i V. : i lire rT' trim We ! n : i ; i,,4.lt tJ S.ur.uv m rn..i . "V,"' ,,,l."r'!'y.Ht) .'o! jo'i. !)ui;.ili lli'i.vcrivi, tr.ipj e it -ro i tin tr.vn. an! being wsll suoihed Willi tnuivwler cin iivic'I blowing up the 1iuihh to urn-st t le pricr.. o!' t!ii llvnii. This was cotnoleody by fioihy ni)r;'nn'f. Tho Sensto order t PA-ry pjr)i t, h -ivo tie town, an 1 nothing - iouM exceed the lieart-ivnJm Hpeetade uf thoui-an.ls uf poor people li antic Willi their lo..., aud iiUajt the , ni'vis ot prjcan.j f ).! or blieitcr. Tin dostruetion Ihuoirg is ono of t'l.ui calami liis wliic'i will bi full in every put of t!io coiniiieroiit World. O.-i-at as uny be ilia credit ot the tJunitj un I l ! ;!o of ) law'iurg witli furei?i States, a century will t'.ipia before tin city cm replaco tbo property do. yra;,ed by tti.s conlli r.iti 1.1. 1 1 the mid.-t ot t!ia v illusion, an incident occurred cbsractcris'tc ot tbo GivernnstU S'ltt'i pf ni'j. A p i'jluJ no'ieo- was , ( , cv.'ryw i ro p.it aX .tiling tint tlio ilu. u i ler tlio J lunk, c J'itaium.f tb if.ihi au.t silver bus, were Srj proof, aoj tiu iho hiiik bxikj aaJ pjp.rs were all rc ii'veJ and in ptrKt sifety. It it uiate.l m tlu litest account tlnt-iM fronts, ,c)urt,iiiid alleys, and. 15 public buildinos, in all, about . 1,5'J.I houses iitva fa lion .ueriiiee Tin ou.nbv.rof lives Ion id giid to bo between !j.)0 and li Jd ' rt i . . - i i v-uuujciio'i? wis nm si mica m i ken I' l.v'rrs. 11 ls pjlitieal arguments resemble in their cogerry, mathematical demonstrations, and thus Contain tin: highost evidence o( bis excellence of all moral reaatoain. IIj will rise io ilia Senate Hud rut ton to tpic wiiicli all tlio other great mte!.;ts of that body have argued anJ ro argued, oae pi-rhap which hut undergone the discussion' of tlio Press lor year and becnnss a hackuied theme of tittle demagogues, he will first alula the question, and nine to ono I lie reader will perceive Hint he never below understood the rial question lie wilt then start with a proposition at plain us that the shortest distance between two points is a straight lino tlio next proposition is almost as plain us the first another and another each following and built upon the preceding presently rhe subject uufuliU itse!(, mil we find ourselves in the midst of it tacts and autistics are introduced in their proper order and properly combuwd with idous '.lie logic of facts and the logic "f arguments run into each other producing a beautiful liaVui my the roudur, if a Whig, begins to doubt ihnuu hi " is heaped upon Thought fact upon fact lho reader Ij'-gius to believe Mr. Calhoun takes ono utep liihor another assent it gained illustratuiw are as wiii nn:ri h.MiJe.1, and bills were freely diHCounted at lo'ir per " " " - 1,...,l.,.,i I , . . i I ;.. insurance compini.-s ill meet at least the jreuleat ' tu-suiiauirai i.pics aro juouutcu m uiwi jnrt of the Ut..o sustainml. a!,J j rclatbn to the matter in hand presently Tho New lliniburz-Zsitung of the l"ili in-t. Mw, H the ray aro broulit to ft focus a flood of i tat iiio are computet! a I ..llowa-" .i.vn.M.m)y j hjut githerinji from all mrj is poured in and tlio in iuors wr hw oiirnxi in uie ware ioiws ; l,K) lio.Iars t t furniture and ether valua .fiues; and lliii is in IcpcnJent of-tlio valuJ ot the houwt destroyed, Which are proposed to bo rebuilt by u sate loin."' , A general meeting of the British residents in Ham Ixirj and !t viciirtiy was held on the Vi'U iwt. ot her 5ritaanic Majesty's consulate, fir the purpose of prppa riuif a petition to be i)resentpt to her .Mainly and an appeal to t'i L'sji'pj Knif'k)n of (Jrent Itntatn und rf's ; J.OtKi,. , reader clos-. s the speech, convinced, 4asiled Nobis jhwiu ware taciilrv-wonderlu I man! ' facility wonderful man! Now of ail rccotmneiidutitins it miy ho said, tlio least for a candidate in a popular joverntucot, is this hijfh imelloLiual power. The people, soma thuk, cinnot appreciate that talent there muit ha something fnr the mass. This is a, lug idea nni crried out lends to coon skins pgd hard cid' r, liiid all the i t cetera of political huipbuggnry. Tlio 4 I . .1 ...1 . I . tJt I I -.t ! 1 i.umi, wir.,u..Mn,..ionei notices, tier 4mjniy repre-1 ., , . .. , ovVrIIUm,a imelf .eiiiativo at JLmtww, prayin-,' tint the llritU1! lAtini t ' -13 ' 8a"re ui)0" ,.,lt8 et,ver'1" f1-'1; would alleviate the general aulL-rings 'caused by tho ! h!ch presumes an mtolligoiit constituency, and raUmitious Cro in that city. The ii.ectinj was venM "owever ju-t it iilay be iu a kindly govfrnninut iiuuiorously attcuJcd. , . , . . . "w he ro the popular inind is debased, iis of no force Ucie. ' A few years ago, evon within our own From the Washington (.V. C.) ItrjuMicm. reeollcctioii, wnen the great b idy of the peulo niir. iif .,MMM.,M ,.,.o took little heed of tbo doiu-s of tbo iicner.il Co Jiiw iauiw.i inii inii.i3-ihr.i,i.ft .. j n i. .. whether it wilt n it bo postponed, at lemt for the pr sont. We speak for ourdve only, when we eay, thai we would prefer to tee Mr. Clay iu the field aithe Whig candidate, to any other man. Ilia political tenets ore too well kn i-vn to admit of any attempt at concealment. Ho cannot os represented in one section as bank, and in miot!ir as anti-bank as l int, or antt tarilT, accori!in to the demands of the occasion. His friends hail him as the father ol tlio " American nystmu," (as fhey call it ) the able advocate of high dutie, uiid f he foe io free trade. As such, ho rua4 bo tukon, II ho is ta'iu'n at all. Wo hr.po to see the next presidential contest, when it co:n;!s, conducted o i a principle, so that let it rcfult as it may, the policy of (he Government may becomn wiile.l, f r muni) year at least. I'aullc ton(S. V.) McBjengir. ' MINI MUM, ANd'sI'UOIFICT DUTIES EX. I'LAIXED. ' The all important subject of lho Turil uejng al wngui betoro Congress, i n the object ot the, wri il.li(ion to this, we oro akod to levy a tax for th protection of the home manufacturer to tho tuno of 30 to HJ per cent, upon tliti cost ! 1 1 Truly the time has arrived when it is well woithy the con. sidoration ol those who aro interested in the cult! VHtion of tho great staplo of our country, how Umg would it probably be, under such a course of poli cy, belore the cotton grower would ba deprived of all foreign -markets J and our shipping mierost, what would then become of our carrying trade 1 -A word more, howevor, fa regard to minimum and specific dutios, and 1 have done. It has been olle.n assorted in debate that there is a precedent in the tariff of 1932 lor specifia rules Nas hi .'h as now proposed, (excepting with moleskins, cVo.,) and this setns to have gained general crcdonce ; but the all important fact is eutinily overlooked that, while the specific duty now proposed is nominally not much beyoud what it was ton years ago, yU in the meantime tho value of goods has . under gone a declino of more than one third, consequent ly the samo specific duty per yard laid on noir is a much heavier fax. or lamer per centngo, than if was ten years ago ; a, for instance, nn article of ter"to wike nppear, iajtrins to U, under lood, printed cottons then cosling OJ. s'.orling or 13 i . i. t . . 1'" .'-.'. I . . . 11 itkila nr..! .nfi.-tHilr!n(r 5lfl iimhna ul.ln una iIOHdlfill what Ww tcal jw cfnt'ie dufjf' would bo undor the sp-cific ratHn prop od by the bill now under roiMideratiou in the (louse from tho .Committee of Wy and Means upon a f;w of the more promi. Iieut articles of imp 'it, say those manufactured from cation and wool, A casual observer on taking up tins lull, an I looking under the cotton Section, inigjit ret satisfied with reading as follows?" on all manufactures of cotton,' or of which cotton sliallMa ooiup hcq pari, not otherwise specified, a fl.it y (n'tuirty pi?r centuin , lho minimum pro cents, end measuring 30 inches wido, was doomed to have cojt 35 cents, and paid 2 ) per cent, oa that, or 8: cents the yard, being 49J per cent, on the thon cost; now tho same artiolo will cost siy 6 1, sterling, or 12 coots, by the present bill it is deemed to cost 30 cents, aiid pay 30 per cent, on that, which amounts to 0 centi, or 75 per cent, on tho present tost ; thus, while tlio specific duty now proposed is nominally marly as in the dame articlo is rntfw titxed 20A por cent, more thau it I was then I ! The ftrthng nll'm our imports of theso ENCLS. v?rnmnt, Mr. Lalnnun was not onnrcciateJ ; bit (now when all ecs aro turned to Congress and h;s The Democratic press am beginning to agitate iunprcciuble speeches aro reld with as much (.lisiiLinct of .scjecii'ng their caudulaui i,a tl ptxt i aHy os was formerlynn obituary or marriag", l'rcsideHry.'' S icii is however the coursauf onlv i or homicide, tho case is altered and his namo can D part of that Press. Sjmo consider it premature; aaken nrno euliiusiasm among us than any other. liut thato believe is only tho policy of those who 's highest tribute to Mr. Calliouu's nicrits, consider their favorite aspirant not suffijiontly !,mt bi popularity has steadily increasel with tiia jilan'.eJ a yet in thn public favor to j.istify a pre- diff-ision of knowledge among the people. .'tU fiioveuieiit. " Hold "say they to the people, Wc shall ucver, we trust, depreciate tho claims 'it is too soon," wSilst they say to themselves I "fany of tho distinguished membtrs of our piny, ' the present niouieut is not the most auspicious,8" 'l certainly at tais time can number in i's ( ir our favorite let. him maka the streiigtli first." j rks many statesmen of a very high order of Now, fir ourselvcsi we ore not conscious of n sin i talent un 1 eTappruved fidelity. Woodoury, Wrig t, ole rnotivo in this matter which is not idonsical Huclianan and llonton, are all stars of the first wiih tho triumpjf of our prty and therefom of ! uiaiuituJo, nor to bo dimmed by tho splendor of those great principles which constituting as they :,"y firmament. From lho frp'y of Mr. Va i ! i the !4sU auJ oc'.ueat of (h it party, confute ' U -rcu t;i a jnposajlojinngjjiioiat.r.iaio. irkewnn h erectric 1-iuk tr'-.Tcli '"t'ljfiriSclTTmrX'ei-'; ;,'',L"-S' "wy ba inferred t;i.it ho docs not wisii ings wit iie success. .We profess, tlicrefo.'o, in , ' Ho observes very justly that In Ins cujoye.1 tins mitter.to speak in t!m s;urit of a Z'jalom, 'i10 highest honors of tho Itepubiic, and rclers to Pjinocrat tkhilat we sT.-ak free! our o-.va scnti thinrfiy other di?tinguisuc.l 11 -publicans who- merits. " . . . -wrviccs seem to claim sacli a reward, hot who lus It t3 not premiturc, iu our ju lgmcntu to start :1 ll y1 enjiyed it. '- Wo do nit question his sin t'. is question. "Tno ailontioa of tlio peoplo hast t cerity. In fact wo do conscientiously boliove that already been for si:in timo directed to it ; in fact he is as disintcre-atcJ as ho is a great man. He t'!y ore ohead of the Press and Politicians. has identified lnsniaio in history with tlie progrcs ' i'lvery party must have a leader and a banner '.'f fr principles, with Poluicijl Truth itself, and t'ui retircsentative and tvp-i of its principles. 0:h 'e,'u "J 't,bt thie has nlrevly -wired hnj3lf . rvviie' o party is in dang.-r of becoming split into , V11' l1' u !'oterity winch enj iyinj the fruit of Ins i.itiu neraUj Iragnr-uts irtitead cf prescitma tho ! ,'loi's and services, and aicnfues. wil'l not fail to aspect of 'a great army, actuited by a common POr,cur ;,! "'is ceneratioo io djing justice to his impul-w. Iu truth every consideration of e.xpedi Tint is the reward to wliicti, with a e,f ency which argues th 'necessity of unanimity ldonv,,, mu'o tnimity h-s looks -and nuy lk proves also I'. ncewitv "I ad optio tho oril;- j sorely. Th.it ha has diarumied io forsake tbo -."uieans bv whicli that onaiiimify can beV-curcJ.. ..jcnsts ol party for th at rrposa wbicli !i.lop!.y The "n-k,Wart lrca,i ahead of u U l!"l,ea- uud becomes ng", his present visit to Mr. re,! They havo peaiiuH Mr. Clay al Ui-, ('lav 01 A,h.,aad PuW4C ,rj"1 l.fih, and are fast mustering under his bvmer. It 1 SinCi t!l foregoing remarks v ero wrttlen, we gives thc.ii a great advantage over m at the Au liavo '"f iti.facHou to diseru fro o t.io letter of gjt elections .n advantage due not to the can : Jadge Saunders to ibe tilubury Convention, that didato tlwv" have :" nominate J.tul t i tlio.m :re fact ' lw ou! fa Ctlktmn. It' we had frit any dirrost of the nomination. Wc have no !.:ar that ihfir "f ,iiu propriety f agitating tho quctiou, the aVanM-uin ltiis'rcrfct will nit be m .re than concurrence of a Republican so cmtneut as J id go neutrahzid by our advat.tage in -the itren-tli ail : sum!ers, able from his position to take so ja,t n jostice of our principles i bit it is ohvious to t! V,1C V M,!8 w!l )lu firouud, ami so firmly planted in lhev it re n n-n nnitiil llid I. iilou liian lMitvn,-Tti-l-K;lli f""' miu-w aiaii iioTni wf"fh'' Hi ;, V.,'; .iln'T' visions after iids iiiif t luced, ifrcd by any but a al,l,nPrlaiit articles, even under lho tar.li of niercha:it,w.ulJ pr-bably be patsOd, over, Without 3,JW ouo'!l1 vanim3 to goniiemeo woo hem j tiiorou -'ilv u:!-rst.Hil. and "thercloro lukeu ire now ntlvocating such un exclusive policy; tho for ci-uiite l as levying ii duty sontrfninif near ao ! ovcrago of cotton goods imported in tho years ...... , . i . , 1.1 ' .1 . -.1 . I lfiT, 'ft r.a "T Kn, il I fl't; ,,, onnnm cr it it ; uui,jn'i us io: ai ino practical opera Iiio of fits in after. ; lot us unmask this must sjk ci ins mo Ic of i rami' a tarill to suit particular iu. it-r -.ts, nod nun it iv,, I bo more aj;nro-it whall du'les ar. I -tied for protectmn, anJ what for revenue. Widtli, Ct pr wj yd. Ju'ty. 1835, '0 and T, boing 8ll.7Sl,.H per annum; in 1338, '9 and 'i, 8'J,aC3 101 por annum, and in ItilU alone, ouly 50,(501,11 !! Again, on the following (a sjMicific duty without a minimum) tho duty proposed would be a pro , lubiiion of all low qualities, for instance : Cost nor so. tarJ. Dutv. .... .... , i . . . r.. j . - - - - " : UU " I l) do '.'l rfV 14 r.- li. 1 . Ik i I .1 . " -T " " Hi a. do do do, 1 II 1 I d.v lt i o 2) do 'Jl do 2 f Jo Z du do do do da do -do da da C li (i 0 li G. n 71 1 (I:) 4) :!') Sol 4 do do do do do do do dl do Th; Ik-i ar'iclo rtiinnted n'oiv.i, n'thouh only coding 31. -tero.14 or 0 cents, i, nailer t hi ni'iv bill, " t-iken an I drained to hare cos! 2i) cfi." atid ins 3 I p"r en1, ilaiy on mat a-stiuied value j lo.H, l ; ir t p t i;.' i ago mnied its the bill (30 -uA-l'..,i.l4.-SITT "ii'. a'l le I i th-- 'tctii.il )st, to pftpareU for the tifjilic.it: ri . t'l- vvidcni'e dtj ol 3ii per cent, us i.a i. l .n i .ri Li.il I llm-is the op ypicitu or II) a s a above nrtic! m, th'-v irm-ar to tne world as m?rclv i . t Do do ll. A.. I I Do do Treble do 74 rnaels . do 27 (N " Do do 11:.' do do do dl do 11 11 :id m ( iV 5i 871 41 31 O-J 11, if 57 4SIJ C 00 Of do do do do do do do do By tho Secretary ophj Treasury's bill, lamp carpeting (used Atontjvely by the poorer classes) 30 inches wido, CostidOi storting, or 1 cents, woul l pay 30ecute, os2o0 per cent, on cost ; now it pavs 0 ir cent. : Olmiii, costing Hi. sterling, or 10 cents would pay 3 cents, or ii per com. on cvm, 7r irm sam? our pooni m io irom spun ailk' (thcro being no provisson to distinguish that fiotn organzine silk) lirS is an article of ..ra.,on j coh'snlerablo import, and now pays SO per cent., ,.,... ,l..t.,M -...I (.,!,, iimv ' W1K '"eu pay a specilio U.r.y of OU per 10., pr.!.i:.t.o.i f all t ie loitver q ul.ti.-s of the 'yfch 00 a P'ece of banderchi.'f costing 5s. W. o nrti,.!. m, th- v t.-m -ar to tae world as merely I '"Img, and weighing S oz. would be taxed no lets -. . . .. - 1 1. ... o 1 1 ,. i '...I... it. f ii a rennue d i'.v uidera oiolorate rale of toncthin" r ' H, ' -""-' , !uf :u itr cent. T.a ah .vo articles costiu ' j ,D"re 4 bl11' c"l,,,n bagging, the co,t of which will I lujj. tcrliug. or 21 cts . is taken and de-med i g-! au"' c, sterlinj:, or l'. cents, 42 inches ' to have cost '1 1 contt," h .1 piv 3 ) per cent: on 1 wM VaX 5 ?:) l0f) ccu,s tlv3 MS Wrd, or ! that nssu ned viltif, bo., - :!o pr cent, oiits i if' ceiit.'on the cost. The howst importing art.ui c-. 0,i on ne I o . ; ,m the mmrinum I ",ere!ia will never f.bject to pay any porVeutago i valuo I 'i en's n r ,a.r; yud, a id on prioti i of. duly which may bo found reqtiiiite for tlio want I an urtioin ot mi irtf 2 n" il c ) h i notion than an v : " i'"i"- "u ."'. wuimmm. ui m'. loiiig tlJfy A is ..s f-ii!os ; Gov erument, provided in attempting o resell the III rbesf rt!l--rillfl noilil. l.iriulAtii(l iLiam m4 lie. Cost i.-r j. .r - Doty. - yon,i w(ia, h frofairt f aiKj hUj f ts t e cao APr.M.Sliiiav,.le,I w Lpv. -Oa or IM peon cost. mo.st sjcc.fic dulies) excjuflo what it is sufi I,' ji' !, 'rY ? postd to admit under a rerniiuty, thereby bring li, d j . ,iu tj J(7j j0 ing tho importing merchant to a s'and m b;s bust. . ii'.-s-j uiiu giving ma uianuiaeiurvr wuai ougul io go I I.V l :l I0:t"'.l rost ahoUt : ,nl.. thn Trl,irL.. t'.irn n.l l.n..ul l..,...lt ought to bo couched in no ambiguous language, : but ua terms to bo easily understood ; therefore, if fjrxjiiip!e it be flWwed advisntilo for tho benefit of the m inulacturer to lax the lower qualities ol cotton goods (ihoso worn by tho poorer classes) ! Tie -iv.t i nl ono I'll, iii-nio, it i . c is pjr -q i iru yaro, a ilv as ' ab iv ." iir cm". ; w iiio n'i-!.-r i'is !'- -it i.irill ' if .'I l l tl. I pT r i i i,-ig virl, ( r '-ir-, jii-r cent, j on co",) "a", cri ', ! . ,i b: mi.1 nt any pr.ilit, t r i i iioii-s i, ,il j i-t fu'iri'l. exclndi'd tir.) bave been if they had made no noiumatijii.'-.. ''x Carolina wou'.d remove t'ao-e doubts. Being thus satnaed o! tiiu propriety of agitating too nuiMr of tiie I'rfcsi loncy wail a vow t a or WHAT DID TUB VViHUS CO.fi PLAIN ! ' reneral ni.ni.vti'ii as n)ou as public oiunion !) ill ... , . mdicaie a decided current t-nvar Is -any pa.-.i.r.,! ,r f '"n'ngc-net.f and corruption on the put candidate, we deem it tbo duty of the Pr. aa-l oif .,h,i ,,,,""?:ra,,c l,m,!1 P;lwer'" w"6''5'1 the people through the 1 ;ess, t foak oat wr.li on 4.fwsnsrf.-rrft!c1V,1 h . ou.t , ,., , . , r . t. . , . . ............ . i. i j i ii i tr i jit r ! i. r!:o.', t tnn.:ni i I u:i 'tills -I t : ir I : iij. I, It 01 Iv II" 'li . I, v !i:C . Is ! ii ' b in'' I .1 i W , i . o I p-r (!. ,!,'. ' I .n-.'.l t a t liu,' 3.) J jier cent. ier cut. on that ' tins is t lie fol-owim : " al, cottons cusIiiil ll! triiln i)ih n C'01 Ik.i.i.n.,, viirrl i.r iinrli.p alitl i.tt .... awt ,.1....... , . -., ........ M. .BIVIII, . tlu'y i if ("("per cent, or 10fl,or waalever it may of. only let it l cxprossc"! s it rfallv is. and not. jierfect ctndor, declaring io'ir own prefer"tn;as as well as those of their neighbors, in all ms-v however with prupr, d'.fereuco lo the o-c.uio:; oi tbeir political brethren ami with a j Ji. courtesy towards lliose e-ninei.t Democrats whoso claims, public expenditure, lho i io of trenmiry notes, ttio ere iti in ol a National D.-b', Hie uiiiri'arv pro log I'.l ill of th:: ii n'j s 1k-,1 tli l'iorula W ar, : rc-varili:, of ' ruscrij.i.io'is for .it m, is. not all; ........ .. i.i. . .,,.i : ...i.. . . i,.i v., ii, a i hi j iiii.-tifiniMy ouiTlll .,. i vv',i so ' -'H .. 'is -iii I arbitrary a duty ()lt f)iV ()f fl0 Lj, wh, ar0 .. s u m ti, r-sat-ii, ringing Irom .10 ,,.,,7,. ;,;,,, - ,ilr , ,,, V ' V'A !'! " ff V"- Ai Uj to ar-umut tint rtiz ,U?IC 1 1 in' ir h. . . . " . ..,... 1 u 1 11 ll'.ll.l U -.it. a: the ilerangeni-tM r,t t!ie curreticy, the prustra'. ol trail'-, the lo'V prro of lao-r and n I th 0 products r,i, ,,.,.,... ;,.,),... 1 ,t ..1 . t however cret, thev m ly choose to posp..i,o or 0 ' T" ' y l,y an-J whoso ulont, however great th-v ll'"S nj!"t w" ri-!"- r..;i,; ! deem wershad.i.v.;d. SjcIi will b- our courio. VilAT DID TIL" V.'llltlS PiiOMlSI'.! We avow llie.i distinctly tliat our prt-'itri i.'-o. i lvtonomy in the Ccneril tijt. rtiTieo', retrroi-'i-for C LIIOl' N : nu l we bciiivc lint he is i ment -A expor.sits. a reduction "! t ie p ioiic d. !,', Ciiiecs of the great b 'dy "f the fctu-yrtiis 11 : ,,s loiininiriit ,t olfuu upon merit only, witlinut n. b"?Cliou. Among tlii.se wi. -e nancs I1.1.- ! :i::i ;it 1 political .opinions, a speeds t 'rntt-ntinn f mentioned tn coiinctin vv.ii th" ca'-idi J . i- t;,.. I', nils H'nr, a s .irwl ctnr-'o -y, t'i.; r;v.vul 1 the ol;!rs', has the in .st t-x'-.-i-.v-j -tj-i in uani....-, a tngh pi.c tor laV.r Hud fir u'li the ,i. public alFuis and it may uot bo invuiiou. to a.U, duciKfis of the troun'ry, th t mei i and ta n! ti s i.f I .1 1 . I.',. ... ...I , I ....... !. r.rr ..... . I . I ....... I. . ,1 .1 I . - . I .. ..... . I . , IS CliO-IWl-'.l I1U.I4 I.I414U UI glWU VI lll,..l OM'.-.-l.!, jl.l , 111 O, J 11 U .)", I U . 1 il T ) I - ' 1 1 . . . Hi I ifaM, ll l! 11 II'.' I jon c.'i.ei s.,. 1 ',1 l i t ii r i i i'ic ,'. .'. vi ! i-iii. I c ,:i , i i . ' .:. r i ten ;. c. r,:..,.r -, Cor,!- to ,i.i iii-, .) i . i ' ':.;.' ;t i' v, i ,!. ii ic cl.l'lj t ; i r - ih'i i i"i' d ity, it s fiiy ti 1 ': : .- o-irlo-l to niv pro i al1 i V f. 'IV," .- -, M.l-,-1 'hi ic ir i i-'ii't- , .jill 1 1 Ir; d .it (. t II i.l 1 .'ti it w Wa uro plfaseil to see, that tho great whig 0rat understands so well the estimation in which ho"' bold by the people of theso United htates. j" retirement from public life, is no doubt war ml" opprovod by a largo umjority of the voters of tl country. Had ho " quit" tho Hotmte several yean ago, but few would liavo " thought bard" of bim. HE U 3 5R0KE SILENCE KSti MUST GO OT NO V. ' Governor Morehead, we bear, proclaims; in liii address to the peoplo that be eavod 1,800 dollars out of tho appropriation for repairs by the Asse. bly of I94i, by hiring other persons besidet U Wake Mechanics. At last he bus thrown ofj , .dignity" cap, and so far he condeacends to to. swer. This is right, and it is all we desired. Lot htm speak right out," and if the truth doe. ilot demand popular cotidoranution,,. we are perfectly satisfied to have it otherwise. Now whalher his Excellency deserves tho praitsj he lias appropriated to hiinsilf, about tho 3,U(iu dollars, let a statement of the facta determine. For "urselvos, we do not hesitate to say that there U not upon the pages of history a more discreditable "humbug" than this identical boasting about hit saving 1S00 dollars to the Siate alwaye except, ing bis Zee, Toinc, Dith rags and Chicken Tat humbugs of 1910 ; and we " leave it to any 'tJiiiiti. (crested gentleman in North Carolina," as the Ri-ttistcr says. Tho Governor says the Wake Mechanics esti mated the Repairs, Ate. to bo worth 2'Arre Thou, tan.l Dollars, and that he thought it too high, and therefore wrote for his ' pets" to come here, and both he and they agreed that 3000 ollnrs ivbs too high a price." So they did it for 1200 do,i and thus, he says, he saved 1600 dollars! Either tho Governor meant by this to say that he got (he same Rkiaibs done for 1200 dollars which' were estimated by others at 3000, or he did not. If he did, then we apprehend be has mistaken the (acts. If he did not, ho bas deceived tho people, and as sumed credit for a saving be did not effect, The choice; of abernalivo wo leave to bim and his own friends. W& .believe v Committee tf the'-'lgistdiurelr' 110, upon a view tf the Governor House and Lot, decided that it was necessary to take of the OLI) Roof of the Palace, and Co put on a NEW ONIm' A Wake Mechanic was afked to as-int them unmaking on estimate of the probable expenso of tins, with iouie other repairs of lho House, out HojMes and Lot. W'e understand th it Turn e ti MATT FOB TIIK CoMMITTKE It TUB Otllt tsTIMATf that was maps ur IVUbe MM niMt. Tbey uiado none for Jhe Owernor. . Thoy wereftievfr asked, by hini.whatvibey weulj do itttr, nor to valuo ihis work,' ucavinq oct tub ROOK roB tiik PAL VCE Vet tho Governor ivH saved . 1 a00 dollars ! ' How T YktJn nPt. li itintMe repairs aone ny not puiimg a ,itv lioorotHia 1 the Palacs at all 1 1 ' ' sr . . -1 ho trtiih probably ivfsiuf. we are willing to abide refills frofh the accuracy ol our calculation) that ao mub of tho appropriation made Car the iVt it Jar was exjH'Sirled fur painting, paling, Ice House, and rif Ilwsts, sVc. that the new Palace Roocould not' be jidtlfu with the 11)6 doll.ns that irere left, and the iCovetttor was o&Uged ta, delay it till the 7c cioss ore orrcr.and-siiofe iiKinev lean ba voted bt the Lgisluittro;trM91? ! I other words: ,'Th refmtrswhicli were irtctii. j plated those whie& were sV cmaj inditperuaLle 1 to preserve the Palate frwnt sfcosiliose Vhicti . ' alone tho. 111.- Mechanics estimated are not ! mide. up to this fsy. Tbey jtro poiptied,aml mi rrutpd at chenr-priccsT Did (Joveviorr-: M.irehca4 loll the people this or nuT 4Ji I lie not1 . s talk over the matter 1(fhcrp j:t such a ir;.; si to- impress fitrangere with Jhe belief that ht tyikwlr A all tho Repairs dono, thoy were cootemplafcd and as I hey were eslimnted, but by Aw hrojwM ' and his honesty thevagint IKaits Me&a'iics wore prevented frorriiilllraudinrilw SialetSf' (lovfroor ,Morehealmeaul sayLUu h4a.aI excet.iJing!y vyuit man. If he did not, he owes it to candor and the correction of ojiiofomj rnjuneuv ' io uinrr icfpjctaoie twin, opinion, rrmrif fy pjs, wwirwvirtsTWIffl made of what he did say, liiat wetuay ace what he did mean a stati'Mionl that ma -f osVick to the 1'. mem Countus ho Uiastcsl in, and removj tlisj tarst- unpreflions be g ive' but! Io. " We slinllwsii tilittle tn see whaHtpUoes afl iu the meanwhile,' tm, beg our 4t-orrT.ptwdeD!"V ge.ierilfy, Io coinuiuuicnie to us whit it N llf uovenior said, and hat wcrV'tun grouiiuV 6f f.n boa.ting over lho 1900 doliart. jV. CXtSnioffl t'lT 1 m i ehiif"ini! the tlunr; is ndiculojs, for any inatuvn C-.hllll, ,, r.l.,.l t.'.ll. ,.,ari,!.....l.. H..II I. . n .K... . , ...... u ' .., nii.i mit -i .. ii'iir in-;j ..ill noi.v l lil " ' .'.r c ,r the coa'sr the article tho evi-r is inv uad -truiiii 1 .'"','!. " dot-cted ; no, it m in fine roo-Is that some audi . i , '.ii I i . . i ,1 i I'i'i-s tin! t . i Ij! im 'i.j'i 'n-',' ir. iini.i:s of i i, i: ' not .' irilcip il!.j,itit )!.,' I'll i i in ; pr p is ! ', uro vat !, (-.n tae 1 1 t'i ft .1 i r :.t . V i Ue p iweri of winch lu-.e Iwi n c.t-lusivetj ! t j tUe sciticco ail a l.i.j.ii'riiiion ot ti'ivrtrifnt from early nun'iool to the li is arrived at a i r 1 t.-t !;; ' I. i. mi.' s-i'jitik-i-AV; ii te'i.'r' I- Hilj ; !-..! to r - inl: ;'iar .'.'.fr loo n mi -f -.' r'ilt- m il. in l''t-! v.- .; , ! j-is-j,! throog'i po ti: :i, . . iiti-ii,i''v and fir .- 1 oi 1 a . ;l i t, 'ir tin :!M' t,l 10 '! .11. i .lltit.C, -Tl ir.it p. -.sp-:iT ocs-, every Ihmg which soinouv i lie- iioiior dunlin'!. 1. i,e v. isfi nnd virtue i- - '. )i'n a wa i f I'-torn, tiii' t- to t it mi-o'iiii " . what m vi: Tin: v;i:;.s I i' .'i-.jiK'd I'm; p i.. i du'il, I .; 1 "Iji pri,r f 1,i" t if: pr c. f it cost to r c in i t irt,' ' " ' i ' t'-'t Hi' v.:.. t.iti; n. 1 1 v ef I t.li ii'Ui i .4i "" v.-'i ,i i o i .Mil I., i.u i i ii.. i v .i ! iitii- r ; , . , , . .111 .... , , ' T"l III H 'II IV ii'! it-, t ' 'TH. 'Si .t'l. AL1 U". Ki-., '- '1 ' '- n.'f" ' ' ' " "' '!" ' . ii.ii, is ii- I,'! ., (... ,1 I u w 1 1 1 . . i I l-t t. '-' Ci.''V .. i' un t i 1:1 fi .. nt '.1 r f .ot ttV.mr r-.'l an, Iti'.o j.rgu ti' 11' . i 1 t oe ui;i"s'y ti.e ftu't)'! t 1 l -ii, tli : !.i; ; .-'ii.'llli V" (.1 I'T..e tl, 1 JTirt.o!' Mr. ('.'.. n. IJi a'ld a tarcr :'. n'.tv. 1: 1 mi' r' : wlncli c il'i' .' tl: ti.'- ' C : '. -1. crtit iiiii 1 1 a fieri; and eir . f : into its onginnl eltiui'ii's, hoi N the in the errors o! old civib irniotis o' lict r ooiiioi tiin-s !', i.i.'m.i up'. n or t il- l-!'lT I I .1 1. 1 i t" a !, I1IIOL i 1 .. MJ AMi cni-cK is req'iirfi it nt sit, tare it n so n tuno. 1 dillicjlt to dotect'O snnll per cer.tage 111 value. Tii l.'.ri'goiitg will ba fnund a corrrct ex;. of too g me nl apphcatiim of spvct'k on I ininiinum duties. Many oth'-r artich's nit'ht In etr.i tie rate I, out thi above will .n'Ti 1 1 trorivioeiv ibi m.j,t ca-'u ii observer tliit t'i sybtftn is a d'ce;i!ive, ar. 'it wry 'e 111 us opir.ni-j-i ; a.i I also, la it Uiu bill ' now u.i Ier coni letjtion is p jr dy 4 protective mr, and cons"i lentlv, will or wit, 10 1! tor propu'f .'l itv' ii lea nn I co'l'-c, will never )id I a revfim liui'ici .-til to iir.-el the wa.i!-) of UrrT.e 1- r v. U. Wiidiiugton, Jane lti h, 1 1 .'. It. A duty nl .0 p.Ti-' ot. 01 01 ft d 1 on i't ioiN, woa' I ivo aai ile pi 10 itio: ierir ;r, inoin 11 ui li't ri io.ts,-ij. 1 win! 1 r its : u",ir o.l 1 rnon linn so.'li a bill is ti i.v prn-' n!'i-tar,:r Io .',( !, ", ..-i I tm o-v 1 1 isk I I lll.l' ll, fo 1 1 lij-Ji s.l' n-al evil, w'm. 1 h; I,,., ;-j coiilcil it 1 ' , ' on t.10 fi.r M4.1 1 111 'til in ' en nputiti 1.1 .,! , to 1 t.i i i i Hi i.i'.m ivn irom tuxss we J brig Galveston wji to J1 10 a tew, dsys York, and thence, it waist ruotrd, 011 rs 1 C.t . C.11. ft I V. ti nil V I 'i to I ri ' .I L Jll.nl '. 1 1 .r. lev. I'l'iiiri ( wien lit) tlio mil, ib" 1 n'"t r Ttiy ' to i 1 t' i itio'i ai 1 1 11 : iioni aa-to-i, 'oi ir toiM-ir'-r : 1 u ".'."'I tli) in 11. ifi' io rr nor, 1 1! .-'s i;i;., diilicif!;,- I'vl sees bo is 111 tli" rapid load t . l.inVuiitcy, u', it oui-i-, in 1! -sporiiio-i, (to ritso to- swill t iro n li Ins n.Kpi li stuck ll .ouni.r in 11 ':!. and n,r,,o 'Ii ii... . . .1. .. . . .... ... 1 .... 1 m-'ii us rouo.ltu' I 111 mis Cilotl', 1 i". 11 1 i.u i,i,. 1. . . 1.. ... .... 1. .1 ... . 1 - I ' '.... .. , i ' F O J ,1.1 W .ll'.l I I , 1 i . I 1 1 .V110, Innn.' s.lt'i i:t to to.i H l'l,l.t.-'l Io .1 OUip"tlt II Wlt'l I llll i',,riiir( 0 tills cii i.,.i"l ; a.i I ihat " , w .eu o n- 111,11,11 i 10 to o:i li .-Iter t.-Mn i1, in . 1 .. ... 1 .. , . . ui: ii;siv:.u nierciiai.i, . no, Inn i" .l! 1 o". rent, clt.rl. htr.. 11 nuance, .V ;. .tf" it iii-aovantage in ' r selling dircctl .' tliron ri'sult i--, that in deprtsiitig tiun . 1 ' 1 :rs a' r.ir-n, hi t: t: 11.': t uii'l tip 1 lairs, it t: ii'o"' ti Rtl I till J lIUCUl J1'. ' jiu:! ct "."-hi 1 1 v t l it no ii.ti'l'i' ' ' '.' J. 1 .'is no II ) : !. .: ti," inoi'l r -;i I-..-11 I : n. V't e i"til.ji ; an (.".er r.'j.'i: Ir-nti tin- ,-t Muff Mr. Calh'.fii s r-a: (Torts ; opri wuitai fitoiig op'iu Ins iiiinu, tlio ton. Hi? p'.'.''ni'i f,r.'. lore" c-r hr- . SI. Ill, ' 1,1 I US 1 "i- , u , v a-ivnf.ri.il by tlm s.in.u cli I'ltj-i' ii ! rn tu witti -ii::," 11 f I -iry 1.1 , Mt ll..nk 11 ti.it mip,- .btbir, 10 1,' 'dr. t.'. iv will In' ii'iinui'tttyl (or t ii Pr-i '"ti ".nisjl i;y ,,y .,) Wllig ( IIH I 111 IOII !l i(;!l IS lu S ' '' lllll O it two at Vnlii-. i.villi! on M today if i Tnrti 11 r rity of j taiuly be an fllort mad-' by LpinSiou of iirip.iin. -' 'j'tig1 to vl!""' !,-s nomtnti'!'-!! h'ttt'here areeamud eibt i ,ii .iii- : . , t.'V ll'r'l li ,. -ll 10 - it :'r 1 raw 111 ri 1 nt tli i"i'- - 1 p :ri 1 ; H, s"ii' . oi iiiiii iitturi'ii ar of it itiil n verv g" '" IO ' ' to I'll' lint-, . I I iv Iii'! for ii;'i 111 io., I nMnr.T ' ms..r.'i' a id cominitstoiis as w ll ias il ity on tho f,nmc 1 .. entry ; flu-., t-wetlu r wiih ' iilsi'i, tiod insurance on Ihq .riiiWlt-m shipped out hurt', mnkvs iiro pitr cent ige ; and yt-!, in i ieiiin rs may require iion?tliiii.g In stm iy tl.ii nlir,ii't (lor lli.it li the great nljeet e v u il' ( riffs arulfuviit is then iIh-v aro inint nut.j"ct to tlni rni'ions fl'ictuatitin, produecil by i,,a desoeraio it iinl'ling kind' of cimiiit'liiiiin imiiiT which tttt artj. -.le nny to diTy bring 10 rmts and Io morruw I'.'i, tho pimn not h'.'iTig regol m dliy lho wauls of thu biyers but by the immediate and pp'ssiiiji distress of tljii sellers. 0 nir enough. Mr. Clav, m aloto letir My," I ''" happy to fin I tlnif n.y ipiiiintg tin, public" noun, tils of our country nt this tiino is not disiipproviM." Rv t'lH latest news from Tuxas ua loirn ll.a for New remo't trr' . rire, inl to b'vpfrvato enterorir uimIo en'O'ii' sum of that Boverumeiil. The brig of Srlw Whir- ton, c iinnia'i.l.'f Lilhrop, n to b ivoVilled sg6ti for New (trk'sns. - v - ' f "SI svs All indications emtouragsil lho WiilhaMl.e crops will be unetvtnmonly proliliolius seasrtrt. ' 4 Pl.iitiiig, gen.rallytr'o timetir;.l ne.irly i hwnth f "" osrlftr iIm'I jisual. fH ntnt of Hid iifl1k"tis" j 11 I tr'" I nli in, vilittgrtbSfrt fifty mtles abuvu lho , ,''.i'innciie PiaVou the, Ilttizis, and ainiul lo I liuii lro.l null's irom Austin, f; ,; , M. il- H.iligny, lho 1'rcnrli Charge, was nl II '! 1 '"i. f tlii-re is no doubt that mo wiucahfb a-'juV-' m"nt of the ililnctiUi'" ciowino out of the w"r ' upon loo pigs, Ins. taken pi u r biiuor.il.lo 1.1 all porta-., l -c.Mirns, tint ai Ttiu pigs are do.i I, tTi 7 fa in it receiv-rj i-tici) in tins wmlJ, . I The Co! irarlo (i i-tio of lho 2lst ult. Iningi I ii'ip iriiit.t iiiti'lligente from lb West. Letters j from ( ' ilonrl Kmuey h (. btifjil received j.p to ll u iit-r 111 1 .on .1;: 1 ilnvin I, . ti nne .led by order of General W j.!!, wlin I, is .uperseJM Arista, by command nf cJatitu - V"'is. Co! (:ftt Kii.-mv v nil's that then'"eri .',ooi ffo.pf til" M..tauior is, fi I I ut Conmrg" Ci) ti Me r, find it)0 at Moircry, ami tluit imjir---in'.nl , h tin' n.'i'cr of Hit" day 0:1 thn frontier; nil lho r iiittti'Tos, witli. ml ilistnicttnn or favor, are tci' Convert'"!, whether thej will or not, into troop ' , tli' lir.u-i'iii of Tex is. I'his commuiiic itioii ;liroi;; ii by a s-rv.itf of Col. Kinney, who l.ai I cir ij.v.l by travelling iti too ntgli!. I N iu In.nu'ti AtVan lonrd The M.ifagnr.i 'jiii- l i'.u vlUt uit., c uveys infortnaliou t'11' I the Auiorirnns li ivo evao'iated San Aiiioini", and lint to. pi iru is now in p issission of Ajainif, j Mih -1(1:1 Momeaiis. Thn ffllnw, it s'l mid Lu ( recollected, n n celebrated robber. ViMfwrM in Arhtinsi Tlio prospects of lho ciniu'iy, iliotiyh nccmiiii'ly ylo nny , are, m truth, brigliteiniig. Many planters are going pretty l ug' ly Into tlio t-ullivuiioii id' li'liiujiio more uro iinpt" ling their hf rds of si, nk, horiies, nnd hogs; wl.ilo tpiitn a nutnlier urn expeeimg nbnifluiit - rr"p whiMt. Few peopli' ntleml lho courts, exrept III'1 0 having Imsinnss. Tno.n who do tilieuil, rcinniu

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