r ( ii i il . i i'.ii ; K f V. if .1! i 1 t i h it . , 3 f' I ii.i-,; I' 1 1.1.1 IU 'ft i-iJjt.um.i. - jbj.i... AT SALISBURY, JULY 15, 112; 6 iCJ 3) 4, 31) a 35 25 a ll)al2JOats, 18 a 20 18 a 25 acoru Brntidy, (peach) . Do apple) Butter, Beeswax, B"gRing, Bale Rope,' Cotton, (clean) Corn, -Coffee, Flour, 4 M) 1 5 00 Feathers, Itt I 87 Flaxseed, 7.) a 80 i'Jron, J I-ard, Mulntff.es, Nails, 4J 1 7 6 a 10 5(1 I 02) 8a 0 15 a IH 4a 4 124 10 a 12A Do (loaf,) 19 a 20 Salt, (bui) 1 25 i 1 50 Do (sack) 3 10 a 1 uu Steel, (Winter1) 10 a ' Do (cant a oO Tallow, 121 Whiskey, - 25 1 Pork, Rico, (quart) 10 a 12 Sugar, (brown) o a 3035 14 a la AT CilERAW, S. O, JUNE 29, 1312 BecT, (scarce) . Bacon, Butter, Beeswax, Bulging, ' Bale Rope, Coffee, . "Cotton, Corn, (carcc) 3 5a 8 124 a 15 22 a 25 20 a 25 10 a 12 121 a 15 fa ' 50 a 021 Flour, Feathers,. Lard, (scarce) MuIusboh, Oats, Rice, (100 lbs) Sugar, ftS Salt, (sack) Do (bushel) 500a$T)J 7 a 00 7a S ft') a 40 7 4(1 4ai 1(1 a 13 2 75 feTJ a 1 AT CAMDEN, S. C JUNE 6, 1812, r.ecr, Bacon, Butter, Beeswax, Bagging, Bale Rope, Cuffcc, l -L 4a 0 lia 0 15 a H li a 20 11 a 15 Cotton, Cum, " Flour, Feather, 4!LUd,,., 12y. Molassee, Oats, la8 50 700 P.7 a 40 10 a 12 Ma-40 45 a M risosPiiCTi s - or tiu Congressional Qlobe and Appendix. 1 piIESE works hsvo now tecnpublislicd by us for A ten consecutive tensions of Congress. Commen cing with tlio seiaion of 1532-3. They Lave had euch H ide ciicqlaiion, and have been so universally approved and sough alter by the pnblie, that we deem jt neccs nary only fa this Prospectus to say that they will be continued at the next session of Congress, and to state, succinctly, their contents, the form in w hich they will ba printed, and the prices for them. The Congressional Globe is made sip tf tlio daily proceedings of the two Houses of Congress. The epches of the members aro abridged, or condensed, to bring them into a reasonable, or readable length. All the resolution j offered, or motions made, are given al lunzth, in the mover's own words; and the yen and usys on alf the important elocutions. It is priuicd with small type brevier and nonpareilon a double royal Kheet, in quarto form, each number containing 10 royal uarto pages. It is priutcd as fast m the business done in Congress lurnilies matter .enough for a number usually one uuuibcr, but son.ctimes two nomberN a week. We have invariably printed more jnimber than lucre were weeks in a aeanon. 1 n approacmng COli ,. J anted,. ;. "THRFK or four families to work at the Sulinbury Faoi'iiV none but thoen who can coma well re commended for induriry, ami sobriety, need apply.. J. RHODES BROWNE, Ag'L Salisbury, June 3, 1812. tf IJirOKTAVr WOICK! KOW III Tilt LOUKSt orpUBLtCATIOR. A DICTIONARY OF Arts, Jllunufaclurci'awi Mines, CONTAIMNO A CLEAR EXrONITIOR Or Till IB 1'IUM II'I FS AND FRACTICKS. By ABy Uai, AL.ILJlif. S. M. U. .S. M. A. S. . Lonl, Mem. Acad. JV. S. PMSTTIC . Uerm. Jlunov., Mitlti, J-c. cj-c. cjc. ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE THOUSAND'TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-ONE ENO RAVINGS. 'lIIIS is unqucMionably the most popular work of the ' I kind fver publithed, and a book mont sdmitably adapted to the wants oi all clamrs ol the comiiiunity. Tho folhiwin are. the Important objects which tho learned author endeavors to accbinplich : 1st. To inatruct the Manulbcturer, Metallurgist and . Tradcsmaa in the principle of their refpective pro cewps. so as to render them, in reality. Hie maulers of their biiHiiiem ; snd, to emancipate thnn from a statu of bondage to such. t aro too cumiuouly governed by blind prejudice and a vicious routine. 2udiy. 'J'u atford Merchants, Broken, Dr) "Iters, Drujigsts, t nd otlicei1 4f tue, Uuveiiuc, characterkitic descriptions of liie conunodilies which "pM through their bands. " " . Urdly. By exhibiting some of the finest developments of Chemihlry and Physics, to lay open an excellent practical school to Ktudcuta of these kindred sciences; 4thly. To toach Cipiulita, who rney be desirous of plasiug their funds in some pruductivd branch ol indus try, to select, judiciously, among plausible claimants. 5thly. Tottnablo gentlemen of the Law to become well acijtia i nted Willi the nature of those pa tent schemes, which aro eo apt to pivo rise to litigation. tithly. To present to IfC'blators such clear exposi tion of the staple msnufvetures, as may dissuade thein froiri enacting Uw which obstruct Industry, or chcrtMli ono branch of It to tho injury ol many others. And lastly, to givo the general reader, Intrnt cliitfly oh Intellectual Cultivation, views of aany of tho no blentachievint'iitsnf Science, in vfTcctiug' thore grand translormatkiiM ol matter to which Great JQrilajn and the United iStOuii owa their permanent wcilth, rank and power among tho nations of (lit' canh. .' The latest statistics of every important object of Manufacture aroRiu n fnnn the best, and jriually from ofliuial authority at the end of each article. Tim work will be printed flow the 2d London Eci- . tion, w hich sells for $12 a copy. It w,(1.l he put on i-khI paper, in new brciicr type, and willriioke aboul 1 l(M Sv pigcit. It will be issued it twenty-cne serfti mciitlily ouuibcrs, in cover, at 25 cents each, payable on delivery. . .: ' i 05 To any person scndirV us five dollars stono nmc in auvaiice, wo win ror post paid, as soon Ifl will forward the numbers by mail, is they come from the pres.'. ,orroroftgrs. thi.aRord. a rare o onortimi'v. luonun. U eo.suDscrinersniayexpccAoe . 9 es Dllt t,7 wWto linTTJnr-ufeff- lavorablo. In every innufcturing town, and every villttgo throughout the United butes and Canada sub scribers may bo obtained with tho preatent farility. Address, post par, D. Appluton & Co., 2(K) Broad way. New Yoii , To crcrj editor who givea this advertuemcnt co- tiro 12 :raierUins, we will forward, in order, ono copy of the whole work, provided the per containing this no'ice b s"n to the New York Watchman, N. York. March 11. ISli 40 numbers, which, together, will make between . and 000 royal quarto page The Appendix is iude tip of the Frwidevt's ear ' rual mcauge, the reporu of the principal officers id the Government Uiaiccompany it, and all the lonf - . - i-peeches of members of CongresJ, writlcti out or re '., ied by themselves ItTi printed in tlie rame form ss '" -'- the Congressional Globe, and usually mikes about the . Miue number of pages. Heretofore, on accouot of the , 1 rt speeches being to numerous and so lonjr, wo hav n.l cnmtiluted the Anoondix until or.o r r two month i .:.. . . ...... . . alter the close ol tne resswn ; em, in n,wrc i-..u ni rr,XAI,Y r snTfj MANirACTi nts iV m.n. 'U .. . Jo print the spcef he as fjfct as tlicyshall.be piepereJ.j I, -r ,WUEu.llalnlW.ir.u.. - ''rnilE.J.I.L.J. . . . . i ,'asL tiint trie nn ntirt .tA f , il.a . ' i . a. a i . ... . - . . Lach of thco worU. 19 cwip.cto in 'fr'UVKWk .nd right el Mr. tStmnu, in this work, cd -Wfimmtp.ka - suWriher ttr'l'""r'1'"! will continue pnbliculwn every lorlu.3ht Oil io,- knowledge ofMI.e prncet, dings, o t ' ' J'" ! pIrtrd.-liliior...lI plft.e notice the ctangn m the . both ; U-ceuse. then, if there should ho any auiJiguty , ,dvcr,,wtnt!ll,f The Urms mM u ,d,R.rej",0 in , w t hn :un. ,tisiiBi iti iiiF rvprcii. or b y tnni m n v- i . , . . , r::."".:' "r. :z:y: r.i.,w.. t. ridiitna, as )uuii"i-u u v.k.,. , . j ((j ren-ior ma return toth Appendix lo re the r' eifl. a length, corrected by the member himself. i . Now, there w no source but the Conrrwionvl f iluU . and Appendix, from which a ferionran obtain a full, "liiiihiry of the procfe-.liiigs of Congress. (ii.i. aurtV HuTOii'a Register f Debatef. wbxli c .:,!aimd a his- li ha hfpn imnrinl(l fur ihrcc i't tour ('rs. It'' I'lea- aJdrrsis the Hurnci.bcrn. 1). A'M'LKTON & CO, 200, llrxit',j, .V. J". S " p it ( f v i: c t u or the T11U CtllCOUA, OS 1120231103 CP T23 GOUTS- UNDER this iitlo, tho Subocribers propose publishing in the City of Chsrlekton a Weekly Pai-m, to be d..v.ted to LITERATURE. SCIENCE, the ARTS, MECHANICS, AGRICULTURE, EDUCATION, and GENERAL INTELLlGKNCE-in a word, to what ever may imparl instruction or afford amusement to each class, profession or calling of our peoplo. In pol itics and religion, 7Ae C'Airors will occupy strictly neutral ground ; yet lufllcicnt attention will be paid to both, to onnble tho reader lo learn how prospers the religious and political condition of the country. A papoj derotrd to the purposes above stated, has long "been 'i'fcsVrrutiiirfctnttr't!irtht''iDd..it.ja.-Jto moot ibiMhat '7i tAicora is now proposed to be issued. The Snbi-cribeis sre aware their promises may appear too confident, after the repeated failure of Southern periodicals; but Ihey beg leove lo asy, that so complete are the arrangements they have madeso cxtensivo the correspondence they have secured so valuable the aid, both oi Northern and Southern talent they have tnlisted that with the kindly leclings and liberal patronago ol the South, they have no fears for tl,0,"jlL , , . . Tns Literary Department of the CmcosA will be supplied with articles ol rare and auhetantial merit, with reviews and critiques of all the ucw works oi the doy, and with original tales, sketches, works of fiction, biographies and poetry from the pens of several ol the moot gifted authors, both of the North and South. The Aciem"iicind Mechanical Department will be enriched with essays and illustration from iudividusls high in public cstimatioo, as thoroughly practical men, wLrh. iDOPthnr. with i ti Arriculfural cotnmunicaUous Iroadv acctind to ihiy nobcr Irom various portions of the country, will form a compendium of useful instruc tion invaluable to the artiban snd planter. In this Department of (ieneral iUicUigtnte, the subscribers believe the Cmioba will lake stand winch will not be surpassed by any Journal of the Union. As oue ol the subscribers will make it bis constant business to visit every section of our country ; and through means of sn extensive acquaintance al ready peteesked in the cities of our sea-board and tho Wet, weekly correspondence will be established with Boston, New. York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington, Cmciunati and N,ew-Orleha, through which will be obtained, not only the earliest information in regard to all foreign ana domestic matters of impor tance, Prices current of Southern products and mo netary affairs of moment in the different States, but alco (lie opinion ol judicious men ;n r gard to Corn meicial prcn-pectf, and matter of in economical, civil, and political character. " Nor, line?' ; v' A little folly now and then. Is relished by the wisest men, do liiey intend to exclude those lighter articles of in formation, familiarly designated the chit chat of the day, w hich, while the may serve to amuse a weary or hstlcfs hour, hive it the tame time the higher effect of scrrasmting us with the character and customs ot our Northern and Western neighburr,and connecting more closely the bonds of unity between us. Feeling arvnied then, of their ability to meet the wumesot llio Southern community, ana to esuniisn a fo4h-ii)a4ppjoved,aif!;ful andpopular plan, and hereby pletlginz themselves tliat no exertion shall be wanting on their part, not only must fully lo redeem, but even to exceed the promises they make,. they ro- tpecttully solicit the patronsge of the good people of bootn Carolina ioi her sister Diatea. The Chic-obi will be printed on an imperial sheet of to very bot paper aid type, and shall be embcllnhed with Krt rails ol our diftinguiihed men, and views il lustrative of oar scenery. The price will be $5 per annum, payable upon tho delivery ot tho finrt number. R. 8. DODGE, N. II. CARROLL July 1.J5M ', 'IIIE Subscriber having determined on removing to I A Hie South, wishes to Uisuoso of his vslusble Plsn- lotion, lying within three miles of Salisbury, on the j Sukd road leading to Mr. Locke's bridge snd to Ix- I my'oii. Aalcinand llaleigh, &'C.; it is the same formerly jo-.tiHil by William II. Slaughter, Em)., ad it is pre I , iuicJ generally well known. The track contains 20O AIVH, Slalo o? I3o-Vi CatoVma, DAVIDSON COljiNTY. L EQUITY, Daniel Dclup, . vi . ' Thomas Stuart, William Stuart, Sarah Stuart, Daniel Stuart, Peggy Stuart, and Lcvina Stuart. It appearing to the salif!iction of tho Court that Daniel Stuart, Peggy Stuart, and Lcvina Stuart, De fendants in this case live beyond the limits of this State, It is, therefore, ordered that publication be made i for six successive weeks in the Western Carolinion for said Defendants to appear and answer at the next terra of this Court, to be held for the County of Duvidson at the Court-House in Lexington, on the 1st Monday after the 4lh Monday in September next, or Judgment pro cou feseo will be entered as to theni. Witness, W. Worajck, Clerk snd Master of said Court at Office the 1st Monday after Ibe 4th Monday in March, 1912. ' v W. WOMACK, C. M E. May 27, 194-i-6w. Primer's lee 5 50. 8 lil8H13 UY V CT Ott. rpilIS entsblithmcnl Is now In complete operation. . L The Company are manufacturing Cotton Yam, Sheeting, Shirting and Osiiaburg, 0f a superior qualiti, which they offer to the public at the lowest market prices. Merchants ind others who will examine qual ities, and compare prices, will find it to their intcrut to purchase. J. RHODES BROWNE, Ag't Salisbury, June 3, 1842. U THE FAMILY ftEVrAIi:iT. THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY COURIER. WITH 1HS LAKOESr CIRCULATIOM I! TUE WOII.D ! f The publibhc'rs of this old establudicd and universally popular Family Journal, would deem it tuperogatory to say a word in commendation of its psst or present excel lence aud usefulness. Its unrivalled snd increasing circulation, (over 35,000.) is its best recommendation. For the future, however, a determination to be riasT in the van of Uie American Newspaper Weekly Press, will call for increased expenditures snd renewed attrac tions for the coming year, IVl'i, not the least ei Which will be an improvement in the quality of the paper, and addition of popular contributors, embracing, we fully believe, the lest 1ml to any similar Journal in the world. The Courier is independent in its character, fearlets- -It pursuing a straight h ward course, and supporting tho best interests of the public. It is strictly neutral in politics and religion. It will maintain a high tone of " morals, and not sn article will appear in its psges which should not find a place at every fireside,- It ha more than double the number of constant readers, to that of any oilier paper published in the country, embracing the best families of our Republic. - OAP.DBIT' t B33D0. I A larre variety of Garden Scrd. for Kale at the Salisbury Drug. ... fi i. nr i . . n February 13, 1842. , IT mm ffiiESEltt OF THE ' 13!liTill 8T JkT ES, rPIIfi Undersigned have taken out Patent for on " 1 improvement made by themselves in the important art of Finishing Leather. This improvement consUu in a new mixtorc, of their invention, which u applied to the leather, and which saves the expense of tallow and the labor ol whitening. They do not offer it to the public without having Uiem aelves effectually tented it, nor on their own recommen dation alone, but ask attention lo the certificates given below by highly resH.-ctablo and experienced Tanners who have examined the invention, and being satisfied Of its usefulness, have purchased rights: and also to the certificates of the Bool and Shoe-makers who boar testimony to the quality and finish of the leather. . WM. A. RONALD, ' HENRY C. MILLER. Otr Letters to the subscribers should bo addressed, Oiina tVrorr, Rowan County, N. C. March 4,1812. Ct CERTIFICATES: At the request of Messrs. Ronald & Miller, ind fa our own saludaction, we have particularly examined . their improved plan ol unitliing leather, and pronoiinco it altogether beyond our expectation for valuo; and wi ' cheerfully recommend it to tho Tinners ol the Country as a great saving of labor and expense, and u giving a fine gloss snd high linith to tho leather. Being saii. fled ot this, we have purchased for ourulvci the rijjla to use their patent. JOHN CLARK, Tanner. Salisbury. t JOHN SLOOP, Ja., l.EVTCOWAN, WM. 8. COWAN, Tanners, Rowio County. We have manufactured a considerable quantity if leithcr finished on the improved plan, lately invented by Messrs. Ronald & Miller, ind we consider it of the best quality, both for beauty ot finish, and lading pro perty. JAS. P. GLOVER, WM. LAMBETH. JOHN THOMPSON, : Boot and Slwe-'makers, Balikbarv. t cost about five times aa much lor a s'-?-ii;ii as tiiel'on- fMIR SubstnlTrs pruposc to pub'uh, at the teat ct rrcssior.al Globo aud Appeuiiu'i i'd dill not ccm!.i;:i aii i M. (lovcrmneiit, a u r.Uy Juwia.t, lu-W tn-Utd.. eiual amount of matter, a great portion 1 1 the current proccedingslieini; omitted. Wc aro enit!l to print the (VrngrMuiunsI Globe and Appendix at tl.o low rite now propose J, by having a Uirjje ijuautity ol tj v, onti keeping the Congretfional mutter tint ert up for the daily and semi-wcc-kly Globc, sianding lor tin 'ongrewional (loU and Ajipendix. If we had to .- up the matter purpiwely tor the e wi iVt, we cmiiJ n ' atiijrd to print them for double tho price no chrr;-t-l Complete Indexes to buth the Conpiwi'i'sl I. .!.. and tho Appendix are printed at lb clt ol etch .. sibn, and xeut to all scilwcnbci? for tlicm. IV. I,.lU nn liinH MIKXIi 4.IKHI uroli, eon:- i I.' kit JW,iai.fc. "Tl.t. M'f.t'lATOK." They bill, vo that mch a fi'lll" a'MMI t Mill DO rl.H rlluoo. I'.t pint will lx' ilitii rent tro.u that ol II. e pepem already i'taLlislii.1 in jMiinglon. It will r.i.l c the d butes at lei-'h, imt receiii a C(iiiipriiieiuivc and tati.-.'acu ry muihi.o r v .il the Ti-ceedii in bi.th iii'U' i ol I 'oiiret?, n'i 'jth toiiiincnt i.r nm.rki an w ill ronlr buie to tin ir ''i .iiJution. tiinkii or inN'refti; tch'! will i. i.-o be i .M'iti'd, Ircm I n tu.'ime, or in h e-xtmcts there lull, i limy he nuirl wiri.liy ul alt ';.! um. '1 i.e t ij;ii i ia I dtjArtirwiit will iliv-n-, i!e tu ik I'thc Toy unli rpn.l anil with lurr- -, nm! i i a n-rii-i.ir uh'eli, II l" hi'l i it. will limn' uio ; b!Ii. t.. !!. .i nc i t w inch is cleared anil niiiler cultivtlion, and at- nt l"'n of it firt-t rate meadow laud, it is watered by '('mho ('r.-ek and two bunches winch run through j nr.- 'iliffrB,xcentrc1i'rdrctsmrnj-i(f great : variety of vcr choice Apple, IVni-h mul Mirrry Trees, Theri-an-in dwelling lluiipin the tract, the one m the rmi! in well enlcuiiled lur a lu.uc ol entertain- iik ill, it Uinauri'u tuo t'.ury I uiliiuiii, very con- AHERI CA ATTA ' Every one should be proud to patronise the Philadel phia Saturday Courier, aa by its unbroken scries ot ori ginal Amrrtca Tulri, by such native writers aa Mrs. Caroline Lee Henlx, Mr. St. Leon Iod, "The Lady of Maryland," Professor Injrahame.T. 8. Arthur, Esq., Miss S.slgwick, Mws Ixtlie, and many others, it has justly earned llio title of the American faipily JYtirj paper. rorrisu Literature nnd A'ew. Determined tu spare no expense in making the Sat urday Courier a perfect model of a Universal Family New;jJtertorciusl .interest to j II c Is sees and peisens of every nation, we have niadc srrangcniehrs to receive all tho Magsxiuea and papers of inlereM, published in England snd on the Continent, the news and gems of which are immediately transferred to its column, thus giving lo emigrants, sa well as otliers, a correct and connected account of whatever occurs of interest, ei ther nt hotno or sbrosd. THE MARKETS. Particular care is taken lo procure the earliest advi- ! cos in reference lo tho prices of all kinds of Grain, Pro j vinion, Produce, Lc, the stateof Stocks, Banks, Money and linds and our extensive arrangements wilt here alter re.ider our I'rieti (torrent of inestimable intercut lo the traveller, the farmer, and all Ltuuu: elaaca , whniooewr. " Tlia geiicral character of ttie ComricT is well known. Its columns contain a great variety of TA1.CS, ilARBATITE, ESSAVS, A0 BIOOSAr HIM, and articles in Literature, Science, tiio Arts, Mechanics, Agncul'ure, Mucalion, Mumc, ews, lletllh, Ainui. nienl. aim in fact, in every department utually liu-cusscd Jhr. 'I 'II t. Subscriber has opened a Tublic 'iiVA-- House, in Mocksville, Dsvie Coontr. aj'tf "ertf ho il prepared- to accommodate si AffKo J Boarders Ind Travellers in a stylo which he hopes will provo satibfaetory to all who may fatur uira witn viiB'i j-y"'""!! His Stables will be atumlariily Tarnished witliTvcry thing neccs ry iu the line of Provender ; his Ear acil supplied with a variety of liquors. His charges will bo moderate. All riotous ind di . ordcrlv conduct will be strictly prohibited. Call nd try me. - E. K. B1RCKI1EAD. -- March 1L 1S13- ; r z .li 19--MILL moxs.-cicir, 'PHEUli way be had it C. Fislicr's Foqntlrr, jj I South Vadkin-River, Mill Irons of almost do VaifrmiJtM&k9J&' eountry, ' ' " ' ' ouoeAo R.u. Mill trona. fililrwu all mrlit. WlivU nl .'I sizes, die.- When not on haml.thfy n-ay be made la ! order at a short notice. ' ' V - WILLIAMSON. lLnRIS,Agcr.u December SI, HU. . . it. 1 teuent, U3 a.1 nece.v-ary out lioutes tonveinently m a L n verni family Newi-paptr, from such w ritcrs as i nrriiiyru, nun riipp:n J w .111 n excellent Hprin oi rtnu r. The other dw vllm hmi.e w near tho meudow 1 :.'rim!il and a lirsl rate t-rriu , Irom w Inch it is supplied t'.q Cotigrot-nennl Globe and Appendix fir. Ibe l tr.. 'iilar ta.-lp. A taiin.i..n!y wiili (ti.n.itt.o :..llt.c, Sctfinn which nutkn together nenr one thmmnd royal neipiimi by a reio. nm ul thu rap;U.l, tod li.e w.ji.uin n'jnrlo pae. They give the lulltM li'ttory of Con- ot ;i.o .f tleni tn-t!, i f mmlar t'ura n n, nt mi n t, r- rrevs that has ever been publi.-lnd. V.'e i.ow el; -iiii. p rnl o! Eur. .p. .-n l.i.-lory. I.a w ll.i n. r. ii,o Hiem fur ftl each; that is, M for ll.o Corgw!al 1 rfigM arfvaniae l..r liio .i..,.-..l. 1.1111:1. n Globe, and (1 tor the Appendix. We pri.nohO to let ti. i. irom mte Ii-. it -oi rei-awul hIm. he I urn- hid. ai.d fcuUcnbcrs for llio Congressional Glob and ApprmJix it 1 thnr el!, n t . ytvnr.i to ihr,r ff 1!.,! at. fur l!ie next sffsion, tisvo them for 50 cent i-ar h, ; tractive variety, willmot h-th llietnt iiiitIiiiii loj u a They will be neewsary to understand fully the-pin- areapt to palli.j. nil..-;ml.!ir mind. Kriit,arrc.ii!oM. rceifinas ot the next acssicn. Tl.e important iis.li. r, iyi-cciiiringrM..i:... ,n r.wd.ueyon.l tl.i.-.-j.i i-rci.l u. re ... IJ.I..II It! lll(.'l II fill. , sod pii.ini.te ilitii n- mil ..rei''ii jMirim . tftrm of iHiIiev which ifie powcis have iiiirotiiin l, w'eili ar; ioat'iuilli- 111 VVsIiiiii-ii.ii, rontiuiMital as .'.,.1 u 1... 1. ,. j'l,.,-r.l 1'iri.ie'h Vfii:"ti fn witlinut t en 1 wi II as l!nL'lirh, (rinpuinr attention in llim t'nuiitiy he- - . . . ..ii . .1 . Mr. C. I-e llenu. ! Charles Du U'iif, (llor.,) ! PrtilLiu.- f iinrnlmiiii-. with wai.'t, mul a larg Hum lm h iintke it convenient i -j. rthur l.iri-.ck.ntfaway hay The above property is pica-j j. siieridan Know leu. ! Jl'll-V "lu"1'. and remarkably health. I MrA j, Su uf J 'I he Mitccnher being snxinim to ll will give a bar- I I hiuglai Jerro'd, : i-im. tini wi.-iiin;; lur luillier iiilormalioii can be giat-1 11 in SilgwH-k,-i:'.tJ bj ralli:: hi il.o j rc-ims-. in the sulweriber. Wm. I Burton, j JOHN T. BOWLES. 1 Walnut Hi !.., Row an Co., N. L, i April 2, 1-1 J. S If rettlinifs ot the liext acBMi n. lie important u s.11. r, lyKcmriii n i. i v ,n r.aii.myon.; i!iuced at the luft, will b! 'Irotight up at llio rest ( .erwal ai..l party m;i ck, an. t, m. iori, in eotiMniiniee of the iimvfrJ diatis!r.ct:m 'mi to c!ici..sie polmral S'l-Mmns. ai nii.ced in the late dictions tiuh the ;n-t nr.d i vi 1 ai n 'erin. Jmi.nn--K leetieiiHioi l.ieuL . NV. l'attcn, I 'I Inn. Campbell, , Mira Mitt'onl, i Prol'ensor Winec, I'.. I. Ililwer, J.iwph C. Meal, I ho, ft. Speir, siiitui" public rftnlnn, or even ntiowins im- m - ii ion iiMial inegard to snryr-tts el er.lsnuy ml- i .1 Tl e reiiir'." f ttiC Culrenienil (il..'n and An-., iii. a mi- i.f.t III the lel ileeree allmeu 1 li e pr I ; i of i he Fdilcr. Ihey mr giireci-fly """n out Iv ;!e Uepnrtrrs rn.l lb, mew.bi r tiiuu'elw A (III. uhiile aie M:1J. it lo ll;e reviM.m i ml i-on-e in n tf i he ,piilers t tl.i y p.-i. ii n t h m "r -l.eet, ill rn.-e rny iniMiiiiler-i-i.iln...' i r i..i-ie : i.ta linn of their remarks hi old i nr. - Wp iei.U ilni'.v aut!v..ia the i! i'l . i.i.' eli'llu .1 111 iv iii tl o I';!v. emi-wi li'v, ni The Da.lv dinl.e I.' H. the 1 1 r ar.uuin, in mUnurr. '1 1 e Wi i kH tiiobc ' . . . . . . i 1. 1.. i:i the -.net- Mm a liio i4.i.rcMiaik."-' " We. i Si ll.i-W I I hlV j.-m'iv, tu (I a en., i "tli vi nr. letn II le li.Lile T E R M S . iloiie cuJ A;'p til. , . . I.i ;..! e pr nt d pud Ap- !e to it it the em! ut .v f. r the ..be li-r the i .' M-!Men, oi t O I. IV I III i KG Ii i! 1' r i'n- Ciiinresiiinnl d I .i-l l-Vi! !J-!'iii:i, si. l'r l!ie I 'nii-'rei-; r ! ni 1 il per copy. I'i r ll.e Appendix for T . - in .vt .r S'v ropiex nt riifu-r 1 1 aboti- ii r s"; tv.i ive mpn h lit s.ti, iu..t ! ir ii 'renter iimnher. I'.iyie'f iits i,.r.y be trni.nmllnl n- oi. r ri-tJt. I! i "f ',,r i.ima-iers nm ni.niiiitnl to hau limn, y for Hib.-erii'.ii i... Tho note nt a:-.y hn,!., rnrrnt where a ml.-eriliei ri'iii !), will b' r'-.'e.veil by n-nt .r. Tninnireall the nuiii'iern. "hi fuh-rriptiotw t-t:tviltl K in Wa-hingfoli bv the lolh Derembi'r next, ol farfhi'Kt, tiioii?h it 18 priibabln that we liall print emoiigh wiiihi-eopirn to fill every mb.-i riptioii that may bo paid before the lt tiny of January in-Jit. .Yo attention will If j uitl lo any rUr mnnru arrnniliamm it. BLAIR iV. RI i.S. . .. 7 . . . , . vl i er c- py. n ill I e M i l ,'in .i.ijiri Mil -.er r:i l Hi-pin tni.'iit, r.. i r-riTa i n.r.j! WahiiigtoiiCrtv. OeteVr '. 1-1 iiiii duet ted Uio ixc I ii ively tu the latter,) tamiol lei ui'.iri! !l;r wjiuriii": riiiiler. h'o libiinl ruriuMty ,il.d ( pjrii.e t) :ipMllies i Xlei.i! 1 r.iii! Ii: e. "!!! , !inv. . i r an j.'e, o. his own countrv. Aer will l.ttra- ll 'l- IIMll I 1 III ml I Hi XI: til I l l.l , Ii ell'l1, ll.lllll.ill hi -t -iV i;i 'tr.:T,ro tint"r-pr.nn-tti!l i eo4-t f4iii jouri.iil. I.i a W'.rl. it ii. i he ii. -."ii ( I me iil.rei.i'i r. to tiirni-h ,1 ,;.:'it ii p'ij!. Ii I ;! ( h. tin V ' l-lltllld, e U :: i - ii-iiiei ii.-.- I ?r at itn- mt.i i t liiiveniment. V uli. nt r. j o i . ;r to tin ir p;i- umIh ii nn.l f-xir-I 'i.i.--. Hi - y w '!! i ' i ' nl Ihei.iM'Ki - l.eie Willi ili rl.ir.nir ririi:n"t. nr llrtimnpti!.- !-i'il nm '-ti-'Vli II ii iK.rnl:. , yi I, M.ev ui ulu I.ih. I :n-, i.U i.iuieiai or iiiicharilnhle. They wol dllCl... ip i-kIioihi nnd judgo i. ii n with Iii'mIuiii, yi t well i:..it iiiiHli'r.iiiiii whth L-iw aoilila ii.. itielijjtli In linm.. - , (.ml 1 tint caifthr ..!.:e!i is tint b- -t prct ctid pintle i ! wrrernr. 'I In y an. I' .!)'. iiwhlo nl ll.c lii.nhlii urn! difficulties v.!.:eh n. "-I tier Ui nd a tinvil iir.itertal.inj; el this u j : ii re. But i uu man may niecnil, where lunitl.' r hn i , led ; and when one effort has -r . ed abrrtivr, a nr i ond n.ay triempli over every i.b-teile. It ha breii .nl, by a Wiemd n err.il inaii, I lint I" hnmaii i-nlrr-j '!,-i! wotll.l lie uitri-.p ed if every i t'jei I . n nie.-t firt 1 " reinoK J. I he nihserilier liave tr-mu il lo I ry, at e:e. : h n J nil Hn v n-k of tlu-.r fio i.J.- w a k:n i hi -! ft ol ll.eir lie i lied feeble Mi iw. 'I I.i y vrn'iire, i ,o, to .Hl a hi.pe that Ikiiii-rn, pi ivniially or po- .'.cully liieniily, w ill (,'ive thi" hrief pronii'eliiH on in nl ion; a limr uhiihthry will ho h'py lonrki.owl . i'i'c in ii Mi.tah'c innmier. J. I. MARTIN, J. HEART. TERMS. The Spectator will lie piiblitlicd vceUy, ol Three1 Dollars per milium, and proportionality for nhorti-r m; rindo, payable invariably in idvrnre ; or Five IIi.IIhih lur two suleripiioiH, or for two years. Il is propped to ifwiie the lirat number enily in June. . I'lMitiKOKli-rs are aiiihnnzed to remit mbreriptions. b lti-rM and ciiiiiintinicatiiiiis to Iho ll.iilgis niiibt bo In st paid er free. Adu'ren " r " MARTIN ii HEART, June .1, l'l'.'. Washington, I). V. . rr.osi'iicn .s or int: ! U'itlcin CiuoHtia tern iterance Mcocalc, ' Cupt. Marryatt, R. N. ,1 munlUij ;.-i((r if, u!rJ lo the Tunprranct llcform I'uhUiii i at Aslieviite, S. C, and eilittil l!Y I). K. M'.WALLV. 'Mrs. S. C. H i II, Prol'iKH-r Dunglison, M. .M'Michnel, Mum Klkn S. lUiid, George P. Mom, Mrs. Gore, Joseph K. Chandler, Miss Ixtlie, l'rofeor J. Frot, Lydia II. Sigouim-y, I Ion. Robert V. Conrad, Robert Motrin, Mrs. C. II. W, Idling, A. Green, Jr., John Neal, Cwmtess ot Dlessington, Lucy Seymour. IL 1'enii .Smith, TO AGENTS-TERMS. Tho terms of the Courier are .2 per annum, payable in advance, but v hen ony one will ofhcialoto pri cure j - I li-u newr fiibucribe r, and send us 13, par umioy unit i A 'IYmi'I.r im k C.wi.miox that wa hc!d nt tin, '.o(ir Jrrr, wo will receipt tor one for each. Seven place enrly in Sepiei.,l,i-r, renelved i.-n publititiinr a nn J copies for vltl, ihrco copies tor or one copy lliTeo per of the above title and rbaraetcr, and appointed )r. ; )ears fur ij j. '-John Dick-rmndi. K. M'AttaHy edet itr-Fromj V,h V II If I . ii the iniiiiy preying crigngeineiits. Or. Ilii knon slrrady j ha,, he deeuiH ,t pr.elic..lile lor l,i: to be rocogniwMl i " ' ""'y , ' ' j . one of .he eihtoil. though he w ,11 eheerlully use .11 1 Z' ' . ' i , t" r ' , r !l..s ,nl!.W.,e,h,.rw promote its iniere.t; the , J ll , ,' 'n7 '-'uf (" ; ,',l r,!Mr therelhre, pr.iee.li t., ifi,IIC ih Pna-prctfis 1a' ""C W'" f""1 ,,,r 'U'- .. "I . .. . ... I . A. I. a M'ltlflV f. lllll I.I.-V Two copies ot the Saturday Coorier.and Gmlev's Ln.- . II .1 ....U . I . xley t Addrcs, M'MAlvlN i. IlOl.DEN. i the uii.lcrtnkini', bv all the Ii leinlx of the Temiierancc . j eaio tliroiiehiMii ilm eountiy, and that the paper may Thoso with whom we rxcli.ingr5, will nd.l lo their k.ii have nn extensive cirenUtioii. ' many oti!ij;n:ion by copying thei above, or rulorring to ! I'ricnJ cftht Ttmprrauie Vause ! to you wc make " "' c"ll!:ni'3- a mi.t etirnett sniwal wlulo t'lou-wniln nnon Ihoti ' . , siuhIs of dollars aro iiiuiially expended at theatre, at 1 IvUIUoAIjO vi:irciiM'H, hi t,o race tracl;, at Krucerics, while no pains , ,' ,. ,., are cpareii, Ihu luxury nl retirement, and ease foregone, ' ", o.r y ry no nmiuiii, a uric n re.. and no labor deemrd loo severe lo advance the inter-' h l'P to be entitled oil of pohlieal a.-piriint.--, ran you nut dosumetliing n ! THE Vlhf!IMIA TlFMrtrTTA'P a eji.iHo thai a U, dear to every true patriot, philan- , u-,w wxumuuuAl, Ihropi.-it, and eliriMtian 1 Iteenllrei ihero arO but few 1 T w ill be printed on good pajier, weekly, until after very low, nidi pajierH in all the .Southern country. . , "l0 ,"';,t e'ectiorn at the i.ncommoiily 0w price nl Tlii- Wi-stern pari of NoithCarotinn.tho Western part Twenty Five ccin lo a single Mihrrribi r, nine copies ul' Vir "luin it ii. I tin, jiterii narl nf T.in.er iiariu-n. for Two Dollars TWENTY-THREE cornea for E',v larly, need a perimfical ol this kind, and it is lot you ! L)o1 B,si ''""' Y cepiesjor Ten Dollal?, payable invan- . j amy in mi nine. now to say whether they thall In Tho very W price at whir ls it was fixed by llio 11 Wl" f'"'0 P ul"'omPrn""Pg war wilh all tho Convention, will i.mke it neeevnary, thai a very lare T."'T' ' ","W cttc,i ' "PI'orlcU by Iho nubKriptioii bo had, be-fore thd piiblicntion or it can bo , , 'ra' !' ; u"d no"""8 Uail lr" undone, w fuel, iu.tilia. i'l'o in.Kttealo..sei.rtioiicanaccomplifi, to effect tho TERMS. entire overthiow ol tho Fciloral taction at Iho ensum . . v- i . -Tf;!l'c'10"- 1 llcartiOes will be brief, pithy and puniM-n. 7 he I rs rr v C..reV.n rrn,,,rrnri- A.We-w. 1 bul yet a.nrtwm. and respecttul ; Federulitu, m all it. be puhliKhed mi a motlium slux-l, in eiuarto form, caehcamcleon forma and Protean alianr. will I... I...... iJ i number making eight Wires, and will bo furnished at without glove. l'prs,w.ll bo handled the very low price of fifty Vent m copy Where sin- We rwpecUutly ak ihat , generous na'ronaeo mi. glo copies ir taken, the pavment must bo mado inva- be bestowed Uoi. .nir cfliirts to oromoteVh. . .cr Vr riably nnon the reception of the first number. - - ,h. cause in U we ere AgaOrd (Kr PoslmMtcrs, cditonor publishers of papers, amT lo I'linornins Fma, will receive nroinnt ailention nil Minietern of thoCloppel, aro authonr-cd agents. March 1"M 12. 'v 1 1 pitosrtcTi s or tub V . ' Xorth Carolina Temperance Vniun. fMIE Stite Temperance Society ol N. C at its sn - liusl meeting, directed its Executive Committee to tike measures fur the establit-hmenU at this place, el a 1 Auurnal, devoted to tho ciuse of Temperance. 10 obcuienee to uie-ir wane.-, aim luiprebseu won toei importance of stich a publication, the Committee have determined, if sufficient cncenragciiicnt cm be ob i tained, to iiwie llio 6rst number of such a publication, to bo calU-d the NORTH CAROLINA TEMPE RANCE UN KN, on the first of January, nexti The leidin" object of the Union will bp , thedisfe mlnition of Tempereoce principles. M'cNlull ca des vor to iir nt in iis pages, a lull record of the pra grens of tho Ten perance cause in our own and ia foreign lands ol its effect upon individual and com munities snd original articles In defence ot its prin ciples, and in reply to iho various objections urged ogiinat it. , ' ,,' ;- " . .. While, however, the promotion of Temperance will be the first and leading object of our Journal, it tsiur in ton tion, that lis pages ihill be enlivened by a general aummiry of the moot important events of the day, ind by particular attention to the intcrcrt of Agriculture. in carrying out this object, the Committee look with confidence to the friends cf icmpcrencc, particular! in North Carolina, for aid and support. A new ia. pulve has been given to the ciuse in this Slate, Wen lilts the proof recession, we Could tell a tale of v.l.il has been passing under our own eyes, w hich would send a thrill of joy through every benevolent Lcart. The ref jrmation of tho inebriate has commenced, an4 is still going on w uli a power snd auccets, which lie most sanguine never dared lo anticipate. Give us lut the means of communication, and we trust that an in fluence will go forth from the Capitol of the old Xortli St vie, to its remotest boundary, that will tell upon i'i hsrrir.c-snd nrek-perilv throtinhall future feneration. li'trmil us, ihcD, nux I carnt tily to ipoeal to every i Inend of l emperince, .Morality, snd good order, ioi.j j ns promptly. As the object is U commence w i:h t!i ' new Ji-ar,' delay on the pari of its friends may be fata!. I Let evrry indhfwlual Ihcn, who feels an interest in ecr f uccews and every Temperance Society, In-ronio p- pcnstblc. at nvre for the number ol copif, ulueli iu. ! suppose con b" circulated in their iitiniii, and loruju! liieir nomci! unmeelmtcly, Tor lt, -t', oi mi eopief, they may think the demand ol their nciphberhoiHl nay justify. In this way only, can wc hope for rticccrt m our tfTort. At i meeting of Iho Ex. eulive Coir.iui'.tee cf the Teinrntico Society, the following, resolution adopted: Wherens, arrargeinenls have been uwdc '-J commence tho publication of n Temperance Jniirm! ' tho City ol Rsleigli, on Ihe firft wsn k of Jimuary r'. provided one thousand Subicribers can ic nblairn!. Ilesohrd, Thot it be niott enrneftly recomnicnded t' each of t!ie Ofiicers of the State Temperance Socic:.''. ami lo the niemliers of Ihe lale Stale Cmnentieii. to any v! o are friendly to the cauw, imin. diately 'iii"' tho retript nf ill in renoliilion, tu hecoiue iepnti- '''' 1 f rrom 10 to WI SiibsorilierH, so that the publication ii-1.1' cotnmenep as the lime conlcin;datcd. . . By order of tin- Executive ('omniittec of th? . 'r;'1 Carolina fSlalo TeuiH'raiico Society. TERMS: Tho North Carolina Temperance Union wll be p'" Iihed weekly on a medium f hi-vl, (ay by 1 m I" '! st Ono Dollar and Filly Cents pe-r annum, pavaWe ADVANCE. Loiters coutoiuing KulHcrilie-M ii' and remiltancen, must bo dire-cted, Ktpaidor free, tho Treasurer of tho Society, Jaiss Bkow !, Ua!eij;ti. NorlhCsolino. . .. ' All the newspapers in llio State are rcfpeetfu!H' rC' 'inerted to give this prorprctus cue or Iwu iii;i.i'',D:'. . , . ... -. ....,MI,I,I MMmf-, . , ....- . . , , . . V i t .. v -' f - J

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