V N. - - . - 1 rims ciitoLiu Vv Ida), September 10, IS 12. . o ti Subscribers of At I Festers Giroluuam. number wiU clott far the present the pub .: i of the V cstern Carutmuo. aud lioallv. Mir i .i.oa with the Fre. ' 'ml' I va because Iba Proprietor of ibe cstub , a, and assumed lb editorial control of tbe y 'iniaa, now mora tlao four yeara ag, ii was lith any iuteuilvn wba'cver of adopuug the t: I profession permanently, or indeed ol con " it it more ihaoa taelve toontb, our from jducemeist otber Uua ibe tangle uue of giving . ;id to I hut particular crista to iba support of cher J principles. Circuntstaiicet howrter, rrow- , out of tba aiala cf political aflaira aiuce csit kava cuoapucd to bob! us n, contrary to our rest ana inclination, up to tba present time, id circuiuatxucea have ceased to otrie. " 'fit- beiu so, we fcrl at bbcrty without seeming o aaudou tba post assumed as explained, to re turn L other pursuits, and no longer neglect pri- VfllA .nateMf fl h ff nwitiirA nor lwi. I .. . - I , " Mt.a.w.a elsewhere. 1. , :- TI-'Z '" Tbia much, in explanation, is dua bub to our itlf aod for tba sam'acisoa of tba friends wbw we know to feel ioteieaied ia the prosperity of tbe Ipi.irr, as well as ia Iba sua as of tbe principles w . ...... a mca H nas aiwsys aurocjieu. VVa bad expected ia withdrawing, to kae the iroiintaa in ab!e and experticed luodn, but find it inKMMiUe ta complete, jusi now, tha arrange jcttk P' c i"iry for its uuurterwptedcoiUmaiH. , vrti.;.!ated, and bu' sSw ic,t .ot I o prt!fod of or-lfCied rrj -nrin? our at t iiij,;i,'irata aaeaeroeu ais coii.rii licb ill p!r be psjr iu the Um! iH an eo.tir, .. ,-ViierieacMl ai-i erfri way C"m;ie'cui. ih. oar fneola mky be aurJ. th.it Uf-re j , p .'ucA contoat of ino.-S it't h,U in ! j t atr.iiie Western Caruhuiau U be 10 tb J ;-nn at.h tba old color, st her .at head-, I. '.J u'i'l f tbe diredian of ooe better liG d ib -n ; to conJuotUi bey may U- scored io.,; ... . U. iinwi an sfliLirtiah i ,. pr-crou. M H b Uo for er. snd ..tt. .irtr piospecw abead tuan aYproiou. period .iaurkoolee. ' 1 a annooins ttia ur.n.nat.n of .he relation!.,;. . u- hrtttteu a, we Iwve now onI t a ----- I'-niliin ,"t miayjB irinii mime piospeii'j j To oar brethren of the fraterniiy in tie State ol tucht s Oman who have-oltserved tot- .(irtoisconJu-t of cruiicmeu IjwarJs us and "em a.-r jJ3, j'jjj Jt run parliug our b'g hbxaiitM, aoM --4e lor their wa-4 are vod success uidividgilly. I , - TU U hirot" New YotKI tbe" other day, gave I great !.nctr t i Lirl Asbburtoo. tbe Bntis lpe iul : ter, previous to bis departure fir EnglauJ. ' i:' j tccision, af scene was enacted, tha) Oiot .uii i Bil l disgraceful ever' witnessed in this .rti,, f. Tlie prttcuUrsara,detai!ed in aa ex tract , 'i ii. iy be lound id soother column. . it t i l.'.at tbe usual toaat proposed on ail pub be .wi-'rsi. iViiisW i lis Uiutt4 1 --.. always gufw aaa asaik of respect, t i i pirticulir iixumbeot at tiw t:. bit lu : i iii (uvernmeiit, was received by this ; ; fi.' riojus excepting a tty lew with . i :'..'uce, and marked disrespect, while ; y iilicrsrarJs, al law reading of the one l: 'i f.'V.ae .i.i y ic . u am cd-' 7e ,Qs of gjaj" u-noiig ibeoj roVi to bis feel, and it waj f I.,, tilt V'jJ cheers and great enlbusaam. has a drop of true American blood in , I s I art. but feels it tail with tudignatua at this s if uit o t,nr Kepu'aiiCao instituTioas I . . . . . . A What w;i our North Canlm Whijs eay ti.j t. Ibis thanicfully oianifesl preference so unbhhhmg : t f ly shown by their New York brethren f -r Ruyal j f y ? Qicea Victoria basno subjects m L-,:i-J nr mora luyallbaa Ibi.-sa American, bo dishonor t ' l!iir name. be rile traitors, wo i'.J t omorrow, it Ibey coulJ, exchange our (otnu .' ni of Ivpul Eights for King, L f Jv and Com mm. Sue the extract giving particulars. l uVoie J-Vacr ia iYim (hloms. The New Or 1 leans papers state that a number of c-ncs of Lvt-r f lu j occurred in the City the laat week in Audits', j and there wsf every ream ta s'tpp-Ho that the j diicase was ab.Hit to prrva;! epidemic l!v. if' Missouri,-' Thia State is Democratic la the 1 coro- At the lata c'fflions tlie whole lK-m- cratu- j ucl'-gition to Congmv, five member, i-lectcd 1 without opposition. Tbo Legislature is nearly fiur to one I'ouvicratic. vWo observe from the Highland Mesmmger that j tl.o Somlct fever Las been raging to some rx'rnt ' i'l Bunco nlo I The amount of Treasury iwea outstanding on Jl 1st of.SepUinber was 81772.000. , I'licie U a story going the rounds of tha papers tbbl Mr. Clay laHy sent to Syracuse to buy a f a barrel of salt for bis borne consunption, where upcm tlia patriotic boilers assembled toeethcr and rsolved to nko him a presci.i of thirty barrels, ; 3 It paid fcr by donations of 25 cents, exactly nl ..... nfl aVl iuium irva The satt sha I not ht MtX ij gneLt C tLsa ; - j ion vuieu wnn mo opposuo party, iu um c uvs. Congress. f '6'1840, ihey hd goiie lor GMrl llrriMi am boilers ol Syracuse -l'l Tyler. But they bad do. s upon ihedietiuc poil far dtU ol uickle i doUul MaU of opposition to a N iliooal bank e'ud a uigl 11 that 0,1 mt. iu ..f ' w.m. ,ptecuv6 taiitf on Iba part of thoee genllensii, am b:ber sveu ihi quantity oTmIi o" tusbvp Y EEPUBUCAN MEEri.NG in ROW . . - kk"bur " '"""ber of our Ileouhl,ra daring oarnrt C 7 ,0nM' 0f I'roper uutico will Olj , , ! fuoJcd tit ;,i. - r T.wiU bo w t .... tll nujm The Dinner r m . .Boyaot &hcco. Wo hiul expected to receive cenaitil Uel'ura vliis lime an accuuut f tbe prucetdtogi at the Siiocco An ne r. Tbe Uai North Curolmiau Rives lb stati went of the Trboro' Press, the iitor of which was prescut, that there were from 700 lo persoiu ia atleudauce ; but none of tbe pai ticulurt. DiCTi'ix bx ip Ann, VUxvi Arri-Bta, ajio Misia." Wo have b;tore taken occaaion to re commend ibis work, Ibe Prospectus of which may be found oa iliu upjili; pmo. to llie favorable "J tics ol tbe pubiir. Ii u all Umt it professes to be ; a ihom ts'.uaUe ivicctific, aud useful publicaiiun, a&rded ut a very c itaji rate. Tti: umouiit ol aubscrijitiou could not be better &ppruriuiod by any nun who deaires to uv iiilurmed 0,1 (be uselul nub jecta to wbicb ii is devoted. It a not like ir.aiiy of tbe things now issued Imui the Nurtberu prtas, were humbug aud.traab, but lully vibat tho 1'iot pectus prouit'f. QT'' reter tbe readers to an article on the 0puaite page, cMd.,Ui, oue 0( U10,t curiou A Ll 1.. ..... e.pmof me n . -, wo mtaii tue extrncU kow a letter otr.tr. u,A editor m Vir uu""i ne iMiitct 01 J.5M, dttm.in'i tbe JlI- . . '""Piracy lti;tt was entered into ut 1:1m iiiur, iu hit O'J ... ., - , . ... '"ireu trom Wash I'lgioo iu casj lie hJ been elected. iL.A Ijt.y 01 coa Kimj -- - i..,..,. H the folly 0f tms uin in revealing it no v. 1 tw show t.) wuat a Kngili of reeklesi ouiragrf"iu!.SL ' "mad Wh'ij; partisans w re reudy ti go lor tbe ac couiutisbmeut of taoir revolutionary designs. It is well tr ibe t jjls tsm tlwir ocli' ines were not car no 1 ou', or tney wo jid I smco have s wuug as in h ai inev bad 'ell d'.-LTved. I Condition of the Government, Tue t'lmrlestoii Mercury urnkei the fllawin brief saiuuuog ui of abat the predominance of Whig policy iu t!i gi" ral L-gislatututias brought t!i'.- C'Xiuirv to. I't rcasMiable menask theciiaclvts .t ibis is ahatwss promised when Whig.,erv was ... .. brekui" p'er. i n- cicury sajs urcbemCiiuwasooriiB.uouol mS IC, I :ur)couuii among tiuttf itnuLAtc .t i, .m.w!:.. ai-ui, ahic'i may tw s.ated t!:u ; Tr.-aur n-.ii.-s t ntati ,J.n ' ifarcli I, lill. At .1(10.(10!) llctl (A Ilutr.U C'vjl'Jiiij.i i:id old dtli', T.i.li.kbt, Vsr ut-,. KCl;cctjnt Kattf I,.t O.ijv. iCO -- " " " HI "April, l-ij, is;: Treamrj rotes ouiolsajm , ,t:t'j,iflHl ii e,771,tVJ AcIuhI debt, Au"ui, lill. Slock on Hie market, Arrcsrag-s MiittUH 10, fyl 0,tlj.",0i Tot! prcicnt debt, " In addition to this the aVU.lUlJOU Whigs would have crested d-tiiey would hse penua- a Bank, in uinch they failed nently gnen awsy tl.o public lauds, in whim iticy tailed and tiiey macitd a tarilf, wlueh il is acknowi. cd-cd by badness men, will ork iu.meo.e inj iry to trade a:id u!l prove utterly iiudciuato w ibe support o! iha Uoveruiucnt." tw" Wc give to-day tho adiiiirubleand uuuiiswor able remarks of Mr. Calhoun at the close of the great Tarill debutu iu the Senata. t'oi t'loquenre, lorce, aud povteilul demoiistratiou oi oufject, they could scaror surpassed. iijtrrwr's LUdton. After detaining our publi catHiu lor the lait t-'tjf weeks a day later Han tlic Usual lime U issuing, u aiu at last compelled to lrae cur readers unmio'ineifof the tiuiil rcult, as I'.n'rc aio two (.'nui.ties Nasb and .rccu, yet !o U: heard frvr.i, - 'l l.e news from these may possi bly teach Itateigli by the timeol tiro 'meeting ol the I. -jislaturc. Vj F-ir souh- aw-iunt ol the present condition i-l iho " ;.ri.,'trou and hapjiy uple" nl (jueeu Victor. a, as Mr. Webster rails them, see tue ex tracts vi I - lei-u Inti-iligeiic'i viiic!l we ;ive this ic!t. Tb" (.Va'C i f t'n- l'-Jtli nistatit, which we have r'.ci'ivr.i j.ist m our paper is ijiiin,' to pn-fs", an n fii.cc the ib'.ith of Mis. LtriTIi TvLta (wile cf l'ie PfM .'en; if i !: UuUbd Slates) on tno eve Ling vi. l'.iiiil iv, t'io IO1I1. I.iH -!i!n!ric:, tlie Smti.(I British Minister, I Hit. b ili j. ir! ire :r nn New York City on Sntur - d-iy, t '. i ) I mil it.t. sio.n's of Tin: tim:;.s. Tim follow h-.; important d r.hiiaiion of Mr. Cor r' " Cincinnati signil'u-.ii.t f what thousands nov" Wl" t'X,r,'!, ''' lr Vlll,' :t ibe polls : r-rum llie .iumiuri Krxuler. At a Democratic merlin in Cincinnitti, on the l'Jili iiisiiuil, iidjourued from Heily's II ill to (ho in.. r !iit place, to u.xominoilala Ilio imini'iis" crowd in attendance, Mr- Corry, formerly 11 Harrison Whig, took the stand, and spoke at grent length, mid w-,lh great enthusiasm, of the mad and reckless coursn of the party with winch ho had formerly acted, in all its icccnt nicasjicg. Tlio Cincinnati Kiiqutrer snys: Mr. Curry aid tliat ho had been requested by nnmcrciM young men of tli nty, on tins occasion, dioo tlwUr aod hii position. They had IitoU voted with the oppoiiitK party. Iu llif c uvx and distinct high nr4M.lfW. fl. tiff flu lh. n.rl lA II1.1.M iimiiIImiiimii. J.IIH r - 1 - ' AlNn the distinct understanding that tuoie uieanur.-s le rttorrca iu au early occasion, ujion iJenoral tlarrisnn. in a imuuc inuwii. Had . . . ' r .. ..... vr.rioK me esianiisumem 01 a oiaucn 01 ine.iaie I, ..ied bialea Bank in Ciiiciiinaii, us llio fruitful ' if immense loss and uibory. These wero ' . .... .... .t. ' . .j w .'npresii'Mis unur which ui"y uai gone -.u ijs'iujfiuaitiparly in 184'J, and previously. What n my now see 1 Repuaied attempis by thai Jit? to gut up a National bank aain, and a dis utiCt IVOwai oi a inauou.u oaua nnu a mjjn tariu canfijatu the porson of Mr. Clay. Her. , tlictij uiiou this dereliction from tho ofl-rcpeated upiiitous ol ilarrtiou and Tyler upon tins attempt to re live a repudiate.! system, be und Ins Iricmls keitt steadily onward, cousutenl in their course, uhliooli it led them to disavow aua aeuouncc, u no now did, tba objects of the party with wtacb tbey had acted.' ' . We have tbe pleasure of a personal acquaintance witb Mr. Curry, and can assure our readers that ha ia ooe of tbe ablest aud most eloquent young men in Uaio. Tbe acquisition of such men will give new strength to lbs Democrats ol tin est. . From t At Charleston herenrs. TUU ASIIUUKTOX'DI.INKK. ; The pitiful lusult oilered to the President of the United titutes, and ibiouga him to the whole coun try, by the Whig leaders at the Dinner giveu to Lord Asbburton, s justly and strouyly rcprobnted, aud there is every appear i)cS that ilio people ol iNew lork will take measures toslmw that they have uu sympathy with mi contemptible an cxbiU lion ol olitiCal spite. In proof of this we take the following from uie Herald of Monday : A private meeting was held "U Saturday night, at the bouse of Major Hopkins, tin groat bead quarters in times past of tho Democracy1 w hence emanated soma of the purest and brightest lights ot tbe areat Ucpublican party. Wnat wus Unoc al ttis spoiilaueous assemblage, and what is til bo done herealtvr, may be gleaned Iroin the following resolutions, lormnig as ihey do, an irrcsistibio up peal to the American character : A Kesolvtd, Ttul tlie mtolerablu a iifenpnrallelcd msuli which was so outrageously otlered to our muutry and form of Uovernmenl, at the Dinner given to Lord Asbburton, the British Plempoteu liay, ut ilio Astor House, on tbe 1st instant, when tareVuU-toif'l of "Tho President of the Cui'ed v a ted by gross acts of contuneiy, timtf ifisrra " 1 he Uueeu otLngland was received with en tliusiasuc cbeefs, uiiu every demougtraiiou of- pro louud respect appeals to llie pridii and patriotism of American Republicans, without distinction of party, to rescue our city aud the country nl large, from ibe scorching stigma and degradation which has thus beeu inflicted upon us, by tne iulernal euumies of repuoticainsiu and uuiutural syc phaiits of monarchy, in the eves ol llie world. Resolved, That we therefore call aud organize a public procession of cuiz-nis for this purpoao, to terminate in a public meeting iu the Turk, exores B w -uumeuts ana leeimgs demanded by itao occasion fieSlelfThSfhliInp'TI n n nhu .ifi.iiirn In r0 drfB,uul0 Umua Hall, al i.b crnnr of Aih'n aud Houston streets, on Munrf.iy evening a F . . tue dih tnst. at sevoii o ciockt lor tne purp m 01 areu'i' uiHin the necesarv arranireVneots lor -arry. ug mis OwiermiuatiJii into lull aud emp.itttic I. ll'-TJl. n Wbltf paners of New York aitemnt In jcuso me act as an mauverteocc. .-I'ho Herald -nisiisttsltM-eirwimtnmts-imnatelv count accords wun other s.atemeats.aud is bey ond douut true. It is as billows : The tacis are thaw : When that toast "Tho Irilil ,r t resident'of Ttrc ttedTftMfeS.'""wai invHiT Te-i A, Jay, hi, mado uu attemot to aru jtueliugs ol f- -..1Iluail m favor ol lli oul . toast was repeated with a peculrl uisulliii ecu'mHji iiisullini ?ulha' ? ' Dcpiyn V ,c0 1 ui who also relu. Wun, tho tirst sed to call Ionn response, out snowed by bis manner, that he wished the compoiiV not to respond lo it. The second Vice pronounced the toast in a respectful tone of vuic. ami n...n -io-.. . .. if -.,1 j,lh ... ., ,r , . Mw- wwmi. , biiu mo uiuucrs ui iuo sfart-piirj rose lo thoir fwt, so url .Mayor Morris, and one or two other of the guests ; aud it is eur impression tbut Lord Ashburton rose also, but soemg none uf the officers of tlia meeiing, or """'i.iitoo rise, l" -ll ut tluivn. b-J 5 Vury rauCB wia. Mr. Marun, ilio well kuown, imorteroi illustrated K:igiili work, (niinstlt an Cngltsbmau) rose to ins let 1 at tho ceuue of tbe Ictt tng ol 1110 table, and remained standiug till l ho music struck up, " looking for the cuo," as ho hi insert say-, to be given by tho Vice Presidents." At last lie sat Uowu 111 ainarement, asking the person next to linn, what 111 the name ot wonder it all mean:. Now, mark mo difl'arcnce, aud then say, if the insult was uniutenlioiial r otherwise. When the toast of tbe Queen of Ureal Britain ".was given, Mr. Ogdou.tnc iirst Vice President and" Chairman 01 mo iouimiiicu 01 Arrangemeuif, together with 1 several id Hint tuuia Committee, wero tiiu very ! first lo spring to their lot t, nnd give Itic " hipbif, ! hurraii.-ami cull out lot llireo clieeri, i:u! unet iiieinU:r cnud out " O1.0 more !" T:io Plebeian of MouJav inaltas llm f..!!.iu-in.. I Matt-incut : 1 In justice to the l.nml. ollicers wim were pro iscntauneoWr to Lord Ashbttrion. ii ' ... .1, .. .. ...... !... II. . ... - ... i ... 3.1.11,, nn., 1, 11-. 11 mo n-a-ai iu mo 1 reMuuiii 01 tno , I'uiivil Slates was proposed, each ro-io Ironi his seal 10 drink 11. 1'he ouitniius silence ol our owu countrymen, lo tlinr shame Jbe it spoken, astouieiied ! ami embarrassed tho loieigii gctitleiiicu. 1'hey cooij not for tho tnnmei.t .renlize that (lion, pro leasing to bo Americans and Republicans, could be guilty ol so gruss aa eulrago upon decency and I propriety, as lo insult, es'ecially ou na oceasiou 1 of this kind, niul before ftrungt-is, the Chu-I Ma- Uistrato of tlie Union. Wo lnvo good authontv lor stating, tliul eiicn ol t'io British ol'iceji prun.-m has expressed Ins iiiortuicntton that r mitr.eoii a prncrduto snmild nave occurred at a tuliu wnero tbey were invited guest?. J'uicr Mmrif. One of tho best il!uslritifr. i-i tne virtues ot u paper currency, is Ilio lul.otvn. Ironi th St. Loo is Mound. It ceouis tliul a party ol- gentlemen wero lelliiig their "experience," Into standing in front of the Cas Light Oilice, when a well known genius ram along, and, breaking into " tlio party," loll ln story something 111 tins wise : ' " Hold your liorsfs'aays he, ''and if you lvuiil to (par tlio greatest sn.ivmg story that you evei did hear, just keep cm!. I never" have, it. at; inv lile, hud much money on hand at any one tilisu; but a short ttmo bdoro the suspension f.apycie pavmonts bv bm6rs, Rank' of Dubuque, I had iOUnrker bills' and when 1 neatd the nnws her failure, I thought she would ria avain, " I held on to llu money Alter a fow weeks, I w H was goinn lo rum,' an I dfterminod t'l got f 1 1 .fit; siil to.k ittu broker's nml rxcbansed'ii fur Cciro, at Unity per ce.u discount, nu i fioke l on as pi, iuj; pretty , ilnr for a simve j but id.' i.i-xf tiling I h-ard wu" 'bat the Cairo Uauk had blown upland I gnesuff.io a broker mstatitor, and oil comet twenty live per cent m ire, and then I had the product of my speculations in the State , Bank iiflllinms money. Next thing away goes the State Baok busted all lo pieces and bang me if! didn't lose thirty per rnnt more in obtain uitf Sbiwimetown moi'ov t and thou I thought l was safe, with wliat little money I had got but alas I for nil worldly all lirs 1 - down goes the Slmw:eeiown Bank refund to resume panick raised ; and to prnveut the brokers from shaving mo again, I went to a private individual, and gnve him nil the Khawrmctown imwy I had fyr twenty il . it In ra in Ohio mdnev 5 and on offering to piss it, I was told that it was counterfoil". And now, whether "viui buiiero it or not, I lull you, anntle- men, it is a lact, there ia the whu'.e remains of Ait it). . f m is ' 1 !! Upon this ho product two triti do lar bills on , Ilia lniinn Hank of Painesville. aud exclttiimng 'Yen, them two cursed counterfeit notes on tho from the AVie York Journal cf Comment. , , ,,.,.,,, n. v j i vH'ii pikim FURUl'E.' FOUIULLN DAU LA1LU I KOM tUKUl U By tho sleamcr Calud mm at B ston, we hove Kniclitb paix-rs to August 19ili, inclusive. Tbe I C. reached Boston at ii o'clock, A. M., yesterday mornici". ( The cotton msrliet.it will be seen had been , animated, ut.d the sates lar-je. tor a,lew days previous lo the departure ol ibe steamer, tbe pre valence of turn nut end riots among tbe inanulaC luiers, had checked opeiatio'is to oma extent, it.mi.fh ihn sales contiuued laraer than an overage. At Havre to the lOih, tbe cotton market bad boeij ! in oiuur iiui-i" - ' nonce nothing remarkable. No time for details. Ai H -vro American po' had decliued lo 43l. 33c. a 45 . i'ic. ' - , Anne American, beef brought in tbo Barns.ey 1 1 nop Hi. Am. not k 31. ' IliaiiM . -. , I , , - 'P. h,i .i.i..ii.-ii soma donressioa m ma M iia 1 1" wv . . ,u T 1 funds. Oa Thursday 18th, Consols stood at 81 1 for money, and 01 lorltm account. yn 'mm'ti puiiueiLi'luntv ! biUs were done f t Parliament was prorogued on the 12:h by the Queen in person. ., 1 he weather bad continued fine, and the harvest ! was rapidly progressing. Of lliur from lhe U. , Slates 'iiii barrels had arrived. ." " 1 . The news from the continent Is important. A dreadful earthquake had taken place at Mes sina. At Caledonia JO bouses and a covenant' were destroy ed Washmgon Irving had armed at Madrid, and been received in the most cordial manner. -; A Liverpool paper announces tbe failure of Mr.' Baker, an eiteiwive Cora merchant, whose liabili- ar,nnnfin - - - .... ... .TW IMI SERIOUS OUTDRifAKS IN ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. . xtrpool, Avs have distric during the past two years bavo borne tba n.o,t pressing privations wuh exemplary fortdude, and uavo suumineu 10 ropeaieu roauciione ot wages, rVM.lnf ..f"tH--T.4 tnM....J. ..AL .1... . m.v-'uii. w. .. wuu Piu.fc V II-1UV) wiaQI 1lf J-IVlin ise that wueni ievor there should be a revival, better lemuueratiun i should be iriven to ibein. Just." Jmwjqadiiniissiisnt w-bwnness was noticed, and they might reasonably have expected a realization ol their long cherished expectations, it was proposed by llirec ol the leading niunufuc tunng firms at Staleybridn, neur Manchester, end by some employers at Duufermlm,, in Scotland, J n 1 Whetlnir lhere-w....y onrert between lmx uU S'ai a uisiimco, wa.iuo wuu eg ns- certained, but the people; in both cases, became exasperated, and il is clear, from iho readiness wuh winch they were joiueil by woik-nen of all descr arin forth . .'J out Bmk of Uuaugi, art tho whole ruuia nuer ui ij (jnugdu-ror JiJ Jonn n.,snu aou s. -sv-money peeiilatiori," rushed around the ..rn-r ..ml ' Wtnonths snd 13 daya . fi m I y.,i.i irei whilo Hie wnole comwuy went in this Town, ou me tb layU iu ths year up Locust strel, wtiiio tne w iu . i j UAa,rie.ving a husband and rubt over to the routine and liquored. , ncr ge rs. o s Liverpool, A". 19. A series of alarmina riots "nca wpw mr direct aod invariable efficany iu broken out in the manufacturing nnd mining ,he P,re,,l"nt ,,ul uiar discas-s, as well u In . WV..UU. ... 1-1-ID Vha ,,,,.. ... l l'.m ...l M I'l.. fUVUIW SIN SIL'IIISIW CUSriClOf. iplions, that the ltmo had on been sm.iuld. wmcu csnmn po ncro enumora-- g, and only wanted cnc.Hirnscmrnt to burst l" ;ll these dses aro - into an extensive conllairratoiu a..,.. .,i Mmi,, ..i. a. m I bore bad, a lorlmght previously, a turn- tbe persons eured, tflcy are inJipaUble and conclusive -nl the colliers iu Siall'rdaaire, and tbey had in atilhonty. . These mesiuniols mp.hr. nia kI.a.iI. I - --iicd the pus in tho adjoining counties, lor tbo therefoie be kept by every family sad grovrn person in ' purpose ol eompelling llie people employed therein ' ,!" -'n,fl they will be lound to bs not ouly foe to j oiu tbom. tiomu of itiuiu readily acceded, but tcst wme,p disease, but also its most certain pre. others resisted, and they Ihcn returned to their owu ' """"'"J urt vstor of sound, cbseiful homes. "uwu;and ctastie hoallh. They are i singularly milj lna The turn out weaversand spumfrsappearto havo adopted a similar course, uil in couseuence ol the crowded stato ol" tiiu pupulatioa ut tbo manulactu ling district , they were. tho more fonnidublo in their irruptuii. Alter numerous meetings at Stu Icy bridge, Ashton, and .Mutuant, there wasagiftio nil turn out ol tbe apinneis aud weuteis ul the lor mer pi ice, in couipliaiico ith Uu domains of an immeiiso mob. A processiu!i was theulormcJ with banners, on which were itiscribed-therr dttenuiua. lion not lo resume l.b.r until their wng's wero raised lu I'le-saiiiu rate asm 18ol) ami 1810. 1 uev compelled colliers, calico primers, and otber trades to j 1111 them, aud went lo Duckmlild, Asnton, Old 1. If. .1.. 1.' u ii . . 1. ...r,:,,..'.!,..., ,U4V119 J,.,f ,' V !. . ,k "rroumling. towns, slopping tbo milU iu all th.se I'.otri. , siH-akiii;; veiy litilc destrut'tiou nl pr.qierly, and nui much pljii.li'r, ttiougl. in. my of the mills have Urn nttueked riml tlio sliopKei-pors h ive bscti cmnpelleo to give up tin ir stocks 1 1 pr.ivismns. Ai Haiilax B.iicknurn, anil Pieston, tlio iniluary hive lire., upon Iho mobs, 11 ml several lives have been lost. Tbo mill.owuers having been compelled to clnce their esliiblish ineiil, have determined not to ro open them until quiet shall have been portuctly re.iored. Hundreds uf thousands of people are therefore with out bread, suffering Iro n their folly. Tho ehui'H's huve..'iii-.Mvored lo lukeo'lnnta"!? ' .. wvvr7arc1.ua aim uiiu i every cuy and low u 14 iDm At .M inchcstor they wero frequently dispord 1 wm. ly extended country, incluiltng thoueandi from tho by the uiiltviry, but re usspmbled und suceeoUod in ! eay of .New York snd tiw ni-igniiorbtsjo, tfiit ttiey are stopping all the Minks ul Matichualt-r and Salloru. ' speedily and povt-ertully ethesctou in, sll bill fus Thonco they extended ilie.r incurs 011s toc$i.fehlorii ' ,iV?r bpiainu, dispupsia, totUveaess, piles, asthma,"" M.icclesiiel.1, Giossop, Tml is.le, lfe uo., M,d' i orncnitK, cvnsu.npihw, diarriinfi. jaundice, fever and dleton, Oidii..,.., KW.idal,., Burv, Boltim, Coon,, ! fk"h'' -etality, low Ot appcuu, erup- t, Ll , ., ' ' . u . llu ,s ul t;"' f rotula, ssll rhuu.M, lepiosy, errsipe-, Blackburn, Clili.-r , P,-u.ii.m, NV.g,,, and uil u,e ' Us, ,, ullM Uie jMiPlUUoa of Sia lieart, ' surrounding loans Here thu populaiion w gic.u ! ci-.u.i.c i.-MUaehe, mward tovur, adl-ctiona of tba blad. nr mituulaet -rit's i-xistetl, causing one universal and . der u'uj ki l..uv, uunoatUiy aspect ot theskio, the sick- : " wide-spread ir.su i re. tion, wUiisi n situilar course ! n' J mcioent to toinslet, geucral debility and waste ot was pursued by lists colli rs lu tiiu Stallor Isblro ! " lli0 rdtary sy.npioius ot a derangement Potteries and a'. M.i -u.'. , of nj jtomacls aud lols, and impurity of the blood, Siuca Tuea-I.iv, tho O.I. i.,st., Manchester Utum "',,"K'v?,r c,uw ,rww A,MwttSh M s,.... , . ... . : areeablo in II. ir mo-Jo o operation, as never to nros been n complete suite u oiao.gauiitaiiu.,, all bu 1 . t.m, w (4t.ikwl t,t ,nj;t to renJcr s.ness being at a sta.M still, and tno military bomg 1 perfectly safo even ibr young children; t'.ey never (ail cotsstauMv eiig ioa .1. ilispoisii.g ri .tous nscni. i- eleause tbo bowels, liver, ou.okr and kidneys of all hinges. Tiu-ii' h.n, ho'.vexcr, been comparatively o'jsiriictiuns snd impurities, aad lo givo a most clear of tbe disturbance to extend thnir virws, anl bur ..oi.i.lo are (S.viJed-oue section declaring fur hi-b-er wauossnd the other for the charter. Iu bia-ord-stlire the houses of several gontlemen ol propert have been fired, and laa moo oevejwo excessively violeut. Drg fowt'. At Iba ntgodatio dinner !Jr WeiMtur bis toast t "Quocn Victoii May aha long continu reiu over a prosperous aod apf pwope. Who ever tward ol ktr peop.e being prosperous and happy SpirU Timtt. . MAilAIiai). At AnnCulJ, near this place, on the SA Instaal, by Uie Kev. Dr. Ineh, Dr. John AyacA, of Cnaraw, . C., to Miss dsujhlor of Col. rWwrl .Mae nannrs. of tins County. t . . f lu Montffoiuery County, bn ihah Instint, ay Ueton Usrris, Esq , Mr. Kindrwk Crusord to, Mrs, C'iariry Xoulb, both of Davidson County. , . DIED, ii.., "I insL. snJ In AoSlst yeaf ol ber ia. Mrs. Louisa Urown, wilu ut Mr. Jubn , i Brown, sna tounh daughter of the hue Mr. John I ooU ' In this Town; on U.e l.'th in.lint, Miss Llmbtlh Irk I II III lOwlli On HIV aisaifcsfcf - J. diU 0f Urs. Susan Tbo.ap-on, agud ' " 1(J ,mg -OW0( on the Utb iisunt, JLVa, Infant .1.. ......i ot ih.ua (muter carss WUI6II nous out wb, ,nj mother csn bestow. ',..' . ...... i'no deceased was a member o the rMbytenaa ffiillllt (J0 Mf, utAVM u0 her ..ok evmce(; t,ai lCr hope was Krirtutal and steadfast. ijer prolonged and various sfflctioii. winch doubtless ?PPear to her now to have oeen but lor a rn.t. i,Ve worked out lor ber a tar more exuetJ.ng weign oi s'o'- " Tbe path of sorrow, and tUal p'h alone, Leads U ibe Isnd where sorrow is unknowai Ho irsveller ever leached thai blest abode, , Who found not thorns and briers in bis road. I CtxnmuMicetrd. tha Bth instant. Mrs, ATmAan'na JCi;Ay, wife ol tho late John Kotcy, aged M years, W JOll. W. liLLIS, ' , . - aaLisauaT, a. e., ' t Opes 2nd door of Mr. Voumn's Drkh Ro. Wanted, piIRCBor(burlamilieslo work at the Salisbury actorv none but those who can come well re i commended for industry, and sobriety, need apply. J. RHODES BaOWNE, Ag'b Salisbury. Juae 3, 19U tf An OVevcoai m. . . . . . I T somoiime in the latter part of the winter oi . perion returning, said coat to this Office wUl bo libe. rally rewarded. . - y- ..... July 5FJ, 16 ; " , .tC " ' - . - - 1 ' . II. Mou.it n esriauic mic nils ami s'Jltr;lix sJlUcra-Tbese superlahva - family niedivmwe have long since acquired an estab- hssnarstvl k llm unl isnffai svea la.l I. on dence. weso ccruncaies now sinount to thousands, . . Lima . kumlruj. . Ia.a1l u ....!... 1. ....1 .r. . " ,.w.iw.vtw wnr-wmvTW pn.n.u..r MHIU UI IIIOU..?. of ,he thy t. curoj(,ad wh'0 .CCoi)psriy their certifies tea with their names aod places ol rest-. tmv 'woriw mo uiom iriuuui ana mvetarsie cases , 0' acroful I ms, iywtpsia, Juttmiict, liilious a!uiLuJimm,9ftftndtrOtl Asthma, Uronchitis, Scrqfulus,us u ft? KhtuiMiUtm, veil at Mucous ' f...f.:. f .T. . ,r . ... - auiuHa cosrirertci,- iinnw, nio. m,c tttti Jlct complaints of all kinds, keadachtt R'dJitiess, and nervous debility, eruptive diseases, and llli" - Md - ,.mhf hoi0ort uce tou, bwtl, ;dJ wV, wara lavcj, nigiii twcsts and general weakness and loss uf ajip-jtite, the mums, swollvn face lad gums, '. Toe.' ions of the bUdJer, kidney, spleen and plora, and tba ickueas incidental to (emalc tcgether with very ' BKrevaoiu in meir operatiou,-and tliougti -perfectly til'eclual, never occasion even the tempouty nrostra nun aiiii naust-a, wmcn always touow me Use of coarse, drastic purges and the dp of calomel. 1'repared whole . sale and retail by Dr. Wui, B. Moflir, 875 Broadway, Mew York. For sale by the Agents. Wiie American Family .Tlediciur. Ii is Delieved, 1 11 at fur some years past no mediciue has beeu so extensively adapted in the Intel- : ligcut ami respectable lamiliesof tlic United KUtes, u Dr. ilolhi's Lit'u Fills sod fliccuix Bitters wbicb ' have achieved the general good opinion by their intrin sic virtues alone, aitiiotil tue artifice tl quaskery or cxtravsgaul pretensi-.-ns. Il is tound by the uuanswer i ,bla rSUlh0"t "I" practical wepeneuce, that ihoy really ' do all Inst Ihnv nria.u lu tkv ana a rrsfil.l .... ' ,!lin t," P"P"otor has ventiited to claim lor them. He - r,. ...,..,... .., ..... .. , . . . ... . . - . and healtiilul huo lu Ilio coantenauce. They should oe kept in all families, and by every adult individual as renovators of health aud preventatives of disease. I hey am so kept by thoussuds witn acknowledged ad tauugr, aud uow proofs ot their usefulness and aston suing t:Hcts even in appareully hopeless 'esses, are rrivi.rj every day fru Ut and near, rreparad and -old by Dr. Wm. U. MoTat, 73 Broadway, iN. Y, and by the Agents, . Tho above .HcilirillC U for out! at (he Salia bary Drilg-lore, by C. B. WI1EILER. S-'ptcmlicr 2, 12 12. 1 ' v - tf I , i

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