1 PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT J. J. Editor, and Proprietor. bates of siucnirnoN Oke Year, payable iu advance. .L..$2.50 Six Mo.vriis, ''.; .?;J... 1.50 lopies tuj one address, . '. ..I .. .. .10.00 liatet of Alice rtisinq. - One Square! first insertion,.. J...L. .$1,00 first insertion,.. J 'For each additional insertion. 50 Special notices will b charge hijrher than' the above rate. j id 50 per cent f ' II Nil Tlluf O fjl t4. tl-tlllftjft .lll.tt ed at the tM rates with other advertise ments. .1! I Obituary notices, oyer six tines, charged as advertisements. . i - CONTRACT RATfcS. J H H cc 1 o I W ft c . o 2 . 5 5 s ? I M SPACE. c a 1 I 1 Square., j 2 .Squares. .'I Squares- j 48quares j i Column, 1. Column. I it'i rut A'A 7; r on as .in io im 4 50, C 25; 8 50 12 00 20.00 0 00, 9 00 12 00 18 00; 23,00 8 00 1 1JD0 15 00 25 00 ,'$:,r0 18 00 21 00 30 00 40 00l 00.00 25 00 45 00; 45 00 85 001 100,00 CLOIITCOIYS' jr'AMANGEMENT FTER JULY 3, 1871. SALEM 'TO HIGH POINT daily ) i :.raUM IIOKSE COACHES. Excursion liikets Hound Trip. Good Mi'- uhtil0ct. 15th. i - 1 1- Wilmingiou to Salem, ONLY $18 05 WiIortj THrtlom, " S 1 13 85 u u 16 15 8TGK OFFICRK--At Pfftlil &S Sfockfou'a rUrclmifi lotel, Wiiwtoij.N. C. At Rutner's Il )tel; Salem, XI C. ' ' ' ;i H 'I r ! 1 HEAD OF WESTERN RAILROAD ': jTO ASIIEVILLE: p Dailj fouf hoile Coui-hos, except SundaT. Kxcurxiii T!fkeli U AfherUle for KaleJ at the iriiicial Uuiil RiJad iflieen on the North Can liua Iilriad. ' j j ; IbawoPO Chithiim and Paretterille and Ycs- Jem Uaiirbad.lJa'ly except Suuda.v. Mil! TE qUAUIOTTE TO TTADESDORO. AND H HEAD OF V.. C t It. II. II: 1 Leare Cliarb-t e, Monday. Wednesday, and j Friday Xeuve lVudexlatro', Xueday, Thurx A iy, ami - atiird iv, uiakinp ntiineetion with ! Riiifroad4 at Cha U;te nnd daily Ktage to head !if Vilmilit4piCiar. o; Rutherford 1 R. from rWadenboro, lfy fliis route paaeiireri leave I Wilntinirtou ahd Cbarlottc Moiiday Wediies. d:iy and Kriday ajt 7 a. nu, and arrive at il miiijrtoti and Charlotte next evening, renting at night inl W.ade boro. each way. f ..Through Ticketfroui Charlotte to Wilsiiug Um, outy f 10. - i 1 LL KiNGSTREE OpEORfJKTOVVN.P. C i Leave Georeetdwn Mondav. Weduexdav and Friday. 1 Return next day. Through Title s via N. K. Railroad to Char letou, f d U0. - j 1 E. T. CLEMMOXS j June 24, 18p-U2C:tf Contractor. The hv m ptonip of IA vef complaint are uneasinexi and pa to in the ule. Sonn tinies the pain is in the rhoulder. and is mis taken for jrlreumalisni, the utomacli is a fleeted with losa of fpljetite and sickness, bowels in S'eneral oslive, HMoetimes alternating with lax. ine ncau is trouilel m ..:,.! I lw,,h lMn, and dull, hea aV&VAJTJL. I Ivy sensation, considcra i--li--L I '''e uiemory, ac- HHMtMMB-M-aa-tiCeoiupaiiied with painful sensation otiiavuis lelt undone something which ought to have leen done. Often Complaining of wnaness, ueuiuir, and low spirits. Sometimes many of the nboVesvniotonw attend the discuss and atothertimea verv few of them; but the uver i jreneraiijr . the organ nut involved. cure me i.n-er with 1 i j,I)U. SIMMONS ! LIVDi: UKGUL.1TOR, fa preparation; rorila and h?r, warranted to be i! one. ft has Weil used bv hundreds, ini'd known foi,,h1 1"t 40 yekrs as one of the most reliable, ; etCcaeious and hi rainless preparations ever of- t lerea to Uio sutUHrmg. If taken regularly and ivrwiemiv.ii is isn re to cure I)ystepia, h e ad c h e, B j au nd ice.cost i venesis. sick ihcadarhe, chronic liliarr- lio?alafljectionsorihe bind- wviuuit ,i ui moneys, nervousness, chills, dis- easeaorthe skin, impurity of the blood, raelau "'""Jt vi ucM-vMiti im sitiriis. Iionrlliurn vili ... ... wntiK, pwii in me tieaatevev 1 Sgd affile. dlOlisvi boilk imin In lli K. C- - i Rrepareil onlyWj II. ZEILIN COt, ' For sale bv T. F. KLUTTZ&CO., 8aliibury, N. C. feb 24 Jy PRESERVING- FRUITS it NOW la the propitious time Fruits re abuudant. and eyeryjh.Hly should realize the vame o. rruits properly preserved at a very uiuiug tun, iuueeu - ; j Spear s Fruit Prkurreng Solution ": i'r-- :! i r ri Xorru'i PrtHtrriun 7n,r,J; . . , r " . -- .-vm which, with the new Ui Tectums, aru-itintiu, 'inp each, now, bevejr fail. j A further full supjd v of both, just at hand i ; i A aiLLi'S Drug Store, I ',. I".' i! j ' fcalisUury. N. C. Aug. 25 It. Southern Land Agency, PKQif)VK i ii ' W,U id eU " Messrs! Crawfoid nunnsm, who are prhmred to pive a! Becessr-ry lafornittli n it reiardCcstion. prlce.qq.lify. Ac. T -v. IWui, w pimav will .'prfintpt attention. I , Bo. .J.BiwniRI) DUNHAM, Land ACents, " I Balwbiiry, Kowan comity, X. C. "S r V SUMMER ON: AND . : IW. AYRES - - . 9 Hamactui-ofGijrars,' si i ST w . CTrM TW W - SALISBURY, I. J., 1 I ' Manufacture Cipargfrom thebett Havana To bacco, cheajjcr thap tbdr can bo boujrht anr vhereeUe, iThe choicest Brands a follows: Tns AaiAL.fn whole boxen, at nnr ihitni and; Tns SWAK.in quafterboxe. at $50. The La CAPiiiof in whole UoxeK, at $15. Save yi IMPORT. ur Wheat & Oals, NT NOTICE TO FARMETuSl ' An importont discoverr to prevent RUST in i W heat aud Gats. If Un direstions are careful- ly loiioweu uo tlie cropii injured by rust, the money will Be cheerfully refunded All I ai,k l a tnau ltrenared and ftr nale mil at 4 J. If F.NVIS& Drugstore, Salisbury: ATER WHEEL Mill GeafiniShaftinPuireys 0- THE JEW DISINFECTANT ! ). 1 s Blomo Ohloralum, Non-ro)$kioust Odertess. Powerful Deo doriierand DistrlfcclantEhtircly Harmless ancj tSife Arrests and Prevents Contagion. - 1 1 j j - -r Used in private dwt)!fiM8. Itotela. restanrtntft. J pnklic vrljwwla. liosiiiufoj iiiKanc asylums, ilispen- NrimaitH.ginsonH. pooif nouses, on ninps, stearo bolits, and ife teiienient linseti, markets, (or water closets, urinAis, siuks, tseHeis, cess-pools. staMcs. &c. . !-i i i i A speciJRcIn all roTitiUr5oiiK and prsulentiah dis eases. Of i liolcrn, lyj.lioid lever, ship fever, tmall- Iia. Rcanetsever, iiieasje uiteahesorauimals,&c. 'reparvdinpv y 15 Til.lTOX A CO.,f76 William Kt., X. Y. Sold by all drnggi,its f NEW ERA in SEING. LABOR, TIME Clothes &.Zucl aved by the use of IWAHFIUJ.D'S j COLI WATER I Self-Washing I SOAP. "Scud r tirculikil and Price List. ljGENTSj jVANTED. AVILJal.l LOCKWOpK EVERETT Si CO., I ifil Mirray tkt. New Y rk. H ..! Afettjf lor li h-t.f U Virginia, sr'h and South J ro uia. ri!t still Kl riila. R EE S. if Frtiit and Ornamental, vdt A u tu ni n or isri. Ve iiivltlthe attentionj ofPlunttia cntj l c:.. to our Ittrfiaijd (nuplct stock of fisnoaricanci lworl J-fuit TreeK 5rpe. ficsaiiasin;ijjjFriiit. ttrnaiuiiSal Trees, hljrhlis and Plants. ivew ancBuare fruit and Uniainctrtal Trees, bulbous f'lower UoobU Iescriiite and Illustrated priced Catalogues ' senturemiiilon receiot of Ktan.,,. rn. . , f n.is; ioc. so. iirnarneiital Trees, lOc. -o.i3- (Jieen-lioiivol in... v h-i.ii.. - , - . i. - - - -"tvaaavtrPa I tree. sjSo. 5 Bulhs. fjep. Address . '. ' ..i -, ,Q , KLfcWAXtrKK A BAPRY. Establish 1840c j Uocl-cster, X. Y ' 1 I . ; . i i Xn r. - . j , , 0JJ5 liulhs. fiee. Adiliiva i jBand ftitliinc jntei-i Leaders. rVnrn6youTaM, GLQl,h,;.(,Alr,r!,nkfo,t,X.Y. , A KX mxtm ibr tU , M ; .--"JMfnM iii life. I ci ' H. Vrat-0 "rm "7 tAL iirsinoHjJs.1- n ri,o, io thkm-lk sx; '.'uii iTfc.'? V-SlrW. ".VeS eiwa'Ate'i' C' M'-. frf t-I ! j THE j CURTAIL RASSED. ' i.. . How Una 4one, and wlddoes it. He AJena Hook ip-2 ;.affeggorpeou.sIy jlWtiatcd wiu Tuts, m-bU tSY&BtS" l0r m Laxa BtTTs, dSi Hroadn ay, 1 Xew York. Agents! Bead This! WewilijAy Acenlsa lt nf n rw.ii... w. .ru . wWjjAy sceiiUii taiv of 80 Dollar i-rWC.. xr. II w I r e.u IsnTlM.efloarir; si.d W' U'ltrf l An til (,n - . tl.lir. l VtV.u. a. litll. Uic . V g v, -- i 630. V7H WiL& PA7 SfSO. Agents f9))r week td 4il our creat and valuable discoveij,. If you wajnt permauriit, honorable - - " a? I ;Jti IVlUaOll JJOllarS. PUwwjtbot qntct tnenUn : nkc fortune by re- vebnjf tie secietof theibusinehs to no one. 68S Broadway. Xew York - , r - ' -j f . rrUE.-CI)KKSIG!jiED HER E U YgTviTs L notieuof hiv apputmeut as assignee of DaviJ Shore of Yadkiif cUDtr. who has been peclareda bankrupt hi the bistrict Court o iue u niijeu T&iates. i THOMAS LONG HaaUvUk.fcy. C ip. 2 1871. 3UJf Pure Appje Vinsgar. ron SALE, 20bbjg.ofArrLE fVIXEOAT? m r ta ; S , ... . un u manufacturer wacran efl Puke and genuine.- Address i IWM. TtAIirtPP a . . My!0-tf Ilisrh roint,N?C. Of ell kinds by J. J. liEUSBIL July7ftl j j X-SEJG) FCRACIRCUIAIL-Sr j j ! I - L f aJ iiififflii'if s 1 : 4 From the Rural Carolinian. I CLOVER! CLOVER! A friend said to md recently. " In lirae- s tone countries clover is eown to enrich land ; throughout the Cotton j Sutes we have to enricb the land before we can groir cloveK" j j My ?xpcrtence teaches that this is a great mistake I am convinced tliat no where Ion this continent can clover be irrown it les expense and with greater I reraitueration than on the clay lands of I lie tooulli, at least as; tar bout h as the lati tude of the City of Co!unibi;i,S. C. A detail f a few experiments may not be viiinieit'stiug to our readers. I Ih Noveniber, 1S67, 1 sowed, eight acics f old land iii barley and clover, manured Vith .lwo hundred pounds of Soluble la cific j Guano? jm r acre In JTnne, 1SC8, 1 reaped one tiuudicd and forty-five bush i el? of bai ley and secured a beaut iiul stand of clover on' about five acres. In May, looy, twenty three heavy two horse lo,ads of cjover buy were housed. The fill of 18G9 was so; dry the crop was pastured oft' by cattle and sheep. The spring of 1S70, thougl; uncommonly dry, produced a fair crop of clover; the fall crop was again grazed off. Last May-; I mowed a 'beautiful crdp of hay, and in July a se cond cuttings was housed for winter feed ing ;of ifberpV In February, 1SG9, the patch ws8 broadcast with a mixture of eight. bags of Wando and six hundred pounds plaster. ' Last January I turned over, with a two horse Monitor plow, all of this iwentv-five re h Id, but tbe five acres wi ll set in clover, and ii April planted it in sorghum. The three acres, upon which there was a scattering stand of clover, has had, from Its first appearance ubove ground, infin itely f lie best sorghum in the field. Ann why 1, Because the dead clover, the young clover, at.d the roots of clover turned un der hi iJauuary have manured the land, j. Another experiment. In IS67 I sowed 4 cow:-penned patch of one and a half acres in bailej and clover, and reported upon : this patch in October and Novem ber months, 18G9, of The Rcral. In May, 1830, a very poor crop ras taken from the patch, and in October last the young clover was pastured off by sheep till scarcely! a vestagn was apparentlv f Jift. Immediately after the laud was tV-rned over wjih a two horse Brinley, followed by 'a two-horse' Muifee in same fur low, and sown in a hestl. This land, whicH) three yea 1 8 ago was a clay bank, deemed nowj, a rich, friable, Hack soil, vhich felt gure would pruduce a wheat crop ; but I f eared the clover was gone. Bo after baifrowiiig I sowed the tin face witH orchar(l grass seed. The wheat and grass came ftp well, but wlien I harvest id in June tjie grass seemed choked out by as luxnrjajk a growth f clover ns I t-ver saw. nsVe the. seed came from I can t tell, but theXci crop is thore to show for itself. I I 1 bird cxperiiuent. I lrave Mated above that the crop of the faliof' 1SG9 was pai tured. During this tiruV the cattle and sheep were housed every ight. and their droppings sheltered until March, 1S70, When they Were hauled out and th-owr in furrows upon which beds weie made; aiid the land planted in cotton. This last spring, almost every one of those beds, for several inches on either side of the row of cotton Stalks was covered with a tli growth of clover. Those nods were re versed, and the land again planted in cod ton.i At every woikinir of the not, lni rijigjthe summer a young growth of clover had Io be destroyed. i I Fourth exjieriineiit. In April, 1S70, sejleted a hlf acre of good gray land, so thickly covered with nut grass that the ground could not be seen, for a sweet pot a tri n.iteli. to test, ibc ..r 1 io paicn, io test ine power of vines u . m in u?vrtiuig uui grass iiy tneir SliadC. ,ri.i;I....J 1 .: i i:.. r . m lih" " III live IKei SOtfC-CP. t .. ... . ... I v ' niiii iwuk n .iiiit.n. ... .1. .a ti . , luiiiiuicu iii me uriu wit li nia ntire fiom the cow house, and bedded upon in May the slips were set ou' First of July the vines could not be seen ! -v -a . for the nut grass. The patch was then I th ,ufflllv tloudied a.. I n " I September a most luxuiiant rlw.l, .J ' vines ami nut grass covered th e land. i Las November the vines t i!- r " "HI .1L illlU l t J fit A.., ...,.1 carried off; the pototors divg ; the laud llhpd H,!4 "-Pushed, at.d about three pecks of barley harrowed in until the ilajitl was perfectly smooth. Last JuI a ,air croP of bar,,T was Imrvrsted, anMJI,c tublle on at least half the patch wasj in a fw days peif.-ctly hid ,v - CHlh-U' f wliich all the i cnnVintir Lnul Mm .... . i I if? t tfiass so hi check ; thai there is not a healthy stalk of this ! IH H u be 8lfen- I'be first crop of clover I lias died, and the sermol .,... ; S...I liJ't !r..il " F,," f.'Hl y. U Hat eflect the Stic- PfM(IlMff iriAUitL f 1 . tl t . o o - ' - U IVU IIUOII Liirc nut i' i iimii tt.. ... a " taa.BMU-A.-a aiiiii. iillllit' II Wall 'experniieiit, however, is worth uuslii..? ta t V s Tl. hvr. teat, for if clover can be made lnsiflimentalf in destroyino- nul its TI.-- ..iJj:..i... -.. . i - ,,,.-...,..... nun ciover is se curing a stand. 1 have sow,, it i No- 'VeS ,M a,l oi grain, and secu.ed a fHflfeCt Statidj 1 have, at other times WiV 7 pcuce, oeen disap- poutieo Dy a most perfe 4!'l 5t " February at pirfect stand. Good should be sown on a w i J -'"oot peneci iaiittre. l have and never secured a authority savs it ell-prepared, clean land lit March, and allowed to ll-Jltl tu U lilt weeds and gjrass fiir twtlve months wiih- , out. oeing trod npou. 3Iy Judgment is a fall sowing on clear land, say in Septera . l)tr October, will ensure quite as good j a 1", and so occupy the ground by , pnng, mat; a contest with weeds and mass will nni li ni,c..,n .1 . o w, t r o, jr . ; At all V rale a s&nd of clover ,I4.M . ' !T T wvtulill'UUrcu Ilt-V. ?f ioi, ana is worth more anuually than a crop of cotton, could the latter be groa without work. . i i A . . v; i: . D. WTATTAIEEN. Reptrttd for the X. r. Ctbtmer. avouk;but Kot worry. Sermon ly J?er. .. M. Suddcr; jj. D , Brooklyn, N. Y.t Sunday Eccniny, Sept. Wth. "Take therefore to thought fr the mor row : for the morrow shall take thought fur the things of itseif. Sutticieut unto the day is the evil thereof." ,ll att. G: 34.. ' Thought, as used here, ineaus auxicty. When we separate Horn father aud mother and set up for oui stives, we entertain this question, how ebair we make a living ? And included in Unit arc three important questions: Wha: tiiall we tat I What shall we drink ? and what shall we wear 7 Two of these are absolute wants. jWe cannot live withoutWat and drink, and for them we must, vjoik. The ravens will not feed us, the sk will not drop down manna; quails do not fall around ! our camp nor do our meal-barrels ''-become fountains of flour. The law is, that juau must work it he eat and drink. f The Sythiaus, who lived among the snows, go without raiment ; w'.icn a cer tain monarch asked one of them if he was not cold, he replied, "Is not your face cold ?" There are some South Ameri can tribes who live without clothing; so that is not an absolute warn. But this dis use of clothing can ouly be with spotless purity such as Adam and Eve hi tore the lall, and the remote extreme of the lowest barbarism. The question becomes impera tive in civilized countries; our clothes do not sprout out bt our bodies, like the robe of the Polar bear or the variegated feathers of the peacock. As we advance in life, these questions grow every day. Man multiplies himself. At (iist he has only himselt to provide for, then himself and wife; then himself, wife and childreu; the more figures in the sum the larger- the product; and as the man grows old, peihaps weaker, he has more mouths to feed and more bodies to clothe. Accident may cripple him, and what then will become of the bairns and thegude witol Death cuts us all down, and who then will take care of our fami lies? Out of this iast fear has sprung one of the greatest business interests of the country. Life insurance Societies, that build palaces to do their business in. The net-work of life is anxiety. Meat, drink, clothes, cover a wide territory, and outside of this is evil. We have ;roubles in our body, pains, aches, weakness and weariness: troubles in cur soul, of i,.ia. sion and conscience ; in the family, a de luge of trouble from grown up sous and daughters who disappoint our hopes ; mortifications, humiliations; uumbeiless things couie under this name, evil. It is said that death makes equal the prince and the beggar. Trouble also equalizes them. There is a common wealth of suf feiing. The poor man toils, eats, sleeps and forgets his trouble; while the rich man lolis on his bed through sleepless nights, and perhaps commits suicide. 1 he question is, how are we to meet these troubles ? The stoical cynic ppys : 'Troubles must cme, I've got a littie grit, I'll clench my teeth and bear it. If wife or children should die, I'll not cry, I'll steal my heart against it. 4What can't be cured must be endured. " This is better than noiliii.r. there c a given courage in it; u rude bar- baric courage in it it may sustain toughen a or elevate in.ui, but it will not him. When iho wants to rer- oi in an operation, lie throws a certain flMul on the part affected, that produces iutiHise cold, then the kuife can be applied without pain. But ought man to become a intinihA' and bury himself away in a Sarcophagus of insensibility ? It is said that some minor evils bring greater bene- uts in their train ! In a certain part of iiueria tne people are very poor and the iiiti.-quiloes very thick; they build a smothered fire around their houses, to keep them away with the smoke. Cattle will pu their heads into this smoke to rlI. I III 141 1 HO mil jnnilA..j . . I .... . - .,..... , mrt come in Tn,"u. "arm and drive the deer before i'1'"',' , 'CC , .'r1, k, lhw Uld a,1 """.ey pay their laXt'8- bo .t,KJ' "Uy ixes. 00 they say, "they bite aud bless , eiuuKe a utg smoke and get on as we can.'! Thus a small evil inoduc.es a . 1. : greater good. Unmixed prospeiitv is not . good Ux any one. Herodotus lmvi .n in. ctdeiit to this point: Polycrates, ruler of oamos, seemed to have no trouble. Ainasts, the king of Egypt, said to him, Vou don't have any trouble; you had better make a trouble for yourself." po lycrates looked over his treasures and found a costly seal, that he valued verv- l.:..l.l.. mm.: .i.j' 1 . . ' J niiiv. xuis oe aroppea into thesea. In a tew da3-s a fisherman brought a fish to tns house and in it was the royal seal. .N litrii Amasis heard of this he said. "lot: II come to some terrible trouble 'therefore 1 must renounce your friend ship. Trial and trouble quicken man's now- 1 'i 1 . . . i-.a. viiaugi-, pern, vicissitude, make up men aim leacu iiieni 10 act with fortitude We want an antidote for mental resih ss wtaa tl iwt lluuc. ta..1. - L' I'A- ltl u..u mivcs 1 1 1. us 01 me. 11 hi) you cannot sleep, you take unrphine perhaps- and there is a new narcotic; chloral, which 11 Avas said, a man can take every night w n now narin, "jut many have died from 11: you had better stear clear of it. Christ of icrs you an autubite. "Take no thoti -ht lor the morrow." Again we arc told "lb. fervent in spirit, serving the Lord ;" that means boil over in your work ; and again, 11 juit uo not work, you must not eat ; God docs not want lazy monks and lazy nuns, nu means to say to us, think and work, but do not worry. "Your hearen iy rather knowetli what things yc have need cf before ye ask him." Christ brings five rare and beautiful arguments in me otu verse ; lite is compared with meat ana tne body with raimeut. Let us compare life with all tho food we can inniK or. ibrow into oue pile all the meats you know of, then upon that all the vegetables, and over that all kinds fruits, and spriukle the whole with ir kinds of berries; with that Leap piled up as high as yon like, compare one solitary! i:r.. pi i-.i ! uumaii mt. 4 C CIOIUCB, DOOI8, SllOr stockings, pantaloons, vests, toats, hats,' and all a lady's wardrobe, silk drcssei,! shawls, bonnets, cuffs, laces, every thing' you can think of. 1 don't waut to goj through the whole list, and what is all this; pile to a human -body I Christ said,! "I've given you a life, I've given you a bdy: if I've given you the greater goo will 1 not add to it the lesser." Then hel gives us an argument, from the J-saer la greater. The sparrow don't gather iii-j to barns, yet your heavenly father fcedclli l hem." They can t. sow tho eggs that will bring forth the worms which they? have to ear. Jtirds work very hard tu build a little nest. This summer in the conntrj 1 noticed the swallows in liicj chimney ; I was amazed to notice how often the old bird came to briii tliein! food. Thy work very hard, fly for railea to get a littlle wcrm to carry to their! young aud when the time comes theyj fly far off to some sequestered place wherti man never comes, and without fear tTioV can build their nests and rear their youngi The law of seed time and. harvest is no law for them, aud Christ says, "Arc ye not much better than they ?" The average certainties of agriculture make us better, off than the birds, yet in all t hi tigs they, sing aud praise God by being happy and cheeiful.' Can we not learn a lesson of cheei fulness from them I As they fly in undulating course at every climax of these waves of flight, poised in the air they chirp aud sing. Consider the lily. Never did Solomon in all his glory have so fine a garment as the lily. They toil not neither do they spin. They do not fret or worry. But the lily works and ncv-; er intermits i s work until it dies; it sends its little roots out and gathers nourish ment and life from all about it. So if we lilt our hearts to God, as the lily lifts its lace to heaven, we grow in strength and beauty. You cau'i change the course of' Providence or lengthen the measure of life; by a fraction of time Woiryiog will not lengthen, it will shorten lite- A man is', shorter at night than in the raorninc In. the morning his body is relaxed, but by nigui ne sell les down ou bis back boue and is uot so tall. Worrying will never improve you. If God holds the heavens, he can hold you. "Sufficient unto the tly is the evil thereof." No man has ever gained succci-s in any conflict hv won ryni M vour work for to-' day, una when it is completed, sav l: rj - will be content and leave it to God. Fi-'hti to-day's battle, aud let to-morrow's come, to-morrow, God has made the night as a- natural bulwark between to day's troublu and work and to-morrow's trials. These ire Christ's arguments. A realization of, God's care makes a man able to conquer his daily troubles. Worrying never tat-l tens anybody. tt hy should a man wash' us lace in corrosive acids when there i plenty of water that will refresh it. J hese arguments of Christ insnirr! calmness. It a man will practise thorn . ry day, he will have resolution and puti-j encc. lie will be successful for these) arc the elements of success. Snch a man ia more likely to succeed thau one who only works by spasms. , ; If a man is managing complicated ma chinery aud dois not have it oiled, what wear and tear and rust there is every dav Christ's unximsare like oil, they ludicu the machinery ot life and make it w.irli easily. Christianity helps men. U In n a boy is hurt, is it not h help to run and tell his mother anil get her sympathy and engtli. uod is our father, and belief an any mother, he can give us sympa thy in trouble. Trust in Him. He mi ters into the innermost care of every man's I lie. lielievt- this and we have an antidote to man's restlessness A poor woman was arraigned for niicl- craft before L rd Cief. Justice Hill. The wiincss deposed that she used a "sncll.'' The "spell" produced in evidence wa!s a line from one of the classic poets, writ ten on parchment. Ihe justice dem thd ed to see H. and it was h.indi d tn l.l.n . .. - . . " Uow came you by this ?" ho asked tire prisoner. "A young gentleman, my lord. jjaveu to me to cure my laughter's ague "Did it cure her?" "() yes, my lotd, and many others." "I am glad of it." sa'sd the justice. "Gentlemen of the jury, wheii 1 was young and thoughtless. I went to this woman's house with some compan ion, uuu naa no money to pay the n-ckoa lug, and pretended that by a 'spell' -I ...... 1.1 I . .1 I . , A. ; ' iuiiiu cine ner oaiignter s ague. She ac cepted the proposition nnd let us off scot tree. f any one is punishable,' it is tlie LKird Chiel-J list ice, and not thij poor ts i woman. n course, she was acquitted but the credulous uiiilliiude afiirim (hat the judge and the j iry were all bribed, j "Tell that man lo ike of! his hat in court," said a Judge, the other morning to au officer. The offender. wbi iiin.,.l out to be a lady wearing tha fashion j -- ---- .... able milor hat, indignantly 1 xclaimedl, am no man, sir !" Then," 8aid his hon or, "i am no judge." teacher: ''.M try, dear, suppose I wok- 10 snoot at a tree with 11 vh Ionia rtn it and kill three, how many would be left t'' ..i,uj iour years old: three "Teacher ao, two would be left." Mary: "No, there milium r, though; the three shot would be left and the other two would be flied a vay : i "When a distinguished American dies'," said a shrewd sarcastic observer, not ion ago, "his admiring friends and couiitrr men immediately resolve to build him a magnincent monuments, and then they don't build it." : ; A shrewd confectioner in Bangor! has taught his parrot to say " pretty creatUri" to every woraau that cornea in I.;. !, 4ana bis uustness rapidly increase. HOUSEHOLD JSCOXOMr If bread aod milk were used more ex tensively animal food would be found lesi necessary and a sving in that part of the honsrhold expense would eons e quemly be niade. When the bone, fat, and water i deducted from the butcher's meat, as usually purchased for family use, theresidaum is obtained at high cost. In bread, cviry hundred pounds weight is found to cSiitaiit righty poundt of nu tritious mailer ; butcher's meat, averaging the vari.HiA forts, contains 31 pounds Turnips which are the roost aqueous of all vegetables used for domestic purposes, furnish onlyj eight pound of 'nutritious substance io 100 pauuJs; carrots 14 pounds, and What is remarkable as being in onpositiortjto the hitherto acknowledg ed theory, 1(Q pounds or po:atoe yi.d only 25 pounls of substance which is nu tritious. According to this estimate,. 1 pound of gofid bread is equal to 3 pounds of potatoes, 73 pound of bread and 30 pounds of butcher's meat arc equal to 300 pounds of potatoes, showing ihat, for the sake of economy, this vegetable cannot be obtained at low cost. Eggs though nutritions in some respects cannot sop port life without the addition of some oth er food containing phosphates. Liebi; says, with meat we aie able to sustain the life of a camivnrnuj animal, but not so with eggs.a dog eats the egg, but does not digest h and in the prese.ice of a dishful of boijed albumen, or boiled yolk f gS8 or fj both together, he will die of starvation j On the other hand, rice, which contain the phosphate, Is mauling in albumen, and must be eaten in con junction with 'meat or milk lo supply this deficiency. If the matter of dirt were more thoroughly looked into, increased health would frequently be obtained at a saving of exprnse. Journal of Applied Chemistr. A WpMAN VOTER. On Saturday- last Mis Canie L. Born ham, accompanied by Daman Y. Kilgore, Esq., her law jn-eceptor and legal adviser, also by the vouchers demanded by law, went I fore the Board of Assessors ard demanded to pe registered and assessed as a voter, claiming to be a citixen of the United States, and therefore cntitl.il to the privileges land immunities of citizen ship. The cafivassers at fiist objecte-d on account of hfr sex. Mr. Kilgore then read to tjiera tjie law, ctpl.iiuiug that cit izenship was ibit coiilioetl to sex, and :bat women, from )he very f uudatimi of our Government, bad been recoguizi-il as citi zens, and thatt now, under the Consti u- Hon of the Uiritcd States, withils nmend toents, lliey w re justly tntilled to all ihe irivilegrji ol citizenship equally iih man. ur namp wa then registered, she hav .ng inane ine .required alh Uvit, and she j - . . ' . .' i ri-eeiveo uer certiticate ot assessui'-nt i a w inch slm (ooJt io the ofiicf ol h. ceiver ofTaxcs, tendering therewith her but htile discussion .Mr. Beat iy recji ived her tax and gave her a tax refi pi i0 ,i ,lWll h.md writing. One uoui.iii ready for voting. i rhihttlvlphia Xetcs. The lltrhcift Gobi Mine in the V..rl.1 and its OxnefSt We din the - foil New nw lii2 from the correiiuiidcne of the York Times : . f ' The Euri-ka is the representative edge ol t aiiloruia, nnd the beet cold mine ot modern Unit!. Alihouirh the Kun U ias proved i:sdf the richest irohl mine in o - the world. itlVas not amil " w i 1SG3, tint it wjis profimbly woiked. The vein runs in ia southeasterly and north easterly direct km, pitching west of south at an angle of f79 degrees, the upper wall being syenite jsnd ihe I iwi r wall green, stone. The rhi:k is of sulnluin-t oib-r di vided inio ihrti grades, paying at the rale of S400, S30a,:and S214 res,K-ctively jkt ton lor iu sutphnreis, which are worked to within fivej tier cent, of fire assay. The quirtz averigss SIS per ton. The sross jieiuoi tue Qtiiie in IbOO amoiniltd to $C9G.0;S, and -dividends during the same period being .at the rate of $.10.UO0, a month, or $300,000 fur the year. In 1807 $50,000 wonhjof new inachiuerj- has been added, and diiplends reiuaiu the j.me. lherc are 1 ,pp0 feet in the claims, and it is owned bj"-lcveu San Francisco n- llcinen, five tenth-men of this city, and three ew lorkers - Messrs. J. B Dick inson, Tiiomss" lloiio and Benjamin Silli- man. jir. SW, the superintendent, took hv uiK'ugu tlie iiiiiio ana mill, i here arc two shafts, respectively 400 and 500 feet. inerc are 70 tuen at work in the min.-, who extract sjliout seventy tons of quartz per day. 1 licr(c arc two sixteen inch cyl inder eiiginesrronc for hoisiinjr rock, and the other for pumping water from the mine, i he rack is put through one of litake s crutflaers, then grn-a to the mill, the machine ryiof w hich consists of thirl v stamps, and illnntcr's and ihe porcupine atnalgalion, aud washing furiiacccs fi- the reduction of th; sulphurets. The gold is also e lyed aud made into bars at the mill."! Mrs. Shodtiy" Lor I am so dull ! XVI. .. -i t r tnai. are you uoing or, Jlary dcari ti: i : lit v .i i i, . iry i i.oiniiig at, an. i in en nuied to deatji I" Mrs. Shoddf "Well, ring the bell for John. We'll have the cook up aud soold her just to kill time." Jones had discovered tho respective nature of a distinction aud a difference. nays that "sj Utile difference" frequently makes manyjedemies, while "a littlo dis tinction" attracts hosts of friends to the one ou who ni it is conferred. I Ltdy's Maid.' (come after a p!ace) " I beg pardon, lin, but was you the lady I was to attend f" Ldy Mary "Yes." Didy's Alaid-f'O, then, I think I was - oesi ay goou moniipg. i here isn't the ( tue style I bjvc becu accustomed to." u STICK TO THE FENCE. For Cfteea years daily, at Stamford, Conn a roan has sat on fence sr. 4 watched every railroad train as it passcA. Exchange. He Is probably trying ta make up Lis mind if it would be safe to ride in the ears. Old fellow, you stick V that fence 1 If the top rail is sharp, turn it over or put a eusLion on it. Fit up a smoking apart ment on the next panel il you like, aod rig a luxurious couch on the neit one la thst. Bring cat your baggage, take a check for it, and bang it on a post. . Bay a ticket and punch it yourself. Ask your self the distance to the next station, and get intuited. Secure, as your means twill permit, all tbe luxuries of railroad travel, but don't get off that fence to enjoy them. So shall you die a natural death, and tbe good wife shall not expend the farm fight ing the life Insurance companies over your cold corpse. You're in the right o' this thing, old rooster ! ' - A PERPETUAL CANDLE. The perpetual candle is the name of a useful contrivance which bas lately been introduced into this country from Bcscia. It consists of a small tube, within which is placed a close fitting wick, soaked with kerosene. This tube is screwed into a candlestick, and fits inside another tube made of white china, and resembling closely a caudle in external appearance, ihe whole having the look of au ordinary candle and candlestick. By beating the top of tho brass tube the kerosene soaked wick generates a gas and gives a fine bUzc through a uu tuber of small sppcr-lurt-s in the end of the tube. By this simple and ingcoius arraugement, il is said, a good light is furnished at a cost ofouc cent for five boars. Betides tbe point of economy, it is thought tbat the ue of kneuc in this tuauncr will be cutinly free from danger of explosion. PRAYER OK A iJlisTRACTED PEOPLE. Mr. Uroaeberk, in hi great speech at Sleu bentiHe, uttered ihe folly inr invocation for national bleing which mj well serre aa a form of prayer f ur th eoplt of tha Uniud State: I plead for the preservation of tLu Union aa u limited government. 1 plead tor the Jsate as our home government. 1 plead lor tbe ac-cu4om-d freedom of our elections, and that ther MAr if A be sailed by military auprrriwon. I plead for the sanctity and inviolability cf that great writ which alone secures our dxilv ixn-on- 111 a . ai iiuerty. i ne war i ended, and we bare en tered the tenth year of peace. 1 plead fur the spirit of eace and eunbJence and rood w,ll in all our public conduct. The hand outstretched in friendly salutation U a 1-eUer leacxmaker ilia u tbe hul liand upliUvd to strike." A rorlrr to bt HicrutrtL Some months a (Jrecn Turner, a nepro preacUr, stole a mole I jH ! lies count r, Tenn, whilee rvult to conft r- ence, aod was arrested in the ilpil in Morfreeh- isjro. A short tunc since he via h ntMirKl tn l hunr within a mile of the l'ulaLi lmirt House, on the 17th of November neit. During his trial he frequent I v comiiared his own ce lo Uiat of wir Sarioor when be nJe into Jentxaieui hi a mule that he bad lotind lied lo a tree, and argued in extenuation of I.U own crime that be Mtoply followed the example oi uia iaier. HiwuaJe. On TitesdaT afternoon lt. alxut ten miles above this place, John (Jardner anw cial deNitv of the MierirJ of this count v siiui and kille1 John Hemphill, while atletu'ptini: oer surrendered hiu-elf to the Mi.r'iff ul i. to enet-t Ins rn-t ou Im-iuH, w . r.. n i i I now ,n Jn. i oiLrale t.nqmurr. IhMreurd fry Fire. On Wedruxdav nirl.t ,J last week, the re-ideuct- of Dr. J. W.'Wi-niar in Farminion, Davie county, was emirelr dc- stroyvd uv nre van niot ol us contents. Tl. fire caught fn.m xLe cooling tove in tl.c kitch en. Sola iVrs. .1 Xfjro atlt mutt I evmtul a Eoik on a III,?. " H CuH 1 rice, a. nevru. raa brought iu lown Ust night and committed lo jail, charged wun a uoio ana ue-jx-rate cDrt to ra a white woman ulnj-e name we withhold niakine iKib- Uic JUUrv' JUconJ, We learn, says the Gold-boro' Murirr eJ the !d iu-lant. that on Sunday evening last the luni aud its cm. tent of Mr. John M. Cxn.near ' Sjibts llridge, tireere eountr, were toUllr desiroyvd by tore, the work of an incendiarv. Mr. Lax auJ Umily were aUexit Xrom bouc U tne titue. i t: .i t . . own arresteu, ciiargtM witb tinnz He barn, lie was fciven a preliminary examination Ufore Justice McKeel, who deemed the evidence ..if- tK-u-nl to warrant tbe eunirailraent oi the pri. oner. Haiti gk ScmJuui. 4 Where do you hail fiomp nuerv-rl Yankee of a traveller. Where da vow ram from !' 4 Don't rain at all.' aaij'iho astonished Joualhau. 4 Neizber do 1 hiil ..- i i . , io miiiu ;our own uutiucas. A little schoolboy presented his tearh- cr the following note from home as au er- cusc lor tardiness : Baby cross, BUcui; to Bake, and no b ikiti- powder the do upset the kauphy M.t, the cat Ikkid the milk got ufi laic. Excuse. A play is acted in Chicago theatre iu which a man is huug fr fun. The other . night the gearing got out of order, and they came near h inging him for gxKl. When they cut him down, he said he guessed they H5d better get some one else to take his place, as his neck was not talented enough to play that part.' Of the many remedies proposed lo pre vent boiler explosion, the L-,uiviIh; Cou rier Journal suggests that the only absc lutely sure way io keep them trom ex ploding, is io fill them with ice water and set them iu a cool place. An unreasonable and somewhat misan thropic acquaintance aaya ihtt he has of ten beard the proverb, A friend in need is a friend indetjd," but he says he can't ee where the laugh comes in. He has a friend in need who is always bormwiuj money from him. Fayetieville'U to have street UniK Unlc, after getting the laain-. iln-r are at!a to hr u,eni t, they wilt be of no more use than our lr tue way it would be a jood idea to II oar I XemLerm 77m. Iiy the way it would be a jood idea to -II oar. t w 1 X J I- I. i