ot:cr .Th Bark I 'U'toe. TiiS arrival of oixi- new cr.-uwlkenliy constructed eH-jnilKat or c!n:ei liot t,j-:u pai'itiuy rpreud In thf wind, wu! t'auue dxr MtuJ a lithe of the curiosity tliat a 15 irk csan t'.ia kui A'gi place, on Friday evenm;, j.t a easd under a clobdowu.. It came ui I rum the board ima old laJiarr," of the shore, havuig 00? 4m at-P. wliu Ittmbi'.l wiiln Il.iva r..nMi fl 1 tirL j - - - -i - a pro:eru rcT.ta. na some twelve or more wtailcrr of ti can, I - iwmy rowe .ddt male Indians, wuan were : fng.-!. Kin- o. .e.f lo Uo conn.!- the beach, the canoe comiouing for thiVtlled oa ttvd '"''" within speaking distance of line land cuuvod pert, - - iaiuk2bcfb(aaiiortliiiie,iubclitleVV:e-j TZIE FAMILY M; tVMMlTH. dwpoamgapartUifeewcfalMurtalka.hasV- . " : ' t sr " t aw, moccauje, ana outer audtan notion, receiving i ia exchange, eu'jacco, rice, ic, Ihey put oJup tbel Jrue about Cvo wiles, whcio (Ley hauled their i cauoei horo and encamped fur the night, la this DlSlinpr if tio.l...l..si.l 1 ....11 - .- .i. ---- - iw.iwii ic-jr iu cuaw utrir joUraey la Crcal Bay. nbellierfur the purpose of eciimig itiere, lor a lucre vi.it, or ekcuroa of - 'y.easaie, wa nM kiwara. UaniirA Im-l- My baitd is like tbe tsxa. My teeth n black a jet ; My boou tbey piadi lay top. And my lip have nevM tnH, My footitepa baxtM Iij!.t lClf, Fur I am partot-iueJ, 1 after rjde a bir but oa, .UJ tlit true 1 was tttruaii. 1 he above acr.timcnta) and lru!y p. tc t&sioa a suniifdclurtd by the New Vork Miljjjtc. . . KmnUT n v u was cimea ef the truly edifyinc couveratijg. fmi ieai-! - - h s It heard in ! . - 7 iiuniiii . I IMI WCf iiKpucea ana lafituonable re.ri griteralir. It w cut up uy tun ,w Xork llcrsW- aa birtira t larly calcuUwJ fcr Um m-n.lun of vVa.hw-t ify, but will suit aey and ery Uaiiudsj i Ah, Mr. (ranouijf tip and ebatio I nnds.) I an crry K!a4 1 e rou imtttJ.m ' Well, bow fo toil do T- Yer wolf. I thank vn:i. ; i. i day." " yea, ery windy. I tboulit it VOuU rain." If So did I. , Very wiudy. CjI it u, cteaied off qnite pteasant." , . n.-, Ve, il baa cleared mI pteasat.m " Tiiera are a good many beopl here to Jjt." Yea, a good niany. . We bave a great deal tifnin." " Vet, a great dial of rain." '- Where are you atayin, my dear V . "Thauk you. I an rlaJ lo see vo4 lookw so Wel- . - Tliank yen. I an eery glad, Mrs. , "to are you inJctiL : Thus they run on, the male eiqu'uaiet frepamtly taking a part, and ma'jin; Mm Naneya at them SM-tras, by bclptoj out with a neawngleee cLat. We bare sometimes beard a regular ejorersatioo of this description going ou fur half an bour. each talking incessaotly all the while, and wlten the tiling came ta ht McypLcred out," and re We J 'Iowatot1ie aUrtdard of good Lard saM, mU a vori had hetm tpalt. - ' A Singular Baltr-Th X. Y. Fpirit the Tiruei says tbat at a avtnrd recently gist ancie yuung ladies arged a dabiug -and ir J ymin fellow to join tLe Washrbgtoaian. lie jf'mrrd in tin -i-T - r ,i . "il I .... "terse of poctryprcseaiuig aaaiiungrcaauaaag:ust rlrioking as one be would recite iu its lavtr. T'tr c'ua Henje aas sccepted, ai.d the J oung g) UJin 1 aW'jCFI!""-L'7a fiaasFitj' ' s. i" T-'-;-r"' - jr-m- avo ilia terse riout XMcrcou t ,Whea!drir.kIfecl,!C.el . Visijasol poetic seal; iVhea 1 dnnk my srirrow's o'-.r "1 think of doubts and fears ao lutae." -The a bote was instantly avnaieted a foil aws : "'Tbns sir.g the old bard and oa Lis eoeh ru..l .Atanbs4M ra a'.s tn-UrrriSfrT" He t-und it a foretaste of hear'a to get drua'i, -ft Hit bund it a bell to get sober." i . - -TLe young gootleraaa immediately joiued the teetoUUonl" C ''. - -. - ;'' .4 Dutch Jaafirt. A qtieer old DutcU Jawce of the Peic out West ud to be very irnUUU and pasiooa'e with luifera when lhy were Lroughi aSo.it him aa witnri-, ami be aoulJ rap them oef ilia head with thg F.b!e aaJ admii.ier the . oath in this wise t - , ' . 'Cuiri, nr ; jou di ahwear'ii sy da druth, de ,wlio!e ilrulh, aKl ncthing according V ds drutbt ah.i Lc! yoa ui' no Cut ! Kih e pu-itft-n yoo, khh te pook ; ruanunt. , ' Tf a:i a ii lienor The Learret fctter t at j .rcr weighed down the limbs of a ca;tie is a, tfet of a gjss-iiner, comjnred witti the !e Jn nf a : man of noaor. 'luo will ot at oe an I iw I ! irou may be broken, bot ibe t'tjUieJ word ur-ier." CrUleum. A capital ou ruber racy, sr.-iitcJ, excellent," as a w riter said of one of the pi iLju-al winch coolained three of bis own articl-a. " A tnisaroble alLiir -not rlojtn of intkuect in t he w Imlo concern aa Iho eama .:U;r prii.t, iu aKich hi found rj?cteoV writw Slid . f a be tnl fivo pieces This cotplot says tha Ilt5tin Pint wis rnraXi Vr far faa mrridim vf IJ'iiJi'iT'oi. Lji tviil sa. Ur l.le Cupitvl of y ia thf Caiix. Tu ytyjh'l Bilitm ru in war.Jcr In '14 bar iiii a rpak asses ajw t ilk . mo1. I irgi s: ; I ut a: of jnnr J than nu'ldtu si a--J d rit her peciliir personal appiirai.ce. U:s iirffi far from bavins any royal profninenee, ts quite the rcrcrso, boio fin. We hive heard tt related 'h I a landlady, v.ii.i wlio u ha ussee -bo irded. tfr.k an iina-eouritatilo diiltke to lnm at llie liro miirvtc. II remained an inmnta of her family a ctnn.Vra Lie tiate, and on ;tltiiig tier rei l.!iv her lad !iip vcu'.ured to Ull hm ahal ha.l licen her htln at first, very cautijusly contrating tin ni with her uhcorju-ut impression. " 1 1 n i Mr. Grttan," snid a!.u, "UCire 1 rj'd jjrV rcr jor anje." " That w not tu to woinierid at." Uc yplied ; " aiJaui, forvtWt-is no hriip t n." Ring trofr. The following airnplu app!ira(.iKi ii a cure for Ibe King norm: lake a s'ljUi iautity of firat rale g in powder, an I dkimlvq it by iiilhingit with ajyttlf aud apply it lo the pan U?."Cted, u:itil it V..air Income stturated, winch will ptoduce 1 1 dmircd ellcct. It, Lowevcr, my I e riicesaary, m some aggravated caae, i0 n u, .hit tv r to:nt Iw? or three tinfM.' i'j;;:-r, lkvr," .1.) a.i flu . v. " 1 Jli l lo t il me liil 1 Mil t to pt n:t iw miwy hcid to miike 11 f.'l jtit 1" It inrU;n' hut brail," a.il tii'- guiitl'Ji of V tdt Sum "111 a U.W :J rh'n the dandy run oH without paying Ivn fur hi ..iiUcs? la ArLantas i!,ev rail a coat of tar and feathers . . r THE PHILAUFXPUIA JTRDAY COUUIEU. ' r 11 MTU et ciacctaTios ta thb world!! TbcyubtkUrsofu.. "" popular r'nulr JournaL Vf wUblubed ttvd universally I iT a word ia coroiacoiiatioii'ilveui U, saprroaluraao crcuUtioo, (over 3500.) is its bnil nd mcrtawng ' For tiie future, boweter, a JrteriBiMi?li"'ntl1,,,0,, ' ia the a of the American Newspaper W'gJ ' wiJcaU bcutcreajed cxpeiulitureasiM! renew.V ' Urn Ibe cumm" wear. not tl. ,.i :rc- will te aa unprovrnxat B theijuahty of the peptr, aSC a4d.uui c4 p pUr eontriUoscf, fnikftcinj;, e tully i w.wm itto am iw id inj wnur juuriiel m the world. I Tie Cuintr hi likieDr I 'r ftt:mg a straight I raard course, sod supporting ' I tenssul lite puWic It is strictly neutral in ; pca:Ucs aa4 rrfipwei U wilt niauitsm a high tone of ' ;iaadasaa article will appear in its pages which t443 eVble tha autubtr i constant readers, tu tt,flLf ; ; t" Bmioft ii nK more sot olaer aanrr DubiufaMl ia th . , ' , . vmm 1 1 dllUt uuu.it. Eery oca ba pimi.l to palrooi ttie Plulmie!. phia SUin!ay Gnrm, as by it unbroscn scries t ori ffwal Amtriicnn Tmf$. hj .och native writers as Mn. Caroline Lre linix, ills. N. Ioo Loud. "Th 1 ..l. jef Maryland." !rorcM., lus;rUojc,T.tf.Arthur,li, ief Maylaod,"lr ! Swa-k, j jiuUy earned ibe uUeuflU .iwtrkaii tamil .Yeir. "" irf-aue.ssa many otticrr, it has rortig'i Utrralurr ant! Acw. IVtetasHMid to spare BO tXnB m mnk.n-r tl.n SL.I. jorJay Couiera perfect model o a L'aiverl Family ' .ym,7MVKt.m rci miuvl to a!I cUat-s and peiui.s tf etery naUas, we bare tueui arrangement t s receive J.' Jur" aod fopr,. mtereat, pcblu-lH.d in a i4 ""'"' at a s and c-ow of nasoedtely Uaoalerrt-d t iu coluoiu. tli.is -Eir w awiiTax'-s, as well as otbraa corre-rt and rTit:"'11 " oiecr occurs of intcrt, ci- TIIS MARILET3. PrtrJr Uken U urrure ll.e ewlicd ad.i cet ta rrfcwaw to pne , t ail kinds l Uraiu, Pro nsM. I'iise. arc ."-tatsof Moct-, Hicks, 41 mcy L srrar.sen.cma will luri ancrreer aor is tar,,, ,Wjluatie luLftit to U trater, the fcnacr.a ail wbauoener. Th general cbtractcrof the CW. m Wfc.j j,, Jls coiouuu contata a great nuk!y cf ' TsLca, SxaatTrrcs, assata, aaa sno,rB,,,t aod artsdea ia Litmtare, Science, tue Arts, 41e,D:CT AgrtChhore, CJua;w. Ma!KC. Aews, llwalth, Ai' urat, aaa in fact, in erery departoicot usually 1cujs. n a L'bii rml Faaitfy Searpaprr, tr.ra such wrticrs at Jtra. C Leo Hen:. Charles lHckes, (But,) Pnduar lnbjtw, J. jnda Kooa, lira. .M. M. Leoo Loud, Mrs. a. C. Ma!!, Pruin Duoluon, 41. M'Jnt, tieorgo P. Am:, ilra. Oore, J po It Chandler, - V i - I rt' ic. i, . 1ai taa JvrR-l, aa. I. Uaftuc. PMiur J. Frost, l.ydia IL tiiguoiiiey, lion. Hubert 1. Conrad, Ko'jerl iiorrii, ilr C. H. Y. &ri0g, .V Green. Jr., Jvhn .Seal. I M t- GL Mr . Psfxa, Thsi t jrr.pbe;!. Ma AlnJ, I l'rv.Triw V i;:C, TK. L..C ilacr," I 3 Kf i C Neil. l ;je. ti sir rrffT,i;s5!B''cr,. Cs-s, Marrratt. IL N. IL i aa SfLuh, L'icy SryaKui. tu AcnxTs-Tuiur. TLe term ut the Cooner ate J p. r annum, pi?b'e ia adrator, but wbeo any no w.i, olhciatot. pi.'curu law sww Mfacnaera, snj -mi u l. ptr Mmry fottmgt Jnx. wdi receipt une .".. en c apses i). iurntt cvjwea kx ..r oua cpy turce year tut tf-'t , cLinui.vu. To tr.fjct ul tha Sj'.ofAiy Cuurwr, and (imlfy's l.i 4tJl'&, ooo yr, will feu aeat lr ij., I"i !?t tj riatiuday C uritr, aud Uodey's L:'. Buii, r, wiU or i-tui t -i t. Addre..-, I"JlAoi. . .t.iuJUN. l':i..ji-ijii.a. TVs with whota we Tcfua'. vii ,jj i. iie.-lr nway vttiiMH j swwym trie ar te, ut rikm i to PiiUSPlXTL'J or tne ii'eslcnt Carulint Temperance ,1 locale, X mrvUilj fJftrJt tu'.ti lo Ikt Ttmpemnet ll- f sui rmUkr4 ml AMitiU'e. X '., mnl tJifJ DY D. K. M'ANALLV. A Tsarcaattra Coorcsnoa tint aj held st ihs s'. ta early i ptemoeriesotred uri ptinlbtlun a p-i-f ih abrte title a id character, i 1 ii-irnulcd 1 r. !ia li.cksc and 1'. It- M'Auaiiy u Citniud it. t'lmi the nait prewli'g e-ij(;tiueut I'r. Ii.t,km already bat, ae deiuf it eupiacticablu lor lioi tu be reconictd as one of lite ed.lur. ujU).'U bo will ti-rfully um ail lit insaeoce others lo proof in n in crctl; thu rjttcn(fc,r tiurt;.jre. prJct.'i to i.ue tins I'r.wptclu in hit nr a -. au a itopu that ue .; bo jiJ il in the undertaking, by all the incud ot tto l euip-.rau o ru- thr.-Himt tiie cwuotry. ao J t:at tl.o p.er uuy rr. uuinli.m'.'nlwii. i .-r.J of thr I'lmnaur t 'mrteA to vo'l '.in iralco a not rarbi sppel undo thutwaipU ii;i! to-t-Atndsrif dolar are auuutily ti-n . -l at i !.-.t T r- -, st crcaw. at tie w irek,al j;ri.wries hue no piini are prel. tne raaory i retirroient and tii-o 6reH;e, icd on labuT Oeeut4 luu setere to alance ttn inter rV t;! rrditical p.rantr,' Can tu'i o- I J i M',rih,i: in a cane tliat mist dear to ci. ry t.-uo -.r .tt, pfman. l!,rojiii4, aod ctiriataia ! Kecolk-cL tiiere arj but ti vtrr f;s, -c.i paper iu all llv .S'ttfirrn rjn'lN'ry. Ttw W-i-rn pwt id .uith Carol uj, tl.o VYe-:rnpart of Virginia, aaJ t .e lUeru poit "1 'iViiuis-ce pm lici !tr!y, nee-1 a p!5Cji of thu kiiel, a:.d it U toi j.iu caw to say wiieUwr t!ey sh.l u4'i it. Thn 'erj k'W price which it wsi fi'.t.l bv ','i-t j ( oavefilaua. will uutu it oettwary, that a v..rj !ar : ; n;rp'Mi be bad, tr.! re the pubhctitiun i f it tun ijut.Gcd. i i.i;jis. Tie Wrtlrrx Ciinij Ttmprraite AJt . will b7pjbluw-d oo a aiciioia sheet, in quarto form, i- a 'i number matmg eiflit pa;e,arr1 will be firm lie I it i!h very l-w price of fifty Vtnlt a enpy. Where :ti. gle come are Uken, tha psyment tntinl be matitt iiua rb'y vjrrfi the ncejit . the tir.t r.iimber. 'XT P4mer, tJ.t-.rs or t '.iblulien of psperr, aud al Mtris'.w.'afltrn Uvpvlara atithuucd ig-jit-, " f U3--MILL IRONS. iJLiiE ry be bad at . FuhrV ruwidrv, on - Kiiulli Yidkin River, Mill Irouj of tuotliul lie gr:rii Uom tiuutl in lltia country, , ' t-'avf Mill Ir.m, Gu!ova all aurU, U'hwV or oilii iz !. &c w hen not oa baud, they way ws woe nriJi-r i a siiori wiiicp. - WILLIAMSON I1AHSI3. Ajrarl. D.em!ier 31. Ml. troepkctus , U IBS spect non. rpilK MnWribcr prr prtse to publikli, at Hie seat mt M. G ivernnicnt. a WepkH Nempap, to twcaU- TIIC KI'KC rATOlt." They bcliove that ueh publication will not M atipernuoua. iim fiiaa ui w di&reist from tliat of the pipers afready eaUlmlwo n Wal.iiiBton. U i.l cot cive uv Q aiea at lam but presunt a comprehensive aud ssti Iuciary uuuuary of the proceedings in bih Iloufof Qmroiss, uii such eoiumeot or remarks' as will coritfibuie U iliew !ucit!itH)n. tilrikitiff or iuUtestutf smwch miti siae Tfco maerled, (rum tnue to tube, or aucti Ucts Uarre fjtn as uwy b awst worthy m etiea'aiw. j The editorial department wilMWuas question, of thp doy with spint and with fciraess, and iu a suaa-i nTWbch, it ia hoped, will prov aceepuhle sue ivmiilar taste. A femiliaritf with domestic iUmea, acoaircd bj a residence at the csjrttul, aud U v junta ; t iS them abroad. ! imilar . Bt ab iflt-' line period of European, uwory, ua.r Cire. una smn wim!ljiUUcuam9mtatms pmmm Kmvmmum. advantages lor th tsak promised. CtKunituiaa S Jirbte- tuammim ynUlajuea ot the Law to beeossa lions fu.viut;!!p(itil Mwrccs will alas aefuniishHLaiiil ' wjiwiiitrt patiitit tlnnmr. it iliall ho j, elfjrl to prtsent to tlieir readnra that s arKSu'9i;i wsb a liRpuii. - tractive varie MiUooi bca th mart mi wbOtt lupus 4lail. Ti. jrnscifll m 'i3Tirirf wca a tletl eipmi areapttopillupui.fH.ptMieRittd, teato aw owstaia. ' ahf snsiur aasmiWaguiravs isy ii sdn thesa lyoccurruigst boine 0iahmd,beyoad Uicphcwrf nmre vfrumonaxun jmm w.'imiji Gunner oaurry, r chersa psrEonal and party piitvics, atlentkai to whah taumt ' out UmwsU jias'uacmrrtatiaaiif orliesm. tail to elucidate politics tjtreatiooa. aud piuuun tntlT1b .ud hHr!is,ttoBii amral aaidrrviBtewt c&kfy a I interests. Judicious sdectiuM from turif a joimialinj ettbaaa which are so acceatihie rt tt'arkini;um, euntineartal as lvti mAmmmmatm stamafmm miutam those granst well as L'nglub, (popular attctlK ia tiiw country lie- '.mixfluraanna auaaar tu wiicU.isac Bruaia and ins; directed too esc!umt!y U the Utter,) caonut liut -ttte HJuOMi itMm tut tbaur prnna-BC waith, rack, iiiturcsl the enmiirin muisr. whose liberal curiusit .wl nit-;li the earth. and expanstre synipathiet rtead Jterond toe enrriowa, howeer aiiijile, ot his owe coaolry. Nur will liter. ! uborthnato to !! paraiiijint eadii at a political j'wrnal. ; -y)tf in -mil. Sff jr.airwt :iai tl it LjesJi EJi lua word, it is the uMi;i of the subscribers tu fumiJi ' iMm inSi r tii I'l- ft albe po p a spirnrd paper, lor lnh.tbry are Wfrsuadrd. iicls- ' omuw wa- 4nie T-w-aua smU uave aAsut 1U1 l:ar !acilitis are foacd at the scat ot (ioverniuein. Witliout spp a!iugto their pant pufrtmn and tlOllS. th'V Will dintMlil lhf-irMiIkAtf Kmvm turth i4.irlNTMiflf h.hi Hu,,. ,u-. ... ii.. --j . J I)t nH)cratic. vei.-tWy aouij .Ij. u-j, nut iniiwra! or unctiariuiblf. Tlx y a ill dic. tt ions and judje men with frrcdian, yel th wudmauoo ahicii ives additional atrenjfth U Grnrsi'ss, and tiial cauihir which u the he.it nro-if and oled? ot sinccrirv. . f " Tlioy are folly sensible of the doubts and dilate which tnxl ever attend a twvel ucdcnkinr it tbn. nature. Dut uno. man mi y tuccrd. where anoUx I1 tailed, and win n one ciEit ha provod abonite, a cond niiiy triumph over v ry utntacle. It uaydwt'ii mul, by s wine and a great nun. that uo hum semt!. pri would W attempted if "vTy afyfctjoo uiud iirst be reinorcl. The ruUrcnbers have r-olved tu try, t least ; and all tliry auk of tiieir fricml rs a hiud aui piit of their CM and feeble i-upa. 'I iif-y vtnitwu, a!.o, tottprcM a hsrxj that I'AiUin, puro:iaI!y or po litically fiifuil.y, will g:ve tin trift prop"Ctuaa in - terti.- ; a k-.or ubiUi lioy w.i! be Iiajipv to acknnwi- cd"c iu a suitable ihhuirt. J. 1. MAKTLV, J. 11CAXT. TdllS. Hie cull..r VMU he putnwiM wi!y,n i i.tt li?d -et!v, at i liTfT Uoilars per annum, ana .rupornonaiuy jori wiorim 7J?ntAfJUiwrjMt. rw iie -shwrihws. rio.li", piyanie lliiar.aoiy m at; truce, or i rr iwi.uti. lor two rubaciipiums, or fur two yoara. It m pruit.d W tii. the tir.t uui.tber eaf.y -u Jkim: P"wt'ns1ers are authoring to remit auWrytuir.u. r "' h. mnA k'if1iiin.j".lu. Ii ll.H lllllillli Ual he a .1 l MAUTl.N i lilACT. Wasiimai, H.C Juno 3. 1-.J . Tuosii!cTrH rl TUE .VciA Circ'ini Tevqtcrtof- Vmhru 'M!L State I'einfwrDr.cc Nicifty ut N. C ct it en- nual uieeting, dirpete.l it Kwiiin.of:mit.it:ci- in J.l.aJina-saeww- tin; r.btlffar'flirallKri 4oe. ' Jonrol, Uvvoltd to ilia ctuse.ot T-.- j In obiJ.-e to their Wik'hv, and nuprewj itU a.r impuriaiice ot Such a publication, the Cuuuoithw ue iit tirii.i!..-il. rl sullicn ut tm.tuiafei.mt can Or tk- taim d, Ui ii-uo the tiri mmber vt such a puftiicaUm, -to b.- !!- ; .V'KTU CAIUIIXVA iL-di-t M...M.I. L.MU.N.on the first ol January wxt The ledJmjr . bject of the 1'nn.n wjl tic, the dr- m.ualiou of Tunperafice prinrijilea. ta ttatl en , deavur to pre ul in it pj;e, a lull record uf tl pro- IKUmoI lie Te.i.prranra csue m Hir n and u i lorvijit uii. el Ma eiri iijhju individual and cmo iiHitiiiie. oi.J original article to defence iS) it prw cip'e. iu reply l-j inc tnuua objectiuiis u'god j a iinrt it. i hlf iwevcr, the pnMtiion of Terr pra tier wiU I be t. lirrf aod i-adu; tfl.y--, rW JmriiaL rt - ur inKntiuu, .ni ii t ij; oi. be etiilvmos by a geuerai Miiiin.ary it' lie-' umi.i inipirtant e.euts uf Uu uv, wad bf purliculr atUittiou tu the interest ut Agnrt'lture. In carry ttg out this oht.!, the Cuuiuuticr lt.it urtb ronfidi'iii etii tb: ffivuds nf Temperance, parliculaTi) in North (arulina, for aid f.ui uppirt. A new tne piiinjrirenBiveuwuie cauxe in tins mate. me ufi ine proier.occdMtm, wo gommi leu a uieca witai Iu been wing niiiier our on eves, uiiich w.mimI rud a thrill of jny through every benetulent tteart. i nc tu jiu..uuu oi mi uictMiaio was otHwaifmcon. wnu is still puiif on with a power and suco-r. when the iikhI fuiiutte never dared V anticinate. dive us but the mean f cnnimunicalion, and we tru4 thai aa in fluence ail go Cirih trom the Capitol of the old XarL Stite, t' i!.irciiiotet boandary, that will tell upon st hiptnesaid pruspeiily tiirough all future genorstiiiMi. I'ermif u; then, mort earnestly to appeal to mery friend of Tappers nee. Morality, and good order, to anl us prompiU As the object m to commence with the new year, jUtj on the part of its frietidi' rosy lie l-tal. It every laiu ldiial thfn, who fw:! an interest in our soccer, amlevciy Teniperance ti.tciuty. Ixrunii- r .;nii.ible, o'unre (or the number ot copier, which tbey cippriho canhe cirrtttattd intbeir vieimtr, and forward their nume immediately, for III, 1M, m Mt roiie, as they ma? Hmli dwoand rt the'r tirit 'i irini'uil T i i. in wsv uiiiv, can wo bi'iH; tur tu"cvi- m ; OUT I'li'jlt. i j I At a iticeUir, i T tne l..veciitive ommir ee of the S. ' , t". TLiiperaiiHi Stieiely, the billuwitig reroluUmi wa. . ndeped : Wlcrcas. arrantji'ment have been nu.ile in ' I ciuiiinento tin publication ol a Temperance Jnuriutl m I lln; City ol Iwlt;ij!i. o.i the fiM week of January neat, . rot i leu osrrmH M4V Sulfccribers can be obtained. KfioliiJ, "bat it bo mst eamertly r-ommemI.il I.. i each of thu iSieer uf the Ante l etu ranm- SiM ietv, ! nun t.i the mtiu'-'M of tin late Stale (i.nveiiiitm, atirl I t i any wro-wo Irienctly lo the cause, immediately t,t j llie r- ctpl this retolntnm, to become te.inKiiile fur ! fmm It) lo M .Siilxeribers, s.i thst the publication uiaj (uiiii.it.iiee alt:.' tium cotiiemplaled. I!y or.h r 1 l!w Exwutivo Coimmitec of the North I'art.lina tac Temppraiice Society. ' Til It MS: The Norii Cirnlina Teiuierance 1'i.inn w ill be puV li-linl weeklt n' medium sheet, (sy "Jo by IiuhjIh-s.) nt One lh.ll.ir M Fifty Cents per aiininn, pavsblc t.V VHVANt'll. Loiters containing tftibtcnbrra naniet and reiiillttiiit r', must bo diteete-d, jn.ipid or tree, to the TreasiircS'l' the Hocic'y, James Known, Rak-ig XurthCsoliiia All the neicpirs in the State re rcrpectfuHy rc ;;ett d lo jjitetlii Prpcc'.tii tuff or two inwrtiens. r r uncart. ttimnawm m esa as aw xaxw tmiatiSM- ansa aiicacaak fj, ma-w T2 C fllCtltH s TIES asanigmsCiaiaitivtfMt traasl jtfolartsort rfUie JL a:aMt ewsr aniUttieCaut haul. sboM Sktuiiably iWritnd la l rJ aOi dansrs or Cmt ssaajfy. a:iie iulimuius arse Ui nMM rJ t- iMRaad utUi aniltowia tb siwnp'iifi " ia, TTo 4uairaaiaiai Jminir.rrtww itoallartat tat Tmtesnwi as Uiae gmuniii osrar aasewtisa) pro u - Kaatai mamm tlxmawaa. wauarlosi as jjiu jimiimiTr, aaBisneac:isnt ttvaa thj a Ut ui lauar-aiisaeS sum ass. wsniBog.s gwenad ay hitui! jrr-juous: sii a Kcaiaa- scsunss.. 7 2Jud'ju TS atfisril Mam'tanra, Bhifcem, OrTjatra. Xnl.lv.aod! aifiaar of ttist IbnMwwi. ct;araciwatie 4eaemjiUiasi dl Us sjawmwtirtaai wiiei. sasaa Uirwjts Umar Swmml 3jnl). SWcaiiiiiluiX'B,attt SaeatdewIaeaBrats of C&smsrftj arfrjwciajf apssrasa awcaUaat namiiati sBtasX ttoahmawtawiC ttMaa auaawa j tU)C HWSS3-aflrauw. - ? ..v,, - . limn Sunt mi msm MUidlse ttnac at a lie iboeat snfr"--- a! awry, awarant afcyeat at 7.iuurtecuirr anr yuan. thsa. ttsa aiist, and aaaai.y liuu .u. wn. !fc wiC im- sss earj-.iumrth unmiienva. swfaKe ll.flwm- . - irr y k sHsuiwff-a sw u. r aee timr aanWmiat.a witlimiA tttfmtmaft ay ataa, psr; dl,aSBMa iw trmw ttio preaa. i a .suiWtiiray?!n!tii-iS iswuppor j sva ewa jim lat sn a, itn-aa . vkilio easrensrfy : teTTmliie. 3a ewr-a wauA25atB$ tuwsw. and ercry ,llllllmllrlHttrra," r-4" scrihra sw fJP r"'1. !)P- Animwi nc dL 2l ' &peajm, A Cat, B'u-d- t jSrt-a a urt- Tuaxaf rfttaywaa-jgagttuaaBiaairiJeiBS ut m IrrrlZ sirriuiuk.wa swit awiC 3i rUcr. oo cnaf ui o m uiw amuj. jiriwiiart ti gaper snctaiau? thus iMitmr 1h- wni tu Hut 5'4r Lira. W iichicaa. Jlw. York. Alwrth 10. 3-S. i m-3irosX4 at Ur. a.k.1UB tTCBi WI7LS , i liTutftTuuai:'tiiir.sw resprctfuil laamae!. j ihtiut uiwuMtrui prcE!l the aatire : tuckaid) yigltt n" 3i-..ginrar.ssH .o ttus wwa. and 1 'ii,,n",o yjiuicanow. mvmn Bjr(a.ght nil enm- , .m. 7 nil m. u .' T' ' n ! rf -tn n M iL. ,,u,m. tti,-,ii l. -aJa u. . I ; tfJ!jytl4 0b AilVUiTiva a-i r. mmm - - u u i 3.iGC Uiair!ln.aa Siibproeptbltdicg n,,,nirft aJlsaiiiit. Tli. vr c iv.ttn. t: lJkiJu.il, iU'-2Jia23CiL-. a swul, ra iat- r-, .'j" fi-J hijtT h- i-nvu taut, iitjtu.n aatlin;' -J our Poosrfas. In jt, mtiu su.'wu. Fm KXitarm mil aomoT incUy IK-Ulm: yTtium.,yw. tuilfamtv artentu wul paid to imAit, lu uaMr -tor aauMr n Bn pnaprra the Tulti'tou ami yntml'.aimilVjM vttil auaotrs. aH.jtiH:H' Bar- aunxasew aCes atieiL has iim , .ru- an 8a Svaki ami at t jrV IWs m mm pmpew lo b ui 3'lrr- isuawrtJa: sw a-T-uw tfafcr prua.sn ri.av ftpii 0ui.iijMiiauiw7T Jwiututrra tjTuiu.w W Um- ar w Q aay. thst cjuihuju.' aa -tin ajsnuirwrjir-uaro eraue-att ri-lti.-aivr ttlie irertmiiir:a !Lr Ban i-Uunbie lire mm. fc.iU. 3arura swst Jiatbrra talent ttH j nwwe .niUJacL nmc auuite jc: ktclingw and JiUtiri jafttuMt' tur Ssnv2ut att irn tor Ih; ,rr.-iU 'i ui 'mi f r the Csncowa. T.il bo sirnplfeuil 'itb auc sanr m snmramu I sect; 119 tm -a n cuuuina at oil. Uas ow wmok irf the ibfc,aMMi wrthByioujiWiaaoa',ttewuajMoictio uurrapuias mui awrra At itw pom f arwrsi Uio uiua g iftad autb.rf. MU. aia 3tU sue. dwlhv s'oe AnvMOftbaiMC ZkHLMucaT flijfur wilt be cirrtcimil siiU. sciWtti Irraa anirMus hib in jiiUiui.oaiioi-...naftw.mw'ii aswuiat men. mrii i-ci-trrirr rmtnr TcrrifTursi 01 inn - it mas aimniy wecusdl lull: frjem Hi 1 oatsawo p rtiiw ef the cnuiitn, mil hna. 2marMBuau1a.ua' aaetaa mstruc- turn igvaiutcir -u. ghr arnaam onsT yjaojarv In that Ssqarraanre of esswrwf JafWB-wrr. the ubactiws ammr aiwoa -U reoe a aasl winch will jnc Ha? surawam. b an Juannl uf I!m Lunm. I. iOMe if! 3t uiL-ru :r Mil atw ir bis cmMtntr; husmna aij ur wra cm -jr ear cuantrr ; audtOTuu" jjMwur tUi ail. axCeuri". e-tnmune at T.fi.'.v imnrt, ra rtut 'CUea-tiT 1 ir .i--wvrl aud 'he Vml. a tk)r ewttefjimletwr w.ii bv e-th.jfu-d vt itti lilrt'it,'Ww-Z in,. ifniMleliwn, i ItiroiuT.'.TaJ. uipUiiM MiHmittnu awl! 5wMsr:ctuv, tnmai;!. mutch w ul he obtauHHi, niC am; rtie itm jstttr. ...ff-i m lenwru In nil luntrev 1111. uiwr,c -Rifle r uf now tttc, dreje tuTT?:if .rf i- n:St m smitsco ana) - acta: vfiiifc-ai owmte-ir t ;. - -e t -nnr i ;;!.- 1 ili; i)iiiiuiu it'juucuunt roeJi a i yuit fit C.xn mercinl nm-icK nm. nutttinr. .i: iina aiU cv:!. atitl tuiiilicu. clmtwjjOrt. jkir.i 9. 'lit'.rritulta-aiiw au ''"'' urttnifl In e-gu:lwur'iia lightt-r at: a".. I o. t'riiiw'-ittu huHiiamus uaants1 toe ernr eztaa ut Lie 1 iWr. which, white ttlia m srrrea wousc a wwy or 1 "trc.1mvrsC in w"itw time Uw Bitrirr eOrctnf ' uwMltMi: itii Sai eamrt-r ana c-tuii oi amr i m-tlifm ami -rtl.mt!imi;'uii!ii.wid nmuectteg bmc j C,B"-V ,lM mni; brtaava. uas. I Feimg asmnerl tie-U'trl rtlptr atai.ty to mret the j 'sl'! tUe Auutmrni xwununir. aof ru ntahu, a p.irr mi She Sou Hnitrm.iu. 'O-jeu and. r-"ur aiJn. aiul lmttw splti'inf mn!Kr tir mi A.uri.i -u.I he -rutUiig 4Uittuun Jirtlwc jai oatMl ftt'.'y w nrra. btrtiwiiiau'Snmd! iUir jmmn Tw ewse. ttiy r. ecttuHe .etdiL-fl aie. jpimmai or tUe peute of Niu'.ii t tiTiiiiua uitti Jerr aimnr "Haiauv. 1 larTjiirawiwsMlrJe'nnrf.ie.a-i mrp-ral -ft-vt -t Am very bf-fl snprn wail ;iiarMt: shail b awitvutMre with aurtralt hi tnp litflueunueil ate av and w em il luiarmwc uf aim wuHwmt. Cite once well tm M mt siitmui, itwvnlik' ttjiuii Ut dhllvei ud Out flr atMuber. " st. t BtJfXi. . S. C.UwOLt. ?.Aa,i-3- lllliltll t AT JSAUHY, fiSPTCMEEX 9. ha SJa 1 2i a 3 St)a3a iia luel? rt,a. r..ct,n, ZiOer. Lard, Mo!ubcs, Nails, Oats, 0. 7 WalS 4 a 41 lj U UlM Beeswax, hV'psv CoUuo, (dcas) Cora. 13 a as Kice, (quart) Wat-'i'urar,(hrow wr.) 7a I (loa .) .30 tSalUfkal 1 00 a ai nt lUaiz I(t) 3titisfc.Tr; Hoar. ei0a4M Feathers. 23 a 4 raca4. 5sJ Do Oil. tOitl ptrai, (Mmer) .r af I (c IS Wkaky, Sa AT CHLRA'.V, a. ACCUST I, 13U. f Bee?, tcarc) jB-coo, Cuttrr, LVsswaa. j Baj-wg, BataaUipe. ! CoCee, iCottoB, ' 6 FVwr, SOQart 5 a 7 iFcathcrt. . ar.L1 - a i- i uru, (ncarce) 4ia?T lolasaea, WV Uata, Wal.'l tt,(10Ib) m a 1) po2tr, 7 a tr'aJt, (ck) . 50 a 61 Do (bojbe!) .-at i a . . 7s SRatt 4t5 luu ffiti 1 Com. (Karcs-l AT CAUDEt. S. C. AUGUST 21. 1M2 erX . ' 4a 6 Cotton, EacaM, a 0 Cora, Batter, ' - lie If Flour, Eeoswaa, 13 a 30 Fcitherf, B;31BZ 2tS Lard, r&i aVspr. - Y Molasses, Cifiie, 11 a IS Oits, 37a ' 33ati 45a: Corgrrsxioaol Globe and Appendix i , . rjinfciE votks bare bow Hi pal!ibed W as kr I L -A tra coosecatrre arannca ef lXagressw booiae. aioz itU tiia seauca nl ItT-O. 1 aey hat bad auk j wtoe ctrcaiatsaa, aad base beta an aaneraallj aptirut s I and ssaght after by tue puoiic, thtf we dvesa a aeces- arv aolr n t&ar fppcto to say that tber stil se t drutiBQcd at tike next session ef Corsrean, and lo Rate 1 soruactir. cUrcts, lha bsm aa h:ch tbey ail ! be sstatcsl, aaJ tue prices uwst, ' i ac tpunrwsasoaaj uuoe as cmae na at ci.y ' pxoatxtLcf mt the two ILus of Cvci?i4 T1-5 npimr in ot thw BJtmbrrs r abridged, or coodeaai,t hnng thssa Kto a reaneahUr. or readable length. X" 1 tha Tiitnaa rfcrcil.ae Trfgmns ada, ate Fl i- i length. the wvrer's owa wonlj; and jvi i4 i aa;soallthinpi!n3Bteestioas. It u frinM ! i oLl type oressrr sal aowparetl oa a tjuile rc;ii bs5et, ia q'i'wto fiai, rcfa a amber cocu:mr j U i',, 3', : iraarttt p:, It is printed as ot as tte tu: ti m lramtx mailer enoueb 6jT a &icr aauatiy ac asjiaokr, but sou.ettaprs two caaecrf; a week. We 'La re tavanaUy pnclcd acre eit.H thaa there were wecka la a aetsnca. ls ppna t.r seaatua df Cucgn??, at expected, w Ui u:ig 3 taootus, it so,sub&cr.bera nay exprct btea iJ t.-l VJ aoaaers, wluch, together, wci (aaXe belbeca 2.d and ryl eusrto psgesv . i The Append: a bJ cp of the PsrsiDtn'i ts- anil raeag, the reports of tim priaeipai otr3 4f ' ih uurtnaient leal atcc:any tt, aril a.l the L" wjonjye eaemberJ Of Ccngrcss, wrtUaa cut ir re- ; sued by themoelsea. It Is printed m the n',K Lra ti i , the Congressional Globe, aiLi usoally maj.es abent & ; some attmbpr ot psges. lleretofijre, on aeoouat ct Us srr spreefcea betng so aouroes aad so Icrg, wa act I not CDM.ctci uo Appeadix Mtd ece or 'two i arter te cUe of the sersma ; but, in fatar. e iV. . aBd.wt' r.Mir-M! aaad pmrnMi -he warawiiLja a lew 1 s t.n.-r th ajjuriacat. . -. ... ; ' Hlc14 cf theorU w ct.fr;rtla ra itself bet H is : swees-ary kw esery sobscrtber who oses a ! kdowld ot IU proeeedniga uf Uagreris k.xe ; buta ; bevuoM. tUn, if ihst oaU be acy aon.i!,u'f j aa the jancat f Lie tpMch, t any deruai ot tU cor tvetsess, as ptiVLiled ia the Coojrijioiii. Gkib; tl " rrwfer csf refH rh AffrtldiX Id si i'i V : :r I" lal trsq'b, cutfe;gd by tfa uems!t hansci!: ""'", ( 5jw, there m rio oja but tl Cunrct. : --cG: tie r asal Apotfaskt. trom UJ a peroa r.i tttj.a a tvl ! bjnr nf tha sroceedm-s f Ccrf .esa .(u-ii 4 rwj4 ai j1fi'i;'aT.yguosien wftxir euuta . ted"! tT u-j. kui bw-i.iijrnit-d rlsr litre it tuir tear. I. , cuat abwt hi times as avacb Ibr a scij.au as ti.e Cu . gte!kl lilobe acd A f peanut, aad did cot oUia aa ! oai amoont of -natter, a gr?wl portioa ct t'.s carrel ', psueojeuicys beio? oao)led. We ara aaafc.ed 10 pr.nt ; the C;re-aWto aad Apferi3i at the Ira n' ' now p.i:d, by isaiioj o'ktrga easaWy of trpe, ir.J i ktBs the CoegreMal euattcr that we set cp t r , 1 He dan aad s-arw-eeekly et.itea, stabdia ti j Osrr- oaal Gbe sad Appeadis. If we iud to sr. . 09 Mm:!er f.rc-iy tor ' ri, are cu.A rx ; acbnl tu arrat ibana f 4 onohle tfce pne now eimrjed. j .'oro;Iete LkSeaes to V& tier Cjngteueat tba i aod the Append: ar p:uite4 at tha dure U esc a I wow. aad seot to ail Sttbscr.be rs for tkjta. ' , ? Wo bare en feaa-f 3JX!0 c 1.WJ eurp! f;?ics tf ' the CoBreftMNMt Gluee aad Aj;adii Icr iJie Litr i Hess., bx anke Icyrtter rxaieoce tlnw-wr. ! ctil , i cari psfas. Tbey grre tte faT.au hry U Cm- ' I gress mt baa ever beta piUasaed. We avw n'l i ttra 5r l eoe ; tbat ts, $1 tor the Cong-rtin! (iilo5u.aad-il r the Appendix. We prcpe " Ii .iti 1 . . t. A - . r ' .1 . .. , fc the aeat auaiua. bate thou tor f3 cert euh. (liry j vu aw i, a 117 m tnarrrcoa iui:y te p; : cewsungs ol toe aext KSixJa, TLe enportant autiers , scsjaiea at to tsar, will be bnatghtep at the Kit ! "ri,rlB raswr'jiiewcef the anrvcRal diialic'.ioa m late elctocs wieh tie vast aad nerd jsjisleaiof fofKy whh the powers hate aotrodoced. i.":'fc fc,cctd ,hro cca- ",tn? .?. JlWBjg ice full ca- ! easaroa ortssj ia rrrard to rubjevt ti ordiaarv aakrejL j Tje report of ta tigresssueal Ulubs aad AppeadJ J arw ot w tac keC oVgrea a&ccted by the party aru , -f the Editor. Taey are givea prvewair aa arittea t out by the StrpnTter tod the saeraacrs tbeauelTes. .Vwl tlx mhotis ar subject to tli rerxue tai corrrc 1 1-9 el the sprakef. a liiey pm ra review ra oar ixif afcet. m ca-e say mtwankraandag sr Busrefrescc'- now ft' their remarks should oscar. W make a daily aaslyiis cf Vm dmagt ia Cjt jtws. - "j" im.-w , u i.ve. j. out im a p I liiffsT Tkn'yi fi.watt-.il. iu Week! LiT Ttur iiiyGiur J l!l,thi tSeiri-wirtk'y ilie . par aaWHto. n miwnrr Tkd IV. 1.1. nrtaml 1.1 tV iim Sroa as tfco CuogreMnol h itrt A" jw-uJ... soil acoaiJet,; t, f'-i-t t- -t tt liteeadaf- 5ac! r-ir. ';; TC2SIS." F. the Cur.g-rwttal G'bc aj AppenJ:x tr tU tat Carta Seaaio, L I or the t,oori:tu(uI Glube for the actt acseLa, it per copy. . Tj lie Appcttd:x tor the tut acssiur, $1 r?r TI ; Sia cpteut cuiM.r .-I Lie above works w ill be'sent ! S twelte r ptt- trf aaj M on a pretportiett i tor a grearrr aiia.br r, j Payatee'a may Ui trarsmiUed by tnaih yvtz seid, , rt uor nak. Uy a ruie t the I'oat Ultw llenertraent, ' -wtciaa4er are penui'.ttd to trans kite; ceotamiag aaoeey Lt ubcriptji.ea. Ti ante ol any hinS, current where a rubscrilcr . I reJea, will be iec-.rd by as at par. j To rwrwre sU it, rumhsrs, lh suVcrirlwru hoa'.J j be ta Wjohmji by the LVkj December neat, tt j faitbe-t, tnonj;:i it m probable that we ball print e-wagri lurpm cty.es it fill rrery tutM.rtrr!ioo that may be paid IcWe to 1st day e4 Janitary aeat. Ne at-cttea will-be prndHTinv ord 1 enLsa l!ie rmoey accsnpanira it. I; I. A lit it KIYU-S. WfchisgtMi Ciiy, Octtbrr .'j, 1-1L

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