i "i- i ' 1 i i '4 i t i i I Carolintj lUatclpfltt, RIDAY.SEPT. 22. Ml. LOCAL AXTO STATE ITEMS, Kcvcr.il communications in tbi paper ad-j i d reived to the Old North State, were on hand before' thy editor dfi that paper i retired. We c'itc tlieni room in fii . J. -i " l.-l.r M-iii I -.:!. 1(1 1 IV. HI 11.1 C rCq V .i". aiiu the arcetrfnoce, as we -hope, of their author :j- There ie it cl8 of advertisements in tlu'a pajtfr now, contracted for by the '-North Staid, whi:h, years agro, were uni formly rejected by the Watchman. When tilie present contracts shall have expired, oThavc becV otlcrwisc ea'Jafied, our old rule will operate (to their exclusion. MinuteJj ov;Sykd.-T!ic Minutes of the Lutheran Sy hod of North Carolina I will ha rcitdv for distribution this lattc part of next week. Thore ministers who can do 8C, may get their, quotas by call- in ou the 8ucrct4rj, in this Town. I" 1 I . The tobacco fattolriea of Jno. II. Dal- ton and vAJ t . Uaitiher, jn the Western . ' L.I . ti - . .a. portion of Iredell county, have been seiz i , ed by the revenue official?. - ? .1 K.Tbt Con crjp of Yadkin county u eaid to be unuaaly fine this year. The V. S. Co in, jBitting ou the trial of Kuklur," in Raleigh, have not yet con cluded thq case (of bhotwell, and others,; the firet taken up.; !Nu case yet given to the jury. ; Nothing of value yet accomplished to- varus breaking up tuo robber den in Ilobcson couniy A rich vein of silver has been discover- ed 'ia Cherokee cuhty, N. C, A bold robbery Van perpetrated in this town pn last Thursday night, by persons' as yet un discovered, jwho entered by means of a skeleton key, or other instrument, the back door of the lUore of Aiewjm. Phil Li m & Bros. They rifled hU money drawers and carried off hi iron safe, containing Ipwardaj of pne thousand, dollara in coin ayd bank notes. vThe safe was found next day, near town, broken and robbed, with books and papers scatteretl around it. THE FALL TRADE. Several of our merchauts are r.ow receiv ing their Fjall Stocks. Soine of them have bought heavily, ai d we believe, all are re- pleiijchitig'j ! They are preparing to meet the deinauds ojirade; bind with active, andeuer- getie and eiterpriking merchuots as com- petitora iuj ueighboriug towns, will doubt-' les Jake iito their calculations the giving of bargains. Salisbury merchants have for a long; time bad ttie reputation nf selliug low, ' "V,1UW tf excelled in the liberality 'of, their transactions, Tiik IIair.-wL would call attention to the Fair which is to be held here on tho HUh 3th Octo 1 , r ber proximo. Handsome 1 1 repa ra t io n s"7Ti a v e beeti made for it in fho groiiuda appropriate for the purpose, and we tiearol mauy, far and near, who are looking forward to itvwith interest. Those who have Articles tit enter! fof'exhibition are directed to call on Dr. C. A. Henderson, at the Druir House of Theo1. F. Klutts ic Co., coruer of Jluip abd Inniss streets. The Raleigh Sentinel report that Mrs. Sarah Faiicetf, a very worthy widow lady of Alamance coUnty, committed soicide on the 11th iuUint. by haneiuff herself, t which sh ;le, the cause of seduction bi as- Bigneu, "'.! W INTERN N. C. AflRICTTI.TITT? AT J AND MECHANICAL FAIR AS&OCIA- tion ; . ' The tist annual fair will be held in Salis-: "bury, optjuing on tthe lt)th of October and continuing four days. ! VY are authoriietl to . unnounoa that ull! V v'ng the Fair wHl he charged,! coming and retutuitie, half rates mvr tha f'ern N. ip..,, Charlotte and Augusta.! North Canibna and Richmond aud Danville' Rail Roads,' and that all articles for exhibi-i Jion; will lie passed free over ail of the above! Road., excent thn Minrl..rf A- .,,! I over which hair rates will be .charged. Alt v I articles will be conv yed trom the Depot to -1 the fair grounds and returned at the Coin-! r paiues expense. i . , r. " . " ui;uciAii ! ,??rH K,r a11 sf0"k n exhibition will aiso ie turuished fren of charge, ll i J V ! t T. W. KEENE, Pres't If U A. Hesierso , Sec'y. I I The Kcktux! Trials.- At lno'clock va ,aJt M'c government closed the tes' timpy;ln!tljecaie of It. A. Shotwell and others, and thivr.iinl fn ...t f enounced that they would introduce no S rV.?cncc- ' T'e court then rook a recess r I . 7 ...... x . no uriCIICC f I t " "v" arpumeni coinmenc- k.'. I" CjOV.1 V. Strong. Esn.. nnonln, fi.i ' llJl 4 n m k.i ,1 - - . p j jne defence, to be followed bv S. F. i J LfqVand then Hon. T. 0. Fuller : i would close for ib Un... vrJ l-..o. t.. I . . . O " , ,, ., cuiiciuFion w me ArU I Tub Ualcigh SvUinil publishes n attract of , rr ""' i iiim oiaie aa Jbllos' I Whit,! 673,470 I J (Colored, 391.6.V) ; i jlndun, 1, 24 1-Total, 1,071,361 i T , Car.oUn irank Hth of. the Sta,, in I population, liavinf fallpn t whieh time Virgini, and Pennsylvania alone vera ritfir r.,..i-..J i ofTh- Kn rDi,.CV,n8rvat ad-ninistration' people Th Seward's report shows thai t "d uviH fed.thSVr , for one-half of the" amount counted t i thil purpose by thelate Radical .nagenent! The Wil b. - . uorin us that te'ffl hJ. dge Toul noonadC 1 w,un during Some of the Fruits. A significant fact was developed at; j the examination In Golddboro'. fast Mondavi, of th charged Wit the burning of the Exchange nuiei, m.uiju pmce, a tew weeks ago. The eviu'ence givp-n in by thej two detectives was to the eflVctjthrat they bad confessed fo the tirius of thebaild;ng. akid that their reason for so doihgj was that '"they feared they would beagiin thrownj into slavery." The telimnnV tcr these facta was r.onsiJLrul a.. .- j . LJKJ admissabje y . the thre Radical Justices presiding aitthe examination, that the ne groes were folly cothiuijed far trial, the pri vilege of fTjall having been refused thein. ! One Ffaofi One Country .The French Democratic K'tab of Sajj Francisco recently passed a lriblutioa, wh;ich the Bulletin of that city jboihmends as; an example which -1 1J 1 L ll 11 . a uJ -.11 1 -r e I should b fbllowed by fill ! nc4 tT t, eign birth ho have adopted America as their,coutltrJr : Whereai foriirners once naturalized are no loncef foreigners;' but American citizens: therefore! s resolved jfiat. the members of this clubjn jail public jdemoiistratinns, will never carry tny other liilag thairlhe one of the couutry jcf their adoption tl e only one to which ;tlnjy now owe! allegiauee." Says the 'iulletin : "A man has no more right to tvo; counties jthan he has to two wives. An f-man who,! after swearing al leyianceto he stars aid stripes, marcJies uuder the: 11 ig of the cjcvuntry whic'i he has renounced, sounnits political bigamy." VALUE OF SALT FOR COWS. , A corjreijioiidcnt cf the Buffalo Live Stock oirnal say's' In experiment made in Jt tie for testiiig the effectj upc n t ie mirk trtm withholding salt from ti e cows, it Jwi is -found that goin without salt threfe days reduced the milk five per cent, in futility; and five days, seven per ie.it. Sinlilar rxperjiLients later in the season produced k'ga f Feet as the season advaHced. j Withhold )g salt, for the last two weeksjlin November, when the cov s were regularly fed on) jhay to supply the place of ; tlite failing grass, no appreciable effect wis ioticed in the milk either for butter of ciee6e, nor cjjd the cows show a much-sharpened appetite for salt after so "long an iibitineiicu. .Some cows, as well as other5st)ck, do not always require the same anfoifnt of salt ; Ithe best andsafest way is to place it whej'c it will keep drv and let them partake of it ad libitum. Tim N. C. KAILROAD. It will e seeu by aj Uard of the Presi dent of th N..0. Itaijroad, published in another column, that the lioadr has been leased tb the Kichmonij & J Danvile Rail road for term of years the leasing party agnjeing to pay6 per ceue inter est to thej stockholders on the whole ttmonnt ofi the capital jtstock. - This : afrangeinent jiis a good one for. the individual stockholders and also for the State'l iuterest- lA larger dividend will no lie received by stockholders than any jieretofore, and the Road will not be Jnj the powei of.schemijig, un piincipldand bankrupt oIiticiaus. The.jcijsiug of the . C. Road to the Richraobq and Danville Road was a mat ter of vitl necessity! If the Air Line Road, fo)ilAtluuta tuiCharlotte, had not been eniibled to use the N. O. Road to Greensboro, a new Roiad would have been built, wh&u would haVe undoubtedly it- jureu tncvN. U. iioud l and rendered its stock almost worthies' The bona fide stockhoidHS of the N C. Road will, of course, approve the iction of die Tresi dent and ID irector3 in i milliner tliu licn 1 Til O '" and they i&ught also td thauk them for so aoMig. s We fee justified ih saying that the iease is good bargain tor the Mates' interestinhd for the individual Stockhold ers, bec.use Hon. Tbos. Bragg and Ralph P Gorrell, Eq., dew the con tract andj approved itj as Lawyers aud Stoclholmrs. .1 We leJrn that the cqntract provides for the dept of $208,00( in good Bonds tor the regular pyrnpnt Pt the semr-annual interest to stockholderEl, and it the interest is not regularly paid wijbin thirty days af ter the 1st of January and July, the pledged Jionds a re foitj-ited and the Road reverts bfck to the S ockholders. These Bonds h"4ve already been deposited in the First National Bank otiChailotte. The Company leasing the Road also deposit $260,000 In Brids as a pledge to be foifeiiH if the Rfad is not kept in first-rate rder and retijirned in the same conditio at the expiration of tlie lease the StoclhoId;rs tfi appoint an inspector' and the iihscc auotlier,lbn the 1st of every October,! Ifs the Road is not kept hi good couditiojn, or made so after 90 days' iiotico, irreverts back o the stockholders aud the 0200,000 isforfeited. An inVeutory of property on hand is! to be takn and paid by the Lessee. I Charlotte-Democrat il Workinmen in Iielgiwm are demanding ai reduction in the hours of l.ilu.r Th pro ta rri m - - - ' .r m. m v a Piderable feeling in Rriisstfls upon the subject.; M special Notices. EXUUDERANff HEALTH Is a bletng vouchsafed U to few. Even those who have been favored llv nninro constitutions and vigorous frames are apt to neglect the precautions necessary to preserve these precjptw endownientk Indeed, as a rule, the more healthy and robust a man is, the more liberties jfe is inclined ;tlo take with his own phywqueij j It is some consolation to the natu rally ireakfand feebld to Know that they can be so invigorated and built Up, by a proper use of the nieanrhieh science has placed at their dis posal, as hf hare a much better chance of long life, and Ciemptioua fromi tiisea.se and pain, than the most athletic of their; fellows who are fool ish enough-to suppose themselves invulnerable, and act accordingly, j . It is notion much to gay that more than half lite PCOPieiOf tll -IvlliToit U'nrM nr. A i . . - - - " n MVU All WCrt- wonal wnic, o enable themf to support the strain t-v.. M.v.ivwMWn aim luifiu. n iiicii iue iai lire Of thiM refiflt acrp iTi'jiriinhu Tn A.At ,. .... whoIesonie unexciting uh6 is the grand deid- v.n..1Uf v, jy, wur miiuons, ana uiey ware the article in Iostetter's Stomach Bitters. It U a stammal Medicine, i. e. M imparts permanent strength tojweak systems; and invigorate deli cate eonntifntion ta . uNtivu wju saic? ntc steadily increased. Corabetitive preparations have been introduced ad'hbitim, ajJ, a far as the public fa concerned, Mnauseupi, the hope ofrivalingjit ; but the have all ejtbpr perished in the attempt, or been lTt far in tlie rear, It has been the great medical succesa of the pres ent century and it is quitie certain tLat n.o pro prietary medicine in tnUSJcountry is as widely known, or $s generally uscjd. Ten lightning nrereesi funning incessantly, (Sundays excepted,) the whole year throngh, barely supply the demand for the Illustrated Almanac, in which the rijdure and uses of the urcj.urmuun are net iorni rtne circulation now oejng pyejr vpit jnjiiions a year, Is HE CAUSE AND CURE OF CON- s. 1 CTTirr..... a I : uuan'iJUiN. TSe primy,ose of Consumption ia idertwge meat ol tl'gWiT. organs, 'h . derwgemfut produces dfent nutrition and awinulatjou. By iiuilut.up Maean th p.octM by wiick the nu triment or- n converted lulo blod. and thence ir,to; iU ot the body. l'er8on8i vitl, di gestjoa ttrn? ''paired, having the shgbtest pre-dis-position toJa-Wp nry dUteJue, or if they tWe cold, will be ver) tMbie to have Consuuiption of the Lungs in ?;aWt ruM; fcnd i hold that it will be "upoAsibt cure any case of consumption with out tiwt rtf ,' gagood digestion and healthy as smiiatio.. very Bathing to Le done is to cleanse tte ch nd bowels from ali d seased rauccs which Is clogging these organs ? that tl fnot perform tdeir functipns, and then rou.-eiip.d restore the liver to a healthy ac t,on. Fortm- Poipoae theaoie.tand bestremedr i Scheack lrKke UUIs. These PiiU clean the rtomach B l Nweis of all the dead and morbid slimetlul !fsn disease and decay in the whole system. Tey will clesroutthe liver of all di.eascd bile that LM "lated there, and rouse it opto a new an hea!Uy action, by wbidr natural and healthy bile is secrered. : nu . The stoiaaclw bowels, and lirer thus cleansed by the use f cheqk a Mandrake Pills; but there re mau.8 in tbe Wach an excess of acid, the own w toi pid av-d tl appetite poor. Iq the bowels the Iiwteals arc ;.vcak, and requiring strength anp sup port. It, m a condition like this tl.at Schenck'a ca.veed t""cProve8 to be tLenostvalub erem civ ever corered. It fe alkaline, and itsa.se rw, I neutrze Ml excess of acid, making theston ach sweetf and fresh; lt give permanent tone to this imjwrtaat organ, and create a good hearty opiiej.te, au.d rre the system for the first process i d:gtv0nJ Ultimately mate good, healthy, Iv.ngo1ood. Afterthis preparatory treat ment, wht remains to cure most cates of Obnu mo tion is the free ,a;tid persevering use of Schenck's PuinioniclSyrtip; The Pulmonic Sjrnp abnrisl.es the system, purities the blood, and is readily absorb ed into thi circulation, and thence dislrituted to the diseased Ing8. There it riicnsa!l n.or.id mat ters, whetilier mthe form of absees or tabercies and then itsMture to expel alt the diseased matter, m the form of fr, expectoration, when once it njiens. is then, by the great healing and purifying properties of Scfcenck's Iiilmo:iic Syrnn, that all ulcer ifhd cavities are liealed np sound and my patient is cured. ; The e, til il.MKt bedoiiln e-rlnp Con.mPtor., p irrt up a; coo.1 ai rrtt e aa, a . o. dUt M-ti, , tl at fy iem i, i.el p . W m lf ne. J,r "t !-c .,1. s Dcceif ry lo eu til liti "Hi i mtn!,-- too l aj ptiite. a r h d null Ion tU t. cavitl,, wiilb-j'.thr Mtcr;tilrl, en a". It a t-er-rtl. 9b . b le .ru. and o, y v J. c.B ntirtly dtatrnyf-liorevenlr one lonK . eut ,ly Vone I l.yeaenirwnf uer.oM cured with only oc .ound Iuuk, live ad enjoy Ife to a good Id ace Thia iwl.nt Sc' e-rck'. Me,lic :hct will .fo t cure Coru.-pM.fn ? "v wi 1 clen out the inach. iweeten aLd feohen t.eet up a Koo.l di.e-.i,n, a,. g y K.tu v ,,he MUta..oe ah. ne.dt.. lribeWMemrfiilliheclea'e Ut i in he lun i, ,atjrvfrt!ff rm my b-. j i'1, ''"flf't h usl r Pef enek. Medicine; ra e H..ulleertiaHd n-1 to take ej.M ; keep n.-doo .n col I andfl.Dipw.a: her; av l.l rilji ,ir, an.ake out d'H.n xrrrle o, iy n a gonial And waim ; ungi.k.e. I w' sh ll ; dUtwuy un.ler.tood that wr.rn I recommen.l a ,a lent Jflfeciirf'u! in regard to takin cold, while uti'.a my v?tif lies I do o for p ci ,1 rea.on A mn who hs l.ut;,a tia,ly r. cov, red f oiu the . IT. rt of a bad cold .far more liable lo a relai a than one w ho haa been ntir,ly curtU. y,H it is precisely the uue in regard to C.nsUm,,tloh. tb I n - a the lunKa i,re not perfectly her.l-d. jutao ouH th r Imminent danger of fl re urn of t e dlacair llr. ee It a tba I ro strenuou.'v cau tion pulru.-UBrj M.enia gn i.t erposius therra, iVea o n atn.uaplre t :a s n t gel lal anil leasart. Confirm ed lonsumptlve' unc ar,. a maa-. of aores, which the leaatH.w.a, . phrre will I flame. The grand a- ,ae !efri"' my MeJiclnea coi afcts ln my alll ity'a subdue icfi iDmatiou inalead of i rov. klnlt oMny of .hetfaraltj do a n inflamed upB cannot inter or . ,h in winds of Spring or autumn, ii ti I . j irom an irrnaung tnuu nee-. The ut ost e.utioaho. Id be obaerved in 'his parjcular riSiWH ""f D"er lmft ' y ""ce. is an th j ,H-rao tN.nHb- kept o- a" wvesomp a.d ru rl hl:'S'.e. M-,,c:'- continu d until t.eb..y atrenfili " U " W"'' nd I ws.ny4irCurtd by thls t e tmrnt of the worst kind of C t sum lion, ami hnve; li ed , ei fat aud heart -l.esenmry rua-ith oneilumf m.5.1 Ke e. I have c r. .1 1 ousa? Mfice a .1 very many have been cured by this tnattrenttihom 1 l ave i.ev r ar-en Iii? v .f,r.,,td?,",r !: "Mke possession of pers.'b in any part ; tl . r a cau be nadily . ar. d by I strict ibservacce of I he same. ar.a oy . ? I J. U. SCUENCK M. D., ? s M V iladeip'.ia. i-i c 1 JOHN F. WENKY, i 8 Co leel'lare, New York, sepio. m u ; Wholesale Apent. Very valuable on plantations as a preventa tive ot fever, dulls, etej Simmons' Liver Reg ulator wilj keep the hands healtby.satbcy may lose no valuable time during the busy sickly season. ;' j ! I . United States of America, District Court MtheUfated Jatcs, For the Cape ear -Putrid of North Carolina. J. II. McAden and others. ) Petition for ad ; judication o ) ' Dankraptcy. linos r soil arid Wiatr. V i i?..i...i Ull tnotlOO It 13 nrAraA th., .,1.K...: ... i ,, , .v. ...at UHUllCdllllU UB V , t a Aonn Statu," a newspa Fter published iu the T,vvii ol Salisburv. L t.ry.ug the defendant, F. S. Wiatt, to lie and appear at the nt Trn f u m Court, to held i the city of WihnmgtonJ on lh hrtti Arn.l. ;J a . V 0. T ' "Tu,lil) in ucioiier next, to shotv cause why ?i:ouId not be mlju,,Ke(, a baukruptracciirdiug to the irayer ot tht pe. t.t.oq. otherwise a decree proconfeeso will be '1C. Wii-j .? WitoP, tlie Hon. Geo. W. Brooks ' ?a,f Strict, this stond Monday 31 '-''l f i 'M. LARKIXS. Clerk. J. .& H. H0RAH, JflW-JrtZw onZ Jevelcr, Watches Clacks, Silver and plated Ware, comprising Table Spioons, Forks, Cups, Ice 1 itcherstasfors, Teaspoons, Butter Knives andToLaccBoxes ;: Jewelry, (fine stock,) Spectacles, Eye Glasses, &c Ipainngogant and promptly done. S)r5cxt:l( to the National Ilotel. M & CO. Ufa SG-E, o n TTjT?.ft A Are receiving a very large stock of baltr , i Sugar, Molasses Bacon. Lard, Rice? . o : c'lecse, Candles, i Soap, Powder, B,hot 1 Whiskev, Brandy, I ;.- Tobacco, r i ' Wooden Ware, Crockery-and Glasg Ware, and all articles usually in the Grocery line, which wf are selling at wholesale and retail on the most favorableteriiis. Xow in Storc, 00 saeHs Coflee, ; I 30 bbls. Sugar, 50 boxCand!ei- 30 " Molasses, rail rrro r i ' -lain oi. c?uiiuury. ZZ folHT v-ri Ax s supr. Scotch SnnrT, HI v" SALE LOW. Theyerj-W Kerosene Oil, Pure Clarified $c Vu' Pure Candies, Raisens, Jh Crackers, Corn Starch, Ilecker Farina, C'ox s Gelatine it,1 J-M Cofcoanut, T?oyal Baking Pod(JwL Just received at "COME TO BOOKS!" TJW FALlSBr-fty hook STORE, N pS J. J. STEWART, tnlS tf! from A, B, C, p- f91feneotl all the most popular SrStES"1 Vocal and Instru- T -fc- vak-a Books, Blank Books, Copy randums, Pens, Books, Memo- Pencils, Papers, ' an Tix, . ' catalogue a mm MRS, C0EEELL, Thankful for past favors, has the pleasure to announce the receipt of her Spring stock OP MILLINEKY GOOD?, Hats, Bonnets, Chignons, Switches, Rolls Flowers, Ribbons, &c. She has a hand some addition to her stock bv purchasing that of Miss Mollie Wren & Co., all fresh and nice. Her Flowers are very beautiful. Call and see. Orders solicited. Repairing done as usual. Store room neat and cozv gSFnearly opposite the Boyden House. " ' THEOF. K1.CTTZ. DR. C. A. HEXDERSOIf. THEO. F. KLUTTZ & CO, Whclesals and EetailDrnggists, BALISBCRT, 3f. C. A full line of all articles kept in first class Drug Stores. While we consider quality of first importance, we will always sell as cheap or cheaper, than anv other House in this market, h The proof of the Pudding is m chewing the bag," and all we ask is a trial, to prove our superior facilities for promptly supplying at bottom prices, pure, tresh and reliable Medicines, Drags, iW Oils, &c. Physicians' and Merchants' orders solic ited. TIIEO. F. KLUTTS & CO. H A. PARKER, m Confectionery Fancy -Merchant. "Buy your Confections, Tobacco Stiuff, Se gars, Toys and fancy goods Of Parksb. Buy his Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Teas, Salt Fish, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Spioe, Pepper, Peas, Beans, Vinegar, Cider, Pickles, Pota toes, &c. Parkeb aells prize packages ot all kinds. Call and see his Store, Main st. J. FI. KNOX, No. 4, GRANITE ROW, MAIN STREET; DEALER IX Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Boots, nats, Groceries, &c. Also, buys and aethfor cash, CORN and FLOUR, and Country Produce generally. Prompt attention to orders for Grain, Flour, &c. 53T He invites those w ho wish to sell, as well as those who wish to buy, to cali and see him. He pays UDETIAL PRICES for Produce, and sells what he has at SMALL ADVANCE. JOHN G. EFLAND, TAILOR, Opposite Murphy's Granite Row. From long experience in the Business he flatters himself that he can please all who may fa vor him with their patronage. Cutting, renovating, and repairing done. WE J. PLUMHER. SADDLE ad HAR NESS, BOOT & SHOE MAKER. West corner of National Hotel. Keeps on sale a splendid stock of Harness, Saddles and Bridles. Shoes and Boots, to order Best stock alone employed. Repairing in .both lines attended to. Terms, cash. J. H. Earnhart & Co, maxtfacturers OF CARCASES. BU0GI6S. and Wagons of all kinds. Also, repairing done at short notice and in the best man ner. iShop on the corner xf Lee and Kerr streets, one block froni the Depot Salisbury, March 23. J. A. CLODFELTER & CO. uvnujuaurert ana jJeaUt tn Furniture. Lottage Bedsteads Cottage Cham ber Suits, painted Cham ber Suits, French Suits nnliiiit on.i Cane Scat Chairs, Rocking Chairs of! all descriptions, Extension Dii ing Tables ta bles of all kinds-Wardlobes, Bureaus, Y ashstands, What-Nots, J attresses, Sofas Reception Chairs and ParW Sets. Also Rustic Window Shades, a iovelty for com pleteness, beauty, cheapness and durabilitv Also, many other articles w ikh we are pre pared to sell as cheap or clieaper than any Jiouse in the western part bf the State . 5A full assortment Rosewood, Metal ic and Walnut Burial Cases, which can be lumished at 3 hours notice. Be sure to call nearly opposite the Man sion Hotel, next door below the Express office, see our stock and hear our prices. Special orders (made from photographs in our office) will be supplied. C. F. BAKER & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copper "Ware; Cook, Parlor and Office Stores, of every size andj quality. STILLS repair ed, houses Roofed, Guttered and Spouted, all at short notice and in thcrbest manner. Work warranted. Full stock of Ware in Store. We cannot be undersold. Highest prices paid for old copper. J. ALLEN BROWN, MERCHANDISING IX GRAIX,-FLOUR,-HAY,-dC, SALISBURY, N. C. Dealer in PURE PERUVIAN GUANO and other reliable Fertiliz.ers. Also, Lime' for building as well as agricultural uses. ' Office at Wm. Overman & Sox's Shoe Store, Main street. j. alliTbrown7" Insurance Agent. "REPRESENTS several of the leading x and most responsible o noia i es, both Fire and Life. Issues policies at the low est rates. Office at Wm. Overman a Son's Shoe Store, Main str. JOHN S. HENDERSON, grttotntn at grata, MERONEY & BROTIIER CALL ATTENTION TO THEIR loundnj, Machine Shop. And Planlns: Mill. fdpThreshers & Horse-Powers repaired. Sashes, Blinds and Doors, made to order CASTINGS scch as MILL GEARING, GUDGEONS, e. Will sell a lot of Tobacco Fixtures, Also A 15 borw pow PorUhlt Steam Engine! CO TO MCLEAN'S GALLERY To getgood pictures taken cheap. lie is now taking; 12 Photographs for $4.00: 6 for $2.50 ; 4 Ferreotypes for $1.00. ! Watch Work. Tie is also prepared to repair Watches, Clocks; and Jewelry, in a workman-like manner. All work in this line warranted for twelve months. Give him a call. STAR COOKING STOVE, THE; best and cheapest design ever yet invented. Witnesses on the ground whose experience prove it It is simple and ea sily managed. It has the largest oven of any Stove made in America. Other vari eties also on hand. All sold cheaper than any Stove peddler can sell them, and war ranted to perform well. , Tin.Ware on hand, and tin, copper, and sheet-iron work of all kinds done to order with dispatch. BROWN & WEANT. MERONEY & BROTHER DEALERS IX DOLIESTIC & FANCY GGODS, Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Dress Trimmings, White Goods Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, ' GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES. Ac ET'They are agents for Sewing Machines, Agricultural Implements, &c McNEELY & WALTON ((sCCCESSORg TO ROBERTS m'kEElV ft CO.) Are now selling their SECOND STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods. It is large, general and select, and is goin" freeb- at very low rates. " quick s,ales" & bargains to every purchaser. Having secured unusual advantages in dleady-Mcide Clothing they can sell, in this line, strange as it may seem, below usual New York cost. Ladies' shoes at $1 ! & nice Cloth Gaiters at $1.50' Dried Fruit will be taken in exchange at highest market rates. McNEELY & WALTON. "Cash paid for all kinds of Produce. PHILIPS & BROS., Main Street, tteo doort afore Covrt-lIouM. ON SALE Fresh and salted FISH of all kinds, a full supply of Family Groceries, Liqcork, and Yankee Notions. Also, Boots, Shoes Hats, Caps, Domestics, Yarns, & Crockery. All going low for cash and country pro duce. Call and try them. Mar 24 Wanted, 100,000 lbs, old Bones. Wm. Overman & SonT GREAT REDUCTION IN Uoota azxcI. Shoos. Having purchased our stock after the great decline in gold, we are able to offer Boots, Shoes, Leather and Findings, at greatly re duced prices. Would especially call the attention of Country Merchants-"-satisfied that we can sell goods as cheap iis any Jol bing House in New York. Call and try us. V. WALLACE Asks public attention to his large & select Qtoolx. of Gt-oods, comprising everything in the Mercantile Hue, and offered as a'uuj a the chetijtf his remaining Winter Ftock at cost, in which great bargains are dailv given. The high est cash prices, paid in Goods at tlie lowest rates, for all kinds of Country Produce. Furs! Furs!! Furs!!! Bring.-all your Furs to WALLACE. PAINTING. c. s. muring & son, HOUSE, SIGN & OEHAMENTAL P. 1 1ST t inns, SALISBURY. NATIONAL HOTEL, Hain Street, Salisbury. In the center of business, commanding a full view of almost the entire city ; a NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE, NEW BEDDING. First Class Accommodations. S. W. REA & Co., Proprs. J. W. BITTIWC, MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER In general Merchandise, Embracing all LEADING articles. Buys and sells all kinds of Country Ioduer. Wholesale Liquor Dealer and Commission Merchant. Agent for Xayassa Ouako Co. Orders folicited. K. W. TRICE. T. J. PRICE. PRICE & BR0., HAVE OPENED A Family Grocery Store, In the new building lately occupied by G. C. Smith are selling a choice selection of articles in this line at greatly reduced prices Flour. ?Ical. Bacon, Butter, Lard, Ac, all fresh and sweet, always ready. Coffees, Su guars and Teas, to suit the "fancy. Brin your Produce and trade with Price & Bro. KCRTON CRAIG E. KERR CRAIGE. CRAIGE & CRAIGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 6 Council street, opposite the Cvvrtlovse. PRACTICE in the Superior Courts of Row an and ad joining counties; in the Supreme Court at Raleigh, and in the United States Circuit and District Courts for the Dist. of North Carolina. March 23,J8?1. DENTIST. Office, corner of Churc h ami TnnU streets, Salisbury. 2 J wm. "aTaTike R, S?& Coach Maker, Is manufacturing all kinds ot vehicles at his shop on Lee street. Anv one needing a really good, and fine job can get it here. Call and see. All work after the most approved patterns, and will compare with any north or south. Special attention invited to his light work, and to his paint ing and trimming. "Ornamental and SI0X Painting done with neatness and dispatch. Salisbury, March 23. Cheap ChatUloSgagesr 4 rarioiH Other blwka.for ule he. 3 Appleanr3 Peach Brandy w AZ7SSD, Address, tatwg quantity, Ae , sJSOWAKD W. G ROOT. apr23-3in Charlotte, N.O. G7 1. un, ftiifcm, JllILLlOXS nar Teatlaicay t tklr r ( UarferfB; Carailv Erect. : Thej are not a Pcy Drl.k, Mad M pMr Ram, Whisker, rf Hrlrlla mm Refaa , Llaaara dortored, ajiiced and awertcned to plaaaa taa , U-tccallod "Tonicjt-Appetlaera,- -Baatotw,A8.. tiiatlead UUrplcrot to drankenneai aadraUi.bot ara 4trneMrdlcin.uiada from the Xatlva Bnota and Kartt ! f CallI,niU. fVc fran all Alcakalle Htlaia- laala. TlwyM tbHEAT BLOOD PCBU ( flEUaad A! LIFE UIVIXO rKIKCIPLE, perfect Renovator Invijrormtor ot tba Syaun. ' arrrlnfroffallBoisoncaiimaUerandrMtoriitbabiood to a healthy coaditioiu Ko pcraon can take these Bit. ten according to ilrertiofii and remain long aaveO, pnnUod thi'M-jbonea are not deatrored by mineral poison or other lueani, and tha Tltal ergaoa vaated bc-yond th! pMll bf repair, : Tbcjr arc av Geatle ParKatUe aa welt aa a Tcalc, pofirinR. ajao. tlte peculiar merit of acting a apomctrul apriit iii rrliebi(r CuncrAion or Inflam mation of the Liver, and all the Viareral Orrtaa. FOB FEMALE COMPLAINT?, In younger 1J. married or single, m the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, three Tonic Bitter hare aa equal, j For Ialammattrr and C hraale Uheaaaa 1 1 am and tJeot, lyaaepela-ar ladlgcatlaa. nillaaa, Itruilitrat and Intemltieat Fc vera, lilacaara mt the Illaad. Liver, Kid Beys a ad Bladder, tuena Hit irra have brm moat rirornfuL ISach Dlaraaca aracanard by filiated tltood, which U ernerally proinoi-d by dcrangemeat of the DlgratUe Oreait. f DYHPEPMA OU IXDIGEtfTIOX. ncad che. Pain la tL f iion h-rv Couxh, Ticbtaeea of tha CUmU Dluioau. frwri. Eructatkm of the atnmaca. Bl Tate la the Mouth. Bilioaa Attack. Palpttatlaa at the Heart. liiBareniaUrfn of the Lanct, Pain la tb re ion of the KidDera. Q4 a buadrrd elhar painful anap tom. ar the oBjartnrt'cf Dyipepela. Tbrr invicorate the Stomach and sUmalat th torpid Lt 1 Bowela. wkib reooer then of aaaaaalUd efficarr In cieaniug the blood of all I -apart tie. anU tm. partinx new lifa and rvror ta th whole arateav 1 FOR Hli IX DIHAtE.4.eraptioaa. Tettee, Bait fcnruin. kk.lchea.Sjiota.Plmplea.pBatalaa.Bolla.Car. b inU.. Binc-Worma. Seald Head. Sore Tf. trrrlm Uw. irh..Vun. IM-rol.atioo- the tla. fliiXJS In..- of th bkia. of abater naa er aatarlri Ut-relW due u and carried out of the areteai ia ahaet tin br ibe aol three BlUera. One bottle In Wh 'UTinca thereat locredatoua of tbeir eara CUauw the titlated flood wheorrer roa find lu im purity bur I nc U;rourh the akia la Plmplea, Erap Cona or Sorea ; eleanae; it when ron find it obatractad mli;UI;Uh In the Tajna; eleanae it when It la loat. and your rerjlara will t-ll yoo when. Eeep th blood pore, and the h.-allh of tbearetem will follow. ; Pin, Tape, and ojber Worms, larking la tha tratrm of so manjr tboiiaaoda, ar effectoaJlr deatrored and rrmoved. Sara a distincnuhtd pbraiolornrt. ltx.rcreTlr. " lMl'l apoa the Let oftbe earth wbna body ia exempt from the pneante of IITn .U U Bot t. lhe n"hy element, of the ocljr that ornneit. but opn the diseased humors and alim drnnait that- breed these Urine monatars of diiMjaw.. No Smm of Medicine, no TermifncTno antbrlniinlica aill fret.th irstetn from worm like tnese littrr. J. WALKER, Proprietor. B. H. McDOJULD CO, rroe?it and O-n Arant. San Pranclaco. Call famla, aud 3J and ll Commerce Street, New York. U-gOLU BT ALL DRLUCI8TS A.N ClXLtES. BUY fof the celebrated ! ' I WALTER A. WOOD MOWING Reaping! Machine. TLis Machine is by utmost onivr rial ronoent the rely lt ever inventIi havlr ? taken the highest premium at every fai at a bich it hreeeer letnti bibited. either in tlii Vonntry or Kurr-t. lie ia aUo apebt for ti e ial of all U.e bckt .SULKY HORSE RAKES now in use. AUo fot (lie beet and mont in prored THRESHING iND WINNOW ISO Machines, i ; roong which are the relelrateJ I tell0 P4?CnASEUrgeqn.nUtj! T ' Wcstinghousc,Gcizer and Whctltr ' i ' and. M click MACHINES. Ulso iC7$r set CIDKR MILLS. of the beat quality. rrron in need of any 0f the boTe Machine, can qU.in themot the aubachLcr rtetirered at the nearert jLLI at MANUFACltUltERS' PRICES. the nubwriber Uoyanufactorr. aLdkeewcon Ktantly on hand lor sale; all kind of Agricultural Implements of the latestand most approved pattern. AUo all kicusol , , MACHiIjfERY i Made and repaired at the) SHORTEST NOTICE. Addresa, JOSEPH II. THOMPSON April. 31, 187I-6r0j!TTEO'DTidOn H u - c- ; Pure Appjle Vinegar, ro&j SALS, 201,1,1 of APPLE! VINEGAR, of mv own manufactare, wrrarited Pike and ,renuine. Arr2T WM. O. H.VRBEE, , M7& High Poins X. a R. R- R. " Railway's Ready Eelief Curei the won- paina In from OKI TO TWEXTT Xlimt, Not one hear after readier tbia adrertiaeiMrif ueed anj one auffer with PAIN. had wats keadoeliet aeh Dtiwel. or uther rl.nda orVri PPl''on.in from one to t-entj minn,e, 1 matter bow violent or eicr4.5Be thrfS5I Injta mmation of the Kidmeyt t.Mmdm of fti? f' f San IW. iMwf&SZ;. C ' L""' TItric. m.r, lUmSSt f tt S. w V a iu( Iltadacke, Tooikackt, CWr' Aaa, aid am, Aaau. The appIicatK.n of the Lendw EelUf to tha vmVtPS whcre Pl or difficult j xisu HI afford raae and comfort. Vr. lrOI" in.' hlf lQiWer of waUrwill ttomaek. heartburn. UadaehetdHrThae. trmai pains. Trarelera ahonld alwara carrr a botU. of Radwara Keadr llelier with tbem. X hw fchT,U; "rprerent kickne. or pain, from chancre of watr. Itrabettwihan W.ei Brand or bitter aa a atiromlaat. , . rererandArue. . Ferer and Artie cured for fifr eta. Tk. i. r. -e u iuis wor j . it ml will cure Ferer at ,1 a . . .i . 1 1 . . . U tie. '"'ceciaper bou HEALTH! BEAUTY 1 1 Strong and purt rich Blood Inmate nr uoatjicar Skin tf Beau t'ful Complexion secured to all. Sarsaparilllan Bcsolrrnt Has made the most astonithina Cures : so m mm 1 ! aa . " J a iia, w rapta are ine changes tlie body undergoes, under the influence of this truly Wonderful Medicine, thai EVEIJY DAY AN INCREASE IX ri.r.3ii A2s l) WEIGHT 18 SEEN AND FELT. TITE ORKAT BLOOD PUEimiL Ererr dmn nf iv. k......jmi.. . . , -"-i''iiiiaa uesire&i wmniunicate. throorh the blood, awe.t, -hno and other fluida antfjuicca of the raum tt. Tiiriir fi'liTo f,.m it .1 . . .-r. irjwn iUe wau 01 tne bodr witn new and aound miton'.i i . .r ,. . , rviviuia, iTPUI- lls. COnDUmUtKin. elainlt.1.. Al i r, . . ... , ' e un-mi-p, ti terra 111 me inr at. month inm.,M . 1 ... . and other part, of the -jalem. -ore ejea, etru rn.roa.. d1-harrt .rn.ni the eara.and the worf t t it.' "n, aii rneom. erjaipela. acbe. black ixiia wrmM in .t i.'. ' j .1, 1 . .mut lwu, cancer in the woumb and all weakening and painful . . . "-ip, iu.-b 01 sperm and all wafte of the life Principle, are within theenr. auve ranpe orthu wonder of Modern Cberciet rv.and a few dar' u.e will prore to any rr H.n wishing it for either ol thee forma of dia ee it potent power to cure them. i kuv paiieni. uaiiy becormnp reduced br thr wastes klld de-onirMit iv... ....... r v " i tuuuuuaiiv pn.frresi;T.ncceed-in arreMicr thee wate and rpnnira tha c . n, . :.u . . . . orw maienai made from healtbj blood-aud thi. the Sarjaparillian Will And nip anrv m ' . IUIC , ct.n4irj. rr when ouce tbi rem-dj commeticea it work of punfuaMon, and aocreedn in dimini.hinr the lOSll ol WRSt ita rinM 111 1 :a ... , . r w Ml iji;u, auu er ery day the patient will feel himaHf irowicr I m It or anl 1 1 m ... v. . j . . r riUUCVI. llJP hhki aijresunr tetter aPIH ti!e improving and Ce-h and weight in! crca-mg. Not onlj doe the Sarsaparilllan Re solvent excel all knnw-n ron.tl.l . f run 1 a ine enre of Chronic. 8cn,fulouNConi.titntional and uul 11 11 lfr poitire cure fT KIDNEY HLADDER CoSpLAINT? ' nnary and womb dieaen, grarel, diabetea. dropj-.Uppage of watr .incontinence of urine, ltnnt k dixeaae. Albnminnria n ii. .11 where there ar Itricklnt .iL;. . 7-- ; "i"iip,niiu( T ten thick, cloudy, mixed with mUtancealtke the w hitet.f an egg. or thn-ad like white ailk or there i n morbid, dark, hi lion appearance """-u"i ucpttKjia. a.na wnen there ia a pricking, burning aet.aation when paanne water, and pain In the small of the back anA along the louw. DR. RAD WAY'S Perfect Puralirc PiII, prfeeUjr Uateleaa.t WraaU j coated with awttraaa. Prg. rrgul.K. purifr. cleans and atrtDgtk.t. Uadwav a I'iMa. lor the care of all dialler, or tK stomach. bowel.. kMna,.. bladder, arrrawa . aiaaea, headache, constipation. costirea. a)dU retion. drprpaia.biliotisaa. biUouafever taflaaa. oiation of the bowel., pile and all derangemeauor the i.tomal Urera. W.rrad WffST pom. the core. I'urelj regeuble. coaUiaiari tt. coir, mineral, or ocleterioua draa. A few W of RiawtT'i Piixa will free ta srstem from all the aboe named disordera. fries 75 cenUrerbox. K)I.D BY I'RL'liClsTS. IUad -Kauai imTiri." KA t . to niiiwiv n utt... . ... ' T formation worth Uonaanda a ill be sent ran Jane 30 96-1 j la- SALISBURY HARDWARE STORE, A FULL STOCK alwara on hand of eterr dle, Ncrth, 100 Doaet, Axe at low price. Cruris IitoU, Krirea and Fork., FairUnka fecalea, the beat Wrought Iron Plowa to be found ?7nt lhTra uiTe "faction. Thorapl on a Plowa and SuLaoilera. CORN SHELLERS, STRAW CUTTERS, and a thousand other thing, yea need. Send in jour order or come and buy. CRAWFORD A IIEILIO Jan27-ly. KaliaOurw N.a A LECTURE to toutio man. Jtut published, im scaled Lmtclojx. Price 6 cents. lclar. tk ,t Traaart aa4 laa ral rara f ra-rsnaiorrfca... ar rWmlaal Wrak. tT. la.aataJJ ' r caa. rails ; 5rraaaasa cMtf4:M rniu.. . . , 57 ial"'."- tut?1 Tir' Tfl VtrldaPaaMaaa.aaJ a-lL... a .a a a . rlear's ,n Maii-aws lct. 'I ' i-at 4aeayTaa ssreal re . IIT , ,""U- "ars ar ar4laia pMrnfm, rj saffer.', a . asaUsr wkal kia roa DtUa Mr U aa. 7Vr.?.,2,r'l.efc,rJ7. erlrsia, a 4 rateaUy. TH LClTLBt WILL rinfl a kui a vunr.f.u . rVnt, ' X, - m4tr Mai. a aar aa4'aa. la a U" aaisa aa . a rmfp of era ta artws kaCar stasasa. AJ m, aWarwelTs "MsxrUfa iaa. Is ti aU Dr. Cml. AdJrs'S v paM akr-rs, CHa. J. C. KL1KKA CO. lzi aawarj, w York, rtaOltil 1, aartl-. STOP AT THE 7arborongh Souse KA LEIGH, N. CL, G. W. BLACKS ALL, Prcrieiot

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