INJAN. 10 THV ruwCKI NOT IIKLKUsTCU TO TUB VHIVKO STATES HV I HK lUNSTlTUTiOrt, NOR r'SOIllHITfcD KIT IT TO THR ersTF. iiH"RKv!r to T'R i irRn KPi!CTivBi,iri ok to thr HOMij. Ameivi'aicjnrt-s'o fAa Contrtruf inn, 4rici Jf.p SALISBURY; N; ,C , AWtlL 15, 1842 IWhoh JVumhcr 1,113. I'll . - tkmii or xne. ; cua'b.'f. rtsiiEB, . Editor and Proprietor. ' "' : The WrtTim Carousi" Is publUhed every FM" Morning. t $1 pt nnom ut ii'Ws-or frl 50 if r,i1 uiihU three mnmUotlierwiM jl tcitl invariar htu b' rharati. OCT No p.ptT. "will be itiaeontinued weept it Hie E.lilnr'i.di,rcyor., uniil1! arrearages ant mhI. ifllie utwcribflr it worth the mbacription i mdthe future In notify .the Editor of t with to Wn iirue, it Imrtoai noirrii before tlie.cnd pf the year i..iboribcd for, will be cctnsidcred a ncwcngajeineot. Atwrlt'w1 conspicuously and correctly In frteil it jtl per eqiisra--(nf.8J( ems, or ffiem Una f this urted type) for the ffrit insertion, tnd 25 cent, tlr esrh continuance. Court and Judicial advertise,. iiihu '-Jj ('' cen"" higher thtn the tlove rtee. Alte ration of per cent, from the regular pricet will l mide to.yearjv advertisers. Cr Advertisements lent in for publication, irttirt be marked with the num. ir of insertion desired, or tliey will be continued till f,rbid,nd elwrL'ed iccordinely. , -t letter ad Iressed, to Ilia lilitor. on business mf f nme l at:t or roTM.n, or Ihry viU nt be uttindtd lo. SJM- l-U... jl'lHC 11 li tu V-S C O 13 ti . , JLird t " dtmgii, can )o huid n i .,rw r . " Hold a liore 1 to to wure, three of ljem," III luCIC I ' ' ' ' ' Wny, ten ltKir,'if y(u want, me tO.,T Ni.,l wat ab'mt in y thut you hae hot jiuKtliiiiil v u can't hold Ifrt tiniiuie,, that lor all ; ihiii h a light a 18' her." , tvVV bt.. JlLywi Jw( L. Ii-M,( why, 1'tlVt a dollnr." . (i Nuw hold your brcatU tea minutes." (f id t - i-t---i-' ln. iean'iijrfi if AdtertiiinpTh drolkut and utot Mtthol til I(eliiii4 pcojile the advantage ul ii!t'rti-iit;(f, iiv'ueeuTiif iT r;eceiiil by a couti try eot'euiporary Hi a far li aeitieoient. TVie Mi J . inji i-tracl hw fli wit of the tncdiciii ! " Error eurrrelfd We elated in our lat that iliera we'i'io UoJt a d teboeuialieM in the cily. Tina at'a tnratfka; tberta artjwo mauufacloriet f Una tiiid, both of w icli liive been recently i t. unltahed, with fvifry proIe of doing a pri.fiiable i.,... 'I'budverdaeuteut of one ol litem, Mr. It.miei, will Iwr found trt anoiher column. It batf )W nppoaed by tna iy ft our cniz;a mat ra srh aiaker would fiiid P imereet to nettle ui there it m tn-Jnufaclory of tint kind imtt, and the demaod lor iunt work aoa repairinjr ii thiii Ima of bumneM w conliiiUnl and inrreastnir. .... . A wapw-maker or two would also fin pro6tublej -ni lovrwrw." The editor, no d ouUl, bad to cor. ( , (Se aifve tiementt ot a cuachiiiuKT ana t . j'f .TMlkf r A TVnjtytf.Vrv T 13JJof i ' miniver ninewhere v -rtl 'TW TbrT-Tl"-,rtwrn8l'wwtly-m,,aiMiT'' rl nf.aerm ti", lieq'Jcatbed to him y hia jalher, "v. bo wat al h miniMrr. . I'po" one occasion, the voiimj; divine pot hold of a aern on once delivered i vi ti" ttate rru m ronwWi j'amd laknii: i' for cranio ; . H.fom tho. well known- lniruage oflua lither.4 ran ti would lie appropriate, docid.'d, i liout K i . m iintn, lo make o- of tt tu Ibe neii Itid'i. The S Uaili rame-the .ncrejjalioo iwm- lied the worthy rleeeorlH were.all in their plaeesi mid iK pit aaioMir f nmmwicid. AH went. c'.l , r a time, end the audience were becpnun deeply 1 iterestea, wuen an ai o-rcc i noting . 1 wi4 tiorn wih the it.f4rtnaiiop that if it h id not b" n fr the elemtticy of the Governor, every j ir of them wo!d have hen hung longfijpJ vordi I did'tit like noTioinit. ter'a aermon laat Sunday DiBCon flte tobia . neighbor IligBinr. (The deacon had ajept all ter. tim.N 'Did'ui 11! WbVf-tlearon, I! vnu. nodding' omc nt lo every propooition he b tirk' uixm lieinc asked wliether Vie wet :J4 fivor n capital puni-hmJ'nt.temarked.ihat h wat ; v when he watf a 7 at achol, b-r trivial oflen he v.a condemde4.t il amons the pirls ( v ins., ne iiiougni was r.uuM,. . . k..l 1 .1 . M Ml J.. I UlllllO.lllflltr r. l.itiph t-The following it a an null on a deceased u aauaajre mtker," m I'an-.i pit emliaie'd I v hi " incotai' liable" better ball. Ye v ho hnve tears prepare to ahed vlieiri no . ......... .. I 11. whniliPfi J,m 2,1. 132. Ilia trtcoaMiitfe " ll.irc lira h'irrtf v"t V 1 m, widow eontimiel the $nnV:e btinM' in all t'.e a I ii'-tiek) at the old rttnd, N 175. Itae Breet,' 1, where Ih will bo happy to a-rve the cun , 1 1 tiers of her late and lamrnttd hatband.. " X. II. O.-d.-ra for -ausage must be accompa nied by the cash." A Ims C,twx truveilor, nmona nsrraliona "f 1 ! minders of f ireiin pnrln, d'-clared he knew "-anD, in 8 mi h Artierica, which waa a mile lopg. Tne company lookid incredulous, nd it was quite ' M'lnit they were not prepared (0 awullow it, even ii ii ahmild have been a misir enne. rray. what cane was it!'' d"ked one gentle, msii, ni, nrinylv. l" , ' It win a hurri raw," replied (lie traveller. " P.i," aiid an iniiSfcating urchin lo hi fiihor, ' ie nilmr day, " l',i, have any ol tho slurs, got Kun r " Why no, my ihild.'whnl is the rtvim n.i nsk t" " Why 1 he ird folks lulk abaii pnwj, '')s"c th naoofi Hlars, nnd I do not know how " 'V could ihoot wi'hout guns." . " Tne i-ity of Jerusalem is about two miles in cir- 11 uf ft nne, with a population of 13 ,000 of thews f ,'100 ,,r.' J, waexilot in their own land. There are 1 ii, mi irniih l,.u,niln.r in I'-IpsIiiim. nnd :li mi OPO m fvria, forming 6 total of 2U,fl(0- j ". WHY DOES THE SUN GO DOWN.1" Tli'e following Hnt are from the January No. oV the Church of Kngland MBjjazino, written by Thnnma. llHt, addrewed to a child on hit itikinj the ijiieatioji, y Why duet the win g down!' J? ' ; i ;' ,Wliyf(Vi,i(.iiinr'o'downlV . j..' ' , At thuu giii'rt un tie departing orb, ' While heaven teenn wrnut in llmne .00 7 t? m . It floes to cher miotbei aplicre, ' . Alake oiner killa look Jirif bti . -4p . ' And chase wny IVom dintni realnw, . py Tito hovering thadea of night. t , . WJiy dorj (Tie eun po cwn J " , ' v IVrcbniice Ihou km mayl aty, '. ' H At the lond bright dremna (it. childhoofa years4 Are Vnijitihinjawty. . , , v ; Tluwe firy dreamt derl thee rfow, , , . And their mapic cliirnu ere rivi-n. To ahuw the eorth it at bett but .'fit, 4 And tight rroceedt from heaven. . ' " Whynloct the run po down 1" . I't rljupa ihou njayat whirpiY too, -At the warmer beamt of youthful lore , Are flitting taat Irorn view, , To bid iht e tix thy beart on Itiiupt Jir'yond the jrull o tiii, . And never expect fndurinir lliij In carlh't UtiKCfiial clime. . i ' Thou ntivfiit ark in deeper ploom. 4 W hen the hand tliat wnte'ttieae ve'i ntiw, , li laid in the ailent tomb; i . And O nay hiaven tint racrrd truth. ,, . Stamp ducp on thy uuaoni then ; It duet but quit tint acene awhile, ':J Jn glory lu rue again ! Zcno, of all virtue,- rnude hia choice of ailenrr ; fr hy I', vatd he, I ieir other iien'aiaierl'eelioii, no conrt nl my o n JVopk whoco4iiilain oi'ilie dulneaa of thetr newpaicr may be aaul to lip the ailent, v.Ko keep i heir pena clear ot any atttitipt el public entijihtenmctfl, and thui are at liberty iiee othera' ii(ipc(lectiont nnd cmiceul tbrtr n.-P. There in probably no aeat that i ao well Supplied Willi brukeu kg lot a tumble an ibe editor' Chair. Dr. Johnm,at a late period of lot life, observed to Sir Joshua tteynolda,'Jf a iiiati doea-tHit make new ncquaintancea at be paaaea tbrouli lile, ha will eoon Iwd l.itnaelf leltlono. A man, air, ihould keep hia irieudahip in rvnituiit rtpir. ' v ' ' Some deaire i riecenarj to keep life in motion ; and lie wboe real wanttru tuppliedj mutt admit Iboae ol tancy. " flattery, obaervce'Locka, .a a aort of bad mon. rv. t which our vanity ctve currency It w a blot upon the memory of Aleiander that be could le m weak at lo be pleated w itu hit courttera uni latimr hia wrv neck. ' Idleness, gn at u riier, it tnc nci in which mcbief layt iia egga. Miaforiunet issue out where disoa-iet filter in The error cf one moment lecomee the sorrow of a whole lite. A vacant mind pen a all auggeatioot, at the hollow mountain returna all wiundn. VVhemlTieiree it ItlleoVtWnS'wa rtiMppcar (Iee. riiwi of (he great by their parasite.) The gpm cnniKt he polished wjfhout friction, nor man peril cied without advefaity.'' i, ' .. .. -.,2 . Ivory-it tiotoltaiuef from rata teeth. - A bird can rijottwtcn on branch 5 a' mouif rnn drink no more 'than-it fill from 8 river. (Enough it'ai good at afe-att.) " v, r- . . big a well bffore ynu wjhWj prepared aciitrtt cotitinpenoe.) , ' " '''. :" . t, o , , . j. . a . . 4 rgare cloao ibingt.bui ihhicki coroc uut ai I tat. (Murder will ouuK.y . - ; f ..."'. l A- 'i 'J L-ttert and hU'ioanory, me -two principni pr-j feMont. ' ' '', -" i A'hp'fl pn tppli''t me riory nnd llioujht. .Xofrtng water on a duck'a back. (Fiuitleas Vourvreil or advife.) . . ToVin a cat and loae a cow. (ConsrquenceanJ liif.aiH,n.) No dun milndea and nf unciort wnnin (Ah. tenfc bf eickneas end debt.) You cannot atrip facakin ofl one cow. (There it a limit to extortion.) t " , . .Wh't'awallowiicjuickcan chew but Utile." (kfi a . 1 . . V . t .... , l 1 - ' . m ' . .... , Th cye The tnrmont of cnty is like 0 grain oimn in me 1 The gods cannot help, a tunnies. man who losft oppor- rt.. A.intl kI.a Irill Iheir natientt bv inches tu" --- - - - .. under prftenee of savpig their lives, remind ua of ike rpaira"Hi,w,im, vriierjsinnijjnng 1 a..-. order ot his lalher, wid, "talm yourself, Don ' Corlos, this is all good for your good." , A Judge once said in a court of law, ' Keep silence thero I it is very sttaiiije one cannot have silence I li re we have been deciding (5 -d knowa h w many caset, and hayn not heard one or them ! Mr. lhncrtifl taya thai Yale College owe (fa birth to ten worthy Varmem, K iti-1770, awem lied nl llratiford, and vacafune biying " books "mi a tablet '!. " lhon,bookt for the foim d .Hon ofo college iii this colony ." Such -wat the 111, ii bngiiiuing ul Yale Col,.c. . A h, Uoh, gond morning." " flood" morning, Jhck." ' How did you owke out with your speech I .at . Had enough." "How ' "4lJV ylace failed n.o!"l " Why, I thought you had powerful toieer.' "S n but it anon emptied 1,1." ,v. A "running acccimt" menna gelling Uuated, and then rmtui'3 out hr I wn cr Ttrni. J t lint a bloekliend 1 or rnllir tier my hrniher rnmM it id r Rapt I ihould ay, what a i. t i .id not tw marry aonto- twrnfjMivn 4wr tij T, J gtippu-nv-he'o hardly pet any 'decent iiwly "to i. ka bin), at old a he ra now. J'oor fenow I w nil iv'lorlor i, dev. late kind oft life lie iea;fl ; ,n' wife in in care of him--rno children' Ui loVe him'-- :ii ilomeMtc enj i). ineiH iMilliing aiai and, r'l'nto'taliii) in Inn aa r'aftKenioiitt at homc uCr.fru , JJimteraj tileiia tint facet at breakiust. Hy t'n" wny, wlntl.tlie dunce ia.'he rcaorriny breitUf.i :i lot come upl rye been vaitfiij: for it Ibis l . il hour. f U I-J forgot my wife aent liie Ciok J i ei aoine trmli or rather ffr, Dti k'a told. Blwcuddjee that tnylo death, liut after all, 1 oujjtit in;' to find fault with Tom for not ettuiira wtie, lorif hatleut me a good deal oflmoney that coi 'ijite convenient, and I auppiee the young niii'H.v'ill have uli ,he' worth when he djea, pmr, Ktllowf-They'll vjrd ti lln alrnirfi f t.Jthuogli Biy lwiueha doeavery wtill.jhia bouae ket-jnrij'4'ota pp'tjje prOlim, wiih ench'a luipe family. Bs) OTiiij,", let ae'e'yiow n,nny motnha 1 have U fel i v j day f There'n n, any i y i j fry wile and Iter two artier I iiinej otn i ho lour boya nevi-n, aiirf.L)i )". Ann, tiaian ava LouiKj, lour more eh-vrn f Mid UwreVtlie CiKik and lh hnuaemald, dtid.l"li f lurteeif j, nnd the womnn whA colhe cjrerj' tl y lo WNHhind do the odd j'iti'nboutilie . hT.uw .'teen anda therji there't imrKery inaid--iteen,ufe iher mutt be uiioilier I'm euro! inaoVii itut Vnte,n 'wbeii I wan n;i konmc up laM holiday at' church ; there rntiKl be ntiother aomrw lo re 5 let nw we again t wife, wilra amfern, b:4H, ptrla -i4i I it a injtelfl I'aiilh I've an mnnv in tl ink ol and pruvuie lor, lliul 1 forget inyw II half (he. Imie. Ye-, that maket it aevenieeii, (Seventeen (tpie to leed ev. cry flay i no joke I aiHrwm how in 01 her they ail have moat forum a iipM-tifet; but lln n hlea their hearta' e"e ihem trtt : what a ha v. oc I bey do niake iti hn huek u at taket of a morning to '.ha-aurt ; tr-Kiiw.poor J'nOi.klit-ll.jtj't-llL ins of all thiw Theri' hf liveajil alone by him eeillufc IfiaHitiu lniiae, with i"ih,lj 1 ear lit (ti Uhat carea a utiwa farthing Lv'ffi r lie liven or dice. . No eflectitmnle wile to nuree Inm 1 nd cod I die hirrt up when he'a wck; 16 In tie piatthra atioul him lo keephi'm in-a good hunnr ; 110 dawn, ingliitelliect d velopeawitt lie can amune himaelf with day after day no bidy to aludy hit wiahea and keop allot lm romlrli ready. Cun loiind it. Iia-n 1 that vou on iio.Clrk -Irom the market yet ? , ' B I leel rfiPBrkuhlv lunj-ry.' I don't mind the bo) ' benc coddled and iiieaxd t my wile like it, tail there' no joke in liavin Ui hrehklaat kept back lor an hour. O. lv the must ri niem. her 10 buy nil thuiSe ihmgiTor thr children today. ( luuioia 1 c.onc at liand.'and ii y wile ban made not n hM fif meiita vlie' nestm to nut in their , i tmiiV.p , J RYU'rore I wnamairied I u-nl to think whiil a ilaligttl M wouta ne 10 enu rale the young ioguia myaelij lul a innti with a larire family ha tin (tine f r lhal aori ol antiM tin til. r wmtcrefrwn tt hi 11 doe In birth liny t ome I N-t immih, aa I hio a rhrixitan, ai rt ibeo l,e will lie hmrn en. of fourteen coiu-iiler tbeniartvea nil but inen, nnw.-nodva, nnd T om m qtiile of thai jiiiiiiJ 1 eee. site le . lint W t has been throwing out biriiclor wtiic f i . a 10111 'lie propriety 01 gelling a wnich t r him, ;.oM"l coiuse. Silver afa quite go d irmigh for roe when I hill, a.ecore ol years Jder iban he is, lm nim-a araaafully changed mice m jotingi-rilaya. Tnen, I brlievw'tn'myvanul, ihe young vt:lmn Unlearned 10 play billiard-, arid .three or liiur itmea wjifn lis 3to hate me home late at inghi, hiHclothea aecnud be strongly perfumed with eenar smoke. .lleigho) Fa" heft have many irouhlea,' and 1 cauVlielp Ihmkiiig aoinrluiics, that old buclulor are not auLh woiiderlul hM,hulu r alt. 'JVy got 1 their pillowt at night wiih no caret on their mind lu keep them awake ratio, wnen utey nave ouct got aleeptnhin! cornea to disturb jheir P hc nothing abort ot the Imuae t'l ig oil lire rn roacu iheir neaeeful conditton No getting up in the cnll to walk up and down the room for an hour or two, with a equalling vtriet, aa my luck lias been fnf ihe list fivo-or wv weeks. llV aaiontahuig In perceive what a piistimi our h.ille biuia exhibit, fojcrjiog i wire as toe clock aHikjp 'hree she begina.-aml there i no gi Hieg herquiei until nlie has fairly cxhrtut d the atrengih of her longs wuh gifott, straiplil forward acreannng. I can't hit the hi ufme. undoral ind whv tfle jomiivtlliHoe don't gel through with iheir eq'iiilliiic' riwrmg in the dav time when I am otil of;ili way. Tlien, again, what a riellghtlui pieanire h i to ro.i uu out of one's fir' B, and sent oil post haic for Hie doctor, as I was on iy night, when ley wite thought Sarah had got the croup, and frightened me out of my wits with her lamentations nnd" fi g.-ist ll Ilie way, there's the doctor's bill In be paid soon; htscoteclor always pae iwe a visit lui iirtViri. f'hritrim. Rr..lhnr I lira has no doc tor to lee, and thai cer ntiily ia n great imi.tort, bles my soul how lime flips away.! lnt nine nVlock und 'no breakhitl yet wife mesai g with n...i ,m ....ii.M.r ilm three pirls and (heir two : . r. . .. .1 .1. ...1...A. ti binllicr reiioy inr hih'I mu.-i. ... .... mailing iij .... - r- hecm'iie of my newtpajer; 1 wiMider I that young C 1 m 1 ..A S .,11'a.. t ilan km tu ... ......... i .i.u nil 1 in tune. . run imp iiinoiie un i ratrai 1 om, nns wm ju v1 "",v read in Hie school when he ought to lie pmirin He's a creul lorrnent.-thui boy. U... .... .ii..r . tl.i.r..'- u 11 rest deal of nleHHire 111 l , .... m . j 1 mnrned hie, ami II aome vexniiouannu uuuu ic u ; come with its delight, grumbling won 1 take mem away, anyhow; nevertheless, brother Tom, ,m mil so very cenain hut thut )u have done quuc at wisely as 1, after all. . . R,rJfiif Tbi iiselul and eleannl cement. whicli is beautifully white and dric tilmoal train iisrciil. it mado by mixing .rice flour intimately. I. . . . .1.. I t .. TV...... withhold water, ann men gem 7 uhuik h. ; pasted together with ihi cement will sooner se parate in their own MilwUiice than at the "nming. 1. .. .i.,r.,r an Ptrrlli-nl ceuient in llic nretmra II IS llioni"." -- --- -- 1 . lion of curious paper article lea trayvdndie. dri'asing aua-woia oonrs mniM,.. , .u. require I lyers of paper .In ie emoutJ 1 .geihet. '. a It a lift sift.l1lA(ill tttt-Mtl- mane wttn wnuai no-.. w--- r---. ' irtrr i ito hooks the co4es of wnttag taketr ctl by '.1. 1 1 1 JajihtyvtftCst aa.iH'ii.r itrti A Married 8ani Rrirrn -sssss copying inarhincaon uuaid ailver pnMtr Vith thin corripoaition made with itrnall quantity i water, that it niJ'bve . cmifpiteiice uniiijiir tso laatic Hay, iwdal, huata, iluiuea, lmw"r-ly,jf, , and (lie hke, fna'v b formed. , Wher) dev. (he tit ticlea made of n areVHreptible of" a hili'poiioli,: "tliev are alaw very durablo. y'. ; .All lint a Hull drinkt goeciiofJaLLia giHt (Spent oa toon at g t. ' 1 1 fuimliet have no. aons ileVoterJ h' ttuiur. " whence are riio governora of the people to come 1 Parenta' aflertioo if best1 jltitfri by teaching llieit bildren indualry and,iwl( tdutalr, - is lernef, every ' lime ahorV'ie dpeiied .The mora tulcnltltre exertineitte more thev will be developed. f, ',!., "Tee'wayt of auperiort art enerally'carrie-J by intisriort lo exteiha v ;-. """". V f-.4i " f! 4 t -A truly- preat aian never putt away the timpli- ,"ciiy'ofathjM."- - . ; .' TUe mini injioott docf Tiot know the man in , aliurt. (Boola are the Micial iud full dreaa.) zJfhn foulish" hu'abtnd feaya Ihia wife ; a pru prwient - wile obeja her nuaimnd. The man who cottibrttl himaelf will he handier 'than he who combat with others." ,. ". Sleepineca id an old n an, and witkefulneaa u a young one, -j re had lymptuma. (Medical aniotnj Lei even man aaeeii the apow Irom before Jut own iluora, and tint buny Eiru-t'li about the Irott on . hia neighhor'a tilet. ,, -j . t". ' " iu a field of melont do not pull up yoar tlioe ;' under a pluru-iree'ita'but edjut-t your cap.4 (Be careful ol' your Conduct under cucurjiataficei .of . - ' . ' ' .-',: jawprctmr.-- r--- tf V ' Thoui;h the life of man he ahort of a hundred yeert, he gtvea htnitell at much paiij and anniely aa if he were lo live a thousand. Dy nature all men are alike but by edacatjonl widely diQbrent. " ' ' . ... - A merchant adverliaed lately for a clerk acevi touted to confinement. He wceived an unawer iron) a per mi wcao nuu otcn iun gcvtn yevri ! He who it an Am, ami tuket himaelf lo be a Stag, when he totneit 10 leap Hie ditch will find hit ouaiake. . , ',. : Connmption of Meat. .There are few thingt in Wiwrver wrtlr iirtiia lllfrV llitiu iiiwiiwwgeii conaumntiofl of fwid and more eepecinlly of meat Truly we are a carnivorous people. With all out cry about hard lime, the provision consumed in ulation in'Earope. "Thii vatl 'toirfuniplion of Meat i not only wanteful, but injurnmt to tiealth. nnd e,;ivttv ol bodv and mind, t he body if made ul iron, unuld hr un.ible to perform nil ilie functioji 'ln.p"wl iiKiF it at rme time "papecraHy ia it, we .11 the Mihject, delctenout to eat meat suppert--or to eat a h"vy meal linmodiaiely preceding any Hciinn ol bndv" nnd mind. May 11 hot I averred that one hair of he proriiona consumed in Ihit country might he saved with certainty ol avowing ,lhe numerous diaeatca that or we from, plethora, imrmtritd dieewtion, and disordered bl -od T ; 11 the beadsofaeyfanjily exitniino, and they will find lliat a eillWIlUllon 01 ur:u, l-ngrmunn nnu:miw for three fourths of the rrtcal consumed, would jia atleuded wiib-Vcononiy and better hcalih!- jimfr icua I'draieTo - - - ..j - Forbear nice Ii a domestic jewel. 1- - Borrowed money majs Time sliorl 'working fur oilier makes ll lung. . .' Cheese made from rvtaUxn. Clieesf , it is aaid, of an extremely hue quality , ia manufactured Worn potatoes, 111 Tliuringia nnd pari of H.ixmiy, in the (ulliiwiiig. manner i After having collecte.i a quan tity ol potatoes, ol a good quality,-giving the pre: fcreticn to the Urgeowhite kind, lliey are boiled in a cauldioti, and, liecomnig emil, they are peehd nnd reduced to a.pulp, either by mean ol grater or a inoitnr. To five found ol this ,ulp, which ought lo le as qunl iia'pie-simY, arc added 11 p und ot sour milk, and the necessary -quantity of salt. The whole is kneaded together, and llic niiitlure covered up and allowed to reuiuiii tor three or four davs, according lo the season. -At the end of this time, it is Unea ed ajam, ond the cheeMi.p aeed in little bask t, where suprttumia moisture is allowed toesCiuvi. They are linn allowid In dry in the "ahade, and, placed m layer, in large pot a or ve. gp'e -1 wi". e if -1 lie v mu Tim ofder these theesi s aie the more their qnslt ly improves. Two kinds of them are made. The T.rtfl M')ili1l i the most common, is mide aectird ing to the proportions aljove indicated ; the second, j with four parts ot paios ana lour pans 01 cow or ewe milk. Thet cheeses have this .advantage over every othhr kind, that they 1 o not engender worms, nnd keep Ireshdor a great number of years, provided they arc placed in a dry situnli in, and m well closed vVascIs Doncas'cr Chronicle. T,lin MONKEY AND DRINKCIIS. So I' .!lar,l in mm nfhn nd Irons ', in thecitvof .Mi . . ... ... y.-- ... " Schoiiectadtf, related the fdlowiiijj lack: "We frequently went out of the. Baltimore a lillle, and spmit the w ay at a tavern in drinking and bin. One of o-ir numb r h id a wHI taught and obedient mot Jtry he called .Jack. -On ona'of th'te drunken tp'rett. Jack was of the party. S ieiii nis m iMer and all aroondshirn, Ihe monkey. watched his oj. poituntty.and ou(i a part of a gluss of brandy iod dy,'"which one of theft number had set on the lahle, and drank it. , liieffocia wore soon visible, live ry niatmej of antic Jack performed to the great amusement ot Ail, eompamoat, who were drunker ilmn her 80 d ratified were thev' with tho result ol Hie iiinnkcyV" first debauch," that they agjeo.i 10 ssemb(fi at the tame place the next day, w ua Jack, una alter making mm vy, tppn'i me wnoio 01 it ... .: . : m ... . f -y. - . . . te in drinking ke'd laughing a it he poor brute.' '' t Accurtlingty ; the next ' inoriuii'' the owner of ek wat callctf, and he ordered 011 1 or the houae , for the cruel purpose. .And though he cauie in l uedieuce to tint call, ll wat with a low pace and aorrv coutiienunco ott'three len whn lourth pttva hm.nead,ai much aa lu tay, IFAafat luadacht r -In wriaeij tViiie t l hia at) knew the party fut ot) MjJ 'wamuaeuiruta for a few dayt, unlit biivacrty nntl health ahould be restored.'' "a. ', Klihrlly ulier they took Jack end repaired to the ta.vern Jti ll.e. country. ; After drii.krog.a hlijo k hjile, uiiljiaid, ' Bar JieeKjr, make , J uk A glusa of brandy loddy. Mt aiaih aa thurfiioukey beard i( ho for I lie door, anil ihoughjuru'ured by hit maatar to come to him, he rag away the iaaur,and naccjied the piazza, and pliinhed lo (he lop i.ftha, house; tHia nmater ordtTed. him down ; then elittuk a'ylilp ul him,nd thceaiened hitn Severely but to 119 purpoae. Kuowirig hia great fear of a guo, oncyia pointed al him, and he waa -ordered to come down.' 'iln disappeare J on the other aide the loot One, of the" company pointed anolhcj gun ai htm from jlmt aide, aim threaiened to about, him ir he did not jcomn down. He took tholter out ol their ai;ht at the end of the binjil. A third guiawat pointed at hiin Irouv that' ilireclmn; ho waa naiii, ordered to come down, ' Jack feared mHhiujrto much aa'alci.hol, anj at a fiuul retort' aprangj-uio the chimney', aud held hiiuacll. up by his putt .Timvlliey wore comiielltd lo kbaudou lrheirrruel purpose. ' . . - , . v 1 he inuMf r ol Jack toon dtod a-drunkard ; lu iheTfiioiiki1 bved for yeart lo-i cood old mjc. autt couhiievor be tlevailed ppou to drtuk a drop ojf any iurtjcawri liquor. , .. .' l lie wiae man dire.ctt Ibe " aUigj-ord to l ha aut,"l and we would direijf aU who -have uppod," 6f may d aire to nip any ibMiCajuig druik, tv tin is morey , foj; instruction. .Indian Aneodoic-Suiitt tsenunMlieauaih. an Ja- diuo of Hie roinaina of a tribe in t"nnnecjictit,.WM otne yeart wnoe brought before a juatice ( (Wo pea 0 mi tome charge or other, which i da uOl, recollect lohn haf-petted to be drunk at (he Umc and inatead of answering directly (4 the qncaliow ptM jy- iae junicer merely - muttered -out yotw honor iory wine f ery wise ; very wiao y f . your honor ia wrt wiae, I eay, r Bmn unuble to eel auy other aimwcr from him. ti.e juaiice ordered him' to bo locked up till next iiav ; wliorf John wat brought belore hut perfectly aobcrv. ";, ' ,--' .-. Wiiy, John, aaid llioufice,jJuu were drunk aa a beat Inm night. ' - , , Drunk I j lculat'ed the Indian. , Yea, drunk at a beam. V hen 1. aked you any , qiiestitm, the ouly amwer you. made waaWYoor Honor very wish very wise. i ? -JM I. llAl!rhon.,r vise lsA ih., Yea, answered Ihe magistrate. , V'- - -Then, replied John, I niuat'have keDdrutik, sure eoouxih. - Eyt-Glatet.k tmublo io the hands or the itntenlalioua, lu exnltj (he contempt of (hose ogled in the.atreet. A toy which aid the cokcasnb to sen older; and oihert tu discover a coxcumft.- nBOoaoCmitMSMlKiCla. "' . ii ' w . . -1 - - Old KmgalHiry, flf Nf II.,' wat remarkable for dry huiiBir.-' Aa he passed a rye field, one mowing in August, be saw ihe lawyer of the villu.e turvey. in M)seiuiims. Says the lawyer, " U h at mhiKYs you carry your .head-aluoping upon-your brenM, inend, K-1 - You ace, I fifty iliine erect and upright." "Wire," answered Kiftgsoury, look at that field of grain ! The lull vara hang down like mine, v Bui the. empty heads stand tip iiki your owt!H - - ... . , . ... ; IMPORTANT TO FARMLRS. A few, vieekt since we published a communica lionfrotna corresporidetii giving. Hie resufls of an experimonl in planting corn by Hart Massey, Esq., ol this village . Mr. Massey called upon usen Saturday laat to correct an important trior in said communication, and invited us personally lo exam ine the wind field, which we acconlu.gly did, and now give the reaulla of our observation. Mr. Masaey took the seed corn which he planted tho field, a frriBf I -quantity, arid toaked tl m a solu tion' of stilt nitre commonly called tall petto, ond planted five rows wuh the eed thus prepared. Th rVrtiniitder of the field we believe was planted ty the tame individual. Now fur the result. The live rows piaii(edwiiii corn picparid with salt pe. ler, will yield more than 25 rows planted without spy pieparwiioti- The rive rows were untouched by Ihe Wbrius. while the remainder of the field suf lercd severely bv Iheir depredations. We ahould judge that not one konia.1, saturated with sail pelre was IouuIki.Iv while almost every hill in the aej nn mir row sullered jecvercly. No, one who will ex amine the field can doulu ihe elTi'cscy of heprepa 11 1 i , hi Mil I II I. I llll I Ml III U II I I i.1 tf 1.1 f iZ raimn. Ilo wil bo asioutsliturat ihe fctrikmo iiiHr. ence between the rows and the remainder ot the fluid. . , I it re is a 'simple ftct which if seasiiDab'y and, generally kuuwu'woujd h'.ive saved many thousands of dollars 10 the tanners ol this county alone, 111 the article of corn. It is a fact which should be universally known, ami n, m all probability , one f the (ireaiesi discoveries of moilem ti.n'es in tho much neglected science, of agrituliure.' At all events, the experiinout ahoald be exieusuelv tested, as the result, are-vieemed certain, while 'the n iene is cotriarattvely nothing. Mr. M. also stated as to the reiuli of mmthnr fpertiin'iu tried upon one of his npplo trout laat spang, It it a line, lliriliv . healthy tree, about tir3d jiars uld,bul has never 111 uny uue year .. wuu. , n J UU1I1, IB VI n-lit9, ,f lirtO 111 uiosnuui usi spring no uscenaed th ireo and sprinkled, plaster freely on ih bloHmis, and tho result h, tliat it will tins season yield twenty bushels. So, if ihe plaster will prevent the bias', U is a discovery of great nnortBnce. Mr. M. wa wo 10 make the cxpenmoiit by reading, an account of the production of trees ddjiKnng't meadow where nlastur' had bcL-n sown m r iiin Lwheu. there, w aa a liUl-bru 14 in the dtrecthm of - iiiv uiviiiiiu, inv trii-s eoillluoui to me imtoow bearing well, while Ihe others produced nt f rut WatertM, f .V. Y.) Sndard. 4 i V. y 1

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