I t r V . r : fr'-f l-tV F"V if. I: If . iVr I , "J ; I "Patrick," laid aa Irishman, what bothetin long milei (her have in Amirika." " YeaVhv plieJ Jemmy, " and twice many of .thorn aa in Irjlant hail lurk tlr'm ' 'Experience U the moat eloquent of preachers, But be aeluuti) ouda a large congregation. .. .t . llarfj. The bark of a-wHIow tree, burnt to hee and mixed with atrong vinegar and applied to the parts, will remove an wans, corn or excrea- ccocea on any part of the body, - ' '' ' ' '"' The nourishment contained" in corncobs, it nid, is equal to about twice their weight in hV .beef ofhay. If soaked a few days in brine, or boiled so aa to render it possible for cattle to maa ticale them, they will eat there with avidity. Hut wheq ground they make palatable und valuable fodder for cattle or horses. '"', , , M I wander," said a little girl who hid seen' Fat J ny dance, "bow it is that a lady who makes So much moneycan't afford clothes enough to finish out the length of her frock." , " I see jn this world,," says John Newton, " two heaps of human happiness and misery now if I can take but the smallest bit from one heap? end add to the other, I c rry a point. If, a I go home, a child haa dropped a halfpenny, and if by giving it another I can wipe away its tears, I feel that 1 have done aorm thing. I ahould be glad indeed to do greater things, but I will not neglect this." f JVe agree with a cotieinporsry, that there is the avveetness'of philosophy, the boauly of fact, and the juice of justice, in around, and about, the following brief remark:. uln entwining book, you are at liberty to criticise" every page. In criticising a Newspaper, you must look to its general tone and character. An author may write only when the " npirit moves him 5 but an Editor muat write whether the spirit moves him or noU"-tVgiffr. themselves employed all day, and who, if they were to cast up their accounta at night, would find that they had done just nothing. They Kae read two or three hours mechanically, without attending to what they rend, and consequently, without re taining it. 1 Tl nee they, saunter into company, without taking any part in it, and without observ ing the characters of 1 lie persons; or the objects of tl,j conversation j but are either thinking of some trifle, foreign to the preaent purposb, or often not thinking at all which ailly and idle suspension of thought they would dignify with tho name of b sence and abstraction. , ' ' " Pray do you be as attentive to your pleasures as to your studies. In the latter, observe and re-fli-l upon what you read and in the former, be walchfu tod attentive to all that you see and hear; and neyer have it to aay, as a thousand fools do, of things that were said and done before their face, ' That truly they did not mind them, because they were thin ing of something else. Why were tiny thinking of something else? and if they were, why did they come there T The truth ia, that the fowls were thinking of nothing. Remember to do welt what you are about, be that what it will ; it ia either worth doing well or not at all. Whoever you are, have your ears and eyes about you. Lis ten to every thing that s said, and see every thing thnt is done. ,. , ', " X large larit iy ul Warden Seeds for Mule at the ralibnry Irti- noTic 'pHEJIE will be soli), en Tuesday of the Rtiporinr M- C-ourt, (22ud March next) on a credit of 6 munth. the splendid . " cauinivt op mlm:jlks ONE LARUE TRAVELLING TRUNK, and Bo, belonging to Dr. Austin, deceased. All per sons indebted to tt -"Austin eatata, may expect to be sued if they do not pur up before the above limn, ' , B. WHEELER, Adm'r.. -Vt bonit fioa. Salisbury, N. C, February 23, 142. 4t P,rrrf. Poverty often prove a torch light, which kindles up an intelltual fl une to brighten and beautify- the wholejnorl world Lhile jl glitter of gnbJ blinds the vision of million to t-eir best interest, and finally leaves. I he in in hopeleM ignorance and dirace. A certain steamboat Captain line become popu tar on the river as a commander, and was about to take charge of new boat, one n the handsomest that was ever bull: in the Wct. O.1 the evening preceding the morning she wis to leave, tho poll, he wae induced by lha owners to vint his house, where there warto be a party of Indies, some ol whom were-to be his penger to New Oili-au. The Captain fell a little qieer about going; he wai more at home on the' horru-ane deck, or the Hcial hall of his boat, than in the drawing room IrilUE Sulweriber v. ill noil it his hoow, in HaTibury, r on Monday of the net Huperior Courts on a cred it ul six inontli the to! lowing prorly, in wit : - 81 X HEAD OF CATTLE, HOUSEHOLD , AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, a Mrcel of ed lumber, a parcel of rk, one Carriage, NOTIC3. nmong abadujs;JIe ''""'""'PT'g" All persona indebted to me sre requextt-d in make piy uient miinediately. . . A. AlAT I IIIKl'. flwliury, N. C, Mnrch 4. It4i ;t S I L a sTi U I e; UESPnCTFULLY inlirnuilM! ciiizew ol Saliatairy snd aurrounding country, that he hi comim-no d taking in work in his line of bovine at hw dwHImp, where ho will mske up work, slter it iicut out, at the fullowinjr prura: Jrvns cusin, snd a'l kn.ila of thin r.l, ikl Stl; Cloth itnta, 3 0(1; l'aob,?5; U, 75 ; Overcoat ajrj tKI. - All kindaof dMintry produce tikcn in exchange lur work at the mrkepriw. ilibury, N. (., January 21, I Morr, by February 18, 1642. C. D. WHEFXER. Laborers Wanted.; Wanted,' number of hands to work at I ho 1111111112 buaincH at (.Vnrad's Hill, in Dnvidn Count). The uaual wagea will be givs n, and the hands will be paid oil weekly, or nionibly, as they may wiwh. Good board oiay be had near the mine on reasonable ternia. T. PIIILLU'S ALLEN, Agent. January 14, 1S4'L ; ir. ,, PROSrECTlSf Cobgrcsslonal Globe and Appendix I Uli FAMILY 1 KiVMMPEK. THE PHILADELPlUA SATURDAY COURIER. WITH TUB LAkUKII UHCUtATloa IN TUB WOSI.0 ! I The publiahersot this old mtabliahed and universally popular Family Journal, would deem itsuperogatory to aay a word m cuniniendation ol Us paat or preauui txcei lencr auduatilulnea lis unrivalled and increaaieg circulation, (over UO.tifJO.) is its beat recommendation. For the future, however, a determination to be naar in the van of the American Newapaper Weekly Preso, will carl tor increased exu-ndiiuresnd renewed attrac- tuma fur the coming year, 14, not the loa "of which will be an Hiiproveiuent in the uuslity of the paper, and addition' ol ppular contributors, embracing, we fully believe, the beat Hal to any aimilar Journal lu l,,e VPrio. ' 1'he Courier ia independent Ut its character, leaileaa- ly purauing a straight (..rward ctairae, sod supporting tlie best miereata ol Uie'puotic. It is alricllySieutral in poliucasud religion. 'It will maintain a high tone of mo, a la, and nHau article will appear ia lis psaeswDicu should not find s place at every fireside. It has more than double tlio number of comMant readers, to uiai ot any .oilier paper published in tho country, embracing ,Uiu beat laimlies o our Republic. ; A.TILBIOAM TAI.i:l. Every one ahould be proud to patronise the Philadel phia Saiiinlay QiurK-r, as by iu unbroken aeriea ut ori ginal Ami tic an I'ufx, by Mich native writer sa Mr. Caroline h e IhiHx, Mrs. Ft, lemi Laid, M The Lsdy ol Maryland," I'roieaauT Ingrahame, T. K. Arthur, Km , Mixs biWwick, Mae Lelieairfl many otheia, it haa justly earned tho title of the. Amakai family Aws- ToreUn Lileratiiir and Iewn. Deterimned to snare no expense in mskmir the Sat : urday t.'ourier a ported hmmIuI of t UuivaWU Family pipBper. m rqual intereat wait dames antf petanna t cvtry nation, we have made arran''eiiicnta to receive all the .Marnxiuea and pajiersof intereat, publulicd in f 'iiyl-nid in d on the (bniiownr, the newa and gems of winrJi are iininediately iranaterred to ita eolunma, thua litin to emiirranta, aa well aa others, a correct and cuiin tir.i account of whateter occurs ol' inttrcal, ei ther at home or abniaii. , THE MARKETS. Particular care ia In ken to pmcure the earliest advi co in r Icretur In Ihc prieeaol all kinds oTlirain, Pro vixioii, I'rikiure, oVc ,ihe atateof Mcick, Rsinka, Mnney an 1 I itnl-, and our extenaivo arrangementa will here alter re,Klt;r oor 1'ricti ( urrrnt nf ineotintable intereat THESE works have now been publithed by us for ' ten couavcutive seaaions of Congreas. Commen cing avilh the session of lbXl-3. They have bad such wide-ciiculalion, and have been so universally approvi d and sought after by the. public, that we deem it necca ary only in Una prospectus to ssy that they will be continued at the next session ofCongrcw, and to stale, noccincily, their contents, the form in ftbicb ibey will be printed, and Uie prices lor them. ' The Congreaiional tilobe ia made up of the daily proceedings of the two llouaes of Congieas. 1'be vprecnea of lbs membera are abridged, or condensed, to bring them iutoa reasonable, or readable length. All the resolutions offered, or motions made, are given at length, in tbe awver'a own words; and the esa and nays on all the important questions. It ia priuied with ' amall type brevier and nonpareil on double royal licet, in quarto form, each number containing 16 loyal quarto pages. ' H ia printed as fast as the buiuea done ia Cuiigreae furnishes maUer enough kr a number usually jete number, but aonetimes two oumbtia, weelu We have invariably printed roore numbeis than there were weeks ia a aetaion. 1 be-approaching session of Congteas,'! is expected, will continue 7 months, if so, aubacribtrs may expect belsietn HQ and 40 numbers, which, together, will mske bet ten SOU and t'M) royal quarto pages. : - - ' 1 The Appendix ia made up of the PaEsiaxirr's an noal mesaage, the re porta of the principal flicers of the Government that accompany it, and all the long peecheaof members of Congress, wriiun out or re vised by themselves.'.. It la priuted in the same form aa the Congressional Globe, and usually make about tlie same number of pages. Heretofore, on account of the , set speecbea being so numerous and so long, we have not completed tbe Appendix until one or two months , afler the close of the seaaxyi ; but, in I'utore, we intend to print the speeches aa fuat aa (bey rhall be piepared, and of ciairse shall complete be work willuu a few . data after tlie aejournment. i, ' . ' -; ich of these works ia complete in itself; but it is neceatary for'everj. suUcriber wh desires a full kno Ifugeiot: the proceedings oTCongreaa, to have ' both ; becauae, then, if there should be any ambiguity ill the nopols of the speech; or, any denial of iu cor- rvCtma, a published in the Cotigressionsl Globe, the ; reador mav return to the Appendix to tee the speech at length, collected by the meipber himself. . . , Now, t!i"re ia no source out tie t-ongreaawnsi uiooe snd Aprx mlix, from which a person can obtain" a lull f biatort of tliWOroceed intra of Conffreaa.: Gales and.. yATo'e RegUter of Debatca, which contained ajna- . tory, liaabeen surpended : for three-or foue, years. It coat sbout five times aa much fur a sestioo aa the Con gressional Globe and Appendix, and did not contain an ' equal amount of matter, a sreat portwhbfthe current proceeding being omitted. We are enabled to print tbe Congressional Globe and Appendix at tbe juw rate now proposed, by having a large quantity of type, and keeping lite C6ngresaHal matter mat P op lor lha dailv and atuii.weeklv GbbesL Mandinu tor ibe Congreairional Globe and Appendix.' W jad W act up the maiur purpnavly tor Jbeae worjia, we could not : attbrd toprmt them lor double the price rwharged. fuiolete Indexea to both the XXjftBreasional Globe . and the Appendix are punted at tlie che of each sea-' aion, andaenltoallrtihrcriberalor Uirm.. . , . We have on band 3,1X11) or 4,000 (nrploa copies nf the Congrenaioaal Globe and Appendix for I be Kxtma. tieaaiao, which make together near one thousand roysl ' quarto pages. ' They give the fullest biatory nf Con greas tliat has ever been published, f We now sell them for f I each; lhal is, $1 foflhe T'oogreaeional Globe, and $1 for the Appendix. We prepose to k t aubscribera for the Congrewiocal Globe and Appendix for' the next eesvion, liave them for SO cent each. They will be necrwsry to pnderatand fully the pro ceedinca of the next aeiwion. The'tmportani ruatiera or t North Carolina Temperance Union. ItHE tate Temperance Bociely of N. C. it iu u. Dual meeting, directed IU Executive tomuuuet7 take meaaurea for the eaUbliahnieot, at Una place. J Journal, devoted to the cause of Teinpcrance. In obedience to their 'wishes, ind iuiprcaaed an), a. importance ol auch publication, the Commute, bit, determined, if ullicient eucourigen.ent ciq be rl Mined, to issue the first number ot such a publicii to be called tbe NORTH CAROUNA JtS RANCE UNION, on the first of January next . nl. 1 1: .1,:.-. r.i.. .r. " i lie jcbuiiih wyn vi uie union Will be, Ih djj, inatioa of Temperance principlea. Ve .hall I,, the travWIer, lite larmer, and all bu.tneaa claaae diacuieed at the laat, will be brought op at the next , . . ..'.,. 1 seaasHii in cnnqueiice of the unrveraal diaaatlataclion deavor to present 10 its pages, a lull record ol the MT gresa of the Ten pe ranee cauae in our own aij a Lreiga binds ol ita etlect upon individuala and eT muniiiea and original article in delencaol iUdhh. ciplea, and in reply to the variuua ofyectioni aginslit. . t.,- . . - W bile, however, the promotion of Temperance in be the firal and leading object of our Journal, it uw intention, that its page Uicll be enlivened by a gerni summary of the most important event of the ui idj by particular attention to tlie intereat of Agriculture, lu carrying out this object, the Connuttee look aui, confidence to tlie friemlsof 'Jen.piiaiice, particutarlv in North Carolina, tor aid and rupporu A new pulae has been given to the cauae in thu State. (.tj Ihia the. proper occaaion, we could tell a tale of what baa been psaaing under our own eyes, which aouM send Ibrdl of joy through every benevolent hurt Tbe reformation of the inebriate Ut cm iMi,uj, t, s ia still going 00 with a power and uccea, ,b is, most Miigume never dared to anticipate. One u tut the means of communication, und we truat thai fluence will go forth from theCspitol ol the old North fcuie, to its remotcat Uaiiidary, that will icll u n, nappineaaano proapvmy uirm yn an luturegcnnatiuiii Permit us, then, mtl eatmatly to sppial to tury ftiend of Temperance, Molality, and gud oidtr, to and us promptly. As the objrt ia to commence anh t,e new year, UiUy on tbe part J ita Ira nda may be i,u Let every individual then, wh hela an 11 It nt m bur success, and every Temperance Bociety, Ucw.e th sponsible, ml once tor the nun Ur ol topua, ah ti, u suppose csn becirculstcd in their vicinity, ai d Mitd their names immediately, ft.r 10, !i0, 01 to copit-a, they may think the demand of their neighla rkmd any juatily. In tiiia way only, can we hope lor aucce in our effort. At a meeting of the Executive Co fnittee of t(, , C. Temperance Society, the billowing retolutica ii adopted : , U litre, arrangements have beta n.idf to commence the publication ol a Temperance J.-tirnal ig the City ot Ralerb.li, on the firtt week of January iu!, provided oki THoiSAND buhtcriber can be obtaim d. : Ur$olvtdt That it be moat earneatly recommended to each of the Officers of the Slate 1'eniperance Kocietr, and to the membera of the lute State Convention, ami to any who sr Iriendly to the cam, immiuiately attr the receipt of this reaolntion, to brcume rei-ponsible fcr from 10 to &0 dubucribcr. o thor the Duplication it.i. eofiniicnce at the time onlrnmlulfd. Bywueror tne becutive tommittce of the NorA Carolina titate Temtierance tiuciety. : ' ' ,; , TJi RJil 8 : . :If ' Tbe North Carolina Temperance Union w ill be pub. liahed weekly on a medium aheet, (ssy ) by It nw i.e.) at On DoUar and Fitly Ceuta per aiinuiii, pavo!e IS ADVANjL'K. Leiiers containing tubintHra nan.u and remittances, muat be directed, poatpaid ur lite, u the Trrsaurer of Uie bociely, Jambs Bkowx, Ralc yh, North C rbl ins. '-v All tbe newspaper in the Stale are reapeclfully re- aeated to give this Profpef lua oue or inneriajpN J V . PROSPKCTL'T" , however, went, and was introduced to the compa . ' you rrrurrt ba a hapyy" man, to be inaaler ul ao beautiful a bua,t." "She is a beautiful boat, nv lam : sets on the water like a duck." Ho wa " in town.tt "Captain D." said another-ldvr a blue stocking, i'o you think ""TliiWt,- mad im t thttrk ! - 1 hiuk alie-buimi -loo .!IwW,.Jm. "VffiffitXiYx&iil iiewr Wnie'AT hftTil?rtlie Captain staid any I mger or not. Cinc'mMli Mti- mftmrtlTTn-tatT U.l iHrrB.ri In ...hirta ul mTlmaia'inU ta- iVf ILL be sold, at the Court ll m.e, in Salisbury, " " mi Monday ol March Court, Ita Column contain a ureal variety of TLW, fcARK4TIV, (WAV a, AD BIOiiaArHICS,' evinced in the rate etrctiona with the vast and novel ryatem of policy which the powers have introduced, and which waa forced Ihroucb Coueres without con- Mr. 4". L-e llenti, ( liarle D.f.ki.-, (Ul,) . . one U,y abouMhe ageol IB era,w.1l gn,wn. -r A Ariil'r V tl I " I I 1 ' . miu n itui ii" , .... .. t . , , , ' -r- ' . , . .. . . ; ne.ilthv, and one girl about tlm a-e of 12 yeara, nf the Ljdia Lang.u.h tribe, what , my iriiMlWfifr The Bb;,ve pr-ny will "..hi of the' i-nmoniif SHkearre' Bv- rajbtir-w tgiung bond with approval wciiniv, T 'm JIARV II SLC KV rw. The best story of the soa)ni from the Pla q lemtne Ua'!tte : It ia generally the rae with editors, that when giving accounts of the demruction of lives and prop erty, by fire, they firt mention the particulars about the Iom oflifV This alwiys re uuidi u of an incident thil hpp;nal to a neighbir of ours divn east. DeieonSa-eet wis an even tempered, good heurl ei a rt of a mm, an I M r. 8. was ditto ; hved" her husbind, aid was ?ry econotnieal in her habit. Tne diww to t a etud'e and a two quart pitr.hor, (1 pitcher that Mrv. ! 5t had kept whole, initius Ilia nose, lir tea year.) ooe colj mght, and started to go down to the cells r, to draw some cidor. The -eld eet-.tletmu's fut alipurl at tin top nf the ataira, nnd he weiit""d wii head firsr. Mrs. 8ct heard the noiw, anH m, very much alarmed, to see whit hd haprried. The deacon, in the moan Jinie, had gathered hims If up, and was rnhhiog hi hm. " Lord ! (JiHt'it I" exclaimed Mr-. S., " what' the mutter ? hav yon broke the pitcher J" " Not" replied the oil man, grunting mid then j-rowinj furious" 1 hiint yit, hi' dud darned it I don't doit now, tii wjli 1'' and he mnaihed the long cherished pitcher egai'nit the wall." R,jwan county, March 4, 1 "42. :it 'pilKKR is a largn quantity of Plank, Scsnt'ing, A and other building materials on hand (or Hale at he M ill ol Charlea Flatter, on Hootb Yadkin River, orrherly Pearn' Mill. AIM Aqnan'itof choice curled Maple Plank, suitable for making haiac-iurntture nf varaHia kiial. Any quantity of eaw. d Nhinglea can be mrni-died at a very aluirt notice. Thene Hlunelea are alwsy made out of heart pine, or yellow uoulai, ol a regular ante, 1 and require no jtnnting, but can be naihfi on the rif juat aa they fall In mi lb saw Price ):f pnr 1JKN) at Uie.MilL .. WILLIAMSON ll.KKI, AjjU D.yemherai, 141 tr. irr-MILL IRONS.-Ji IMIKRR may be had at C. Father's FHimlry, nn . fouih Yadkin River, Mill Irons of almost all d' criptions uaed in thi country, D73SJia Raw Mill loaia, Guilgeoca all aortu, WIum 'ii nl all nz's, ic v hen not on hand, they may be made to order at a abort notice. WILLIAMSON HARRIS, Atrmt. n?ceintier;ii, isii. it. .iimcuronr, rncatioBraimmvAawai II tl mem, aim ln,lct, mi every dt'parlmeut naoally ditcu in a Universal family .Nawapaper, Irian such wrlteraas Mm. M. C. Hall, l'rllw Dungliann, M. .M'Alichael. Mia VMm K Rand, U.-urge p, Morrus . j;. Mr Gore, .' . Juaepb R, Chandli Mlaa Lealie, Pr.-fFoat, J. Slv ridn Know lea, Mra. .M. M. lam Loud, iiouglaaa JL-xruld. -, , Miaa SiMgWick, vVnrfi-rtnrrmt, iitrttfc'tr 1 4'nterv, I In t'ampbell, Miaa .Milloril, Prol.-a-or inea, K L H ilwer, m,', . JiMPph V.. Neat, f . TIhki. (i. SjH-ar, 4 1 Cant. Marryalt. R. N.' H Piin Mouth. ' TO AGENTS TKRMS. li4i itMirnetawyv I loo. Robert I"; Conrad, Uooert .Morn. . Jdrx C. II W. Ealing, "A. Green, Jr., 't John Neal, Counlea ot nicaaington, Imtj Heymour. or rue. Western Cajolina Temperance Mtomk. A mmthly f 'ptr JcvoteJ the Ji mprancr R, fvrn, S Vubluhti ml AthttiUt, A. U.. und tdutd BY 1. K. M'ANALLY. ( A.TmrxaAweg Cohtkhiiok that w-9lifW of tv.i place early ia beptember, resolved on biiUuhinir a . taii.Juu.ioe ana APueiHirx 1 r . .. j l r ra in lh lMd Aar, . h. ThrSrtwftWri 7. .7. . "t. IV.snieO Ur. toUMr:ti fapii4t vz:rJz out by the Reportera and the member themselves. A' d the whole are sebp-ct te the revision and correc- Imn of therpekers,as they paa in review in our daily " arrt, in raae any mtFonderrtsiiding or miaTeprrcDta- lion of their reinarks ahould occur,. We make a daily analysis of the doings in Congrc, tint give oof fHUMM ut A Ireelf, buL tin I publuiliea.: only in the Dsily, Semi-weekly, aud Weekly lilobe. TlMJJlyi5lu(ie is fJP, the rVMni-weekW Globe,, Wtfarn, eitearr. -The Wert-G4ooe- frmsew' in the same form aa Uie Coogreaaional Globe and Ap pendix, and a complete index made to it at the end of, each year. ,. ; ' 4". . ' , -terms. -;V;. For thejCongrewiorval Globe snd Appendix- Tor the Inat KxtreMewNin, (1.; m i i For Uie Camgreaaional Globe for the next session, (I per copy. - i For the Appendix for the next seaaion, $1 per copy. Hit eopio ot either nf the above works will.be tent The term ot the Courier are iJ'J per annum, payable Paymenta may he tranamitted by mail, pottage ptf. potiugf jm, mm will recrlpt lof oua lor each Keven eoptea lor a)tU, three couio for aVVor one coov three yeara tor i. V-.. -a-- t L L' II III ft ... Two copicaot the Saturday Conner, a fid Godey' La dy'a Hook, one year, will boaelit for $5. Five cpiiaol I he Saturday t'ouner, and Godcy'a Lac' li-oa, oue year, will be enl ha (IU.. Ailrea, M'MAKIN 4. IIOLUKN. t our riak. By a rule of the Poat Oltice l)enrtment. pootinaater aje permitted to frank lullers containing moneylbr aubaenptions. The note of any bank, current where a subscriber reside, will be received by a st par. 4- y Te insure all the numbers, (he ubaeriptien ahould be iq Waahingtnn by the'iSth December next, at fart heat, though it, ia probable that we shall print enough surplus copies in fill ever nibacnption that IIOKME- NEATLY rrHHsV tSiriftnrUM ff .H1lt -iiu ,oi inii won nin used to it, wtli outrun hore, by holding their ajteed lunger. A man will al run down n hore, for af lerhe has liavellod a fow duys, the horm will he iiitg tired, hot the man will tie aa fre-.li f. r moimii nt at tbe beginning. The king's iiioaaengera wn!k In lupahan, 104 mile, in fturteen hniirt. Molten lata outstrip lion in tho chnac, and auvajrta who hunt the elk, lire it down and l.ikii ; tlmv are and to have lerformed a journey of 'J.riliO milea, in loas thati six wtti ks. 04 the improvement of Time. 1 i one of Lord Chcaterfielil' letters to his Hon, n the following asage on the employmeut of tunc, winch is much Ii point ; ' " Nor do I ca'l .lennre ilhanea, or timo ot, provided they are the phiattire of a rathmal being; on tho contrary, a certain portion of your time, employod in tlnnn pie inrea, in very uaefilly em ployed. H'i;h arn -miu public s;i"P.lacles, and good company j but then these rcq lire attention, or else time i q lite lost. " There are a great many people, who think HILLS PRINTED - llfr'I'H'Hai Philadelphia. Thoa with wlam we exrhanee. will add to their i mI 1)6 P,m1 bcR" ,h l4 of Jsf'tsT next : the shove, or relerriuir to n '" " be ptd to order Mnh many oblipalmna hy copying l it in their colinnna. J on run I of HanLing : ItY WILLIAM M. GOLGE.OF PHILADELPHIA. 'fit Ik monay mrcompantft U, RLAIR . RIVES. Washington City, October 25, 181! THE JIARKI1TS, aanwe Arrivals and Departures pf 4te Mailt at, and from, Salisbury. - Thin Journal will contain , l A. A 'hew cliuun of " A Slmn 1 1 rr.,. I : . . . ' ' "i Bacon, Money sodJJankmg m th. United Suies," by Wm. , Uc8, M. Gouge, with iorreclMMi and additions, brmging tlie Brandy, (peach) narrative down to the preacnl time. . . IK " (apple) 2d. Vy no Bmking', Currency, Exchanyea, and !J'tI kindred lopiu. in which crloria will be made to place ibKrom' AT SALISBURY, MARCH 19, mi "IttterRr 3;. A senii-inonthly review- ol the times, embracing 'OHoo, (clean) th mo.i impaUnt event, eapecially ihose which st- . fjn' foct the general operation of buainea. J j'j nn. ucll iniacellaneoti matter aa will, while it will add to the mteiet-l of tho wrrk, auliaerve its mam ohj.'ct, which ia that or ahmving the true charac ler ot our paper mon-y and hanking y.-trm, and the effect it haa on the moral and happiue of tlie difier cnt clnaae of the community. Tl.laJ urnal will baeapeci Uy intended for Farmer and Mechanic. but it m honed it will not mnnnmiM.' Butter, ful to Merchant and other productive members oT o I ,,t'eiw,t eicty. ' fcff,UnK i. n l i. i Bale Rope, . Il will bo published nce every two weeks. Each Cofiee, number will cmilnin aixteen navea iirtaan. itnohlo (Jnlton. j column, with the .-vrs at Ut lied and cut, thim utiitinc I ''orni (scarce) the ailvnntai'e A the open ahect with a form con- , -IIHH, ,,,, UI,UIII, T 1 Tho paper will be fair and tW. type good. The price till bo t For one copy, one dollar snd fifty cents a yesr.V For four copies, five dollars, or one dollar and twen ty. five Ci-tila pitch . ' ' y ' ' - ' . Koi ten enniol?n .Inllara. nr nna !.,!!.. 1...I. I .. !? I"' i t --. - --"'- I tOllee I U ell ease, ati'iacripdoa mipjbe pei'a in (enre. aaasm topT" - ARRIVALS. Northern, Sunly,Tuea. day and Friday, al II A. M. S.aithern,raliirday, Mon day, and Wcdneaday, al 7 A M. Weatern, I'riilay, Hun day, and Tui'taloy, at U P. M. , . Stateaville, Kunday and ThnrNlay, al 4 P. M . Hnti.-itfii. Noniluv, snd Thuiialay nt 1(1 1', M. riu rw.'l'iJiilny, l liura. diy, sml Saturday, at 5 P. M FayattrviHe, Sunrlay and Thuraday at H P M. , Mockiutlci Friday at 7 P. M. , DEPARTURI'.S. Northern, Momlny, Wet', neailny, and Friday, ul 7 A. M. Hojthorn, Sunday, Tnoa dav, aud Friday, al 12 M. Weatern, Sun jay, ' u,. day, and Frxlay, at 11 A. M. Klaleav:lle, Wnlnewlay, and Kntnrilny.al (J ;, Hamuli, Wfafni't-lay aud Fnturday, at y A. M. Chrraw, Momtuy, Weil newlav, snd Friday, al 9 A. M. Y Farjleville, Monday, snd Frrtiay.y fl A. Al. Mia kavilln, haUiriiav at 0 A. M. . Feathers, Xt a 871 Flaxaeed, " 75 a b(l Do Oil, IWa! Boef, (scarce) Bacon, 0a 10 ;)ao 23a Id a l?l II a atl 19 a 23 101 12S 8a 20.25 -Ita 14 Iron, 't Urd, Molaeacs, Natl. lOola, Pork, Rice, (quart) 8 a 10 no a (fik 8a 9 13 a 10 4e 4 t--12f 10 1 121" ) 18 a 20 Slt,(bu.) 123 a 160 l)o(aark) 7.a )I00 the many presajne encafcments. Lh. li,ckaun air, bsa,tie deems it impracticable for hint to be recogmiMi at one of tbe editor, though he will cheerfully use i,i AiajnflgeDtherKiae. to, promote- it in. ate.ij-n.fr-ubacriber thcrelbre, proceeda to laaue Una PMaoectut in hw vwu nairiD, wnn a nope mat be Will be SldlO $ the undertaking, by all the friend ot the TcmptraM eaoaethfuuglawt lh oouatry, thatth papw. -soon have an extemave Virculanon, l'rkmJtf la TM..-rr rr.ee. ate to- mi we ' WH" t-nwat-eatnest -appe l1irlrThowllWS ti(Ktnrirs aanuaui uonara are annually expended theatre : circuse, st tbe race track, at groceries, wliUe ao pain are spared, lb luxury ol relirwm nt and ease (eg.ia, and no labor deemed loo severe to advance Hie int. r esU of political aspiraut. can you not do aomcibm in a cauae lhal moat be dear lo every true nairiot. Dlulan thropist, and chriatiaul Recollect there are but lew tory few, sh paper in all tbe Southern country. The Western part of flortb Carolina, the Weatern p.rt of Virginia, and the Eertero part ol "iVnuester aarticii. Urly, need a periodical ol this kind, and it w lot ten now lo aay whether they hal have it, The very low price at which it was fixed by the Convention, will make it necemary, that a very lir ubacription be bad, before tbe raieiientian nf it can t justiticd. . TERMS. Tht Wrttrry Carotin Tt be pubhahed ou a medium sheet, in quarto form, !. nomber making eight paea, n will be furnished it the very low price of ttyy Ventt a copy. here sin gle copies sr Ukeo, tho payment muat be made iuvi- riaoiy upon ine reception ot the firat unmb.-r. 0t- Poatmasters, islitoraor pubfiahcr of paper?, ni all Miniaters of the Goapel, ire iullmrierd agent. Uo - (los ,) -4 50 a 3 00 liSU'el, (blt.icr) - 111:.. 10 (caat Tallow, Whiakiy, Pit I 23 a - ' AT CilERAW, S. C, MARCH 0, JSti a ilToir, ; 8 a 0 iFeathers. 124 a 13 M a 2-i - ,20 a 23 Ida 124 124 a 15 7eft . a CO ' K, I jrd, (acarce) Molaaaea, v Osts, . , k Rice, (100 Iba) ekigar, ' Salt,(aack) S Do (bushel) 000 a (01 40a4H ' 7 a as 40 a Ml -17 a 40 4 a $ . 10 a 12 3 73 MJ a l rrospectns for Kendall's Lpoito. 4 MOS KENDALL propoatuealablihMii'i monthly newpaper under the above uaioe, v be deviHed to the following objects, vis : 1. The security of the right or aufltage, by ij ditinnnl lawato puiueli brila-ry aud tiaud. 8. An etpoKurw of abuVa and -cbrrnptions i Government, wherever known 'to exist. , 3. An exposition of the nrnicinlt-a of mnileri. Bunking, and ita effccle upou labor, irade, n.or, and Government, tnbraciiie 'tho nnlnre ntnl u of mottey.and a bittry of the origin and prrmre ntf,. Bacon, Butter, . lleeswsx, lagging, AT CAMDEN, 8 C, MARCH 0, 1812. 4 a 5 81 a 10 15 a In 4 18 a 25 , . 20 - m 1510 Cotton, Corn, Flour,. Feather, Ird, . Molaasea, Oala, A a :xi , 700 37 a 40 10 a 12 Ul a M 43 a 06 of papet money in it variou Girma. - lo these will be added all the topic common in tm newspapers of Uie day, with a anmmary of ne care fully compiled, fyrniinif an accurate hialurv ol iM.an'; event. . j ,- :. 4 Avoiding all personal altercatiiaia, tins paper, wl I? it will not conceal it preten-nee iir men, ill coeM-c itsell cliH fly to the rliicidatum of lucta an4 pnm y' loaving tlie ruder portwim of" prliinal ci-inrtMii) 1. younger band. The Espoaitor will b.- printed ;n the ncteit namii npon a wyal aheet, loliled in octavo torn, cn h miu N making aixteod page, with an mde a', the end each volume embracing one year. It will ihu? Mi" book containing a history of the time with ui"i-l. "''' useful and eniertammg n.aticr. PRICE One Dnliar jr annum, funl in m'tnif No accounta will be kept, and the pa r wiil i. 'i sent until the money be actually received. Bank note will be taken at iheir apecie i!ue. To those who collect and liawaru ten ilull ir " "I' ditional copy will be. aent gratis. " ' Potrtmaalers are ra-rmitted by law lo lorwsnl acrmtion money in ott rs written by iheniaeK' All letter to the Editor muat be tree r tios-ti""'- QZr As to the postage 011 Una papei will U-1': 1 '" cetil to 0110 and a half each number, it la 111 llicpJ''' of every man to procure all tlie Impor'anl news, vast deal of other useful matter, at not cxceedinp IhUlor and Thirly-tis Vrntt. Washington City, D. C, December 10, 'MI !4- 1 1 1 i it V

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