rB, row... ,OT PEHOATED TO THE ,n . STATES .V THI CQ ,.T,TPTIO? ,oi ,o,,.,T.li .T IT TO TBI ... m.W TO THE III V E' UP E t'TI VpTLY, O. TO?7rt 1." Corio., irfWc il Number $15, ot Volume 22. ' SALISBURY, N. C, MAY 87, 1842.; Whole Number 1,119. r - TEBX OF TBI X II A 8F. FISHER,- EdUofnd Proprietor; ; ' . f The Wwth CaeoliU!I is published crjr irufey Morning, Vftt per aonam in adveare-or fW) jf - .. ..-., .1. ! ., .:rf I paid I0UMH Inree btohi-owctwiih i wmi nrw ' i'v $echrl$3. JNo papr will be discontinued - except it tbe Editor's discretion, until til arrearage! ' ire piidi " ll ueapnoer u worm me suoscnpuuu ind Un failure to notify the Editor, of i Irish to ducon -Xinui, it least one Moirn before the end of Uie year wbsenbed for, will be considered new engagement. fgj" jLdwUttmenti conspicuously ind correctly in- Verted it ftlper soaro--of SlOfBWjOt jtlesw lines Oj till fliau ijyvfiuw wv ur urn f uou,ajHi wuu U eeh wntmaiBCeCoort lod Jwliciil 'adrertie " eAenU 23' pet ceaU higher than tie above rates.- A de- 'duttioiof JW pf cent from the regular pticca will 'be madejo yearly .advertisers, fcj" AdK-rtiserncnts eat in fir publication, niust be marked with the oum- ' bcr of jfUnittone dosired, or thfljrwill be eontiauec till -. f jrbid, ui Charged iccdrdiiigly. ' ' . -Vrjk , - Jjsttcra addressed la the Editor on business must com rat or rnTcB,'or itry vt'M trot attended to. .1 . ' II I I ., ' t . ,, s . cuiuoCs .MEDICAL WABFaRE. ' . . .4V"" ' WEST TTCB. ' A se tried In Hi jiiticee' eomt it Ihf i lom, ew Voik, on tho 1 flk iastsnt, which i too ' mtrreKihfr to paic unnottrtsJ. I twinn (hat Har lent haa to'pnyteiani,Ir. Mulncr and Dr. Iclme, who, of ormrse, lofe eieh other fieectiitrgljf. Dr. Holme, hiving recently eiublialicd himself llmre, tu reglrtled. by th ottief bi treepiiajng upon jiie manor, ocM)r. Mulncr had th'ercfure lout i(b op. rortunitjr of rpeabing in termi not the most flatter iiijjfof hie brwinr iu fihysic r Amonj ether Jhfng he had raid lint Dr. II. wat not regular phyaiciun 1 and coulJ not colLwl hii bill by law. Thia iuit was brought by Dr. H. to prove that he ooulJ ;' for ' it a eema tint Mulncr hid nee kstie d him to con ulmtmo fof lh purpoei' ttt quizzing and abuwnjj iiim. Jltgb worda pas?cd between Ihern on the ijot, and Holme preaented hii bill of t5 aa Lie consultation fee, and daman icd'piyiuent, wukh u relueed. Each party waa hii own counsel. ' Dr J. 8. Oilman a phyeiciad l ttilaeity, wa fra summoned at a witness, lie teetitied to the . authenticity of the diploma 'and other documents preeenied by nr. u ninr, ana in answer io a rpea ' tton by Dr. Muhier, said that ha had known aeve. tnl ceM in wUkb on ptiyaicrao had charged an- JMgIofr,t4nigniy iwnc run. liiVnuinJ-! ottce knew iVa iiiall triwB in Mawj.cliu tt. AntitTawtivsi t)nn had fif -severil Vftr Iteen brow .ta'ifig.a Wtl; in rnmo no andtiolfa cnnHilTSliOn at1herlir.tfsa7if one tS fci reiehbors. The young physician arrived j ,.j it fJdtr on'' p iiit"d to a hre dog which was tt,e tail of that ilog curl roost beautifully over hi Vick form'Pg arperrect -eircle. row, l want you 11 atraigmcn mm uiijrun, nw v rflo4(Hyrl,Ui give yoAj.areda.lbr fflw normal knowledge than I now believe you poaness.' The yraiog'physicia.ri at once took out his instru merfls, aecurod the-dog, cut and gained hia fail, and placed it between aplintcra and bandages, and lofi the house. The next d:iy li called, and fiuiiJ ilia bandage had been removed, but he immeJr tt'ejy replaced tliem.. He eolM 8 socceaaive d.is. ith fie same result. O.i the Oiu day, he found ,pw calling, that the d.ig.wa nol at home ; to Hkinjt it for gtanteu liininisinii naa Dvansiraigni. i.t. ha diaciiouiiucd hia iita, and presented h:i (ill L U0. a risiUj lo th senfor.poysicMie. l.....i M-fivd and R suit brotiflit. I lie ra watM 4ne tewoyrcCMlhVtiiU pernio ri4ll in 1, upon 'Consultiag legal- counsel, ascertained he waa Italia for tue debt, and he paid the f DO tni'.o, m lrJ mrmm belore th ca came to Iriah j Rdrs of lauglitcr by tha whfflf ludicnce, 111 which tlio Judrt waaobligwltojoin. ' H Dr. Mu'nerTliat cac, sir. however funny you ...w rnnrAll'lt it. 1 ROt 10 th point. ' Dr. Oatmarc-I 1 emnnbcf caw which imy be considered pirihol to lri now on .trii . Dr. MuW.Uelute it, air. " n, natmnn.-.A learned nnd talented nVy-wetmi hxicdintSathwninNew Uampahire and ntljlie ndcVid)raician al once j iiocd in common war again raroJVy tried every plan to bring him into disrepute, Md finally invited him to deliver be-f-irrthera a course oriectoreeon anatomy, inf jrtuk him al the same limo that they Imd a tuhject r.-n iy for Um. Ha complied Willi -their rcqrnt, anu o t .ed.ty fiamod he appeared in their lecture room.. Jleliiumi in uwwtiii'g c -i aumrt covered cf. with M-liite mualm. O.i re Iiui bail frog. The lecturer cxhiuiteil no signs ni urnrie.lut alter gravely examining tin. suiiect, " hoprodoce4hifa!pMj and comniencodulisai'ciing it. '" Hi commenced a Umtiirii upon r Jwwrorfrr osulomef and - soon coiivinccd his auditors that they had woke tlio wrong p4siigi:r. j beeamo charmed with the adittirohlo manner in which he handled -ht auhjec', aad when, afier spiking nearly nn liuiir, J10 announced thnt his r't lewure on tho nine subject wocld lake .place mi thi knowing evening, ho was greeted with 1-pplp.inc. lie duliveJ five lectures", with honor i,;m...ir ! .ilisriirtiort to hia hcarera. Then rjmeiho aequel." a presented hi bill ?l5earh, ec;imsi all who ii.vned him lo lecture, tvforo tin -in. "They would not .pay, end fur sued them. TmiMauso w tried, nndMho irt owiudcd hun j liianmoiinrof his cliiiut " 1'he Jildgf, in the present ense, took iw.t or three diyato cmWi.ler.nndlhctnendered a verdict of $3 and -emu, in alll for platntifl. Il.irei.fier Dr. Muliier wiH pYohally counf tho cot lf-ire ho uMvni.(TticaLjtk.tJJHpii lit iirouior. pnyi emus. . . Calbogt lirmi A' writer in tho Southern Cultivator says,', ho had. a square of yery line cabbage In hi garden, upou which the worm Imd .;-4Biiu ow,sr, u joul , ceM.ry is, to rob the pafterrt" tio-e- wett with . that rarriou- gonseV-whrt-h was. mi,T fcf.Jay '- - 3 I tinntr. 'and tha rin-nlaflnn uUAl(..4.rrM 7n a trm I rbldA nr'TI. la a. )ard for hn hoft(iie(HHj to all commenced great raragei., Pennyroyal wngath ered aud acattered over the iwbtuge heads plenti fully, and tho work of destruction ceased." The writer did not know whether the discovery- was a new one, but it sooms to have been a very eay and eUTiCtual one, and well worth a triaU ,14. Cultivator. ' . '. v , x f fc i.t 'V-TIIE PICTURE OF THE DEAD, i .tTaTwted H im Amedott in Catiin't Twels, I . -A Chief from hia diatant fcVest cama"-. '.. ,v f ii?-Ta the pale one's lonely tent;' '" -j? 4 f.:,:. - And he bore such gifts as well might loom t t By an Indian monarch seat. : .. " . , .. ' AnJ Bright way the aun on thy 4rolltp'g iojne.l a id the warrior of tbe wild, , . ; . ; -. O atranger, the pifts which 1 bnr are thiitf1 ' . " ' M gieq mo back my child.ji,t.. J My cllild, who pasecd to iho pirit,1anj ! ' " " -la th sunrise of her Jears ; . - k ' " y ; 1 have looked Iff Iwr in Our woodland bftnd K. " " Till mine eyes grew dim with team;, ; l i . But her alwulow bright, bf lliy pencil traeeil,; X. t Hlillfweet in my dwelling united, AwlUie hearth she lull ia nut yet laid waste t ,m 1 rr mm " 0,clt ni h4- f I laid her low In the place of rravea, r VVbeTe the ever ailentaleptj - ---- - -t And summer' grata in , greenoesa waves Where u Indiin warrtur went . ' j I 1 '.jI Dr'g''t wm our atari though it early acC -TAnd-we Utiu lustre mild: . . f But aha live in her changeless beauty yet j Tboti baMgiven-rae back aiy'cbild.' " . jt' Ani "J whon oar yourtg,, who loved ber well, ; Like the pmea giow old-and hr, ' ' Will her youth still last 5 as theirs that dwelt , Where the Winter comes no more t ' ' When the early loved of her heart ia low, Will aha mile aa she ever smiled ! O, sate from the withering hand of woe, t Haul thou given me back my child 1 lt ifia well with those of thy eaatern land, 4" ': Though tlieir loved onea may depart, '" r. Tbe magic power of tbe painter's hand ' Can restore them to the heart. . . - O, king may the light of their praawiee-teyV'fA - iiwn im uui iny gneia Doguuea , And blessings brigbUo tiiy Iwmeward way, . ' : Who Ust givea rue back my child. -. : .... , Cvricut Ciriiy.iThe FuTolanl)darxdyiit'il tbticw w- nuui a spiriicu ana cxceeamgiy mteiw Ing Jt-uWif . ftlj rf !iwiajaWua.fII cufioaa accues take ptaccUv.tu iroet of St.lVfT tersburg on a c6ld day.' I ' - Whea 1h noao freezer, rho' lufTtfref is wholly unconscious of a Ctci, which to al who see htrn"u made apparent by the cha ky whitt'weaof that im Dortant antwnJaire to the human face divine. Na ture for soeli occaJHooi haapTvfle4 ri profuee tit liM, thcrernrercpm to belcunsidored an laKit. ! .-u .f tfl Oolsssa.. I .jgijUjr,, imaikig that his nebhlmrs will keep n ghbbr, trustiog that his ncihhors will keep nit eye upon hinnrejurn. If you meet t men and see thai hia nose ia turning whitf, courtcsv requires tlrafyotr should- ifrinxMatj4y-t4ik iiimdtul o rtowj and rub his face aa briskly as. you can, till the rosy blush xctunu .. , botnotimesyou may soe two Iiainna on meet- 327ntfoflp-siirohhntt4 . others faces for dear hiu. A newly impcrtw V.ng liatirmn hn nccaairmidly vbcn known to resent rather roughly souacereraoiii'ius ;in act of kindnert fl lire nfttiiy ojwwhich ho ha not boti aware, but . the" twaU is one with which the flrangr 4Hldom remains I.Hjg unacquainted. The eyes also are liable to be idcourenienced by the sever cold. Icicles firm about th ey-lahcs and gradually become largo enough to prevent tiio twlfcror from seeing with any comfort to huniel!'. In such cases it n . coiMidered allowable to cuter the lint inr.ro at hanl, anJddroaud permission to thaw oneielf, lo i- -in h tmr of gratitnlvoii the hospitable Hr, in - tckrrowledgemijrK of tha favor received.. The Little Kine.U is siid that tho litlb rascal destined to rule the CritUh ItoaMera of liberty, was, . like Dickon, their former master, horn with teeth. The oilier diy, when his ditninutivo highness was diituj Mrs. Ilrouli the honor of receiving from her hi customsry nourishment, or, topi!t more cor-' rectly, a th"? event a hi, of taking a noonday nipper, Mrs. It. uttered a sharp cry of pain. , " What's the matter with the baby 1'' sereamcd htth iiceu Vic, who. .waa superintending tho operation with truly maternal solicitude. f v . - '"Oh ludlyour-mnjesiy, I got n bin"f ' "Ilj'il'cm in th'ju, ami take' cm off?'1 says latin Vie, oho is n bit of a wa. " . . "Oh my ryj." -smvs-I Mrs. Urouj;L " the liulo ri-c -l brit beauty ! as S liiksur iys, The heir bites shrewdly it is a nipping and a liefer heir lie ye sure you quote it correct ? ' inquired. ic. Yf.. TB.)f mHMnlv ; Shikspur is niv vriilnrsi."i ' . ..... I ! ... I t !..... .l.iar 'iiiln nronnus : I hone hn '.lili't 'url' - --'I 1 ---,-- U little tnntiea," cried rbo found mother rrirding lh royal infant tenderly, hut keeping at a respeo lalilo distance. ''Urt'ti teeth I ehe'ain'l got no bezzum to rf.nl Tor any otlier body's bntum!" wus Mr. Hrough'saside-hor auilib'o ejaculation was,. " Keenly httle hiuf.mtl swoct priuco ol Wh iles lho'ex-.iet hinmga of 'i-i ''ighiws, priuco llilh hut." , , Tha iiiicn lf Whalrs allowed n dctermiiiaUon X3 blubber, ami spouted.' "Lonhn &'irim?. A Misstssippion was ako.l it tho pco;lo of that Bute encuumaed Ico-tolalnun; Ho- irjdtod, 0 niut 'xnrdy too lotullors, though wo go ? fortem puniiicu in a' ." v.i H..7 Tha -Editor of tho Conerlin (La.) it t t ' Intuiligencor, thu warn ill river setilcrs ol their Midi or rathof ixit-ttution: ' Prepare ytmrselvea, bail your flat boat, cork vnnr Skill. Unld vour rafts, to your house to the iM-nrest lreoiP" UP 1mt children's diids and your household ttains, l'r taking a general fl-tat. Sink or awiTrt,liV9 or dio, euryiv or, perish, " j 1st 3 v" choaw; bul ho eisurod things putou . v 1 i i . - . i . . ' . l . A . ta k ,. -m i -eewipMwusj t.ie ommw. -emi mnmn reqieay. i "-7 if" r T . ' -V .' ' L a case whiV?)reirred n.:,,r. If il.ia i. nnt A.w .i. nn laiiovt sick tmtini.Ph.itaiklomla American rather a threatening aopocU Wo intend to ker-p all our exchanges and make a raft they are light enough to keep ua afloat. . i i !. y , .'"If " "f j -w""".- - Epitaph. The American publishes the" billow, ing curious specimon of snpulchral lilcralurO, co. pied from an old Scotch totpliatono : . ; Here lie the body of Alexander! McPbsrson, ' V " f Who waa a very extraordinary peraoo ! , He waa two yards high aa hbitockinff feet, -.. And kept his accoutrements very clean and neat : v lie waa slew,, ''t , r & '"' i At tho battle cfVVaterlnof t 'llewaaahotby abuirer, . ' ' Plump through tin gullets Al v it want in U bn throat, " , " " r f -i , AaV arn at tttt 6ck ofkUnnll : jrfaf froin7"tliu Ismct" f Connecticut nfthe seventeenth, ventury. . , r--- , ,.Y , : TOBAGK0, : hrasmucb as it is observed, that many abuses are crept in, and committed, by fretjueut Inking of J-tobaeko. 1 'r - ,' x; - Jt i$ Ordered fAe authority 0f tfiit Courte, That no person under the ago of twenty one years, nor any other, that hath nol already aceuatonied himsell'a to the use thereof, shall 1ak any tobacko, uuUll hee hath brought a cortitioute under the hiindt of some who are approved for knowledge nnd skill io phisicft, that it is useful for him, and allso tliRt hee hath received a lyienso from the courte, for the samo. And ltr the regulating of those, who either by their former taking it, have, to wire owne apprehensions, Trmdo it iiceea-ry to tbom, or uppon due advice, are rau(kd to the useineraot. - - It it ordered. That no man within this colon ve. afier the publication hefcol, shall take any tob ko publinuely.'inllieetroett, highwayea or any Larue ynrds, or uppon training dayes, in any opto places, under the ponaliy of six pence for each oflence against thia ordi-r, 1. any ibe particulars thereof, to oee paid wiiliout gamejiying, uppon conviction hy. Jhe. testimony of one w itnese, tliatla without just exception, before any magiairator" And the constables in the several! townee, are required to maae nresonitrtcm to each particular courte. ,.f eoch as they 4oe understand, and cao evict to U e transgressors ofthiaordeh ,. . t Thi Tender Faum and Hard JledT.gai. N u ' ' . " L Hfa related in a Vor tfart3 V:i hkviftg beetr iilloj. byf tia! object ofaj 'Iflcction, was, advised to eat hard boiled egs aa aa antf.bfW to ht Rrtof anci nmrtincatioo. . 1 he e;a ettea to a c&rwK,4'faeyiJayato Iraavy npnn hia 'atatnach tliat he fofait Ufa weight itoM,hip W This I treatment rma rti. aaalnraif rtvWacal. prnctien raiiaM tl. .r' rtr4MlTfcirrM ifc ir-n tjihwi, iwl.' . tja a ir-wu.mmm . T f 4 upon ,ue p4irt,an cun : upon the Paixhan gun The Paixhao gun differs from a common 44, in havuig-a very widtt-chamberr the imtiU is alo very iliidt 4lui.Lamhflf Jflie bars a.uke miJ. .i .iJ'i.... ,k. l.. ..r At 1..- I hot this depends of course ipon the aico i1 tho ball, riie hollow shot iange 61 to 120 pomiU,t nro'whTcTi luiterytau III ItWt'powuVtrVroTkxeTt icrjw s iry. A pounJ of powder is placed inside of tho ball, a luto-is, attached, wjiich will burn about ten. seconds the ball is llien placed in the' gun with Iho fune turned from the powder. When it is fired, tho fltmas enveloping the ball weH -fire-to the fuse, which is intended to- explode th bait, af1 tcr it is buried in the object. Of th devastating elkcu of these missiles every one has hoard. - "Ex-jar me, sir, if you please, mother thinks you are too young ton gallant, ' Please, Miss, inform your mother that I think myself quite old enough to attend any person not yet out of their pantalctts; and, if you wish lo bo nry communicative, you can further ay to your mother that I have, hoard it more than intimated that ladies only wore that article to conceal the bole in their Blockings." . . " Very possibly, sir, you irny have heard all that from wine jilted love-tick' swain or crusty old baclielor with whom n lady woulJ associate ; but ' I have heard it slrirmed that gentlem n (11 such 1 j may term thoni) only ware loog hair in i nitatinn I of ladies' poodles, or to conceal the p'jeo where ! their ears had b'euri cropped c!l" , ! " (toitd evening, Mis." " Good bye, fir." j - 1 Snuff takers d.fcr from ill the rest of tho world, because they luru up their iiojms at what they most admire. f)i the Safe Side. U'hile the riots bet worn the l Americans and Irish were going on in the Sixth , O waru, some wag cliati.cti on too uoor 01 a nnu-e ot loublftil cfiariietcr in Orattgo rrcet thu imtice Dou'l vote any way, Haven't got any religion, And wasn't born any where. If this was not a safe protection for sTicff hi? oociiision, wo hardly know what would be. lAfc IVJt Aurora. ' The bto professor l'orson having once exaspe rated 11 disputant by the dryness ef his suicnsm, the , lu-iiiinnt nnnniicnt i tins addressed 111111 : Mr. l or- son, I be2 IcaVo to tell you, sir, that my op nioii of u.iii iu mr i-i-ii roi iimniio e. -s r. renuea 1 ; j 1 . . - r ; ; 1 l orion, " l never knew a opiutoo 01 yours wmua 1 was not contemptible." , . .. .'J t ( i'ho best way to silnuco'a talkative person i never interrupt him. D ti,Jt "utl the candle, aiid it will go out itself. J - . V '- . 'I Kink ofit Immniiog bird nnco met a but lerllv. and being pleaded with the beauty of its person ami the glory 01 na wings, uuau mi oner 01 perpetual friendship. J J V ' 1 cannot IhliiK 01 n, "" m rqpiy, -usjou onco spumed at me, anicallod rqe a stupid dolt." illtrip?jibl?l" exclaimed the hdmming.bird M I always entertained tho highest rcefirct for such ; beautiful creatures a you." 1 "Perhaps you do now," said the other; M but whon you insulted rue, 1 was a caltorpillar H Ttel mo give you this piece of advice 1 nuvor insult the humble,' as they may mm day become your auperiors. - ' ' .4 ' . ' ; 1, CORRESPONDENCE; . Letter received by th Committee of Invitation t for the Democ ratio State Convention, held at . Salisbury tha 20th of May, 1842. V F :i " : Washwotox, 1st of May, 1312. , GeaTLEXEX! If my public dutio would permit, it would alord me pleasure to accept the iuvitntioa which you Iraye tendered nie in beliAlfnl (beDem ocratic Convention, to attend their adjourned meet. ing, to be convened at Sulisbury on the iQilt iimU ; but as they do out, 1 am compelled lo decline ac , ceptirtg. . . . Vnu do not mistake, io considering the present as a M gloomy criaia " in our a flairs. Never befure has the Uovernmupl been surrycnrled by so many and such formidable 'difficult!', both, within and without. I ahail pass over the latter, without no - lice, aa they are now the subject of ocgutialiun, which, I niuverely hopo, may terminate in an lion, orable end satisfactory adjustment of all difficulties between the two countries, and limit my notice of the fom er to a few brief remarks. . ; On taking a survey of our internal aflair, it will be found, thut instead of the promised reform,' things have beeo growing woroi daily ever aince those, who now have the control, succeeded lb power ; the revenue decreasing and the experuli. lure increasing ; new loan contracting and public , credit decaying ; borrowing on usurious terms and squandering with wasteful extravagance, followed by a rapidly increasing public debt, :o a period of peace, Unit threatens in a lew years to equal the debt of the Revolution ; and all this without one cnaiblo manly tflort to arreat tho downward courte of the Government. So larfrom that, tho present - critical cotiilition of our afljirs is not only regarded with comp acency by a portion of those who have the control, but has buen bctught about intention illy, a ittdispausablo towards ncoimplisliing tlift long cherished oi'kcts of the ptrty ; a Pioteetive Tariff And a,. National-Bank. ;'Thureiii lies' the . danger ttf A crifc'uu. The- real cause of abprehea. cu mucu inai toe revi trA t- M-mOtorM tncrwaea mum w uwt u iiiuuu inai i iw revenue naa uecrcaaau, . . 1. .t.-. .L J I thft t h"svy debt 'iMUf Bern- agt aslhal my Wr liWxllril;1or Je ignedljr bt a pawarrul artyiiiv pcawe"siMr fi power, as means to an end, and under aucli cip. comstaoce'a a ev ince a Hxed detariniuatioi) to aa compliah theif object, be the consequence to the country and its institution what iu may. That !Tc1iansutTt rcsinTed IfiTrrrerdcflorfl-e't r sue! objucts luvij wfill. cause dcejr alarm luho , reflecting and pmUioHo , " - ' Wi;li being the chancier of the erisTshtf retfl niifHrtinn fair thrt iuhiiiIh trt Avtun frf 1 tin nntirruipKinu 1 lcclCri2S lM'perrmtted to retain their powcrj in orderto frflbct by "uch neans tho end proposed 7 Air who re gard tirrifl, hnnk, dihi, WHmellil' cxpcndiiiires, and heavy taxes 111 the ehapo-iif high'dutioa on almost ings the promised refrm, will, of course, voto to retain power in the hands of the party which holds it.. Hut. on the contrary,' thoso who desire to see ically- thu tuxes light commerce, freed from shackles nd the Government from debt public credit imun, mired equal justic lo all, und a rigid adherence to the Coiisiitution, will vote lo lake it -j out of their hands. It remains to be seen how your State will ict ; but I cannot believe that a State so dixlinguished in the management of its own affairs, for economy and frugality ; so opposed to burthuuing her penphr with a public detit, 'and high tuxes ; so just and equal in the exercise of its power, and which took so early and bold a lead in the great cause of American freedom and iudepen donee, will consent, as a member of the Union, to leave power In the hands of a party:, now that its views are fully devalouej, which pursues, "lii (he aflairs of the Uaiou, a policy the very reveriu of 1 - her own. WuhTtrcrit respect, I atn&e., 4tr., . . ---v-;. j. c, CALIIOUX. John L. flemloron, Iw., and others of (lie Com. mil ice. . - Wasihsotj, April "JO, (J nxTtEME :I tako pleaur4tacknnwleding tho receipt of your letter of invitaMon to th" u IXun ocratic Convention " which is lo rhi:ot in Salisbury on the 20ili of May.' It could hot ho nmre grait lying (o tho "Convention and to tl peup'fe who inayJxs iiiattenilanccl than to myself libo pre, out and to untie is I. most cordially sh.iuld, in cheering 011 tho freemen of tlio State " in the great contest before us."- But wich is tho na'.urt of th business now pending bofure Congress us to lor bid ; my nbsenco ut tho timo of your prophst-d nu rtiu. ,tiitstl'eel rlntlereU by llie emiinsiq vtu erg plonsed to bestow oti roy past services, I can assure yoa whatever of ilevotim I may hsvo mauifes'.e& r"to the Constitution and popular rtghtV'-i not r likely lo -be abntcdnl a crisis so all important a the present- s . Tho position as yen know, in which I was pbu-ed Jluriug 1 lie rnonitfrebli canvass of Hit), cnablotl 1110 fv hear Hio charges, the -prvfesio.-rs, and tire v.- promises thrn made in every part of the Suite, try tliusonvun took an active part to that omtest.--So my jrwscut situtiiu n hus enabled mo to wiincsy Hie atteiop's which have boon mndo lo make good - these chargtia, aa well aa tho imimcr in which th.x professions and high wrogit proinisi's to the cmiit Iry have batm resleomed. ml I can sayHvuh truth, .it that otliotal corruptxm existed, -which I had heard so repeatedly ctwrgctlagainst tho oil cersof ilw lato adiiiiiiitratioii, ami which Iho pub vliomay havo bocn led tu believe, tho veil ha not as yet boon removed. So in tegard to the public . exMndiiures, which constituted so constuiita theme of popular declamatiou and o Whij inisrrptesenta ' lion, wo now havo from the report nt the prcaent Secretary t the Treusury that Iho expense of lh Government during tha two last years of Mr. t Vuii Bureu'a udmmialration, wero, for 1839, less than twenty-fivo and a half millions, and for Is 10. a li'tlo moro than twenty-two anil one-third millions of dollar, whilot according to the sanio'authoriiy iliexpeus;of 1811, exclusive of any debt or Treasury noter, were more than twenty. five and tw third iiiilluxm. . r ' , , , ;. A, tu ilm hoKl of public ofCcer, which were proclaimed as unless, all have been filled, with a, greedy scmiuUa for more, whilst none have been abolished. ,Tb poor attempt to exciisa themsolvef , utid agniii In deceive the peoplf, by throwing xltor reapoiiwbility upon Preidont Tylor, and donounct ing bim. as a traitor, ia an insult to tho common understanding of tho Country. With an Kxccu tivo Cabinnt, a President of the Senate, mid a ma. jority in that body; a .Speaker of tho'Uouso of ReprfFentaiives and 4 he coinumnd of every bust , nesiX'ommiitec, ana a clear Wng majority of 3U votes, hjibVpenrtVnt of trwae-wlio' hut had- thOk firmness to do what lliey believed, right is certaic. ly an answer to the Wlitg apology for what ban,, " or has nol been done, They may villify the Pre sident, and. denounce the veto, yer they cannot i -rape being held responsible i for lit acts of tho" National Legislature. If the people expect relief to tbe country, theymust look to other counsels,. ' than lo those who hive promised ;6 much, and performed so littlo. So t feel it an feet of sheer justice in say, as far a the action of Cooi;rsi . concerned, wnaievcr ot ia.vor tno oouin has re ceived, either in regard to tbe buriljon of taxes, br the sertirfty of its slave property, ha been al th . hands of ill Democracy of tbe North and West, with but lew exceptions. , - Still Iho tteoplo are callod on lo continue their confidence in .men who bare proved themselveaso ! luuuioaii io every promise. Ann in bigs at . their Into Convention in llaleigb have had tho ; , boldness lo oflor to Iho frccmeo of the Slut cflr-. . tain issues, which when stripped f all design,, present the following propositions) 1st. A Natimi. al Punk ; 3d. the Abrogutioii of the Veto Power ; 3. Distribution and Taxation'; 4th. Iloury Clay, and a Protective TarifC " . ' . First, thu Conatitution is In he violated, and the States inu.lted io being renoircd to sanction an in- V stitut'mn,' pr lhei( scnl.ia to bo inlerreT from v their fititufe to act, end a political Ciiik is to bo ' " i;npoved on tho country in order to icrpetnate tho power of jts friend, though it may, a that which . tins gone before, by reducing thousands to beggary and wont. One bad supposed the' disclosures by , the failure of ' tbe? let Rank of the United 8iate, of corniplioui fraud asd Inavery waa eajQScient tq. ' ""' "J I'wu iuq priaa oi Jmcing-Bssintliar instK i mcasuroa.of.. relief the Banlmrpf rK&71ti4 the Distrilwtioti Bill. 'Measures that Were carridifat ,' the F.xtra Seaslotl bV.'U ibameleeaj 'oartoiimr of V-.-.-..-t.-.:.i ... 1 , .... , , ' r. -.-.- "y "w,' t T. 1 vowc, niinom wnico, neuuer couiu nave succeed- - - ---- cd. lourthly, irehry CUy and a Troteclivb Ta ' T' " ' 1 r,rebr1trsl4JpmLie -' t of -the ptodihg Sialkts ate tu be told, wo cannot ':ir.""V"'1 actual vanls of the Treasury,1' an suvn a.. b as "now to require a t arif," which shall . sly " the friends of protection," " wiii:tiici ir . satml' ns JiAOK ix the max or a REVE.NuuTAitijr ir . APar;oTivis Taairr." Such i th hnguagft of Ileirry Clay in hia loiter to tho Whig member' 01 tiiff jxeori om LegwMOTOTUfiaprTJttWf'rhw- loih inil. : and such - iv tha nolicv which his friends in Congress are preparing lo carry out. , ,. -TluurxclkaaLtoxcpoal tliaDuttwhutiorv Rtlli-ihowglt '..'.-.i. its coniimiitnco ronuer it necessary to ratso Ihrea. , - ; millions moro by taxes ; and tho report from th : .. , Coininlttec on manufactures by a. friend of Mr. , ; Ciuy, iu which Congress are called to par. a tariff, , raising tho dutie 30 and 40 per cent. And in or. "" ' . . der to escape the open violation1f Iho Compromiso '. Act, and to avoid iho odium of a Protectivo Tariff, . proposing to make thirty millions of importations . yeaily, free articles, the bctlcr tu jusiify ihe,high. ' " -er tax on other. In this way the frionds of muu-. , . ""'. ufacturea aro mtisfiod, and Mr. Clay exclaims it ', 7 i maltiirs not, u whether it be a titriffbr.proltcHai 1,': .; or reeenve." Such is the policy of the leader, . " . ' ' ', and such Iho remedy, which thi great Whig pars -;j y ''-. ly propose for th relief xf the country -r-iv"- V-- -"I do not know what may be lb disposition of .-",-. your Convention irt regard to iho quotum of the ; ' PrcsidcncyV Hut whether you propose a homica." y -Hon, iho mcro expression of aa opinion, or to Icava .-. '' . tie mattci opcu for future action, I feel that it- L will grmifr our friends lo hear, that all true De. micrat here and every where, Und readyta 1 unjto heart aud hand, in tho defeat fcf Qiu grear lu.nlerr'whose Dictatorship ha given law to hi . - " own party, nnd whoso blighting corso ia to fall on . every man who ahall diro oppose hia will. "Ho 1 doubt not, it will be equally gratifying rou to . loam, (hat so fras I hive been able taJjoJIceV. .: -tnair feeling andopfuiinu, the Dcmocracyof tha ' land, stjfnd ready lo jiit in Ihe siiriort of any niari" " ; -' for tho Presidcncj, wh shrill unite irdcvotinli li ' ". -Hie" Cowtit ution, tu'llm 1rm principle oEKvpuU' '. . licaa failh, who shall be prepared-to do equal : justice tuovcry great in'erust of the Union sliall - w maintain and delend tho right and Sovereignty of - ' thu ritates and preserve inviolato tho institution -' " ' of thu So-ith a;;ainst tlir ess.a!ta nf nil Mil tics ind wlio as an cllioient LxoCniive, shall. re- ' jeet a l uielcss otlice and lop off vcry expend!. . turc, nut sanctioned by a prudent economy. "' ." . v The man who? shall- L ablo tu siablilt hie cl mu to (hi chariicirriaJn,pasL hiatorV of tho - country , cttd- whoao viowa shall bo fortifiej by hia , -coursnftu n-gard l the prcscut aspect of par. af-' ; lairs," iriay coufideiilially expect the uaitcd support of tiioJ)jinocratie party. I sjieaii not uertbtt ii fljeoce of sectional feelings when t'lty; ih my v view John C. Caiiioi k, combioe io a mor emit! eut degroeHhese high Republican qualities,' and i nmro liKoly lo carry out theso principle, than any ' ohi-r man now on Ihe political stage. ; And this I taink from tho imlieatious (f public scntimeiit'ft fust . ' ' Uoconiing Iho prevailing Opinion of ih Democratic .. pu'ty'. 1 , ' ' . ' t " . "fc ' s - f ; 1 coinniiiiiicato theeo, view without reserve,. z I am sritistiod you will apprecia'to nty motivod, and givo ucli directioq to hu matter as lo your better .'. judgimmts ahull seam riht.; ,. . - ' 1 ' jsv Permit mo in conclusion ft lender my ackn-.iwU " oilgr.incntajor the kind term in which yo have- conveyed your invitation; and to exproM my it. gret that I cannot bedt the Convention, whose ide. ' hheratimi a I trust will bo cohdacteJ'w'uh har." mony, its procccdu'? with prtidence, and that it 1 J 'sa-v. J w

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