I THE WTEmt-- CAM -THE fOWERS NOT DELEGATED TO THE UNITED STATES BT TH CONSTITUTION, NOB PROHIBITED BY IT TO THE STATES, All BESEBVED TO THE SIXtES EESPECTIVBI.V, 01 TO THE PEOPLE.-. Am ndments to the Constitution. Artidt X ISuvnibcr $ o? YoVump SALISBURY, IV. .C, JULY 8, 1842. Whole JYumbcr 1,125. W LINMN. TERMS OF THE 0CIIA8.' F. FISHER, Editor and Proprietor, Westcbn Carolimak in published every Friday Marians, at $2 per annum i advance or $3 50 if , .! wiiht.i three months otherwise tH will invaria I'ybr charged. 03" No" paper will bo discontinued cccpt at the Editor's discretion, until til arrearages arc pud,' if the subscriber is worth tho subscription; mid" the failure to notify the Editor of a wish to ducon tuiuc, at least one month before the end of the year A.tbscnbcd fur, will bo considered t new engagement. CO .4'wTifmenff conspicuously and correctly in p .rttJ at $1 per square--(of 310 tmt, or Jiftetn lines t f this sued type) for the first insertion, and 25 edit. I r cadi continuance. Court and Judicial advertise i.A'uts per cent, higher than the above rates." A do ' cu.'tion of 33 pir cent from the regular prices will t j mule to yearly advertiser. fjT Advertisements ;.!)! in for publication, must be marked with the num h r of insertions desired, or they will be continued till t.r'.'.J, and charged accordingly. .-C, ' . Letters addressed to the Editor on business mu( , lm fbeb or postaoe, or they will not be attended to. The SUcprs (From tne Geriha'..)-'Tu9 in Mnt slept, restmg.on tho. chock pfhod man. Tlie to dista it points 'of 1ifs were thus, brought : gather.' Tii'alair golden hair, of the grandson, iiimjjied with, t! ytl very locks -of Iho grandsiro. lliewo'extrenio link rf mortality were united. Tin bud U beautiful ! tut the tfaflassjvHnTred FtalU. is venerable, or it has borne blossoms, and r.cn f jrth its aweot fruits, tod atellered beneath !:s leaves the melodious choir ef singin birds.. T!iero is n sweet smile4ipun the lips filtlieocta-. j pun the li siwiiaii I - Hor tioUlo una pure must that, long ijiu iiave ocen, wnicn siju nvurnjiin un mo mn '. imico its kind audgeulle reflection. , Ilow God lilio must have bJeaJiis career, wlicn through all T:rgfipf and-oTrew4f a mortal-Woriliia holy, i inocfuj Liugh of IrUancy rests upon thy Jips, and t'.o lu'-t linjit of lifaCis irod.Uwfn fearlessly , calmly a-id hopefully V.J 'C "V "7 hut can tlf grntjiy sj'cct, smue .signity t Ijes it show thai 1:0, . Jjiinks'of . her who has long since dciceiide'd tbo gruvc that the days ot bis " voathliavecttirticJ i hfm,'and yhat he greets her w ith the fiiHtyss.bf love T.i Or irit, that the day im come IwcU 4ojjjll thoughts , when his wife pre 3nteJ lam with' iJRr "first" born and called it by his namo? Or is it jn.KJie thinks ol the time, when ! ' is son first returned frotn the biule rioi.1, crowned v .'hi'w laurel-f victory t t liut now approaches that soft' with his spouse, j ii: wishes to know if his father would remain W)2 ' : in tte-ginlWitbjIuajirnyjfindc :.t i!Uvereif slevuio Uaicalh a Jbfly "ralm tce.- f Tin. Ihu ilu liiid burned down tho evening lmM irtn.f the et iwtUgTn tha-i w air irre14 " . . .. .. . 1 1 ami lendil,and braueh, into a -aweet evening .ug..,;AU. things awcineJlu sleep, and the gray i: -liredWn nmi his grandchild slumhored sweetly. ' " t'Kill I wah'o thpuil" saiJ th? sou genllyto : "Mouse. . v . . t " Ohi no-rdlieir.lcep. M heavcnlike,y shpJYe I i lied ; x'bu may ltko lha boy out of his arms ue seoins. Id proas loo heavily -on the cheek of his . jramliiiUiefel jl-'..X. a.., jai.: - Oii!4-thpy rcit Whether so deliCiously," an .vrred tits sun.riA the armsot the gramiiather tia b"y is Scure'4rtiaf a if he leant on tin bosom . f Alia; aiiito Lorn 'could-wo inere tecurely trust him!V-. W.'- Tho 4pqusa IsngWrd 'with a mother s joy, nd i,ith de'arlt'd. , Then, came two" Empires the (.-) iw't-pl aver the chHJ with the sweet blood, and t',0 other pprwohed a tfttilreart ol the old man. Tbey -infcerlcd their soft tot and as they did they flapped wifli theioutsprea wings like a diltgojit servant who jafts his sleeping roaster, aW briiigs a cool,airitliero all else is heated. The Wood sprung forjh the breath became weak rIL'J slnml Tik-eper and deeper, tintil it ended in tho long, long sleep ofda'n.; Then flew away .im i mmires satite5 wilh.th'e licarl'a Wood ol both. t .1 J Lim .iWitid.'lftM.f1flft v ben. lucn. ina;'m biiic ii'". cyvua nivw, . . . 7 . L I... tiKv lound kickea iu eacn oiuer s urin-, mo -". Wof ferandslre and grandson i-and huh? thought - ' T - m I ..I.I I'.cv. as they wept, tnai. uie young aim mo ..iu vti-fo then rifcting m the bosom of Alia, where I line are safety , seconty and cposo to oe louim. If there is an$ man who may rat his bread at ' m.-c with God.' it is the man who has brought! at hrcad out of tho earth by his own honest in . .rrTi rnnliivrfid hv no fraud, it is wot With , 1 1. -ars it is stuincd with no bluod.--l-(fiu. I Si.Lr'niliuriptionof Hunting. Going to i ii, v Uihr the other day, he ax U mo to taKQ u , , rt n lilllilllll' ilh him SdwncnlliesiVATTier d Mugid tho horses, llwy brought .mo one lo in' ...n I.,,., rl of oiio that they told me u. iii Mich riii'i' irim, s.io ""' B" . . ' ...a.. i.i ..e. nm iiiiai .in ,n :, r..ulkMmo cutter, ho I got alott, ami d fiiv-i-l! ulhwurt ship ii nd mude ns much ii i, ;hu best on 'em j and to the winuwaru oi a i pit, we c'ied a hare nl anchor; end s vc ... nod Ix.rc away, and just as 1 had ovtrta - r, !! hor' i nine plump ashore upon a nek l-aii k'i biol.e, she pitched mo over the .M .ra .n: . n l upwards nod uiiliipped my " . . i s r, aii'i h in- mo if I ever sail on mini pn- .ii. i Iii -!i i iiiM's ph sician havini; informed I ., i . .. .ui,,.. ' l,v inches," he thankmt ! w,.. iml -(! tall hy I.'l'il.l', Uolil.ivill. foot uud a halt I oor rn i that win t wo irk both way, el, . -V', ,,r kii.I when he sent it hack again at lit ad. ) Tin 'n as badly cut with a knife, bv a n Wk.burg, a f. v oays since. Tins -. (II., '! "otittug Capri is wrong. THE STARS OF NIGHT. - Whence are your glorious goings forth', Ye children of the sky, . . t In whose bright silouco seems the power. Qfsll eternity) ,, , For time hath let Ins shadow fall O'er nuny sa ancient light : " But ye walk above in tlie brightness still Oh, glorious stars ot night! The vestal lamp in Grecian fario I lath faded long ago; r On Persia's hill the worshipped flame , Hath lost its ancient glow : , And long llio heaven-sent fire is gone, ' With Salem's temple bright ; But ye watch o'er wandering Israel yet, Oh, changeless stars of night! Long have you looked upon the earth,' u or vale and mountain brosv : Ye saw the ancient cities rise, "r And gild their ruins now : .,. ?i 'e beam upor. the cottage home, ,t TIlA riiuiiiiiM.V n-tli r,f mif.l.f '"' V-J And shed your light alike on all, , Uh, priceless stars of night I But where are they who learned from you The fates of coming lime, f Ere yet the pyramids arose Amid their deserts climol Y'ct s till in wijds and deserts tar, , - . - Ye bless the watcher's sight; . f , . . , And shut where bark fiatri never bocnj a Oh, lovely stars of night ! - Much have ye seen of human tears, . . Ot huinao hope and love : And fearful deeds oi darkness too, Ye witnesses abotte ! ' , Say, will that black'ning record liyo . " Forever in your eight ; . Watching for judgment on this caith, Oh, sleepier stars of night ! l5jfi ct glorioui was tlie song that rose ' With the fresh niofniflg's dawn ; , Aod still amid our euuimcr sky - Its echo lingers on r v Though ye have shone en many a grave, Since Edeu's enrly blight ; i. 7;- Ye tell of nope and jjloiy still, , Oh, deathless stars ot night ! . A L KORAN. Tha nature of iho Turkish Creed is a little kuown to Uie neoilo generally, as the Turkish character. Some of its poiuts are curious euouzh The Turks insist upon the unity of God. They believe that the Saviiur was the Sun of the Virgin Mary and was concivcd by tho " Ranali which is the breath of tht spirit of (lod. Thoy bolteve that he was a great rronhet that he had the now cr of performing miracles that be loretold the coming of Mauoinet, who is also no more than a prophet. They btliove Christ shall come and judge the world that he ahull reign Tyrty ; years in Damascus, during which time Anti Christ shall arise, nitor whose destruction Christ shall asccuJ iu'a heaven, and then tho day of Judgment shall ho held. Thry beliv! thai the Gospel w. is stilt by JYkus, bs the law was scut to Moses, and the Psatnw t Dvid. . Tliev believe all the prophets of the Old Testa ment they belr?vo inrparadiscj miicll, but nnr in '. I I . r. i... . I .... I. ...... . ..i purgatory, iinteau oi tnis tiicy navo a place caned " Artf," to be inhabited by those who have led an insignificant life, in winch tho good and ev.l are equally balanced. The paradise of Muliomet is sensual -lovti) garuenii, iuir iruiis, iresn iouimhihh, ..Jl'jtwinjuf ver milli and .iue,.ahe soiigof tbv IJouris -every thing is addressed to the senses. So it is with their Hell the wicked are to drink .scalding water, and lo ;ai the, hitler Jruit UXetM.l ttill, lor awhile they have hope, if their faith be pr of against torment, after all their sins lie washed away in tho waters ol Satzaboul, they are admitted into Paradiie. Hut to'those who nave no laith. tlie fires of hell are eternal. The Turkish belief in fuislisin i- well known; it is this, in connection Mith- the reward oi Paradise, to ihor who die ml battle, which makes the Ottoman soldier a for niidabb fuc London Quarterly. " Well, how do you like your hushaud I said a fenml" friend to a newly married lady. " Oil, he's a duck of a man,'' reidied s-io who was e'J lying the honeymoon. "A duck, oli I" kjiJ the querist, "ah! then 1 havo been uustuken in my ojuuiou of Ins species ; I always believed lum lo be a goose ! Goo for llim.-M on- of our fasl.ionhle water ing places, recently, happened a self important foreigner, who, oiion hearing llio dinner bell ring past three o'clock, exclaimed" Is it possible you ilino ul tlnseaily hour io this country I Why I h ive u 't been used O dimng till 7 or & o'clock in li'indon." ' Our fcrond tollr fidks dine hero very late also," was the reply ot a Yankee present. ll'ipiU lletort. Napoleon's hat onco fell off at u icvicw, whi ii a young lieutenant ftoppe.l lorward. picked it up, and returned it to him. " Thank ymj rni'toin." said lb'? Kniwiror. " l.i what regi meni, sire 1 retorted the Sub, quick as lightning. Napoleon smiled, passed on, and forthwith had tho lucky youth pwmotcil to tho step of Ins ambition. Old Maiih.A nprightly,writer expresses his opinion ol old maids in tho following innniipr, and we c moot but admit that thero is much justice in his remarks: "I am mc ined lo believe that many of tho satirical aspersions cast upon old maids, tell more to their credit limn is generally imagined. Is a woman remarkably neat in her person 1 "Kho will certainly ho an old maid." I she particular ly reserved towards tho other sex T " Sho has all Hie Mjueamishiiess of an old maid." Is she frug.il hi bar expenses, and exact in her domestic con cerns T " Sho is cut out' lor an old maid." Ami if she is kindly humane to tho animals about her, nothing can save her from tho appellation of " an old maid." In short, I havo always found, thut neatness, modosty, economy, and humanity, are llio never tailing characteristics of that terrible crea ture, " uti old maid 1" Ann Kose has married Joseph Sweet in Phila delphia. Joe thought that " A Rose by my other muno would smell as fc? wed." . . " The Melon SredYThe Mills Foint Herald gives a sketch of great interest relative' to a law ycrol this city. It is a column lonir. and wo must condense it. , It relates, that at a restaurant in this cily.one night ,waa assembled a party of young reoies, i me invitation of one of- their number who had lust taken out license to nrnctice law in Louisiana , The host alter drinking much wine, got boisterous, and looked nround, anxious to find somebody to insult, lie at last discovered a Hparn old man in a corner, at whom he commenced firing melon seeds Irom between the thumb and. finger. The first one hit him on the left ear. Tho second struck his band, and tho third rebounded from hi breast. i ' v " You ere a bad shot." said the old man. risin-r " I will give you a few lesjons," and he handed his card. The parties met with pistols next morn ing on the Shell Road, near the halfway" houo. The Creole fired first, and missed. v ' Monsieur," said the stranger, " you aro too hasty and you bear too hard on th trigger, but it is my (urn, I advise you to stand coot and firm, the least variation might cost you your life. Vou aimed at my eje yesterday, but hit my ear it was well you missed." " l)e raised the pistol, and muttering "Monsieur' fight"' ear," be tircd--the lower lappel of the right ear was' shot away. " One losson 'at a ' time," said the unknown, " is enough ; tiere,sir, is your first melon eeed;Adiea, you shall hear of me again." i. " Twelve mouths -had passed tho occurrence above related was almost forgotten by tho actors when one evening at the Theatre I Orleans, the Creole fell a slight tap on the shoulder ; he turned, and the mysterious stranger bfthe restaurant stoo l by his side. " Monsieur,'' whispered ho, " I owe you another Icssgsare you at leisure tomorrow morning ? ' " , " A totre tenict, Monsieur." ' ft They met again, and the Creole missod. Suid the old man " you have tint improved much since your ta-st lesson. Yurrecoad shot at the restau rant struck my hand, therefore this goes on tin samo'""sriot,'and''"at"'Ihd'"'firii5gor'llioiistol,'ihe Creole's left hand huiiK in shreds to Ins urm. " The next time we meet, Monsieur, your breast shall be tho taiget," cxcluunnd tho unknown, as he banded over the second melon wi-d carelully wrapped in a piece of par. Au rteoir." ( Iho Creole recovered but lost his hurits, and. was a changed man. . .. . A low weeks ago, the Creole received a smiill ! package from Havana, accompanied by a letter from a hotel kecfier thcro, suiting that tho said package was ordered to be scut to Ins address by a foreign gwitlenun who had tliere died, lie opened the bix, and found therein, a sniiill I purse containing one mrlon Kid The vru.i.NoLft WAS 0 5MRE ! I Tho writer ol the sketch says the nbovc i no j fiction, and that tho p.inripil actor even uov re-j sidns-in Now Orlt''w, n ln,-tV.HH4 .rfecnrtttj ni'-mlier of the bar; nnd ofion relates I lie nliove' sketch of bin adventure to his fiiends, to show how ; dearly he paid lor liio exren of one inlit ul the restaurant. Crtuent Cityr j "Some people," said the Itaicon, at a Confer enco meeting, " say and maintain tlmt there it no soul. Now, 1 sa, there is one. There can he no doubt about it. 1 am as ccitnin of it hs 1 am that 1 have jostieeeived a load often from Chun : al.j i w.ii alli Phn - nnv ,.il..r man." ' A Victim of Superstition A lady arrived in llioier.Utuly, briiot outah. er-vaut-wHii h-r. On did day alter her arrival, tho latter broke a I looking gluss. She became much alarmed at the I I trilling circuniblaiicc, covered over the glasswiihaj liaiidkerqhiel, and turneil it to the wall that nho i might not see it. She expressed her conviction ' tlmt it foreboded a life of trouble and misfortune,; ami could no! dismiss tne subject from Ii r mind. i tiliv 4id k!io should never prosper in the worlil i ai'aiii. iiaunteU by tins idea, site becamo mi!, i In'tainn hii!. 1 di jecteil, and went lo bed on Weduosday, t.vo da)s j I alter the accident, noorlv and miserable, retiring 1 ! earlier than usual, on a croon! of her illness. Tlio next day she was worse, and hor unstress de- J sin J her to get up. On l'riduy,ono ol the mo-l ex-1 penoncod medical gcntlunieii of tho place was cal led in. Ho louud her Iree Irom bodily pain, but ' sulk-ring under a perfect prostration ot streugth and i spirits. ti-- Cinliiiued o sink until I'i o'clock i in-xt day, when she expired a victim l the abi.ird , I supers.lit.on ol Iho dreadtul consequence, of j breakl"S a looking glass!-A. . blandurJ. i " What are you crying for ?" nsked Trap of n miser, who had witnessed an execution lately. " That's one nf my suiptndtJ debts," rrplied the man. " I hat lellow you broke, owed mc liliy dollars." seo with his neck L,A, U", Law. Tom strikes Dick with a com ' Ktalk, on winch Dick brings an action ugainM Tom, ' whose offence is set forth b Dick's attorney in. the following langu-igc : " And thut, whereas the v i'il Thomas at Mid town, on tho yrar and dav 1 last aforesaid, in, and upon the body of Iho said , Richard, aguinst the peace of this Slate, then and j tin re being, did make u most violent assault, an I uiilicted a grout many and divers blows, kicks, ! culls, thumps, ciutusioiis, guslics, wounds, hurts,! cuts, damages, and injuries, in und iip'm tlie head, i neck, breast, stomach, hips, knees, shins and heels, i of tho said Kirhard with divers sticks, slavr, j stones, g'ins, swords, dirks, bowie-kliiveg.dny.Ti, ! pistols, cutlasses, bluilgeons, hlimderbues, und I boarding pikes, then and thero held in the hands, paws, list, claws, teeth and clutclirs, of linn, thej said Thomas." i " Words Fitly Spitlcrn." Nothing could rlloc- j tunlly redeem Iho nntion, nothing could ever restore I tho polmy days ol her past prosperity, but patient , Inbor, general habits of couniny. nnd l ie retrenrii mcnt ol individual cxponditurcs. It is a saying of Dr. Southey's that livo ns long as you may the first twenty years tiro tho longost half of your lilo. They apiwar so whilo thsy aro passing they soom to havo been so when we look back to them, and they take op more room in our memory than all the yearo that succeed j IIIHIIII A Norman Pilot and hi family The "Ex cursions in Norms'idy" give, the following vivid description of a bold and fearless Norman Pilot: " In Iho night of the 314 or August, 1777, in a most tremendous storm, a vossol attempted to run into the harbour of Dieppe. U iUssard, the IMot, who was nuyer missing whim the tempest raged, was on the pier, and seeing that the Captain of the ship inado suveral false manus ivres, he called to' hi ul will) his speaking truinict, directing him what to do, and- strove by his gestures to render himself, intelligible. Owing to tho storm and darkness bit c(lorta proved unavailing, and iho ship struck about thrity fathoms above the pier. Everv bodv excentin? Uousssrd trave up the crow for lost. Determined to aave them, he was going to tiO; a Irpe around his body and carry it to the ship ; but bis wife 'and children and bis friends surroundAd him and besought him by all that is sacred, not to rush uselessly into utter 'destruction. Uoussard listened only to 1 he voice of humanity, und he at length, prevailed opon them to take boinA his wife and children. V'"r-v-4' Having tied one end of Iho ropo To his boiK-.nud fastened the other to the piert he plunged mto tb sea. rl wsmty tilings did the wavrs hurl him back upon the beach, and fa'afton did he plunge tigaiu into the raging billows. A fresh wave flung him towards tho ship, and ho disappeared beneath bet. ' A gonerat crj of horror proclaimed his destruction - nut no had only aivea to lay hold ol a sailor wnoin the sea swept from the dock, and' whom ho con trived to take senseless to the shore. 'A last at tempt to reach-the ship proved successful ; ho climbed her side, and conveved to tho rew then rope by which they-wcre drawn'asliore.ohe after .ano her. liut Uoussard had not yet finished Ins glorious work. Exhausted with his exertions, lie was conducted by his friends to the nearest house. A gust of wind wafted to the shore the cry of a passengor who had been left behind, and Boussard sum learned that there was another (bllow creature to save, lie felt his strength renewed, and before those about him we're aware, he had rushed but ol tho house, plunged again into llio seaTaud was battling viih the same dtfliculiies which he had bolore r-ocouniered, .md which he overcame with tho like success. :' ' - The passenger was saved. Eight out of ten persons owed" their lives "to his courageiius' exer tions. Louis XVI made him a present of a thou sand francs and settled on him a pension of threo hundred, lie was appointed kceper'of the pier lighthouse an ollico which has ever since been held y tho iloiisiard, descending Irom father to soon and not a year lias passed Unmarked by deeds worthy of the first possessor. Close to the parapet of tlie pier, of Dieppe is a pole covered wiih copper, to uliirh is fa-tened a'chain. Here, in every orm since 1777, whether in the night or the dav, a Boussard has taken his station, thug- ing to iho chain,. nnd served as a warning voice to those whom i!aoi;er and- the tempestuous sea pursued into the harbor. And though iho waves broke over him, though Ihey-waahcd him froinl ins. pusi of nonur, rising irom thmr . txiiom lie - would agaia giveadwee, wilhiua speaking trumpet, L in defiarwe ol the sea and - all its fflorts. r ifi liincsTuis a iTouard risked nis lifu lo'savo the r lives of others. Napoleou ordered a hous to be 1 built for lum cloc to the spot here the lirst l.ous said perioriiu'd his heroic nehievemciit. He gave him the cross of honor. For imre than half a century, whenever there "has be n a vssol or a lellow crenture to save, tho people navo asked " Have we no I'uUNsard here !' One of tli? gn3 t i m ii irs"m'"Tii c r"iR r TFo 6 Ts'stV is Hliere, s)K-ikini; ot Kailrustls and StcainboiU, to Villi ot which lie frequently si(iii(i?i his abliorrence, he !)'-! Ui.it tin y aiiiuhilste bolh since snd time, llio ncswpnrn say, nut to uuntwn a multitude of pat tcngt r$ it sides. Sinaring cut of Juii.A Vrm Plan. In a village down ea-t s mevliore a " Hankrupt" was imprisoned bir.iuse ho couldn't pay his debts. It was cujt'iinury -with a ceriaiu clergy mail to visii the prisoners once or lw.ee a week and give tlivui i " " : nJvk o and instruction. It so happened that on ! """io a young may at tne houso or Iho gentle the day niter the debtor was imprisoned the clergy !"a" lludud ,l0' 1,0 dl,i not lh,nk her dangerous man visited the j.ul, and his utiuutiou was arrested i ,'t"CK-t'avo her some medicine, and knows iiothing hv the vociferous languugo of somo person in on i ",oro m-J"or' J "l"ii did not arc the ad aning c-etl wnnnx the mot horrid imprecations ' corIMe ".r d,d ,,,e olHCiating clergy as du. and blasphemies. Tno good man instuiitly homed ) 11,0 ""rl ceremony the coffin remaiiK-d t-i th scone of confusion, where ho beheld an in i c '. , "! Bre KPnl as., to her being diMdual staud.no n. an .Jd stool in a corner, no- j rca" a., ." .e"a"'",illon he grave is ping and sa caring wholesale -oralis at , llio walls, grates, flmr nu J door of the jail, his fellow jjmoii ers, and every thing nrouti I In n. The minister npproached llio dobtor nnd s-ud to Iimii " I'ricnd, it is very wrong to swear us you do ; Why will vou do it V " Itecnuso," replied tho prisoner, ' I've under stood thai" a man ma swear out of j nl in thirty days, and I Mailt to soe if 1 can't do it m littcen. I'm going to set up alt night nilfl do mi d -Jitf 7 Picayune. .. ... ., ,i.i- i riahtiniT Mill. An linnpst liinnrr iv in via nl an agricultural show dinner, w litre the late I'ukc "-"" - i lighting men being toasted outgiving Wellington, unolln r t'rah.un, a third Lord Hill, and so on, said, when it ca i.o to Ins turn, I'll gie ye Siun ( dcrs Pirgivie, o' Ciichloiulcaii, for he's had a sair r.t 1'iiKPlniirh iris in tftn rlirir un l l r .,1 ..I"! fecht wi tho world a' Ins life an honest mail wr a big family." Augusta Chronicle. 1 Wrai inif Long Hair. Tho yrcat industry man ! 'ifi-leu in the cultiviition of tho hmr crop by tho j ' rising generation," lias culled tori Ii a cuisiderablo quantity of ridicule Irom our brethren of the press. ' May they not havo been doing liieso young gontlo. j men injustice hv attributing to vanity what isnctu I allv h matter of necessity I We have examined u I ' . i ., ,-. i i hulodm-per than tho surface loco.no at tho ruth . . ...... mA in ii ami bis) ir1innil tl IkftlinL'IS tliitl fliiu in regard to il, and aie inclined to believe that this 1 ..1 l.K.M U . lutim Bfltkf.l.i.l Kar flinnmns i redundancy of hair has been adopted by the wear ers in order to supply a lack in tho weight nf brains L nnd ballast the head on tho shoulders. Columbia (."'. C) Chronicle. A Sultan's Prtient.A splendid Arabian blood horse was brought here in the bark Eliza, arrived on Thursday from Zanzibar, Bs a present Irom the Sultan of Muscat, tn David Pmagree, Ksq. nf this v-i'v. Two Arabs were liltowio nt over by the! Sultan to lake charge oi the steed, and they attract a great deal of notice whenover flicy appeal in too strcot, on account of tho singular and picturt-squo -ttylo of their native costume. Salem llrgttter. Law is like a window of stained glass, giving its own peculiar tint and hoe to the bright rays of truth which shine through it. A gentlmnn in Eaat Tennessee, (Mr. James Shields,) having seen in tho Advocate an account of the death of a person from the bite of a rattlo. snake, sends us two remedies tor (he r-tfrctual euro of the bite of that venomoos reptile, Which abounds in our fiinie. uur corresponuont say: "1 was occasionally with different tribes of Indians ni Mis- souri dunug tho summers of 1920 and 1821 and tho romody below was the Universal practice ; and 1 never knew it to be otherwise than to produce a successful cure in tho ease, unless ho fangs of tho snake pierced a vein when such occurred it was beyond tho 'reach of remedy, us the poison went hvith vho circulation of the brood." Thc following is tho romody used by tho Indians oi Missouri : Take of Black Ash leave's, als'o of tho 'Btom of same; boil lo, a Strong docoatioaVrnuke theetif.' ferer drink'as mach as the stomach will bear fgr tea hours; at the sarm timo koep. a poultice of . " strong tobaccS oniho wound renew tho 'tobacco' every two liours:i A radical euro wilt be cfll-ctcd in'ierr hours. 6 If you will 'confine aratitesnako . -(ho snys) under tho shade of llio black ash 21 hours,, - ' it will die. I noticed that all Iiuiiaus would camo .' for the night in summer uuuere black seli; and. would give thelrreason, that wat holy groundthat.- . nothing evil wpuld eutertlcrc.'?.;JIh 8ecolldxe.,1 . fnedy Mr. Shiolds'send us as follows: ."tfo suorr as'1 the snake bites, drink one, table ,ipooriful of tpiritt' of turpentine, and apply the same measure to'tlio' wound. I would advise all hunteri to carry a vial of lh,9 turpentine while oi Ihei'r'excursion in tho . woods." ; We return our thanks VMr. .Shield for flrwarding to us the above remedies; and if 'they ' should be the means of preventing the- death of any i-rnun, no win ii.-t.-i more man rnpaiu lor.iiw iroub'O an ounce'vial tillod with vniejrar, cork it tiahf and hang it in tho suo. In a couple'of days it tvi.lt ha fit for "use. . I Sf Z V f?''A'll I o make tho preparuiignjTo the, above, take a lump of poarlash toe size o"f a oheBiiut, and dtssoWu " it in a gill of ram waters "V "' ' - ?; The part oft the muslin whicir'is to rb8i,fwritfcrl, upon is to Im wet uiih the' preparation, alid dricd ' and glazed with a warm (hi iroii : iuiuicdiatoJy after which 'it . isready M nwrking'. , , '; . ; A little viiiegii' in wliicVa ustyfiaihu'fe, mained for a low dajs, niskcs a mark oil Illicit which is nof; easily obliierBtcd running h hat " commomy raueu iron-inouio. " a' - Piwt. A-jobe That WoliavoHievcr Teard tofd' U,u that ot ail honest M Duiciiiniiti Wlin" was solicited, among other members ol the church, to subscribo tor putting up a ligiituing rod on jho building. Tho uniounl of his objection "was. that: he considered it sacrilegious to interfere 'with hu man means when divinity chose ( "rattlo down the stones of a (emjilo ot worship ! . ' .i" , Strange Incident. The" Buffalo 'Commercial; is exciting no Utile attention there.". It seoiris that sometime Ust surjuner the death ofavourot ladv was announced, tho notice being furnished by her, father, a geullrman of great resiiectability. : It has lately been maue kjiow thai hor hre was insured lor SI 0,090. Th Company refuses to pay the amount on the ground that they aro not satisfied as lo the mode of her deatn. They have sent auts io procure eviuence, una from the testimony they have collected it appears tlmt about the timo of Iho ..II.. 1 ..i t. -i ..... 1 f T ' V"?1 C"y a called death would become a subject of investigation. a ouu aro ijs-uu. IIIO IIlMlirtf P M ton St. Pierre, in his " Study of Nature," says " Tho nations that subsist on vegetable diet are of j all men the handsomest, tho most robust, tho least expesed lo disease and viotuiU passions, and attain tl'tn nrpilK.I li.nrrA., I " ... b.w...v. ,v.,0w..v. " My wife is hard to beat," ns tho gentleman said who. endeavored to chastise his lady, and ...i.i...,i., r., i i.. ...!.- , . ... .. ouu.,. Hi. iuuiiu iiiiouo Biiratt in" unucr tho ueu 1 la """vl " utu . I .. .11 I . .. .- .u "in 1'arnoior 5a!, --ii you sue a man or wo ian, with little or nn occasion, ollen linding ,ult and correcting ono tinotlior in company, you may l,e sure they aro mail and wife," " Uathrr Short. It is stated as a fact that Cant. Tyler had but six and ono fourth cents m Uuclo Sam's htrong box, last Saturday week. Srnt'ition. Innumerable facts serve to convince us that the mind cannot well uttend to two or im.ru sensations at llio sauiu time. "Hold your tongue," mud a Freiiclimini, " you talk so that 1 cannot tasto my hieal." I'ho French ",u" 'S"1 1 1"1 nuuiiiioii to soijiius is nut es Im 0 fu c ' ,. . 11 1 "U T of (Uo Us 0,-i,,ll0 " Credulity A lady, soino timo back. m'a visit to the Uritish Museum, on being told that the ku!l shown to her was that of " Oliver Croimu'll," ob served thai that was strange, us sho had noen an other skull of the usurper in the t)xior I Museum, winch "was much larger. " Ye, umdam,".aid the conductor, " but oiir spe cimen ts that of his sku'l win he was very young. in lurills limr them lor OUhlii-nllnn. Snulhrrn Ait. . I tocate, ' r - r ' "iff i ; 1.. 'r ' f'u ,, : ' i -,T tmiif permanent nwrJtm;M-. Tuko 0" lsj j cents V orth ol iunar caustic, and,' bavins put it in - . , - I t t ) 1 1 " . ' i s s. 7 ii 11 'i a iv hi .1- :- ' ' :. - '' - ' '-. . , '' k ,ti rw T f

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