v V - DXilDB? IT. O.I Friday, July 8, 1812. Democratic Republican Nomination, . rot oovmroa, 1,01718 D. II E IV It Y, 0 Cumkriani. KEEP IT BEFORE THE rEOPIJL" That lla Whig n Congress are now using eve xy ertionlo lay upon them the following taxes i Oj coarse cotton shirting oC 30 inches wide 100 tier cent. - On the same of a little finer quality 73 per cent.' On coarM clicoi 140 per cent. On flinnoli 87 per cont. ,.;. Oa cut nails 3 conla per pound. Oil wrought nails 4 cents per pound. On Salt 1 0 cents per bualiel of 60 pounds. On iron lj cents per lb. On brown sugar 2 cents per pound. Oa lump sugar 0 cents per pound. And on almost every thing elso of common con sumption under the' suni are these Whigs now lay ing like heavy taxes. ; i ' Farmers of North Carolina ! will you elect for rmir Governor John M. Morehead who ta one of die party in favor of theso taxes or will fou elocl iTiat firm and u'ueompromisirg Domocrat, Louis D. Henry, who is utterly .opposed to these,, and aH o'.hcr rehemes for loading the people with unjust anrbppreM(ve taxation T;,i hnpeuclm'nt of the President of tht Uuited John j(. Botts.'lhe member of Congress Irom the Riehmoud Va. District, has wnltca letter to a Whig 'CoenrtiiitCB in the City of Now York? in wliirli he compares Mr. Tyler to Judas Lcariot undta Pciiedicr jAnulddinnnllX-rPTo,1 'CvptachmttU btfrfrc'CowrcSs. -vThis loo Appears in MJone iq all seriounuess'and is responded b ,iU Tinjts willt decided approbation., Thexriroo Jrf wdithjbc'Presidoofui tT ie impeached fc. hte Tioes "cf The' ji.k and thrfTarilhwis I . , W caly hopo '.this teckless, and politically inainhwi msaBytts, tll bringf rwsrd his articles vt Impeachment, .that Ufti! length to.wWhlhe. iLniutfjnndTarifntes ifb williog w gQin-nhe prrseoulion of Jtff LTyler for daring to oppoew their tdo cthemes fur plundering the people, may be rlearly seen. We ctcll these tyrannical parti mr; O.at th y ro pushing their denunciations I j.nrit the wemul mao ol tbetr choice a little too 1 r.: -lUe luudeiMa Whigs in the country are re 'if i at. ro action in spproatidajjt TT"i t self of Flr Tyler -- begin already ?vwhim t-i St'ii itsolf. 1 iT '-"i' ", imifif&iVtif the (State Deltt. W in. LVir Johnson, a 'hig member fmm Ms rMr.d,'tf about to bring aJtill before Congress for a inning the Stat dt bit amounting to about "two I.iin4ffil tml(ion0f dollar- Whenever Ihe Dom. -witg 'piiffyjcTmriyej. thjfeigpojt.llhftricdei.l VhlfSi(retpfer, they have always denied It most U0iiuin.1y, now,liie thing is openly avowed, and jue..plata.xUQa.fio0l N'dtib Csrolis,"wha do ot owe one dollar of Slate IV., willing blaxed to payan'y part of the debts if Mary bind aud other states that tiavs run them' tclvcstoihe .verge 'of baiiktuptcy by a course dcadlonc-rfein 'U eatravagance T ff not, there h uo cilser way to nvof it butrlo nntte as one man andouijVhiggcry out ai poner, wilh fll its ijo - That this iniquitous eclwmoii about to be pushed forward l.y the Whigs'every where is beyond oouM In reuiisylvatilajud ificw here they are already I jetting op incmoriatoprayingand urging CongreM o swume all the State debts.' riot a single u nig jhper in North Carolina bas yet uttered awurd agviul Ibia scheme, ana as soon as tne eiectioiis are over, we may look to tee them come out for it. r-nouia me nest -gi.niiu vu uom u'ui; vi ii-1 - - 1. . .1... j;- ii. prt in feivoring the measure as another means of creating a neecsnty for a bigh.Tanff, and ;tion. I-t the people of North Carolina beware then and act in time. Ihcy havobecn deceived once by the" cunning arts and promises of Whiggery ; ill (hey bo deceived in like manner again 7 The United Slates Ranlt and Mr. City. In l1-!! when a Bill wa before Congress to re-char- "r the first United States Bank, Mr. Clay took Ml and prominent stand aninat it. He opposed Mich an Institution on tho ground thai it was unconstitutional, and dangerous to liberty. Mr. Clay was then fiesh from the people he ii.fn was a Democrat, but after his visit to Europe, ' came back ntt only a Bank man, but a Tariff, itc and Federalist or Whig. t an it U poskible that any man of intelligence ' w n riiHisly Ik-lievrs that tho cnpla of ' the I HiT'l States will ever okcl Henry Clay their I'n-M b ui 1 Vim when tlieir ey es ste opened lo 'Vn Imrn'.iug nnd deception of Whigpery prnc t " .1 iii tlm list Presidential contest, srd they are ;Kf the ects end schemes of Fcdnralisin cli--puisrd, idoy mI place this man in power, whom 'W have so rlten reiectcd nnd defeated under circumstances much moro favorable lor his clova ti iii ? Tho uullcilj;cd green-horns ntny think so, Iml imone -.ho looks earrfully at the signs of tho limes con believe it. No, Harry of tho West " ill never bo. President over this Republic. 'Fho 'iv (if his public lifo arc numbered. Governor MorchcaA-..hard at it. His Excellency Governor' Mordiead u now in the upper Counties laboring hard to regain hit Iwi popularity. We have conversed with one of his political friends who heard him at Kerner's Cross roads in Stokes County. There were about 150 persons present, ond friond Blum of the Salom Ga sette eays a smart sprinkling" of these 'were " loco focos." His Excellency did not consume much timo on Federal politics ; poor Ogle wa wholly negloctedand not a word was breathed about the "good limes" promised in 1840.... He dwelt very extensively on all the, fino thingi lie has doue for the State since he was elected. The "Swamp Lands' seemed to be the topic on Wcfi-tormtgineTtowilOIrihT people present that he had marched about in these Swamps, for days at a time, half leg deep in mud, scratched by tlio bamboos, and bit by the gallinip pcrs all lor tlio good of the peoplo. He spoke four hourt on a dead stretch to these' 150 men what patient hearers they, were, to be sure I aud then niarchod o(T to Salem, not to make another speech, but to" tarry for the night, and refresh himself for next day.". Ho was eicorted, says the Gazette, by Lawyers Bayden and Lillington and a gentleman by the name of Withers, a Doctor, who it seems is also an Orator. As soon as the Sulem Hand heard of his arrival, they inarched down with fiddle, trumpet, drum and fronch horn, and discharged a fliwrisb of music aC himT IoTthci' management will not save tbem, The people took it in good part, but declined making a speech. Lawyers Hoyden and Lillington and Doctor With. .cts however, paid the "Salem Band" for their muie in good Whig stuff of 1840, to thoir hearte' content. His Excellency next morning travellod 19 I for Surry, whore he no doubt labored hard in his ' vocation, but bis eflorts in Surry as in Stoke nei- tljer converted Democrat, nor quieted the concern ot tne nnigs. nio tucl is, though tbe organs or Whiggery may puff and blow as much as they please about it, His Excellency is not helping himsclf.muclHnr the West, but doubtless feel aw 'ful apprehensions about the 4th of August, and is trying hard to save his kinking cause. No c (Torts of his however can prevail to keep up the " delu ; sion; tbe violated promises the broken pledges the "reckless legislation pfjhc party in power .thoir uiiof incompetency to control the Government, and their outrageous acts, are bearing him and the n hig party in North Carolina, u tbey have ever 1 "where ele, down dowiu -Tbey haw been trkd t by tbe people, end railed they have been weighed ' and found wsnting, and now their days arenum- bcred their hour is. near at hand. Let them prepare to die ia peace 7 "A Regulator." The chiof argument of ihe j Bank men in favor of a great National monopoly ! I is, Ibal it may reufe ".the currency and ei- rTrs, TJT rttT f GovK.no. Do., has fled again,.nd hi. army at United Slates Bank has hud the wholesome effect Chepatcket, his late head quarters, hss dispersed, ef opening the eyes of many who were deceived by Some accounts state that one or two men have been Ibis fallacy. Among others, tbe Bostoa Courier, killed ; though the better opinion is, that the war an acknowledged' Federal paper, and ono of the hu beeB Nodle. f" n regards men, Ut that oldestand abksat of idai'psrry id the country, bas a ouad rePuUi' principle has bsea woundcil. tho booosty to. renounce the idenufLaNatiooalL--- - . o .. . -. 1 w - r'f m r . hu ivwui stiniiiiigui maae in rauaaeipuia prove, that the cireency and the exchanae.Pcan be restored without Ihe agency of exebefuer or an other wnct,. but . little c4d faAiA kn. ti. ,rr ik. i-.i n..i.. ' i .THE DIFFERENCE. Joit M. Mo.cncAo is fori The Tarifl taxes i owns Totton Foctoryr""'"' He t for : , Tds Bankrupt Law; The e Nrtmirar Debt; " " T Giving away the proceed of the public Jands wden 1 tiie Treasury has not a six-pence in it, and mnncy ' haa lo ba borrowed lo carry on tho Govemaient from day Ic day; j For breaking down the Constitution by " restrict j ing that is, abolishing the Veto Poicer; j And for all the other ruiiiou and destructive acts of tho Whig Congress in tho Extra Session. On the other hand : j Loi'ts DfeHcs.jr is deckjediy opposed to litem in letter and spirit. ! He is for : Free trsde and equal right" ; Againsl Tarifl taxes and exclusive monopoly privi leges ; Against the Bankrupt Law, and a National Debt ;! Against Ihe bribcrv Distribution Bill; -Opposed to abolishing ll Veto Power ; Opposed to the now Whig "Pension ytcm" of giving away tho p iblic money to Mrs. Harrison or any body else. In a word : Henry is the man for tho People. Morchtad is tbe man for Ihe inonopoluts. OCT W. hero is the great Whig banner that float cd in our streets over I lie psrade of July 4th, 1940, with its motto of rrotfxrity to the farmer and ' low the " rcry election" of Gen. Harrison, as Mr. Cloy promised in his Hanover speech T Shall we seo it again spiead abroad on tho 4th of August next 1 Let it by all means lie displayed to remind tho peoplo of Rowan of the hard hints of that year, that Whig prosperity " has relieved of tho honest nnd fnithful porfonnnnce of Whig promises, and to stimulate thoin to renewed exertiou and fresh zeal for the party which has done so much lo re lieve tlm distresses f the country, and bring " prosperity," in plenty of money, and high prices, to tho " Farmers and Mechanics." Iron Coffins are now mado in Pittsburg at cheaper rnto than woorlcfl'ones. OCT The Hon. Sampel L. Soutiia.d hie Pre sident pro tern, ot llie Senate, died at Fredericks burg, Va., on the 20th ultimo ; and the Hon. IF. S'. Hastings, member in the House of Representa tive from Mnvhu?cttS died on the same dnv. fT" Bra isn goodd.'fr.lmt HlJfist a letter," the old adar;o. H.iuta mould, since U .was boldly announced in the MYettern Carolinian" that there had been great changes in Rowan coun. ty agaiiul the W big. Rut the time having arrived tor bringing out the candidates, lo I and behold, the Loco have been unable to find men, so ambi tious of the distinction of being beaton, as to start in Uio race. Raleigh Register. 1 . . The " Brag" of the Register ha barked up the wrong tree this time at least, and the bark will end in a bowl about the 4th of August next. He will then find out to his satisfaction, one way if not another, whether there have been any changes such as we announced, or not. The Federal Whig managers of Rowan and Davie are very careful of ibe-inter eats outdo, pepphu they , spare neither time, nor labor in attending to all public matters for them, and in this' way save the people a world of trouble. Four or hve weeks since, by a sort of caucus called for the occasion, thev appointed Whig candidates, and the people have now only to go to the polls and vote for them that is all. But we have heard in Rowan and Davie that there are some, not as thankful as they might be lo the Whig managers (or their services in appointing the candidatos, snd these discontented men have even gone so far as to insinuate that it was all a trick' of the leaders about Salisbury to fix the matter their own way. Be this aa it may however, we suspect that all have taken Ihe matter in their own hands i they have already atarted two candidates of their own sort plain, honest Farsurs and they will have the full number soon, then Jet the Caucus can didatos look ouf.'- , f . (KT The Register baa not heard tho last nor tbe worst of these, "change" yet. Let him be patient if he can, and ho will hear enough yet, and what he will think more than enough Tor Whiggory. Another Veto. ), " '. Mr. Tyler has again had the honesty and bold. oe' to check ttie detigns of the Federal Whig majority in Congress by another. Veto. On Wed neaday the 20th ult.,, be returned the "Little Tariff " Bill, as it . is called, with his objections, strongly and ably expressed. The Whiggery were of course thrown into a most violent rage at this repetition of audacity agauist their sovereign will They pour torrent of furious invective on the devoted head of their Prcaidcnt, and -threaten terrible things. , Tbe Veto has again defeated a Whig scheme, and preserved the Compromise Act. Mr. Clay will be more furious than ever against it. ' J We wiirglve the Message next week and have more to say about it. RHODE ISLAND T. r ., - lh. 90lK ., . ... . ... . ... . ,tnmt ,,m R. ... . i IIDnDTInvupun m i r i- . . .. B AccrJing to the bill passed by Congress lh. GMe to ;n,',Ied h ber of repre.en mm mm 10 e.acn P""7 luron. e give, also, tbe number of repre-enta. 1 I . at aval Ufdlh AftrK nntV K aV I ha lrmm n.l ' iiM aarKitf-K nnrK nntar I llfe Taii.ss vhvu nvn hum I will be seen : iiv irqi nnu bUI11 New Bill 7 4 "10 ' 2 4 ... A 31 Now has. b 0 ' i " Maine, New llimp-iliire, "Massachusetts,""""' Kliode Ulind, y (Jonnecticutt, ' Vermont,.,.. ... 0 -J. 1 " ! .18 31 in l,,e tN'ew EncUnd, or detern Sutes, 7 lots. New York, 84 40 0 2S 1 73 04 New Jersey, ft Pennsylvania, 24 Delaware, 1 61 in the Middle Sutes, Msryland, 0 Virginis, .ri Not lh Carotins, t) South Carotins, 7 Georgia, 8 Alabama, 7 Mississippi, 4 Louisiana, 4 11 less. 8 . 21 13 It 0 5 ; "0 70 CO I in the Southern States, 10 loss. I Tennessee, 11 13 Kentucky, 10 13 1 Ohio, ill 10 Indians, 10 7 j ' Illinois, 7 3 Missouri,' 5 2 Alksnsas, 1 Michigan, 3 1 i us f,a 1 no 9 giin to the Western State. Eastern Huiie to li-o 81 Hid ;W Middle io do (14 75 - Southern dn do ' AO 70 Western do do (58 0j ?3 242 2 J3 . General loss, 19 The following Stales lose : Maine, Masncliiiselt, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, Maryland, North Csrolins, (ieorgis, 1 Connecticut, 1 Now York, 1 Pennsylvania, 2 Virginia, 4 ' Fouth Carolina, 1 Tennessee, 3 Kentucky, 3 In The following States gain : Alabama, 2 Mississippi, 1 2 4 2 Iauisiana, Indiana, Missouri, 1 3 3 Ohio, Illinois Michigan, 19 gain. Net loss. 19 The following States remain ss they were : Rhode istanu, I'etswsre, Arkansas. Dinner to Mr. Calhoun Tl Democrat f I thiscounty, aided by those of the adjoining counties, I have tendered to tins uuliiimiuticd atule-tnaii a public entnrtuinment to be given him on bis return I on from Wailungton City, alter the adjournment ol the present Session of Congress, which, it Oi'Iorils us pleasure to state, he has accepted. Tlio day on Ices, which the lestival will take place will bo made public, aa soon aside time of adjournment is escor tained. Our citizans iu this section of the State are making every eflorl to render the enlertiauinrnl worthy of the great Senator ond Statesman, and of the cause which lie so ablv espouse. M.nv nilmr dislinguitihed Democrat will, it i understood and believed, honor ihe festive occasion with tdnirnre, aence. It is to be. we Irani, a trolv DtmnrrditAxa fcttivallhts people of both parties nio to be invited. H'lirreUyii fiV. C.) Ri dotIh: - ' - or ....... . I Old Liro.-We undorstand ih. IVm,,.i. nf T.innnln have out llin fcilluwinn l.rlf f, ili Legislature t senate, Ikomai Ward, lUn, Com , acre. HWry W. MonLy, ia,..d0. ir.Munrf,ia,.-ilefAe.W ' . f ' . g mons, . Killian, JiftTWKMfi. Rhode liland. The news, tboucli full of bubble and bluster, the gleam of arms and clatter of rhetoric, is on Ide whole indicative of Quiet settle men! of the quarrel. TLo Legiilature bnve re moved from Newport to Providence the millilia of the Siota have been called out and Martial Law ' proclaimed but then Ihe General Assembly have also passed a law for calling a Convention to frame a Constitution, which contains two provisions that ought to, and we believe will, satisfy the great ledy of the suffrage party. The lirst proVttion. is Uiat tbedclestttes 'sllU chownbythotownsKoord , ing to their populatioiuwl ihesecond is thai all naJ r. r . . . . " tive mala citizensot the United states, of lena see .T ....... . ' " ' I and who 'lara resided w the State. three jrearsTex- CPt Indiansnvic... pfupersaud tool.) shall be a J Delegates of ilia Convention. Tim Providence Exjreu, Ihe tJuOrsgo organ, speaks ot ,u-.. i . . .r ;T ..m i- i;.r.f..... ! Ibis law cstlv deorecates all violence. The LJ and earnci will find Ihe news in all its horror, in our extracts r, .h p,niHnr ckrn.irU !i'kn.r..,. u.. w i " y- - , ""'to North Easter Boundary Question. letter from Wsithiogton, published in tho New York express, says - Commissioners from Maine and Massachusetts will to day receive the project for the settlement of the North Easter Boundary Question. What the terms proposed' will be the Commissioners them- selves have not conjectured. Ihe terms will be alness, faiUAIIy discharged the duties of that hond. secret lo all but the parties concerned until some rable station. . thing definite be agreed upon. from lAe Providence Evening Chronicle, of June 25. .RHO DB.L3.L.AJ4 D. 1 It is Impossible to convey to the distant readej the precise sfate of affuir to day, and what course thing may take Uelore night. All is excitement, still tbe authorities are moving with energy and decision, and a system soeras to pervade, all their movemenis. The community place full reliance in Ihe skill and wisdorn o those to whom are entrust- ed Ihe management of the arduous and responsible i . .. r autie devolving upon tnem. The past night passed off otiic'-y in the ity a strong guard were on duty and vidcttea were sta' locod on the outskirts. , 1 bo General Assembly ai!journoda V Jiewport resterdsyrtffuerTulTiis city, this day, at JO o'clock, A. M. : 1 j 1 1 The General Assombry ' have utboruxd the Governor to declare Mamal Iaw, when in hi opinion, necessary. .' v ' Business is partially sii.penr!od, and (he alarming state of things absorbs all thought and action. " The enemy to Ihe number of 700 ire entrenching inviiisuiTca vii iiwu ..in, iicj'aivuci. - i ney ! have about 10 cannon and plenty of arms and ; ammunition. Mr. Dorr is expected to reach the j encampment-t Hie-dayT' h Is " plan ""61 ""ope r at musi whether offensive or defensive, lias not been devel oped. Neither aro we advisod of Ida course our .St4!o aulboi4s intend to ponnie; irnd -v. tint (itJlis; :i . : :.. l. . . .1: i i i ii any, arc uiaiuriug in uiuer in umtoage mm. We have all confidence in their ability and deter mination lo sustain the honor and dignity of ihe Slate. 13 O'clock. Mr. Dorr arrived at tiie encampment, at ( lie- pntchct, this morning at 2 o'clock. Fevernl families are leafing the city, it is our opinion the city is ttie safest place for sM?urity. The number of Military by evening will probably muster in this city, about twenty tivo hundred, with muskets, 'pistols, aod various other warlike instruments. They arc composed of merchant, farmors, mechanics, laborers, cVc , dtc. j Tho following communication signed by Djtee J. Pearce and othera in Newport, who have taken nti activo pari in favor of the suflVoo cause, will bo found iu the Newport Mercury of to day. " We were at the time, opposeJ to the hostile movements recently mado in tins State, and some of ua labored hard lo prevent them. We arc now opposed to every movement of the kind, and are v. tiling to do all that now will be required of u to suppress them. " Tbe late Act of the Legislature, pro. !ing for calling a Convention of the people of tho State, meets in most of it provisions our cordial appro, bation, and taken as a whole, will receive our s ip. port we bono our political ft tends will give it their. " We who wcro members of tho Legislator un der the Peoples' Constitution, lung since relin quished all idea of ever again taking mr srn's Hherriu. Wilms 01 us navu mado public uvowals of our determination upon this subject ; and all of us believe, that under existing circumstances, it would bo bad policy, if not the height of folly for that body to attempt Beam to organue." It w. ill Iw. I.v l-r.MsUmi. nrn..n.vi;n... another column, that Martial Liw das been de.j clnrcd in (do Citv nnd Slate. 1 From t; Providence Exprrss (Sufiaje Organ) of. Saturday. From ChriHttehit. From the latest account re ceived up to last evening, wo learn that the armed men who hud quartered at Woonmcket, had ovac. uated that place, and joined the forcea encamped at Chcpatchet, the whulo number of which encamp, ed, composed entirely of Rhode Island men, with out a single man from any other Slate, was esti mated at abnul seven hundred, and waa rapidly augmenting. Great excitement prevailed in both these villages, and in the intervening and surround ing country, secular business was entirely suspend ed, and persons ol' the most pacific habits bad a sumed tbe arms and habiliments of war. Tbe warlike mustering of soMiors, the gleam of arms, and the notes ot martial music, had effected the peaceable citizens of those regions with deep soli eitude and apprehension for their own immediate safety, and for the direful consequences which my enwie. , ";' it was staieu mai uov. vorr was ai iwvucii Thursday evening, and that he has since arrived ai or in trie vicinity oi tne -encampment, nut, ni. though it is improbable ho i present with the for yet it i not certain, so lur as we can learn. nor are we in any way mnae acquainted witti m intentions or with the intended movements or the srmcd forces collected at that place. Wagon, loads of muskets have been carried from'Woon. socket, and WHgon loads of .provisious from this place to the Chepatchct camp. Un tlio other hand, Uov. King lias issued urdora the military throughout the State, to be ready march at a moment's warninr.anda luree force w"'l be soon arrayed lo defeud the city if attacked. to march to Chepatchct h n offensive attitude. fha nnif iin t.f riilf.efimnmftitv i tuvMi.linrlu A', reu' m,,n won"'0 ,,u ?umna la P'"iui suspense and apprehension, oiany are loaving the city and many inure are aending away VLT'l?,' fT'VW' f"U cauM of ih slate of things, t we j,avo ,m6 fof rurlher remarks. DEATH OF ML SOUTHARD. We regret to announce the doath of this dis tmguislicd geotlomsn. He died Sunday morning Usi, at tbe residence or James V. Harrow, h(i.. of Fredericksburg. His remains were cenveyed to Naihington city for burial, where the usunl ceremonies in the performance of that last sad office were to lake place yesterday. - ' Tbe National Intelligencer, noticing tho event. . L i.r ' . , Z i r V ' , n a , ,he rel,,,. of Son, Husband and r lDor n 8 ll M.P krAAllij.il. km m itifin h Attar .ninvl ' - .--, tliM l.nrH. .anm.llnn ' nil. km aluliliaa ra Iwiat .b..-. , - - whJ elele;-,,'" J IUIIOW vulsella UGCUETOICiy ID CHU mill. 1 " l'" w, wr D0U"W M "T. . Y, H must bave beeiw generally ibouehl lo ba much e,der y1n (,or 1u .t?u"t7) did ! ,,ai, k..k T .P"10"0". ' "7. repuiauott br'"g " t)w puUic council l was chosen be Chief Justice of his own State as United Stataa in tda vr 1821 r and in tli 162a he was appointed bV President Monroololhe highly responsible post ol Siicrefary of Uie Nary, tne duties of which office, be discharged with- pre. eminont ability up to the close of (ho administra. lion of Mr. Adam. Iu the yesr 1833 he sg iin took his scat aa a Senator from bis native Si.ite, and ever since, tin lo Ihe moment of his last ill. The LMiianm Sueur Crop Tho New Orleans Be of the lOlh Juno, says t u A species of worm CaUccJ h loarer, has muiuappearamOQ some- lna ',Rnr plantations in tbe interior, and done m,,cn damage to Ihe cropa. I hey lro a hole in nca" 01 in9 Pian, ",,u ewroJ ncy pass from ulk ,0 e)tlk,- intil they level whole acre. urccB .rPlo,? nna ppcsr nuacnoa to nign Rroun(Js M cane iq. the low landa escape Iheir "S" Lynchburg Republicag. ...... -- :"- r " - r ' if i . tu. n . i i . n.i iuunn. iun .-ui ma iuin 5 1 mr u 00 improvement to notice In the monetary afl.iirs of tho city." The Banks had Mot made the necessary arrangements to receive eactf Mteji LrspejrAExcbange- wasexceedingrj-tmset-'' Hod, and the rates siiH leading downwards Sixty day bills on Near York bad been sold as low st.4 rr3mt.4feoat. xtitoiling luJUbad ssJJ for 0 a premium. ; ,; .' . , ' Tram tht Raleigh Register. BISHOP IVEiT APIOLNTME.NTS FOR THE ' SUMMER. From 30th July to ljlth Anguet, in Rowan, Davio end Surry Counties, as msy be desirsd by the Mission trr. Uie Rev. Mr. lis via -13th Sundiv after Trinily, Rockingdam county. I4ih Sunday after Trinity, and three days previous, St. Matthew's, Hilltboro'. August 2l)lh, St Alary JOraoaw eouaty. - - Scuteuiber 1st. Salem L'hiDel Estate ol' Judrra Csmt. ..a , roo ana air. tSHnnenan, From 8d to 20th inclusive. St James. SL Stephen's. Su John's, and church ol the Holy innocent, Cirsu. villo county, as the Rector, the Rev. Mr. 1'ayrir and the Rev. Mr. Chapman, may determine. I8t h Kundiy after Trinity, Emanuel Church, War renton. 19th Sunday after Trinity, Lmiisbnre,' Fraoklin Co. 20ld Sunday after Trinity, Chapel Hill. .. MARRIED, In Concord, N. C, on tbe 21st ulL, by the Rev. Jos. E. Morrison, Mr. WMiam F. Taylor, iormerly ot Pe tersburg, Va., to Mia Eleanor M. AUemong, of Con cord. DIED, In this County, on tbe 29th ult, Mr. Jvi Gheen, e?ed about Xt yoara, loaving a wife, scial children, and a large circle ot rslauve to mourn hi lo.-Com. locksViWo- Mc Academy. I ypim exercisesof thn M.iclrsviUe M.le AcaJemy will - he rc-openeJ on Mondny, tho lltb of July, on tho following terms, f"i. . :) For I-stm aJ Greek. , . . . $15 00 I Alnbr, liximetry, Surveying, c, . l. (o '.i!"siMirsmaisr, ucograpny, Arunmct.c, c 10 to 1 I I, D. CLEGG, Principal. It Mocks ills, July 1, Yl I OR SALE. SCRIUL'R of. on chenpterms, Cloe Car- 2 pair of excel bl iu a I c It tuc sun fcrs for sale a fi;o new rinse ami lent services llorsee. JOHN I. SI A VCR. tf April 22, 1942 Candidates lor ShcrUI. (KT Col. R. VV. lana is s candidate tor rc-c-lcction to the otMce of Sheriff of Rowan County. OCT llrxcsuH Tcassa, Eq., w a candidstctor the office of Sheriff of Rowan County. (Kjr Wears revested to announce Mr. It. K Ron. sais, s a Candiduto for Sheriff of Datidrun IVunieat the n;xt election, wl i -? fkjSsJyX - ' i ..,5H?v-g&- , t I ;'-- ' ' ? ' '. '- : . 'V l v:.i-i' , , ' " " Vi .' ' : K i s . t 1 t 1 i - t 1

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