mi i J ' I 1 T rnk rowiae hot peles&ted to thb bhiikd statei bt thb cosstitctiox, mob prohibited bit it to thb states, iKsKBTED to rus at trss actr ectivelt, ob TO thb tori. Amendments to the Constitution, Article JT.- "Sumbcr ot Volume SALISBURY, N. C, APRIL 29, 1842. WholcJ umber 1,11 I fcl 1 iilLiLLj TERM! PF THR rjr c II "AS 7TT 'PI 8 II ER sT Editor and Proprietor, . . The Westbbs Cakoijnum it published every Friday Morntng, at $3 per annum in edwince or $2 SO if paid an'Mia Are mtmtlu otherwise $1 will isaon ilffb ehnrgsd.- 07 No paper will be discontinued except at the Editor's discretion, until all arrearage re paid, if the subscriber is worth the subscription; and the failure to notify the Editor Of a wiaii to discon tinue, at Icatt onb noirra before the end of the rear mibcnbed fur, will be considered a now engagement 03" Advertisements conspicuously and correctly In verted at $1 per square--(of 310 em; ot fifteen linn of tbissixed type) for the first insertion, and 25 cent lor each continuance. Court and Judicial advertise tncnta 25 per cent, higher than the above rates. A de duction of 33 per cent, from the regular prices will to made to yearly advertisors. Advertisements bent In for publication, must bo marked with the num net of inanitions desired, or they will bo continued till forbid, end chamed eccoidingly. ! Letters addrossed to the Editor oo bmincM muit come rats or i-ostaoe, or (try will not be attended to. THE BEQUKL TO CAPT. RICE'S TREAT " 8ome few year atnee, a gentleman residing not n hundred mile from this, travelling in the neigh boring -State of Arkansas, on a collecting expedi. I ton, bad occasion to call upon, a coetomer,whoni we shall call John 8inith notjjie Immortal -Julia Smith. Jr., wtro writes foi the newspapers, but, in nil probability, a relation of the-" great original whose nirtrait hingauponn peg ajrathat tho cab in wall." lieing, as lie thought in the neighbor- hood, mil knowing precisely the whereabouts of the aforesaid John Smith, he accosted a coperas striped lcimtn of tha Did north Carolina Male, wbo 1 " t; ,t.l -.i mV W fWw nt mLSV"9 dpeP murmur in the lune. -watTirtber im krt front Be musio ot the Sabbath things- liCWIUg OUISU uhj-ui;, im uu u van, iiuiii pine aipliiis. k ,.. Tro,vcller-Good morning sir; will you have the goodies to direct me tJ John Smith a I i N. C -Certainly, air f.if, there is any thins this world I do know, it la the way to John Smith's. Why, John Smith amfWcume out together from North Carolina. We cut out thatucw road lead in" Bcrfleff that brunch, and ojer that hill, there. 'lx5rll "r-nut, sir, will you luve the goodness ti. tell v.liero,lio Uvea.? . C To Lo sura I will. . As I as saying, r if 'ttM-rH anynilts tn trflavwnU I do know.it la ilia rna'd to Julio Smith's. Why, sir, John Smith and mn rnarti-d sisters ( nt tin hit got the smarten wifo io all heiw pans. She itee. liimjand have nothing to do with the good j'm"lities of hia 4 ifn. W ill jou direct me ! N. C ()f course 1 will, aa I said before.; if U.r if anyll! in thia world I do know, it ia the ,'way to 'John TMitith' Rut, aa 1 waa observing, liia if can spin Jitr ttjt cuts a d.iy besides extend- "t! 1 1 her- awty-ft- . " 'I'ravjller-Sha may spin aiaty for all I know or " rate(' bat that lias nothing lodo with my qJcVfba, I mm-W) ImhiUhJ- wU MM4U-me re ""iHil-sT"" aVr-T : T" " N, (.Vi!l I (ell vou where John Sipith Uvea? Well, that's good ttne I (ell you il there is any. tiling in lhitarld I d know, it is where John , HmUn lives. Why, air, as I taid beford, we came from North Carolina (ngcther. And he has a yoke . Wtho traest pulling oxen in all these parts. Hi i,i;aar, named Jim, ia the amarteatp V .'fimvetor My desr sir, it is 'growing "late, and I Uh t- gel on. U you canairectaie, wny woo l ou do It Y I ask Vmi again,' if you will tell me the wavto J.ihrtStmth aT " N. Cl-Ilaven't I o4 you a down time, if there 1a anything, in thit ' world 1 ,dV know, it is where otin Smiin 4ie t HaVftn'i 1 told you thai .we came froinNorth Carolina together? Uut 1 ajw.aking of his boy Jim he'ean pick out bia hun dred weigh! of tottuu oMay.ahd shell out a turn of corn for mill al night, and no mistake. Besides, . j ' . .... ir- t . -.--i ;'. ' , - Traveller. Zoondsl anan, what have I to do with him or hia eotuaj-or hia eoro J I will auk vou a piuiH question, which 1 will not ask again. . "Vl then, or i thort nol, anch a man at Jofin Bmith living in ihts 14 section, tnd.il ou know the way t.i hia house, will you point it out to me I . N C And xounds ! man, haven't I been tell- Tig you all tha timattlut there it such a man a Juhn Smith living Lit Asa dlggina and if there is anvthing in the world I do know, it is the way to Uia'houeTl tell llSninjLTwa Jl10L0,lIy.?am? froin N'oi!i Curoljua togatherTaut out ouf that new road leading across thut brancii, ana over inai niu. Why, airi John. Smith -baa the amarteat little Jiiujihler you evor w.' She has only been to . hwl two ycots, aai has got aafdr as "amplifi - . .m '-- Traveller.-Confound hia daughter, and herjam. jdifiration too! I think jfoa have got fa( far yourself. Fr wlmu I aak you a ntain queation, isttieh you might o'rnwvt in a half doxoii words, you spin a long yarn ab .ut road, wive, negroes, oxen, and liltlo irl. Now do, that's a good fcl l w, jusl lulk a little more like a man of ihis world, and show ni the road lo John Smith's t N'. O l).ii' ye"i confmind John' darter, mis. 1 fr : hIio'b my niece, and a smart one she i, loo. Why jiki are a trlchoue as a skinned ell ; nnJ wont lot a body direct yet when they are trying tod., itwHh utl ihcir might- To be ahoit wttn you, a you aecm lo wish it I l"H '0 "gain, that if there t any th'1114 in thi world I do know, it i the -way to John S.nilh'! I Ictl you again we came from North Carolina together we bought land together, at a dollar and a half uu acre we boujsht 300 acres apiece we cut out that new ruud Wading across that branch, and over that hill, together. John Smith's land hos acrose lhat avianip, but h dHi'l live there now. You aee Ihis land here, air I it is jusl about Ihe finest tract you ever saw in your born da vs. Jul think of Ihem tall sweet gums down by ihe road twig lhat 'cimmon, Diilt .be a, wliappe Ilif least throe fict arrow the slump. You see Traveller. I s'e I am not likely to get an tin- awer otit of you tolay ao I might' a wl ke onI ask you now, and fur tlio lint time, will you, or will you uot direct mi fha way to joha -8miih'af"r-;:-.7-.'-:'"7'--; " rrf. N. C And 1 tell you now, and tr the twentieth time, if there it anything in thit tcorld J do know, U it the way to John Smith't Hut I mut tell you about hjs Rue blooded mare and Tim.ileon filly, Sho took Ih puss Inst Saturday was i fortnight, at tha Big Doer Lick Course, like falling ofTa log. 8he s a hely critter, I tell you--and throws it down at little thicker on the grit-aud shoots ahead a leetle faster than the fnateal kind of lightning. - Travellor.Cood day, air, Aod way old Nick t take John Sirtith, hiifwtle, daughtera, rwgroea, and sundries in general j and you and your amplifi cation n in particular. (Puts spuri to his horse in a fit of absolute despair of obtaining a direct an- a war io a aimpio question.) , ,r- i , f N. C The same to you, sir. And may bid Nick take you and your hoaa too. Why I oover aeed such a man. He kept asking, and anking and I kept telling, end telling and ha wouldnt listen a aitigle bit. Why, he would'ut even wait till I told him what ha give for his rove, besidos a hundred other little things that would have been pews to hicrr( and motlo the time pass off agreeably. ru, ki mm go aneaa. uut ii be goea tha road THE SPELLS QfllpME.- -. - ; ; fie "m. viikM, liy the snft green light in the woody j ' nlo,. .-. . On the banke ot mom where thy childhood play'd, First look'd in love to the summer-sky, .- -.' B tha dearv fflmtm. hw tha tun kmih W the prlraraM tulta io the grass beneath,. r. Holy and precious oh ! guard it well I , - . . Py the aleepy ripple of the aUeam, , Which hath kill d thee into many a dream ; . '' By the shiver ol the ivy leaves -To the wind of mora at thy easement eavea nyine deep occr murmur in the imies .. .i- Bv everr Bound of thv native shade - ' ' Stronger and dearer the spell ia made, . By lbs gathoiing round the winter hearth, Vbeo twilight call'd unto bonaohuld mijtb; By the fairy tale, or the legond old, , In the ring of happy laces told ; ; .-, '. . .,r Bp the quiet hour, whan heart unite ' ' i Io the parting prayer, and tue kind "good night!" Br the emilifi? eye and Ibe loving tone, , Irv-er thy lifo baa the rpell baen thrown. - at AnJ Lleas that gift 1 it bath gentlo might, .. It bath led the freeman frith tostand s; ', In ih TOioUiv-batllw of tha Undt - . . It haui Brought the wanderer o'er the tea a, To dio on the bills ol hts owe rresh breeze J Aod back to Ibe mtce of bis father a ball LtaibJflaueje Yes 1 when the heart in its pride would stray , From ihe puro first loves of it youth away ; Where the sullying breath of the world would come, tl'cr tho flowera it brought from, its childhood's home ; . Think tlicu a "a in of ihe woody glade. And the sound by the rustling ivy made ; Think of the tree at thy father's door, And tho kindly jpeUahall have power ooee more. Frnncia I. of France, aaid that a drawing room IOoiiaElwlww or; rather like the spring without flowers. Tlicre is iron enough in tha blonj of 43 men to make a plough share, weighing 2 pound. 1 Drunlcnntt. a man could ae and hear himself wheu be ia drunk, aa othera ana ami hear him, he would be cured forever.- ' Soring others in that state makea no impression, becauan every man brieve he ia diflerctit from tho rest of Lis species. " Rttribuliei Jutlice cf ike' hd'mn. An event took pluco at Prairie I hi Chiup last week, which , strongly marks the Indian character. . Two Indians of the Winnebago nation quarrelled, on which one Blabbed the other to Ihe heart ; he attempted to 'escape, but -was overtaken, brought hack, and placed upon tho body of tha dead Indian, by the relatives of U10 latter. Several gentlemen inter fared in behalf of Ihe captive, and requeued that ' lie might be allowed to go, because be was not so much in fault as the o:hur, They wero answered, 1 thit, if hi mW would pay fifteen dollars to the mother ol the deceased, he might go, otherwise he must die. Thia condition-not berig complied i -with, In was doomed- During thia negotiation . Iho savsgo ait upon the dead body of his f.w, smoking hia pipe, giving tho uu:il " Ugh !" Hi executioner then atepped behind him, und with a single blow of the hatchet severed 1 ho right arm at iho shoulder : upon thia the Indian resumed hia, pipe, and began lo smoke as if nothing had bap woed ; in a short time the executione,', w ith a blow, severed iho left arm. The Indian still retaining his upright poMlion, not a musdo of hia fare changing ' a third blow across the . small of hia back, brought him to tho ground ; even then In couiuenace wore the same cold, acrcno'nhd stoic exprtasiim. He was however, m cut to pieces by tho relative of the diad pmn. .The snvago mailejlniiwt superhu-; man elhlria to eisJflne, but ihe moment his pursuers touched him lie aurrendred and walked back, and aoated bimsclf uoofi'tji doad body, without one . attempting to eca. This was an instance of Indian rotriba'.ion mid aivage forlilude. Dubuque . Expat ...it A Snake SUory The following 1 a part or a letter received from White Ihll, Morgan county, lllimiijytt Democrat. . - ;'. ' ' ' The fo'.lowing account may bo rolled on as true, and vou are at lilrtj to publish it if you think proper.' Having been "engaged in liui'ding a now brick shop, I had occasion to go la Seminary vnb .Unit half a mile from thia place, lo quarry Ihe fnck for my foundation." Oil the third day of our luhor, Mr. Bernard aaid.he discovered a great, .many smnirholos through the crevices of Ihe rocks, which accmod to be very smooth, and he ' supplied there must be a grenl many minks in the buck of Hw ruck, if we coulJ bulget at ihem. "These hnrea""Tonirnurisibl ifor aeveraraaya, when all at once the myaiery t 1 solved j for we broko into a cavern tn the cliff which was literally uaasiancqooin SUCn B OUrry, 1)6 WOO t PCt to Juhn Smiihlr, and that'a aomo comfort, anyway, t (Resumci the hewing of hlsVtle-ts'co".) f'm.) C full uf snakes of III aort and sixos known in thi clnnatw Wa cleared awajr the rocks and dirt, and such av massof liva anakes Ima never beti 'avert at once as here prawntedi ;Wa then cpinmenced killing and counting until we had taken out the tbo eiiormous suin of one tuoyan l aaven hundied anakea Iromtwie rtjwning in the rocks. Thia may went to yotf to partake some little of the marvel lous; though it ran be substantiated by many re Sjiectable gM)tlemon wti(K.have visitod tiie scene since, and. ny person, by calling m me, can have an opportunity ol seeing. tlum any time during the wmtur, or until Ihey ahall-lurve become rotten and invisible. ' : ' , i ;. , " Yours, &c. ' ..,'"'v-Y i t IMPROMPTU , aa, On tlii ttyrd nomination of linry day for the Prtii- ' arackj by the Wkigt. 4 f ; . Wbi pumkins shall gijxm tha top of a ttpe, ' And shower of ncakr ahull fall with rain, ' Whn bankitea and dundiea can humbug the peoplo, OTay's pruspcCl ot powtr shall prightep agaiu. " -L . I . . . ' '.Jt V . .. ' iieo grinasion-js snail juui memscives.waDa on apmdln, s - . .r And John Bull swallow a third1 Dirt of Maine- f When liiuGraliimilea fatten aoj Bf-oaUtrs dwindle, rl-. . r :: 1 ' vtmj a yivyc.k ui Duwc nj unginenagain, Whea cider ahall flow up the Iroad Mississippi, And whiggics 00 longer, shall acranible tor Wlien the Atlas n fuaea to acold like Zuuippe, Clay's prospocl of power may biiglitcn again. JVhen cairn . Jail creep throogh the eye of a needle, Ana auncca Uieinaclvea ininua in brain; ' Wun rogues cannot cheat us, nor doinagoguea wjioMIe, TnK!i4may Clay's bopca faintly glimmer again. ' i ' . L.W3 AGAINST, IDLENESS. " Jlerodotus tells ua that it Was 00a of the lawa of ancien Egypt that every than waa obliged once a year to oxplnin to Iho Chiefs Magistrate of hia! district 100 oieans by which; he obtained his sub- siataqce.: 1 lie refusal to comply with thia ordi- oanca, orjlha not being able Io broya the obtaining oi .au uoiieai nveitnoou wava capimi ottence. Similar lawa werepnacted a Athena by Solon and Draco.-, - ' . ' ' la tacking over the old Pit mouth Colony and Massarhutetta Bay laws we find several analogoua lo the Egyptian and Alheniao fldicl. The first waa passed at B General Court, held 4'h June, 1039, and is a fallows! "For llio preventing of Idleness aKI other evil ofaiioned llirrel.v. It is enacted by. theTeourt, that: he Grand Jurymen of cvtrg I owne abatlTave pvar within their several lownahiDS to fake a iitotl view and ainlirn nf all manner ot peraofljfiprrjed or tingle, dwelling within their eeverKfawnes. that have small mean to mayntuma. thn ancL nv aiMixx?-'4' to kiw lOty and loosely, and 10 require auaccouot of them how they live, and such a Ihey find delinquCDLand wmiiiwi ;grrw.m guou acctMMM- imteot ttmo f nrrrr tnai Ihey cause Hie constable to brmg them before the Governor anJ Assistants at 'Plymouth the first court of AuMstanta after aucb delinquents shall be lound out, that such course may be taken with them aa in the wisdum of the Government shall bis adjudged just and equail." . In 1671, tht annexed law waa promulgated against- tniapending of time." 41 It ia enacted by thiacourt, dec., that no poraon, house holder, or other, ahall apend hia time idly and court or asHtariia shall think meet lo inflict ; and the select men of Ihe. several towns are hereby required fo give a list of the namea of audi as misspend their lime, whether house-holder or oth ers ; and of all single persons thit live from under family government, or will not be governed by their parents or master where they live, that the court may proceed with Ihem as the caso may require.,, In 1720, the Legislature of Massachusetts pass ed a law to prevent idler, &c., which emp.w ered the selectmen or overseer of the boor, with the assent of two justice ol the peace, " to t to work alt Bitch' persons, married or unmarried, ably of body, having no mean to -maintain them, that live idly and use no ordinary and daily lawful trade or business lo .01 their living by." and further declare that M no single person of either sex, under Ihe age of 21 years, ahall be suffered lo live at their own hand,' but umlor some orderly family government." However these laws might be re garded by the loafer of the present day, it is very certain that Ihey were at that time and under that state of Society productive of eminent succens. SarumoA Georgian. The IFrwu? Panenrer.-k fellow who lias brass sufTicieii'. to face the devil out of any thing, and give hun two iu the game, accosted a rlmliiu ly tlresdod, hooiur looking customer, in llio St. Charles, yesterday, with tlio itiieutiou of making some sorl ft him. " Stranger I lliina I vo seen you somewhere. " Very likely, sir I've Uen there frequcnily." Al thia capital rejoinder", Ihe braxn willing looked rattier blank, and a suppressed luugh from on'long credit.' "lln rallied, however and made a second flljrt. ' " What might your name be 1" It uiichl bo Sam Fatch, but Ian! !" A 111iveranl roar followed this genuine display of witjnd the lloau Brummel braccn mm shortly among the uiiseing. Crescent City. .Vaaootef. Carlyle thus speaks ti the greet oriental M From an early ago he had been re marked as a thoughtful man. Ilia companions named him Al Aimu The Faithful." A mail of truth and fidelity 5 true in what he poke and thought. They noted lhat he alwaya meant son.o thing. A man rather taciturn in speech ; ailent wheulhere was nothing to be said, but pertinent, and sincere when he did speak alwaya throwing linht on ther matter. Thia is th only sort of n.rh worth sneakine I Through life we llnd' him lo have been regarded Ba an altogether solid, brotherly, nenuine man. A serious, sincere ctmr aeter ; yet amiable cordial, companiouablo, joco.-e, two a good laugh IS as umruo as any iiiiiik so mi ; Ihem, ht cannot laugh. One hears of Mahouwit'a. 5i,i,iHfiis fine sagnel)Usr"honetfar,e florid complexion,, beaming black eye. I some-' how, too, like thai vein on the brow, which sc;iod t up black when he was Warmer lik the horso. shoe vein H in Scott's Ued; luntlet, It wni a kind ""of fi'niure in the Hanhem family, ' !.i.liacll ing vin in Ihe brow ; Mahom i, j h prominent, Bs woald appear. .- A spontuntiuun, iasionate, yet just true meaning man l' Full of wjld worjh all uncultured ; working out hia life task iu 'the depths of the deseit there, ' - " '- , ' .. , ,- ' H. ' V lltnti 1 Health. Avoid excess of f xJt s the prin- cipai suurco ol dyspepsia, t ive or aix hours suoulu elapse betwuen meals." Commercial -and professional men ahould avoid long taating. Do not 'hurry from dinner to biuiness; rest an. honr afterwanla. Never eat things out of season, aor much of dishea which ynu n sre not accustomed. Much liquid at dinner delays the digcetion. Avoid intemperance. Water ia the most healthy beverage. Excess ot icrmented liquor is high ly injnrioa. i Useful exertion ia in bla tohealth, and hannincm. Mnacular mxttrrixH .1 Tiilfil.-' -rr.. . ... conducive 10 longevity. ever exercise after it . a biffh dek to write. liw-lTi., ,withSS W oeficial urhtorary men. The cob- be found biehlr beneficial at ant ue of soft atnffed actts ia injurious. 1 Rooms io i, which the sedentary are employed ahould be Warmed by 6 res in open grates, which SNsist ventilation : not by . steam, ho water, gas, or close ovens! .Never stand or sit with your back to the fire.-, Menu I excitement s one of tha most prevalent causes of diseases producing dyspepsia, amnomania, and insanity. Few tilings tend more to the preservation of health, and theproloniration of life, than tha maintenance of . a cUm, ciieettuT. and .cutiieiuea siaie 01 niinu, anu ine caiuvaiioo ot reeiinga ol affection. Merftal inactivity is scarcely leas injuri ous thin excesaive exercise, giving rise lo bypocoudri-f at is. in ma ciiotce or proteasiona, the talents, dispose lion, and nitnral bent of the mind of the individual ' optjht to bn studied. Tript to the country, to watering or batbing places, are highly beneficial to those wbo live in Uua. Curtis, wore o the PrtHrva ion ot ' 7-a7A." , ,v i , A Ludicrous Loss. During the disastroni re- .trc it of Sir Julia Moore, lo Coruhna, an officer of t the lligliland infantry waa soot in Commatid-of a - dujaclimeiit, to clear away any obstaclo that Ihe men existing bad weather might have thrown 10 the front of th BrmyrAf they were" busily " 6m" ployed in cleaning ay some trees, they were suddenly interrupted by hearing a -harp firing rlose lo them, on their proceeding to the place where Ihe sound came from, they found themselves iu the midst of a sharp akirmisb, occasioned by the French having attick the escort of a carriage containing the person of a noble Soaniah lady. By the arri . fivf tlio British, tha skirmish waa brought to a apeedy conclusion; and, when-tho lady, on inqui 1 ing of the commander if be waa unhurt, cast her eye on his bare loga, iho, aaid " The Virgin and 'blithe Siinla be praised ) he hat escaped with only the loss of his breeches 1"' Iroduced bis son lo the Rev. Rowland Hill bv let ttejrlWryOTth3i ano tilcefy to3a honor lo Ihe University of which ho was a mornber. " l!ut ha i shy," added the lather, and idle ; and I fear buriea his talents in a napkin." A short Xtini afterwards, the parent anxious for the rev'nr end gentleman's opinion, inquired what be thought of hia eon. "1 have shaken the napkin," said Rowland Hill, " at all corners, .an J there ia nothing 'in it." - The Etglish iVury. Groat Britain has at this vice, 1 3 of 80 guns and upwards, 19 of 74 guns, '22 frigate of from 30 to 50 gum, 4i corvettes of from 22 to 30 guns, GO steamer of from 4 lo 1 8 guns. Tho largest naval force m commission in Ihe World. Sun and Moon. Dr. Lardner says (hat if three hiindro l thousand full moons wore in tint heavens al 04 kmi day; thoir light would be equal lhat of the sun ; as the intensity of tha light of ihe sun is to that of toe moon, as IX'0,000 lo one. ' '.t - Tht Red Sea. The water'of the Rd Sea is so very clear, lhat Mr. Buckingham rend on the wood or stock of an anchor Ihe name of the ship at the depth of2i lathoms (13U teel.J .Virrw. Distinction between Discovery and Jnreniion. The oljci of tlio former is to prod dee aumething which had no existence before; thai of Ihe lattor, to bring lo something that which did exist, but which wai concealed from common observation Thus we say, Otto G iencke invented the air pump; Sanctoriou invented the lliermnmeer ; .Newlou and. Gregory invented tha reflecting toloscope; (Jaliloo disc'ivered the solar spots; and Harvey diseovorefl the circulation 01 ino Uiood. it appears therefore, thut improvements 111 the arts are prop erly called inventions ; and that facts brought In light by -means of observation, are properly called discoveries. Dugald Steicart. Tho IVwnslick Time enumerates the following, a ono of the tiling be don't like to see : " A man taking a paper ao long without pay ing, lhat ho forget how his account stand, and then ditiMite it Wondor if (he subscriber know whit ho meant l Hard to Do. Dixon's foal of walking fifty four hours on a stretch, In suggested to a )ouag mar ried It Jy to undertako to hold her tongno for forty eight hours ! The thing is impossible, says the im pudent editor of ihe Lincoln Telegraph. Biston Post. ( Digby says hi-a dear friends Ihe ladies have high authority fur the adoption of (hut ornamental article of dres agiuitt which, in modoru times, ao many feeble witieisin have been directed, aa Ityron spiak of i i ' i " Goddesses Wbo in tha earlier ages raised a fcun'iV .'" . ' Wo J'oit. Wa were tickled almost to death at a little thing we heard yesterday. A drunken fellow waa Hu lling along with a' jug of whiskey, and aa ha attempted fo climb a fence, he fell on one aide, of ini lence, ann ine jug 011 iuu uu.ur, 1 ho nijuor iiniitediatoljrOTiiienced runnin j ou andjvln if gnip, lhe hafer raised himtolf upon his elbow and listoncd lo the liquor aa it come out with .is peculiar sound n( " good good good !" Oh yes I" (ai4 the loafef,) I know j nil are pood, but you, 1 can'i gui at you" Cia Mie. k fton'the American Farmer? j T(l ROTEOT JRUIT PROM I.ATi; v ,;V Y 8,lNCl FROST. . ! Bla 1 Many expodieiila have been reaorted lotu ' the protenimof fruit rroiri the blighting ioflueijto, ' , Uie frosts. ThrowiiH gUppI over tlio IrreV ing ifHi Vjx.n it, kindjing a fire undnr iVc, uuve each Usenjbuiid to laftn a lieneficiuj influence, but none have been mow eirofnt tbaq Ue expwi. menpwhich 1 am ahotit lo describe.4 1 My rnend, Major Ruff, who it v!. uoan, lately Informed ma that many years ago ha as w italajrd' in a French imper lhat throwing 1 hempen roniovor Ubq lop of a fruit treui when iu hlobtn or near the timeol bloominjr, and bv leilinji 11a lower end iih lie'f Thi.Ith;Kigh.q..,.er,,M, ..... ,nd phjloatphiC I I accordingly made Ihe exper menl. To prove mora fully Ihe modvi operandi I look two diMhea half filled with, water, and set them a low leet distant, under tho tree, on the night before an expected Irost, tha Irees being nearly in full bloom. Throwing the rape over Ihe lop of the tree I let other end hung in the water of one of iho dishes the event proved Ihe correctness of the theory. There was a hard frost on tho; morning-'' of Ihe ilh ir,sf ; and the dish into which the rone waa deposited, contained ice of iho thicknoaa of n dollar, while llmt io the other dish was scarcely of ine inicxneaa ot paper. . , The philoaophv of the above eTperiment w this: Ihe rope, which was previously wettod. was a eon. ductor of heat ; the air, and of course limbs of the tree, became colder in ihe night than the earth- -the rope conducted the heat from tho earth to tho tree, thua keeping up aoqutlibruinand preserving. 111a tree iroin irosi. As far as my observation extends, the cirtical t time for fruit ia long before it is in blossom j but it is nevertheless true, that severe and protruded cold ttharTiihe,"or"evohIater," will destroy lint' fruit . This was the case last year. The fruit ' was killed by severe frost after it had been formod. There is not in my mind a doubt lhat by attach! ing a rope to each tree' of choice fruit, and thus lotting it premam-ntly remain through ihe winter and spring, that the fruit would bo acured from the eflecte of fro. To the incredulous an l the .tupcrcitious,. wlnj . balance their grist all their lives with a big slums' -who, sufficiently wise, despise knowledgo and instruction, tho above may appear unworthy thnir attention. Let such be informed that it ia uot le philosophic than lightning rods attached to I411UI.. in .1 . c . l. . n . ..1 . I . ",,1, v h'pi'im toaill iruT 1110 jitu 'luucy (II cioo " .Hicriaro jnijrejUtipg Thah Ttielir pfiiloapphg has ever dreamed of W. L HARTOX. WooJlawt, ILirford co., March 20A, 1 8 13. - Wk'13 Ingenuity. Calling ihe nld Hard cideri Tippecanoe Club ''the Home Leagues," . This is part of the new humbug; in Ihe South, they are calling UMTip and Ty" clubs' "laf Clubs," and we auppoaa tJie trick of debauchery aod panic wilt be reorted In, to run in " thi Old Harry." e. know a preventive. . u'Public Opinion. Public opinion is often a mighty lyrtnt when it interfers In private alTtira. Tho lighteat aunrise ia to it equal Iu ibe heaviest accusation the meanest prejudices lo the wisest taws. It judges without evidence and condemn without appeal ; it drivea away aucb at lave sinned and, would return repentant. It burns pu those who otherwise would have consumed lolly by crime." . . " Are you fond of novela, Mr. Junes T" " Very," responded the interrogated gentleman, who wished 10 be thought, by Ihe lady quealioner, fond of liter, alurc. "Have jou,"'coiitiirued the inquisitive, lady, ever read Ten Thouwod a Year T" " No, madam I never read that many novela in all my lifo r . - - BNasMaaaBsaaaB) Soap Suds. Instoad of auffering your washer woman to throw out tho roap auda about ihe kitch en door, make her pour them, aa madu, in a bariel iu your garden, and water your plant of all kind with them. . 1 India Cotton, dc. Wn observe that several (iMinguiihod Sonatora in the recent debatea have expressed the same views on litis, subject which the Mercury has on several occasions during the past year atronucusly enforced. lW mention it uot for the purpose of claiming our thuuder "but a a strong proof thut the position we maintained were not only true, but reasonable, an'd indeed obvious looll culm mind on comparison of the facia of Iho cas. The 2V. I'. Journal of Commerce baa also taken ui lha auhjact. ia a rucenl number and- handled it with the ability and fullness of informs.. tioti that gie such value and even authority to Iho commercial article of titat paper. a thank the Itostou Poet lor going back to the rarilTaiiitution of 1331 and ahewies bv extracta from the organs of ihe protective parly that Ihe very same silly cry of danger lo the South from the competition of ludia Cotton was raised then f r the same purpose, of persuading ua to submit to Tar ill. The aame paper also ahowa that tho rant! party made use then f the same paltry huiiibuga they are s i uoy at now, of liiiinz penny- a liner iu the Si uiium i-,ue to send thoiu weekly he headed cliange 01 view al the South " and .liter such pitiful trash. We are clad to see lhat the Richmond Compiler, having lately given cir culation to such statements, has upon belter exam mation and lunar intormation, manfully retracted the slander. If ihe statement were true, it would only prove lhat the Southern people had lost their aeuees, become callous to their own immediate interest and turned their backs on all the principles thut Ihey had before held eacred. There baa alwaya been a little miserable tail end of Iho Northern I arm parly at ibe South, and they lute- waxed or waned according aa it was dearer or chrapir to import two or three editor from Cape .Cod ..r " March Schknnk." t - k I V Vv W

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