fkJj aii rHuif. 11 ' " Grand' Si red by the AMERICAN ECLIPSE, The Champion of America, IVinnrr oi the great match rare, The North against the South, $2,OQ ilsidc. TIIF. thorough-bred horw LA Til, bred by Col. Wade i . . ' .. I...- ...II i. . i r . -ff- m iiuiio.i. oi rniu;n viuhJi "i. inane ms muna IP 1K3IB ilFOEIBS OP THE ' ' VNITKB 8TATBS. ' 'PIIF. IJmlersigncd havo tnken out a Patsst. for an improvement made by themselves in the important art of " Finishing Leather. This improvement consists in a new mixture, of their invention, which is applied to the leather, and which wives Use expense of tallow and the labor ot whitening. They do not offer it to the public without having them selves cflbctuallv tested it. nor on ihcir own recoinmen. I dation tlone, but ask attention to the certificates given and im sUtwri, which it now commenced and will end ! be'" b7 h,Ch ? ratable and pwienc.3lDncw!'.: at Jacob Cole-( ""V '""V"'1"" 0 lm '"''"" 'u. man's, Cabarrus county, every .Monday and Tuesday; at Salisbury, Uednesdsy and Thursday ; and at Lexinjr. ton, Davidson county, Friday and Saturday, lie will bt regularly .it hia stands, public days and hijh water excepted. He will be let to mares at the re.-, riuced prices the seaun, to be discharged by ten :f paid before tlio fciiton expiree, and $13 lu insure, payable aa soon aa the mare is ascertained to be in Ton), yr 'c property change owners, and fifty cents to the t;roum. (CJ- Care will bo taken to prevent accidents, out, in no instance, w ill I be responsible fur anv that may occur. K. V. LONG. -iilibury, X C, March R 1542., . it. rEUiliitEE : Iceitify that. LATH bred by "me, and that he was foaled in the Spring of 1H&5. Ha was got by Uu dolphin, his dam rocahontas, by ttr Archy J Ins g.'Jam Yotuie Ijoltcrv.'Hir Aniy, outot Col. Single. Ion's celebrated lottery, by the imported Hertford out of. Die imported mare Anvillina ; uouotpnin wan got ry Ucliwe :' his dam Svlnh. bv Ha? phet-tion out of Loiter; hi. ll..,ll...i Xm i llnM.hnol inn v-na n..t hu tl,n ' imported Buzzard out of the dam of Sir Archy. 4 . DESCRIPTION, I'LKFOItMAXCE, KC. LATH is a fine bay, without, whiie lfj hand, ' inches high, with good bone, and capital action. At H years old, he won the produce (.take at Cohuiibia, 2 mile beat, beating .Jr. Taylor's Filly Daity, and (.'apt. Npanu'a Colt, Convention, nine others payinc forfeit. 'J wo weeks afterwards ho won the Jockey Club Purse, mile heat, nt Augusta, beatuag Jwte, and distancing IJ!ack Dirt. At Charleston he was beaten y Clou !ippnr tor the Jockey Club Purse, mile hen tf.; b.-ing very much armts he was withdrawn aller the first h"t At J yean- old,. he wwn the joi key Club lfure, 4 mile hen's, at Camden, bratiug Str Kenneth and !.-rabella nl :t heats; litfing the tiri.t in cunquence cf bolting v lieL sevcnl lengths m advance of llie field, just be ft re he, reached t lie jwlgei' ftind ; and g- lting entang led amongrt the catriae. he fiistainod an injury which icwejonert his withdrawal from the Turf. LATH was a race herse ut the firat cl.asf, which he of its usefulness have purchased eights and alwi to mo certihcatesof tho Ikiot am' Wtioe-maKers wno o:ai testiiiKiiiy to lie quality and' finish of the leather. 1 VM. A. UONAI.P, HENRY C. MILLER.' CtT 1 ct'era to the subscribers should bo addressed, Omul 0' mvr, ilowan County, N. C. Al.rch4.lSia ': - t V.3MWIiV YOU BiUiB. 'PHERE js a large quantity of riank, Scantling J- and other building materials on hand for Sale at tho Mills ot Charles Fisher, on b'oulh Yadkin Rivcr, formcrly I'earsoD'a Mills. - ALSO , '"' A quantity of choice curled Maplo Plank, auituble for making houtc-furnilurc of various kinds. Any quantity of sawed Shingles can bo furnished at a very short notice. These Shinglea are always meat out of heart pine, or yellow poplar, ot a regular iir.e, and rcquirv no jointing, but can be nailed on the roof jiiBt as they fall from the sow - Price fjtf per 1,000 at the Mill. .. - WILLIAMSON IIARRIS1. Afi1- December 31, 1941. . Tf. Laborers Wanted. Wanted, a number of -hand to work at th mininfi huainnsa m Cinirad's Hill, in Duvidion County. (The usual wagct will be gif en, and the hands will be pniJ off weekly, or monthly, as they may wish. CJood board may be had near the mine on reasonable terms. . T. PHILLIPS ALLEN, Agent. Jnnunfv 11, 1842. . tr. PICATES: CERTI1 At the request of Messrs Ronald & Miller, and for our own satisfaction, wo- hive particularly examined their improved plan'ot hnidiwff leather, and pronounco it altogether beyond our expectation Ibr value; and we cheerluljly recommend it to the Tanners ot the Country1 as a great saving of labor and expense, and as giving a nne gloss and high finith to tho leatner. ucing rani lied ol this, we have purchased for ourselves the rigl.l to use their patent. JOHN CLARK. X Tanner. Salisbury. , JOHN SLOOP, Jim . v LEVI COWAN, WM. S. COWAN, . .Tannert, Rpwan .County. W'i have manufscturcd a considerable quantity of Ivtlher tirflshed on the improved pUn, lately invented by Mcftra. Konald & Miller, and. we comiider it of the beet quality, both for benniy ot finUh, and lasting pro perty. JAS. D. lil.OVER." WM. LAMBETH, . t' John Thompson. Uoot and Khoe-uiakcrs, Salisbury. HOUSE- jjL BILLS NEATLY fJS PR,NTEU at Tim f Cf orncE. THE PHILADELPHIA , SATURDAY COURIERV wrrn tmk lakocht t ikculation is tub wobu ! ! mm riMlK Sulwcriber 1ias opened a Public ifi !lJl Hoirno. in Mocksville. Davie County, where he is prepared to accomn.odaie Boarders and Traveller? in a eiyle which ho bones will prove saritfactorv to all who my tamr him with their custom. His Subles will be abundantly fiirni-died with every lliinT neeesi.r In il.n lmnf Pnr.rtuler : his Ia r vt !! ; I . I I L II. at.... f. i. i . w ... ...... . - uili-cil m M1K uuis Wl'.'l liy, voi'"c hup--, Flippi led With Jk'triet Of liquor?. f nd Kilty Heth, auj m p :"1 1,100,1 1,0 w mferior t H,, charges Will be moderate. All riototi and d;.-, ', whether imported or native. 1 lis constitution i ; orderly conduct Will be strictly prohibited. Call and ro!n:t, having neor been, and his temper cord, j trv me . -- IilUCKIFEAI). ..i..Ulc')lor, Ions, and art:on, fpenk for themselves. In a I 'March 11, 1942. r w-1, fjt'a unmnur iiriw't-a-uaui.y.cwjiiiuiic "T.ronaje, as any young Stallii-n that I know. " V. HAMPTON. WilSwood Jan. 22, l-f!'. I'tom the aUive Certificate of CYI. Ilnmpton, !so bred and I. ad LATH trained for the Turf, it will be seen tint lie consider! him Hriro horse! ! tho ijrst c!a, net only from the ruees he hus tiicationej 8 having run publicly, but fiom private , iriaU he has m.vle with horsei l ich nre now on . ti.t Turf, ard nnin with cin.i!!er;iL!e success. I It will nlso In? observed hy Ins eitilicate, that he J CMfidered Lith ol the purrt blood, liol lo be, - irpnsed bv nnv !ire, ir;:pirt'd or ntue. I ciik!i r it i.niilv iiimeceary to attempt to :' gte LATH, either f.r hi ierfnroititicrt en' 'In: l ur.' i,r a to l i t.S. '!. ince, in evei v rfMci, I hi: i w il fit'fp-d. 1 it i'.l rennrk th:t l.i'h nor rnlv deoi-iiifed Ir'ini oure I'1'"-1- : ('"Me'fr'o'ii St.ick r'.r'i ';'re, tf randMre, IJ.un, nt l I i.iu--dd" iimf m i.l i'- r-jniii'i Ll.)d. For r. -, his iire '''. .ipiiiii HmTiI' his four mile in j bw (irnri'Srr (lie ' wjii intaaiiiiir A large variely ol lianlcn SvctU for Male at the MalittHiry Ints floiT, bv: V. II. W HEELER. IVhruarv'lS, 1S42. r . The publishers ot this old establish d and universally i popular family Journal, would dcemit siijierogatory to ; nay a word in commendation of its past or present excei i .eote ai.d uelulnesH.. lu uiirivslled and increasing circulation, (over 30.MKI,) is its best recommendation. Eor the future, howevrr, a dctenmi.ation to UV riHT ; in the van ot 'he American Newcpnper v cekiy 1 rcai?, j will call tor increased expenditures and renewed atlrac j tuns for the coming year, lb42, not the least ot which j ill be an Improvement in thequality of the paper, and i addition ot popular contributors, embracing, we fully i believe, the best lift to any similar Journal iu the world, i The Courier is independent 1n its character, fearless ' ly pursuing a straight l rnard course, and aupportiiig In: .best interests of the public. It is strictly neutral in politics and religion. . It will maintain a high tone n I murals, and not an article w ill appear in its page which slioiilj mt find a nlaee at everv lircude. It has more , than double the number of constant reBdors, to that of ,nny other paper published in the country, embracing i'tlt htt--kumkmM-im Ktfpubltev - "":'"" A7i:KI A. .TAl.E. ' Pl ant nnn rw.itlil ikA nrn.,,1 n t t!i Pllilflpl. THE KIAIt ii UTS AT SALISBURYJUNE 10, 1642. 4U7 8 a 10 .Molastes, , ' 50aGVi Naila. . S a 9 0 aOUron, JiJ a 44 Lard, 25 a 10 a 12; Oata, ta 18 a 25 Bacon, Leof. Brandy, (peach j ituayo ' JJo (appio; flutter, Boeawax, R"jrainr. Bale Rope, Cotton, (clean) i-orn, Coffee. 'lour. 4 W a o uu FeaUiers. 15 1 871 Flaxseed, 73 1 N) Do Oil. DO tl 15 a 18 4 a 41 121 10 a 121 Do (loaf,) 18 a 20 Salt, (bu.) 1 2.r) a 1 50 , Do (sack) 9 7aai tUU Steel, (blister) 10 a v Do (cast t ::ti Tallow, 12J AVhwkt, 23 Pork. Rice, (nuart) ,10 a 12J Sugar, (brown) o a a 33 1418 AT C1IERAV,8. C, MAY 31, 1812. Beef, (scarce) Bacon, 4- . Butter, Uceawax, Bagginp, Bale Rope, CofTeo, Cotton, Corn, (scarce) ' 3 7t 121 a 15 Ti a 2.") 20 1 23 10 1 12 r 7t 50 G2t Flour, . Feathers, Urd, (carcc) Molaaaca, (ats, R.ce,(100 lbs) Susar, K Salt, (sack) , Do (bushel) 600 a 40 t 4 7 8 33t40 37 a 40 4 a $3 10 a 12 2 75 67 $1 AT CAMDEN, S. APRIL 27, 1842. Reef", Bacon, Butter, Beeswax, Bagging, Bale Rope, Codec, 4t6 1 7J a 10 ! 15 a In 18 a 23 . 20 12J 13 a 10 Cotton, Corn, Flour, Feathers, Lard, Molacscs, Oats, 5 a 8 50 7 00 .T7 a 40 10 a 12 'M 50 43 a 56 I.HPOKTA rT WO RK I now in Tni coini orruti.ic.Tiox, A DICTIONARY OF Iris, JUanufaclurts and Mines, tO.ITAIMMO A CLIAt EXpoalTIO!" OF T1UU niNCIrlQi t ADO PRACTICE. By ANDBtw Utt, J. D., F. R. S. M. O. 8. M. a. s Land., Mem. Acad. Jv. S. Philad., S. Ph. ac. ft Verm, llano., Muhi, tfe. -c'C. PKOSPKCTl or me t Congressional Globe and Appendix. r . . FV H-F.SE wofta have now been published by us lor JL ten conaecutive tessioni of Congress. Commen cing with the session of IsttS-Si. Tliey have had such wide circulation, and have been so universally appruvi d and sought alter by the public, that we deem it neces sary only in thia Prospectus to say that they will be continued at the next session of Congress, and to state, succinctly, their contents, the form in which they will be printed, and the prices for them. The CongrcfBional Globe" is made up of tho daily proceedings of the two Houses of Congiess. The speechea of the members aro abridged, or condensed, to bring them into a reasonable, or readable length; All the resolutions offered, or motion made, are given at length, in the mover's own words; and tho yeas and nays on all the important questions. It is primed with small type brevier and nonpareil on a double royal -hect, in quarto funn, each number containing 10 royal quarto pages. It it printed as fast as the busincsa done in Congress lurnislica matter enough for a number -uaually one number, but sometimes two numbers, t week. We have invariably printed more numbers than there wcro weeks in 4 hemion. The approaching soaBiuo, ofQmgrc8, it-is expected, will coiHume 7 ' moniht, if so, subscribers may expect between HQ ind 4Q numbers, which, together, will make between 800 and HH) royal quarto pages. phia Saturday Courier, as by its unbroken series ot ori- The Appendix i made up of tlie rtrsinrai't en. mat Ammcan lalei, by men native writers as Airs. , rual mctiage, the reports of the principal othcerrof lU MILL IRONS.-Cil rUF.Ri: may be had at C. ribher's FoumVy, on South Vad'kin River, Mill Irons of alnio.-t i'I dc scrpt.' tin uid in this cotintrv, ( '.iri.tinu I j.o I i.ny . Mr SCl I Ia,I Tltfl Ijlrtv j of Maryland," Frnlessor Ingrahame.T. S. Arthur, Esq., ' Mip tt.'dgwick, Mim I,i ulie, ar.d many others, it has ! justly earned tho title of the American Family .Yr ; iiptr. rprriti Lilcinliirr and ,fwn. the Government that actompany it, and all the Ion? speeches of piembcrt of Congress, written out or re vised by themselves, h is printed in tho same form at the Con grewiotial Globe, and usually makes about :h fame number of pages. Heretofore, on account of lht tet speeches being so numerous and so long, wo bate not completed the Appendix until ono or two months after the clcteofihe ression; but, in future, wo intend to print the speech? at fast as they shall be prepfrcl, a tow ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE THOUSAND TWO "iinvmi vn AMn wuitv nvp pvr.ii ..... riMIIS it unquestionably the mrwt popular work of lU X kind ever published, and t book most admirably adapted to tho wants of all classes of Die community Tho following are the important ohiectt which the learned author endeavors to accomplish ; 1st To instruct tho Manufacturer, Metallurgist and Tradesman in the principle of their respective pro. cesHes, so at to render them, in reality, the ma.tcrsof their business; and, to emancipate them from 1 (tKQ of bondage to such as are too commonly governed by blind prejudice and a vicious routine. ( ' 2ndly. To afford Merchants, Broken, Drysaltcrs Drugigstt, and officera of the Revenue, characteristic descriptions of tlie commodities which past lliroagh their hands. " 3rdly. By exhibiting some of the finest developments of Chemistry and i'hyaica, to lay open an excellent practical school to Students of these kindred sciences. 4tMy. To toach Capitalists, who may bedesirouacf plasing their fundi in some productive branch ot indue try, to select, judiciously, among plausiblo claimants. Othly. To enable gentlemen of tho Law to becomo well acquainted with the nature of those patent schemes which are to apt to give rise to litigation. ' tithly. To prosent to legudalora such a clear oxposi. lion of the staple manufactures, as may dissuado them from enacting laws which obstruct industry, orcherUh one branch of it to tho injury ot many others. And lastly, to givo the general reader, intent chiefly on Intellectual Cultivation, views of many of the nc blest achievmcntsof Science, in effecting" jhoso grand transformations ot maltor to which Great Britain and tho Unite1 Ktatct owe their permanent wealth, rank and power among the nations of tho earth. TI10 latest ataliatica of every important object cf Manufacttirt are given from the best, and usually from official authority at the end ot each article, " "The work will be printed Troin 'fbtj 21 London Ed'i lion, which sells for 12 t copy. It will ho put on good paper, in new brevier type, and will make about IURI 8va pages. It will -be issued in twenty-ono semi monthly numbers, in covers; at 23 cents each, ptytblo on delivery. , OCT To any person sending ot five dollars at one time in advance, we will forward the numbers by mail, pout paid, as soon at tliey come from the prcs To suitable agentl this a (Turds a rare opportuni'y, is we can put the work to .the m on terma extremely favorable. In every manufacturing town, and every villigo throughout the United btntei and Cantda sub scribers may be obtained with the grcttest facility. Address, post paid, La Roy Sunderland, 120 Fulton itreet. New York. - ' 1 ' ' .. To every ditoc .lio giwt this advertlkefMent en. lira 12 iiisertrons, we will forward, to order, one cnf.y 4' the whole work, provided the paper containing this notice ttejtcnt to the NewA'ork Watchman, N. oik. March 1L1342. , -1 : ! r PANKRUPT LAW.- win-. ',- 'i v.; in Paw M'.'.l Tr..nt, Oudseoct ol! sort! -. ic.-U J.en not uu Imul. thev irav b.i i.a. unlet si t..hort.iiiticc. .... . . ' Williamson Harris, A-er. IVcemVer Til, I'll. , Tr. :.i:s. T miiriirj ,imt ."1 seri American KeMp". m) rll htmwri nt the N'ortli and ; S-'-mth, n.nde his time In the grent tViatrii rnrr, thff ..... "i'll fll'fl nsu'i 1,? r ni. i.-e, a, :57" Eclirw woa'vMth con-! T!cf.S!: FKOfcPECTI' or THE .YoT'h -Carolina Temperance Urtiuv, Determined to spare t o expenfc in making the fat lay Courier a pert'eci n.i del of a Universal Famili w.-psiMT, of rouii! mi rel lo n',1 claesej1 mid peifoiiK ami uf coulee tliall eumilde the woik willim every nation, ve hav 1 r.nrie arrar.geinenls to reecive . djjs after t!.e fejeoriiment. the Alncizui' K anil pnpi rs of inii reM, prib'ishcd in J,c;, 0f thpi-o works is complete in itself; hut i is Slsuu nt;d on He '..mim-iit. tl e in--.u and ftenw of i;re..Brv t-.r every subscriber " In desires a-full .t!i i ! tr . union-. ,1 (,, ,t. ro!oi,,i. liius , L,.iiu of ihv rroMn;ailu.Tl of Cojicrew, lo Imve n r-M ssorfiern. a correct and ,,;, . i,ecauc, then, if there should he nv aiiibinnitv er occurs 0! 11. t re.-', ci- ilx tl,0 synopsis of the speech, or any denial oi its cor- 1 ... ' . . .1.1. I....I .1 . r. . ' , ... . I rmni'MS a puunMri-u in hib ion2resMinai nune, Hie ; reader may return ti the Appendix to sec the f peech j at length, coirccled by the member Iiime'f. Now. there is no source but the Congressional Gin! e :ris ni m i Miri;i.i 1 inin. t rn. ..... " '"p'.L. m,. ""1 AppcniliXjrom wtiich a person can obtain lull ' ""'i fnstr.rv nrilift nroeeedinfJl nr lhfreM f : 1 "iviiiif In emifrrnrrt rnnti'.ctei! neeoi,nt , 1' tlicr ut hon.e or abr -.d TIIC MARKETS. ivirt:c'i':.r n ' ,11 r t,. .or r e n to pp-cire toe ear iet adv to ' t.t (IH1 I its an mee to huh-ruble ec'nt. TLi nre gained him the memo ' Mine in i:,c ::4.i.p.-Hi .. : 1 , J. vrr il, nevoteu to die cu.-e ot I tinperanci.' dim, t-ire.1 Iv tiit renowned Nr Archv w i.oe re-j jn bed.erce to their v isbes', and mspreM.d the iiutattoA i-a.4aotr. inc. t'AUiie uiieue-tioi'.ed both 1 imjvjrtmee of sneh ftmbl.cation, the CVi-mi'tcc l.a'.e !a!,e in'-niiires tor tiie etan!ie!niieiir, at this p:-:cc, ot a I Jv . niKir.rv ni in iittjci-truniirw ni rut rr ri't-n ntira aff '::,' r'y CT,W! mM' rli rc: 1 Stm-. Rejiier of iVbater which a hZ af'-r re.ider our i'rices (.urrcut ot mestimablc Uteret . , , . . J? ...,j..i 7i....- . ... '.. i: I niiij -Auienci. . 17, .) Lmury, hred liy the g:: t Sout'iern .'...ii'ieur ni horv , C'ii. II- Singleton, nt South 'iro'inrt, which bai f.rod;ie', touie line r-. rr .,ret 3H ivv i.ther nare in ; t ivon. im it HI, I : ' "ii ! !:at l ntud i f '.!. sx:d wit'.t ti 'V'i;r p'l'.l.e i tl:! re :': in '.I.e. S'j'.l'.ii, II t ft. (.'o!ch i t I ii' Nor .1 vi:,i ill" to.i' LATH two of i he !" iii.ii in;' e!ou . I pr-"i. . ... i ' , t.-n I'l T!l -,7 T.v. ITic" gfnhrT'ilm' 'of! d'-'ermmed, , if . ,ti;'.ck-iU..fic.aurjr,!i,.i; nt . .,cs ii i.rb- '.Tiieo, to lesnc ili f:rst piimbet o. cii' li a p'llii'e'itK.e, to he tailed the MtRTH CAKOI.I.W H.Aii K KA.NCK L'MO.N.on the tirst January ne.n. 'I he h ading object of the Cuion will l, llie ii ,r rn.ii:il:on I' Tci:.;iei:iiiCe ir.lic:p'e. V e r'm'A 1 1- pre nt ti;.. Tc: :: . -it 1 srnl or n'.o ii i' liiH it. ,,, e, j,...-ovr, i ,e .-rem '.i! 'i t!i lir.t and Ii aiiir," ob'ct ol ..'ii';op, ii at its ' .- f . a I ! I nrnflry of the mo.-i it: ;.o-t.-i.t c ...... I . .. l..n .tietlAlulfl,! ... m , 1 . . a m ...... ,. to-U. tr,v,.!er, the larm. r, and ail Lom,,, ,,. tla,-, rot'all0ut five ,in(e, ,nUCh for . s,on as Z on I ..'oral character of i,e ( i, ..veil I. no :.. ' S.".J Appendi, .d d,d not contain an hi coluim:, contain a great v.nety of i ytl V" '"7,' ST " V CUf?enl " t procetings Icine omitted. e are enabled to print tii narrai ivfh, rt!, am)"t ..; .ii CwjJiaiWll A'.tMliS .! Uw. Jew. tta arTTvTirUmV propVieJf, by kving a large rjuantity of type, and Agriculture. Jucsmn. .V'-e. .Nr-vs, Health, Amuse. ' ''rT'g 'he Congreaeiolial matter that we set op for ct.iiiccryiii-uar!iueniii.iellydici.ed "a' ' ""Z'Z ' J j ir"""' r "'0 Fa.iilv .cv. Hl-r,iromt,icriwrittr..a . -cr-..ial f.lobe tnd Appendix. If we had to H;t '' i,, niniici " . ," i.." wiling tullltl nOl .'I I pa-e. a lull lecord ol . i :i pro- r.inco rane in u"r own n. ,i i:i e'.V. t iitHin iiniividunl. in ! i :- il ar'.ici' i'i ' I r ; o1- e.l uC'ir-- i.i u. w. i;. r.l I eirpf-r " v.- ,l or J. .uu. nl, il 1 or ni.-i! !;, a ciii-ni i i-t-1 f tiic iiu'.. ;r il . 'i riirri' - ' - , ' . ','.'.' ii til Ml'tt prr.Trie T,rnp".i .V. C. ;'. :..!.i.v. pirt t!-r at'er.t I !: con ) o!ii 'i '!'i) lo the North Cir"!-!.. n f-i i';e ir.trreit tf .'.rrici.iiiir . ti..f i.'.i.'f '. iic i '..n "nt'ee look v.r t' . nis rf 'l'i ii., -erauce, partinil. r. . !-.r iiiil ami lopmrt. A r.'-w in Wer men!, ami in tuct id a ." Tr. ('. I.en Hcntz, '"h.'irlM llltkciir, (ill 7 I'.oji lngrahaiiic, T. .S. Ar;l.or. ' J. Slicriil-iii K'r.ou ii V'. M. St. ..n Lo-. 1 -e-''af Ji.-rro .J. oi. i'.. Ui.rton. leiil. (i. W . I'a'ten, i'l'f. Csrr;.';!, M... Mitt. rd. I'ro' K. I VI MIO-, ,; ,-l,ir, M'.M!" i i :v f -er ( f !hJ r, V to (v:,,; Dr. I)i. - I 1- I een ei'.i :i 'm li.e ljiiwi hi tlii Si- .t!.! ;ir iper o' os n, eooiJ tell n t e tf v. , -,t r- ' i'i pji.-tin-r ot-ier iMir u" n fve, which ttni:id . .1 a tin, II of - v ll rr'ieli ev ry Ler.c ..-i' :i! : " r''f.riiiiii :i . i! le.-tr.n'e has cniimei;"!, m.d .'til gon 5 on wi'h power smi fiere.-. w..e': 'l e t -enjnme riv. r dared to i;ic"ij:a,e. tine iif I ' e ii.i ar.f f r.-'. i. tiii,ei.oii, riii'l c tl.M rn 'i-ore I- 11 ;-o I'.ir'j, iie ( 'ap;'ii ' t :!.e ol.l .ortli ne, I., leii.'.'e-t I o.ii.i;;i ry, ihM will I. il mill its ; pine'- fiTtii pro-periiy thrniii'li nl! fut.ire pi w ra'ior.j. 'rent then, in. -t eirr.i --tiy 'o Hppi ii. x rv ' i il ' ! Tempers! , M'.n':'v, and c 1 ' ' 1 .. ot eel c- To rfiiiiiieiii- v. '. o i" part of is friend- rray '"' filal. 'ten, '.vhn fe"! an re- l in i er '. .-r.,p"ra!iCO S'viciely, l. ' ijnii. re- Mr.-. . C. 11.11, ) rru!enw,r I.'iine'isrsn, M. .M'.M.c' ci l, Mi.-s Llien fi. Ka' .!, (ie,,re I'. M-jrr.-, ', Mrs tlrre, J -e-.!i ) h-nvi.-f, .Mi's Lcsi.e, I'rofi.fMir J. I ro!', Lydia II. ri:;'i)iinn y, I Ion. Robert 'J'. Cm. .-4 Hubert Moir .V ,-.(. II V. IM A. I!rii-i., Jt , Joiiii .Ni .,1, ',,.,ni,.s. ,,f nil v,r' Ify Sr 'n'ir. J. r, .) A;i.-!.i i I'l.iriKf'v. As ? ' v yeiir, i.' ni i 'i U t every m-'iriii.-i -eee.-i, or'd i verv 'i..'jli', i:ir' i -e.jw,-e I IM I I r, Ii ir moi -i !::. , V tl'1'1 f',:. !; n , mi-! -' v. I I--- . n IH'.ver. ' -phf .. '. i h.. ;. -, pt. Ahrryitt, It. .V H. 1'i nn SiMitli, to .(;::. ts-ti:i: vs. Tl o termof the ('Mirn-r are ' per enr,-:', !! ni a i'.ui.i-e, t.ii' -aIii-i, 01)y (.n. will ethi.'iate lo prot or-'' ' !l '.e-A MIliSfri'.ilTF, n!nl M !;li lis Kl.l, t';r il.uyi ! uu! J,,,, v,,. receipt tor oin: lor enrh ;-'o,i.n '''I ;.r jS-1. three c ics ti,r s."i, or one f-py ln:e ' . ' l-Jf N."). Ii I IS IS I ii . T -1 esor the Sct-ir' f'i"r,i r.iiid (.' i'y - I! .oil, p-ip year, v ! ! t-n,t (r .O. 1. r t',0 e'lu t.'-r c! r.i,p;,, v. tl.ey l-io , :i, :hi r v-; , ', -i; 4 l-.rv u:.l .'oly. C.r 1", '.'', ol'-'.ol e-.j... .-, ai ei ir.-iuil i t ttieir r.t'ii !.!i,,r'ioi ii i,.; y ,. ,,i.. r. V;v j;r--, -f I , I ... ivc enp: , IV. Ok, I Ih. vituidny four;":, ami Cflrj's ae Hiir, .v 1 1 1 he -rit (vr -".in. 'I'M A KIN linl.!; V.T i,;Ci.,lr;r, -A ill !p:nn. m'iI in Iheir j 'I alfiird to print ttn-m for double the price tiow charged. f'oeiplete Indeyes to both the Ciinproiid.'nnal Olobe i lint tl.e Appeniii.x are pnided at the c 'nfc ot cerh tet L fn ii. end tent In ill snbecrileri' for tl,r:. j We l.iv on hand V.Jim or (X1 fitri'i s pop,. s if I ti e GmirrcfHonel tiltbe and Aprf-ndix f.,r thr Fttrt I St'i.ri, -.lvth n.ake together r.esr one thfUrti.d ri-yal ! ip:ar' i , . They five the lulli ii litr-mry of Con. I yre!. I'l-ii h!iever lieen ptiblir-brd. We now fell jtliem f,,r . eeh; that is, fcl tor the Cnnpre-jionfil l' ;L-r. and $1 (or the Appendix. Wo prnnooe iu (-t ' il-icr her- fur tho Cor'-ressionel filol " tnd Append, x I l"f the pert session, !'. them for Ml rrnt rsrh. J The will l-e necei-sry n rmdersland tnl.'y the pro. ! ceedinw r,( (he next rir,n. The itt pi rtaot niini rs Idiseussed at the lft, viil l,e hrnopht up si the rext j efiifiri. in crmefji'rf:rt' i f the iiDi-.ea! ilisntisfictMin ' (ineid in the ate elrrtiti. W'li the vast ar.d nmel Mftem ' policy vthich lie powers li.-.vo inlrm'uerd, ni.d wliuh foreed tiit' '.ii Ci i jrn v, il!,n.; cof.. m iinif polil.r opii'ion, or even allowirs the full dt'- ii-s:i.ii u-ual in repard to i.dijects (-1 ord.naiy tr.l. rer'. i The reports of the t'onrrretmnnnl G!olo ai d Anoendiv nre not in the IcaM denree atlecied l y the partv bins : !' the Miiip r. Tiey are i? m n p'eei-cy as. writlrn ."' hy the Importers Bud the rs thn.velir.. ! Ai d ilii" w r ole are mbjret lo the re i.-ien and e r c ; t.on 1 1 The . as they pa-' in review in our ilai'y -j'. ;i M-aoy Hyiderifa tidm? er mifrpprr . e;,:a- ir.n ot I'e ir ii'inar'' stienld we'r. We i:,r. i;" a daiiv analysis of the i! ;.f m (.;rp..,. !t:i1 (jive t ut op:niMis ih i' freelv, 1 ;! ;..: i iV V in the Ihny, Semi. wn ldv, sin) '. uklv (i:.,l,i Lie above, or r- ii.-rninl t I ' - . i .t .. ,. -i, , f, on' .(" ii. t, i r ' r'V . (' ') ' , i r'' i. . , 'tii - r I '"''!: ii'lu olTr- .-. 'I'll ,ri-. Vv Srt Ww'. .Viri'rn. At fi meet in 2 of tl."'.ive Co riotTre oi .! i. . i .. en !' - t , it, i;.t lu!'i.iinj n..-o.i,'..:i ui.s !i r'H,; ,.rr, . ,e,!. I.n'.e ., i , Ii. -iiie Ii, e. iM.'.'iK'e .Or. in, i,i .f, xv r. ot a Temperr-rto J..ioi-.ii m '.: o? Hale -ii, ..ii the f.r-t wwk Jn in , -1 l.-il i-si: i i:ui -.j, k i.y.iT.o.-rp rtn.1 ,,' ..... I 11- ''.'. I I "' I' ':" OiOs esmeMlv n ' . IIill-i ! t 1 ": '1 ol tlie ( l! r, rs of !',r N'ule Temper .ive i- .1 :v, '. : To tl." l..,lrf ,f l-,e (:.. St-te .M-.-l'i '.noil " 11 ny w..i. r re ; r .. .. : n, ' : .. i it e, iiihth v. , i':i r ., r. i eipf ,, in - r. r.' ' 1 , ' I e'v.ujf. r,'-po..;' , ;t r I 111 lo S' .0 l,.l f "ie p'. ,,;:V ' ol I --e 'I I' ' " ,' f:'i 1. ' .:. 1 ..rder of ;-. ji.. , i--.,. I ', eMcc '!''.' .V..r''i .'i ' 1 ' " 'I 1 , . - 1 I- . '. ,;. 1 v. 1 .-e ; ( i- ;.i;: 'J'etni ' ' it.i'C I :.,i 0 v o, ' - : 1,- i liiv on 1 :l ,' 1 1 111 1 !ll . ' ,' )) '."'i I , I " I in r.) nt .ni. Il il'nr an I f'.lty t.'i-n't p. r siimoii. piv !.' I.N A!V Wl.'K. l..-1'eri Snherib r- cauien '' '"'lllttlilirr., i,t ,Q it n r't.'ll, ltpili'lo' Il e, lo 'I'.-. :i vi r o; 1 Soeir'i.,', Jamiji JImkwn, kiieo'li, N ,"1 t'joj'.a. A'l .l,i. i-.evejv.;i ,., t',,. .-':::, -re rr.: ttfu.ij re- . - ,' ' , i - 1 ' . j '. - .rc 'i r .r t ' 1 - j . - , ' 1 . . -. . Daiiv iIoIm.' i si sin. fr atiim-n, 1:1 n-hnnr. ill the h tie; Si ""'' t;!" ill. .1.0 Hi m '' Ci'yof, a nr:c Ii'" A- 'y 1'i'i'ir, to lr rnlilhd rilE VI KG INI A DEMOCRAT, I I will 1,0 priu'eil , ., ,.M paper, r.erl,:,', unt I nf'er tlie ie t t,i 'loi i,t nif. ;,ti(;o! low price ot I enty l-i-.e i: 1 t n r,(, :i.rri'"r, niiir i'-.pie-' , " '.'':i!r!' ''V.'!-:.NTV-VHK!:n t-.r' IV.c )' " I'lrTV cnj.iw f,,r Ten J . '!ut!, jm- ',,'e nr. iri- '' "f '"'oriMMini,:.- v,,lr v.i'li all till I a -ir rKk. ' ,,,,. nii-.v nnvocniPii ninl tiipporle-l ly the 1 1 i'i pmty ; nnd no'liiir' fall In: , H miilone, vt hirli " ''' ' ' 'i'i x-rt oi's enn ni roiTipli !-, o.'i il'ect tlie ' t o'."r'hiu ot (;,.. I'e-'i nl f irtioti" irt !!..."crf-uinf '..".011. "I lit' nr'K -a ill Le lirief, p II, y -id'ipt. ' !- t rrur'io!.. aid npr-et'iil ; I'ed'eriiii in in nil n-e-if-i.-on . rms nnd Protean nl.iipe, will ho lnn..'le, 'a ill,. ml j'lueo. We ro-poctfiilly a 1; iliut a j;er.i rina var( nr. 2 mny h In 'lowed ii p,in our cfl,rt to promote li e .inn- of i o eaiiseiuw:,., tt Mrc enrai.'id. I)n!iriaiiilrcisiil ' t-i I HE Mill ! n J 11.1- will rsM-mvit nr.,.... nllf.,l,.n 1". I - . " - ' '-. . f- n, v.. torni a-i Lit oi leres-siotial Ulobe nnd A pendix, nnd a ceiup!' to mJtx made to it at tlm end b vo-,r. '", ; tiirm'b: r, f e 're '.il (il.i'je ar-1 Append v ;' - '' ln' llv'ra r-'"!"iion, rl. I '..r the fijnjrcs. i .i! (ilobc fjr r.ext e.i.,, - l or e.-Ij.v. I'or I'.e AppfmJIr fir the r.ejrt Fes-ion, S, (.rr r .vix copies ol cither of the above works wnl !,.. ,.,'.,. f r J.." ; uiel'.o copi f. r if'lti, an I n on in pr. ',.,n: ;l ! r a ;;r. uti r n' I in'ii.rn'i '"'"V in1 ini'.snniieii l,v r-'Mi. mr'anr -i;. liy a rnlo of ,o n Oiiice. Deparlinen; pi'mnster.-i are permitted to Irauk letters turitaiiiu;.. money f-.i' H.b.cript. .us. Tl.e .o,te ot any Inn I:, -urrcnt where a !'.Lvel;'., r re: i,l6', " ill he received hy ns at par. To iii'tin: ai! the li'imber:- iir, s.ihr,'ipti.,nR ,,-,,,,1 he in Wa hiiyt'iii by t !.c 1.1th December no! i htrlheft, ihnieh it prtilmblo that we shall ,.,,, enough surplns cpie , to Q CVery f nl cription .i;,lt miy he paid before tho Ul day (,f January next. A'-i uttnilion will l,r ;iW ln a n oriVr inf, ,, tntmiifQcrnmpnnu il. Itl.AlIC 4. R V J-.H. v. anfrgt'-n City. t.Vj'jer 25. 1H IMTtD STiTCS MIRTH CnoLtA PHTIlltT. -" ' v I IIIIRKDY GIVK NOTICE, That on the fan dny ol February next, I tlall hold a Court at rr.v house in Fayelteville, for the purpose of receiving J petitions wider " Ad &Qt to eatabbah a uniform sj s, itm of IfHrikruptcy throtijliout the I'nitcd fctatev' 'and ilit the snid Court will be kept open evrrv day in'sticceiioir(Suridos eiceptirt,) until nolitc I filtnfl be given lo the Contrary. . In the case of voluntaty Innhrujits, the Act pre. vide Hint rill persons wbattorVPr, residinn in the .State, Aic., owing debts, w JmcIi tlioll not (rave Lrrn created in eonterj,'ietico of a defelcatioo at I public officer, or ct executor, ndniinisiutor puardian or truttce, or while acting in any other fiduciary ca pacily, who sliall, by ttitkri, setting forth lo !,o beat of Ihpir kmswlcde-arittlielief; a"tiat T3f thcir creditnrvth resprttiTe f l.ictt of retidence, ir.d ihe aniouatt due 'to caej, together with an aceurata inventory of his or tliu.t. liberty, Ughtt and critd its, of every name, kir.d, ai.d oVscrtptirtn, and the location nnd situation of each anderery parcel and r4ior,iMwrr.w apply to tba . proper Couit 'lor the benefit of the Act, ami therein declare therotelvea to beanabjo to meH thatdjebtsaiid engntments, shall be deerr. ed bnnkrup't wiihm tho of tho Act, ai. 1 may be to declared according1)' By a decree of ll.j Court.4" It it my opinion, that all newnt coming within Ihe purview tfthe Act, though tl.ey may be en tirely destituttj of property, are en titled to its here fin. - I prreetve in tlie puhlicntiont r.fwtcral oflhe District Judgct, a diversity nf opinion, nt I antic." paled, on the coiutructuo tf (he act, even in the iticifient etage of jinweedirljf under it ; and I am aware thirt other tnd urate important' tfifT.culi.e will occur in tha tequel.' Hot I am flow engaged in a correntxindence wiih tevernl District Judge, ill. the view of reconciJmjr, 0 far ot we con, the iliirrr.pni.cfet oflho Act, and of iw.irig, at least, M sumeth.iiu like ti uniformity of prnrtire. I shall, however, hold myaelf Oi'tcarimrM to piif the Act in operation, Becoffinjtb its tpirit and the bestAl' my nhility, v.heilier it In1 amend, rl nr not. ! The ti ees:,ry rules nnd rnr'rit, eji'.lfa j iTnll'ol fees, iiliiill I ijive'i in due lime. I Accordii-j; to my rnr..-.tnirtiii!i of the Act, li e pi 'i'i . n nmy lie verified Ix-lorr any Judje or Ju- i Hie o I the I'eacc nf linn flito; hilt I tlllTlk the pi- 'tiiK-ner is required to npenr in 'urt, nt llie m?. rrther in pi.rn,n or by nttnutey, to declare ' hiuiMill to be unable to meet Ins debit andtni-nje. i I II.L'UlS. j The j.i titioner ii.tii-l rnrrprie in hit priiti-.n n"! 'he tleius reoniri d ; ni.d it will hi: found safet L ; adopt llie very leiir of lii Api. lie rntt run"' Ni'' I'oiiiiiy in which he rt niton. ; The peti'ioi , wti"n rrrpiv: it, he referifd, i t eriii, n their re-nective tilatid Courts, .ft ; tii" Pj.rjiia. I'or iii'tauee, nil within the- District of Alb-- marie, will lin brnrd nt I'.dent n ; all within th" i District of I'nmlieo, will M. brnrd at Newliern ; niid nil wiihm Ihn Ditrirl (.f Cof.o IVar, nt WiU mineton. And onhlu :itinn w t be nr.lrred at di reete-l by tin; ,rl. ; 'I ho Di'r:ct n A 'l.'-ri; ar'e rirn; i the t ' Slnlr DiMrn tsoi' Ivle,,., ewl ll-ilihix; liie tru'luf I'-imli-'o the DtMtrM't of Nov. ( hern iiii-l IliliahoiDiij-li, tiM,.t.r with nil ihut 'i'r ol the District of Wilmington which Ins I" '" Northward nnd I'alw,ird ot New li.vrr ; .ml ll"' District of Cnpc I ';, r e, tho remain!"" p.ii I of tho Piatr. i All ('o.nniiniii'aiii)iis on (lie subirct ol Pi'iMl-n'r ry, addressed t till) hy mail, il not post (.aid, ii'iiwi-u ;n the nllii e. Vrvrttrr II. nil 1 Jmlr I . .Viit.J n for iHntrirt vf vrth ('""' '' 'fV . .'in.nri 17. 1 e J . j" ' ''i ; , r 1 ,:."v !..-. T3 y rt1"' . . . . ' . '. I. J

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