V H i 7 4 Ski 4 if- : : H r If : , 1 r. I. f t f- r I i fi- t - ilk-. 1 .(: 4 Tvs-t Iir4-M44ex L ... ' i - THIS UAUKIITS. AT SALISBURY, MAY 13, ltA2. JMOB, iateef, brandy, (pcac)i) Batter, . . . Ueeewoji, Bale Hop., Cotton, (clean) Corn. Cotke, " Flour, .VsUtcrf, Jfhxseed, 810 :ij 4 Lard, 1U a 12J 19 a an IS a 10 a 12. Ha )(33 14 a IS 4S0ifi OH 00 a a"i ja W) ft Oil, OJiifl I rnn, MolatMNP. Nail, Oat, Pork, ' , Rice, (onorl) . Sueur, (brown) i Do (loa,) Sail, (bu.) I),. (-ek) Steel, (biivter) IHi (catt Tallow, WhisltT, 4Ja7 ha 10 CO a (i'-'J Hi 9 l.i a IS 4 a 4 10 a 121 IS uM 1 25 a IM a 75 a t(MI 10 a '.'5 a :w mi 23a AT ClIERAW, SC.) APWL; l?4i " a.Ffc'ur, tA6W),J.fi fc -Feather, . 4048 I.) a u lUiruvyjrcei , 7 a gs 7n l...u . Beef, (cat0 Jfacon, ' -Butter, ' Magging, Aila Hope, Coffee, Cotton, Corn, (.scarce) -DltalW V 'Vi ,10 a isj 42 a 15 v.... i a a. "5 3.v4i 37 a 40 V'Tlfw 'J J ft 1U Sugar, 4 .V. 10 a 12 Do (bu,hcl) S7J ft1 JRf, Eucqii, Btittcf,-' llecsvvajt, Bale Rope, lollCC,. ATCAMDE.V, S C, APRIL 27 1? 12. v 4a5 ...Cotlon,!' Oafl a 10 -'4V 7X a 10 Coin, v 1 fcr . VJi is. 4'irtnr, . j rdo Graml'Sired hy the. AMER ICAN tu I J f 77tc Champion of ' America,rr- l ini) r 5f the sre.il inafrh race, The North against the S-vUth, ., ao.'teoe.ido.. - ji - . - thoroughbred horse LA I'll, br. d1y Col. Wade A Ihmplon, of South L'ru!in.' mU make hid fourth nndlaet ?i'fiwin, winch 11 mm cwBHimM iuti will end the IhI Juh,at t:jp rollowm' lncr, vm t JnvobCole-, rrmn'a.CshiimiacminljI'.'overy Moiii.ay inii'l'umloy j at -Sakbtiury, Weilncaoay and TliUriy j tifJ at Jxmp ton, Dnvul-on county, Fridny and iSulurtiay Hu will be rcculnrly at hia ftamla, bublic linya aifd liiti -vatrr excepted. He will bo let to marei at tli tetlowtnr rc- (iiiod pneca : $12 tlx aeatmo, to bediwlmrcd hy ten if paid before tbe,' aeaeoti expires, and $15 10 injure, payablo aa toon la the mare waffci'itaint'd to bo in .foal, or lite property qliang"n ownrrv, and filly cents to the groom; ,"(fp" Care will he taken to prevent aecideula, but, in no instance, will 1 bo renponsiblo for anv that may oceuf. " ... ; II. V. LONG. j.Kaliaburr, NC,lhreh 13, l&fci . i. j ' A 1' V :Vt:" - HDIGRER ctfttifr tlwtX,.4T art tired bftx, and that he waa foaled in the iipiang 6f 1S3X ' U,a Z'A by Go- AAMUV VOW 1 mi JIILKE i larjje quintity o'f Plonk, Scantling, X and other building uiatenala on band for $ale at the Willi! of Charle Fisiier, 00 toitlli Yadkin Uiver, lonncily Peurson'a AliUa. ' . , AliO ' . 'Aqimntity ol choieo curled Maple Tlankauitable for making liiHiMC-fiirnilure of vanoua.kinda. Any quantity of sawed Shinjjlea curt be fiirnishcd.at a very abort notice. ;The liinjilea are alwaya made out of heart pme, or yello poplar, of a regular aize, .t.4 kkhii... it.. ...k..t:.. kul fan nit nni!ff nil thn rOllf juM hi tlioy lull from llm mbw Pricff per 1.0(H) at Ti - i:'t i ii'ii I liUMV HaMUIs. Aid ' Dcccuilier !31t lSil. Tf. i-nj, . 1 4 iu a uoipiiin. in nam roeationtaa, ey ir Archy ; tis g. cam MideasejC . Kit l Young llitUjry, aim lf -Wir ArCny,oiHof Col. Sinjfle OaM. v .J,"45a50 tou'no'jjebrtted'beiierr.liy tlie Importad Bedford fiul of - - - - - - . - '.I': 14.1' iliniclHTtiiiH, wtnM'.uiiiii jn. OF TUB ; .-A Congressional Globe and . Appprfdtxi (bir,f riipa; tiwimm fvipn, oy 4 iwiij(ri-iiyti nuroi Letter ; by impoten Dwlfbrd, &c. IIicDln'stfua waa pot oy the -iitipdrted Duzz4rdtitl,iiftlielam of &r "Archy. " U IJF.SCI5 IJTIOS'; PEliFOKM AXCE. C. rpiinsE worta hive now been published fiy'i,. f, ' . "e h?-T' w,,hol wh,,f'- l,and' ' X fen consecutive ieafion'of Cotij-r.. Cvm.nen. lncl,M W,'h b0n,' nd1;'P,,l'c!1'nAt , . rinj w.tUH.iacw.onoflia-i-a. vThS hae hid audi carf ',, be wo? J?" ub; ,k,",,1 "'fl"" nnlo WLreci.cul.Uou.anithavebcwuoivexaalljapiV.d .."n8 Sit. laylora Filly I)a.y and Lapt. and eo.1-1.1 atterby the pul.he.Shit we deeui it nee-oa Uiiimifm.mnrr. ,,rv0.,ly i. tt..TWiti.i to y tht they w,n be ls? -M -'yl't ci.'tmiicid et the next aewion ot Congrcw, ai.u to aute. '?m'Le " 1 . ' bw,t,n' 6'"' .occineUy. their contents, the Ibnn m wuwli ihey un !flCH nird thafleston I.e. waa b-aun by Ui. be pruned, end tatf mice, for them. " . ,'"'1Per ,n' t,,e .ke Club Pgrae, 8 mile heat ; be1Dff Tl.eCtm-re.glonJlti:obe la ma le tip or the dally "7 ,,nuch m,1" l,e WM ;?',hJrwl! hre' '' rroceedmir. cf tW to l!,w,ca of Congioa. The ,4 y'U' ' . oeJsey Club 1W. 4 mi e pceciieaot the nieaibers are abridged, or comlen!, to . '.. ; , -" lrin2 tliem into a rensmab!-. ef readable lcnt!i. All 'V' hc" J T0?" 1 ,e .?w,;.,n nqienw cfto.t.mf hvill be au 1n.rrove11.ent in tli quality of Hie paper, and the rsolutiona oilvn'tf, c r inotioea made, nre given jit ieoftli, in the mover'i o;i word; and tlio ja and nayion ail the nnp-jiti.nl ynMii.itis. It i printed with ma II type brevier and iioiiiireil on' a double royal khrt, id quarto !'. rui, each tiumUr cuntamir 10 royul ijilnrtfl pupej. It 1 printed ns t;i.-t a. the inisincf s dune mi i'angrewi luruisJjeH.nistler ctiooh lor a ninnbt-r wttJy-trr- WHwi- ttrt- rn el 1 mi'-tt-lwniivt ucelk. U'e have iii'..ir.:ii)!y 'printed iivre, numbers tluiu tliere were week m a tcion. The epproaehtn M?Mion of Congress, it is expected, will continue 7 moiiilid, if ao, fculwcr.iK'r may exei httvw.-en IkJ ar.h 10 nuinber,' which, '"pettier, will iruke betweeh OtHl and 0W) fnyal quarto page?. - The Appendix i raada op of the Prmidlvi'ii an nn! mujpe, tha report of te principaruineera of Goi'crtiuit'iit trial acmmpany 11, ami ail Hie Ij- Jechc of meiiibera ii t,oiifc.'ry, written out or ro- vijed bv Ihemnelvea. u m iiniitcii in iiw u-iiortl'irm a- ii'jn acverar iermp hi rovance 01 ine win, juti ue . (lire ho reached tlu juJcen atarol ; ami g ttmp entan k'd Rinoiipst liie csirinpca, he.au allied an injury which occuuoiiod- hia withdrawal from the Turf LATH wan a raceiii-jse ot the first clat, which Imj evinced in Ins trials with finy Mun.i, Charlotte Runt and K;!'y llo'h, and in point of blod he w interior to n ine, wMMlier imwrted br natitcV llis constitution ia 'Tyir-tfTrm-TTerf -ben- nt hr4M1.4M- twp im4. 1 11.0 coier, hirju, ud action, pea kTorjbeinielvea. In a word, Lath uniie. i,- luinfe'tai many claims to public patn'tiae, na anv voung Staliion'that 1 know. HAMPTON. WiilwiKHl Jan. 2v 1-39. rtoni'the above Certificate nf Gol. Iliimpton, !io bed and hud LATH traiued tur the 'Iluri, i! v. ill be ..ecu ibot he cotisidere'l'"'1 " Rnc 1iire vt tire first claai, nut only ffum the races he has Laborers Wanted. ft ST anted, number of bnmls In work nt V w the imiiiiia business at (Junrad'a Hill, in Dnvidsoti County. The usual wages will be ftiv-. en, nod the hand will be ptd ntl weekly, or monihlv, as tliev ,,0.V Good board uiay'le had near the mine un reaaonalile term. . -;. T. PUILLirs ALLEN, Menu Januarj 14. 1842., t; ' tr. 1 ?jEAT,IY BILLS PRINTED oricc. . - TilE. PHILADELPHIA "" SATURDAY COURIER. W ITU THK (..UiOHI ClHl I'LATlod IN TUR woni.D ! ! The publikheraot thiaold eatablialnnl and univemHy pouiuatl'uiily Journal, .would.deem itaupprotratory lo aiy a woni in toiiitnendatiouof it past or prertefrt exeoU lence and usefiiliieaa, lt unrivalled ami increasing circulntion, (over 35,000.) i tt b 8t ricominondation,, For il future, however, a detenu inn lion to be riaar iii tho vanof the American Newspaper Weekly Preaa, will call loiiucreaed expendilureaand renewed Urac tiona for the coming yeor, 1S42, r.ot the Ichb of which addition' of popular contribuior?-, rnibracing, ue fully believe, the b i list lo any aimilar Journal in the world. The Courier in independent in its character, trariesa ly. punning a etraight lorv-arii cnur?c, and fupporling the best lu'lrresta of the pub'ic. It iVelnetlv neutnilin politic and relipion It will maintain a high tone of 1110 Ia, and not nn article v. ill appear 111 it papra wluaji Uhould not find a place at every fireside. It ha more ftran'm,ii!jth',rfnmtif,wveWiHt madwii,,,lu tfiat of' any other piper publinnrj in ine country, cmbracni, the besl luinii,es ot our liepubl.c. ' ATUiUltW TA1.I. m 'THE! or THK riMlE ' Underai'gned have' taken out a Patint for an 1 improvement made by themaclvca in the important "t0 Finishing Lcatlicr. Thia improvement eonaiita in flew mixture, of llicir Invention, which i- applied to the leather, and which aavca the expend of Ullow and the labor o. whitening. Thev do not offer it to the publiq without hasmg them ielvcJctrerlually teated iu nor omheirown recommen dation alone, but aak attention to the certificate given below by highly respectable end experienced J""8 who bave examined (lie invention, and being aatwfled of ita ua.ifulnca, havo purchaaed righU:T-('d to the certilicalea of tho Bool and cJhoe-niakera who bear tcsliinonx to the quality and ftnif.li of 'j'j V - Hfc.NHYC. MILLER. Lcttera to the aubscribcra afiould be addrewed, CViina (.Voce, Rowan County, (J. . March 4, 18 12. CERTIFICATES: At the request of McWa. Ronald & ftliller, and for our own aatudaction, we have particularly examined their improved plan ol Bniidiin leather, ami pronounce it altogether beyond our expectation lor value; and we chcerlully recommend it lo the Tamiera ol the Country a great aaving of labor and expemw, and aa giving a fine gloaa and high fiuish to the leather. Being aatia-" Bed ot tliia, we have purchaaed for ourselvea the right to ue their itent, " JOHN CLARK, Tanner. 8libury. JOHN KU)OP, J., LEVI COWAN, Wil. P. COWAN, - Tannera, Rowan County. "IVe havn manufactured a considerable quantity of leather linwhed ou the improved pirn, lately invented by Mewra. Ronald &, Miller, and wo conaider it of the bent miality, both lor beauty of finiu, and lasting pro perty. JX8.-D. GLOVER, -J V -WM, LAMDKTII. ;.' ., JOHN THOMPSON, . Boot and Shoe-makcrii, Saliabury. LTll'OBTAnT W'OBKf KOWUTUICOVIII OrrOILICATIOa, A DICTIONARY OF Arts, Manufactura and Mines, CONTAIMNO A CA IXJOalTIO" Of TULIR PRIHCIfm 0 raACTICKH. . By Asdbkw Ubb, M. D., F. II S. M. O. 8. M. A Lpnd., Mem. Acad. N. 8. Phila4., 8. Ph. S0. jy ' ' Utrm. Mana-, JM, 4 4 4'c ' v, ' 1 ' t-Jr,.f .van fjffyjm, Vf,T"flfA A large variety Gartlrit frieedi lur sale a 1 me amury urup itoiT, by February 19,.1642. r-3 , 'NOTICE, ' PIlE tiuCMber haa opened a PuiC Houne, in Mockatiillo, Davie fMmty, t if'K wlu?ni ho in prepared to accommodate the CoiiTCksi'inal Ciobe, and usually make uliout the nlion. ,1 a having run publicly, (nil IVom, priv.iie Mrhe nuuioer et page. i)ereio!"te, on account ot ihe ff ifpe'ettu's iii:g f t n:i.nero:is unu to loop, we Live riot CiMi'pleted tl e App.Moix until ouo or to i:iui:' j t'er the c!'j of tho ai.-ssum ; but, in luturu, we inti ni 1 to print the hp relies s I t. iliev i-hflll be piepard, ' Sfwluf C'Wf!iaaiti;l coinple'e .he worn MviUim a f ",v alijt after ihe H-jourttment. jEif li of t7ie- e vt'ork it comFltie in itself; but it i - kim'I'-di'fcvCT'thtf proeeetlmpi nttft, hr hire i WtiY f,Tuff, "T..-':,"ij"Ui.hoit'' 1 f t:e ftyen ii.-il i;t. r- r 1, :i (1 .!,., ,; oiv reluru lo u.e App;-;;J.x to :.-e i.-.w .-, trniH lie un rr)iT!i! with lior.fs i icti aie uo on to- Tu:l, at (1 riiiiuiiig with ci-i.o'i.eiable tuccex. I: vv,:i hUo ! observed by fin. rertilii ulf, ihn' lie (-rir.xiui red LatU of il.e nir't blond, 1,01 to Le ?ur hsm.iI by imy hor-, uiiporje 1 r n-iuve. 1 coiider n eulinily ui.:. tr.v.ii) to otien ;,t to p:i!tij;Ln LATH, either mr lo-. ti;. i u.auce.. on iff! T 1 I or a lo om b. oi.d, h lite, hi every p"c., tr"TM wire blimii, iutl lull Every one ahould be proud to patronise the Plniadel. pliia Saturday tJourier, t y its unbroken genes ot ori ginal Amrricitn Talm, l uch native writers aa Mr. Caroline Lee Hentz, Mr.-. St. -on Lmd, "The Iidy of Maryland," l'rotesir I. .'rah me, T: S. Arthur, Ksq., MlM Silpwiek, Mits 1 -ue, and .many others, it has juully earned the title ot 1 e .Jmeriati family .Vein fcptr. Foreun Lilera(i;rtr nail .ev. :i n.'tik.ti Hie ut Uiiivi tal I'arnilv Uuard'era and Travellers in a atyle which him with iheir cutitqia, . Ilia Stable will be abundantly furninliwi with ererv thing necessary in iho line of Provender ; hi. Bur ell lafrtitied with a variety of liquors. r iiilehargHa will be moderate. ' All riototu and dis orderly coukairt will be strictly prohibited. .Cull and fry me. tl ii. BIKCKllKAU. March 11, 1IX - r ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-ONE ENGRAVINGS. 1MIIS ii unquetJtionably the most popular work of ihe kind -ever published, and a book most admirably adapted to the waula of ail chuaea of the community The following are iho important objecte whictu', learned author endeavor to accomplish : ,. 1st. Tg iiiiiructllio ManiilacturcrJllclal!urgistai4 Tradeaman in the principle, of their respective pro. , ceaara, ro aa to. render them, in reality, the maatora of their bofineaa; and, to emancipate them from a atato of bondage to auch aMfe too commonly governed by blind prejudico and a vicioua routine. 1 2ndly. Ttf afford Merchant, Brokers, Dryaalterg DrugigatN and olBcere of the Revenue, characteristic description of the coimnodilie which paaa tlin.ujti their hand. , , 3rdly. By exhibiting aotnc ol the fineat develupmpnt, of Chemiatry and Phyaica, to lay epen an excellent practical achool to Studenta of tlieao kindred aciencej. 4thly. To teach Capiulmta,' who may be deairou of plaaing their fund in aomo proddctivo branch of indu(. try, to select, judiciously, among plauaible claimant. . 5thly. To enable goiltleineu of the Law to become well acquainted with the nature of thoec putcut'iclicinei, which are oo apt to give rise to litigation. tithly. To preicnt to lejialatora auch a clear expai.. lion of tho staple manulacturca, as may. diaauade them ' from enacun laws which obstruct iuduatry, or cherish one branch of it to (he injury of many others. And lastly, to give the general reader, intent chiefly on Intellectual fcultivation, view of many ot tho Do bleat schievroenU of Science, in cflecting tboe grind tranalormationa ot matter to which Great Britaiu and tho Unitc4tlee ewe their permanent wealth, rank ind power among the nations of In- earth. . , The latest aUtictica of every important object, ' of ' Manuticuire are given from tho beat, and usually (sm official authority at the end ol each article. '"Tfi Worn will be ptuUed fiuHilhe W-Londi fj..-., tion, which aqlla for 12 copy. It will be.pulcB,(rd paper, in ncw brtwr tyie. and will make about 1Hh va' pageav It will Ui issued m twenfyone aetni-. monthly numbersJn covcrfcat 25 cents each, payib: on deliver as . OOii To any perann sending tia five dollars atine time in ailvsjice, we will forward the numbers by cml, poat paid, as ra;u as they co:ne trout the pivM. "Vro nilable sjeut this atlHrds a rare opportuni'y, aa we can. pnf the work 'to tin in on terms etremriy. lawifable. In every: iM inUf.icturiior town.'ajid errv . vil!ajp?lhr?iUjfhoiit the United hutcsand Canada mlj. ICr.lxrk rnnyje obtained uith'(ftc'VVea'Ut fciii!y. Addras.Vp- fvd). La R'.y t;u:a,e.iand,' 12k TiiIkhi street, .w4'k. ; .-O-- ' T'OtTyeditor Wio gives tliia advj 'Mijement civ, m tire 12 j(ertHMi;ti-w l,iiariii to order, ot o y ''"" oflm.whoe wwk,.proji.!i 4 ilic pam-r coiilaitiinjtlii nn' 1 inl Ui flic INew Yotk V'aLLL'mau, N. Vtrk. ' VarcH 11, 1S12. '.' rm ' " ' 111 1 . ' 1,'. O rnoneii lo !jre no expense ur.l.iv oiin T iv er!..'ti misJul of N":vi!ip'r. " ('(in. I ml. ri .1 lo nil .- avil peifoe (III ry ' . m, v. ' I ,i ll..' ..IS '..! lies J ' Kir'.'.nin iind on Ihr V :iinirnt. the ncwn and L'cms of oi l I' hll'i.l. e ... 1.1 rei e ve .aiief.s ol inti rit. p;ii)iiiied in IU--MILL 1R0NS.--O ... a t-IICRE mty be hid at C. I'n-lier's Po'indry, 011 .i n il Yadkin finer, MJI Iron of al.iuvt ali do s"ri;iuns ued in Ibis country, ' r-""- ft rm .S3W M:ll Jrorir, luiJpi'oc ail ortiv. Iicl if ail .' h. -.'" 4 . . . tJllTID ffTtTta tK)BTB CaOLINA rilSTKKT. i- .'".. TT7 w - I flKRF.RTaUtVE NOri('F.,ThntotiiheGrrt rl.iy ol February next, I shall bold a Court at rr ' liou-e in F jetfov iliej for the purpoae ul receivmj; ; potitioui under '- An act to eMnbl sh a uniform 1 tern of ilimkrupicy itinniiiho'it liie L'uited fciaUK,'' ai.d til I Ihe Mtil C'ltirt witl'bo kepi pen rierv idiiy in surcc-som (Sunday cxcrito'.) mitil ciIiJa r.1 nt.. .... . 1 . 1 syiiii m giirn.ninu ryiiirur ni,v i Lor-- r-. r, .c tr .rn tcek bi tll ife, I , r;n."' i re D..10, ni.d t. l.ti.i.L i...'.' nil,1 i . .iiuud.....l'.n I. kuli ;,, hM -nr (i "I I pl'llo lollll 1. 10UI I ' ll' 1 H T "to' V tv o 5TI "('iiri!;lii' f It'.i'Tf'-iri'," "il,e .wTf iLo-moL-i .vii. -j oi com-ie, t.vi.isi r,rVfftrT1orrffi.'THTfie ,e.Tr,.,.re., racTTCe "pi "p-iitisi un .-Joti.!!, iv uuu ami v, iii 1 iiiin u'eJind :i" -ti.i:i, whi'ii I'Al-p-'1 won wild r. n ni'ei.!i!e eel ii. Tint rie- i; .ine ; nmi ii, ii,.-i . rihle l.iine : tin ( l.nll.l.lt.l. ol li e .Y .Mt,. Ill . . mi .... .. l...l krtu ... k.. ,,l w Kiril.Mlllu cuillirvi v - . HI ... . Tf HUH Il.fl U I liailU. till II W VU IIKJ'I U IU " . ......... 1 . .... .... 1 .1 T ' . - 1 .. .i... r .,..!. ... 1... 1 ... 1 , . Kivmg in t'lnigrBaik, as "u". mi ! V I l.l.lA jIS'J.'i llAlUilSlPenl. ,nooiimi mi nciwam. wuniaicljff .itaminit an.lti- - iCem. cU'J ir 1'ief iiilioim! or abranj. iKcemher 31. I5TL 1, 1 a yejis. It n- jeaersj ' atlifMcn rectwf by the twisifl'er hiin-. - VJoULcralit5.i-rcc but the Ccr-rv?. .U: history Nl.Ti).V,Ui".-ier ot Jtekites, Wii.1.11 tery, ha uve-.i o-pei.deii lor three cr t. it coj! about hve t: ie.f much to" a K--:n a I lit-1 grewiutiai Ui.jl); and Ap;ie.iili.v, o:.d dio iml Ci.iiUu "1 ! f?r.f rwtfm "wrretjT" j:u.un.dills ttili o iiiiti.'!. vveore eo.ih.eu 11 J the CwigrJcSrtiail ti.ouc aMi A ieu(iijf ai nie iow r.le now pr-ed, iiy liavmg s .src ijumi.iy ..; ivjie, B'l kei-pil'g lie t'onfreamaial 10 'i 'nl we el ;i;i I n th ilniiy and !iii.eeai) li.o.ei., r-m .ug ior iie; t.'oojressioT.al G.obe uJ Ac uon. n v e i.nd lo .- ; lip't'ie mnttr P'llpil) I"' l..'o ..r, '. 0 toihii r.:.l aii'x'd lo pfmt l. .tin I T ii' Itiy price le.A cii.rj. .1. lo.nplctc l.i.l. xe, ;o b. ::i il...' Co.-,"- rird the Appenutx are riKel tt t upv vjc.'i - mod, and sen I o s turci ii'r iur 1. .cm. Va have o:i l .i'ni u,(!'!0 or l.tl'l'l i. irp!..n r.r ie? cf tl.i-t.'onjrevi intii oi.' net Apjc.'iiitt.t lor t;e hx'r.i heuin, which mak Wseii.tr ucr uio thuUiid final iiiiar'o paje. They give th UHU-M. Irotury of lion- M evr oven o ii,ovit. i.u-.v toil MAHILETS. THE Parfienlar eire is taken t prorure the rurlict eilvi- b'ale.eVc, nwina ilulilnwhich fh 1 !1 inu huv crieij in coiiecjuViire id a bl 4c at cm aa a olilie ' i lrVer, or m er-cutnr, adm'iuhrtr,iftfl gJiirdW er 4 trustee, or. hile acting in rrjr-rdter,,jiiqjaiTx' - j ! ,:, rrento . lie r''ce:..n kmds of Or,,n I'm-1 VWA Carolina, TcuweruKCC Dwir-.-,-...,: j and Lind", Bud t.r cjtten.jve orrangetuenis will here raiHC State-Tcmpeiance Society ul J. C"al it an- "rr.1J1t.1i?, t'.eir rei-pT-ctiveTiT'oLVeMt'nce, sai ' " j attcr render our''riV Cwrreirf ttmimM -mwt -J uluuu, u.rctttii ll.jltJot.rWce (tll(, , racht .oett.cr .th an v,;,jt. to tho twveiler the tanner, and all butin ctasssa '-takeinea-airra lur the ttau.aiiniei.l, at thw die,I a , .Zi-nti,! '"ftyrir?rr-r"--rrrj.-rt-?'M.- - m .1 . -I .r Joiir.i.1 ., i.-vnted to ihe ci,.Nol Temoera. ee. l.ltulor 1 I li or their irti.eifTyIJ;tl JfllfTrn- Mt,ll,,k,JllnU.lAi...U . pi.tjin n as a racer, ec , KtuiidS. iioip.e-t;oi: c hotii Kicl'l'l'l IHld Alll. rii'a. I he gii : : (i.'illl fl I, A i IL O.ii f.iitorv, (! bj Ine j,ieHl .inHherii AiiT'eur ol hurm, (. ol. R. .Siii.!ct., o' t.'aiolui.l, wliie.h h.M produced inure t.::c t icj luirs" II. mi Hoy other .umre 111 the I'uioi,. Tiiui il ;o I ii i g.v.cril clnrac'erof the (?ourict u we'.! known. !..- co!jiti:u cujitun a great variety of TAI.IM, .SAuntllVLH, tMATl"-.-?iTr-rriti.ufc,. riiiperance In oiieJieii. e to lie ir u inhec, aud mipreiaeil with tho ;l!Tijir!ai.c. o: null a p'i'jixition, the Cotuuiitlee luve 1 dr.teruiine.i, if'riineient t.iiC!iurCi,.i..nt Can bu ob- ',nr:itf, TWT-1 ti' Vm. Hill anaimi mmut.h.A eu&4XnU mi i ai-oi ief 10 l,it.Tiiiife,U;ienesiiie .. u,anica, ! t,-, be r:.d iho NORTH CAU' U.LW I Kiil'K ! I ' I .. .. I.f I 1.. . 1. I. A . . . . . . . I ,ik'ric.i.u;re, iuirsnuii. .uu-uu, ,it, iictiui, iiiiiii-u- it. rs VI . I ,l' ., rri iue lirai oi jio.ua.ry next. eirut, r.r j in l.ut, in ev ry department usually discuxed t n a I. oh' r-eil family .Newspaper, from Mich vvritersoB CflM'l r !i I. lilt there 1- ii'i- of the t"nu; d Wl'il (I'll. Co ie )ii!)!:'j i-. 11 j imileii pi rTIl l:,' llain .I..!,'- .... I i' s ol the N .1:1:1. r lied u rn mo.-; o! t!. ; etui.' re tiiil Mi evr u-en li i'fn lor .i rach ; llui Ik, .l lo" Un.' 1 1, tt;., Hii.'t 1 f. -r t'.e Ap:.' ; We fl'if nii'r- I t Lie Cmiprv. .H.il (!!otw t the rea4 acspwii, have- li.o 1 'or ."j.i 'i):-v v.ill i" i.eC'ti'.ry to umii ri o. I I... r f.t.:; 1 f the liM -e.-:..:i. 1 iio .mpori-. tJon I r i o:.J A K .i.ll '"iicd at the lt-, will be Urou' -'I'ifi, in Coiifipienee of t."e i:k.. r.-' i'.rf ! m the late tieCtion miii I,,. t 1., v-.:ii. . " I' ll, cr. next Ilillll tunny id i.ujjrov 1114 tae flood ol lh,r n.r,i; an.luV f il niiuinl, tin) dor.-:.', n r;ire! oec ir 1.1 liin c iein. 1 I e(.-U! r . Il "L. lMlOiTnTi-US or ine li :,,!i-J hi t.t l' tni, 1 ni'u IO jir:,i Cur n jii) r . -ti in ol 1 'il 1. 1 4 i f 1 t.'i Ml,,,,; 1 i.-.oii . a ..eh 1.1 irred litre . ..V r. : a-e not . !' l!, IM .it !vf , ,:i 1. , e . : . 1 1 n 1. 1 t. I1 O'l t Ul bl ll.e .- ..! i I.-..- R li-t I ll-l .11... Ii.ili, hivf in' f .i'i(:ei:, IJfe-S wnri. ..t C'ill- IJ.11.J Hi ,1 1.O.'!.Y, .. I ., trill ttltttil P.Y 1). It .MW.Wt.U. .Mr.H.C. I.-e UenlX, Chirles !)ir.i:ni, (Bur,) ProtefMir lo.-iriilianic, f. . Ai'.v.r. .I. Siit:j 11 Know Sen, Aim. M. Ia'Oii Loud, l!i"jp'.it Jerrold,. Ml:s Se-'eu ivk, " in. 11 L':toa, l.ieul. li . l'titlen, Till '. ( 'i:ni'e.-.i:, M..n M.uo..!, 1 io!e.-wir Wir.oj, K. 1,. B i ver, J.w. pi, (' .f !, I no-, (j. Si' ar, 1 ' ot. i.i.n lit, II. N., !l 1 .Mr.'S. V, llii(!, ProUsi r iMultsou, M. MAln.l.ael, Misa Klien i. Kand, (ieorife P. Morrifi, Mr. Gore,' Jot-eph It f handler. Misa Leslie, ' l,rc?'itior J. Frot, Lull II. Sio.iiiioy, 'lion. Robert f. Con-ad, K..rt M :r!N .Mrs C. ll. W. Erin-, A. Grern. Jr., Jod.i .N'eal, Ciiuniess of ijiefs.npton, Lucy tvymour.. - I he leading object of the L'nioiv will 'be, tbedi-jc- , m.nntioti of 1 emptjance principlua. v c shall en 1 1I1 aver to pres nl in ft paper, a full record jl the pro 1 grcM of tnc 'i'e . perance cau.-e 111 om own ami in j foreign Wnriaot its elfect upon individuals atid inm ; inumliet and origiuaj articles 111 defence ot its pun , ciplc, and lu reply Ui the variof.s objrcti.jiu, urged agtiut.1 it. . ' v, hue, however, tnc promotion ot I e in pe ranee will in, of 1 very" rtn.uf, biodtiw.d H-a-tiirfton. and 1b . ,r location and situation fftc.h nitl every psffcel and porajoi. thereof, te'riiled nnToolli, (or "altirmatti e) .nii'v t . I I,,- I' I . ,, . I-. J. 1 Act. aud therein iltrlere UiHioelei ll. 'U..iii.al.'ii a j to inert I!,. ir(hl)t,i and en;iigeiiieriJ,liSf be deem co oiiihrupis nurun iue purview or un ICT, and may "he ao Ui cluJ Ccord(ng.y J,y lcueoJifil . ( ilirJ. t., J ?" lyia ray opinion, that all jiorMns comir.g within iTiq purview f.llitfAffl, ihuuj;h (hey m iy been- . tirely tli i! i:e of t)', (tWV.tKjlleJ lo iti ?-i;e-Ota." . ' ' I 1... : ii... i.i...( : I r i .1 be the first and lcaj.ng ot.ject of our J-mrmtl, it 11 our 4 fiAr", , a 1 1 ? "4 V i ' ....... .1... Z. .1.-11 i i i , lI'iAriCl Juiliiea. a diversity of i ninmn. as. I jniu-i TlWfKRANel: I 'onvem; his that V.' ' '.V Ol ."e;!:,.i,.i r. p'lliv h. 'I I i v' Hi" 1- ry ion- -r.eP l.e m ,;val.. r Si1 I tr.e lh. Ir Voll Ami. nt til's (1 on pe:ti-!io: it (,.l I, Stlil ii;i;ioii.i-.J I if l I'l Ce'Hilii t it. f. n Jr.. I):, I ;, u,r. ., j r :i;-;i l-i .- ! i .-;; . i i , I ,. r.,, , i.i'f :'- .'! . r ' ' , IV i -.! 'in.- I'r ' i.n .'.si.tn, TO A'ii'.NTS TLR.M'.'. Toe term - t toe l'..iri t are ,ji2 per annum, payable in tiilv.iiir.-', I. oi when iiuv otic will oHiciiteto procure leu new iinici luer-, atnl send us 15, fn tuim'ij anil ,.,. Jrn , ive Mill ri ceipt lor me tor earh. .'even t .,.; lor Mil, li .'ee.ciiu-uaoaVi, or one copy three vi jr.-1 r f i. - - -' ', v - L i IK 5 I 4 V . :-i r. . e I her te:eiri m r -L" I Ad rop;. .1' H.n.ii, O 1'ive c ;i I.otvV i! - oi ihe .Saturday Couri'T.nml Cmley'a ear, w.ll be spnt tor . i'l ilm Satur iiy t'ourier, and (io-Jey's on" year, Will sef f.t H. M'.'JAiil.S HOI di;n. Philadelphia. I. il, u-e eii-!..ii:ep: tvi'.t q-td tn 1h:r mtnniKm, thai it pap-ti shall be eul.veiHHl by a geunral - nitimnary ot ihu tnotf Important events tT the day, and by particular attention' to ihe interest of Agriculture. In carrying out thia object, mo Committee look weh C'nfidcnce tj the .friends of l eiuperance, particularly in North Carolina, tor aid and support' A new ui pnhi) haa becn-f ion tn the cause in tins Htaie, Were lina the proper occasion, we could tell a t iluof what hi brcti ptiMiiijj flnder our own ey'i, which would nr4 a thrill of joy tlimugh every beiicvoleoi besri. I'hn refirmation or the inebriate liw commenced, and is ttifl guing on with a power and eucress, iiieh'tbc moat t-anpuinn never darod to anticipate. (Jive d but the means of communication, and vve trut that an in rt'ienee will go forth from the Capitol ol the old North Stjir, to it remotest boundary. tUit will, lull upou ita happini'M and prospe rityUireugnkll fotiirV g. fit h uh. Permit us, then, niirft enrncjtly to apjieal to eve.y fi lend ii Temperance, Morality, and good order, to aid 'lis prinnplttj. Al!:i object1 t'i?7,'iinii life WlttnliO I in w Vi nr, rf.oy on the arl (f itx tri.Mil iniy he Iklal. ! try ineui!ii.-,l llieii, wiio I'-et, ii.teresl m nnr .iie,ci',.aii'l every Temperaneo Society, hrpme re. sponsible, ul once tor liie number el eopies, which ll.ey support; (an be cm ti ! j t d in the r vicinity, and fbrwaid pule.l, mi Ihe cmi-ftrtictH n of r,t act, even ia lite Jincipiuni ntiige of proeeeJitiar ui.rti Mt ; a.rfd am taaareilmt oilier und iiiore iiiif-irlnlif, ttiUicutiic. will occul; in the srcjiiel. II. it I a yjjew igijil in correspondence-with several Dulrict JudeeV with fhi'tiew of rexouciliiig, ne kr n wc can, lb -licrpinncies of lliD'Actnnu' xftiimiitg, at least, at sinnething like n iinJriirnittfr.r.ictiri!. .Irlitilt, ' , hnwrvrr, bold myselin leadlne (rmii l!ic-ct I HiKfieraiion, according to it spun atukjlw beaf of jiny obtlitv, wheihcr it lw amensli d r lust. ""' . The iiecmiry tulea and (i rn Together with lanfTuf fte,iiail I given in due iioie. ! Aeriiriltn'e'tii iiiy-rtmiriir.m. of tho Aetjl , H titiMii may be verified Uforo ny Jmige i raJTii ' to e nf I he Peace of this Slate ; )Ui i,ink the f ; iitn.ner is reqiiif.'dttipjMafTn-turf,Til fi:etnr- nip, ruin r iii p rin far by iiiinriuy, lu dielit i '"in ell fi Ii" uii'i'j'.r tii nieetlu ililiis Hill! enje. 1 1 it-ill . - ,' f . . - I Ihe pditioner imnstriiirpiim , in jiie pti:inns'I I ihe iieii.s reiit. d end il ill Im-hihI Ij4 lo . ; i . i A' i.. TT'P C i ..r lie,' Apr- ... c, r a ren' r i. Ti t' 1:1 . I L I rt ll ! .! i!oi. .r- i re a v. ii t o-' r .( e il. il. liit ItlMl. I - it-r-ieit i ! (mio'ii ai -;. r ,i ;l...t n.ut i -. ii;. ! rlip.'i ' few, .K.il ; i W-t.-r- ; -i ' .'.- fill, u; I i, I eej . . I., iy v ; , ', i ,., i t ry !. .', : v. .i'ioo, v i I If. ,. il I i nt ri .(': ie-i, e, f, . .. i Jin m n! au '"i.-'i ; to nd'.anre id- -rV .ii not . IV ll- .Itt'loi ' ' .. t. I . I i.l I'.rr i. in . fi .i.uy o.i itl't'i- i by f .pyi.i !! : !' er';: C r ot t..i it I ' ( i -m ; Ui aJoVe, or reterrm;' to i they may t.m.k the demand ol their neighwlrlukid may i justily. In tins K.iy only, enn we hojio lor auceea in " , t.or i ill ir I. x" At n llleliitr of tin; IlxeClllivC Co mittCU Optli5 N. . Tciper.ii.Cy h'oha'.y, tho following rej!uM'.if was I r-'iuptrd ; SV herena. arrangnmenis have been ir-ade to i rouinii the puitlicaiion of a Tem.ieranre J 'Uni il in J the Ciiy o! Kj!ciiIi, on thefirst weed of Jaiiinry m-xf, i r rot lied om: Tlliti;AM riitUcribera ran im nlitiuneil. printed ntl n''' ('p,rJ,week!y, unttf after Uif.hr 'I hat it W iiHxt rarnestiy n eomim.-nded lo xt eleCih p. at the mm -inii.oi.Iy ln.v price o! er.eh of the OITierrs of Ihe Slal 'I 'cm pen. nee Hncietv I-i. Hint ...tii - mm iu mo infinitum oi i. to is: ii mam . onvention ami - I'KOl'U.SALii ' or pit.'i.'.i',r tn ihi-1 . i ry nj tin I mmiJ, a nrap HVrA lij l'i::rr. In br i uUIlt il Till. VinuiVvilA DiuMOwtHAT, , E T v .IfTe printed tm re't rerj,week!y, unttf aft 1 the 'i'l ' I.l :i lijl'J ; i--r.fi I'.. I ) : ( I . on ol ,i i ti.e U'e ii le T.HV: Five renin to a unci'' i-nl -e for I v.o Hollar TV, Ij.N I i rlll'.l I) copies lor 1 ive to nny wno nto Inendly lo tho caune, immediately after ! Dol or-, I'll f citp.ee for Ten I ..!:..:-, eatable invsri-1 the receipt of il.is ri'mlr.tioii, lo become rcipnosihtp liir j '); '1'iv.i.re. from I to ."1 SubscrdHTi", so llial tli(pinili.stien mav j Ii will wa.'e sn Vicnniproni?siii! war with all liie commence at thu time coi, tempi ited. ' ci.iioi.t. fdiem. i mv Bdvccatiil atil lujipor'ed by the, !y order of the Executive Committee of th Norih , - . t ... - I.-1-. c"r" nl where md ht i.s ut par. - : vrri'ier I 1 Mir'-Cl ij.t.oiK hlieuh' I leeelt.'i r I J.!, Ii; re lh to ri!' i let l.:iy VV.- f -v rt;! i ri nt J-inuary n reMd'."1, v io it l ti m-iiie u o t.. in . l.iltt-e.t, i iiioii'.i fi-. may be paid U An v' rntiim will l,i jindlit nui) nnli r I'nUni th p,'m t, eompai.it t il. Ill MK &. KIVJ.S. Wtii rgtcti Ci'y. lMt.r a;,, jwi. n t! 77,' IV'k'ti CiiXiUnn 7' myrmtrr Aihurii will t' ' t'jj-"'! or; a. Ii,l i' ,101 nli"l'l, III e,niri lo'el, Hi !i i.'imUr uiakiiig fi'lii fife.", and wili be fiiriih-he.l nt the very low price a' fifty Ci'.a copy; Where un file comes are taken, the payment iiiuat he-MiajteWi-, r.al'iy upon tlie reception ot Ihe firnt number. " -(f 7 PiiHtmaaters, e.lilorsor pb!irhrof iwoeTs, afTd a!i ."liuihlert of Ihe (ioeiiel. are authi rinei. ii 'renin. I-'edera. rariy ; ti tut i.iUnni; nill bi ft uoiione, which Ihe ...net r.enlon- rxeitiona can areon pli-h, to effect the entire overthrow of the Federal fictun at Ihe iisning elect ion. 1 110 trlM !i-s i1t.be briet; puhy and pungent, but yet courteous and respVctlul; l'i deralifin in all its esmel.n lornrt und Protean ahapee, will bo handled Wltl.Olll glow. i a ' ' ' We re-oectMilif ask that a aTenaroua pa'ronaeo msy be bestowed uiiol our elliHat to nri mote the rnceran of id., r,i.A i,i mihirk ua srsi rnunei'il. ( InUrs sdilrrtsid ' lo Tiirornif.t.s Fih, will receive prompt t(iciHion. I All the newspapers in iho filnte are rccUectfully re- Alarcl) l?, ipi a, . I i I 'v-"-" -jit ry i.w unw ot imi inrcruona. . . . '. , ('aioliiu Stain Teniiranee Hoci. ly. " -"-.r TERMS: Tim Noi'.h Carolina Temjeranea Union will be pub liJliftd weekly on medium aljel t.aay aJ byjs iucIiob,) at One Dullaf and lt J Cdht pif annum, pavablu IN tfpVANCr T.eitra containmg Sulwcribera nnmes snd'ramttianeftt, iiiiii o directed, postpaid or IrVr, to the Treainrer of Ihe Hoariy, Jamm llaow, lUleigh, NorthCaolina. , wt.v '. iidttpi ir rry I. tier ol the A $1 lie tnu.-t nau.t' tin- emiiitv m uhieli he rtmnleill ,. Tin- etii mm, when rereiv il, will bfi referrcl, f r lienntig,.iiVthejr rcfict.ive Hi:trl: .jrN, in 'he fprifi;' . , For I'lHtiipcit, nil within (he Dialricl of AiV mnrle, will In, liriirrj nl Fdenlnii all il!iin I he DisMict of Pitinlicrt, viii b i lieard nl N:'l,'"i aud nil within Urn Dialrirl ij Unpe Fear, nt VV il minitti'B. Ami publH nii.inn w,li Le ordeieJ a di rected by Iho Ail. t The Ilniirint of. Allternmrii' comprise die to SVofa HiMrieifitf Kdmion nnd iinlilav. ; liie lb irict of. Pifmlieo compriaea the Districts of Ne bctn nml (Mloliorough, logether with oil iImI ,iu' nf the Diatrict nf VVilmiugtrtn which lies J" iriliwnrd and Lin'w.ird of New River i and Diaiiici of (June Fo.ir cqmpiwea the retiimii11'1, pari of il.n Kiniii. ,i . All (.'oiiiitiu .ivutiona on Iho siflijcct ol P.iinknii'l' ey, ndilrepeil li me by niail, if nut poat ptul. ''' remain in the office. II. POTTKU, MKr V. St,: for Dintnrl of North Cir. ' Foyrttmlle', January 17, IQ4'v. i"" yn m V,;: .:.: '" '-.'c'. - ' ,

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