iVESEItlV CAIXOLINIAN. OALIDBUHT.'IT. O.I Friday, Jane 10, 1849. Democratic Republican Xominationt roa OOVMNOl, h OU 18 D. llCIVKY, Of Cumberland. ( Resolutions of the Democratic Convention The Resolution of the Democratic Convention, - . .1 - . ft which mot in tni place on me xwn oi way, are nublwhed in to-day paper. Wo call the attention of our reader to them pot only ai faithful exponent f Democratic ptinciplci on the leading question of the day, but as presenting in a brief and pointed manner the most important issue now in contest between the (wo parties that divide this country the Federal Whigs, and Democratic Republicans, The Address which we shall bo able to lay Wore the public in our next paper, presents theso jMticl more in defiiil, and forcibly brings forward uch facts and arguments as will enable the candid reader to render a just verdict between the Federal Whig "nd Democratic Republicans. Xermont.K large Democratic Convention was lately held at Montpelier in this State, and Domi nions made for Governor' and Statt officer. The indomitable spirit of Democracy is biasing oit in this old strong hold of .Federalism, as well m every where else. The beacon fires are lighted Maine to Louisiana. The M delusion n of Whiggery has even already passed away. , lias been practiced now fur yoars tPm, ,t,r , i , ..iunB ipom ; mm mstenj of be in- u ? - i ' ,1 u 1 ' 1 s l ' t i s - 1 1 iiiiitiii ..l i rrP4 n It?' at an occasional outbrA-ilt frA. u i i.. I . .., .1. .. ' .. passing strange that no more have occurred. It fine pieco of music. No public ation or it. kind in shows the reluctance of the peoplo in our Republi- the country better sust'uin a dcsevedlv hioh ri.t,. lian r.niinlrv In Man-, i i . I i - . m j . ,v.Uii iu Tiuieot measures, evcniuon under flagrant wrong and outrage. .Our saving Governor. Soma time ero the Federal paper of the Bute were claiming great "credit and renown'' to His Excellency, Governor Morehcad, for a saving which be made, Rhode Island. M the date of our last, the ao, counts from this State were such as to promise a speedy adjutrtment'ol all the difficulties existing in , , . , . , - - j . 'VII iU IIIUUUl ' concession ana comprom.se,ybul tho they declared with admiring wonder, of 1600 King s Charter parly flushed with triumph at the dollars to, the Treasury of North Carolina, in division and disbanding of the Suffrage party alter having spent only something over 1100 doltara ot I-- vUa u, vorr, Kom (o nave oe. . monev annronrmtnrl hv !;.! .,. . f i I """" g'omiui V uii iuv come more insolent and overbearing than ever. It is said that the cessation of hostilities" and the " retirement " of Dorr from the scene of action was under a compromise and solemn assurance from tho Charter party to the other that their demand should be peaceably conceded. However, the first act of the Charier authorities afterwards was to search the houses and disarm tho " insurgents " as they call their opponents to which if the Suffrage men quietly submitted, they deserve to be made slaves by right ol subjugation, the balance of their days and next, Gov. King proceeded to make formal requisition on the Governors of Connecticut, " Palace "Wrl Raleigh. Now it turns out, accord ing to k statement in the Standard, that Uis Ex cellency instead of having tho - repairs " made for the which the 3,000 was appropriated by tho Legislature, and which M repair " it is estimated will cost that sum, has not had one foot of tho prescribed work done, but baa notwithstanding spent mors than $1100 of tho money in buying furniture, buildit.g an" Ice House, Chicken-coop, dtc, and all ' the work for which the appropriation was made, estimated by workmen at a cost of 93,000, yet remains to be begun. So this' h tho ,.r in. .. Massachusetts, end New York for tho delivery of T 7, L . An T ' . '.? F . rrl ... ' U''""J Ice House and Chickca coop build ng. We wit Tkomat W. Jorrytq answer treasonable resist- - . ,K. ,..,.,. r .1 i ' THE BANKRUPT LAW. The Raleigh Register of the 3d instant, attempts to relieve 4he Whig of the responsibility of this odious and unpopular repudiation act, by a partial unfair and quibbling staJement. Wo lately gave a ,hort account of its progress and passage in fact from the Journal, and .will now repeat it io brief at contra proof " aniost tho record of Jho Regis ter, which thai print advise its friends to preserve. 1 he Bill passed tho Houst by a vofeo IJt jeas, to 103 nays. . Every, yea a Vbig, jscepthree, Roosevelt, Wood, lod Dawson, Uoroocrats. - la the Senate tho bill passed by a vote oi 22 vess to 19 nsj.' Kvery yei a Whig except four, Moot n of Louisiana, Williams of Maine; Young (,f liitMaud Walker o Mississippi. - Mr. M wton was" opposed . to .ill passage, but tuied tor it m obedieoce'toxexprefs instructions (com the Jl'aif Legislature rf his CtsteMr. w'ilhanii, and Mr.Ypung were also opposed to it ssi ave their voirs mi its fvor from the p9ru?iion HA a msjority of their constituents dsmred ru : , 1 v Iks Aniu I lam iif r T ..i..r-A IOIYIItr dir. .1 IIKVI -1 -J win. 'vimw... .1.0 vutca for the bill willingly. . . TirmtlrWtho Wkf at tbo-Extra session pu,tt tl.e act. NowXtlflihi juapuslUoo v.teir repeal waa.l'j7 yeas, toO'J nays; only 3 . -v a la. a . IHsowcrsU, Iloosevclt, Djwjou, ana jiooo, voting MMtwi repeal. I ttte Snuitoj only 3 Dcrnocrats Mr. Williams vote! contrary to his opinion tn mpfiance with what believed to be the wishes . . ' i m otiwl oupjiiion to the expressed wishes of owe kancb tf the Legislator and an undoubted ma- j . I'. Ci.i. 1.1 a M sVifWMwa at ! An.ftjl(l rvr ' j If 11 J ! l CBC iH0 Pinuj,"" ww vwivu ! of th bill at tho Extra Session and 5int it repesl, in opposition 40 tuc sentiments ..fan overwhelming majority of the people1 of North t'arolins. For no unpopulsr i I he, law in ibis Su'n that the .Whig are altemptuiglo dodgo the reponibility oi its passaged , - , Now lot any honest man look at the. record and lo4lr it is a Whig niiasure or not r ktber the Whigs did nofirst pass it, and, then re opt i, repeal by their votes, io opposition Jo : almost unanimous Democrstio vote again.! the abmfmable act under all circumstances. J. Smith, tbo'Morrnpn rrophet.'i not.dcad a his Wen wickedly reporttv4 at ,at th6 latest . ctSkjuu was, himself and Chief Councillors, about In Hnnkrunt IW i Mwtwaw swwsa wa WtRvO UUfl SW W UM I t .4 r .. . . . issued b. proclamation also, declaring that be not L "v"! """r Ataltj niA nv aninaaaraiot ai alaiiJ.nA.J.1 kaMl I r miuhiwih yti tiro but i now ready and determined to maintain tho Pr,nc,P,a doPlcd h th SenRt " cmso of tho 8utTragfe party a atronclr a ever. M00"1 n1' ch State whose fraction may II says that tho KinaVpartT made nromisos of Mceed mo,e,y r,he rttl, compromise aud concession which they have base- The following table shows the apportionment to Iv violated. What will be lha Um.di.1. rouilt at ecn Blaw na lhB unrepresented fractious 1 w -' - a - .i. all these things it is hard to conjecture, fcut ulyj mately the Quango party must gain what they demand. Their" imprudence has made it inore difficult to accomplish this no doubt, yet ii must be accomplished before tho contest is ended. ' A . free people once aroused id this Republican country '; cannot bo kept in subjection, and deprived of their vjut rights byan aristocratic-minority under Koypi quarter. 11 is tne very tollishness of folly; to expect it. . if anco to the authorities of Rhode Island. This will do for a very pretty littlo display of Executive bluster, pro forma, but we apprehend that if his demand were by any chance complied with, oi which there seem to be no tort of danger, Uis Excellency would probably contrive Mr. Dorr's rrl i rap v strain aa anentilu nna'.U Kni however lobe behind-hand with buTrival for tho Hrt.ji,n A f 'fat ftro Las lately raged in Norfolk, Va., dpstrjg before it was arrested somo tweuty or moro valuubla buildings and much oilier property. - Gov. Fairfield of Maim has been nominated by tho Democratic party of that State as ibeir candi date for re election. Honest avowal. A writer in tho New Orleans Roe, a leading Whig paper, says that " tho issue , i fairly made up between Henry Clay and a . Protective. Tarif, and Locofoeoism and Frre Trade." This very issue ha Icon made in North Carolina by tho Whig party. Let the peoplo mark it and remember it. " I 1 " VA.iii.i.ro5, May 31, lSli. SKNATR. The Secretary read a letter from Hon. Samuel L. Southard, resigning, on account of ill health, tho office of President pro tern of the Senate. Oil motion of Mr. Rerrien, the Senate proceeded to tho election of a President pro tern, and on tho second trial Mr. Manguni was declared to be elected. Tho following was the result f( the ballot : ' give the Standard's statement of the maftcr next week. . 7. -y " 1 The Ratio, of Representation. AAer a debate of some length in the Senate on tho Apportionment Dill, an amend nn-nt was adopt ed substituting the number 70, GS0 as the ratio of Executive honors of the Statei Gov. Dorr has on by the House. This will give a House "bf817 Msioe, ' New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New York, Representafires. 7 "' 4 - .10 1 , 4 4 31 New Jersey, Peonsylvauia, Delswsre, Msryland, r. 24 1 0 Michiaso, Ohio, Indians, Illinois, Kentucky, Mi-sou ri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisisns, .1 n 0 10 r m 4 1 4 Fractions 7,033 1.&54 . 30,t .38.14S 27.2SS 25,709 : 140W" ' 10,6.10 27,687 6,36:1 , 10,044 0.1,730 - 227 3j.7H6 40,745 01,071 1.17.129 1 7,0t 49,166 14.S47 'A, good one. Mr. Poindexter, vulgarly called Old Poins," has lately put forth an addreak 'Mo the people of the United States," which pprra thus 1 Under circumstance tbe most v'peculiar and urgent, of which I will not per I Sail mytolf to1 speak at this time, 1 was induced to yield my assent to the pressing solicitation of the Executive to become one of the agent of the Secretary of the Treasury to repair to the City of 7tw lorK, ana enter upon the most unpleasant and thankless duty ,of investigating tho affairs Mpast ami presoia " of the New York Custom It has been whispered beforo that most "press ins solicitations. mgn passed, but it is not exactly an ascertained fuct that they came from tho aide tho old 'gentleman mentions here; There is no dispute jliough that bis agency is liko to turn out a tolerably u thankless one, and not particularly pleasant any way, unless it be in tho pay received. . . - 1 .rz : "(O-UliTnMilier'or'cFvatmn'i Fed eral Whig presses upon occasions of any popular excitement or violence provoked by'the swindling! 30th ultimo, 011 presenting a petition asking for " practices or tho plundering Dank erstem, are al- t,0 repeal of tho Raukrupt Law that he bad way prompt. and fierce in their denunciations of jnforma'.ion cn which he could rely, that the the " mob spirit," but not a word have tfisy to say question of the constitutionality of this law wou'J .,UU 1 'o-isoi-" - PREAMBLE and, RESOLUTIONS 'adopted by tho Democratic Republican Convention held io Sulisbury on theSOth May, 1812. Wkereas, the Government of the United State wai established by1 the patriots of thn Revolution on tbe principle ot fustics and equality q cvory free American citizen, and to all parti of tho Confederacy i (lierclorsv '"' s Resolved. That any attempt of Congress to con. for, bf legislation, on any citizen Ji clnss of citizens. or on any 'particular section of country', txcWre privileges, 1 not only contrary to the Constitution, but is subversive of tho very end of free Govern tpent. ... V. '"". " Resoleed, "I ..at the repeated attempt of the Whig party, at tho. Extra Session of Copgress tn charter a United States Rank conferring' on certain individual tho exclusive custody of the public money, wiih the exepisite right to discount, and load U out" for .their pwn private benefiff and the4 cxcuire right to make a paper "currency receivable in all dues to the (iovcrnroent. are wholly incompatible gilh the principles of the Constitution, and , dangerous to the rights, and liberties or tne people Resolved, That wo view with the deepest eon cern tho introduction into Congress by the Whig party .of a new Tariff Rill; a measure which most grossly violates the Compromise act of 1 33, and which double the taxes on (ho people. and bring back on the country the protective policy of 1424, and '29, in all it form oi ' abomination." While wo admit the power ol Congress to lav and collect duties for revenue, and wilt never murmur at a (air, nd just exercise of this power. We cienv 1... .1.-. iv.:- : i.a 1 t 1 . " has any right whatever to impose' a Tariff for protection j we deny that they have any right to tax the farmers and laborers of the countrVto swell the profits of tho manulactiirers51Wft;.hold 4hat all such partial legislation is unconstitutional, and that it is unequal and unjust in it operations on the peopW every where, and more especially on the people of the Southern States. . We, therefore, call on the farmers and laboring classes generally, with out regard to party distinctions heretofore existing, to unite "with, ns it the polls to arrest the threatening evil before it becomes too late, on evil which not only- take the hard earning of the people, " to mako the rich' richer, and the poor poorer," but will tiring dissensions, and may bring troubles and eivrt war on the country. ' Resolved, That we consider the act passed by the Whig majority at tho late Extra Session ot Congress fo dividing out, and giving away the money arising from the sales of the public land, amounting to at least three millions of dollars annu allyas a men sura not only contrary to the spirit r .1 r . .... S - . ! Mr. Mangum, , Mr. King, Mr. Bayard, . Scattering, On motion of Mr. Linn a vote ol tlianks was passed to Mr. Southard, for tho courtesy and bility with which he had presided over the do- liberations of the body. V MARRIED. In this Town, on Wednesday evenintr, the 8lh fn Unt, by tho Rev John D. Bcbeck, Mr. It arncr Clarhs to mm hint! Wuliamton. In this Countv. on lha 2nd instant, by the Rev. John, D. Scheck, Jonathan Armjkld, Knq., of Greensboro', to Mis Saras Jane, daughter of the late Moses Brown, of this County. ' . - t' " in csbsxrus County, on Hie uUi ultimo, oy me ucv. Daniel A. PonicK. Itolxrt W. . Allison. Esq.. Mdrchant of Concord, to Miss, Sarah Ann, dsugliier of Joliu - 'hiter, Csq I11 Jonesborouch. Tennessee, on the 20th ultimo, by the Rev. Wnj. (j. Brownlow, Mr. Ruffin M. Dishop, (Printer,) formerly of this place, to tins Rebteea A. pdlwortk. i , , First. . 22 1 4 5 a vote ol tlianks Second. 23 7 13 -DIEDf In this Countv.' on the 27th ulL. Mrii 7 Margaret Smitt, consort of Mr. Drew Smith, sired about !M years, lesvinf a busbanil, five cliildron the youngest an in fant only 7 days old sm) a large, number of relatives sod friends o bemoso their loss. Comm. , Candidatra for Shtrifl. OtrCol. R. w. IjOsu is a candidate for re-election to the oflico of Sheriff of Rowan County. ' OOIIkzexuh Tikkcs, Eq., is a candidate for the office 5f Sheriff of Row4n County. , j 1 .. a - i"- - - r v 03" We Ire requested to announce Mr. It. 0. Res cbts, as a Candidate for (Sheriff of Davidson Counryat the next election. - To YisUto mvst )0 ScUcA. VLL persons indebted to tlio Entste of Andrew Hoi, houscr Ht doe'd., are notified to mako immediate pavmcnt, Uiose that fail may find their notes and ac counts in iho hands of an officer for collection ; snd those having claims sgainst ssid Estate to present mom legally autbenticsted witnio the tme prcscruioa by 4sw, or-tltis notice wilt bo plcsd is a bar to their recovery. A. ROSEMAN, Adtq'r. RowsnCo.,NC, My. 27, 18 3t Tirginiai -North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alsbams, V 9 i 0 o 1S.072 i:W74 05,203 03 Mr. Renton said in tho Senate on the of tho conduct of tbe dishonest Institution thai directly cause it by 6pea wholesale robbery. Let the violation of law and good order bo alway re. bukfd, but let tho Rank who provoke tlio viola. lion by fraud and oppression come in for their stiare of condemnation as well aa the helpless vic tims "ho are maddened to. unlawful excess by continual oppression and wjurj, be carried up to tho Supreme Court., In this event if the decision of that tnbunnl was adverse to its constitutionality, of course all tbo proceedings tuat had been had under it would be void. What a beautiful state of confusion confoiindod would follow then ! Vhturb wit in AVw Orleans. Some sertous r Itnrbaiice have lately taken place in New Or 1 111 .consequence of lho auddoo depreciation of, ist Municikiliiy shin plaster issues which eonsti-! 'vol the principal clinngo currency of the city. ucntho tnnk rosumcd sjtocie payments these, 11 "'es verv unnxoectedlf full down at once from par ! i ' '.! 50 per cent dico'lnt, and being principally ln' l by tim mict il i8, tin burdmnf the lo, as i' nUis tho cac, was heaviest on them, the labo-f-i, and market people of different kinds, who were 1 i"n udilinly deprived of lho hoarded fruit of their -irl enrrung.. l ho consequonca was that an out- "ttik with violence followed, which howover, wn I f-mptly supprcaied by an immediate turn out of ''' citt.?r, and .military, and at the last accounts, I'"if:cf q-iict hid Iwen restored without much loss 'I prnja-rty. I. very po.nl citirn mint always condemn and '' ','!"re sui!li occurrences at any time and under : 'iicumtt iuce.,but In frowning upon the violation ' ' Ui :ui. onlor let it lo borne in mind that indig '''inn alioull be felt not so much against the 'i iMened and ileoperale victims ol vilhiny and MiDilling who are goaded on by outrage to the f -nissinn of unpremeditated crime, against the ,l"r"nous .yntpn, f bert that has been the first fw of nil, N0 popi,, on ln0 r,co 0f ,h, earih 'l'l have Imrnc so patiently and so long, ns the ii-nean people Imve, the nefarious plundering thit In alluding to tlto Isst Federal meeting held here, for nominating W'Rig candidates, the Meek Imiburg Jeflcrsonian says : ? Wo discover that Mr. Solicitor ., C. Jones was in the Convention that made this nomination " No interference of office holdors in elections,' was the Whig motto under which Mr. Jones fought in 1940." Ah, but Mr. Jones was only an oflico hunter then, not an office-loMer , circumstances alter cases besides the motto mentioned by the Jeffer sonisn " no interference "&c., was intendod to apply to Democratic office holders not to the iri"gentry of course. ; The iemocrat of Stokes County must feel t'urtn-wlvf vastly indebted for the compliances of the Sa.ern (iazctto with thoir request to pub li.lt proceedings of public meetings, (there is no 03" Let us "keep it beforo the pcoploM that Mr. Clay m bis Hsnover speech said H tho fact of Gen. Harrison's election, will of 'itself restore confidence, revive credit, mnke money plenty, and raise' the prices of Inhnr and produce." Mind" !lio fact of Gen. Harrison's election" wns to do thi'. lint it done it ? If not, Mr. Clay ha proved a f;i!ne prophet. No Judging behind Capt. Tyler lien-. Mr. Clay pledged his word to lho American pcoplu for this result. He became unconditional surety, mid 111: must answer for it. ness unexampled in tbe annals of American legis lation, the more so. since the money intended to be divided i not only JiotJakenJromnJulLTreas4 Dry, buf from a Treasury known to bo empty, DILTIOXARY OF AITS, MANUFACTURE At MIXES. THE patrons of this work are respectfully informed, that the undersigned haw purchased the entire -stock and right ot Mr. SusosaLSNn, in this work, and will continue its publication every lorloizht till com pleted. Editors will please notice the cbangeln the advertisements. The terms will be adhered to in sit . respects ss advertised. Flesse address the stKbsetiber.V post-paid, I). APPLETO St CO., 1 200, Broadway, N. Y. PROSPECTUS or THE . HPECT T on. HjlllE Subscribers propose to ji publisbtt .t!e urn ol Aswspaper, to b called miUlicatkm will not be superfluous. 1ts pIaii wUT be i1ifu.rt.llt fmm thai nt IIia nannr. .IroBlt. njt.klil.t wssmnj-ion. it will not cive the debates st length, but nreseui a comprehensive and satut.etorv rumaiarv of the proceeding in both Houses of Congress, with fuel) coiiiment or remarks ss will conlritvite to their elucid&tion. Striking or interesting speeches will alio be iuscrtod, front time to time, or such extacts there- 1 ram aa may oc inosi Woriujr or sneiiuon. and since it gises a pretext to the party in power to increase the burthens on the people. iVsorfdVTbat this Convention cannot injustice to it principles-withhold an expression of its un nu&htied condemnation of the Rsnkrunt law nsHiwil 13711J.. .4,,. aVajorttr at the-Extras Congress, a aw which v 0 ates a the obligations ! ' Z ', k"'. . !?"" -. n..n r . . 1 . n u. . """Hal"J"' , ner which, it i. hoped, wi prove acecpub e to lha of contract between Debtor and Cred.lor, and , maitt Uste A fsmiliarity with domestic politic which i Iraught wiih the most demoralizing con- Ccuired by a residence st the capital, and the sojourn sequence to the community. We pledge ourselves j of ono of them abroad, ol siinilsr dursiion, at sn inter never to cease our opposition to It, until the odious ' eating period ol European history, have given them some act shall be repealed, and expunged from the Statute '''ff1'1 sdvantages for the task proposed. Coinmunics Rook of the country. I l'"n8 'roin intelligent sources will also be furnished, ami Resolved, That this Convention looks on the L" :. 1' 'nrra,,,11.,,. nank.nr vtnm na no. eai.lin,, in .h, ;ilfcl I """V wiwii.wnB .mimMWrUiuiiop.c. , . . . .. srespi 10 pan upon tlio public mind. Invents are constaul- Sate as 0:10 of the principal causes of all the dH ly occurring at borne dtskroid, beyond thesplicse of mere iroo, a 00 iiaro iimcs ao generally compiainca 01 : , crsoitii and psrty politics, sttcntion to which cannot Hemocrntio paper in the District) as lho Gazette never, we believe, complies without some exceed ing witty, and very respectful elision to the same, whenever printed. As tho Whig enndidates for the next Lo piflature aro now leforo tho pre pie In this Stato, wo hope they will let us know when we are to have tho (ulflllincnl of Whig promise. IVf tihull we see the abun lance of money, tho high prices, and better lime T How much longer are tho people to watt and wait in vain for what ibey wero solemnly promised should immediately follow tho W hig accession to power t - fO It seems Congress, or tho majority in that body, has no idea of riving any time for adjourn ment. On the 23rd of May Mr. King naked tho Senate to take up the resolution offered by him Corn i now worth 7 cents a Uisliel in the North Western State. The rTniisc of Representatives has been engaged for some time on the Army and Navy Appropriation Bills, and wo arc glad to see that they 'have set about reducing both somewhat in carnost. We sco from the Republican that a 11 Literary and Scientific Association " ha lately been formed in Washington, (N. C.) This is well. Nothing can have a more excellent tendency than audi societies properly constituted and conducted, to rcline the tiMo and elevate tho character of a 1 community. ' and, we do hereby most solemnly pledge our selves nover to ceaso our opposition to it until we shall, by such Constitutional and legal means as may be within our power, expel it altogether from the country, or so thoroughly reform it, as that it will no longer be dangerous to the rights and liber ties of the peoplo. j And H'Acreas, This Convention believe that tho Constitution of the United States is the most perfect instrument of fundamental law ever framed by human sagacity, the oflspring of profound wisdom, and devoted patriotism; and believing that the integrity of the I'mon, and the continu ance of American Liberty greatly dceud on pre serving that Constitution pure, and undefilcd, ns it came from the hands of Washington, and his co patriots ---therefore, Rtsolred, That wo deprecate in the most un qualified manner the attempt now making by the Federal Whig leaders, with Henry Clay at their liead to abolish a most vital part of the Constitu tion, thereby to chsnge the character of our (lovcrnmcnt, and destroy ono of our grcatent safeguards against uowiso and unconstitutional tail to elucidate political questions, and promote nation- si interest. Judicious selections irom foreign journals, winch are m accessible in Washington, continental ss well ss English, (popular attention in this country be ing directed too exclusively lo the latter,) cannot but interest the enquiring rcador, whose liberal Curiosity and expansive sympathies extend berond rjio confines, however smp'e, of his own country. Nor will litera ture asjjjencral criticism be neglected, though kept subordinate to the paramount ends ot a political journal. In a word, it Is the design of the subscribers to f'urnili s spirited paper, for winch, they sre pemuaded, pecu liar facilities sre found st the seat ot Government. Without appealing t0 their past position snd exer tions they will content themselves here with declaring that their opinions are thoroughly aud unchangeably Democratic, yet, they would fun hope, not illiberal or uncharitable. 1'hey will dixcuu question and juJgu men with freedom, yet with that moderation which jived additional .trcngth to fi rmncss, snd that canvlor which is the best proof and pledge ot sincor'iyi They are fully sensible of the doubts and difiicul'ici which must ever atlr.ud a novel undertaking ot this nM urc. But one man may tuccced, where another Imh tailed; and when one effort has proved abortive, a se cond may triumph over every obstacle. It has been said, by a wis and a great man, that no human enter- tc itislation. In the name of the Democratic party r . . .!uemP cu " ever' 0DJecl'0" "1U1 "rl r axT . L. aO- .....M sl... Ul llVllll vsas uiiua -n-w "uiii aiibov UbHIOBI 1 IB II ! I ltl.i a . " TininM Wimnrhlhi. s;,CreiUogWy ol nui luiu- y,ft oi their UM and fVlle steps. They venture, lumirs. a DO. to ex ores a hone llml KJiturn. nomnnnllv nr nn. Strange. Nearly abnut one year ago the barn of Mr. Philip Mock, ot JXividson County was j struck with lightning, and one or two horses killed; j a few d.iya since tho snmo Uiru was nc.un struck and another valuable Iiorso killed. Resolved, That this Convention believes, that lineally I'riondlv, will cive thn brief prcctu. an m- instead of imposing new taxes on the people as the ! vertion ; s favor which they will bu happy to scknmvl Whig in Congress are now doing, in order to raise 'g0 m a u'aWe manner. J. I. MARTIN, largo sums to meet extravagant sppropriations, J ra J- HEART, the true policy of tho (ovcriimont is, for Congress TERMS, forthwith to repeal tlio act for distributing the The Spectator will be published weekly, at Three proceeds of the Public Lands; and at nee, t0 irl,llar per annum, snd prvporiioosbly tlr 'shorter p--bring down the expenditures of the Government to i "1.'s u''0 ,,,v,ribl '" advance ; or Five Hollars ita ordinary income, thereby to do .way lho ne- uZT 1 T' ' , ., . . r J , ' "i",,u lnc llrt number early 111 June, cessity and remove the pretext for borrowing plwlinMlcM ro .u,lorixcJ to ronllt ...bKr.pi.j.i, money on usurious terms, snd for imposing ad. Letters and commmieatioiis to the Editei iuu,t bu ditionnl burthens on tho country. p.-st pud or tree. Addiess Tho f.invininiT lieKnltllion. wero nninim.nil.. ! MARTIN I'l.Alvl. e. ' o ; j Yes or -Yd 'We should liko to hear whether lho Register or any of tho Whig leaders will un dertake to deny jliat the Dutilutipt Law is n Whig measure f Was it not priginated by.the Wtua four monlh. ago propping to fix a day for adjourn- pal & W higand continued 4o force l,v ment, but the vote being taken, the Senate refused tbe Whigs I 1 he people will require on-e,. to Ink them up yon 17, nay .0. (his Summer. n.lmiteH hv lho l;iiffivi.iilifin. ntwl nr.lern1 t lu. ! publisliod. II... W. CONNOR. lWIent. Ciias. F. Fishkh, 8Wne. Wanted, "IIHRRE or four families to work st the Salisbury a factory none but those who can come well re commended fur industry, snd sobriety, need anpl. -J. RHODES BROWXEVAg't. Pa'isbur", Jane 3, lJtL. if .June 3, 112. Washington, l. C. J laborers 1 1 anted. i'i IV- VJTnulCll, a number of binds to wotl. " tho mining business at Conrad's Hill, It ; I . V ri.. I ... i I'aviu.wn vooiuv. i ne usual waes will te e en, and "tho bunds will be paid off weekly, m monthly, as tlioy may wish. Good bnard may bo liailne.ir tbo mine on reasonable terms. t. piiir.i.ir.s ali.i:n.