i t " I jr ; r t i 1 .' : 1 f " . i' V;. i ii . k 'I . i H t I i i TIIU 'MAUKUTS. AT SALISBURY, MAY 27, 1M2. Ihcon, Ileal, Brandy, (poach) Do (apple) flutter, ' Bc'CsWSX Hugging, Hale Rope, Cotton, (dean) Corn, 9 a 10 so ao Iron, 4S a 7 Lard. ' . - . 8 a 10 Molasbca. . .r.O a (i'2Jl 2oa Naila, ? 6 a 0 10 12J Oats, 15 a in 4 a 41 15M 10 am 19 20 Pork. IS a 'A Rite, (quart) 10 a lJj Sugar, (brown) Do (loafA IS a 'JO 30a 35 Salt, (ba.) 1 25 a $1 50-5 Coll'eo, . Flour, 14a4c 4 50 a 5 00 Do (tack) 3 75 11 00 Steel, (blister) 10 a Feathers, 3T a 371 Do (cunt i!5 a 30 i'laxtccd, Do Oil, 73 a M) UOaJl Tallow, . ... 151 Whiskey, . 23 a AT CIIElUW, a O, MAY 10, 1345' Jkef, (scarce) lincon, flutter, Beeswax, B-ggiiig, Bale Rope, Coffee, Cotton, Corn, (scarce) 3 7a 8 124 a 15 VI a 23 Flour. 0 HO a 0$ Feather. 40 a 41 7a 8 a: a 40 13? a It) 4 a $Ti . 10 a 12 a 75 J a $1 Ijird. (scarce) Molasses, SO 25 Oat. 1C a 12j!ltice,(100 lbs) 121 i 15 fa 15 Sugar, liHSalt, (ack) J50 a 021 Do (bushel) AT CAMDEN, S. G, APRIL '.'7, 1812, f.ccr, .- Bacon, Butter, Beeswax,' ' Bagging, Hale Rope, Coffeo, 4a5 71 a 10 15a Is Id a 25 20 121 15 a 10 , Cotton, Corn, Flour Feathers, Ijird, Molasses, Oat. 3 a 8 CO 700 .17 a 40 10 a 12 33 a so 4") a tki rito.sri:i'.Ti ' or tub Congressional Globe" and Appendix. riUESE worke have now teen published by ua fur JL tun consecutive sessions of Congress. Coinuien- cing with the session of li32-3. Thet havn had such wide cuculstiou, and nave been so universally apffovra and (ought alter by Uio public, that we deem it neee. rnry only in thin Prospectus to say that they w ill be eontiiiucd at the next session cf Congress, and to itate, succinctly, their contents, the form in which ihty wil tc priuled, and the price lor them. The CorjrefMonal tilcbe la made ep tf the daily ; in piceedinp of the two llotiprs of Conptcta. The will call for increiacd expend it urea and renewed all rac pcecils of ll member are ahndfjed, or condenbed, to j ticm i,r the coming year, 42, tot the leat t of w Inch Itwg llmrn into a' reotonable, or readable length. All will be an improvement in Inequality of the paper, and the resolution ofl't'red, or motion made, are given at; addition el popular contribuiorn, 1 ti.bracinjf, we lully lens tli, in the mover' own words; and the yea and j 1 i-iieve, the test liKt lo any aimilar Journal in the world, l.ayg on all the important ejiies' inn. It is printed with The CVuricr is indepi-ntienl in it eharactcr, fearle unall type brevier and nonpareil on a ilouMe royal y ptrniing a strailit tuward ceurte, and upiil!eg tliiet. in ouarto form, each number containing 10 royal , tl hi fci inurenlot l!ic rule,ic. It i strictly neutral m ijrarto pagei. It i printed o fant a the buainc done in tonpreta lurniHiei matter ; enongli lot a. nuttitiete4-rmK iiuuijji uuv tlitiiiUri, vui vim viiiiiva mu it 11 if I vT m ueck. We have invariub!y pnu'.ed mure number tiian thcrt; were week in a om;on. The approaching henjion of CoiIgre!, it is rxpectcd, ve ill continue 7 ' month, if so, lubucrihera may expect between 30 aid 4.1 number, w Inch, together, w ill make between 5(0 and 000 royal quarto page. f- - XLc Annenilix i mftf1" " j tinm,iimwU.ffi ui Coveruutcut Uit aeeompsuy it, and all the long pcechcsof member of Congriiw, wntten'ijui or re vised bv tIjernMilves. It u printed tn the pome form a the Congrentional lobe, and usually makes sbout the I . I . II ...f .' . . e .i rnmr liuinul Ul iiliiiviipiv, (Ml ICUUIil I'l 1110 n (ecehea being do nnmerona and fa lone, we hv! not completed li e Appendix until w. or-two nn iillit .. alter the close ot the aev-ion ; but, in fiitiirp, c intend I lo print the speeches .t t'.'tl a !t,.-y hl.nl, t,o pier-J, and of couMe aiiall c.Miioleti- the wora within a t'- .v eJv alter the sejoorrtnent. ! l!ch of ihetis woilri ill cixnc'e'c Iti i!.-e!f, tut it la i fieceMwry r t- (ry ftUrrnS r- who- uet-irt a full knowledge. cf the proci -edtiiM i f t.orn'r-v, to have wi,icl' Brc '"""'ediati-ly trumii rnd to nn column, ti cs bjtb ; because, tlien,' iftlieTrc 'Uu!d bo "a7y aniit'uityT BffwNiigrai.t, wU elhujw a xcrreet aid. iu th yimpia of the speech, or ni.v din ot u or-' fnmeted account ft whateur eeuraed nilit.t, ei rtctnoKVU. puth?t;Cttim?te Ce.fir. i.n.ul t;iul.e, hv ,hPr ,l bcn:C Cfatfe-ad.-r-adcr may return to. the Ajpenoix to e liiy piici. j THE iMARKETf. at length, coirctU d bv the i. i crhcr Inn i Now. there is no source hut the Vn2rrW.ntl lil,le I ,a,""lar c9rc " r'iot n.!;i- .,,.1 .,.,.rf r... rt, . r.. . . .1 j .. ... ... ... ISHM. MU DIM , pcatox Kegmter of IK-bate. vvh.ch c i.'oiwd a hi. 1 lory,' ha. been suspended l, r U.rce or lour yearn. It i lory, ho. been auspcniii'ii li r ilirce or lour years. grCtoiuiial uual tilolo at:d A;;.et.uL, and did t.o c. t.iain an I amount ot matter a great portka ol tl. current .lin-a being ramtt.d. We .re cabled U print equa I proceed inps oemjf o)ni;t(ti. e are rniblrd te print t'.:i t'onjressktnsl i!ule ami Appendix at the low rnte. aliord to print ihtm lor dctuie the price now eli.rgcd. Complete Indexes lo both the ( 01 (reiil tiiiibe 'td Iho Appendix are prn.tti! ot the cioto el etch see no), and sent to all uMrr:!ieri for them. .Ve have on hand H.lX'O or 4,WI i:rp!'M rirr r.f tliaCotigresvional tili besi d Appendix for the f)xtra MWdObin. ivlilfl. lnnLn tiolrr rnr .n. tl.r..M.i.l .... ..I iiiarto pijics. limy yive the fullest history it 1 rr- tint has ever Uen (uhlished. V.c'iow m II liirmfor e.chi tut iK. jl , ,hl IicsmomI . lobe, sii.j si (nr the Aroei.nix. We irur"w t, lt ' suUcr.bi.r- lor the Cong regional (ili.be tud Ap-ue;ix lor iho ni'At Kitien, .ae them lor oO ctul estu. invy u 1.1 ue- nuee-Mirjr io uiiuernsiiii Uny t!,o pn ceedins tl tlio next tewii ii. Tt.o iti.jx rt u.t n.atur- discus.-.) at the hsl, wttle .bn.i.ght Uii tl !1U m xl acfSiUii, in corsequeuro el the omversal diiiifjctioii evinced 111 the laie e.eclion tvnh tl.ef v ii si .1 revel I fysteiii of policy which the power hve ntruduce.l, : end v.iiith was forced tlir.iugli CoiiKre&s wiii.out con mj t'tiy ji!iL!:c r p::i.on,'or eu-n allowing tne full di eussK.n usual in r.-;'rd lo euhjets ot crdinary ir.t r". The report r.f tSc Conn snnsi Cilol.e t i..t Aj ki..: x ere not in the lt'f.vT iVrrn atlected ly the par'y t ;n f the Editor. Tin y re given prtc.,i ;y as written eiit l y ti.e Reporters end ihe member U.eii Ivr And tlm whole re subject In l!.e- revision and e. irrc l.os) ot the fprakers, ss tl.ry pit m m review in e.or d'ii!y liecl, in case arty misuriiler-itaia.'iiig ,lt u,i.ffprrcii!a lion of their renmrks should occur. Wc make a daily analyst of the doii)..i in I'-.irer?. !! fiive our opmion in it frei ;v. but lin . 1 E 1 lift...' 1.. 1U The Daily ilotw is 10, (lie Seini-wi i kly lib .be 2 per siltuiin. i: nih'iim'r. The Weeklv liloii" w printnl id the same f,,rm a tl.o t;iriiesioiihl (ili.r -ami Ap pendix, sod a eoui;iletu index o.a.lo to it at the eeu ot 1 ach vear. T 1: ii m t; . or the t.onprefi'ional (jlobo and Appendix f.r tin Extra Kenton. l. . For the C..r.Sresi.al Clohe for the i.r.u ::m, l J,tr t',l-)'- j )or the Append. x lor t'.r 1 1 t sel ,n, pirr.-pj. Six copii J ol enl.er . f t'.e nl.ovo vor!, u i' he r. it ! f.rN.j; tv.f Ive copies f.r $!t and h 011 ui 1 iok,rtioin! f.r a .-reater miu.li. r. l'a) ineutd mr.) I e irn snotii d'l x rnail, srr finl, nl our ri-k. H a rue-ol Ibe J'usl t iliee 1 -parli:ii i t, ji.tina-!i rn are permi'ted to Irank letters eontniiiii j. money for (uhscnption. The note of any batik, current wheru a ruUcriber resi'I, j,u!l be p'cei'.u! bj us ot par. . Tii lusiuo all tl. 1 . ir her. i;e subscript ioik rinml.; n tn Wasliinpton l the l.Mh December irxt, l lartlie!, jhotij;li il m pn Imblo that kve shnll print tfiMiugii miiplii copies to fill evcif siiliMripiion that may bo paid 1 be lore ti.e 1st day of January 11! vt. . A'e allmlinn uiH be paid lo nay nrHi r vi. IU tmitff ucftmjmniiB it. ' BI.AIlt .V UI i'.H. 'aliiiigton City, 0et4er 25, If II ; rropoaed- by Having a l.rj;e qimntny ol type, j ,rticlctil, Uer ilore, Soenee, ,, , W..n.c, . e-ep ,m. the Longre.,,., , nrnr tlmt y e l up for Aj,ril.u;,urt., Much,,, Musx. eN Ife, It!,. Ainu' , Tl r"l 'ndlAPf' "!,X- 1 l,Ml !'! . U..i.ral Famoy New, ,M.r, w,i.-s a I P U.c matter Cut Nrelv lor tliete.WnrkM. we eoli H nnl ' ii' A3Mm YOU BAMi. fpilERE it a large quantity of plunk, Wcaiitlinff X and eiher building materials on hand lor Hale at the Mill of Charles Fisher, on South Yadkin River, formerly Peursoii'a Mill. alio Aqimntily of choice curled Mople riuhk, tuitablo for making liMe-l'uftiiiiire of variout kinds. Ar.y quantity of aw d Shingles can bo furnished at a very aliori notice. These. Shingle aro always made out of heart pine, -or yi llotv poplar, Of a regular tize, and rtxjuiru no jointinjr, but can be oailed on the rwf tuat as they lall from Hie awi Price per 1,(KI0 at the Mill. H ILLfAMKON llAlUUS, AgU December 31, 1841. - v'' Laborers Wanted. . . ' . WnilU'll, a number of liantln lo worlt at Iho milling Lu!-inra ut Conrad's Hill, in n. n (.uii,iii. 'I'lin nsiiivl w.aiea Mill be Liv- en, and iho tiaiida wll le pniin.lT wecfclj,- or monthly, as they may wish tJwd board tnuj1 bo lied near tne mine on reaRonaum irnii-. T. rillLLH'S ALLCN, ArcbI. January 14, 1912. IT. HORSE NEATLY BILLS PRINTED on HR. AT Tina ' THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY COURIER. WITH THE LAKUlri CHllll.ATIO! IS TUe'OBJ.B!! "'T(ibTiblThcr ol ihiaold .'stabliidicd and univerfally popular Family Journal, noCld deem it auperojjahiry lo any a word in commcmJntino of it prt or prew nl excel lence .and uecttilneNt. It unrivalled and iiicreanni(r circutktion. (over 35,( 00.) w it bcrt rccomiiii inlation. ! For the future, however, a determination lo be -mrr 1C tan of the American Ncwt-pap' Weekly I'mi, Kiliticti and religion. It will naintan a high tone bf eniwanrttcw'witl appearTn It pae which should not find a plate at every firewle. It has more than d( uble the number f conftunt trader, to that of any other paper published in the ceuntry, emliacinj; the bel families of our Republic - ' . AMERICAN TAU:s. Every one aluHild be proud to patronise the Fhi'aiicl. f UwvtwikiL''v, ) "MbifiMftVfffSrtitcrrtir nm. Caroline Lee Hentc, Mr. Su leon Loud, H The Lady . of Maryland," ProfeKSor Injrahame.T, S. Arthur, Hm., mm aoisgvucK, iiiira ucmie, auu many omen, it tit .justly earucJ iho tilte of the American I'amily A'cirf i. . ' I'ort in Literature mid ,ew. Di tern inetj to fpare'no erK'ne in making ti e Sat i rii; t'ourie-ra perfect miMJt I or a . L'JHVeibal FaiuUy .'t -ir(T, 1 1 renal intcreM to all ctaie-e and peisi i"a I t"v i i' 1 1 ii, .ie l.avt iiibile arikreiLPiitr to receive ai) the .Varzintj ted Uu in 1 1 1i.li rn, ub!y i d in liiplnulnd on tie Ci r,t n t;t, t,i i,v and ri mi. ( f !l" iMi.MMi.ir ... inrmic-Kia.i t loos . e.ri: I- , r , viMoo, l'rialuce, &c ,tlieiatcet Meek, Banks, Money .;, I,,.. .,,,1 ... . . ... ' , ' T. J ,,,,r"v,T" ' ur ' ','n' i un"" 1 'n,f"'nh!o "'J'-fM na'', ,'er' , , . ,, , 1 ' " rrn,'tal f"'" '" cll !...... 'U C"U""t" C0"-'?-n ' tr"sl " , v ' 1 TAl.tH, XARU.TIVtM, XWIAVS, AMI 1: 1(4.11 API! IK, Mr. (. Ie Ilcnti. Mr. r.r.- C.'.arxs Iticktns, (17.,) l'ro!p,or liijrralwiii.i', T. !. Arthur, J. t-'h-r d in Knowli , P.M' n, M. M'Mi. M r;., rJ. i 1. vurL'o r. : .r Mrs. ti. i. , Ju-cph II. C!,.,! .Mrs. M. til. Urn lmd, . ll......l... 1 II r' . . .' ' IT, v r k fV,.,. r", ,"j " " ,! . " htll,' ' I'n fi hbt J. Frost II, I v-.'.-i ILS7...' lion. I'ji'nl I'. I ' '.; I j i,,',!,,',,' 'i'in U; r i:.,L il yi r., Mr- CM W. n.linj, A. ('n f i, Jr., JohaNeal, ( l.l.lltl n ol ill'Silljton, I .'a y r-'oyiT. nr. - ine, i J.,.,.. , t; x;0(1 -- i r'oear' ,ra'.V Warrviir U N ; 1. i,,.,.i.' ' ' ' - n'.-. imwi. , '' " " "' ' "The tcruu of llie ('..urn-r re 4-.' aunitin, payable lvnc,t bul b 11 any one wili (.tnciate to procure " m w "ihscrdieis, and oim) trssl fr innnry nni j-t'ep ftrr " v ' rpfr,' tor eee tor each See en. "-'i'1' '"r ll. three copie lor t", it one ..py three )ts, '"r '.' : L V nt.I A ti Two copier ot the Satyr. I:) Courier, nod 0 !ev"e fj. dy" lliiok, one year, w iU b.i -tit tir n.i. Five opies of Iho Stur.lay Co'irifr, a -id C vlej'i Lilly's Bok, one yeur, wti!V soot t r s'.i'. iiose witn ttiioiii we ee!i.ms w nl silii to thir . e, or reierrin ' to tii.Tiiy obligation), by ctipyinc tne it 111 thrir e.iluu ii. PUOro.SAL.S "i, .r,... ... ii.. i r .-..i 1 ... . , ., ,1 . , . - ''J lat" r '" Le f"'"''' l TIID VIRGINIA DLMOPRAT, J T w ill he printed en Ll pa; r. weekly, ur.t 1 after rl.c next eleciien, lit ihv i.i-t oi.mior'y u,w price ot Twenty Five eei-' to n hi Kiil,.et,!.. r, i,ie r. .:( s t T Two )or, 'I'VVI'M'V': llUlJi eo'ii.s t, r I'uii ' I. I nrn. FIFTY route Ii r 'I'ru I ..!:-. tj- i.-nnl '.. i,,,... J.ti' v ir. sdvar.ee. Ii w11lawage t.r ui:eempn.irtis.:iir war wilh s'l ti e rn.uous w Iji.iHes now ndvix-ated rml u nporlnl .y thir Federal party ;.uml nothing shall he h it undone, win, h the inunt realoiia rxeition can areomiil sli. to . Hi , i ii.n entire overthrow of. tho I'eilerul faetten at the fiiiuuip; 1 1 h i-t.iHi, Thesrtielet will be Uriel. i.Hlivand luincent. hot yi t courteous l reiectlul ; F drralism in nil iu eamehtm forms aijd Protean shapes, will bo handled" Without gloves. . Wo rivHelfully sek ttinl per.i rmo- p'ronne inav hi- hcslowed upon our r l.'jts to promote l!:e sneee'sH of llie cauee in which wo am engaged. I ri!crj sil.lrefwd lo TnroeniM a Flax, will rccctvc pioiuiit attetition. Miireh 1 l-l;.v ' Lmi a a Grand-Sired by the AMEIUC AN ECIJPSE, The Champion tf America, Winner of Ibc great match race, The North against the South, 020,080 a&sidc. 'IMIEiliorougli-bred horse LATH, bred by Col. Wade' X Hampton, of South Carolina, will make hi fourth and hi" Season, which la now commenced and win ena the 1st July, at the follow ing place, viz ; at Jacob Cole man', Cabarru county, every Monday and Tuesday ; at Salisbury, Wednesday and Thursday ; and at Ix xinp ton, DavidHin county, Friday and (Saturday. He will be regularly at lit stands, public day and high water excepted. He will be Id lo mare at the following re duced price: $12 the aeason, to be diachared by let) it.paia oeiore me seison expires, uu au ui muio, nsvable a soon as the rnaro ilcertained to be in foal, or the propor'y change owner, and lilty cent to the groom. IJ7" caro will oo taxen to prevent acciucni, but, id oo iuelancc. will 1 be responsible fur an that may occur. . ft. W. LONG. Salisbury, w u, aiarcn ib, low. Tr, . PEDIGREE: Icortify that LA Til wa bred by mo, and that he wa foaled in the hnrina of 1S33. lie wa at by Oo- dolphin, hi Jam Pocahonta. by Sir Arcliy ) hi g. dam Yuun Lottery, a so by Sir Arcny. out ot mm. oincio- lon'a celebrated Lottery, by the imported Bedford out of the imported mare Anvillina ; Uouoipum wa got oy Uliiwe; hi dam Sylph, by lia-piietntoa out or Louer by imported Bedtord, &.C. Hnphestion waa got by Hie imported Buzzard out of the dam or Sir Arcliy. DESCRIPTION, PERFORMANCE, LC. LATH i a Que bay, without white, 15 hand, 3 inches hijih, with good bone, and capital action. At 3 year old, ha won lie produce stakp : tt (lurnbia,2 mile lieats. Dealing Su. Taylor f illy Misy, and uapr. Soanu's Colt. Co"vcntn n. nine other payine forfeit 1'wo weeks after warJs he won the Jockey Club Purse, 3 mile healH, at Augusta, beating Kite, and distancing Black Bird. At Charleston he waa beaten by Clod hopper tor the Jockey Club Purse, 3 mile heats; being very much amiss he was withdrawn after the first beat At 4 years old, he won the ockcy Club Purse, 4 mile heals, at Camden, beating Sir Kcnrrtth and Dorabella at 3 heats ; loting the hrst in consequence of bolting" when several lengths in advance of the field, just be-' fore he reached the judges' stand ; and getting entang led aiuont the carnages, he sustained an injury which occasioned his withdrawal from the'TurC LATH was a race horse ot the first clans, which ho evinced in his trial with Bay Maria, Charlotte Rusac, Fttd JuUy Heth( nd nrpmnt ot"rowl m(atiot,la nne, whether imttor:ed or nativo. Hi constitution is robust, having never been sick, and Ins temper pood. His color, torm, and,sction, speak for themselves. In a word, Loth unites ir himself a many claim lo public patronage, a any yoang bullion that 1 know. W. HAMPTON. WiiUood Jan. 2-2, 1-33. wiH bo seen thai ho considered him Unco horse of lljo first clax, not only from the rac.es he ha mentioned as having run publicly, but from private trial he has made with horse wi tch are now on thn I'urf, and runnins with considerable success. It will alto lo ohn rvetl by I. in certificate, that l.e considered Lath cf the tiurest timid, not to be turrnsscd by any horse, imtwricf or iidlive. I I coiiiib r it enitrHly unnecessary lo attempt lo eiiloio l.Allt, either lor In performance on the 1 uil or n to In b.ood, since, in every respect, he is so well att) tti d. P.ut w ill remark that lith hna ru t only descended from nuro lTiKdltil bus eSrne Trom. ri. cR K.th Pue, tTrafidsire, lmV and t.ruiiii tlutii, thai are ol the rutitiiiiL' blood. For iosint.ee, his aire (iodnlphin nind hit four inilet in 7 minutes and 50 escords, hit (Inlndsire, Ihe Vii.er;C'in I'.dipw, so well known at fhe North and So'.ilh, iimdi! In tune in Iho gfeat inntch nn i; the North ajainat iho South, f 20,000 aside, in 7 min utot and ;i7 seconds, which IaIiosm won with con- ruo.o i a ine o i me v i.uilipioll oi II, c .orlll. Ill .him, sired by the ronow null Sir Archy who re piiiiiiiori as n rncer, ."c , ttanJ uirfiuestioned both m Kno.lainl nod America'. Tho grand diim of ..4 77,(Hil 1,-tlery, hued by the great Soul hern Amrieur' of hoe,'('l. U. Smpleion, ol Seiuth Ceiolma, which has produced more line race horses than any other mare in the Union. Thus it will li seen (list there is united in LATH two of iho best atuJn i f the Souih, Hampton's nod Sitig'etmi' tro-d wuh Geru lh- of the North. The puli'lC li tlu'.v pruserted with such an oppor luinty of improyioo the IiIomI of that noble and use ful animal, iber horse, a lately uccurt in thit ec. lion of coiiii!r)-f U. V. L. . r 1 . . 1 . ... . . ). , PROSI'LCTCS' j Ol' H!R Western Carolina Temperance .l lrocate, .1 i.orifAy uptr dii'UJ la t!.c VVmj.eranr lit farm, I'ulAithtd at AtUdUc. -V. C, und idthd BY D.Jl. M'A.NAI.I.Y. A TrrcASiE Co.nrMtioM that w.n held at this p.ace early in September, resolved n publishing a tier of the alnive title an.l chancier, and aueoiulc-d John lu k-'ii and I). It M'At.al'.y to coiu'iict it. Crciii the many nre.iiij? enJ.;;nlent Dr. Dieknni nlready has. he decma it impracticable tor htm to be recognised as one of "the editor, thcilh ho W ill checrlully UuO all I.i influence othcrttis", to p.romoto its in:erest; the si:l)scri( r therefore, proceeds to issue this I'Dspecto iji ins own iiniue, won a no)e dial oo will lie awed 111 the nnelfxtasiu.tr. bv al llie liiemU ol tho 'I 'eintwrNorft . ... l III. I I ... .....nl... ....I .!... .1 . I soon have an extensive rirculstion. -.. ... i . io.il oiu jraj.r i.nuy O.aK" niiH.t earnest apmial while llioiiwinils nun thnn sands of dollar aro annuall) expended at theatrt's, at circifen, et the race tiack.'at groceries, while no pain an spared, t!-o luxury ol retirement and rase Itiregorie, and no labor illumed loo severe to n.hance tho inter - est ot psilitital Sspirante, can yon not do eotnethinir in a cau.-e that must be dear lo every true :riot, plnhan thropist, and christian! Recollect there aro but few very few, such papers in all the Southern eotintry. The We.-tem pari of North Caolirfi, Iho Western pnrt . hi ir;;iiiiii, nuu ine Msteru part i I 1 eiiiusfe paH'cn- j lfly. ,",f'1 p'criislical ol tin' kind, and it i f n you row to SJy woner mey mhiii navn sit . The very low price at winch it wa fixed by the Conn utioii, will iiNike if necenary, that a very larjt .rficrirtioii1)e had, -before the publication I' it can be ju.-tifi. J. ' I r.ll.ilS. ' Thr llV.ttrr-1 CmnUni faiwrauce AJtornil win bo published ot. a medium sheet, in .marlu f.ui.i. rn niiii.ber makni" cit;ht psgea, and will bo furiii. hed ol iho very l iw pneoof 'i)y (.Vntsa c.py. Wl.i-ro sitM gle comes are talien, the payment must be lua-lo mvn - riabiv iijion ihe loccpticn of the first number. OCT rosliiiastors, editors or publishers of papers, airil all Ministers of Ihe G.opel, ire tulhoriscdtiVuilH. SUiVls Vor Sac Wcvc. 0AP.D21T T A tnwirm varietv of Garden Seeds ! fur uale at the -tliryIiS- Store, hy - vi utuiuubtk. February lo, ' v OF THE . 13 Tl IT 11 0 S T jV'T U rpiIE Undemlgned have Uken out a Patxkt for n I improvement made by thenwelve in the important Finishing Leather. Thi improvement conaiat in a new mixture, of tlieir invention, which is applied to the leather, and which save Iho expense of tallow and the labor ol whitening. Ther do not ofTer it to the public without having them eelvc effectually teatcd it, nor on'iheirown recommen dation alone, but ask attention to the certificate given below by highly respectable and experienced rainier who have examined tlie invention, and being attsiied of it usefulness, base purchased rights: and also to the certificate of llie Boot and rihoe-maker who bear testimony to the quality and finish of "J ' . - HENRY C. MILLER, f) Letter to the uberiber should be addressed, Cftin (Vrore, Rowan County, N. C. March 4, 1812. ct CERTIFICATES: At flit 90ttfim. f Messrs. Rons Id &. Miller, and for our own satisfaction, we have particularly examined . their improved plan of fininhine leather, and pronounce it altogether beyond our expectation lor value; and we chcerlully recommend it to the Tanner of the Country a a great saving of laW and expense, and a giving a fiue gloa aod high finish to the leather. Being satis fied of thia, we have purchased for oiirselve the right to use their patent. . 1 JOHN CLARK, Tanner. Salisbury, j --JOTIN SLfXJP, J., LEVI COWAN. fVM. S. COWAN, 1 Tenners, Rowan County. Wo lave manufactured a considerable quantity of leather finished on the improved plan, lately invented by Mossrs. Ronald & Miller, and we consioer u 01 ine best ntiahty, both for beauty ol finifch, and lasting pro perty! JAS. D. CLOVER, ... 1 A ft. ftl.'fl'lf VV lH. J..TIU1.I. I II, JOHN THOMPSON. Boot and Shoe-waiters, Salisbury. K OTCa. -TP.UE ..Subscriber 4s opened a. Public, House, in Mocksvdle, Davie County, where be is prepared to accommodate Boarder and Traveller in a style which he hope will prove satisfactory to all who may favor htm with Uioir custoe. . s . , His Hublea will be abundantly furnished with every thinjr necry tn the line of Provender ; his Bar well supplied with a variety or liquora, , ,. - ii, t-s mill b moderate.- All riotous and di orderlr conduct will bo strictly prohibited. Call and try me. Ii K. lit II a . ...... BIRCKIIEAD. March 11, 142 H3-MILL IR0aS.-aH T WERE, may be had at C. F sher's Foundry, on t'-ouili Yadkin River, Mill Irons of itul sll dt- seripiiun used iu this country, -ZZZjZ AC Saw Mill Irons, (iudeoet sll sort, W'hec's "I all ei.es, A.C. W hen not on hand, they n ay be made to r.r.ifr .1 s kthutt nolire. U - WiLUAMSOX, HjRRlAgaBt, December 31, 1MI. rr. PKOKPEVTI.-K or THE .VorA Carolina Temperance Vmorti fpiIE Stale Temperance Society ol N. C. at it an- -- luial niretini. ilirected its Kieeutive Cninmilte In Journal, devoted to Ihe Ctuae of Tetnpc-ance. I.i obedience lo their wishe. and impressed with the importance of such a publication, Ihe Committee have dcterimntd, if tutmtient encouragement ran be ob- laiiil, hi issue tho first number ol such a publication, In be called the NORTH CAROLINA TEMPE RANCE UNION, on the first of January next The leading cbjeet, of the Union w.ll l, Ihe disse mination of ,ii.;ifjnce principles. We shsll en deavor to present in it pages, a full record of the pro gress of llie Temperance cause in jnitr own and in foreign land ot it effect upon individuals and com iin,;ti, and or -'iiial trlicle in .Ufcoea c, vt pt-n. cuples, and in reply to the variou ohjeciion nrgod aii"lit. . While, however, tlie promotion pf Temperance w ill I e tlie f, rt tud Icoiliug object of our Journal, it ta our ii.tention, that its pages shell be enlivened by a general summary of the most important events i f tlie day, and by pmlicular attention to the interest i f Agucuiiure. In carrying out this object, the Committee look with confidence lo the friend of Temperance, particularly in North Carolina, for aid and support. A new im puljo ha been gueu to the .cause in this State. Wcro tjiis the prope r occarion, wo CetiiJ teoa talc of what haslieen jsii.g tinder our own eye, vilnch would send a thrill of joy through every tKT.evoicul heart. The reformation of the inebriate has coinuit need, and is still goii.g on with a power aiVJ tuccif. which the most saiipuiue never dared to anlie ile. Give ns f.ttl ti.e rcesr.s of couimunicalicn, rnd we trust thrt sn irv llurnce will go forth troni the Capitol ol the id North State, to its r molest boundary, tl.nl will lell upon its happiness ard prnsperity llirtHiliBHJuiiijegciifiB.tH IVrmit us, then, mot rsrnrti'y tu appeal lo every friend ofTcrnprrar.ee, Morality, and giod oith r, to aid ns promptly. As the object is toeomiuer.ee with the . neur t.Hir. ...itinn ll.i. rurl ..1' o IV..-t..i ...... I... C..I J .. V. 1 . i.i. n.,r ... . u t . . I .1.1 .! . , . . ' i.i i every ini ivieusi uirn, wno I. f is sn inten ft in or.r ucccrs, and every lemperaiue Sm-ii-Iv, 1 eeme te spoi.siii.e, i.i i.nir ii i i:i: i uieier l.l ei 0. IV, Wliiill Ilil V suppose can he ciretilated in their vicn.it si.d Irru-nnl "'oir name irumeiliately, for 10, lid, ei Cii) ropje, at they may think Iho demand ol their ticighberhced n.y jnsli!)'. Iu I Ins way ouly, ctu we Is pe lor succefl in ; "ur effrt : At a meeting r.f the Executive Coo inittrc of the N. C-Tcmperr.t.ro Society, ihe follow irg renilution yai adopted : Whereas, arrangements have been mcdn to 'commence the publication of a Ti ni rrarce Journal in City ol Raleigh, on the fir.-t week of Januiiv next pioveico tins tiiocbami niicneem cstl uc oti'mmi'. .VseirJ, That it be most eamertly reccn.meiiiled to ea. Ii or the ( Mhcors of tl.o State Temperanco Society and lo tho member of the laU) Slate Convention and' to any who nro friendly to the cause, iiiinic-diatelv 'alter the reteijit of this resolntmn, to berotue responsible for from 10 to .HI Subscriber, so tlmt i,V publication may in.iiinieiiee lit the lime rjiiti-iiiol..i, ,! ' ,!V oril,!r "( ,,,,) Evreeutivc Conim itiimittcc of tlfit Xi.fili I. ta' I emptraiire Si Ci TERMS: v ",i , ' ., 1 , . . , ' , ""I10"1"1'" Unmn will be pS- ! , Y, ',k, y "" , '," n'"Vl' e,,,t'tt' Ui b ls ' VivIi?!." B."d 1 'y c '"' IH'r annum. ,Mvahh) IN jAl VA.M U Uiters containing Subscribers niiines i .n ' "iic.iiuo, piiii or rree, io . the Freasuret of thu Society, Jane ISgovvn, lUfeieli. : iWiuCaorine. b ' ' All tho newspaper in tho State aro retpectfully re , quested to give this Ptespeettts rfle or two in?rrtien.'!. mm l.T2POi:TA.Tr WORK! aow la ixicoviii 'raaLfo.Tioii A DICTIONARY DP . . Arti, Jlldnvf actum and Mines, cosTAiRiNo a clear Expot.irioa.or iusiaVxiw"iH4 AMD pa.CTICE, , By Amdeew Uai, M J9.t F. R. 8. M. O. . yj , m.l II i I AT ' ni :l . I ... Germ, llano., Afuii, djet dj-e. c. ; S . " . ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE THOUSAND TVft HUNDRED AND FORTY-ONE ENGRAVLNliS- rpiIIS i unquestionably the most popular work of if,, J. kind ever published, and a book most adnmi'.). adapted to tne want 01 an ciatsea oi toe comrouniiv The following are the important object which (l learned author endeavors to accomplish : ' ' TsU'To hiitrucl tlie fllonulacturcr, olcts! urnht . j Tradesman in the principle of their rcfpccliv n.1 cease, o ta to render Ihem, in reality, ihe'tnudcurf their business; and, to emancipate them from 1 of bondage to such a are too commonly governed ir U1IIIU flCJVW s iiw m vavauwv luunuei - ' 2ndly. To afford Merchants, Brokers DryW Drueiir and officer of the Revenue, ctiaricifn.iv. descriptions of the commodities which .pats il.r, MICH 3rdly. By cxhibiling tome o the finert dcvek.prmni, of Chemistry and Pl ysica, lo lay open tn exctlka practical school to Student of these kindred re if run, 4Uiiy. jotetcn capitalism, who may ue Cctiroas of plaoing their fund io some productive branch of iiidij. try, to select, judiciously, among plausible claimarits. Othly. To enable gentlemen of the Uw tobecornt well acquainted wan me nature 01 mote patent tcheueL which are ao apt to give riee to litigation. ethly. To present to legislatora such a clfsr expri. tiou of the staple manufactures, at may tbstiiarfe then from enacting Itwt which obstruct .Industry, orebcritt one branch of il to the injury ol many others. ; And lastly, to give the general reader, intent'tl'. , on Intellectual Cultivation, views of many of (he blest achievmeiits 01 Science, id eflecimg tliosetmid Ira nslormat ions of matter lo which Great Br i lain md the United States owe their permanent wealih, rack and power among the cat 100 a ol lire earth. - . The latest statistic or every iniportant object ot Manufacture are given from the best, and uiuaiir h official authority at the end of etch article. 'I I,- uinvklui.tl h nrintMl frmn lh Ol I ,.,!., M': 111, WV. -W f. ..V... ' . -'-.'Sit lion, which tell fur..a)12 a copy. It will be put m piper, in new brevier type, md will make about Hifl ovo. page. It will be iued in tv-enty-ore Kti.i. monthly numbers, in covert, at 25 ceuls each, payable on delivery. , . QZT To any person tending us rive doiiars at cne time in advance, we will forward the luimbcr by mail, pott paid, as soon at they come from the press. To suitable agent tin affords ! rare opportu&i'r, u we can put the work to them on terms extreme; lavorable. In every rnntiiifacturinjr town, tnd evert village thrmighoil the United btates at:d I'antda i'.b scriuerii ni'sy be obtaincJrwI(h"ine'''g Addrea. post paid. La Roy Sunderland, 120 Fuliui street. New York. v To every editor who give thit advertisement en tire 12 ir.sertioua, we will forward, to order, one cot.y of the whole wotk, provided the paper coniaimng llu notice be tent to Ihe New York Watchman, N. lorr. March 11,1842. BANKRUPT LAW. t'NITEO aT.Tia NOBTH CAftOLIKA CISTEta. I I K RUDY GIVE NOTICE, That on the firrf day ol February next, I shall hold a Court at try house in Fnyettuville, for the purpose bfrcrMrag petition a trod or " An act to csuU.sh unif.i., lent f IJ.ii.kruptcy throughn'jt the Uniied fcta'.es," and ih-t the aaid Cnurt will be l;ept open even day in su'ecefsion (Sundays excelled,) until autijt shall be jjiven to the contrury. In the t ake of voluntary hauhrtip', t',;e Artim- vide thai ail pers.r:a wlitit mr, icsiiiu .ilf- o)at, Ar-owm etotstsyoihwili, shuil no Imv: fessa created in contcqueiicfl of a defoliation ns m'J,t pflirer, or as executor, adiniiiitrstor, guarUij.i n - Irut'ee, or white nctirgtn any (.ther FiJticury ca pacity, who shtill, by petition, aeitinz lorliit'itU hct of their knowledge ami llef, - lit eY ttrf creditors, thiir respective placet of restdenre , ti j inventory ol hi or Iheir property, rights and crtd itt, of e very nan.e, kind, and description, mid tli location nnd lituaiion of each end cverjpntcel atd porthn. thereof, verified on oatft, (or ufFirmation) apply tu the proner Court, for the' bcnef.t of ll.e Act, and therein declare li.omselvea to bettnab's lo meet llieirdebtsaudencarements.sh.il Lcdcert- ed bankrupt within tho purview of the Act, and may lie o declared accordingly by a decree of lU Court. It U my opinion, that all person cotnin; wit'im the rwrr:r-.y of the Awrthotia;h thrj tnay: ;!. en linsly destitu'.; of property, are entitled toiuUnc fii. . -' I porreive in tlie uUicaficne oftevcral cflU uistncl Judet, a divertily of opinion, at I anhci. patee), on the construction of the aci, even in tlit incipient stag" rf proceeding under it 5 and I tea awBte thr.t other and more important diflicultiea will occur in the seq uel. II jt I nut now engird in a correspondence with aeveral District iad with tho view of reconciling, at far nt we can. tin disc rep, ncie oflho Act, and of iTmlng, nt IruM, at soir.tthiisj like a uniformity of pruciiee7sJ eh.i!l, however, hold myself in rcadinesa to put li e Act in operation, according to itt tp'irit and the bcsl U j .. j...., , wuvint. iai uoieoueu or not. The necessary rule and frm; loget!:cr i:!i lariuoi ices, snail ie given in due m According to my construction of the Act, IbJ peiiiion may be verified before' miy Ju.. - r lice ot the I'caco of tlita State; bul I think li e pe- titioner it required to appenr in Court, at ti.e I ' if mg, en tier in M-rsnn nr hy attornev. to .n.:n4 hwnsell to Lo imibUo to meet debu anile The petitioner trust rotnnris'e in Iii. tw ti:;. n cl Ihe item, required ; nnd it wrl be found safes! hi Hilopi Die vrry letter r.1 tho Art. lie must iiju.J th ronnty in which l.e reti.le. The petition-!, when roeeiv' ,1, will he rta-ric-!. for hearing, to their rct iH.etivo .SVu'ffJ Cowl, is tl.O Spiliig. For iiiKlniice, r.ll nitliin tho Pistrict f .V'" rt nrle, will ,o henrd nt Kilcnton : all within th District of Puinlico, vii ho lenrH rl Newl'H: ami nil within llie District el Cti Fear, nt Wih tningti n. And puhlicatiiuia will he ordetcJ r. leetert lv the Act. Tim i)is.trie.l ol AlLcrniar'e eompii-i s t!..' ""' State Di.-trictsnfF.eonu.ii nnd llnlifnx ; t' e 1M t net of Piinilieo ctiii:i,rjWg llie Distrii is i f V' j hern ami llill-borough, together wi'h nil ti "I Prt I "( l n ll.strtet of Wilmington which Ins I''110 ' Net th ward and I.nsiwsrd o New River ; at" . District of Cnpc l-;ir c 'ii.piiws tho rctua nuor pan nt nie pinto. All Uoiiinniiiietitiona on the subject ol Furkrt ev, tui. ressrtl tn nm liy nind, il in I post pu"h it inain in the nlhYe. II. PO I TKU, JuJMe V. a-V ' for biiiricl of .Vi)MtVrc.';j raprttfTillf, Janvnrv IT, 1S)42. 1 j ',1 t V ".A . A