I i ' 1. r , t' 1 V, secur vo Ibis topic, not to conjure othtri. I honor even a mistake, nude in a gooJ cause, but 1 will Vindicate Mr. Ili.ry ajainst u cli trae tlmt evorv one would infer against hint up.m y-tiur manner of stating it, via: that In had upprovcd tho acts of , law. it wouM in no manner allocl dm p-tmt at which I aim, whpther (he ljw was pvssc.l by Dem ocrats or Vlng.i, I fear that th unfair and iusi dioun manner of voir party has already don irreparable hurt to the Internal Improvement sys lem a system to which Ilia Dtmocratic party, its A body, have been generally hostile. I apprehend . that yo'ir party's foul and ignobW warfare against ie Democrat. who have braved Iho censor of their own associates in their hr this groat ctusi heretofore, raiv mako others exceedingly cautious hrw they Mln thi footsteps of sVhity. The Senate has oceaetonatly been derided by Democrat hereafter. Mr. Henry hair not deserv- j iho misconduct of some of iw members, bot never more ei! this trim 1 i r.lllAlj I vtruuv i,iif,. r MES. And if they are honestly devoted w the' cnimythey will tpcnl out.' He has merited a ich conduct at the haiid-. n lli-s u;i)er C"i;c lar country in particular, and Fuyeitevillo will hi au ins;riite t't bear it witiiuot reimmstrance. Itut it tnsv teach a lesson to cool tho nrJi.r of others, even if Mr. Henry should pruvo true in spito of such iii'?r j!i!ndo ! D jutttloss it will Hloct your purpo; and the purposes ol thosa you serve, to put Mr. Henry down 1 mean other purpiwes besides those of party. . . i'he-system ,if Iinpfovetnents begun hy the Slate if ptrttetrti in with pmdtnvt. and firm ntst) entitles Fayrtteeille and tie Went to the next link! - There's tho , rob." The Raleigh Junto understand tha.t. The Central Dictatnrt know it. So do!S Governor Morehead and Col " H iroor too. ThAm are thousands who like you had rather see the cause gp down forever th n to ' autier that ! , Oihcr men has o other schemes. Other 'sections adhere to different interests. - It is - not to fashionable to be "v whole hu imprtH'rnieiit" men now. It has now reached the turn ol the op ( per Cape Fear to hp united to tho Western trade I ! I The sections who have had their share waul morr. If L uis I). Henry is sacrificed by the Cupn Tear counties to gt;itify,,hpir party mHlice, so. will the -Cap; Fear comities fill with iiim nnd the cn-at leading iuturest of tlka WrsTKKstot.NTics ofthii t ijtnte wi'l bo t'lum.liited I, I lionof Ijim tlmt he has not fciirunk from 'princ'iple, to aaiu tue utvor of auy Let him fall "and we shall see nl)p ,cax e found ! next to identity httnsell with this eni:T rAt i K ot th' West and Cape '.Fear, Bjainst, hi, wfticu tympatltk- V-- Gnat for scheming, wul 'groat fir drttrpying their own most neiierom advocate, will Hiu im.; provcnient men ol ,Cape re tr lo rf tardea (..Itut ihev will bo laM to ho served witjj auy practical , smnMiiia(7yi.teserf;rra rfisnii that is ns old I "CU MIiERL Nl). J -::ey "r " i fc,1:' '1 V-'-s---; . . . ,1 he Raleigh Kegisterof .lho l?ln instant, lias Iho following article i -"f r r ' ' ,lTho Standard puhSihes Mr. Iknrv'a letter, , virtual!? tnthdrawmgjwoao. "ftfift wrtrJ ftr rnmmnnl unon thfi iiftficirl(;. we ; .uppusi-, 7 ine icxh a4i.i, w .ev nir..oo. n. the Fable cf the wagoner calling upo llercvU, , ' Mr. Conrad was a youth, be cami.v., lorgottcn r i t t it . . .! the leading tacUot the case; and tho lei-sons he learned for help. I will strive to give this matter ff0in hl, p"atron should have taught h.m to distrust the rato and more .prominent consideration before I motivc (tfxi,!m9 whp, jn such an emergency as tint or Ofn done.' I must bit digress farther at, present 1 ew Orlea.n.", obtained applsuse toin lho.-e.tt:uue.w;.o It is hardly necessary tW u lo. v that tho ii; .md that their object was the invasion of .Wis- Urban.; . ninuation of the Register j lo't illy and unqoaHiiedly J Md whilst I waengiged with all exertions m repelling ftse we hive no doubt thi) " wish was father, to j tlieir advsnee, which was limn in p tsoio i j,f Pnsa . Tha thouglit'' and the Register would j.al tbatjcola-it buintr nee-rj founo to clear mv lett fl...u "Ins falsehood wa trunwhyadid ftot Mr, G!ei!'! th? coemy avUo I c.bt pree-H i. . vOr-.ns . . P iblish M llonryuertf th. Standi I if HoS -. a disposed to acf latrly, why not give fcwreaoers n Mi com'mM,,e ,,,!,,) all - .m - ,.. -,;. f , l he benefit of what Mr. Henry did ssy ? v ir.idraw jlir lnlt , il0 u, tat co u numc ite ; j,r (jwV..ri,,r from tho canvas! 1 1 K never. .WitltJraw frm j Claib.-irwb's lcweTAybic.fl3rgJ!y..l,M-aAs' - " f he imvaWwhm 'IM''W'iT'StersTiT !1SWaTciiIn) . aafprsductHtlefore Jndgi Hall, under In rul . thecoaratry wiJiruil-auibrski-iiiien ih mld not nre to Carry nut their mad schemes, ti.icatening the jsjue for a outemp', whic you have P '-'.-l rtrrtw 11 . ' , i, i , ' Li . iu -Globe, and to which I refer'.. Having expuiled ino lin- . np,achment of the. Prednt-when. Bolts, he (m,tasc, (Pul(. ,,. ,t, tmitlte. .in.fl jul.. .wT tffSaA .ntla.i,rl.M Iia anirl Hint 11 ll t . .......... . .,Km.,E, ,n ",';J'-v".-'vi --.---. lha power 'ol tho House to impeach was not resorted i m lei than six months,' Pennsylvania Avenue j would gleam with IO.OiM biynnets." tnia time lh defence of tbii c-rR,s vv n.m i arrived h-re. lurmtrOemocrat.any lovcr'nf hit eoutvry, to with'-'every tlnag was dosp-wdeucy anJ alarm at ih-iip.,. ,ar t!rawT Rather let it nerve every patriot and stimu H uch an overwhelming jUreo. ,J bl ii.j;) - 5 , . , . , .. ,e , . iMtti flints in the arsenal; and the meatw tor u.-ten,-gent .discharge i.r his duty to Inmsmf and tot,, . rn,rcct-dt.riclcil,. I had nr.h.n; t.,,1,,,..,. I country.' No, Mr. Ileg'wter ! Mr. Henry has not ltt1 b,lt ,(e llo(, o( tTullUVi n,,. uium u, tt,a- i,,;:, withdrawn, arid we aliil hone tKst the intelligence, I feejinjr 0f ptirmtism which would iaie ti.e u .1- ,.7ie virtue, and patriotism of the people of the go-xl old i man in union and energy. A call as m.; n the North Stale, will at the coming election put down! I.i'iislani militia in masj; plans were tor n-j (., ,,r,.. end forever, Whig misrule and ruiti. lt inr. lime j ' nt the traitors and spici lro;n rom-nuniciM, . ,t , to withdraw, when the promise ( f a glorious victory : th? er.cmy. ., . i i .. .. jl I K n alter my arr.val, I was made ac nmud wr.n comes to us on every brej-zs. - Our Ir.ends al ove j , wh eJ mmg , J , ,,. theS-.ata are sanguine ol success, and to luugs ol .,,r(,s (i) j..;,.IJC0. (e VVls present a miny i i-.-n,- , Gov. MorekOadV anxiets by (ho amount o! hi ; 1,1 w.,tl ,10 ,-aminitte. ..f vigilmee and exertions, ahnuU say that Itkejhc Register be i 'IV: legilaturc was m wmiou, and bU u: i; H uw - hailhr aearo. . an.l wnu 0 lain nave Air. lienrv 1 "withdraw.- Lay not this lljticrwig unction to your emit, Mr.'Reiiiiter, you ate inistsken, that's all. JS'orth Caroliiditn. " Tariff the I me. A kite number rf the l"rfff ' JV'iffi Ghtttte contains the fjll iwmg nu'iouiice. ; , w.nt ! .... -u . ... f ,t i . in the orlirnative, snd, by his gesture he vi ;.-nr,.. t ., The Trenton htate tlie. on" of he best , ,..,,,., ,H) , pipers in the Liiimi, hu hoisted the tny llig. Vhn, ,,, ,w.pr i , tie- I'mh-ireo law. a.-t,,, s ,, . mid nvows ttseif for II ?nry Clay uni a Pwcciivc ' ii,r necessity of the case, I spp-sled lo it to px'n the TnriiT. " . , . ... i same pv.ver in su.pciidii.g tn writ of hiWt cnpi Tiie N'.iw York Tribune says, that ntler having - doing th" mvion. This wi ep;m.ed by L-iualie-r, C-aivassed thoroughly iho Stat t rf No York, and llnee wlw w-s'sed t-. s.irrende.- tn-- city t. t!,- . in Pennsjlvania, Massa'chusctt.. Vc, he is sure tint ". The application la led L-ents h ..we- r i ii . i . !.u . .1.- ..i..,,-,,' made it apparent that, w;i'i ml the decUrationof unr- imthmg w.ll conlnbu e so n. bM to the e.ectir.., ,,,,, ,,'nr.iv e-mhi n..t tie d-feuded . audlt.Mk.i.e i i.a v as a veto o: mo innuiu.i iy .nr. i und ndd If OistitiCt arid uncql.v ical I file ran he m le upon tho gn-al leading questions at issuo between tin- riv.il nirlii4 nn nro'erlton l a ho-iao in los'r'. :,n.l ..vern.l i,.;.r)V Jment-the 'Why .Lcendat.. will, he Iriii'iip'iantlv vm Jicated in the coining lection-'. The VV ;ts, iritu-) r rre-i'irrli'io of ll:'1 I h-'' -i.t!,' I. r .mni iij 1 'Uf. 1 ins ui North (Jar din 1 lor a I it t.ir il 1"" 1 adds : " I'y the wily, Ii' f" is a IJ Ai, lio.i. a sei !i m n ihe roun'ry foeialiy pp ise.l to toe "I i'I p !.: who s'lii'i irt- it with an alji.it v and hon-.iv e.oil-.v - - . , . , ,. ,1.1 the nam- he bvirs j but s.W m- ihr I, iro from the Korth, tr.o supports that policv. even il it Im- lnl v,i;r;!i I 1 l'il,'re.-ts of his r ittii.iLiits d iinti'rl." . Tie r.riluh Aegeri'.l. r (, msl(!er.1.)le sP'l-l tiou was .rod.icnl 111 the city of Sew orU on Tuesdiv evening lost, hy n r. -io.-t, vvliieh (..uinl its way into th- " Ame; icau" of tin cifv, the sub .... , frhiei, was, 1I..T. " Mr. Webster and I...r, Ashburtoi, ,a.l fin-illy ngrccl r. .. the . J. B. . . 1 .1 . .i.seusM.in l.-tvv, 1, toe twoe.ii.niri. s, nod t ut , 'J're .ty was .In.vn up and les ly (or si- nil ire, iSi. We are afraid that lliij n.-ws is not only pretn 1 tine, Icit th it there is 11 i'.ss,liil.ty ol'ils not Ih.'Coiii ..... :. .1... lilt I nj" iii nreseti . i.cnaiu n is, unn- riinno reprents the ...-tllenieit l .,o lit least of tl.i- j ' , 4 ,i , f liii.ki ii.i'.-i lu.iwi'i.fi i.r.T.ii ail ll. ill! nii'i lie: iiu, , I States, t I ha.n found so il.llieult as In leave a doul.t whefher it can bo considered probub!e. IXational Jiitt-lhrnrer y GENERAL JACKSON TUG FIXE. The subjoined letter, wtiich wo copy Iron) the Globo, will, we are confident, be read with satislaction by every American whose toolings ot putriotmtn are not thoroughly saturated with the bitterness ol partisan rincor. We have rend, and heard, at various periods, in butli houses of Congress, debates which would inflict . pain on any listener in tho leant sotisitivo with regard to ihe respectability ot the National Legislature. Hut certainly we have never read any discussion with nn "ationsmore pr.ncj than thai winch was desecrated by the rpjechos resisting the repayment of the fiito im, pfcd.on General Jackson by Judge Hull. (lt was nut altogether iho arguments urged, or the languid em ployed, which wai unworthy ot the beiuilo Chamber, but tha demoostratibh of mere partisan feeling by A ......I.... Maii.am in id...uHiiirT II llllimfl I IIU..I ,iim In, i ftilltT, UCHllUia lU UMll.'"j " miiPjj ..... IniiiAii t.f llm Aftimtrv. ami rinf llltl ascendancy i.r'u nr- 'so, in our conception, man uy mecoursom inme pou- ticians, who, opposed to'dcnral JackOn rfs I'reaident, attempted to disgrace hi h as a Gemiral. Wo have ono reason, however, to rcj lice t'wt this deluto his taken place. It his superinduced a. lull in'vsstijsttun of somo importmt puts ol too conduct ot lienerul J.ieksonal the siefj. orNoSTOi-lcans, and it hs elicited this letter, explanatory ot all the cireuni stanees in connection with tho conduct of Jud'o Hill -and the imposition ot the fine. , iMoro than a quartet of a century Ins elapsed sinco the iejre of Now Orleans. During tint lse of turn? ths incidents accranpaiiyinj; it hve irown dun in the public mind. Only a vajuo knowledge ot them re mains itnpress"d in many intancen, no doubt rather bv the debatoiti the House of Representatives in 11!, than by the newupjperor hictorie il accounts published ! prior to that penoJ. We knoy that, to! this day, tho eireu distances connected with tuo oectaraiioo ot mar tial law snd theconiinitmentof Judffe Uall, are whol . ly misppn hended by many, even it they were rightly undeis'ood ,The ex,iitkns to which the dtbne.jn , the Senate have jfiven origin und the ietler,-whic(i wo neeJ not rcconmiend to the perusal of our readers, wilL I'lrnwh crrt knuwlede on an iniportanl event in our " nstiooal history. MaJtmmiaii. "',Jt t . . . u;rTER rao;i general j.vckson. i . . IltRMiTaoB, June C, Ki'3. ' DEAtt Sin! I have received your letter of the tilth ol May Jast, ajid, since, I have also roceiveil the Globo coMauuof! the )eoch of Senator Conrsit, of Louisiana, orj the lull to refund to in the line, iVc. imposed by Jiid Hll,'who le styled by Air. Lonrad the upright Jle. ' - " ' ..-; . - i fie teeiing anu snttmeni niiinjoi ny Mr. ,nn- rif i.a hissp.-een truly astonish 'nv- They are tie; very op:Mite uf tho.se onier'uiined bv'tlie pstrmts who were Cngtn'Ci in UiS ucieine or now iyrieau-, not one oi whom considered' Judge Hall sj perfor.riioif the psrt of t opd Citirun in the pruceediii' which ho instituted against mo. They sre such as Abner I.. Duncan, rq., under 'whose patronage Mr. Conrad wa-i raised, and who. with the character of a distinguished jurist, com- lined that ol tl.o learlesa soldier auu ui" (,'"' mm would have been ashamed to avow. Althoiij'i at tint w ere inimical to the Country. It is a source ol tho deepest regret to me, tint Mr. .-tConrad has distorbed the steeping astieror nie-JuTg.-, ur ,tl0 purposo of throwing an unjust imputation ki ( my clUMter. The fault must be his. if, in Amur . i truth end justice will compel the public to dicr-Jil W'liat arc the praminenl ficta Alteir intc'Iigerjee h id been received" of the ptnhark- -;,. f ... ,,..: trrt0!M ..Plymouth. In EnrluoJ. tmcnts t'jf the fleicnce or .vjo'iiie. i iii-.ie(i.-u t i-v Orlc-insr, and reached of n.jco'miwiejwyi: eJ.thcre o.i tr.e niuriiin' i,f i I : ri-i'-!-' tla-n my arrange u, .iis io :ivini an einaartro on au vease..-; vki, nr.f.::ts ill ) I ire I'.attersoii to liiip'es the s-nineii t ;i n;i , ,.1 iiis (1 itilla, The Judge had open-1 the it! i, an I I I rated the prisoners c!ur?ed with p-r.ey,A., ,. ;"i n iail, and had adjourned the coort. , I Iw tuifoei 1 dicnss..n wh liter, in ad litmn to t'e s m"a'i:- . a , I neeesMiy tint not exi-l fir the d ciira'i 1 -t' i.nrt.al lw in ...-.v Orl.-ms. ,vl,i. h had.o.. i-.-,.ie I i.B I.. I ...HA l,.l II !:! Ihlal fllll4l U III . I .. 1.. ' , ,.,. .,.., '(' ,,t nuki.i ' 1,1.. .1 uy- If l,ie .41 'lll.l'l in tun t-i pr.t.i Ly id-; a Idili jiis! iv r ;' i . , , . . n.io in,. ni-,r injinty n.-f-nig.'ineiits tor lie filing I heard declared it, Judtfe JJjll wis m my olhue, an I i' read, ll was then Ii" exolaoned ihr '""""r m-. h-ri ! ie.,...ir II u il. lint. .p cation ill mi male to fie I'ista.iite lo a.l mni, n order that nil mihl ) .in in i ii .leleijco. fins w is re ins td lv tie' inn) inly the tr p'l'jli.-'jo ne'inhers V i'm.- tor it. A r."i'ii was n'.eii , 1 1 1 1 1 liv I lie t.nwf.i..r t-i 'Id .0. II I 1 Ii ll-.l I. I.e. I il. H.-i I' n. II . ! r'-nu'il; -.-ins voting f..rit. The enemy had -i'a. ..; n; -e -ir .ye ! our euii b.ats, winch e ive new- a! ir n 1 1 -.,ni.. a.i 1 lie-i, I'lii'iinrueeiiieiit to ir iiloi 1 gave 11 u'.itiuii to tim trii 1 i-itr.i.l. - . on: Hi lilll in i.;ia ui 1111; imu' 1 il' ... .'.-in iiiu.t, ij ,v .. ... ,. ,.,.,,, . .,, n, .,vi,u. ,. j ,;i , ,., lU Hlr,u ,rt,.r ,,, y!,- bo apprehended, j and cuiried to the provo-t guard f .r rxsiinnation." I This pruved iiiconveuient to the J idge, w'tt. was a bachelor, mid sent hi evenings w tu in.; ladi s,' ilo , ji-! irl tlirt'ljh the niir 'nl Ii he exei'nptel Iron t . role; whirl. I rei-i.-fed, until i' wis ri:.env ,v . iuav..r and aldermen, i.nd nt'ier gentlomeii ,,( n . 5I.111 linr, when it wis yrmtol with gn ut, reli,-.-!.,,!, ,. - l'"lr tins order, lut -piss,. my eeiiU'nels In the niht ' ' T'nitnT" , slt-r tho hattl; of the r Ii. (In bis return, he was ru- ( W, u coMlM. ,,, , ; .vMkm c,,,,,,,,,' ,,.., ,,.,, )(, ,,,, ,.lt .ICII, nj ,., t tty, r-Apo to the Attacks of an infuriated rol liery, when lie ouylit to tnv,. remained, and by Ins example, rtimulateil a noble I'denci:. This reception morttlied the Judge. He W:i lliv.i.n in.rt It lit .,1' itlfi. ur, 1 inn. -Out illtn llm him.!.. ,,,.-...... . - ....-..., f !.. Louall.er & to., who inuls ;i toul nt him lo ,,r"if about a coulhct between tho civil inn military . . . is.wer, under Ihe cxp-eiatmti (f exciting the brnvo L.uisiaruaiis to some violence, or of suhjeettti onj tar Ihe imputation of military tyranny. Mr. 'Conrad well knows whet rlifljeijlty I had in restraining, tho p upla I from committing vi!cnco on Iho Juice, Louallior, Ulanc Uo. About i'n! time ol the Jn lgn'a return to tin city, Louallior ouhlislm l his iudninnatorv addreaa to the penple, intended to create mutiny in our camp, and the J.M desertion ut tho tropijs Irom their pwta ol ttetenco. 11 wa arre4tiil fur u'xcitinir miitiuv. and as a V h. giving ititellitfence to the eni'iny ; not as Mr. Uoiirad" a!rw in hit speechfor a hool. But, before Ui ar; tot wa mad", he secreted himself, mint he awr.j - nn?ed with Judg H.ill for the .ip?,arance of a ti ot htibeni corpus, t his bem itone, ho msan nis m pour a nee al tho coQ'je -house on the 5tli of Rtarffnf when hs was arerted O-i his beinif delivereT6,lli9 provost gutrd, Col. Arbucklo CJinniandiiijf, who iSd initructions to treat him kindly, snd to furnish him with pen, ink, and piper, azo. oinwuiiiostPU 10 mm 111 not be one h ur with you " How no 1" inquired Col. A. lie le replied, tlicro-ia a writ if habeat corput out s." This was coin'ouuicatcid to me. 1 iinmcdi- lor ms. ntely sent to imtuirs whethnr it was truo that Ju Igo ii in nan lM'leu uia writ oeiora imaiiier wu arrKmcn. Il'.-iiij; informed that it had been so issued, and that Judja ilall'i' name was subicribd to it, 1 loflhwith issued an order fir tho srrost of D, A. Hall, for siding, abrfttinj, and exciting mutiny in my cuno. This was on thei'Hli. Shortly alter Mr. Doplessis, then marshal, inlorni'vl mo that 1 was 'nctinj on tlie belief that the ree ird would prove tint Jndo Hall had exercisod his judicial authority within your camp, thereby interleriiij witii iin p i! ico ol the cs'up, in violation oi martial taw, an I aiding snd cxiitm? mutiny within it In this you will he midUk'.-n. . Tneretore you had better Ixik to if'snd see whether the date has not been altered from the Gib to tin- tl h, sinco tlie judjje has been arres ted." I iiiuMin-i.' of 1 10 clerk by whom the alteration was tin le. He aawered, by Judge H ill that he had sent for hun with th record, and made the alteration. I retained the original, and caves certified copy to the clerk, as s .-t furth in my defence, and tendered it to th" court, for the imrrsxe, t a proper time, ot sustain Injjr the majesty ol ths hw sirainst such flajfaut vio lation of it. ami to n-inlV the court. j Juli;e II ill was libers ted.iini sent oeyonn me lines oi my encampment, with sppeinl orders not1 to return a tons; as the ene.ny slioufd he m our coatt. ' But Mr Conrad ssys that thd enemy had letl our coastal this time; and the necowity of martial law ceased. I re gret piicIi JoojQ inxirliuiii. Had he attended to the record, ho would have t und that U. Livingston re turned fro n ! fl'?t on the 10th, where ho liad been to complete the enter tor the exchange or prisoners, snd on the 11th Mr. Ulsnchsrd wasst the Bahz, de livrnnj the Britis.i prisoners la Quitter-Master Ijcdro, trooi whom he r -ceivcd the confir-nalion tint thc;e were .-"ven or. cirUt men in Nfr Orlesns from wlto-n the British rocnived daily inlonnation, snd every iiiovomcnt! of my troops. Mr. Conrad can say whether Bloic A : to., with ln two historiiri-i, were not ijpscli of be-1 ing part of tins clieue who corrnsiJed Will, the cue- mv. They were not at tho line of defence. I'eaco beln? nn.iouncrj, and my proclamation pro-' iti'.i.Titeil rem ivi'i? martial law, JimI'u IUU returned i to t ie city ; and when we were all in tie niidnt 'S Joy in I in mis i'Miitii'l.i to the allwise Providence that had . cru'.vii. d mir e,x-rnoii wT.h fticcs, ho cornineneed his proc lings agjuift me, requiring ma to attend at a 1 in lie i day, an l :in cause whv a writ of attachment ! s'iouM not isfue against me. Agreeably to the ntle, l-f I sliend d, an I pres nl-'d my iter nee, which lie refii'Pd hear. -Tna tesiH w I, nut. deprived .of niy coiuti 1 i'urm n;;'ii fir ';e:ii'", :i- ttiii nie on inousauri uoi- j ! jsrsj 11 ui oijre-ng.a jitll. record nf tho-jmedHigi- T lie Ciimiu'lliv) tne to4isv ono madenut on the oath of I Ahncr 1, JVincnn. -Mm., KJwarJ Livingston, llsq , and I Maj r Jonn ltoid, who.actt-d astny CnU!it I. ! Kro n th-nt? f jctv.w.!ncJi31rCuura4 wtH-not tisre to' deny over his own aiiuture, 1 have the right to ask hnn, was it consistent wi ll t!io clnrjrter of an u;irighl judge lo alter toe ree ird, tor the bie p irpo-e intended -tint 1a to ray, Uf a!uw my the trial uf prosecution tgauil me, liitt I hid arretted him tx.-fore fee had it tempt -d t exercise judicial authority .,0 my camp, tlr-n un.-r martial law, fi t necvity for declaring Millawtvin,' adilliltrd h-.i in. A ! Y if Consnl'nt 1 V. Iftl I 1st r ,.1- i.( rt 11 -.r tI n. I.e.. nlf..r n.itlimr nun purl, IUB, lU MJUUI, Viiiiuiuuiwi.' m w " w ,,.,.,,. fc ,, .ill- 1 O.ia ' iiuiruotion Louallior thmik-id him," ssyinn-'-i wgHlnod. 1 hn Address was published in 18J3. ..n.Min-1-rihe rles lo ,W c.w.l.v an attacinneui , " M,UCn KXn ""Ui flUliCU l,r,CL,g" ,4iouiu . ijuiif in.-. a..l. o, ,y aniM-kra -c- !ere.ir, prepuseji that Congress .hall liya : with : deteie ' 1 rs-i! 1., , - ,r in- particularly as j te:avy tluty on prrtois nnportt'd from alr.id, to ! In v. -i ; hitting 111 Ins own e i j-e, a id Irnui v lme jlp. prjlect our own home barm ir.Tr-. Vint trail istauiTOJKttiiv!-! iv4y-i-wis-ii im rllegsl ( ba more reasoiiabte, upon thrift piiucijili st '" "r 1 anl " 'j "' '' ":u r " ' !" I pirove.l the dcelara , Rat his views are loo contracted. A large ma lti?n ..1 o.a,t,a l.w. on t!,- -,, tn.t ety j(ir (, fmsn emigr ii.ts bt conic farmer,, --' ofucaiUs ta jiuke ltr hw i enl whep t us is; ' A . . " ,1 0 ., , . I m hv -,-!,. t , iv 1 republic !-wi.,f not. I sav.t ""d nl" ';'to..petii,M-witlnir 0savaW I d.-:, .-,r .!,;.. ,n ti 11 1 .titiit prree-bngs against me, ! ,,rn,er. clearing away tho turct, bringing the i .-. V(:t .mi Q.,. nr.. .r tc'VndiiiM!i .country hy the rtli into cultivation, and incieusing our pojmla j '1 1 -1 ; 1 1 1: ir .vi'J a'l p:il.aiiileil, thi-re tK-iiig noi,ther tiou and wealth. Ho not our farmers require y cinrg.M against met is tner a man, I aiy by party f.-iiug-. who, henrnig the i n .1 ,,,.,.,-Mineo it o-,- t .he mo.t aa i.j.i-t J i. il, - :-.,-l:.i.ir-l ,.t Vow V,.rk. t il.m. and 1 Vl.l-'l '-Ti.'i nr.- i,i-i I M.e. oi, t. ,r t i.-r . v.,re ,om clnilnted to induce -'. . .:r.,i iy iri" o ry (ii ; im iiijtation cast '. i i :':-;:-:. r i i-i a i ! and ill diet ive ji.lge. - -t- .le , tt-p-riM,,, ot tl,e Senate ' ' "! ' 11,1 "", '"" nu' ,-. , -.i(. it.-ii .- i,,r hy th xeW-h j amended ,-'l i ,, ,r.. ! .:. reg.rd .he pr.viwof 1 1 1 ,. - on P I - Mv t-'u -v i-e'i 011 I i.. ; in ur - M li.vi- 1. i.l ,1 iy ii... m.,.. r.tv. a iniendeH th "'ims Win' ! take iro n f m.-ross iiiuucy i t,e-i ii,.i 1 a to t; .n.-ress, it will ' '.;!' a tivur. The patriotic : f.-ii, iihii. and Michigan, did not -k ; in 1' 1 . ''- l 1 . ' 1 j I.. ,. I C. lny, I. i;..'w,7. ! !'r. 1,, " '" '"'J wunca uie ll ClU.W, liliiri'd lip-ill It l-y JUCgf! . o.!- . ' I'. vi I-'... , ,'n.fhy i!,e aid ,.f mv i i ar'iH, ati-- r in my days of toil mid i- t Irlcjua u-as nrescriL-i u 'i N a- tr i n t n- il,- i ". I .'a r.Veii'n and her amiable ii. -s'io.'j ' or i nn s "i il ir .ot.-.. I. ui i i..ill iy I p .li.ttiuii Iii the i- I i.' 'i 1 1 'i. my !i'e a-i I. what udear 'it, -h- r-ii'a.i.Hi, iii ', il tii, limi rah!e i I. .-ii . ! i, ' Mi i: -. I 'oina-l and Hirrml I o.i . ... Ii . !, -i.i.l i!isre.-. for it. II ; V e ti,,.. i i.l the si'i-iicn.) is ivhitlii.) II 1.1 -. ll jr the i I I i n. y ,-i 1 trulv. y ir tr;.",-, Wluill'.V JACKSON'. llvif 'I tl." (,...'jt. i I- r. -I . II i.i'irn,''i) i rd.ttir: t.i the Treaty I I. - 'II I ' 11 in n III -r oolitic ll a i ItliJ l l vV i;u 141 11 ! III.. U'xtef .y ...f,,.,. r.'i -o - I t iecii, Iro n that i n id stated lo us, lhat he i l l ii (r en oiid.e !Ul II ll l H. 'it- I .iniii rily in the Stale 1). '." . i, in it ii treo'ii had rea ,.. Irt rn-'i t'n 'ii.'., .V.'iifi and iirrnt liri- I nn win .-il ..,., , i4 ..ii,. .a the evistmg dilh.-ul 'I n. iv y.-: i tlu- : ,i a i-iiiuti in. ' llf I, .,1 1. in. i.l thi. Ir.nlt' 1.1.1 I. dr ia up tn ii n ll-i-:i II iv i'i. i , o I.rw.trd bvlhr- last stc,pr i . H : an I was lake,, t to in I. tr" IK. Ik d .l ljv l.v M.ij.r ooke. tii thtt vess.1. -V .,-, u I Mon,l.,v. I t.n lon,-th ' md is, , , suiMai,, ,., to iho foll .w.n.. i " i ell T ie U,..,t .,1'Se-ir-h ,s g.veiinnhv Great Rri ! ,!X,,,i,,n",,l " up to tho work, are all emp trio,,, he ti ,:,,-,l ',, .i.i.l.ri.il.mModonlllhit it''V n,"r wl,,ch lH'rwh ,n ,h CCUl, wh,, 1,10 o i i io s e. tlr iv, ir ,i !;, I hiittle s toiight ami Ihe course is run, the pot of To- ',ine li.xilary I,,!.. ,s ili-pomd of iIm:- cs,r"',',y iv "dr slime fd.iy, u;iuoii.:cd in ll... It. .1.1 ..I- l.. ..I .. . I.l . .1. . I- !..... I i e, S ,,i,.s to have the iianeat.on uf 111.. i.vir! Sv .1 .,.,s t ,l. ; ! ,lllt ,.,. ,,n,l iM iween i ,l0m,.W " cUm" ,lul " "Jh0l",n "cUmi !o ,r pt.- t ! .,.. Ihii.i I.h-v Im- mid the St. John ! ",uJ ,,",m, ,lv,Vl,"l,1,", ' ,,s ,1,B P'mwd reward, for. Uiver; als,, H, (!y IVod nekloi, the cnpil.d ! ;rV' m,d,ir ,,B W..U discover that his em 1 town ol tl. IV.v,,, ,,t New B , uns .vic.!;,. the pre 1 l,iocr n" ,m ' n"' ,h" ,lon,'n,. .... .. ' i U. ill, U'nlllil itni.lUla .1.1. llill.L.,..u ttlnl.a....lU .....I ! sont seat of (1 v-iiinif iii uf inn, Province. Oi iho other hun t Tinted St , ths cedes" lo tlrent Itri- linn nil the tertitorv to tho North ol the Si. J ,hn. As fur as v.,: could letlu. (he trealv crmlams ! ii iih.ng in relation In Ui O.egon Territory, winch is innoliuitcly positioned; but which will! soon beeo.no us important. nti nllair ui the Maine bound. nry. We Mucerely irut ilial the above may lie correct .inieil, gene.. ; s it will nifiNJtuully setilo all our long exisiuiijirouhlru aiiii Cugland, aud give on impetus to the 4rade del weep ilie twp countries thud cn scarcely bo conceived. Although we confess that the news seems almost too good la bo true, never theless we have it from a very reliuhlu source. A ' iv-or two. or ncrhaps a few hours, will put au i I I I. .. .. r. .. ir.,.-;, uun on loo euojoci ai rcuu -.rcio 4 w - m From (( jfl;rft Standard, ' mnRPHPan avii vrt ciaV C0V- MORElihAD AM) MR. CLAV. (Jov. Morohead seems to have forgotten that (tier is a little document extant, called the " Ad dress of the Central Jackson Committee to the FreoShun of North Carolina," to which document the inline of John M- Moreheod, ol Guilford, is At that tune Gov. John M. Morchead said ut Mr. Clay as followtt " Thus because the late President appointed Mr. Adams Secretary of Suto, Mr. Adums is entitled to bo 1'iesidenlj und, for a similar reason, Mr. CVuy nmst succeed Mr. Adams. Admit thi, and your riht of aulliage exists only in form ; your chief magistrate cesses to bu elective and you ceaso to be freemen." , Although Mr. Clay was appointed Secretary of State, and entered into the line of " safe prece dents," which was to deprive the American jieople id' their freedom, yet now Governor Morohead ejiorts this same Mr. G'ajr lor President I Hear what this jrentloimui again sai I, when lie was only Mister, and not Govern ir Morchead : " Tho State from which he Clay) came had instructed her members, in tlio event which had liapixuiud, to soijort Gen. Jackson ; but under the influence of Mr. Clay, a mix ok iNruiutrc, and of eloquence, and of UNBOUNDED AMBITION, and of lulouts ubove mediocrity, thene nieinbers. i with thoic of other western States, voted for Mr. Ad inn, und his election was the reeult." And yet this same Mr. John M. Morehead now Gorcrnor Morehead of North Carolina; supports iinssaui'i Mr. Clay lor iho Presidency, although Uo kiios him to be a man of i.xrKiutE and n t'Xt)LKs anninoM, and one that would pepkivi: hi i:oi ATavME:. or tiieiu ;L:triv kknjiihi: ! Ajjam :''M(. Moreheul, in sjeukihg of Mr. Adums an I Mr.' Clay sas : " Between these tivo gentlemen thcru liad been previously neither coutiJence nor nlTeclion, uod VJr CUy haJ pgujfy exreosed, in language not ... .... , ' . ' ,. ., .... ,,... ,u ".-rs.'u, integrity and patriotism. - And yet Governor Morehead a uow the sup- oorler ol Mr. Cum. who cau od a man lo he t ected President m whose patriotism and integrity ho hud no reliance and was himself "a nun of intrigue und boundless ambition," and altogether unworttiy uf I rust and confidence. Wliut will the jieople think of all this ? . Is not Oovernor Morehead the greatest dealer in liuui- bugs Hie world ever knew ? He talks all softs of ways, and scorns to forget hmifdf in a way that gives rise to every "tull talking. O.i, Gov. Morehead Guv. Morehead you won't d 1. " PROf IICTIO.N !. PKOTIXTION ! ! A writorin iho New York Journal of Comrnerco insuts that the operatives of tliu country nerd and durirve ns much protec'ion as in ister mauulactu rers- Ho says they now cucouuter as serious un injury bv the influx of foreign cUrki, mechanic, mill uti.Tirj, us tlie musters do Irom the mllux ut foreign pood, inusinuch ;is it reduce salaries and " protection agaim-t Ihwcomiietilion Irom abroad? What if ihew, pcoi.te do cut down the foicut, ami toeKiJs. ...jht, -t.r.r.-ttt "bmi gmg thmisaridi 6 Ul"1 resources ot our .Slates und nation? ll is, ut last, noihiug Out comH'titton trith our home born farmer, und, iijion larilf principles, is a pontive nattnitl injury. .. Whv do not the Homo League embrace this euhieri in their memorials ? Because their ol.iect jl i . . l i t . f,, "f A't0l',"'ll, V price of lahcr. c "'- compel moo more is among ine opera "h" belter lor the master nunutacturers; for every cent taken Irom the wages ol ihcir workmen, is a cent added lo ilietr own profits. Whatever their l-inguige may he, their policy is HIGH ,. , ) , VtAGI.f. Iii Dnlun'l, iho c .mpeiiniiii am itig epeiatives Ins so reduced wa- R0' seurcely uff.r 1 the means, ol euheis Toe truii-itory nature ol human glory is no wneru more strongly exemplified Ihnn in the casa i.l" John W. It jar, tho "Buckeye Blacksmith." I i l-ll, he was one id Wiuggery's demigods, feio.1, caressed and b'riio in triumpli all over Ihe country who but he, tho Ciceronian, Hemosthe man, P.itriek llemy.in Ituckeye ? In I'll, Whig, ijery, tin-J of its pUs tilings, refused to recompense Hear ov negloeting lo give tutu an office, and, in . 14'J, mch papers as Iho North Americun coolly ' nilori.i I. im ilml he is " one of Iho eoons and var mints fiat sprung uo lathe great Whig cocauii ment," und that " I tie sonnet ho goes back to the - iiello.vs or Ihe bush, the better f .r nil larties." I'n-ler such circutnsiaiii-.es, Bear naturally becomes desperate Und announces that lie go.-s for John I'yler, tcetli mid te mils. Tuts unlucky nidi vidual is doiiblless lo be regarded as another po i IiiumI victim, and ifond lor nothing else, may wiyy t'l priint It hior.il. Wrieoever party Ur igs a ;n"' "-""'his employment to nuke a lion i.l 1:1 ' Ci,w ,-nr " ,,"JSI M u" Ul,ri"1 """'CU ! he escapes rum. lie is only W!,n'c', "".po, try purpose -the lUttcrit-s, tJo npi.ti.-j-ci s, iho shouts i.t public approbation und prolessions ui pnviiio esteem with which he is " " K ' I I " ucning ..w.i-. , i, i, w t.iu ....'.n. , u 1.1(11.110. hi. ii nun MUT ""WW l"aco m Wliance upon rds promise, uie but breath. No matter how "lnl,y hrU" ma.v le -rsi m the hush, the only game is to insist al once upon a fit bird in iho liami. An Emigration. The New York pipers st.iio tlmt colonies ol lawyers are leaving lhat city I -Iho lar west. Luckily for New York bad for ih far went, . irom tn Raleigh Hegwer. MILITARY CONVBNTIOA. In accorJaooe to apnoinlment, this body bmmii oled in tho Commons Hall on the 4th iust. for the purpose of submitting to the Legislature .their., views upon many important amendments to t, Mililit Lawa at present in force taihis State.-. The number of delegates, ulthough not so (urge m may have Tjcen enpectcd, presented an. imposing and gratilytnjj sppcarnnco ; whilst iho patriotic zeal and feeling displayed by each inein'idr present, cannot bo too highly commended by every well wisher to the M good old North State." The Con. vention was organized by the appointment of Gen. Alexander Mcliae,al Wilmington, as President, and Majors McIIenry and Myers, as Secretaries. On motion, a Committee consisting of the f ;1 lowing Officers, was chosen to report matter lt the deliberation of the Convention : Gen. ( "renshaw, Gen. Haywoorl, Gsn. Mcilao, Gen. Marstellcr, Col Green, Col. LittUjohn, Col. Philips, Col! Taylor, Col. Vaughan, and Major Nixon , upon which an adjournment was made until the ensuing day. On Tuesday morning, the Committee, throu-b Gen. Marstellur, reported sundry aiiit-ndmi.iiis to tho 1st, 2J, 3d, Cth, ih, 11th, 15th, lOili, 1 7ti, 19th, 21st, 22d, 29ih, 80th, 3Nt, 3JJ, 3G;h, and 3Uth Sections of the Militia Laws, which njnr much deliberation, were carried ; the Committee asked leave to sit ngain, and the Cinvcotiou Ad journed lo meet nt 8 P. M. We are in possession l a full report of tho various amendments, but n they will pmtii!,: , shortly upeur in our columns, their length, at.d the ditlicul'y of giving lo our readers a clear stui . ment of them, without copying the M.-clions pn. posed to bo amended, induct s ui to withliold tl.t r publication. 1 ' At the evening Session, amendments were ofliir cd to the 5,h, O.h, -12d oud ?U.h Sections, wlui'li prevailed : ul'ter considering tiiuity further revisions and alterations', and iho transaction of general hu. siness, tho body at 11 P. M. niljoutned lo ru n nt 8 A. M. on Wrduesdiiy ; when a unnuiinoua vote of thanks was passed to the President ui.J Secretaries! and tho lody adjournei! tine die. I That the Logi-dalure will give the rccotiimon- j dations of the (Convention that prompt and beiiuei attention the importance f the subject require, we do not for a moment doubt. t ARKI VAL OF THE CALKLO.NIA. Th? Caledonia arrived ot Boston m the 5;'i inst. She brings Loudon hud Liverpool p rs rs i j life 19th of June . ; , . The news is in many,, respects interesting n;, l important. There have bcCn many tiots in Ir land, attended with' considerable dc-tr jctimi M human life, and at iho latest dates the U . thorite in xestuiing order , The trial of ihe yntiTJiyJiiiTn I'r incK fur i treason in shooting nt Ihe Quren, took j laier..'! Friday, Irf tlioXJeiifral Criminal Court, Lot.dnn. He was found - guilty on tho tuc ind ami t!it: J counts of tho indicrtnenl," charging Li;n with l av ing fired a pistol, loaded with some dcstructiie substance, at her Majesty, the jury having a douti that it contained a lulled, but believing tlmt it was loaded with something cUe besides wu.J.fwig a id powder. The prisoner, who was drcadtully 11!'. fected, was sentenced in the usual furnv to bo hanged, drawn, and quartered. The atutu of the country is very near the sime. Trade, id utmost every (ie-criptioii, contmiu's verv much de'pressei), without uny change in the mark. els tlmt could l looked upon as indicating a hiKcr stale of lliings iiirosneet." " The crops ttiruughout Hng!;ind,.rsreci.ii:y li.o S miherh couiitifs, Titre t xccediiigly piiiuusiiij. .The vintage. iu France promisvtlrfih n ft.r ye irs past. 'i'he L-jmlon -money market fs ritsT.- FA MINT. AND RIOTS L IKK LAN D. ' Dublin, June 4. .Tiitr recounts frotu-ihe'cucn. try are really of the most alarming ch. Lacier," with regard to Iho price oi3 scarcity of i.rcvisioiif. Xho Ualwsyd9tk.bir-tmneri -mo"nmi'h.n" mine lias actually set in in th west ; snd occotitrs reached Dublin yesterday that sevetal tliontsvnd persons had attacked a null and floor Moie in I lie neighborhood of I'.onis, county if Clare ; and I ha Ihe military nod police having been called out, a conflict took place between them and 'the jn-nple, in which eighteen of the lulitir were kilhnl. Emus is in a very alarming state, Tlw bell, man has been sent round the town l.y' souiQ evil, emissaries, for the purpose of collecting a mob at f tho market before the huur of two tin's day.' The popuacc have refused till cflers of paciticiilion, ' openly declaring thaliothing will girttify them but blood. The cry tli'ruugh tho lowii nil "day i, " Assemble until we have blood for blood." Large crowds had collected. aThe rxciicrnenl increases every ntmncul, and it now appears all the magistrates deny having given orders to the p dice to fire on the nigh! before, a'-- - i Dreadful riofv'e Gal eay.Callim; lout amt retreat of the, Military " Noihing can exceed x the dreadful exoitement here at present, inconse quence of he. high, price of. provision's. .'".Du.-iug the wholo of yesterday, tho town was perambulated by large bodies of fishermen, laborers, women and k TL .. - . I . " ' . f Vs. aiiuro wn scarcely a str.ro in the town, in whxh potatoes w ere I bought to be kepi, that was n it broken open. The military and police wem called nut io check iho people, but were obliged by overwhelming numbers to rental lo their re spective barracks. I hough their conduct cannot io justified, stall t must bu admitted that they had coii-eih-rablc pruv ocuiiou, as polatocs wen taiseu-tn ih m rni m the enormous price of li jhuico per stono. Toe great inajonl), however, through want ol 'employ niont, would Iw unable lo purcl.uso pi.tatoes. w. ie iima. iiviui io na nan nt ntie ppnn- i. -r , i r ' I otato rioters in Cork. S.inmlai vi i i i scene ol riot ticeurred in Cork, in r -i.iist ijnence . t ahm't 1,(100 men, ho, roused l.y bungei. ami tlie high. price nt winch potatoes weie !!. o-, .i nieuced breaking u to i!,.: iimiki-'. Norm M.u: street, and forcmly posses-'ntj. i; ,. ut.s ,, il,o potaties stored there. Jl alth of the king of I'raire. 't ",e..- 1 ". rff.tt Mr. Walsh, j.iiblili;i in ,e l.iteli e, nn r. i..i: 1 I'.iris, June Ulh, ray : While th- I'.iris curr.-, , n.i. n' the coiu.rn (. I the li.ilnn tnunin iv i!.-k rih ;n..l ii cxc. Ilenl etitlKTity." tl.r u curable .l.r- iocs u Inr'i render liuw I'liillippo'a hfo cav. ed;ng-iv pucan. from hour to hour, and cause great iiihms,ii . mi. sensible deprr.-.si,. m the l.ndon m.ei-y marl,, t. I worthy Monarch travels thirty , .miiii a tew hhura: Ft! fir) 111 t lll.-i It! t I ... , . m M ...... t' ' r . . . ' I. " " ' n..' 'II t I I lit r?' litlll lie peitormances in the cvrr.ing; relumti IcScudU E'-l'oPi t midntghti rise f-esh ot frVcn Ihe i: u-riiinL', and traiiMicta. Ulllt LcSAia l ...... .1., m rt.J 1. iliufua ie-x' ifiince, all sorts ot biiHinesii until the hmirs nt three or - x intlieall.Tii.Km. ',0 hmdon .-tone,-,-f the person .1 mgers t,. which I'.eglislt residentu m I' ranee are ex . il, Irom the " murderoiiH eiiimtv" ot the I'icin'i . .pie, have about cnnal authent-city. Vou inay take i i m as Kpceimensot ll,P oW, Vr!UIC0 ,,,.h n.r. ..ilisli pap rs lurnish hy rvoly Reamer frm lirV 1 and Liv.rpx)! lor New York snd It- 'en 1