Siai 'CAMOMNIAN. v rill fOWEM SOT DKLKUATCD TO THE ON IYED STATKS BV THE CONSTITUTION, NOE PKOHIBITED BT IT TO TUB STATES, all BESEIVRD TOTHB SlirB EEtPECTIVELT, OB TO THE PBOPtB.-Amendment 10 the ContHtytioH. ArHclt X. WE r ' V" if: SALISBURY, JY. C, JULY 1, 1842. Whole JYumhcr 1,124. ni iiiw ' ;Hfc .nil IC.L - i j Isrstioo 'C id lint tvf KPrttv. ami dill'.' fakin? "! V' f.rr ilicllKT " nborliv -It has V o I.-.t.ini f '. !,.. MlUt t " wlvnl M TiK'V r"' wm;.Hy nt r nwpwtu '! ' piiv to af-.;'-, 1 I5TI uVct r 1 f. llKAK'J-.. TEEMS OF Till CII AS, P. FISHER, Edkor and Proprietor, , ' . -l. urn!i Carolmus is published every Friday .. '2 ner annum in aifvanre-or &2 SO if MOrnwst wt-TT ,; U ,,( (Are montfts-otkorwise 3 witt invsria- H & rArA (KT No wnor will bo discontinued cept t the Editor'! discretion, until 11 arresrsge. ... Mid. if the subscriber is "worth the subscription ; ..iih failure to notify the Editor of a wish to dweon. tmue, st let orb Moimi before the end of tho year .'ibscnbed fur, will be considered new engagement. fy Advtrtuenunti conspicuously tnt! correctly In rted st 1 per square (of 840 em, or Jiftetn linti ,,f this siwsd type) for the first insertion, snd 25 cent . . continuance. Court and Judicial advertise- .... o-. rent, hiffher than the above rates. A dc- npii-ji . . iz-tion of 33 per cent from the regular puces will in made to yearly advertisors. OCT Advertisements Kiit in for publication, must be marked with tho nuro U;r of ioseitions desired, or they will be continued till t,rU, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor on business em' c me raM or postaob, or they will not be Mtiuua to. From Me lh$ion Miiceltany. THE ESCAPE. I jiad just turned over in my berth, in hopes to ....,., vurv oleasant dream, the thread of which lad been broken by some noise on oeck, end was shout closing my ennses to-external objects when "... nf -Sail ho!" caused me to jump up, end haste on deck. 1 met Mr. Tompkins in the rmgwav, coming down to call me. " here Is ,;,, sir 'P f " On tlie leo Learn." A hipT' ' . , No. sir, I bolieve a schooner, lut 1 can t make , "StcwRrd, hand up my , . The day had scarcely dawned, and by the grey tod uncertain lighf, unassisted by th gluss, I could wily makeout an object ; but the moment 1 put my telescopa to ber, I saw she was a schedrier, ., ,Lin mams, standinirio tlie westward; with fiuara nil set. We were heading south, che Uulcri.Vith liglil airra" H eastward wmj-n wily expecting he Trade wind. Ai, the, do ... nrfect v.and w were eerretvea oy , his eouare sail came in and ho lmuled ! ,.s wind with such cele'rity, that 1 did not herniate i ) prwiounce mm siutit m p., w.v. - a... tvnoovmoi icrms in imw Call all bauds, M r. Tofnpkuu i h ist our col " Afe.aye, sif.. Tk Mranfor showed Portuguese coUVs in aeply H ours.' This did not relieve the anaiety which had ieizd on mc Ilia itionkent I hau, lair view oi (Wtliat ration waa still actively en uagtdirtthe tUve Uade, and fe wre just. iaj M' S . . B- I . . .1 - ,.s If.. Track of Oistwsra iwwia veeseis 10 we " n, on4 the Cp9 de VerdTWa, otto where they . r.n touch M ictrCin no rciw, ur trcw, sJing of oolyea-mcns beslddf officers, eook, and stcwanl, were soon mustered aft.- w"!ljirefle70trrw-lKd lvMto elate my intcntions,witrKgrd to that vessel to leeward, winch 1 -suspect o-to a rogue. We will prepare fir as stout resistance as poesible.i Mon rjf, I ghall atijlscciy your aciirie which of you 1 can'rcally depend upon, and there will be nothing l-t ; and, if a rogve.vrm take it lor granted, that if we givowp like towards, we shall Lave our . ' . . ..ik. .I.".. !. a lu. r4.rfi.lN nlirltiRf -e resist r ndl. if he&oards us, kt 6s mako up nor minds to toiler lives as dearly ns possible ; tmd remember, men, one mao; a good cause is sblt W beat off a d. taeri.aged in robbc rj and murdetV Tly gaw a simultaneous shoiii of approbation, and cut lot ward again, a,i'arcni!y in jJud spirils. : It was now broa (favligbt, and re could plainly Pfrceivaatlnt tlw s'ranger gwned to wunlward oiizh.he drwpl UKrn a lijtle, renaering.n mitwliat diMibjruJ whether ho v.asmuch suprrnw hoi in sailing. Ojt "bonny baik was reputed 0 first raiKtsaitor on tho wind, when in her beet trim; I' tt she was pretty deeply laden with a lujl cargoJ 4cottn bakfjooil'i 'd ftbut one hundred thou-1 .... . 1 II L I inu itniiars in snecieann 11 coum w m u.r..u , that no could sail Willi a clipportchmiei on the ! wri'l, or in any other way. Our ship's armament j ro!imtcd of two six pounders, teve muskets, and 1... 1 ..r 1 mm H. 1. A. ....I .imr. i r i I '-o of piniuls; my private armament cunsislei 01 a fiod rifle, a large ducking gun, a double barrel 1 Muuton,a pir of duelling pistols, and a patent . "-till capublo of discharging six balls iu as many ' :.".'; and 1 iicciuintod mysell 0 good shot wild ' 0! thi-m. At 4 o'clock it was nearly calm, the cIibw nb mt ' o na'.cs un tho luo quarter, awl heading directly Mr. Toii.pkibs was a aix fixttf r, n real down-eat Ji kee, who had Ix en mute of the Ark, lor all I 1 -new, and i.o as equal to any man ill that op unci 'v; a'lhough he might have been tuken lr twenty 'Mrs t.fairo. if sicn coiiiB aloft, there weio WMiple "li 'had known linn al least that time ns chief ni,e He alwav oln vcd ordera promptly, never ' -iled.'to lime nn answer ready, nml rx ieted from uiiiler lam the same prompt BliuslriRI otieuienr.e ''tlm paul talus superior ofliecr. Tho second Mr. Turner, wns a young man of good rdu ' htokiug lorwnrd lo promotion and promts 'o do honor to liiintiell as u commander, after 1 " '' years' moie cxH5rience. My crew wero all 1 ":'ve oung men, nod the eook (or Doctor as he Vi called) mis n real SjM'rltneii of n first rate run ' 'y Virginia Hlave ; he could cook as well ns lie ' "U fiddle, and on n Saturday niht lie would ""'i-e all hands, by a tain ol a 'possum hunt, or a ""'r drive. Having now desenbed our crew, our ssrl, nml nil we knew of llio stranger, I will has '' " to out llm nntietit re.uler in ryoiseumiio nl the ' ""'s for which ho is anxiously looking. My or ''rrs wrre as follow, and Ihey wrrc obeyed in as ,,l"t lime as I shall write them : " Mr. Torpp '''s. l w l (hp small arms, one half and f ur luck- hot in each look to the flints j also load tho great (tuns with round canister." " Aye, aye, sir." ' Doctor put two Iron holts in tho lire, and keep them red hut, and fill your coppers with boilino water." " Mr. Tumor, muster all the hats and pea jack ets, and stick one on each handspike, near about the posts it will make him think ttiat we are well manned ; and trace uo all tho norts. sir. and nut a I03 of wood out of each and give thorn a dab of omen paint. Mr. lompkim, send old Crown. to the helm, and Inll him to " iteer imall.' " v " Aye, aye, sir." I bese arranpemcnts bcinff completed, I went aown oeiiiw, and loaded my arms ; and on exnmtn ing the " Doctor," found that he was quite fami uur wun me instrument or death, the Mln ; l. ae- cordingly gave him my flixk and btig of balU, and other materials, telling him I should call on him to load for mo when the time came. " Oh, nebcr fear, mania, gib us breeze, and him not catch us so easy," grinning from car to ear, and whetting his long knife on a alone. 1 put a bill and tour slugs into my double barrel, and a half handful of buckshot into my dur.kcr," and a quantum tvfficit of balls into t'10 pistol. 1 had scarcely made ihcsearrangomcnls when Tomp kin called. . . ' He's sweeping his bow oil, sir, and I, reckon he's going to slap lon Tom into u.'! ?: 1 tumped on deck, and it was now dead calm : it was too evident this was his intention. Down flat upon deck, every soul ol you," shouted I. All obeyed except Tompkins, who coolly looked through the glass, j " There she flashes, sir," and in another instant a heavy shot whistled through our main top gallant sail. ' " lie shoots well, that's a fact," said Tompkins. I looked as the smoke curled lazily away, and saw that he ha J not the same flag flying. "Tomp kins, what s that at her peak T " It looks, sir, like a red shirt with the Doctor's head iu it, and a couple of bones rigged acrots his chin." ' Sure enough, it was a red flog with a black Death's head and marrow-bones painted on it. 1 cannot say tliul I fell relieved at thesf symptoms; yet n.y mind was made up that ve were lott, and it remained only for us to die game. Wore seemed nothing short of Providence to save us j if it re mained calm, he would bore through with his long gun ; if it breezed up, lie could ouisail us. Mr. Tompkins, keep ao eye to him, and lot me know of any movement. Mr. Turner, bend on the weather studding sails, all ready to run out ; per haps we cart outsail him off the wind when the breezo conies." This order was scarcely obeyed, when Tomp kins reported, tkey aro Kitting a tackle oat the fuieyard and another in the main rmgin," ir, to hoist out their launch to' board us, by heavens." I lika thai Mr. Jompkin. for the rasrallr can lain and half his crew will come in her, certain oft an tasv nrev : but if mv aim don't fail me. few of! that bout s crew will return, be thev more or less ' , Mr. Turner, hoist m two guns up on the poop deck, at once, for if we want the in at all, it will bu jYCr tho sicru. Are you ef )tf shotfMrTouip vkinsT " Whee I was vouffcrr. ir. I was called n lectio .the best shot in Kennebuuk, and 1 guess I could letch a turkey at a hundred yards now, with a straight riflo. .." j'ben. airJu you luka. charge of the aelve muskets, and lei Jim load for you as fast you fire, while the IKjctor art J I mil keep iny own tools' busy.' The pirate's launch was now manned, and pull -ling lei otters fir us lustily, while a group of men j were collected forward and in the stern sheets of i her, perhaps twenty or twenty five altogether,! scarcely a milo astern, and as we were almost entirely becalmed, gained rapidly on us. There j was no orcsuiion lo call ihc people aft to givo my orders, for t fiey wejo co llected round the capstan wiih anxious faces and blanched cheeks. " If they fticceed in getting alongside, boys," said I. " wo will retreat with our arms la the cab - in, and let tht-m board us, an I through the win dows and cabin door we irniy clear the decks ; if nor I shall reserve my hist pistol for fie powder : mngnzine, w hich is nt linnd, and we will all go ; together, and disspooint Ihe rascils. Hut i trust; it will not he- necC'iviry to coma to that. Nail down the fore scuttle,' Mr. Turner; if they get: alongside, miud every one retreat to the cabin, or j die like a dog on deck, if he please." " There they shout, sir, and pull shead, as if of ' (era whale," said tho mute, " and here cotm n little brecz", too, perhaps it will strike us before the villinns get near enough." ' "Th nre in rane Of rille, Fir." i " No,"ir, wail ut.i'.l they get near enough lo be tiro of the leader within an hundred jaids. i Thero alio breez-s, think God I "Good full,"! I'.rown, nod nothing ofl. We have breeze bclorel llm .chon.ier.lml it is verv li.'ht vet. and i le l .onrh -.ins hist. Now. Duclor. stand bv. mind ' O J U ram the bell homobe cool, never ,, lne jmlehes. St:,l by T dr i, lim lit llm grmip n. tho bow while I lako the stem nro you ready " Yes," " Fire !" nml down went tho ranoal at tho tiller, and one at tho bow. ! " Load her quick Doctor, and let me givo them Joe Mantnn : tn the meantime, firo away Tomp kins, as hut ns y ni please, only take good aim be cool." " Cool ns n curumher, sir." My douhlo barreled gun !rojiied one onr in the wiifr, and caused (ime confusion in the uller pnrl of the Imaf. " I'm it into them, sir. we have not lo-t a ball yrt. Give me llm rill, Doctor?" v... c, i, ,n..i,. I c.ii ilw. I.mi fr lnek This discharge c iiiscd them, with tho increahcd breezrs to lay on tho oars an instant, and ihen pull round (or tlio schooner; they had only six on r j nut. "Three .-brers, mv lads, mid as Ion? as! you can reach them. There, tho schooner begins in leel the breeze. Mr. Turner, run up tho wrath cr studding anils, keep her oil two points, for he must pick up his boat. There she breezes, thank Heaven 1 Steady, Drown, steady." " Steady, sir " . . . "Keep her straight, 'for your life ! Steward, give llie lads a glass of grog nl once." Hy this- time the schooner had picked op her boat and hoistod her on board, we had gained a imio or two, and we were now going eight or nine knots with a free wind. " Watch her close, Tompkins, let me know if she gains on us." , j Aye, aye, sir." .. -j. " Mr. Turner, we are a little) by the stern j car ry every thing portable chock f. rwa'd carpen ter's chest, harness cask, n't those two after casks forward be livolyi sir. Swab those guns out, Doctor, we'll have another dab at them yet, I lo ir; for no sail like a witch."X " Yes, sir, nun going to Alnca for ivory and gold and duit dat's what dey call nigga trading.' "She gains, sir, but slowly ho hasn't got the best 01 the breeze yet, perhaps, v "So that will do Mr. Turner; now get o'small pull 01 your weathor top sail and top gallant braces, wen, sir, well alll" . " They are hoisting that d a rrei miare il, sir, ana sue springs to it like a tiger. " Mr. Turner, slack a little ol your topmast and top gallant backstays to the windward carefully, air, not so much and then send all chuck lora:d every pound will help." . " Four bells, sir, hold the reel." - . . " No never mind the bells, nor the reel Tomp kins 1 what use is it to us now 1 Keep your eye on tho schooner, ond let 111 know when the six poundors will tell on him ; Wo may shout awny his topmast by good luck." " Aye, aye, sir." -V ; Tompkins was so mechanically correct in every thing that ho would, no. doubt have brought his quadrant on deck and observed lor the suit, if it had been noon, and I not inicrlercd. Ila was as cool as possible, and bis conduct seemed to put nerve into the men. " lie guns lust, sir ; t can see the red cap on the rascal at the holm let me give hima shot, sir?" " Well, sir, fire away if you think vou can reach hun. Doctor, brinir vour loffircrhead. and when I give word, touch her quick. 80, lilt her breach a leetlo mite, Tom, so, so, miul by gftre if to her!" and away went our little shot and struck the water about two thirds of the way to the schooner. Load up again, Tompkins, and leave out the canister, una the shot wiM go utraihter; aim higher than before, say lor the royal, now give it to mini' " Plump iuto bis square eajl, 1 sir ;" but forty thousand such would'nt hit him hard. Oh, if we only could borrow his long Tpm for an hour or two I I he Sarpmt is sure oi ts or would lire it himself."' At this crisis the chase was only a mile or 11 milo and a half astern, and eodll easily have bored us through ; but I presuino he-Wa afraid to yaw his vessel er.ough to bring ttieun to bear, and it would, 110 doubt, kill his wiad in a considerable drgree im as he wasus .perceptible, he calculated to be alongsidu of us long before night. Load up, again, sir, and I will try my luck, for must be a mere chance shot that does hi 01 any harm. "All ready, sir." 'Stand by, Doctor, and when I give the word, louch her quick l'tre.''- - The shot struck the water just under her bow. " Now for tho other gun ; 1 !ihII do better. Ready ! Fire ! 1 1 is topmast totters! it fulls, by heavens!" ... - A spontaneous cheer from our crew seemed to assure us of safety. " Give me the glass, boy. TJiey are cutting the wreck, j way as .fiat as oosai- ble, 9 ill determined to overhaul us. Ket-p nil loo points, round in the weather braces a lull, run nut that lower studding sail, be handy lads. Watch the rascals, Tompkins, with tho gla?s, ind let me know if we gain on him." " Aye, aye, sir." The breeze was uow fresh, well on the quarter, and we were sure lo gain 01 him until his topmast could bo replaced, which, with a lure .and active ; crew, bent on revenge, would cost him but an hour s i work. " She drops', sir, she drops ! I can just see that j nigger's head on tho (1 ig ; hull an hour ug I could 1 sec the marrow bones. j " Very well, sir, let. tho ponple now get 'a bite of dinner, lor we shall have more work to do jet, to got clear of hun, if we do at all." " I don't know more wo can do sir, unless we grease the bottom," suid Tompkins with a sinile. " We have yet one principal resort, my dear sir, '' go at it the moment we get something to orlt m " Ca" Pn us- Tompkins cut n new quid of tobacco, of which ho hud made uncommonly Ireo use that morning. d by that only did he show any sijjnsoi anxiety. " 'tt vour dinners, Mr. Tompkins and Mr. Tur l'rr ' H''1 K" I0'" lo ''Ml w',,,e lh,! lel'ow is dogging ui. bendjHO up a bit uf biscuit and a glass win " , ,( " ' Aye, aye, air. , a now ocl',ck' and ",e "f,,"o,,0r ""IT"'4 " l" I " m a t.. . i"P"' WB ' .rug.i...8 It inn minutes ell hands were again on deck, ant.,. t"mpln' nmP ''rU 1 iiislv W.HClllllk' I'll me r " Consarn me, if I know what the old man i gnins at ; we'vo rlono all human uotur can do, and he's nut given to praying." " How long, Tompkins, will il lake to catch us, when ho makes all sail again, at the rate hu gained before 1" "Three or four hours, jr. Ho will be along side before sun-set, ( reckon." Ry ,two o'clock his topsail and topgallant were ' ngain set ; and in twenty minutes more his stuo- ding sails, royal and ringtail una it was evident ! he began to pair " : lour miles astern. space, though now more than Mr. Tompkins, wo will now try our Iu.m resort. . . " Ay, nye, sir. " l5'cak "P0" hatclirs saw tho rails nml bulwurks oil abrcusl them, and tumblo up those hales as fast ns possible." Tins idea had evidently never entered into the head of any of tho crow or i ffiecrs ; and tho hnu faces with which they hud seen the piraio gam on us, were instantly changed to faces fell of hoe. In ten minutca'fho cook and second male hud auw i d off tho rails and bulwarks, the hatch" wero oil, and tho bales coming up faster, than ony ever I lore came out of her, and overboard. Look well to your trim, Mr. Tempkini; do not lake too ninny from one sid. Send hoy Jim on the poop to keep an account of tho number as they pa by. Over wili then, boys, ynu are now working for yuur lives." I'ut 110 encourAgciiinm was necessary, for tho men stripped to their trous ers only, worked liko tigers. 'Mr, Tompkins, cut awav this stern boat; , every littlo helps lut hor jjn, sir, at once that's it. These largo bales will oblige hi 111 to steer wild or to run against them. , We continued this work for nearly an hour - before we began perceptibly to gain on the schoon er. Dut by four o'cloc ; he had dropped more than half a mile ; yet, to make sure, we did not abate our exertions until altr five o clock, when lour h..,t,t r . n,,M. ,.h Kl... hl hMii ihrnwn an over. Duritu the operation I could hardly refrain c 1 u 1.. .1 . 1 . .. 1 . .. I from laughing kt tho remarks wiucli escaped fio.u tlm men. aftcfe bosun to uain. ' " Huzxa, bojs !" said one, " over with them, the iniilirwriira are rir.h." V u , M "Watch there-watchj" cried another, as he M rolled a balo over ; " them will do for him to buy iiiiifforn with" I tin ,n.v 'd woman had a balo of that," said the doctor. As soon as th, pirate discovered that we were gaming, he gave us nuveriil shots of Ins long Toni, but the distance x-ss too great, and by sunset he waa hull down irom the poop ; a tew minutes alter he hauled 111 his square anU, and rounded to ; and when last seen, was very busy in picking up the bale goods, which would, no doubt, come in play, though not quite o accceptaltleto him as the did (era would havf own, sweetened with our blood. At dusk we could nut just discern tho vidian, lying to. " S"e all secure in hold, Mr. Tompkins, and put on the hatches; and as we have a steady trude' wind, lut tier go til midnight south south wentp and let all bauds get some rest. I must do the . same, for 1 am nearly done up." : The excitoment being over, I was nearly pros j trate, and alter thanking God with more fervor 1 and sincerity tbuo I ever prayed beforo, I threw j myself into my berth, but had a levensh and; dreamy sleep till twelve o'clock, when my iruityj mulo called me according to orders. I " Twelve o'clock, sir." i " How is the wind and weather I "Fresh trade, 4ir clear and pleasant moon! just rising going nine, large. "Take in the lower studding sail, Tompkins, and haul up south and east, it she'll go it good full." " Aye, aye, eir." It is sufficient to inform the patient reader tail we saw 110 mor- of tho piralu, mid made much better progress now that our bonny barque wus in ballast trim only. We finished our. passaao u h-1 . . m , I 1 out lurtuer noubio. Many were theiok.:scrack-U!""" k hi 1 . x 1 " . . .. 1 l, II.IIUJ, W. Ull-J IUtIV VH I . , W, ...... day of excitoment. 'J no underwriters not only paid lor tho cargo thrown overboard nt onne, on receiving the news but on learning tlio particular, 1 voted a piece of plate for 1110, and u grjtuity hi cash lor the mates and men of equal value. . I r ...:... I "Y."': i .t:.;t in couciuaHHi, . n nicre.y .o ro i.arti, ma. me aoove lam is iuuiiuuu mi liieiB, uim is mil ejjirc led lo interest any, except uuuiicul men, being too lull ol technicalities to mouse me general p a icr, .iuid . too , uwporicct to cUhii- the notice tf - 1he literati. Irom jie Aiiii Orlruii ., RAISING 'lllB DEVIL. f" Leukmd or aldcrti's' " And hast thou nerve enough !" he said, That gray old man abovo whotw head Unnumbered years have roll'd; " AnU hast tnou nerve to new, he cried, "Tlio incarnate liend that lleut'eu dulled ! " Art l.iou injeeu so bulu ! " Say, caast thou, with unshrinking gir.e, 'Sustain, rasu youth, tlm withering uiasD lit that unearthly eye, " That bUsu where'er il lights, the breath "That, liko the .Simoon, scuttera death "On ail that yet can die? " Direst tnou confront that fearful form, " Thai rides I ho whiriwinJ and tlie storm " In w ild, unhly revel ; " The terrors ol ttiat blasted Drow, " Arclisngcl's one ?, tho' ruined uow, ' Aye daiest tsiou lace Ui P-v.t .' " I dare !" the desperate youth replied, And plsecJ him by the oid man's side In tierce and Iraiitic glee, Unblanched his cheek, and firm li s li'iib ; No psltry jugling liend, but linn, ' l'he Devil I 1 lam would bee ! " Li all his Gordon terrors clad, V His worst, his telle-.! t-h .pe, tlie lad llejo ned in reckless tone, " Have, then, my wish,"' Alb-rtus w And signed and Khook his hoary hid iih many a bittei gr-jan. lie drew tho mystic circle's bound, With akull and crusHbonea tencml around ; He triiceu toll many a signal throe, Hu miuicreil many a bickward prayer, I hit sounded hku a curne grimace, " The leilest of Apolly oil's race!" t TUon M his startled pupil's lu e lie dashed All (LMi'TV rl'RSE ) A Western Locoloco editor says, "that if a mm owed the Devil ten liars an I should send Urn l'mi lice ol the L'miisviIIo Journal, His Internal Al.ijM ly would leturn linn a receipt in fill." Let no man be loo proud to work. I,"t no man lie usliaim d of a hard list or sunburnt lace. Let Uim bo ashamed only ol ignorunca and sloth. Let ii. i man lie ashamed of poverty. Let hun only be iiliained ol i.ilciieas uiid dishonesty. (- , - tliil ij harr Cotf! le ice. Ii was esked by ono ot' To obtain diffrrrnt Floircrt from the S'tw old, what thu woild rested upon! The reply was, stem Split a small twig of elder bush lengthways ', n,a back ( an immense lurilc." Then the -11 ml having scooped out tho piih, till each of the ' qU8ll0n cnni0 Upf what dots tho turtld stand compartments with seeds 01 nowcrs 01 iniiorcni sorts, but which blossom about tho samo time ; surround thain with mould ; and then tying to ijeiher ihe iwo halves of the twig, plant tho whole in a Mit filled with earth properly prepared. The siems ol the ilifTerout flowers will then be so mcor Hirated as to exhibit to the eye only 0110 stem throwing out branches covered with flowers anal ngotm to the seed which produced them. Front tkt Knickerbocker. We chanced lately to encounter the following beau tiful pssstgo in our note-book, where it stands credited to Hulwcr: " It cannot be that earth is man's only abiding-pUcf.v It cannot be tint our lito is a bubble, cast up oy the 'ocean of eternity, to flint a mo iiont upon its wives, and sink into noiliinjrno KIbo why is it that liie high and glorious aspirations which leap like'angcls Irom temples of our hearts, are lorever wandering about unsatisfied 1 Why is it that the rainbow and the cloud come over us with a beauty that is not ol earth, and then psss o(T and Icavo us to muse upon thoir faded loveliness 1 Why is it that the atari which hold their festival around the midnight throne, are set abovo the grasp of our limited faculties ; forever mocking us with their unapproachable glory t And fi nally, why is it that bright forms of human beauty are presented to our viow, and then taken Irom us; leaving the thousand streams ot our afli.'ctions to How back in Alpine torrent upon our hearts I Ws are born for higher destiny than that ol earth! There is a realm where tho rainbow never fades; whore tlie stars will, . . . f ns . . - , ' ... minbcron ocean ; and where the beautiful beings which here pass bcre us like shadows will stay fn our presence lor ever." Now we can only say that if this was written ' Mr, Bulwer, sonjcbody wrote somKlnng very much 1 1 no it 111 (jinn unii vornu, iwL'uij-iifo jeirs a lllackwood's Magazine. ( , -.r., ( t." It cannot be that for aluJin-placo . F That for a fleeting span of chequered year. " Of broken sunshim, cloudiness snd sturmr 1 We tread this sublunary scene and. die; Like winds that wail amid a dreary wood, To silence and to notliingnme ; like waves That murmur on the sua-beacn and dissolve. w '' Why then from out tho temple of our hearts' ,Y Do sapiratians spring, that overleap V' The barriers of our mortal destiny, Ar.d chain us to the very gatesof Heaven!. . ' V Why docs the beauty or a vernsl morn, When Garth, exulting from hef wtntry tomb, Dreaka tortb, with early flowers and song of birds, Htriks on our hearts, as ominous, and aay. Surely min's fate is such I At summer eve, Why do tho faery, unsubstantial cloud. Tricked out In rainbow-uarmnls, glimmer forth, To mock us with their loveliness, and tell That earth bath not of thoio I Tho tiny star, That gem in countless ehjodf the midnight sky, Why were they placed so far beyond tho grasp Of sight and conipfchenmon, so beyond Tho expansion of our finite faculties, If ono day, liko the isles that sp-ck the main, These worlds should spread not open to our view Why do the mountain-steepa then solitudes Expand 1 or roaring down the dizzy rocks, The mighty cataracts doscend in loam Is it to slmw our UHignificance I To tell us we are nought 1 An 1 Anally, If born not to beholii supernal thing, Why have wo glimpses of beatitude Havn imsgoa ol majesty and beauty Presented to our gaxe and taken troin us 1" We must not be understood to hint that Mr Bulwer pltmri3cd from this poem. It is more probable that .... . t0IIie ol,lor "gi'su writer paraptiraseu the line tor his ntt'n nnrnieaj Bind tKal tUrk A-rAniu rwaanatat ..f the L.n ii"'-' cuage lias cuuseu ltwm lo be atlruuUiU lo-Uie cminciil novelist. Excellent Adrice. S-t a valuf on tho em illest morsels ol knowledge. Tlioso IragincuU-are as tho dust of diamonds A man may earii that in two minute which may bo valuable to hi in all ins hl'o. L'jarn all you Can, and you will live O see its va !. - - " ' ' Never let slip an opportunity of gaining a now idea. Romembor thai the beginning,, pi lho, jsubiime j'scictice are"iifteu sit simple s io seem worthless. Kndecin tune fur study. 1 he busiest workman can spare somo momenta. Whether you work or play, do it in earnest, but never remain unemployed an instant. Always have a book within your reach which y..u may catch up at your odd minutes. The Spanish proveru mv : A wise man changes ' hi miud, a fiwl never will. r- i i t . A Xorcl Poiition. Napoleon romarkeif, that thoro was but "onu step from the sublime to the ' ridiculous." We thought so yesterday, when at the close of Mr. Urownson's services, at Uichie hall, a Mormon ascended the dek and onn, occu- pied a position which excited th! risible faculties of some of ihc congregation. j Ila appeared to be an elderly man, wears a Ion? ' abajJUy beard, Ami has doub'less oltcnb?en seen in , the streets by our readers, and considered by them i us a nondescript of whom they cou!d nii!;e nothing. : Hu said, with rnucli gravity and solemnity, that 'when Jeus went i::to the synagogue, !io upunc.l , the book ol llm l.i'.v, and read a portion of the a i.iturc. In imitation ot hun, ho should d like wise ; an I proceeded to read, n chapter Irom tho sicml writings. - When he nud gone tiirougli with this service, ho added, rhat 'when the Saviour had ; tiuished reading, he tat 1:. further unit , lion ot tins divine example, he would also lako ins seat. Hut hero the parallel closed as if by special , interposition ulT'rovi.hnice ; and tin aim;itn tu'jpi un oa i iur legs, it ) chanced, that a lon- setieo was pbiced directly in the rear ol this now light ; and when tho Koverend Mormon was about 'to Ml down with mast hippy comp! ict'licy ou thu end of the aforesaid bench the legs or supporters of which wore not so near I ho end ns they snould luvo been thu bench tipped up, tin preacher !iji;ed don, and disappeared Itrhmd tho desk Irmn the wondering ga.'.n of the spectators, and w as afterwards seen sprawling on the floor i;i most admired disorder. .Sic transit f;Lria mun li sj passes away tho glory of tho world. He rose in tnoch embarrassment, and with cvi leutly rtb.iteil notions of dig. ii. lijy State Dem. y No one could tell. Uow similar is the followin. " Uimiii what is our based !" present Hanking syste.n " Public confidence.'' " What is thero to sustain tbie public confi. donee I" , " Who can tel! ? 'Chicago Demoeraf, 1 I ... t V ,f 41 : V 'I a 5 4 ' -; T - I - - 1 . ! )M t .1M U V

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