the n Ml ! i.t 1::! 1 a 1 s pil!lEH; or f mr Mmiliu to work nt the Salisbury Ficuiry non but tlnwa who can come well re- uuiDonaoa lor inuuirv, and ohrtetv. nerd apply. J RII0DK3 BROWNE,' Ag't. tf LTiror:TAT ivot:u! iow iitiicoiii or UBLIOATION. A DICTIONARY OF Arls Manufactures and Minet, (O.tTAIMM A CLIA. KX POSITION OF TDIlt SVIHCIrUa - KB PtACTKEfl. ' By Andrsw Ua, M. ., F. R. 8. M. G. S JIJ. A. S. Land., Mem. Apad. N'. 8. I'hilad., S. Ph. Soc X Germ, llano., Mulii, djc. dj-c. Jc ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-ONE ENGRAVINGS... rMII3 it unquestionably the moat popular work of the M. kind ever published, tud book most admirably adapted to tbo wants of all clasae of the community. The following are the .mporUnt object which the lctrncd author endeavor to iccoroplikh : .... 1st, To instruct the Manuisclurer, Metallurgist and Tradesman in the principle of their respective pro cesses, ao aa to render ihcm, in reality, the masters of their business; and, to emancipate them from a ttate of bijndge to such aa are too common governed by blind prejudice and a vicious routine. 2ndly. To afford Merchant, Brokers, Drysaltery DrugigsU, and cflicor of the Revenue, characteristic ilercnption of tho commodities which pas through their hand. - 3rdly. Uy exhibiting tomeof the finest development of Chemistry and Physics, lo lay open so excellent , practical scliool to Student cf these kindred sciences. 4thly. To teach Cepitaliate, who may be desirous of P3ing weir lunca yi romo productive branch ol indu. try, In select, judiciously, among plawiblc claimants, 5ibiy.v To i noble gentlemen oi the Law to beccine - well acquainted with the natureofthose patent schemes, .which are'eo apt to give rite to litigation. Gthlv. To present to legislators such a clear exposi tion of the staple manufactures, as may dissuade them from enacting laws which obstruct industry, or cherish one branch of it to tbo injury of many otbertv- And laMly, to give the general reader, intent chiefly 1 on Intellectual Cultivation, view of many of the Ho mes acbiovmrnts oi Science, in "eflectuig those, cfaud. iriuaiiifiiiiunua vi niaiier ki wmcn ureal wiiaia and t the United Stale owe their permanent wealth, rank andpower among the nations of lb earth. The! latest statistic of every important object ol Manufacture are given from the best, and usuUy from official authority a( thqjwd of each article. The work will bo printed from the 2d London Ed linn, which sells for $12 a copy, ll will he put on good paper, in new brevHr type, and will n.ake about 1400 wvo. page. ItVill tie inued iij twcniy-oue semi . monthly numbers, in covers, at 23 cents each, payable on delivery. -. - 0O" To any person sending us Cve dollar at -one in advance, we will forward the number by mail, twt paid, as soon a they come from Die pre. To suitable agents this aflorda a rare opportunity, as . we , can,,tQ. tlioa term extremely favorable. In every manufacturing town, and emy village throughot the United htatef and Canada sub ecribcr may be obtained with tlio greatmt facility. AddreVn. poet paid, D. Applclon &l Co., tOO Broad way. New York. ii To every editor wli5 givee this advenisoment en tire 12 insertions, we will forward, to order, one copy of the whole work, provided the paper cnntaininir thiv notice be sent to.the NewYork Watchman, N. York. v March lUll'i UICTIOXAHT OF AUTS XACFACTl'KC ft MIJIF.I. r"jpiIE patrons of this work are rep:clfnlly informed, fl- thit thi uo fei4ij'i'l h e purchaod the entire siock a iid right ol Mr. Si', in this work, and will contirmo its puUliolion every fortmjilil till cotminter i letel. Edit'irs will ploitse notice ttio cliine 10 the - edvor:ifmeivU. TI lerina will be adhered lo m all rM-pecla, as advertised. !'! aditr the ulci iberi", ri-iid, ' D. APl'LKTON & CO , tfK), Hromlway, X. Y. PROSPECTUS or tub AT SALISBURY, JULY J, 1612. Bacon, 6 a C IJeof, ' J a 4 Brandy, (peach) ' 30 a 35 Do (apple) !t Butter, Beeswax, Bugging, Dale Rope, Cotton, (clean) Corn, Co flee, Floor, Feather, Flaxseed, Do Oil, 10 121 18 a 20 18 a 25 10 al2j 8a 30 a 35 ' 14 a 18 4 60 a 95 00 :iT a 371 Iron, Iard, Molnwcs, Naifn, tats, I'oik, Rico, (quart) .Sunr, (brown) Do (loan pall, (bu.) Vo (uck) 75 a 80 IX) a $1 Steel, (blwtcr) Do (catt Tallow, Whibltty, 41 a 7 8 a 10 CO a G2 8a 9 15 a 18 4 a 4.1 la 10 12J 19 a 20 1 25 1 50 375 a $400 10 a ja a 30 12J AT CflERAW, S4 C. Beef, (scarce) 3 Butter, Beeswax, Bagging, , Bale Rope, CofTee, Cotton, Corn, (scarce) 121 15 2225 20 a 25 10 a 121 121 a 15 50 a (J2i JUNE 11, 1641 .f - COOail 37 (JO -7a 8 35 a 40 37a 40 4a5 10 a 14 2 73 87 a )1 Flour, Feathers"" Urd, (ecorce) MoIscm:, Oats, Rice, (100 lbs) Sugar, Salt, (sack) 'Do (bushel) AT CAMDEN, S C. tax ' JUNE 8, 1842 Cecf, Bacou, Butler, " Beeswax, Bugging,' ' Rale Rope, Coffee, 4 a 6 Oa 0 15 a la 18 a 20 20 ,12i Hals' Cotton, ' Coin, Flour, Feathers, . LI, . A!oluesc, Oats, , 4a 8 7(10 37 a 40 10 a 12 33 a 40 45 a 00 , of .Ttti CoDgresaional Qlobc'and Apicndlx. 'IIIESE worka Lave now been published by ua for A. ten consecutive session of Con j; res. Commen cing with the session of lo32-3. The have had such wide cumulation, and have been so universally approvtd and sought after by tho public, that we deem it neces arynly in thi l'roecuis to uy ihat they will be continued at the peat session of Congress, and to stale, sureincdv; their cot.tenU, the form m which ihcy will " be printed, and die price tor tbein. . The Congressional lilobe la made tip of the daily , proceeding of the two House of Congieta. Thojf speeches of the member are abridged, or condensed, to bung them into a reasonable, or readable length. All the resolution offered, or motion made, are given at length, in the mover' own worse); and the yeas and nays on all the important questions. It is printed with rmall typebrevier and nonpareil on a double royal sheet, in quarto form, each number containing 16 royal quarto page. It i printed aa fast a the busiueae done in Congrrsa lurnisiie matter enough for a number usually 00 a number, but aometime two Ditmbers, a week. We have invariably printed more number Uiao there were week in seion. ' The approaching 'eeeion of CuiWiesV-Jt-ia-xpetWill smilmua I moniha , if so, subscriber may expect between 30 and 40 number, which, together, will make between 500 ad OiO royal quarto page. I- 1'he Appendix u nude tip of tho ParsiDEKT'a an nual ruetwage, the report of the principal officers of the Oovernmeut that accompany it, and all the long r)cechos uf member of Congress, written out or re vised by themselves, h is printed in tho same form aa the CongreasKMisI Globe, and usually makes about the rame number oi psgeav Heretofore, on account of the itt specchea being to numerous and so long, we hate not completed the Appendix until one or two month a Her the close of jhe session; but, in future, we intend to print Jhe speeches aa ft aa ihey ahsil be piepared, and of course shall complete the work within a few dats after the rejournment ' bach oi tiietie works u couipklo in itacif; but ll is crnarv fr evert subscriber who desires a full knowledge of the proceedings of Congn-w, to have Iota ; because, tln-, it IhtHo should be any ambiguity.. iu the eyiHiiwis of tlie speech, or sny denial of its cor rrclnekfi, as publuhed in tlio Congressional (J lobe, tlio reader may rolurn to tho Appendix to see the tpocch at iPngth. coirwKKl by the member Lmwlt. Non, ibere u no murce but the Congressional Glulc and Appi ndix, trout winch a person can obum a lull f Si;bscrilera propose to publuh, at the scat ol A Government, a Weekly Newnpspcr, to bo calh d TUB M'liC fATOR." They belitva that such a MiUito'ion v ill not be superfluous. I in pkn will be diirerenUrtmi 'that of ti c paper' already ertablUirei! In Wathiue.lon. 11 nul i.' Ui Lue.nA a xomorchensivo of tho nroccedmoi in both Ilouwsol (.mtrc, with mth comment or remarks as will conlrilate to their elucidation, btrikinwor in'eresting spcerht's will Im be mserltd, Irom tune to I m e, or mcli extract there from a may be most wcrtliy ol attention. ; Tho editorial (l"prmeiit i!' diecma the qnci-tiors , aa of tul: 13 IS IT KD flTiTUU. 'I'lIE Undersigned have taken out a Patent for an 1 improvement made by themselves in the important art of Finishing Leather. This improvement consist in a new mixture, of their invention, which in spplicj lo the leather, and whieh uvea (he expense of tallow end the labor 01 whitening. The do not oiler it lo the public without hiving them selves tfHrtually tested it, nor on their own recommen dation alone, but ask attention lo the certificatea giveu below by highly respectable and experienced Tanners who have exa.uined the invention, and being aiinfled of it usefulness-, have purchased right: and also to the certificates of the Boot and dhoe-mskers who bear testimony to the quality and uniah uf the leather. WW. A. RONALD, ; HENRY C, MILLER. (r Lottcra to the subscribers should be addreesed, CA111 Unipe, Kowan County, N. (J. March4,W42. . At ' CERTIFICATES: At the request of Messrs. Rons Id eV Miller, and for our own eauaiaclion, we nave particularly examined their improved plan of finishing leather, and pronounce it altogether beyond our expectation for value; and we cheAlully recommend il to the Tanner of the Country aa a great saving of labor and expense, and as giving a tine glose and high finitb to the leather. Being satis fied of this, we have purchased for ourselvea the right to use their patent. JOHN CLARK, ; f Tanner. Salisbory 5 JOHN SLOOP, J-,. . ' LEVI COWAN, - ; ' WW. 8. COWAN, Tanner. Rowan Count. . ' We have manufketured considerable quantity cf leather finished on the improved plan, lately invented by Messrs. Ronald At Miller, and we consider it of the best quality, both for beauty of finish, and lasting pro. party. , J AS. V. GLOVER. WM. LAMBETH, JOHN THOMPSON, Boot and (Shoe maker, Salisbury. at f pilE Subscribe; ha opened Public House, in Mockavillo, Davie County, where be ie prepared to accommodate Boarder and Traveller in stvle which be hopes will prove satisfactory lo all who may favor him with their custom. His Sublea will be abundantly furnished with every thing neccsaery in the line of Provender ; hi Bar well supplied with a variety of liquors. discharge will be moderate. AH riotous and di- orderly conduct try me. March ill be eUictlr prohibited. Call and UK. B1RCKHEAD, A laree variety ol Garden Meedai fur Hale at the Nalbbury llrus More, by , C. B. WHEELER. February 18, 1842. r ECr-MILL IRONSa-CH 'rilERC may be had at C Fisher' Foundry, on I South Yadkin River, Mill Iron of a I moat all de scription used in this country 7 07an ad ' Saw Mill Irons, Gudgeoes sll sorts, Wheel of all size., 4 c When not on hand, they n ay bo made lo order at a short notice. --WTLtttfMSON HARRIS, Agent December 31, 111. ' Tr. rKosriiCTT or TUB .Vorlh c9rolina.TiHiperance Union. 'I'HK Male Tcinpeiaoce Society of N. C. at nual iiiettiii;, directed its Executive Coimni bato. 'e Register of iK oaleos which contained a his- Uiry, lios been uspeudel tor three or tour years. It cost about bteeamrs aa much lor a stioii an the Con grersional Globe aud Appemiix, ai.d did not contain an equal amouut ol matter, a great poll ion ot the current iiTucCidiugs .being ouutlLd. We aie euaLltd 10 tnut ,Ve the d' hateTa ,1 Te , ,he "2 regional Globe and Appendi. .1 the low rate - am) eati-ljctorr uinii7arv i T V'0!""' "y nving rge quantity 01 ly pe. and ; ,alIlcj ,0.iwue the first numlK-r of such a publication, Yr T fr" - -:?- wrnrhe-ii;trt!Mf the daily and semi-v. vekly GioUs, standing tor tho . ra.NCE LMO.S, on the first ol January next. Cwgrcsaional Globe and Appj m.ix. ir we had to set Tfc ,,.,UI ,llljw:t f the L-n,()I) ml ,bew i i J - - - "- atford to print Uhmii lor double ttiu price now chargtd. CoiiijiJete Inih xcs to both the ( ongiewionai Globe its an- oimiuttcc to take meaaurr lor the eatabliahmeitt, at thi place, ot a Journal, devoted to tho caune ot Temperance. 1 In obedience lo their wudics, and impressed with the importance t tttch a publication, the Committee have determined, if milficient tnceuragoii.tiil can be ob of tho dsrjrith bpii.t and witli Hirnras, and m a men-. " "it r"" '' - ,.e Ikb it i hoped, will prove acceptable to ,.,. ' sion.indwnl tuall nrriU-r f.ih.-rn. ZUlz tailf! A t-inoliarilv with don.Lt.c pol,:i , W e l.svo on hand or 4M(t surplus copie.of Ie. bt a at the cspitol, and the y urn . GIoIk- and Apa i.d.x lor the l.xlra cf one ol ihem abroad, ol similar, at an inter- 'Sw " ' ne U-iua ml royal V"3 v . .a fiiihitn net iron I Kill ir'l'A thfl flllliaJ Ii.kfi.tb ii l-.,ii. I - ' l'N'U Hill lifsal I'll f I'M'n lilthl'vhf (I W f ITlW aell oktuic p rulol European hialory, havegh -1 ..i.i fnantsL'C lor tho taak pronoMd. timis Irom mttil'f CI t lOiirccs will alj be furnished, and it tl.all be their effort to present to their readers that at- . .M i. rmi ulni-h tLemiaitimikirtanitiuiic lrsciivr " - 7 ,. ' ' l ,i, .vt un-atil to pall up-t. trie public mmd. KvenUareconfrtant- i 1118 Ivncturriiigat home &. abroad, beyond thevphcreofmere ' w" n I'ernMial ami pity polii.c. atteulioil lo v. Iiicli cannot t iA .. I i,...tnii..'nn. kitd nfumrttr. iinlniri. ; I 10 eiUU'i"". I '' '' I I . .... ,,.M.a f ihe uiuwrail diallrlHm ai in'en -is. JuUicioi; eeieciions irom lorri-n jouinaif, - - - Xh aro roacitrHble in al..n;no,.,cu.monti .. -.i.ced in the la.c elects w.tu the east s.d mvel c laS i:..J,li,(p,1pu!ar .Uei.tmn iu th.a country lt.. m "tern of v.l,.eh the power mtre, uc.-d, hcu si i.uji ii i iy I . , ..-,: i..., i:d which was forced Ihrouuu Uncus wiUuitt c. jn! !irecii'U loo e.eiuivir vi...... u. - n r n . -lug ointitM t ..., i tinp public oDinion. or even alluwuur tne full dis- Ihcmforfl each; thai is, i?l lor (he Coiifrefnooal Globe, and $1 tor the Apptudix. e propose to lit subscriber tor the (ilobe sod Appcutiix next bcfiioii, have then, toi til cet.t eatli. cce.-ary lo uiiilirsUiul luily tl:e pn Ci ociiij;. ol loe in xt ;-rno'i. I tie m:pi rtuiit n utu rs d.ciiM(.d at the laM, will be biought up at tlio m xt d exU.H,ve -pi.Vl.iea e.xklid beyond the ro,,nes, ' f"" 10 jet t. rt ...U rest. ocverC.i r!c. o- hiiownciwouv. Nor will l.t-ra-i I he roports rf tnc Umgrional (.lobe and Arii.d.x and general rti-icwn te neglected, .bong- Kepi j ' '' leg,.-e by tho pany hiae mtcrttl the enquiring renu I. I. ubord ...arc to 'the paramounl endsot a political journal. ' ' "f o ffen paciK.-ly avntten , . .Z r, k oftheulcfil-rstofurmsir'nt by the Re.rt.-r ami the iueu.U-r ll.emteUes. a Siiinli'd punrr, lor which. uy jj-'" !,ar luc.l.iPL are found a: the test l t.on inn.i in u.fu ... I.. r.ii.r iMiht tvihlt If ill bti.l ricp TTTU.OUV - , - - - ., flf ,.., r..llir... ....IJ ....... ll i iif.fiicf.1 -ik iii'ie nil I it .a ' -- - - - I. I-UIHI-III ili-.ii - f,l A d the whole ore fubjret to the rcvinon iud corrtc- I ti6n ol the speakers, as ll.ey pa.a in review lit our daily 1 , promptly. As T. ' sheet, in caw any iiilsiindemiiridipj or uiirrcprrsrntni nW"T?xrati'fairni C .1 u........l ......... - 1 . ' " . miuation or. lempe.snce principles, ne hill en I desvor to pia M nt in its pages, a lull record of the pro ' gr hi of the Ten perance cause in our own and in 1 Ii reign lands ol its ( fleet epon UnJiwduaU and com- muiuUes and original article iu of its pii'n 1 ciples, and in reply to the venous objections urged , ag it, .. j While, however, l''C promo' ion of Temperance will ' be the first and leading object of our Journal, it is our ! intuition, that it pagea shall be enlivened by a general ' summary of the mott important events of the day, and i by particular attention to the inter of Af iieullure. j In carry ing out this object, the Committee look with coiifinenee tu the inendsof Teiupeiauce, particularly i in North Carolina, lor aid and auppoti. A new mi- pn!-e ha Uen given to Ihe eause in this Slate. Were j this the 'proper occsfm, we could telle Isle of what has been psnsug under our own eyee, which would end a thrill of joy through every benevolent heart. The reformation ot the inebriate has commenced, and I u till going oo with a power and auccese, winch the I must Ntnguine never dsrod to anticipator- Give us but tho mesns ot, and we trust that an in- ! rluet Hi lie, I happiness and prosperity through all future generation. I'ermit ns, theu, must earnestly to appeal to everv friend of Temperance, Morality, and good order, to aid the object i to commence with the Y "anted, a number of hand to work at V V iho niiiiing business 8t Conrad'a Hill, in Uav.dnon County. Tho usual wngea will be giv en, and the hand will bo paiJ off weekly, or monthly, aa they may wmh.Good board may be had near the mine on reasonable torma. T. PHILLIPS ALLEN, Agent. January 14, 1842. . - i3MM?tl - YOU SiWiEt. ''PHERE i large quantity of Plank, Scantling X and other building material on band for Bale al the Millaof Charlea Fisher, on South Yadkin Kiver, formerly Pearaon'a Mill. A quantity of choke curled Maple Plank, uitaMo for making house-furniiure of varioua kinda. . . Any quantity of aw d Shingle can be furoithcd at a or abort notice. These Shingle are alwaye made out of heart pine, or yellow poplar, ol a regulr aixe, and require no jointing, but can be nailed on the roor just aa they fall from the aw Price $3 per 1JJ00 at the Mill WILLIAMSON HARRIS, Agt. December 31, 1841. IIOR8C NEATLY at run 5W DILLS PRINTED THE I-AJIIXY IEWJPAPKn. ' "i THE PHILADELPHIA ' SATURDAY COURIER. WtTUTUB LAXOKST CUCllLATloa II TBI WOBIJ)!) The publisher of thi old establkhcd and universally popular Family Journal, would deoroitsuperogaUjry to ssr a word in commendation of Ua past or prevent excel lence and uselulnes. ll uonvslled and increasing circulation, (over 35,000.) ia iu beat recommendation.. For the future, however, a determiuaUon to be riaar in Ihe n ol Uie American Newspaper Weekly Prew, will call tor increased expenditure end renewed altrac lions fbr the coming year, 1842, not the least ot w hich will be an improvement in the quality of tho paper, and addition of popular contributor, embracing, we tolly ; believe, the best lit to any milr Journal in tho world. The Courier i independent in iu character, fearles. ly pursuing a atraight forward court, and supporting, the beat iiiteresUof the public. It is atrictly neutral in politic and religion. t will mamUina h.ghtoneof moral, and not an article will appear in iu page which should not find place at every fireside. It has more ' titan dimkieAIie number of constant reader, to thai of any other paper published in the country, embracing the best families ot our Republic. AJ1 eUIlIClATALES.!-. Every one should be proud to patron iso the Philadel phia Saturday Conner, aa by iu unbroken scries ot ori ginal Aaverkeii 7'ates, by sue native writer as Mrs. Caroline Lee llentx, Mrs. St. Leon Loud, "The Lady ' of Mary laiid," Professor Ingrahsme.T. a Arthur, Ksq., Misa Sedgwick, Miaa Leslie, cd many otiieis, it ba , juatly earucd the title of the Amrrfcan Frtti7y tttti. paper. r ) Foreisn Literature and lXewt, Determined to spare no expense In making the Sat- -orday Courier a perfect model of a Universal Family Newspaper, of equal interest to all cfasses and peison of every nation, we have made arrangements to receive ' all the Megsxinee and pspera of interest, published in England and on ihe Connor nt, the jiews and genu of which sre imiued.alely trsmdened to Us coldbiua, thu giving io emigrsnU, an well s otters, a jorrect aud coiinvcicd axcuuhLor .baievei occurs cnuterest. ci. ther at home or abroad. t - ' f' ,TIIE RURlIltTS. ( Part'ieulsr care is taken to procure tl.e earliest advK cea in reference to the prices all kinds of Grain, Pro viaion, Produce, &.C ,U.e stateof Stock, Batiks, illney ti na ti ndrtid rcr extensive arrargeirn'titrwilMjeTCi alter rc.ider our i'ricii Lvrrtnt of inestimable intereat lo tlio traveller, tho farmer, and all Iuhim t 'classes 1 uliatsocvcr. Tl.a general character of the Crurirr iswcll known. Iu column contain a great variety of TALES, HARBAII.nS, T, AD BIOnBArllllM, and articles in literature, Science, the Art Mechanics, TlgwIulfuYeTFuiaS; H iisic7KCrs;irttiTtTrAniai nwnt, ana in fact, in every department usually diteussed in a Univer&U Family ScwrllPcri f,um ,ucu wrHers aa Mra.C. Ixe llentx. Mr. S. C. Hall, : Charlea Dickens, (.Uox,) Proleiwor Dpngiiatri, -. I'tnl.,.- l,.n..l,....o M M'MirK.irl. . .H.wnM IHII,UV . . - . - - , " Miss Mien o. KBrtd Gcorjc P. Morris, TUG WASHINGTON TEMPERANCE SOCIETi F Lexington most cordially invite the Temperance Societies of Davidton and the neighboring Coun tiea to unite with them in celebrating tl.e 4lh ol July next, at Lexington, on total abstinence principle, They wish all true Waahingtonian to regard tin a a special invitation, and the public at large are also n quested to attend. They hope all the Societies within convenient dia tanco will be present either in mass, or by delegation, bringing with them their badges and banner. Uy order of the Society. J. L CLEMMONS, Preaident. II. Rovtuuf ills, Recording Secretary. Lexington, N. C, June 24, 1843. 2t pilE Subscriber having determined on removing to X the South, wishes to dispose of hi valuable Plan. Ution, lying within throe mile of Salisbury, on the Stage road leading to Mr. Locke' bridge and to Lex ington, Salem and Raleigh, &e. ; it ia the me formerly owned by William II. Slaughter, Esq , and it ia pre turned generally well known. The track contains 260 JLCUUB, some of which i cleared and under cuJlirilion, aiu about ten of it first rate meadow land, it ia watered by Crane Creek and two brinchce which run through the land, an excellent orchard, consisting of a great variety of very choice Apple, reach and Cbrrrjr Trcct, There are two d wolling Houses on the tract, the one on the road ia well calculated for a house of entertain, ment, it being large two etory building, very con venient, having all nccctsary out bouses conveniently arranged, and supplied with an excellent spring of water. The other dwelling house i near the meadow ground and first rate spring, from which it i supplied with water, and a large barn which mikea it convenient for packing away hay. The above property it pica aotly aituatod, and remarkably health. . The eubscYitier being anxious to tell will give a bar gain, those wishing for further information can be grat iflod by calling on the premiset, on the aubscriber.' JOHN T..BOWLE3.' Walnut Ridge, Rowan Co., N. C, ( , ; -r- April 21), 1312.. , ' u roil tiibTub fer for tale lent ervicca Ilurcti. i ' xApr,l 22,1912: SALE. j S crinmi-ii . ' I f a Duvicta oi T .' ' r ' on cheapterm, -v 12 pir ol excel- bie match JOHN I. SlfAVCR. j If Stale o5 NotlU CatoVma, DAVIDSON COUNTr. i.v Qrrr. 'Daniel Delan, T. S. Arthur. J. Sheridan Knowles, Mrs. M.t lon Loud, ffcuglare Jcirold, MiMSedewick, m. rl Uurton, Lieut G. W. Patten, 'I ho. Campbell, M: Mitford, i l'rutesxir Winct, h. L. II ilw er, Joseph C. Neat, Tho. (i. Spear, Mrs. -Gore, Juteph R. Chaudler, Mihs Leslie, tt l'rofexr J. Frct Lydia 11. Sigourney, lion. Robert T. Conrad, Robert Morriw, Mra C II. W. Etliog, A. Green, Jr., J.ihn Neal, Coutiies tl Rlcnington, Lucy Seymour. Cspt. Mart, U, R. N. Ii. l enii Smith, TO AGENTS TERM A The terms of the Courier are .'-! per annum, paytklo in advance, but when any one will officiato to procure ten new subscribcra, and tend us &l.r), par mimty and .CO will go forth Irom the Capitol of the old North ' fMtnjre fret, we will receipt tor one for each. Seven e, to its remotest boundary, that will tell upon its j,"" fof U. three copies lor or 0110 copy three years lor ijuj. L l It 11 1 f i . Two copies oi the Saturday Conner.snd GoJey's La- li.-uii. Illi-V Wl ihtt ilu-ir i.oin.oiiH sro tl.orouptil bud iiijcliant;t'ftbl Deinotra ie, ei. Ihey v.ould Ijiii l"'pe, not iliilral or uncUritable. 'I he will ilis-cufs qu. atiot.a anil jui';e men wiih freedom, yet uh thut inmleraiioii L'.ve aodiiMiHl strength to limine, snd ll.ut candor They sro fuiiy ae.isibluof Hie iloubtannd diflicullies inuM ever attend a novel undertaking ol tin nature. Rut una i"" may succeed, where soother ha lailed; andfwbca otic elMll naa prove su.iu.vr, We n.ake a daily analysis ol the doing in Congress, and give our opinioua 1.1 it Ireelv, but this is pubiirhvd otily in the Ihiiy, SMiii-wckly, aud Wetkly Globea. The Daily Glulio is (lit; the Seu.i-wtf kly Globe $1 per annum, in mtrunrt. The N eekly (ilolie is printed m tlio ww1 liinn s Ihe t'-nrtprewmnal (ihibo snd An. perulix, and a euii.;.letu index u.aile to it at tlig end of rre onjeci 10 commence wun the jv-4 tl)(l, ono et, wlU wol ,;,r timmrTwrt ot rrrtnrndrmsT bo tatatrr K-iSit,'js.riiiif-tWFinrwl- r:,Uv 1 -1 .n.i.j,.i...i ii..,. i.n r.w,i. . ' ' - " " ' v' ,n . v..j ....... .u.. ....... ..1 ijifiv f j.,g yt.,r, will tie sent t (am inrrn, aoil AVirv IpmiMTanrn rwir.itiiA r... I . ' sponsible, (, onre tor the number of copies, which they Tlima Stuart, William' Stuart, Sarah Stuart, Dsniol J' Stuart, I'e-gyJSiuart, and Levin. Stuart . ' It apjicaring to the fallsfaction of J?ieCourt that Daniel Stuart, Peggy SturtkfaLenn Stuart, Dc-t fendanta in this esse beyond tie limits of thi Sutc, It is, therefore, ordered that publication be made for six successitw weeka la the Western Carolinian 4br and DefeiHlauU to appear 'and answer at !( next leraor ihie Court, to be ueld for tl.e County of Dividson at the Cuurt-Houae in Lexmgtun,cn the 1st Mondsy tfUrtfie 4th N.onJay in Septeuttrr next, or Judjuient pro con loan will be entered a totlteni. . . : ViInerV. yVoraaek, CleTlranJ Master of saidComt ' at the 1st Monday after the 4 h Montay in " " Vaa- ' iV. WOMACt,a M. E. "May 27, lStl-O -lVtntcr's fee jf5 W, S iVlilHDV V A.CT O ttr . A j Mippoxe can fx' circulated in their vicinity, and forward ! their name immediately, for 10, SO, ot 60 copies, as I they may think the demand of their neighborhood may ; pwtify. In this way only. Can we I tope lor niecesa m each year. T L' R M S , For the Congressional Globe and Anindix for the It has been! Istt F.xtia Scswon, l. man enter-; .... .. ., ,. ,. .:.. ... . . .1 .1 ..... r i- ihwIi.ii lint.. 1 ml - ' - a - " - --v"- ' - - l.rinC WOtrJ e" aueiuiJ "i 11 ;'. 'j . 1 1 . . 1 euiid n.ay triumpli over every obstacle. It sil l, by wie and a i'T at mnn, no l:mi : alicnip "i 11 " imj'i.ii ii ! removed. 1 he uueiuiers imr .wm. m mj, . least ; and all thev k of their trunJ is a kind .up ,ort of their fir.t snd feeble Tley venture. n!, lo expiefna 110(0 inn r'"'"1! n.-in'iiuny or w( l.ticellv lt.ei.dlv, will give this briil picpu tus an in- , a .t .11 I..n,.., I.. a..L.. L Mitioii; a tnor wrnrinney ni ... '; ", o 'gc in a suitable J- K M A H I IN, I TERMS. . The r'prclotor will he published weekly, at Three DotlaiM per annum, and propnriionably lor horier pe riKis, payable invariably in advrnre; or Five Dollar lor two nibseriplioii!", or lor two er. It i propuwrd to iiue ihe first number early in June. pohlmaMcr re autliorixed to remit sulfcriptmns. letters snd oiiuiiiiriiciition to the hditur liiusf be iikt laid or trie Addreia 1 J jne 3,1 W. MARTIN i HEART, Washington, f). r. fl per copy. For the Appendix lor the next icion, $1 per copy. Sit ot cither of tl.e above works will 1-c tent lor $5; twelve copies lor jjflO, and so on 111 proportion lor a greater number. ' Pnymenta may be Iranemitted by mail, rpnitagr paiil, at our ri-k. Uy a rule of the 1W Oiriro Drparlnienf, ihjtitmasterslsie permuted to trunk letters containing money for subscription. The note ol any bank, current where a nubscriber reside, will be received by us at par. To inmiro all the numbers, the sutw-criptiont tJiould bo in Wahingti.n by the l.p)ih December next, at larlhest, ia probable that we shall print enough surplus copies to fill every fuUcripliiu that may be paid before Ihe 1st dty of January next Ao allntlicH teii be paitl to nynrJrr vniii f, money afcomianir it. BLAIR ii. RIVLS. Washington Ciy, fXtobcr S. 1 U , our ellorU At a meeting of the Executive Co 1 tniltee of the N. 0. Temperance Society, the following resolution wsa adopted : Whereas, arrangements hare been made to commence the publication of a Temperance Journal in the City ot Usleit'li, on the tirt week of January next, provt led 01a thovsano Subscribers can be obtained. llrwlttd. That it be mnnt earnestly recommended lo eorh of Ihe OlTicers of tho State Temperairce Societyi and to the members of the late State Convention, and to any who are friendly to tho cauae, immediately alter the receipt ot tlua resolution, to become responsible for from IU to M Subscribers, so that the publication may commence at the lime contemplated. I!y order of the Ev-cu'.ivo Committee of tho North Carolina Mute Temperance Society, TERMS: ' The North Carolina Temperance Union will be 'pub lished weekly 011 a medium sheet, (say V(l by IH inelie,) at tln Dollar and ritty Cents per annum, pavabln IN AUVANCB. Leitere conummg Huhscnbert name and reinitunces, must bo din-cted, postpaid or free, to the Treasurer of Ihe Society, Jam as liuown, Raleigh, NorthCaolina. All the newspapera in Uie State are respectfully re quested to give thu Prospectus one or two insertion. Address, M'MAKIN & HOLDEN. Philadelphia. Those with whom we exchange, will add to their many obligations by copying the above, or rctvrring to it in their column. j , ruorosAis For publishing in (A City of Richmond, a new ll'erl;. ' . if I'uptr, to ba tutUUd . . THE VIRGINIA DEMOCRAT, . IT will be printed oq cood paper, weekly, unt 1 after - tho next election, at the uncommonly low price ot. Twenty Five cents to a single subscriber,' wine copies for Two JJollsrs, TWENTY-THREE copiea for J-'ive 1X4 a is, FIFTY copies for Ten Dullats, payable invari ably in advance. v . . ll will wage an uncompromising war w itb sVi the ruinous schemes now advocated and supported bf Uie' Federnl party ; and nothing shall be lett undone, lurh the most xcaloua eiertionscan accomplish, to (.fleet tho entire overthrow oi the Federal faction at the ensuing election. The articles will be brief, pithy and pungent, but yet courteoua and re pectlul ; Federalism in all Ha cameleon forma aud Protean shapes, will be handled w ithout gloves. , . We respectfully ask ihat generous palronage n ay be bestowed upon our efh.rta to promote t!ie auccesv of the cause in which we are engaged. Orders addreesed lo Thkophui's Fiat, will receive prompt attentitn. March IB, le-tt. f pilIS esttUitbmcnt is now In. complete operation. 1 he Company are panutactuiuig t v k t Co! ton Yam, Sliccting, fihiriirig and Osnalurg, 0f titptriorualitji, - which they olfi-r to the publio L the West market stihtwV MTrtlianu n4 otiuir wo Bill cXiuiiine qusl; itie atxTcoinpare Jtriees, wtH hnd it to their interest to p.stcW i. RH4)Dt3 BROWNE, AgX Saliaburv.JuaJtSlSli r'-i- . -"- U , , : .. r. -. , 1- H VJotirci a. : I.L these kdrbt '9 the E;tte of 8 ml Miller, deccssed. ire rttiui frL to come forward and set- lie th same witliout delsy ; nd 'hose basing claim against the Estate are rrquetd to present them wru in ihe time prescribod by la,' duly authenticated, or this will be plead aa a bar to their re' iy." - ' Jia Of M50NNAL.KY, Adm'f. Rowan C. June tf,Ul , , J ; St..' i i. - V .'K PROSriXTUS u ., t -ft t OF TM ' ,-t t - Western Carolina Temperance Advocate, A twmtlil) paptr ieioltJ to the ' esjawerance. Reform PuMikri at Athteitle, A. G, and miiltd . BY'IX R M' AN ALLY. . ' eiiBBejaaasasBi A TfiMeCRANCB CoxmrioH that wa held at this place early in September, resolved en publishing a pa per of the abovo title and character, and appointed Dr. John Dickson and D. It M'Anally to conduct it. From tho many prestung engagements. Dr. Dickson already nas, no uee-L 11 impractical.! lor mm to do recogaiscu a one of the editor, though be will cheerfully use sll his inlluence otherwite, to promote iu in' real; tlie subscriber Iherclore, proceed to issue this Prospectus 111 his own name, w ith a hope that he w ill be anted in the undeiUking, by all the ir lends of the Temperance cause throughout the country; and that the paper may soon have ao extensive circulation. FrirnJ uf tht Timpcrance Cautt! to you we nml i most earnest upprnt white thminttit'a iipuii ilicn' sands of dollars are annually expended at theatres, at circuses, at the race track, at groceries, while no pains are soared, the luxury of retirement and ease foregone, and no labor deomod loo severe lo advance the inter est of political aspirant, can you not do something in a cause that must be dear to every true pa: riot, philir thropist, and christian 1 Recollect there are but fcWj very fuw, such papers in all the Southern country. The Western perl of North Carolina, the Western part of Virginia, aud the Lastern part of Tennessee particu larly, need a periodical ft tlua kind, and it 1 foi Sci now to sjy whether they shall ' tve it. Tho very low price it which it wea fixed by tl.o Convention, will make il necessary, that a very lar,?) aiibscription bo had, before the publication of it can w jusi.lit-d. TERMS. The IVesfert CamUna Temperance Advocate will be published 011 a medium sheet, in quarto form, eac.i number making eight pages, and w ill bo furnished tt the very low price of Fifty Out a copy. Where sin gle copiea are taken, ihe payment must bo msdo inva riably upon the reception ot the first number. " &r Postmaster, editors or publishers of papers, an! all Minister of the G.pel, are authorised agents.