rTHTUTTW Mi, . I i -it-.. - i -u- W .k , -4 fBI FOWKHi HOT DSK04.TKD TO THB UNITED STATE! BT TUB COM TITVTtOX , KOB PROHIBITED BY IT TO TUB STATES, ABE RESERVED TO TBB St ATE lEir BCTIVEtT, OB TO TBI PBOPtB. Amendment t to the Constitution, Article X.- I f dumber 7 of VoVumo . SALISBURY, N. C, JUNE 10, 1842. j Whole JYumbcr 1,121. CV.V. TEHMI OT THE xiiia v. v i an e it. u l Editor and Proprietor. . r.T-!. Cibolinu ii published every Friday iflmmir. t-82 per eooam in face or ffl 50 if T, ... rJ. (OT No paper will be discontinued ' .. t?, Editor', discretion; until all arrearages Irt -id if the tubscriber it worth the tubscription ; S the failure to ootif the Editor of a wish to don t,l,.t letto mm before the end or the year nbed.for, will eonsiaen . ... -.k-- ... ,U SJ ..J MAVilMlIll fl tt5" Advertisement conspicuou ij Tlj i per qnare--(of MO ems, or ln Iwm rf this sized t,pe)-for the Art inserUon,.nd 23 cent tor ach cont.ouance. Court and Judicial advertise ment 25 per cent higher than the above rate A de letion of 33, per cent, from the regular pticct will be wade to yearly tdvertisera, ' 03" Advertisement! cnt in for publication, must be marked with the num. bit of insertion! desired, or they will be continued till forbrJ, and charged accordingly. Letter! addressed to the Editor on busincat must rnme rasa of poctaoe, or they icM not be (tended to. the amount produced. Steam it the never tiring agont man but the guaiding spirit. ... Mr. Watson, the intelligent proprietor, has our best thanks fur his patient explanations, and our best wishes fur the success which his skill, ingenuity, and inter, prise so eminently deserve. , an opon, manly, and bonest course, must in the end triumph over bit enemies, and build for himself a good name which will endure long after his tradu (HI " What are you doing thore all alono in that large house V said a gentleman loan Irishman, the sole occupant of a dilapidated building. Sure, and it's an officer I am, your honor," said Pat " An officer how so t" Why you toe, the oth ers are all gone, and I'm leltenant,? . . A Poier. As a teacher of the young idea H was employed tho other day, in his " delightful task" of loa ruing a sharp urchin to cypher on a slato, the precocious pupil put' the following ques tion to his instructor, Whore dit a' the figures gang till when they're rubb't cot 1 In walking with a lady in public, her opinion of you will not be enhanced if your countenance wears a perpetual smirk or grin, or ir you keep riancmg around dor like a monkey. A consequential strut, or mincing gait, might be avoided with advantage. Hear loth Sides." Why, it's good to get drunk once in at while." aaid a rummer, " for it cleans a lellow out." " That's a fact, it does," replied a Washington!, an ; " it cleans 4iim out of bouse, home, money and friends." ' ', Ingenious Defence. k. soldier on trial for ha bitual drunkenness was addressed by tho President " Prisoner, you have heard the prosecution fur habitual drunkenness, what have you to say in your defence 1" " Nothing, please your honor, but habitual fhirst.n 4 . , Holding the word of promise lo the tar and breaking it to the hope." This saying was trs- kingly verified during our last court, in the ease of juror who bad absented bimsell curing an inele mcot dav Dlcadins that, and the distance hn had . ... r-,,nnrf MrhMk-ty rid, a an extenuation. -And to the very last, ,nRi cover a - .Z. 7 Ilu I "4n lA th MniM . valid one. The Judi?e - - w ' aaid M Mr., in consideration of the very incle tnent stale of the weather tho great distance you ! Jive from the seat of justice your former puttctu. ality as juror and the fact that Ibis is tho first case under the new rule la id down Jbytha Xourt 7 vrj eay, ait ttiefcniiinKS being duly considered, we line-you only 83 !" Up to the time oi uttering tne 'Vords M five dollars," two to one would have been bet upon the release of the juror all laughed as they were pronounced, except the absentee ; who, wo, are sure, although disappointed at lbe time, waVafter a little reflection, convinced of the jusS ncss oi tho uue. Marlborough Gazette. cers are forgotton. MEMORY. v Stand on a funeral mound, , Far, lr from all that love thee, With a barren beath around And a cy press bower abovo thee : , And think, while the sad wind IVets, And the night in cold gloom closes, Of spring, and spring's sweet violets, Of summer, and summer's roses. ' Watch in the' deepest cell Of the foemaa's dungeon tower, Till Hope's mont cherished spell . Hath lost its vhecriu? power : And singfWhile tho galling chain 0 On every stiff limb freezes Of the huntsman hurrying o'er .the plain Or the breath of the mountain breezes. Talk of the minstrel's lute, The warrior's higll endeavor,. jj When the honied lips are mnto, And the strong arm ernshed forever : Look back to the summer tun,. From the midst of dark December Then say to the worn and weary one " 'Tis pleasant to remember ! ' s in la a a' &a lao from the Pittsburg Advocate. ' AX HOUR IN A POWDER MILL " There are comparatively lew, even of the inhab. iunti ofrituburg, who have any idea of theextent and variety of the varioua manufactures which are carried on among us. In pursuance of dotermtea. i- a -I.. i a eou Id to render these belter . ' . Uit the other dav. by way of commnceroVnt, to tle Gunpowder Manufactory bf Mi. Andrew , Watsoir, and the Mowing it t faint account of what e saw. rV? , . The Pitfsburg Powder Mill are tituatod on the north bank of the MonSngahela, about two and a h.!f miles from the city. For the purpose of les- nening the disaster attending explosion, the build ? . i tnf nf irrnnnthttnd each" 0 the many processes lo which the material is aft. rt before it is turned oul itthe form with brch the worlJ is bit too ftirnnar, H. pcrformod 1rf vparate building; These buildings axe of tdno, uod are connected together by a raiiwav , n,.i i lrfin at the becinninc Good Ciunpow- jkMuck irVatsookefenmrerrwd cUrcoal.ind for the purpose of having good char coal, young and sound wood it required, the water mip'.e being the most' desirable. Of tbeso Mr.! Uaion haa large plnntntiona whicji? yield what ood he requires, besides furjiishing a cdnsidera.ble rTttTYlT wmoer w youn ircr w . v... -- ul purpow. 1 here -are amo on ib pmnwi, t.i,ims of sycamore tur hoop polct, which, yield j,AK) per year, per quarter acre. Fonf tit plan mionswe went to the afcam engine. And here a. r fir ii which habit hat mado a second L.u. tt, nndermakcrMiB!iCCted-a """t ."-iir . . . . . Pi upon lm..fl The sticcoasof individ uals in lil'o, is, under Uod, greatly owing to their own resources. , Money, or tho expectation ol in 4tMtataKiAa kaia mmwl mnrw mnfl lKrn I fid tffanl fkT if rZea: Teh,heyrgmcntorclynp,hoirown lumi U IIHV ... - .1 ml. . .. . f nJ.a .Urn Imil.p. t The tmoho uom mo irc uu " i3ttisy?d juidrjmd jornft. JI0& jBrandaUcft .PPwed tafe ditiance.'- In directly the Spnofite Predion, the' iMm carried a considerable dit unce uader'grouad to the engine, which U dutant efforts to be frugal and industrious, and you have furnished llicm with productive cnpital4Ui6h-eth er? cannot wrest fiom them, and which they them selves .will not be disposed to alienate. This it peculiarly the ease in this country, where a man is . the artirker of his own fortune, whore the road to ealtlond honor is open to otl, Bnd where, lhaic -- - . . - , i .l i woniiu Him uuuur nvra iu mi, nu iriiciu.tuw from the plBM.wrf. tM Gov -1iilttt.nTfiWderftnd(Jr20C8,Ittonie 1 00 feet. 1. . .. , .... .!. The engine 'liat 6 boilcn attached to it,'ach HO iMhcs in diameter, and 2a;M 8 incnet iooSlna t-wimctalivull'JbuAheltofepcrdjy. The wood is converfci ioto'charcoal by bring irntin large can iron'retorrt, anJ. the gasjhat i' cvold is conveyod by pipoa into he fire und r f t retort by which ono. third f the fuel winch ouM otherwStebw nceewry, is pivtd. ,Tbe rvmlianeoua acid which tho wood tonfaina, and biek tliit process evolves, ii is irmjiurj-ow ctr. WtUooto distil into vii'iepir; as sooo at hia ar. rmsemetite f.r thai purpose can bee(Tuetod. . We followed the charcoal into the compounding home. Here, after Uavint been Cruthed between r H?n. it is placed" in a large hollow .cast iron . . ... I, i ii :i"be, in which are eonacraiie nuuiwr i uu hnn lull : Wm elobct are made to revolve rap. i 'v i).iVfa it in an impalpable iwocr. It lAtben put wiim me ouior mtiwiuKm, n the orouortion of 1 of charcoal, 1 0 ol eulphur nd;i.rhii.. into mixinf barrel," which is - made to revolve 30 lim PV :' Frirn the mixing barrel it tkoit to tlo " mill wlwre 4 large follort of cast iron weigh ts 2")0 lbs. each,' of tho ehapo of rpilltone, placed ' end, chaso ench other round a cast iron circle 'filing 70,000 lbe. Under these roller it i "ulicd for about five hourt, and then it is takon v i!ii pn-w room." In the press room it is put ,a 'aycra between cloths and boards alternately, snd subjected t llio immense pressure of a hy. "raulic premi. This is dono to condense the pow ,tef in'o a solid substance. The cakos or slabs ;"! IIipo takm to snoiher building and passed 'armiiih a nsir of eoarscrv crooved rollers, which Wit tin intn (mutt IlimTlS, Til III U fifjl i ' "Ci-i of grniiiing. Thcon lumpi am placed 'i nholvni in n rnom hi-atcd by stram for the pur. w or being dried, wheo they are again passeo iiroujh vtriout rollors, until tho dusirod grsin" " n'ltaiiieil. from the rollers tho gunpowder, as It may now be termed, pnstVs thrtMigh a hopper a revolving wiro cylinder, tho different do Rrfes of fmriwrs in tho length of which, streeu it a mnny kinds of powder ; the finest, which in " p U'lM, is luknn bnck to lo ro woruna. "1P rrmaindor is plnciMl in Imrrels, nbout 250 P;irh, which are nvxle rapidly to revolve for ' P'lrjKwo ,,f glming" it. Hut ono operation ' f n.aiuH, nnd that is tho final Jryinp, which is r 'cM in tlin mniiiior we have lieforo descnl)eil. ,' """n taken in tho packing house, and from ' f Ii tlm imghtine," which is a firo proof Hiding nt , ,2 dmtunco from ha rest of the works, . -7- - e ennnot in n newspaper article give a minute '""unit of t!ie maniifnluro, but wo trust aufficiciit u in. , ,0 -yB retjnri Bome notion of ' were struck in our wnlkt through this ' ""ilf'ictnrv villi 1 Via Tkih wmlm.ii omnlnviut. '''i Mmpa'ed with tin extent of thfl works and Everett hat well said, that 44 the times, and univer sal experience, abundantly admonish, that however the children of wedth mat indulge io indolence ' ar.u ditsipition while their meant last the great ma?s,of Americans must and ought to depeua not apoa tlwir own fortunes, but their usefulness. For tuno. it at best procarious f patrimonial dependence is uncertain, and rolianco on the friendship or charity of the world, or npou office, is frail and de. basin?. ik'If.doDonaence it tho onlv sure stay We aro ever willing to bain those thathelp thorn' selves. Productive ttbor is tho legitimate source of wealth, individual and to the nation, in proper, tioti to the measure of intelligence and scientific knowledge which cuides and directs iMwperations. Ilenge it is or primary importance that pur youtn should bo rfleciually .imbued with that kind of knowledge which will instruct them la the princi pics of ihcir busines, rendor .it honorable, and make therft independent in their" mindt and their fortuues." J- . A NEW RACR OP WKI.SII INDIANS." At the last meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, in a communication from Sir Jamce Al exander, on bis late travels in. tho Rocky Moun tains, a reference was made to a singular race of Indians livini lar in the interior, who were de scribed of a fair complexion, 'wBawinjf a eupcrior knowledge of the arts, and speaking a! language of! themselves, who was cotwtderefl tmgnt re ine .'lost WeUh colony, who, if they still existed, it must be in a parallel of 43 degrees latitude. A colony, it is known, left Wales under Prince Ma doc in 1169, who, tired of tho wars in their own emmtrv. wt "'I n tlisrnTrr f""1 Some of theso returned to Wales, and gave fa From the Elevator. THE FIRE-DAMP. ' fav raortxnoa 1. a WAaPER la England, where the coal is all dug from deep underground mines, a peculiar gas often collects in such quantities aa to be very tangerous, because it is not onryjntlammable, but when mixed witb tne oxygen gas of the common air will explode violent ly wnen a name cornea near it, , I his is called tire damp by tho minerswho have creut reason to droad it, aa (hoy require the light of lamp to pursue their arduous toil. We shall furnish upon another occasion a description 01 Davy t tatoty lamp, which ta lustly esteemed one of tho most triumphant ap plications or scientific knowledge lo practical pur poses in the whole range bf the history of the arts. 1 be chemical name of this tras, is carburetted hydrogen-; thowin that it is composed of two in. flammable substances, carbon, or charcoal, and hydrogen gas. It is not found in coal mines alone, bu occurs when vegetable matter decays undor peculiar, circumstances, especially when leaves and attcka accumulate And rot in a muddy pool. . The following grapmo accounUa Irom-tbepoB of -fwosev u Liockwood, prime actor in tbe scene be to woll describes, that we leave the mode of collecting and experimenting upon this curious compound o be gathered from hit own word. Ex. 1 he student! at West Town Boarding School, Cheater couoty, Pa for want of a better place, bathe in a mill pond of very limited extent., Ches ter Creek, a mere brook, enters at the northern extremity. The banks on all tides are covered with timber, from which an abundance of leaves and decayed wood find their way. iilQjand. Thence the great quantity of gas, that every per son wading in the pood must have noticed. .t 1 nrsi viattedjho place lo the year ana on noticing the gas, determined to collect some for the' purpose of examination. Taking a apparatus a belLgbiaa furnished witrraratopockTl taper, and as companion an assistant leachcnn tho school, we proceeded to the pond, readily filled the recciv era, and fired the gas i&wing from the stop cock. e next proposed to burn the bubbles at they gat ascended up in large quantities, attoruing an admirably tucccsstul experiment. No a toner was the lighted taper brought near the surface of tho water, than we found ourselves cnvolopcd in flames. To retreat wai of course tho first imuluse. ,? Fire and water though usually antagonist elo monts, in this instance formed an alliance to friend, ly, that to our amareincnt as well as our conster nation we were pursued to the vory banks. We however escaped with but a slight scorching.. We toon found means, however to repeat tho experi ment with perfect impunity. This was dono by selecting a position where the water. was three or four feet deep, lying upon our backs with our legs extended ; and allowing no part of our persons lo touch the bottom except the feet, over which tbe gat might Iw inflamed, and would continue to burn as long as the leaves were stirred bcnoalh. In this way we could cause the flame to follow ut several rods. Ry raising the feel at pleasure it would expire. 1 Witli ibis experience, we determined to repeat the experiment iu the presence of the scholars Their next visit to the pond was tVferred till eve ning, that darkness might render tho phenomena moro imposing. Tho boye were simply informed that " Master Moses was going to set tho pond afire," and thai their assistance would be necessa ry to tho (satisfactory performance of the expert ment. The usual preparation for bathing betnj mane, tuiy of the lest timid entered the water, with the injunction to atep as lightly as pjbl till the pond was discovered lo be on firowhen all would be at liberty to proceed at would besl suit their inclinations. W e toon canw to a favoraulu spot, and the gns beginning to como up freely, a lighted Upcr was brought near tho surface, when ftibonl ll.tinu played upon our not do. 1'hen, a wistful look wns thrown up m the other that was equally impracticable. Ilia reso lution was then taken, nndvas a dernier rosort, no atruek boldly down the current, inakins for tho recumbent trunk of a tree which the flood had de. posited on the very brow of the; fall; wliejo it lay athwart the stream. Tho oflort was successful the barrier to hit imponding descent wat gained, and throwing hit paws over the log, he drew him sell partially across it, and peered down the anyaa he had ttrurrelod to tiard to avoid. n r...T 1 ! . ... f l 'j...-. 1 itrt-.l t -J ruor launiui, litnoving oruio 1 11c usu nuwju barrier between him and tho lean he dreaded but to no purpose, 2-Aid could not be afforded. There were no tneane of retelling him, when, to put an end to hit suspense, a rifle was brought and a ball driven through the creature's head I A, death spring raised him over ihe (alien tree, and the poor brute wat loat amid the confuiion of the descending waters. llocheeter .dtocu. WfLLlAMPITT. Pitt, tall and slender, bad an air, M once melan choly and sarcastic. Ilia delivery wat cold, his intonation monotodout, his'action scarcely percep tible; at the same time the lucidnose and fluency of hit thoughts, the I031C of bit arguioenU, sud denly irradiated witb flashes of eloquence, render ed hit talent something far above the ordinary lino. I frequently law Fjfl: walking across St. James's Park, from his homo to the palace. On this park, George the Third arrived from Windsor, after, drinking beer out of a pewter pot with Ihe farmers of tho neighborhood i he dVove through the mean courts of thit mean habitation in a grey chariot, followed by a few of the horse guards. This was the matter oi ihe Kings of Euroite, at fivo'qr fcix merchants of the city are masters of India? Pitt, dressed in black, with ft Heel hilled tword by. his edon you to solicit jho honor of your acquaint ance." Vtfei Vr, lalpy vaiaiogue. AN OLD NEWSPAPER. There is nothing more beneficial to tho reflecting mind than tho perusal of an old newspaper. Though a silent preacher, it it 'ono which conveys a moral more palpablo and .forcible than the most oliiborato discourse. At the eye runt Iowa Ut dU minutive nod old fashioned columns, and poruuea its quaint advertisements and bygone paragraphs, que -lions force thomselvet on tho mind where are now the busy multitudes whose namos appear on these pages 1 were it the puffing auctioneer, the pushing tradesman, the bustling morcnaui, ine calculating lawyer, who each occupies a space in Hut chroni cle of departed time T Aras! their namos are now . only to bo read on the sculptured marble which covert their asbesl They have passed away liko Ihcij forefathers, and are no more seen 1 From these considerations the mind naturally, turns lo Ihe period when we, who now enjoy our little apaco of existence In this chequered scene, shall fiavo gone down into tho dust, and shall furnish the tame ' moral to our chiWren that our fathera do to us T I ha sun will then shine aa, bright, the flowers wilj bloom at lair, the f.icerof nature will be as pleasing aa ever, while, we are-reposing in our narrow coll, heelofcs.of every thing that once chatmcd and delightoa ual ' . i ,". Mr.- Adam Mott gives the following statement In the Mafno Farmer F . l, " A friond of mine, who residot in'' Industry, iff this State, told mo that hit wifo was aick of what tbe Voclort called, the Consumption, she was visited by four physicians, who gave her over. She was very sick was unablo to ait up had a very severe cough, and grew no better, M but re titer worne ' she tailed very fast. She recollected that she had before received bonofit from tho use of St. John's wort; her husband procured aotne of it, it wat steeped, and she made it a constant drink for four or five days there appeared to. bo. but little alteration; buUafler this she grew bet to f very fast ; her health was so much improved that order : ho had no regular hours for his jncals, or. ifti he course of sis or etihtweekt she was able to for sleep. Over head and ears in dout, ho paid 1 resume her customary occupations She commen. nobody, and never would take trOubla to cast up ced weaving, nnd wove about 40 yards of cloth. During this time the made constant use of St. John's wort tea What hat been dono may again be dono. It helped her: it may help othartj! side, and his hat under his arm, ascended," taking! two or three s!eps at a lime. '' In his passagef hor only, met with three or' lour emigrants whojiad nothing to do ; casting on'ut a disdainful look, he turned up his tiosc, and his pale face, and passed on , At home, this great financier kepi no sort of a bill. A valet chamhre mans his bouse. Ill dressed, without pleasure, fithoui passion, greedy of power, .and honor, be would nut be anything mnra ikl'n Witliam P.lt - 1 mora than WiHis:n Pitt. -frthonromftrJu Lord .Liverpool took me' to dine at his country' house. As we crossed Putney Ileal h, he showed- me the small house, where the ton of Lord Chatham, the states man wh5 bad Europe in his pay, arid "distributed t The tea ma-fiw made as you would make pep. - pcrmint or any herb tea to drink by merely steeping the berb in wator. -The hord rrtay bo gathered any' time after it is largo enough bttft the best lime for pothering it is during the seventh . month A supply may now doubtless bo found in with his own hand all the treasures of tho world, ! almost every hay mew where there is any hay. I died in puvertyCiarautria-ii. much approvo of this simple remedy. A Ludicrous Mistake. Passengers by railroail I l)cpatches.la tho Srnato a day or two ago, should be careful and got into the right cars. A Mr. Buchanan said that while he was ambassador ludicrous mistake occurred at the depot in litis 1 at St. Putorsburp, his despatches from Washington town ia.st week. by s neelcct oLsuclLcaulioiVA licnt by mail were regularly opened by every Kit" gentleman and bis wife wishing to go- west took frnpeon Government ih rough whoso territory they scan in separate ears, ioe gentleman naving wanca passed so that when they rcachod him the eaHo unlit tho train wis. about starting, to transact some business. Before be had proceeded far, he found I hinnclfjninuaA wife, aiidiui inquiry wsiTitiiiiiedtseni that he had placed her in ono ot liia cart of the Eastern train, and thai the distance between them was increasing at rapidly at the wings of steam could accomplish U. lie got otat the W. Srtrinj field depot, and the JaajLwLi,w?of.iiira, la. wa trudgidg'TaggSge""iB hand, back to Springfield Springfield Gazette. t on-Ihe sal -wfbrnrraHMffixodTooKeirfiko a turlicy 4 . V- 1?... f - . .1 , . ' , uuuiiu. i'J mitoireaii AiuTrniiniiin l.iihih-ti clpalcTiesby mail. A a Indian complained to a retailer that (he prion of his Jiqaot was too iiigli. The latter tn pwificj' iionjaid )il,jt co uc4 t keep' -ho)rshcaT of tirandy as to keep a cw. The Indian replied : " May-bo he drink as much, water, but ho 00 cot so much bay." - - , The Pittsburg Chroniclo has perpetrated the best thing wo have seen for a long lime. Hear him : 'Dr. Ezray Dliss, Jr., hat etcapeJ from tho custody of the Shentr of Johnson county, Iowa. We presumo he may bo styled unheardof Bliss .'" Deacon of the Old School. In the days of Raillie Nichol Jarvie't father, tbe office of deacon wat esteemed no mean distinction. Two worthy incumbents, not fur from tho banks of Ayr, hap pened to be invested with the above named dignity on the same day. Tho more youthful of tho two (lew bome to tell his young wife what an important prop of the civic edifice he had boon allowed to be come; and searching the "but and the ban" in vain, rao out to the byre, where, meeting tho cow, ho could no longer contain his joy, but, 111 1I10 full noss of his heart, clasped her round tlilTKSik, and it is cve.i sail kiased her, exclaiming, "Oh, Crummic, Crummic, yo 're aae langtr a common cow now ye 'or the IX-acoti's cow !'' Tho elder civic dignitary was a sedate, pious pers'in, and felt Election Anecdote. At one of the late Election an old i:ian, with a purple and orange favor on his coat, joined the crowd mounted on a d nkcy, pro. luscly decorated witn blue nuoans. " tioiio ! mas tor, why you are for both aides." " Oli no !" " Why you wear the colora of h;ith parties." " Why, you. see, I dunner like coercion ; sol gu wi' my party, and let my ns go wi' his'11." An ablo and impartial Loudon journal, of f) moc ratio principles, takes the following view ol the present position of the United States : The pr -sent position of rhe United States is aa anomaly in the history of nations. Very poor lands have very poor exchequers ; very indolent people amass little national wealth; but, rich 11 natural treasures, potent in the energies of their people, the United States are tho first mlton, with means unlimited, utterly destitute ol national cred it. After the war of independence, the Union made gigantic and successful elFtrts to earn the endowment. ol an untarnished nime in money mat. tcrs. Of late year, however, the doctrine t!ul rather " blate in allowing to his wifo that he was ,m0 veneration, nr even one set of administrators of uplifted about this world' honors. As hs thought, ! .muhc nllairs cannot bind another, has mado such however, it wat too good a piece of news to allow j progress among the separate States, an I has been her to remain any time ignorant of, he lifted the latch of his own door, nnn stretching hjslioa.iLiit-.iaggrogt-H clean gone. In tho city of Lmdon, "Wards, iveiiy I said he, in a voice that mado Nelly all ears and oyes, "Gifl ony body comes spierin" for ' the Deacon," I'm just owre the gato ,at John Tamsnn's !"-Ayre Advertiser. vorable account of a new country, to which they induced many others oljheir own countrymen to go; but tho expedition hat never but onco nocii imce heard rf. Iu 1610, a Welsh clergyman having been taken prisoner by a tribe of Indians, was doomed to death ; wheii lie solicited timo to pray, which he did in his on language. Thit nltracted the "notice of one ol ihe Indian, who ro. cogni.ing his language, intcrfcrfd and taved hit life, and took bim to tho descendants of his own countrymen, pn his return Irom whom he testified the circumstances on oath before a Court tt Vir ninia. A vounif Welsh centlcman at New York had started thence tart August, for the purpose of endeavoring to' reach this lost tribe, Ins intended roiito being to Santa Fc, AfC, from whence he ui.mt.l mm thn Itnckv Mountains by the hrtt caravan. Ho lint hoi slnco been heard of, but the result of his inouirv is looked forward to with considerable interest. Examiner. - 1 ?' ''' S An honert man need not fool lbe assaults of his Talent will bo appreciated, induitry will ho rrwardrd, and he who pursues, in tny calling, unprotected bodies, and cast a gloomy light upon the surrounding forest, disclosing here and there amid tho thick uudorbush the pale faces of their shouting companions who remained upon the bank. In the hurry, the injunction to atep lightly . was forgotten, and the genera) stir of tho leave which took placo extricated tho gas in such abundanco that tho flames roue several feet above our bends. As they sops rated from me I raised my feet from the bottom, and found it much moro difficult to suppress my laughter than to extinguish the flames. . Alas t Poor Dog Tlierfl wat a dog cataslrp. nhe at the Uprer Fills, on Wcdumduy, lhal wil bear a passing remark. It seema a fmo water dog wat playing about the Railroad bridge, wlion some thing wat thrown into thQ river. -Tho dog, truo to his instinct, plunscd in for its recovtry, regardless olthe strength ot tho current ihnt? was carrying tho object of his pursuit to the boetling brow ot the catarnct.-N'o sooner did ho strike tho water, than hit ' half reasoning ' powere told .him that, the dread plunge wat impending. Heroically he alrug sled lo.slcm the current, but in vain. Then ho I vefred momentarily toward one shore that would "T3" mail ptrmaneiU Marking Ink. Take 61 so fully embraced by many, that the faith in tho in New York itself, there are doubtless many men whoso word is their bond ; but President Tyler, in a message which he has just sent to Congress, do clues that the Union cannot obtain credit 011 any terms without giving some 3cun;Y 11 r'" 'irrr rongrr authori2'd I isiis to the extent of $17,. I rt i rv ia . 1. f,. I ,.. . t cents worth of lunar-calic, and, having put it in M".5 u "r; '".a).,.i ,ne government an ounce vial filled with vinegar, cork u tight and ' f"""1 f-'' f,r ,e,rm TK "K)T hang in the sun. In u couple8 ol days it will be fil j "."S ' ,B : "P'J; f h frJM - ' askel to be allowed to pledge the land fund, tho To make the preparation lor tho l.ove, take J'rc't which Coos.e. has ,ju, enacted .hall lump of pearlush the' six. of u cliesnut, and d.ss.dve j b9 J'nbu.od among t he several State.. 1 n? K. illlBJ, SWJT wix. ll'irj tlivifj S U in a Tl t tain uinlnk ill at mm wbk i, , - . f t mv HilA . A .1 . . . is lobe written ! ".ency o. w,. m; ,no ino m.i.tary wt,. upon is to be wet with the preparation, and dried i mj"5 '"r. ,n" J' 10 and glazed wilh.a worm flit.ron; .mmoJiatcIv al- "f ,r.,;r,,n8 ,h '"J he will tor which it is ready for marking. , f" "T 1 J '5 ' .'. ' d' Cm- A tittle vinWar. in which a rusty nail has re- ' Mr' fyler, like r Robert WI, haa . t.n.l . n nvirk on linen V .'.. . . - ...r. iv lay 8 diii, ine unites tu u.e very restrictive Unit were to bo gradually reduced uotil thev stood t maiiind for a few days, makes nhich i1' not easily obliteraird cominonly called iron-mould. forming what is A hobloman, who had a splendid library, nnd( wanlud a copy of a very rare and magnificent Itonk was informed that it had been bought by a trades, man of Paria. "Then," said ho, " tho book will be mino ; for 1 will make an ofTer which no trader man can refute." He waa introduced to tho pos sessor, who was M. Rononard. When ho tnw his library', and discovered hi tatto and learning, he dropped tho idea of bribciv, and taid, " Sir. 1 call. v;0 per cent, ad valoiem in Septctnhcr, 1? 12. Mr. Tyler proposes to restore I ho restrictive tarill; cutting ofl all chanco of increased import-rcvenuw. Tlie result ol that enlightened Hilicy is foreshad owed in tho pat. In :ho thirty years ending IP.10, tho import tra.w from the chief country of F.uropo had dccreancd ; and for forty years, all tho principal exports of natural produco; remained sta. lionary, with one exception the export of cotton to F.ngland. The restrictive system has effictu. laltv rcMrirteJ the growth of the national wealth. - -it ."..c '"ill '" r - ..... , . , -, . ' 7.'

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