.m iv; : ' I : u ' . ; f i t-' i .! r. i 1 . J. ; r, 4 c mroitT 1ST WOKK ! IVWIITRICttllli OrrVILlCATIOH. . A DICTIONARY OP I Arts, Manufactures amt Mines, 0NT4iw a Hi rxrowmoti or thui reiM-tnt 4M P1ACTICE. . Asoatw U", At D., F. R. S. M. Q. M. A. 8. Land., Mem. Acal JV. 8. Pktlad., 8. Ph. Hoc. JV. tlerm. Union., Afulit, 4c. J. dc. 1 ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-ONE ENGRAVINGS. Til 12 M A It K UTS.' AX, SALISBURY, JUNE 3, 1642. fpillS is unquestionably tha most popular work of the X kind ever published, tad book most admirably adapted to tho want of all classes ol the community. The following are the important object which the learned author endeavor to accomplish : 1st. To instruct the Manufacturer, Metallurgist and Tradesman in the principle of their, respective pro icssca, ao is to render them, in reality, the masters of their business; and, to emancipate them from a stute t bondage to auch aa are too commonly governed by fciind prejudice and a vicious routine. Sadly. To afford Merchant, Broken, Pr) sailers, Drugigsts, and efflcer of the. Revenue, characteristic 'description ot the cotnraodiiie which paw through their hand. SInlly. By exhibiting some of the finest development .. of Chemistry and Physic, to lay open an excellent practical school to Student of these kindred tciencea. 4tbly. To teach Capitalist, who may be disirouapf plasing their funds in some productive branch ol indus try, to select, judiciously, among pluiiHible claimant. Gthly. To enable gentlemen ol the Law to become . veil acquire ted with the nature oftbose patent schemes, which are to apt to five rise to litigation. tithly. To present .to legislaiora such a clear exposi tlon of the sUplc manufacture, as may dissuade thejn from enacting law which obstruct Industry, orcieriali cfte branch of it to the injury ol many other; - And Jastly, to give the general. reader,' intent chiefly on Intellectual Cultivation, view of many ol iLo'to blesl acluevmer.te of Science, in cAecting- thore grand I rsnf formations ot matter to which Great Britain and the United S.tatct owe their permanent wealth, rank and power among the natiuna of the earth. ' , ; The latest jUtixtica of evcrvHuiJortant ohicct ol M:3rHiri:cturo are given from the best, and usullly from ofilciat authority at the end of each article. . The work will be printed from the 2d London EJi- tiun, which sells loRFt12 a copy. It will be put on irood paper, in new brevier type, and wjll make about 1 1(H) Mo. paje. It will be issued in twenty-one semi monthly numbers, in covers, at 25 cents each, payablo on delivery. CO" To any person sending us five dollars at oi lime in advance, we will foruard the numbers by mail,' poit paid, as soon as incy come irom the press. To suitable stents this aMiir.lt a rare opportunity, as we tan put the work to them on terms extremely facorablc. 'In every manufacturinr town, "aud every village throughout the United States and Canada sub scribers may be obtained with the greatest facility. .,,ddwi:fost..4id,-'-L- Ry Sonderland,-1'46 Falton s'rect, iww lork. 4 Ta cvpr editor who fivrlliiiiitwrtiiumpnt rn tire 13 insertioifj, we will forward, to order, one copy of the whole work, provided ihe piper containing this notice bNent to the New York Watchman, N. Vork. March 11, 1S42. BANKRUPT LAW." Bacon, Beet, Brandy, (peach) , Do (apple) Butter, Beeswax, Bagging. Bale Kope, Cotton, (clean) Corn, Coffee, Floor, Feathers, Flaxseed, 61 a la 4J SOaitt 25a Ma r:j 18 a St) 18 a 25 10 a m It S0a3A 14 a 18 4 50 a 5 IK) 35a7t 75 a W) Do Oil, 00 a (1 Iron, 4 7 Lard, 8 a 10 Molast.es, 50 a 62 Nail, i , 8 a-8 Oau, 1ft 1 18 fork, 4 1 41 ttice, (quart) 124 Sugar, (brown) HU12 l)o (lr.) IS a Sit Salt, (bu.) 1 25 a 1 50 Do (sack) H 75 a 4,100 Steel, (blister) 10 1 Do (cast , 25 a 30 Tullow, - ,12i, Whisktjr, 5 t AT C1IERAW, S. CH MAY , 1842. Beef, (scarce) Bacon, . , Butter, Beeswax, Bagging, Bale Rope, " Coffee, Cotton, Corn, (scarce) 3 7 a 2k a 15 22 1 25 20 a 25 10 a 121 131 a 15 7 a , 6 50 a C21 Flour, Fcallierr, ' Ijrd, (scarce) Alolusees, i Ouu, Rice, (100 lbs) ISugar, 1 . Salt, (sack) ' ' Do (bitshej) 6(M) a 0 J 40 1 4B 7t 8 85 t 40 9740 4 a fc5 10 a 12 2 75 (7J a 1 AT CAMDEJTra APRII27, 1842. ficcf, Bacon, Butter, i f Beeswax, t Ra firing, Bale lU'pe, Coffee, 4 a 5 71 a 10 15 a W IS a 25 20 12J 15 a 10 Cotton, Corn, Flour,. Feathers, Lard, Molasses, Oats, . 5 a f? 50' '700 37 a 40 io Ma- 33a50 4550. i3MU YOU SiVVi. II ERE is large quantity of Plank, Scantling JL and other buiklmz material on hand for Sale at tho Mills ol Charles Fisher, on South Yadkin River, formerly Pearson a Mill. . A quantity ol choice curled Maple Plank, suitable for making house-furniture of variou kind. v ; Anv auuntitr of sawrd Shinirlea can be furnished at i - .... - . . . . a very abort notice, i hese feuingles are always maue out of heart nine, or vollow DODlar. ol a rccular aiie, and require no jointinir, but can be nailed on the roof just as (hey tall Irom the saw Knee ffi pr i.uuuai the AIlll. WILLIAMSON UAKtlia, Agb December 31, 1841. i - . ' ' ,, T. Laborers Wanted. WJ anted, a number' of hands lo work at v the mining business at Conrad' Hill, in Davidson County. 1 ho usual wage will be gtv en, and the band will be paid off weekly, or monthly, at they may wish. Good board may be bad near the mine on reasonable terms. ; ' T. PHILLIPS ALLEN, AgenU January 14, 1842. i jt ' . . UORSE- NEATLY AT TUIt BILLS PRINTED orritE. ao.W L'MTCO TTtt OUTti C VHOLINA DIHTSUT. 1 IlKREBY GIVE NOTICE, That on the firM tky ol February next, I ahull hold a Court at m lidiise in F-yetteville, for the purpose of receding (eiitioiisuader "An act loetlnblish a uuiforui sys, tern i.f liuiikrujitcy throughout the United States," him) lint the said Court will be kept upen every y in wM cctiiioayuuayjLCjffligjiln''1'' notice fcltuii be cueu to the com ran In the taie of voluntary bankrupts, the Act pro videt that nil persons whatsoever, residing in tln Sialc.iVc, owing dchls, which khall nut have been cwsittJ iu const-jueuce a 3ef. .Icatioo as a public officer, or as executor, administrator, guardiun or trustee, or wlule c'insjlLnSi,,',,'r liJuciary cm iHicity, who shnll, by tietitiun, setting forth to the best of their knowledge and belief, a liM of their creditors, trwir respective- pliers of remdwico, and the amount due lo each, together with an uccurute j5J.e!i'orx,yh iti,' of every nume, kind, untl description, and it.e ' rnospixixs - I 0 ' '' " '''' CongrcMlonal Globe and Appendix. IIF.SE works Lavo now been publlslicd by u for JL ton consecutive session of ConL'rew. Commen cing Willi the session of 1W32-3. TJiev have had such wide Circulation, and have been so universally approved and sought titer by the public, Uiat wr deem it Bcccs nary only in this l'roipcctna to ray that ihcy .will Lo continued at the next session of Congress, and to state, succinctly, their contents, the form in which they will be printed, and the price for tfreui. . 1 The Congressional Globe i made tip of the 'daily proceedings of the two Houses of Congiets. Tho tpcechca of tbe members are abridged, or condensed, to bring tliem Into a nasonable, or readable length. - All the resolution offered, or. motions made, are given at length, in the mover's own words; and the yeas and nays on all the important questions, It is printed with small type brevier and nonpareil on a double royal sheet, in quarto form, each number containing 10 royal quarto pages."-? It is printed as fast as the business done in Congress furnishes matter enough for a number usually one uuiiibcrLj)ut eoaeUuc4wo number, 'week. We have, invariably printed more numbers man intra wore wees in a session. J lie approaching session of Congress, Mt i expected, will continue 7 months, if to, subscriber may expect between 1(0 and 40 numbers, which, together, will make between 500 and WX) royal quarto page. . ( j. - TLe Appendix is made up of the PjtEsiDmir'a an nual mcseogc, the report of the principal officer of the Uovernrncnt that accompany it, and all the long speech of members of Congress, written duller re vised by themselves. ' It ia printed in the tame lorm aa the tTongressional Globe, and usually make about the Mine number ot pages. Heretofore, on account of the itt spcechea being so numcrousand so long, we have not completed the Appendix until one or two months tt'ier the close of ihe session ; but, in future, we intend ; id pnnUtie speeches as fst as lliey shall be piepared. an.! ot course snail complete l lie work within a tew days aler the scjuWiimcnL Each of these works is tomifilcls in xltelt; but it ia necepga,ryfiif efcrjnntwcr iber -who desrres a-fult knowlcdgo ot the proceedings of Congress, to have bulb ; bookuse, then, if there should be any ambiguity in the synopsis of tbe speech, or.auy denial ot iu cor rrctnests as published in the Congressional Globe, the Kadcr may return to the Appendix to see the speech at length, coi reeled by the member himseli. NWr4br w no sonree butthe CongrCTsioinl Otebrj -and Appendix, from which a person can obtain a full hit tor j of tho proceeding of Congress. Gai.fs nnd Skahjk's Regblerof Debates, wbica ewtUtued a his tory, haa been suspended lir lliree or four years. It, cost about f.ve timed as much tor a session as the Con- B'W&TOh GTJI and AjipenUix, aha um' not cuiitaui an equal amount of matter, a grrat portion ot the current proceedings beiry omitted. We are cnnbled lo print THE FAMILY fttiWMPAPEIt. J THE PHILADELPHIA -SATURDAY COURIER. WITH THE LAaOBST CIRCULATION IK TUI WOBIJ) ! I rpilE Sabscriber having determined on removint; to J. iim Snuih. wudics to disixwe of his valuable Plan- ithin three mile of Salisbury, on tha Stage road leading to Mr. Lock' bridge and to Lex ington, Satbm and Raleigh, &lc. j it i the asm forme.-lj owned by William 11. Slaughter, Esq., and it it pre sumed generally well known. The track contain r 3G0 A.CUEH, some of which it cleared and undor-cultivHion, tnd about ten of it firat rate meadow land, it u watereu o Crane Creek and two tranche which run through the land, a excslleot orchard, eoutitting of a great variety ol tery choic Apple,' Peach and Cherry Trrej, Thor are two dwtUinff House on the tract, the one on the road it well calculated for a bouse ol entertain ment, it being t large two ttory building, ery con venient, having all necessary out houses conveniently arranged.' and wppliod with an. excellent epring ol water. The other dwelling houae is near the meadow ground and a first rate spring, from which it it supplied with water, and a large barn which makct it convenient for packing away hay Tht above property ia plea santly aitualed, and remarkably health. The subscriber being anxious to tell will give a bar gain, those wishing tor further information can be grat-. ified by calling on tbe premises, on the aubacriber. mcu J. JOHN T. BOWLES. Walnut Ridge, Rowan Co., N.C., ) if w , AprU 29, 1842. J OF THE X KI T BUST A. T li 'HUE Underaicned havtUkeo outa Patent for an 1 improvement made by themselves in tbe important Grand-Sired bfjtkc AMEItlCAN ECLIltSE, The Champion of America,. Winner ol the great match race, ine xMonn against me uoutb 020,060 Aaiflo, MIE tborough bred borae LA Til, bred by Col Wad, JL Hampton, of South Carolina, will make bis bwii and latt Season, which is now commenced and will .!! , tbe ltJuly,at tbe following pUcej, via; atJtcobCole. man', CaUarrua" county, every nloiulay andToeadav- at Salisbury, Wednesday and Thursday; ami at Lexinp! ton, Davidron county, Friday and Saturday. H8 wSi be regularly at hit ttanda, public day and high wtt ' excepted. He will be let to mania at tbe lollowiorrt duced price me teaaon, to be discharged by tea if paid before the season expiree, and $15 to itwn oavable as oon at tbe mare a ascetUined to be in ui'. or tbe property cbangw owners, and fiity cenu to th ' groom. vJ mv win va Him w pioveni accidents, bot, in no insuncc, win i oe rosponsmie ror anv tlni tocw, : . R. W. LONG. Balisoury, n u., aiarcn ia, loi. tt, - . trtof Finishing Leather. Tha publii-hcraol this old established and universally popular Ftmilj JournaLwould deem it superocatory lo say a word in commendation of its past or present excel lence and usclulfress. Its unrivalled and increasing circulation, (over 85,000.) is it best recommendation. For the future, however, a determination to be riar in tho van ol the American Newspaper Weekly Press, will call lor increased expenditurca and renewed attrac tion for the coming year, 142, not the least ot which will be an improvement in the quality of the paper, and addition ol popular contributors, embracing, we fully believe, the best list to any similar Journal id the world. The Courier i independent in its character, fearless ly pursuing t straight-forward course, and, supporting the best interests of the public. It ia strictly neutral in politic and religion. It will maintain high tone of moral, and not an article will appear in it pages which should not And a place at every fireside. It bat more than double the number of consent reader, to t bat of any other paper published tn the country, embracing the beet families ot our Republic A.T1LR1CAN TALES. Every one should be proud to patronise the Philadel phia Saturday Courier, a by iu unbroken series ot ori ginal American Ttltt, by such native writer as Mrs. Caroline Lee llenlz. Airs. St. Leon Loud, "The Lady of Maryland," Professor Ingrshame.T. 8. Arthur, Esq., Mh Sedgwick, Miss Leslie, ar.d matiy others, it hi justly earned tho title of the American Family Xcun paper. ' Foreign Literature and Icws. locution and situation of each and every parcel and iioriiiM. tliereeif, venued on iwitli, (or affirmation) . lJl0 (Jone regional Glob and Appendix at the low t apply to the proper Court, fir the Lew fit of the j now proposed, by having a Isr'e quantity of type, and Act, and therein drcUr Ihetiiselvca to he unable i keeping the Congreminni. matter that we mm up for to ircel tl. iri!ebtsand cugiigenifiit, shall bedecro i ,fie U,1V ,rd ecmi-ttwkly Globes, standing for the cd bankroll within the purview ,f the Act, and ! Cwig'-l'ial Globe and Appendix. If we had to M-t iTipv bo o d. clared accordingly bv a decree of the .fr , , "!, 7"""-v " . co.m noi , . t i . j stord to print iheui for double the price now charged. . .1 . n ...i i IxMnplete Indexes to both the ('iipresional Glola It .Any opinion, that all mnt en.b.r. with,.. iwl J Appf m. pmi, JJ Determined to spare no expense in makinc tlie Sat urtiay Courier perfect model of a Universal Family Newepaper, of ti.ul interest to all classes and pcisons of every nation, w e le maile arrangemruts to receive all tbe Alacazincs anil papers of interest, published in England and on the Comment, the newa and gems f ' wrricintrc" nnme u m teiy I r nsiei ree t-teolmn, thus giving to emigrants, aa well aa others, a correct and connected account of wbtitever occur of interest, ci thcr at tiLri.e orsbroadrT " THE MARKETS. Particular care is liken to procure the earliestadvL rcsnu 'rclcrcnce lolhe prices 6raII kiudsof C-raiu, Pro vibion, produce, die , tbe ststcof fctocks, Banks, Money and Lamhr, and our extensive arrangements will bere- i after rriider our fritrr Ctrrrmt of inestimable tntercst j to tho traveller, the farmer, and all business clsssc I lio general character or Uic Lourier ia well known. Its columns contain a great variety of TALES, NAaRATlVIA, EKA, A 50 BIOOBArRICS, and articles in Litera'urc, Science, me Arts, Mechanics, Agriculture, Education, Music, News, Health, Amuse ment, ne in fact, iu every department usually discussed in a Universal Family Neivrpnper, from such writer as Thia improvement consist id a new mixture, of their invention, which is applied to tbe leather, and which save the expense of Ullow and tbe labor ot whitening. Tbev do not offer it to the public without btving them selves effectually tested it, nor on ibeir own recommea. dation alone, but ask attention lo the certificate given below by highly respectable tnd experienced Tanners who have examined the invention, tnd being satisfied of iu usefulness, have purchased right: and also to the certificate of the Uoot and dhoe-makcr who bear testimony to the quality and finish of tbe leather. WM. A. RONALD, HEiNRY C MILLER. (T Letters to the subscriber should be addressed, China Ornre, Rowan County, N. C. March 4, 1342.- Ct CERTIFICATES: At the request of Messrs. Ronsld & Miller, and for our trwn MKfctkn,wa have particularly examined! f their improved plan oi finishing leather, and pronounce it ajtogetber beyona our expectation lor value ; and we cheerfully recommend it to tbe Tanner of tbe Country aa a great sating of labor and expenae, and as giving fin gloss sod bigb finUh to the leather. Being aati. fled-of this, we have purchased for ourselves tbe right, to use their patent ' JOHN CLARK. Tanner, Salisbury.: ( JOHX SLOOP, Ja , LEVI COWAN, WM. 8. COWAN, . ,v Tanner, Rowan County. We bavo manufactured a considerable quantity of leather finished on the improved plan, lately invented by Meivrs. Ronald & Miller, and we consider it of the bct quality, both for beauty ot fmu-li, and luting pro perty. . JA& D. CLOVER,- JOHN THOMPKONt ATI i f PEDIGREE t the purview til'lhe Acithouh' liiey muy he ei nrely destituto of property, ure entitiel to its bene fit. I pe reive in the puhlicntion of several of the listnct Juiles, a (iivtrsiiy of I'pinioii, a I 411MC1 jKttcd, on the coi slrm iK'n of the act, even iqiI.c liwipieui stage of procwdirg under it ; and I am feuaietnei ouier unu more imitor'aiit iiitiiruii.- swn.snd tent to all subscribers for tlicin. We have on hand X,(HtO or 4.IM) surplus copi, s r.f tho CongrHSfcional (Jlobe aud Ap;iendiA for the Klin Session, which make together near one l!ionsand royal quarto page. They giv the fullert hwtory of Con gress that haa ever been pnblnlit-d. We now sell them for 1 each; that is, Al lor 1 lie Concreioir I Glotie, and ijl lor t!io Apuendix. - We propose lo lit w.if occur ill Iheseq.iel Jt I h... ix.w n.iga.l , fof ,he wat f ic,n fof r in corie)o:idince wnh hter;il Diinct Judges, 1 TUty will I i.eewsary lo und-rstand fully tbe pro- wiin tin: view 01 recniK-iiing, us ur mc tan, the ceeUir.'s ( t loe mt -cftn. I lie important matter d:crejjuiicii's of the Act, uiiil 0! (;ii. at least, at 1 dicisn-d at l lie ksl, will Le brought np at the next something like a onilormitv iff prnciici-. I shall, otioii, in conwquence of the liniverfal disrattsfcction Uwever, bold inysr.f in r'ndincss lo put tho Ac cv"lc'd ' ,l,e late election with the. vast and novel in operation, uccording to its M.iiu1(d the Utt .of r' 1 r 7.. VV- " iru.ucea, - n v -'i Mrs. I'O Hcntr., Charles Dickunn, (IViz,) Prolc-ssor Inpraliamc, T. S. Arthur. J. Sheridan Knowlo, i Mrs. M. St. I .eon Loud, IkiiiglaHf Jcrrold, Mim SeJ"wick, V m. R. Burton, Lieut. G. V. Patten, Thfa. Campbell, Miss Mitfurrl, Prolrcfor Wine?, K. L U'.lwer, Joseph C. Ncal, Thos. G. Spear, Capt. Marryatt, R. N. tn v abihtv, wlielher tt b iiniendid or not The neces-nry ruli.s nrnl furiiis, tognhcr ttitha tarilT of fees, i-lull Lc jjivru in due tunc. According to niv coni ruction of the .-f, tli clitiun inuy Le vcrifi'-d Injure any Judge or Ju" lice of the Peace oftl.is Stale ; but I ihmk ll.e in ru tin public opinion, or even allowing tne full dia cuTi(.n nuia 1 in regard to subjects of ordinary int rmt 1 lie re"ris 01 me congretsionai uiobe and Appendix are not in t lie liaol degree aflrcttd Ly the parly bias of 1 In? Ixl: tor. They ure given precicely ax written out by the Reporters aud the mciiibt rs themselves. At A flu whole are kuIiti-i-I lo liiH r,-vi.iiin t.o.l -. ...... tiliom r is requited to apicnr in Ourt, ni ll.e hear y.n ,A t!i; f p-aker?, c tdey pat 111 review in our daily ing, nlhtr in p rson or by altormy.ii d i.tare ' l.i' in cabe any iiuriinriorvtabding or uiurr-prctciita.- Iumfell to he unaole to meet bis 1 bin bm! rn in-'e i'" iheir renmrks in n'd occur. - i . . . menis. j W c make a daily analj.-n of the dumgi in t.onrcss, Mlf uetiNotirr must roiMirm; i:i l.i o. li'.on ''vc our opinions in it Ircely, but tins is piililihlnd " ...r.i .iv f 1 -,r , ni '-'v t;!T.t1fniirffPr!y.ud 1Vr1LIvm1.Ua Mrs. S. C. Hall, Prolcmir Dunglisop, M. M'Michael, Miss Ellen a Rand, George P. Morrv, M r. (urc, Joseph R. Chandler, Miss Leslie, Professor J. Frost, I.Vdia II. Sigourney, Hon. Robert. T. Conrad, K'.bcrt Morris, Mrs. C II. W. Ealing, A. Green, Jr., -.. ( John Ncal, ('Miuteii of Bleaeington, Lucy Seymour. Root and Shoe-makers, Saliburr. - rnosrLCTiH or TUB ndfijit the very letter ol th; Act t!i0 cc.utilv iii which l e rtM.les. Ik- iru.'l r:ta ri :- Ihe Daily Gio'ic in a10, tfiu Semi-weekly tilobe k'2 x r aiiiiuiu, 'i udiunct. 1 ho V ctklv t,!ohe is printed .it lip. nine form ah the Coi.'iOfiinini G.1je trd Aik 'J'lie jietitiofi-, v!ieti r.-rriv d, will bo ri fcrreil, ' n.dix, and n c tu-!.!e luitx made to it at tne ei.d of R. Penn Smith, TO AGENTS TERMS. The terms ol the Courier arc f2 per annum, payable in advance, but when any one will officiate to procure ten new subscribers, and send us 15, par tnonry and pottage Jrtr, w e will receipt lor one lor each. Seven copies lor 10, three copies for or one copy three year tor fc'J. V h V II II I ft' U . -Two cpieot the Saturday Courier, and Godey' La dy's Book, one year, wilt be sent for . Five copic-f of the Saturday Courier, and Godcy'a ldvV link, one year, will b wnt fur f 10. Addrc , M'MAKIN ii HOLDEN. Philadelphia. rIliose hh whom wo exchange, will add lo their orlttdrdlinWTempcrance Union. VpIlE Suie Temperance Society ol N. C, at it an- j.Snai meeting, directed it Executive Cptnmittce to 1 take measurra for the establishment, at this place, ot a 4 Journal, devoted to tbe cause of Temperance. ' . -Irobedienc 1h1f 1strc;nd1ftpT importance of such a publication, the Committee bave determined, if sofficient encouragement can "be ob tained, to iue the first number of such a publication, lo be called the NORTH CAKOIJNA lE.Ml'C-.. RANCE UNION, on tbe first of January next . The leading object of Ihe Union will be, the disse mination of Temperance principle. We shall en deavor to present in it pages, a full record of the pro grct of the Temperance cause in our own and in foreign lands ol it effect upon individuals snd com munities and original article in defence ot it prin ciples,, and in reply to tho varioua objections urged against it. While, bowover, the promotion of Temperance will be the first and leading object of our Journal, it ia our intention, that it page shall be enlivened by t general summary of tbe most important event of liie day; and by particular attention to the interest of Agriculture. In carrying out this objnet, the Committee look with conftdonc to tho friends of Temperance, particularly in North Carolina, for aid and support A new im pulse has been given to the cause in this State. Were this the proper occasion, we could Irll a tale of what baa been passing under our own rye, which would Mnd a thrill of jov through every benevolent heart. The rofjrmation or the1 inebriate has commenced, and is still going on with a power and tocccm, which the most sanguine never dared to anticipate. Give us but the means of communication, and wc trust that aeuin fluenco will m forth Irom the Capitol of the old N011I1 Kute, to ita remotest boundary, that will tell upoo its happiness snd prosperity through all future gMt ratiuia. Permit us, then, most earnestly to appeal to every friend of Temperance, Morality, and good order, to aid iu promptly. Al tilt object w to commence with the new year, dWy on tht part of its friends may he fatal. 11 every individual then, who feel an interest jn our rucccss, and every temperance bociety, become r sponsible, at once for the number of copies, which tliov suppose can be circulated in their vicinity, and forward I certify that LATH was bred by me, tnd tlm 1. waa foalod in tbe Spring of l. He waa irot b i. dolphin, his dam Pocahontaa, by Bit Archy 1 hi g. earn loung iOiicry, aiso oy Dir Arcny, out ot jol. Single, ton' celebrated Lottery, by the imported Bedford out of the imported nitre Anvillina ; Uodolphm waa got by Eclipe; bisdsm etyipti, ty iiKpnestioa out of Lottery '. by imported Bedford, &&' lls?phetion wae got by the ' imported Buzzard out of the dam of Kir Archy. , DESCRIPTION, miFORMANCE,Uc. . LATH ia a fine bar. without whilo. 1.1 K.n.i: a . inche high, with good bone, and capital action. At 3 year old, be won the product stake at Columbia, 2 mile beats, beating M.,Taylor'a Filly Daisy, and Capv Bpaoa't Colt, Coovenlino, pine others paying forfeit Two weekt afterward be won tbe Jockey Club Purse, S mile betta, at Angastt, betting Kite, and disuncing Black Vira. At Charleston tie waa beaten by Clod- ' hopper tor tbe Jockey Club Purse, 3 mile beats; being ' very much amis lip wa wiwarawn atteMbe first beat At 4 year old, bo won the Jockey Club Puree, 4 mile neat, at lamuen, eeaiing oir jvanoeui ana .jjorabclm at 3 heat ( losing tbo first ia consequence of bolting when several length ia advance of tbe field, just be. fore be reached tht judges' stand ; and gutting cntaiU led amongst the cairisges, be sustained an injur winch occasioned bia withdrawal from the Turf. ' V- . , LATH wa a race bore of the first el, which l evinced in hi (rials with Bsy Maria, Charlotte Kare, , and Kilty, Hein, tnd in point ol blood be ia inferior lo none, whether uniorted or nativo. Hi coustitutioo it . robust, having never been tick, and hi temper food. Hi color, lor iu, and action, spck,for (bcmsolvci In a " word. Lath unite ic himself aa many claim to public patronage, at tny young blalljpn that 1 know. . 4 . -,. . 4 WUAMPTON. ;YiUwoodJtn.22,lS3a - . - - Front the. above Certificate of Col. Hampton, ho bred and had 1.TU (rained for tha Turf, it will be aeeo that he considered him Race bone of theirti claii,--.notcnly from the, Ttca be to mentioned a having run publicly, but from private trial he bat made with horse which are now on the Turf, and running with conaideraUe'iuccest. It will alto be observed by hi certificate, thai Le coneidered Latu of the pureet b!oodynot lo bo turpaied by any hone, imported or native. y I consider it cniitly unnecessary to aiientit ta. eulogise LATU, either for hi performances on the Turf or as lo hit blood, since, in every respect; I he it to well attested. Dut will remark lhat LaiS ' hat not onljrdtrtcendcd from varxr bloodr bnr tarsT come from, stock both tare, rorlire, fm, and Grand dam, that are of the running Uood. Fcr instance, bia sire Godolphio hiadi bit four miles in 7 minute and : 00 econd, hit UraoiUire, lhe American Eclipse, o well koowu at the. orib tnd South, made hit time id Ihe great match race, ihe -Norib against .the South, f 20,000 aside, ia 7 mia ate end 37 Mcoude,Vitiah Eclijue won with eon" tiderable cltr' Thit race gaioej bint the memo nWflhwnw'-of; the Champion of thff'Nofthr'tlii" dan, aired by the renowned Sir Archy whose re putation at a racer, fa., elands unqnetiooed botb ia. KnjUnd.nnd Amofioa. The , grand-data of LATH, Old Lottery, bred by the great Southern Amateur of boraes, Col. R. Singletoo, of South Carwlina, which bat produced more fine race horse ttan any other mare in the Union. Thus it will" be seen that there it united io LATH two of the best stud of the South, Hampton' and Biogletoa '1 crossed with Gen. Coles of the Jsorlh. ;. . Tbe public it now presented with ucf aq oppoN unity of improving the blood of that noble and uav ful animal, tbeliorae, at rarely occur ia thit sec lion of country. R.' V. L. i ; many oblaimns by copying the above, or referring to it in their columns. t r l.eairijr, to their respective Muhd Cit., in j each yr. tlie Siiriti. . ' Kor instance, nil i' :lin:i tho f,'i'rirt 1 f A!l- n arle, will l heard ct I'.ili tii. ii ; nil w i hm ll.u 1 i-Uict of Pamlico, Will - U; m Nenhfin.- T I". II M S . Tor the Cotirescional (i'obc and Ajipcndix for tho last Kutra Session, lyl. 1'or the t''jrgrctitiri5l (J!ujC fit :l,u ntxt ftcn-ion, all wi'.Iiiii the HiMfi. 1 . f Vpo IVnr, U d , ur 'i'i'- t::ingten. -'"! puiiiituiio.n w ;! be ot .!ci.;d rii Ui. ' rnr ue Appemux i.r me nci session, ii per copy ttftil by the Act. 1 'I lie Diu'ricl t A!!.' r.i.nr'i. 1 , .r.-ipr i.r lln- inn ' i'r llelr'Ctsof Kileri'oii M . t,l,,x: l.e ))., , tri t of '.iinlicb cnroi.ri-,4 s ll.e l,,i ltn i ! New I fern and Ili:i-.bor.'i!i, tei tl, r vw 1; h u!l thai part id tl,eDi-'r Ct f W ilrni. -'on v.lm-1, !i'h to the Northward and JliiMuji:! u) New Kiwr ; ami iin; District of ('81 I"c.r c in.; linn the remaiiiiVr part of the Slate. All CoinmuniCdlnniE on the --ul iii t ,,f I l.t n k ru ; . ry, uiWrrMv-J t ' me by mm!, it t,,,t mt pn), vii" rcriiani 111 the office. II. uri'TVAlJudf:, I', suttu fjr IHttnct of Mwth Carolina. l'tftrJttTtl!rrJtntirrl7rtL . Si, copies ol cither of ttie luvo woiks will l,e kunt Sir .r; twelve copies lor i10, and b.j on 111 proportion ! r a greater cuu.ber. I'ayuient may be trui-smitied by n.ii!, ytsirftf jmiil, at ii'ir risk. 1! a rule ol ll.e P'i t'llae l)enirlinei,t, iKr-t.nanerM are eriniitvil to Irunk leticrs luiitaining uioiicy for hubocriplinns. Tha notes of any bank, current where a subscriber re.-iiiia, mil he received by us at par. To insure a II the inniiberB, the sii!i.-cri;itions thould be'Yri 'Weslungtoq by the 1.0th Iecetnler next, at faiili-st, ihitigh"it i piobablo that wc shall print enough surplus copies to fill every mbu ription tluit 11K1 y be id beforo the let day of January iifjt , So atlrnliun will Le. paid lo any nrdi r vnlf si the mimry uccompaniti it. BLAIR & HIVES. V.'vttng"rT Citf.tmobr 2rtH For publishing in tht City of Hichmmi, nru Week ly Paper, to be rntitled THE VIRGINIA DEMOCRAT, IT will be printed on good paper, weekly, tint I after the next election, at tho uncommonly low price of Twenty Kivc cents lo a sinple Mitacubcr. nine conira tor Two ItollnrvTWKNTY-TllltEfi copic lor Five 1 1)l ars, FIFTY copi for Ten Ifollata, payable invari ably in advance. It will wago an uncompromifing war with all the ruinous n hemes now advocated and supported by the ; Fed' nil iartr ; and nothing shall be left undone, which tlm i,Rt zealous cxcrtiimscan accoinpliiih,io efl'ect the I entire ovcrtlnow of tto Federal fiction at the ensuing ' election. The article will be brief, pithy and pungent, 1 but yet courteous and respectful Federalism in all its cauieleon form and Protean shapes, will bo handled , without gloves. . - ; . ; 1 We refpoctfully Ink that a generous patronage may be bestowed upon our effort to promoto the succosv of the eauae in whico wt tre cngageu. uruora auurcasea to Thbophilv Fiaa, trill receive prompt attention. MBfctrl'V ltt1 r - they may think the demand of their neighborhood may justify. In this way only, tan wo bopo for success in our cfluiL At a mtting of the Kxccntive Co" mit'ec nf the N. C. Tcmpcranco Society, the following renolution wan adopted: Whereas, arrangements have been made w eomtnencc the publication of a Temperance Journal in the City of Raleigh, on the first week of Jsnuary next, proiijcd HM thoisasd SulMCiibera can be obtained. Rrtolii.il, That it be moat earnestly recommended to ench nf the Officer of the Slalo Temperanco Society, ami to the members of tho late State Convention, atid loan who are friendly In the cauee, immediately, alter the raeipt of thia reafilntinn, in become rounnmble for from 10 to 50 Subscribers, so that the publication may commence at the time contemplated. ' lly order of the Kxccntive Committee of the North Carolina Stato Temperance Society. ' TERMS: The North Carolina Temperance Union will be pub lished weekly on a medium sheet, (say 26 by li 1111 lion.) at One Dollar and Fitly Cents p r annum, pavablo IN ADVANCE, loiters containing Subscribers name and remittances, must be directed, postpaid or free, to the Treasurer of the Society, Jambs Brown, Raleigh, NorlhCaolina. All the newspaper in tlie State are respectfully re Tflftci to give this Pmrpectwon? or two Insertions."- PROSPECTUS i I or TBI Western Carolina Temperance Mcocatf, A monthly paper aVsdfvj it tht Ttmpertnct Rifatm, VuMUhti ml AemlU.X.Cmni tiitti "' A TfarKtAiK Convtrioi that wat licjiTtt tlitt ' place early in September, resolved on publishing 1 p-1 per of the above title and character, tnd appointed l)r. John Dickson tnd U. IL M'Anally to' conduct it From the many pressing engagements Dr. Dickson already hss, he deems it unpracticable lor him to be rocognixd as one of the editors, though he will obeerlully tU his influence otherwise, to promote it io'crest; the subscriber therefore, procaods to iue this Prospsctot - in in own namo, with a hope that he will be aided in Uic undertaking, by all Ibe-trioAdsof the Temperance caurc throughout the country, and that the paper out ' soon have an exunaivo circulation. Friendi of the Ttmprrar.rr Vault lio you we mak ppett while muusmim uumi uif1 Band of dollar are annually expended at theatres, r ctrctincs, at the race track, at groceries, while 00 pi" are spared, the luxury of tsiircuieut and eaae foregone, and no labor di.-cmed ton tovcre to adituce tlie tutcr- fit of political aspirants, can you not do something in a ca trio that inunt be dear to every true patriot, phuiif thropist, and christian! Recollect there are but fr, very few, such papers in all the Southern country. Tbe Western part of North Carolina, the Weatcrt fA of Virginia, and the Kantern rt of Tenneec particu larly, need a periodical ol thia kind, and it i i'oi now to say whether they tliall have it. The very low price al which it was fixed by I'1 Convention, will make it necemary, that a vury lV subscriptu.il be had, before the publication of it can I! justified. TERMS. The HVsfri Carolina Temperance Advocati ' ' bu piibliahed on a medium sheet, in imarto form, oa number making eight pages, and w ill bo furnihlicd tho very low price of J.'ify Our a coy. Where gle conies arc taken, the payment must be Biado invt riably uixn the reception of tho first number. . (ST 1'oeiniastcrs, editors or publithera of papers, in all Muiibtcra of the Gospel, tre authorised agents. Wanks Vor ac Were. r

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