TIIK PROMISED upFoa.M. The f,i. nvmj i (pi., to iho po if ' of O'liu A in i.lo by i!,o L Cabin li r.t.l," of Cnillicnbi', i lew days previous to lie l ist Presidential dec- From the I. CaKu llt rdi, of 0?hbcr2,l?l(l, TJIE LAST CAM HlVAinti!,iMnii.r,M ..... I d , t ti ... -'-"juiv. vui n imw (iu-rn, o;io an) uii, oui nr ycin, rich or poor, U'higUtJinocrat, Federalist, lfvM-oli.ci, or whatever may be the color of their polities, tn ... 'KKM.EMRER, That on Friday next, it will he (Utcided, so fir a the people j if Oho have a voice in the mutter, whether liii! United Slates will submit to N itiniin! lM'ikrutcy and dishonor, . Individual Distress and Bankruptcy, -A bad currency, or none at nil, A rfua Treasury, nt the control of the President, Interference of O.fico holdors in elections by the people, . D.slionosi Public Agents, ' ' - K ihbry of the old States of the IjblcXands, A National Debt of Ten Millions, -. An Aristocracy of officeholders, A MONARtllY, supported by -, A landing Army, un .UAtu ais ULIU.. in the l'rcsiocn tial chair u or whether we.hail have suJSationat Prosperity nnd Independence, Individual Prosperity, . ., A no id currency and olentv of it. - a- i mm t itnii . a kv n r - Th" National Funds at the Control of the People V Congress, . ' Free enoice in the Public Elections, Honest and capable public agents, . Division of the Public Lands, in a juit ratio, nccor- din In the fopulation ofoH the States," . t Equal Right to all White citizen ? ' ' 111 hurt. RF.PHRUC minnnrffttt' lv '- ' virtuous" and intelligent Peoptpv T Wjth -WM.JIENRY HARRISON m President, -T and the- HONORED - TYLER vf Virginia, hi . Jri(w4restdenf. Fi llfiW t'iliTi'n. lliii nlMirft nr .mf 7,f tlm nninlj :tA the ''1ru -iue?' With principles at sinko so . Mnrwnst'iv important, wnoeon lullr liiiireeim-a-1 t,hooi;yeilten, this day, "whom yo tull wrve C , Vut CountTV 'of A corlgpt Party and Strike for , , Such w,r "some qT the points of the true iseiic"' "prwutireH fey the Federal party every where two . years! NosHet us compare their pcrfurman- - d w tv.t iiiuii in viiiiata . 'rti wttli their iiroihiitti y The election of liarrisnn and Tyler was to save distress M 8 morlr; all classes tharf has been known -J:il jteniyj f nr j and f jiwjviduaj .bankrypjey , in ail quarters tlio'oruer 01 the dtty.l r . Vi1mnr Unry -Harrison jind -110, " honored .TyWr n- wef tlecled to sive tiie Republic Iron .the awful itonnerjuences'bf a Natf until' J)ebrf 10 vmillmiH. Mcordihjj'to tt' late sprech of Mr.. nitty, thfr iatiwar uoi n in neen run up by the w hi ftfofmettf iu a y' ("noit months, lo sixteen imllwas loT id Uars-0 'mnitons jnore lliati was, fntrrd from the ic-cleotion td Mr. Van Uuren ! ThV'jSf'Ople woVe'prort.i'eil honest, capable pub 'lie a6nt. "flow 'has this pledge been redeemed? " By tTie a'ppmitment f such men as iienrge, Pi.in ilfxtc'rj"An"prsjd Milkr.MMr Ridi Juh W. sp'UMib.e pubw 4.IUC A in ii. w liijj tesliinotiy. sban b rdiod orn;lh; man wtim'Hatrim'calld - to vie nrw imicc a hi- ui-"y 11, o iu wnmn hid .. ' l J.I . ..I, .I'.ii..... iv; i.. . .4- n - 1 i the jHimde fmm ilie horrors of " National Hank, . mjttcy. LoilCat trie )reent depfi)rab!o i condition if t'.l'e couuiry ! The Treasury' liankrupt, accord"' Irig to tho -VV hig speeches and reports ; more ik..h;.ri4l "itpf" Wlill rpfclirhi til A(ini':iJinr-7rrwn'iT S" mwwiiin " nnro n, a rd witli all "thc'mult'.plC ifljf villainies of.nafure.1 I Cut, small as it is miserable, conienipli. ' a.U m ebafga'ajtaiiist Mr. - Webster. We I Wer rid cul-us.and laughable as itJ-iU? JtilL .nlv4.!iit MWVVastwtzitw ladepettdrmraitirH' ftiTiTirm ut' ef nrouiinent Clag papers sp. sk the truth about : doctrmo of repudiaiion has been applied to it ! The LimJi wist ireislv the man ,rie.cnhrd in the tariffbili has postponed the payment and that 7rf:tn- nL.ntutrrOTr-o-much: then, lor lie OrlMirrtUwHit askiba llic COIlSm of the ICCClVinff States ut ise to fonomt no man to office except those of ac , feiMVAUVged purity of character 1 RlKlil' UCU J'WIIIJ u J.siwis a j .lor' we were rromo,d .V REPUBLIC, fiumortPii bv a viriuous nna iiu:i.ige;ii iie.ipimi;ii . t XViiliam-H'-nry UarHson as I're-ideot and the ! nry Uttrrin as rrcideot ana mc ; . ' h..i.orfd Tyler-as Vice Piesident. The peo , . ,,..7: .Zw, f h,.t,..Jrv - 1KB "I W ll'la ilJTU . sn'-i uiqivi, iviivvj sis ju7 ... . tliose uronufe. : but we now see. How i lev i ac . . i' .. . I . ..A 1. ........ A V U..II" IKseil lrCHr 11 Hllll m:iliic'ii .1-. Irom WIM lj"IL Win Ill I'l l i.i ita.n i m. iH-itu . c j i cu lo -byt'sober.-Uinking voter of the Uu.ted i ' '! 'y " Pm ? Le Thehardcider would cover the ' the vssty deep," but thev w,i not tome ! " A ' f '"! 1 mvJ drcc- . -Larchrtddr adstb, f,re."-Ly,cUrg t7,,4. 1 " f llie Pl'" And . . u..u. v... , m i when August conies, 'low will it l paid? By fc-..-.-.-..-,.-..;writ'lr.ri,---ri.Tr'T. ' lire Fir.i ijjn'.i.-, svtu-v u. A barrel of hard cider will m given to sny coon- the grat brilicry s:!ieinehacnme: Sl.'iO.OOO to li skin Wti in Cleveland who will p'nnl on the 1 vide uimmi; eiglileert millions of people ; ni monev t :.Mirl llo'iws steps and mg the son ol u Tmpeca- tl'K i;nJ lyier too, wnnui uruiHiu, n'uiriio ir fMRntutf, dunng the posloruiaucc CUrdarul 'fui'idtutr. . i . t .. :.l . J I I.I..-L V Thel'jasts given at the grSt Clay Rarlecue in Kentutky were a very exphrit iiiniifirto c.f the Dodry through which the dictator prno. toi'fiv ins p'rly. IIn almost Mniii'ianeuus i, i iiiili'io . I v Jut!'' IJerneii's ioplJ in (ioorjiia s'icw- lhe Kofl of which Southern Whigs are made, and that their name ot S-.ate Rights is q taji, lucus a twn l-jrend. But what siv lhe S.M,ih iJarolma Nulii w'w, haw. lwed'io what Mr. Preston .u, r.!.niml vmeo of lhe irentleman fro-n Ken ,..l.J" lluvn f tiv vel 'i!'f-rof!fH in IrHinin'f themselves lo " hate a'Htrariioos," until thy are i m:v to embrace, a Hank, DirniiiiTio., a -TARI'-FVew wtrr tiron-tht-rnWTttttTon-n'T'ipliiH' tl!m ' fcirh-jiatiil ind'oeimeiit H Ihj .w .! 1' ji tin ir own s ike und in niii'r' I. in-!,."-, t iliri.i e hoiw luev aro e; it yet "ink ijum- s-i I .w. i o'-ie ar--t ; if v have M nip'orns ne ItiK.k lint sninenl t i' i:i i! nut r''j":ii; d o( th-ir rriinr ii:iinsl S:ate . . ii I li.-J!. I. j t:i-.: ii. n tii" r,i!ili a i i.f i'r o.-ii'il". I."t ! .,t! Il lii'iu r :nv tlli'ir n wrl1' t'ii i t!-e in- back, atn tln-i !-r3i!" i ,!.. n ti tii f i"r "If. " 'f tl,,-t I UTiV t Irinv!,'' w ii cii'i---r nit 1. 1 ni 'ii pails uii- Kill!, v.i h ihrin. II' re nn- t .f hu-'-. Jii' l arill W in i' h!! ii 'kiinle Le lhe iicrrv --.tv 1 l' an tprrea-. !ui t . to mn't t ir rxpr!i f i i s . (Jovermii'-iit, !! is the pa it f ( n'i!in-;.il r.r. tiatlinl that d'nr i, pr:tect:"n h'-rfl" i..iia-rv uln.'li :!otl! ci.suk: the .''rmaticii! pniM ir i"v i i !iie c iiiitry. I ,r !tt:'.i'itt in "' lli'' ; mrcciN '. i'u Public I.atid'. A" t j is!n: t i li.c "i i , whreh, t;.(iii;;'i t.'lv (!-:iiiand ! atul " n n-j-cti.-d, was in-,rd lhe f':."-t in tmT.t the Whic ciimn n.to imwer ; a la :!i 'iiiij'ii-ti'iniiLily j int, ('nn- ,m.m I. urn .tit lllfil.l! n-IA'CI t'l Il'IU'ltl. A Nati'Mial P.jiiI; Indi-qx i.;i' ! i to the saht Jieopmg am! dilmr- im-nt ol the p'lhlic n.veiiue, tu 'the .:irati in .l the pus' If"'" 'he sword, and the restoration of a s und currency. Tlie Whif Mjn' f' Fearless -id I'ldcponderit ''I spirit, r.iij patuutitf in pnnelje. Ri'll, Radjjer, I'win, (Jraupne CritlenJoii FcrtrSes", true, neither.tiie liluiidiUinentsol power, uiir the prospects of a brilliitnt career of prosperous jo!itacy could seduce, tlieiu Irom tho principles Inch elevated them lo office. - ' Irom the Globe, TIIK DISTRIBUTION , ACT. ' This cherished measure of Federal Whijjgcry has now arrived nt a point to display a part of its fruit ; and it is right for the people to pnusn and con. template it, and see what nuinner of fruit it bears. The 1st' of July is just nt hand ; and, by the terms of the act, a half year's income of the land rev nue is payable to the States ; thatis to say, to the few of them who have nnjt Reclined tho miserable ci ft. First, whafHe rhtrornoimt to be distributed I Tins we learn from the late debates In the Senate where tho jross amount of the land sides for the hnlf year elapsed, was ascertained to bo about $400,01)0. From this, all the expenses of the land yetem, and the per eentums to the new .Mates, are to bo deducted, before tho grand distribution l the joldon prize can commence among the Slates. These are ascertained in Senate document No. 50, to bo as follows : 1. Amount of expenses, of surveying the publie lands, and of salaries and expenses of the offi , ces of the Surveyors General, as ascertained and estimated for the year 1811. $202,752; ofwhich take the one half for thi half year . 9101,371 2. Amount of salaries and expenses of ' the Cieneral Land OlTice mr the yeac 1 1841,the sumo! $121,509 jof which . Mko M . ; ; , . v V 00,734 3,, Amount oflncidontal expense paid , t at the land nlliccs. including salaries, J coranitieiotis, and allowances or lh- transportation of tho pubkcWmeys (or three quarter of the year 1941, " thesmn ol $S3,306 j of which lake two thirds lor the half year 0;C50 4. Amount of 0 per centum-for -foads and canals, by the compacts to the hew States, on the gross amount, of thaales, . . , ... 20,000 . . , 8237,755 Tliis makes the sum of $237,755 to be deducted Irom the $100 000, before any distribution under lhe act commences ; consequent! v, the, gross sum ($400,000) is reduced to 8182,245 before the divi. i'm of tho spoil commences, fhis-aeems small enough in all conscience ; but it is lo ha made still stnalioi bdore the beautiful repalition begins. The new Stales are entitled, to a preliminary division among themselves before the grand division among all the family takes dace; and this ten per cent, slices-ofr ilb.33 from theforesaid 8102,245 I leaving the universal. grand aggregate of $15(1,000 . to be then divided equally among twenty six States. tl(ree Territories, and one District of Columbia ! containing a population of eighteen millions ofsouls! This will give to each.,oa,.iC.fairly.-dividel, th -urn nt. I5.1b;hs of a cent I that is to say, divide a cent into eighteen parts, and the happy recipient 1 of the national bounty will receive fifteen of those purls. This will be the dividend by the head ; and, as the division .ought to be fairly made, and as (here are 00 fractional parts of silver small enough to make it, we would suggest a new and piofuso issun n small copper for the occasion ; and-toavoid dilay-rthat the branch mints be allowed to asi in cAining the copper before tho lull for their abulitinn ij gagged through Congress. Thia is tbo amount for dUtribution : S150.000 ! '""d.lh 1st day of Augu-t ; and thus the Slates '';ici had condc.ccnle4 to make provision lor ro ilijj iiiuj;iiiin.viti iuiiiwiio uii iiiv, 1 11 wuj ui vca liurnhucjd, ictinuooipd, ifi,,,,! "V nrui inTMm mi : a u ii utw inmi iHiirii'iii 1 nr ft .. J ...1... s! . 1 I - ri . 1 c' tlie laod money has been -cwd tip, and the . . , -it.! iramirv hs neither wA ft. nor i nli e to borrow it. I to mAe a present of it to the accepting States ! s - : ales' In rdtifdcrTT fioverninent Tilts is tlie complexion lo which i ready ; pay day put off; loan lo be nude, l.y aiiavng fir.vcrnmcnt bonds! and no credit nt home or abroad. Htich is the Hi'te of dutrihu'i in' 'i'othc States wiiich exp-fted great tiling from tht n-.isi rahle attempt to bribe the people with their own m-i'icy, th" result r.rist he mortifying to tiie ' last dc2ree- '' '"! States which have mai'i prnvis icn f r receivinj-the innricv, must feel thcmse!ves . humhussed ; tii') which have refused to reenve it, may fe'l proud that they have tho wisdom arl patriotism to keep out ot mc ri.licutous scraps, i 'I thc:new States m which the public lauds he, a i ' re- i whicrTjuM.firs all the anticipations . fiom this meagre that it was to change the whole I polir-y . .f the Federal Government towards them, and to Ilia1 nmk'- them t,he tenants and vasalsol the old ' Hiat-' This is prov d by the f..rt, that no new ,'u lie ii brought into market s nee the ilis Irii-'iifw-pnTtyTrnt tttio pow?r and none will be hron -l.t in un'ii liiev !'U up all lh old lands, l ede taiisei iiitemls lliat ti.r- old Iniids shall Ik) all loujht 'in nt a t'i I r and n (riirier mi nrre, neturc now hi'ii'.s aie brought into market; and when ne land do cune in, t!i: lords and masters !" the new S.ates hi-dd.'rs on tlie ground .','!itt pus-lilt pri.i; to run up the Und to tho fir which it can h sold. I ,ic( Lu is ;n' now appareiu ; ai,u int tue new S iiii-s sili-inl in tiu'ir rights in tittic. They have in-n aed ri'tu'vi'ioaiimi under lh new cens-is, nnd iit.1 h man slmn'.d b" i-lrc'eil !o Cmigrens lm is ti'it in fuvor of nhohshinn the tyrannical and cor rupt distribution act, and ol wliiu the olds hinds nt L'rnduatcd and reduced pricei. In the menu inn", tho design of lVl.-rnliaiii to iimko Ibi p"o;il hoy all the oi l lai'd- ut 51 "i per acre, can only bo m'.t bv doni as the i)opi) have already dune tlial is, refusing to buy thein. That is a case in which the yaj; cmmol npp'y ! Old land cannot bo ciatnmed into (ho mouths, and thrust down tho liiruats of the people, by the gag rules of Federal win ! People cannot I hi found to buy up all there, fuse hind before Ihcy aro allowed any more fresh land. Federalism nmy think so, hut it is a mis lake. Thev had as well try to make a man rat up i all the bones on Ins plate befiiro ho is allowtaaYauy more meat, as itms try to make the people of the new Ktntes buy up all the refuse laud before they are elliwed lav new. 1 , i.nrrnwin? :il o ncr cern.. nno sciiinj ' t nrt iin.ler nnr ! naAi',',7.'i .Kt. -If tliLto hi any iru'h i tlie report of . Million letter wrili'rn, jt sreini prilmble that Mr. ' Vobster will succeed Mr. Everett in England, seiidtu Mr. F.vorott to France. Rota lion in oflico is the order uf tho day. Lord Ashbur ton gnvo a great dinner parly on Wednosdny eve ning taut. Potentates must imbibe as well as other folks. The. President ol'tne United Slated, the huads ol the Departments, Foreign Ministers, the Com mixNioncrs of tho iiundirv Q iestion, the foreign capitalists now on a visit to Washington and many h'tuter lights wero present. Il is not said whethor "the fun grew fast nnd furious," and it is therefore to be supposed that these potent, grave, and reve rend signcrsdid not unbend ( lie si illness uf their dig mty. It is stated also by the rumor mongers that the North Eastern Boundary question is settled, and that in a low dvys, ' the entire and satisfactory conclusion of the negotiations between this Go vernnieot and that of Ureal liritain will be formally announced." What a set of Paul Prys these Washington letter writers must bo ! poking about in every cranny end corner, Jiko an Aid maid in search of sound l, for some rumor to grace their letters withal. They ought to have motly coata, paintod full of tonguus for livery, and their motto should lie ' , . - " Upon our tongues continued slanders ride, " The wliih iu sumlry letters we indite, " Stulftng tho ears of maa.with false reports." ' .. Philadelphia Cazettr. t .Correspondence of the Standard. ' 1 . ' WAstitsdf o. May 5, 1842. Dear Sib t I hive examined Into the matter of Mr. Herfry's letter to the Secretary of State, and J into the charge of his having received damages 00 a protested (jovernmenl draft for his salary. 1 ho charges that Mr. Henry had collected damage from the Government was a mailer of more weight. ( state, on the authority of the Auditor charged with accounts of thii kind, V thai Lcvii D. Henry line only received from the Giternmenl of the United States the precine compensation it Aid the la'Onllowed'himV ' And I state, on my own bu thority, that the accodut as stptod in the Register, bv lhe writer who signs himsulf " O110 of tho Peo ple," tow, t: "Salary r , . 83,000 "Da maes 300 ," Cost of Protest, &c 4 31 - 85,304 31 " ts false ! Having mada thi examination, as an act ol jus tice to Mr. Henry,' you are at liberty to make what disposition of this letter you see fit. Yours, ' ' ' . HOME PROTECTION. The following communication from the Post is so much 10 the point, the reasoning so good, and 'the language so plain, that we are induced to give it a place hi our columns : .V. 1 . iJru. Mli'R-. EniToBst Perhaps you wouldn't ha gamt titlowmg "man who know nothing at all lbout political economy, if political economy don't mean politicians electing economists lo gu lo Con gress to do every thing else but what they are sent to do, at eight dollars a day,' and to economise by taking ten mouths to do half a day's work, and who knows no more about protection than co iimon sense and the experience of thirty years in contact with manufactures anJ the world nlTofd him ; I sas perhap you would give a person a chance to try and find out, through the columns of your pa per, whai all the row is, that is kicking up just now about tar.fi and ami tarid and protection, and everything else. My e.xpenei.co joes lo liow mo conclusively jnat in the mattet.'jt'..PLQ.leciuia, A as a duty ts pnron goods wtiieff the pirer classes want, that alitwugh so much sympathy is now .exprcnied for j the dear people, that, very moment the price of go'id is nicrcancd by tTie addition of the amount of say 12 J cei.ls a yard for home made calico now, ! tint dulv.uod tint blarney it over as they wdl, it 1 1 ii iil have to pay 1CJ for the same article when ' a 2H ht cent, duty is laid on foreign calico. I 1 ma) M'rhap be able t j tell hmm stories that will 'boot oine service, while I am endeavoring to explore thrs trasineJ. " " Amn honest man, r despise the principle that is n,.t,'",l,,ed to lw up as the siiiiidardjQiha pre tr3r m Tw'T,we"w''' i,ul July duty i on l-.ieign goods to protect our own manufactures, why not as met' come and say so; why go alxuit it m a sly nnd sneaking way? What has been the course taken T Why tins. We'll give away or tke away from the jenernl Government every so'irre of revenue derived fr-un anything within our own bortiers, and has-in; 'lone so, we sh ill have j to put a duty on goods imported Pir i's support, and this duty will k'-ep out foreign giils : for the duty will b- s high that they cannot bs brought here and jmy, and then our own manufactures will flour ish, and all that sort of thing, and then we shall satisfy nil the ililh'ient intep'sts. If I am wrong, plea-') rub what u wrong out in what ! have writ ten ; hut my common senae won't let me come lo . anv other C'tncuiion. I have tried hard, but ex- , perience a well as p-nson confirms me. i I only nslt the attention .f common senc men, I to this in hIo of reasoning, ui.d they will with me, come lo lhe following conclusions, I doubt not. 1st. By lakiug every lumo sourco of revenue from the General Government, no means will be left to carry it oo, without help from sumo other source. I- That is lo bo supplied by a revenue derived from foreign import". 31. Tlin doty on foreign imparls is to be B-i '"Iblgni'BS l'y" preventing importation to encourago oir inaiiulii"t jres. i 4th. Tiie ooestion ari"s. If tho duty is to lie s high s io prevent the introduction of f ireign irr)p:irin, wlifro is the revenue expected to be de rived Irom f irein iuitorls to conic from ? i In rSB wu psii i fill" a frrri'ir this w the maiiuf ictures and those fur whoso benefit thi protective cvslem lias hoeu established, suffer them wdves lo lie taxed to raise a revenue! Won't tlity ki'-.k Hiaiiist direct taxation when asked lo , bt taxed to contmuo protection ? 'itb. flow will poopltt liko mynlf, poor people I mean, be Iienefiited under any circumstances if a duly is imposed on tea, coflee and sugar T What cl-tss is th': duty on t'li-se urticles intendi'd to pro . Ii'i.t ? Is it the H)or T I must c iritiiiiic this, hut I have a hard day's work Mid must nj; nii rcposn to strengthen mo lor iiiintiier. Ii you will favor me with a corner now and Hum, you will cooler a favor on A MAN. j An l!luitration.Tbi Soith complains, thai sho is ui.pistlv and dispioporiionntelv taxed bv Protective Tanfl law. The Northern manufuc- lurers arid monopolist deny Ibis, and awoar that j nothing can tie more equally and equitable than the ; " American system." Tu tssi thi, let it be sup. posed (what Hsaven avert I) that the Union should i be dissolved at Mason and Diton' line, and, that I North end Souths each, should form 'a eparote confederacy, in that cae, would the Northern cotj'edeiaey (: ' !. lish an American system of their own; Would that portion of the country lay protective duties T Why should theyt Proteo livo duties are intended to shut out foreign goods. But England, France, &c, buying little from the Northern confederacy, that confederacy could buy little from llinrn iu" return. So that prolectivo duties would be wholly unnecessary. Would lhe Southern confederacy adopt tho American systom in that cino T Certainly not ; for it would Iw still, as it no is, to the iuterest of it,pcoplu to produce cotton, wheaf, rice and to bacco to sell it for the best price the market of the. world should 'nfTird, and to buy goods at tho lowest price at which they could be procured, it, then, in a stale of disseverance, the opposite sections of the country would neither of them adopt the protective system, and if now in a ctato of, Union, it is tho Northern portion thai clamors most loudly for that system is not the conclusion irresistible', that Hie North wishes lo make uso of the Fedoral Government, to gi ve her portion of the Union, or a separata class there, a monopoly of tho market of the South? In other words, and in plain Englinh, doe nut wish to compel the South tq pay tribute to her. Petersburg Statesman We find the following letter in the Philadelphia North American! Mattert at lV'usAinfon. We have been shown a letter from Washington, which has arrested our attention, both by the surprising nature of its con . Ionia and the credible character of its source. Tho writer states (hat the distribution proviso of the temporary Tariff bill win be vrrotn ; that the pMalsinf '.!! At lvin asKI. In Mirat ntt i lift I blUVIHf VV ("'((g VI UVII H'V w wtstij w Government without en organization for it .sup port, ha decided to cx! to his aid tho " Republi. caos," and furm fsum their forces end those who asiimilato to thorn iff sentiment, a party to sustain lhe administration to be known as the M Repub lican," (Tyler) party. . To effect" this -object, a reorganizstlon of the Cabinet t deemed expedient. Mr. Webster nnd Mr. Spoocer retire; Judge. Upshur goe out as Minister to Franco t Mr. Andrew fitevejisrm, of. Va., is lo be Secretary ofSfale j Mr.' dishing is""" to be Secretary of the Navy, and Gv. Marcy, of New York, is o be Secretary of War. -The wr-'V ter thinks this arrangement will lie atisfactory4to thnso who may rally under the "Republican" (Tyler) atandard 'The reasons for the retirement of Mr. Webster and Mr. Spencer, the writer Gnds in the perplexing -character ol their politico) association, and- not in tlie alleged absence of any personal qualifications tor tho stations whtcn they occupy, towards them individually, ho says, tho Preaident entertain every possible sentiment of rcsjiect, and consentu lo part with them only in compliance with that , necessity which tho crisis iaipoe Mr. Webster -he states, will remain til! h ncgoli-ttion, with Lord 4 Ashhurjon havj"bocn concluded, though his ro signation will hsve been tendered before that time. He ihinks tha separation will not Lo th sourcj- tf sny perianal alienation between the parties, and renders Mr. Webster the ttomagq due to great statesman. ' v " .t v- f- Since the discovery of his new gold mine, Mr. Calhoun receives a good deal of attention rom the Whig editor. It is of no use, genllemou he doesu't wish to buy you. Boston Ppsf. - t , t . - Singular Bankrupt Dtrrlapmrnta, Tlie appti cation for the benefit of the bankrupt law says the New York Herald, are making onasingular ti velnpnniii of l lie sJale of society and moral. In this district probably aboiil -1,7 00 persoflf have, farBttiltaggatebW ijF w Iom will- be 810,000,000 or more, and ihrtr b-s-kms only a beg glary sum of 8a0,0.K) or 100,000, probably oot en much. Some of the applicants show a schedule of 81,000,000 or debts some of 81,000,000, whilo their assets seem lo be only a few old chairs, tallies, or significant jowclry, Ac. ':. i , Great Emigration The New York Amerienn says that letters received fwrn lhaconlincnt-i Luroplfaiinouiice lhe comina of thousands of Ger main lo the United Slatm Ons Imiar inina ili .... . .. . - - -. - - . .i-.i.. ...B. j 111111 mo r.ics uir cmiiiraiioii nerancs ins wiioie uf Germany and Holland. ' The only event thai can possibly prevent the coming of these ma - of eaiigrants, is tlie want of vessels. An immense army of eniiranis are on their march iito France to embark from French ports,. In confirmation of thrs reports, we extract the following Iroro a French paper, .published in Paris', noted fuf tho accuracy uf its statements : Emigration from fermaaff. Whole villages, including the rich ss well as I lie poor, aw emigra ting, says a letter from Mcntz, from Germany to North America. Three of those in Fjper Ucuse Iwive, within a lew months, been entirely abandon id, and severul Rhemsii Prussia are preparing to fiillnw tho example. A short time ago the wliolo population f one of thr-ae village pissed through Muiiia on its way tu America, accompanied by it pa-.tor and schoolmaster. Galignani. fVess fit. Louis Pnpr. MURDERS IN THE CHEROKEE NATION. We have heniiofore noticed a-Mnn dirnculiics be tween different panic in the Cherokee nation, growing out of P uds which, separ iti-d the tribe a fi cars ago. Tho fullowing letter shows th-it thev have been brought to a fatal termination, and there TSTtiu-e-ifl i ippretiehd furiher Tdmidshid V Van Bcar-v, Ark., May 23, lli. I have j.it received too particulars of the Fore man murder. It appears that Ktsnd Walie, with his brdher only, and not with a parly o men, (he not cxjiectins to meet Foreman,- a I nsentinticd irr- etior.) mot wilh Foreman and his friends nccidently, under theno cireumnlances : Stand Walie and his brother were nt England's grocery, when Mr. Foremm and some of his frioinl rame in. Feeing a Imttle of liquor ntand iuimi iho c muter, Mr. Forcinoo said, " Whose hipior f" ' Mine," replied Mr. Watic ; " hnlpymjr. self, Foreman ;" and Watic filled their glasses, Foreman propped the following, lo bo drunk by tie-in as a tonnl : " threes ynu and I tnny lire furrcr V " Stop," says Watic, " I want nome explnnation first. Il is currently reported, nnd believed, that ymi iniirdiircd my brother nud otide, and usinttd in murdering my cousm, (, , ',(fli 1S pon ami Il Midiiiot,) and that you aro carrying nrm's t i kill me." Fay it yotirsnll," said Foreman, with n signifi csnl t.iss of the head. Walio then threw a uln-s 11110 Foreman's fico, and Foreman struch Wntm with a loaded whip, A ecuflle ensued, nnd I'om man stepped forward to pick up a hoard, with which to strike Walie. when Walie drew Ins knifq and etabbed lum in tha hick. Foreman ran round the corner of the house, onil Wane fired a pistol ut hiiii without cfTect. Forcmun exclmmeil " You have not dono it yet ;" but immediately ft' and expired. ' Great excitement prevails on this subject in and nut of the Nation, and many lives will be forfeited before it is finally aoltled. Foroman was much the larger man of tho two, and deserved tu dio long ago for his domon like assassination of tome of the best men that ever lived in tho Cherokee Nation. It is said thai Foreman was ono of the men who assisted in tho assassination of old man Ridge, (the chief of the treaty party,) his son, and DoudinoU Thi affray hnppoiied in Donton county, about 15 or 20 yards from tho line, on Rcatiie's praiiie. Springslon, a friend of Foreman's, w ho was shot ia the same place, t not yet dead. Vera Cm? paper to the Gth instant, received at New Orleans, say that tho Spanish Government will not on any account, recognise tho Texan blockado of lhe Mexican coast. Bocanagrs, the Mexican Minister of Foreign , A flairs, addressed a letter to the lion. Daniel Webster, Secretary of State of the United 8tates under date of May 3lst, in which ho remon. strates in tho name of hi Government, against tbo '; favor shown to citizen of this country who volun. tecrcd lo assist the Texnns, and compl tin bitterly of the inaction of the American Government in (his matter. Such conduct, he asserts, is contrary lo the most sacred rights guaranteed by the law of nations; Ui conclude by hoping that amicable -relation may continue to bo preserved botween the two nations whom nature ha destined to rulo this vast and fertile continent. " Pciuo Lcdoek OrritE, l rmi ADfLpiiiA, Hsturdsv nMiruintr. June 25 I " Duct tiwten Vol tbb, of the New York Courier ana inquirer, ant the'llon. Thomas l. Marshall, cf Kentucky Cut. 'tbb tcovnJtL . ' This" event, so lonrfcxpectcd, took plsee this (Sstur. isj) morning,: at 0 o'clock, on Namwm's Creek, near )lis Pnnslvania and DeNwars lines, about three miles Ioia Warcus Jliok, ana rcsulied In Co!. Webb receive . ingissnfbgofilsi's ball, at the tec jnd fire, in the bsck t psrtof he jetikneolod npiju tho light, is is erito-. neously stated art soma ot tiie re(oru ot the matter. lite nruri jnvo nru'ign inninglou 00 their way to tho place of meeting the afternoon previous, with the intention of fighting -at tliat'-Ume, but the Dumber of people' tvbo wero drawn together by the preparations, rendered necessary thpostponemeat of ' the meeting nntil the following moiniii?. Jn the met a tuna Coloqt-I Webb rassed over into New Jersey n4 returned about 11 1 1 Uie evening, slespmgo bts ct . nagtlt night Mr.1 Wsriihsll, Ins brother, surgeon ajiii oeotid, slept si Marcus Hook tavern, " - - , A little before daylight ids ooxt morning, the phn. cipsls, tiiCir sbcomli, and a hugibcr of genilumio from- -tlinerty, ft tio nail hastened .to the spot, upon bearirg ' a rumor thai the affair to come olf, spposred iipon.,. the groand-rAlmosI- mtnediiWy tVM tlicir arrival' tlie'soeondi tosd'ip for a edinc o position, Soil the ' piece fallhiw among the grass some dsapute arose as which party had wotj; - both svcooi Jotrminoi!ly u- ' fiiacd lo yield. t-r"'- - ' v " -. lrwas selllc-TTfiow c vc'r, 4l3rr7MarIiill r cqiiriting,; his second, Dr. KerrJ ot W.inton,.to yield tlie pnim. This requcit, however, the second declined, Mr. ilar shall llienwith some wsrintli, aclJ,."U.ie it to them, Doctor give it to them.' I Am tiefo to hsve a rtiU i st bim, an4 do riot mrsrt to-te bstknl by trifle."- Mr,- aiorreiu tue spcoijstJi tJoi. vv cou, urity reinieo, w aek yoa U give us nothing Bhj bsl what is oar rijhl." 'tie point wss; j:vtrVv&-,Mariuill jt sired it should - , j ; . -'? I sa to which 61 the vtvUis thoitUr give the word, w hicft u won y ins secooa ol ixm. vWfc . i jJU CuLl, ur.Li ..... . ........ " t ran itaa tuf cbaiCB i posutoa na tue,giving o( (..! . Word, ..... "'niu tmc ,., -- -- 'The prsiiinitiiri tclni tliu ieu!s3, the pricaiptls were oWred to lake llflr fasiti'jrsL whitk 44V-44 WTtfJ it iintn sriJifscni j tiif Mj jn everj icrsmr ' uruwau cucri pmzwz U' ix'l I'wl ai'an; l a Stoutr. to Ss lo sund firmly; with lliO fli'lit Ipr ft-htly advsBciW l-l..:k l..te...t. .U-. .1. I..,. . .. Z .I. f w-.in wi.w'iia., win iitv kL'ih, m' WJriiflj 41,9- - weighiof the lusty. ; . ,,'..'' LiY. Kcrr tiro desired Mr. Morri ll la ress) thf frtv elesot greemctilgfrninf jlw fii Jt w hitlt he. tl's".' Thwclone. the latter retitienun a.kcd iric!isr an . firm tune, l G .-ntlemen, aw yoii realty f Upon wlncli I Mr. Mar-hall answered, No, sir. I am uou" losV t4?,ll'nT torm hort "8J lfcfn and seiftching luok mxn his aotaoiUcUie hikauiw uis iicao anu loetea 11 iigntty irom Imn, wilhont sltcr- I ing litrooti)if,.'Nowsir;,ecotiicd,Vr., "1 J i am reauy. 0 t .1 was nenuctit cool and cot eeiefi. an t svhi ir Mr.- i m roll piyq the furrl io'nrei tlius-ir xjue-twe- tlirc.3r-tT)o icporiswa n-trly simtUtaneous, ts to ir,aiinAll ItuVul Mtlt. muitA . Jk IL... . . .....i .. t... . .I.k .1. a Cotodc) bad nut bd at all. -fhe diseharf was Bfnn thesrm-d one," ( . . . -fi i, A parley wa then be!.fV the rnds.snd the prirt, ciusls not Bsups sstiuficd. urepsfations were n idu fora sccoudexchauje Of hot and" tho weaoon were re losaeo and piscfljl nnt.' r Jisnds. 'luff earn ccrcioo ny wa Uieu'gune throng Irs without altering pnsiimnV and immediately upn Hi srcnd disrharc, Cot Webb wss observed lo -w heel and cUgjs-r, upw wlush lr. rvcrr calico ouk to ut. Utrrsii,- feir, yn-jr friend ts tsihng, why don't yon catch him rii siting , mr a reply, tie stcpca upaoU esiighl i .t tuionct m liissrms. . , ' E)l Th bffl Itsd liken effoct upSn thn'bacit nart t" tha left Mr nt rl Webb. twt. niywirrif.ariMiti!ni. Itiftt fit - was uot UUl, Un Marshall insisted on having snotlicr ' hot, remsrhmg, it the nine lime, that Col. Webb hsi injured him nwre than all ether mun, and, if it were pMsible for bun to stand, he would expect turn apio to ' rusunie his position,' The second and surgeon of th wonnde i msn positively refused to permit this, alkfmg. that ho would be fir-hliiif under crest dissdvanUfii i and this, Wigother nvilh the imerlcreflce of the apecu-. tors, had the elfscl au prevent any furibor1istilitics. The younger brother of Mr. MarsUll, who had aV ring th firing retired somo two or three hundred ysrds irom me party, came up and wss quite vehement ia am tWarsiwtis thai tie rmattor should not proceed farther remarking that m brotticr ougtit not to m n, am that he ought to thank bis Gad that the cmiscqucnccs were not more scrius ttian they were. Col. Webb, while reclining in the arms of his friend?, nil that he had not then, nor had he ever had any un kiad feeling towards Mr. Marshall. This, boworsr, gJM n it Mid In Jlr. M., not wa i milh sumnmw cited to him, tnd the part a let! the ground, with sp-l-arcntly, the name hostile focling with Which Iher met tipon it. . We iindeWand thit tho Wound of. Col. Webb ha severed tho sinews of the leg, and H i siippn,sd cauuo limrnxr" for life, but will not endanger the safe ty of the limb. Tho Colonel arrived st the United S'.ntea llotol about U o'clock this morning, having first hreaklssted at Chrator, and he sppesrs to be eheerfu'i and very little alleelcd by hit encounter.- lie if, how ever, incapable M Blanding without nip)ort. Among the sprctators wero Mr. Crittenden, of Ky Jnsiali Kkndail, Kn., ol Hits city, Mr. Marshall, O" brotlier of the party, ami s number of respectable in" dividual. troin Wsnhmgtoii, Wilmington and I'liiladel iiliia, Aho all bear t.wliiiiony to the coolliejs and de hboratum of the psrticn. Col, Webb's surgeon was quite a younii man from thi? riiy, and the gcntleinaa win attended .Mr. Mitre-nail in, that capacity was Uom Hiltiuiorc or Washington. We could not ascertain die iimnt.'k ol cither. The British appear to be iniikiug immcnar PrrP' aratiim for the proscciitinnof the war in Chin" and India. No leu than r.8,0110 stand of arms has iM-cn forwarded to B jrnbsy, liy way if Alcxondm Olid S l'7

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