aw uf 1- a Iff THE u a n ii i; ts, ua a... Grand- Sired by -the AMERICAN EClipSE'. I'it? Champion vf America, Winner I the great match rate, The North against the South, $20,CHT Aside.-- TIIRtTinroui'!i-!.M'.l!iorfeiAr, bred by Col. Wade lliinptoii.of South Carolina, will make his our audlaxf Season, which it now cotnuieiiccisnd will end, the 1st I ho following places, via ; at Jacob Colc- maife, Cabarrus county, every Monday ami Tuesday; at tSaltahury, Wednesday end Thursday fend ct Lexmg ion, Daviufon county, Friiloy and ISitiirday He wdj be regularly ct hia stands, public lfly,i.fU high water excepted. " Ho will 6 let-to tmtieJ at the following re- duced prices :-l2 4h season, 14 li-jSeiinrs ed hy ten . if paid before the aeason expires,, pud 10 jnsure, payable at spbnaa the marejs ascertained 13 bo in rial, V W the pr)DM'jtl)ar8" owner, aud filiy cents ! ifie grown, 'ra Care will be taken to prevent 'a'c'culeiils, but, in qonsUnccS'wilfT bo-tespdukiblc that ' niavtx-ctir. f ,: - Jtf AV:-4X3.NO. BftTwbiry, N C, March 18, 18 134 f 1 r. f . 'i-. ykA w ,' I certify that ZiA 7" waa lred bi'mentvik thailic fV iwd m thcfcprios of 4533. ;ifti gut by GjkJ spiljis, c IAv purcttsawd furourIfeBtl !lpun; k'w dam Puuhkontaa, by J?iftArcfV; lit f;danfl uttlair paffnl, v " " - ; loung Loitery,! bhr AWf fltf t!rWio?lc k f R,O0N CLARK 1 4 I joim ceienruiup iicry, uv tue iiiiLsri' u o.uioru out oit :. ...:it.i. ! .'.i.!...'. .... ul Jlifl Jinporl'.'d mare Auviljina; (.wio!i4i.Mwae gut by bcUpo:.hMdnrit jsj'ijiri, oy lirp:.U"i i out pi lottery bv jmpiirt .Bedford, Se. 11d.p!ietii ii'v,- Jt t fp.U'f Buzzard out ofIie drffn oKt?: r A r"-by DEpRIfTlON, rEItFfJlJ IAa V,kC". T "'f L. - C., V. n.;t..,f I. lrl..,l. 'J tincliQj hich, with cued bone, and Ctula! atun. At ycera old, hQ v on tho pitWuce suke at Co!imitiSf p roile hea! tenting Air. 'J'aytorV t'lily Dliy, anilCiipt. ipsnn' CoH, orivcr.ti( n, nineotheni psyiiij Jurfcit.-- 'I wo wcclM agerwurda lie uwflie Jockey TJln :i mile h?at,t.t Anniifta, Wiififf Ixite, an'Mistaiicinsr ( li!a!t liir.l. At ('..irleaton T:c wa beaten by L'lod ." hopper for the Jockey Club.Pursi1, 3 milo'bcalaj boinjr vrry niucli.mia lie waa'wiUulravnalte the first heal At 4 year? cM, be won J'ie ork.-y Club Fue, 4 niiie Leniii, at Cafluln, twiatin; Sir Kcnneib ai.d JJoruUlIu Bt heat-.; Wr2 I.c rlrt in coni'-qmr.eo cf hpitinp Twhen MivernI Icujtha in advancVof ih field, yik bu . fore lie reached the Judjct' atand ; nrl getting enfan led ainonft the carnage, lieuiainrJ aii injury wUJcb occasioned hia wiihdrjwaj from tho Turll ' T fiA'l'll was a race l.orse o! the fiM ciiw, which lie rvinerd in hia trial with Pay filaria, Charlotte Kussr, BImI KitlyileMi, and in point of hlood he is inferior to none, whether imported or nitivc. lz cooatilutioo is ..faliU"!1;S..Tj!V2 JJ?J ef been ick,' urd hii -temper irood. . His) color, (oriii7a'iJrU'iI,'piak ftTthrmrclves, Ina word,'A untie ir hnnrtlf aa many claims to public pitauuac, as any voun; Stnllion flint I kjKfof ,s V. rtAliPTWiC' ' Vi:l;vood Jan. 2.', 1-30. "4, ? ' Frohi tho bove CertiGcftlc of Oil.: llarrptoo, who fcred and had LATH trainror IheTuft, it will ho aeen that he considered hjrri a Race horse of (he first claw, notonlv from thejracea he haa m urium i utiT tiy ran pfiBnefJTuT from prffato trial he has n.ade w(lb hortea which are now (,n he Turf, and runoing w'uh ciWirferahle tuccesa. It win also-l obscred tjThia certirlcale, thai lie wwidfcic LailiailliJic purcat blood, -not to be mirpiued bv aav hor, irrportcd or native. - I consider it cuiircly ucccccssary to attempt to eulogise LATH, either for hia pe.rfoTmaricta on the Turf or as to hia blood, aitice, in every respect, he is to well altered. Hut will remark that Lath hat not , only descended Irom pure blood, but has come from stock Loth Siro, Grand-ir, l'no, ami tiranJ-dam, AliAi oy! oL the jutming hlood. ' For iusUncOr -hi ?i i e odoi oh i -ftid ht -fone-ntile tn-r ijinsshi n ii nlir .ii-s.i sumnf i isi i mm i i"Hai' mmm n Smji aiiwis, I. Ml Anielflcan Eouf" st'.'so t-II Coowirantic"X'rjnh ant! "'Poulti, made 1iisliit.eTiTltiS"Frc"hl1r?atn ,onn againat .t..e Roow, J2U.W0 a..:e, in , mm-. f)K Stale Tc(l,lCfince ,S)C,e,y of N. C. at its an utca and ., fccomiIs, which won with Con- A ll(1i mecting. uiretted H Executive on.mutL. t.. f idcrable c!jI. Tins imje guioed him ii-.o meiuo J uSe-nKiaiurr ua ue itiUbliahmesi. a.t liw, pUct, ul a ralie'ria'me of i!io Clianipim ol i!.e Noitli. i.uml, doalfed te ihe caii-e oi Temperance. hi-.rTfei1.rT?iffi&i:I".i;r n'ltntii ii n i'rr.i A-iv t..w!j ,,.,.'.., -. .) K.,11. ,iui ui.(iue.-'.!''.ti( d be;lii in Aim ri.M. TI-r,!,.. I - ..... , ...I'M. Ullli W.. - .1- .... uv. -i .i... . . giao Ixrat studa of tho South, II tii';tons mu t:';ng!c!oii' crosscd with Gen. Coles of tho North. The public is now preseoted wuh wicli art oppor lunity of improving the blood tf lout nobiwand u ful animal, tho horse, as ratfc'y occurs in tint see in of coum'rv. . U. V.'. L. ' , ' PROSPECTUS i- Of 7 UK Western Carolina Tcmprnfice .1li'ocoi f Monlhti py r thvolrd In tiie Ttttij-rriwrr I'rfiirm PMU&he4 el Aohhtl'r, .V. C, 9K .', J FY D. R. aFANALLY. A Tr;)lrIaArB (1ovi..mio.n ua.- 1 p'.acc early 1:1 September, ri Jve: i u uL! ,.i If lit;, h :ig a p. p-.-r ot ihu aboic title ami r,n r-r Yi. n r i jhn Dick,'Mi tud I. R. M'Ai.allv lo a ;-cy t i Ihe many ore,ing tni;jjL"i i,ik, J)r. fl'tl..-. u Froi ilreci!) has, he de''0 at it iiuprarixst-ie I t him to to r cognised 1 1 as one oi li;e eoiioi, tuMign lie uii! curtu )' us-' h" liis iiittucnce olherie, lo prmuol it m ein-t; the tiilwcriscr lliere.ori , proci-i ii, lo i-ue Ih-i. iirjKCli"1 1:1 his own nau.e, w :tli a liof- thai i in.i o' ai,.... .i. th: ur,-!i itaRii'p, !,y c:l :!ie !n':ncsot ar.x-lhioli''l.out lliu Coi.iilri , and II i e-i p. runeu 'ol. have an extensive ctrciitati:;ii. a niir l i-jri cit aupjal v. l;., ..-ji anils iif I'olr- are smi:iii;v e.; i:;'(.d t '? ii.tr1., al, r rc'i.-r:!, at t :v. track, ct ::(..'; ,l --, . : u . , :ur are r;nred,t:.e !i:u'ynf re'tireii" nt rrr! ti.r-s-irie. end no hiwr5 rirrrrcH 'no vrc to b.i.him-.- id., micr. j , '. of (nditxai, can yon net .lo ireihipu In , e U;it imoM ! dftr to rru irt" p..:t:oi, phuai. I tiiMpikt, and rhnrtian ! Kecolir-:i ihere a if l":t if i rrv f v, ff.cli pp'. in ail liic Su'it cr: ' t4ry. . Tiif Wrrtir:; pirt c f j.ll, Cifi.lin '!,. W'.-!erii'imr1 of V!r:'im. a 'id t - !. ;t- .-n part of Ttt.cft pi-itrn- I iar.y, v i a no w to .iy w ! Tl i -ry ' ( . !. ;,!i'i' . v .-ii'j-lT ;:'li O J"tif.":'. priflif i.i t'o- I ;nd, a;,d jt j, to, vi'i iC' th' y i.v pric ' .1.1 niSiie . -., lief., OT.P ' !i i" ty liio rv 'ar:'o ' ( a u he '- I1 rrt: l'"(' i f ii!na 7'"'" 'e piilili'i' J .. a tiidliiini tUvx-u noinlip'' i . I patrct, nt I verv low p'ii ' -!''j (' ui' in .j w ill Lo ; i.i i-Ki U I . r- ' 1 1 i e i . ' ce'iiet are nkee, 'I imvtni nt n . I I- r..l:y n;)'i tl.f teCv'j t-o'i -f 'l" fi"t ioi" (fjr I'lwtiiiip'rr.., id,!. : ut p:.!. ( r j'l-ALnisters of I m ( I. are u:. r.M Inr. t p-.;-r. 1 Sj.'.'ll'l'. ' laivH Vov S;e Were. t frit k'i v 1 11 .1 .1 1 1 tailiod, lo ismic tlie first iionitu r 01 micIi a uuuncst.aii, ,.l7, OiJ Lottery, bred by l!.e C:cal Luther,, etsifd tV()UTH CAKijlLNa lUil'E Amttcur of htpxi, to!. K. Singleton, ol. Souih RA?cE UNION, on the lirst of January next. Caroiiua, which has produced nioio IhiK race hirs'j -The leading object of the L nion will l, the oisse lhaa any other tnnro in the I'mon. Thusi it will mi not ion of Tempciauee principles. We lull e:i 'he seen that there is united in LATH (wo o the ' iieavor to present in it ge, a full record ol the pru- - of Tin; U N IT K M H 'IMIE L'ndcrsigucd liavo taken out a Patent Aran 1 improvement made by themselves in Hie important art ul - Finishing J ;cathcr. Tliii improvement consists m a new mixture, of their invention, which 1.- applied 10 the icnther, and which saves the expense ot tallow und the labor oi whitening. 'J'lioy do lint oiler it to the public without having them selves efltctually tested it, nor on iheir own recomuieu-" datum alone, lot ask attention to the certificates given below by highly respectable and experienced Tanners wlio have examined the invention, und twin? satisfied of ilM usefulness Jiavi' purchased rigtituT and also to Ihe-ccrtilieatesol the l and onoe-uiakehi who bear tt'atiuKtoyto the qualify iul finish of the feather. . . AVM. A. UUWALD, HENKYaJ. "MILLER. 07" Loiters to the subscribers should be addressed, Chimt Urate, Kowan Countv, N. C. V Mtcb 4, Uii. . " " . Ct : : . - t CERTIFICATES: At tho request of Mcrt. Ronald & Miller, and for our ouu taWaction, e have parnoHlarjarxaimned their improva4,plan ol hnijhiiijr leaiher, and pronounco che rl u I ly-cduMhcBd it lolho Tanners of tho Country' as a grval aiiii,' jn a-r ar.r txpenaiT, and M giving a tinn nlnttu and hiyfrfiiitKh tA flirt Itmtltr V.pinr fijititt. . t - r - . ' -. . WTlpIt Taaner tiiiiibburtf JQIlS-UKUMit... . LEVI CuwaN. . VM. cowan. il'ttaiicw, ROvjn Cotinly, We f avft liimiiilacturcd I KconeiV.'aJ)Te quantity of leather, tiniched ou thityftiiproVCdvliHii lately invented by Mera.Jtrr;iUl t-Jhlier, aifiUwc consider it of tho best muiiuy, b U tut beauty t finish, and la"tlinj pro- per'- f '-W JA. IX- O LOVER, - 4 W M. LA M BET H." "JOHN THfJ.VirS:ON. Buot and ShoeTn'ukera, Salisbury.'" ' '4 1. ; v,. A larvariely ol ;artlcn HcetU for iafe, at ht Nalisbnry lrru torr,fcy.- ; c. . wmekEER. Ftrary.ierl'- ' r'--,. 7? cry w. fSMJE Subscriber l opened -a I'ubjie Houne, injiocksfijite, liivieCouiity,- ' wncre ne fi-jirepjrcu 10 accouiuiiniuio Ikianicia nnl 'iliuvelicra iji a tyl which ho hopea 'i prove Mtitluctory orall who may taVor hljiLwiilMbetf ciijirrfb,' - "'... 'Uis SiatilegtwiHehbhanfly fufniied with every thin necessary iri Uie linul Frojeriilcr j hi Jiar well supplied with a Variot ofquor . . ilia charges moderate.' All riotous aril dis orderly conduct will bctnctly prohibited, ('all and try me.. FIU-JMRCKIIEAD. Mw lVt9tr ---,,.;, P. .-aw. tA UJMILL 1R0NS.-4 - , ' s 'INHERE may be had at C. Fishoi'e Foundry, on lroiith Yadkin Riyer, Mill 1" of alnw-t all do acriptions used in thia country, ' Saw Mill Irons, GuJgeoes all aprts, Wheel of all siI , Ac -When not oahand, they n-ay bo made to Titder at a short imtice. WILLIAMSON HARRIS, Ajcn!. ncccmbcrSl.lrll. 's it " " or the : linnnrtsnce of recll a pubilCil oo, tue V,iuli..iti;.' nuvi: : impurtanee of rech a pubiicii oo, 11 . ... ; determined. 11 u;..cieiii nct i mLe. m cm . dt'eiliillicd, It Slitr-.cienl Iiul.hi,.: i t 'j- 1 gres of llio ic. pciance eii.fe 111 our own sno 111 ' lorei"ti lands ol iw t i'.'ect upu i:"Jind'ials and eoni ' iiiunitios and oriyinal arlici' m u. !ence ej its prin- ajaiu?! It. While, howevr, the promo'.icn yl Te::ipcrarqr v.i.! on the finH and. leading object ol our Journal, it is our intention, thai in p??e tlmll becnlivi'iiod by a gunerftl iu:uiuary of ihe m'--t niiportaul events of the uay, aiul '.y purlicular alli-rii:o:i to ihe internal ot Ai'riCulluie. I i carrvmg rut thts ol-j"ct, tne ('otniiiitlee U ok nh onlidenc'e Iu the Inuiui." I I'mjiaiice, pailicukiny in North CW.i; , i..r and pert, A new im i,ii!ikj hac Iv ii nAeiitolhe rnw hi lliis Stute. V ore Th: the, wo e-iuld i II a lie oi been pasiin i .ni'.r out o'.mi r o', v. m v, ;: T.d a tiirol i" j lUuih eL.- -uet.'.'. i. n: I .-nr. 1 'l.o : '.f .rn.a'..o;i ; ;'..' n eh.ibie eoiiiu.. moi, and h i-lili g'.iiir on : n 'a p-.uer iii.-. tuctivh, sl..clt ihe m.t .aiiuim: w-ttr dared to autitiU1. tuvi n- Ui.t me mtaiin of oi .niuociil.oii, and c l:utl l.'.o' ji. will j-i toiih lioiu li e Lapiiol ol il.e o u No: 'i M.iie, lo its r in'-'ci I'oiii i.oiy, iiial will liii upon un r p'n'-Mtid pr .-pen!) tn.-cti -hail tuttiro eet r;' ii-. -.ry 4 1.1 i i'en.'ii u". men. t:r t fiitw iiv lo ap:n til ' , : ,,t TCin-rfri ce, Atorinity, and ruxi'-r. ! im pio.vjif'y. .As t!,e oi'ji-ct i lo roiniiu-iM' i'Ii il.c ! (nr. in ' on '! i -lt i.l Us tilt r.t 3 ii.'u . 1-t ljUl. . . t , rv ,, .jm,; i;,eu, ni.u ,i 1 in .:.!. r 11. 1 u r !! l v. rv I. ijni'l liiLll, tti.u it , i Si j uccei, an I ' v. 'I fi i;f rum i C'. ' upoiwih!.', ul '.in '.'it fn nun. her ol i " .ii.i..m. tin i,. i'.;il llitl.eir !fi ' j... rt rt.i 1 1 1 t ''ft !! rm.i ,r S r.t-h . U 11'. vth:ch tiny mid. .Jorwhtu .ir r-.'iii.' i:i's l:ia) UriiN ' ;.-. ;.-.t. . o ir i siorl. A l iiiei l-utr o. C. Tr:i.;..r:i-.-.- f ot n ut.. .t ii ' lilii r.-.A. pO I. 1 ,R'l.. we I, ll... I-'xCLo-.y Co. !io'ilr I I'-!;', l!;i' ii loHirg r, ii - iirra; ,'i "in nts hnve 1.1 : - I t! ',lt !. i n i:.i J. ur: - N. v a- r ' j 1 1 - i : Ii. ri roiiiiii'-bi S '." puuiication oi i i 'ti.;n r.'u-' 1 n.e I i:y ol U ni:it::i, pi.jO ld our. Ttioi li e fir. i . i. 1 1 J ,! iim; i ...-, r-.l-. n r- f Mi ir- o-i' I'. I I'l I'lh'll, 1 li.'t II : r lli'ii tor i) I . n.l, I I lii o to i if li it' the Ooii'eTf ot tin i.ii iiiri.ii.iM jm.iij. 1 to the lii'Mi.IrM of tne Iuy M t . i j . i,;i ,u .. lo any who are tm i.'li) i lue cm- , uiuiu ,. mi !i r li.c n eciol of Una r-'M. oti -n, u, u c. i . i ti r 1 1. ";ti IU lo .Mih-.-i .1" t, io ih it il.. pu. ...... i i; m eon nt the' llilie c oti t -i r; p' 1. 1 I ? -older i tv I.M'f.utivi ( i-i.ti'i'1 ci lie ,'m fi. '' r il'iia J-tiii 'f in; crm c r-vti'ty. T V, R V. S : ! Tht r . t r r " i f'iii !,n T- eij.'-iai i L'i. on wil' I pn'i !!. -d wecl.1) ou a leediuui i-liei !,'-' '.'' h I" ,i cin'r.y it One iMisr and Fifty (leti'f r i n, p.iMil lc . AOYA.N'tlE. Leit'-i coni.iii iiin . un-enti r. 111110 nm! rotiiittaneer, nivt be lir--l-t. i,-iMiin or tn i , to 1 the Treasurer of the Sucitty, J.UlLa l!i,ow, Riiiweli. Nr.rtliCsulma. , . All the fle-w tips pent, in the State sro respectfully re r( io. 'ivl 11 give Mii' Ir'portuii ore or two imrrMon. i.m?;:r:w:T t- now 111 fiii'uvnui: DtKiiLi catioh ; , a dictionary of Jlrls, Manufactures and .I' rs, COJITMNINO A I LtAB EtNlirl0K OF JIIKltt 1-lil.WIPLM ''" , ' L AND PRACTICM. By Asduhw Ub, M. D., F. R. S. M.G. S. M. A. 8. Und , Mom, Acad, N. 8. Vhilad,, S. I'htSoc. N. 5 Verm. Hanoi , Mulii, tj-c. c ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND. FORTV-ONE ENGRAVINGS. PIUS ia unqucbtionably the most populnj work of the V kind ever ptiblibhed, and a book moat admirably adapted to tho wauls of all claasea of the community. Tho loliowmi; are mo nnporiani oniecia ' wuicn mc learned author endeavors to nccomDfisli r 1L To inutruct tho llanulacturer, Metallurgist and Tradesman in tho principlo of their roxpeclive pro- co?o as to render, them, jo reality; the masters of their biiHinem; and, to emancipate litem from a stale of bondage 10 such as arc too commonly governed by blind prejudice and a viaiou routine, t f Siidly. To afford Merchants, Broker,' Drywltert, Dru'igsiii, and ofiicera of .lhe Revenue, "tharacterwtic dcfcriptins ot tho' coaimoditiea which pas through their hands. 'J '' 3rdiy. ltyfyhibitibg eomeof the fincfl devolopmenU of i.nemisuy ana 1 nywes, ui j ojieu traicm ractics school to students oi wee aniureu sciences. 4thlvTo teach CapiUliata, who may te desirous of plasing their funds in some productive arancn 01 inuua- r . ' r.. .. -I .1. inr. m Riiim. iiiiiif.ifiiiKi v. iiiiiiir u ou. u n tiaiiiiaiiiB. OUiiy. JyciwUie gentlemen ot me uw looeoinc wellacMtisinted Willi the nature of those patent achemes, whic're u ffpt to (five ruo to litigatit. 1 "t If .i ...I.. ........ lion oi ,iie aippiv mniiniaciuri; wtin rom epoetin.' law which obatruct iudusiry, or cherish oun rnch of it to the injury of man j others ' f !ntr lastly," to give the glieral reader, intent chiefly on Intelloetual Cultivation, views of many of the no blest achievmcnts or Science, in cflcctiug thote grand tfanftormationr'ofniatter to which Lreat Uritain and the United St. tea owe their permanent wealth, rank mt?rVv,'F?mon21''0 nalionaof the cartli. The la teat tUtihtica ot every important ocject o: Mnriuhiciiire arc given fronvthe, best, and Utuallyruu o'Ci ial authority kt the end of each articlo, " ' ' U'he work will be printed from the 'M London Edi tion, which sells for f 12 a copy. It mill ha putou pood paper, iu new brevier type, and will make about lUK) Bvo. poera. It will bo issued in twenty-ona aemi monthly numbers, io covers, af 25 cenU each, payable mi rfrlivi-rf. ' ' " v fJ5" To any person aending as five, dollars at one time in advance, we will torward tne aumoers oy man post paid, as soon aa they Come from the press. i To suitable agents thai adonis a rare opportuni'y, as we can put the work to them on terms extremely lavor;ible. In every innnufactunog town, and every village througbou' the United btates and Canada sub scribers 618V be obtained with the 'ercalcst facility. Addren. post paid. La Key Sunderland, 120 Fulton aueeu iNCtr Jtork. : - - t To every editor who gives this advcrti-cmcnl en tire 12 :Re(tionsL we will torward. to order, one eoov of die whole woili, provided the paper containing thia notic be sent to too INw Yoik Watchman, a. tork. March 11. 1S42.' I BANKRUPT LAW. .UNITED STATfat BORTU C1B0LI.1A DISTRK-r. I HltRF.EY G I VE NOTICE, That on tho first day ol February next, I aholl hold a Court at my house in F yntcvillc, for the purpose of receiving peiiiions under An acUo establish a uniform sys, torn t Jlunkruptcy ihroujihout the United Biatep," mid th j the said Court will be kept open every day in succession (Sunday excepted,) until notice shall bo given lo the contrary. In the rase ol Voluntary bankrupts, the Act pro ' " 17 - J I ' I' 's . i . " . ! S nte.cVc.. owini; dehia, which shall not have been ' created in coincquete of a dofulcation as a public vides I hut all persons whatsoever, residing in IhelE''"? emigrants, a well as others,! correct and rto guardian :if .fcssrasa; TTrtF?rfrorwrirfS "ncitrjin any other fidtiCiary ca- ! oai-itv, ' pacitv, uhr l.v rietitioii, setliu forth to the nnriT ere. I toi, their respective places of nidcnco, and 1 no aiiioutil doe tn each, together nh an accgiate , i...'.u.;ury if lit j or their properly, riijhuaud crcd I iIh, of every name, kind, and description, und the tlucnfiou audTiTiTutrJn" oflStll and cvenrrtTrrltif) I pornoi. inereui, vcriiicn on oaiu, tor aiiirniaiieini aapply i the proper Court, for Ihe benefit off l Act, aud therein declare tuemaeivea to. be unabioL to meet their debts and engagements, haM be dujem ed lutikrupis' within the purview of the Act, and may ho so declared accordingly by a decree uf the Court. 4 1 Il ls rrfv opinion, thst all pepnn cominr: within ' the purview of Ihe A6I,' though they may ho en M tireldeatittite of property, are untitled to iu bene, lit. " ' ; I perceive in the puhlicntiona ofvevora! of lite i DiMnct Ju.loes, a diversity of opinion, m I antici . patrd, on tho cortttruction of tho act, even in the ' incipient st;i;;e cf proceeding under it ; and I m 1 atuo :lr.t oilier ii'nl nioic insportniit dillicullies ill occur in (he s'Tj'irl. Tint I nm how 'nngd I in a rorrej?.n.l''iic nh several Di-rtrie.l fuApem, ' it!i tho view o trooiwihnp, as tar n we can, the di.( re pnncies of tho Art, nn.l of niming, ill lenst, nt - .iii tt.ti.3 hko a tittiforinit;,- of prarit.; I . il' or vi:r, I old inveif hi readiness lo r.'if l!io Act 1 ,!.. f ..' 1. n. ai:cor(!.i,!r to r.i ::.:nt uiid the hc'id of . v , whe-ih'sr it h,-t iniieiiJed or (lot.1 . '., , ,, I !:t t - iry nil' s and forma, togemer. with u .1 ol I. f s, Khuil l o gtvon in due limo. ,uurin.c ffi iny conr.uction of tho Act, the : i,iii.n may he vended he-lore any Judge or Jdsl I i... It tire o t.iia M:.i:e; but I think the po r ir riiii.ied In appcur iu Court, ni tho her- Tf' copies ot the Saltirusy Courier, and Godiy's Ia ;, iiii-r r in pp.' a -or by atlorncv, ti decjarejdy'r' !lx k, one yearj will be sent for i -( II t ho utiabio U me i bis debt aid cnae FlvB H"-- "( lho Katurdsy Couripr, and Codcy .1 Ijuiv'x Bt,k. one vcar. wtl bu sent toi t(l. J he potitimier nun'tcomprisfl in his pilition ! j ifiti r ;'nr.-t ; end It ll lie found nhIwkI lo . ...,i t;i- i 'i) i. tt-.r 0 tiiu acu llu mu"! itaii.e il eoutit 10 w iiirli he ri suiej.-4 - Ti.c p.-:;tin!,.--. when received, will he "referred, j .'. r hcnniig, lo il.cir re.ptcti'. 0 .JStuUd Cuujb, in, Mie Spin, 1;. t.. I or inv.t.'.ro, uii ti iiTrirt it A:iie. i;irU', will Ij' hra,-d til lM-ninn; ull wittu ihr . 1. ..rv .;n i... .r,.,.i ui v.... 1 ...... 1 11 -iii-.i 111 inuiiiv... -i'l o., 1 iilhui.iii 1 -n.ei i-ll within thf JHatrict of Co He Fear, nt Wi .i.iiiotoii. And publications will be ordered as di. Tie. I hv the Act. 'I I." I i.ttti ict :l AllK'nnnrle comprisps the two - S'ntr )istrir',.f r.rlentori und llnliinx ; the Pis liiict of I'jinlieo c. itiiprises the Ihsiricisof Now 10 snd H:l -j r').)s;h, (ogether wuh oil ihnt fftirt ;.,( nm H'sirtct "I Wilimngioii winch lira lo 1I.0 j N.irthwnrd and lln.-tWiird id New River and lho I IhMnct of ( ni! I' c.)liifttMV tho remainder j piut i f the SfiilV - All ( nniiimnic it torn on ihe suhp-ct ol Eanurupt. ey, .uliln ssed Ir, n.o iy n ull, if not pott paid, Will rt trmin in ihe ofliee. - . tll.VOtlV.R7Jydge V. Siuia 'fir District of North Carolina. FtiyeltrriUe, January It, IP42, . f fjjHERE is a laro ipiantity of Flank, Scantling, A ami other building matcrnils on hand for Sale at tho Mills of Charles Fiaher, on Sooth Yadkin River, formerly I'eurson's Mills. " , also "A quantity of choice curled Maple Plank, suitable for making house-furniiure of various kinds. Any quantity of sawed Shingles can be furnished at a very short notice. .Those Shingles are alwaya made out of heart pine, or yellow poplar, ot a regular si7.o, and require no jointing, but can be nailed oi the roof lUat aa they fall from the'saw Price per 1,000 at tho Mill. ' WILLIAMSON llARRlb, Agt. December 81, 1811. , T- iLaborcrs,W anted. : W ailtt'd,-a nurnher of hands to work at the niuiing bubincss at Conrad's Hill, in Davidson County. The usual wagea will be giv en, and the hands will .be paid off weekly, or miinlbly, as they may wiah Good board may be had near the mine on reasonable terms. , TV PIHLLirS ALLEN, Agent, January 14, 1812. , vr. BILLS PRINTED orricE. NEATL AT Tills W-"iSM).V4 Til 13 IMTII L Y K K 'V PEK. J TllE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY COURIER. with tui Laa'acar circvlatios in thc woatJ) I i The publishers ot this old established and universally popular,.Faruily Journal, wouhtdecm it lupe rogatory to aaf a word in commcnuaiion oi lis pan or present excel lence and uetulness. Its unrivalled and igcreasing circulation, (over 3"5,(J00.) is its best recorajiicndaiion. For the future, however a determination to be riasT in the van ot the American Newspaper Weekly Press, will call for increased expenditurcaand renewed attrac tions for the coming year, 1S42, pot the least oi hich will bo an improvement in the quality of the paper, and addition of popular contributors, embracing, we lully believe, the best list to vv milar Journal in llic world. The Courier is independent in iti'cha racier, fearless ly persuing a etraighr forward coursc'and supporting Uiobest interests of the public. It is strictly neutral in politics and religion. It will maintain a tone of morals, and not an article will appear in its pages which should not find a Place at every uresuie. it has more any other paper publiabed in the country, embracing ,i.iw. K.O.n.A ... uan,,i.i, , - , A.mRIC'A. TALKS. Every one should be proud to patronise lh4hiladel phlSaturday Curieriaa by lis unbrokc n aeries of ori ffaaT American 7Wc. by such naa)ve writers as Mrs. Caroline Lee Ilentz, Mrs. St, lon iM'i, - The L4dy of Ma,,yln'l.,,Ffoft'"r Inprahsind.T. H.Arthor,l!i., Mids wlgwick, Mi Leslie, and many others, it has justly earned tho tale of the Amtricun Family AVari- Forcisrt Li ( d Aewn. Detcimiocj to spare no expense in making the Sat- 4 unity Courinr a perfect model of a Umveraal Family Newspaper, of equaUntcrest to all clause and peisons of every nation, w e have made arrangements to receive all the Magaainca and papers of interest, published in England and on the Comment, the pews; snd gems of which arc immediately transrerrca io m columns, tnus 1.. . , .. . j. ... CUIiuecil'U 1LWUUI V( UM,V. VVVHI.VI .wbavw, VI' thcr at home or sbroad.- r.vJhV. ' I " particular care is taken to procure the earliest advi- ceg in reference to the prices ol a. I kinds ol Oram, fro- and lind, and our extensive arrangements win Here after rc.ider our Pricft Current of inestimable interest lit) the trafoilcr,-the farmer, and all business 'classes whatsoever.!" LT"' -- . I'ha general character of Iho Lourior is well knows. :ft&Mim xtnnmtxytrkvr ct' 1M.I.S, AABBATIVE, t1At ASD BlOfiBfpUIES, am! artirlcsin Literatiirt, Science, the Arts, Mechanics, Airriculliirc, Education, Music, rtews, Health, Amase mcnt, ana in fact, in every dopartiuMit usually dUcusses) in a Universal Fmil Ji''PP'U such .w.nte'reas .Mrs. C. lie Hcftti' 1 ' Vra. C. Hall, '' f I f 'hsrles Dickens, ( Boa,) Prof, w Dungtisun, Pro!esor tngrahame. M. .T Michael, T. a. Arthur, J. Sheridan Knowlcs", Mrs. M. St looii U.ud, Douglass Jcrrold, Miss Sedgwick, Miss Elleu S. Rend, livorge P. Morrir, . Mrs.tiore, Jorfph R. Chsmdlf, .Mum Leslie, - : V in. E. Ltirtoa., - , ,t Professor J. frost, j j Lieut. Ci. W.. Patten, -. Lvdia II. Kigouiney, Thos. Campb-H " ," J f"on. Robert T. Conrad, ; Misa MilfwiL' t ? Robert Mefri-. . Profera Vinw,''..---TMra.' C. II. VV.TL.ling;- 1 Ij. VtllWCT, . . A A. Green, if.. Joseph C. Neal, :.V Tho. t. Spear, - . fet .... f. . t",joiin Aeaitv- - H . (.'ouiitess ol Blossipgton, ..I I.uev Sevmour.", 'I 1',rfJ". i TO AGENTS (TERMS, j. The forme ol the Cowierere $3 per anmnn, payable ,id 'advanc, but when any one will officiate to procure j .cn tw ml briber, athi send us t15, wr and pntbge free, we will receipt tor oe tor eseli. Seven copijss fr 10, Hire cofifc fcr 5, or one copy three JL'll'i ,T ,- .. .. cLirnnii. Ladv'a rnk, one vcar, wtl! bu sent toi t(l. Addre?,f M'MAKIN &. IIOLDEN. , i , I PhihidHi hin. v"1! rl nm w f-Tph.n'.. will a.ld In lliir trsny ohligvm.ns by copying tl.u ataivo.ur rettrrii.g lo ' it m lln'ir rt.leirii. . ruorosAi.s. I'nr iM'isling iiilhe Vilynf llifh'mhni1,ar.rvYctk- Iij I'tififft to bj inlill'd TllU VIllCLNIA DLT.IOCKAT, f- , : f . I T will bo printed on good paper, weekly, until alter next election, at the tinor.rnmonly low price of , Twenty Fivo cents to a sinclo snbicnhrr, nine copies li.r Two Dollars, TWL.M'V-J HKfct copies tor Five Dnl srs, r Jr 1 Y comes Tor lea DoIIals, payable invaii ably'iri sdvancn. ' Il will viiiyc an uneomprnmiring war Ivith all i,c ruinous sehemes now advocated and Mipporlrd by tho Federal parly ' and rot lung shall, be loll otifl'iiie, whn h the luorl xealoua exert ions can aeethiplich, to 1 lleet the Yn'ire ocriLiow of ll'.eTeili pI fnetion nl the ensuing election. The articles will I.o bri I, f ilhy and pungent, but fct r our icons snd repcctlul Fedi lolnm in all its f ami Icon luima and Piutean shaper, will be handled WHU! (love. f H u , 4 ' W's ropei lfuly at-k iLat.s genorMif pa'.ronago may be bestowtd upon our C'lforta lo promote tho success of lho rniiHpi in w Inch we aro engnged. Orders addressed to TiiKoriiii.i s t'tnt, will receive prompt attention. 'Varehls, Kiz l mm m AT SALISBURY, MAY 20, 1MJ. Bacon, 9 a 10 Iron, 4J7 ball) CO a on 8a u We, is 4i 41 , kt lOalit Beef, Brandy, (peach) 31 a 4. Lard, 30 a 35 AlOlllSKCS, IJo (applo) U5e A'aile, Butter, 10 a 12J Oata, Becawax, IS a 'M IS a V!5 fork, Rice, (quart) ISale Hope, 10 a Fi Hugar, (brown) Cotton, (clean) o a 30 a 33 )o (loal.) lH,o(l, lorn, S?ltt(bu.) 1 ai a 415(1 Coffee, . 11 a IS lJo(ackh 375 a At mi Flour, 4 SO.a tjw OU Steel, (bliKierl 10 a Feathers, :yia87a Do (cast i;:,. !K, Flaxseed, 7 a bO Tallow, i.. Do Oil, W a 1 v hnkcy, 55 i AT CilERAW, a C, MAY 3, is. Beef, (scarce) Bucon, Butter, 3 Flour, 78 iFcathers. OOOiliGl 404 7i 8 35 a 40 87 a 121 15 Lard, (scarce) Molasaea, Beeswax,' Bagging, , BjIo Rone, a J a 25 20 a 25 (MIS, 10 a 12J Rice, (100 lbs) : 4a.j CofTee, Cotton, Corn, (scarce) 12 1 a 15 7 a Sugar, ,10 a li 275 Salt, (sock) Do (bushel) 50 a C2i AT CAMDEN, S APRIL 27 1812 Beer, . . Bacon, Butter, , .. Beeswax, , Bagging, -Bale Rope, Coffee, 4a 5 71 a 10 1 a In 14 a 25 .' 20 Cotton, ' Corn, Flour, Feathers, l-ard, Molasses, Oala, - Ut 7 M 37 a 40 10 a 12 33 a So 45 a CO 13 a io Congrcislonal Globe and Appendix. saaaaisiaasBisaaBas - piIESE works have now teen published by us (,f A ten conwcutlve ataelonsof ConL'rcrt." Cotni,,r. " cing with tlie session of 1632-3. The have hod such wide ciiculation, and have been so universally ippiot4 and sought alter by the public, that we deem it neixn. saryooly in this I'ruepectut to ssy that they w,j continued st the neat ssnaiou of Congress, and tos'ale succinctly, their tonieuls, tho futm iu which they wii! be minted, and the prices for Ihtm. ; ,(, -, : . The Congressional U:ote U made tip of the daily proceedings of the to Houses ot L'Migreta. " TU speeches ol the meuibeia sre abruigcd, or concenscd, to bring thm into a reaaotiable,r readable length. All the resolutions offered, or (notions made, sro given at length, in the muvor'a own wpua? and tiie yesa s.x nays on all the important questions. It is printed wiUi small type brevier and nonpareil on a double rovl sheet, in quarto form, each number containing 16 roval quarto pages. It ia printed as fast an tho bu.uft done iu ixHigresa turnishee matter enough fur a r.dmbcr lhiLa";. ,n a fnHledJ'M '"" , ttaa Ihere wt veas in I seieion, 'ilioanpruacbini ewton of Cerirt, It n txpectodriWill ni-'tts, if so,sulj- Crs mar exikct hetwe. n :m I im ubers, whicli; Uitfcth r, will Ouka heuceh 5C and tic royal quarto pa- . ' ' . .' ' X-l be Appendix is mfde np of- tho Paw-nrSis-atiT nual message, the reports of the princ;nl oili -en c f ;he Llojtcrnment that accompany it, and all tho loi spoochesof member of Cougrva. wntten.ounr i vised bj themselves. It la printed m.iho sannf,m a the Coogreaaiuiial Clobeaud Usually sUi.t th -saoM number of fZh' Hercure, on aeeooot of U set speeches b&iig so numeroirt and so long, we hsio 1101 compieieu me Appeouix U141I one or io rwniih after the close of the session : but. in future. e m!..,.! 1 16 print the apeochea as fast ss they shall ba pusrtw jsnd of course shall complete ihe wwk munn a La ir,iii '.rrd. I, it is aays alter taw sejoursMnent, Each of Uieie, works is complete injbelf; but nrceswaryjmrsawera auorcrirx-r whO dc.lrea foil knowlwhjd of the proceedings of Congrw,'to havo birtfir because, then, if there should be any mbioi?r in the synopsis of the speech, or any denial of-rts cor recfniw, as published ib theiJouvrtaiitiualta;T-rKr reader may return' to the Appendix to see tfiTspWeV atjength, coi reeled by .the member himKif. , r, ... now, there w no source wt flKs Cmigrer- uhv! CkJe and Appcndi,4rimwhich a j)ersoa caaLLWif history of Uie pioceedings-ol CotijfreNc tiiusaadlv StAToa'a Register ol JMates, Whicn oti,:j :4 a h lory,. haa been mp ndd tor ihao ir tour years. Ii cutt atiout live tHaca-as much lorji "aeasiohjks the ("Vr,- euai sinouui 01 raauer, e-great iksjiiou of the eorrer1 proceedings beiinnmied..- We'are tiiabic? 10 p.n! Uie Cwgreswmial Globc.acd Appiduit (he low rate mm proposed, Igr having a fergei'iaMi(jli.r lpe, ai d keeping ttaf Lw.gjajesiooal nwlttf thauwesct up for the dmiv aud scmtwokly ClelJitaodirg fur tie tongrefsiot el Globe and Apj nuix.' If wt i sd to rii up the malterpurpiiMily lor tliese Work, we eeuld ret a fiord to priril ih ro fcr double Ihe price now charged. Complete tudetea to both the Cojgrewtonal fi;. be and Uie Appendix are punted at the clw of cieh set- sion, and sent to all sQbscribcrs for I hem, Ve have on band .I.IKW or 4,0a frpiU4 r(1pi,.f Vf W CotigrriionBl Globe an'A) , r.J:i ir ihe Extra 8esi.,hicliake together utr ..(d'tliound roval ajuarto page They giv the farlj. tt hutory of i 'en grcss. that-has ever heen published. Wo flow ac!! them lor f 1 eachj lhat ia, sjl W lho Congressional Globe, snd M foajheAppendit. ' We'froiwe to let , subscribers bf the Coogrew tonal Ch he sntLAnpendix for the next session, nave thm .for Jjli otrY each. The wil be ncceartry to understand fuffy ihe pro. eeedtngs of the nexl ae-atlon. Tie trnpotaut ma tier diseus.-ed at thb last, will be Jjriughl up at ilk next senior', inxoneqtnot of Jti onnrrsitfllntisnictidn evinced in the law elections wiih-efe j fi .d revel system pf policy Vhiah die rnwers hjfjw kiroduced, snd which ass tofeed ihrnegh Cotigresa without con- suiting public opinion, or even allowing m full li ciiwioa tisusj in regard lo'lubjccfs of ordinary interest. The repuru of the .Congressional CI.jl aad AiiiK nai' arc not in tb6 least dogrec'a dueled by lho piny b:a of the Editor. They are given preeN-ly as wrttlen ont by thir Reporters and the members ihemselics. And the whole are subject to the revision snd come lion of the sjieaki rs, ss they pass iu review in our daily 1 .nCT 1, in case any ntlMiinlerlaiM!ng oi ll.lreprestiitA i linn of llieir remarks sin old occur. I We make a daily analysis of ; and givo our opinions in it freely, but this is publisher; "f'T m thff IhitV. jpwi.treftf ..! m,.f' r::;.h; ; j 1 he Daily Globe is (.III, the rVpn-weekiy ;icbo -per annum, in adtatirt. The Wtklv (Jh lie is pruHid 111 the saroo furm as tho fWrewioiisl (.l,,!.,. jod Aw I Rcndix, and a complete Index Ina.lo to it ul (ho end f ; each year. - 1 TERMS. f For Ilia r..nfTrrniM! f:t(,K I nnAM.l;. f - t',n I last hxir Session, $1. for (he UrtigTewional Globe for (ho nrxt efi' n. f 1 per copy. 1.' lor the Append n for tho next session, ijl per copy. Hiv eopiesjf en her l the a!mivi, Ufirtifl V- II !ir tt i t 1 for sj-l j twelve eoph-s for f:10, and to 011 in pro; n -n I hr a greater nombor. Paymenia may Iw trar.miilird by mail, ;nfere ; "r risa. ny a rum 01 tlie rost Hlhte Ih psrtineni postmasters aru permitted to frank letters eoiiiam i money fiir anbsenptmns. z r 1 The notes of any Mnk, current whero a si,!i.i r. resides, will bo received by us al per. To insuro all tho numbers, lho subcripliiins fI"M bo in; Washington by lh 15th DtKieiiilier next, at farthest, though, it is probable that wo shall ri.' enough surplus copies tp fill every ''on .tl.: ' may bo paid beforo Ihe 1st day of Jammry n. xt A'o attrnlion will be jiaij to ny orrfrr vnh ' monry merompauirt it. . DLAIR A RIYI.S. Vhington City, October 23, 1 I!