1 W tfWtiMHMXirir . aw WESTERN CAROLINIAN. Friday, , February 4, 1 843, ; ' " C- ii I, 1 1 1 "" J proposition tt dissolve the Union.' ' Tt.ni reat Whiff leader John Q Adam ia brin - 'p to light (be schemes of the Abolition brauch of t ' the Whig party .v lie baa lately goue so for at to " , preseut a potitioo praying Congreaa to take steps " , to diseolve the Union. The proceedings at some length aie given under the Congressional bead, 1 : bere lb reader may find them. ..; , ""- , " Tbua while Mr. Adams, the leader of the Abo .- litioo division of the. Whig party in the Howe, in ' iriitoroua'league with the deaigiia of infamous Bri (ikh iocendisries, ia presenting petitions for dis saving the Union; Mr. Clay the great Whig - leader in the Senate, is offering resolutions to aoolisn pen, Hcrcu uiwuiuuun tiiv Union to destroy the Veto power, that important check provided by the patriotic sagacity of the i wise men who Irame'df that Instrument, as pro ' toctioo loathe country, against the rash legislation of afocliou Congress. ,' - , 1 Are. not these things tufljcjenl to arouse the . 1 ' t- . i i f t k I iIia Pvl ra RiiaMinn vtti M lumr M.liraiat naooie bim nen ineir eu i , . debt created oew tales imposed oo the country the proceeds of the public Inodc given away a I I. I. A u.l mhjI m. It . .ma. mAAA tk " nendiluroe: oow. we see the Whif leader of Abo. '. . Iitionism in the House of Representatives presenting a peution to aever me union ; ana ine great ' leader of the whole Federal Whig party, oflering io the Senate a resolution to mutilate the Coostitu- lion. Are not these feels of a nature to startle nud alarm every bonest patriot, whether be caile liiiii.If Whig or Democrat ! " - Ar. Caaott Tbisiluitinjtuislied statesman haa delivered a speech on the much talked of, sod much - abused subject of teoiumf and nform. From the ketcii given of it in tlie Globe, it will be well worth tha moat attentive reading. Non.an in the country understands ihe subject more thoroughly thaa Mr.. Calbouo ; aod no public functionary in this Government ever practiud it ao auccesalully as be has done. Wheu called by Mr. Monroe to the bead of the War Department, be found every thing in confusion, aud every branch of (be serv ice t Conducted in the meat eairsvsgsnt ntannor. Ilo at once set to work, and established order out of cUaos; ia a very short time ha reduced the ea firnsvs ol the Army from 8400. per man to about and other citravagancee io like propuriiow. tiiitce be left that Department, tha espowes bave been constantly growing until they have oow gone up again froiu 9iW per man' to. more than I IlkA , ' Ih the speech to which we rtferred, Mr. Calhouii uuo.b). eaUmaUn that if lbs eipeoduurcs, aa cordiuj; io population, were reduced to liul tbey n - r 'wert, .ejodcejr(puoj0!uci4 parti ftiuiu 1 1rouuciion of 0 nullions rW4lour-4atr,r lions mifflit be eilucleuV ' and 'then Uiera would be no need of tlie loai.s and taiee the W bigs are heaping on the country. I'oliiicMoa may talk and profess what they please almut economy and reform, but it will oevt lake place until the Democratic party ia leitored to power with soma man as- bonest and capable as John C Calhoun at ila head. Then mav a again look for a return ot tha pure daya of tbe Republic iu diuiinibed expenditures, strict accountability, aud low taioe, Bankrupt Laws. la the course of the debate 10 the Senate on the Baukrupt law, the fact wav mentioned, that any - State may pas a Bankrupt law of its own. There ia however this difltreuco bsiweeo a bankrupt law passed by a State, and one passed by Congress : the State law must be prospective, and could therefore only extend to Wart emtraett lo debts contracted after ipa pasosgs of the law ; win e Con green, many contend, can roaVe a luw having apple . cation to all prxoiout coutrscts. And another -Jilfor- voce ; the State law could eded only the citizens of the particular Siaje, and such foreign cred- . s a M VI s .0 itors aa mav receive a dividend 01 tbe bankrupt s estate. A Bankrupt under a Slate law going into an other State, his creditors of that State call proceed against hyn, as against any other debtor, although ho may have taken the benefit of his plate's law, and have received a discharge, r - IVm. 1. iaronr, Esq. Thie gentlemen has II at once become a prodigious favorite with the Whig newspapers of tha State. Tbey bave here tofore abused him without measure or decency through all tlie epithets of their peculiar vocabula ry as one of tbe veriest lovelier e, luco-foco's and demsgogue'a alive, but latterly their types are act to a new tune, and he M sow printed a moat dignified patriot, for too high minded and elevated .to meddle with any such low matters as funeral expenses. ' ' Now, what ia all thia alulT for t a re 'these Whig worthies gulling one another lo keep their hands in at the old game ; or are they fools enough lo flatter themselveMhat by honied commendaliiMia, and sweet plastermgs of Mr. Usyvood they can fool him ; or do they indulge the hope that anything they aay can raise tire suspicions of the Demo crnlie party against that gentleman f Tbey will hardly find either the Democratic party or Mr. Haywood 11 eoft enongh " for their operations. If I we are not more niistukeh in Mr. Haywood's char- acter than wa at all apprehend, ha is too deeply . . grounded in the principUi ot the Republican par ' ty to be caaght with chiiO or scared with a shroud. It iff exceedingly frobabty it it not that Mr. II., who stood firm in tie day of adversity, would now desert bit principle and bit friend, and goto join a trpjceo doVn aod Uka party, when the clouda are dispersing, and the bright aim of De roocracjr ia emerging from the temporary eclipse that obscured iu rays No, the whiggies'roay . take our word for it, they are wanting their eweet things to no manner bf purpose, Mr. Haywood it not the man to desert bia friends either 10 ad versity or prosperity. We have no tort of fear bout the matter. None whatever. - Tha independent," the Clay organ of tbe Whig party at Washington City ssys i " Tin ipoiler$ have ben turned out in vainoulj to twit room for a wtort hungry ?nd rapacUm$ $tL" ', ) Tbia ia tbe seme act", that abused olHca. holders" ao in 1840. ' ; , , t . p .. MTbrnrbu another day been passed in witnessing tha vagaries of the honorable monomaniac ot lluw- ehnseUs. . fuUie businesa eomDleicIv at a stand, tlie j Treasury not only withont a cent ia its eonera, but Jwnk. -ruptftir mora IMa a million of dollars, and ve Mr. .Adtiuk baa been sided and countenanced by bis whig i .friends in eonsumiog the time of tbe House. Even some of tha Southern Whig bave assisted in this, when they could do it covertly. Mr. Btanly, for In ' staace,-oa Saturday bet, though he refuvea to vole waea tlie yeas and aaya were called, ofl the pretext that be did not amlerstaod the question, yet be passed tbrocipb the tellers in tavor of permiuinc Mr. Adams . to male the speech io which he denounced with such ' fierce end augry invectives tbe institutions ot tbe tSoolh. Wash. Cor. ( Caar. Mercvry. . This, i the gallant Btanly " from North Csrolina, who might be expected, aa a matter of course, lo sus Uio old " Johnny til" in his abolition 'u vsi;sri4)s,H sa he ' Is tha same young gr.ntleroan a bo waa baud and glove wiin blade ana Inst uk on tne Abolition big Una tuittee which ssi in Wssbiogtoa during the summer of 110, and franked off carulosds of Ogle's speeeb, end other Whig documents of like character, at the public expense, to aid tlie Whig opvrtlions of that year. This Mr. Stanly votes with the Tanffiies igainst the .South goes tbe bole fig ore for real blue-lighl fede ralism in all its measures susuips Mr. Adauie in his incendiary eflbrls, sad ia.a tnie Whig. Wsconsidor him a contemptible apndage of Northern federalism. . , Jvhn Q. Adauu. , This miserable olJ man who has been for years industriously eugagnd in thrusting the firebrand of Abolition into Congress, baa at last contrived to " fill the awusure of his disgrace, aud abow bow low a man who has once been President, may be de graded by bad passions, and disappointed ambition lie haa seemed Ip be io Congress for no other pur pose than incessant, agitation, axd hie bitter veoo 'inoue bate of the South has stimulated tbe pre--. severing eflorts which ha constantly maintained to disturb the country and interfere with our institu lions. We have no doubt bia incendiary agitatioo haa consumed a fourth part of the lime of Congress lor many Dessious. in I act lis baa been a cur and a disgrace to the country' too long tolerated, and if be received bia just award for late oflencea, ho would be expelled from the House, and treated as an infamous trsilor, who haa not ocly led on a band of iucbndiary cut throats, at borne pgainet tbe peace of the South, but baa acted aa a base tool lo carry out the designs of British Abolition "phi UntbropisU." - becu suits ined by -many of- bis Nor litem whig abolition allies iutho House; great 'objection bas been made lo the resolution of censure cireredJ,y. "Mrllsfltin oT Kefitucky , and ifH ill' prohaUy ' he rejected" iT the end." "If7rhialTe"irbr hut little conseq ienco in itself, nod we are glad to sue the Southern Democratic members taking no more band in the whole business than tney have. For our own part, we ahould like to see the infamous crew headed by John Q. Adsmsand Klade go their 'length at once, and let us know what they propose to do by .their incendiary politeness. Literary dissociations. Wo invite tbe attcqtion of the cilixeos of Salis bury to the proceedings of ihe " Hillsborough Lit erary Association," which wa extract below from tbe Reeordtr. Wa bave noticed the formation of aimilar socie ties ia various parte of the country North and South, but wa believe thia ia tbe first one of the kind established io this Stato. Wa hope it may nut be the losi When properly otgauized and well conducted these associations are productive of much good iu a community. ' Tha practice is, at stated periods, semi monthly or monthly, for one of the member (r any man whom tbey may ap point) to deliver a lecture on some subject of prac tical uecfulneea, or scientific interest. Great bene fit ia derived from tbia practice. Firs', a taste for litersturels fostered, and a spirit of mental im provement excited not only io the members of the association, but amongst all who attend the lecture. Sucoiidly, such associations bsvs a direct tendency to cultivate the virtues, and nnurlsh frolina of au cial intercourse. In country towns these virtuea are seldom found to exist in a very flourishing state. It Dot unfrcqucutly hapfiens thai ditif-rences of opinion in religion and in politics go for lo inter ?rupt, if not destroy social intercourse in places like Hillsborough and 8alibury j but associations of tbia kind having reference neither to religious nor political disputation, bring ihe member of so ciety together on common groud without danger of a conflict of opinions, or at ka.t such conflict as can be productive of unkind teelings. ' At the North these associations are common to all towns, and there are muny in the nmie South am States. It is not uncommon for ihe mtckanie$ to form such societies, and fryjuenlly to invite able and distinguished mea of their own, or other ph cea to lecture. Wa recollect noticing that Mr. Woodbury only a few weeks ago addressed a 11 Mechanic's Association" in Wanliington, of me. where else. Much more might be said in favor of these So cieties, and nothing perbapa against tliem, but we have no idea of exploring the subject at present, having already ' bmgthened beyond our intention tbe few remarks which wa proposed to throw out only by way of attracting the attention of our cit iznato the u! ject, with lite hope that some of thorn will make a move in the matter, and follow the laudable example which Hillsborough husjuit set us: , ' HUlsborough Literary Association. , u On Thuradav eveoinff IsaL a number of the citi- sens of this villsge met at the Presbyterian session house ha- the purpura of tormiog a literary society for the promouoo of social intercourse aud mutual im provement. A preluniuary meeting bad been held the evening previous, and a eommiitee appointed, consisting ot the lion. Frederic Nash, Kev.' Messrs. Ourweil and Cur lis, sod Hugh Wsddelt, Eq.,to draft rules andtegu- lauons tor me society.'" "The piles reported by this committee were amend ed by tbe meeting, aud adopted; aod tha society was orsjiiwjo ey uie election ol tbe lollowmg officers : "Hon. Frederic Nsth, Fresidunt - Or. Jamee H. Smith, 1st Vice President. "' " Col, Cad wallailer Juuua, 3d Vice PrestdenU " ftev. Robert Uurwell, 3d Vwa Prvsuteut. Deouis HeartL HccreUry. ' . " ' M Tbe next meeting of tbe society will be bold at the Masonic iiall oa Thursday eveuiug next, wheu the rreswenl will deliver aa luaugural address." , . The Globe of the 37ih, in closing an article oo the proceediuga iu tl.e House, from 'the petition of Mr. Adams fur the dissolution ol the Union throughout the whole scene, soya: ;.;,-".'-;'-) There is one circumstance, in connection with tbe pending proceeding, to which wewonld point public sttenbon. The whole sfl.ir, pro snd con up to lour o'clock this evening when. we left the ball, had been tbe wort ol tlie wiia. Nauemocral interfered with it. The peiitwn was introduced by Mr.' Adams. The respluuoa ot censure cams from Mr. MUrtkoU, of Ken lucky, snd the epeakinff. from Orst to last, and all the sUeodinfsxplosioossnd violations ot order, proceeded from members of the Whig party. Nothing, Ihen, of all Una will ae eetanwa to the Democratic party, and owning mat may come u. i :f '.' , Camrnunicolei. The Vengeance of Iltatcn - 1 have beeo greatly struck with tbe remarkable e pressioo ot Mr. Maogum made in bia speech on the Exchequer project, aod which yea aoticed several weeks aga Hie words were wAsa Ik sengsanee of Ileum ietoemkd on tin aaea f their caeics, oil IhtW. trjtclmtion aw a parly wsrewf ence dtftoltd." This is a bard word to eosae from a loading Whig- mark It,' MTba vengceaca of HeaveaT Meevea aaver ioflicta ite vengaaaee oa aay ama ev set of mea without a just causa. Heaven mrttr inflwU iti ven geance on tha just and sprirhu The vmgeenee ftom above then must have been drawn down by soiaa'ade qoiu cause; either by tbe sins of the Idol, or c the ldolitors. Which wss it ! If by the sios ot the Idol, he could not bave been the righteous man the Federal Whigs proclaimed bim to be. But if, as I believe, by the ainsof the Federsl Whig party itself; what an aw fully iniqurtoua party it must be to bave received such a visitation I 80 wicked tbat within one month after ' obtaining power, tbe veogeaocc of Heaven descended on the man of their choice," emote arm to tbe dust, and i acattered contusion aud madness smong bis followers I .Wnsl a warning to the people who were deluded in-1 to the Federal Wbig ranks All who are wise w ill I quit them at once, before a worse thing come epoc i them. I ron TBI WCSTCaS tiBOLIMMt. 1 I D it known, That we, tlie Whiga, promised the people that if they won Id turn out of olfice the rawally j Democrats, and put i tha booeet and truth-loving , Whigs into power, tbat we would relieve theditroJ j people; that we would relieve the reined country, snd , thst we would restore prosperity and raise Ihe prices of labor and prodncf to.riw-gooiL oUpmeaaad-MalM-i money pltuiy ; and that Refontw Retrenchment , audi" Economy, should be our motto. And whereas we bavc, during the Orst year of our economical administration, : reduced tlie expenditures of Urn Government Troui ' . twenty-one millions to thirty two millions ; have re formed Ir.cOorwnmeot by, luraieg eetionW ihoo wruis of bonest and cnonietent men merely because they Aid bol vote of Tip ami Ty, ami bave njlrd tlieir placea witn Uiose who were tamous Tor notlung but ma king log cabin speeches, snd sjnging Tippecanoe megs ; have raised the price of com from 40 snd 50 cents, to 10, 15, sod 20; bave raised the price cotton from 9 snd 10 dollars per hundred to 6 and 7 dollars ; have rained tbe prite of Pork from 5 dollars per hundred to 8$ snd 4 ; snd, io short, have made money so plenty tUt you caa scarcely get it apoa any terms, e have also relieved the people s pockets of six or eight millions of-dollars of their bsrd rimmus by way of increased taxes ; we have relieved Ihe Treaxury of every dollar in it; we have relieved our country by plunging k n or ia muiioosor dollars mueU; yet notwiibtaii(liowr all the good we bave done, all the re lief we have afibrded to the people, to the Treasury, lo tbe country, it appears that the rascally fkinocrao are not MtUticd and seem determined lo Use the relict into their own hands, and first of all, relieve the country of averv son ot a linker ot us, who are in power, his Dish tag Excellency, John M. Morehesd, not excepted. Therefore, wanted immediately a great quantity of Hard-Cider, eoon-kkins, gourds, red pepper, old spinning wheels, milk pisins, Vc., &c, for which the highest prirei will be pirl. lo be delivered at the. Log Cabin, Salisbury, N. & for terms spply to the t'Hier COOK. Also, wanted to employ several scores of stump ora tors to lake the field ; for terms spply to me on board tbo ship Constitution, now sstuly moored in Log Cabin Harbor, Salisbury, N. C. . rOMMAaDKB. t"Hfr - DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS OF CAXDI- DATES FOR THE PRESIDENCY. (aduTfrent States we perceive that portions of tbe Democratic party sre suggesting tlieir favorites fur general adoption as candidates for tbe Presidency by some luturc convention, to be celli-d from all the States of the Union, It ia natural, perhaps, thai sueh irtial ii.n.ni ! - 1 1 mi marpBi l ,n eniver-al movenieaL It Terences should pre- w evident, however, thai tbe ero.t body oi tbo Democracy do not contemplate any immediate action in reference lo the choice ol'any man on whom to embody Its strength in the next Pres idential election.' It is fortunate, in possesaing in Its ranks, at Ibis moment, a constellation of elevated minds, imbued with renm. acQUircmeais, exaenence. ptiuev pies, moral snd politirw)'Wbicb,-rteuirinff no aid from station to give them distinction, will sot suffer the con flict of peraoobl or local partial iliea io their favor, to mar the harmony now oj oecesssry In re-establish the ascendency of the com moo cause of Ibeir party, snd the public wellare as identified with IL G'tooe. What will the people of North Carolina think,' when they lenrn that Edward Stanly and Lewis Willi'ima voted with tbe Tanffiies.- Raleigh Sun dard. Tha people io ibie pert of the State will not be at all surprised. Washington Republican. Tha Didrihation BM.TU Boston Pott an- nounees with lively gratification that the vol of the entire Democratic party in tbe Massachusetts Legislature waa tirrn s gainst receiving the Distri bution money. Tbe Whigs being in a majority of course carried through tbe measure, saassaarjsmaamap t--r -t HELD TO BAILT " Tbe Thitadolphia Sentinel, of Ihe .8th inst, says, that M the iuvestigation of the charge of conspiracy mailo r;aint Nrcho!n HiJJlc, an J others, termin ated liial evening, before the Recorder,- and the dofendanta, Nicholas Middle, Samuel Jaudon, Tboa. Dunlsp, Jos. Cowperthwsit, and John Andrews, each bound over in ihe aura of $10,000, to appear at the Court of General Sessions, to answer the charge." ; . . ' ii i i GEORGIA CONG REGIONAL ELECTION. Jtgregate'Yotc, Cooper, Colquitt, Black, . . . 32,444 , , 82,219 . . 31,893 06,530 Gilmor, "- . Dougherty, Wright, . . 30,511 30,770 30.34S 81,629 Correspondence of tKt Mercury. Rtrpaucaw Orrica, Savannah, Jar. 24. 1842. J From Florida. Hy the arrival of the V. S. steam er Newborn, Capt. MoNulty, wa bave advicea from Florida to a tale data. . The oows m not iu portent otherwise than of a cheering nature.., r ' ' CorreiponJettc of lAe Smonnok lUfublicon. Bio cVrRKsa 8wiiir, So. Fa. ) . , , January 0, 1842. p( - After Major Belknap routed tbe Indiana on the 25lh ult., and replenished our famished haver ack, be divided bia command into four divisions for the purpose of covering a greater aitent of , country at tbe earns time, and renewed tli these in the direction of the Southern eoaiU The coun try traversed by ibeaa several divisions was, even lo a greater extent than heretofore seen, covered , wilb water and eiteoaive evpresa swamps ; but the few Indiana here finding that their moat obscure nA imrrn ihln Mtmla arM ruivv Mnalra'Mi Ks tha Inmna. Mttetwi sn murk aa to MoAas Ibeir I trail invisible even to the practised ay of the Io-! dian guides, . I don't believe trooDs aver labored harder, or en. dured mora privation, eince tbe world began.' The inrMsant marchuis wrrih keave burdens ot mdvib. I ions, bedding, ammunitioo, through water aud mud, and over jagged and porous rocks, bas torn I and worn the clothes front their limbs, and tha shoes from their feet. There are thi.toeo com-1 panieeoi troops iraversing wis sun sen atslvc 1 charged with ferreting out come 60 Indian men, I women and ehildraa. If wa were tasked to hunt I tha wild deer from tbe hammocks, or tha Aligators i and snakes iron tha swamps, wa aught nave nope, but, altbouga the campaign baa bee contrived with undiauied skill, and executed with tha great, eat alacrity and perseverance, tha Indiana now I remaining era ao very few in number, as lo elude pursuit wnn tne mow penect ease. 10 my opinion, tne war such is wtouj chmcu. i nai -vtiuh out-las, red and white, will for years, secrete themselves in the hammocks and swamps of Fiori. da 1 do not doubt. Nor that, tbe army, were it doubled, or quadrupled, ia doing any good here, bave 1 the wast belief Very truly, yours, eaaam - Tbe St. Augustine News has advicea from Tain-. pa to the 13th nisi., which slate that CoU Woria is still vigorously following up his operations against the Indiana, aud ia very sanguine of capturing the various itraggling parties that are- now roaming. From tke New York Sun, Extra, 23J imt. THIRTY DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE BRITANNIA. Important netei appointment of a Speetat Minuter 4s ta UstfW Htofeoimpntemeni In it CoUon zanl Maacy Afsrttfs- asa ssf VtrtMtur of tke Vol- loa ISrokert. The Uoyal Mail Steamer Britannia, . Captain Hewitt, arrived at Boston lat evening at 5 o clock aitavarM fireaiw Liverpool to ihe 4tn itist. I he newa wuxbsiuuod highly interesting and important. Tbe aspect of financial aod commercial efl-ura is decidedly more favorable than was generally anticipated, as will be seen by reference lo tha state of the markets. Foremost io importance ia the intelligence ol the appoint men: of Lord Ashburton aa a special Minister to ihe United States, for tbe purpose ol entering into negotiations for tbe final settlement of all difficulties between the two countries. Tbe repudiation doctrines, about which so much has beeo said in this country, caused oo excite-, men! Whatever in London. The papers scarcely allude to the subject at all. In the grain and flour market it will be seen, by reference to the appropriate head, that pricea had fullee ofl. There is nothing later from China than bas been received direct at Ibis port. Tbe boisterous weather on tbe English coast has prevented the packets from leaving at their appointed lime. 1 he England did not sail till Ihe ISth. There bad beeu several shipwrecks on tbe coast. 'lliit Groat Western reached Bristol on the 16th of December, having made the voyage in 13 days. Tbo Kostios oo Ihe 15th, after a passage of 18 dsvs. Tbe Caledonia on the 16th, iu 11 days from Halifax. The Acadia oo the 31st, in tha same time. The Moseage of President Tyler baa been, re ceived and read with much iulerest and satisfac tion. -Iu pacific tone bas caused immense rise in tbe funds. Among the passengers in the Britannia are Mr. Charles Dickeus, the celebrated eutbor, and bis lady; Mr. Mosely, bearer of dispatches, and Earl THuIgtlv The newa from Turkey and the East indicate further disturbances. There bas been a change of Miiiistry at Constantinople. Tbw French Chambers were opened by a speech iYoin the King, on thu27;h ult. Every thing was quiet at Paris, and tha reduction of the army was progressing. - -t There baa been several frightful rail ruad acci- detita in England, attended with extensive loss of lire. The Queen Dowager is said to be convalescent. Ihtadfat Rail Road Accident.-On the 24th ult., a train of freight cars oa the Great Western Railway was suddenly arrested by coming ia con tact With a mass of the embankment that had fallen upon the rails at tbe deep cutting called the gullet. A frightful scene occurred. The engine, tender and ears were dashed to atoms ; eight passengers wr re instantly killed, and fifteen or twenty very seriously, some of ihem mortally wounded. Tbey were mostly industrious laborers and mechanics. -.V''.: FRANCE. Cotton Jlfarltf. Weekly Report. Tha iui proved demand from the trade noticed hut week . baa been followed up this, and there has also beeo extensive business done oo speculation, both ia Sural and American descriptions ( the former readily command the extreme quotation of last wei-k, while) l tor Imvo advamcd 1 8d ct lb.. generally, ' The Liverpool Siandard of the 31st Dec ajs . "The tramactiona in our Cotton Market through mit the week, huve been of an amn.sied, aud, at the seme time, a alendy and healthy complexion. Tbe ssles on Tue-day amountrd to 4,000 bags at full pricea, including 600 American, taken on. speculation. On Wednesday the market was fully supported, and Ihe salea reached 0,000 bags for consumption, and 1,000 taken iyAent'culator. The sales yesterday weie 6,000 bags, at the full prices, of former markets during the week. - from Jamaica. u mibh; yui m vi lira iviu mil., contain dreadful accounts of the sickoess of tbat-' ' Island. 1 , ,: ; ' ,:: : -...2 ; Scarlet and yellow fevers carry ma tfl vouna and old, rich and poor; throughout all parte of tha iana, won no bwiui leanuineas. w uasetla or the 25ih ulu, saysj It is heartrending to witnesa the number of funeral processions, mid the melan choly appearance which ia maw lest in the face of almost every person whom wa meet in the streets, WIks wiib vary Tew except ions, haa either lost some near and dear relative, or baa soma 90a then on ' Ike verge or death. - The mortality of tbia year . has never been equalled, it ia said, ia tha memory of the oldest inhabitants. , Frost China. Intelligence from China to the 16tb September baa been received in N. York. The British have retaken Chusan without a strug gle, and captured Amoy, and thousamla of Chinese -have perished by the sword and the flimce. This unjuii and wicked war, carried on with lerocious cruelly, is giving the Heathen a practical lesson of oritisn Curtslianity. The St. Louis JVev Era MVS: u Sistiior AJ lb V. 8. Consul at Sawt Fa, arrived in thia mjwiswuij ms irom snucpenoonce. itisnis ('P0 Washington, to represent to tbe uernment tbe treatment be experienced in Santa " ""' wuiuiiriucs. Tke Santa Ft Expedition. Tha Gloht at4tes tbat Mr. Webster haa addressed an earnest letter to our Minister at Mexwo, interfering in behalf of ids Aroertcaa cittznw captured with tbia UUated expedition. . An olhcial letter from the Minister. Mr. Ellis, dated Mexico Dec. 16. meoiioua the arrival of tbe prisoner at Chihuahua aod also that Uept. Suluzar had put three of them to death be cause they bad given out. He quotes tbe Mexican papers lo abow that thia act was considered biota! A and a diaaraca to the country. . These miners fur iber aay that cbargea have bean preferred against cBpl. salazir lor tnie barbaroua prwceedmg. . .The remarkable Symptoms of Hydrophobia are well described by tha Louisville Journal, in tha distressing case ofyoung Mr. Moore. At tha end of five weeks theso terrible symp toms here described appeared . Tbe countenance presented a haggard, distress ed expression, much heightened by the accession of spasms, wtucb were very frequent. The eye was bright and lustrous, the lace exceedingly swollen, the tongue perfectly dry end cracked, and the pulse irregular ana aoout one nuiKlred and twenty-tight to the minute. Tbe mind though resile is and dis tressed, waa clear ard perfectly intelligent ; aud the piwienl spoke with apparent ease, except when on tbe verge of a spasm. His words were IVequnully cut oil by tha speani ; and, while that waa upon him,, the sounds emitted by tha victim reminded na of tha Violet panting of ia"6xcpssively wearied dog ' i be usuaf uurat ana dread ot liquids were promt nout symptoms, and tha attempt lo drink gqnerally usberod in a ipam. The excitement of tbe akiu exceeded any thing of the kind we bava ever seen. be approach of licurrent jQiiUiiappiWriabla m bettmon teen braiiC such waa the Jmrmraweapreeet-d at 1111 least- opening ol a door, or Ihe movement of a person to wards him, appeared to distress bim more evert than bia attempts to swallow liquids. The inabil ity to bear light waa also great. Tbe high in- -crease of nervous energy in the hydrophobiac pa-1 tient baa, we are told by medical men, been noted as the usual attendant of tbe disease, from Ihe days oi iiemocritus, ine contemporary of Hippocrates, down In tbe present rime. Mangendie, the dittiiiguiihed French Physiolo gist, mentions the case of' a deaf and dumb patient ol his who was able lo hear during tha paroxysms. From what we witnessed of Mr. - Moore's exceed-' ins sensittveooM to currents of air, we have n.i doubt but that the waving of ihe wing of a butter- uy over bun would have been very eeusibly felt. 'As FoiUUU Market: There haa beeo cerMdV ble activity in tbe market tbe present week, but little variation of former pricea, Receipts of Cotton sm about tbe same as last week sod it is selling 64 to 7 ccola, no change. Doineatie liquors ot every descrip lion are scarce, (uiarkvl nearly bare.) a ft w loads would sell readily we quote Peach Brandy 40 to 50 cents. Apple Brandy 35 to 50 cents. Whiskey 27J to 30 cents. Bacon a good supply, on hand' (dull) at 51 to 6J. Beeswax sells readily al 27 to 23 cents. Corn not much demand 45 to 50 cents. Flour a fair aomls en band but sells readily at 6 to 64. Feather 85 to aa sn a a .uk . -r a. . to penis, riajueeai zuioi XJ, a dociiue oa tormor prices. Hides, green, 4 to 5, dry 12 to 2. : Lard 6 to 7 eeets, dull.- sts scarce, 35 lo 4a Tallow 10 to 1 1. Tobacco, 2 to 4. Wheat 1 to (1 10.-Aerta la, roltnian. MARRIED, In Davie Countyoeilte 27th nlt by pr, Jmitu F. Manin, Mr. llattsuu 'i casta, ut Rowan Couctv, to raisavAsouNB, aaugnier or air. John tOrd, of Davie. Suddenly in Raleigh, oo IheVwrBiDg of the 21th ult, in Uie Slrd year ot her age, from organic disease ot the heart, Mrs, Love S. Uaixo, wit ot Weston tt. Gales, wj., iniw v wicif w suigiaisr.ia Tesuperauce holier. : i 'pilE public are hereby informed that hlnjmo. P. I Vartjf, a delegate of Ue " IVasiNgow 1W serene Suciecy of Lttltimore," will commence a se ries ot public addresses, on the tubpet ot Temperance, at Concord, Cabarrua County, oa tbe 3rd Monday iu February next, it being Superior Court week. , Mr. Carry bas been, far sometime past, going to snd fro, snd up and down oa the earth, laboring io that good cause:" according to theopiniooa ot some haa seen turning tbe amrU up sis W, sad according lo the opinions of others, bas been turning the world right tide up. Tbe public are invited to attend, to hear, and to jouge for UMattwlvea, Tbe mow be re of tbe Cabarrus Temperance Socie ty, and Auxiliaries, are requested lo attend. J. PHIFER. January 29, 1842. " POR SALE. A first-rate Acw Cooking Stove - oo cheap lerme. ' Apply at thia OlSca. December 17, 1941. ' r 6w. f Wlaiika Yoy Sale Were. . a.

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