7 .Hi;, . J' -Mi !'"t 1 v ; !'; H ' '. f ' ) ! ! I ; , 'i V 1 1 IVuffl fits Stu York Lra. While tin Democratic party is generally unitr on pru.ciple, we all kn.r-v thif, unfortunately, gre, iliveri.ly of opiuioii exist a, to num. In Ketiturli an. I oilier wtsiiTM i'totea, a strung rully ia Iki anado tor Colonel Johnson, taut war-worn vetcn who has served hi country so wollaud o dmi In Pennsylvania, Mr. Purliunm, the aVcompiish Senator from that Statu, in a genera! favorite, mm In numerous friend nro proiug his chum wit inueti earnestness, zeal, and determination, iflln insiit upon hi nomination, he undoubtedly wit carry the Slate, and thus lose iu tho Democratic parly one of the largest ami most important Slate ia the Union Tho argument (it his friend it, that if a eandi date is taken train the Northern States, Poniml vania is best entitled to if, never yet h iving had a candidate, while the tot ha f. illen twico ujion New York, the Emporium of the Union. It section, il division are to guide u iu tho selection of men. tbiii, perhaps, i a good an argument as cnu!d be made use of. Cut iiyvould iiievitab'y lose ih" State to tho Democratic party if hi claim ore insisted upon,, and any benefit he or his fnund would derive from it,' would be, perhaps, in placing liim in f-orh a pisitbn a to insure his nomination ' by the Nation il Convention, in '. I'nr Mr. Van Burcn, lucre i a very general feeling of rer;! and kindness throughout the Union. .The n army that they will not sion get over. Thoir I ohni in regard to it are not uulikw iho?.o created 1 1 iu reign uf terror hy the iiitcrfcronca of military . vcr. Pennnyltania. , , A , Tlir. COMPROMISE ACT. i V A'T to modify an Act of the 1 It ti of July, one . thousand eight hurulrcd and tliiily-lwu, anJ all other icts imposing duties on imports Sec. 1. And be it tnact'd by the Smalt and Hue: of Ri jxrtenlaliw t of the United State of America iii Vonurms umembUd, Tliat tronami etu?r tlie lilmduy ot Duccnibir, onu tliou:md eight bundrt'd inJ thirty tlircc, iu all cvt where dutit are iniuotod on furein iinpurla by tho Act ot the tmirlemith day ot July ono thmiiind eight hundred and ihuty-lwo, entitled "An Act to alter and ameiiJ tho nuvml Acta impMing do tie o:i im porta," or by any o'.lmr-Aot, kiisil exceed twenty per centum oa tlio value llutreuf shall be de ducted; from and after tho thirty-first day ot IJoccuiIkt one thousand eieht liundrnd and thirty.tM?veii, another totitli pirt thereof, iliill bi dcductid; from nnd atlor tlio tfiirty.first dy of Dccombrr, one tlioiisnnJ ci'ht hUii lrd and thirty-nine, another tenth purl tlierimt halt be deducted ; and (ro-n and aRer the thirty-firet dny of Ik-ccintior, otio IiouhuiJ eight -hundred and Lrty-one, ono halt of the residue of such -excess hall be riodiicted ; and from aud (W tlie thirtiuth day ot June, one tftousiinl eilit hnnilrrd and forty-to, tho other hilt tlier-it lliilt b; (le.hictiil. 5ec. 2. And tut it farther enacted, TJiat to much ot the 'Cond auction ul lli Aci of the tourteonlh day of . i i-. . .i. . i : .1. i. i . j .L A joiv aioratiii, a iixps mo r.ue oi uiny on mi nioiuu reaiamiiiy wuu c no cmuwiaa m au.ura in,j ,UM cloth, kn ,wu by the-naine i.t idaiitt, kenwy of the (.ovvrnm"iit, hie d-:citon of chancier, Hii,ir kn,lu, c,)UonS)0 wc!l Wl, j4 ti,,, only material, keen aacity and honesty of purpose, have m-iJe tin value whereof do.' not ,ecue l tlnrty-five cent a hirri many wurui imd zalou friend. Thorn who rp.aru yard, at fiv pr centum ad valorem, uliall bo had been taught to place n I iw iianmuie Ujion hn ; ami the pame i Iwjreby repeal 'd. .Ahl the said arii. capacity, were early undeceived. P.wawd of de Ih!I e eubjucl ti tho same duty ht fitly pjr cen nower, but aorrounded with d.llieultiMinmirmoiwt i ,unl- " M. Provided by the aeeond Kpctinn ncr . , , . i- i i msnufactureaof wool; which dutv anilj be uitble to able, hit portion caused the dovelopeuient.ol ciar I ,!, ,, llne dnduciioua wHre prcacribod by tl.e Grsl ace ncter little dreamed of, by Ihiwe cvon, hi),Vpowt,uI) 0, til;s AcU , f hira bet,whi:ehietiemie. wh'ihad evcraccied "see 3. And It if further enacted, TUl until the him of bein p!iuu', aupple, and noti comniitlal, thirii"th day of JuiA.cae lhouanJ niht hundred and most unfortunately for IhcmieUea, I'mnd him nn torty-two, theduttea imposed by existing lawai mo , bending, and ever rend boldly to cxpros h.dilwd by this Act, uhall remain aud continue to he opinion on all and cv.Tyuliject,J:i tiie moat i;ilI1"'1toJ And from aud aftur the lay Ut alor.-md, ,. and candid manner. In ahorl, rvo. y act of hi'1 dut,M !'' 7 C0;'Tl" , . ... . , . . ... , money; and all credits i.ow ailmcd by law in tlio while seated in the Preodontial Chair, proved him 0ute, ,ha b n1( horeby ttJre ,,,,,,., . nn uccomplwhed aUleiiuan. So well Satisfied were aj e,lc, auties 8i,,n bo lu id for the purpose of raiiua the pmnocratic pirty with 1iis act, that he was 'such revenue ainy ha necessary to an economical ra nominated unanimously by tho National Con : admirtistration ot tho Government ; and from and alter veiition, nsieinhlnd to make the (election, but ho 1 the dy aforesaid, the duties required t he paid by law waa tint austaincd by the people. The expedients 0! C"0'1'". ua mercliauJi-, ha!l be aejiM and tho comiilete union of nil intercu ; '?' 01 1 10 ". "crn ue sa,ll re irtf d to and 'elwll bir entered, under audi reultiou m may b .v, rPreeribd by law. i the Ufmocratic pirty.. Bit nu dishonor attend ' And be it farther tnttcU 1. That in aldition cd that dele-it, either to the great Democratic : it, u,e articles now exempt by the Act ot the fourteenth larty or In tlieir noble leader. The character of July, one thnunnd cijlit hiindroJ und thirty-t'.vo, anl Mr. Van Buren wa untouclied, not n blemish the existing lawn Imm the payment ot duties, the tol restmi upon it, and as it was l itely exprea'K), whn l"w"'.!f articles impirted from and ar the thirty-tirM I. . . J . . .1,.. r ....I,... '.,....n.l nirt'.f linnlrn.l nn. we Consider the great principles winch were etak', the isu" which were made, and the man ner in which the wimlo i:uiitet 'j conducted, we "'Ii-'itVei'lv and wimiyUttIjitj...ihal ..ltf receive I in:ire real and .iiii)2.1ijirr troui ni (h'f at tli.t . iliv of ijcember, o io IhousinJ ei; it lunfreJ anJ tiiirty-tl.rei?, and until the Murtictli day ot J me, one t.'iTismd eight hundred and forty-two, "hall i!o (,te) admitted to entry, true from du'y ; to wit: h!eich"l ar4 nirfl.iohH'tF.T laUo- luiLa, lineinu(jkuis-ii:i.l hiien cambric, and worsted -i!t (.'no.. a, a'nwl ni l hi adversary did from hi nKces. Tlie j;reit other manufacture of st'.k and worsted manutac'iire nuestion aric then, whether he shall, for the -'t f.i.'i. or ..f winch siU shall Us ttw ctop.iuea: n it--third ti i.e. he plaeed before the peonlc lor rc-e!ec r'"' c!"ef valul-'' cynics from tuw side ot the t a;e tioA- Ihraweshi:! Inavo tor the decisiou ot iho National Convention. Hut there i still another individual n hoxc claim of Hum excen. scwins silk. Sec. 5. A'liftp if further enacted, Tnat from nnd after said thirtieth dijr of Jnn", one thoti.-iind ,ei;'!it hnni!:oa and. forty-two, the tuMowmjr articles snau no are not to be overlooked.' One who ha ever Blood admitted to entry, free from duty, to wit: in !i,o, tori" 'ot in the rank cftha Ilmorracy, and wh (picksilver, sulplur, crudo saifietre, gnnJ stones, re haa never faltered in austninitijj thtwe principles on" lined bnrax, cmory, opium, tin m piate and sheet, wuicu l'ie wnole f,hro! of our ( Jovernment rotu gnm Arabic, gum Seuejal, lac dye, madder, inad.lcr 1 1)3 sovereignty of 'he States, the ual ri'hi oi the per)i!f, tree an I unshackled tr.id", and a d ; t'urmii'.ed (ippniiCtit of everv peei-. of innmijioly mid thnt perenn i John C Cait.oin. lie ctir into p.i'o'ic I.fe he.Cire l' e 1 ii' war, wit'j an ardent lovo of glorv and an enthgyiastx Z:!iil fur l.-.- eo.jn trv' hoiior. h National Council hi devote I patnotiam niiirc than an) tiimg 1 1- that in;iired the deMiii lin ttith h'-pe und IT !e I those vu icil i!h z-:i IliCicV an t deci-id::. " root, nuts ami berin' usd in diim.', mtTron, tumeric, void or paste!, nl""", ani!'r'.i-, lt'.rL' inly crch co ;'n !', c;vnjmi'- llv". cw.iad.-r !, ca!ui. c'nl!;, coeii-is irJih, Ihiic pk'e- for lant'i rns " h iriH, otii"r h')rnanil tip. In-lia ruJiH-r. iniiinictorel irnrv, inictior b-'rr:i-, tiltik. iv.jU ot all km.:, oil ot tnniri.'r, unmanutjeturej ratiaiM "and rewls, lortuie ic-i we wrc d.prai:rd h'ohr iwll, tin toil. thelUe, vosfetable useJ priac-patly in sit w.i hi ta!en'. Ins energy, d.umr. ai.d cmpii. dyes, wold, and nil articuv mn .. ,. I. plnved chellv- tor ihin, except alum, copjiern, l.. i- roni-ite of rtn-h, imiata ot potash, etiro nale ot p tia-u on I n. irate of lead, mp t.Ttw. and tirt inc uc"!i a'.l imoitt on win. h tlio fir' Hetion of thi Act may Rei.i" o!iceJ at iiie head of liio V",ir O-. oitt- c.joiato, aud all article io aduntt-M to entry trcl t .. km. .v.i-e ! ;i..l in' i :! naur hi- -.n'ri in-.t t.o.n ilu'v, or pavin.' I'-' rateol duty linn nv.. !eraii.".''l Ju.Jvll. I'tttra lir-t ctne into -wer, sorr.Jimdi.-ii Willi cinlwrrKi ,.,, a, ,,;! uc. nr.uJcd t'.r by la. meats bv aciimwrcnl fxphMnn umquild in ih j history v tin a cmtitty, Mr- Calhoun, .icn!inf n l . ,.!..,.,;' u. j ii.A i i'i.-i i.. .in.. l.'u Calii.u Aiiuia Tlie Itu'Vi. -n '. Wi forwanl unu sj l o u'.iini, tlio and, perhaps to him in or" t'l.in any ne ul.e mv bs attriuil ed Ifie -:.-ce -i t:.o; nrtnv h . in :.', .tcv..te i a : r.i" ii.e '. too l. ri:'ht ai d '.!'.: ;! n v i f in-1 c . i'i: r . I d I) s c!i irnctcr ha r, v -r vcl :en ? I.e remvj'el nnd infwd i'tw hi-- :a;o ti.it t.-.'.n dii'v, or paying a le rateol uuty l.nu tw..m.y ..! and co.ip!t-x vstem. In the S.n .te, he P" ' J 11,0 ;'d, "f1 V : , ,, ' . f. ,,- ,i, . , . . ,i June, o:i' tho.l.an.. eii.t litinilr-u and tort) !-., Iron riU.Ir.J V; A J.tj-LMj.JJuijavW be adm.ttel t.ru'rv lul.j -ct t, fceflon lit I un.re-s alien Mr. uo Wn ric(l ,,,,. ,.ot rV;.e.hnu' twniy per c-.itum a 1 va'v i .wer, sorr.Jimui.-ii wnti e:n:.;rn -t,,n a, Oe pr.uJcJ t'.r by la, nirrcri! cxphiM'nn um q ud:d in t!i3 toititty, Mr. Calhoun, s.icnlieu . '.mas' was the erv l'n.-t t-i Mep M"' Tlie lU Vn -n 1 Wi.i.' - c:n ' "ani, TFTnnrpwv , . nercened their error, t!va;a iicvfiLiele- ; 1 1 ' ! y' ..H-ure ot tho Adnimi. ration ; , & , , nant,..r aj y ,,',,., II.' i ir, t ie .Vit by v i i !cr. Ho is i.ol onlv a t.ivi.r.t.- 1' d-iwIfSt believo i it a burnt chili dr-'i.li llonceit fiw: the ."!i,vi-i.' asitpWii '.t y im'i. ') to v..- p TV.',I l he li.-G I ito next pr-aiden'nl caoipa'a. liiui.ii a:i i mad Ci'. IIs, I .ii iaCf a j.' t1 r n tiie breath ni of the &ith, wh-re i.i pvpulirsty i iin'i wnd-nf, I'll thrtUgluil! tii :i'i!e I 'litii tl'.d !.i .-h I;i id the Whole couii'ry Ii-' i I Hike ! Uj.oo nn.. ti .t only every w'av titled for the I're-idei ry, hot as Km. tim-rvihg tl.r t.'t'i "tn'io'i. That he wil he j. uteri iilv MMained in Couvetili'm trern i i o i.'oilit ; HiieV.vr u-cetnl 'T nrt "reman. io he ef.n. We t, n ' I ei-i plncml m .'u the dili-r i :.t c in hJnles of the Democratic party, ai, ! it will I - 1 -1 r '..I'm loii.!!," 'icii wleeiioiia m l ie.. in.i i tiie hoti-.r on I re-t- i-f ur ;;c.i! Kj.- ib., ... man b' e . n in : !1 j i b.; !',n I t'. it I nuiilp re a hi- Hi i :. !;;(::. Io J- l. . V. ll ' :r.e-, r.nl ti: .-e enj jj. d in it a. I i-v Inve mTi'it tin1 'i' ve. It t i iootud. a an t.uii. tin ot I .c i:'..;d r':i). The Journal f Ciiininrre, a- I.. I I. ip.-i !, iiru ' in tivo.' i f a I ire nro nt I i.nr . jo .' 'im l y ,r.ni m i n -a!..:. ; it f.i -r !'. ri ynm; to i ; n-r'i- i, H hn.'h wa .'1,0(1') re'ii, I III, t It Olll.t to V' - n n to t.. : ii.-.-s. .. , ; Iv I i' -v ,'. in m. in ; x'j of ih t-e Viin .ue to I. : .:! m t.n - w i.", ' i ' -v-.i ini-.i'ii" a.'jiropr i'i ii .n Hi" en. ; i : " Wh'.'ii tlio Wi.i4- r.:1-u.: I t'ifir ! . e "., . .-! in, furl uuce mori' th.' bmn-.-r ot har! (".'t'i.i r i.r;.i.,..o o;" C' i t t.'rn.r I i l"i o I k i-ii . fir -.v in t'.eciiv ''.nil' !''! o .: t'l-! p :! .:', s',1,; a vi ',' d U r. n! t-'r'.X V e .-i- ;:ret t!t ;t rv TV I ' v. '" 'iri tv i i i. .1 m-;.-.-ail 'i'-p'l'f (.' hn i-l io ''! 1'wi.t a i, (. , on nir. n a 4.1 nil!.,; uaj.n-, !.i."J c.i- r and f.ni F::i. 'J'ii-y in.i.-l a;., ml. ie rcn.e.l. There i..all I' 1 r. t.:.l a lo2 "ill. u nnd a cliy bmk or mud but ' e-..--r-; iiil.io nm! ii'.-- MiJ tii lac cj iiui'Miiei to, n i I 1 !v ii.. I'tii i-ti wiLO ni in .-kui.'i, C'utr.l, .'in 1 ni i'T in 'i,; nrai i'TM: 1. 'I'.itre ?!:.iU i..- no omre :..! .'1 . .j l.-raei i.f b- IjC j:jo ."''. nl:s tU .:uu.i. 1 ma 11. u ,ii -t . ra! n-a- it.'.l'"!-" ' .1 rr ii; rl . 1. .,1 umii'i' r, u 1 ii., i...t hi 1 j ni.. t'i- el ' r t ' I . s r-1 .', lie 1 I ' I 1! I . I ill! I ..I.-' t ,'in-i.' I -.. i tr 1 nn ' "i ,' ru' i.jt. The mighty i" n-tf-i n . ri: n -ill ineh nut r. ohiiii-.h.-i d, and 1 . -. 1 l-rflt1 nvr "1 l itt- tij 1- I ,1, !,.. iilut orras-i'.iied ti.a t'''i'ut "t ' ' 1 d 1 :. r fp r' U'lt nn I in. pre ' r iilnii" id- ..' ihe I -(' p diL'V. I, il 1 j to r . 1 - V I I - '. ri n . nt . 1 ; v. i.lllJl S'.i in- tu ' 0 o .-. I 111 j- Ill .ll III I r il .i I. 11 11 1 1 1 from the Korlh Carvlinian if June ll. j The two candiil.ite for the omen 6f Governor ol the State; met ih this place on Tuesday last. jov. Morolieu.i 1 a stout, athletic, robust man, uf iron constitution, and in exeollent health Mr. Homy had been very ill in the Wet, hud returnod from tiieiiea whuU, dehilitatml, and sullerin very much troiiia seruiua mjurv which he received aumstao or tiirce yeard a;o. Ho wa, however, anxinua X meet (Jov. MorahDad, and ill and feablena he wa. and us his opjwuouUi will acknowledge lie was he determined to meet the Ciovernor nt every hazard nnd under all disadvantage and well and nobly has he smtiined thecontet, truly has he austaiued him self with at skill nnd ability hardly expected by hi moit t inuino fnund. Thero were, at time, in Ins elliiit, burst of eloquence .vhich nvctiid the at lentiun of his hearers, that not a breath sroe to ihiurhtlim while their cloe was responded to hy rnplurmm iipplausa. ' Gov. . led otf at 1 1 oVI ck. This speech wa pul out 1 a little fouler, nn eJuccr to draw from In nim in ut the cliar r.'s he had and -intended to .m ike, tiui his adiniuistMliifuT' Allogetuer, it wasasoi.ill und weak ell irt cotiitin imiiuly oi jan ntteniit 10 retel fliu charge of proscription, ; lale promise, etc., .preferred by ;h Democratic parly ot h. freeman and little Fryer. tMr. Ilanry then met him on Stale politics proved conclusively that he had violaled-his pledge to be tlio Governor ofylhe Sute and not of the party laid beloro the people his hcedlefj, violent pro script ion, in the very teeth of his promise jio " pro-cnbo priwenpfioii " exhibited hj w j lawful extravagance in the face of his so'uinn ' pledeu to ml minster the CJ overmneiit in an ecu nomieal manner to rcircneh and reforms-exposed 1 to the scorn and contempt it ti richlv merits, tho j (ioviiruor'a iniierahle plagiarism of Proflit's wit, (and hi cimteiiiiutilo deihu in the "ice, nap, ! lijwel,' At :, of the President's palace, which he il ivisnly .hd 111 l")tt), and proved tu the world . bv Moreh-ud's o.vn uc' and doinjrt since, thai his eour- pi piiriim; tiie vary c. ml let he then con sidered criminal e.-t ibliil.ed hiseondomnmion. (tor. ' Uureheud tiii.fi uiideVwe dohitn the justieo to say. ' a tngeriii'Miii eSTtrt 4 uemud hium If, .but there hud been siub i nn facta ciVd by Mr. He iry, which he coul I not Murmoiint. opp it,or evade, and he fled to a ducu-isiiin 01 jrrneral nation I p ihtic. und branched out oi fit old track the extravagance of Mr. Vri H'wi'n adiiiiuistnition, and arraigned nijain ihi nviirii nli'jwil jiau, a th.fn,h hi were on trial an no brtore Hi" p".ijle. Thero wore many equiv och'ioii reported to by hi Uxrellericy, of n rlannj .1 knij h to utrik the attention ot every one aeijiiiii -d uli ihe facts; mio we are (irupared 1 1 s'io : ii niir vlured iho report of Mr. Wo dbury, Ih-' for uer Secretary of the Treaurv, lo prove the amount uf I'X.ienditijre, a id extracted Iherefrum smii thio relitm 10 a certm i million r-ccived . 1 1 Iliuk U-t-td; .-alOiirJkr.kHi pfrtlMntf-of 40 addt-lii-nl im lro w. he ued the preceding very eijjht mil i'i i. .11 il .ml t!r forty in'.r.idueed il into the ratriii.nwn an I mule n an Hem ol the addition, il l I we 'iie d icu 110.it -i we could prove many other , mi Ii .leCfptioiH. In i billion lo this he rj'iott'd marine.) ftrac s, indited sentences, made them b'iira 'lilh.'reni eonarruRiioti from thitlhry were mi led, and ma !e thereon hi own cileul ition. full Mr. 11 Mirv, though very much iifi;ebled bv hi prevmu ellort, and evidently auflenng under' 1 excruciating panirartie and m-t hun oa national ! politic, and we are hipi; to siv lie hero coin j ptelely do n .ln'if.J lii G .vertior. II" fully ex , p. wed lo (mij'ie viesrtioy. M irehea.t's exlriiirdini- rv, Bhrio irw i.uwte cv hn v that in ho . w.i t.ir lion. Jackson --now he 1 ,i;r unt him h M' i, in ln electoral ticket 1 if ride ni 11 lit was ngainat r .1 .. 1 ' v 11 tijrtlllst a tariff, nir J lor, now hu is it iiives nn cirruestlo hia friends-of what he ha been able to do when ho was strong ana in ncuiiu. Sick, leoble, and debilitated as he was, he ha bold ly, firmly, undauntedly bearded the lion, andurap. pled with the bear, nnd has cotno from tlio coniesi unscathed. ' TUB CLAY NOMINATION IS GU0.1GIA. Ammijj' ill the strange thmga of these most ex traordiuary time, -ve know of none more to th in the late nomination of Mr. Ciav, by thoUild Anti Tariff, Anli-Iiauk, and Anti-Clay, Nulhfiera of Georjia. Only think of it: the very men who, in 1833, were ready to take up arm to resist Mr. Cur and hi ultra Federal principle and meas ures, now, in 1812, actually ro;oe him as their candidate for the Presidency t their lira! choice, of course and are the very firt men in tiie Union to du so I lleally, this is a most strange move mont o ultra -nionstroua and prepostfirous, that we have not word to express our sono of it. e wiH venture lo say that not one of lhee men would admit-that he ha clnriired his principles iio'0 '3d ; and yet not one of them cuuld huvo the har dihood to say that Mr. Clay has changed hit! lj)w then are we to understand it 1 how, but as a visitation of blindness upon them, for their perverse no in refusing i support their old Republican principles, on account of their personal and party prejudice again! particular mm. i lUcause they received nut the tru'h, God hath tent them tlrong dilution, ih it they ihouil believe a tic." Fr..iu tho time they opposed the dab-Treasury measuro, because of their personal prejudices ugaiust Mr. Vas Buken blindly detenniiiiiig without exami nation, in it niihuig g 1 0 J could co no out of N iz 1 reth thev have been goiti all wroui with head long vehtcity supporting a Nation il limit, Iho U'iiigs, llirriam, and now Clav, utterly regard less, of iheir former opposition. Their personal prrjudieo, tool After xiicklin widiuch obstin acy at Mr. Vax Cirex, and the Union and Jack sou men, aud so violently atutheinatziiig th ir old associate, who were willing in act with them -rathei than abandon their principles, whit personal prejudice have they sacrificed ay, and principles tun to aupport Mr. Clay ! tho man who haa been at opposite point to them in all thingi ever since he abandoned the Republican tarty, in hi carlv days the leading advocate oPa National I'uik, Inte-ronl Improvements, the Tarifl, &s "the Father of the American ) stem "the man who insultingly boasted tint be had saved their necks from the halter ! If he had changed Ai course nnd principles, and gone over to Iho.n aud theirs, it wore all very well ; b it as it is ho can see iheir I no nemin nion in any other light, than a a Prnvi.leiiiial rebuke upon iheir perverse course in is:i7-tf aud it will be well for them if it does -not still further and still mire, strikingly illuitrato tho ancient proverb, '"Whom tlr gods will lieitroy, j!ji?y .firstjnnke mid !" South Caro- 1 linicat. J H l.i II ilJUO-'', ; ijam-t ( ,'i iv -u,),v 1 ; I, '. .'.V 1 .' lie 1- ! n' iiiist :,i ,1 I-- 1- o 1 j e . '. oa lie " "1 .-p.nl, n'i A;. -I torn. l it-mu J . 0 rmv. '. .1 I h I.. 1 hl::e -'pint in! Trev, tud A l-.-J about an I jiimjied il lUiei . MTV t -I 11 ri. Mm ta il III e 1 in r. vie I 'r -ii these frequent, I .I.trt ie'id, either 1 1 a i n iraet-r, or to il n . id toient lo If II" 11 .,1 rul-r uf a fret t 1 it I 1 w fill; part v werf r.' -,. t -1 1 1 i.,r 'li I'Cl-r's ad.iinns'r iliun tti il "M-V "id. ll !li"V il 1 1 I .-t .Q'lWerj u bf ajvatit " .if i .1 .1 . in i'hi'I "tj'-j irrei'in (Hiioog t'heinf1va 1..11 ineir iiri eut pr.ite resnlte f tr.i.n their umera !i," i dir i, ' eo.K .-ul'iienl nf principle," which i. -il-T'd t ! 11 in iraut nt'eich other; si ilia; vaeit tin'v -n t 1 a ilistfihnii.iii ..f tii ikiiI. like in eves r iiiii -, ihe-, t" j 1; 1 t ovir their ditf-r lit s . 11 --V I s'i'id ..f iro'liolKig til ' .ii' ri -is, j ,1 - ig an I reli:: ,n- the want of '' ' i - 11 ov, . ten t iey I. no a 111 tj mly, a I I'ara i iriiy 1 1 ij.it Si brand e of Cmigre, 111 s ''-i'i 1 ..ti.ig t 1 .nr duly, they ore miserably -n 1 vil- i' nnd ahxiilg eich othereach '.1 1 . 1 '. . r i . ) : 1 ioip 11,10 I lie) oilier, .llgm.l, 0,1 a " eiri 1 i', s.i I !i,o 11"'. Mr. 1 1'Virv c m'i'ni" ! '. 1 ex,' 1 1 . ,r r !.;. ;.r ncrniiion f ,r npmion' .k I'.'e-i i.tiin- wit nm oif'tani Sta'e and ua:er o ir nv, a ee, tbut wue'i Hit: re could he no iiiis!.i!;e. Mr.1. try luHv exhi'i.'t'd Iti peril ot t (.riding sv-'e n .11 eraet., :n trm ns o m't. ri; sj-ii -.ii, and .1 high ririlFpr.teetii'e sy'eui 1 v oi ti. 's,. wu.i 4 create a r! of aict nd wealln opp s',l to in p lopie tv nild raises stand 1 1 1.' 1 no trrar.v arra e-1 in d-iliy ttos'intv ngmut ; inn oe. 1 i't'ere-tt i.l Ine I) : n e-rac v. lie prove I ii. iin h,-'.ir, ihii 'it- Umlel Sia'f li-ink hid not i" 1 ii i.l i.ii nid 1'ij ire l ct 'Irio. : Ii , 1 r h id ' 1.1'r I ,1:1 1 1 'i.r ip'ed tu1; rit it mtitii'io i so i n- Hn v gieriv ii'.v l.' l r.'l n ii jtiou ; and lie itil.n.i i ine -tH.'tr 4 t-4-ttv, '.t-relied titvori il n .1 "! 1 i e - lim'i; livir.'I 1 lii;ili l.irill; ti '. 1 1 ! 1 i 1 1 .. 11 ; I n r" I to Distriuulion ; v.. - i ' t ix in 1 ; l uii.ed an ur.s'twracy ; wis a i'i if ; 1 in "ie w-ir-: ml n-i-t d inoroil-i aee'-p I 1 : 1 1 '.! t r' term. ! r. tleiiif won: oil ill 111 11 hits A CAP MADE TO FIT TlllMSELVS. The, great VVtitg Convention at llnleih in Octo ber, 1810. cooiirimiced tutor aJJrcss to thu people ol North Carolina a follow : ' He declare the IcaJm of the pirty in poeer unworthy of the coifHence jf A free IKopk . ' " llecause they hare violated terry plcdg thry hate given lo the nation." Thi language, (hough hurled then at the Demo cratic party, applies noic wiih irrei.tible force to the very m-n nnd th'i very pnrtv who uttored it. I If had been straining our inif)ition to slata, in : a few words ihe roi:u 1 upon wh ch wo m' this I advocate a clmrigt of intvi hith !n the National j aud S.'alo (Joverum nits, we could 11 it do it tatter j than bv copying this. parage iu the adtfoss cf liio ; Vi i ihemaulyes, , Hive not tlie leader of the Wljg pnrtv vi.'.ited 1 every pledgn made lo iho nation b:,re tiiey cainc. liu'opj ver f What were those pledg ! J 11. That ihey would reduce the,-xpLsrhturc of I tlia (i iv.Tiiiiinl to an economical s'a i lii'd ac j cording tu the pledga of Mr. ( 'lay, to oh ntf sixteen ' million of d.illar. How have they redeemed this p'e.lge ? V in i creasinj liio expen liture from a!) ml tireuty lir-i 'and a half milliant, und-T Van llunii, lo tictn'n 'tit ail 11 fi-tlf millions. i . 3-1. To it thev would create no ;mh!i d-'ht in IllUtf ot 't"ic '. Ihey hive reneenic ItliU pr'.TgiJ ' by creating a pub'w H"'it in iej I'l iu on.; year uf, near ttren'y thttc millim of doll.irt. ' I) I. T:i"V promised to I iwer the tn"i ni ih" liip'e, ami increase the wage of I'm liborrr. Tiiev have r'nliMiuied this pronis" by nir'y ihiu b'l 1; ''i t its,.a'i I by r-it icing uho it u ie-thir I t'i wae, n . tine ol" (he laborer 11 I i Anv 'cn-'iit einiil.tv, -ill hy (t.sL.rir "ing tr 0 n worn t!iu .nm ot ni'e'rs. 4'ii. I'll y pr 1:11! -ni lo " prns -i ihe m -.ri'i'ion to I ini in mm 'lul.of ollicn b'eaii' lie r.;n.red ; with then 11 p ihtic.il' vie: aril to appoint nn man to (.tii - as a reward lor parti 1:1 orvici"s or whose 111 n il integrity wa not h-vnn.l t nestion. Tnevhivn re ! euied tin pledg-, hv turning not ol ' "Hi in one yeir more men for opinion's ail;, han ail removed during Ihe wim'.e twelve year of ' previ ns 1 'm ier.it, c r ugn ; an I In nro tinting lo iu'li'v ri-p.oiisili" itlli'-es men ol thu 111 1st ahand on. .ei mural char icmr, sdely and o'ttenlv a a reward : tor pii'isio service- title, fie ' li.iek eye Hlack siiuili " It 1 1 lit I er, nnd James I. Clentworih. ! 3di. They denounced tho praetic i of isiumg . Trea-eirv Note by (i ivernineiit 1 inieonstitutional i aI 11 r unveiti'ig the i nern nei.t into 1 great dinm-r i i li rikio (i p, pron -10 lo p 11 ilown ! Ini ,yl. nn of paper issu-s. I n .y re.lenui'd this TpTmnwr" iy issuing imtlnn) nf 'Trea-tury Note. O h. Tliev pro iiis'-il lo relieve tho co lolrv fro n iie; li -n . p-ei 1,-11 v euih irr,M-u; "ul. 1,11 lei ,(.( 1 it I ii n . I, to 1 . ir,- cue.fid r.ra u d pr -I. tori ' lo'ni ni..; iiitncv pli'it! v , ran. ) th;,.ri.o id the I iti irei :.r.;.v 1 1 tio.e ol p ntec. . ! m-re. .. 1 - T i..,p!ii(iiiou, in iinv M' ili.,ni'l nr 'ri'i'.'.t i" i!i-' ..- i. ii:-'.i'.i i it' CPUS' g ;i l.m:r--i'v ;or a irrfilt r leg 1 I ir ! .ree 11: t "a 'j nailer , I'rntm-h" I ' ' te ! v, 1 1 V i.Cl"flg I I" JUlli'T ul II I. III. I t 1 ll :l ii i 1 ulet 11 '-v be i-i. 11 i-! C 'li'-li .1 for 1! 1 ::-;e . 1 1 etnergonty. . 10 if ati'-ri ' t'. J. ft-.! ft of i "- i-.-.'l hy a p-ner!'l fotigtl f e u:t!, .1 ;t I- 1 .;.';', I. When a Imli'ili is ... llene in 1; i, .,t., , ,. in fivnr d l.i.i pin,1 '. . 1 e'.ili' 1 . ;' ,r '' u!.tnt ruch an ru.ei ;!. . llo! w i; .: p , lation br"nrn"s very 1. iuo.-k.-.-., ,.' I" ;. . ' ! . attached 'n thu (iiivii . I.. n '';. '..,, . ,:: 1. -it grant them rqual 1. .;.' tt-.d - - t . ; 0- thm by I.f!' v tax) I r in ilp . iy r- ',:. i,' i thin there : ii-. nf.-ca-i' 1 for i;l.r r ;. f r this purp'.-e : t-.r no r.nt; n will he I.l r-! v t 1 i 1 v . i such a cnin'tv i'h a vie to rorquot, i.od if a iy should lin ', ps ile'e:,! .von!.! I.- ri rt i'.n, 1 n t1 militia nnd voluuf'-r l .ri.o al ui". Ilcrce.lt ina v ' II I que leeit d, w I.' li.t r t',r increase Tils"'j".iu'atiou 111 h fiee iimntrv, (.' ' le t funiih intiro argutnenis in fr. r of (limini!ii , tbe army than of mi reamg it. .However this may be, It.orn'i iit ilemnnt ration in Iti;!1 Ivar.d na ji'veli the p ' pe: a Jl-t'ifn for ITT :in.' c pi 1 im on- iion .-n i, (Ml a v. ir e c ii..es to t .1" n !r 'Hi tt." 1 -'ip I .1 1- e Ill's aid 1:11;. irfi it h 1- i.e1-. nr;: t- .-I l'.;' Jul . w ...1 ll 1 I h- ini -'lk' U- I I Is tl." Voire f 11 V ''p'e Cij .h-.l nr I 1 1 1 a . 1 ' W li 1 li'iv." I," fi v- in iy - i.-i'iiejs pr.rrw-i, 1 ol '. ti lit; tail j..f HrO li"rf 1 ilt.i-r Iriltli, !i mio i.r ire., stj in In.- I. . .-i.il il.-m- I, 1 , -i'- I : V l:ne Irt'i'U i -l -Ulliit il t'. pntee I I p , . r. 'f M- 1 "-net; 01 I but tin r'" -n ' 1 tell I'lM'.ll t. 1 .1 Wi i l':-'ili 1 . i'i iv.. j ' .. W..i. rtiu.t l.t " l.'k til!" r'pt!.!i':.:i 1 1 ,ir ' ," : ihe ,id'.pl:nn ul' .1 ! I mi, if. 1. 1 1. , " i-r.. 1 .1 .1 m 1 ij'n: po iry. 1'i'f li.ir I . l--r 1. v .'... . " .,. ,1 '. In...-, and 1; i-i 1 id", or I 1 .1 n't. i ;-' " r -o. 1 I .'o more f 1 I.e up id hug "I to. '.em r .a v , I ,au ciui.l li iie le't-t. a. r 1 1 :il i,v a.. mi run gi n t'.-.V. . .It-n. Pinnihi 1 I' ..''pitiit The Atitl -1 : ". rv ('.,'iVr i,! on a' liii-lon, at wiiieu uni ni; o ! li. .ng. ' .. ir Im nt r II. 'iplu Mr. I!it.i'st Hvsm.ir v.a .i-i. ..inc.'.l a - n '' liar Slid hyiiccr-le,-' and 'Die ( l.ireh. -.1 c'llhn" rondemnetl nr an nh-t'if!e to ihe iii"v-iin-nt, becnii"' it made difcnoiiiiiilioii l twn ii hlnt'li und white, hm concluded to lolr-iVe 'In- Umnn a I tlle lender, (isrri vm'a resolotioni to 1)1 wdve tb K.nne, baviier oet 11 l"fl salte pon the tabic whim Hit) k.tjourucd, Mr. AtiAM . r.' l,"ing 'here. .lfcvy ni 'ii " . 11 " I 'i ' o I' "! 1 a .; m i"H"f . to wn.iw Ir'im 11 in iv niiii.il siane. -, whie 1 -oust hivehiruck tv-i v " - f -I h y In it Ci" -i i im-ii ofl'rovid 'iic'! ii I 1:1 "1 i:s r irr ipt aid I '.mm less pirty that p,., .- ,,, ,.r r,,,,iry r,,.n f tiftr Inri'f, Im ii-H,i 11 ..it- i,, r 1 m i tii-' ni'ii ni t j.i j Ir. II -ii 1 1,. .1 si. 1 -iv-m i i.lv i n iir.i.'i. ' t the false and u .,;i . 1 . 1 . 1- I ei ia 1 t,-.s, 1 11 1 1 ho was 01 la vor ofe t riv i-i,' Io' tui I nii'tiveoieiils siiowed that when k' "id . ii .11 'd l, n 1 i 1 mititii'' wisest and best "ii. v ; im' .... 1 ii wnl'i I is Hume arly he .1 r i 1 ''.li, iii t li it in IllO (.'lassu -i'i.' - :i 1 - ' 1 ' 1 1 1' that tune, the Statu ' g ; ii 11 ''r iva.'.inct', Hijtl :.i 1 I . . 1 d I 1 11 io I that the - laif 1 1 1 1 i .. . .;,.i ti'siti li'v no I uii'iin und 1 or .. 1 11 ( 1 11; lie is ,ii, 1 is ci lavor of wit, piud ' , : hi i.inr. il ! itci nr.! Improvement. ii .1 ! n "ieid ag iin I'J ! e'll, III 11 repetition of 1 -; 1 -. 11 v 'To, in- i .i.i'.'h ; nnd liien, n 1 1 r i'ii'iiI irii irk ltd aoimi thu gentle- 11 1 1 : :i'i:ii-i..u liil'le I. I'm-. W .111 prii i d.iv lor dr. Henry's friend. 't.- ex nnitiiiu fullv retill' .s tin gross; sliinder if "1- f irtnlii'-ss 1 incapieily lo meet either the i'i" ;t "ul I! liieoirtlie, Ine " M iijiiliiiu lloouier' el 'Vane:. , or ine jjreai " Kgle" of Hurry, while pr'xlueo 11. i 1! 'f pr .p.'rly. trt- II i v ft t'. 1 I'lei.t iij'i iiiM'H In 1 1 t '; ne.l ti m ro n uerill-' mi l c mnV 's' 1; .l. s, properly s-'lliiig ii no" 'ii'irth it i v il :'1, the 1 ,n 111-I low j riee tif'c t'.l )l, hiCa,an't e-riv spiv i.f dome ' !C pro i.;r, an I the a I 11 st of -r nrm i-situht of e'lmg m tn'ii lor any t mig ihe larnier and laVirer , (live li. el', e in irs.ver I ill qi si lull. ' Vih.-l'liey pi -mined lo pn:.eriu s,i,r.'-i! the una 1! ihii.ty of cmitnct nnd lo gnnrd aertipuloilsly the pult i'' mora!, rfec ho.v l.i".se nr inns ' wero r..',!' einH : 11, I'm piji;ti. id a I! mkrupt Law j i,ii g out millions of deb: hy .1 mere secret I iii.'h. "t'tng the debtor In e iron) hi 1 contract at lis mvn will and pl isuie, Ii ii ii ig o ,t i:idiice:ii"t.t) in trio 1 nnd f.i!. H'.ve.ii.'ig, in i cui nijiting 1:10 icrv lou.1t.11n of puhlr: i.iora!''. ' Wn ought fXteml tlio cifa'.ogun u b'olien U'hig pnimiHP, hut we t.ntik i n mg 1 h i liecii staled in ,siioi!ii' the lea lenof the party 111 poAer uru ii iw inhy the cotili.ltnr.e of alieo Penpla; ' " llerit'tse thru hate emitted crrry pledge tin y J tfcitWr ht 11 Dion." Mtcilcnhurg Jeffe, tmiart. from the X York San, Extra, June 19. ARRIVAL OP THE BTITANNU. SunJiiy morning, at 9 o'clock, the steamer Biltannla Capt. Hi will, arrived at Enst B.ton. As ahe sailed on the afternoon of tha 4ih, it will bo seen that she made her passage in the short space of 14 day. The most prominent topic of public interest on the other side of the Atlantic, is an additional attempt uport the tile of England's Queen. Her Majesty eseaped tlie tato designed for her by the assassin and lire unhurt and undiausyed to reupjnd to the hearty cuugratulas turns of hor loyal subject. ' SPECIAL MESSENGER TO THE UNITED STATES. Wo understand that a Queen's messenger arrued at Devenport on the a7th llay, from tha Foreign ollice London, with despatches tor our Minister at the Uuited " Hmes. At iho tamo tune order arrived that the Rbadamanthus (steamer.) whieh wa previously in. tended to sail tor Lisbon and Malta, should procoed hence with thia gentleman to .Vew York. -Ther no commercial steamer to aail from tin ouiitrt lor America until the 4th J una next; so that thu Hit and unexpected dcapato:li ot the ItnsiUmanlhus iodi cates ctearly thai the objec s which have led to the sending out ni uie messenter, are or an unusually im pjrtaut nature. . . INFAMOUd "ATTEMPT TO SHOOT THE QUEEN. Yetitcrdatf ifternoon the metropolis wt thrown into a state of the greatest excitement and consternation by the report that an attempt, similar to Hut perpetra ted last year by tho miscreant Oxford, upon tne life of her Majesty, had been undo ia Ureen Parks. The re- part turned out to be too true, and the facia, so far a we hive boon able tq collect tboiii, are as fallows: About six o'clock her Msjasty aad P.uieo Albert, f. tor taking their usual allernjou airing in Hyde Park, were rotummg down Conslitutiou hill, in a pony car nage drawn by four greys, sml attended by outriders wheu a young nun, who was standing close to tlio palings drew pi'tol from hi bruaat, and, presenting it t her Majesty, pulled the trigger, but providoutillj no injury wsa done to the Q iueu. There were not mny parsons in the imuiodiato neighborhood, and the tulTuo tbiu.-t the pistol into his breast, and attomptud to escape. He wa instantly seiiid aud m a tew miuuios a Wrge crowa ot personj burned lo tha spot; lie wis surrounded, and it wjj with the utmost difficulty that the policeman aud onu ot the guards who wrre among the flrsl to Isy hold uf hun, could save linn from th lory ot Uie populsce. Meantime ibe aeea aud Prince Albert prooeeded lo Bjckinghm I'slace, and thu prwrnsr, win) was by that tune taken in charge by two of the A division ul police,' wa conveyed to the su lain-House m UarUui'.r'j Lntt VV'ostminstcr, fallowed by a. vol crowd of 'per sop, ll witatod that the primer. who is a youn" I nam and rather retipecUtily attired, w a cabinet-maker, ruiidinj in liien (trees 3iryitiDoiie,(n4 that a woman Willi whom Im was observed in conversation ttviti ti ne previously on Constitution Hill, was also taken in to custody. We uiidomUnJ that C10 slstion-liouse it w is. coriaieed itrit rmr pirtot war loaded Wittrball, su I 'v:l '" his bnn; tairchcd some p"ip?r were found on his p: r s m, tee content of whieh were out suffered to in m. pire. 'At s quarter to seven y'ciocii-tua prisoner wi cmvvi(il Iro n tw stalioii-houM by the bC, smy ti the Hujne-ollieo, guarded by a strong body ol police; iidna,'Ximintion, which wa strictly private, thoi took piece in the reeuceot several ol the Minuter- the chief comaiissinner t pahce. Col. Uowsa ; AI:. its 11, ma nwiinraieor. aj.i vreet; aim olhsfoCi.ir, porsontgc.- I lit inannor fMf Oein convey ad to tm rtsiimau. extromely calm ani collecied, iid 1: appeared but KUIu moved Ci.th hjfings and ex?;;. lions of the iiiotn " Tbru'igboul Ui oveuiaj tlie seven! members o,'!, -royal tjimily in town, the Cau.nat M misters autba.-:. dors a"h I the iioh'iliiy, coatiuuel ta arruo at lap di.' 1 in rapid so -cession to oiler their cordial CiingrilulT to ber Mij-'y op 4 tier pr ideiiti! ctfep -. L I ' J late hour, i .in-liltition lliii sod joSesrea m Ironl ot tie: . nslacn werj cros'dd Is fc.iectat)li ermiis. nib I,. 1 ,'. Iy ti4 frsqa:itly mtrnjee i theic foshngaof toy!?y firvl lieatt-telf gratiflcatiou t tSo Ifiiniiy iua of thj iairocious titoinpk'1 ', - J ThaortiisVreey-wtSjcryd by aitlie partir i fl. cully c.'iiin.'ctcJ witlirsltM! iiivttigafion'oi trie stfur, I and, in Tie absence olM)' puative or a4Ui JsTllc ml ir . irnii in, the int-l absurd riojiio'ra ra rlojtwhich u' retrain trom repealing. The geiral ijiipresMou is tint J the prm .ncr lias flujiccouipllces, but t.'iatt!jj atrofi.. . ; act M ti"n ine rtutlu st)('jeKicrte ard-s-Toi i-ti'iiii-y ti jav.nes wNtcn btvsof late becsie so pren- lent ...11 n,' tn9 Working classes, couihtrd with t.V) uijlnd cravLif lirViotiiruMy which wis etiSibitcd .j 1 xirungly aud rtinarliabiy m Uie'A-o olJio lunii:o i Oxford. . f ---'j'hfj-jir ireijdirr ,wtf,'6'iV ! cases, sir icily p'uia'.o; but iruui'ii auieo upou which wo tan place tvaty ftloaiice, wesariithtl. the pfisnn er,osi being irtjbirr.igaiisii, ruhiscd tgive eithci In Mine or ra-udeiice, or Manlike, any a jmuutun on the subject i.Lln rliarge. Dunag, h.twoi, the ext inniii lion ot the perttoua. 10 attendance ;ho vitosjaVed tiie lunsacti is if apjieared llnl Ijpuutli wru bsflvni i ' bj m the I'jrlt it thu oi JiU'iul ol ( Jir, .,,,or ,.tl;p, ! tltiHion, hadJ illoWtel hioi Uit ae sUHua-ltuese, smt tiih :iequeiit:y ttrthe iWiesttfiies sndlirogriisi hun 1 lo be a person of thu notkna ol Fraucih ihe prMvin I er Iwiug pressed whe)iieriaii tea jiot If eaioe, he at j ter stent' considerable he.-illtnin, sd.iuUad Jia, tacl. 1 The ycutii was liien questioned 4 It his kny vied 'j ' of the prisuiier, wsjin huit'd UiataJu prisoner's tathcr , resided at.M k HHJ, Titrjtitield rteel I s - I The prisoner pp-wrs not in be more than 2d jrirsi f age, lailn-r slim ifljde, a -..it .1 fe t 6 meiiMttigajTIsi ' compUxi'Mi, Jong vigt, end nrnn ti rested 10 a u!cl 1 roc coat and w aistcoit, apd ursb Inniser, and pi"- nentm g aluigethtr rath"-a ri-spectsbla sppcsrsifee. -ItittiiliiteiMN.' of Ibe desporalo auo'iipt llswjike a ilu-lirj -1 irouen Uie nielronli;-aiid in a very (Mrl tune tht 1 various inomber" SM-lhe royal funily, w dl sssov.-nl . ul' 1 oe t'lrtngn ainblirsdoi-, benides Urge number! '.I j tlio notnliiy, &c. Listened to the i'slacelor the purpose 1 o! ro igmtulalmg Ihe Q 'lee 11 and Prince Albert on tnoir j priviili iitnl ileliri-i.iiKWaud Iftrjiihoiit the cvenintf , ileus.; c inroiirsi ut persons ot all tbs'.'s amongst w !i -m j were a iiumix'r'.f eioiiantly dret.! woiiien, Hurroiinil' d tun j; ue v.l Ihe pilace, all id" whom appeared to !" jauiinniiii liy-ouo feeling of s'.'horreiiee ai lin.ui.-eri n'- ' who lad to i lusde the rjgicidiil ailem,'!. 1 " ' ti i: 11 M A N . 7'ir Cittai'rnphe at Ihm bur v. We have th: I ' towing :atllCl deluls of Ilia ili'strui.'liim of pr.jry hy Die Uln calamitous lire : Suuets dofetroyeit, Iii i leilars l'W; inhabitants ilij.iM''i-e'!, 1 destrojeJ, :t, vie Hi. Peter, S'. The only Whig victory since Ihe rlnriion m "T'ljipecantH! nnd Tyler Pun " h is tieen iheir sin: cess 111 nwlniumg n liojnl Charier, in Rloult! I lam! over a Uopuhlicun Const Hut ion ! ioj'. linie.Ui. U'l; liiiirft'iilo. i'i tii it Is, l.UUJ fl'liVI tl'' "s 111 id'ti-k, l')" ; ce! Jl.'iji t'nurelie .Vie nolm, iii;d St ti'-rlrode. foe vslno of lhpii'''e biniiliiijis i f tiuu led -17 miliHMi niiui it lit", iu t.'.e ni'itniii ass irance eirecti.d by toe iimii:cipilitie, a"' the punlie b ul'ling nt !l nidh eis, making together ,n imiiionse.pl il ioX'd,:!f:l.iM'il. '1 lioluruil'ire iiiid ww's are e.timils.1 al Jtld.lXi d.ilikl, Disking the lotal value ul the pmperly Xn,:i.'li,tHm, Tiie n:o mill insured in the loreig'l insurance c".l''' inesiit fiirniliire snij gnmi 1 enlmnlcd nl 1" m.lh '' marks ba lienor JL'7 11.0 in, hul we are iiilonneil, o.i vrty eoml suthority, 'Ini this iteoi 1 ho over-raled, t!'l! throw a doubr u.ioii tii.. iiri.-ur.icy of Ihe statement ' Die ogurrgite .. Mi.-t.iiiM'd. We arecreilibl inf'r1"1"' that I 1 i I .til am unit id (ue liabiliti.' of the i'liehy1 insurance compiiiies will nut exceetl, at the rr " " mosi, XI.'KMKMI; snJ aecurdmg lo the most recent r c 'Hu.-, VC t.'D.'HM is ho) I n,s nearer ihe iru-h. It l.s tar.her rendered perfectly certain, that even in"''' litter sccount will In! very materially reduced; lor."' Hie reieirches in IV rums pr'tceeded, consiifei1'''' i'iiouut4 of property wore, rescued dsily, which C'u'i-l'iutly increasing the salvage to Die Kngh-b teta- puiies. n...'ir...,i...,. .. ov.w.i. . ..r M re ha mil" "' Ihmhurif. A letter from Hamburg says the nimibi r I litirnnesdeiit roved by Ihe lire wssideven, six wU" ' ' were puhlic esiatdishmi iiis. 'J'o these losses muat ' 1 V ft S-SJl I X , ..... 1 .. ' " -