1 rrn a v, WESTEMM.':. AMOL'lNfAN; 11 i THI rWt HUT UKLKUATIP TO THI BHITgD BV IH U.l.ysTITUTION, NO. ,HoH,8IT. HV IT TO t H K , T HK BgVKT. MIHtfM twrMrri-ILV. O. TO Ml PHOFtl.- WaoWs fO tS CoMfMlM, Mice X. Number 20 "ot Volume SALISBURY, N. ( ., APIilL '22,-143.' j Whole Number 1,114 TRBUt or Til CUAS.-F. FISHER, - . Editor mnd Proprietor, ". The WwTcto Cabommaii is published every Friday Morntng, at $1 per annum "in ditenre or (2 60 if paid within hret mnfAs -otherwise $1 sjW arJa My fr rW. (ftr No paper will be discontinued except el.tho Editor's discretion, until all arrearage tre paid, if he subscriber i worth the subscription j iqJ the fsiluse to notify the Editor of a wish to discon tinue, at lea ot before Um end of the jeer ubcnbcd fur, will.be considered a new engagement. (jy Avrf itementt conspicuously and correctly In serted tt $1 f-'r square--(of 340 tmi, or fifteen linti of tni lised ly pe) for the first insertion, and 25 cent 4,.r each continuance. Court and Judicial advertine- meuU 25 per cent, higher than the above ratca. A de duction of 3d J per cent iron mo regular pncei win be made to yearly advertisars. (Qr Advertisement tent in fur publication, niutd be marked with the nura-u-r of iusci lions desired, or they will be continued till t'urbid, and charged accordingly. loiter addressed to lite Editor on business mutt come rati or jomua, or they will not be atUndtd to. Singular Border Game of Scotland. Uomii, iu hi no wrk, ueacrioin nia uiiviiuaiicc uon live celebration d" the auiiuul bordar Ramea ol Caledonia gie tbn follim account of I totally hovel and oculiar apecio of leaping, called (tie llitcn dud-liick. It ude him douf, ha aayt, to all the talk of this old men Uwt the Scot uh.jlule mii had df4!netated ot Ule year, and atseated the nut wondi riul or all th t;y''lc eaercinea s A p'dtt wa bMUgttl, mill down lit the centre ofihetm'. Oi il.wa iUced a atrong aliiimg wire, tandiu;i out h'ruoutaIi ab.iul a lnit front liie pole, aiij"iaU!j a lare ring nl the end, a il -for n fetlwa ot a Uiup.. litd pi a laiiip, h.jver, upon tltm rmtf wa laid a aort or ilium head of p-ichment, or iu ill laiiiUornif. Tlie wire ,,J dawn the H la ihedwiunco of aix ttet ir..ni the irrou.id. 'i'tie thm-f ruqmreJ of thu con lender, aa to take a altort rjn, uivu a litllo hop, or what tli-y"call a hitch then apnujj up, an J with Urn aaitia Ut from which they prnij, kick oil the UiuUortito, a!iitt aain on the name Imil, iiuJ Five aautaer Utik "op ur bitch. If they failed in itiitf one of ihe-o iMrttcular, tltey tailed alto Kiher. 'i'h kaput!? in thi case wa the liirt wutcb tltey Ujii tliainaelvea up into th air, and Litkod away tba Umborme at ml fret Irota tho "rouud. recovering themaeUoa and Riin the ne "eatery tHwmirj i me iw Ibw to ih luiluudt J The wire waa aucc -ivoK 'i.i.Msd. awl tuo tWKwri:w .i kicked oil by ull.u.t r warly readied eiu'n loi-t hi.i, hon u.o nu Worihu Co.aeo.:.TVUIii) c iul.1 1' J! rrTrftrtrrrr duced loab.il lltrw. -! h:id a naid alnlo for U Le)dou, ISc-it ai'd Uxbajm. It 7ituirrjeuilthT-fi-et-tbri- wb. ftoither Leydou, Ston c.r IV.b:i. could any longer touch it. and the'iiaitie wn ui'pwd t i bo f..iishcd, K..n a litllo fcl. - 0.ir of Iai.., wtio lid not . I unirit r tlllhf ipilu if. IMH JUWHI-lllWJI-'r""1"-"" -" ..!- ..u,l.f un 'of thi!anifl, -uJiU uIy put torJh a . .i .(i,.,r.liuarv i l.Mi'.lV 't 2iV, klCUeU CIII -iiiclanib''rtiie with ea, and - u mo c.iuipoii- u -jt bohindJLi m!.? to antiMto them all at tiio a -l.t. 1 hey aaui put .,ul all their atrcnjth but it wa in vain. Lord Joint Scott, wilh a irido I or two, had now arrived j S.r Jainc Urahstit, t SJUenffot tb county, and uii.iihtr guiileinau. Tbe coucouia had bo it itnu great. Tnere wau eaMcr prvure around tho ri:iL'. Hid the l)ik ol Ii.icvleuj;n' pipt-r a .J.,-llllfr".!.rllW'.P' " it.-'--.bi.'.-v. "Ti -wr-. tatuly feilow in M lartanvnia.le tuo air refund with tbut atirnn muic to whicU Hie Eiliotta and Ariuilfouna, llie Kerra and I'fr;.theria, had lor VMiturie befotw uturched aaatul e li.iiun Bor der.-ra, wlioaa des:endai.U were now MtiiigW i wuti il.tfm iu the- pfaoeful ewitcat. The wltolu aceno wa novol and atriUitts;. A ceoilcwau who a with Lord J.iiin Scott wa aa much aurpriied a myaell ul the hitch-and-kiok k-apiii), and otlorea a wive nicn u any one who would kickofl tn Umbormo at ono iixh htirher aitll. It wa. aol, Uterclore, tn ci;ln leet f.ur frti;n the ground, and aat i tltuvr j I Matin diH.i.ied il aeenilu Iu flm Uun!f up inio the air n if he cold rlmtf htni'tf over u i h.Hiw, and rriruiuinjf hia foot an to gie u'ai r I U .U. , I li,hli,u.i mill I'llllllllule I until Willi iliu Ill'SI y 1 i1 tij.. 1 The Urratttt WonJer of the U rJ. It l.a for a; bfeo a great myatery In ine mtnd of wen, that audi va-n q laolitie-, oi water ai are coaniaiilly (lowing-tutu llm Dead Sea, from the river Jordan and manytnnallcratrearrs.ahoul Hioi till u; this Uka and ciuho ii In overflow ; and Hie "iily inaniiLr in which the phenomeii.Mi could con- in nilv Im aci'oimted for was by supposing "l it the Dead Sua had soma .uhlei rnnotn ouih't, Jlirmig'i hIucIi it wale, ewajied lo thu ocean. Cat evyn this wnuimitmil has now b cnine wli'illy iiiv.ilidated by Ihe reault of recent i.baerv iiiona la 'u by a coiniiitlioe of Engliah geiitleinen, ly lncli"thii lake ia proyod to bo 1 100 fee 6emc the I 'vel o; tlin Mediterranean' The ntant urrnund;iig I'na bliD aru 1 1 1 u a proved to be thu loaeat taiiu.i mi Ihe U'e of the e.irlh. We have hope that a civ i!:4itinnia progrnMiuj iii thatriouniry, thia aub I'ct will be further investigated, and that even ttia ImIi.i,ii of lint lakn will be in aonif measure iImiIc rv nie,rii nfiho ihoat perpTt diinj hulls, ""id nili-ii- Bjjaiaru.o app.it'ulu.i. -Y u VimI" Me- .if thn 1'unni hare hit Cnnr. The late Lord Alhcumle having been spoken to by a Hootch on blumaii In solicit for huit from King Ceorgn the second the Green Riblmnd, did so ; but his imijHKty rcfui.d, am ing, 4 he would not bestow tho favor moo a i'ell iw who had- constantly npposad the t-oun.' 4 Yo, Sirsaid Lord A Hasina rle, 4 but hu 'wan in u more pliable for the future.' 4 Well, I dnii'i rum fui- ll.nl.Kn is n iiiiiinv and shut I n l i , ( - - - v i-t - tiave i:. 'J l. Jvinj having said so turned lo n way when Lird Albemarlo aakeil whu.1 answer he irrrc'.urn to the applicant. Toll hitn he is a puppy.' Well, Kir, he i a aippy irmt u Hi:uerW r. ' A',' reported .i . U . e .. . . iv inclined to follow hu .nut TIM Minn b -u k. a.. - . . oiro. i.' Well, then,' aaid the Kmg 4 Uu4 uppv t hit collar.' v 1 " bnve . From lk Mutiiiippi Guard.: . TUB OR AVE,, ai aoaMri jMELtn, , Wh ihoulJ tba good gi Uwru I " . f it a old and dark atwdo, ' ; - ' , For Die holy uen ol prti and priyor ; Who hive dvrult an 6ng in the pleiaaat air ' ' And lunahine ot their God. Why go the learned md wio Tot houaeao eluaa and dampl Tbey C1 gte not there at the myit'ie aklea, nor wucn ine atari aa tltey tall and rue, . Nor read by the muluight lamp. ' Why go Ullrich and "it, ' To a hut, ao uoan and amtll t No chance ia there for a proud diipliy ; There ii a acircely room in the walla of clay Fur the buny woruia to crawl Cut (or him who ii itrugifling on , Id wild ambition' net), . 'l teeli that the cannot be won Tbit lui ipint droop iml hu ktrength u gone, 'I'm mulct rating place. . As for him who bai weiry grown, Ul a world that lovea him nut, WboM ftjt bare viuwUed and hopci have flown, y- Whoao only wiatr ia to be Mlon, " ' luilwd, 'im an euvied ipoi i - A" Printer Anecdote It uiml to be related of Corporal Nymit, a primer, well known for many yean in thia town at being more remarkable for b,uodJ bu.uuur, tlian the length of hi pur1,' that while he waa travelling from Lowell lo Roa ton, he waa met by a highwayman, wli.) politely (a la thaca,toio ol ttuMo ir"iiry) doiuande hi puree. ' My dear air,' quoth Uorpiral Nyuui, ! perceive you doUt know me ! ' Tli .t ia u iilinig to the pirpme, air, give up your puree immediate ly,' demanded the bighw lyuian. The Corporal ropoated with earneatiieia wlucli could uul.be tnnt. uivlurio)d. ' Poaitively ou dju'l know iue.' VVell, aaid the highway mail, aurpriied at the inaniier if the Corporal, who ihe devil are you V Why I'm a printer.' ' A printer di I you nay 1 WiMiw ! I'm cfl, ' - dry picking f--Lowtll I'ajtr. The Drummer Bogof 'LunJy's Zki v.--M ij r Gen. Wmti ld Scott wtnte on lUo iruuiter dorui the lato border ditficullie., at coiiipiiuieiiiarv Ot.i ner given hi in iy' ihe.citizeu ol Chvelaud, rela ted the following characteriatic aoecdoie that oc curred during liio battle ol Lunly' Lan iu the Uat war In the very midit of tn uaiito hi al leui,M lu-rMtvd y hwitiii at a tiula U Un'ue wlmro a whole company ol ritlemen had just boeu cut down by tbe terrible tire ol the uueui , tlirce dru.unW boya quarellmg for a aingto drum, aU..tbak W4cJial'UlLliIwiU----3 on lha i wo Birmigcr ones went to ' fiattcutb,' while the third "qTueUy" folded hia arms, awaitui; tho taaue of iho toutenl. At the iiiomeiit a cannon ball atruck Hie boya, and killed tlieni uolh. With one bound the little follow caught thu drum ifum betwoeu tbtiiit uuu with a ahoul of triuiupli, and a loud ' tattoo,' dasliud lor. ward lo the thickest of Ihe haht. jhI the ueu t-erat.I so ad;uirod the little tidier thai l-jyto;tKTlr-T?r ...V WV- .r.,1 .,n...rA W.. nm k.k lb, mil, v. 1 1 ii . , i . u hi. 1 1 . 1 1 v. , niiiiiii wna , ndriai4ii'-4'tMi.Mh- batjjoj. but I never aa w him afterward At V.LVI. merchant in Cleveland . aroae, awl with und bow, inf iruied the. company that he ' Drummer Uy ol Lundy'a Lane.' a tune waa tiie A pita in Ahaiement. Iu one of the Quarter Suastou Co rle 4 Tetitieaiee, one Joe Putlipa waa indicted lur aaull aud battery. Ihe solicitor called hun lo Hie bar and addreaad-hiiu ibuai 'You'are indicted for a iniadenteanor. and aland charged in liioao words' Tho Ja'rora lor ihu Stuto upon their oallia present, that Joe Puiitpa, late ol tint county of , ou thu lOih ul 'August, ICt i with torce and arms, iu and up ai the body of one Juliii Scruggms, with malicious imeui and assault did make, with guns awurd, pistols, dirks, aud clubs, with inahco al'oreihought-" . . ' Stop, Mr. L iwyer,' auid Joe, 'there vat aome. thtt'g of tt, but yuu are making it a 'sigut worse than it was.' ' V . 4 Well, how waa it, Joe,' aays the solicitor. . ' W iiv. 1 and John met one dak ou ihe f jad.and says 1 to John, ' I hi jt bad day lor snaking.' I'heii ay i ho to ine. 'Not very bad neither, lor 1 kilted ua near upon a rod lung.' Fheii after a 'good many uch comphiiK'uti passed ooiwecu ui, aa) John tu ine, am he, 4 1 duzuuV milk my neighbor's cow us souii foU do.V A jd Uiu.i I ml hun a lick with my fiat, aide of hia he id ; and then we had a real ecufflu a fair tight. Ihen just quit ao ; and bad uoi uo gun, uur pistol, nor club neither so ou ueedu'i be la kin' all mat iiouaunse over to thu court, when there araa no s ch thing ; and John nay be' willing to striae again, if I'll lot hi hi strike first.' When the late celebrated John Kjinhle rnceived the positive proiniaa of Lord North, thai, tn case of bis inarrngu wuhin a certain tiin, a certain sum of in iney wu l bs placoJ at his Cum uaad, h i thou-'iil il bttii prudent and neeeiiiry lo select hulomaio hol'ori) ino pun. id ot limitation expired and, thoreloic, one morning utter reho trwil, he, in hia usual ppmpouj and d.'ulnniatnry inumiur, ad dressed himself to Mrs. rWetun, who was ihs widow of an actor, and oa this honrda hersolf. 4Mra. Burtilon,' aaid Keinhlo, 'from the friendship I imtulged lor our lato usbin I, a;i l my persoiial obseryaltoii d your conduct, I hive no objection in making you my wife. I Ins is I liursd ty, an I bv thn day week, you will obligo ino wiln you an awer.' Mrs. I. wa surprised, both at the oiler mid the niamier 1 1 which that oiler hid h -en ntade, and on her return h nn'f consulted her mm her, Mr. Il iwkins, a to ttte cnitrau he should adopt .. liar advice wai that -her d tighter annul,! accept Ihe oiler S and, uiittiu following Thursday, when Mr. Kuniuln applied to hur fir her diCHio.i, tha'siiawer was favorable. Thu only notice Mr. Kmublo loi.k wsa to uaino tho u iv, and hu haul no unr attimtioM I ' . I...lu mI..., llll ul.fl llla.l III. I. 1.1. I1l.kllll. 10 111 )ii,"?.,"V.'.l" L.r.lJ!.v.'-.'vv...'":'.'',! of their marriagn. Ilinuialcr !? ve a wedding dm uerto tut (rieo I, afir win. 'i K-mUiit .repaired to tuo llieatra. wtiere ne wa an miu ic.) lo poiform one of Im pn icip it oiiaraniwri, ae I tVvi-n wu 'nee tw (of it to rvl'ura t i B ioiH',nr fir hia hn le, who, however, waa ecnne.d by her Tnnd I tier new hone in iJrvii ltjudl wieet. , Tme i inlar eourtahip tur lad .ut iu 'H h i ii.ii v fur Mr Kitiile. 114 had nut lailnl iu tht eliniiti'tu of tue qualitnw ol Hie co iipauion hi bad cnoien : and ahe p-rhap a belter wife man ine lady, in e mmquein'e of whoe atiaeh-nnui ibu htdy mttcb wa iir ij ied, inn'H eventually have pr ivej. A'teedMal' Ut minitctneiet. . " -" A writer in the " Spirit of'ttie Tiniei" give the following accounl of1 being wrecked on Ihe Mimi i M Among oilier advonfure, he had been wrecked while acting aa a " hand" ou a fl u bout, navigating the MbnutMipjij. Il'. wnd, be hnn come all Ihe way from Pi i tabu rg, at the he id of the Ohio, to within two or three hundred mile i.f Now OrleaiHjwith out im ctmaj with any other arcid-iit, than mat of getting out of whmkey twiee. Uut inh nielli, Ihe captain nf tho 0ai bout Mid the weather wk " craf ty, a thing he th iuM hi n-)t, aa it wai most loo quiel lo ll iu loig. Aftr deiaiinii; neveral oi l erparitculara he finished hiaatory by lietng wreck cd, a follow r " After the qui t weather I apokn of laaied a littl, all ol a odien H chauiro ', the rtv er grew a -ronb aa au aligatorV back, thar win the tallcat kmd ol - a noi -ner bead, aivt the fire flw up thar, like lur in a cat fiKt. " Well put i hore, 'aatd the captain, and we tried to do it, that'a aniu, but lint way we alway wafl.ed of Irnn a trne, whar we might have tied up, wi a caution to ateaniutNitN. Keep (hi current," aaid Ihe captain, ' and let ua wat it uni.n V weut od Ihia way anno lim, when 1 told Ihe captain, aid I, captain, 1 havn never bnnn in ihae dugine 'afore, but if I havn't acen the naim landaeape three timei then am a It'r." At ihia, the cap tain looked hard; and awore we were in ao Hd, and doiii oothiii) bat wniriiiti arm ul. ' htighl nii juat at this lim - waa very acco mndain(, and bowed ua a biif tr-e in th- river, t tat bad lii.L' rii a.iil dm l...il ' i..l .Ii.il .ji. I..I receive u, an I we loin I iairarlvxi rulunjiri(iii on lo it. The owner uf live Iicni win im b-wrj, and whtifhw aw the "iwver," he eved it aj hard a a nail thiet "uld a dewiahla tv h, 'caolaiii.if thar ar feilow at ine aweep," (nar) "fellow" inetnt nif-;ui l be, M raptain, it' tiiaf r fellow at the aweep, dim t bear im it like and keep ua off timl Ire-, I am buitej up irk inarch wit." 1 i. id War on it a hard i he aug seated, but tho rurrent"aa Mo eMiff . and ww wmrt on Ihe ' ,w)er" u'.l tawdirif. Tni but broke up, like a dried leaf wvold hav Hono, pork and plunder Mattered, and I w..n half aktd todath, eahore. ' I-luat. in 4hf w'lofa ivierauwi jm' iu hina,etjtitReit aHHn 1frg", aud Ititt a tin ol Keituckv i itnplr, ttIdrt iwi ja-o- 'x-ki ; I tell you wnai, a nlonu oiMhaf'kr Vf .Mwaiopi ain't to bo tuieeeod at." Head of the Liocnnn A Lyon Journal pub IUIiks the followttg letter Ir on Mr. Valmor. an art tt at l$roail ; ' In the gallery id' the IXike d'Aremburg there, are iiMny Dungs which are not known Ij any but ihe I'liluie.d. Ani'Hig th'n it the original head ol thi Laa:ooii. I'm. line iiroup, j ...... , . . I. .1 . .L. I o-"" 'mm' n-r, P o a.lliuiyiin .11 III.- Vlllh The head was supplied by -t cejebraedjr.tjal.wjiul coin pied it trout an in'hiiH lia reliel. Sonjijgie igiiial vaa i ininJ tt. some Vene tian connoisseurs and was ultimately ani l to the grandtath -r of Ihe Pnui-.- fir ater lGO.OOitf , and brought to Bruaieia. Wneu N'a.i leon, during the Conaulate, hud tho group 4ranspored into France, he knew that (lie rent liemi w:i in p.isw-i aion .if thn Duke, and ullered hun its weight in gold Pirit. Tins was refuaej, and as ii wu koowu mat N pd-oii was o il scrupuloue in ratif ihk hia deaints, the Uuk irAriviilwrg aom inia ch'j d eet pre In Dresden, wte-re H re.nuiued 'o.needled tor ten years hut was hro i i' otck agni;i i:ii i Brua eeh when Beltfiuni liws-nii irauqui!. It express esin thn highost and wit i a l iurilile dttree moral Kriuf mingled with inoat pnv.ical pant - The coin pression of ' thif leuth .nd ihu contract on of the under jiW are a'moK' lo- horrifvingto b" lunir c at templated, aim yet in thu intense expression of sufTuring there ts nm the .lightest grt.i'mare. I he pupil of the )es are an exqui- tvU executeil, that they actuallv anem to n tab ir'ii Hi" msriile : A cai fro'ii Hid head now ou I Ik xlaiue i-. lae"d hv ihe aid of t to origiitnl, and in ya' did tir.e be Iweeu tuo two is at once runcnr.' (iaiignani't Mettenger, S'tpoleon and Vurut. Tue contract intlmiier. oiial appeai.ioi-i- of Nap l''0'i and lur r, wmie on thn baltln field, is well desenbod ill I no fulioariug extract from UUckwood : 14 Thi' exlerual ap('araune of Napohwui f irmed, a airikcig eooirisi I j tunt d' his roful broineran. law. WiiL-itthev r i It ( jgein-r aloi thn front of the troops, Murat attracted umveraal a'lenlioii by his co.innanding lig ire, his siijierb theatrical c is tume, tin' ijH'iidid (rapping and beuutiliil figured (l n.i,1 llm iiiini.ii.T military .inrnily ..f hi. I mr. The dazzling dnwlav co itriste j strangely, j but ch tr teteri-.tic.ilK, with the three rone-red ha, dark sunout. leather hroacliRS, huge boni, cmpi j hint future, and carelnaa seat on Aoranbat-k which huvo become inni nul in llm representations of ;! i; .I mi. Thn iiiipoaing uapiicl uf Mai at, was. however, weakened, rnllier Iliad herghte ed, bv the rich and fantastic dress which, he woru. . Dark whiskers on his (are contrast d with pier-ng blue eyes ; m- aomrlant lilaclt I'N'ka -pread over the neck of a splendid Poll. . die-is j upon, ab-ive Ihe s'hottlders, the collar w rn:nly adorned with gold broende, and from a slcn hd girdle of the same material hung a light s.ihr .siraiijht 1 1 tna blade, alter the manner of the anaisii 41 m ut, with the hill let in diamnmls. Wide pantaloons ol a pur olo or earlet color, nchly embroidered wilh gold, a id lai-iis ot yollo luither, co npletmg this atugu- lar cnstir.iv', which reacmhle.t rattier ine goraeous trapping ol'lho miiHlran i, than the comparatively simple uniform o. inmlen nmes. But hi ereaioat distinction was a Vr three cornered hat, ur mounted bv a profitaion of ungmliceut white ostrich (either , rising fmin a br u t gold band, whiofi a i-l I h aides a auiierh her in IMUnie. Ilia noble v: . , , , - - , cttarg-.-r wa set otT with gorgnous bit Jle nud siif rupa, richly gilt after the Turkiah faahmii, and envel ipol in trapping of azure blue, tue tint oft hi Italian ky, which elo waa the prevadin, color nl hu livene. Above Hie funUatic but d iz.lm j at tire, he wore in cold weather a magnificent peli-te of dark gren velvet, lined and fringed with tiie richeai aable.', - . , ' . Da nn efiter thn romn middenly where youknnw there u a young lady and geiitleman aitling, busily engagn l it fanmfig a fl one. J ' ' " A man took ofl hiijoat-to ahow i terrible wound he had received on'hn arm. Not being t able lo fintj it, aaid be recollectud'twa brother DiU'aariu. " ' .;,, ,; ' .i . The True TV. A coblertt Leydeit, who fited to atloiid the oublio dtipulatioa held at Ihe ucade' toy, waa once aaked if he underatood Latin. . " " No," replied ihe mechanic; " but I kuurbo i wMoi in Ihe argument." " -. How r aaked bU friend. ." ' Wny; by icciu,; who ii anry firet." In cipital cam, on Trtaho an waa called a witoeaa. , " Did not you ee defend ml about the deceased, through the heart J" inquired thn counaul. M No faith, bow can that beywr lordship,1 renpun". led the other, " tor he olten lol I m that he had -left tuit heart m ould Ireland, and it waa here in L . Autenky that hu was kill. ,, . ,. Chemical Procrtt of Petrifying Human FfciA. Tho moat ure and piquant I re i of all oihen to me iii the boau'.ilul caniiulidlFLireiicetjriajtiy. : . .-,.. n ' everal xSl7g u genxll -f-M.ijr of U.e Gureivioei.t I m. .'-'i -..i ....i pend upon tbe virtue of Ihe people. man oaiaesod of a wonderful art unique aud unknown lo all the World kttde. ; Incredible, if ti marvellous, as it mat w e n.lie had discovers. rp'' a rhemicil procesa by ahtcti he could actually fttnff,'n a tort abort time, ev- ry animal auu is nee, preserving permanently, and with nnnum accuraey its form and uilernal texture, and in such a Male of areay kardmu that it could be sawed into labs and elegantly pdwlied I , w It bid in ibi way formed a museum of vinous am nul. such as frogs, fishes, loads, anakesaud a grea vtrtHly uf parts of ihe human body in a natu ral and diseased state. Ia my preseuoe, ne threw tbe ho una liver, Iuiik. heart, and other part thus purified, a'aoul the fl mr wttti perfect iinpumly, and witavNii the least iujury being done to them. Still ovm curious XiU 'i W'tv Italian taste, cut Ihe n iito aiuall pohihed squ iVes, and arranged them into eo nplete tables jt iu nmic work I so that il gave hi a a mach delight as it did iud aatonialiment, to had intt I could with my fiager d-isignala In hun, on ihia prertoas centra lab e for a surgeon draw. m iwiih tm apprnpnote oaiiie and cbaraciee'ol each individual ol.ject thus spread out bolore mi in a paihologu-al chart of real Seciiu n. I'lms a pulmimary tubercle or ulcer here, a hydatid ol tho liver (here, a cmairis in Ihe braia in another com aajiiimiiUandjLCaloulus in the kidney, or osaiiica. linn of Ihe heart's auric lea and valve iu a fourth" Il truck me Ihil, for all aittlomical and surgical - purpoaea, and all objects of natural hisforyTFiis was an art of inappreciable value, ami the most desira blo ever discovered ; and with that view I conversed with him relative to a visit to our country, belie v-- ing it wimlif V of oalional importaocw tf w e juid have the bonefil of his services. - , ' , ""- cuter ad 4uto oio.roloref . ' . viwjiiriisl0iiflQ flAulo.wtiw-i-ilej!gii MjjoLadiiiguiiiol.-iiiy own purposes, but I found him sadly involved in debt and that his dunmuds were lo bo Complied with I, however, jnade him liberal oilers, aiud did not entirely despair that he would have acceded I them, when, to my regret, about three weeks after we left Florence," I was informed, by letter, mat he was suddenly attuckod with a vtolont in flimmattoti of ine luugs, which proved fatal, and, what is as much to be duidored, that bis unprece. dented discovery died with hun. Ml never would divulge the least par of hi marvelous process, but wivm prwse3 by me on ine uhject, hinted that he had acquired il in his various journey in renin s Ctsiera omniries; and it is fondly to bo hopod tnat aoute on J may Ire long uppuar who, iu pursuing thi inquiry, 'will tw enabled lo reover the art among ui.iao penn.e Irom whom he tnti mated he h i I obtained it. It is worthy of obser vat inn, how, in Ihts extraordinary pr cess art accomplishes in so brief a tim-j, what nature ro qoiVe so loiii a pari al lo et cl, and then never with anything comparable lo Ino periection, we may eay ulmost "i lonti'y, with which this m ule preaerva an exam fic simile of t io original ; in truth, the original ttself. In this surprising a id alui'Mt magic art, not only, as we nava said, ihe extorior 0'iilim-is fiimful andexictly repress. ted, on i uts ine most miuule and delicate interior arrangements of Undine admirably perpetrated ; aa, or example, the entire viscera of the cneai ami abd.iiiii:n. with all Ihuir varied and beautnul cou vuluti oih,whm) clearly exhibited, retaining evei Ihe Ci'Pn-'tof the blood veaseU, in preparations ol frogs, birds, and other animals, b-ide the human body Dr. Matt't Trjrclt. A Capuchin fnar, preaching im a stim's ilav. in honor of ihi smut, ran through Hie live and char, aoiors of thn auomztd trrtatim, an I rating each mueh below tltu s ihj"ft ot hu theme, he exclaimed al I tie close of every invesngatiio, 44 Where sbal. we pl'irte hun ? thiagr ii sum !" At last, a humor, ia'. m ihe audience, weaned by ihe lougth of thi discourse, and toreee.iog no cud to it, rose when the orator again as'ax'd lite ever recurring qaastion, ah 1 said with a air ofohlusu simp!!'- y, "A at iiitv put hi u in my placo, for 1 am going away." Rome in the days of her grandeur, was luppltcd with water by 13,501 pipaa, extending fro i I lie uqueducti, cruciod iu various part t the. city. An old Cuntiecttcat Parson, whose (irculiaritios of preachi ig wero j)rlverbtal, was one day told by a parishioner, thai , he didn't like his nr nous. 44 Well," aaid tho old man, I don't wonder at it. I don't like 'em myself." It is also related of him that, being one day pursued by some inntudmit young rogue, who cried alter . hitn, 44 Parson 1 . -Parson M did you kimw the devil was dead t' " he turned round, shook his jrny head, nnj iprc.vl hi hand over them, aaying in tones of coinp-at aion, " Poor Falnerleaa Children." . Cowforlablu Mode. An editnr in Mifaiasippj is it i about lime candidate! for Congress ; noniiiuted and coiicladc with recommending hima elfrhuaj t "- We know'tianne In 'ttr;f ctwur of the Stele. ... "more deaerving of the office, or Imlter qualified 10 repreaenl us, luaii ouraelf We are oppmed to Abo State Bonding ay at em in tutu, to the Und p tio, to all bonds but the tuaidi of lovo, and tru sound iu politics.. We are atnctly moral in evey'respoct j and no one ran charge us wiib a Bid act com nut ted aiute we. came to year of diaorenon that i, sinoe wa cut the credit system. Tba Democrau of Lafayette will go for a heart tod hand. . WiU our ami bond friend have a meeting and prevail, upon us to consent to" serve Ihe pacly t We ouJ vanl a little coaxiny, like a baahful young widow. .Tie true we" are no orator, but we have grt a n4 voice, and have; joined Ihe deoaliflg club fiii'lW . express r purpose, of kaniing lo apeak to ptiblio , ou Ihe tump. We havn'l joined the tetotallfrs yotrv but we ihall tike ihe pledge at Ihf tteW meeting What more need we eay I Editor throughout tut) State will please announce that we are a candidate , provided 11 will wniu for iieir li;es until we te ceivt payment for" Chnncory Cnurladvertisiuj done by uluring ifie paal Iwe year. If the ancient cnbU wu SSJrkhcs, as tvaeau usd.'N'oah'sArk was 647 Kngliab lect long, ttf posed, broad, , and 00 high, meaauf in j accuruinglo Hiatirm ii;i,72,62Stoua. :; . . ! Wilkii We Different. fly be ging, you forfeit your character by borrowings you buly lorletl your wnrd. ' . - d From tht AgricaltunUut. ORIGIN AND NECESSITY OF AQUlX'ULTUilF. The ol teat occupation of mankind was that of cultivating the earrh ; and frwni ihe lime that the first pur, 44 hand hi band, went forth exile Iron Paradise, it was conatiluled the great buatneas of T ihe human race. Cata was a tiller ol the ground, Abel wa a wool grower, and Noah wa.s a ties bandwian. To Musea we anj obliged to took for Ihe first history of agriculture aa well as the earli est record of our race. Traditionary account to Utter writers of antiquity Iracu it history far back towards the Noachuiu period, but the eatliest catalogue ol domestic aa tnals, and lite first direct itatmneul ol the condition ol patriarehsi siy. are lo be louud m the history oi Abraham. Ingenious writers, aa Slilhugn'-1 and Newton Renuell and Grimm, nave endeavored to trace tho origin f agriculture to Soale particular part of tho world, and Egypt eoeio lo have been a Invonte starting point with these and other writers. That a secy-early and. JtJUcusiveljc gjuwai Eg nt, cannot be doubted : but tho culture of irraii I ttmro-rather thaw itr othstsmrtrtheiriccupinif" by Ine human race, appear lu have been aa much Ihe result of Ihe ease with which the bunks of the Ntlo could then, as now, be cultivated, a of any poitbra adrtuces. ia agrKulture. ,Tbwo appeara hale room for q-jeetion, that, wherever man was luuodUha cultivatiau "f-the esaaiij r 4esf pf$x-; WtWdtTJhWeW ihe state a of thing in Ihe plains ot Mesopotamia, 1 artery; or Arabia, five thousand year ago diflere I eseen tially from tbe present; and as wo know that thrio th'Hisaud years have pubed ver them, and Icfl their h.ibits and their lystema'of agriculture un changed, those habit- aud systems may be con aidered a fair specimen of those which the ncoei. sitius of man first originated aud which have been there perpetuated. As must have been expected, tho implement used in the infancy of agriculture wore of -he most -simple kiuJ. The most ancient sculpture and coins, and above all, the: paintings fiund tn such perfect preservation in Ihe long-daserted temples and tombs oi Egypt fiord the most ample evideoco on litis point. Thai the most early instrument uied to loosen the soil was a kind of pick, made at fir at of stone, bound to a iiandlo of wood, is cer. tain. Tbe employment of animals unload of hu man labor iu tilling the seal, or tbe aubstiiution of tho first for tho last, oarly occurred ; and Ihe un nl' heifer in ploughing, or Where these were not at hand, tho sub ti tut ton of ths ass, is clear from the frequent historical notice of these facts. It is not lo tiie oecessity wttich agriculture f irec I upon men, of associating fir the protect ion and preservation of their crops, that the origin of soci ety may fairly be. traced ; otherwise t!ia world had remained, a it noar jnostly is whom agrtcul- mre is unknown, a nwsi uf isolated families, with conflicting interests, and constant additions to the elements of dissension and cuiilusiuu.- Tho right oi s il, mo nature of property, the accumulation of wealth, tli'i progress of civilization, aud the spread of knowledge, are ill inoro or lcs., to be traced hack to such associations, and to the permanent occirvtnry ot the earth to which mrnvma t.ii- ihe gave a lenilency aod ecuri!y. To Itve, it was tiT.casary to now .to induce men to sow se.-urity must be iveit, that whtl is sown hall be reajwd for the bent-fit of the sower ; and an a .--riatiou of fitmihes, or in other words, society, could only do litis; aud thus to agriculture, to the lillin of toe s :l. we owe civiiitatiua and its tnultuuJi i mis bless.ngs. . , tf- ' ' 7'u Cure Sheep Skint icith (he Wool oi, Tuko a spoonful of alum and l wo of suit eire ; puUeris . and mix well logetlicr, then epri.iU!o llm powder on the flash side ol the skin, and lay thu two fl li sides together leaving the wool oiiutdu. Then fold up. tho. whole skitt as ttht as yoo can ami hang m a dry ftlace : to two or three i iy as soon a dry take down', and scrape wilh a blunt ktufo till clean and supple. This complete the process, and make you a most excellent saddle cover. It when you kill mutton you treat the skins tu this way, you can get more for them from the saJdlcra than you can fair the wool and skat aepaiatuly dit posed of otherwise. i.N. B. Other skin which you .desire to cure ' wiih ihe Air or h ur.ou may ba tratal m the arr.j m v. S. W. F.tr trr. t J ;(VJ i J -1 : .V , I: r iXi i 1! t : ' f u 1 1 ..f - .-.

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