I" u r - v-v : Unj i.b.,.l la iwgo.,ato tfce ka, ha teen Ir utcl v..l, M!rn, vv; ,o !frU.!.k.,i, but too true i ami to be ameuted tint it i. trao. Cut win are re V"'U"'T Ho party of which ho 14 a,, tuember are U.)l. tt 0 had no teucy m tho ea sares which hate K1 to present exhausted ; .............. vt tm uua.ur. v.i i;w contrary. u ui in uui ijit 10 n'b.si n, v avv irieCungeral ihocxua session; arid.ra.sod Ihihi, mid lure coMinufcJ ever unco to raise our warning Voice ngaiast.il.' We oppjsed the Withdrawn! Irom the trcuwi-v of tho revenue from liie lands tesisted the creation of thb debt i we called on llW40 iu power to rcircaco and ecouoiiiUM" times W all iu vain. " The last thins; they thougnt of v- tie waj .,d means. : h a n't a laat ul iho extra sc.iu, as it is tiuw the list a u,n. He topped uul to'mqiire i.e.er thi Strang coure was the clleci 0! negligence or design an the part of tiwSc in power dengue! to force this their -javuni measure of policy througn ; and whether .-i;. n.ilil.....! I.i. .. !. 1 .. . . .. i-.-.nw imcii'b-wiiu 1111CU4 to vote tor it, 011 viae ground or 1 1.0 exigency ol the treasury, are itot, without njtonJm , bat coiiMimaiatidif that -r ..- l .'1 . 1 .l. . ... .. j .u iii:u ho arc Doiiaa to ri'imve ,,iaa treasury, Waliaul inquiriu'r iutu the (act. Lv Whuiiu or in hl mauiier in cinbarrcititii'bt was uauacti. 1 ni may do aau;H?d ; bat mih-Iv, when woco.no to iho ij'iesiioii ol roii.uJy, if t'u ro bs a ijliStteucc of omiiui, tiiow win Htv tKt:huMv, who liav caused tho iniwhiel, and not 'thus who ttave warred aaiubl it, and opposed the uwarr iuu wa 10 u, oujjai to ywld. it ia ))0 fi, On their part, nfteir they have doao the miwht , t.. wi 10 remcay , uult-na we shall areo to j.a . Viem in a measure aa bad, to say the least, n tn. .disease. Uut aduit that aumciliin sliou!,) bo done, and 1Ut ejeeiJily, to rejtenish the treasury and revive tubliecmlu; and that a lull share ol tho nMti ibiliiy is 00 us j bow does a hajijwu that this inipernu H.cessity aiwuld attach to this jnrncular toeasure, uuJ noud other ? Why not v.,i0 l'..r the measure moted by the Senator fri Virginia to 50 back tu the Compromise Act aa it stood in th Ifear 1811, wheu au teuths of the duty abou- JU . yf cein. sun reuiainej tu ajioa oil; and which would afford a preat. r revenue to the, Uessurv.an..' protection by duties varying from SO to 40 Prr cent tj tho Manufacturers T J'be olectiv.ii, 11 oems, to it; was, that it proposed to .ubjecl .oa n1 to10 o moderate amount of duty, and thai jMjjuiouut-ui W4, plia. -without undertaking "tTueiiy or at&nn wlicihur the ol'iectiom to tjxm. jIiomj arttclua are u great as has been a!!ej.!d, tin would venture to say I hit theie were inauv con Uleratioaa which OiaLe ti.cin pocnliarly fit kuli, is of retenoe. "In the first place, duly imposed on them actad as a bounty tu no one. Whatever iim people injjjfil pay fi,r coasuium thoin would gu Viclittively in'o ttie treasury, and not into the 'pockets of monopolist. Jn the reit place, they era objects of general usu over lliu.wh-ilti couo. try, and by every cla-s, which would jnake a dut 03 them fall on ull, according to the extent of iheir consumption; and, finally, they are received 11 oxebane to a great extent, for domestic manuAtc urcs, and a duty on them would have the eH.t of "throwing some portion of th burden ol' supjKirti.ig the Government. on that privileged interest. And yet, with all these co:iidttratiMis in their lavor aa tit ejects ot .taxation, it seems that the objection oeuy measure including them is au great, that this oJioiii, unequal, unimt, oppressive, auti te fubUcin, and uQconsittuuoiial oieaiiire.ot' oar op . yooeuls, is to be preferred to it, however unubjec . . tiuiiah'e to the measure including tltuui ujtl.t Le ta o'.bcr iv cts.V- , ; . - ,; . " Cut thi afjynlBi1jji(Miuii yiinmas'it i"l 1 1 itibsfitutd P.r" litis Liil. , The Seuutor ItooiM i Tvland Mr. olerrickl pronud use. L ! 21 ocr T-i.t. m i:nnort. l.l.lm.f t.i tmor ..i '1 wi vi' , v'-'- j-----. ' . - t ' I . I I . , . ' . T " or uomo vaiuauoii a uieaiure iuui wouiu give much more revenue titanjthia bill, whiUt it wuld " ; " leave the distribution , act unc'i.turbed. Aad ri, . Ivith all .their profession of att icbmeut tu thai a. t, 00 the part of the pohticjl friends of the mover, , .-aud all tho anxiety felt for lUeaiatb of the treasury by uie supporters 01 1111s i?iu, 11 received, a yery ' eerti ts Ab'Mher, and the last, was moved as a substitute !iy lii a Senator from Araaaa, Mr. Sevier, which propeied to unp iee a duty of z't per ceut. on the torein coat, with the adilwu U'lU per cent, for tie Liu. ni valuation, mi all articles which paid a , tiuiy, be lore 'M:': Jane lut, bbove 2) per'cent.-- loaki.ill.o c ity on tuern abuul equai ao per . cent., a'ld tu Lave tliO daUcs M or below 2D per per ce:it., o ihey then s'.ood ; whicaj would have yielded uioic taif ;rae taaa lliva bill, an 1 QorJed, ; uitii Ins cash dutiei, a protwiion of Bu'i.ii ai nor cc'1 on tUa proitiUiJ airtc!e. Tm. lou, lad. : un j that, oa uu objec'iia . V iji.! aai:W:s average . a J Valorem duty oti all urii'a.. '1'lii.ra arts cr taii.ly strong fij-stion?, "on. r.-venua prin.'.ipf, . ulic:i ilia ria of daiy i ui'i, to sjc'ii an av.-ist - di')'; bat, with a Lw mie, u has many uul fai aJvfu'.ir.a ; aud, among oti.e.sits simplicity :io ,i'ppaitiu!ity, ant. iss suj 14; rciu.ico u oppo5 ' t i an increase, by ealiatin every internal aunst il. Hal a co iclusiva anawtr Uiil bo ioumj lu the k objecliun in t.'.e fact, dial the uKi.iure uiovei by the Senator trorn Ark?naa did urt subject ull.irti cies to one umlLiii avorjge ad talorem duty, an etippvMid. , 0a ilie cJiilrary , it provided for sovra! ajparate clashes one at -3, anjtber ai i.'d, al .ott.er Iwlow-which, experience would aee-n to t .vor.t.i a mode prel'crab'a ta all t'i:ier of m ems d iltCi. Cat give to the ofcj jctiot it creaUjt . 'sireagt'a, aud bow uicomid-'raOla 1 it, compircd loj the eirahe'.m:nj oLjectiaiis 10 ti.ii hot. j I (said Mr. Calhoun) voteJr lor oich of thee measure oot that 1 was prepared to adopt them, as they were moved; hut because I regard. d theiu ' as i&tendcd for revenue aud not prntecio.i, and be 'lnvej ihein tots suicoptibie ol b.-mj nnig-th-i - tot tiu iroijiury, and uUj id extricating; the coaoiry ' froru exiling d-iTualt-a so fur as 11 c iu!d bj el fected.by tail fiscal ac.n.n of the Oovotui-joi ,wih jut llau aarificaaf pr niet;!e ; but the m nit.cr ,t!.cy wcio reined Mii4io4 me liiat there was t.j , ' prospect tf doiuj anythu j winch would a com vita niy tie ws; . ... Aiwllier reasnd aa4gneJ for votin for this -was i:ie uii.ressau cj.iaiinm 01 iti - manu.aciuros. . . 1 ai: . ..1.1. ; .. , Aluultiu. it to bojrfce, to iho -exte t a'l- gBi, he wculd u if the other ba.in;s of the co nuij iit-, ' , were Us em'xirrasscd ; an I if it ia just, etpmi. "afe, cunslilutional, or cwi-iitei, with ot.,U piW( ;iples, to relieve them by the iacrilio of the' , "oihsrs 1 ... tgt.a Ih.l Kii' I 1 i" 1 In mint Ine cx.gjnVI'U ui Another and a hnal reason remains tj bi stated ! P'J' 10 V V 'ir"vu'' ,f"':'' '"'! ' that it would u.pand liio distnbdtiun act. He ,r'J,T I'!'! ul'1 """" 'it. 1 ,1 .-i 1 1 . , Bat let all tin pi.. u.l let us prncced to the h'g jdu'owiuoged Hs loice. JW one morn .ir.a.gly Dlol(,,-ww. .. i, ,IW Mr. P.) Mr. V-n ll .reo - objected to that uiMotrttitutiertal aud dangeroai was r.i e eetei by m.. v.,.e ol" Virg iua, without wIioho neasuro than he did j or placed a higher dsiHoatc vts bo eeuid no nan.' b -en re-elected, and it v.sj ' 'ou tbe imprtancetir txpungii g it trom ti.e t ii a iuanif t tu ro. m a no judicially ifciiolnln.il, that he Vjak t it, a bad lithe measure is, he was in wt idewd m Virginia iiisjnriiy to Irani, ilia .'(.rtparod to say that tt was worse thau lino, .tr' 10 n"1'0" 9 """ l""""i hat was t be don-.: atrt nd ol it by suUt'tiutifis this fn its place.' Ri, W;uV v" 1 U!J ' Amrfa t"''1 .1 , . . 1 ,, . ub.nrt to be ru! d ay mmoritr, carry in ' tlnnr p. ml , euppoee ther t be equally obpictiouublo, Hefe u'tj w J, t , , . , fo Ihje differeacfl betweetj them S it would be far "U the Conitnutieii and Lairs ifjjidcd no rf easier t . ir,rtll( ..nr-die-. ,.' '.,-, fV. this. There ,v , ,t.. ....Tris.,,, ... the ev ,.- i th- Mre.gin ,, .he ,.flf..,i ...at would be ,!,.., , Mi lav..r of this me.iMi.e mm.. .red with ilio-e .1 favor of d.str.buii.Hv. : .,il th., whole of our mirtv a-e umodon. ..gamat tr th t0t .!, T measure, hut utimr-unaielv divided lo a coitMii ra- eXlHu' it r.iu!;l w IU. 1:1 I. TTtrii-i- t. ihn in stronger. According t,i U4 o,.iiii..ii tho rPeal i.f th d.t-trihition u:.'( by tlie.ntxt imgt vv.i:i the w.i le ve:m, id our p m and the Ei-cutiv; )c partfiictit aimmt it vi m certain as u uio 1 au future event j ei he was ready to nuke con t.lcra bla sacntice lor iwirtcdian; riddi co I'ro n iti.it odious iin-asnc, hut iiotin ir ,ke as jirea! at vutjiijj for tliii bill. No one could more sincerely deplore that -unv poftion of our poluiial l'rieiei hhoiilii-brim; iU. ih selves t sujijHirt 11 iHeaKari tu ml.icli i- na mt strongly oppiod, and wlncii t.e aiDcoruiy believed lo l dtrac'tly hostile to 'tho pritwiplea of the parly and our free and popular t.m'itai.-tis. Hj .Wned not but that llu-y had roinu to a nroj j; cim lui(m; but be did hopu that tliy would retain tne Ktmnjr rcpugt,anco 4hoy express to a measure, which they think themselves under tirtuiOstancos coinpolled to support, and will rally at uu early peno i not only in civoporatioti with ihe r.-ai ul the uriy. to Ika the country fr.iirt .t blighting ell. cts, tml will laka Iho leaJ t;i iU oveiiliiuw. frma tU Rickmoad Enquirer, Sipl. 1. W TIIHltE hot KOVin CUliOK 01 tm MOON! ketotulionary Muctment l-ii hig Insanity: ,u Wu msy rely on the Whigs, (-0 c!le.l.) lor dc struyinj iheinselve withimt UUr au. It is tmti a no cond tiiUMti. not imp.owd, of ine conduct of tho Te demlirfa in 171K" Such are the remarkable words addressed 10 us on tlie Vd ol'.., by one of the first lunula in this conntrv a man, who though doMiiLruiahed a lU'Hiblican in v the lists ot 'ifi, wan niTt a warm tnend ot lb Jackson AJminiiitrttiioii Bit liie opinion which he has ex- prejwU boa, ij Bufficieutiv niilicalive of bis opposition to ih Fe-rl Winy a. ilm word are prophetic of their down; I I'h. y nr.- uenroyins themselves " Without the aid ot the l) inncrsta Such uifn ta Jnlm Qaiucy Viic, J .!,ti Aliaor Uotts, and John Hampden 1 if inii:i, on !unr f ninciiotis men, are enough to da str.y any ptnv. We av,-J, II. FieasanU; fvr. his coiuiiiiiineiiioii in yesierJay's Whig-, is a revelation tli'it is calcui il' to a'artie every coittiiderate msa who villus oruer, rei.-cu t.,e vmce ot th.e people, obeys our iuntnutioud, and uel'-sti tlie reu!uiioinry spirit "of Uiiutoiy or t.ieconsiiracy of Catiline. W'e have linked lo tins revelation witn aisroiiitliiaent. tven tlie start lit'g phenomens ol le,is. rum Kareely surprine us uiore. What iui.Ih.'m rul-esoaieol the leauers of the Whl? PirtV. it ConlrtiU 111. ir niM.it I l.i.l !r j 1 ieiaiiu no ciml,eru. trieud tliadvijH dial! Hal Uie fcjitor of he i injj rcie ut turn ctiv nt connJ. w wi v evviNiriii ? iut it tiic oi' re tniiunotHMi o tuts reo ulioiiiiry pl 4. produces r. -h as exciimoxii. u must iiiu!!ihl wujiiU iUc!l t.oin one extremity or tlie State to the ut!-r, vvhut must wo think ut aien, who were capable of entering mlj tucn sa stroctons plot ! tiappy are we lo learn, that name of the cooler arl bolter Whij; spirit ol tins city ! ready denouuee tlie ubule eonception a U.-uilntion-ary inoveiuenl L t the author and puuiisher of this inaaifikto be nuri'd, lhal tlie people will not le t tins Uiatlti rel Uial tiiey will never cease to call for all the details for the sul.iors of the plot tor uie roil of the Leoiuli and the Ccthegi, and lor tne nains of eve ry conspirator, who was to kipnap tlieCtntf Magistrate of tli Kepublic, snd to subvert the constituted au thoritieaot tli-ciuntry. .Notlimj must now be kept back from the aoxuais curiosity of the People -snd the Wins leader wilt owe it to themselves to xpoe the sntuoTs, and o denounce the detigru We have do rootn tuts ui jromj lor as tail exmiu mm we wouij i sire tn make from yesterday's VI1i3 VVeaiusi lay over (lie coou. deinU fur aniHher opportunity. W'llia'uol. Plewiria' addreised to "Alexmler ll-uely, hi , ' written on 1 1 'Jotli Aui'ul, IMA and mnj liiui Ui pu'aluMi )u Uie Wiin;, ih correspuiuleuco Wliicli loltoS 1' I he lt lett-r is ss follows: . litctiis- Aa. 11 W13. To J Jim H. Pleasants, Ehj , Beaver Dam : UEsa jia : 1 nave h ard it ermlUeiiily statcVthat a plan wss in agitn'inn 1:1 WO, to !dact Vsu Dircn if he had been elected 'Ibal you were privy to it, and could tell all about it, I denied IU and do nut buheve it: Certainly, iu the y rf presentil. 1 siiou'd like to k tiU'-d ot and, Ait coarse, lo be rxtggera'irtj. vvuuld you object to di.lor.!ng particulars, either lo me or thriHign the Whig ! L l me near lr.,111 yoj. AaJrcsa 1 A B , Richmond. - Vourlriend, A. B. 1. A , Can't ynu gul -VjWt aodarcJ ! Then follows U) r.-ply ot air. P;oasnU lo A. B. datoil from "Ijoow.Und. Aun A 1st!" occupying more lUo lciuinu ot Hie K. W.i g. Mr. p. ouu-t, tlul in November, 11,1, when eVery .:.ad came rVitlglit Willi the r.-'.urna ot the P.-eedc.'.ai Elect snd before tlie fin-il returns frani .Nrw Voik iui be.-.i rccehtsJ. t: .taig oi Richn'i. apprehni-d fir vateni' fonr iiuar test loe day tuU t u,v ajm i-l them. t'Ois Mimwl n cand Oy lie: L j .1 ,.i . a tuf Uin IiOC roeouU:j.;!ii, iueJ tVom tie cly Ae.v V4s,4Miwr t-nay after t'te e! c'.:o.i : 1 la.: .v-..-. ail which clmn -d wiUi the urnaU.i c..i....cai.e, iml hu v..u :.J iK n ei 1 i i V U." t! : sin in -.t tt N. Yora utd I .'i d.sipp nut -J t..e sa::,'-ii.i.' cilca lataiiis n idi o.m :.r v.lj 111 Uie vV aa uaUy. " a uol ao'iultd ll at IV ny l.a:i:i, an-w vote s llop'-l iuT rtiier than cuutLieutiy .! Cf I, w-eiM lull ) l.-.r laad, and the v a : Virantia va jirei iy,tiificieu..y in to ri-n lur it u- Xt vvriiu laai iu iu l v jI d 1 r .ir. Van Buren. Ine c mj qu:nc. wia almost in-vi-tiale(Uial it thexe three great -V.it. .... 1 im .J iu In liV, I sVlMgS u'CTe doK.i. J, -cm .'. r. Vu.i B ir- u re-eiected. -Huwi a csUrffouli' lle;n. when Ilia htg part srero wmitI up t-4f!e liigUit pitch of coali.ieuee in vicUiry, and cx'iHttiou 1.1 (!; . ' u uu .vn.cn ttiey sntlCipit-l trim it t ii. m. ' S eo-i.ilry, Would bava tieea a,n.iei f ilo uda.i, during the 'J 1 tin ir o.r eu-p -iwo I liavo inentlOfH'd, tho exc;te::'iit in R:e 1 uo.id .v is . iy gruat Slid Wi ou; 1 n.reat.ed by Uie prevar':.!, 1 n.nf twy, the ii iivi-r-!! c.nr.i ion it ih.1 vVtiig juriy "I i'ot place, that tnVe '- ' beer imij il.-ir votn.g m Vir ginia to lii'tra eie:i', o ..vHcieut 11 t 1 c. .unties of l'ig. Shetiaad mi, Uo'-auga. u, md Al i.liii, sloae, te euuntertiataaae:atiy uni'iniy :.v wli.ch air. Van ttarn e"ild fiar coaviCt.:i was '. i.i li-aiid ,, it ;a uol now reie- tnt t) eiiipnra ; n n c .i;'i l ul 1: provailfd, lunen.. !y and iluccr :'y." , i".fraad4ie.il vutni-; " 1 Wlut pfoof is tliere of u ! wit- proot. ttm tliero a .n nureof it on tun tide, ihsaoa the W.ng ei-i-j s vVe uvve -jen the c.atg..s maoe oil a-" pro.'.il, l-ial u.u Wui ; pipe U;';r . I llino rsjrt' d lo tint tileat corr-iption an 1 p.pe.hyieg iu im','. Ana t.io ai k cavj in ,-ye j otk. IU1 ii.it Ixii M. M '"oi'i, liicn one 0: l.'ia Khte of t.ll l',li;'i 1.1 IN. Yuri, t iip.nl hi i tud out llie o'ii'T Civ v e i,..e l.isi j :ne ot t!. .' larg' ounu i-ip. u iej m t'iu iaiu l'realeotnl election, 1. iv e not inen drwn I mm tin unibrtuiMiie .i'i:e )ul tha ten iliouMiid ui.iiM which a e. ru.n wi'nr m Aioany carried a way fin n '.: ; City to Si eur.- ine .v C"i4 IM nel.eotn Uuio tiiu tn-n (A this lititnl.nii ( Did in ) i-i;1. t.iouainl !.: ! .1 r , given to ijieiit .vor h 1 1 tiring on pvisoiis trom I'nu .i:.-.- ' eir-. 1 ' - 1 .1 ... - . r V..i .rll ou net Vie wxjplo fc Mie viArtws ktto 11 6; I1.111.U, sb a care Wis drenenU'd when iiibin.w.on to tlu wrong was a tuctt roliiinuinhtneiit uf tree UoverumorM nid virtual slavery ! Such were the queetions ajifoi III I ...III inn.m nl .1.11.. . l. .1 I I . ....(...... v. aw.iw mwiii uu ffniiiiui vuc.lv f n vjl uiii.uiiii in IIIV IMI 1201101111114 HM il co.irse which ou'hl U be taken, ll Mr. Vj"-' been elected by the aid of Virginia, aiivTi. nude lo appear, that Ins majority in II' Irauduleiil. They were ot iinioii that jL , legal redress whatever, and that tho returns "ufi i Kidoutial Coiiimiasioners, weie hnal .nil coiiclm-f could not be lixiked behind. a sj a; " In ihu elite ol feeling, three lud.vidutts w I pened to be together, 'iiiterchained opinion, ty eiit.iti concurrence ol sentiment among tin. t u U tfliiy nrnin.od toe lieadsol a plan tor r. trie wroiiiof Die couniry by securing the Mr. Van Buren, previous to bis inaugural toil tlniig-. were to precede (uttnio it in operation. eiecuon oi air. fan uuren. J, That he uui have b. na returnDil willir.nl lh .itn .J Vinnnia. ', a. Piool, carrying oiitive aiid ualoubtcd cenaiuty wit it, that but majority in Virginia was Iraudujeut. 'I'tl.tWI nrsiliriiinaiitd aunnela inaa.l S ...s s. ' t hese preliminaries ascertained, twentv peraons. men who could depend on one another, were to be admitted oito the association under the pledge ot secrecy sdd bdeiity Pen of the number were to proceed lo W ashingtoB in a taut steamboat, giving out that their oejeci was a jaum or amusement, to wilaese the a p. proac nig iiniuguratioiu lt was imairiued that tliua wouid be luthdi!icuny in finding an opportunity juf vu.ni.jfnit r. vanuuieuoo ooari) Dy stratagem or force, snd this doue. Uie boat was to run with all jts patch for Albemarle Bound, previously agreed upon as the dekliaatioii. There the ten were lo be iuet by themtaMciates, and Mr. Van Buren to be escorted by Uie Asruole into the apper disUicu ot KortJi Carut:n.. Cornwall!' f must rebellious p,vple in America," and whom wo new to be bow as .launch Whigs as their fathers Weie ill 172IU. Arrived there, a loaiiifeelo ws to be publiahod, addressed to the American people, declaring the motive snd object uf the act, and the vicinage assembled snd uppealed to. Mr. Van Uureo uimscit was tu tie treats with the ijrestest pMsibie re spectand courtesy compatible with sale custody Tne manifests was lo demand a new election and tho re sloration of the nghu ot tip nisjonly. I'he next Northern msil brought confirmation ol a greai Whig victoy, and of course the plan of abduction ami nil thougnta of it were aoaudoii.-d. Whether it would have been exveuted if the events had tallen out, tho anticipation of which led to its conception, is beyond my power to tyuow. Arlicre it would hunt been ; for, although it ass embraced in pi as. on, thsl ptssion wss not likely U cool by witnessing auccewful frauJ m the enjoyment of its spoils" . Mi. 1'. sayn, that abduction is not tlie remedy against Mr. Tyh-r, but impeachment is; and bo calls upou the House of lieprescnuttt es, at their next session, to im- psadi him ; and tli.it if that fails through the votes ot tl.sa I tt. - a. . ubJuc .'io.-i, of, perhdj aasatnutu-u resorted to. i i r .i- t- -i. is i a ium i 'ifr i ufit .iiirii" i iJt. - . . ... ..... . .. t- f tt . i xiiiiuu oi H1I5 :,eci, i- tne snecn oi ir. Calhoun on the subject'. t the Taritf. 'IV ujbii , cation oi it, tiinnshas in an opportunity, whi.ii ne liavo limjj desireJ, lo spy k a Word or p.v i concern tug rs ajl.ior. i From l ie earliest period in which we took an lulcrest 111 politics, we nave ;cuod tne coo.r,e ol dr. Cal otiu witii deep Und uuatwled alteiil.ou We s w in ni.n a mall ol unjity jeniui, on . inai, bol l, unono ierable. vet somewhat erratic. We atw lint ho was a man exerting, and destined loi exert, a powerlal inllucnce over tne destinies of bis country. H j'acciiud to be swayed by few or none j ol the uillieuces of toe ti.i.e nis leehngi were his ownlus opinions itero his 00 wiiii.aU regard ' to the dictatiou of pi.-i.cs-loarlcss uf tivals sj penor to sellih navtives-tno master ol circum . I .. l. T;. ..........., I .w.. V.1 U.IVI Ul l l'I U 1IIU.VM1.I.13. I worst e rie ni ics were compelled to coii.os 1' "H an litle.lect an once aca:e and coiiijretie..s.le. Compact, logical, a'lacious, and danng, it peuotra a lua uio most aostreso satjecis, rasjieu inu inoi liyiaiiStoppcd ut no ;onci uaion, Uowover u..uu n, . t I , V. . .. - .1. .. , 1 mi S t,. . 1. -. - 1 . f 1 r ' JiMiied- lo tins, wis an .iiaiiriinV.e'cnergy u cuir acler, clear aims, strong pjfpo7e, a.id a ill as hrm as tiia rovk N..r ..id i..i ia iro:i reunites o r. la'.ion alula a parttcla ii..iii lim .ol.ia.i.n geiiCMsity ot hissciti:u.::iU. He was lull .el4.wt - tliffaTTn'ftuCTiTi !(l..llt.j a,. ,i,eil over 1.1 tho ucto.l 1-V., he mils looking to 11.0 go el, 11 .1 iiU '- V '! J district, t!lt. M,t.w maw f tt,e manoI..cturer., Pro geucroaity of his seiitituonta. He was lull o Jei but 01 the wi- cnuiiir... uoi 01 u., u.au or ..1 icu men. b-t "I a:', men. H.s sympathies, 111 spiio ol cei tain ut-ueorab: intlietiCLH ot edacatio.i, attaeted (iiemselvc to tin; i;.u!l.Hu!tf, und i:nj.ellcd liliu per petai.lv . Uioagii ol.eu ui-cniou.-!) , to a career ot I Ilia vvui-jj'. ooiie.iCciiC ;. 1 iiroua uie whole ol t.i ;pili e;ai lit-.' a:id t.J In. lived in t:.e stormiest ; 11111 ! lie !i u bec:i o.ie.f, direct, learless and lliv iu tiU.e. A1 1 i.'tiuiier, ii an actor, and as a 111 ti, h-j-n ts p.-jtfcJawoil i.4i...l; w.jithy ol' eooiidencu ; ii. I cut'i 11. s.-.id '.lu'. Mr. Culiiuun appeared at liril view Mjuieaot.- ti.utic. i. tjjtuiujr luore iiu UP l'i:Cu-u it iraiied to tlie il.ci 01 11. s 0 ' 1 oil 1 1 all ii art, latcatisa he lias liuve. e.l a ' at a u .ie .1 li n. .11;. in tne id il uf Ow tiijf, on t 011 !i!i w iv ," he has prcsenieil iiiinv..i, i.un iii .liier Ins etiaractot nor ir.i.'.l.es a ere iiderto-af, 1.1 11 : range and ecceiitr.c anpect. Hal 11.1.0 li:iS el ti.jt matter right ; ut.u tho more cuoeiy hi-. career liscruiiio'.d, .uu more oov meed i will un ho..et inue,eiiJeiii iiupjiiur become, that iiu i.u' ot; hauii giiiiiod ny a lar reacting sagucity . . I . r .1 ..1 ..I .1 .1 . t.'.ld .... Ilia uiur.l il..rriiu.-li4 en.-... ' l a 1 1 : 11., ill, r it -lun liia'lriuu ol uu 1 icatloil. 1 11 tiui ui-; u i.u iiju 111 kji.iic .i-uia vuiimi v.. him 1 , . 0 , 1 . , ! .... .......... ..1. . 11 ll ..1 .1 it.rf.lpii.v miitliaiiiiiit i.i:! 1 r: v ... . . . . 1 1 . ..a ti ...i.i . ........ 1 1. . ii..; !' ... ...... , . ; ay l.e; re oiinux', ol .Ma.iiwi 1 III lJ5,iimi uu in 11. 1. 0 Lining destructive and dauguru-.H to tliu L 1.10:1, ii t.io very ifeguatd ol iu liilegmy an txire.in-, but appropriate and rightful remedy f..r Uie ale.i 'i ol a tyrannic il and eviciing I e-: nai (j.jveru-ne.it. I ne lap.d .strides wl.;cii ce.i' 1..I1 niu:i n.u icdci.;i, mau", aio l.egi.in.ng lo i.iitu.-l t.. ; nation ri! j f.1 v iUi iiupo: U. . to') e.- iiiin in i.i lie; iJjv. lie H il-t t.i.; iii.ii Ur llio linn'-. I'll' all ins f tt.is c.ij.liy liir.t;. u'proai-ned a pi-iiml a ien .i ; i .oi l aii oi 'cot ii'.'iiiuies .ire n c. -ary lis a Iv.i.i.- .iiu () r p .to .1 1 n -j iir.Miii rnjji I ) 1 th ) ii'ie-li'ini ol I j and linpii: .vu le 1 1 .1 1 en f : '-..i ,' ari l ul li ; 1 J 1 ii-: ,.l ..'10 I1.1lt.m1 ul u ; .ro r.:;j f.j.- a ta I. C'U.'v . e v. n ;, ... r 1 ; .1 i . 1 in 1 ta. 1 , I n: ii iiI.kw vv ineli ill our eitlkulti'-.s tlie n-.np;i-u.il, in ironn .uul c. .in c. iv tielti c li Kniey ; .! v ui n oi i ..I ll i .il.lied I 1 ui n i n,.'... ta i p 1'nni), 1.1 oi.r 11 . tili'..i: riiiilier-, -i'i Air. t .'ui.l' .'I'! a i'l c .i ti ie'. 1 , ; lie li' ten I .r .1.1 !il n,e 1 ,.y ' our Col; c.i 1 I t i'.oii ol A nii.'i v.i:i aoCi'' 1- .1' 1 111, leipri:: 1. . 1! Hi ly ",111.1 .1, t re i.i-k. ll'J I i 'i.ii'i',!., and ul loi V, v'te pro'iun-il . 1 '.a are el -.ir anil t m'i a. 1 '.Hi' ' 1.1:.; line. in. le iv in.; hn con i.s aro cl.'ar Ii.ll.ii : . ie , a lu i l I JU-i'-r K.' ; U; M i, ii iiiin.ner, i meio poliin:i.;n i !' run -..oliiiiniit and nl'oiui; ho light g'.ori ...ui I, tiii.er, niiidj-ii i. 'in tlm gieat 'spe..c lonoor outji.:.:lol " l-i en trade ; luw duiic no d ht ; w piiitim Iro n hank ; cr.on.niiy ; ro in ii. nini..ii, and n'uet adnereiic 1 1 '.ha luiiblitu t.011." ll iving s.i; 1 thus much, !'.' vvoiiM bo itllo to con eeal thai Mr. Calhoun has our pi. teienee lis n can di tt. t lor tho l'lOMtluncy. Wu beliey linn tho be.-t ina i trd'Ti tl." public. Ha hai a deep lodgment in 1 . in" 'Ulitioia u.VLnnu nf no facliona. We ? a 1 . . " w " - "Hlt " oi,., 't0W(irda other candidates, and 1 1 "'"j-'V'f herrfully by the decisioti of a Na tional tiCentioi, m Vet foremoBt of all, we are 4 Calhoun. TVU TRANSPARENCIES. Thor were but I o transparencies -Mrn M w . - 1.' : li,.l,.,tl!,,a. on llin "X,U 01 "," fl'Te,ir q iU ,. sfe,t we otiv ana r rr,oh,ri.y r''Zl , oA!r,'coned,,lWi.:inry Clay." The SUUiil.r!,, When fioiis on - if"'.iv.. i tan'l .eoiniiiimlv called the Co'iiprniniaVAcf; tv ' Jrii, Avery one known the 1 la H . 7 . J . . .. ... , jjiory ii wi supjiox-s; iu comer on its Oislinguuhed ("oUjoj-. , He liiMijtff Mien vaunted of it in the senate, and claewVere declaring that uo man in Cong re would ever daro inlrine or violate ii ; ann, even uown iu mis very session ol L-ongrcsf, in his speech on his reaidutions, he talked of its being observed in the approaching adjustment of the tar ill. It is uoionoua tliut this.ict was neither obwrved, nor pretended lo be ob.iervod, by Mr. Clay a parly, in the late legislation of Congress; that it was repudiated, by every project of taxation brought forward by the Federalists ; that, iu the big tariff bill, pewted by Colore and vetoed by the President, every principle it guarantied was put aside; that all Mr. Clay's persond and polni cal friends, from Hie Nort'i and (he West, whilst denouncing and repudiating tins act,' voted in solid plinlaiix in the Senate and the lloUH) Tur this Lit!,"' which i-ruihed it. ' And, to t!ie tar.lf bill which feially pas.d, (the wiuie, with the exception of the diMribution i luusr, J I ... .1!. . nnd the tax .m lea i!d collee,) tru- tenipnntrv op no sitioii Iro n jut friends was oit Iro n any regard to the act of i8Xi, or any abhorrence of the protective features it emit mini, hut was solely ontlm gri"-J lhal il did not provide for the disinljii'- ' lland money lolhe 8-ates. We now- eve! 1 - ' .1 1. in the North, Mr. Clay's nnwo conncciea .. tariff act passed ; and his elevation looked to as Hie grand conwmina'.iou of this utfarious protective tarill p..licy. , ., ' N iW, we wish these thin-s t f -WrveJ and Jawti ..I u II i ..,.J ,a i.u " !-". aim . ' . - MlntalVil !.( Ksl raturi smaart ,.! f the South ' As little as Mr. Clay ! may be j esteemed in o'.her re p. t.-. ... ..o, , vou r.npu j . a. . in sav riii tfiflissrru 'ith hii nrlt..iap Ira : r- " "w j I irH'i' . iiiifia f.. . l.risai (s.saL 11 . . t . r.-..v..,. ...... .nun u, o't little ijom, but ot great ii.tljeixe on uiori I UlOrl H r,,h- hi!ow statesman, but a great pirty u'r i 'J ieer silly aud desperate his mea jsares may lie, he 'ol-frale 07 hesitation in tho ' l'lh vers. All the transaction o! Coires on the subject of the urif ilistincly j!rt",,' Cljt w a "'",,d "n1 d,,'herale ,bao ' d"Ume:it 1 I the eel ol 133 by Mr Clay. O.i 1 his ' afc"u"' he withdrew frdm tho Senate, lhal he "'" openly talsify his prolessi.. us by, his 0ien I5.v his distribution sche.ne, and hi free 11,1 al his extra ssion ot Congrcsn, and ex r iv a. 8"l apj.ropruii o-. he paved the way, bv empty ire ur,or Hie overthrow o: the tct it l":i:) 011 ' a "-" ' '-.-ctivt p.Iicy ; md. then, sletyity a-s-W. h-lt t e; nei-;a n.n.V.n t. Iu, tr.- -mi obed,r..t 'oli'TT-.. i- 111 ...a IIW.-Hbt'-M'HI-'Oi" It. k. latuer of the protective pmry. : 1 IU matt larill ad r n.t ray in trie u"-. the v.iui.te l laitii aud honor t'tiev i:i.;;utu :) th.r pn .n. tuous h i ' 1 Hoi lim- act of tho ilo i W :e r.: u ..re w.ii' in I! :.ni. Ci.y'sjH.p.ilitn.v i.i t' SiMiU was m-ntorious a.. ! patrioUC, wai ler :i. of re-Hob iili ,n too strong, f't " faUtii. m a'jiu Ion uent ! l oey 1. 1 ji pr.e.-i .!. -the Norl. nisactsi They. hisiiegaiive tiyprocrixy tne orin r"-.". .lid acl of 1-Jd be itirows 10 Ih'-iii r.i-- ::-..ih.d lrl.:,cjli rv t the oon ptutiuer ai.a . . . , 1 A.,j ,ll(iH tttB to calece, , - , ..... ,,,,, Joncy ! ! to lift him f the pfviJoncy ! ! Can human con to() ,teusitv thaSJcll t-xpecta. ? .. . colj(l aBV ja',f,caiion ti a lion imply T II mire could b-j aay jd-flihcaiion lo Mr. Clay for fj!silyn. In public pr.Hsssiom o pron.isus and l.-ir.ivii.g lha polsev of I ha act of 1: I v. 1 .1! II, ,1, . i Liret to W" loejium;u m u.e peaee uf the cnn . t v, a-.d" me- perpetuity of our. : ,r.not i;.i. r.i.n ..i -.'i would he n fi iding cor ,npt i.. ,., and luii;- .ycophaula whom, ncithr r as .11 1,1,- ..ppre-,i.Vn hhakitijj from hi skirls.it oii'it he p-iuioi...n i v embrat-H and crush. I lio -r-1 ut ii.-.......- which surrenders principles, is 1. "l t. IV 111,'. I I.- C'liiipated lo tne l.-l utninly wliicu it vicious agcril, hy t .'ten on the c.nimry wiiose a l oineitralloii an inn is uo ie-a huiod and Irr 1:1 our Oovcrn nent, aecnrd:ng t r their long r:i'.i.-rla.m:d and proclaimed opinions, is to be 11 .1 . 1 . 1. Ulllllllll it'll. "Tiirill!" " ll.-nry Clay !" Let ih- v) trans naretici'-s niis 0.1 1 . :U S ium, aiii l liuug over ' Uvery Whij fn. 1!, l.-e'.ir.i ory ot Whig prut tallies the Vinmin a 1 ' - i lil'iooi, iieacnery, and oppression ; and wuu.i the wine a el .ulrioimii -, 1 . i.: .1. 1. 11 ' ato highest, e them drmk I r . .. I it.i.'r Ull.l no I ! TI' . no 01.'" --viioie. s'rover id I he cumpmttilMj ol s'rover slia.i.e 1: d the cumpiDttilMj , i!i,nii.i.r ; infituy is'frut Trouble ta Cifnp .' (lan-ira! )l in.liy of J a-.'i! orator, tvhn in t.n- cam t.! -1 1 he Patrick lltfnrv of .ll ', 1 lli'l'lg ."! plgil "f 1 3 1 l 1 vie, 1, in. l.ii.' 1 He' stj np in iieieueooi 1 in - l-t-r iV -:; :st I"- Iff "'"' - 111 iv.-n ,t . ol lie (lis pinv 111 tin- L.'gishiluio , m ,... II ,, .lr.;.si;i! I '. pe-ipln of Chilli e its- -i i.-.v ih-.s li.i-e. AiiU .1- --il -l ''d el. Tlie Iver.i .er s i; v.hi;-p.--.ll ; l iieu a..u ma.., "I liio Clay ,1 l,re ne:rn'; mi hot that Ihey nil t IV , t irnV 11 I .re ti.i ;i- i : "V'S CbH 'J J .vim.' Ine. Ill UicU-i 0! in I n:r.i'i worn tllig'iteil lo n r.ti leaden e,fi,i; I hy li ' .r t i.j .011 : w 10 .,e.j'VH.i:cl-w:!'i nil ili' t -' 1 r.'l 1 I 'in,.!!! i ..icln .1 In-' viti,i..i'.: vviii; 1 . i,,j tnun K.'fs ag-t n-l tno . oii-p.r-n .IIJ.lliA I- -I Ll ' I. '.!Mil"l"'. 1 1 l i... 1..1- i;ing and vj ivern r r bu--;' K'ji' iico i. i,'-i il : I I-I'.'l .Viiij I llMll, Crncral lUmnon't oi.i.no i Mr. Clrj. Too and rr,.,ir.:;-..,,r. Arena savs. oii'i ..I lie: rn'li.M ! c.u.iuncu ever U--towed uu Mr. Cl.ty, ci ne from ; ,;u(1(.M Hani-on, v .:-'! h.ivo ..Ite.i ilillired . , i., ,1. . 1. mud him risfttt ' m ui 1 ni 111 -iiiiMi, u'jv " r-' 1 r ; ' vVe . tMV(J , u,,j i,tiii r eouipliiiniut lo Mr. ! ,., , ihr tame tourer, winch tho reader will - penapa cnosi ler eipially fid lu a loiter to Cut. llrent, 01 Washington City, HI tw. ueiieiai Harrison said: ' I 11 S KIMLIVED NOTH lti CUT UNtiliNKROUa liU'.A I'MIiN V nion Ma. cLvY, in It IS t URN fob YEARS (OP DfiVOTED fEaVrck' rwhlafr;, Jooehl to gt M' Clay tlx bewiit ut Harrisoii's coMplimeaU.LynMurg Rtpubl Good, Decidedly Coot, L'AThe 0HC pnsoed bciwecii a Muiu street uercb-o . lurnier, a lew dass since both Whirt, rurmtr. ilow alttiids the Whi tl. Jay i J ' ' Merchant. PROMISING, r, VtR minsj, indeed, sir. All SI'lLLTumfWa,' iausu. .U. O yes, never knew it MUIIF. iw '. Will it ver set t DO isOV more than MEKELY promisiug I .. il. Oil I whV-(lM-UlV-VOU I'K is (Ik id) have'nt iheMt Locos trouglil moat insuueraiiie stand I noihing, s but a most devoted. and determined stroj part oi every true patriot to drive the lives Ironi power, will ever restore the prosperity, bring plenty of good currem credit and Hade, and secure tne fanner cr a jusi tewaid, give . '. Permit mo to interrupt you-l di you to recapiiulaie the different promts ' pariyI merely wished to ask your f whether, if we sh ould beat the Locos'". , aain, as bad as we did in 1440, we wH likely to become any ilnng more than it i party, lor I can assure you, I begirt to doubts about it. M. Did yo i eoe the Ciaarvs Uie other, I F Well, I didu'i money are plaguy th get now a d..ys, not aulu lauding our pan pi tu '' ; I M. (Moving.) You're not coinff put ol j yet (ionig) I'd see you again. , J . 1 1 o a bye atauder-1 I am dctormiotJ rub these chap Imle wuU iha.r uuiutuaJ c-l ising lor ny ooar ebout tired of A l.anrutilt Emit. ' -"V,l The lotal number of persona enrolled as mr.K- rf Iffale College is about 7i)U0; the wholo nnmt'l oi grauuaies o.vw, ! whom 2,710 stilt wrv... which is a largo proportion, and argues that u whole scholar's life is favorable U longevity. Tt i . - "i several iioraries aoiffaer bU.UUd volumes, OJ tveuuesuay evening Jr. Uicksno of South Carold addressed the I'm lteta Kiim, on the lendeat ol knowledge to promote bumaji hapiucts." out' a no.et theme - f " 4j f 1 WCIUS-UNC lJOWarS VltWan' - m . " " lt-i.i this p!a. on Weuesdaj last k mj a.t.kin Pocket Cook, wi-h a feather tr' u m sewed on to fleo tt With. 1 i.,,.,i,,. i. :, ,, t ,v i. . .ui ia uuiiuir j i j;, drsw 11 .,.oetiia in ltjjrjt4;ue one day after dale, w -" uonsrs ua 11, Also, one note on J , j , slker lor ten dollars: sn sciunt 00 Wni. Jous 1 lorty-ihree dollar.: Also, a bilf of gucls bought I LMrs. M,wis for me, si J. & W. Jlurphy'. ;e.ght dollars: Alio, about fifty or liny tvo .money : there was a . tea snd a three ik! u b.li i., . .,v.. . . - s money, aiu, t Uiic6,lhe tQiiuimler u : m bills mi Sunth Carolina Uauks. I All per'amsV iwt.hel not to tr.do for sny cf the above nolea.' I Will i,e the abov. r. u.,.l i,.:,.. tan wrro w.i dehi' .ho lijeki.lik n,i .1 ,al the Wstcb' .i-; , 1 l.M 14 kUDII! xor ,aro!rfiun"Ou'ic.' - fvpteinber' 11, lsM' 7 ! , 'r ., t m TUKI,KNTlNK.A;i1rnu - n J)y ftofi. j-sieia l!icnV , AVy al jii,.v 1 L.i.'a .vvi.hi. snu .iM'IRn&lor o;e. ical parw'v. t tVi- fwV. i:;- "'V, y Y' vVl.wtf tfWt.ACt A, tSmtfTw 1 ! ' " . " . .... a a" I . I Ml V,Jriiieeli'-ingaBUwking;io V'r 1 iyJtihtiaC.tfpiuiili Cigars,. .y, X.-f lil'erlume. lkttsWA i'aanuf. I " I lmi. -H Fsdct aud coin tn on Snap, (ilw I Ware! Peters' Pills, InstrumerU, liiiclics, Tsper snl many other articles, just received s.td tor ne at jytsii ; Salmbury, S.-Pt tf. IsU ' tf ' ft ( Y ttcaasVVca s oVice. r ?p:iH Pr.'.byier)' orCoiiCorl and adjouroej la meet al Prospect Churcb, on TufJay, the 23lh f October, at lOn'clt, A. M. i - - ..iiiit'v I'liovTia i Bir.inii.i a ivo.vii,' !" - - -.. .fJj,-.'.,-,frtffd! CUrU, "(WThe Cliatlgtt paper will pleasa copy, j i lilli: Svuod of ..otth I'srohoa will meet oa In . ay m va ',' " '. . bel .fe the tmrth Sabbath of ik -Member, ai I.u trier's Chvpel, sitnifed of! th? Con -rrd Ko4, ten toil from Saiubury. 1 he 'iM;ning seunon wui oc cai cred at 10 o'clock, A. M. ' JOHN U, SCI!W:K,i5ectir. 8a!iSory.Sept.9, l:U. t - , '.. ' tSomclIuHy n .a ftv CW.. E'ho iSubssribcrl'vt'' 1 rnAKES tins rn. tli.al of HiUa-iiiing lit frimirfs and tf ) V i I public, tlist lie hss purchased the t5mit!i Ft. j ,;, irnrmeriy owocu iy air. r reinns oiow.j, . .ui- n lef alHbiiry.-.hicli be intends hereafter lo carry a I a manner altogether new in tl.ia part ol the cou' ' He is inH twily s S.oiih, in tli cominon onderlai. ! of the i,ai, bal b i n actual Ifon King, beuig' sml nrepired lo put iron into any .ntf or inn 1 , . 1 ' 11 III..'.,... li.mii. . I whatever. ai ui o. aiuiiw ! Mill-Spindk s, the Casting 1 .. or Gudgeons, tjv, I done al llw .t.-. nr,t try tifff ntf Jj!y?ri. i' Tm sIiki pr-psred . lor the buildiej and repairing I I'm ton 'Junior Thra Jiers, or Indeed any sine ol Mi c:,nie w.rk, Uiat ho may be called oponto HO. ii.. . ...... ..ii. i u .. .ui i. trial. 1 . . ' . - .- w, ii. W1LUAMS0.V. R.li Juire. Menleniber 9. 1(S4' tf I Oil Tr! f rs for ri-ihi 'K -S-lS1-- on cheap tcrnv on cheap term-' i-Hfi - Host inr a line new iiira iixtw Wlu I F ' v js lent m. r icta V ' - 1,1 11 exec tc floix. JOHN I. SUA vcu. Apul av!,19W. tf r pi I IS establishment is now in. complete npcritloi JL ri... 1 nsnv ire msnulictuncg ' . Cotton 1 nru, Mating, Shirting and Owaburg. of a superior quality which they offer lo' the publnf at ,p"Kt"! ur.ee. Aierclisnt. snd other. bo wdl exaiiiine qua. ti andcoinptre- pneem "M te purchtse J. UHOUtS BIWW.NL, ,A K Dmibuury4uic o, . v.. 0-1. I "I lal'i - .' fvub I l.arew Th Us u'li I B.-.C. , ll he H t -.r 1..,

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