches, . , . 7 tO Pupils will be charged from the time they enter. . JACOB CRIM. Beinir person illy acquainted with the character of the Kov. Mr. Crim, and hisqualincaliona as an instrae tor ot youth. 1 cheerfully recommend biia lo my for mer pairous sod the public, ss one of the best 'I escb era.-" -.- JOHN O. SC11ECK, Psitor ol the Lutheran llhurch. 'Salisbury, N. C, Jaa. 28, 1612. 3w Temperance Notice. piIE public are hereby inarmed that Mr. . J, at. LWry, a delegate of lite Watkington Turn- ferine Socutu of liuttimort," wilr ctauutt-nce a se r ot puUlw sudressea, ou the sutijHCt ot 1 eaipvrsove, at Concord, Caaarrua County, oo tne tti Mouday lu rebruary next, it being bupermr Court wee. Mr. Carre; baa boon, lor sometime past, going to and fro, and up ami dowu on the earth, labor mg in Utal good causa;" according to the opinions ot sows has ueeu turning the world uf lite town, and according to ins opmioiia otoibera, uu been luruiuir the world ruAt. lide v. 'l'he public sis invited to attendi to hear, au4 to jU'Ige for Ihemaelves. I'lio member of the Cabarrua Temperance Socie ty, and Auxiliaries, are requested to stUind. i. VIMUL January 23, 1812. NOTICE. 'HUE Subscriber will sell, at the house of Robert Jc N. Craiifo, by Virtue of a Deed of Trust, on Thursday, the l?ih day of February next, stuck of HORSES, MULES, HOGS, and beat kind of household and kitchen furniture, ales SOME 7 or 8 BJogroes, nd a large quantity ol farming tools of first rate kind. Also, corn and other articles of crop of tbe Isst year, TWO W A OO 6 N A N D O EAR. Afats the half right of a Blacksmith, named Elijah, and balf tbe, interest in the tools and furniture of a Blacksmith's sliop, together with an interest in - AXUKH OF liUND an Dnsl' creek, sdjiMwiny Chsmbers Winders, Lewi Jacobs, sod others. Terms made known on the dim! jLoan.iUualjir STRAY STRAYED from the Ruhscriber, shout the list of September, 1811, Forty head of Sheep- nwstly wethers, mirked ss follows : some with a slit in each ear and an nnder-bit out of tbe same, and the others have a smooth crop in each ear and an under-bit in left ear. Anv person giving mformstioo concerning them to Elias Lee, or Jdiu I. Shaver, Salwburr, N. C , will be liberally rewerdod. DAVID WORTH. Aabe County, N. C, Jsnoary 21, 112. 3t SILAS II U I E, 11 ESPECTFULLY n.ti-rm the citizens ot Salisbury I and surrounding countrv. thst be ha taking in work in bis line of business at his dwelling, where he will make up work, after it is cut out, at tbe following prices Jesns coats, snd al kind ol thin cost,! 60; Cloth coats, & 30; Vest, 75 cents. ah bums or .country, produce taken in exchange tor work at the market price. Salisbury, N. C, January 21, 1911 , . r lyiLL bcaold in front of the Cnurt.Hnu in the Town of 8uhburv. on Monda. th. t,u of February nexi.it being Monday of Rowan coun ly'Court, about :onveyed by Burton Craige lo Sam! Lemly in I'ruat lor Ibe purps mentioned in the Deed nf Conveyance. Among ihoin are good hooae-eer- vauie, lieu nanus and - - A (JOOO BLACKSMITH ' Terms One fourth of the N-'groee will be eokt lor negoimbie paper in Bunk with not more lhan mi ty d.ijg lu run. The balaiav-npon a credit ot mx month. AULXT W. BRANDON, Alto, in fuel lor Sa-nl. L-?mlr. . Decembers,, 1841. The ( hnaw Uvtnie, .V-clW,arff J.ffnsonUn, nd OeraiW Patriot, will inert 3 times each. 1VOTIC A ,L ,h," indebted to the Administrator of J isepb ra. Va,, d-e'd., by note or otherwise, are herebv requested to come forard ,m1 make payment between now and K-bruary Cairt, or else they may expect lo ettle witii an otJicer,as the business of the estate mr cl,,MMl- . R. LOCKH Agent, Rowan County-, M. C, Jinnary 14 112. , tl : A VV.Vf '" S'o .maii and child -,c i. fir i l rnte i ,k ,! , jj.hkh wt,her: , Apply at this nlice. il f!"n.v, Y t Jmiiary CI. 143. t; T J

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