' i iMi'OUTA.NW. (;'. TUK AIU'K-J.'.C.'II.VG The T'-.-.j'i of the i Vt.uKim in A--nsi will vo U powertul ii'.iiir,,- i-pon tho f.it.tro d.twjlny of our Mate, nnd, in some i!.r., upon iin fituru iiece.s of free principles thriii'-hint tho 'Union. Si'-.cs the politic d torii.t-l't "of iSll) has mibsids.t and ulm rts-r: resj.nnd in swav, tha eauwu of rerwh licaMibtrty has triu upha 1 iti iiaaily every State o the Uiiiu i in wlneh elucuans hv,j lieeai li al I. To Ihi Suta th.0 fetkra'isi mid ndvicaiea of -fnaiqjttUe anj etchsiv privilege no-iv luVt fur ciir4ori inrfl Un'y hnpa t sou arrested the tide if iMeat and disasti r with which thair paity has Tvaon otnrwhrdmerf -siiiee 13 p.- Their succfss fiere would not only give thi.n piwer to lay olfthe tOil; Data them ctjiuifir, 0't- it woiai sii.nji.itH the Jreleraln, in other State, nnd givo them fres'a courage in their lierco war tipm lhe Constitution nn.l tha rights an I i iitWrst of the lab jr-jra of tha c vj-itrv." Their ' jU i ii;, mi 1 lu'it. 11 vi i,'. fr a V:ir" j rettcy. n ihc mmnjtion of Giviinnieat nod IhuUs, jitnl Alien (-r Cmtcd. Mates, Hitnntor.' Against Mr. l-i, ivaid vast taxation, we c, nubi -el in a National Co ivntinri. For t A!.ili)l'.V ilnil Wututrr, iii '11, f It tliev lire tr Id' tha must 'ntuihjjeul Stutnsmeo in tha L'ni.vi." We ovfai-t ihafoilowuig fiom I ho Vicktbirg (Mid-i.) Suttiiuh .' ... , ,.. ... , "John C. CAi.tiovxat-Xho .Dni wr.iu in tho northern pnri of the Mate, are moving in fimr of Jotl C. Cwioun, us a fit unci proper prsn t'.f thi ivxt I'msi lenry. They j, !,! (intetiugs i;i Ij.iiuoe,N xa!x;e, mil several other tu.vns i 1 the interior.- Tiio Guard My, -wirwfcru Ji:ijiiy to Iciirn, fr ini v ino.is nnrco, t'n inrnHiinj l.intv ol Mr. L'uIhiKiii. At Ihrt t-imi) tini !, thf-ro agrwifloaal n d bm.s.iri.l lord's t iW?-44 n,!,!it r"r,hiil wiil'sn. on th ort of Mr. wr.il.c-.uMiiHfrffninliol!eiinlBi.iV.lc lf',,u Ut WmMr. V n l! ir-n. IV011 if O'Me n" Saturday Eu' tinsf. J.i.'y 10. : tiu: big T.uurF paui-::). w.H),dcoM1n'..iowcrl North C.rol.a-i,,, lV(!i.r( ,,Jrty worked, throu'-h ttui.ir Tar.!! -t.. wh hvewnW! tWtrlor j ,., ,1 llm !f l,i,j; ,;, ;-U ''vj;J CMUu;1 ,: P'-0' 'Mir c'?'J fl.i!!-.ir.:!, a.,j ctt,..- oil nil vut,,,, V,.H ... I vhiI (...v-rn-.r, wh 1vm,. 'rvurl v! ..el oJ,,,, , tMmdM pro;,1JJRa la Con.'.n.tteo ol tnfl tj'anre appi'o;)r.-t?i:g 111 ;tcv Cr 'chu 1 (: u vj,.9. . un I tho p,.lB my rrprw -ni.-.l, how ho nnJ hi 1 ,v ,hw "PW ,,f ,cf ,ho R"Pre,,,a ,rl,tV ih Lw.arv Il -nr.l had '.li-pwed ol j ,:l!,ve P" ,l" .rwibilit . I r U vn-.M on ill St .to, hmnev-wh... with .hi, i.ic U ...rl !m. ! r,VA m Umm.tt vMw nro i buvin ..p the f,cU r.f r. indvant tt;l Knad 'f4"" b' '-r a",1 ttf :o,.,Mnv wilh tl.c ...,n,v of th, people emr-Mted '. 10 ll? Uf i' &3 i . i,,L , " . i. . 1 .. 1 i . 1 , , II I'M', (wh'.TC it win laa iniiimn ri n cuto;u to ..I, 1,1 1 , 1 . 1 ,. 1 1 i.-i.rw s l;h pn.p.isilions, nnd cnll tho yt'iis 'oil wU i U n ili'civeit more .1 .nt't .:i ni hv a'-.!' 1 in n ', ', , . . 1 , j 1 -1 . ., ' , ' nnvn, ni to hold .ich lleproionlalivu 10 nun; ,, .. ,'kinnihi hiy,) 1 wecinii-'d lliff previous njsstton. Man;. i i.inr HU.M-f.-'i winiJ cutw thf Male who f ' 1 t . V 1 .,,,,,.,, 1. , 1 ii-.- 1 . , ,, . , LvorvJ'edttrn i.i!iiucr cun now deny hrow ln M putrid." w-,r p,",!,,;,., n:ld f.mi,,, liT" ""' ',a, v"S,!l ""f1 f ,f ' u J prefemhV. Whit ,!id th,' l.wflVh.-L.lJ rojieiod nH,d..U w.J(ch do s!,.,!! It.td to b; arc d,l for t! pr-rtv or ho.v., of ii, Maifr? P'1",nr m h d . li it licit j g.jtieriii bct.ii -nn ho.'.i.,' flwitopla,-' 'iM'" 'nut ho frewit' bill r u! the llnit n ...(.ro unlTur.oii.-.wwlnBnd p-nfiile.it.il!, prowi M tin; Uwlrihulimi :t, hy winch it wan hud of linn nevr useo.i.l.'d l"'r I.yi.,.itiv pu? u 5',ni,,,u, '''i'' 111 Ijt"-, u:l ;iier or jMstT - Aid iu ihi po(.lrt wish . 4kim sjniiW" ticlehouU ut any tnno ho rai-. to exceed S'J niHti-,r 'tVri.o!'lho .ii;in k'd.'r-l VVliia n-vn j .!, thi'tJwltib:jtiwt4W..I chh-p, and lim ortd i'.'cliojs 1;. h..rk ihwMo srriiihl ! r tin-My1 i "':d be rcttcirej to t!iu Trodur of tiki iio'i! flif Oiiiiiti and lni:r..ra 1 ti.-i phatai-trr of llic ' Union.- - 'r. '.si..t.. .... .. . i,...!. .iii Ths Hoiion under tl.c nresont hill i:r.rc than iii.iujo .101 ; lie pa !;; un.'rti.i thai c ' i UFFTtTtm 11 ri; rm,d Vhi,;-, of th ) eil of New York, n; OiUI Mr. Tv' .-r, lur his v. i i, u-oitKM lh' mui t Uim-inri'i Whi:! M- ih.l WhiL'2 the n.iniu o il.'in.icriicy 1 In u ii CI w'idi', the, doilh:!r;.w r ill Hi"!'1' f'WJJ ti i iitl .( : no jjiirp-sJ.- T.u ir doom im liod I t.ioir n 'W n 1 mo fn'cn.'d iinii tiin n." TUlv .'fiml ii dnrin,' thc.jo:i k'c'ii Tiijjiat jf ; iMi.u. Ulubj. " . . . 1 Mil. B1DDLG AND .T.IK UN'I'J VJANK Missi.ssim. 1 t. , ciit tha r.!lii.vi:i(r Iro 11 iliii Sow York HoraM of M in.hy list, which rclt ;ct vry mverely on tlie grout U.mai-'.er 'JAIWJN a:w HULL. N ii'ii-i ' cm i'.rro n.u'ivmt of tV; nilnr.il ry in a.ttu-U!y.iMiim'.fiMiii iiiitinutiva Hym'nthi4 l H" " h'rf '"' , Com mttc-j ol th.; c'.mnic,' in tho vnm of (itfncnil Jmkfon nnd jennral Hull it i 'hu.nili.uui to ho ..hli lo brin!,' n:h nii'iM fi j.ixtup uiliop. id CO J M t now tli.'iriTimt rommilleo reoorled nlmst the in', cliiii of 7i..ne,ftl Jaksos fur money ne'Uu'ty pud by him, nn.ler circunKtanco which rolln l upm hiiu the hiuliMt honor, twc-iti?, f r tiiem was no le"il record of a fuel, n well mid ui.iveilijr Ltiottii a"ihe biiila of Now Oilen . or n.iy oilier (rent I1n.t0riu.1l cent i nnd no they aoinnlly report a h.l! for thn payui-'iit to th-i heirsfif lv;ur,il Ilctr., -1v havo JJ the n.MHir. .4 ,h S.,l,ct Com.; "! '"r 'l4" TtV l il.nl of cowardice.) of the anl iry alleged to ho dun hii.,.'H II ivonmr orMicbijj ui, alter ha h id m ut disgracefully sjrrrfiiJaraJ it 1 1 ilvj eimmy I What will tha cu.itry ay lottos pnspos'.oroj 1.1 III! ib 0 i.nttM" ot U10 Mii.-ipiii Ii 'jrwUtorc on 1I111 Union Uuis U iinii. It is a b.wk ot ioriy-ix n-ijr'1, nn.l c m Mini t.'in pxtniinatioiw ot' Gnwr ior lc s'utt, II I Unhni'U. 11. Tariier," tlm Co.n.nisi in.-ri, 1. C Wil Iciih, II. C Vilkinson, and W. M Poikard, with nth- uri in ri?l ition to Ida auliwcl ol tin 5.1 II 1 1 1 . . . 1. l. - li 1 11. . . .... . i iMn ii Kiui 10 ..H.unias u.'iino en ncconm oint iiissh- 1 , .. 1 ... I ..., moil liinrf.; Ilu com nillMu. aU.;r pitin'.i) j Ci J " 7 w ),u 1 1 s i ii.n'ui up tiie t'viilertco, ami iuve.-tu tlnitno IujU, ! tninsatiou. .Mr. 1 siUiTOM wisely spa roil un piny n 111 ist with nth j c.jjrujfy, ur ratlrjf dislnV'il nnd unp itriotiu ih; ia,fK "l Siate.j cr(lJ!IM,-(!W W,ilVii won!.!- moiii nn incredih arrive nt the foilnwiiijj resohiiinn ; Ilinhi J. tlifrefore, by the Leghda'.uMof tho Ktntn of Uititih.dpni, ('hit f ir the reasons ji forth in tin! iiiroiroinir ri-'i'ort, tills LL'isl'.'ure dvnhM. tint tli i Jtts ! of Afi.-uimippi is an J .r any lei.l m l m rsl obhg-ito.ii f. r..t.ifin lliil Run miilmnrf ill' Im-iifj ..1.1 Ku 1I1A ..itri. 1 mieoiicwof lbs Miiipw Union IJ.nk. lo .Nieli .U whose Benor.itw indijiwliH upon tha occan-w is li..l.i;o. oa the l":)! day .dVi2u.t, Dnt while I very ho norahh- to him, c iii-nkrifl i- Iiih lain peri.n u tliis (Tislstur 'd.r) nwn sulemnly ' reftuihai B.iJ Inland p.liue.il rehiions ,wilh lien. J.viks.jN. huinili .li;i4 clise .niriture, by prnviJoia, tor it n hasty retreat, in innvui to lay the monstrous hill onlim la hie. 'iV whoi-i .ull tir is appropriately. ! chanicter.r.jd in ths brief ronurksof. Mr. Cauiol, M'a..'ij.'i;'j'(P. (') 'V'' Mr. Cauioln Mid that ho w:u m;t a hil.o s.ir- Im!.i1.s mid diM;liSfli Kilo thereof, itleiml. IranJiilint. uml uncormiliHiiHi'il, yet tlint the holder trt'tli'we Umi.I-i .. M..J....I.. ....I ....kl.. . ... llll lllr- I 1 1 1 J "-wiiwi tlll'l .-.loiipium FUIIII'U. .... i . ... 1 ...i" ... , i.. forcolloctin-Mto smonnt paid m siid u-mda. ihey nr.. 1'"' '" "'v'r'" vmv..a ... ! hereby initel la pursua tl. remedy stf.ird'd' by mr j'.Jhol.rtro the a.mnte. ! law, aaJ on4aU.NM, acsinA the AI.sii.ippi Utiioa ' tle: was Ia-tho firat i-laee a'ir;rif I l!t' lit" j ilink, and aiinitull, nn.l evury prin who by liio, her, ! ronc-gmlativits t.f Wen. Ho!) ,'io jlJ vv.tr thmlt of or their cennceiioo w.th saiJ ni.mnti.m, Imv r.mdercd j ,Un .,H c,llm ui V ingress, ll.j wnnl l .. .t li;:n, her, ur ilieima-'lvn lini,id oiihtf in laiv or eanitv, - . ..i,iVuj..i ji .,. i k ,n fur tho dews ol B n'(." ' ! '-' too rnpraseattti.ves ol Ann., hhrnod j . ' la rilition In Mr. fcaliile'a ;;eiicy in the muter, . !r"-e,.t a c! nni f.r Ins pay, us a jrerirr il m o.ir . lhee.Mnn.illejdiidodsjf.tlr.v.s: 'nerui-e, alter he hid ennmitted Ins ireas on, on J ' Tolrd:, ; Did B.dJI, in mal:in' iho enntract, the ynnnd l.rit ha Sield h C ni ni-i n of a jen I iiitoftd t e.unatit t fraud ! Front ih faeu.itas!atctl, ; ral.- which had no been revoked. It would Ijo ; the cn.ii.niUC! cm coma to no other cwnlmiwi. thsn CV(,rv wt IH reasonable, at this. Il j could nevf r I'"V''"C Rkltiivnil t'liiurr nu: niM.iiii'.r. It is with' pain that o h ive nor:iij.r ( record one of fid most awful cilamiii.;, 'ihati' ever helhllen Virginia. O.i Tiiursdiy, ubom a p. in , it was observed dial th river hero i rising j it 'continued to .mo with uiiprecedtnuif rapidity till Saturday night, ut whit h innu i; j said to hum hueu lour Inch.' higher thtg j( ? T lllf' romp been or forty-odd yours. The Compiler iofur us inni " um cellar, on mmh struct, for ite prop no broken-cp,.Mtious with die' ins ti'l unanr me present t,;, UMsy mi cwdit irfllw p.id,ttud rr(f1ua!irv 1 mhlthq ail (r cent f the Com;, ...ans from the people', tro..,jrv f We defy lr'nd lh pliijhM faith whhil oht iine. iiiihk: r rpouit l'u tni'e law ..LlhaJd'l 1 the ..islnl.oli hi law, tolly oy is n..i7 i'TiHip, II; i M ' I Hi ' f : TV j Hi 4 ilMrt::wliieh tti-VV4ii ini .rifv brought fJfward ; '"lw. . and. l a.se.i, that 4s or ever wt!.mttHtMa.,,i:''',, - J Pcr rr,,, ')",, ciinio.iai . u.iii u;o JX":'mTif lo iliu C-'a!' of (leop'e. Lit tts,-the-i, l-a vT I Jt'Hrilja Aaitjej'-tWd. Th;i is hi .0 h audn l, il.isjs !-ii.'f.-il Wi,ij tovtrs ..f ,i..-.uoj.'.h. j t'i-1 t'i' ; "d imt li.l. uii'idl FeuVr-tlWai lisCoooak.n, - !u:i!: nt hoinf , and elect nn ..hi f.si.io.ud U s " black cocka.li I'.-.l-r.ilis iiiuro of h meat. Iruo Deoi-..'. ats who will red.-e'.n : O i the psssoo t.f til': lull, tha v '..; Month t!. li.n.cior of I lie t;aii;,s .k; care o! t'jn pfiiipio'i. I'r ihhi!r ll;J i.i V;,i y,4jn protect l.heir. rich's and iniercMtj. I Too fo!!n'wV)g ahseti'e. w i-ild pn.'o ib'v h iv v .inn I-T t!i tn.i, v M 'ssrs: neory, I! j-i', kiyner. an I T. Vt V;l!unn. 1 rjuiil. I'orrih, L iwel!, Oliver, I'roJi'r, S.vc -1tVcWet4hfm4i, wl Wiv't J. ... . 1 Tiio tonttsl, io., m w' liefore ttir!, has an ini ; sjgrlunt iiBiional barii.' 'i'ne I'cd-.aosts of onr I ,,.Ma!e nave u iiiiin i7i'l"ifi:"v' CL3i'as Tlieirdln"! 'stidato lor. the FitfJiinencv : mid eat h v .trir.-wlien : ' r. i ". he caMs his b.liol, wiii cilirir j.i.t...n or (paJo.o 1 ' i n (imt tiu'iiinitioH :aiidJ .e i .morunt nieasurei" ol j, t A-',l'1"-: ",0 .. , , , . - which Mr. Clav lfhe pr.mioent udvate! , K- .b-atees would probably h.r a ...... . n .;.i . ' vuted ar!iual I no "ill, H.'.. Messrs. 1I. or lh sginlifiirf, votes iq i H c! for fli:$itv Clay,) for i.-jiiii;; lo piece o(frcrp.TTo)siirj'i,Tn; -a"t , -V.t.'ioaa i'.mi, a PnUrrtn-e Tariff, ih- lliitlrni' Ittic, ait Assumrttn of the f;iitr Ihha !f thf firiitru1. (ior'-rn'rfi amj rftftetg Lit .' t hir a:i I high t'tx-i. I'lies-i ui".: I le rcl is--.e " ' a coutcal ; 'and are tla-y ti .t .i '.., ! ? W "i., ia. l-i ia. i.o !;utf i larut in r e. nyi.S.e .i i, d ; , ''' .ii.ote heseveii Ihe 's..'cr, uil.-tiln ii.ei a" the j Wioo ,4i.a!fcse. .t.'WI iod ,l. ;;. i ..-. ti.ni n r An.'i.tt.l nr. ; ti.. i V-r fe-sTers Hh"iir pativ m ISl'i f-.-ii b-Sn-i a -?'uid ,v,i-rrf. with Keiiseh'?. muiwimriss,' to-Hv fcim, fic J pioloih i and f.iU.rh..'j;! s they oencd he-:n in l.vor .f a 11 1;.' , n I'rutt-ctiye '1'ar.lT, an a mriii-in- 'I the Mate Diioi.', .- of csirav ij-in: e:."iid,: ires jllwtl.e wSndty4.fan..iten..UIinl'riirl. Ih, , I liti " , , j ,, unifl.IM ,d,wi,B which iorijinsl aad snpjJiOinuUl ch.rtera bjfjre him, unit llm , ... ' , . ,,, ., lh. V1.,,..,i , ... .u .- i . . , oervidud thu who e country on tn-j k rren.. r ol ' iviwitr ol siloruer of the co:ii.iii.riuiucr, 1,-oia whi ;h h4 t,',,1"-" 1 ' ' ... j ,.,.wt have Known that he w.Uou tin cntrsct with ' 1 ":'. Nev,!r i' '!or , n 'r h"'1 ,l9 '" ''" tin; cj. -iiaiiAiionera, wincli, tiny !. I .. . p-iwur to in uo. c I nnvihoy l.kaj'. I'11 ' vth his r,.lla;uii I It e ml I not u.nOHcped ins a,:uv rUii vo t;ii, tiial I lie t!.t th;? j 1 (lent then pronouieed ty nn p'jhlic j inteiiiMMi of the coart.T wis tin! tin iiil miviuii: ..f t:i. on tit j .act h id never b.e reversed, and probably A loan, a,1-.ili be pud as the c:s!y groiin U uivm which never woal j L.". .' : . ' lh';y weie allowed to be olil, i I tiK.t o i)?r cent inie-! , .j .. . .' . i I re,., was n-,ly Inducement M, I '., the purshv ,!" w" 8!"1 Mrm ,!, lt M'Pf,'' ser: and that if betradeufn tT.ro.it t.....s'!un th-rio .a Ciui'iii'tee ns luat oil In.' JodiCiary, h-.oU fepoil " j simulate I in the clirtei1 a.d .w.er nf-tm com mission- in f.vor of the claim. How c mil l.is iay as Gov. Irs, h ? tridad ti hi p--.nl, as tlie.r amicy wis jie -n1. e.-nr be nllo ved, wiieo ificro gaa. fur tin ti-ne, 'io- . y.t wit!, all lacs i'.et..' belisre lu.u I. ; cheated ih sneii 'i'eniloiy as .Michigan. It h.i.1, by hi, ow.i, : coiii.niPsiom.rs out ol the b-.-.-i ...t.vf.a, di l.y the Injemn a' IJ.ili.h V",v'"ee, and romaitimj t . : c!nn." to sterhnfMiMfev, msd f.e ii nds 1 1'. par cent ,.i .. ...... ,.. i. ,., ..., .. ..., r ) iii.i.it, !n no!, ii ! ill.. "i"1 ... 'Tv HsV,. ...... li ...I... . 4.1-.. i.. sm im. l Url.... ...1 tl . .'huus iv tra'asactum ''I'.iiy, could ho bet p. id .. , eruin . a Ivrri.ory , .n . ireMake, Ad W:-:.:a,!w,lia!tra.,l. '"at ha.! ceasud to ext by his own ae. ? I tie , Jr.-intLJ The ..LeuK.., I h,o o.n.,,1 i T;.. u ol ,ir t.! i. i . i i . i i . r . ,,i it,.. - error "I the couimiltee cou-ii-oeii in mi-iojoio It. it , ' " , , . . m c'.i-ii.ins lite c.iu.niitee a u tiicn.f.t iiy j icii mc'i. hii I tlw commission tlia nter tuner and Wat ji.d i ..i .. n ..... . iu-.i.ii 'a j f.i iu. w i.i i :n . i it.ii.ii.'r nn nui. il i,... l. .!,.. tk., ...... .1. l. I! .... .- ; ... Jiaris..ii j.UUil l.J.'., " ,l.. t.ll. .. :. "i i Ml, t l-ll lllj IIHW! III t-j.i.iiiL,' l . tiio conclusion t ! he h is ',)-. i K i.Uy of an in dm'.ituco on each sidu of Markol Lridire. a. in water. Much limber-has been swept .Most of tiie btoro in itmikuiis were Coodrd L Saturday, and communion between the inhabitant above and below the creek could only ho kepj U( with the aid of boats. The water stool thre8 fCC in Iho at re of .Messrs. Ilashins & Libby." Satonlay cveuiii a boat, with six ,iltsn ai)j boy, waa upset in co.mii '.from Brown', jsju1 (iniinedintely in the reitr of tha nr.i.orj Ji.ai.4 tiv, of them wer.) drowned. The. rest ese.iie.J m j19 shiite, one of them beity s!v.crely i. jured by !., caught heuvee i the upset btit nnd a tree. TmI Ciouldina and b'aiuuel UJwards were ilia name, of the drowned nwi". Their bodwa were sestri ij over HatiiH's dam below, and pass dun under t)0 railroad bridge, ant thenco through lh (Mlt Thny b.th worked lit the foundry on Bulla Lie and were Englishmen'. , Goulduij has lull awn,! and two children.' Edwards wast he huilwnd ,,, of the oul'oriuiiute nuuieii who, wure up.oi ,Ml8 cold niyht some three years ei0 in jjoitig U Rv9 Isle, and was l.oziii tu deaili on a small island tu whicSt Jhey uiadu their way. It appears tint Uouldiug lived upon Brown, island, uud seierHi laborers ut thu iron work, b .ar.hd with hhn. During the freshet, the b-Mit w.. the only ii.t!llli, of coiiini'.ur.cutiriif Willi the almie, tho loo.. fen,!,,, having b-en waslicd awjv ; Hint it Is tlnahi I he bo t w. up-et Irom want of kKiII hi itiauamg , Tho saiUeo of, (ho riv. r wa, covufed wal, lloaluig wbeut and corn. On Saturday, a cnrria-o as aeon cmning over I be lurts, presuiitt-d to hsv been lost when croso.j( some lerry. The hirmer, whoae wheal escaped lhj rdv tsof tho rust, ui, not e,caH the; rushina watery . lu some (Hants, the Micks nfwhuut on tfie low yroand, v.ru ,cji oir. s.i'l lnegromg crops of com kivi tubau.u arniort iTitiret4lt:!lio)iid A I-.tter iirihu Wiuj sayst--: .. ' ' ..; " At the best, tho lass ujll be immense, 1 .ute not the It u lint us to esiiuisTe jt ; but other, calcu. r late the loss of whpnt almie, butween ItichiiKSl and Lvnchburg, at JjOO.OOJbusiitls. " Taking tlt, immethale neohb.rhHsl us fal) Index,- it eanM welTtelSi. ti of.: IVyn, jlr. arick, f,at fcw - j new purchaw at DStr,) ami J)t. Trelil, ia ,r.t. i Mr. VVarMck, at U .-aveMiiui, lie, hiuh, and n jbut partpiiy n;vd. OpjH.-re, fMr. Gt,ir,.n, m -t aftfamtHita,swl ire the ni itur on ivtv jilsasilile iir.mnd. Dot the aervic-'!. nave th's. Mi Vi0 "!"W that Hie law ,thor.m-. inn ,ile was 'w' ' Bui' w!,.,t sirprisci him moU ofali was, the -f..-l i .iteJ in every pa.-ticn.ar, snl tint iiiro'i fh i hefraulii- i . .. . , , i . , . .Vi .,. ' , , . , " ' " ti;it ,.. res'tee'ablc commitu.o slru 1 rep rl in lto I lent in'eut anJ prae ices ol ion porclnsor, who hna- . , , , - r , n , . giacd t .iit with hi, 1rrestiiitvi:.-.;f and cunning luv"r '" of t.etieral Hall, after haiuig j lie u-MscircuiriK-ntiO'i thopmiin -.loiwr. I'ln .trs.ght rep .rted ag aiu.l th it ol '.en. Jicl;n. His wis ; furaard l;ojL'iiiv of tiit paopts Ly tfi.j.plv aua!yi,ii; the clear cast?.' lie piid the fi t.' which had hero ipst ot th" law tullio tra.i-ictoui, l. nu vum rou'li imiio.ed for nu net rlono in the erior.n itieu t.f a rtroU toa toruajfU-aa-cMi-U .iiatlnnjiuiu a y-f -nr amprnTncc M the tloi.jn, ini f.,r .i.iain.iij ii c., ,,) rne.-ive.l Hh tlianas of Ilia Uuverii'ir.-n: ;i!i-l tli j e . in "ry ; a : l ye!, I i s i.i, ! Co-noi'.;',' e, at J'i ! li". 1 1 lt Ht . s ' " I ; l l : i . I 1 trv li'imicierii, wholi.ve lou mice in! i i..w.ti ii with Soofi', l'..-loii kii.j,'iil" ' " i ) i ; whit a tn."l. si w . we -i . V.i;,; li,'t we aijjy t .I..--.--. F. a thr '.'.; -r. U.Tsil.tVAt ! V 1 .' i"-i prnrlit- ii Th"' iii.n'f-r ui hieii 'I'sil f ll'.wioj mo ll,. :.oe tf the h-ll : lV.-M.-s-r. A 1 -!-. i i- t" , 1 J A-iJr".v.-, A U tl.i' ! 'tisj' 'l c is u 1 1 Nay j ". i i - watm 1 n,- ! r, j a i yd '-rl of n ' nnd cniiet ii i.i . you, hi nre n I. I! ir.tr, l.iru i !?,., , iuin, 1! .rden, il.'.ts, ninh H.-n-.vn. l.irn- 1 li Jl ill - , tff-tV tr. s; ....M 7 ', ., 't.Tt'T''"'''''.'' : r.'v-. 'rra"i-s'''- s"-i-aMwjFt. I u. .it i. , i;nii i.i li, . li i.i1 . y.l nr; tio, l!io t'i i I i!; h .; ; To toe Il'Mi er l we wuuio : .v. '.le; i ia '! lifts jireat c iiitVit !.';) m Js lounlv ooo .-ur f-r innu an 1 sour :'r-s . I ut l ie ii i i.. T.ie i);.n rrt who l ii tnv.iv tro..i : ti p.ii ... t'i- 1 It ..I Aulas', or m : ...i h.s . ! i ni- voie. oi.iv laert-b.' i:.!l. -t it i ! i: ; - t;;e. t . .' l.:t-:i!ui ov.iu .,l li.'e , , iv.-fn in. a .il !.. i v n ('enr'.'St riii i il Vo lire mil v .'i..' . i.-.t" , ;i it i ''". .y. ! i.i V. :i if - . w i, n i, I, Avr-i' B.'" itirto... !'. -J..;e. Hi.;, liar.! . t'.r-i,..; ,vn, Mr'.ns m. . - 1 l' :i).i i. To l 111 . J. I ' I'.!"'." ., i.. . t . i .. ' i' .. . Jin"i tl-i ip :r, i ...v .n, TTi ,.i ... Vyt"'" "tTrvi,7 i l-re' I i) r. Ik J-..ei ll'.l .v ir 1 ..-,t. tt. F.v- ' ., ',. I.i'.. I' -.!."', . 1 1 j, timitn , '., i . . .. ti'-;,' -.,1'itnek 'i. t'i .!. 'i.-.iniM, tin.'.' (ir--:, Hill, il.l-l". I. Ho-VS". II I i- "I. ,s .;.h li , ii;. i Will. U' I .', I. .1 i ,.-i, Wm I t i . "I- t l, I sat- ! -I ON, J lim I'. I. oi i".i) . i ."..I '. I.'i., M.-lC'-eiaii. 'i'ni . F. M ir' . I, t ns ei M . ;. '-'a-I on", M ;tl i.j-v, M-txweil, ill--;ir.!, .'.Inf., .i .r; a o swr o il -ii. o i t . . a dt I .ii :-!. ..iv -ii i ml i.iS.iior n'iTjer tie ci.i.m! tin. .1.) . lo-, men! a id w ig s to 1 1 1 3 h 1.1 1 . 1 io. y . : ;:i. for iu:us !T-i J . -inr . ! i .r ' .t I 1 vio 1 ... li- "liil il 1 . J In . 1 --io, 1 ' ' . 1 1 . 1, :mi", hi-'h reo'ii :e I -I,; ; rut r e!: . the un t lien. .1 1. I.. t, 1 . no w .iv do. t -il"il Ne v (.lea i, no . r - ,' t 1,1 lav,..-..f al'.o.v log the piy of (I 11. 11 i.i fr.g .ycrmiig jji a Tern I i-.y ot .U.l.i. .0, sviiion 11 i it a Ihi!' I o-l I.i I'm I'm 11 l.v e.iA tr.i'ie or traas-.i. 2Iu.c i!r.tnic '"' l!l It -h -;- .',''( V 4,'. ' .'. '.f m't, : Kl.t I'. 1 '.-e 1 ""!''( ' r ("i J tr' 'i '.a Itrattini. .i hi) 'l!rwjr uiilh kl-utf.uu I (i.i. II k, it'm t.""!!'! 1 " i-j.. jo 1 i.f 1. ,,'1 y.tcc "- 1 1 - I . I U . i liail mosl exie.ls.re hum rp.m.iiij ri..j'. j We hnsr. hi addiHouthui liieliiK e,laie, ff tin J Mes.,rtiiTia'nd rflwh7plT- Hafrtf.H ate ateira liujared. I'liete ullt-uiru wilt liUd ab-ju't lwr ! thirds of their ciopi. j M ayu's bn'lge, erns J irncs river, wis in a very critical condition. Near llm Aliiatit-tit ' side, a pier give way, and two spans sank duwa . i'lli lhe tvd.i'f, N'l prijfU9jupc iiuactare i - carried !!, th .u(h it as as yet uiisiio tu Croat il; nnd tho railroad budge is ops oed, charging , II in ju-setuers. L is rep irlt d by th" CapUin of lhe IVket tint, ' a:ter Ins leaving Lynchburg on Wnnin iIat, it r uneil for 10 or 1 1 Inuts us if the heavens nca i-c- min da. 1. - . V , , ; The in Jamcj river is wuuwUnJ at a iiaiihsw of ilolluw, ihough l I coufsu u ,i.i:re. g-.i-v W'l! m:i. van i;r;:;;'. i ij"; v s,t of Mr. Vim II lien !,. the jr.;,! i.-nai i-f Hi.. M i-nsej.:'! n n lioeii utieudcd by .no,! rtftiiv in ij riio.is'r i'i n', -. its vary conclosi .1 11 T t.Ais.wt1iXBto.-!ayiak-aah.Wi ,. I;i Ihi cu'ili.1 ia 'l....VLli r rv !Lo ". i .. :.'.-'r, I npriMiiou 1 or ia !, b .'.il 11 re'ir ! '1 th . fl'Ti;:a 1 . ''i"'e in I ll-T IT 10 I' I-'.!'. 1 III lo t, in '! m 1 1 r.f.,"it.v .1: io ; ti ; 1 1 '1 ; ' -' 1 tr." .1', ail fu o; In.: u. ut a'U'V a.i i vu ji r p ilitii t. C .1 tr.... , , ever v 1 J J a n 1 u. fiv-fa'.- ani I. : 1 1 1 v imii ; 'i'g witn m is. of t m e .11 1 1 i's i. h .t'i p." i i a ' ' r n g " 1 u si.! n r ui treiy urn., .ii-, i.o! ,1 Winn i. ...;.;. I ami fiii ii'y (or I'HIM'll'l F vo'io I.i s 1 "...i.i -., il.J lias 1 1: ! .it ag loi'l li.e ;. . '.il l .usej'.s u! IViier..!i--"ls vi .1. li iv.; .iailjw.'d tu of W nig. Ail a1 li ;.,". j i.i ,i 1; 1 very ij.u tr it 1 1 ru ms - i -,- w ' - I li. hiivo ;l i'.iiii k ,: at r .,; i i, ;'l , in -a-; ir.' 1. 1 Tniil 1 I a-.d or tix. s:..sii:i; ,' . hy the 1'ei- It lt 11 ll'i v iii'ii.e a . '! '.I the .1: lien i.-' vie,'):.."'. i hi'! I 1 :', " ; i ,. i'.i, urn : ; es r! " 11 1 hi tv v- 11 I 1 1 fit e ;.;."r 1 I j .. I'.e ! !i s: ' e. .'. j' ite ot is ; 1 I ' J. ! nr.':i."ns t'i t-t '".i'.i '! h iv. 11 ' Co I i'"ii in "it 1 "' W'nis, an 1 u : 1 1.1 -' ' (e,. i..i un , 1.1 la in i . I'.i e i, l u! ft'.' it 0 '. " r .s i .osible 1' ..- : 1 ' l i" ar sinn,fin tr .-u .1 1 ituer . s'-r, th . , in ! I-J . I J'lg I ! 1 V ' I i i' - -1! ; . 1 - :r-r t" t 11 . I ; I I ' '. 1.1 l:l ; i '. 1 1, ... : a 11 o: ier c j i i n. s '. 1. :t, ; i', no i ! id 1 .1 : gr j ii ii t i , of 1,1 J 1 'if I -1 i.:r. 11 u-t I. "oe if . . ; '1...1 1 111. . 1 . to ; '. .1' is, Il )' 1 u 11 .-'' .'i r i ts whit'i., 1, th'-y v. oc : f.'ii.. 1 :t 1 ),i; i ! ) .. .11. I'liey k inil I. rn I' ' .uie I I t n . .1 ' ' 11 ' l"1 c 1 r . ' d i.s 1! niiii.'r i'.e. .a 1 1 '( ! -ii! I ' v .1 - i v r iidr'sl'y l it! .: I ti tev.i.o. u.j 1 ( -y oj.ii .1 .1.1" !, the c . i. i u '. 1 "' I ' 1 . 1 r lor .'.. ;a "11 lo.'ir interest to 1 11 li a. t'i'! I'l - or -11 le ,'ienees. '.. Ma r-ii; i r ( a- Ill ''n 1. Tn ' , (I-totTtl J 1 ;i"i II ': oios 11 1 v 1 1 tins f. i.v. 00 1. n or a I! .st' 1 r i' , !'.'M 11 11 I I ' - u, 1.. ." I, , . ! 1 , - , II I.J I" " ' , , .1 . " II ' .' " 1 1 - a - ' 1 "1 ,- - y 1 - '.' -. . ".' '. -' . .'.'x.i. - t in.. . ii '.oi ii x: iv.t'i .1 1, tiling . a"l "a "' j'.oi"' 0 !.'.". a, m a. t . -. e: 1 1 i .1 : ,ii.. .! Ii-.i I. .,i--.i i- -. "' ' - 'I . 1T0 ...... ' 1 1 ,, ; 1 , .1 ...... .1' 1 I'm 1 1 h' i 1 11 1 " 1 1 I , in . 1 1 1 L ' . .. , 1 1 .'. . : ., ; 1 1. , i , h 1 ,H, 1 ... ' iv .rU.ii.. 11 1 . .ro..' ii'i'i c. ..i i. .r . . . ... ' '. 1 1 0 1 '. 11 . . e l " e ':'i"Cli 1 1 ti :.'. : 1 1 1 ; . .1.. I 1 .r. lit' it., 11 r.u.vi'tpii lo I. in ll',''' 11 ii I"' i" e. -i-cli .,1 f., ! To 1 hi, in isl Nnddeu the lu-sin WiiUi, a I'iVj tfittl' 'fi' s "I lh Jio.e, -river on ha i !-:.;, lhe .Vji'a..ij!loX aijtl it mdok.', a:id lU.r. trio.oi.teti " - - - . There is oaid fn have lni deal met -e frtA ! south .il'.'ltraliij-j mi vWit.f s Jay. Tiie Js'ilmmji too 111..I Uoiti".!..', the 'J!B'.t idias!.ij', t I'lirtsiiiotitii uhd. U .ahoke, iitiUtlltffhu i:ler-bur. ilailroids, were u.i mo.e or U'sS i. irfil. i l ..r.Mia. a gnu I deal of dam igo was .km. lo ilio cor'.iT.'Wir water in many pl R'es on tjju lankitf the Ilj.ii'.ut? ar.d other h r.-aiH-S envtrirg the crn entiivly. "j The Lynohbafg K.'pi.!lifii dL'scrili.'. the aa- t.imalillii delllge pi rattl which In ifit to I 'dcp Wcdoesley.ot irul jn!f P'r' JtS. t " IVr. was ii'her liejjtoiiij'i.r 'lund'.-r, biitlne fill uf ram see netl iii v.rni..!!ti!y 't . i:ic.'ia l.'oul the :. 'iiSCuni:rioi ..d iT'ovt, iltl 11b nit 0 o'clock, p m. "We nver w.laoaseJ ni ineessant s shnftr. Tnc earlli ..s p-ifTeOlf alelu J"d; and cirerji brswh a id rj-trin b-en tie a ituaintain l.irretit, Ti Cfcr-lu wei in a I, h-airs s.v.illoii bovo el liieir h. i.ks. tint ab.ut u clm-k . iiiglil iho rsvr l (tao 10 ns; Uoiil aVul H o'clk, p.'m."i Tiiursilsy ' iiig'r. We have not harJ from bejr.-Kd lhe rUx9 nor the s-viVrn or'wwtT.cr.i'tirfL'S' this swfs rf f, fully. Bit nmeii learHiniTlie it jiry dauo to lUi crops, 11 ihoadful iiideod.", 4 Ths litile aQ or ios to bo nt'ire like s wiier Kp .at-'ika the iauur! Ii..niwlitch fIl tUml this n o ; l ut yeaf a' the Mo tntaiiUBBi?. Vo.a Ihi Muilnul (ufii:r, 1 t.'d mttarit. s r 1: a m n o a.i l x r 1. 1 s i u s 1. li,-.' .lie's t.ilr pan, Ini tluty to record one n: ! .' in ist Ottii'iuiog i!..n!i!:es i.liu'.h bos uivt.rr.sl i. i i l'i..viiic ei tee in in', r. 'i.i, lion ut Mti i'.'.i .. . 1 " S'. l.iMiiee. J'lin I.ioh ,ri 'HH.,rd sv.nn T .S.ia 1 " 11 i., win! ' I.'i;weeu Licoii. h.i.1 I'.nin 'nine,"" ;i r ..;. to lv ng' ., a1." .nt ten oM ': S.'.u.jlu 1:, ,r:,i. 1 , l.urxt her hii.er, and, lo-r bows L' ; -' l.l.fwi ..jl hv ll.e . p!'f i"U, fhe vve.il d..w.i I ' ! I 1 ii..-.. I'n'-ie w. r i n l.o.ud o! lo r ' ' il oe .1, I.'i t . ,: m.iili, 00 ...I I'M pers-aP, ol ' ' S.itv-. '.il w. c iiikeii 0( mount Iv . Inr .. 1 1 I.i.., a -id 1" were .-iveyed to loo Ma-en I ".Ht hi reins. 'I'll I I '' a tm j .t-'J 1 ,r. I If I ho 1 1 couveved I" lae i. I' rtll I ' 'I ll I !' ii.r, ; ! -o 1 -11 1' liii. u.i I.I ' a t r 1 li .'.'n-l-.i ; , I t I 1 .-.. i ,- '. T 1 i "re 11 r ' ... 1 I 1 to-1 "'".If : '!'t r ;i .-. into l..'l.v.' Stiver an I K.11 . i. . I ""ii;i 10, in I I', ili'.-i are en'ireiv Ir 1 . m 1. a - II lc-.(i.M.;d lo t'.a !..e "T. a s... : I.. J.... t . vt 1 ! 1 -n.i 11 llni .' . ..I lull" 1.0.1.'. d the h ut. hed ii. ui. 'r t li" miijiutnti".. IS lll'll' O 1101011 ,1 ii I', lio n I..U 1. i-ii .0 .11 : ut Ii'-imj 1 1 t'i i 11S il!' i..! I !i I: 1 r ni:.-tttr :v A I III 1 1 II' O ill'' '. 1'.,.' : iti, i;i. . il until l' -1 tt-l. If'"1 rnh: i II t:;l" I. 11.1 r i .' -.' .v.- (!!,?, -i- r ,1 -il. an I I ' ' li.tert '.I f'e.ii.i. l;'i' i:. 'v eir "a C' , iv.r .' "i "' " 0 .. o .1 - e i 10 lis pi : I ' 1 ., .., li eo 01 1 v. it y.v.M s'Sii.i", vvaaii ft was Ili um sunt .'ii, iii 'ii was toijii ii.i V '' ti ii; 1 under 11 I i" i'l'l'v ,f. O ll.' l. 1 .1 iii..!ar luat li iuie, iitiiJ i Ii j vi'-ioiy '' ii u. i nil' nit li.a ce.'!S of li.at c iii.h.git. too Et'ru ).'-l'vl . .- Con.' .- '-.-ion, i... 1 Ine l.t's.'icalioi o! ii-i , o iv ; ii,! 'd Vnig.-rv ; ini'l li ". .,1 : i .i-'eii il., ' r a . 1'.' I " ''' T'i !!', v,-o :S S .V 1 in I 1 1 IJ. -n- l ( t : i l 1KI I, ivi'l ii- .1 - . ,:t t i.i I I'. ll -M) Wis, llli'S It. tin I A'i'i V I. .1. il ''ol.l I'lt leri. ,.i.ty I.i, .1 i'l W loniiaei's ,i., , S.itli JjtlV'iM(e..'l ) liyiht-C I. . if In' .N ".'',.;. I", nni ;i eire'ilir ; .lliil "1 '!'. Ii ' .1 S'i I t 1 tl.e I',.ll.,!,'l;.).-. ,-pint of f cif.' id ' iii,. '"iiii.", 11 iivi-.i.'s ii,tt ('u' ii-m's intend .0 ever It 1.,1 ,.m ii C-hiu iii i to ri lit it I'M v o 1 14, e last I ties a' " iy 10 next mouth, to devisn 11 plot ! whi.li Ihey i:r 01 lT 1 . so enj i III" si.ne p dlliCill pnV.i '' s. ir,, vtli .i;l liana i an wl.ilo i,tti."..s .a ii.i I' lited S .' HV4- M cut: AT hi i-! Hie W fluni. ... ("v'' ' h . in' l IP I. 'II . II " ! ' - !( i iiVil e'l I! ,1'i'i uLani .t Wllifnl.e 1 1 1 r 1 nai;- iTli leeni, Vmi d'ue-.,ii toe. l'J.!:. '' ", in o ii.e N., N. W.- .u .i 1- Mid t-i li i.e "'' " in 11, Initio ui.y k i.evti tiit-re l-o "-a ''''' 1 j I , ' i 1st IS H.l-I I I till' Vl' -.'Is l-.-l. " I ''"''' " ' ' ."iOlll. T .e fe. A lil.iM". t II. I','.." ' j' I'M, were itiiil., II. ii-'fr, mid Altai:., arena ai Itioiiiti.t, i't'li-p ..', Z.ipl.H, Mini., St- I ui I Ih'im, 110 in -..i.j, 11...I I....OV i.:l-i a-. 1 , oii,i'i'H 11, n, e ,1 1 s ..ii 1 . . j In- i, line ,1,' 1,1 I runt ii.'urrtni the l-J.',M :l'.ui'.n':i. and in Hi" lovna J' Wa-lniig'' 11 '. ii'i.i., e , . ut, l.'inilred mile, lr.n ktif '' " e imj-i tie t'li .ne.:.! iioi TT)"' "-"d A -rnt:0ial laooe mis So Vtirli fTOsl-i' : J.ivfi.-iLl' U,, It 1 1.: 1 1.1''

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