" tiHri the tiwk of on tooksellcra, CooUkiiiif amongaJ uihcf. 5!1,0(MJ volume ut tnoJara Gorman, French, ami llneliiiii work. The totnl destruction ot book, a yet I ..,., ml., lnMirMlllu,.liim. i'.i tactions of scicntiHe objects have perished, particularly one, eonsistingof 4,000 model of machines, belonging to the ltritw Society, and which wore used in the evening mil Hand classes, instituted lor the mcchan ia ol iho town. ',o sauio latter give the following ti in estimate uftio uuauMty of merchandise consumed: 2,000.0001b t bullae, 9.01)0.00011 of Wifar, 3.000.00011 ot wbich were rednwi, 1,200 bale of raw cotton, 350 bale of tnuo io . " ti"r" M Carolina . W0 aacka of Java fie. liKKOOO bbk of palm oil, 500,000 quints la or rape MI i (M)0,tonol Smyrna currant. 2,000 ton of cheese, ,')( sack) of linseed, 30,000 piece of linen, 8,000 cssks of cl'rt,: 4X pipes of corn and potato spirits; 400 ,)) i4 oi rum ., viw.ui . cm maia ana Amen tan tobacco. ' IV rK.V A II O li I I A i . ..o x ostrT, 2i. or. -riid.ij7jiy i i hi?. Democratic ' hepuOltcan Js'uiiunuHon, rom oovtanoa, LOUS D, II IV It Y , Of Cumberland. WHIG DEVICES. U'c have carefully noticed the'dovicca or the Raleigh friWer, cunningly exercised for aome months pal, to' divert attention Irorrf the true ijuef iona tuiwjnconJ. mdrnZbyfulm ''"'T?$ms. """1'hiala an old gameof the party, and we h'ijrct to tee that aomo of the Democratic paper lave allowed thenel vca.to be drawn off from the n.am point by these snares, evidently iutendedfor i hiit very purpose. If Governor Morehead can niily Coulfive to keep the Whig doing at VM1. myion out of aight, h will very wJli.igly to all iftt odium of the ice house and cliick'o-roo oA-ratione. Ilinm it U that hie organ, the lf. yifttr, it continually bringing forward trifling l.arjjo nTiiist Mr. Ilonry -it is to keep the RuioefiTtie paper engaged ittf small inatlcrf and m'frranXmrwtiimQitM the true is nrt great question before the people. It it t i'j trick of tho wily rogu who cried, atop thief I m )i UiMit! when tie was himself the onlf thief. I( iheirtvVauiglJ bo allowed to oiler a word of ad vice to our brethren of the Democratic press, wo w wiilil say to them give but .itila heed to these smH M.uMcrs, I'.-r in a grcatxohtest like the re' n nir involving prmcipie, iney nave, out mtie t'liicl on the puBltfiiind. lt the W tug jfry dwell on ofh--tfii!y aro l!tVijrct for their agitaiion but our Luiin'M 4a tS charge home O'jion them for tfieir fUgrant sbu.vn, and outrageous miarula at Vu!,t!igioo: tur boim; it !o arrxin them be ' irull.u poople fur p.isMinjt llieodio'M n.uikrut Ln. fvr running thGovprnrtieiiflBTer hcid odd eVa iu dubt-tor duuUug Citrine away the public Votiey to Mr. rJTarrien amd hcrtluiitCTfiig to ii tnorgioua atiount t!i cipurist'i oj tho Uovonihiciit for ittetnjiiin M lay 4etrcrHX haoJao our Mcn.d Coimttiu ion lor the irrof gf idojatty in wfiwhipping Henry Clay with Juggernaut deb isenjnn', and fur tm eiuWm.4 lty W -tlrmly , bruiiflln apmi ho emm.ry by their unwise, reckless, and (Utigcruu legi 'latiini. These ure the matters thuf i "ii! hi to he & leforo the people. If these out. --,U;Miul..iiftg akeii tfiwr'npieheusions, assiiredly, cbargea lnrle and icthcinpiiLle in cuiiiariaon,will nef. If the pwpui are willing telK-nd thejr flecks latTm l.!e su!.nijwnrl be talt d doubifaud ihreeiold on tht i aajt, r, tMgnn c;lep,nd shirts", the wflj fcnt care a liriur (luvenfor lifrehea.rs ire andlncken,sH4:u!a'ic.u If JU't' 0f8 l!injf I" see ihm xpi fNea ol Govern 01 rfii up to 21 million's" " utVToII'tFat' wiiawiM' they care iiboiit 'invpftior SJorcheaJ'i icnca bod ste .ds and gill tiCWiur4. " lrusnotttiee, we sygtfli'i e and amn.uni lin ii sntull umbers, Lot u f us arraign, tr, ami " cnvu t, the; loaders Whlggeiy'wi tl - Jij;!. crimes and misdcmeanis they have fwiBimiteil i!Jint, t!ie,'nstttutiQU and Jbo lights oj the pi I Thiwe can do and this we will dA .J Protective Tariff. ' The newspaper contain an acrounl of a (rrBt festival dinner given t' Mr. Clay in Lexington, K. on tU67 8lh mst. Tho luhowing was one of ih tiss's: IT ... " The Tariff. While all ar know legs the neees el nr. luriea-'- "l ilolies id me. I the rXH-tidi ;-r-H '.! (! iverMinent, ii islht. pnrt of tin Pjilijjhvri d m.c i offurd that decree of proliction it. hiino industry, which shall insure the permanent ,asiieutifiucouuuv," ' , . Here is tin undisguised and distinct avow al coming hum Mr. (;iay's presence, that his iitlherents go ' j! I r rvciiu.e Lot protection, and this is only one 1 1 "'idi evidence ; many declarations o Iho tame ml .oiij stronger are every day made by Ihe Hi r.il lenders, vet some ol the Whiggery are so arehiced us toi'eny that tliu purly go for a pro ,vl'e Tanll. ' "r Il.s Excellency -Gtivi-rt.or Morehead is new ": on In. Western lour. In Ins speeches to the ,M,I' he will pnss as briefly as pm-siMe over ' !' i-nttrrs nsifs. lavoritu Uish-mg themes ol lltl, !"' ''- 1,u k'wn what he thinks id' the Whig acts ' "' Exit riesHo-i-what of ihe llanhupt Law j l"r'f -'I"' .numal thbt ami mlier like ''' " 'ii ehemis. i i.M.n. tneqiiekiioiis about which wii,t to hear Iro.n III. Excellency, and he must net "M'i io.io.l(,.. ,i.ln , ,, sv,.sl. n hoiM-the Dem-'"-ft will rail him to die stand on them, everywhere. . s"uli'd I'Me Pr.-i.lew pro tm. of the Senato, !"-"t e htKt src nuts aimistt be- oiid h"pe, dancer. '"v'"at IVdencksbjrir,.Va. Kr-Tto loarnod and laLorious Editor of lh Rthtgh Regiter m been c!os!? mgH,i fltl ome week pant i. aearching ov th. ,DUS.v Journal of the legislature to m-e what be couh fi'd agunat the Lwofoco," a. he delight.- to call the RepuUteana, and aure enough he haa at lat made a moat wonderful discovery t-he ha. discovered what hundred before knew, that Char.e Fisher and the other "'locofoco. voted against tbaiodefimtei.iatpoaemenHf (be bill to establish a Bank of the State, and consequently were in fa vor of it in which bill there waa a provision to raise three millions of dollar by issuing State p. an onnijiiiff tin discoverv t liohi n.- Lditor give ui a truo sample of Whig iairness he doc not state tho nature of tho contest then before tho legislature, but p rosents, as usual, only hall a view of it, though his study of the Journals must have shown bun the whole. " " Aawo understand it, there wero . two projects bofora tho Legislature at the Session alluded to ono, to establish a Dank such as the present one, the profits ol which were U go into the pockets of tho individual stockholders, who might become the owners o it :-the other, to establish u Bank, the - profit ot which should go into the Treasury of Iho State. Ol the two plans Charles Fisher and the ' locofocos" rolerrod to, preferred the latter. They contended, thai if Iho people must be taxed by the Danks, they ought to have the profits too j while the other side were lor giving to Individuals, the profits anaing from the Hanks; that is for making the people payer, not recriven of the pro fits of iho Dank system. ) The same principle still divides the two parties. But we shall not t ntor uprm 'lhia subject at this . tune. It is only about four week to' the election, and wo cannot now consent to wast? any of this tiiriffdiscBsmg to the contest before us. We have other topics of more interest claiming our attention. After awhilo howeW, if Iho investigating pditorof Iho Re(iier wishes to jake a peep into tho old Jour iiala, we will go with him, and see what discove ries we too can make. We are not at all appre hensivo that iho revelations will bo'much in luvor ol " higgery.f?i " KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE." In the memorable carpp ngn ol 1840, (he Fedo ra'Wh'g . declared .4hat the lemoe rats" had rought all the bar times oo the country, and ,f Harrison waa hut m wi ....... Harrison was but elected, we would soon havo fine limes ana no misiuke that is: Money plenty and easily come at ; Prices of produce high, and ready sale Wages of labor highland Uboi in great dotnand ; Taxes low and few ol them ; Expcosi-s of the rjurernmeul brought dowo to 13 millionayear.. , When the lime came, the people trusted in thesa golden promises snd. elected Harmon. The Whigs - --...: were established in power have held the reins of ' Government fifien month, and how is it now ! traction! number greater than a moiety ot the ra Money scarcer than ever before known. j )la n Mw Wh ih .irofAjf ..positi - o. Produce very low, and still lalliug; j Tne M ai.mgiou U'lobo say that mu ..portion Tatet.Jigh, and increasing-. ; .... t I7W s vetoed oy-IVentfri,rtriit'? ! EVjicrisos of (iiwverunient nearly double what i Hl" 011 hi veiy account, li i, oouoiuo tt ut-.n was promised, and still goinjf up. CoiSr.ihlTTwyinaT Usurers and note shavers growing rich on tli dilreses of iho CKiutry. Ranks flourishing, und Pcorta m u i:ki.u. . ' I ; ""il-"'-. the Irui.s ol tlw labor of Whiggery in not qmtr 15 months reign. " more? j .2 crn; qf Scandal. We are somewtiat surprised to seo so rcspcctuhlo a paper as Hie Raleigh Star siouping lo reiml Ciutenij)tible hlllo .lories ol tcauoul wlncll on (heir luce BiioWntht'inselvts lo be tiu rue. Wu ere prenen. mid jieard me w Hole of Judge Strangu's KiK'tcli at the Dou.oviatic Coineiuion. and can ----- assure tlie . Jvl.lur that wuat he aiU about the IsOies j s m-jre coiiipiiiuenuiry tiiuu otherwise. I'liere was not a word in tliu iU.gi.te-.t degreu Uisctmrteous. H id all the lair votaries ol modern U Injury i:i Norm Carolina heard ni-ii, not tnu uiu.t eutbust m.Uo or tlie most tqoeatiush among them, could have taken exception lo Hie tono ol his remarks. Tnu duty sheet. U l.io paru would oi couise ims- j rt'pretciil this without rcgurd to veracity, as thev ! do every l g else, but known.- Ju.hro titran-e j ,. I-, , ., ' T 8 a,ra"nt a, tho l.uitor ol tho fctar mu.t know him, to be a wclrbrcd geiilleiium, we are a little surprised that he bt,u:d ,e,at a dirty slander oT the kind pii one . . , 111 to improbable withal. I rrr.rr. - .rrs? . ll'higerif Distressed. Some ; portmn ot the U higgery ot this Suite ; nem lea.iy illslurl:d and uuhaiipv that no noitnn. I atioti was i..u.ln lor the Presiilencyi by the J)ouio ,1T t '.'"M'lrtf'Il iv.ld iu Ihia place n tha gOti, .4 ... May, mi. I i hey are much puzzled to divine the ctu-so ,vome gut.s ouo reason and some unotin r, but all ol them me bad a. guessing, tor neither has hit upon the .rue oae. The Editor of the Wil mington L'hro tiele has heaid Irom some source or other, that the thng was not dona because Judge Sirango had ihrentened H Mr. Calhoun should bo nominated, to withdraw from the Convention, and cany with him some ten or a dor. m others. This is a perfect piece of iiuws to us, so new in fact al together,! thul certainly U is not as old as the Convention it lias evidently been manufactured loonier " since that bly adj turned. Wo never heard of it before. Ha s.me one been practi. sing' the game ol invention on our brother ol the Chronicle or has he been exercising his own imagination in "on dits" lor tho" iiit.UHemont ol his reader ? One or tho olhor has produced tins limey article, unquestionably. Let not the Whigs however be altogether so exceedingly impatient to know who is lo be tho Democratic candidate, for there will . bo but one, and they will find him out abundantly time enough for their satisfaction, and Mothaworkfor their Idol. Henry KJlay, the ; ar,fl;and tlte Kai.kruptLaw willah rcive .l.e.r J'arifl; and tlje Bai.krupt Law will all mcvive their piieius long oclore John Tyler's tiuie expires. Backing out from Wktggtr, Everybody knows very well that none ot the Pedeinl party have any particular fancy at thi? time for foihn,!, Hie least responsibility on account of the Whia c.s oi mo luxm Session, but wo did not expect si. .a L - ai a t ii,.. .k. ui j " inai me mo leaders would come out and positively disavow them i-ot auch is really tho casb ... IJowan. We heard M , trJ t .i p i ... . v ir. A.oraone.01 1110 I'eUHra . ias ivniff fso ca Hod) candidate in ihia ri., deliver his speech at a muster the othn. ...... ha actually came out with a distinct disavowal of many prominent net of the party in tho Extra Session. In fad he went' his wholo length in objecting to divers of the odious medturet of Whigism, though ho held as bard as ever to tho men and spirit of the party. Ha would persuade the people that he, himself, is personally opposed Co (he most abominable and unpopular of the Federal schemes he would ceriLii.lv hv , A against them if be had been in Congress" (this was his expression) but at tho same time, be is supporting and laboring to sustain the men and tho party that paeudtheu very tame acts? What aort ol principle what sort of siticcri.y is this ! The Apportionment Sill Has passed the llouso of Representatives with the amendment' of thq Senato as to the ratio ol re in eseii tat ion, and it now ohlv wants the si. nm..,., of President Tyler to become the law of the laud. The House first refused to concur iu the Senate's amendments, as wo mentioned last week, but u terwards reconsidered and passed the bill by a vote vt 11 3 yeas to 1 0&nftoKm We consider the bill as it has passed, in some respects verv objeclionablo. The mandamus tea ture especially, ordering the 'States to adopt ili District sysem for electing members to Congress, ia nothing less than a hijih banded and unwariautoti assumpti ,n of whai.jriuat be considered an exceed ioly doubtful jM)werut best. The Constitution never intended to give Congress the ngB! of abso lute jurisdiction over the States in this manor, and no Congress has ever before asaertod it. Tho clause under which this right of dictation is now claimed, was most clearly wteuded to grant Ih .1 vv. mm iiiivuuifa unuer certain eiurenrici ' Llhat ,u,e power of se,f plivatio cl .. r ' ' ,u oouy a certain privilege under certain exigencies r any State failed to make due provision for a rep reseniauon. uut e en if theTe was no question about the right of Congress to issue this positive j mandamus, it would be entirely uncalled lor and unnecessary. 1 o the Stalest belongs lo delerunne in what manner their representatives shall be chosen, and it is no mutter ot c oi.ee rn to ttie Federal Legislature Aow it is done, so that it is duly uonu. Another feature of tho bill, llmt granting afrac 1 6" . u m at '"onal repiesentation fa resresentaiive lor cr Mr' 'er win sign tuo bill, Iro.n ine met, lu-ii This past acrs are m direct opp.iii'oiuo" lots le Tl uT as he hus voted against it heretolote in tnu joaio under every lorm. Tne ratio ol "O.O-'U in-i rieo as an amuiidmeut by luu S.:nate. anJ. cocorr, ,1 ... r , " b' tllti Hi ltll. r4f(una.M li.. .......t.. I Imil)uyr U( lllv.IUlTd ..... oujc-i ; ,,J " "'at'y. but tor our.elves, wo are lieaiu.rt ;gladoit. We cannot twneve old risti ilmu lii.u 1 msioo has uecn object - "ore disorder, greater dilliculty i:. irausacung UU3U1C8S, ana ain.geincr less elhciency of ueiiun, without any counterbalancing good whatever. A fur.liur redoctiou as we conceive, would bo much more desirable, than au increase in iho number ol honorable gentlemen. 'NEW HAMPSHIRE. A Democratic State Convention iiMseinhlod at ' " - " i.iVIIIUfVU tl i !,l"curd 0,1 lne Oih ultimo. Tho present i.JOverii.r of "tho Sisto, Hon. ilenry Hubbard, was nominated lor re-election. Among others, the Convention utlopted the following bold, expressive, and pointed resolutions ; " Wc nohrf rf, Thsrcview with f. ar snj alarm th iniineibo mid rapid increase of CorjHratiu!is in :iu. country t reiraiUuis llioin as boJii-K h,.i.iii.' ... ii, of our institutions, and subversive ot the liberty and - , ........ . ,in;ity aim udepeimence of ine citizen, ntnl in our view rcvimiir PrpetuaimS the worst features ol ' European arts KKiracy, in Iho concentration ol wealth and iwtver in the baud, of the tew, who are interested iu them, thus enBb)ing theui to exorcise au undue control out' their i"",' ",oro(,deilL'nJcilt 'clh-w citia-.'us. and v, oriiig ' bear an it. Iluccc uj.n tlio ballot box, l.ilui to ihu frccJom and purity of election.'. " tti snlriit. Thai iLo Boh4k Hm4i ...-a . ; . . - -" fn t v.i. 3 U.ll Hi" the .t)car, have again disproved Ihe charge wine. - ui .u) oiie-e sa.usi lliepeOl.le,ot III- capac.ty lor selt-goveruuieui ; mat althotign tne ikm -le "" - v ,urtmi be deceived by the arts ami taiseiiuwi, VVlt'klM Hllll lilKl(TtttMir inrtn titct mm . . . ilieir error urn! lo vbit iijwti those who aiUui-y Uu ftS.-U.lt.' in.... i....r ....1.1..... t i -I r.v.11 an mdi"imliou, and thai IVdernlisni. .lilnm.,.'. ,t . n . ..., uiniutiiii.,! imvr mer;i aim scentl into the lornui and take Hie people by the tiaou, cannot Imij deceive them, but is sure in the end to iiicu.' Meir dis'tisl and contemn' "IlitolvrJ, fiiat the mighty rc.ouiion in pubhr. epmion winch has recently taken place, points clear!, to the ro-uistaliiicnt ol a Demticratic Adiuioistrn.nm and the re-csublishinout ot the Independent t reasury Ny stein. v " Knotted, That in our opinion tho Bankrupt Ad, trampling as it does upon individual rijihti, rcndcinie Void tho obligation ot contrncjs, and exempting past recklessness and extravagance Irom their natural con sequences, is injurious to ihe morals and destructive to the irue interests of the community. " Resolved, That in the opinion ol this Convention tho lime when our people will consent to bo bou-rhi up with their own money is tar distant, and that uUni that timt arrives, and not till then, it will bo tune for their Icirisluturu lo nlacu themselvra. in tlin .ti.ti. ... t. . . t. . , . . ... .iimiiiv i- u: k'ars, roccivine from the General Government ft! II .ill the same money which has been wrung from them by i unjust taxation. - " Resolved, That taxation, tliroct or indirect, is a ; burden upon the people; thai the rapport of Govern.'! tnetit render taxation necessary, thai taxes should be j imposed only tor tho support ol Uoverainent, and thai when unjiosed with any other view or fur any othoi puritose, tliey are violation of Justice sud again.-i the spirit of the Constitution. " Resolved, That while we are willing to submit to ; i ' ' -' ' aT.rilT imnoinff duties for we deny in Cot, - lmo,,,,, au.im.lor prrfec(i.i ti..i gresssuy p.iw.-r innp.m duties lor prutvcium: tiiut we beiiv vo ti.e u.;iiiti Ui eriiiiicnt ims not the poww to U Mi- inUuoti y mu 6piiat ot toil man tor tliu i.eim lltot siuuhor own, twiiuh i. principle ot protection; believing sucn k-g ilaiiun to be an inirmguinoiii ot'llio pUm si principle, ui justice aiiiiajsiiist Uk- dictates ol a sound and wi. plic, and believing too, Hut no nation gains any iiicreue of wsaltii by uxmg one pur tiou ol its uiUudtry and' capital lor ilia bouulil of a smsller porhfm, but, on tho coiilrar , loses. , o(M, lm ili, rilit to piocnbo . tlie I -P'oe.and wsnnorof bolUiuir elwtious lor Sew "LZTTn V??w bulo"Ji V . J1 M 10 tlle Oouersl tiuvernulent : and we looi uoon ti. Mira, mat ui,. rijiit to piuocribo tlie limes iho - -w ,v vviim uuvuiHUIOIII IIU UJSl Wt look Utlfiil tint at., a otstus to uiioosu their lUpiesoiitalives by divnots, as benijf opposed- to tba truo spirit of fej.ruBCuUiivo lib- litis property risen in value? The Federal Whig elector for this District while cnuvussing in 1810, told the people that it Harrison should" be elected, property would at once rise , in value "'tiTpcr cent at least. WoU, Harrison was elected, and tho .Wings placed iu power and" how it it now? Why property has fallen, ai.d is still lulling, li any'mau doubis this, lei lino atteud tnu coustable sales daily taking place, and so'o how pr .prty goas. Wlio wants to buy t Nobody. Wm wants to sell I Almost eve. ry body.. j ' i But if Whiggcry is making the mflpv p M, it is ( making tho neli tuo nolo siuvcru, Hie usu rers, tlio olBcfrs, and la)drs, ail are doing a pri'isperoiw business. jf'at-se ore the gLriout fruits of 11 toggery. ' '"J" 11 - Georgia Democratic Vancentum,i A Do.ii.rat. ic Ctmvemioti aMoiuUicit itrAliiii-jgovuie on llio 80iii est iiioini,. Mr. i j,U3. Spamamg olUcIu tosn was ci.oeu Pic.iU.ml. A Coiit.i.uiee ol 8$ ' "''!'u""ei1 lo '"P"1 ,u ,nt ouvamwH liieimmesoi b.uuiuuiva io constitute I lie next Congresnioual ncket tur .,, k,.. ..... ........ : -i " iiib iuuruiiiioo u list ol mimes, iron, wlucti lue Liltowiog gentlemen were elected by ballot o ton,, tbe ticket .-Mes.rs. 4Bh.nL ..i i. .. . . .. . . .vuU,y ; ..ic.uiiieiiotcnatliamijft,;, meRsur. ;& nioiiiei Co de cooper ol WusciH-ees llarals .n ol Troon ! I. . ... t . . : s 1 r o, i00, a,ia Pumpkin ol Floyd. Two ...ore were wanting t0 complete tho ticket, and it Was believed Mesera. CohU o. Clark, and dt.lo. ot Cast, would oe c..oen. The news o. the parage of tha Apt,.r.,onme, B.h had ,rc-ched Milledgevill,, b it not.ee wa. taken of , by ,l,e CmTolu - -. 83 more for thai horse. Governor Moret.ea j ... Xm ,,ro lslJ(J ,hrn. son was litue P.deot, i, 4 nor, then setlmg lor 8.5 snould ,oo o., loo. Do ,10 bh,.nlu and cou.,oa-s ge, Mtre per Head tor the horses the sro coan,ly .eu, .g-or d, luey ge, f a stran lo lUe q,JCstloa. ,h, truth-or hava you , Gen. .Sr.-Tae InenJs of imsn.I.man have call,, a Staie U.veu.i.m to be hold Ihrmlwr ..;-.. rur .. Pountu, camna, m 1S ,. d try l. look a ar.-th-r Inilllary her(). Piant iy Drowning. An inq-iest wan held last ..I.mdsy on the IkkIv of l.irman . , !?t,.te!i(MN4a.lltranl' (?rei.rk.,a'U dusossad l.-.l L . ... nanheen subj-ct lo prno-iical tits ot msan.tv, and was dersntfed when he hit h..n... last week, since which time he has be.-n miMng. M started orf Frulav had' been aubj-ci to prrio-iical which found, lie Hob nlLpmnliiM to cross tho Crecli, no doubt, when drowned. (Jov. Vf ..reln-nd lelt h-re thw moniin2, u id -r Ihe eseortof , rainotic c .mmiltre uf the WhiM of' gallant littlo Mo-re, vh.. came here to ni-c-mi-. ny nun to l.'.rPiuf .v'ie.-. he w.il sp-ak to inor ThealMV is .,r ol f,o shiOs- rcsf.rtfl.i t,. i., pv-t an imposing aj-pn-iTiince to iho tJovernoi h visit hero, lor ejfrrt . a distance. The foljivin IS the truth we can prove i " train (hi Xorlh Carolinian. 'uv. .Moreoe.id left m ruinjj last, "under thu escort of i i Coinmitt,.,. ot ihe Whig of ..all,,,, ,u Mo .re," bO I hi U t uo '4 OiiM-rver niin I'.II.L OP FARE. ii niy- alt patriotic. I Liiilo Girl. 1 Hiack a driver. A Corresp.Hid.-M of ine N.-v Y..ik Er'prist fur- j ois.ms nit! i.iMiiwing si, in. ne, it oi (i,e v.ite o i Hie I urill h li ot -lite ongi.iYl ot proreetn.. s stein in this country ; for . I . ? i I m r r ..f Hid w,(s properly .a ri-vcnno lull, ihongll taoJilil.hghtiv, i . prevent u violont r,-.nrii m Mti ist the nnuul'ie ; ores mat had sprang up dunn,- the War m tvim-h latter r. sped, it was in sp,r,t ,!.',,- sa.iM- as . e l.ompro:.., Ac. ., 1 " i i T - ... 1 I inenltoiied in mv letter ot esterd.i 'o- T,r it i ..'I IdlG. Pi.u v.nes u.mii ih T I ... iK-.i ih'h.re me. t he li. II passed on mo ltini .. A. ,,, md by an exceedingly cl-.se v te sves, H17 i,,,, lUij (a void which, thouli given iiit-ii ears. since, by tliu way, n is titli;-uit to otn'.u , i . 13.'.); Filioen meinliers from New Kni-innd voted t mis' lull, twenty fix lie n Now Yorj., m (ru:n .e .. ' lert ), twt'ii y four Iron. I'i ihis, Iv.iniu, tuit irom lK-ii.wt.te, (Lotus Mi'Liitif.) Ihiitoeti irom Marv j I.Viiil, out: In. it. Yirgllilii, (J.ist'pti Joaiisnii.) nuie ! from G-nrgi i, el-veil Irtni. Kenttifkv, ('He present . IVlimisier ti't-uera! u ii '.-g liiem,) iw. Im.o IVn ' nessee, (niimuel IItms-:n:i, tunv e J'eXas. ouo 4'lhe j two,) I'lurteeu from Ohio, mintr limn Louimiiim, ' two troiii Indiana, ouu Iron. Ilhoois, n,,in! f ,i,n Al.iba. tia, ouo Irom Missouri, auJ noiVe from Mis nesippt. I Among thp nnvsvverct! from Maine, ."i from New Hmnpsliire, 11 trom Massachusetts, none' Irom Uh'slit Ishmd, one ir on t 'tiiim c'icut, none I trom Veimoiit, b trom .evv oik, none Irom .New .l-rscy, G irom lur)lantl, ','1 from Yirgiiim, (mem ding the two Harbour , Randolph, W. C, Hives, Andrew Sievmison, and Cieurgo Tucker,)! 1 3 Itoo. N-.nh Carolina, (including Mr. Mangoiu,) Q from South iiarohim, (including Hamilton, -(cDu !o . and Poinsett,) ? ,n neorgia, vl'orst.h ,, Cuthbort me last voting lor the i'untl ". f lfl ) none Irom K;iitueky,7 Irom Tennessee .now (rom ' ' 1 Ohio,' B from loiW C , " c. 7 i!.',.Vm:,,fl n 'flrl,l cslon, ale Mi'nmtef tn 1-Vnm,. i-. i. . ,, - , ..mo , i will SIMM na, ni.uo Irom Illinois, 3 from Alabama, and ouo from MiHKippi, This, is a Utile different result from tho one I -ent you in mV) laaMe.tr,; Tlio strongest oppo nent oi the ot 1834 lM Mf Webster the.' present ternary of State, who moved to lay th; bill up, tho table. Tho mono,, wa. lost by majority of twelve votes ooly 110 to 99. 7 Difficulties wiiR Great VruJia.ve eovy ,ba fdlowing article from tfco I'htladdpdia piit tf the 1 imes of Saturday. ' ' There is every reason loWtotcaUfrftelon. United btates, on various point of oational inter : and amicable manner. Lord Ashburton U . , x wia fail confurenco at Washington City, w tj Z inmMimen appointed lo treat with vJ ,1 m' hc North Lsstern Doundary question Tmt definitely known what are the terms of com' romi. tat agreement of son kind fc.ITlSiT.SPrK territory of M.ln? may Lo divided, or .11 Sj which is he Id in dimi.m l. '" Ma:neby ,he Br,,',sh CTJS oii mi. mat one part f the arrangement of this Mt.emenl of difficulties will be t .T? ,, a freeiiaviaat.on of the' M.wiaippj 0B tho pt J Great Britain, and the St. Lwrence ,5 g, Jotins, on the part of (he Untied State,. Lx Governor JWa.-,The Boonvillo Al0 s Roister of the 0th ult. says: ' U', J' f' to l?rn tha, there fciprVjJSto tbg bands of the dqtnori who sought his lite." 7 "Ditchargr oftht Laborers at the XaUvaM -Ve regret to 'hear tlut , ,he irZi l , ' navy yard were discharged at 13 oVImKL! J with but a fetf hours' ,mt,oe. Vhll f y become necessary . JL T ' h? meai,ur0 ' "r1? h. nnurunnitioin n..o. e ... ., ",n"uni oi tfio ,J r- . ...Bijr lur me aoivice of ik.. riavv.'anrfniiliMrw,.,.i.i..T 01 'ne ""'pousattio lo carry ithV Tl t JctijWj his AdministnUi.m are anxious ini,'?!'' CO,mlry !" " 'T f ieCinc he Bocl t ho are for makinir eamiai i.... . T "o oco. t, . , ' "ress. can impudence vn fur, k. , jontv of fftr, in tl.e H.7. . " 'l w hi " an emphatic majority i iho sJ2 VM: Md f-'lhar, we say, &m J 'He j Ml lb Damocratic p.rty Znlmbl TT I SvT & 2 ?f ' Jc hat U menu B "Wed ( nrtttSh feW 'jrirr '" ! Who deluded all jwreeT.ii,!, and treacherous. yard into the behe, that, IS f'uV" "! ry 'il ,,,l ,M 8 d"y "'J raas. beef 1 Who prom!sed Z T" U Tip Siy Jo c c, d Je' fiifo of it !hK, "' n B"a " f,)0j , Master n'k JJf P "lor . ff ITJiol S$0 0?" 1 h.are, ,"a(,(-ver-ne,-you have utar majorU? JJneil 't'K" OU L"CC,,?d lho " clgo" roault T 400 lalnrcrs of ourt' AU n ,!w i ' "u, the cLtry tha K I uie "Jx" K"'SS lllVe 1 idle OH Tim number of members of Con-re t, .1 i tiymncnliiCtiululJaHs,, ' '' I Nc ! Maino I Hampshire 7 IU 2 4 4 it 5 UI I 0 1-Y Soul.'t Carolina Meorgia Alabama ' "Missisjipj i Louisiana Tonnessco Kentucky Ohio Iidiona Ininoit Missouri Arkansas "nchiiseltii i lih.nirt J-lmd 1 ,.",mC4:',cut j ermotit New York 1 1 11 10 '!.., ?ney J, . "ld ' j "Sr'j ; ' ''- aroIma Now Jersey 1) Wichim Supreme Court. . John W. L'tiianf n,..:.i .,"l",,Ji.' V P- Brown of Ca. n't v ?f liOO ill Jllio, ,,,,,. l. it Boo ..f iWntoo. " aSrteI1 ; V A" And ilia ln!l..., ..... i..... ', . j Sdrnor Court, via : UK'1 L,censc .o . ' 'yonnson oi t'harlnif,, iMAKftlEO, A'stSck'Vt T l; .he ft,, - ocksio i , lilC . CadCUV -'V' IK ,'rc1si-of tin; Mocksrillc Male vw. Monday, . he 11- 0f o? V o '"'lo in t'-ruis. ( t. " " oi July, on t!, i , . e' ' or Vuin.nl Greek. Kn-li!iGrsm.n.r'. :...:.-' .c7 l- ( t.wer brsncW mcXic, 4 1(1 ""i '"'J- I. lilL R CLECG '"c'l 8 (,i aiiK-ssv i o U,c ( hurc ht s HilhhTnTrJii; or tiic . 1 III,' ht.f .... t ...... . . ,. ' r 1 "lecun.' ot Ihe Wrv iim -1- t-oncord, hel-J at Mee! . k..' . " R, i:rv oi , " "uii.. i, j i was Looked, it i then-cund Sat;.MarefJu;v n..t o erveu M a eav ,t ftatrng, hum.:.,-,:,, ,f"" ' view u. the Ww state t , .. Wf I'W SrEPllKN' PRONTO'. June 21, I-J. Mtedc-eri(, J.J:T" PubkshcdWVs, . ..... u.ver. wu: r. BJ Kind ,0 , ., -y i.olsce inn- nr tvt,, ,,. ,L "le a'W - - t.tjiis. C aiididatcv ir -Micruf. Ir V 1! VV I .. .. , , ,r. v" . ' vV ' ' t'nlidatc lor rc-clect-to the oihseot Mierufiif , -ltc ... A;VH cindid i camlidate far the " "vowjii v OUUJV. T Ae are requested toanm.once Mr it it K . f ! t- : . ,. t i s : . - i." j I: i IS- I 4 I 1' : ;. r . 1 e V . v

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