n i w if '4 t . it 1,? , ! J, l C..rrf.;imt,'!, f oi" the lLtt.,,, ., A rGt'sTA, (Mi:.) Thursday noon, May SO. I enclose you herewith a copy of the Report an I Resolve in relation to th North Eastern Rounda ry, adopted by the Lpgi!jttiro of. Mitine this .lay. Immediately after the passage of trie Resolve the two branches of ihn Legislature nipt in Convention, nnd elected the following gentlemen. ai Coiiitnis loners : 1 . IIn. Edward Kavaxach, of Newcastle. " I'.dwahu Kent, of Bangor. " William PiTt rKLBLK; of Portland. " Jottx Otis, ot Hullowell. f" In great haste, yours, Ac. llctoltes inrelaHon to the North-Euttrn Bounda ry of thit Slate, i Wlmre j.xl4irjdlng Legislatures of this Stale, in conforcniiy with the well -nettled conviction of nil the people thereof, aid with incnntrqvertil!d"evi dence before them on the subject, have uniformly dechred that the Boundary ot Maine, on it North em and North Eastern frontiers,.! design'tled in the treaty of 1793, can be 'aid down, and fixed ac cording to the terms of that treaty ; and that such line embraces all the territory over which this State claim property, sovereignty, and jurisdictwHi ; and the Executive and Congress of the U.iitod States having recouniwd the validity of that claim ' in its full extent, this Legislature renews inch de clarations in the most solemn manner :and " Whereas for a rerien of years, every attempt to adjust the vexed questions in regard te the estab lishment of the said llotindary having proved inef Ntw Vojjk, May 22. TEA T1WUSAM) LIVES J.OS'i. . TREMENDOUS EARTHQUAKE IN THE ISLAND .OF ST. DOMINGO. By t't politeness of Capt. Morris, of the brig tt'm. Nolson, from P.rt an Prince, wo have " La Patriots " of the lltlv May, published at that place, 'whioh give an account of shocking earthquake (tint occurred in that island on the 7th May, at 5 o'clock in the evening, 'J'he principal destruction of life, of which we 1mve nnaccount, was at Capo llaytieii, which town was entirely destroyed. It contained about 13,000 inhabitants, two lUifU of whom are thought to bo dead. ' The approach of the earthquake was indicated in Port au Prince by great heat, and heavy clouds that covered the jiiijMjriiig hills, and followed the direction ol the &iutuWot to il'lio North East The vesscnifttrtclior, some of the sailors report, exjieriencetl the shock before thty'saw the houses agitated, which seemed to indicate that the shock came from the west. There were two shock at Port au Prince very distinctly ,1'clt, the first-uot s long as the second, which last '-endured ' abouVthrce 'minutes, i Every person at rove to get nut of the houses, and tho streets were filled with tie affrighted population. A little longer, says the Patriot, end Port au Prince would have been the theatre of disaster similar to that of 170, ot which disastrous year the re membrance was rushing into all mind J i The Patriot also savs that there is hardly a house or a wall that boa not suffered a little. Some j , . , ! I t ' ' V'1 ' are sculptured, is detached audi broken. The in. (erior wa uninjured. '.. '" . ' .l)n Saturday night succeeding and on Sunday there were othor shocks,. Mast as interrupted, . i f j :- t ... r l' . ', 'l ' 4 1 "7.1- , ( -. ; i - feclnal. it has been renresHiitiul to the (Invprnmont nflhia State, thnt Hie MiniKter Plonipotenlisryndj '"Vtt Income almost uninhabited The froat.or Si)ecial of llcr Rritannic Msjeslv.at Washitu-ton.l '- Senate I loiifc, Where. the armjSf Qie Republi(f hMoRirnlly annou.nrM to tno Uovrrnment ol the United States, (list he baa authority to trc.it (or a conventional line, op line by agreement, oa uch lerms and coirl'it'ious. nnd with such nonsiileraiionn and equivalents atniwy be though just and equit.v nnd Hie persons present ran pinner aui? twjucr, Die ; una liiai tie m reauy to enter poo. a nceotm. ! " . "y wy ." - another chock. The weothor all the while was changeable, now extreme heat, (sow rain, now fair, and now signs of a storm. ' ' i b.Ot .Tuesday aaio tUere v. a ano;ltersloek and sinco then, nsys tha, Patriot, it seems to us that wo wnlk upon a quaking eurrii." & 8aint Af abc A . letter fionv this (ownsays that tho earthq'ialte was felt there jyitlij violence. Many .houses were seriously damaged', and sgtno destroyed but no loss of life is mentioned. At Connives the shocks were yet more setioti?. The greater part ol the houses were overthrown.. A fi;c hroko out nt the same time, nnd there was (not a- drop of water in town. All the houses that were not burnt. sutlered from theearthquakc. It Courier ihi i .iris en million The Tronlle in Morocco. T Dolt Unit h:is received Irom is (Unit a more lull account ol li.o troub.e between our ex-ConituI at Tangier, Mr. Carr, and tho Emperor, than we have been able to find elsewhere. We Ihetelore furnish a translation: "The consul of Ihe United Slates bad been recalled by his Government, wlvich gave him liberty, ho wove r, to leave his post immediately, or await the an ival of his successor. Mr. Carr chose the former, and pobilckly sot about making prepar atious to that end. The, day arrived, and just as he was going on board, the deputy Governor sent wonl to him, by the captain of the port, that lie must not leave the place without an order from the Ivunctor. Remonstrances were use loss ; Mr. Carr was preparing to embark on board a steamboat for Gibraltar, when he was again stopped by order of the deputy Governor., Ilis colleagues, who had accompanied him to the vessel, joined him in protestations against this proceeding, insisting on tho. efficacy of the permit granted by the Emperor, but all to no iMirposo. The deputy Governor declared that Mr. Carr would not be suffered to depart without an authoiization from the Governor. " VI r. Carr attempted to go on board, when a soldier of tho guard seized him with violence ; Mr. Carr prepared to defend himself with a sword cane, but the other consuls interfered and advised him to resist no farther violence committed upon him vas sufficiently marked and positive. "The consuls then' held a deliberation upon this indirnity offered to them all in the.person of their colleague ; and it was resolved that the consul of the United Stales should lay the matter before the Emperor, demanding satisfaction for the insult by tho displacement of the deputy-Governor, and the punjshmenf o the soldier who bad laid hands upon the representative, of the United States. " The reply of the Emperor was very far indeed rice versa, in rejirJ to the FloriJa war. W hen our l.i; ' -.t li.!;-s lira raised, we are sure to got a check'.f despondency, nnd when donrcssed at the lowest ebb, have again our feelings raised to the highest notch ol expectancy of relief by the end of the war. . Tho tyw by the last night's mail is again moat cheering. O ti-a ki, the refugee Creek, has met Hallock Tustenuggee's peace talkers, and acceeded to their propositions and baa promised within ten daya from yesterday, to bring the whole of his band In to Cedar Keys, and surrender. Ilallcck is sure of the sincerity of O-ti-a ki, in consequence of which, five companies of 2d dragoons havo tieen ordered out, and a further reduction is ordered of the Florida establishment. ' " - A. SAD TICTURG PF THE TIMES. The Louisville Advertiser aays: , " A lew days ago in Hardin county, a cow beloncioir to a respectable citizen, was seized by a constable for debt, and advertised for sole. The people of that neighborhood had pledged themselves not to bid oQ property sold on execution. , On that account,' when the day of aale arrived, pone of them attended. "A minister of the Gospel, who belongs to another settlement, a man who professes to teach, the precepts of the christian religion, came to the place of sale. He was the only bidder. He bid just one-oil, and the cow, a very valuable one, was struck oil to bim at that price. He drove the cow, home, paying for her just twelve and a half cents." . , Beautiful Extract The fact of Gen. liar riaon'a election will of itself powerfully contribute to tbe security and prosperity ol the people. Con. fidence will immediately revive ; credit will be re. stored, active business will return, and the prices lion for such conventional lino as soan art he Govern Wnt bf,lhe United States slmll say thntlt i au thorized, and ready on its part, to commence such negotiation : and Whereavtlie GovM.tjrocfatoJmlcd'nip! pot possessing the. constitutional power toconclude flirty such negotiation, without the assent of Maine, has invited the Government of this State to co-op erate to a certain jrtent, nnd Irt a certnip firm, in nn endeavor to terminate I controversy of so long duration : . Now, conquering' t!ie premises, and believing that the People of thi St:e, nfter having u!rc;n!j m;inifWte. a forbearance, honorable to th.sir ;haf acter, under loii coi:tinud violations of their right" the following preamble and resolutions, which were' unanimously auontcd, to wii : . Whercss the wing party in me united Ststes, . IIP i V . 1 .1. -i: r . ,eld o onfounded pre ii,,o,w, are , w. I,,.S, ... ; mlw j( Th, Churchfbho regard to the nropns,! now mnd by the . General p the Paais N'ational, the Trewury and the ., .i- i , . 1 rliis letter concludes ut S a. m., by saying : to preserve the p"uce of tins I nrn, by diking , , , ,, , , . , nieisurcs to discuss un 'conclude, if possible, the " ll ,s olAr halfanj.our s.nce that we (elt a very Mliject n controversy in a manner that uill secure CrPat commotion. 5 At present, we are ignorant ot the honor nnd interest of tho State, this Legula- i tlie nun.berf persoufekiHod or wounded. All the lure adopts these Resolutions ; with the understand-' prwmm whoare not, burned m the rums ore e,. ing, however, that, i.. the rv-nt of a failure in such aPcu l,Qq f uu ' fice,ro.y not i . j . i ln-n exnpmennea wirh a disaster. enneavor lowarrs pn nrrangemcin, no proceeding' thereunder shrill be" so cons'rueil as to prejudice in from satisfactor. - Ho approved of what had been I of produce, and the wages ol laoor win rise, -j- done, saying, My servants have performed their j Clay Speech, July 4, into. duty, for you know that no consul must leave my That reads well ; let us try another : "J retiro ! dominion without an order from ma. .Tbia order from you, Mr. President, I know, at a period of rl bad forgottpn lo givn, but now I give it lo you, infinite distress and embarrassment." and you may go, lak.ng wfth you tho good and ihe 1 Clay's Speech, March 112. fed that vou have received." ,,..,. J Let us continue our exercise by chaunting the r r MLdbking "upon the reply as an aggravation of pipe.layera promises, bomo on the JEunker Hill the wrong done h.m, Mr. Carr immediately ad- j Uanner : dressed a circular to Ihe other consuls, giving them j. "Our Policy: Two Dollars a day and Roast j information of its tenor, announcing that ha should i Beef." , sfrikn hi flag, nor hoist )t again until full ropara ' - - 1 t.on should be made or the insult olio red to bis TaWr. W have eon.ed from the Petcrshurir iovernment The flag was thereupon struck, and , y,) State$mn an article giving hat there is of hi the 7ih Mr. Carr embarked, without oppoaition. ! a.,uL... i,i n,i...t.,i.i. ih.i PrMiHom 'lv, rt. If :4 .U. ..ul L .n .U ...." .. . j wu accouimiiu w i """i wj mo oiuer i any BVOweUly designed as a protec- , consuls, who thought proper thus to signify their ,jv8 utlff. Why bttt ha not vetoed Mr. Secretary strong disapprobation of the measures (hat h id been ForWBrd for proposing -auph a scheme ! Iu the j adopted toward their colleague. i meantime where are the people of the South T j The Paris papers say that the United States . Tho Clay f arty have adopted for their motto a ! squadron in Ihe Mediterranean bad sailed for Mo-! protective tarifl they have tilled Concrcss with .rvece ivimi.i.. - ----- noiH inn wn o iiicra uig una uiuuhiiui ui awr . n hiwh ii mi. i.h hi nrnu-m m ml iwiniu. ri any. manner the rigMs of tbe Suite ns tlioy have been herein assorted to exist : Urtclrcd, That there vha!! lie chosen, b I;!of. in Convention of bnlh. branches of tlif L"i'itiire, four person, who are licn l'V constitiji'i) nnlnji pointed C(p:iimif-ii'i'r, on the pirt ui ii, . Pt-t", 10 rpair to the sont of Government r.f the l iii'i-.l Slates, mill to rmf.-r ii!i tli authoriiii-s (.f t!mt have expertenned such a disaster. Cru llAvnax.jThe town of Cape llavtien li.is entirely disappeared, and with it twa thirds of. (lie population. The families that couldescape re lied to Fwette, where they were without nn asvl'im, clotiiing or provisions. The Pifsident of Ilayti, lias given orders to the iiiw nnd fifiers of the hoti;lals to leave the ( ry iiii:nediTf;ly in order to give succor to the ilisirps-ed. Uthrrnid of all kinds was about to bo boast that while there have been thousands ol jne,l morinla in favor of nrntection. there has not been J UdnnSti-in faiili. svhii h. if carriml im nnnwm . , - - - , . - - - r w ou ui iena ui increw in owrewi ui me people, saa bring iiica!culbl mischiaaiiruit upon our belorcd Providence. Mav'28. one against it, and tliey assert that the.SouiU lias RHOnP ML WD Jclianuod hi principles and is no longer in favor of Fhw Trailn 1 Wlist aAV the cotton irrowinir Stalna We have copied into our columna this day, arU-i to this T 'What" save Charleston to this t We clc elected. Irom papers in different parts of the bould l.ko to take ihe vote. We should rejoice country, which show the very general interest ia. 1 . inn. wha are the men that would have ui ernort ken in the events which have recently occurred revcolton only lo Boston, and import auger only fromV ' ... 1 1... mX. .n ii, .1. t iiiver.iniciit touehmij n coo.vmti.ml lin", or Imr ; 1 ' f IJritish Province, havinj regard to the linr nsir- In ndJiftott to t?ie ntxne tlmrofi intellisnre .nled bv the treat v of 17 S3, as iiuilhrmW ckiin.r.1 . rr ,m "e -pc, a "f'"1 from 'be -ity a .If r .... ,!,: ,l tt, ,t,.r!.1r.,!iJ.w ..t ;.., ' I' nour previous 10 uig ocpariure oi vapt- nr- i;-. etprewl in f.w for.goiog PwamlJcj and Hx.l r'"-S3i? mM.ilteJw . , P J f WiTac-t'.f '1 Hs"Staie lo anvi.icli' c-rnvVntional 1 q'Mke.jsliich. .mjlomky jOjh, drtr..yeJ the -; A -'-ri l:nc, itHVKl-Teri, tnnmcn. r'i "Tig, witB itTTie m.seral.le rem ..'.r '. . . .i ... ..ii i . .. i mint nfitiH inlinliitoats who had eseanetl Inn eir'h it:-' 'i.-'f thij Stite, and evincing a strong sympathy for our ftcw Orleans. partial defeat, we receive w.tii much fcratitude, Jho Suuthern States bava borne the rumor of jsuch expressions ol friendly regard, and the en.;anclIort lo establish a high tariff, with a elm j engagement they Ini I out to the disfranchised aspect, lor a number of reason. ponpln of Rhodo island lo persevere in the cause i. They had trusted something to the honor of ' wliieli tiiry have berr. engaged, until they put Mr. Clay. down the rotten borough aristocracy, and establish . They had trusted also much lo 'the common J a Government by the pboplc. lo return for the gono of Congress, enhghtciwd by the cxor.enoe jgoo-J wishes and noble offers, made at large meet. 0fi,e last twenty ears. ' mpr in mfior States, we can will, confluence imre 3. Twy trantod not a littl la the solemn our distant friands, Hint tbe resolution to free pledges ol the whole public life of President T ler j themselves from bondage, was never more decided ,llt ,f Congress should be mad and fii'thle enough ;flhd-rrong in our sullraga ; party tban at ,ihm pre to.orwct protective tariff, hrwould rimemtetT,f -ent time. This party is daily augmenting its oart, and arras jt."'-.".-- r . i'row Ui fluleigk RegiHtr. DISUOP IVES' APPOINTMENTS FOR THE RUMMER. St. Barnabas ilsy, and 3d Sunday after Ti in ity gi Luko's Salisbury, 15th and lOih, Charlotte, Meekleuburg eonntr. 18th Evening, and 4th Sunday after Trinity & Luke's, Lincolnton. 5ih and 5th Sunday after Trinity, Ruthertordtoo. (lib and 7th Sundays after Trinity, St. John's in H. Wilderness, Flat Rock. ' "9 July 13th snd 14Ui, Asheville, Buncombe county. ' Froth 16th to 27th inclusive, Burke and Cslwsll countfes, and head ot Vadkin, as the Miswnnsry Rev Mr. Forbes, msy appoint l From 3(Hh to lOih August, in Rowan, D,vie t0(i Surry Counties, as msy bo duired by the Miasiooarv the Rov. Mr.' Davis. (-" . n' Mih Sunday nfter Trinity, Rockingham county. 14th Sunday after Trinity, snd throe dsys Drav'ioo. St. Matlhow's, llillsboro'. , ' P August iiOth, St. Mary's, Orsngo connfy. September 1st, Salem Cos pel Estate of Judgo Came ron and Mr. Dennehan. . From 3d to '.MHh inclusive, SL James', Su Stepheo'i.' Su John's, and church ot the Holy Innocents, Uru. ville county, as the Rectors, tbe Rev. Mr. Taylor sod the Rev. Mr. Chspmsn, msy determine. 14th Sunday after Trinity, Emanuel Church, War renton. ' l!)rh Sunday after Trinity, Louisburg, Franklin Co. JMKfl Sunday after Trinity, Chapel Hill. Examination la the Catechism, Confirmation, and tbe Holy Communion, as usual. DEMOCRATIC MEETLNQ itf STOKES. , According to previous notice a Democratic meeting is held in Stokes County, at the Courthouse in Gnr. was manton, on Saturday the 24th of May IssL The meeting was organised by calling Hon. Joan . If. li. to the Chair, and appointing Aaron Barrow and M'linroa i'aynr, Secretaries. " -j The Cbairnisn explained tlie object of the meeting in in able and appropriate address. On motion of Col. L. Ziglsr, . The meeting proceeded lo nominate candidates to represent the County in the next General Assembly after which, on motion of the same gentleman, a Com-' mittee of fifteen was appointed to report resolutions and select Irom the nominations made, suitable pcrsoas to compose tho Democratic ticket. The Committee after having retired a shrrt time. reported through their Chairman, Alaj. John Martin, though successful in the lata Presidential election, sod with a majority in both Houses ot Congress, are yt dissatisfied and reckless in their denunciations ot De mocracy, and are now making another bold snort to carry the erwRi.ng elections, (u they openly avow) Cr (ht vm of Whtggerf, and not ol tlie Country, sad have even proposed to change our present hippy snd Republicsa Constitution to effect the unkaliuwta' 4tt signiof tho H Ar par fyi wlio have promised every thing, snd done nothing tor the relief of the Country, Therefore, . ' J ' ' ' RrtolistJ, That we will not support any man or set Ktiolttil, That the donst'ion of twenty-live llMHiand dollars to tbf widow of Wm. IL Harrison was onao Uiorised, nawise sad improper, snd deserves the cen sure and condemnation of the people : because Con. gress ha jut as much authority to make a similar do- i I t 3, IF 4" J . 1 i i a; 1 ' -. ,o,.,..n!. it.v ..!! il..pm rnnwi..ni .... i nnl ol tiie iniiaomisis wno nau escaima me eirrn lie honor and interest 'of the StHle ; wih t',, under i Tho tons of t. Nicholas and Tort I'.ix Manding that no such line be agreed upon uncut ! arR 'M S1U:1 ,0 1,6 'lc!l,roy,'a- Other ports of the the unani'mouv assent of uch Commissioners ! h"'1 not l)Cf'n 1,c fr"m wh0n CaP'' M"m Kti'J.tn . i nhT Tins S1fe rnniinl rAtrAi.1 i..a r. . ' J . ,. . , . , ,i i, -. ... " - north arc a mass ol funis. Liprt. Iinquishment by the Hritish Goycrfimtni of any ' . claim heretofore advanced by it lo the territory included wiltiin the Irnits of the hoe of t!:is Stitc, I'rm the .Xalchrt tr't-T'aJrr. asdesignited by k ; treaty of 13, and (ir,if.,miU ; tv,.. tvUa.Thc Hubble Burt List claimed by Maine, os n c-.iis.dera ion r.r cpjual.-nt wj.i(Pr Vprmj( tho papers of the whole Union within the meaning of these Resolutions. ; were filled with Hkrming and eunningly wrought IlffolrrJ, That the snid Coinniissmncrs U fir- articles showing tho great production of, cotton in nixhed by 'he tlovernor wi'h rvitter.re (1 their the llritisli K.st Indios, and holding out t the appointment, under the enl r.f liie Sjstte. An'encan pi inter tlif ino?.t discouraging prospects. Rrwlrrtl. Tbt the tiovenmr, bv and w.i'.i t;v A of l-es: articles, full of false tatementa ndviee nnd consent of i !m (.'utiicd, t- hv.t t. nn i deceptive slutii.cs, ap(M:ared first in tins ll.istnti rJiUll'' . cw.ditioaoLcotnpleta Mgant-4-.-i-uey ie um; mtiiP triolrThatra uti .u; and the proscriptive ami tyrannical course to lll0 Mnw of interert of the manuficturer them ; ,,ur.oed by the Algerme pirtv since the temporary wtvM. They cannot but know that a tarifl ar- ,d...i.t.,g.. which they gained by the promise of fi Commerce will bn ilsolf warred upon -: dpt. 1 ler troop, ond ih.nr treacherous diplo- remiessly, Whatever advantage flu may gain ' o.acy, ii conslnt.tly changing tho views oCjoauy . k-. fabiIttn'Tria ' hi 'lott'" .xnwui-Jlifctal4S, strong in their cause. . jg n0 pegee, rest-rno foot of aolid ground A state of calm repo-e is now returned, and the , rtam Upon. If they Crow it, we hM them as public mind is measurably tranquil. Tho legila- ou,tjws an! tritor-faIe. eeltish; blind and in- tore under the charier will assemble, by adjourn- ;cor.,ble. These are tlie reasons why rjm jni'j'ance , ment, m a lew .nu Pr0vi.j, m me session, ju i m04t formidable ahopa hi not "cona lo fill any vacancy that tii'iy orciir m said t 'uuiMis iotl by di'Bthj rcsie;:atii n, or ot Rewind, That t)ie said C'm.:iisi..ners mflke return of lieir dning herein to tl.e (!iernor, to bv lutn preseiited to the ijegisUttrre- at in Approved, M.iy 'JO, 1 -4.' (iihl Mi'tlah fnm ijrn Yir'ru-in. --S f nu (l'fstand .Hint the Its r"i-'.l I.ms r"i iwd : urr from Lord ,l. !.' n. ' n?; vli.it t'n ineHiN which brr M-jes'y I Engkiid nn! -r. d 1 1 'e pr rented to the rntuiii4i!i-rs nf the New Y"!i; iiai U Alius tl.e creature oi tlie Lowell manufacturer ; and were inimedi;itely cupiod by. the National In'elhgencer. Nun, Vork A.iHiricui, aid tho org in of the tarifl itilete-t lltroiiy'iout the country, and even in I lie Cot'oo growing S:. ite.s-.it Ilia very ' time whet, crops w ere going into ttnikcl these irticles were publisiicd oi.d endo.sed. We do niiiiiictd them at the tune as a scheme got up, 1st, t i lower tlie prire of cotton in nntrkcl for the i.'ih fit f tl.e manufacturer. 1M, to efT! t the 'e-idation of Congress on the tnriff, and create a g's.erul f hin-.or, even in the South, for high, pro" ti.'ct.vo duties, n to establish a home demand iir I ;ie nw iiiatciial. Wc endeavored lo show, in wetal nuinliers, liiut none but ml'eiior cotton rt' for s-iiving the lives of a ..uinl-r of tt-e Rri'i-'i r.'jiuen have lieen li.rwariled lo M.. Fox to be pre , could lie grown in India that seed carried from wi.ted through the n '-irv ot rS'.itf to the .vom! tin country would yield nothing that Ihe cliuute geiitleoiio to whom tin e.re mi I rose. I : tons n ult shape ni not "gona Washington from. the South. But those reason's msy all fml where are wa then? People of the -South awake to your danger I Tit Stripe Urrceae. Tlia (Columbia Observ. er, Tennessee, in describing the entry of Mr. Van Buren into that town, says, " liis common dresa and manner, disguised for the occarion, must have . satisfied all lhat Van" Buren in Tennessee is far ' different from : Van Buren in the White House.' From another part of the aama article we learn of their corporation hv the ownership of soil ; hut '',:lt iguise Consisted of a pile ot "striped 1 Mieh a CMjrso ia promised bv so ne intl ittntml iie-n ! breecbe, and " a round-sb.Mil coat." Only think of thai party, and lor t He sake of pesce, wa are ot itl Mr. Van Uiiren has travelled in Tennessee ; disposed to wan patiently, and see llio redemption I tn " ,'ipal brcechc and a round about cwu" or forfeiture of this assurance. t But Shi is not all ; the " round about coat" and This is the only course which that pirty can ' breeches worn by Mr. Van llun n while coming up ! pursue to restores permanent peace within oor 1 be MU.siM.ppt, and that he actually " touched " al ' borders ; nod a neglect or refusal to d- that, will ! evt'ral " P",m, h,ld 1C them on ! siiow lo the world, who are the real conservative ! We n.e done with .Mr. Vn IVnen forever. '. of law ami order, and who 4te so otily by pn.lo. , Any man who rould. after lilting ihe high olhee of FrectdtfM of the Lmted St-ites, ib-sretw into a of ti e Constitutional legislature. It is said thai when the lormer body shall have assembled, Ihey will -m an early day in the session, alter Ihe elce lion law, so as to extend sufleage ns liberally as is allowed in Ihe (topic's constitution, and will au thorise a convention, to be holdeo lo form a con stitntion which shnll contain tho same liberal pro vuion. We cannot s.y thai wa anticipate such l.lteral.ty from a body, whose every act has here lofore been lo perpetuate that omnipotent power, w hirdi a inemlier once mid thfr possessed, and deny ng'it lo all woo bad not becoui a member '?rl nation to tits poorest , widow in the Country, at to toe t -A wilatlhM Mrifn i.r AtttnmmmA lrumulan, a Rcwtttj, That (lie late. Act distributing the proceed pl the Public IQd among the States, is a indirect assumption ot 'the piymeni of State debt, lakas from tho io(6 about three millions of their eunoal incouw jiliieli was intonded for the iijport ol tbe Gorti (jovernmeat, w liijUly impolitic and. unjust, and oajtat to be replr. - t , 1 limited. "SU tho Bankrupt Law, tho rtluf met nr of tbe present Whig Coagres sffiird no rtltrf to the people, and therefore meet with pur no'ialifkd disapprobation, . t " '. . . ' ...Rnoltej, Tbitai our wcllieiapWgad-Uieir li,'- their property and their stCred honor in tl.a holy eso ot .Americsn Ircpendencf. wa now snlemrtly nlgj,; ourselves to support, msiotain snd defend the glorious leirscy winch they bjucll.cd to us i tho Constitution of th initrd Sfte$,a$'wl the innovations proposed by the great Wbij leader, Ihiiry Clay j the designs of the Federal Bank party,' r t i raihleas and unprinci pled attacks if douiastitf or hntgn-tto,- KTirtW, That Uic Conduct Oi our lale Whig legis lature, in pledging the credit ind fund of the Stat tor the benefit of incorporate Railroad Companies, is wor my ot potr.e reprubation, and ought not to be coun Jfcnanctii by f ilher party. t, llaving eonndetiee in the .integrity, pstriotisrn snd talent ol Louis D. Ilonryfour present Democrstie esndnlste 6 Covfrnor ' '" ketohrd, That kr will use all lair and hononble mesas to promote' his eleciion. ' IluolttJ, That Jsotes Suflbrd, Eq be recommend, d a a suitable candidate fit the he hate, and tint Doc'. George F. .Wilson, Capt. Jacob Sholts, and William A. ilitcholl, Cq., a uiubl candidates fbr the IVimmon styour next Legislature, and that lb people ol this County be earnestly req.iectad to uoito with Ibis Dueling ft support ot tho above ticket. On motion of S. Petri, Eq., . - llcBolttd, That a eofly of tbe praceed.ngsj of llns meeting e signed by the Cbsiraian and Secretaries, and sent to tbe Editor! the Vern' J'srol.nnn, Undard, and; Salem Gjti;tl. with a remtett that they poblb the same, ' ' ' On BKitHttk ' "a. - RttoliU. That llii luaut'nf s.lMura Mil TiWadiv i ,,r . . . IVil iff f m I", .inn msiti nru. . ii.'., nii.L vniirmau. I A; lUaaow, , i " v J. ,h .Ejrprrs. 1 i 5 Uig tl.e !.;, -ii i e Wi'n li.e :i!t cVree of sf rial fav.if. .r:r York Arn'i. I Us i ('( !,! i f IViirlilr l'n ff.rr.t' tn.i. It i- r iV'si' i. I'M in ( iulinao.'- M"-i-rri I!,;' -ite !..; vim r 1 -'.'0, l.p Iviroet 10 ;OiVen-.n ll'- t. . ! j .oatl.e ft ."' .t ,!.';!- ji. I , i,. ..j,,;, I trt-'i.'V tv.o tho;; lid ii.i!iw:,s of ;'. iiod lili-.rer were not adapted to it cillti .itioti !v, I tint tie epiikC9 would always prevent its i lmtioii. Vc look this ground .bef'tre any . tV r j 1'ii rinl ju.jj.o I'liitrd Slates, and were ridiculed, cv.ii by many cotton plant: rs men wli-j were then Mjilrrii'ic in t!rt ciles of liiuir crop hv tii.: piiiie.. in liio market occisioned by the e t :' r:;'nf ! to for ourjvisttioiis. They havo - :.t:! In:i'ii sust.iim d by several able writers, an.) ' . .. n'l i :i t-n.' tlffie. Slliimil t.i nur fnait.,rj " roimrl alxjut coat and a pair ol ttriftd breeches," citiiiiot expect our siipjtort. We could bavo for given him the " ruun.l about ; and, such has been our former love for Ihe man. such" our admiration ''of his s'ero integrity, hi splendid abilities, awl ht long ai.d valuable public services, that v.e could Str .l:u- . .ii; . ' i i f llnilfon.lt. r i I lie .air i ! ! i .1 .o ,1 am: l.ii Ito I . lo !.t t'le l.o'-T. .-'.ill i ,v o, ii ! C,. It I HI. .1. i.n' !() "r t i orvmnt t . o.i! ( .ii. ij i-l!-. :-r:i f, ' : l" '.fi 111 V !.ei, f. I 1 ,00't to . i" ,1c ii'itlie.i'ic eii'.;iii:e troni India, that will put the n. itter to rest. The fjiiowing amgrn;i!i li.i just .... t our i ;. . . At.rx v;n!, (l57Jt) 2.1 Mi'ch, Is-11. " IT.ere i n Mr. T- ! ,ll0 ttlO C ",ii ,; I .'ie nu.'iiei of Ii..' I c ,tton in '.i'.: t'-vo y its faU.m tl:t.eik'.. F.x-G over nor Coggs was still alive on Saturday tl.e Jot h inst. ,Somo lavorable symptoms hid inado ibeir appcaruuer, which induced hi friend to hope he might recover, though the hopo was alirvKl (ltwnaial sassjl (ltnl lafWaia itaiLw u.il sovthing being elicited as to the perpetrator of the '"T "'"'"'"J '" w horrible deed. f" ,f lh"r h,,d n"1 bftu0 " "lriH-d." Hut he his ; noiv sinned pssl redemption, and we deliver linn over to the tniidT mercies of tho whig.t.-a-Afi-i.-iy. ton i'ttrtlifjrncfr. : Itrprnriru Orru ; J Sava.mmah, May UHVi, M. MOVEMENTS OF THE TROOPS. -CIIEERI.Nti; The I'lllpit . NEWS FROM FLORIDA.- ttl;' the Prrsbvterun fhurch in Saltsbnrv. diitimr tl, . 1 J .- - - - f , t.erefrom Pl.d tde'phi.i, a I i r .t. ..il ( ) . t - 'i ..- A.- III. I . Ol i (', i I- 'i,i. .; , :, . , lei Is.' O I'l J". -'.I : -o I I 'i ' i .1 1 , .Mr. M, li.Hn- I. n ! J.'" fl.j !.: .': i r. C." ('"-iiirn,;, nnd ttlil. It Is bio n il, ', .. i.o'l i. n; rove t i- i -, 1 . ' Tne ooiouot I iii.i il liv tliiM .o. to toe I Ion .1 i.i.d U-Aioo Ei fo .il wn-. ij.ll o "i (Hi, nnd to ifie (' Ishl'l Hill - lijiodai.e I.!hv 'Ar. iV homo t'.iv i i are viy ,i y ;' id .it 1.. rot. linns' i'. , t-.ii'l i i pi i'i. "t :iy, I'. ' i!eri who wei.t out mi. tor t!i-'i oer.itiieiit t i i,iih in no the -.v.!, i!e thin '.. ' lie V arrived In'rr mi t!i. ir li.-jf ri! ye.terl.iv, tit eor hotel: I V.l 111 f-llows, r.p;i'ireii"-. f : , i'. ,.rt." .S':fm r'n;r'e. .. . ; l.e nU.ve we are n!!o to Ii v t'ie i.i'. ,t t.'i'pe M.oith!e H.' wiiioo se'ieoie of r.iKioi' Amo- i . ui or line s'n;i!o cotton i:i India, at a rosl lottie t o.iij.'ti.y ol lo..,.ni!l or more, ha utterly e. !o(ied nnd will .iouliiless be nbiuiloiK'd. On one . eimietoal f.irui of 2(10 antes plantud w.ih s'ed' I: ini tlie I'nited ti'ates, onl nii'Ligud by uti ev . i' iii:lir(;d Ao.ericni. plitjiter, (-Upplied w.lh all Hp I o!.. nircs fr judicium culture,' not more llun wie ' l-nle will lie (.'O'l'lei'd ' In our last wc noticed the arrival here, on their way lo ihe Northern Fronlihr, of four Companies of the 2d llegiment I'. S. Infintry. iirt hitur. day, three more Companies ol this Ilogiment ar rived here for tho saws destination, viz: Compn me 11., II, and I, Commanded by Cnpi. Ivuu'sli.i ..., . , . ' .... I ry, i.ieut. renrose, ami l.ioui. i.yon. j t, j0. in.iinino thrco Companies of thu Regiment are i sxpcctrd here this day. Tbe trati'eSortation of ill the troops to Now "ork has been (uguged by j i lie (uartcr Muster. v ' V siil.j nn the following letter from ono of our Correspondent, which oave Imii little room to ' .1. ,ul)( lhat in a few days all the Indians knowi in ; ito eo.lsid.tid North of ihe Everglade, will have surrendered tlicmselves. ,, Correspondence of th Satannnh Republican. "i , Pautka, May 20. f!Fxrt.KME : It ii Wow hot ttnd blow col,!, an & . . ' . ' abw-nre of the Pastor, will be supplied on the ltd Sab'ratii in May by Rov. E. F. Rockwell. -It la lo. mIo. by " Wm. A. flail. .V.li do. do. by " J. D. Hall. , lt do. in June by J. M. II. Adims, 2d ti tin. by " J M. Wilson. H YIilSlW'lVY FCTOU. ...,,,.... - rpHIS estiblislimehl is now in complete operation. JL The t'oinpany sre msniifucturing Cotton Yarn, Shelling, Shirlhi" and Osnabiirg, 0f a superior quality, which tbey offer lo the public at the lowest market prices. Merchants and other who Will examine qunN ittes, and compare prices, will had it lo their interc-st to purchase. , -v J. HIIODKS BKUWNU Ag'i. Salisbury, June 3, 194i u StaVo ot ori CaroVma, 7DAVIDSON COUNTV. V is nqviTY. Daniel Deltp, r. ' Thomas Stuart, William Stuart, Sarah Stuart, Djnicl tMusrt, 1'ivgy Htutrt, and Ievina StoarU ll appearing to Ihe satisfaction of the Court tii't Daniel Stuart, Pegcy, Stuart, "d Ixvina Stuart, De fendants in this case bye hcyond tho limits ol this Stsie, i it w, iiiirelnre, errteretl tlnn puBlicittini Benmien 'successive week in the Westorn Carolinian forssid 1 D'T' iidanla lo sppcsr and answer it tho next turm of tin Court, to bo held for tho County of Dividson t lb ; ilottrt. Mouse in Islington, on Ihe 1st Muodsy sfterilie 111. Monday in September neat, or Judmct.l pro coif ' fc.so will bu enWred ss U then.. Witness, W. Womsck, Clerk snd Master of said Court l Office tho 1st Monday alter tlio 4th Mowlsy ' March, 1)I2. W. WOMACK, C M. V Msy 27, 1M2.-iv Printer's fee s"i it. FOR Tin-: sun fers for snlo a fine new i ringc and lent services llormeN. April 22, IS 12. SCRUIKR of on cheap term4. oif i'nr- 'i pair ol exrel- i.l.t in n I r john i. siiavi:r. If auVs Vov Sac Were l.4i -1:

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