r r 4r - r t. 1 , toodtnicy, the iiiiastice ami inioicrable oppression on the virtuous Jind welt disposed, of 1 degraded paper currency, authorized by law, or in any way countenanced by Government." ..... No language of ,,miue .could give torco or jm pre mi on lo thi" viviJ picture of tl evils of a paper system. In candor, I admit, that nil panic have boan in error " o'i ; this sub'?.'. But tlio' Wliig leader. Lax adhered to tin; system in twite id" ex 4wrience. against tk tifht.of the age, ami adopted, it to rt.'e the country. ' The system must tie be. i tftMEo.. It frequent aud violent fliatuatious, urY tint only ruinous to nil regular mdustiy and enter prie, to the trade a-.l business, of the country-- but it engenders pride, luxury, extravagance, frauds aid riilaniox of the worst kind,' -h threatens Jh fine, tii undermine the soctul fabric of private mor alt ami ofnnbhc v irtue. " ' ' "' The Banks misfit, mdeh redeem their notes, i .. .t : i..:..-i .1 ...j :. i... beciHise the la jnd publitrfaitU demand ill be- rsUMi it will reduce tin! exchimgLM; which, like the Tariff, opmiet a a hervy tax upon tipeopla of 'thia State, and toc-auM) ifwill levtve trade "by'jui. pariipg eoufilence l business Vanciitis Alt argument I know i.4 sotttcli meW used by Bank mil' zao. Irk. ibit : that if you "comjiel the JJauiW tit deem tfieir notes, thev will distress the pensile' by jfressing'the collection" of their debt, i; Thnr argument is-boilrdf. and insulting to a free pea. pic. It i falfe, becau .this banks arc always the (list to take the alarm, 10' begin Jttie pressure, . . j -i I.. :. ..- L J -. . .. t.: uuu tary Ktrp it up uriy nvw, anu tu n lima mien the peopieatr le,tl ber it. It' il vaulting, be cause it m a threat of the creature io the tueaior. i f the servant t hi master. Again, wfSy should a majoritv ut the people, and the w auw'l.usijici ol trie country, be taxed and iiiapeiuied because, a minority may be indented to the l mks ? ' hi an argunient,.triat wll justify the Banks, in forbimg a confederacy, of perivtml sutpf nu'wn. A familiar example W II show ihe people, huw lhey' aro taed by a depreciated paper twrrency : i f E TAX AND JaRIFF TA. On 1 yard of c;Su!h which CMt in EiitjUn.!, $ (X) LtmiLe chrres of ahiptneul tu New York, frviht, luguiaiice,;.!', 1U pr ceta., ; ',"() li '-'( Du:y at pf ceat., - - - . 41 ' ' MM I:riportw' and J b'jtt'f pn'.C:, ay 20 jwr cent, . CH " ' " 3 30 iXjcour.t on Norl'u truliaa in-awy, 5 ptr cent., ltif N. Csrolms Meyl ni's profit, tny ptr i t., 'jt "to farait- !1 The TVitVtax i-. . - - - - - (I 44 !Ve Vork rn-TCiwnt" prtii on sanie, . - 1l liMcmint un N. t.ar. ina nmney. 1GA N. lar.i'iui trvrtl. Jill's jiruiU uo Siii.w . Is Ttujs, t ie c-v!,iriKr piy eislity-ninn and a hull t ents li-ii.k an I '1'iril! t ix, upon the siiijII nuiu of tu Jol'ars. the tax upon land is mi x cents upojiejery hundred dollars nilue thereof." But, accortling to the above lahie, the amount of tax we py by nn irredeemable paper currency and the Tartfl is atfriul SI3 upoii'evory hundred dollars of valuf, of the necefnes of life, nriMrtfcf anil consumed hy the people of this St.io. ' -Tb's is tnofmoui and ruiaou$ at a time when .'h farnier ' gtta but 1 1 Tor .Ins pork, and the mechanics and laboring rl.af eait aea reefy find employ meritrTo onr imiKirls are pjrchaid with our exports Viieiieer, from haJ crops, or oiiier causes, iiie i r.-ner'afel iiiriier iuah tlie tatter.' -ret 10 dc ln to New Y jrk.'.r ths place from wliei.ee we i.opori. This debt u called the kW ol trade, w.i,!, ,s iteli.ilU.,tvii.ul-juiL'jw 11 by specie r,r p t;:r. e iud t,u peci, which ; pense. of alsiut ono U iif of one per cent. l,ul Hie j Bulks drive out tiu .speeje, or lock it up, itud way, I ?oif'3!rSTnwn'Pir ier proiin!.', wnt ;iiy Iu recsived nbroa I, at discp'iiit of 5 or (i p t cut : aud ah is e are lux 1 ed, perce.,1, by a depreciated piper currency ; j the hnndtMand tighls the battles i f the countiy. which could be .aed or av-nded by a c. reia-y, 1 1.,'fjm-. the Extra Session usk-rd iutii the world, truly based on spree. Precisely m ibe same de j R Wn7Uier of teUldtie incongruttiis, tlieieroge greethat B in'i paper depreciate, the taxes upouineous and absurd, so made up'of Uaj, an'd 6ro, the comoiumtj increase, on lit cnsumpii ru u'u,e ,hi, ,ie ,ie iul, jmgB ol ' NcLuchadni-iwir, U, m-ceisanes of lue m.ported. 1 he people t i, me , ,. f (,. we )lVrt Tw .,rl p,m., little are of the ttemendous dinger wjuch i , leroiw ,cheuie ! ol growing rich by Wow.r,-, of ".orwtamly impV-nding over them, fiom iho I.eUliiv , relieving the people by taxing itlein, and t imng oi' the jrrfnr pajxr ryJe-n t-a sudden explosion. smKn,a to Jhem by ndibine tbem'ol tl,eir land." Tho liank notes !iow ciruuidttng among th; people firough "the Mite, l estimate lo amoutt lo be rct?u three and four ieilti-iis. Suppose t'ie Binks, 0 or 7 il. liUMWT, vs ' u;h ih iJ tflesu noe, wern 1 1 ful. csusej oiiiier ny fire, a public ei.eur. , rubber,-, bad mam lament, or afiy other caiW ; ' ('ir Aoment, as il by a U ttA from Heaven, lot; 15 mk iic.i s in every .boi'y's hands would be worthies. llad sp;eie been ni the prtcUets; of the people, fn stea ! of these flout., ibis calamity never co iid have lefil'en i!i--i:i W if In i titj !it thirty ' years, it may bo eslur.a'ril, t!wt three if, fiur huiidreil Banks have, failed nuh-hud ny their noies to I .e iieople who held litem, tao or ton e hnuilred niiiliou.n : here at a ti-sof so ui.tch of "the' In I ,r i.f ill rotmtrv of eivpt'sl, r.otu r inlt, soil wi v i- I now l.-!l iutU'rfi-t e.,ts of tito ci'umry. AMn.j eiiiia"cj 'lie li ii i. iViie. in circulation in t!iH M itul to be four liiil'.ioi.s oi iJ.ilhirs ; ihe lo on this, at ."i.J tier cent lor depreciation, would he two huu - dred and twe- iv thuuind ifc.lbirs. This is an an nual t.ix upon t ie pep,e of tin; S'H'e, allh-tigh in rich an itilirtvt an-J n - !ui u's form, ilmt t En no ioi itt irf it. and isneiilT tlii'i e li'i ;rii'Pr "thlin they pay to nuppi rt i ti- Male ( ivermi.ent. ! Oil the yli i t'of t! e Huolii., ( '( ri.;-i m,t, I mean unl to a!.ti n, or uiiia ccsi'-ily excite ,,. I ir ci.Hfor f.r I h-(;I tho nii.l..-.'niifi.. ' and : vino- id' iho !!;! ; - !..ft I dome m (hit.- h,, ho , ! e-i' phy-ici in.; not ' i play I4ie (n k, ty d ceivii.g j the people, Imt lo o; "0 .lit; sore, to lav b.,re to 1 their. e-,es tiiij. roHihi.i ,s vti,ii, as ll,j. im(v way !, whieti was bifirt 1,'inr fur, on ihe I i rouse the puolic mind t aeareh out il. true 14tli of M iv, l 10, in complmnve with a resolution remcdv. Tin'V wim my outtli"re is duugt-riaiol Sen.Ue, the Set it t.ity of tio- Treasury re litis, want thi (vrve tn meiA" me ci't lo M-rpi hlu'e Ire vil, or ITIH nr. i .t 'X -ruiiidi- in , the hard vtise arid t.ontt ftu re-irea' thmusi-lve. "Tne pen'; fi fihr. -,. I li:.'; it j tj lai hhown tle inC'ves atdequaie lo every em iu Tjetiov. In coriq'ierife. their, Jiherties from 1 md m i f atm'tiig the J edt.ral Cointui(,n, ihe palladium of the L'ttioit iu t'Vnbhshii g omnercial mid ili,,,. rnatic relations with ffii world in planfing 'iiie titid TerriiotieK m-tntigii.g ilwvt-iinpiicaied inlererts ai.d mflehi'iti r of u VjiPi Ilinpirc. I am for no rush m aure. ; but fur suhrfHnd thorough nfwm ; for a y stem which wi.il diflith'e sjiecie Ihr glu'irt (he coiii'ry to meet's I lt he smibI-'I ' r'exchun"p"d tinsineiM, and a reileetniibi. paper, In meet the larger enichdngea. 1 his wysieui lo ho ! placed under ibe most rigid rrstrictiona and re oai'ii'u.'rhen should losses in cur (Voiii Banks, they w, II fill upon the richer. clait of art. arty ; ami the currency being held last by a sojld -! i ;e"'f V-W TT The w'ell "'"ahfWrei! si ii.: w ITTToT ' Miatthe eve changing current of ilia windantyl waves. I believe the public mind will smile down up.Mi this plan at lust hut ahuuld I be uistukm jn , tne m-wn, I am prepared to aurtpnder jny opiu. ion to any better plait,' which will redren the pub lic grievance, ty a reform of the premnt ajatem. Nollmic tun be worse .lirari Jho nrent nvKiflm. Every aeven or eight year, it eeetiHto ii'p'st t so. ciety-tomar the m laid plaiw-'-to acorn tho regular, iiHiral, aoWer.pursuiin of industry --to ob literate tho hard earnings of a Kmi hfe of saving' Ibbor, and like the tu'ntingii of the lottery wwl, lo reduce ever,y thing to chance. If wp dou'l be , gin reform now, , when hal we U j-iu I, Imay dev. !". dnSein"' ..The evil is hourly sinking its poiuous roots deeper and deeper into the social syNtiii. U.ivinff laid the CililHMOI tlm nuhlin dislrcns ami embarrassments ai ahe door of the Vnucr v 1. i .-.I . . . . ' ' ' J tern, mid of Jhe Whig leaders who for party pur puses, give I'llicHcy mid moral power to the evil lendenruMuliho-eyslein; I will next liike a shoit ff ?iew of some of "the measures .of retrenchment and reform,'. vauntingiy promised to (lie people, b? this psriy, in 1S40. jji beVmeaiurtis were brought forth nt the Extra jji'ssipii nflS4I,and as a ickole, may be pronounced incoiigruotsentravagaiit oppressive, and danger ous in tlit it tendency. DISmiBUTION, LOAN BILL, TARIFF. They give away the public lands jabich fefliirded the U'st security to sustain the public credit, and to eiluct kuns on fatorabte term 5 and then, go into the money market to borrow twelve miyions of dol lars rUa time; when they admi'ted ilioir'ioncf were embar rested, the people and the States in debt, and ychen vrtftersal dutrvst" ubovnded ! It was fatuity ! ratline! and presumption beyond the power of language to. describe Si, The natural consfquence immediately followed, llV credit of the Government was dishonored regular, dealers distrusted the fiuanciijliahiiity of me heads of liovrninent to conduct the public affairher bond for small sums of were hawked alxiut . Wnll Sireet at the mercy oi tihavers anu Brokers, and MnFroaard, the present Stcrelary of the ' Treasury, niJw states to Congresn, that the tiuvern ineiu cannut tflect a loan in this country. The public lauds were given by the Slate to Hie Fed- . eral Government, tu pay the public; debt, mni were so pledged, bv a resoluti'o 1 of Uongre s m 1790, and . they are the most'permaiietit, convenient audecoii. mical securuy uuy Government. could have, to sustain its' credit. Brides, the Federal Gnverm mem is charged witii trie pu6ic faith cndJieftnee of the whole Union, it should" never therefore have ' been roMied lit Ail hjolb tiillnr nftitnnart-2 T r r--v--..r-vi:-.r,L::i J nil- . r . . ... a -r fumtc treuu u punue honor, and public wealth, f To tarnish tli.itici, ought la beiisiked upon as the greatest crimci It is bringing thajne and tfi. hnnar (on one's country, and when evil dav come, the distresses of the people are increase.! byllie inability of the Goernmeirl o alleviate the heavy hand of taxation. . . V' Again, with one hand, they beg tor trtoney b replemsli :he Troo sun, with tire other, they -takt millions out and uve if away.Mgahflie.sdisrq. bote in. donations, the peoile's liioney, and the neiti, I . m ....U . .1... . 1 l. . . I . . -I . A rju,Hi 1 a He 11 naca in (axes, wnicn cost,inem iu pef' rem.' to collect ; malting a hiss of one hundrd itiousand dollars, up'Hi every million of dollar col Jeeted. Ai'atn, they civo the public nwney to oav . lie gambling dabis of fometrt ibr State, ItivcdVed Por!'"l-'r General, to purchase pttt in mad aobenie U Jnteohil lmrattiimt. and- taa.i 1 t'km'1 . '8,000.000 IK) thiu.nr.toM Nrl. uS.-iJii4S ' -WsrnH fcfrow-itrattweM!f rm x bf another rule, per capita, which make the slave loiutng Mates, pay the larger share of tho taxes, . i h'm isronorlion to the liem ri:. Ai un. lite the Phnr. i - e. -s ol old, thev dHlnhuie om-nlv to gain favor, u.d nexu.ecrt.1y and fraudulently take bark. , j po-rtical 1 xtravagance. Again, they give tho ot'l Stale B mils, and tax Strt-laboring classes, to make ; Uie Trexsnry whole. Again, they rive to that i irudent if) ; getting into -debt and take it bark in - 1 taxes, from Jim! class which bas the It at works INCREASED EXPENDITURES AM) ENUIU Mt'US PL'Ul IC HEUT. ' - The Whips promised the t.-ople yei exien Hiid to administer the (iovenmient with hli.-e.ii ilitjlliius of dollars jer year. Let us examine h iw they iiavo redeatuod their, pledges of (ctuwrn;. Mr. W oislbury, one ol the ablest anu u.osi tuil.iul Sicreiaries of the .Tieaurv we h ivo ever find, statPs tlinf Lfie exoeiires,!!) the Gowrnmeiit, . la.il year of ,M . Van Bpreti, was aliMin iwi-i-m thre lojliioeioi dollars. The Prei-.p nt, Mr. mp Buren liiiiiw li, ilei Uies, id Ins aiiiiunl me-sage lo Conrees, Ih-iemlter. I?!!), Irom which I in. rpio:'e, lis follows : " The ex,.ciiiil res c f iciioi i f si uiillious ol "dolluis. '1 inve of 110, i i-,uive oi ili-'retrselneuH ol ituhlti: .ieltl nitd liust r lumis. will nrtihabJv not exceed uvrnivtivO and i . huH' millions. -ina heteeii two iiul three niijlioijia 1 th tu th-iw- of the pu-eiv-lmj yearaudiniie ut , I"'" "ilmti' les limn 1 "'')"." II-re liiiui ve Imve' i'he cv-denre of tin- President of Ce- ('uiled Siale, 1 when under his fR iil o-tih. in Deetmfa 1 4o, e"re.'tH.fKie hy merntiy-WHfV7.mi tiM tun) 'educeU Ihe exp-wlitiir.-s hi three y-ai., mi n u Oiil lnns, and I'mit when li. q ui i.lliee, n,i-v mil i,i exce.-d twenty tA u and a hai: n.ilh'.ii" Ihe 1' ader-i.told tji'i('i.i'i- iii l11.il:il t'.e expsnm A the (iovniiin-uj-itriilir V in Bumu'a ithiuiiilralion had iiiu-iunleii to "Jl) or 4d million, Tnis tra fnhr, htH-aise Ih'-y spoHo against ihe r.'i ported to lhe?sen;iie -ee .Sen te's dorimieuis 'ii li t-onorc-s 1st h.sMoii 4,)0 nii'o- y mi, I 6i ihat Ihe exj-oniliture lor I lie ywtr 1j37, (i uie, cniieii h,' pay'ipcnts on Becooot ol- Ihe .pohti.- !t h', luore, ;or HiHunuod aimiupted io i-i yi t; 1 1 g fr,0 vvhicli 4he sum 4-$,li(14 -H, on ineou-.i of 'ft trust funds, indemnities, claims ol S1 slec, for r di his, three per cent mi lands sold, i in I deducied, ! .m I it leaves Mr V.m BureuVihfghest enr clmr J yeabrt- lorJ,,'ee pr-prr, the auni of only $31,. , tioti 71 1 1. . j, Now mark the fbii'rntt !,. . Preajdeui Tyler and .'hi Secretary, Mr. Forward, declared lo the present -' nres, (in -Ihe Mes-agn and U-pnri) (hut the I last year's expendiiures of the GpVeriirneiit arniiunt ed to mure than ilnriwtwuv million of ilolUrs which iuclude a pay mem hf alkali five an'd u half iililliotis of the puhlrn debt j thal.Mr. Vun 11 1 ren brouht'stie expenditure dowu loahiiiniweiiiy two end a half nnilnms, las last yeurj aP an aveJ fagA diuiitiU'Jw foT ttin e years, of ttirsj miilrolia a year, and the whigs in omt year, 1811, increased them over four millions of dollars. . ! Tims, Preaidont Tyler in Ins message, and Secretary Porward In Ins rcton to present t'ungress, Duceinber, 1U, wy the expenditure of iSlT, were ' , ; !--l,0-Ao70 CO Sc'retnry Forward in mid report, sars . the p.iyuicnts in 18-11, ou account principal and iiiterest 'l'reosury iiuiss,' anil public debt, are as Ibllows: 'freasurf notes reikem- - 1 ed principal and int., $3,027,311 W " ' Public debt, - . -J7,tW0 til. : a.l quariur, Interest on . ' loan.. - 70,000 00 ' .IJ ipurter, prineipuland f uitvrust on Trtssury ' m noies, - o(ia,lHil 95 . 5,0,07o 7 ) Nctt expemlituresof Whig year, 1811, $20,390,91)1 91 Dociliiii'iilk No. (louso' of Kepre- r tntiiiives,l7ui Uougrosa, i!.J tSt:sf . Kion-olaiVurBiit (aid before House by Mr. Fillmore, tliairiuaii-of Coin- . . tee of Way and Un,''cuiilain Sccrulary Kwiig's letter to said Chmnn .ii, daied July 7, JS1L ih . which letter. Jtfr. Kwing rcporis to ",j him staleiiieut No. tj of said docu- " oieut, hbving"l6xpei)tliiure tbr last . ." 14 years-rat page 20 we hsve the 'ffgiegate ce.it tttpeuduvrei of Mr.-- -: vsiy4!urei 11 year, l-HO, indc . A poudoo' of Treasur aoieaiiiil putt." IicdeUy-tobel .- $02,389,3o.j ; 'his J laoqo.uiWliig' increase oi - This expuiis.9 in oife yt'Ar, ' $1,007,03 67 This sialement then, (as it shews,) is made ujion iho authority of J'esnJeiit Tyler, aud the two Whig Secretaries, lowing aud Forward.'" The -Whigc-MMMijiooltl - J flaying shown bow the Whigs have increased the expeuuiures. fih Government, Til nowihow how much they propose to augment the public deb..- ' ;z;'v.f. ' Mr, Woodbury states in a late steecli in the Senate, that Aw p,ublic debt lulHy Mr, Van Bureb was l)iWeeu"5 and 1 8 millions, fir the.issue if Ti'easury Quje'st ' Mr." Forward lIKs present ' IV lug Secrelarjf of Jhe Treasury, reported to the Senate pn the 10 ri Jan.; 184 that the debt-for Treasury notes isWe'l tinder Wr. Van Bureu, was on the 3d jj last March, 10,607301 SI -and that the pub ic lit: fit luf Treafury uoles ami loans, on 23 1 i.(,l)ec., 181J, was f IZ.WU.pU t 01. They d.llor in these Staieuiint-, fro u about one hall'lo a million of dol lars, V resect cj M r Van Bureu's deut. 1 will take Mr. Jr orwaro'sat U; mem, merely because H i tfiost against ux, and ineiefuie.caiinoi be iinpugneU b"uoVrri5i.;.. , " . (' , , ' t vSgdebtoo aai Dmil$&wfi& Van iiureu'a adiuinisiraUun, on QJol : March, ln41, . V 6,607,601 64 lucreased Actual debt, Add tho baiaute ol the loan, ut!vriz ed by the act of Uist of July, 1841, L352,M3 03 0.422,tel . li,774,rJ67 03 Add the following items on account of extraordinary expenditures, proposed by the Secretaries of the Whig Cab inel, and Ibr objects tlronflif rtcoin- . , mtmkU und appruttd hy PresHlent yier, in his late Message : Air." Forward, Secretarv of TretBurv. nw ef I'rcasurv notes, 5 5,000,000 00 t waiy m in m, io increase our s-lsot war. tne aiiuii.it exuemiiture tor winch, ; variously estuwiiad j"oia !o?0 unllioii-, say; however. a 10 years, 20.000,000 00 ,r pfoises, among J,;;,'", XeJa'chaTni aijtrjrylg-to'' W'KM'f'wMr Uius. Tms cannot la; estimated at "The President, besides approv ing the foregoing ohjects, prupe a tie. 1 . .1 . ; , . loan, the lurllier auiouiit of 3iooo,lioa 00 j $,774,V,7.rja ! ' ILire then we have an actual and proponed debt bv Jhe Wings in lee lijan ten moutiia alter they i'oliulo pouer, of m ire tliaa.S2'imlliiiist( dollars, iiul this is niJt the worst. . We are taxed auilur ine new. Wmg Tani', upon the n(.'cesaraos ol ir, ' in-furdiiig to tluir own ettimate at . I lit Extra Session, . 3,774,000 OUJ , Secretary Forward in liislalean. ntijl report propJes,tt lurlher - tax of x . ' . 4.7IS.570 00 i Tola I taxes, 810,4!1J,570 00 Add lo tins iho pu'ilic debt-as t , above 82,774,07 03 Als i one cur's interust on public - debt as aime, . 4.90tt,4SO 00 'f.dal id taxes mid puhliu debt ac.-''; f"' tU-d and proposed $iQ-131,7n 03 M-m we have in o.ie yrur, the Whijf yeiir l'llT in luxes, an l p'ftilic (i'-ht, iti tuul tiatl propnrd,the eurm i,u 'it oi MNKl'V KKill 1 MILLIONS OF ln)LLUS. More than six 'dollars iter head I o .e,v;;ry . luiu iiian,.i.nmvu and child in the I"i,i. i-,f firti.-. ' . .. ' ;- I oe vVy'4. are Mnppeil from' q stiouTug (lie prini-i,iln TiMhis calculafm. , 'Theyj iiiVjH)t!d to i i iiiuiBier Hi (i'.yerunieiit jtrith In.illioiw a vear- to f i'ii'ijwim. rri-f ai A (? rrorHi.ri. la ilim r irnuhmmt . in jrvjHitr ejjji-nu.iiirei ana taxes, wirieh ewi'inm iimf ernny view, lall KHiiri tif ilia tUm I wi oe n unarm Hitfttmi.tni lUiiiarti j. I tit hest way , to make yiro r'rl, is if) la k o tixpi ndiiig millions, w ii'ft soik-i m ,,, would only lalk.of hundreds li b-g-is a ciniiem,.t o economy In' small ium, and i- surp m the end.Jo coirupt ihe minds of men in p iSlio Mini private life. Bur above nil, the princi- po is mofe thiin warjnnied by the Whig charge, it 1D40, that' Mr. Van Bureu prnpu";ed lo raise a "ja'a i.Jiiiif Ar oy ijj VtlUI (IHO rinlnia. ' U ''at a ii.'i(tri)fir nrirrcrt the Democratic and Vhtiatmmstriitun.i ! ! j 'lfie two Democratic administrations paid ofTtheJ L.I I .. ... .il.i.. . i- n l luiii . .. .- 1 i n.i, iiioaiio siopjii'il Hks in no I rasury, which.wouhl have carm-d oil $200,- iQilO.IMjO, lo n.ad eheines ol luiernal iHiproveinent I by the (r-tierat Government ( is win eamnated at lite time t n. J ickson vetoed the Miiysvilh road b l')-yirti' d on Uo expirisivii 'vnrs with Black llrtwk.-itnd I hp i mmole Judians lemoved In dims, and pun-based "from Gljif 1 Oil millions of acres of iodian luiils paid Slite claims for war (jehts lihisfu fl the, puOlic buildiligsA- mil double ine amount n I'l-u-iuna t-i soldier since dend r mi M fil M irimlJ ha l...iM f.i.l II . if h . , : - "7"' r', ."""''" "lr',,r'jr with . gwal oi.,i,iJy jfiower in tirfm like (he I m lshtng mdtr the act of Pper chnrh.uii.l pa,,f iepl.rtsuch as iho whigs H.1-J -all Oh- to.., ai a .,mc, when iho supplies of gave ui llm two Iisjf urei, amount to no'li .he t. . rnmei for the Army. Navy,. Ac, were mSMhey are woril, no Mo;e than (ho fltiunshuij, dmihe he price the, are mt and after ...scharg.; re,f.a xve ud 1 haJt, ,U .he Um.ett State, mg all these extraor.lintiry f XM'i.diiuie,.tl E,,. ,,f , ;, r r f ,".f millions of dollars with theStjltr,. . " The Whig, also promised" you, that r ap. More than tins! brought all fnreigr, nationt 1oiiit'mei.ts lo offigo, lm , regulated ,v (K, ; - 1 ; l . . " settlement and payment, who owed us for spolia tions upon our Commerce 5 and exalted the nation al honor and credit abroad, to a height" which caus;d oilier nations to look updn us with bonder and admiration. , t , ."" r i Now turn your face to the picture of the IVAif year, 1641 1 You there behold, tho Natiimal credit tornuhed. and the nation itself covered with a pall of deep foreboding gloom ! Trade depressed the profits ol the -plough' "ninihcd the labo. rer and his family turned out 'of employ menl the , people dispirited witVW priefs and large dtbti mortified and deceived with W'n,t Pl'0,', f lietter, times the .nation disgraced by the fruda and fuilure of the.GBKAT BaJtK-4h Federal. Treasury bankrupt flif avowal before the worid " 'that this Whig administration cannot- borrow mo. ney upon the honor and credit of the ciajntry tho expense of the Government increased in one year 10 over four millions of dollars, and titles-and proposed public debt together, of ninety-eight mil lions of dollar. As a Republican, proud of tny country, I look upon ihis picture, more in sorrow than in anger. In summing up millions upon millions of Whig extravagance, I cannot condescend to notice such aims' as $8,000 to enhance) the gnrgemwieiw of the President' house, called by the Whig in 1940, the palace of Royal magnificence nor,' the sum of nearly half a million of dollars ftr the expends of the usnlesa Extra Session nor, the sum of $23,000 paid to Mrs. Harrison these, 1 agree", ttji contemptible.sums ina long catalogvt I of millions. It were ridiculous to complain of a sting of a viper, hen a Giant is etfangled by the folds of the Anaconda I i do quarrel, howevej, with the principle of the appropriation to the widow of the I' resident because it i the com mencement of the horrible policy of cieil pensions. Jeffi'rKa died poor and Monroe died poor, both, I believe, -insolvent, and no pension was given by Con gress' to their families. ' No men deserved it more, " because they were among the fathers and founders of the Republic. Make a beginning and where will you end I Ymi must extend it to Judges, Govern ors, Semifnr Members of Congress, Secretaries, Minister, &c until it may amount to a standing arrnvof Aorre leeches sticking this bi.ood of tub Pkoplk. The policy of ciml pensions, is the ttrv - I ei o,, essence of the British monarchy which is sup ported by giving the lands ta the oldest on, and taxing the bread of the laborer to enhance his profits, and ferOinoting to office ine)'otingci. son of the nobility, and fazing the people to support theit families.- , THE TARIFF. True policy dictated that the public land aliowld be applied to the puro-es of the Treasury, and all useles olfices and eX)eiic"ubifihdT ini woyld probably bring the expense within the menus of 1 lie Government. Instead ol which, the W higs have resorted to loans and taxes for protection. Taxes on the necessaries of life, to protect the manufacturing interest, is a waf igairtn tgricul- a ' I I . m 'we am cowavrc ,- and if you extelid ti princi wre ana comment; ana 11 you exienu ijie princi. mi pie, it will totally degrade the one antT destroy fjro pie, it will totally degrade the one amf destroy fjm other. These three interests, leJJ coipputeiS; with each other, upon he principles of rt frae iri b the world, without monopidiea or exclusivb i nnvileirea In nither. will fluurikh lal Ttv -i WILL LIVE AND LKT LIVB. ButMhij moilieill you tax one tor the benefit of the other, yoS "destroy thi wholesome balance, displace "Violently vested capital, and derange the wtole system. Tim e. 3fflcjjjrfe.tifrjffj tni pay higiier Utr the necessaries of life, 'salt, sugar, iron, Vc., for the benefit of the manufacturer lor rf it were no benefit, fit would not ask it. . '2d. to deprive us of one of the greatest pryile of free. men 1 ue rigni 01 iree iraue, 01 soiling or buying of whiiu we please. ' For tf- we tax tml the pro isrifiJiOrjUjJUU look lo other markets -than ours to buy cotton, to- wiltflnaitymTWiiuroniie'l piodtll-e. . Tho thecundle is jnade to burn" at bo'h r DTn.y n, .nir: Tiwiww twrww Tt-w-wioTri the 'other. I nrtu il mil .nil va.i ...I nlrlti. ..4..h' I '.. l- r .1 - - . . .... .'v., ...... VII. .n IM.J iiiiiiii . rsource oi uie revenue oi ine oovemnient you rum the planters.ofanners, Hiid those dependenVtipoh, agriculture, by depriving them of a foreign market,' you destroy comnjerce, ahd revert fo" a siato of barbarism. FiWiTRaOit'Aso sffltoa ,Riii8Ts ought to be the inotto of f tut D;mocBat. .SPOILH OF OFFICE, . Tri" Whigs denonuced u as " the apoiU party. They condemmM proscripti.m for opinnm's sake," ascvcrable and tyrtjimical, and made thf) moM-no-1 leinn prmnises, ta. prosdrilw proscription." it, e t .-.t , . i '. i . t i ,. " - ' ii ive iney Teooeniea mis pieuge i. "j. we are told upon the highe-t authority that they Uf, re- moved more officer in six mouths than the.Ticmo i.t f. l.v.. I. i .-.i e ,,,uj"i. JVV i runcripiion, wn a ruup less and navage apirit hat lteea practised every where. Neithftr gray hairs, youth, want, norey olfitionary iiervice, ccmld stay its vengeful mrpke. Lstk around you l and.notf place, but presents mmm5 poor democrat, who has been tht,victimt,f 11' L' ',lll., Il- ... . . mg proscription, yig pointers wim larce fami ht-s uepeuuing upen R-iiuie salary oi giiou, Imve A. I . I ... . ' . .. . urr" oeo .un p hi , ok i nunty or me worm, anil "ia New York.aiytof iSirfeep, nRe,, im uie eitsiom iioue,i omv necaiiso uis lailrer wsh aPenKKrat, wa oiisied from office. " Even iu you 83.n State, (Ins pirty (h.isiyit1very Dmiiii riraNrotn power orptace withm thnir ti hchTiiM'i. dowp, to the poor distr keeper ol tlief A-winUv. S and Ihe keeper 'of ihe Capitol. Ueycpigmg ihein. teives upon jjm itaru working, imediwatpti Inhorer and Lis family, iM'cause he bhd cxcrvi-o 1 ih pnv- :i t ;"i i . .i .... it'-att tu n iviHiiiiiiieuii, hi voimjj Hiamsi ine v hiL's. Vs ever pSusCriptin niore lii'iidisli mid nerseci s ling ihanjliisj X is grasping ai sordid rapacity, snowing riviounmr, cpum noipare "tie poo.- man humble meal, ItutJwjTh.i wnifisUpiril hunle'd up the inyterBble crimiiis of jfie troasnry ! ! W'ejcompluin of this-, becauso itv.n Jim in t hn ltth of the uioet oli!inp ph doe's, and h cause ot iis downright liypocrmy,vaiid deceit Tnn money, bonds 'and stoi ly of iho State, amount to l twern two ami Ihrea miliums of dinars, in the hu'isiv fund, Iiiferiia.1 Improvemout, fund, II inks A- . This iuimenw! miiMejf power, o enpah'e of Uhint. nimsnd is now under Ihe sole and ; xelu-ive control of whis, n n one Democrat allowed to remain, to watch, ami" check, and repoil lo iho people, (whoso mmieyji e-i "i":iinii mnisii incur, .ine mer is, Hiai Jhl. people of Jhe Slate have-lieen JtApt in thn darkijf- -on this iihea)i i it wolhe duly of the Whig (egii. ..; latrtre cji'lSlO, through f'oniriiinee irppoin'o-l ex presily tiir Ihat piupost , tu have, iii.yiuird most rigid erq iirj, on actual personal inetig ,ttii under oath, into the condition of our Baijjijriiil road companies, sod, the Boards of-loans and Inier. nal Improvement.-' No pnr'y can ift ly bo tiiisl . innii'iixnniHi i . ' !-st J ' rule, t is he hoiiest, U lie capable 1'' WhBi fact I In this Slate, tbey have generally Z their very hottest partizana to olfice; ho dm M party aervice.a. the teat of qualiikation, ltT federal Goyernment, their course ha been tiou. in tho extreme. , For in, numerous uln!' appointment, have beer, made, of ,en, dU3? ; Pd for the,r wanuf probity and qiialiHcatiuJ " Bui, Gentlemen, my health admouuhea in. tU I must cloee, although roy aubject k not half l? hausted. 1 here w however one remark I V to make betore I conclude. The peoUe , that Vaa LW. .dmidiafr.t.on er, by a rtandlhg army of lOp.003 office hoC How MrarTge, that the Democrata ahould h!' bfen vanished with such n armyln 1840 ! 11 much more'jrtrange, (hat with thi army them, in the election of last summer and f,, L people in 15 State. , and Territohe. m Z chain, of Whig power, unfolded th- baurwr of fr dom, and inscribed upm its fold., FREE TR A hp -NOH'AXKS FOR PROTECTION-NO MO NOPULIK3, OR EXCLUSIVE I'UIVILEgkI -J-BANK REF0R.M. . U Lot thia be our motto, and conquer we must My own conscience is' armed with the solemn con viction, that I am right, and that von- T juat, and with my trust in God, (a, wc(J a, Wab will permit,) I na.au to rupiniaiu it.' 4 , " With the highe t respect, GenllemWJTt Fain j lcUurjciti2eu l and humble servant, i'our LOI'IS D. IIKnv follcifsv FiTTs, and other, Committee. ' BANKRUPT LAW. ' KaiTIO TT SOBTM CABOI.I.XA OISTaiCT. I I IIKREBY GIVE NOTICE, That oalhe first day ol iebruary next, I )tt hU a Court at my huusb 10 r uyeiieviiie, tor the purpose of rtceivi,,!, petiuons under " An acito erbium . miturtn nZ lem of Bankruptcy throughout the United .State." and that the , Court will be k.u.t '.. dav in Hiii-i-eiiiri fi..A., . . ' .hall be given to the contrary. ...w vuulnaaJ. ctu))iiu uiitll 1 notice In the eaae of voluntary bankrupis, the Act pro. ide.ihat ail peron. whatver, residing , ,!, b ate.dtc, owing debts, winch shall not have b. created in consequence of a deCdtaiion as a pauhc , , cvuHir, ouuniatrator, guardian trustee, pr while acting in any other fiduciary pacjly", who shall, by iK tlll.m. emr, I...,i. ... or ct. Ihu best of then knowledge and belief, . , , ,, creditor, thejr nspeciive places of r-de,H-e, A inventory ot his or ihe.r pro( vr.y, rights and cred. it, of every name, kind, , ilescnphon, and lU location and situation of each and every piirce UJ potiori thereof, verified on - ,wll (rr ullirmat,,,,,) apply to the proper Court, for the. benli, f,0 Act, and therein declare iliemi.Ve 1,. h U... jJ to tnee$ their debtaiidu2aeiiieiito sh'.lliii.. ed bankrupts wlthinvttie purview of tl,c tt si a Jnayto so declared accordmg y By a decWoT 1! Court. ' It imy ''opinion, that nil per-on cotniria wuhm th nurvipiv ..l'iiu. i,., .1. .. """ . the purview of tin, Ac, .hough,,,,., uy be el .rely do.t.iute of pro,,r.y, are e.red to its bene I perceive iu ihe publ,cafinnsof tajveral oflU d,ver-"r "of hit, I a... ci. pated,to UHrtMrtjte nCtten'EiiZ awarethat other a, id, rore- imporiaol dukulne will occur in the .q-.. ,H,,, j rt(1, now in a carrespondence w,th weti, 1),,M., J,,w, with the view of reconciling U Ut' u...Dpo,., u, mo aci, and oiuminx, ut ea,i i ometftinu like a utiuorii.itv of uraei,;. 1 J.. JwwAW.lwld. -jiy,f wMdtn .n ........ ....Art . . ' ' I'"' '" ' :::ir' r.-1 'TV ,u ,ruw' "r-'wacr witii j 1 iia nora-xmi r vra ... ...t . suaii oc L'lven in rti.u 1, ...... riwrjisg - 4"nvr..osructrmr ttf TJifXf l ' I Mklil. ... .....1..... ' . .- . petition may be verified 'before a.A, J.i . . ... 'i . ce of.ihe Peace ol tfi, S.atc; but h,. . r'euh!',:qU'rV 'U "ttC ' "ur,. ,h h, Vr. ng, e ther in pwVf declare hiiiMiU o bo uuable to meet hj debt and ei.a,.e. meuls.- , - : . .., ' ' - , " " , J';'riHoNrinustcompriK-9S'n hi. p-ii.iori .a no item required j and it will be (bund a.-,.; 4t 111 'P' ff ''wbf llie.Act. He ,IJUMl , lhi'ou,,'.v h jwide. ' Tl , PL',"lii when eceavd, will Le rofenctl, 1 T" n'i'g. o. their respective StuttJ Courts m I 1 lilts Hhrtt.t. j. . . - i" ' ! Cur ""nc,i all .within the Di,lrn:t of AIIp. "'t 'Hheard at .sEdimion all within u,e t Distrief nf Pji,.l ,.,.n . . I i i -uuiviPi ii, fe rieard ai iewbern ...J-rlv,....... iV . V.. " "VV"' ,-"l .-- V" 1'istrici ol Cajar Feat W. m,"C,.T?nd Wwiil be ordoted as d,. reeled by the Act file iUictTorAlbennarle c.m.pria... ihe-two. &D,Mrfct.oCLaei,..na..d llax ; tho 1), rwf ; wpV.se. Uie l,wlricu liArn u.l.l II. I I L ' ' - ; "v'" "ouougn, togfiuer with all ihal uart niuiiigioii w hich In a ou f,.,,'Erf 5'r Ktv'er ; aii.Tii "i iiw n 'r Ctfinnrikw thtf ra.iiti'iit.laTa "IU U MIC Oliixf. All Om.M,,un.cat,o,is m ,,iJw.f , u ,,,,, (lpt. cy,- a.ldrs,4 irmu by m,,!, ., 1(0. . J,., reuian urtojs o(Ih o. 4 x- ii Jr J,t,fri't of North t aruliua. yt.ayeltivtlle, January 17, 1,1. The Bankrupt Law! ! ! II AV'.'N "k"n """"frraldo p,illjp t lnv. j B 1 sell with uie provision. ,,( tl.. U,.iiir,.pi iH.v, ho ly pa6-4by Loiiie.ss, I heretiy t.-mlvr !y . rv,,i u. such ss inay wish to av.,1 them. lves l u, hen, li' . 1 1 ah, II slu-nd the Unued Hiio Court of Un. District. ; and if imcesMry. tin, Circuit Curl, aU,. P, r,oin I wishing lo avail tl,e,eUe pfmy ,,-rv.ee,, can e n.e I on Ihn fini,r,M..,r.. ....:.!. . ' . ' Aft rwards 1 sfiall l.utud m my olliee u .Sa-lishurv. f, ' c- JUAEJsJ ' t4,,"' "'is occaskai to correct a pn-vailmg error concerning tlii. law. Many peeii.s I rind, Mip s tlmt no one, except Uoii as owe t W amoiiui nt live hundred doll to I " lis lPnfHU I III I" Jmiktt.ke, (or it ajjiibrsce. all peris," owing th bn I Milt,, aril iiii.I.I I.. .4 . '.. ' ., " ,v M"-u " "'eel ineai, uu maiter h',w small the amount. . II (' J, Sahhury, Feb. 11, Ho , Uw . ... , , . 'j English and Glageical School. , 'I1",'' Nul,,,crikr having engaged Ihe mi vices vf Sir. 1. ( i akkk, h graduate of ' Uartmoiitfi Colleg'-,) l li'ach his childreiTj will take into the School a lew pu pils. Term per Kessinti of 5 montlts, ... , $4 to fl.'i. MICHAEL 1IUOWN. Salislmry. Feb U, 112. V ;w nue jVw Choking Stcrt on cheap erms? Apply at llifs Oflkn. . neccmlKT 17, 1U, ' i ' Gvy. J