(DA T) TKTT TTTXTtT A "KS.T- JO A1J.M --J-IJ-U.-. 1- JB- -mi roww wot maEusTtu ro wimini states ay ma .toTiTVTioi. nor hiohibjtbo iv r to raa statm, am iuuvi. to run turn sBsrauTivKi., o to rns roriK.-Aeridsiirsolae tWiiuiio, ArriY J. Number ot Vomc 2$. SALIS , IV. C.( AUGUST 5, 1843. Whole JVumbcr. 12 WEST TKBM OF TUB C II A S. F. FISHER, LVrfor and Proprietor, The Wotgrh Cabolinum is published cv cry Frith; Horning, at $2 per annum in hiie--or -$3 50 if paid mMiti iiree m'miAi-otlierwiao 4VJ ictff tntwia ty be charged, (& No paper will bo discontinued except at the Ediior's discretion, until til arrearages ore p'"Ji f the subscriber is worth the ubacriptiiin ; and the failure to notify the EJitor of a wish to discon tinue, at least om Morra before the end of the year iubsenbed for, will be considered a now engagement CT" Aihtrluemrnli censpicuouidy and correctly ia (ortcd at $1 pr square--of 340 ems, or fifitin lines of lliia sixed type) fur the first insertion, and iio cent, lor each continuance. Court and Judicial advertise ment 23 per ceut belief than the above rate. A de duction of per cent from the regular pricea will be made to yearly advertisers. OCT Advertisements cnV in for publication, must be marked with the num ber of insertions desired, or lioy will bo continued till furbid, aiid charged accordingly. , . Letters addressed to the Editor on bunineM mutt com rati or rosTAUK, orlhri will nnt be attended to. vl2 2 U3l'AirJd b SJi) ( rem tkt JYee Orltani Crctctnt Viif. Til E KENTUCKiXn KVMALTA, A gentleman in thia ciy attached to-" Old Iron. aiJea " during her laat raise, liat peruutmd us to dip into hie journal, vmiioJi ia a rich a Calhoun's gold mine! The Mwing ia peculiarly fine. " We passed thru week n Malta, waning for leDateha-Va)c hwa adaos vraw- dvwe4 tr-kil time, and ia-ver id it pass so pleasantly awayvf, Fuhi -g, rowiugdinncrs, wine supers, etc , lormcs our principal .tilled with vt1 of all nation, an interchange ot . courtesies vyr"keptup until our anchor was weighed bj'I Oy IruusidjH.1 Bgtjti befre the brer 7.0. j '."At ytie of the rm'crt inment given on s'icre 6y the olhosrsof a Irtt4 frigate, llm cmverdlioii lamed Uhii rifle idi ootlngAvhieh led to an on una led MwuM'tfi, in -.mcli oar olliccra lik pari." ;'I have of'lttu licird," at.itd the comnmttdor i Thutidtrer, " thut you hae aome lellowa in ourcwi(t)r cnll:d Kentucki in, who are recluwied . greal eh'a witb the rilW." , ' lee, air," rrplinl Lieut. X , ' tlit-ir laiax? ia great 'in that linn, winch i oasily iiccoiinicd for. Ae aKi aa tl.iey am at! i liuuii!.:r u ull, lin y ciiniiKMico pracii.n, i$ jicuuru ol tuiie buceine etcellent uiarUaincn.", - S ' "The in.)1 be very clever, but I belirve we Uava bttitj- lo!a ca Ujftrn ?yr eiiwl. " 1 do f t LrIhi a l' th'il aection ti( country ruCtiCH wiili Wf riflj i'ut, il I inia'ke not, we hte a rfciiiutTiHii m jNnf ay who i!l !ul,up. frt liia m iv .H'u'c. f " iTew,- kcTmII ' ccasiin,M fnid tm puraer, a (nil muscular di'DCMiidunt ul one ul'fnitiiral aultlers l tliH Siatc. ' ' V iiai aaw you, then, gi'iitleimrtJ, t ) u kIkhiIhij; iiiaitiiia MMMaaw.'tiiuraV s !" . " Agreed, ithflil ur lie-gia,w Ff t tlie Viit.Kee. '" Tue'lH-ll iiiiriii'( t li ly met i:i a Lcdutilul pmve, ftiid yte ineir turn t n'lin'i) lio )ardt i iitiiDtt, 1 .IJiii!iti t ifl i i liilleifiit Irixn Ihc American, iii? ImipT "alM'ficr; uiul ihe tKk liuavinr. till pirkajt mcu liom the 'l'tniiiiit:rrr were oo tUu griuiid, all id wImmii fin d. Nj ne, L)wevuTi ''iH the pspe initio ize if n dollar.) although aeveialol ti e ba, were clr !o it. Ttiaaliola ereui'tiilcied t-xciilcfit ly the Kh lull and French gtliceta pi emit, mid the iwties cro greatly "utoiiihed at tlio pr.itieitncy ol the t,i3enirii. Tlia coiajsnaudcr of the Tliuudercr, turning to Ike per, aaid, with a amile : , V hat dA)fu think ol th.it T I take it, you'll fi-ij it diflico.il tt C"R.e up to it." " Voo may liiiuU no boi I c.itiilJcr it ihoM in? at utl f antd (he Keulockian. " " VrKfr4 It havfckmii" said a FrmrhJ "Je roufinonfrii" aaid the Keutockiaii. Fire away," raid tne KngUfhuian. "I'll bet i wiii it)f lr ha'id naid the Ketituulu tn, "lliat I H.ake three ln.t, eery one "f tthtoo aii be 'better than any i made, and cirlr sucetedinp cmhi 14-tu r tiiau the hri. " I'll luke it," a4 iho ErtgliitlimaTi, a'fViiling. The Ke'iiiuf kinn alowly raiel a nil lie tiinujlit fc.iil hiu.e, dud lirtd. The paier was cut ! 1'lie ... . .i . i- . i .i i e'ina nro waa wunr man ino urn, y imm " iKin-d the rentro 1" Moiling could i!i pict the t irruo i.f all pn wiit : llm Kni;h!imuii " ac. Mioklcdgutl iho corn," mid aid lio.ws a.itilied. The KrulucKhin ritj ived a hearty lunll. declaring it uolbinjj t3 Kiwi be could Uu ijVit ho would I ii'liami d ol sni k liring in idd K imluirk. Illl i i'l a iiid fi"iii one qinnter ol hia tup icinu? ' I'XiMVer" to another, hu continued . . ' I u.uxt liiivu another Khot to imw yi whut ' i:i be done witn a nil", nnit lo tviuvtoce; in Fwneii liienil I am itot tini'img." The whole pnrly stood Mlent, 10 a row, and the K'.'iitucl.ion lelreiited ahoul forty aids, making the ilisiance from I lie ueo lo where ho Mood, near I ,:.; liiindred auJ twt ni) yards. Oiilertug a paper "I tHc same size us the other In be put lii the same .p'nv, he rn loiided duw his broad brimmed hrairr ever lus )e, and ulter taking deliberate fim, hlaz-d uwiiy. " That was rather ton tow," lie stud, Iho ball ulotii i. fi:l,th ol an un-h helow Ihe paper : ''i" ne.M lime, I'd tiring 11. "' 'hi exHimnalion, ll.e I nil was found In be pre cisely where lie raid It w.ih, winch ini'l.'H'd Ihe :,-liiiiishiiM nl Ihe reiiuirknlile shot had produeeil on j ail present, wttlt the; exception of Ihe Yankees, w wro " u-ed to it." "This lick will bring the persimmon," antd the K' titurkian, ns ho raised lus piece high up, and Rradiwlly lowered 11 and lired. The paper leli If mi the nee, il.u bull " rtvmg home " the nail hich supHirled it I Language cannot dencribe lie looks of Ihu loreiguers, and particularly tlie n.ii;viii( w, crowded around the Keuluckian lu BUdibers. That night the wine fljwed tree at the i)ld Adinirnl'a,' and a more joyoua party never met at Multa." WE MIGHT HAVE BEEN'. it t. K. t We might have been I Tbeae are but co umon worda, AmJ yet day Uio the surh of Ide'a bewailing ; Timjr are the echo of thoae finer chorda Vhose inui-ic life deplorea when unavailing ; We might have been S It ia a thought that darken o'er nur youth, When lirnl t,H)nence, nad experience, teaches i What fullaciea wo have b dicvcd lor trutli, ' And what tew truth endeavor ever teaches. ( - We might have been! Alas I how different from what we are, Had we. but known the bitter pjth before us j But feelings, hopes, and fan iea, left afar, . liat, iu toe wide bleak world, can e'er restore us 7 We might have been I It is tlio motto of all human thinp,", The end of all that wait on mortal pqekiiiy, Tlio weary weight upon hope's flgiii)f wings; It is the cry ot the lone heart -while breaking. We might have been I Life is msde up of miserable hours ; And all of which we craved a bricl possessing, For which we wasted wishi-a, hopea and pnwers Comes with some fatal drawback on the blessing We might have been I The future neer renders lo the post The young beliefs entrusted to ltsjteepinij ; luecribe one sentence (li'it's firtt truth aint lai-t) Uu the pale rnarlile whero our duet is sleeping We might bavo been 1 Tlio following extract giving an account ol on Indian town iu the great western pr in s bcond the Mimibmiiii, is from A'c'io'ui'f'i sketches of the tJuuln Fe Expediiion, . When within n cmipTooi miles of their village a autifiil s;K cl,icln snddnily prc'iiU'd itself. , (nre u w4 a targe un l rnumnrie valley through I winch. a liver meandered oloug, with junI trees ( enough to relieve the ee without coueeaii g any of tlie beauiies. O i the limits of ihe. stream Hie villagM was situated, and uil around were the corn fields amf melon pnti Ues of the inhabitants. In the diKtance, on ihe other Mile, the piamv roe j gentlv, wi'tliouta tree or liu-ili lo destroy Iho urn formiiy o ihe rich carjiing ol green wuh winch it was covered. Hudduil) a confide rab!o paily wan hrrnda.-king oflto ihe southwest, mcco i jmiued ty a l-irgedfove of horses. We were not nt-ur couugh to disiin guish them, but it waa thought iho Indians were sending oil their women, cluldrou and horses. Skj'i unoiher detachment, altlisxjg'i not so large aa Iho fir-l, wero seen fcaiiix ring oil in tlio nuine dirretion, arid belore we had hardly fnierea1 the nut-dwrn of the town a 'lurd party whs di overrd riijiog ofl nerosa the pi i ies in a nor ln h. courm. What thl- nil mruot ci uul nol iiiii!i-MuitU, tul it ttLtevid. lit ILuail UiBfM ud pivot rxrilrro''ri( in a place nhich had probubly been for years n sinngcr to at' eommoiioii ol il:e kui l. Mr. Van Nis and the M XicQii (J irhw vfi-re sent liheud Willi (l white tnil VVule the tiiam p;ut kepi alnwlv but Hteudily o-i. When we lewl.ed ihe I river, tl.e village ben in iMni llm er;ite,' tide, a eo'tlary Indi.ui was Mi-n selling i ll Ju lull i speed the lust of Ins trils that rmjjned A ! small party i f us crossed ihe ner nasal eniert d ; Iheir deserled town every mmg tx.re ihe np; ear- a'tice nCaii unexpected und liaty dopailuir. l'irt j were still burning and pot in which Diitnpktns .md squashes were ueu,g boiled were loinal j i&l as Ihes - had hit ll.'-m. I leer and anielope rkm-, eed and full ef roriN were li li io their h ,se, and rvery Ihtug betokei.nl the iinevn.-ciediietts ol i-ur appmacli and the suddemies o their flight. j Wc noon re.i r. sVfTtho river, who. e we found j the command had arrived aid encau,; ed lor the night t.ear a com lit Id. Orders ere kivoii nol to , .1. ih.,. ii.,i. , I., iI.h Luloui.. ,wl , : tlie same lui a strong 7 milion was tnoseo and : every preparation made lo guard against night surprise Iroui sui li iinctr n.n i-eitibor-i. 1 1. I ...J .i .. II. I.i Tfcliiiouiii wo aie moan u iiiai 10c uioh-b oum ot least make an attempt to s.'amprde or steal aome , . .1 i n ,i I- i of our hou'ea, Iho iniiiil paused ill uuielly. l.nrlv ' ' " 1 , . ". in the tnormng, in company i:h two or three ol our party, I visited tl.e.r village on the other side of ihe rivr. It was situated in a large and beau timl bend .me six miles long and nearly two iu w.din.the land exUcmely rich and lerl.le. ,j , ' . , , , I he wigwams-or boils. ., rather, lor ihey real - ly ni'servcj mm tun' were 1,010 10 r..s son usn an air ol regul..r.-v and neatn. -a I had never before observed man Indian town. Tnev wereconstrurt. rd ef poles murk tip endwise, then r-rvrrrd w.lh bufl.lob.de, and over this was a m m ll.H.ehmg rushes winch re.,.t. d Ihctn perfect y uupcrve us I,, ram. i hev were Iron, lueutv five lo thirty feet , .,.igl,i,'of a conical form, and about line, n , l...i,. ur.. i... ,..- ..1 iw.ni,. I i-'ilv I op, nnd alihoueli lite udniliitanls had rarr ed i ll the urmcinal pari el -hmr lied;ii:.ir they i-iiM left enough to convince us (hat lliey l,ed ill muth loinfort and no little s'vle. Altiiched to ea' li'iiidei.Ta, alnl immedcitely in the rea'', was iinol'urr hull luii of smaller iliiin o Mini", It:' I over part of which was ettdently ned n rem rili nnd slorn;ie hno". In lltet Imt'tti'ii; wt I oi'd a quantity ol corn unit pki-is. U'siden futelv cured venissi, anteiojM' and hull tin meat.' Ahov t'i" curuerih was 11 H.eeies ofhilcoii), nl ; though vilhvut a nulmg, nnd t'u d ndo a s-vu!l room, 111 the second vtory if I mav so call it. One of the cnmoiuiv fii'l that this room was the sleep Oig iip'irtmen't of the yotim; utul marriageable t-q'i.ttts of ihe liimily, and that their -mother kept n I nl.'er lor tlu-tii 10 l inn!) 11,1 in it ut eyht and ul.n lo let them down in the mori.iug. This ilnry may he Hue or may rid I tell it as it wns (old me. Near bv a musical iimliuu. cut w:n lound made ol p.m.e, nn I Vninewhal reseiuldilia a life, only thai it was much louger. It had five hole lor the lingers, ,..,l.. 11 nmu'tit niece somelhtng after the fashion ! 1 f a claiioiul. Ihu tones uf the instrument were ns soil ns those of a flageolet, I no workmanship extremely near, ami evmciii" not only ingenuitv ! I111I litsle, and after hearing the story related above' I eoulil n..t help thinking that litis same instrument I had, wluto in tlio hands uf soinu ol the 1 .dum j Komoo. ilweoveied most 1 l.inuenl music to aome lu-lle ol the tribe, who. like Juliet, would sten out uu her balcony and tour forth her love und lenity to her hoiiIV idol 111 return. He would then tell til his burning, flawing and Wxlinguishable paation recouni to her perilous Vanes in the chaw talk ol biiiTalo.liunla, imwifigs, war paths, henr fights, com dances and scales, while alio eagerly devouring each-word, wuld throw back volumes of lendtir iifl'-clion teli'wlmt she would do for him, where alio would go fur hi in, how she wa willing to pn:k meat, hots corn and do out d.mr work goncrally, beside getting up oighia for-his h ike, and for tio oilier f sort's a ike would ahd do thing. He would I hoa,' probably, drop upon one knee, lay down his lute, and conjure her to fly instantly fly with him lo lbs prairies fly any where every where, so tli.it sho wns with him and only him. With bcuting heart and lip trcm bling Willi emotion alio would tell him thai her mother hud carried ofTihe hiddor.nml that sho did not dare, even for his sake, run the risk of brcuk mg her nock by clambering or jumping down. ' Little akilled am I iu.th" vocabulary of an Indian girl's pledges of love ; but aa in those elTiirs between parlies in civilized life, each one niahea out ns lung a catalogue as possible ol what ho or she in'onda to do its order lo make the other com pletely hnppy,il is more than probable that the ciiso is the eamj among the uncivilised children ol the prairies. Love is a very pretty theme f r poc!a to dwell iipou, and many of them have been known to liveupon it ia the absence of more auu ttanual food but there ia fur more of matter of fuct even is tins same I 'vojliuu your sentimental ista would make us believe, and nine tenths of those airlifted with it Ijavo a decided preference for rnuh and mutton over moonbcims or mus banks, especially when they are blessed with good nppeiiies and renoire real no rishmenta. So it is in cities, in towns axid in villages so it is iu tlift lodges of the untutored savage tribes of the West, or 1 am much mistaken. Rut to return (a my narrative We spent se o ral hours in this pleasant village, examining the le-ThTnwirtoots, inaiuier of ciiTuvutu;: the laud. Se. Every thing denoted a nearer approach to ctviUza Hun than can be found in any Indian tribe in America, not even excepting the Cherokecs pud otlicrs who tiave had the advantage of clooe pmx unity lo the whiles. Up to the tune of our vii-il, the Wakoe village wus unknown to the whiles itto loot of l e red men ahme hud trod its beautiiul j walka. Quiet had reigned there nerhaits lor ecu tunes. The akocs ore a strong and wai tike people, neither corrupted by associations with the whites nor rendcreo. weak and effeminate by the introduction of alcohol. Like.tho Camnnches nnd I'ttwiHts ihe warriors are always on hnrMrbark, but they are every way the superiors ol IIiom tribes, not only as regards ersonal atrengili and bravery, but in their mode of living end the ad vaiueinenl the) hie urada to rds civilixalion. In tlio early history ot Teais they were at pence wiih tho inhabitants of liat Republic. Large Hunting parties were Iren iutly will within her ho lts, and every dung wtu on in harmoiiy umu , so imlortunaio airray occurred Licit u.uuced (hern ' " to dig i p Hie calumet and to.ualnwk uf peace, and j since tiiut tipie man) have been tho u.roaii Ihey liavjj made hlung.tlic northcrti Irmitier ol Texas, j 1 .leiird it slated thut itiu whiles were truiliv ul ! bringing on this war bv s .me act ul bad faith , lowant ihe Wukoc, mid tlie wound ihey the 1 1 received has never becu healed. From Iho luci'! 'heir hurrying utl i'ie.r women and chiioien, a. ! well us iheir larj;e cataliaua of horse and mules-, lt a evident Ihey pluco! lie reliauco in our slate menu 'hat ie came among them with pacifii: in teutioos they hud been deceived by our men j oun , auu uii.i.n uku iookju i r auouier Violation ol our wlords This v il.'age probably coriliiined three or loui hundred souls, and lucre w n eihers up and do u 'he river winch weoaw in Ihe oirtance. The river wo cf'",d """" '""mmg witn our wagons, and ""er wmdu.g ihrough Ihe village struck otl in u coure miv oulh 1,1 e!l 'ol'owiug up its rich and lertile Ixittoms. Call m stated conii ently that 11 WM R,v,"r a,ltl ""' ":,u lu" doubled lor a j some CieUi.i e almve UoIIi-k'h iiiiiut iiiIhik. The i 1 -rr- - - ) lauci is a wi n Mi'jnn irauii.g tioilse lllgll up oil 1 ' p i !,.,, H ,i m . i , , ., , . ' . . . : Iiioiiin tribes rendezvous io barter oil their skins , . . ,r , , i Ir nib's, blankets and ammunition, Al '"K1" we '-camped upon Ihe banks of ihe j AW'S' "'o waters ol the river were uri'lsl'. l uro '" '""h 4rwg was oi-covered Icl0M' b; U9vh ll,u command, but "ie cattle and horses would not touch H when Ihey , Cuu(J (il)lan , nw aw 1 . ! A" ll,e 'i""1 wu ,u"k lrul U village 1 consisted ot 11 tew pumpkin I no houses and every ln" jboul tt,,ro ,c" ""douclied. 1 me fish ' ""K1" '" 1,10 Mfnm w"n lH,r I ; "r '-""- l'"1-'1 '"' pumpkins we had I ! lrot,"ed "' 1 ' "'""""a. li" " regular least, ";e e,rc,ally w hen ,t was .ecollccted that wo I i ,,u v-getablfs lor near io month, Du-1 ring the 1 a In luuis were m;i.ti seouimg ubout on ; Uio iluttant luiis wuiehingoiu iiiovi iuen:s but our 1 position was .1 strong one, iinO atihoiigh we lintlcl t paled, no one leared iho consequences ol u night attack lanncr nun wo 1111,11 iou boiiic ol our horses. Aorc .i.;i'tfii(i.i 01 rlrc'nc:t'icr a nnr tray 1 f; n'V old i.'ir.M. A eerla.u jiu) ieui:i, w ho pos 1 ses-s.-( a pouerlul eieclnr.ti in , chine, tliseovered n siienil mukiug rapid striue toward Ins nnuiu aiid I u-pecimg tr. in ciri'iimslniut-s Hint he had sumo j design 011 his peisonil liberty, lue worthy .M. D. j leant! preparations accordingly In ward oil ilie iinticipaietl attack. Atiiicumg a condm tor ham j lus iKclrical apparatus lo tin- knocker on llm front j uoor, ho then charged 1 ho machine m n very high . liegree, jnd waileil tne result. Jim steps "w Inch i ; ai euurd lo uio ooor had tui elctuiimi ol itiioul 1 I j ! iert. Clothed 111 ull llm in. po, lance ol law, ihe I sherill'a.se uded nnd witii u nun rahp bci.eo the j I.Ual knocker. Instiitiily hu louml liunsell it l tlm bottom ot the steps. Alter having recovered 111 some .ineasuie Irom a blow by .111 invisiblo power, on.! having collected hu scattered writs togetiier with his scuttered senses, lie matto a second ut tempt, wondering nt llns siiimge method of pay. mg debts. .bwuvMo lue doctor hud again charged Iua taithlul conductor. No sooner had lue sherd! again dared lo touch the laiul kn.s-ker, than he lound himsell l.1 lent nearer the centre of too earth a second nine.. lt uiembering the old adage " hew'aro ol a third timfl," ho immediately I quit the premises, leaving tlio doctor in full pos sesdion of the " castlo 4 he ImJ so ,ull deiuuilod. 'Che Gold Vine Many year ago, whi-u ihe u w proud Q iee.i ciiyjiftho Vt wa a thrivniii VilUgt wnti log cabins and hanj cider in ulni.iddUCf, a tall, thin .viaJrgod mortal rodn a uneru'jlo aiwilogy lor a horse through h' kiiicijihI nir-el, and s'oji. pod ut the 'sign of tl.j " tiiain -d Hojr," oil Water slreot, He was an original in every n-sjwt. lli coDiwkin cap was clrtwu over lus kuhII grey eyes, und Ins out ,ded Rout U bu'Wmed up to his chin, nlttioogh I her in nnoicr was high up in the nnn;lies. Bjeknkin iiiexpressiblus oniaiiieiiieda pair of legs winch had doubt less done the tituto hoiiio service iu running d iwiiMome wild variniot, and his cow hide Uoois, appeared to be mudo lot' tlio double p'jrjKiso of protecting Iu tool from ihe siioim ul ", (uw iuier, aim carrying wuicr io exunuis.i tire. VVuUiug up to iho bar, the strange custo cr thus addressed Ihe landlord. " How muCU for my horse a iJ mo, landlord Vposo 1 slay a short lime I!' " Wo charge so much a dav for you, and so inu h lor your horse," replied the conciao and intelligent Itcejirr uf the "Chained ll.nr.w " All rigiu 1 k low you as well dsil I'd winter ed you, ana her I'll drive my stukes. As lor black D.ck, In-'il not Ir.xilile )-uu much, old fellow I've leu mi him' to live cm short allow uce nt u 1 hivinyo Iroiu the cross roadf, I pin a peck ol com behind toy tdankelndj fold bun he must gojt along wilu it, lo v.liu b he agreed, but it didn't lubi, and ho liaii'i had a crib tor two 'days b'it no; mailer ;ju-.t give me Ihut gieeu boll!'.-, landlord I'm us dry as a rattlesnake's akin !" The icd ee a lurmsucd, and th ace doubloons rattled on 'the pine counter, drawn I'rotn (he inula skin purse of tb atra iger. ' " Now lor aome rib timber und a spread," said tho-out-a .u outer, " and do you, hear, huii'lord, Heave a i.oietorTinnogn out uf early in ihe inoriiiiig, lor I've got anno mighty particular husi. nest on haml. " Ye-, sii :, ait -v our name is " Liiit l'uoiii,i ii,i ruiubuuko Creek-good night." l'lic keeper ol no " oliumuil liiarn-,waa at a loss to fix lt cufiomcr, and rucked Insltrain to dune- ihe umu re ol lue " inigaiy particular" business he had lo trauaaci the following day. 1 no bar room louters had their say oIJ Mrs. hLiiuwdl her guess-mo ku.iwiug ones their itiougtua but ail concluded tt'tvuuid be better lo let old Fa ther Fin io reveal lue future doings ol " Hill 'Fhouip aoii, irom 6nake Creek." . w: lu ihe morning, the gust was missed, but he niiiio fns uppeaiuoce al the breasl.itt lable, appa rently iua very good humor wild himself uud ull (lie orid. Alter too icpast, no enquired lor the reaidom o of uie ll-'v. Mr. A , a eiienilsl ol if toil rtsouiu, ami tl lieu, tie so u blood at I lit! .o r ol ciu scieoluic gt-iiiiemai., and was invueu lo Ul;c a seal in loo parlor, by jllie all.i'j.o mnl .icroti.ji.iK-U teiiiWit.' !'','Z?XX llaico'slnje lo say, llianlt you j it brmiglu ..oii.o I'i.n,' 'itli me 1 luutid 'ornor dly 'on a pule ft o. g.-ouoo 1 own, lo see iv nil i it is," -aid the up p iitnily " green 'uu,' ut iti eauie tune prudueiug iiirte oi lour s.odil lumps ol uiuial. 1 hu uroicssor curelutlv examined tho luuiot. ami bit pi'tug into his l.tbaralury, sojo returned j wiln uu anxious expression ol countenance. .u B.ty ou louuU me.iO luuipsou )our litrin ?' 4 oariu. picKoU Vui up o.io Uay last wee't ulinr u Ihu ;dciiu aliower." " Dot jou ousaivo uu) similar pieces?" I) La' i lake ooiiee plenty ol 'cm, 1 Vp ise -i lie ooys nave got a lot." v ell, tit, it is iny duly to tc.l )uu ttioso; spuci- mens are uro gum, uui u is mguiai ui) . no j hwiiibo , I btiouio i ins, in.ii t no precious un.'ttil , i liat s lea Dy itinkin twiw, ' ' Mhnuiil oavo been loiiud in uc!ii a s:a(e ul jierlec- As to Ihitl Camptiine and tiiosn other villainous, tion." and awfully dangerous combination, wo have iho " Dou'i kii .w any Hung aoout it, but I'm mighty j suisl'iction of seeing daily, records of explosions, glad y u say lue iiuis aro goto. 1 reckon I caujc M.tl.igratiuns and oouth caused by the temerity of tii id a no'hei ul 'cm. CooU .noroing, sir." tlioxi who Umer wuh ilie n; it is i Ml and ri 'hi- Ol couise Hi" news spread like -.ihi-nre tniough the town, that an ignorant country man UaJ a guiu uiiue on rfo.iUu Cietk. 1'lie oar room 01 the "Bear" was ihrungeil wuh uiuious purchasers, who resorted to .a variety ul deuces 10 pull wool over tin) i')tio ino iinsophtsiioateu countryman. The lumps passed ttirougu tue li mits ot liiousamis toe knowing ones, iu iifdiing ol tlio stringer,' expressed doubts a lu: uuar q aut oinurs coo , tetiOetl I ,ey were cpp r, and not u lew pronounced j thuoi stone ! F110 eXuiieiiMMit ii'.url) moreasud I various o lei s were made In lta nuakoCreen larui' . , ... 1 bui the owner ill .mt a.'pMr tno loa-i di-'p aed to sell. Fu e, a:j iwe Uy tuuusaod liulurs' were I'lr-rca f i ta ut not svurtti a hundred, but llia cloduiijs'r was mfl.'xible ; lie tii.hi'i care about selling oat his pul-J putui. Al iasi lie was uil.-ieu . by a company ol enterprising aiieculaiors iinrtyi thousand dollars lo. it, 011 lie adii.on hm assurance ' that " the biys" had gathered u nle ui sunii'.r I Hiking !u,n,)s. I'lie bar am Wdcnutl the casn forked ovei the eager purcoaseia siiown die "gold piteti " Out no more lumps were ljUliJ I Men w iu employ eil to dig 111 eveiy directum, oul 110 traces of a veio could bo uiscoteou, iiiiJ tne greooitorn was never toen altcrwdrus. --tie (tr im ns Criiftnt Lif'j ?,.,. f. .. U."'1" " '-' r.ll...;.... 1 lii.erosuug laeia .ne ueiaiteii ii) 1110 icitsliurj n,,, " Sear Ihu lion uiounlaiu in Missouri, there is a loilsfe ol loiw eMoiidnw tor hail a mile m k-iwiii, and several hilodied y.tr.ls 10 widiii. 1ms alone is very alroiij;,) loipregualo.i wild maguouc pu penalties, so modi 00, iiuleeit, mat II u imp .:.-U)lc to rtdo a aeiishoi noise ovi r u. A geutie.niui haviug hu hotso i.e'Aly so.,i, on, dlieiiipied it, bat Iitiloio ho Unl oi.i.io nw " loohuioos ' iu horse ' was brought up slatio'ing " h rleetly still. 1,1 v.ii. 1 our uuvtMer ur.il ins guliinl MeoU tor w ild. IVrsuasious anil lorce proved etplauy lutno, until his patience becauiu exuausn d und 110 aeul (or a lilacasuiuri. The s. m 01 Vulcan soon arrived, cut! lound Ihe horse siaii litig slock, aim, sou lo ail iippearjuce as itiuuovaole as tlio rockol inbraltar Vunous experiments were resorted lu relieve u.e horse, bill ail tailed, i'nere lie stood, and lu ail , appeaidiices, mere he was likely to stand, witn ms I . ......I ... ...I. 't icei uierauy g.uuj 10 uiu ikiiiu aim i.npeiviu rock. At iasi, a Oiackstiitiii's eye giisiened ; 11 had it sure, tl seul oil' 10 Ills suulhy I r in shooing tool, wuicii vora soon loritieoiiuiig, wmi.' he proceeded wuh alipossibio desjiatcu to unclim.. the nails whieii bound the h"r!s shoes to bis hoofs. U.io by ono iho nnUvrro unclmchcd ; tlio whip waa applied to iho horse end as ihe lat nail giivo away, he escaped i'h a bound, but left bi alioes wedieJ to tlio rock." A ytfctiH Z'al-. A Irishman ai brought up liH ro mo miigisi rate for, unit ry ing six wives.'- The iiiiiyiitrnto asked luui lrw ) could he so hnrdoued a viitiin. " I'leaho your wrsiiip," suyi lVddy, " I v.aa trying lu get a ;oodui;v.". A j 'Hy o'.d friond of mirs, relates the following good etory, which certainly containi uu excellent moral.. B.ime years ngo two individuals residing in Ji ( ferson county, stsrtod to Aua'ii'a wiih a lon t ol They stopped at the lir-t grnc. rv on the mad and supplied themsrlve witfi a 'lnlf gall'tn til whiskey. It wai not long beforo tho were 'ovor luken by a tr-iveller, riding a very poor liorsc. Toe men of the chickens had alrendj began tufjel rich, and their jihihinthmpio feelings to expand. The stranger was usked :o tahe a "horn," lo' which liu readily agreed. Tim parly travelled ou loyoiher fir tomctimo drinking and convewing. It ..was finally proposed and agreed io, that the stringer hitch his horso to the hind part of il-o cart and ride with tho chicken men. The animal was eccoidmgly tud by'the neck with a roje, and laidcned to tbo chicken wagon. , Thoy ' had not proceeded more ihuua mile hi lliiay,beforo they discovered their cart hoise pulling Very hard. The whip was applied however, und he kept mov ing until they came tot pretty steep hill, when Ihe horse slopped. I he parly vent rouud to ptisli at the Wheels, when it was dicovercd that Iho traveller's horso was as dead ae a hummer, end had boon dragged by the neck several hundred yards, after boing choked to death. , ltey soon proceeded en their jnarncy notibrr getting to touch the overjoylu! uo asionally. They campod iifwr a creek swamp tor the night. Next -m ooing the cart lire was .initMiiig. It was er ranged that tho twochicken men should go m soarch uf tlie horse whilu the stranger remuinel to tnko care of tho carl and chickeus. Shortly after tho ' tiavelier had been left alone, he touched the jug; sqoIii'ii that he como to the wmclusion that the chickens must be Very muchlrrwanr of water J ohd finally turncjj tliom out to drive them to tho creek. Tho chickens wero no sooner at liberty than thoy began to fly in. all directions, cackling and crowing ailil joy that they were once mora at liberty. Not a few porchod thomsolvoa in ihs (0s f lair pines and poplars, to3ord theinsetves a better observation ol the nut. ceuvres of tlreir dohvrer, who was running about, shaking the bushes like a inidiiian, and ehew, shew,'siewt ahew, shewing at. every breath. AImhiI tins luiut the oilier I wu men, relumed a'ter i ll uiisuctetslul haul lor their bom.' I'liey arrive i l Uio camp put in tune to see their cart consumed by lira, it having caught trom lha h'a-np hre snipe trteletaflgey'. a snyag4 in w'a. leriii;; Ihe chickens. , - : Tin-re hai the jtig-, solitary arid alone, (do causa of all the iMuble. , The party remained as loog ni the whiskey InstodJiut what ln-oame ol llr.'in hI t.-rwards depjnent 'taith m.SundcrKill Ttle sC0P' Pgs r. Whales. -Hoar what tlio editor ol the I New IteJlurd Hulletin says : Lira Oil Lard oil lard ml ivo are fairly haunted by uccou-its of this li nuiaiiju blown 1) us on ull the winds. iVeesn iot laHo up a new, paper hut there it J, start jg u iu I lie luce. Wo i;row nervous. A vaunt llinu. m unhistrotii, snoky tig " Bh; unhistroiij, s noky liglit cous retribution. J3ner.ii oil, sperm ait, is the oulv -af;, deliglitfu', and lujirou Itgtit Ilia w irld cvir will, or ever can rely on and how cheap it is. When will tlio world l.-aru wisdom T Ashes on Cotlon.ts copy tho following es. tract Irom a letter received by ihe editor of tho Ciiiiivaior, from d. W. Co'e, E-i., of Wad jaboro, .North Carolina. "Tins Co'Juty (Aosjd,) 19 a fins farming sjc- ,'n B,i rl ,1, m. ... . U .. It i,, , , ,..... .... n adapted to- the raising ol cotton. Here w raiso , ,. r , . ... i a u 1 .1.3 i'iiiiiii 11119 ruguoil 'il 111- I'lliou, aill our planters aro devoting more care i. the i n- provemont ol Iheir plant ilums. 'Ftie-bnt manuro lor cotton is ashes. My molo fir putting it ou 13 tins; I run a scutter furrow, then from a basket , or box scalier about 31 bushels pur acre ia the lurrow thus npeited, and then v itti a dagivi make . ihe rrit imi ridge. 1 tiled ashes nnd cotto 1 seed os a manuro last year, 11 tue same tiidd. ani used ino suns qnuti'y of eacli 'Cn ahe undo far till- best coil m ; 11 loot; an early start, lu-ikod green and tresfi, whilst that planted ui. tin ground mr- uu t oil with cotto i s;etl, looked yellow 1 long tim", a "id never recovered ilio cliccit it received al first 1 i, cjinui it;'. " . ... ..f . n ......... v .1 .- ' ' j '-t ; king Hut'rr. t a I iib Agricultural meeting in Aagaa, Al ui.e, Dr. lialcs suti-d the Qa,.Uers 111 -auliuM v.' io in 1110 haait ol l.uymg tlie I. ,te ..notion ' I ctfiiso salt, ami clcun.-ieg it, and hav mg it ground, and this sal: they used in tlio rtt iit.it icture ot bu'.ti'r. Tne cuiiHoqiienci' w.t. tho lutuer m.ido by Uio tjiiakers of Fairiieul, had a h.-ttor rep;.t itio:i and hire a higlicr price than tho liuiter ni i-le 1., o'ner lovn . , II j oeld tliom up as worthy of una item, lie : ti I tint tin) .s of butler nuinuf.tclured 111 this Sutto was retiter tti am ni it every year tli 111 ilia su n raised for 1 ie tax more than, two hundred thousand Hollar". H i delieved that, if this fact acre generally utitlerttid, 11 Hie people could be mtde aware of the loss in. etirred by bad nwnut tctur-i, we should at once fi'o ' improvement m tins article of whifhsn much in produced and whieii enters in our duly coni'.-p." " nuu- ihint 1'anncr. ) - i Substitute V ( V.r paragraph in a foreign ip-r says lint in Germany the seeds of the -,hh;s aro fast coming into use as asubatituW for '', coiti."- ; .-' ' !l j i : h 'i ' .'t " ill , i I ' y 'w.. . . t v - ; . 1' 1 - 'i I - -'1 1 1 t '! 'I ... I 4 I V SI

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